



Letter of Authorization 委托书 Client: (client commissioned payer --- Turkish company name) Legal representative: Position: Domicile of the company: Register Registration No.: 委托人:(客户委托付款方---土耳其公司全称)法定代表人:职务:公司住所地:注册登记证号 Representative: Ren Yan Gender: Male ID number: Date of Birth: Address: 受委托人:任彦性别:男身份证号码:出生年月:住址:The name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name, hereby authorize the undersigned Ren Yan to be true and lawful representative of the Company to act for and on behalf of the Company to dispose withthe following affairs in respect of the remittance and re-exchange with ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED in Bank of Communication of China, and sign the relevant documents: To engage Chinese lawyer, sign the contract of engagement, pay the security deposit of the property preservation, pay the litigation cost and attorney fee; to investigate, collect and submit the evidential materials, sign for all the relevantlegal documents; to bring lawsuit inthe courts in China, apply for the property preservation,admit, give upormodify the litigation claims, to appeal, mediate, apply for the compulsory execution, and to collect the executing amount. 委托人因与ABCD)企业发展有限公司(ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED在中国交通银行汇款、退汇事宜,现委托受委托人为合法代理人,全权代表委托人办理上述汇款、退汇的下列手续及签署有关文件:代委托人在中国境内委托中国执业律师,签订委托代理合同,支付财产保全押金、诉讼费、律师费。

Letter of Authorization 授权委托书(中英对照)

Letter of Authorization 授权委托书(中英对照)

Letter of Authorization委托书Client: (client commissioned payer --- Turkish company name)Legal representative: Position:Domicile of the company:Register Registration No.:委托人:(客户委托付款方---土耳其公司全称)法定代表人:职务:公司住所地:注册登记证号Representative: Ren Yan Gender: MaleID number:Date of Birth:Address:受委托人:任彦性别:男身份证号码:出生年月:住址:The name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name, hereby authorize the undersigned Ren Yan to be true and lawful representative of the Company to act for and on behalf of the Company to dispose with the following affairs in respect of the remittance and re-exchange with ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED in Bank of Communication of China, and sign the relevant documents:To engage Chinese lawyer, sign the contract of engagement, pay the security deposit of the property preservation, pay the litigation cost and attorney fee; to investigate, collect and submit the evidential materials, sign for all the relevant legal documents; to bring lawsuit in the courts in China, apply for the property preservation, admit, give up or modify the litigation claims, to appeal, mediate, apply for the compulsory execution, and to collect the executing amount.委托人因与ABCD企业发展有限公司(ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED)在中国交通银行汇款、退汇事宜,现委托受委托人为合法代理人,全权代表委托人办理上述汇款、退汇的下列手续及签署有关文件:代委托人在中国境内委托中国执业律师,签订委托代理合同,支付财产保全押金、诉讼费、律师费。



LETTEROFAUTHORIZATION委托书第一篇:LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION 委托书LETTER OF AUTHORIZATIONI am ***(PASSNO.*********, ID NO.******************)hereby anthorize Li Lu(passport NO.G2*******, ID NO.***011 cellphone NO.+86***)to submit/collect my visa application on my behave.Thanks and regardsSignature:第二篇:委托书委托编号:生育委托书我乾安县________乡、镇(或街道办事处)________村所管辖居民_______与_______省_______市_______县(区)_______乡、镇(或街道办事处)_________村所管辖居民__________于________年_____月_____日依法登记结婚,据《吉林省人口与计划生育条例》_____条_____款的规定该夫妇生育合法生育____孩,在我方没有办理生育证,现委托贵方给予该夫妇办理生育证为谢。











The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)兹授权我单位人员身份证号码电话和身份证号码电话携带我单位有关资料原件前往你行办理账户相关业务(共计项〔大写〕)。

民事诉讼 (汉语注音:mínshìsùsòng 英文释义a civil action; common pleas)是指人民法院在当事人和全体诉讼参与人的参加下,依法审理和解决民事纠纷的活动,以及由这些活动所发生的诉讼关系。

