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This part of my life this little part is called "Happiness."
制作人:第九组 汽车与交通学院 张志齐 组 长:孔维鹏
a hell of 使人受不了 的
resume sheet be Superior to asset 履历表 胜过,比什 management 么好 资产管理
-Did you forget? - Forget what? -
- Yeah, I know. - You have two now.
Not even me. - All right? - All right.
People can't do something themselves they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.
I met my father for the first time I was 28 years old. And as a young kid that
There is no Y in “happiness” ,it’s an I.
Lord ,don’t move that mountain , .Please don’t move that stumbling block ,but lead me ,Lord ,around it. My burdens , they gets so heavy , seem hard to bear, . Because you promised me . You’d meet me at the altar of prayer.
First , let’s learn some new words
script 剧本 density 密度 Interest 利息 Internship 实习
intern 实习生
submit 递交
reschedule 重新安排
allergic 过敏的
Second ,some phraxtension 申请延期 hang on to 抓住 double shift 两班轮班制