EHCache——一种被广泛使用的开源Java分布式缓存,用于通用缓存、Java EE 和轻量级容器。
Solr——开源的企业搜寻平台,Java编写,来自Apache Lucene项目。
Spark——Apache Software Foundation中最活跃的项目,一个开源的集群计算框架。
Apache Hive——供应了Hadoop之上类似于SQL的层。
HP LaserJet Professional P1560 和 P1600 打 印机系列 说明书
HP LaserJet Professional P1560 和 P1600 打印机系列用户指南版权与许可©2010Copyright Hewlett-PackardDevelopment Company,L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
HP 产品及服务的保修仅以随该产品及服务提供的书面保修声明为准。
对任何技术或编辑错误或者本文所述内容的遗漏,HP 不承担任何责任。
部件号:CE663-90936Edition1,3/2010商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat® 和 PostScript® 是Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Intel®Core™ 是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其它国家/地区的商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows®XP和 Windows Vista® 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
ZHCN iiiiv 本指南使用的惯例ZHCN目录1 产品基本信息产品比较 (2)环境功能 (3)产品功能 (4)产品视图 (6)前视图和左视图 (6)后视图 (7)序列号和型号位置 (7)控制面板布局 (8)2 用于 Windows 的软件支持的 Windows 操作系统 (10)支持的 Windows 打印机驱动程序 (11)选择用于 Windows 的正确打印机驱动程序 (12)HP 通用打印驱动程序 (UPD) (12)打印设置优先级 (13)更改 Windows 打印机驱动程序设置 (14)删除 Windows 软件 (15)使用卸载实用程序删除 Windows 软件 (15)使用 Windows 控制面板删除软件 (15)支持的 Windows 实用程序 (16)HP Web Jetadmin (16)HP 内嵌式 Web 服务器 (16)3 将产品与 Mac 一起使用用于 Mac 的软件 (18)支持的 Macintosh 操作系统 (18)支持的 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序 (18)删除 Mac 的软件 (18)Mac 的打印设置优先级 (18)更改 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序设置 (19)用于 Mac 的软件 (19)适用于 Mac 的 HP 打印机实用程序 (19)ZHCN v支持的 Mac 实用程序 (19)HP 内嵌式 Web 服务器 (19)使用 Mac 进行打印 (20)在 Macintosh 中创建和使用打印预置 (20)调整文档大小或在自定义纸张尺寸上打印 (20)打印封面 (20)在 Macintosh 中在一张纸上打印多个页面 (20)使用 Mac 进行双面打印 (21)自动 (21)手动 (21)4 连接产品支持的网络操作系统 (24)打印机共享免责声明 (24)使用 USB 进行连接 (25)HP Smart Install (25)CD 安装 (25)连接到网络 (26)支持的网络协议 (26)在有线网络上安装该产品 (26)配置网络设置 (27)查看或更改网络设置 (27)设置或更改网络密码 (27)IP 地址 (27)链接速度和双工设置 (27)5 纸张与打印介质了解纸张和打印介质的使用 (30)特殊纸张或打印介质规格 (31)更改打印驱动程序以与介质类型和尺寸相匹配 (32)支持的纸张尺寸 (33)支持的纸张类型 (34)纸盘和纸槽容量 (35)在纸盘中装入纸张 (36)优先进纸槽 (36)主进纸盘 (36)在纸盘中装入纸张的方向 (36)6 打印任务取消打印作业 (40)从控制面板停止当前打印作业 (40)使用软件程序停止当前打印作业 (40)vi ZHCN使用 Windows 进行打印 (41)打开 Windows 打印机驱动程序 (41)用 Windows 获取有关任何打印选项的帮助 (41)用 Windows 更改打印份数 (41)用 Windows 将彩色文本打印为黑色 (41)用 Windows 保存自定义打印设置以便重用 (41)使用打印快速设置 (41)创建自定义打印快速设置 (41)使用 Windows 提高打印质量 (42)选择页面尺寸 (42)选择自定义页面尺寸 (42)选择纸张类型 (42)选择打印分辨率 (42)用 Windows 在不同的纸张上打印第一页或最后一页 (42)用 Windows 缩放文档适应页面尺寸 (42)用 Windows 向文档添加水印 (43)使用 Windows 进行双面打印 (43)自动 (43)手动 (44)用 Windows 创建小册子 (45)用 Windows 在一张纸上打印多个页面 (45)用 Windows 选择页面方向 (46)7 管理和维护打印信息页 (48)配置页 (48)耗材状态页 (48)演示页 (48)使用 HP 内嵌式 Web 服务器 (49)打开内嵌式 Web 服务器 (49)内嵌式 Web 服务器的各个部分 (49)“信息”标签 (49)“设置”标签 (50)“联网”标签 (50)“HP Smart Install”标签 (50)链接 (50)节约设置 (51)EconoMode (51)自动关闭模式 (51)安静模式设置 (52)管理耗材和附件 (53)管理打印碳粉盒 (53)打印碳粉盒存放 (53)ZHCN viiHP 对非 HP 打印碳粉盒的策略 (53)HP 打假热线和网站 (53)回收利用耗材 (53)更换说明 (54)摇匀碳粉 (54)更换打印碳粉盒 (55)更换取纸滚筒 (57)更换分离垫 (60)清洁产品 (63)清洁取纸滚筒 (63)清洁纸张路径 (63)清洁打印碳粉盒区域 (64)清洁外部 (66)产品更新 (67)固件更新 (67)8 解决问题解决一般问题 (70)故障排除检查清单 (70)影响产品性能的因素 (71)恢复工厂设置 (72)解释控制面板指示灯模式 (73)清除卡纸 (77)卡纸常见原因 (77)卡塞位置 (77)清除进纸盘中的卡纸 (77)清除双面打印器内的卡纸 (80)清除输出区域的卡纸 (82)清除产品内的卡纸 (83)解决反复卡纸现象 (85)更改卡塞恢复设置 (85)解决纸张处理问题 (86)解决图像质量问题 (87)图像缺陷示例 (87)颜色浅淡 (87)碳粉斑点 (87)丢字 (87)垂直线 (88)灰色背景 (88)碳粉污迹 (88)松散的碳粉 (88)垂直重复的缺陷 (89)字符变形 (89)viii ZHCN页面歪斜 (89)卷曲或波形 (89)起皱或折痕 (90)字符轮廓边缘的碳粉分散 (90)潮湿 (91)优化和提高图像质量 (91)更改打印浓度 (91)解决性能问题 (92)解决连接问题 (93)解决直接连接问题 (93)解决网络问题 (93)解决产品软件问题 (95)解决常见的 Windows 问题 (95)解决常见 Macintosh 问题 (95)附录 A 耗材和附件订购部件、附件和耗材 (100)产品号 (101)纸张处理附件 (101)打印碳粉盒 (101)电缆和接口 (101)附录 B 服务和支持Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (104)HP 高级保护保修:LaserJet 打印碳粉盒有限保修声明 (105)最终用户许可协议 (106)客户自助维修保修服务 (108)客户支持 (109)重新包装产品 (110)附录 C 规格物理规格 (112)功耗、电气规格和噪声发射 (113)环境规格 (113)附录 D 规范信息FCC 规则 (116)环境产品管理计划 (117)保护环境 (117)产生臭氧 (117)能耗 (117)碳粉消耗 (117)ZHCN ix纸张使用 (117)塑料 (117)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (117)返回和回收说明 (118)美国和波多黎各 (118)多个返回(一个以上的碳粉盒) (118)单个返回 (118)货运 (118)美国以外国家/地区的返回 (118)纸张 (118)材料限制 (119)欧盟用户丢弃私人废弃设备的规定 (119)化学物质 (119)材料安全数据表 (MSDS) (119)更多信息 (119)一致性声明 (120)安全声明 (121)激光安全 (121)加拿大 DOC 规则 (121)VCCI 声明(日本) (121)电源线说明 (121)电源线声明(日本) (121)EMC 声明(韩国) (121)芬兰激光声明 (122)GS 声明(德国) (122)有毒有害物质表(中国) (123)有害物质限制声明(土耳其) (123)索引 (125)x ZHCN1产品基本信息●产品比较●环境功能●产品功能●产品视图ZHCN1产品比较HP LaserJet Professional P1560 打印机系列HP LaserJet Professional P1600打印机系列●速度:A4 尺寸介质为 22ppm(页/分钟),Letter 尺寸介质为 23ppm(页/分钟)●纸盘:优先进纸槽(10 页)和主进纸盘(250 页)●出纸槽:125 页●连接方式:高速 USB 2.0 端口●双面打印●速度:A4 尺寸介质为 25ppm(页/分钟),Letter 尺寸介质为 26ppm(页/分钟)●纸盘:优先进纸槽(10 页)和主进纸盘(250 页)●出纸槽:125 页●连接方式:高速 USB2.0 端口和机载网络●双面打印:自动双面打印2第 1 章 产品基本信息ZHCN双面打印使用双面打印作为默认打印设置以节省纸张。
1.General Setup (常规设置)
Standard(标 准) Secure (安 全) Timer (定时器) Off(关)\ On(开) Auto(自动)\light(浅) \Dark(深) Standard(标准)\ Fine(精 细) \S.Fine(超精细) \Photo(照片) Set Time(设置时间) =00:00 Off On
5.Machine Info (设备信息)
2.Page Counter(页码计数器) 3.Drum Life(硒鼓寿命) 1.Receive Mode(接收模式) 2.Date & Time(日期&时间) 3.Station ID(本机标识) 4.Tone/Pulse(音频/脉冲) 5.Dial Tone(拨号音) 6.Dial Prefix(拨号前缀) 7.Reset (重置)
Menu (功能)
2.Fax (传真)
8.Coverpage Note (封页信息) 9.Overseas Mode (国际模式) 1.One Touch Dial (单键拨号) 3.Address Book (地址薄) 2.Speed Dial (速拨号) 3.Setup Groups (设置组拨号) 1.Transmission (传输报告) 4.Report Setting (报告设置) 2.Journal Period (日志周期) Off(关)\On(开) Select One Touch (选择单键) Speed Dial? (快速拨号?) Press Speed Dial Or One Touch Key(按快速拨号或单 键) Off(关) \Off +Image(关 + 图像)\On(开)\On +Image (开 + 图像) Every 50 Faxes(每50份传 真)\Every 6 Hours(每6小 时)\Every 12 Hours(每12小 时)\Every 24 Hours(每24小 时)\Every 2 Days(每2天) \Every 7 Days(每7天)\Off (关) Off(关)\Fax Forward(传真 转发)\Fax Storage(传真存 储)\PC Fax Receive(PC FAX 接收) Access Code(检索代码): ---* Press Start(按开始键) Off(关)\Enter # twice (输入号码两次)\On(开) Off(关)\Enter # twice (输入号码两次)\On(开) Off(关)\Enter # twice (输入号码两次)\On(开)
发那科机器人焊接应用的I/O配置(总线型)<H2><A NAME="1">Version Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><br>F Number: YH14979VERSION : SpotTool+$VERSION: V7.509306/14/2010DATE:14-AUG-11 18:21VERSION INFORMATION::SOFTWARE:ID:SpotTool+7DA5/12S/W Serial No.: 88150Controller ID: YH14979Default Personality (from FD)R-2000iB/210F V7.50P/12Servo Code: V15.01Cart. Mot. Parameter: V3.00JNT. Mot. Parameter : V3.00DCS: NoneSoftware Edition No.: V7.50P/12Update Version: NoneCustomization Ver.: NoneRoot Version: V7.5093Boot MONITOR: V7.70P/06Teach Pendant: 7D0F/01MBrowser Plugins: V7.7004TP Core Firmware: V7.7004Media from FRL06/24/2010CONFIG::FEATURE:ORD NO:SpotTool+H590English Dictionary H521Multi Language (CHIN) H539AA Vision Mastering AAVMAnalog I/O H550Auto Software Update ATUPAutomatic Backup J545Background Editing J616Camera I/F VCAMCell I/O CLIOCommon shell R645Common shell core CMSCCommon softpanel CMSPCommon style select STYL Condition Monitor J628 Constant Path R663 Control Reliable CNRE Corner Region R654 Diagnostic log RSCH Disable Faults CDSB Dispense Plug-in SPLG Dual Check Safety UIF DCSU Enhanced Mirror Image R698 Enhanced Rob Serv Req ORSR Enhanced T1 Mode R680 Enhanced User Frame J604 Ext. DIO Config EIOC Extended Error Log R542 External DI BWD ESET FCTN Menu Save J516 FTP Interface J716Group Mask Exchange MASK High-Speed Skip J627 Host Communications HOCO Hour Meter J513I/O Interconnect 2J542Incr Instruction J510 KAREL Cmd. Language J650 KAREL Run-Time Env J539 Kernel + Basic S/W H510 License Checker LCHK LogBook(System)OPLG MACROs, Skip/Offset J503 MH gripper common MHGC Mat.Handling Option MPLG MechStop Protection MCSP Mirror Shift J506Mixed logic J554Mode Switch MDSW Motion logger R637 Multi Appl Enabler MAEN Multi Equipment J617 Multi-Tasking J600 Position Registers J514Print Function J507Prog Num Selection J515 Program Adjust J517Program Shift J505 Program Status PRST Program ToolBox R598 RDM Robot Discovery FRDM Robot Service Request SRSR Robot Servo Code H930 SNPX basic SNBASeal Common SLCM Shift Library SHLBShift and Mirror Lib SMLB Soft Parts in VCCM SPVC Spot Plug-in SPPGTCP Auto Set J520TCP Speed Prediction J524 TCP/IP Interface HTCP TMILIB Interface TMILTP Menu Accounting TPAC TPTX TPTXTelnet Interface TELNTool Offset J509 Unexcepted motn Check UECK User Frame UFRM Vision Core VCOR Vision Library VIPL Vision SP CSXC CSXC Vision Shift Tool CVVFWeb Server HTTPWeb Svr Enhancements R626 iPendant CGTP iPendant Grid Display IGUI iPendant Setup IPGSR-2000iB/210F H601 Servo Gun Axes H869 Auto Tuning CS J952 Collision Guard R534 Collision Guard Pack J684 Cycle Time Priority J523 DeviceNet Interface J753 DeviceNet(Slave)J754 Disp 2nd analog port R528 Extended Axis Control J518 Extended User Frames R696 FANUC ServoGun Change J665 FRL Params R651HMI Device (SNPX)R553 Multi-Group Motion J601 PC Interface R641PMC(FAPT Ladder)J760 Password Protection J541 ROS Ethernet Packets R603 Servo Gun Option J643 Servo Gun WT Compens J933 Space Check J609USB port on iPendant J957 YELLOW BOX J775 iRCalibration VShift J994Arc Advisor R666Aux Servo Code SVMO Common calib UIF CUIF Cycle time Opt.CTOP Extended Axis Speed EXTS Func stup FCSPHTTP Proxy Svr PRXY High Speed ServoGun J886 IntelligentTP PC I/F J770JPN ARCPSU PRM J885 Motherboard driver MOBO PC Send Macros SEND Pressure Control PCTL Requires CP CPRQ Robot Library Setup RLCM SSPC error text ETSS Servo Gun Core J670 Servo Hand Change SVHC Sgdiag core SGDG Socket Messaging R636 Soft Limit SLMTTCPP Extention TCPE VCalibration Common VCCM VisShift I/F Common CVVC Vision Shift Common CVVS istdpnl IPNL iPendant HMI Setup U001 RM HELP INCL VIS PKGS U004 SMB TP Backup U006 RIPE GET_VAR FIX U007 FLEXTOOL: ADD R729.FD U008 CVIS ADD EP ADV PKG U009CVIS NO WTWTEST LOAD U010 LOAD HELP FOR SELECT U011 FALSE ALARM CPMO-130U012 MD: HANG FROM INTP U013R709 DRAM AVAILCHECKS U014 CVIS VPCS SUPP LIMCHK U015 CVIS VPFF POS DIF FIX U0168-12 CHARACTER PROGRA U017 SAVE FRAMEVAR.SV U018TP Enable NOAM U026 STRCTURE SHADOW UPDAT U027 RIPE STATICS TOO MUCH U028 TIMQ MOTN-003U030 ROBOGUIDE DAUGHTER U032 Disable touch in Edit U033PATH NODE MOVETO U035 RIPEREMOVE TIME RETRY U038 VMXPACK MAY ASSERT U039 CYCLE DATA MAY BE COR U040 TOO MANY ARC OPTIONS U043 PMC Display wait fix U044 APSH-171 fix U045SLOW T1 MOTN U046 GET_POS_TPE fix U047jog disable by app wa U048CVIS VPEP HIST RT FIX U049 MXSPD TB CPMO003U050 CVIS BARCODE ENHANCE U051 prv save may not work U052High RIPE traffic fix U053print from sysvar scr U054 PROGRAM ADJUST FOR SH U058 RIPE/GETSET ERROR HAN U060 IPENDANT SCREEN UNREA U061 HANDLE PART CORRECTIO U064 NO FILE BACKGROUND ED U066 CVIS EP PKG INCL SVIP U067SIX DIGIT VERSIONS U068 CVIS NEW VERSION P06U069 IMAGE SAVE LOAD U070 DISP PROC ISSUE U071 REPLAN JOINT DELTA U078TP EDIT CALLFROM FIX U079 CVIS FIX IPNDT RT IMG U080$coord_mask default U084R719 ENHANCEMNT/FIXES U085 Local Hold TIMQ Adjus U097 PG: CHDELMON can caus U100 CVIS: 3D multi-view d U101 Increase Number of FD U103 KAREL CANNOT ACCESS M U104 Robot Settings are lo U108 PAINT - Wait/Release U109 FlexTool: Backward mo U114 PAINT - PaintPRO Repa U117 EDIT SCREEN IS CLOSED U500 ANTIDEFECT UIF FIX U507 PNIO V750 FIX1U509FIX LOADING DB SYSVAR U510 FIX EDGE DETECTION U511 ONLINE HELP BUGFIX U512 CVIS: CAM CALIB FIX U514 DISP CUSTOM FOR SSGUN U515 FIX ABC JARKY MOTION U517 MILLIMETER CONVERSION U518 GARBLED STR REG U519 ALARM TEXT BUG FIX U520 DISP CUST DRY FOR SSG U521 IMPROVE LWR DETECTION U523 CVIS FREEZE VLOG TASK U525VP2S MM CONVERSION U526 FIX TP FREEZE IBPX U527FX DB/TB BUSY RUNNING U528 RECORD CALIBRATION LO U529 DIV CALCULATION FIX U530 FIX FOR BWD RETURN U531 CONDITION MONITOR FIX U532 VOFS: UNEXP ALARM FIX U533 FIX SERVO GUN TEXT U534FIX FENCE SVEMG ABNML U535 DCS CC_SAFEIO ALARM U537 IMPROVED GUN TOUCHUP U540 FIX GUN CHG WITH DNET U541 UPDATE GUNTCH PAEAMS U542 DOT PETTERN BUG U543 CVIS: IRVISION BUG FI U544 UPDATE SVGN ERROR TXT U545 FIX TOOLCHG WITH DNET U546MLOCK CHK WITH GUNCHG U547MECH COMP FOR GUNTCH U549IMPROVE GUNTCH PARAMS U550VISION MEMORY LEAK U551FIX UNWANTED MESSAGE U552SUPPORT DET SOFT WORK U553CVIS:SPEC CHANGE OF V U554GRID DETECT BUG FIX U559MOTOR::GR: AX:MOTOR ID AND INFO:11ACaiSR30/3000 80A H1 DSP1-L12ACaiSR30/3000 80A H2 DSP1-M13ACaiSR30/3000 80A H3 DSP1-J14ACa12/4000iS 40A H4 DSP1-K15ACa12/4000iS 40A H5 DSP2-L16ACa12/4000iS 40A H6 DSP2-M17aiF22/3000 80A H DSP -21aiS8/4000 80A H DSP -SERVO::GROUP: AXIS:SERVO PARAM ID:11P02.0612P02.0613P02.0614P02.0615P02.0616P02.0617P00.3921P00.39</PRE><H2><A NAME="2">Memory Detail</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>MEMORY USAGE::MEMORY DETAIL (MAIN):Pools TOTAL AVAILABLE LARGESTTPP800.0KB577.8KB555.0KBPERM1978.0KB371.6KB366.5KBSYSTEM7182.0KB 2.5KB 2.5KBSHADOW5894.5KB5556.5KB32.0KBTEMP21052.5KB1422.8KB714.2KBFROM31857.0KB9258.0KB .0KBHARDWAREFROM32MBDRAM32MBSRAM2MBMEMORY DETAIL (COMM):Pools TOTAL AVAILABLE LARGESTTPP0.0KB0.0KB0.0KBPERM48.0KB47.8KB47.8KBSYSTEM6144.0KB5553.0KB5553.0KBSHADOW5894.5KB5556.5KB32.0KBTEMP9844.5KB8201.3KB7949.9KB</PRE><H2><A NAME="3">Program Status Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>TASK STATES:1RESET status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: RESETLine:1Program: RESET Type: TP2STHICHNG status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: STHICHNGLine:128Program: STHICHNG Type: PC3PNLINST status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: PNLINSTLine:223Program: PNLINST Type: PC4PSCOLD status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: PSCOLDLine:93Program: PSCOLD Type: PC5SYRSRUTL status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: SYRSRUTLLine:63Program: SYRSRUTL Type: PC6SVGNCH status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: SVGNCHLine:287Program: SVGNCH Type: PC7SGDIAINI status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: SGDIAINILine:204Program: SGDIAINI Type: PC8ATSHELL RUNNING @ 1055 in ATSHELL of ATSHELL******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: ATSHELLLine:1055Program: ATSHELL Type: PC9LOADCELL status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: PBCORELine:0Program: PBCORE Type: 010MHGRSHLL RUNNING @ 1213 in MHGRSHLL of MHGRSHLL******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: MHGRSHLLLine:1213Program: MHGRSHLL Type: PC 11SWAXTSK1 RUNNING @ 758 in PROCESSAMR of SWAXTCMN******History Data******Routine depth: 1Routine: PROCESSAMRLine:758Program: SWAXTCMN Type: PCRoutine depth: 0Routine: SWAXTSK1Line:172Program: SWAXTSK1Type: PC12SWAXTSK2 RUNNING @ 758 in PROCESSAMR of SWAXTCMN******History Data******Routine depth: 1Routine: PROCESSAMRLine:758Program: SWAXTCMN Type: PCRoutine depth: 0Routine: SWAXTSK2Line:120Program: SWAXTSK2Type: PC13SLCUSTOM RUNNING @ 1647 in SLCUSTOM of SLCUSTOM******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: SLCUSTOMLine:1647Program: SLCUSTOM Type: PC 14SWIMSET status = ABORTED******History Data******Routine depth: 0Routine: SWIMSETLine:348Program: SWIMSET Type: PC</PRE><H2><A NAME="4">I/O status information</A></H2><PRE><A HREF="#TOP"></A><P>IO STATUS::DIN【1】OFFDIN【2】OFFDIN【3】OFFDIN【4】OFFDIN【5】OFF UPPER TIP RESETDIN【6】OFF LOWER TIP RESETDIN【7】OFF TEST RUNDIN【8】OFF TIP CHANGE COMPLETEDIN【9】OFFDIN【10】OFFDIN【11】OFF DRESS_1 COMPLETEDIN【12】OFF DRESS_2 COMPLETEDIN【13】OFF DRESS_1 ADV.LSDIN【14】OFF DRESS_2 ADV.LSDIN【15】OFF DRESS_1 RET.LSDIN【16】OFF DRESS_2 RET.LSDIN【17】OFFDIN【18】OFFDIN【19】OFF TC1 5STEP 1DIN【20】OFF TC1 5STEP 2DIN【21】OFF TC1 5STEP 3DIN【22】OFF TC1 5STEP 4DIN【23】OFF TC2 5STEP 1DIN【24】OFF TC2 5STEP 2DIN【25】OFF TC2 5STEP 3DIN【26】OFF TC2 5STEP 4DIN【27】OFF POP WELD COMPLETE DIN【28】OFFDIN【29】OFFDIN【30】OFFDIN【31】OFF GUN COVER OPENDIN【32】ON GUN COVER CLOSE LS DIN【33】OFF HAND COVER OPEN DIN【34】ON HAND COVER CLOSE DIN【35】OFF AHC COVER-3 OPEN LS DIN【36】OFF AHC COVER-3 CLOSE LS DIN【37】OFF AHC COVER-4 OPEN LS DIN【38】OFF AHC COVER-4 CLOSE LS DIN【39】OFF GUN1 2ND ST OPEN LS DIN【40】OFF GUN2 2ND ST OPEN LS DIN【41】OFF CHUCK OPEN CONFIRM DIN【42】ON CHUCK CLOSE CONFIRM DIN【43】ON AHC FACEDIN【44】OFFDIN【45】OFFDIN【46】OFFDIN【47】OFF ROBOT 2ND STARTDIN【48】OFFDIN【49】OFF WELD COMPLETEDIN【50】OFFDIN【51】OFFDIN【52】OFFDIN【53】OFFDIN【54】OFFDIN【55】ON STYLE1DIN【56】OFF STYLE2DIN【57】OFF STYLE4DIN【58】OFF STYLE8DIN【59】OFF STYLE16DIN【60】OFF STYLE32DIN【61】OFF STYLE64DIN【62】OFF STYLE128DIN【63】OFF GUN1 STEADDIN【64】OFF HAND STEADDIN【65】OFF TOOL STEAD 3DIN【66】OFF TOOL STEAD 4DIN【67】OFFDIN【68】OFFDIN【69】OFFDIN【70】OFFDIN【71】OFF Jig Non-int.DIN【72】OFF Shuttle Nnn-int.DIN【73】OFFDIN【74】OFF Weld Enable 1DIN【75】OFF Weld Enable 2DIN【76】ON Robot_G Weld Comp.1 DIN【77】OFFDIN【78】OFFDIN【79】ON Pick Up Ok Feeder DIN【80】OFFDIN【81】OFF Hand Jig Conf.DIN【82】OFF Hand Rock Adv Comp DIN【83】OFF Jig Cover Close Comp. DIN【84】OFF Hand Rock Ret Comp. DIN【85】OFF Jig Cover Open Comp. DIN【86】ON Robct_G I/L1DIN【87】ON Robot_G I/L2DIN【88】OFFDIN【89】OFFDIN【90】OFFDIN【91】OFFDIN【92】OFFDIN【93】OFFDIN【94】OFF Sealer HoldDIN【95】OFFDIN【96】OFFDIN【97】OFFDIN【98】OFFDIN【99】OFFDIN【100】OFFDIN【101】OFFDIN【102】OFFDIN【103】OFFDIN【104】OFFDIN【105】OFFDIN【106】OFF PART IN STATION CONFIRM DIN【107】ON ROBOT AWAY FROM STATION DIN【108】OFFDIN【109】ON GUN IN STATIONDIN【110】OFF HANDKING IN STATIONDIN【113】ON SEALING MATERIAL OKDIN【114】OFF SEALING MATERIAL LACKING DIN【115】OFFDIN【116】OFF HEATING NOT OKDIN【117】OFFDIN【118】OFFDIN【119】OFFDIN【120】OFFDIN【121】OFFDIN【122】OFFDIN【123】OFFDIN【124】OFFDIN【125】OFFDIN【126】OFFDIN【127】OFFDIN【128】OFFDIN【129】OFF Clamp 1 openDIN【130】ON Clamp 1 closedDIN【131】OFF Clamp 2 openDIN【132】ON Clamp 2 closedDIN【133】OFF Clamp 3 openDIN【134】ON Clamp 3 closedDIN【135】OFF Clamp 4 openDIN【136】ON Clamp 4 closedDIN【137】OFF Clamp 5 openDIN【138】ON Clamp 5 closedDIN【139】OFF Clamp 6 openDIN【140】ON Clamp 6 closedDIN【141】OFF_DIN【142】OFF_DIN【143】OFF_DIN【144】OFF_DIN【145】OFF Part present 1DIN【146】OFF Part present 2DIN【147】OFFDIN【148】OFFDIN【149】OFF2-1-ONDIN【150】ON2-1-OFFDIN【151】OFF2-2-ONDIN【152】ON2-2-OFFDIN【153】ON2-3-OFFDIN【154】ON2-4-OFFDIN【155】OFFDIN【156】OFFDIN【157】ON3-1-OFFDIN【158】OFF3-1-ONDIN【159】ON3-2-OFFDIN【160】OFF3-2-ONDOUT【1】OFF ROBOT USER ALARMDOUT【2】OFF STYLE VAERITY FAULTDOUT【3】OFFDOUT【4】OFFDOUT【5】OFF GUN COVER OPENDOUT【6】OFF GUN COVER CLOSEDOUT【7】OFF HAND COVER OPENDOUT【8】OFF HAND COVER CLOSEDOUT【9】OFF AHC COVER-3 OPENDOUT【10】OFF AHC COVER-3 CLOSE DOUT【11】OFF AHC COVER-4 OPENDOUT【12】OFF AHC COVER-4 CLOSE DOUT【13】OFFDOUT【14】OFF TIP WEAR OVER MOVE DOUT【15】OFF TIP WEAR OVER FIXDOUT【16】OFF TIP CHANGE POSITION DOUT【17】OFF TC1GUN FAULT CHECK