下面是关于民事诉讼授权委托书,欢迎大家阅读!I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date]就中关村证券股份有限公司行政清理工作组(以下简称“中关村证券清理组”)个人债权人申报登记债权的事宜,委托人对受托人授权如下:Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action toexecute the agreement.Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number][Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print address]I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication ordemand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).。



授权委托书英文通用4篇英文版授权委托书篇一the letter of authorization (power of attorney) i, the undersigned mr. /ms. _____representing ___________(company name),a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons mr./ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name)。

hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[signature to be authorized] [date][print signature in english] [print e-mail address][print full title of authorized peron] [print tel number][print name of company] [company chop/seal as applicable]by [signature] [date][print signature in english] [print e-mail address][print full title of executing officer] [print tel number][print address]英文版授权委托书篇二I,_____________________________[YOUR FULL LEGAL NAME],residing at___________________________________________________________________ ________________[YOUR FULL ADDRESS],hereby appoint ____________________________of ______________________ ___ as my Attorney-in-Fact ("Agent")。



公司授权委托书英文【篇一:授权委托书-中英文版】the letter of authorization (power of attorney)i, the undersigned mr. /ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons mr./ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and__________(company name).hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[signature to be authorized] [date][print signature in english] [print e-mail address][print full title of authorized peron] [print tel number][print name of company] [company chop/seal as applicable] by [signature][date][print signature in english] [print e-mail address][print full title of executing officer] [print tel number][print address]有权签字人委托书兹全权委托 x x x 先生(女士)和 x x x 先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。



中英文版授权委托书授权委托书英文版:Authorization Letter本授权委托书(以下简称“本委托书”)由授权人(以下简称“委托人”)与受托人(以下简称“代理人”)共同制定并签署,用于明确委托人授权代理人在特定事务上代表委托人的权利和义务。

第一章委托人信息1-1 委托人姓名:1-2 委托人/护照号码:1-3 委托人联系地质:1-4 委托人1-5 委托人电子邮箱:第二章代理人信息2-1 代理人姓名:2-2 代理人/护照号码:2-3 代理人联系地质:2-4 代理人2-5 代理人电子邮箱:第三章授权事项3-1 授权事项描述:描述委托人授权代理人具体负责的事务范围。

3-2 授权期限:授权时间的起止日期,包括具体的开始日期和结束日期。

3-3 授权内容:具体委托人授权代理人可以执行的事项,包括但不限于签署文件、处理行政手续、代表委托人参加会议等。

3-4 收费方式:如有需要,说明代理人的服务费用以及支付方式。

第四章权力与义务4-1 权力:详细说明代理人在代表委托人执行授权事项时所拥有的权力。

4-2 义务:详细说明代理人在代表委托人执行授权事项时应履行的义务。

第五章终止与解除5-1 终止条件:描述委托人或代理人可以解除委托关系的条件,例如超过授权期限、双方协商解除等。

5-2 解除程序:描述委托人或代理人解除委托关系的具体流程和程序。

第六章附件本文档附带以下附件:(在这里列出附件的名称或描述)第七章法律名词及注释7-1 法律名词:(在这里列出本文档中涉及的法律名词)7-2 注释:(在这里提供对于本文档中法律名词的解释和注释)全文结束。



授权委托书英文范本【篇一:英文授权书模板】【授权委托书】英文版授权委托书样本【授权委托书】英文版授权委托书样本授权书(或授权委托书)在英文中有两种形式,即letter of authorization (loa) 和 power of attorney (poa),而且英文授权书在使用上是有一些区别的。

一般来说,letter of authorization比较通用,几乎可以用于各种形式和各种需求时的授权;而power of attorney的使用比较严格,被授权人应为律师(attorney)。

