



Unit 1

An impressive English lesson

1 If I am the only parent who still corrects his child's English, then perhaps my son is right. To him, I am a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar, which my son seems allergic to.

2 I think I got serious about this only recently when I ran into one of my former students, fresh from an excursion to Europe. "How was it?" I asked, full of earnest anticipation.

3 She nodded three or four times, searched the heavens for the right words, and then exclaimed, "It was, like, whoa!"

4 And that was it. The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture were captured in a condensed non-statement. My student's "whoa!" was exceeded only by my head-shaking distress.



1.The dinner party

I first heard this tale in India, where is told as if true -- though any naturalist would know it couldn't be. Later someone told me that the story appeared in a magazine shortly before the First World War. That magazine story, and the person who wrote it, I have never been able to track down.

The country is India. A colonial official and his wife are giving a large dinner party. They are seated with their guests -- officers and their wives, and a visiting American naturalist -- in their spacious dining room, which has a bare marble floor, open rafters and wide glass doors opening onto a veranda.

A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era and a major who says that they haven't.

完整英语课文翻译 泛读教程2第三版(刘乃银)

完整英语课文翻译 泛读教程2第三版(刘乃银)


艾力克斯? 哈利

许多人怀有美好的愿望,期望能成为作家,但是能够梦想成真的人不多。艾力克斯? 哈利也想成为作家,可是他成功了。阅读下面这篇文章,看一看他成功的原因。



我放弃了在海岸警卫队做了二十年的工作,为的是成为一名自由撰稿人,这时,我根本没有前途可言。我所拥有的只是一位住在纽约市的朋友,乔治? 西姆斯,他和我是在田纳西州的赫宁一起长大的。乔治为我找了个家,位于格林威治村公寓大楼中的一间腾空的储藏室,而他是那幢大楼的管理员。房子里冷嗖嗖的,没有卫生间,不过这没什么。我马上买了一台旧的手动打字机,感觉自己颇象一位名符其实的作家。

然而,大约一年后,我的写作生涯依然没有任何起色,我开始怀疑自己。卖出一篇小说是如此艰难,以至我几乎填不饱肚子。但是,我清楚的是我想写作,我已梦寐以求了许多年。我并不准备成为一名到死时还在想假如的人。我会坚持把我的梦想付诸实践-- 即使这梦想意味着不稳定的生活和对失败的恐惧。这是希望的阴暗面,任何心存梦想的人都必须学会在这阴暗面下生存。





Whofelt ashamed?And ashamedof what? Why did the narrator write about his calf love for the little

girl?What ’ s the relationship between love and shame?Having understood these, you will have got

the key to this story.(48)

I never learned hate at home, or shame. I had to go to school for that. I was about seven years old

when I got my first big lesson.I was in love with a little girl named Helene Tucker, a light-complexioned little girl with pigtails and nice

manners. She was always clean and

she was smart in school. I think I

went to school then mostly to look

at her. I brushed my hair and even

got mea little old handkerchief.It was a lady ’s handkerchief, but I



Book 2-Unit 8
▪ Text: ▪ A. b ▪ B. 1-5: badda 6-8: baa ▪ C. 1-5: dacdc 6-10: abbda ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: cdbbd 6-10: dcacb ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: accbd 6-10: bacdb
11-15: abccd
Book 2-Unit 12
▪ Text: ▪ A. a ▪ B. 1-5: ccaaa 6-8: ccb ▪ C. 1-5: abada 6-10: bbccd ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: cacdd 6-10: cdbdb 11-15: bccac ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: bcc cd 6-10: cadbb
Book 2-Unit 11
▪ Text: ▪ A. c ▪ B. 1-5: bd bba 6-7: bc ▪ C. 1-5: aabba 6-8: dcb ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: bcbcb 6-10: ccbdd ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: cdddd 6-10: dbcba
11-15: cdccd
Book 2-Unit 6
▪ Text: ▪ A. a ▪ B. 1-5: bbbad 6-10: bdddc ▪ C. 1-5: ccbab 6-10: cdaba 11-12: da ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: cabdd 6-10: addaa 11-15: bccda ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: bcacb 6-8: bbb





第三版新视野大学英语2文章翻译:Unit 1

Section A 时间观念强的美国人

Para. 1 美国人认为没有人能停止不前。如果你不求进取,你就会落伍。这种态度造就了一个投身于研究、实验和探索的民族。时间是美国人注意节约的两个要素之一,另一个是劳力。 Para. 2 人们一直说:“只有时间才能支配我们。”人们似乎是把时间当作一个差不多是实实在在的东西来对待的。我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩减时间、对时间的利用作出解释;我们还要因付出时间而收取费用。时间是一种宝贵的资源,许多人都深感人生的短暂。时光一去不复返。我们应当让每一分钟都过得有意义。