DOUT【18】OFF TC1 OFF_SET MEASURING DOUT【19】OFFDOUT【20】OFFDOUT【21】OFFDOUT【22】OFFDOUT【23】OFFDOUT【24】OFFDOUT【25】OFFDOUT【26】OFFDOUT【27】OFFDOUT【28】OFFDOUT【29】OFF DRESSOR-1 STARTDOUT【30】OFF DRESSOR-2 STARTDOUT【31】OFF DRESSOR SHIFT1 ADV.SERVO DOUT【32】OFF DRESSOR SHIFT2 ADV.SERVO DOUT【33】OFF POP START1DOUT【34】OFF POP START2DOUT【35】OFF POP START3DOUT【37】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 1 DOUT【38】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 2 DOUT【39】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 4 DOUT【40】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 8 DOUT【41】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 16 DOUT【42】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 32 DOUT【43】OFF POP SWING ADV.DOUT【44】OFFDOUT【45】OFF WORK COMPLETEDOUT【46】ON Shuttle Run EnableDOUT【47】OFF2nd Work Comp.DOUT【48】OFF GUN1 PRESSDOUT【49】OFFDOUT【50】OFFDOUT【51】OFF UNCHUCK POSITION DOUT【52】OFF AHC FaceDOUT【53】OFF CHUCK OPENDOUT【54】ON CHUCK CLOSEDOUT【55】OFF Sealer FaultDOUT【56】OFF Sealer EM.StopDOUT【57】OFF Sealer LowDOUT【58】OFF SEAL AIR PRESSDOUT【59】OFFDOUT【60】OFFDOUT【61】OFF WELD CONDITION 1 DOUT【62】OFF WELD CONDITION 2 DOUT【63】OFF WELD CONDITION 4 DOUT【64】OFF WELD CONDITION 8 DOUT【65】OFF WELD CONDITION16 DOUT【66】OFF WELD CONDITION32 DOUT【67】OFF WELD CONDITION64 DOUT【68】OFF WELD CONDITION128 DOUT【69】ON Jig Non-int.DOUT【70】ON Shuttle Non-int.DOUT【71】OFF Tip Change Run.DOUT【72】OFF Tip Dress Run.DOUT【73】OFFDOUT【74】OFFDOUT【75】OFFDOUT【76】OFFDOUT【77】ON Fdr. Non-int.DOUT【78】OFF Fdr. unload comp.DOUT【79】OFFDOUT【81】OFF Jig Cover CloseDOUT【82】OFF Jig Hand UnclampDOUT【83】OFF Jig Cover OpenDOUT【84】ON Robot_G I/L1DOUT【85】ON Robot_G I/L2DOUT【86】OFFDOUT【87】OFFDOUT【88】OFFDOUT【89】OFFDOUT【90】OFF SEALING MATERIAL LACKING DOUT【91】OFF SEALING HEATING NOT OK DOUT【92】OFF SEALING GUN OPENDOUT【93】OFFDOUT【94】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【95】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【96】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【97】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【98】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【99】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【100】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【101】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【102】OFFDOUT【103】OFFDOUT【104】OFF JIG CLAMP OPEN REQUEST DOUT【105】OFFDOUT【106】OFF PART IN STATIONDOUT【107】OFFDOUT【108】OFFDOUT【113】OFF SEALING STARTDOUT【114】ON SEALING STOPDOUT【115】OFFDOUT【116】OFFDOUT【117】OFFDOUT【118】OFFDOUT【119】OFFDOUT【120】OFFDOUT【121】OFFDOUT【122】OFFDOUT【123】OFFDOUT【124】OFFDOUT【125】OFFDOUT【126】OFFDOUT【127】OFFDOUT【128】OFFDOUT【129】OFF SPAREDOUT【130】OFF SPAREDOUT【131】OFF CLAMP_3_ON DOUT【132】ON CLAMP_3_OFF DOUT【133】OFF CLAMP_2_ON DOUT【134】ON CLAMP_2_OFF DOUT【135】OFF CLAMP_1_ON DOUT【136】ON CLAMP_1_OFF DOUT【137】OFF SPAREDOUT【138】OFF SPAREDOUT【139】OFF_DOUT【140】OFF_DOUT【141】OFF_DOUT【142】OFF_DOUT【143】OFF_DOUT【144】OFF_GIN【1】 1 Style No.GOUT【1】0UI【1】ON*IMSTPUI【2】ON*HoldUI【3】ON*SFSPDUI【4】OFF Cycle stopUI【5】OFF Fault resetUI【6】OFF StartUI【7】OFF HomeUI【8】ON EnableUI【9】OFF RSR1/PNS1UI【10】OFF RSR2/PNS2UI【11】OFF RSR3/PNS3UI【12】OFF RSR4/PNS4UI【13】OFF RSR5/PNS5UI【14】OFF RSR6/PNS6UI【15】OFF RSR7/PNS7UI【16】OFF RSR8/PNS8UI【17】OFF PNS strobeUI【18】OFF Prod startUO【1】ON Cmd enabledUO【2】ON System readyUO【3】OFF Prg runningUO【4】OFF Prg pausedUO【5】OFF Motion heldUO【6】OFF FaultUO【7】ON At perchUO【8】OFF TP enabledUO【9】OFF Batt alarmUO【10】OFF BusyUO【11】OFF ACK1/SNO1UO【12】OFF ACK2/SNO2UO【13】OFF ACK3/SNO3UO【14】OFF ACK4/SNO4UO【15】OFF ACK5/SNO5UO【16】OFF ACK6/SNO6UO【17】OFF ACK7/SNO7UO【18】OFF ACK8/SNO8UO【19】OFF SNACKUO【20】OFF ReservedSI【1】OFF Fault resetSI【2】ON RemoteSI【3】ON HoldSI【4】OFF User PB#1SI【5】OFF User PB#2SI【6】OFF Cycle startSI【7】OFFSI【8】ON CE/CRselectb0 SI【9】ON CE/CRselectb1 SI【10】OFFSI【11】OFFSI【12】OFFSI【13】OFFSI【14】OFFSI【15】OFFSI【16】ONSO【1】OFF Cycle startSO【2】OFF HoldSO【3】OFF Fault LEDSO【4】OFF Batt alarmSO【5】OFF User LED#1SO【6】ON User LED#2SO【7】OFF TP enabledSO【8】OFFSO【9】OFFSO【10】OFFSO【11】OFFSO【12】OFFSO【13】OFFSO【14】OFFSO【15】OFFUI【1】ON*IMSTPUI【2】ON*HoldUI【3】ON*SFSPDUI【4】OFF Cycle stopUI【5】OFF Fault resetUI【6】OFF StartUI【7】OFF HomeUI【8】ON EnableUI【9】OFF RSR1/PNS1UI【10】OFF RSR2/PNS2 UI【11】OFF RSR3/PNS3 UI【12】OFF RSR4/PNS4 UI【13】OFF RSR5/PNS5 UI【14】OFF RSR6/PNS6 UI【15】OFF RSR7/PNS7 UI【16】OFF RSR8/PNS8 UI【17】OFF PNS strobeUI【18】OFF Prod startUO【1】ON Cmd enabled UO【2】ON System ready UO【3】OFF Prg running UO【4】OFF Prg paused UO【5】OFF Motion held UO【6】OFF FaultUO【7】ON At perchUO【8】OFF TP enabled UO【9】OFF Batt alarm UO【10】OFF BusyUO【11】OFF ACK1/SNO1 UO【12】OFF ACK2/SNO2 UO【13】OFF ACK3/SNO3 UO【14】OFF ACK4/SNO4 UO【15】OFF ACK5/SNO5 UO【16】OFF ACK6/SNO6 UO【17】OFF ACK7/SNO7 UO【18】OFF ACK8/SNO8 UO【19】OFF SNACKUO【20】OFF ReservedRI【1】OFFRI【2】OFFRI【3】OFFRI【4】OFFRI【5】OFFRI【7】OFFRI【8】OFFRO【1】OFFRO【2】OFFRO【3】OFFRO【4】OFFRO【5】OFFRO【6】OFFRO【7】OFFRO【8】OFF</PRE><H2><A NAME="5">I/O Configuration Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>IO CONFIGURATION::DIN【5】UPPER TIP RESETDIN【6】LOWER TIP RESETDIN【7】TEST RUNDIN【8】TIP CHANGE COMPLETEDIN1-8RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:19DIN【11】DRESS_1 COMPLETEDIN【12】DRESS_2 COMPLETEDIN【13】DRESS_1 ADV.LSDIN【14】DRESS_2 ADV.LSDIN【15】DRESS_1 RET.LSDIN【16】DRESS_2 RET.LSDIN9-16RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:27DIN【19】TC1 5STEP 1DIN【20】TC1 5STEP 2DIN【21】TC1 5STEP 3DIN【22】TC1 5STEP 4DIN【23】TC2 5STEP 1DIN【24】TC2 5STEP 2DIN17-24RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:35DIN【25】TC2 5STEP 3DIN【26】TC2 5STEP 4DIN【27】POP WELD COMPLETEDIN【31】GUN COVER OPENDIN【32】GUN COVER CLOSE LSDIN25-32RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:43DIN【33】HAND COVER OPENDIN【34】HAND COVER CLOSEDIN【35】AHC COVER-3 OPEN LSDIN【36】AHC COVER-3 CLOSE LSDIN【37】AHC COVER-4 OPEN LSDIN【38】AHC COVER-4 CLOSE LSDIN【39】GUN1 2ND ST OPEN LSDIN【40】GUN2 2ND ST OPEN LSDIN33-40RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:51 DIN【41】CHUCK OPEN CONFIRMDIN【42】CHUCK CLOSE CONFIRMDIN【43】AHC FACEDIN【47】ROBOT 2ND STARTDIN41-48RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:59 DIN【49】WELD COMPLETEDIN【55】STYLE1DIN【56】STYLE2DIN49-56RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:67 DIN【57】STYLE4DIN【58】STYLE8DIN【59】STYLE16DIN【60】STYLE32DIN【61】STYLE64DIN【62】STYLE128DIN【63】GUN1 STEADDIN【64】HAND STEADDIN57-64RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:75 DIN【65】TOOL STEAD 3DIN【66】TOOL STEAD 4DIN【71】Jig Non-int.DIN【72】Shuttle Nnn-int.DIN65-72RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:83 DIN【74】Weld Enable 1DIN【75】Weld Enable 2DIN【76】Robot_G Weld Comp.1DIN【79】Pick Up Ok FeederDIN73-80RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:91 DIN【81】Hand Jig Conf.DIN【82】Hand Rock Adv CompDIN【83】Jig Cover Close Comp.DIN【84】Hand Rock Ret Comp.DIN【85】Jig Cover Open Comp.DIN【86】Robct_G I/L1DIN【87】Robot_G I/L2DIN81-88RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:99 DIN【94】Sealer HoldDIN89-96RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 107DIN【101】DIN【104】DIN97- 104RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 115 DIN【106】PART IN STATION CONFIRMDIN【107】ROBOT AWAY FROM STATIONDIN【109】GUN IN STATIONDIN【110】HANDKING IN STATIONDIN105- 110RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 123 DIN【113】SEALING MATERIAL OKDIN【114】SEALING MATERIAL LACKINGDIN【116】HEATING NOT OKDIN113- 120RACK:82SLOT:6PORT: 1 DIN121- 128RACK:82SLOT:6PORT:9 DIN【129】Clamp 1 openDIN【130】Clamp 1 closedDIN【131】Clamp 2 openDIN【132】Clamp 2 closedDIN【133】Clamp 3 openDIN【134】Clamp 3 closedDIN【135】Clamp 4 openDIN【136】Clamp 4 closedDIN129- 136RACK:82SLOT:4PORT: 1 DIN【137】Clamp 5 openDIN【138】Clamp 5 closedDIN【139】Clamp 6 openDIN【140】Clamp 6 closedDIN【141】_DIN【142】_DIN【143】_DIN【144】_DIN137- 144RACK:82SLOT:4PORT:9 DIN【145】Part present 1DIN【146】Part present 2DIN【149】2-1-ONDIN【150】2-1-OFFDIN【151】2-2-ONDIN【152】2-2-OFFDIN145- 152RACK:82SLOT:5PORT: 1 DIN【153】2-3-OFFDIN【154】2-4-OFFDIN【157】3-1-OFFDIN【158】3-1-ONDIN【159】3-2-OFFDIN【160】3-2-ONDIN153- 160RACK:82SLOT:5PORT:9 DOUT【1】ROBOT USER ALARMDOUT【2】STYLE VAERITY FAULTDOUT【5】GUN COVER OPENDOUT【6】GUN COVER CLOSEDOUT【7】HAND COVER OPENDOUT【8】HAND COVER CLOSEDOUT1-8RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:21 DOUT【9】AHC COVER-3 OPENDOUT【10】AHC COVER-3 CLOSEDOUT【11】AHC COVER-4 OPENDOUT【12】AHC COVER-4 CLOSEDOUT【14】TIP WEAR OVER MOVEDOUT【15】TIP WEAR OVER FIXDOUT【16】TIP CHANGE POSITIONDOUT9-16RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:29 DOUT【17】TC1GUN FAULT CHECKDOUT【18】TC1 OFF_SET MEASURINGDOUT17-24RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:37 DOUT【29】DRESSOR-1 STARTDOUT【30】DRESSOR-2 STARTDOUT【31】DRESSOR SHIFT1 ADV.SERVODOUT【32】DRESSOR SHIFT2 ADV.SERVODOUT25-32RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:45 DOUT【33】POP START1DOUT【34】POP START2DOUT【35】POP START3DOUT【36】POP START4DOUT【37】POP WELD CONDITION 1DOUT【38】POP WELD CONDITION 2DOUT【39】POP WELD CONDITION 4DOUT【40】POP WELD CONDITION 8DOUT33-40RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:53 DOUT【41】POP WELD CONDITION 16DOUT【42】POP WELD CONDITION 32DOUT【43】POP SWING ADV.DOUT【45】WORK COMPLETEDOUT【46】Shuttle Run EnableDOUT【47】2nd Work Comp.DOUT【48】GUN1 PRESSDOUT41-48RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:61 DOUT【51】UNCHUCK POSITIONDOUT【52】AHC FaceDOUT【53】CHUCK OPENDOUT【54】CHUCK CLOSEDOUT【55】Sealer FaultDOUT【56】Sealer EM.StopDOUT49-56RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:69 DOUT【57】Sealer LowDOUT【58】SEAL AIR PRESSDOUT【61】WELD CONDITION 1DOUT【62】WELD CONDITION 2DOUT【63】WELD CONDITION 4DOUT【64】WELD CONDITION 8DOUT57-64RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:77 DOUT【65】WELD CONDITION16DOUT【66】WELD CONDITION32DOUT【67】WELD CONDITION64DOUT【68】WELD CONDITION128DOUT【69】Jig Non-int.DOUT【70】Shuttle Non-int.DOUT【71】Tip Change Run.DOUT【72】Tip Dress Run.DOUT65-72RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:85 DOUT【77】Fdr. Non-int.DOUT【78】Fdr. unload comp.DOUT【80】Jig Hand ClampDOUT73-80RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:93 DOUT【81】Jig Cover CloseDOUT【82】Jig Hand UnclampDOUT【83】Jig Cover OpenDOUT【84】Robot_G I/L1DOUT【85】Robot_G I/L2DOUT81-88RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 101 DOUT【90】SEALING MATERIAL LACKINGDOUT【91】SEALING HEATING NOT OKDOUT【92】SEALING GUN OPENDOUT【94】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【95】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【96】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT89-96RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 109 DOUT【97】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【98】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【99】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【100】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【101】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【103】DOUT【104】JIG CLAMP OPEN REQUESTDOUT97- 104RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 117 DOUT【106】PART IN STATIONDOUT105- 108RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 125 DOUT【113】SEALING STARTDOUT【114】SEALING STOPDOUT113- 120RACK:82SLOT:6PORT: 1 DOUT121- 128RACK:82SLOT:6PORT:9 DOUT【129】SPAREDOUT【130】SPAREDOUT【131】CLAMP_3_ONDOUT【132】CLAMP_3_OFFDOUT【133】CLAMP_2_ONDOUT【134】CLAMP_2_OFFDOUT【135】CLAMP_1_ONDOUT【136】CLAMP_1_OFFDOUT129- 136RACK:82SLOT:4PORT: 1 DOUT【137】SPAREDOUT【138】SPAREDOUT【139】_DOUT【140】_DOUT【141】_DOUT【142】_DOUT【143】_DOUT【144】_DOUT137- 144RACK:82SLOT:4PORT:9GIN【1】Style No.GIN1RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:73#NUM:8 GOUT1RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:81#NUM: 6 UI【1】*IMSTPUI【2】*HoldUI【3】*SFSPDUI【4】Cycle stopUI【5】Fault resetUI【6】StartUI【7】HomeUI【8】EnableUI1-8RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 1UI【9】RSR1/PNS1UI【10】RSR2/PNS2UI【11】RSR3/PNS3UI【12】RSR4/PNS4UI【13】RSR5/PNS5UI【14】RSR6/PNS6UI【15】RSR7/PNS7UI【16】RSR8/PNS8UI9-16RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:9UI【17】PNS strobeUI【18】Prod startUI17-18RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:17UO【1】Cmd enabledUO【2】System readyUO【3】Prg runningUO【4】Prg pausedUO【5】Motion heldUO【6】FaultUO【7】At perchUO【8】TP enabledUO1-8RACK:81SLOT:15PORT: 1UO【9】Batt alarmUO【10】BusyUO【11】ACK1/SNO1UO【12】ACK2/SNO2UO【13】ACK3/SNO3UO【14】ACK4/SNO4UO【15】ACK5/SNO5UO【16】ACK6/SNO6UO9-16RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:9UO【17】ACK7/SNO7UO【18】ACK8/SNO8UO【19】SNACKUO【20】ReservedUO17-20RACK:81SLOT:15PORT:17</PRE><H2><A NAME="6">Safety Status Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>SAFETY SIGNALS::External ESTOP FALSESOP Estop FALSETP ESTOP FALSEHand Broken TRUEOverTravel FALSELow Air Alarm FALSEFence Open FALSEBelt Broken FALSETP Enable FALSETP Deadman FALSESVOFF Detect FALSEServo Disconnect FALSENon Teacher Enb FALSE</PRE><H2><A NAME="7">Current Position Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>CURRENT ROBOT POSITION::Group #: 1CURRENT JOINT POSITION:Joint1:98.31Joint2:-21.86Joint3:-15.51Joint4: 3.71Joint5:-60.75Joint6:227.81EXTAXS: 1:1036.33Frame #:0Tool #: 2CURRENT USER FRAME POSITION:X:-559.31Y:1592.64Z:151.27W:-.58P:-12.93R:89.70CFG: N U T, 0, 0, 1EXTAXS: 1:1036.33Tool #: 2CURRENT WORLD POSITION:X:-559.31Y:1592.64Z:151.27W:-.58P:-12.93R:89.70CFG: N U T, 0, 0, 1EXTAXS: 1:1036.33CURRENT ROBOT POSITION::Group #: 2CURRENT JOINT POSITION:Joint1:0.00Frame #:0Tool #: 2CURRENT USER FRAME POSITION:Cartesian position cannot be calculatedTool #: 2CURRENT WORLD POSITION:Cartesian position cannot be calculated</PRE><H2><A NAME="8">Ethernet Configuration Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>ETHERNET CONFIGURATION::$HOSTNAME:ROBOTTMI_ROUTER:ROUTERTMI_ETHERAD :00:e0:e4:0f:09:f6Subnet mask : Table 【17】:QUICC0Host Table 【18】:QUICC1Host Table 【19】:QUICC2Host Table 【20】:ROUTERHost Table 【21】:PCJOG addr: 【1】:FTP state: 3Server 【2】:FTP state: 3</PRE><H2><A NAME="9">Port Setup Infromation</A></H2><PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION::DEVICE: JRS16 RS-232-C P2:USAGE: Maintenance ConsSPEED: 9600PARITY: NoneSTOPBITS: 1bitTIMEOUT: 0INTERFACE : RS-232-CDEVICE: JD17RS-232-C P3:USAGE: KCL/CRTSPEED: 9600PARITY: None。
发那科机器人焊接应用的I/O配置(总线型)<H2><A NAME="1">Version Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><br>F Number: YH14979VERSION : SpotTool+$VERSION: V7.5093 06/14/2010DATE: 14-AUG-11 18:21VERSION INFORMATION::SOFTWARE: ID:SpotTool+ 7DA5/12S/W Serial No. : 88150Controller ID : YH14979Default Personality (from FD)R-2000iB/210F V7.50P/12Servo Code : V15.01Cart. Mot. Parameter: V3.00JNT. Mot. Parameter : V3.00DCS : NoneSoftware Edition No.: V7.50P/12Update Version : NoneCustomization Ver. : NoneRoot Version : V7.5093 Boot MONITOR : V7.70P/06 Teach Pendant : 7D0F/01M Browser Plugins : V7.7004 TP Core Firmware : V7.7004 Media from FRL 06/24/2010CONFIG::FEATURE: ORD NO: SpotTool+ H590 English Dictionary H521Multi Language (CHIN) H539AA Vision Mastering AAVM Analog I/O H550Auto Software Update ATUP Automatic Backup J545 Background Editing J616 Camera I/F VCAMCell I/O CLIOCommon shell R645 Common shell core CMSC Common softpanel CMSPCommon style select STYL Condition Monitor J628 Constant Path R663 Control Reliable CNRE Corner Region R654 Diagnostic log RSCH Disable Faults CDSB Dispense Plug-in SPLG Dual Check Safety UIF DCSU Enhanced Mirror Image R698 Enhanced Rob Serv Req ORSR Enhanced T1 Mode R680 Enhanced User Frame J604 Ext. DIO Config EIOC Extended Error Log R542 External DI BWD ESET FCTN Menu Save J516 FTP Interface J716 Group Mask Exchange MASK High-Speed Skip J627 Host Communications HOCO Hour Meter J513I/O Interconnect 2 J542Incr Instruction J510 KAREL Cmd. Language J650 KAREL Run-Time Env J539 Kernel + Basic S/W H510 License Checker LCHK LogBook(System) OPLG MACROs, Skip/Offset J503 MH gripper common MHGC Mat.Handling Option MPLG MechStop Protection MCSP Mirror Shift J506Mixed logic J554Mode Switch MDSW Motion logger R637Multi Appl Enabler MAEN Multi Equipment J617 Multi-Tasking J600 Position Registers J514 Print Function J507Prog Num Selection J515 Program Adjust J517Program Shift J505 Program Status PRST Program ToolBox R598 RDM Robot Discovery FRDM Robot Service Request SRSR Robot Servo Code H930 SNPX basic SNBA Seal Common SLCM Shift Library SHLBShift and Mirror Lib SMLB Soft Parts in VCCM SPVC Spot Plug-in SPPGTCP Auto Set J520TCP Speed Prediction J524 TCP/IP Interface HTCP TMILIB Interface TMILTP Menu Accounting TPAC TPTX TPTXTelnet Interface TELNTool Offset J509 Unexcepted motn Check UECK User Frame UFRMVision Core VCOR Vision Library VIPLVision SP CSXC CSXC Vision Shift Tool CVVFWeb Server HTTPWeb Svr Enhancements R626 iPendant CGTP iPendant Grid Display IGUI iPendant Setup IPGSR-2000iB/210F H601 Servo Gun Axes H869 Auto Tuning CS J952 Collision Guard R534 Collision Guard Pack J684 Cycle Time Priority J523 DeviceNet Interface J753 DeviceNet(Slave) J754Disp 2nd analog port R528 Extended Axis Control J518 Extended User Frames R696 FANUC ServoGun Change J665 FRL Params R651HMI Device (SNPX) R553 Multi-Group Motion J601PC Interface R641PMC(FAPT Ladder) J760 Password Protection J541 ROS Ethernet Packets R603 Servo Gun Option J643 Servo Gun WT Compens J933 Space Check J609USB port on iPendant J957 YELLOW BOX J775 iRCalibration VShift J994Arc Advisor R666Aux Servo Code SVMO Common calib UIF CUIF Cycle time Opt. CTOP Extended Axis Speed EXTS Func stup FCSPHTTP Proxy Svr PRXY High Speed ServoGun J886 IntelligentTP PC I/F J770JPN ARCPSU PRM J885Motherboard driver MOBOPC Send Macros SEND Pressure Control PCTL Requires CP CPRQ Robot Library Setup RLCM SSPC error text ETSS Servo Gun Core J670 Servo Hand Change SVHC Sgdiag core SGDG Socket Messaging R636Soft Limit SLMTTCPP Extention TCPE VCalibration Common VCCM VisShift I/F Common CVVC Vision Shift Common CVVS istdpnl IPNLiPendant HMI Setup U001RM HELP INCL VIS PKGS U004 SMB TP Backup U006 RIPE GET_VAR FIX U007 FLEXTOOL: ADD R729.FD U008 CVIS ADD EP ADV PKG U009CVIS NO WTWTEST LOAD U010 LOAD HELP FOR SELECT U011 FALSE ALARM CPMO-130 U012 MD: HANG FROM INTP U013R709 DRAM AVAILCHECKS U014 CVIS VPCS SUPP LIMCHK U015 CVIS VPFF POS DIF FIX U0168-12 CHARACTER PROGRA U017 SAVE