在招标投标书翻译时,一般应选用letter of authorization。

letter of authorizationi, the name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representative to be true and lawful representative of the company from the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on behalf of the company with legally binding effect forand in respect of to sign the bids. and i acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized representative.it is hereby authorized.name of the company: (official seal)legal representative: (signature)authorized representative: (signature)date:【授权委托书】工程项目授权委托书样本【授权委托书】工程项目授权委托书样本工程项目授权委托书本授权委托书声明:我 (姓名) 系 (投标单位名称)的法人代表,现授权委托 (单位名称)的 (姓名)为我公司代理人,以本公司的名义参加工程项目的投标活动。



英文版授权委托书英文版授权委托书范文:LETTER OF AUTHORIZATIONI, the name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representative to be true and lawful representative of the Company from the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on behalf of the Company with legally binding effect for and in respect of to sign the bids. And I acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized representative.It is hereby authorized.Name of the Company: (official seal)Legal representative: (signature)Authorized representative: (signature)Date:英文版授权委托书范文:The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established byand existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address][Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number][Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable]By [Signature] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address][Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number][Print address]。



英文版授权委托书Letter of AuthorizationTo Whom It May Concern,I, [Name of the authorized person] hereby authorize [Name of the authorized agency] to act on my behalf in the following matters:[Insert the matters that will be handled by the authorized agency]This authorization is valid from [Insert the starting date of the authorization] until [Insert the ending date of the authorization].[Add any additional information that may be required by the agency, such asidentification documents or contact information]Sincerely,[Name of the authorized person][Date of signing the letter]DeclarationI, [Name of the authorized agency], hereby acknowledge that I have received the authorization from [Name of the authorized person] to act on their behalf in the matters listed above.I will use my best endeavors to ensure that the matters are handled appropriately and within the given time frame.Sincerely,[Name of the authorized agency][Date of signing the declaration]NotarizationSigned before me, a Notary Public, on [Date of notarization], by [Name of the authorized person], proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification to be the person whose name is subscribed above and who executed the foregoing instrument.[Insert the official notary’s stamp and signature]ConclusionThis letter serves as a valid authorization and declaration for the matters listed above. The authorized agencyis trusted to act on behalf of the authorized person, and the notarization ensures the authenticity of the letter. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the authorized person or agency.Thank you for your attention.Sincerely,[Name of the authorized person or agency] [Date of signing the letter]。



Letter of Authorizatio n委托书Client: (client commissioned payer --- Turkish company name)Legal represe ntative: Positi on:Domicile of the compa ny:Register Registratio n No.:委托人:(客户委托付款方---土耳其公司全称)法定代表人:职务:公司住所地:注册登记证号Represe ntative: Ren Yan Gen der: MaleID nu mber:Date of Birth:Address:受委托人:任彦性别:男身份证号码:出生年月:住址:The name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name, hereby authorize the un dersig ned Ren Yan to be true and lawful represe ntative of the Compa ny to act for and on behalf of the Company to dispose with the following affairs in respect of the remittanee and re-exchange with ABCD ENTERPRISEDEVELOPMENT LIMITED in Bank of Commun icatio n of China, and sig n the releva nt docume nts:To en gage Chin ese lawyer, sig n the con tract of en gageme nt, pay the security deposit of the property preservation, pay the litigation cost and attorney fee; to investigate, collect and submit the evide ntial materials, sig n for all the releva nt legal docume nts; to bring lawsuit in the courts in China, apply for the property preservation, admit, give up or modify the litigation claims, to appeal, mediate, apply for the compulsory executio n, and to collect the executi ng amount.委托人因与ABCD企业发展有限公司( ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMIT)在中国交通银行汇款、退汇事宜,现委托受委托人为合法代理人,全权代表委托人办理上述汇款、退汇的下列手续及签署有关文件:代委托人在中国境内委托中国执业律师,签订委托代理合同,支付财产保全押金、诉讼费、律师费。








The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (companyname)and __________(company name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number] [Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print address]。

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