
如何看待零工经济英语作文(中英文版)The gig economy, often hailed as a flexible and liberating alternative to traditional employment, has sparked intense debates in recent times.On one hand, it offers individuals the freedom to choose their working hours and assignments, providing a sense of autonomy that is often lacking in conventional jobs.On the other hand, critics argue that it lacks stability and job security, potentially leading to exploitation and economic uncertainty.零工经济,这一被广泛认为是对传统就业模式的灵活与解放的替代方式,在近期引发了热烈的讨论。
From a societal perspective, the gig economy reflects a shifting landscape of work, one that values flexibility and adaptability.It caters to a generation that prioritizes personal growth and work-life balance.However, it also raises concerns about the erosion of worker"s rights and the disappearance of long-term job security.从社会角度看,零工经济反映出了工作格局的变化,重视灵活性和适应性。

2. “虽然工资不高,但是开心才是最重要的。
3. “财富不是拥有很多钱,而是拥有足够的钱去做自己喜欢做的事。
4. “工资少并不代表我们的人生就没有意义。
5. “虽然工资少,但是我们的心态要足够富有。
6. “有时候,工资少也是一种幸福。
7. “钱买不来幸福,但是一定要有钱才能买到一些东西。
8. “工资少,但是我们用真诚和努力去换取更多的东西。
9. “不要因为工资少而失去自信和勇气。
10. “工资少不可怕,可怕的是我们一直停留在这个状态而不肯努力改变。
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2016考研英语最新时文精读:关于最低工资的讨论本文推荐的时文精读来自2015年7月《Principles of Economics》,一场关于最低工资(minimum wages)的讨论,文章认为“争取越来越高的最低工资标准”这种趋势是非常危险的,原因何在?通读这篇文章,让我们来一探究竟。
市场存在一条基本的运作定律——“价涨需跌”(when prices rise, demand falls)。
Big rises in minimum wages are a gamble with people's futures.Modest minimum wages do not seem to sap demand for labour. Truckloads of studies, from both America and Europe, show that at low levels—below 50% of median full-time income, with a lower rate for young people—minimum wages do not destroy many jobs. 适度的最低工资似乎不会消弱劳动力需求。
By moving towards sharply higher minimum wages, policymakers are accelerating into a fog. Little is known about the long-run effects of modest minimum wages. And nobody knows what big rises will do, at any time horizon. It is reckless to assume that because low minimum wages have seemed harmless, much larger ones must be, too. 通过转向大幅提高最低工资,决策者正在加速进入一片未知领域。

无薪工资实习应该被禁止英语作文英文回答:Unpaid internships should be banned because theyexploit workers, perpetuate inequality, and stifle creativity.First, unpaid internships exploit workers. Interns often work long hours for little or no pay, and they are often not eligible for benefits such as health insurance or paid time off. This can lead to financial hardship for interns, especially if they have to pay for housing, food, and other expenses. In some cases, unpaid internships can even lead to debt, as interns may have to take out loans to cover their living expenses.Second, unpaid internships perpetuate inequality. Unpaid internships are often only available to students from wealthy families, who can afford to work for free. This gives students from disadvantaged backgrounds asignificant disadvantage in the job market. They may not be able to afford to take an unpaid internship, and they may not have the connections to get an unpaid internship in the first place. This can lead to a cycle of poverty, as students from disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to get good jobs and earn high salaries.Third, unpaid internships stifle creativity. Interns who are not paid are less likely to be creative and innovative. They are more likely to focus on completing tasks quickly and efficiently, rather than on coming up with new ideas. This can lead to a lack of innovation in the workplace, which can hurt businesses and the economy as a whole.For all of these reasons, unpaid internships should be banned. They are unfair, they perpetuate inequality, and they stifle creativity. It is time for us to move to a system where all workers are paid a fair wage for their labor.中文回答:无薪工资实习应该被禁止,因为它们剥削工人,加剧不平等,并扼杀创造力。