FRAMEVAR.SV U018TP Enable NOAM U026 STRCTURE SHADOW UPDAT U027 RIPE STATICS TOO MUCH U028 TIMQ MOTN-003 U030 ROBOGUIDE DAUGHTER U032 Disable touch in Edit U033PATH NODE MOVETO U035 RIPEREMOVE TIME RETRY U038 VMXPACK MAY ASSERT U039 CYCLE DATA MAY BE COR U040 TOO MANY ARC OPTIONS U043 PMC Display wait fix U044APSH-171 fix U045SLOW T1 MOTN U046GET_POS_TPE fix U047jog disable by app wa U048CVIS VPEP HIST RT FIX U049 MXSPD TB CPMO003 U050 CVIS BARCODE ENHANCE U051 prv save may not work U052High RIPE traffic fix U053print from sysvar scr U054 PROGRAM ADJUST FOR SH U058 RIPE/GETSET ERROR HAN U060 IPENDANT SCREEN UNREA U061 HANDLE PART CORRECTIO U064 NO FILE BACKGROUND ED U066 CVIS EP PKG INCL SVIP U067 SIX DIGIT VERSIONS U068 CVIS NEW VERSION P06 U069 IMAGE SAVE LOAD U070 DISP PROC ISSUE U071 REPLAN JOINT DELTA U078TP EDIT CALLFROM FIX U079 CVIS FIX IPNDT RT IMG U080$coord_mask default U084R719 ENHANCEMNT/FIXES U085 Local Hold TIMQ Adjus U097PG: CHDELMON can caus U100 CVIS: 3D multi-view d U101 Increase Number of FD U103 KAREL CANNOT ACCESS M U104 Robot Settings are lo U108PAINT - Wait/Release U109 FlexTool: Backward mo U114 PAINT - PaintPRO Repa U117 EDIT SCREEN IS CLOSED U500 ANTIDEFECT UIF FIX U507 PNIO V750 FIX1 U509FIX LOADING DB SYSVAR U510 FIX EDGE DETECTION U511 ONLINE HELP BUGFIX U512 CVIS: CAM CALIB FIX U514 DISP CUSTOM FOR SSGUN U515 FIX ABC JARKY MOTION U517 MILLIMETER CONVERSION U518 GARBLED STR REG U519ALARM TEXT BUG FIX U520 DISP CUST DRY FOR SSG U521 IMPROVE LWR DETECTION U523 CVIS FREEZE VLOG TASK U525 VP2S MM CONVERSION U526 FIX TP FREEZE IBPX U527FX DB/TB BUSY RUNNING U528 RECORD CALIBRATION LO U529 DIV CALCULATION FIX U530FIX FOR BWD RETURN U531 CONDITION MONITOR FIX U532 VOFS: UNEXP ALARM FIX U533 FIX SERVO GUN TEXT U534 FIX FENCE SVEMG ABNML U535 DCS CC_SAFEIO ALARM U537 IMPROVED GUN TOUCHUP U540 FIX GUN CHG WITH DNET U541 UPDATE GUNTCH PAEAMS U542 DOT PETTERN BUG U543 CVIS: IRVISION BUG FI U544 UPDATE SVGN ERROR TXT U545 FIX TOOLCHG WITH DNET U546MLOCK CHK WITH GUNCHG U547MECH COMP FOR GUNTCH U549 IMPROVE GUNTCH PARAMS U550 VISION MEMORY LEAK U551FIX UNWANTED MESSAGE U552 SUPPORT DET SOFT WORK U553CVIS:SPEC CHANGE OF V U554GRID DETECT BUG FIX U559MOTOR::GR: AX: MOTOR ID AND INFO:1 1 ACaiSR30/3000 80A H1 DSP1-L1 2 ACaiSR30/3000 80A H2 DSP1-M1 3 ACaiSR30/3000 80A H3 DSP1-J1 4 ACa12/4000iS 40A H4 DSP1-K1 5 ACa12/4000iS 40A H5 DSP2-L1 6 ACa12/4000iS 40A H6 DSP2-M1 7 aiF22/3000 80A H DSP -2 1 aiS8/4000 80A H DSP -SERVO::GROUP: AXIS: SERVO PARAM ID:1 1 P02.061 2 P02.061 3 P02.061 4 P02.061 5 P02.061 6 P02.061 7 P00.392 1 P00.39</PRE><H2><A NAME="2">Memory Detail</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>MEMORY USAGE::MEMORY DETAIL (MAIN):Pools TOTAL AVAILABLE LARGEST TPP 800.0KB 577.8KB 555.0KBPERM 1978.0KB 371.6KB 366.5KB SYSTEM 7182.0KB 2.5KB 2.5KB SHADOW 5894.5KB 5556.5KB 32.0KB TEMP 21052.5KB 1422.8KB 714.2KBFROM 31857.0KB 9258.0KB .0KBHARDWAREFROM 32MBDRAM 32MBSRAM 2MBMEMORY DETAIL (COMM):Pools TOTAL AVAILABLE LARGESTTPP 0.0KB 0.0KB 0.0KBPERM 48.0KB 47.8KB 47.8KBSYSTEM 6144.0KB 5553.0KB 5553.0KBSHADOW 5894.5KB 5556.5KB 32.0KBTEMP 9844.5KB 8201.3KB 7949.9KB</PRE><H2><A NAME="3">Program Status Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>TASK STATES:1 RESET status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: RESETLine: 1 Program: RESET Type: TP2 STHICHNG status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: STHICHNGLine: 128 Program: STHICHNG Type: PC 3 PNLINST status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: PNLINSTLine: 223 Program: PNLINST Type: PC 4 PSCOLD status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: PSCOLDLine: 93 Program: PSCOLD Type: PC 5 SYRSRUTL status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SYRSRUTLLine: 63 Program: SYRSRUTL Type: PC 6 SVGNCH status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SVGNCHLine: 287 Program: SVGNCH Type: PC 7 SGDIAINI status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SGDIAINILine: 204 Program: SGDIAINI Type: PC 8 ATSHELL RUNNING @ 1055 in ATSHELL of ATSHELL****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: ATSHELLLine: 1055 Program: ATSHELL Type: PC9 LOADCELL status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: PBCORELine: 0 Program: PBCORE Type: 010 MHGRSHLL RUNNING @ 1213 in MHGRSHLL of MHGRSHLL****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: MHGRSHLLLine: 1213 Program: MHGRSHLL Type: PC 11 SWAXTSK1 RUNNING @ 758 in PROCESSAMR of SWAXTCMN****** History Data ******Routine depth: 1 Routine: PROCESSAMRLine: 758 Program: SWAXTCMN Type: PCRoutine depth: 0 Routine: SWAXTSK1Line: 172 Program: SWAXTSK1 Type: PC12 SWAXTSK2 RUNNING @ 758 in PROCESSAMR of SWAXTCMN****** History Data ******Routine depth: 1 Routine: PROCESSAMRLine: 758 Program: SWAXTCMN Type: PCRoutine depth: 0 Routine: SWAXTSK2Line: 120 Program: SWAXTSK2 Type: PC13 SLCUSTOM RUNNING @ 1647 in SLCUSTOM of SLCUSTOM****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SLCUSTOMLine: 1647 Program: SLCUSTOM Type: PC 14 SWIMSET status = ABORTED****** History Data ******Routine depth: 0 Routine: SWIMSETLine: 348 Program: SWIMSET Type: PC</PRE><H2><A NAME="4">I/O status information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP"></A><P>IO STATUS::DIN【1】OFFDIN【2】OFFDIN【3】OFFDIN【4】OFFDIN【5】OFF UPPER TIP RESETDIN【6】OFF LOWER TIP RESETDIN【7】OFF TEST RUNDIN【8】OFF TIP CHANGE COMPLETEDIN【9】OFFDIN【10】OFFDIN【11】OFF DRESS_1 COMPLETEDIN【12】OFF DRESS_2 COMPLETEDIN【13】OFF DRESS_1 ADV.LSDIN【14】OFF DRESS_2 ADV.LSDIN【15】OFF DRESS_1 RET.LSDIN【16】OFF DRESS_2 RET.LSDIN【17】OFFDIN【18】OFFDIN【19】OFF TC1 5STEP 1DIN【20】OFF TC1 5STEP 2DIN【21】OFF TC1 5STEP 3DIN【22】OFF TC1 5STEP 4DIN【23】OFF TC2 5STEP 1DIN【24】OFF TC2 5STEP 2DIN【25】OFF TC2 5STEP 3DIN【26】OFF TC2 5STEP 4DIN【27】OFF POP WELD COMPLETE DIN【28】OFFDIN【29】OFFDIN【30】OFFDIN【31】OFF GUN COVER OPENDIN【32】ON GUN COVER CLOSE LS DIN【33】OFF HAND COVER OPENDIN【34】ON HAND COVER CLOSE DIN【35】OFF AHC COVER-3 OPEN LS DIN【36】OFF AHC COVER-3 CLOSE LS DIN【37】OFF AHC COVER-4 OPEN LS DIN【38】OFF AHC COVER-4 CLOSE LS DIN【39】OFF GUN1 2ND ST OPEN LSDIN【40】OFF GUN2 2ND ST OPEN LS DIN【41】OFF CHUCK OPEN CONFIRM DIN【42】ON CHUCK CLOSE CONFIRM DIN【43】ON AHC FACEDIN【44】OFFDIN【45】OFFDIN【46】OFFDIN【47】OFF ROBOT 2ND STARTDIN【48】OFFDIN【49】OFF WELD COMPLETEDIN【50】OFFDIN【51】OFFDIN【52】OFFDIN【53】OFFDIN【54】OFFDIN【55】ON STYLE1DIN【56】OFF STYLE2DIN【57】OFF STYLE4DIN【58】OFF STYLE8DIN【59】OFF STYLE16DIN【60】OFF STYLE32DIN【61】OFF STYLE64DIN【62】OFF STYLE128DIN【63】OFF GUN1 STEADDIN【64】OFF HAND STEADDIN【65】OFF TOOL STEAD 3DIN【66】OFF TOOL STEAD 4DIN【67】OFFDIN【68】OFFDIN【69】OFFDIN【70】OFFDIN【71】OFF Jig Non-int.DIN【72】OFF Shuttle Nnn-int.DIN【73】OFFDIN【74】OFF Weld Enable 1DIN【75】OFF Weld Enable 2DIN【76】ON Robot_G Weld Comp.1 DIN【77】OFFDIN【78】OFFDIN【79】ON Pick Up Ok Feeder DIN【80】OFFDIN【81】OFF Hand Jig Conf.DIN【82】OFF Hand Rock Adv Comp DIN【83】OFF Jig Cover Close Comp.DIN【84】OFF Hand Rock Ret Comp. DIN【85】OFF Jig Cover Open Comp. DIN【86】ON Robct_G I/L1DIN【87】ON Robot_G I/L2DIN【88】OFFDIN【89】OFFDIN【90】OFFDIN【91】OFFDIN【92】OFFDIN【93】OFFDIN【94】OFF Sealer HoldDIN【95】OFFDIN【96】OFFDIN【97】OFFDIN【98】OFFDIN【99】OFFDIN【100】OFFDIN【101】OFFDIN【102】OFFDIN【103】OFFDIN【104】OFFDIN【105】OFFDIN【106】OFF PART IN STATION CONFIRM DIN【107】ON ROBOT AWAY FROM STATION DIN【108】OFFDIN【109】ON GUN IN STATIONDIN【110】OFF HANDKING IN STATIONDIN【113】ON SEALING MATERIAL OKDIN【114】OFF SEALING MATERIAL LACKING DIN【115】OFFDIN【116】OFF HEATING NOT OKDIN【117】OFFDIN【118】OFFDIN【119】OFFDIN【120】OFFDIN【121】OFFDIN【122】OFFDIN【123】OFFDIN【124】OFFDIN【125】OFFDIN【126】OFFDIN【127】OFFDIN【128】OFFDIN【129】OFF Clamp 1 openDIN【130】ON Clamp 1 closed DIN【131】OFF Clamp 2 open DIN【132】ON Clamp 2 closed DIN【133】OFF Clamp 3 open DIN【134】ON Clamp 3 closed DIN【135】OFF Clamp 4 open DIN【136】ON Clamp 4 closed DIN【137】OFF Clamp 5 open DIN【138】ON Clamp 5 closed DIN【139】OFF Clamp 6 open DIN【140】ON Clamp 6 closed DIN【141】OFF _DIN【142】OFF _DIN【143】OFF _DIN【144】OFF _DIN【145】OFF Part present 1 DIN【146】OFF Part present 2 DIN【147】OFFDIN【148】OFFDIN【149】OFF 2-1-ONDIN【150】ON 2-1-OFFDIN【151】OFF 2-2-ONDIN【152】ON 2-2-OFFDIN【153】ON 2-3-OFFDIN【154】ON 2-4-OFFDIN【155】OFFDIN【156】OFFDIN【157】ON 3-1-OFFDIN【158】OFF 3-1-ONDIN【159】ON 3-2-OFFDIN【160】OFF 3-2-ONDOUT【1】OFF ROBOT USER ALARM DOUT【2】OFF STYLE VAERITY FAULT DOUT【3】OFFDOUT【4】OFFDOUT【5】OFF GUN COVER OPEN DOUT【6】OFF GUN COVER CLOSE DOUT【7】OFF HAND COVER OPEN DOUT【8】OFF HAND COVER CLOSE DOUT【9】OFF AHC COVER-3 OPEN DOUT【10】OFF AHC COVER-3 CLOSE DOUT【11】OFF AHC COVER-4 OPEN DOUT【12】OFF AHC COVER-4 CLOSE DOUT【13】OFFDOUT【14】OFF TIP WEAR OVER MOVEDOUT【15】OFF TIP WEAR OVER FIXDOUT【16】OFF TIP CHANGE POSITIONDOUT【17】OFF TC1 GUN FAULT CHECK DOUT【18】OFF TC1 OFF_SET MEASURING DOUT【19】OFFDOUT【20】OFFDOUT【21】OFFDOUT【22】OFFDOUT【23】OFFDOUT【24】OFFDOUT【25】OFFDOUT【26】OFFDOUT【27】OFFDOUT【28】OFFDOUT【29】OFF DRESSOR-1 STARTDOUT【30】OFF DRESSOR-2 STARTDOUT【31】OFF DRESSOR SHIFT1 ADV.SERVO DOUT【32】OFF DRESSOR SHIFT2 ADV.SERVO DOUT【33】OFF POP START1DOUT【34】OFF POP START2DOUT【35】OFF POP START3DOUT【36】OFF POP START4DOUT【37】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 1 DOUT【38】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 2 DOUT【39】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 4 DOUT【40】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 8 DOUT【41】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 16 DOUT【42】OFF POP WELD CONDITION 32 DOUT【43】OFF POP SWING ADV.DOUT【44】OFFDOUT【45】OFF WORK COMPLETEDOUT【46】ON Shuttle Run EnableDOUT【47】OFF 2nd Work Comp.DOUT【48】OFF GUN1 PRESSDOUT【49】OFFDOUT【50】OFFDOUT【51】OFF UNCHUCK POSITION DOUT【52】OFF AHC FaceDOUT【53】OFF CHUCK OPENDOUT【54】ON CHUCK CLOSEDOUT【55】OFF Sealer FaultDOUT【56】OFF Sealer EM.StopDOUT【57】OFF Sealer LowDOUT【58】OFF SEAL AIR PRESS DOUT【59】OFFDOUT【60】OFFDOUT【61】OFF WELD CONDITION 1 DOUT【62】OFF WELD CONDITION 2 DOUT【63】OFF WELD CONDITION 4 DOUT【64】OFF WELD CONDITION 8 DOUT【65】OFF WELD CONDITION16 DOUT【66】OFF WELD CONDITION32 DOUT【67】OFF WELD CONDITION64 DOUT【68】OFF WELD CONDITION128 DOUT【69】ON Jig Non-int.DOUT【70】ON Shuttle Non-int.DOUT【71】OFF Tip Change Run. DOUT【72】OFF Tip Dress Run.DOUT【73】OFFDOUT【74】OFFDOUT【75】OFFDOUT【76】OFFDOUT【77】ON Fdr. Non-int.DOUT【78】OFF Fdr. unload comp. DOUT【79】OFFDOUT【80】OFF Jig Hand ClampDOUT【81】OFF Jig Cover CloseDOUT【82】OFF Jig Hand UnclampDOUT【83】OFF Jig Cover OpenDOUT【84】ON Robot_G I/L1DOUT【85】ON Robot_G I/L2DOUT【86】OFFDOUT【87】OFFDOUT【88】OFFDOUT【89】OFFDOUT【90】OFF SEALING MATERIAL LACKING DOUT【91】OFF SEALING HEATING NOT OK DOUT【92】OFF SEALING GUN OPENDOUT【93】OFFDOUT【94】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【95】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【96】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【97】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【98】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【99】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【100】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【101】OFF CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【103】OFFDOUT【104】OFF JIG CLAMP OPEN REQUEST DOUT【105】OFFDOUT【106】OFF PART IN STATIONDOUT【107】OFFDOUT【108】OFFDOUT【113】OFF SEALING STARTDOUT【114】ON SEALING STOPDOUT【115】OFFDOUT【116】OFFDOUT【117】OFFDOUT【118】OFFDOUT【119】OFFDOUT【120】OFFDOUT【121】OFFDOUT【122】OFFDOUT【123】OFFDOUT【124】OFFDOUT【125】OFFDOUT【126】OFFDOUT【127】OFFDOUT【129】OFF SPARE DOUT【130】OFF SPARE DOUT【131】OFF CLAMP_3_ON DOUT【132】ON CLAMP_3_OFF DOUT【133】OFF CLAMP_2_ON DOUT【134】ON CLAMP_2_OFF DOUT【135】OFF CLAMP_1_ON DOUT【136】ON CLAMP_1_OFF DOUT【137】OFF SPARE DOUT【138】OFF SPARE DOUT【139】OFF _DOUT【140】OFF _DOUT【141】OFF _DOUT【142】OFF _DOUT【143】OFF _DOUT【144】OFF _GIN【1】 1 Style No.GOUT【1】0UI【1】ON *IMSTPUI【2】ON *HoldUI【3】ON *SFSPDUI【5】OFF Fault resetUI【6】OFF StartUI【7】OFF HomeUI【8】ON EnableUI【9】OFF RSR1/PNS1 UI【10】OFF RSR2/PNS2 UI【11】OFF RSR3/PNS3 UI【12】OFF RSR4/PNS4 UI【13】OFF RSR5/PNS5 UI【14】OFF RSR6/PNS6 UI【15】OFF RSR7/PNS7 UI【16】OFF RSR8/PNS8 UI【17】OFF PNS strobe UI【18】OFF Prod start UO【1】ON Cmd enabled UO【2】ON System ready UO【3】OFF Prg running UO【4】OFF Prg paused UO【5】OFF Motion held UO【6】OFF FaultUO【7】ON At perchUO【9】OFF Batt alarmUO【10】OFF BusyUO【11】OFF ACK1/SNO1UO【12】OFF ACK2/SNO2UO【13】OFF ACK3/SNO3UO【14】OFF ACK4/SNO4UO【15】OFF ACK5/SNO5UO【16】OFF ACK6/SNO6UO【17】OFF ACK7/SNO7UO【18】OFF ACK8/SNO8UO【19】OFF SNACKUO【20】OFF ReservedSI【1】OFF Fault resetSI【2】ON RemoteSI【3】ON HoldSI【4】OFF User PB#1SI【5】OFF User PB#2SI【6】OFF Cycle startSI【7】OFFSI【8】ON CE/CRselectb0 SI【9】ON CE/CRselectb1SI【11】OFFSI【12】OFFSI【13】OFFSI【14】OFFSI【15】OFFSI【16】ONSO【1】OFF Cycle start SO【2】OFF HoldSO【3】OFF Fault LED SO【4】OFF Batt alarm SO【5】OFF User LED#1 SO【6】ON User LED#2 SO【7】OFF TP enabled SO【8】OFFSO【9】OFFSO【10】OFFSO【11】OFFSO【12】OFFSO【13】OFFSO【14】OFFSO【15】OFFUI【1】ON *IMSTPUI【2】ON *HoldUI【3】ON *SFSPDUI【4】OFF Cycle stopUI【5】OFF Fault resetUI【6】OFF StartUI【7】OFF HomeUI【8】ON EnableUI【9】OFF RSR1/PNS1 UI【10】OFF RSR2/PNS2 UI【11】OFF RSR3/PNS3 UI【12】OFF RSR4/PNS4 UI【13】OFF RSR5/PNS5 UI【14】OFF RSR6/PNS6 UI【15】OFF RSR7/PNS7 UI【16】OFF RSR8/PNS8 UI【17】OFF PNS strobe UI【18】OFF Prod start UO【1】ON Cmd enabled UO【2】ON System ready UO【3】OFF Prg runningUO【4】OFF Prg paused UO【5】OFF Motion held UO【6】OFF FaultUO【7】ON At perchUO【8】OFF TP enabled UO【9】OFF Batt alarm UO【10】OFF BusyUO【11】OFF ACK1/SNO1 UO【12】OFF ACK2/SNO2 UO【13】OFF ACK3/SNO3 UO【14】OFF ACK4/SNO4 UO【15】OFF ACK5/SNO5 UO【16】OFF ACK6/SNO6 UO【17】OFF ACK7/SNO7 UO【18】OFF ACK8/SNO8 UO【19】OFF SNACKUO【20】OFF ReservedRI【1】OFFRI【2】OFFRI【3】OFFRI【4】OFFRI【5】OFFRI【6】OFFRI【7】OFFRI【8】OFFRO【1】OFFRO【2】OFFRO【3】OFFRO【4】OFFRO【5】OFFRO【6】OFFRO【7】OFFRO【8】OFF</PRE><H2><A NAME="5">I/O Configuration Information</A></H2> <PRE><A HREF="#TOP">【TOP】</A><P>IO CONFIGURATION::DIN【5】UPPER TIP RESETDIN【6】LOWER TIP RESETDIN【7】TEST RUNDIN【8】TIP CHANGE COMPLETEDIN 1 - 8 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 19DIN【11】DRESS_1 COMPLETEDIN【12】DRESS_2 COMPLETEDIN【13】DRESS_1 ADV.LSDIN【14】DRESS_2 ADV.LSDIN【15】DRESS_1 RET.LSDIN【16】DRESS_2 RET.LSDIN 9 - 16 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 27 DIN【19】TC1 5STEP 1DIN【20】TC1 5STEP 2DIN【21】TC1 5STEP 3DIN【22】TC1 5STEP 4DIN【23】TC2 5STEP 1DIN【24】TC2 5STEP 2DIN 17 - 24 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 35 DIN【25】TC2 5STEP 3DIN【26】TC2 5STEP 4DIN【27】POP WELD COMPLETEDIN【31】GUN COVER OPENDIN【32】GUN COVER CLOSE LSDIN 25 - 32 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 43 DIN【33】HAND COVER OPENDIN【34】HAND COVER CLOSEDIN【35】AHC COVER-3 OPEN LSDIN【36】AHC COVER-3 CLOSE LSDIN【37】AHC COVER-4 OPEN LSDIN【38】AHC COVER-4 CLOSE LSDIN【39】GUN1 2ND ST OPEN LSDIN【40】GUN2 2ND ST OPEN LSDIN 33 - 40 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 51 DIN【41】CHUCK OPEN CONFIRMDIN【42】CHUCK CLOSE CONFIRMDIN【43】AHC FACEDIN【47】ROBOT 2ND STARTDIN 41 - 48 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 59 DIN【49】WELD COMPLETEDIN【55】STYLE1DIN【56】STYLE2DIN 49 - 56 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 67 DIN【57】STYLE4DIN【58】STYLE8DIN【59】STYLE16DIN【60】STYLE32DIN【61】STYLE64DIN【62】STYLE128DIN【63】GUN1 STEADDIN【64】HAND STEADDIN 57 - 64 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 75 DIN【65】TOOL STEAD 3DIN【66】TOOL STEAD 4DIN【71】Jig Non-int.DIN【72】Shuttle Nnn-int.DIN 65 - 72 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 83 DIN【74】Weld Enable 1DIN【75】Weld Enable 2DIN【76】Robot_G Weld Comp.1DIN【79】Pick Up Ok FeederDIN 73 - 80 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 91 DIN【81】Hand Jig Conf.DIN【82】Hand Rock Adv CompDIN【83】Jig Cover Close Comp.DIN【84】Hand Rock Ret Comp.DIN【85】Jig Cover Open Comp.DIN【86】Robct_G I/L1DIN【87】Robot_G I/L2DIN 81 - 88 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 99 DIN【94】Sealer HoldDIN 89 - 96 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 107DIN【101】DIN【104】DIN 97 - 104 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 115 DIN【106】PART IN STATION CONFIRMDIN【107】ROBOT AWAY FROM STATIONDIN【109】GUN IN STATIONDIN【110】HANDKING IN STATIONDIN 105 - 110 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 123 DIN【113】SEALING MATERIAL OKDIN【114】SEALING MATERIAL LACKINGDIN【116】HEATING NOT OKDIN 113 - 120 RACK: 82 SLOT: 6 PORT: 1 DIN 121 - 128 RACK: 82 SLOT: 6 PORT: 9 DIN【129】Clamp 1 openDIN【130】Clamp 1 closedDIN【131】Clamp 2 openDIN【132】Clamp 2 closedDIN【133】Clamp 3 openDIN【134】Clamp 3 closedDIN【135】Clamp 4 openDIN【136】Clamp 4 closedDIN 129 - 136 RACK: 82 SLOT: 4 PORT: 1DIN【137】Clamp 5 openDIN【138】Clamp 5 closedDIN【139】Clamp 6 openDIN【140】Clamp 6 closedDIN【141】_DIN【142】_DIN【143】_DIN【144】_DIN 137 - 144 RACK: 82 SLOT: 4 PORT: 9 DIN【145】Part present 1DIN【146】Part present 2DIN【149】2-1-ONDIN【150】2-1-OFFDIN【151】2-2-ONDIN【152】2-2-OFFDIN 145 - 152 RACK: 82 SLOT: 5 PORT: 1 DIN【153】2-3-OFFDIN【154】2-4-OFFDIN【157】3-1-OFFDIN【158】3-1-ONDIN【159】3-2-OFFDIN【160】3-2-ONDIN 153 - 160 RACK: 82 SLOT: 5 PORT: 9 DOUT【1】ROBOT USER ALARMDOUT【2】STYLE VAERITY FAULTDOUT【5】GUN COVER OPENDOUT【6】GUN COVER CLOSEDOUT【7】HAND COVER OPENDOUT【8】HAND COVER CLOSEDOUT 1 - 8 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 21 DOUT【9】AHC COVER-3 OPENDOUT【10】AHC COVER-3 CLOSEDOUT【11】AHC COVER-4 OPENDOUT【12】AHC COVER-4 CLOSEDOUT【14】TIP WEAR OVER MOVEDOUT【15】TIP WEAR OVER FIXDOUT【16】TIP CHANGE POSITIONDOUT 9 - 16 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 29 DOUT【17】TC1 GUN FAULT CHECKDOUT【18】TC1 OFF_SET MEASURINGDOUT 17 - 24 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 37 DOUT【29】DRESSOR-1 STARTDOUT【30】DRESSOR-2 STARTDOUT【31】DRESSOR SHIFT1 ADV.SERVODOUT【32】DRESSOR SHIFT2 ADV.SERVODOUT 25 - 32 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 45 DOUT【33】POP START1DOUT【34】POP START2DOUT【35】POP START3DOUT【36】POP START4DOUT【37】POP WELD CONDITION 1DOUT【38】POP WELD CONDITION 2DOUT【39】POP WELD CONDITION 4DOUT【40】POP WELD CONDITION 8DOUT 33 - 40 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 53 DOUT【41】POP WELD CONDITION 16DOUT【42】POP WELD CONDITION 32DOUT【43】POP SWING ADV.DOUT【45】WORK COMPLETEDOUT【46】Shuttle Run EnableDOUT【47】2nd Work Comp.DOUT【48】GUN1 PRESSDOUT 41 - 48 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 61 DOUT【51】UNCHUCK POSITIONDOUT【52】AHC FaceDOUT【53】CHUCK OPENDOUT【55】Sealer FaultDOUT【56】Sealer EM.StopDOUT 49 - 56 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 69 DOUT【57】Sealer LowDOUT【58】SEAL AIR PRESSDOUT【61】WELD CONDITION 1DOUT【62】WELD CONDITION 2DOUT【63】WELD CONDITION 4DOUT【64】WELD CONDITION 8DOUT 57 - 64 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 77 DOUT【65】WELD CONDITION16DOUT【66】WELD CONDITION32DOUT【67】WELD CONDITION64DOUT【68】WELD CONDITION128DOUT【69】Jig Non-int.DOUT【70】Shuttle Non-int.DOUT【71】Tip Change Run.DOUT【72】Tip Dress Run.DOUT 65 - 72 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 85 DOUT【77】Fdr. Non-int.DOUT【78】Fdr. unload comp.DOUT 73 - 80 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 93 DOUT【81】Jig Cover CloseDOUT【82】Jig Hand UnclampDOUT【83】Jig Cover OpenDOUT【84】Robot_G I/L1DOUT【85】Robot_G I/L2DOUT 81 - 88 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 101 DOUT【90】SEALING MATERIAL LACKINGDOUT【91】SEALING HEATING NOT OKDOUT【92】SEALING GUN OPENDOUT【94】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【95】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【96】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT 89 - 96 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 109 DOUT【97】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【98】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【99】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【100】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【101】CC-LINK STATUSDOUT【103】DOUT【104】JIG CLAMP OPEN REQUESTDOUT 97 - 104 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 117 DOUT【106】PART IN STATIONDOUT 105 - 108 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 125 DOUT【113】SEALING STARTDOUT【114】SEALING STOPDOUT 113 - 120 RACK: 82 SLOT: 6 PORT: 1 DOUT 121 - 128 RACK: 82 SLOT: 6 PORT: 9 DOUT【129】SPAREDOUT【130】SPAREDOUT【131】CLAMP_3_ONDOUT【132】CLAMP_3_OFFDOUT【133】CLAMP_2_ONDOUT【134】CLAMP_2_OFFDOUT【135】CLAMP_1_ONDOUT【136】CLAMP_1_OFFDOUT 129 - 136 RACK: 82 SLOT: 4 PORT: 1 DOUT【137】SPAREDOUT【138】SPAREDOUT【139】_DOUT【140】_DOUT【141】_DOUT【142】_DOUT【143】_DOUT【144】_DOUT 137 - 144 RACK: 82 SLOT: 4 PORT: 9GIN【1】Style No.GIN 1 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 73 #NUM: 8 GOUT 1 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 81 #NUM: 6 UI【1】*IMSTPUI【2】*HoldUI【3】*SFSPDUI【4】Cycle stopUI【5】Fault resetUI【6】StartUI【7】HomeUI【8】EnableUI 1 - 8 RACK: 81 SLOT: 15 PORT: 1UI【9】RSR1/PNS1UI【10】RSR2/PNS2UI【11】RSR3/PNS3UI【12】RSR4/PNS4UI【13】RSR5/PNS5UI【14】RSR6/PNS6UI【15】RSR7/PNS7。