Para. 3 外国人对美国的第一印象很可能是:每个人都匆匆忙忙——常常处于压力之下。城里人看上去总是在匆匆地赶往他们要去的地方,在商店里他们焦躁不安地指望店员能马上来为他们服务,或者为了赶快买完东西,用肘来推搡他人。白天吃饭时人们也都匆匆忙忙,这部分地反映出这个国家的生活节奏。工作时间被认为是宝贵的。Para. 3b 在公共用餐场所,人们都等着别人吃完后用餐,以便按时赶回去工作。你还会发现司机开车很鲁莽,人们推搡着在你身边过去。你会怀念微笑、简短的交谈以及与陌生人的随意闲聊。不要觉得这是针对你个人的,这是因为人们非常珍惜时间,而且也不喜欢他人“浪费”时间到不恰当的地步。 Para. 4 许多刚到美国的人会怀念诸如商务拜访等场合开始时的寒暄。他们也会怀念那种一边喝茶或咖啡一边进行的礼节性交流,这也许是他们自己国家的一种习俗。他们也许还会怀念在饭店或咖啡馆里谈生意时的那种轻松悠闲的交谈。一般说来,美国人是不会在如此轻松的环境里通过长时间的闲聊来评价他们的客人的,更不用说会在增进相互间信任的过程中带他们出去吃饭,或带

新视野大学英语第三版 读写教程2 翻译

新视野大学英语第三版 读写教程2 翻译


Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in theworld.The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closelyrelated to the emergence andevolution of Chinese characters. Inthis long evolutionary processChinese cha ra cte rs have not onlyplayed an important role in exchangingideas and transmitting culture but alsodeveloped into a unique art form.

Calligraphic works well reflectcalligraphers personal feelings,knowledge self cultivation personality,and So forth,thus there is an expression that seeing thecalligrapher S handwriting is likeseeing the person As one of the treasures of Chinese culture,Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world' S treasure house of culture and art.



6-10: cdddb 6-7: cb 6-10: bacbd
6-9: cdad
Book 2-Unit 10
▪ Text: ▪ A. d ▪ B. 1-5: cdabc ▪ C. 1-5: accac
11-12: dd
▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: cdbcd
11-15: cddbc
英语泛读教程刘乃银第三版 第二册全册所有单元答案
Book 2-Unit 1
▪ Text: ▪ A. d ▪ B. 1-5: baccd ▪ C. 1-5: daaba ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: dbcc a
11-15: dcdcd ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: abccc
▪ Home Reading:
▪ 1-5: bbcdc
6-10: dcadb
Book 2-Unit 5
▪ Text: ▪ A. c ▪ B. 1-5: bacbd ▪ C. 1-5: abacd ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: ddddb
11-15: cdccd ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: cbbcb
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: cacdd 6-10: cdbdb 11-15: bccac
▪ Home Reading:
▪ 1-5: bcc cd



U3 A

College life in the Internet age


The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 2hours a day.

大学校园长久以来都是学术之地,也是新技术的前沿。现在随着手提电脑和智能手机的大量出现,加上每天2小时不间断的网络连接,大学校园正在转而进入电子设备的新时代。On a typical modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop everywhere. In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instant-messaging or emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. In her dorm, she instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away. She is tied to her smartphone, which she even uses to text a friend who lives one floor above her, and which supplies music for walks between classes.




大学英语泛读第二册答案Key to Lesson1

Comprehension of the text

1. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7)T 8)F 9)F 10) F

2. 1) C 2) D 3) C 4)

A 5) D

3. 1)带硬币去银行存钱总是一件大事,父亲会把这些硬币整齐地放进一个小硬纸盒,然后放在他的旧货车里我们俩之间的座位上。



Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.

1. 1) merrier 2) cashier 3)copper 4) textile 5)counter 6) lump 7) squatted 8) virtue 9) stacked 10)grinned

2. 1) The poverty of the family didn’t frustrate him; to the contrary, he became more determined to work hard and decide his own fate.

2) While Mr. Wang was in hospital, his two daughters took turns looking after him. However, to my amazement, his beloved son never turned up.







大学英语泛读第二册答案Key to Lesson1

Comprehension of the text

1. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7)T 8)F 9)F 10) F

2. 1) C 2) D 3) C 4)

A 5) D

3. 1)带硬币去银行存钱总是一件大事,父亲会把这些硬币整齐地放进一个小硬纸盒,然后放在他的旧货车里我们俩之间的座位上。



Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.