比尔盖茨送给年轻人的十一条忠告Rule1. Life is not fair –– get used to it!生活是不公平的,你要学会适应它。
Rule2. The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself. 这个世界并不会在意你的自尊,这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前要有所成就。
Rule 3.You will NOT make ﹩60,000 a year right out of high school. You won’t be vice-president with a car phone until you earn both. 高中毕业后你不会一下子就拿到年薪六万美金的职位,你也不会很快成为拥有车载电话的公司副总,直到你将此职位挣到手。
Rule 4. If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. 如果你认为你的老师过于严厉,那么等你有了老板再想一想。
Rule 5. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping –they called it opportunity. 卖汉堡包并不会有损于你的尊严。
Rule 6. If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t whine about your mistakes, learn from them.如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的错,不要将你理应承担的责任转嫁给他人,而要学会从中吸取教训。

公开谈论报酬似乎一直是工作禁忌,但是工资不透明,又如何知道自己的薪酬是否过低?于是有人发起了#晒工资#话题……What's the solution to ending gender-based pay disparities and all income inequality in the office? For a US programmer named Lauren Voswinkel, a simple way to start is by making it clear what everyone makes. After all, we can't know we are being paid less unless we know what everyone else is being paid.面对男女有别的薪酬,或是办公室中的同工不同酬,我们该怎么办?美国程序员劳伦•福斯温克尔认为最简单的办法就是工资完全透明。
看不见别人的工资条,我们又谈何知道自己薪酬过低呢?For years, Voswinkle had no idea she was being underpaid. A software developer from Pennsylvania, it took her three job switches and several hard negotiations before she landed her current position and an annual salary of $122,000 (about 757,000 yuan), a pay rate she now thinks is comparable to her male coworkers.过去的很多年里,福斯温克尔都不曾意识到自己薪酬过低。
经济学人-激励员工 评级与封杀-双语阅

评级与封杀Firms that keep grading their staff ruthlessly may not get the best from them.那些总是无情地把员工分个三六九等的公司或许并不能得到最好的效果。
Mayer: who's for the chop next?Mayer:谁是下一个要开除的?IT IS a brutal management technique in which bosses grade their employees' performance along a vitality curve and sack those who fall into the lowest category.老板们对雇员们的表现按照活力曲线来评定,然后把最差的一些炒掉鱿鱼的管理方法实在非常残酷。
Known as ranking and yanking, it had its heyday in the 1980s and 1990s.这个被称为评级与封杀的做法在19世纪80和90年代达到了全盛期。
In America its popularity faded somewhat after it was seen to have contributed to the fall of Enron.在美国,实施该策略的公司因其被认为促成了安然公司的破产曾大量减少,Now it is back in the headlines.不过现在这个字眼又重新见诸报端。
On November 8th All Things D, a tech-industry website, reported that Yahoo staff are increasingly unhappy about a quarterly performance review introduced last year by the new boss, Marissa Mayer.在11月8日,技术产业网站All Things D报道说,雅虎的员工们对于新老板Marissa Mayer去年引入的季度表现评估正日渐不满。
最低工资标准与通货膨胀 英语作文

The minimum wage refers to the minimum remuneration paid by the employer to the workers by the government, which can't be lowered any more, so as to ensure the subsistence expenses needed by the workers to maintain their basic life.通货膨胀,是指货币供给大于实际需要量产生的货币贬值现象。
Inflation refers to the phenomenon of currency depreciation caused by the money supply exceeding the actual demand. Generally speaking, inflation is expressed by the rise of the general price level, because the direct result is the rise of the general price level.一、这里面还包括了多种价格指数,有其复杂性。
It also includes a variety of price indexes, which have theircomplexity. In fact, the common method in various countriesis to use the consumer price index, which is called theconsumer price index (CPI) in China to grasp the inflationsituation. Residents are most sensitive to this part of theprice, and they are terminal. Consumer price index reflectsthe price of consumer goods and services purchased byresidents. This index in China is said to be the result ofweighted average of more than 700 options. Among them,food has the largest weight, accounting for 34%.二、由于领取最低工资部分的劳动者收入低,所得收入基本上都要用于购买必需品,一旦收入减少,就可能导致生存危机,对价格的上升,会特别敏感。

年轻人的经济压力英文作文英文:As a young person, I definitely feel the economic pressure in today's society. The cost of living is constantly rising, and it feels like our salaries are not keeping up. It's tough to make ends meet when rent, bills, and other expenses just keep piling up.For example, I have friends who are struggling to pay off their student loans while also trying to save up for a down payment on a house. It's a constant juggling act of trying to pay off debts and save for the future. And it's not just big expenses like that – even everyday thingslike going out for dinner or buying a new pair of shoes can feel like a luxury when you're on a tight budget.中文:作为一个年轻人,在当今社会我确实感到经济压力。