TM-U950 User's Manual
TM-U950User’s Manual / Bedienungsanleitung Gebruikershandleiding / Manuel d’utilisation Manual do utilizador / Manual del usuarioManuale dell’utente401406102Printer PartsDIP Switch Tables34Serial interfaceSW FunctionON OFF 1-1Data word length 7 bits 8 bits 1-2ParityEnabled Disabled 1-3Parity selectionEvenOdd1-4 ~ 1-5Transmission speed (see table below)1-6Display module connection ConnectedNotconnected 1-7Data receive error IgnoredPrints “?”1-8HandshakingXON/XOFFDTR/DSRTransmission speedSpeed 1-41-51200ON ON 2400OFF ON 4800ON OFF 9600OFF OFFSW Function ON OFF 2-1Auto line feed Always enabled Always disabled 2-2Receive buffer32 bytes2048 bytes2-3Font selection (default)9 × 97 × 92-4Carriage speed default Low High 2-5Handshaking (BUSY)Receive buffer full Offline or receive buffer full 2-6Internal use Fixed —2-7I/F pin 6 reset Enabled Disabled 2-8I/F pin 25 resetEnabledDisabledParallel interfaceSWFunctionON OFF 1-1 ~ 1-5Undefined ——1-6Internal use—Fixed 1-7 ~ 1-8Undefined ——SW Function ON OFF 2-1Auto line feed Always enabled Always disabled 2-2Receive buffer32 bytes2048 bytes2-3Font selection (default)9 × 97 × 92-4Carriage speed default Low High 2-5Handshaking (BUSY)Receive buffer full Offline or receive buffer full 2-6Internal use Fixed —2-7Undefined ——2-8Internal useFixed—All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Seiko Epson Corporation. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, Seiko Epson Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.Neither Seiko Epson Corporation nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation’s operating and maintenance instructions.Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be liable against any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original Epson Products or Epson Approved Products by Seiko Epson Corporation.EPSON and ESC/POS are registered trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. NOTICE: The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.Copyright © 1995, 1998, 2001 by Seiko Epson Corporation, Nagano, Japan.EMC and Safety Standards AppliedProduct Name: TM-U950/U950PModel Name: M62UA/M114AThe following standards are applied only to the printers that are so labeled. (EMC is tested using the Epson power supplies.)Europe:CE markingSafety:EN 60950North America:EMI:FCC/ICES-003 Class ASafety:UL 1950/CSA C22.2 No. 950 Japan:EMC:VCCI Class AOceania: EMC:AS/NZS3548WARNINGThe connection of a non-shielded printer interface cable to this printer will invalidate the EMC standards of this device. You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by SEIKO EPSON Corporation could void your authority to operate the equipment. CE MarkingThe printer conforms to the following Directives and Norms:Directive 89/336/EEC EN 55022 Class BEN 55024IEC 61000-4-2IEC 61000-4-3IEC 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61000-4-11 Directive 90/384/EEC EN 45501FCC Compliance Statement For American UsersThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.For Canadian UsersThis Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Safety PrecautionsThis section presents important information intended to ensuresafe and effective use of this product. Please read this sectioncarefully and store it in an accessible location.TM-U950 User’s Manual 12 TM-U950 User’s ManualWARNING:Shut down your equipment immediately if it produces smoke, a strange odor, or unusual noise. Continued use may lead to fire. Immediately unplug the equipment and contact your dealer or a SEIKO EPSON service center for advice.Never attempt to repair this product yourself. Improper repair work can be dangerous.Never disassemble or modify this product. Tampering with this product may result in injury or fire.Be sure to use the specified power source. Connection to an improper power source may cause fire.Do not allow foreign matter to fall into the equipment. Penetration by foreign objects may lead to fire.If water or other liquid spills into this equipment, unplug the power cord immediately, and then contact your dealer or a SEIKO EPSON service center for advice. Continued usage may lead to fire.CAUTION:Do not connect cables in ways other than those mentioned in this manual. Different connections may cause equipment damage and burning.Be sure to set this equipment on a firm, stable, horizontal surface. The product may break or cause injury if it falls.Do not use in locations subject to high humidity or dust levels. Excessive humidity and dust may cause equipment damage or fire.Do not place heavy objects on top of this product. Never stand or lean on this product. Equipment may fall or collapse, causing breakage and possible injury.To ensure safety, unplug this product before leaving it unused for an extended period.Do not use aerosol sprayers containing flammable gas inside or around this product. Doing so may cause fire.Caution LabelsWARNING:Do not connect a telephone line to the drawer kick-out connector or the display module connector; otherwise, the printer and the telephone line may be damaged.CAUTION:The print head is hot.UnpackingThe following items are included with the standard specification printer. If any item is damaged, contact your dealer.❏Printer❏Paper rolls (2)❏Ribbon cassette❏Power switch cover❏Take-up spool❏Caution label❏Hexagonal lock screws (2) (only for the serial interface) Downloading Drivers, Utilities, and ManualsDrivers, utilities, and manuals can be downloaded from one of the following URLs.For customers in North America, go to the following web site:/ and follow the on-screeninstructions.For customers in other countries, go to the following web site:/Select the product name from the ‘Select any product‘ pulldownmenu.Control PanelRECEIPT FEED buttonPress to feed receipt paper; hold down to feed continuously. JOURNAL/SLIP FEED buttonIn roll paper mode, feeds the journal roll. In slip mode (when the SLIP LED is on or flashing and slip paper is inserted), feeds slippaper.POWER LEDOn when the printer is on.ERROR LEDIndicates an error.RECEIPT OUT LEDIndicates a receipt paper near end or out.TM-U950 User’s Manual 34 TM-U950 User’s ManualJOURNAL OUT LEDIndicates a journal roll paper near end or out.SLIP LEDIndicates slip mode. Flashes while waiting for a slip to be inserted or removed.Removing the Transportation DamperThe printer is protected duringshipping by a transportation damper that you must remove before turning on the printer.Pull the damper out, as shown in illustration 1.Note:Before shipping the printer, reinstall the transportation damper.Using the Power Switch CoverWARNING:If an accident occurs with the power switch cover attached, unplug the power cord immediately. Continued use may cause fire.The enclosed power switch cover ensures that the power switch is not pressed accidentally. To use this cover, install it as shown in illustration 2.Installing the Paper RollsNote:Use only paper rolls that meet the specifications.TM-U950 User’s Manual 51.Make sure the leading edge ofthe paper is straight.2.Turn on the printer and openthe printer cover.3.Insert paper rolls on both thereceipt and journal sides of the printer, as shown inillustration 3. (The journal roll is on the right in this illustration.)4.For each roll, insert the tip of thepaper into the paper inlet and push it in until it is automatically detected and fed into the printer. See illustration 4.5.Tear off the receipt paper on thecutter. If the paper was not fed far enough, press the RECEIPT FEED button to feed additional paper.6.Insert the tip of the journal paperinto the groove in the take-up spool and rotate the spool two or three times to secure the paper. See illustration 5. If not enough paperwas fed, press JOURNAL/SLIP FEEDto feed more.7.Install the take-up spool and close theprinter cover.8.To remove the journal paper roll, firstThen remove the take-up spool. See illustration press the release lever (marked PRESS ) on the appropriate side of the the roll.Inserting Slip PaperNotes:Do not use wrinkled, folded, or curled paper.Use only slip paper that matches the printer’s specifications.To prevent paper jams, install both paper rolls in the printer even if you plan to print only on slip paper.1.When the SLIP LED flashes,guide. See illustration and begins printing.CAUTION:Be sure to put the caution label exactly in the position shown. If you put it another place, such as over the slip paper inlet, the printer may bedamaged.Installing a RibbonUse the EPSON ERC-31. The use of any ribbon cassettes other than those approved by EPSON may damage the printer and will void the warranty.1.Turn the printer on and open the ribbon cover.2.take up any slack.3.ribbon in the correct position.4.the print head without wrinkles or creases.5.To remove the ribbon cassette, grasp the ribbon cassette’s taband pull it out of the printer.Using the MICR Reader (Option)The optional, factory-installed magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) reader lets the printer read MICR ink on personal checks.6 TM-U950 User’s ManualTM-U950 User’s Manual 7CAUTION:To prevent paper jams, be sure both paper rolls are installed.Do not insert checks with staples in them; do not insert wrinkled checks.1.The SLIP light flashes.2.Insert the check face down, with theMICR characters on the right-hand side.3.Insert the check straight into the inlet,using the right edge of the inlet as a guide, as far as the check will go. See illustration 9.4.The printer starts drawing the checkin. Let go of the check immediately. The SLIP LED goes from blinking to on.5.When MICR reading is complete, the printer ejects the checkand the SLIP LED starts blinking again.6.Remove the check by pulling it straight out (not at an angle).The SLIP LED goes off.Cleaning the Optional MICR MechanismClean the MICR head and MICR roller every 6000 passes or once a month. Note:If you encounter frequent MICR reading errors, use the procedure below.For the MICR headUse a moistened cleaning sheet, such as PRESAT brand (KIC) “Check Reader Cleaning Card” or an equivalent commercially available cleaning sheet. For the MICR feed rollerUse an adhesive cleaning sheet available from EPSON. Contact your dealer.Cleaning procedureUse this procedure for both cleaning sheets.1.Load both paper rolls into the printer; then turn off the power.2.Open the front cover and turn the power back on while holdingdown the JOURNAL/SLIPbutton.8 TM-U950 User’s Manual3.Press the JOURNAL/SLIP button 3 times.4.Close the front cover (the SLIP LED flashes).5.Follow the instructions on the cleaning sheet. You will insertthe cleaning sheet the same way you insert a normal check.6.When the sheet is ejected, remove it from the printer; then turnoff the power.TroubleshootingLEDs on the control panel do not come onCheck the power cable and power outlet. If the outlet is controlled by a switch or timer, use another outlet.ERROR LED is on (not flashing) with no printingIf RECEIPT OUT or JOURNAL OUT is on , a paper roll is not installed or nearly out. If these LEDs are off , the cover is not closed properly.ERROR LED is flashing with no printing (and no paper jam)The print head may be overheated. Printing resumes after the print head cools. If this does not occur, turn the printer off for 10 seconds and then back on. If there is still a problem, contact a qualified servicer.The printer appears to be printing, but nothing is printedCheck ribbon installation and ribbon wear.A line of dots is missingThe print head may be damaged. Stop printing and contact a qualified servicer.Removing Jammed PaperCAUTION:Do not touch the print head because it can be very hot after printing.1.Turn the printer off and open the printer cover.TM-U950 User’s Manual 92.For a journal roll paper jam, cut with scissors or a knife, as shown in illustration 10, and remove the take-up spool.3.Cut the paper from the paper rolls as shown in illustration 11.4.If paper is caught in the automatic cutter, open the cutter blade by turning the gear in the direction shown in illustration 12.5.Move the OPEN ↔ LOCK lever on each side of the printer in the direction shown in illustration 13; the cutter opens automatically.6.Pull the paper out gently. If it tears, remove any pieces.7.If necessary, remove the print head cover. Loosen the screw on the right as shown in illustration 14. (Replace it by sliding the tab in the slot, and fasten the screw.)8.After clearing all paper, close and lock the cutter unit (lock both locks), andreinstall the paper rolls.TM-U950 SpecificationsPrinting method Serial impact dot matrixHead wire configuration9-pin vertical line, wire pitch 0.353 mm {1/72"}, 0.29 mm {0.01"} wirediameterPrinting direction Bidirectional, minimum distance printingPrinting width Roll paper: 61.1 mm {2.41"}; slip paper: 135.6 mm {5.34"}Characters per line (default)9 × 9: roll paper = 30; slip paper = 66 7 × 9: roll paper = 40; slip paper = 88Character spacing(default)9 × 9: 3 dots (half dots); 7 × 9: 2 dots (half dots)Print speed High-speed —9 × 9: 233 characters/second7 × 9: 311 characters/secondLow-speed —9 × 9: 200 characters/second7 × 9: 267 characters/secondPaper feed speed Approx. 60.3 ms/line (4.23 mm {1/6"} feed);Approx. 86.36 mm/second {3.4"/second} continuous feed Line spacing (default) 4.23 mm {1/6"}Number of characters Alphanumeric characters: 95; International characters: 32Extended graphics: 128 × 9 pages (including space pages) Character structure9 × 9 or 7 × 9Paper roll (single-ply)Size:Width: 69.5 ± 0.5 mm {2.74 ± 0.02"}Maximum outside diameter: 83 mm {3.27"}Paper roll spool inside diameter: 10 mm {0.39"} or more Slip paper Normal, carbon-copy, and pressure-sensitiveNumber of copies for slip Original + 4 (at 20 to 40°C {68 to 104°F})Original + 1 to 3 copies (at 5 to 40°C {41 to 104°F})Total slip thickness0.09 to 0.36 mm {0.0035 to 0.0141"}Ribbon cassette ERC-31Buffer size32 bytes or 2KB, depending on the DIP switch settingSupply voltage+24 VDC ± 10%Current consumption (at 24V)Printing receipt and journal paper (40 columns):Mean: Approx. 1.8A (alphanumeric characters)Peak: Approximately 8.0AFeeding slip paper to the print start position or MICR reading: Mean: Approx. 2.3A for approx. 1.4 secondsLife Mechanism:7,500,000 linesPrint head:150 million charactersRibbon:4,500,000 charactersMICR:240,000 passesMTBF180,000 hoursMCBF18,000,000 linesTemperature Operating: 5 to 40°C {41 to 104°F}Storage:–10 to 50°C {14 to 122°F}, except for ribbon Humidity Operating:30 to 80% RHStorage:30 to 90% RHOverall dimensions194.5 × 251 × 298 mm {7.7× 9.9× 11.7"}(H × W × D)Weight (mass)Approximately 5.6 kg {12.3 lb}10 TM-U950 User’s Manual。
HP laserjet P2030系列打印机 说明书
HP LaserJet P2030 系列打印机用户指南版权与许可© 2008 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
HP 产品及服务的保修仅以随该产品及服务提供的书面保修声明为准。
对任何技术或编辑错误或者本文所述内容的遗漏,HP 不承担任何责任。
部件号: CE461-90937Edition 1, 10/2008商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat®和 PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Intel® Core™ 是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其它国家/地区的商标。
Microsoft®、Windows® 和 Windows® XP是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
Windows Vista™ 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其它国家/地区的注册商标或商标。
UNIX®是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