1. 1) merrier 2) cashier 3)copper 4) textile 5)counter 6) lump 7) squatted 8) virtue 9) stacked 10)grinned

2. 1) The poverty of the family didn’t frustrate him; to the contrary, he became more determined to work hard and decide his own fate.

2) While Mr. Wang was in hospital, his two daughters took turns looking after him. However, to my amazement, his beloved son never turned up.




Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world. The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters. In this long evolutionary process, Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting culture but also developed into a unique art form. Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers' personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that "seeing the calligrapher's handwriting is like seeing the person". As one of the treasures o Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world's treasure house of culture and art.

新视野大学英语 第三版 Book 2 课文翻译

新视野大学英语 第三版 Book 2 课文翻译

新视野大学英语第三版Book 2 课文翻译

Unit 1 Text A


1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。对他而言,我是一个乏味的怪物:一个他不得不听其教诲的父亲,一个还沉湎于语法规则的人,对此我儿子似乎颇为反感。

2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。这个学生刚从欧洲旅游回来。我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?”

3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!”

4 没了。所有希腊文明和罗马建筑的辉煌居然囊括于一个浓缩的、不完整的语句之中!我的学生以“哇!”来表示她的惊叹,我只能以摇头表达比之更强烈的忧虑。

5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。由于这些知识缺陷,他们承受着大部分不该承受的批评和指责,因为舆论认为他们应该学得更好。

6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。举例来说,杂货店的指示牌会把他们引向stationary(静止处),虽然便笺本、相册、和笔记本等真正的stationery(文具用品)并没有被钉在那儿。朋友和亲人常宣称They've just ate。实际上,他们应该说They've just eaten。因此,批评学生不合乎情理。

7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。学校应对英语熟练程度制定出更高的标准。可相反,学校只教零星的语法,高级词汇更是



Book 2-Unit 7
Text: A. b B. 1-5: cadbd 6-11: abcbad C. 1-5: badca 6-10: bcbba 11-14: dcab Fast Reading: 1-5: cdbdb 6-10: dbbdd 11-15: dccbd Home Reading: 1-5: bdadb 6-8: dac
11-15: cdccd
Book 2-Unit 6
Text: A. a B. 1-5: bbbad 6-10: bdddc C. 1-5: ccbab 6-10: cdaba 11-12: da Fast Reading: 1-5: cabdd 6-10: addaa 11-15: bccda Home Reading: 1-5: bcacb 6-8: bbb
Book 2-Unit 13
Text: A. b B. 1-5: dbcbd 6-8: aad C. 1-5: cadca 6-10: bdaca 11-12: db Fast Reading: 1-5: acdbd 6-10: baacd 11-15: dddba Home Reading: 1-5: dccdb 6-10: bcdab
11: b 11-15: adcaa
Book 2-Unit 9
Text: A. d B. 1-5: cdbda 6-10: cdddb C. 1-5: abcaa 6-7: cb Fast Reading: 1-5: dadcb 6-10: bacbd 11-15: dbbaa Home Reading: 1-5: dbdcc 6-9: cdad





1. 她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.

2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。

The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.

3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。

Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.

4. 当全部乘客都向出口处(exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。

While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.

5 . 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。

The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.

6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。

While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.

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After Twenty Years




The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators were few. The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh depeopled the streets.


Trying doors as he went, twirling his club with many intricate and artful movements, turning now and then to cast his watchful eye adown the pacific thoroughfare, the officer, with his stalwart form and slight swagger, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace. The vicinity was one that kept early hours. Now and then you might see the lights of a cigar store or of an all-night lunch counter; but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had long since been closed.


When about midway of a certain block the policeman suddenly slowed his walk. In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. As the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly.


"It's all right, officer," he said, reassuringly. "I'm just waiting for a friend. It's an appointment made twenty years ago. Sounds a little funny to you, doesn't it Well, I'll explain if you'd like to make certain it's all straight. About that long ago there used to be a restaurant

where this store stands--'Big Joe' Brady's restaurant."

"Until five years ago," said the policeman. "It was torn down then."

The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar. The light showed a pale, square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a little white scar near his right eyebrow. His scarfpin was a large diamond, oddly set.




"Twenty years ago to-night," said the man, "I dined here at 'Big Joe' Brady's with Jimmy Wells, my best chum, and the finest chap in the world. He and I were raised here in New York, just like two brothers, together. I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty. The next morning I was to start for the West to make my fortune. You couldn't have dragged Jimmy out of New York; he thought it was the only place on earth. Well, we agreed that night that we would meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come. We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our destiny worked out and our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be."

"It sounds pretty interesting," said the policeman. "Rather a long time between meets, though, it seems to me. Haven't you heard from your friend since you left"



"Well, yes, for a time we corresponded," said the other. "But after a year or two we lost track