极低月薪英文作文英文:I have experienced the struggle of earning a very low salary. It was a few years ago when I just started my first job after graduation. The salary was only 2000 RMB per month, which was barely enough to cover my living expenses.I had to live in a shared apartment with three other roommates to save money on rent.Despite the low salary, I still had to work long hours and take on a heavy workload. I remember feeling exhausted every day and having no energy to do anything else after work. I couldn't afford to go out with friends or enjoy any leisure activities.One of the biggest challenges of having a low salary was trying to save money. I had to be very careful with my spending and cut back on everything unnecessary. For example, I would cook my own meals instead of eating outand take public transportation instead of taking a taxi.However, there were some positive aspects of earning a low salary. It taught me the value of money and how to be frugal. It also motivated me to work harder and strive for better opportunities.中文:我曾经经历过极低的月薪。

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教师工资低的影响英语作文The low salary of teachers has a significant impact on education. Firstly, it leads to a lack of motivation among teachers, as they feel undervalued and underappreciated. This can result in a decrease in the quality of teaching and a lack of enthusiasm in the classroom. When teachers are not adequately compensated for their hard work and dedication, it can be difficult for them to stay motivated and committed to their profession.Secondly, the low salary of teachers can also discourage talented individuals from pursuing a career in education. Many people may be deterred from entering the teaching profession due to the financial challenges it presents. This can result in a shortage of qualified teachers, which in turn affects the quality of education that students receive.Furthermore, the low salary of teachers can also impact the overall morale of the education system. When teachers are struggling to make ends meet, it can create a negative atmosphere within schools, which can ultimately affect the learning environment for students. This can lead to a lackof resources, outdated facilities, and limited opportunities for students.Overall, the low salary of teachers has a detrimental effect on education as a whole. It not only impacts the quality of teaching and the availability of qualified educators, but also has a negative impact on the overall learning environment for students.教师工资低对教育的影响非常大。
形容工资少的 英语

【常用的英语短语和句子】1.少的可怜的工资:A measly salary例句:My measly salary barely covers my living expenses.我的微薄薪水勉强维持生活。
2.微薄的薪水:A paltry wage例句:He receives a paltry wage for his hard work.他辛辛苦苦工作,却只能拿到微薄的薪水。
3.入不敷出:Not enough to live on例句:My salary is not enough to live on.我的工资不够花。
4.勉强度日:Scrape by例句:We"re just scraping by on our salary.我们只能勉强维持生活。
【具体的场景和对话】1.与同事谈论工资A: How much do you earn?你工资多少?B: It"s a measly salary, but it"s enough to get by.微薄的薪水,但足够维持生活。
2.向老板提出加薪请求A: Boss, I"ve been working hard here, but my salary is really not enough.老板,我一直在努力工作,但工资实在不够。
B: I understand your situation.Let"s discuss a possible raise.我了解你的情况,我们可以讨论一下加薪的可能性。

年轻人的经济压力英文作文英文:As a young person in today's society, I definitely feel the economic pressure. There are so many expenses to consider, from education to housing to daily living costs. It can be overwhelming at times, and I often find myself worrying about how I will manage financially.One of the biggest economic pressures for young people is the cost of education. Whether it's attending college or pursuing a professional certification, the price tag can be exorbitant. Many young people are forced to take out student loans, which can be a huge burden to carry for many years after graduation. I personally have friends who are still paying off their student loans well into their 30s, and it's a constant source of stress for them.Housing is another major economic pressure for young people. In many urban areas, the cost of rent is sky-high,and purchasing a home is completely out of reach for most young people. This means that a large portion of our income goes towards housing, leaving little left over for other expenses.Daily living costs, such as groceries, transportation, and healthcare, also add to the economic pressure. It can be difficult to make ends meet, and many young people find themselves living paycheck to paycheck.In addition to these everyday expenses, there is also the pressure to save for the future. Whether it's savingfor retirement, building an emergency fund, or investing in the stock market, there is a constant feeling that we should be doing more to secure our financial future.Overall, the economic pressure on young people is very real and can have a significant impact on our mental and emotional well-being. It's important for society to recognize these challenges and work towards creating a more financially inclusive environment for young people.中文:作为当今社会的年轻人,我确实感受到了经济压力。