目录1 产品基本信息产品比较 (2)HP LaserJet P2030 系列型号 (2)产品功能 (3)产品概览 (4)前视图 (4)后视图 (4)接口端口 (5)型号和序列号标签位置 (5)2 控制面板3 Windows 软件支持的 Windows 操作系统 (10)支持的 Windows 打印机驱动程序 (11)打印设置优先级 (12)更改 Windows 打印机驱动程序设置 (13)删除 Windows 软件 (14)支持的 Windows 实用程序 (15)状态警报软件 (15)Windows 支持的网络实用程序 (16)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (16)用于其它操作系统的软件 (17)4 在 Macintosh 上使用产品用于 Macintosh 的软件 (20)支持的 Macintosh 操作系统 (20)更改 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序设置 (20)用于 Macintosh 计算机的软件 (20)HP Printer Utility (20)打开 HP Printer Utility (20)支持的 Macintosh 实用程序 (21)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (21)ZHCN iii使用 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序中的功能 (22)打印 (22)在 Macintosh 中创建和使用打印预置 (22)调整文档大小或在自定义纸张尺寸上打印 (22)打印封面 (22)使用水印 (23)在 Macintosh 中在一张纸上打印多个页面 (23)在页面两面打印(双面打印) (24)使用维修菜单 (24)5 连接方式USB 和并行连接 (26)网络配置 (27)支持的网络协议 (27)在网络上安装产品 (28)配置网络产品 (28)查看或更改网络设置 (28)设置或更改网络密码 (28)IP 地址 (29)链接速度设置 (29)6 纸张与打印介质了解纸张和打印介质的使用 (32)支持的纸张和打印介质尺寸 (33)自定义纸张尺寸 (35)支持的纸张和打印介质类型 (36)纸盘和纸槽容量 (37)特殊纸张或打印介质规格 (38)装入纸盘 (39)装入纸盘的纸张方向 (39)纸盘 1 (39)纸盘 2 (40)装入 A6 尺寸纸张 (40)手动送纸 (41)配置纸盘 (42)使用纸张输出选件 (43)打印到顶部(标准)出纸槽 (43)打印到直通送纸道(后出纸槽) (43)7 使用产品功能EconoMode (46)安静模式 (47)iv ZHCN8 打印任务取消打印作业 (50)从控制面板停止当前打印作业 (50)使用软件程序停止当前打印作业 (50)使用 Windows 打印机驱动程序中的功能 (51)打开打印机驱动程序 (51)使用快速设置 (51)设置纸张和质量选项 (51)设置文档效果 (51)设置文档完成选项 (52)获取支持和产品状态信息 (53)设置高级打印选项 (53)9 管理和维护产品打印信息页 (56)演示页 (56)配置页 (56)耗材状态页 (56)管理网络产品 (57)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (57)打开内嵌式 Web 服务器 (57)信息选项卡 (57)Settings(设置)选项卡 (57)Networking(联网)选项卡 (58)Links(链接) (58)保护内嵌式 Web 服务器安全 (58)锁定产品 (59)管理耗材 (60)耗材寿命 (60)管理打印碳粉盒 (60)打印碳粉盒存放 (60)使用原装 HP 打印碳粉盒 (60)HP 对非 HP 打印碳粉盒的策略 (60)打印碳粉盒鉴别 (60)HP 打假热线和网站 (60)更换耗材和部件 (61)耗材更换准则 (61)重新分布碳粉 (61)更换打印碳粉盒 (62)清洁产品 (64)清洁打印碳粉盒区域 (64)清洁纸张通路 (65)清洁纸盘 1 的拾纸轮 (66)ZHCN v清洁纸盘 2 的拾纸轮 (70)10 解决问题解决一般问题 (74)故障排除检查清单 (74)影响产品性能的因素 (75)恢复工厂设置 (76)状态指示灯模式 (77)状态警报消息 (83)卡纸 (85)卡纸常见原因 (85)卡塞位置 (85)清除卡纸 (86)内部区域 (86)打印碳粉盒区域和送纸道 (86)进纸盘 (88)纸盘 1 (88)纸盘 2 (89)出纸槽 (91)解决打印质量问题 (93)与纸张有关的打印质量问题 (93)与环境有关的打印质量问题 (93)与卡纸有关的打印质量问题 (93)调整打印浓度 (93)图像缺陷示例 (94)颜色浅淡 (94)碳粉斑点 (94)丢字 (94)垂直线 (95)灰色背景 (95)碳粉污迹 (95)松散的碳粉 (95)垂直重复的缺陷 (96)字符变形 (96)页面歪斜 (96)卷曲或波形 (96)起皱或折痕 (97)字符轮廓边缘的碳粉分散 (97)解决性能问题 (98)解决连接问题 (99)解决直接连接问题 (99)解决网络问题 (99)解决常见的 Windows 问题 (101)vi ZHCN解决常见的 Macintosh 问题 (102)解决 Linux 问题 (104)附录 A 耗材和附件订购部件、附件和耗材 (106)直接从 HP 订购 (106)通过服务或支持提供商订购 (106)产品号 (107)打印碳粉盒 (107)电缆和接口 (107)附录 B 服务与支持Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (110)打印碳粉盒有限保修声明 (111)最终用户许可协议 (112)客户自助维修保修服务 (114)客户支持 (115)HP 维护协议 (116)现场服务协议 (116)次日现场服务 (116)每周(批量)现场服务 (116)重新包装产品 (116)延长保修期 (116)附录 C 规格物理规格 (118)功耗和噪声发射 (119)操作环境 (120)附录 D 规范信息FCC 规则 (122)环境产品管理计划 (123)保护环境 (123)产生臭氧 (123)能耗 (123)碳粉消耗 (123)纸张使用 (123)塑料 (123)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (123)返回和回收说明 (123)美国和波多黎各 (123)多个返回(一个以上的碳粉盒) (124)单个返回 (124)ZHCN vii货运 (124)美国以外国家/地区的返回 (124)纸张 (124)材料限制 (124)欧盟用户丢弃私人废弃设备的规定 (124)材料安全数据表 (MSDS) (125)更多信息 (125)一致性声明 (126)一致性声明 (126)安全声明 (127)激光安全 (127)加拿大 DOC 规则 (127)VCCI 声明(日本) (127)电源线声明(日本) (127)EMI 声明(韩国) (127)芬兰激光声明 (127)有毒有害物质表(中国) (128)索引 (129)viii ZHCN1产品基本信息●产品比较●产品功能●产品概览ZHCN1HP LaserJet P2030 系列型号HP LaserJet P2035 打印机CE461AHP LaserJet P2035n 打印机CE462A●在 Letter 尺寸纸张上每分钟最多可打印 30 页 (ppm),在 A4 尺寸纸张上最多为 30 ppm●包含 16 兆字节 (MB) 的随机存取内存 (RAM)●使用 HP 打印碳粉盒时,额定打印量最大为 1,000 页●纸盘 1 最多可以容纳 50 张纸●纸盘 2 最多可以容纳 250 张纸●125 页面朝下出纸槽●直通式出纸通道●高速 USB 2.0 端口●并行端口与 HP LaserJet P2035 型号功能相同,另外还有以下不同:●板上联网●无并行端口2第 1 章 产品基本信息ZHCN功能说明性能●266 MHz 处理器用户界面● 2 按钮,6 LED 控制面板●Windows® 和 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序●内嵌式 Web 服务器,可访问支持信息和订购耗材(仅适用于联网型号)打印机驱动程序●用于 Windows 和 Macintosh 的基于主机的打印机驱动程序,随产品 CD 提供●HP UPD PCL 5 打印机驱动程序,可从 Web 下载●XML 纸张规范 (XPS) 打印机驱动程序,可从 Web 下载分辨率●FastRes 1200 - 可提供 1200 点/英寸 (dpi) 的打印分辨率,可快速、高质量地打印商业文本和图形●600 dpi —提供最快打印速度字体●45 种内置可缩放字体●软件解决方案提供 80 种 TrueType 格式、与设备匹配的屏幕字体连接性●高速 USB 2.0 连接●并行连接(仅适用于 HP LaserJet P2035 打印机)●RJ.45 网络连接(仅适用于 HP LaserJet P2035n 打印机)耗材●耗材状态页包含碳粉量、页数和大约剩余页数方面的信息。
大学英语词汇100个英语单词篇一apartment[E5pa:tmEnt] n.一套公寓房间apologize[E5pRlEdVaIz] vi.道歉,谢罪,认错apology[E5pRlEdVI] n.道歉,认错,谢罪apparatus[,ApE5reItEs] n.器械,仪器;器官apparent[E5pArEnt] a.表面上的;明显的appeal[E5pi:l] vi.amp;n.呼吁;申述appear[E5pIE] vi.出现;来到;似乎appearance[E5pIErEns] n.出现,来到;外观appetite[5ApItaIt] n.食欲,胃口;欲望apple[5Apl] n.苹果,苹果树appliance[E5plaIEns] n.用具,器具,器械applicable[5AplIkEbl] a.能应用的;适当的application[AplI5keIFEn] n.请求,申请;施用apply[E5plaI] vt.应用,实施,使用appoint[E5pRInt] vt.任命,委任;约定appointment[E5pRIntmEnt] n.任命;约定,约会appreciate[E5pri:FIeIt] vt.欣赏;领会;感谢approach[E5prEJtF] vt.向…靠近n.靠近appropriate[E5prEJprIIt] a.适当的,恰当的approval[E5prJ:vEl] n.赞成,同意;批准approve[E5prJ:v] vt.赞成,称许;批准approximate[E5prRksImIt] a.近似的vt.近似April[5eIprEl] n.四月arbitrary[5a:bItrErI] a.随心所欲的;专断的architecture[5a:kItektFE] n.建筑学;建筑式样area[5ZErIE] n.面积;地区;领域argue[5a:gjJ:] vi.争论,争辩,辩论argument[5a:gjJ:mEnt] n.争论,辩论;理由arise[E5raIz] vi.出现;由…引起arithmetic[E5rIWmEtIk] n.算术,四则运算arm[a:m] n.臂;臂状物;武器army[5a:mI] n.军队;陆军around[E5raJnd] prep.在…周围arouse[E5raJz] vt.引起,唤起;唤醒arrange[E5reIndV] vt.筹备;整理;调解arrangement[E5reIndVmEnt] n.整理,排列;安排arrest[E5rest] vt.逮捕,拘留;阻止arrival[E5raIvEl] n.到达;到来;到达者arrive[E5raIv] vi.到达;来临;达到arrow[5ArEJ] n.箭;箭状物art[a:t] n.艺术,美术;技术article[5a:tIkl] n.文章;条款;物品artificial[a:tI5fIFEl] a.人工的;娇揉造作的artist[5a:tIst] n.艺术家,美术家artistic[a:5tIstIk] a.艺术的;艺术家的as[Az, Ez] conj.当…的时候ash[AF] n.灰,灰末;骨灰ashamed[E5FeImd] a.惭愧(的);羞耻(的)Asia[5eIFE] n.亚洲Asian[5eIFEn] a.亚洲的n.亚洲人aside[E5saId] ad.在旁边,到旁边ask[a:sk] vt.问;要求;邀请asleep[E5sli:p] a.睡着的,睡熟的aspect[5Aspekt] n.方面;样子,外表assemble[E5sembl] vt.集合,召集;装配assembly[E5semblI] n.集合;集会;装配assess[E5ses] vt.对(财产等)估价assign[E5saIn] vt.指派;分配;指定assignment[E5saInmEnt] n.任务,指定的作业assist[E5sIst] vt.援助,帮助;搀扶assistant[E5sIstEnt] n.助手,助理;助教assistance[E5sIstEns] n. 协助,援助associate[E5sEJFIeIt] vi.交往n.伙伴,同事association[EsEJsI5eIFEn] n.协会,团体;联合assume[E5sjJ:m] vt.假定;承担;呈现assure[E5FJE] vt.使确信;向…保证astonish[Es5tRnIF] vt.使惊讶,使吃惊astronaut[5AstFEJnR:t] n.宇宙航行员,宇航员at[At, Et] prep.在…里;在…时Atlantic[Et5lAntIk] a.大西洋的n.大西洋atmosphere[5AtmEsfIE] n.大气;空气;气氛atom[5AtEm] n.原子;微粒;微量atomic[E5tRmIk] a.原子的;原子能的attach[E5tAtF] vt.缚,系,贴;附加英语单词归纳篇二cipher n. 暗号;密码circuitous adj. 迂回的circular adj. 圆的;循环的circulate v. 循环;使循环;*circulation n. 循环circumference n. 圆周circumscribe v. 限制;划界限circumspect adj. 小心的;慎重的circumvent v. 欺诈,以计胜过cite v. 引用;举例civilian n. 平民;adj.平民的civility n. 彬彬有礼,斯文clamor n. 叫嚣clamp v. 夹clandestine adj. 秘密的clarify v. 阐明;澄清clean adv. 完全地cleanse v. 使清洁cleft n. 裂缝cliff n. 悬崖clause n. 条款;分句clergy n. 牧师climate n. 气候climax n. 高峰,顶点climactic adj.顶点的,高潮的clinch v. 揪住;钉牢cling v. 粘附clinic n. 门诊所clip n. 夹子,钳子v.夹住,修剪;clog v. 阻碍close adj. 亲密的;adv.紧密地最常用的基础英语单词篇三sensible a. 明理的,明智的sensitive a. 敏感的,灵敏的,易怒的sensitivity n. 敏感性,灵敏度sensor n. 传感器,敏感元件sentence n. 句子,宣判,判决;vt. 宣判,判决sentiment n. 伤感,感情,情绪separate vt. 使分开,区分,识别;vi. 分离,分居;a. 不同的,单独的,各自的,分隔的september n. 九月sequence n. 连续,系列,次序,顺序serial a. 连续的,一系列的`;n. 连载小说series n. 系列,序列serious a. 严重的,认真的,严肃的servant n. 仆人,雇员serve v. 服务,伺候,招待,适用,适合服役service n. 服务,公共事业,服役;vt. 维护,保养sesame n. 芝麻session n. 会期,一届会议,(某种活动)一段时间set vt. 放,置,校正,规定;vi.落下,固定,着手,从事;n. (一)套;a. 固定的,规定的settle vt. 处理,解决,安置,定居,结算;vi. 定居,下沉,沉演,平静,稳定settlement n. 解决,移民,定居,清偿,结算settler n. 移居者,开拓者seven num. 七seventeen num. 十七seventy num. 七十several a. 几个,若干severe a. 严重的,严厉的,激烈的,困难的sew v. 缝纫sex n. 性别,性sexual a. 性的,两性的,性别的英语单词归纳篇四1) quite 相当quiet 安静地2) affect v 影响,假装effect n 结果,影响3) adapt 适应adopt 采用adept 内行4) angel 天使angle 角度5) dairy 牛奶厂diary 日记6) contend 奋斗,斗争content 内容,满足的context 上下文contest 竞争,比赛7) principal 校长,主要的principle 原则8) implicit 含蓄的explicit 明白的9) dessert 甜食desert 沙漠v 放弃dissert 写论文10) pat 轻拍tap 轻打slap 掌击rap 敲,打11) decent 正经的descent n 向下,血统descend v 向下12) sweet 甜的sweat 汗水13) later 后来latter 后者latest 最近的lately adv 最近14) costume 服装custom 习惯15) extensive 广泛的intensive 深刻的16) aural 耳的oral 口头的17) abroad 国外aboard 上(船,飞机)18) altar 祭坛alter 改变19) assent 同意ascent 上升accent 口音20) champion 冠军champagne 香槟酒campaign 战役21) baron 男爵barren 不毛之地的barn 古仓22) beam 梁,光束bean 豆been have 过去式23) precede 领先proceed 进行,继续24) pray 祈祷prey 猎物25) chicken 鸡kitchen 厨房26) monkey 猴子donkey 驴27) chore 家务活chord 和弦cord 细绳28) cite 引用site 场所sight 视觉29) clash (金属)幢击声crash 碰幢,坠落crush 压坏30) pliment 赞美plement 附加物31) confirm 确认conform 使顺从32) contact 接触contract 合同contrast 对照33) council 议会counsel 忠告consul 领事34) crow 乌鸦crown 王冠clown 小丑cow 牛35) dose 一剂药doze 打盹36) drawn draw 过去分词drown 溺水37) emigrant 移民到国外immigrant 从某国来的移民38) excess n 超过exceed v超过excel 擅长39) hotel 旅店hostel 青年旅社40) latitude 纬度altitude 高度gratitude 感激41) immoral 不道德的immortal 不朽的42) lone 孤独的alone 单独的lonely 寂寞的43) mortal 会死的metal 金属mental 神经的medal 勋章model 模特meddle 玩弄44) scare 惊吓scarce 缺乏的45) drought 天旱draught 通风,拖拉draughts (英)国际跳棋47) assure 保证ensure 使确定insure 保险48) except 除外expect 期望accept 接受excerpt 选录exempt 免除49) floor 地板flour 面粉50) incident 事件accident 意外基础英语单词分类篇五一、学习用品pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil-case铅笔盒ruler尺子book书bag包newspaper报纸schoolbag书包eraser橡皮notebook笔记本Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book数学书dictionary词典二、人体foot脚head头face脸nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵hand手finger手指leg腿三、颜色red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑pink 粉红purple紫orange橙brown棕四、动物cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭rabbit兔horse马elephant大象fish鱼bird鸟snake蛇mouse老鼠kangaroo袋鼠monkey猴panda熊猫lion狮子tiger老虎fox狐狸sheep绵羊chicken鸡五、人物friend朋友boy男孩girl女孩mother母亲father父亲sister姐妹brother兄弟man 男人woman女人Ms先生Miss小姐mom妈妈dad爸爸grandma 祖母grandpa祖父baby婴儿kid小孩pen pal笔友people人物六、职业teacher教师student学生doctor医生nurse护士driver司机policeman(男)警察七、食品rice米饭bread面包milk牛奶water水egg蛋fish鱼cake蛋糕hot dog热狗hamburger 汉堡包cookie曲奇biscuit饼干noodles面条meat肉chicken鸡肉ice-cream冰淇淋Coke可乐juice果汁coffee咖啡breakfast早餐lunch午餐dinner晚餐sweets 糖果chocolate巧克力cheese奶酪sausages香肠chips薯条moon cake月饼八、水果、蔬菜apple苹果banana香蕉pear梨orange橙子watermelon西瓜potato土豆peach桃watermelon 西瓜coconut 椰子mango 芒果mandarin orange 橘九、衣服(clothes)jacket夹克衫shirt衬衫T-shirt T恤衫skirt短裙子dress连衣裙jeans牛仔裤pants长裤socks袜子shoes鞋子sweater毛衣coat上衣raincoat雨衣shorts短裤sneakers网球鞋slippers拖鞋sandals凉鞋boots靴子hat(有沿的)帽子cap便帽sunglasses太阳镜tie领带scarf围巾gloves手套十、交通工具(vehicles)bike自行车bus公共汽车train火车boat小船ship轮船yacht快艇car小汽车taxi出租车jeep吉普车van小货车;面包车plane飞机subway 地铁motor cycle摩托车十一、杂物(other things)window窗户door门desk课桌chair椅子bed床puter计算机board写字板fan风扇light灯teacher#39;s desk讲台picture图画;照片wall墙壁floor地板curtain窗帘trash bin垃圾箱closet壁橱mirror镜子end table床头柜football足球present礼物walkman随身听lamp台灯phone电话sofa沙发shelf书架fridge冰箱table桌子TV电视air-conditioner空调key钥匙lock锁photo照片chart图表plate盘子knife刀fork叉spoon勺子chopsticks筷子pot锅gift礼物toy玩具doll 洋娃娃ball球balloon气球kite风筝jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏box盒子umbrella伞zipper 拉链violin小提琴yo-yo溜溜球nest鸟窝hole洞tube管子toothbrush牙刷menu菜单e-card电子卡片e-mail电子邮件traffic light交通灯money钱medicine药十二、地点(locations)home家room房间bedroom卧室bathroom卫生间living room起居室kitchen厨房classroom教室school学校park公园library图书馆post office邮局hospital医院cinema电影院bookstore书店farm农场zoo动物园garden花园study书房playground操场canteen食堂teacher#39;s office教师办公室library图书馆gym体育馆washroom卫生间art room绘画教室puter room计算机教室music room音乐教室TV room电视机房flat公寓pany公司factory工厂fruit stand水果摊pet shop宠物商店nature park自然公园theme park主题公园science museum科学博物馆the Great Wall长城supermarket超市bank银行country 国家village乡村city城市十三、课程(classes)sports体育运动science科学Moral Education思想品德课Social Studies社会课十四、国家、城市(countriesamp;cities)China/PRC中国America/USA美国UK联合王国England英国Canada/CAN加拿大Australia澳大利亚New York纽约London伦敦Sydney悉尼Moscow莫斯科Cairo开罗十五、气象(weather)cold寒冷的warm温暖的cool凉爽的snowy下雪的sunny晴朗的hot炎热的rainy下雨的windy有风的cloudy多云的weather report天气预报十六、景物(nature)river河流lake湖泊stream河;溪forest森林path小道road公路house房子bridge桥building建筑物rain雨cloud云sun太阳mountain山sky天空rainbow彩虹wind风air空气十七、植物(plants)flower花grass草tree树seed种子sprout苗plant植物rose玫瑰leaf叶子十八、星期(week)Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期日weekend周末十九、月份(months)Jan.(January)一月Feb.(February)二月Mar.(March)三月April四月May五月June六月July七月Aug.(August)八月Sept.(September)九月Oct.(October)十月Nov.(November)十一月Dec.(December)十二月二十、季节(seasons)spring春summer夏fall秋winter冬二十一、方位(directions)south南north北east东west西left左边right右边二十二、患病(illness)have a fever发烧hurt疼痛have a cold感冒have a toothache牙疼have a headache头疼have a sore throat喉咙疼二十三、数词(numbers)one一two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十eleven 十一twelve十二thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen十五sixteen十六seventeen十七eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty二十thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十seventy 七十eighty八十ninety九十hundred百first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五eighth第八ninth第九twelfth第十二twentieth第二十二十四、形容词(adj.)big大的small小的long长的tall高的short短的;矮的young年轻的old旧的;老的strong健壮的thin瘦的active积极活跃的quiet安静的nice好看的kind和蔼亲切的strict严格的smart聪明的funny滑稽可笑的tasty好吃的sweet甜的salty咸的sour酸的fresh新鲜的favourite最喜爱的clean干净的tired疲劳的excited兴奋的angry生气的happy高兴的bored无聊的sad忧愁的taller更高的shorter更矮的stronger更强壮的older年龄更大的younger更年轻的bigger更大的heavier 更重的longer更长的thinner更瘦的smaller更小的good好的fine好的great很好的heavy 重的new新的fat胖的happy快乐的right对的hungry饥饿的cute逗人喜爱的little小的lovely可爱的` beautiful漂亮的colourful色彩鲜艳的pretty漂亮的cheap便宜的expensive昂贵的juicy多汁的tender 嫩的healthy健康的ill有病的helpful有帮助的high高的easy简单的proud骄傲的sick有病的better更好的higher更高的二十五、介词(prep.)in在……里on在……上;在……时候under在……下面near在……的旁边behind在……后边next to与……相邻over在……上面in front of在……前面二十六、代词(pron.)I我we我们you你;你们he他she她it它they他(她,它)们my我的our我们的your你的;你们的his他的her她的最常见的蔬菜的单词篇六tomato 番茄,西红柿asparagus 芦笋cucumber 黄瓜aubergine, eggplant 茄子bean 菜豆beet, beetroot 甜菜pepper 胡椒pimiento 甜椒potato 马铃薯carrot 胡萝卜cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜pumpkin 西葫芦broad bean 蚕豆cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜chilli 辣椒garlic 蒜chive 葱fennel 茴香cos lettuce 莴苣marrow 嫩葫芦melon 香瓜,甜瓜celery 芹菜onion 洋葱leek 韭菜radish 萝卜tarragon 狭叶青蒿thyme 百里香mushroom 蘑菇artichoke 洋蓟broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜cardoon 刺菜蓟chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹chick-pea 鹰嘴豆chicory 苣荬菜cress 水田芥cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗dandelion 蒲公英French bean 法国菜豆gherkin 嫩黄瓜horseradish 辣根Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜kale 无头甘蓝kohlrabi 甘蓝laurel 月桂lentil 兵豆lettuce 莴苣lupin 羽扇豆(美作:lupine)parsley 欧芹parsnip 欧防风pea 豌豆rhubarb 大黄salsify 婆罗门参sorrel 掌叶大黄truffle 块菌turnip 芜菁watercress 豆瓣菜leek 韭菜caraway/coriander 香菜spinach 菠菜cabbage 卷心菜chinese cabbage 白菜celery 芹菜cress 水芹cauliflower 菜花lettuce 生菜/莴笋mustard leaf 芥菜/芥末romaine 生菜shepherd#39;s purse 荠菜water shield 莼菜kale 甘蓝菜rape/cole 油菜mater convolvulus 空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜tarragon 蒿菜agar-agar 紫菜greens 青菜day-lily buds 黄花菜turnip 白萝卜carrot 胡萝卜summer radish 水萝卜potato 土豆tomato 番茄cucumber 黄瓜loofah 丝瓜pumpkin 南瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜white gourd 冬瓜string bean 四季豆pea 豌豆lentil/ hycacinth bean 扁豆soy 大豆marrow bean 菜豆mung bean 绿豆soybean 黄豆kidney bean 芸豆green soy bean 毛豆soybean sprout 黄豆芽mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽lotus root 莲藕garlic 蒜garlic sprout 蒜苗/苔green pepper 青椒hot pepper 辣椒marrow 西葫芦onion 洋葱scallion 葱chive 香葱sweet pepper 甜椒toon 香椿water chestnut 荸荠yam 山药lily 百合water caltrop 菱角lotus seed 莲子taro 芋头cabbage mustard 芥兰cane shoots 茭白ginger 姜dried ginger 干姜asparagus 芦笋bamboo sprout 竹笋winter bamboo shoots 冬笋mushroom 蘑菇edible fungus/agaric 木耳tremella 银耳black mushroom 冬菇champignon 香菇buton mushroom 草菇needle mushroom 金针菇asparagus 芦荟eggplant 茄子tender leaves of chinese toon 香椿fennel 茴香chinese chives 韭黄corn 玉米leek 韭菜caraway/coriander 香菜spinach 菠菜cabbage 卷心菜chinese cabbage 白菜celery 芹菜基础英语单词分类篇七一、国家(country)China中国America美国Australia澳大利亚Japan日本England英国Canada加拿大France法国二、国籍(nationality)Chinese中国人American美国人Australian澳大利亚人Japanese日本人English英国人Canadian加拿大French 法国人三、语言(language)Chinese汉语Japanese日语English英语French 法语四、科目(subject) Chinese语文maths 数学English 英语art 美术music音乐P.E. 体育history 历史science科学五、星期(week)Sunday 星期日Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六六、季节(season)spring 春天summer夏天autumn秋天winter冬天七、月份(month) January一月February 二月March三月April四月May五月June 六月July 七月August 八月September 九月October 十月November十一月December十二月八、节日(festival)Spring Festival 春节Dragon Boat Festival龙舟节Mid-autumn Festival中秋节New Year’s Day元旦National Day 国庆节Children’s Day儿童节Easter复活节Halloween万圣节Christmas 圣诞节Women’s Day妇女节Teacher’s Day 教师节May Day劳动节九、患病(illness)have a fever发烧hurt疼痛have a cold感冒have a toothache牙疼have a headache头疼have a sore throat喉咙疼十、食物(foods)cake蛋糕mooncake月饼dumpling 饺子bread 面包pork猪肉fish鱼肉chicken 鸡肉meat肉egg鸡蛋sandwich三文治pizza 比萨饼hamburger 汉堡包noodles 面条十一、时间(time)year年month 月week周date日期day 白天hour 小时morning早上afternoon下午evening晚上yesterday昨天today今天tomorrow明天last year去年十二、服装(clothes)T-shirt T恤衫sweater毛衣coat 大衣shorts短裤jeans牛仔裤hat帽子cap帽子shoe鞋子sock 短袜十三、动物(animals) chicken鸡duck鸭goose鹅dog狗cat 猫pig猪sheep绵羊goat 山羊horse马lion狮子tiger老虎elephant 大象snake蛇kangaroo 袋鼠monkey 猴子bear 熊panda熊猫whale鲸frog青蛙mouse老鼠giraffe长颈鹿deer鹿十四、颜色(colour) grey 灰色red红色green绿色yellow黄色blue蓝色white白色black黑色orange橙色brown褐色purple紫色十五、饮料(drinks)juice汁milk 牛奶coke可乐tea茶coffee 咖啡soup 汤十六、数字基数词:one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fifteen 十五twenty二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十hundred 百thousand 千million 百万序数词:first 第一second 第二third 第三fifth 第五sixth 第六seventh 第七eighth 第八ninth 第九twelfth 第十二twentieth 第二十thirtieth 第三十十七、植物、水果tree 树flower花seed种子grass草vegetable蔬菜tomato西红柿potato马铃薯fruit 水果apple苹果pear 梨orange橙banana 香蕉grape葡萄peach桃子十八、职业(jobs) worker工人farmer农民soldier士兵doctor医生nurse护士teacher 教师driver司机cook厨师policeman警察十九、自然界sun太阳moon月亮star星星sky天空river江河lake 湖sea大海hill山mountain山脉snow雪wind风cloud云rain雨二十、天气(weather) sunny阳光明媚的windy有风的cloudy多云的snowy下雪的rainy下雨的dry干燥的wet湿的warm暖的cool凉爽的cold冷的hot热的二十一、人体部分head头hand手face脸eye眼ear耳朵nose鼻子leg腿foot脚基础英语单词分类篇八一、十二个月份名词January 一月February 二月March 三月April 四月May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月September 九月October 十月November 十一月December 十二月二、七个星期名词和四个季节名词Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日spring 春summer 夏autumn 秋winter 冬三、七大洲和四大洋Asia 亚洲Africa 非洲Europe 欧洲Antarctica 南极洲Oceania 大洋洲South America 南美洲North America 北美洲(注:Europe 的形容词为后加-an; Asia, Africa, America的形容词为后加-n)Pacific 太平洋Atlantic 大西洋the Indian Ocean 印度洋the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋四、某些易写错的学科名词politics 政治physics 物理chemistry 化学geography 地理biology 生物mathematics/maths 数学arithmetic算术五、几个主要的地名名词(及派生词)Canada 加拿大Italy 意大利Australia 澳大利亚Canadian 加拿大人/的Italian 意大利人/的/语Australian澳大利亚人/的六、几大“家”chemist 化学家physicist 物理学家scientist 科学家pianist 钢琴家七、以-tion 结尾的名词:celebration 庆祝position 作文congratulation 祝贺construction 建设,结构direction 方向,指导education 教育exhibition 展览graduation 毕业imagination 想象information 信息invention 发明liberation 解放pollution 污染population 人口position 位置pronunciation 发音revolution 革命satisfaction 满意situation 形势等等八、以-sion 结尾的名词conclusion 结论discussion 讨论expression 表达,表情九、以-ment 结尾的名词achievement 成就department 部门,系development 发展experiment 高中语文实验government 政府monument 纪念碑movement 运动十、以-ing 结尾的名词ceiling 天花板stocking 长统袜shorting 缺点十一、以-ure 结尾的名词agriculture 农业failure 失败mixture 混合物pressure 压力temperature 体温十二、其他一些重要的名词address 地址arrow 箭assistant 助手astronaut 宇宙员balance 称,平衡blanket 毯子blackboard 黑板bottom 底branch 分支camera 照相机cinema 电影院centigrade 度character 人物,性格Christmas 圣诞节citizen 公民puter 电脑,计算机conductor 列车员continent 大陆contrary 反面curtain 窗帘design 设计dialogue 对话experience 经验,经历freedom 自由industry 工业habit 习惯handkerchief 手巾institute 学院journey 旅行knowledge 知识liquid 液体language 语言material 材料newsreel 新闻影片oxygen 氧气package 包裹passenger 乘客patient 病人portrait 肖像president总统professor 教授programme 节目progress 进步restaurant 饭馆robot 机器人satellite 卫星savage 野人society 社会stomach 胃,肚子surface 表面umbrella 雨伞vegetable 蔬菜victory 胜利等等英语单词2000个篇九啊ah啊哈aha阿拉伯半岛Arabia阿什兰Ashland癌症cancer爱love安静的silent安静地silently安全safety安全的safe安装;修理fix按钮;纽扣button按顺序in order按照,如同,当…,因为as 昂贵的expensive嗷,哎哟ouch奥林匹克的Olympic澳大利亚Australia澳大利亚人Aussie澳大利亚人Australian澳门Macao八eight八月August巴黎Paris巴西Brazil爸爸dad白菜cabbage白金汉宫Puckingham Palace 白色的white白天daytime百hundred百货商店department百万million柏林Berlin班级,年级;同班同学class 办公室office邦戴Bondy帮助help傍晚;晚上evening棒球,垒球baseball磅;镑pound保持;使得… keep保护protect报告;报导report报纸newspaper抱怨plain杯子cup悲伤的;难过的sad北方;北部north北方的;北部的northern贝加尔湖Paikal Lake贝类;甲克虫shellfish背包backpack背诵learn …by heart本质的;主要的essential绷带bandage鼻子nose比…;比较… than比较pare比较parison比较级的parative比利时Belgium比例,比率rate比萨饼pizza比赛match比赛,竞赛petition比赛者;选手player必须must必须的necessary毕业graduate壁炉fireplace避免avoid避暑胜地summer resort边side边;边缘edge边缘rim鞭炮firecrackers便帽;军帽cap便士penny (pence)便条;纸币note便宜的cheap变成;成为bee变换,改变change遍及throughout标点符号puntuation标记;符号;痕迹sign标签label表达expression表格;构成,组成form表演;成绩performance别的,其他的;另外的人other 别的;其他的else冰ice冰雕ice carving冰激凌ice cream冰山iceberg并排side by side病假sick leave病人patient拨(电话)dial波士顿Boston玻璃(杯) glass脖子neck博物馆museum不not不,不是;没有no不安的restless不安的uneasy不按次序排队的人jumper不出名的unknown不好不坏的,马马虎虎的so-so 不见的missing不健康的unhealthy不久;很快soon不可能的impossible不平常的unusual不同;差异difference不同的different不喜欢,厌恶dislike不走运的;不幸的unlucky布cloth布鲁塞尔Brussels部分part擦;磨rub猜guess猜想suppose裁缝tailor裁判,法官judge菜单menu参加join餐厅dining-room操场playground操作;动手术operate嘈杂的noisy嘈杂声,响声noise草;草地grass厕所toilet叉子fork茶;茶叶tea茶壶teapot察觉;领悟;了解realize长的long长筒袜stocking尝味;有。
RICOH 打印机 操作说明书
装载信封 ............................................................................................................... 42
4. 样张打印 / 锁定打印
样张打印 .................................................................................................... 47 打印样张打印文件 ............................................................................................... 47 删除样张打印文件 ............................................................................................... 49 查看错误日志 ....................................................................................................... 50
RPCS -使用打印机属性 ............................................................................. 8 使用打印机属性 ..................................................................................................... 8
HP LaserJet M1005 MFP 说明书
HP LaserJet M1005 MFP 用户指南版权与许可© 2006 版权所有 Hewlett-PackardDevelopment Company, L.P。
HP 产品和服务的所有保修事项已在产品和服务所附带的保修声明中列出,此处内容不代表任何额外保修。
HP 公司对此处任何技术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。
部件号 CB376-90925Edition 1, 8/2006商标声明Adobe® 和 PostScript® 是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Linux 是 Linus Torvalds 在美国的注册商标。
Microsoft®、Windows® 和 Windows® XP是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
UNIX® 是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
ENERGY STAR® 和 ENERGY STARmark® 是美国环保署在美国的注册标记。
目录1 设备基本信息设备功能 (2)设备部件 (3)正视图 (3)后视图 (3)控制面板 (4)2 软件最低系统要求 (6)支持的操作系统 (7)软件安装 (8)打印机驱动程序 (9)打印机驱动程序帮助 (9)更改打印机驱动程序设置 (9)适用于 Windows 的软件 (10)HP LaserJet 扫描软件 (10)安装 Windows 设备软件 (10)卸载 Windows 设备软件 (10)适用于 Macintosh 的软件 (11)安装 Macintosh 设备软件 (11)卸载 Macintosh 设备软件 (11)3 介质规格一般准则 (14)选择纸张和其它介质 (14)HP 介质 (14)避免使用的介质 (14)可损坏设备的介质 (14)介质使用准则 (16)纸张 (16)彩色纸 (16)自定义尺寸介质 (16)标签 (17)标签结构 (17)投影胶片 (17)信封 (17)信封结构 (17)双面接缝信封 (17)带不干胶封条或封舌的信封 (18)ZHCN iii信封存放 (18)卡片纸和重磅介质 (18)卡片纸结构 (18)卡片纸准则 (19)信头纸和预印表格 (19)支持的介质重量和尺寸 (20)打印和存放环境 (21)4 使用设备装入介质 (24)装入文档以备复印或扫描 (24)装入进纸盘 (24)优先进纸盘 (24)主进纸盘(纸盘 1) (25)控制打印作业 (26)打印设置优先级 (26)选择来源 (26)选择类型或尺寸 (26)使用设备控制面板 (27)更改控制面板显示语言 (27)更改默认介质尺寸和类型 (27)更改默认介质尺寸 (27)更改默认介质类型 (27)5 打印使用 Windows 打印机驱动程序的功能 (30)创建和使用快速设置 (30)创建和使用水印 (30)调整文档大小 (31)从打印机驱动程序设置自定义纸张尺寸 (31)使用不同的纸张和打印封面 (32)打印空白的第一页或最后一页 (32)在一张纸上打印多个页面 (32)双面打印 (33)使用 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序的功能 (35)创建并使用预置 (35)打印封面 (Macintosh) (35)在一张纸上打印多个页面 (Macintosh) (35)双面打印 (Macintosh) (36)在特殊介质上打印 (38)使用存档打印 (39)取消打印作业 (40)6 复印开始复印作业 (42)取消复印作业 (42)调整复印质量 (42)调整调淡/加深(对比度)设置 (43)缩小或放大复印件 (44)iv ZHCN在一张纸上复印多个页面 (45)更改份数 (46)在不同类型和尺寸的介质上复印 (47)复印双面文档 (49)复印照片和书籍 (50)查看复印设置 (52)7 扫描了解扫描方法 (54)使用 HP LaserJet 扫描进行扫描 (Windows) (55)取消扫描作业 (55)使用其它软件扫描 (56)使用符合 TWAIN 和 WIA 标准的软件 (56)从支持 TWAIN 的程序扫描 (56)从支持 TWAIN 的程序扫描 (56)从已启用 WIA 的程序进行扫描(Windows XP 或 Windows Server 2003) (56)从支持 WIA 的程序扫描 (56)扫描照片或书籍 (57)使用光学字符识别 (OCR) 软件扫描 (58)Readiris (58)扫描仪分辨率和颜色 (59)分辨率和颜色准则 (59)分辨率 (59)颜色 (60)8 管理和维护设备信息页 (62)管理耗材 (63)检查耗材状态 (63)存放耗材 (63)更换和回收利用耗材 (63)HP 对非 HP 耗材的政策 (63)HP 打假热线 (63)清洁设备 (64)清洁外部 (64)清洁扫描仪玻璃板 (64)清洁盖板衬底 (64)清洁送纸道 (65)更换打印碳粉盒 (66)9 故障排除问题解决检查表 (70)清除卡塞 (72)卡纸原因 (72)避免卡塞的提示 (72)何处查找卡塞 (72)进纸盘 (73)出纸槽 (74)ZHCN v控制面板信息 (76)警报和警告信息 (76)警报和警告信息表 (76)严重错误信息 (76)严重错误信息列表 (76)打印问题 (79)打印质量问题 (79)提高打印质量 (79)了解打印质量设置 (79)暂时更改打印质量设置 (79)更改以后所有作业的打印质量设置 (79)识别和纠正打印缺陷 (80)打印质量检查表 (80)一般打印质量问题 (80)介质处理问题 (84)打印介质准则 (84)解决打印介质问题 (84)执行问题 (85)复印问题 (86)预防问题 (86)图像问题 (86)介质处理问题 (87)执行问题 (88)扫描问题 (89)解决扫描图像问题 (89)扫描质量问题 (89)预防问题 (89)解决扫描质量问题 (90)控制面板显示屏问题 (91)解决常见的 Macintosh 问题 (92)Mac OS X V10.3 和 Mac OS X V10.4 的问题 (92)问题解决工具 (94)恢复工厂默认设置 (94)减少纸张卷曲 (94)附录 A 附件和订购信息耗材 (96)电缆和接口附件 (96)用户可更换部件 (97)纸张和其它打印介质 (97)附录 B 服务和支持Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (100)打印碳粉盒有限保修声明 (101)提供的支持和服务 (102)HP 客户服务 (102)硬件服务 (103)延长保修期 (103)vi ZHCN重新包装设备准则 (104)附录 C 设备规格物理规格 (105)电气规格 (105)功耗 (106)环境规格 (106)噪声发射 (107)附录 D 管制信息FCC 标准 (110)环境产品管理计划 (110)保护环境 (110)产生臭氧 (110)功耗 (110)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (111)欧盟用户丢弃私人废弃设备的规定 (112)材料安全数据表 (112)关于更多信息 (112)一致性声明 (113)不同国家/地区的安全声明 (114)激光安全声明 (114)加拿大 DOC 声明 (114)韩国 EMI 声明 (114)芬兰激光声明 (115)词汇 (117)索引 (119)ZHCN viiviii ZHCN1设备基本信息●设备功能●设备部件ZHCN1打印●打印 letter 尺寸页面的速度可达每分钟 15 页 (ppm),打印 A4 尺寸页面的速度可达14 ppm●打印分辨率可达每英寸 600 点 (dpi) 和 FastRes 1200 dpi●包含各种可调设置以优化打印质量●符合 ISO/IEC 19752 标准,标准黑色打印碳粉盒的平均打印量是 2000 页。
HP LaserJet P2015 系列 说明书
HP LaserJet P2015 系列用户指南版权信息© 2006 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
产品号: CB366-90982Edition 1, 09/2006此处包含的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
HP 产品和服务的所有保修事项已在产品和服务所附带的保修声明中列出,此处内容不代表任何额外保修。
HP 公司对此处任何技术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。
商标说明Microsoft®和 Windows®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的注册商标。
Energy Star®和 Energy Star 徽标®是美国环保署在美国的注册商标。
目录1 产品信息产品功能 (2)HP LaserJet P2015 打印机 (2)HP LaserJet P2015d 打印机 (2)HP LaserJet P2015n 打印机 (2)HP LaserJet P2015dn 打印机 (3)HP LaserJet P2015x 打印机 (3)识别产品部件 (4)2 控制面板3 产品软件支持的操作系统 (10)打印机连接 (11)USB 连接 (11)网络连接 (11)将打印机连接至网络 (11)为网络打印机安装打印机软件 (12)用于 Windows 的软件 (13)Windows 打印机驱动程序 (13)Windows 驱动程序类型 (13)安装 Windows 打印机软件 (13)在 Windows XP(64 位)和 Windows Server 2003 下安装打印机软件 (13)在 Windows 98(仅限驱动程序)、Me(仅限驱动程序)、2000和 XP(32 位)下安装打印机软件 (13)配置 Windows 打印机驱动程序 (13)HP ToolboxFX (14)嵌入式 Web 服务器 (14)用于 Macintosh 的软件 (15)Macintosh 打印机驱动程序 (15)安装 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序 (15)配置 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序 (15)PostScript 打印机说明文件 (PPD) (16)4 支持的纸张和其它介质优化介质类型的打印质量 (18)介质使用准则 (19)ZHCN iiiHP 介质 (19)避免使用的介质 (19)可能损坏打印机的介质 (19)纸张 (20)标签 (20)标签结构 (20)投影胶片 (20)信封 (20)信封结构 (20)双面接缝信封 (20)带不干胶封条或封舌的信封 (21)信封存储 (21)卡片纸和重磅介质 (21)卡片纸结构 (21)卡片纸准则 (22)信头纸或预打印表单 (22)5 打印任务装入介质 (24)纸盘 1 (24)纸盘 2 和可选纸盘 3 (24)直通式出纸通道 (25)手动送纸 (25)打印质量设置 (26)在特殊介质上打印 (27)在信封上打印 (27)在投影胶片或标签上打印 (28)打印信头纸和预先打印的表单 (29)在自定义尺寸的介质和卡片纸上打印 (30)在页面的双边上打印(双面打印) (32)手动两面打印 (32)使用顶部出纸槽进行手动双面打印 (32)使用直通式出纸盖进行手动双面打印 (35)自动两面打印 (38)在一张纸上打印多页(每张打印 N 页) (40)打印小册子 (41)打印水印 (42)取消打印作业 (43)6 管理和维护打印机信息页 (46)演示页 (46)配置页 (46)耗材状态页 (46)网络配置页 (46)HP ToolboxFX (47)查看 HP ToolboxFX (47)状态 (47)警报 (48)iv ZHCN设置状态警报 (48)设置电子邮件警报 (48)帮助 (48)设备设置 (48)设备信息 (49)纸张处理 (49)打印质量 (49)纸张类型 (49)系统设置 (50)服务 (50)打印设置 (50)打印 (50)PCL 5e (50)PCL 6 (50)PostScript (50)网络设置 (51)嵌入式 Web 服务器 (52)打开嵌入式 Web 服务器 (52)Status(状态)选项卡 (53)Settings(设置)选项卡 (53)Networking(联网)选项卡 (53)Links(链接) (53)更换打印碳粉盒 (54)摇匀碳粉 (56)清洁打印机 (57)清洁打印碳粉盒区域 (57)清洁打印机介质通道 (58)清洁取纸滚筒(纸盘1) (60)清洁取纸滚筒(纸盘2) (63)EconoMode(经济模式) (69)7 故障排除寻找解决方法 (72)步骤 1:打印机设置是否正确? (72)步骤 2:“就绪”指示灯是否点亮? (72)步骤 3:能否打印演示页? (72)步骤 4:打印质量是否可以接受? (73)步骤 5:打印机是否与计算机通信? (73)步骤 6:打印页是否令您满意? (73)与 HP 支持部门联系 (73)状态指示灯模式 (74)常见的 Macintosh 问题 (81)HP postscript 三级仿真错误 (83)介质故障排除 (84)打印页与屏幕显示的页不同 (85)文本错乱、不正确或不完整 (85)丢失图形或文本或出现空白页 (85)页面格式与其它 HP LaserJet 打印机不同 (86)图形质量 (86)ZHCN v提高打印质量 (88)颜色浅淡 (88)碳粉斑点 (88)丢字 (88)垂直线 (89)灰色背景 (89)碳粉污迹 (89)松散的碳粉 (89)垂直重复的缺陷 (90)字符变形 (90)页面歪斜 (90)卷曲或波形 (90)起皱或折痕 (91)字符轮廓边缘的碳粉分散 (91)清除卡纸 (92)打印碳粉盒区域 (92)进纸盘 (94)出纸槽 (97)直通式出纸通道 (98)自动两面打印通道 (99)网络设置故障排除 (104)附录 A 附件/耗材附录订购耗材和附件 (106)10/100 网络打印服务器 (107)HP 打印碳粉盒 (108)HP 有关非 HP 打印碳粉盒的政策 (108)保存打印碳粉盒 (108)打印碳粉盒使用寿命 (108)节省碳粉 (108)DIMM(内存或字体) (109)安装内存 DIMM (109)测试 DIMM 安装 (111)拆除 DIMM (111)附录 B 服务和支持硬件服务 (116)延长保修期 (116)重新包装打印机准则 (117)如何联系 HP (117)附录 C 打印机规格环境规格 (120)噪声排放 (120)电气规格 (121)物理规格 (123)打印机性能和额定值 (124)内存规格 (124)vi ZHCN附录 D 规章条例信息FCC(美国联邦通信委员会)规章执行 (126)一致性声明 (127)规章条例声明 (128)激光安全性声明 (128)加拿大 DOC 规章 (128)韩国的 EMI 声明 (128)芬兰激光声明 (129)环境产品管理程序 (130)保护环境 (130)臭氧产物 (130)能耗 (130)碳粉消耗 (130)纸张使用 (130)塑料 (130)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (130)HP 打印耗材回收利用计划信息 (131)纸张 (131)材料限制 (131)欧盟的私人住宅用户对废弃设备的处理 (131)材料安全数据表 (132)详细信息 (132)附录 E 保证声明和许可证发行Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (134)Hewlett-Packard 软件许可协议 (135)打印碳粉盒寿命的有限保修 (136)索引 (137)ZHCN viiviii ZHCN1产品信息本章提供有关下列主题的信息:●产品功能●识别产品部件ZHCN1产品功能以下是 HP LaserJet P2015 系列打印机的标准配置。
IoT APPLICATIONSLab ManualDBT STAR STATUSDepartment of Information TechnologyPublished byCoimbatore Institute of Information Technology #156, 3rd Floor, Kalidas Road, Ramnagar,Coimbatore – 641009, Tamil Nadu, India.Website: All Rights Reserved.Original English Language Edition 2021 © Copyright by Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology.This book may not be duplicated in any way without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for the purpose of review. The information contained herein is for the personal use of the reader and may not be incorporated in any commercial programs, other books, database, or any kind of software without written consent of the publisher. Making copies of this book or any portion thereof for any purpose other than your own is a violation of copyright laws.This edition has been published by Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology, Coimbatore.Limits of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The author and publisher have used their effort in preparing this IoT Applications book and author makes no representation or warranties with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book, and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. There are no warranties which extend beyond the descriptions contained in this paragraph. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. Neither CiiT nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.Trademarks: All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.ISBN 978-93-89105-56-8This book is printed in 70 gsm papers.Printed in India by Mahasagar Technologies.Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology,#156, 3rd Floor, Kalidas Road, Ramnagar,Coimbatore – 641009, Tamil Nadu, India.Phone: 0422 – 4377821AuthorsMrs. G. Sophia Reena Mrs. J. Maria Shyla Ms. S. KarpagamNotes **********PREFACEThe Internet of Things (IoT) refers to physical and virtual objects that have unique identities and are connected to the internet to provide intelligent applications that make energy, logistics, industrial control, retail, agriculture and many other domains “smarter”. Internet of Things is a new revolution of the Internet that is rapidly gathering momentum driven by the advancements in sensor networks, mobile devices, wireless communications, networking and cloud technologies.This promises to make “things” including consumer el ectronic devices or home appliances, such as medical devices, fridge, cameras, and sensors, part of the Internet environment. This concept opens the doors to new innovations that will build novel type of interactions among things and humans, and enables the realization of smart cities, infrastructures, and services for enhancing the quality of life and utilization of resources.IoT as an emerging paradigm supports integration, transfer, and analytics of data generated by smart devices (eg, sensors). IoT envisions a new world of connected devices and humans in which the quality of life is enhanced. The objective of the manual is to inculcate recent technologies on students to bring out their innovative ideas as projects. The manual is structured with Arduino tool and the programs were written in C Language. We have chosen to use C Language for coding where the language is known for itself as low level language. We hope that the experiments in this manual will enhance the student’s understanding and skills in Internet of Things (IoT). We would like to thank DBT Star College scheme for providing support in bringing out this lab manual.Notes **********List of ExperimentsS. No Programs Page No01 Sense the Available Networks Using Arduino 102 Measure the Distance Using Ultrasonic Sensorand Make Led Blink Using Arduino503 Detect the Vibration of an Object Using Arduino 904 Connect with the Available Wi-Fi Using Arduino 1305 Sense a Finger When it is Placed on Board Using Arduino 1706 Temperature Notification Using Arduino 2107 LDR to Vary the Light Intensity of LED UsingArduino2508 MySQL Database Installation in Raspberry Pi 2909 SQL Queries by Fetching Data from Database in Raspberry Pi3310 Switch Light On and Off Based on the Input ofUser Using Raspberry Pi35Notes **********IoT Applications1. SENSE THE AVAILABLE NETWORKS USING ARDUINOAIM:To write a program to sense the available networks using Arduino.COMPONENTS REQUIRED:1. WiFi Module or ESP 8266 Module.2. Connecting cable or USB cable.ALGORITHM:STEP 1: Start the process.STEP 2: Start ->Arduino IDE -1.8.8STEP 3: Then enter the coding in Arduino Software.STEP 4: Compile the coding in Arduino Software.STEP 5: Connect the USB cable to WiFi module.STEP 6: Select tools -> select board -> Module node Mch.0.9CE ESP 1.2 modules -> select port.STEP 7: Upload the coding in ESP Module node Mch.0.9CE and open serial monitor to view the available networks.STEP 8: Stop the process.BLOCK MODULE:IoT ApplicationsCODING:#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>void setup() {Serial.begin(115200);WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);WiFi.disconnect();delay(100);Serial.println("Setup done");}void loop() {Serial.println("scan start");int n = WiFi.scanNetworks();Serial.println("scan done");if (n == 0) {Serial.println("no networks found");} else {Serial.print(n);Serial.println(" networks found");for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {Serial.print(i + 1);Serial.print(": ");Serial.print(WiFi.SSID(i));Serial.print(" (");Serial.print(WiFi.RSSI(i));Serial.print(")");Serial.println((WiFi.encryptionType(i) == ENC_TYPE_NONE) ? " " : "*");delay(10);}}Serial.println("");delay(5000);}OUTPUT:RESULT:Thus the output for sensing the available networks using Arduino has successfully executed.Notes **********2. MEASURE THE DISTANCE USING ULTRASONIC SENSOR ANDMAKE LED BLINK USING ARDUINOAIM:To write a program to measure the distance using ultrasonic sensor and make LED blink using Arduino.COMPONENTS REQUIRED:1. Ultra sonic sensor.2. Jumper wires.3. Connecting cable or USB cable.ALGORITHM:STEP 1: Start the process.STEP 2: Start ->Arduino IDE -1.8.8STEP 3: Then enter the coding in Arduino Software.STEP 4: Compile the coding in Arduino Software.STEP 5: In Arduino board, connect VCC to power supply 5V and connect to ground as inPIN gnd and connect trig to trigpio =9, connect echo to echopin=10 using jumper wires.STEP 6: Connect the Arduino board with USB cable to the system. STEP 7: Select tools -> select board ->Arduino Nano -> select processor -> AT Mega 328 p and the select port.STEP 8: Upload the coding in Arduino board and now for the LED to blink.STEP 9: Then, the output will be displayed in the serial monitor. STEP 10: Stop the process.BLOCK MODULE:CODING:const int trigPin = 9;const int techoPin = 10;long duration;int distance;void setup(){pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input Serial.begin(9600); // Starts the serial communication}void loop(){digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);// Clears the trigPin delayMicroseconds(2);digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro secondsdelayMicroseconds(10);digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; // distance= (Time x Speed of Sound in Air (340 m/s))/2Serial.println(distance);delay(1000);}OUTPUT:RESULT:Thus the output for measuring the distance using ultrasonic sensor and LED blink using Arduino has successfully executed.Notes **********3. DETECT THE VIBRATION OF AN OBJECT USINGARDUINOAIM:To write a program to detects the vibration of an object with sensor using Arduino.COMPONENTS REQUIRED:1. Vibration sensor2. Jumper wires3. USB cableALGORITHM:STEP 1: Start the process.STEP 2: Start→Arduino.1.8.8.STEP 3: Then enter the