全封闭口语培训,临时工让正式职工破财又伤身(文/太平洋英语)Working with temps harms your health and wealth. Not only will you suffer anxiety attacks, you'll get paid less too, according to a new report from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR).Temporary workers who come and go as they please drive down the wages of permanent staff by as much as 5pc, the study based on official data claims.The news is set to inflame tensions between employees and agency contractors at a time when millions of permanent staff are enduring pay freezes and cutbacks.Not only do temps spoil wage rates, they make you work harder, too, the report said. Companies that use temps are generally more cut-throat and cost-conscious than those who do not – generating more profit for the bosses but making employees work harder as a result, researchers said.Staff employed directly by the company have lower job satisfaction and higher anxiety when they can spot agency workers throughout the business – even if those temps are working in different departments, NIESR said.This is despite permanent staff generally getting paid 9pc more on average than temps.Alex Bryson, report author, said: "Employers face a dilemma. Temporary agency workers seem to have an adverse effect on employees' experiences at work, perhaps due to a more labour-intensive regime, one which is only partly compensated for with higher wages."Employees' fears may be short-lived, however, with a separate report this week showing fewer companies are hiring temps since the introduction of new rules giving them more workplace rights.英国国家经济和社会研究学院的一项新报告指出,和临时工一起工作有损你的健康和财富。

BEC高级口语之有失尊严BEC核心句型:It is not beneath your dignity to apologize to your subordinate.向你的下属道歉并不会有失尊严。
beneath your dignity 直译过来就是:“在你的尊严下面”,这个短语的正确意思是:“有损你的尊严,有失尊严”。
因此,当美国人说"It is not beneath your dignity to apologize to your subordinate."时,他/她要表达的意思就是:"You won't lose face to apologize to your subordinate."、"You won't lose your dignity to make an apology to your staff."。
BEC情景对白:Benjamin: It is not beneath your dignity to apologize to your subordinate, buddy.本杰明:兄弟,向你的下属道歉并不会有失尊严。
Terry: You're right. I shouldn't have scolded him without reason. I'll apologize to him.泰瑞:你说得对。
搭配句积累:①Don't think too much about it.不要想太多了。
②A fault confessed is half redressed.知错能改,善莫大焉。
③Every man has his faults.金无足赤,人无完人。
④Go and talk to him.去跟他谈谈吧。
BEC单词:1. beneath prep.在下方The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow.大地被厚厚的白雪覆盖。