coding in Arduino software.STEP 4: In Arduino board, connect vcc to power supply 5V and connect do to analog pin A0 and connect gnd to ground gnd using jumper wires.STEP 5: Connect the arduino board with the USB cable to the system.STEP 6: Select tools→Select board→Arduino Nano gnd→Select processor →AT mega 823p and then select the port.STEP 7: Upload the coding to the Arduino board.STEP 8: Then the output will be displayed in the serial monitor. STEP 9: Stop the process.BLOCK DIAGRAM:CODING:Int ledPin = 13;Int vib=A0;void setup(){pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);pinMode(vib, INPUT); //set EP input for measurement Serial.begin(9600); //init serial 9600}void loop(){long measurement=pulseIn (vib, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(50);Serial.print("VIB:v001:hertz: " );Serial.println(measurement);}OUTPUT:RESULT:Thus the output for detecting the vibrations of an object with vibration sensor using Arduino has been successfully executed.Notes **********4. CONNECT WITH THE AVAILABLE WI-FI USING ARDUINO AIM:To write a program to connect with the available Wi-Fi using ArduinoCOMPONENTS REQUIRED:1. ESP 8266 module or Wi-Fi module2. Connecting cables or USB cablesALGORITHM:STEP1: Start the process.STEP2: Start→Arduino IDE 1.8.8.STEP3: Include the file directory ESP 8266 in Arduino.STEP4: Then enter the coding to Wi-Fi module or ESP 8266 module. STEP5: Then enter the coding in Arduino software.STEP6: Connect the USB cable to the Wi-Fi module and the Arduino connected system with available network.STEP7: Select tools→Select board→Node MCU 0.9C ESP-12 module and then Select→Port.STEP8: Upload the coding to ESP 8266 module and open serial monitor to View the available network connects IP address.STEP9: Stop the process.BLOCK DIAGRAM:CODING:#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // Include the Wi-Fi libraryconst char* ssid = "Error"; // The SSID (name) of the Wi-Fi network you want to connect toconst char* password = "networkerror"; // The password of the Wi-Fi networkvoid setup() {Serial.begin(115200); // Start the Serial communication to send messages to the computerdelay(10);Serial.println('\n');WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // Connect to the networkSerial.print("Connecting to ");Serial.print(ssid);Serial.print(“...")int i = 0;while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // Wait for the Wi-Fi to connectdelay(1000);Serial.print(++i); Serial.print(' ');}void loop() {Serial.println('\n');Serial.println("Connection established!");Serial.print("IP address:\t");Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // Send the IP address of the ESP8266 to the computer}}OUTPUT:RESULT:Thus the output for connecting with the available Wi-Fi using Arduino has been successfully executed.Notes **********5. SENSE A FINGER WHEN IT IS PLACED ON BOARD USINGARDUINOAIM:To write a program to sense a finger when it is placed on the board Arduino.COMPONENTS REQUIRED:1. Touch Sensor2. Jumper wire3. USB cableALGORITHM:STEP 1: Start the process.STEP 2: Start →Arduino 1.8.8STEP 3: Then enter the coding in arduino software.STEP 4: Compile the coding in the arduino software.STEP 5: In arduino board, connect VCC to power supply 5v and connect SIG to Electrical signal DT and connect to ground and wing jumper wires.STEP 6: Connect the arduino board with USB cable to the system. STEP 7: Select tools→ Select processor board and port.STEP 8: Upload the coding to arduino board. Then the output will be displayed in the serial monitor.STEP 9: Stop the process.BLOCK DIAGRAM:CODING:int Led = 13 ; // define LED Interfaceint buttonpin = 7; // define Metal Touch Sensor Interfaceint val ; // define numeric variables valvoid setup (){Serial.begin(9600);pinMode (Led, OUTPUT) ; // define LED as output interface pinMode (buttonpin, INPUT) ; // define metal touch sensor output interface}void loop (){val = digitalRead (buttonpin) ;//Serial.println(val);if (val == 1) // When the metal touch sensor detects a signal, LED flashes{digitalWrite (Led, HIGH);Serial.println(val);delay(1000);}else{digitalWrite(Led,LOW);Serial.println(val);delay(1000);}}OUTPUT:RESULT:Thus the output for sensing a finger when it is placed in board Arduino has been successfully executed.Notes **********6. TEMPERATURE NOTIFICATION USING ARDUINO AIM:To write a program to get temperature notification using Arduino.COMPONENTS REQUIRED:1. Temperature and humidity sensor.2. Jumper wires3. Connectivity cable or USB cable.ALGORITHM:STEP 1: Start the process.STEP 2: Start →Arduino 1.8.8STEP 3: Include the DHT library to the Arduino software.STEP 4: Then enter the coding in Arduino software.STEP 5: Complete the coding in Arduino.STEP 6: In Arduino board connect VCC to the power supply 5V and connect SIG to digital signal DT and connect SND to ground GND using jumper wires.STEP 7: Connect the arduino board with USB cable to the system. STEP 8: Select tools → Selected.STEP 9: Upload the coding to arduino board. Then the output will be displayed in the serial monitor.STEP 10: Stop the process.BLOCK DIAGRAM:CODING:#include <dht.h>#define dht_apin A0 // Analog Pin sensor is connected todht DHT;void setup(){pinMode(A0,INPUT);Serial.begin(9600);delay(500);Serial.println("DHT11 Humidity & temperature Sensor\n\n"); delay(1000);}void loop(){DHT.read11(dht_apin);Serial.print("THS:th01:None:");Serial.print(DHT.humidity);Serial.print("%,");//Serial.print("temperature = ");Serial.print(DHT.temperature);Serial.println("degC");delay(2000);//Wait 5 seconds before accessing sensor again.}OUTPUT:RESULT:Thus the output to get temperature notification using Arduino has successfully executed.Notes **********7. LDR TO VARY THE LIGHT INTENSITY OF LED USINGARDUINOAIM:To write a program for LDR to vary the light intensity of LED using Arduino.ALGORITHM:STEP1: Start the program.STEP2: Start →Arduino 1.88[IDE].STEP3: Enter the coding in Arduino software.STEP4: Compile the coding in the Arduino software.STEP5: From LDR light sensor module, connect VCC to power supply 5V and connect to digital pin D3 and connect GND to ground gnd using jumper wires to arduino board.STEP6: For LED, connect D to digital pin D2 and connect GND to ground GND using jumper wires to arduino board.STEP7: Show the variance of lights intensity in LED we use LDR light sensor module.STEP8: Stop the process.CODING:const int ldr_pin = 3;const int led_pin = 2;void setup() {pinMode(ldr_pin, INPUT);pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600);}void loop() {if ( digitalRead( ldr_pin ) == 1) { digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH);}else {digitalWrite(led_pin , LOW);}Serial.println(digitalRead( ldr_pin )); delay(100);}OUTPUT:LED OUTPUT:LED OFFLED ONRESULT:Thus the output for LDR to vary the light intensity of LED using Arduino has successfully executed.Notes **********8. MYSQL DATABASE INSTALLATION IN RASPBERRY PI AIM:To write a program to install MySQL database in Raspberry pi. COMPONENTS REQUIRED:1. Raspberrypi2. HDMI3. Micro USB power inputALGORITHM:STEP1: Start the processSTEP2: Connect micro USB power input to Raspberry pi.STEP3: Connect HDMI to the system to act as monitor for Raspberry pi.STEP4: Connect USB port to mouse and keyboard.STEP5: then enter the coding in terminal for installing MySQL to Raspberry pi.STEP6: stop the process.CODING:sudo apt-get install mysql-serversudo apt updatesudo apt upgradesudo apt install mariadb-serversudomysql_secure_installationsudomysql -u root –pOUTPUT:RESULT:Thus the output to install MySQL database in Raspberry pi has successfully executed.Notes **********9. SQL QUERIES BY FETCHING DATA FROM DATABASE INRASPBERRY PIAIM:To write a program to work with basic MySQL queries by fetching data from database in Raspberry pi.COMPONENTS REQUIRED:1.Raspberry pi2.HDMI3.Micro USB power inputALGORITHM:STEP1: Start the process.STEP2: Connect micro USB power input to Raspberry pi.STEP3: Connect HDMI to the system to act as monitor for Raspberry pi.STEP4: Connect USB port 2.0 to mouse and keyboard.STEP5: When enter the coding in the terminal to update and upgrade package using commands.STEP6: Create database in MySQL and basic SQL queries by fetching data from database by using insert, update and delete queries.STEP7: Stop the process.CODING:sudomysql -u root –pCREATE DATABASE exampledb;CREATE USER 'exampleuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pimylifeup';CREATE TABLE Books(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Title VARCHAR(100),Author VARCHAR(60));INSERT INTO Books(Title, Author) VALUES (1,‘War and Peace’,‘Leo Tolstoy’);SELECT * FROM Books;UPDATE Books SET Author='Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy'WHERE Id=1;DELETE FROM Books2 WHERE Id=1;OUTPUT:| Id | Title | Author |+----+---------------+-------------++----+---------------+-------------++----+---------------+-------------+| Id | Title | Author |+----+---------------+-------------+| 1 | War and Peace | Leo Tolstoy |+----+---------------+-------------++----+---------------+--------------------------+| Id | Title | Author |+----+---------------+--------------------------+| 1 | War and Peace | Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy |+----+---------------+--------------------------+| Id | Title | Author |+----+---------------+-------------++----+---------------+-------------+RESULT:The output to fetch data from database using SQL queries in Raspberry pi has successfully executed.10. SWITCH LIGHT ON AND OFF BASED ON THE INPUT OFUSER USING RASPBERRY PIAIM:To write a program to switch light on when the input is 1 and switch the light off when the input is 0 using Raspberry pi. COMPONENTS REQUIRED:1. Raspberry pi2. Breadboard3. Jumperwires4. Resistor5. LEDALGORITHM:STEP1: Start the process.STEP2: Connect micro USB power input to Raspberry piSTEP3: Connect HDMI to the system to act as monitor for Raspberry pi.STEP4: Connect USB port 2.0 to mouse and keyboard.STEP5: Enter the coding in the terminal for installing python and GPTO.STEP6: Open notepa →enter coding →save as →file extension python or py.STEP7: Copy file location →open terminal →paste file location in terminal → press enter.STEP8: In the terminal window to get output enter 0 or 1, to switch light ON when the input is 1 and switch light OFF when the input is 0 in breadboard using Raspberry pi.STEP9: Stop the process.CODING:sudo apt-get install python-pipsudo apt-get install python-devsudo pip install RPi.GPIOsudo –i#pythonimportRPi.GPIO as GPIO import timeGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(18,GPIO.OUT)ip=int(input("enter the value: ")) ifip==1:print "LED on"GPIO.output(18,GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(1)elifip==0:print "LED off"GPIO.output(18,GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(1)OUTPUT:RESULT:Thus the output to switch light ON/OFF using Raspberry pi has been successfully executed.。
python win32print 种方式
python win32print 种方式在Python中,使用`win32print`模块可以与Windows打印系统进行交互。
以下是使用`win32print`模块的几种常见方式:1. 列出所有可用的打印机:```pythonimport win32printprinters = (_ENUM_LOCAL)for printer in printers:print(printer)```这将列出所有本地可用的打印机。
2. 获取默认打印机:```pythonimport win32printdefault_printer = ()print(default_printer)```这将获取并打印默认打印机的名称。
3. 打印文本:```pythonimport win32printprinter_name = "Your Printer Name" 指定要使用的打印机名称text = "Hello, world!" 要打印的文本内容创建一个打印作业,并将文本发送到指定的打印机进行打印job_id = (printer_name)hJob = (job_id, 1, {'pDocInfo': None})(hJob, text)(hJob)(job_id)```注意,以上示例代码中使用了`OpenPrinter`函数打开指定的打印机,然后使用`StartDocPrinter`函数开始打印作业,`WritePrinter`函数向打印机写入文本数据,`EndDocPrinter`函数结束打印作业,最后使用`ClosePrinter`函数关闭打印机句柄。
4. 打印图像:使用PIL(Python Imaging Library)库可以将图像转换为可以在打印机上打印的格式。
以下是一个示例代码,展示如何使用PIL和`win32print`模块将图像打印到指定的打印机:首先,安装PIL库:```shellpip install pillow```然后,使用以下代码打印图像:```pythonfrom PIL import Imageimport win32printimport win32guiimport win32conimport ioimport structimport numpy as npfrom PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImagePath, Image as PImage, ImageWin, ImageEnhance, ImageFile, ImageFilter, ImageCms, ImageTk, features, ImageMath, ImageColor, ImagePalette, ImageSequence, register_handler, ImageChops, ImageMathModule, ImageFileModule, ImageDraw2 as PImageDraw, ImageDraw3 as PImageDraw3, ImageFontModule as PImageFontModule, ImagePathModule as PImagePathModule, ImageTkModule as PImageTkModule, ImageFileIO as PImageFileIO, ImageMode as PImageMode, ImagePaletteModule as PImagePaletteModule, ImageSequenceModule as PImageSequenceModule,register_handler4 as register_handler4, register_handler5 asregister_handler5, register_handler6 as register_handler6,register_handler7 as register_handler7, register_handler8 as register_handler8, register_handler9 as register_handler9,register_handler10 as register_handler10, register_handler11 as register_handler11, register_handler12 as register_handler12, register_handler13 as register_handler13, register_handler14 as register_handler14, register_handler15 as register_handler15, register_handler16 as register_handler16, register_handler17 as register_handler17, register_handler18 as register_handler18, register_handler19 as register_handler19, register_handler20 as register_handler20 To avoid ImportError in Windows (optional) and keep code clean. You can remove this line if it causes any issues. This line is added to avoid ImportError for various PIL modules and keep the code clean. It's safe to remove this line if it causes any issues.。
出版术语中英文对照1. 书名(Title)2. 作者(Author)3. 出版社(Publisher)4. 版次(Edition)5. ISBN(International Standard Book Number)6. 目录(Table of Contents)7. 章节(Chapter Title)8. 摘要(Abstract)9. 引言(Introduction)10. (Main Body)11. 结论(Conclusion)13. 附录(Appendix)14. 索引(Index)15. 封面(Cover)16. 扉页(Title Page)17. 版心(Trim Size)18. 页码(Page Number)20. 排版(Typesetting)21. 校对(Proofreading)22. 印刷(Printing)23. 装订(Binding)24. 发行(Distribution)25. 库存(Inventory)26. 营销(Marketing)27. 促销(Promotion)28. 签名售书(Book Signing)29. 退货(Returns)30. 版税(Royalties)出版术语中英文对照(续)31. 版权(Copyright)32. 专有出版权(Exclusive Publication Rights)33. 连载权(Serial Rights)34. 电子书版权(Ebook Rights)35. 翻译权(Translation Rights)36. 影视改编权(Film and Television Adaptation Rights)37. 预付金(Advance)38. 代理(Agent)39. 编辑(Editor)40. 审稿(Manuscript Review)41. 设计(Design)42. 封面设计(Cover Design)43. 插图(Illustration)44. 图表(Chart)45. 审美设计(Aesthetic Design)46. 印刷纸张(Print Paper)47. 装帧材料(Binding Material)48. 印刷工艺(Printing Technique)49. 胶版印刷(Offset Printing)50. 数字印刷(Digital Printing)51. 精装(Hardcover)52. 平装(Paperback)53. 护封(Dust Jacket)54. 腰封(Belt Band)55. 书脊(Spine)56. 书角(Corner)57. 书槽(Groove)58. 书口(Fore Edge)59. 书脊文字(Spine Title)60. 书评(Book Review)61. 读书会(Reading Club)62. 书展(Book Fair)63. 图书馆推广(Library Promotion)64. 在线销售(Online Sales)65. 网络书店(Online Bookstore)66. 实体书店(Physical Bookstore)67. 书籍分类(Book Classification)68. 书籍排行榜(Bestseller List)69. 读者群体(Target Audience)70. 市场调研(Market Research)出版术语中英文对照(续二)71. 出版计划(Publishing Schedule)72. 书目(Catalogue)73. 提交稿(Manuscript Submission)74. 接受稿(Manuscript Acceptance)75. 退稿(Manuscript Rejection)76. 样书(Galley Proof)77. 校样(Proof Copy)78. 最终校对(Final Proofreading)79. 印前检查(PrePress Check)80. 印刷批量(Print Run)81. 重印(Reprint)82. 补充印刷(Reissue)83. 库存管理(Inventory Management)84. 供应链(Supply Chain)85. 物流(Logistics). 书评家(Book Critic)87. 书评摘要(Book Blurb)88. 书讯(Book News)89. 书评奖项(Book Award)90. 国际版权交易(International Rights Trade)91. 版权输出(Rights Export)92. 版权引进(Rights Import)93. 合作出版(CoPublishing)94. 文化交流(Cultural Exchange)95. 自费出版(SelfPublishing)96. 按需印刷(Print on Demand)97. 开本(Format)98. 装帧风格(Binding Style)99. 书籍保护(Book Conservation)100. 电子书格式(Ebook Format)。
学术期刊 刊号和分类号划分
国内统一刊号采用《中国图书馆图书分类法》类号一览表A马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想 B哲学 S农业、林业C社会科学总论 T工业技术总论 D政治、法律 TB一般工业技术 E军事 TD矿业工程 F经济 TE石油、天然气工业 G文化、科学、教育、体育 G0综合性文化刊物 G1世界各国文化事业 G2各项文化事业 G3科学、科学研究工作 G4教育 G8体育 H语言、文字 I文学 J艺术 K历史、地理 N自然科学总论 O数理科学和化学 O1 数学 O3 力学 O4 物理学 O6化学TM电工技术 P天文学、地球科学 Q生物科学 R医药、卫生TF冶金工业 TG金属学、金属工艺 TH机械、仪表工业 TJ武器工业 TK动力工程 TL原子能技术 TN无线电电子学、电讯技 TP自动化技术、计算技术 TQ化学工业 TS轻工业、手工业 TU建筑科学 TV水利工程 V航空、宇宙飞行 U交通运输 X 环境科学 Z综合性期刊刊号类型:1.期刊刊号 2.电子刊号3.报纸刊号*国际标准刊号(ISSN)ISSN(国际标准连续出版物编号,International Standard Serial Number)是根据国际标准ISO3297制定的连续出版物国际标准编码,其目的是使世界上每一种不同题名、不同版本的连续出版物都有一个国际性的唯一代码标识。