经济压力的英文作文英文:Economic pressure is a common issue that many people face in their daily lives. It can come in many forms, such as job loss, debt, or simply struggling to make ends meet. In my own experience, I have felt the weight of economic pressure in various ways throughout my life.One example of economic pressure that I have faced is student debt. After graduating from college, I found myself with a significant amount of debt that I needed to pay off. This put a lot of stress on me and made it difficult to plan for my future. I had to work multiple jobs and sacrifice certain luxuries in order to make my monthly payments.Another example is the pressure of living in an expensive city. I currently live in New York City, which is known for its high cost of living. Rent, groceries, andother expenses can quickly add up and make it difficult to save money or enjoy leisure activities. I have had to learn how to budget and prioritize my spending in order to make the most of my income.Despite these challenges, I have learned to adapt and find ways to manage my economic pressure. I have sought out resources such as financial advisors and budgeting apps to help me stay on track. I have also learned to be more mindful of my spending habits and to prioritize my needs over my wants.中文:经济压力是许多人在日常生活中面临的常见问题。
TEXT 67Danger zone危险地带(陈继龙编译)Oct 5th 2006From The Economist print editionIt began moderately, but has risen too far, too fast and now threatens jobs(1)SO FIRMLY entrenched in the political economy has the minimum wage become that its latest increase, on October 1st, to £5.35 ($10.08) an hour, caused little stir. Yet the i________①of a national pay floor in 1999 was one of New Labour's most radical economic policies. Although minimum wage rates had previously covered a few industries, this was the first time that a general rate had been set.由于最低工资已经逐步确立了在政治经济学领域中的地位,因此今年10月1日最低工资再次上涨,变成每小时5.35英镑(10.08美元)时,并没有引起多大的轰动。
During the 1997 election campaign the Conservatives said that the policy would destroy jobs. Some economists calculated that hundreds of thousands of people might be put out of work. (2)These dire warnings proved way off the mark after the national minimum wage came into force seven years ago. The feared job losses did not materialise.1997年大选期间,保守党称这一政策会损害就业。
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Finance and Economics;财经;Age and happiness;年龄和幸福;Pay, peers and pride; 薪水、同事和自尊心;How older workers can find happiness;多大年纪的员工能获得幸福;Knowing that you are paid less than your peers has two effects on happiness. The well-known one is negative: a thinner pay packet harms self-esteem. The lesser-known one is called the “tunnel” effect: high incomes for peers are seen as improving your own chances of similar riches, especially if growth, inequality and mobility are high.众所周知,比同事的薪水少这一事实,对自己的幸福感会产生两种效应。
A paper co-authored by Felix FitzRoy of the University of St Andrews and presented this week at the Royal Economic Society in Cambridge separates the two effects using data from household surveys in Germany. Previous work showed that the income of others can have a small, or even positive, overall effect on people's satisfaction in individual firms in Denmark or in very dynamic economies in transition, such as post-communist eastern Europe. But Mr FitzRoy's team theorised that older workers, who largely know their lifetime incomes already, will enjoy a much smaller tunnel effect.圣安德鲁斯大学的菲茨·罗伊斯(Felix FitzRoy)与人合著了一篇论文,通过研究对德国家庭调查获得的数据以区分这两种效应。
The data confirm this hypothesis. The negative effect on reported levels of happiness of being paid less than your peers is not visible for people aged under 45. In western Germany, seeing peers' incomes rising actually makes young people happier (even more than a rise in their own incomes, remarkably). It is only those people over 45, when careers have “reached a stable position”, whose happiness is harmed by the success of others.调查的数据证实了这个假设。
The prospect of 20-plus years of bitterness might make retirement seem more appealing. But the real gains in happiness from retirement go not to the outshone, but to the out-of-work. Unemployment is known to damage happiness because not working falls short of social expectations. This loss of identity cannot be compensated for by unemployment benefits or increased leisure time. A paper presented at the same conference by a team represented by Clemens Hetschko of Freie Universit?t Berlin uses the same German household data to show that the spirits of the long-term unemployed rise when they stop looking for work, go into retirement and no longer clash with social norms.与摆在面前的20多年的辛苦工作相比,退休显得更吸引人。
Freie大学的Clemens Hetschko 与其研究团队在同样的会议上也发表了一篇论文。
[注]Those with jobs are no happier after they retire, however, perhaps because their lives already line up with social expectations. Indeed, retiring early from work can have nasty side-effects. Another paper, co-authored by Andreas Kuhn of the University of Zurich, investigates the effect of a change in Austrian employment-insurance rules that allowed blue-collar workers earlier retirement in some regions than others. Men retiring a year early lower their odds of surviving to age 67 by 13%. Almost a third of this higher mortality rate, which seemed to be concentrated among those who were forced into retirement by job loss, was caused by smoking and alcohol consumption. If you're in a job, even an underpaid one, hang on in there.那些有工作的人退休后并没有更快乐,可能是因为他们的生活已经和社会期望一致。
另一篇论文,由苏黎世大学的Andreas Kuhn与人合著,研究了奥地利的就业保障法的变更带来的效应,这一法律允许某些地区的蓝领工人可以更早退休。
A person's utility does not only depend on individualistic consumption of material goods and leisure but is also influenced by how well a person conforms to the norms and ideals of the social category she belongs to. Applying identity theory to the relationship between unemployment and life satisfaction implies that unemployed people are not only dissatisfied with their life because they have lower incomes, but also because they deviate from the norms of their social category under which they are expected to work. This explains the inability of the long-term unemployed to adapt to unemployment: they do not give up regarding employment as part of the social norm they strive to fulfill. Since they continuously deviate from this norm, thelong-term unemployed get low recognition from others, often become negatively stereotyped, and experience social isolation and stigmatization, which can be interpreted as sanctions to fulfill the norm to work.一个人的效应不单依靠对物质的消费和闲暇的享用,还取决于一个人如何与社会规范和所处的社会类属相匹配的程度。