版画(Print)The origin of China prints, with the Han Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, said that six dynasties to Sui Dynasty said. The earliest extant prints, a moment of time, is known to the world "Xian Tong" of the "Diamond Sutra" frontispiece map, according to the inscription, as in 868 a.d.. Chengdu Tang tomb unearthed in Sichuan, the "down" the prints, "this is estimated as early as about a hundred years pass" xian. The prints of Tang Dynasty and five dynasties have been found in Northwest China and Wu Yue. Most of the works of ancient Junxiu, Zoudao god. The content with the theme of religious scriptures. Buddhist prints in the song and Yuan Dynasties were further developed on the basis of the Tang Dynasty and the five dynasties. Original composition perfect, elegant rhyme body. At the same time, also began to appear in the scroll in landscape pattern. Other subjects of printmaking, such as science and technology, literature and art categories, books, Atlas, etc., also have a large number of carved prints. The Northern Song Dynasty Kaifeng, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Ling'an, the Southern Song Dynasty, Suzhou Wuzhou, Fujian, Meishan, Sichuan Jian Chengdu, become a distinctive engraving center. The color from the color version of the same period of the "namo Shakya Muni Buddha" found in China is the earliest color printing prints, has a very important position in the history of world culture. As a result of practical requirements, copperplate printing was also used in the Song Dynasty, mainly for printing paper money and advertising. The Yuan Dynasty edition "Pinghua" is China's predecessor serial print. During the two dynasties in China prints of the peak period, many scholars, booksellers, carved together, engraving appeared in a variety of genres, created a large number of outstanding works, the engraving worksshowing a thriving situation. Not only religious print reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty, but also the appreciation of printmaking came into being in the Ming dynasty. Huapu, fiction, biography, poetry, drama, a masterpiece as snow, be too numerous to enumerate. Especially the literature masterpiece edition illustrated versions of many popular and influential. This period is also the flourishing period of each art school of printmaking. Fujian Jianyang as the center of the security school, the work mostly out of folk craftsmen, engraved plain. The Jinling school centered around Nanjing is mainly based on drama and fiction. Or rough bold and unconstrained, or works elegant beauty, style quite different. With Hangzhou as the center of the Wuling school, the theme of open, exquisite engraving. Taking Anhui Huizhou as the center of Anhui has more profound influence and plays an important role in the cultural history of China. The development of printmaking has always been closely related to the book industry. The center of song and Yuan Dynasties was established in Fujian and Zhejiang in Hangzhou, and transferred to Nanjing and Beijing in the Ming dynasty. But what really makes prints entered a new phase of development is the rise of Huizhou prints. Since fifteenth Century, Anhui prints that is known in lithography, the master as, particularly in yellow, Wang two most prominent families. Ming and Qing Dynasties, two generations of Xin'an Huang family carved more than 200 books, there are more than 100 people figure, to become a large lineup of teams. Representative works are "graphic", "ancient biography YangZheng" etc.. In Huizhou prints to elegant and sophisticated style navigate the world, Jinling (Nanjing), martial arts (Hangzhou), Suzhou and other places of illustrations also formed their own characteristics. The Ming Dynasty is not only used as a print book illustration,but also for artists to teach painting "painting", literati "paper", "ink ink masters of the spectrum, and the folk entertainment"". Earlier in 1603 Hangzhou Huapu familychurch published by the "Gu Hua Pu"; the ink spectrum is representative of the Wanli period of the publication of Ding Yunpeng in drawing "Cheng Mo yuan"; the enthusiasm of printmaking is the famous painter Chen Hongshou, he and Huizhou Huang master cooperation "Shuihu leaves", "Bogut the leaves become masterpieces". Print the appearance of the ancient, the earliest known is the "Luo Xuan infact change of ancient letter paper" the greatest impact, but is published in 1633 "Shizhuzhai Huapu" and inscribed in 1644 "Shizhuzhai" is the author of their letter paper, publisher, the Ming Dynasty painter Hu Zhengyan. In addition to outside Beijing in the Qing Dynasty Huizhou prints, the House version is also very famous. On behalf of the works, there are 1696 inscribed by Zhu Gui, Jiao Bingzhen's "weaving map", "cold life picture" and "longevity ceremony" recorded in 1717, and so on. And in 1679 by color woodblock printed "law" at the beginning of mustard seed garden painting set, by artist Li Liufang manuscript according to the Jinling Zeng series and subsequently published two or three, four sets, a widely circulated, a great impact on later painting textbooks. While appreciating the great works left over from the development of print for nearly a thousand years, it is worth noting that there are some of the following artistic features: 1. To make use of the object as much as possible, to show the wood flavor. 2, clever use of "stay black" gimmick, to portray the body for special treatment, access to print unique artistic effects. 3. Play the characteristics of the watermark, so that large carved have a strong artistic effect.4 through the clever composition, with full dense and Xiaoshu Jane light of different style to show the theme. To sum up, Chinese ancient print has its own development track in the long history, forming a unique artistic style. Mr Zheng Zhenduo said: "this picture, in order to promote the work of inexpressible culture". This is the appropriate evaluation of the status of print art.The traditional Chinese watermarking has been used for more than 300 years. The invention of Hu Zhengyan - version, is the traditional start method of color watermarking. Different color watermarking method and traditional modern woodcut creation, is no longer in use - version, and various color engraving in several of the same size version, each version of each moment on the same color marker, and then labeled by version printing. This approach allows the painter to have a sense of the overall situation (the whole picture), the layout of the color version and the creation of overprinter, the final effect of the discretion. So the artist design needs to take into account all the conditions when registering overprinting, and not only see a block version respectively. When printing, we should select better absorbent paper. The paper will be wet with water, which requires the painter to rely on his own experience to master. Excessive moisture and dry work are not good. The degree of moisture in the paper often affects the effect of printing. Colors can be transparent and opaque, and they can be added or removed because of the thickness of the color. As for all available in a version printed on the shade change, and can produce third kinds of two-color overprint color change is very rich.Watermark woodcut(China) Luo Jianzhao "a situation" by using other materials for version to carved relief prints, the basic method and wood with stone and brick, but when used as cutting auxiliary tools, and in addition to other wood materials can be used watermarking method.intaglio printingIntaglio and relief on the contrary, is carved in the concave line version of plane roll ink, black white image can be printed.A polished sheet of metal does not absorb ink. Copperplate printing ink can be used to gently wipe cloth, but if the page has been engraved traces, ink will stay there. Modern gravure plate engraving, mainly copper and zinc, also sometimes used iron or steel, the engraving method:One of the oldest intaglio engraving methods, with a sharp knife on a copper plate. The engraved line bright and sharp. The pages can be carved very delicately. Before the money is printed in the engraving, now there are still a few stamps used by engraving.Gravure printing: (Germany) ke Zhi Zhi Zhi "mother love."Dry cutting method, with the needle directly engraved copper layout, carved line and line engraving method is different. A moment only broken pages, leaving copper lines next to the thorn in the pages of ink, therefore, copper scrap also contains inkprinted line along with downy light, soft and beautiful visual effect.Corrosion, in the copper, zinc, steel and other acid can be corrosion of the material on the page filled with preservatives, preservatives are the main components of asphalt, rosin and beeswax. Then the needle is used to engrave the image, where the needle is removed, the antiseptic is scraped, exposed, and finally soaked in nitric acid, and the exposed part is corroded. Because of the length of corrosion and the concentration of nitric acid solution, corrosion of the lines have different depth and thickness. Etching prints are usually layered corrosion, so it is very rich in color, the level is very clear, is the most commonly used intaglio plate making method.The format for making the beauty must be rocking. This is a kind of round steel chisel sharp tooth, shake it by hand holding, the overall layout was stabbed,. The ink roll is a velvety black. And then with a flat blade stabbed in the above (i.e. with copper thorn) layout, light blew dark gray, light gray heavy blows, not blowing all black, white is clean again.Relief method, so that a part of the layout of corrosion, and corrosion of the area to be larger, but not on the top, the ink directly to the gravure machine on the imprint, the paper will show relief type of colorless patterns. This method is generally only suitable for local use.The dust, dust corrosion to surface caused by various shades of grey. A dust box must be made first. A hand fan is installed in the box, and then the polished copper plate is put in thebox. The storage box has a lot of loose powder, when the closed box mouth shaking fan, then in the case of rosin powder dust, slowly and evenly falls on the page. The author thinks that the appropriate time, will sprinkle the full colophong powder coated on the furnace to bake out. After heat, colophong powder melt and coalesce into numerous small, cooled and condensed into a layer of film. The coated film with rosin film is immersed in nitric acid, and when it is corroded, it is printed out as a gray of spots. Gray shades, see the film thickness and the thickness of the loose powder and corrosion time. The author uses his artistic conception to deal with the flying dust to obtain the desired effect.The soft law in the fixed layout with asphalt, rosin, beeswax preservatives, forming a layer of hard film, adding white in preservatives, can soften the film. In the pages of soft roll child, covered a piece of paper with a pencil on paper drawing back, after painting, opened the paper, a pen where the suction soft sub, they reveal the copper on the front page, the nature of the line completely with the pencil like. Can also be used as some kind of textile fabric, net, leaves, paper, etc. in the soft imprint line sub above, the corrosion can be transferred to the real image on the paper.The photographic method, the photosensitive liquid into the preservative, on the page, then the feature film no confusion, close to the surface and then let it in the light exposure, after special washing solution. When the child is black to cover part of the film gradually melted, and exposed part of the layout, but was strengthened and photographic prints painted in, then you can carry out normal corrosion. Only with the layout of thenitric acid corrosion, into shades of black, keep the child not to place the corrosion, is white, photography became apparent.To register, in a few blocks of the same size coated above, fly ash for etchingmethods pieces of color plate. The artist chooses to print the color print as soon as possible, and then print the color version. The edition imprint in the machine, put a piece of thick paper pad in the art below, and this paper is stuck on the machine, printing, carefully remove the bond pad of paper machine, remained motionless. At this time, on the pad paper, you can clearly see the imprint of the first impression, and then carefully put the lewd second edition inserted in this mark. At this time, the edge of the paper on the first printing was still pressed under the upper roller of the printing press, and only the part of the drawing away from the roller could be opened. Then print the first edition of the paper carefully, put it on the second block, and shake the drum, then you can accurately print the second edition. The rest of the editions are the same.LithographyThe main is a lithograph. Chromolithography China introduced in the mid nineteenth Century, then only to replace the woodcut, printed books used for. Method of making lithograph is relatively simple. The stone is a kind of pure and fine limestone, there are numerous pores, so absorbent. The use of oil and water repel reason, with oil painting in the layout of stone crayons, painting after fixation with wet cloth layout, painted with a crayon where water repellent can suck ink, ink roll, so that there is a painting full of ink, can be printedon paper painting. India end can be polished with stones. There are two ways: one is the version of the mill with rubstone water mill, thismakes smooth as a mirror, called the mirror version.A emery, thismakes rough, such as drawing paper, called rough version. Due to the different requirements of the author, you can choose different thickness of emery, grinding out the different thickness of the application. General diamond No. 320 is the finest, and size 80 is the thickest. There are 3 kinds of plate making:The medicine ink painting, ink painting in medicine suitable rough stone, special aluminum pen can also be used in glass, metal, ceramic table to replace the medicine stick. Use exactly the same way you draw on paper.The painting brush, ink stick the medicine change into soluble in water with a brush dipped in ink, painting in the mirror version, are exactly the same and draw on the paper.The preparation method of carbon, a special carbon paper, medicine or medicine brush dipped in ink in ink paint, then paste in the anti stone layout, water dissolves carbon paper on the mucous membrane, make the picture onto the tables will be. Lithograph all kinds of business practices, after the painting by dilute nitric acid corrosion and sealing glue version, make medicine solid ink on the page. When the first wet wipe printing layout, roll ink, and then covered by paper, printed lithographic machine. Color lithographs in the pages marked by printing edition.MonotypeLithographic engraving. The manufacturing method is simple. In the glass (or stone) layout with dilute paint or gouache color painting, which covered the wet paper, with the palm of the hand is in embossed backing paper. Print only one, so it's called a single print.。
三、安装与连接1. 安装打印机驱动程序:在使用enter3打印机之前,需要先安装打印机驱动程序。
2. 连接打印机与电脑:安装完成后,将打印机与电脑通过USB线缆连接。
四、基本操作1. 打印文档:在电脑上选择需要打印的文档,点击打印按钮即可将文档发送到enter3打印机进行打印。
2. 复印功能:enter3打印机支持复印功能,用户只需将需要复印的文件放置在扫描仪上,然后按下复印按钮即可进行复印操作。
3. 扫描功能:该打印机还具备扫描功能,用户可直接将文件放置在扫描仪上,然后通过设置选择扫描文件的格式和存储位置,即可进行扫描操作。
五、高级功能1. 自动双面打印:enter3打印机支持自动双面打印,用户在打印设置中选择双面打印选项即可实现双面打印功能,节省纸张和环保。
2. 手机无线打印:通过安装enter3打印机的手机应用程序,用户可以直接通过手机无线连接打印机,实现手机上的文件打印。
3. 云打印功能:enter3打印机支持云打印功能,用户可以将文件上传到云端,然后通过打印机连接云打印服务进行打印,实现远程打印的便利。
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“Someone nailed a top onto the box. Then he felt the box moving. The box was being loaded onto a ship and the ship sailed here. “It took a very long time to get here, so when the sailors opened the box, there was only one banana left. Bongo had eaten all of the others. The sailors were very angry and took Bongo to the animal shelter.”
“Don’t worry, Bongo. You are safe with us,” said Andy. “We will take care of you. You can make a house in these tall trees in the park. We’ll bring you food every day.” “They watched Bongo climb the highest tree.
Tommy Tales are downloadable and printable books only available on the Internet from the following Web sites: Tommy Tales feature the lovable rascal Tommy Tomkins and his friends. You can see this book in color on the Learning Page Web site. Supporting material is available on the Learning Page Web site, including teaching notes, worksheets, and fact files. Look for the next Tommy Tales adventure— coming soon from Learning Page.
“Start with the monkey,” said RK-5. “What do you want to ask him?” “I want to know his name,” said Andy. “I want to know how he got here,” said Tommy. “RK-5 spoke to the little monkey in monkey language. The kids were verted screeching. He jumped up and down. “What’s wrong with him?” said Andy. “He wants to come with us,” said RK-5. “He wants you to adopt him. He will be sent back to his country today. He doesn’t want to go back.”
The kids were so glad to be free they danced and shouted. All the noise made the dogs start barking again. Tommy turned the handle of a side door. It was open. “Let’s go, before someone comes,” said Tommy. The kids ran to the door.
“They said that if they knew how to get out, they would not be in the cages themselves. The little poodle said the big doors will open in ten minutes. Then people will come in to look at the dogs. The lucky dogs will be adopted and will go to good homes.”
“He did help us get out,” said Lucy. “Let’s adopt him. He can live in the park.” “They all agreed. Andy opened his cage. The monkey jumped onto his shoulder. “Tommy, Lucy, Andy, Kim, Sam, Taffy, and the monkey ran out of the door. They ran down the street and up the hill. They went through the park gates.
RK-5 talked for some time to the little monkey. When he had finished talking, the monkey jumped out of the red box. He put his tail between the bars of his cage. The long tail reached to the handle on the outside of the kids’ cage. And with a clunk, the cage door sprang open.
“We’ll have to get out before the big doors open,” said Sam. “I don’t want to be adopted. I already have a nice family and a good home.” “At that moment there was a loud screeching sound. The kids covered their ears with their hands. “Look, look!” said Kim. “It’s a baby monkey. In that red box in the next cage.”
“The dogs became quiet when RK-5 barked a question to them. A little spotted dog barked back at RK-5. Then a large black dog joined in. Soon a lot of the other dogs barked in turn. “What are they saying?” asked Lucy.
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Tommy Tales
Bongo Gets Adopted
“Tommy and his friends were locked in a cage in the animal shelter. “Tommy asked his little robot, RK-5, if he could help get them out. “I will try,” said RK-5. “I will ask the dogs if they can help.”
At last, they reached the big, blue bench. They always met at the big, blue bench. “RK-5, can you speak monkey language?” asked Andy. “Of course I can,” replied RK-5. “I can speak any language. I can speak to any animal.” “Please ask the monkey if he can get us out of this cage,” said Kim. It was their favorite place in the park. When Tommy got his breath back he said, “We’ve got a lot of questions for you, RK-5.” Sam said, “We’ve got a lot of questions for the monkey, too.”
“When the monkey stopped talking, RK-5 turned to the children and told them what the monkey said. “The monkey’s name is Bongo. He lived at the seaside in his country. One day, he saw a big box of bananas near the sea shore. He was very hungry so he jumped into the box to get a banana. He heard someone coming. He hid under the bananas.