


间接引语He said that he didn’t like cleaning his room
引语变为 间接引语需注意: 时态 人称 所有格
1.时态的变换:主句若为一般过去时从句则使用相 应的过去的某种时态
1. He told Marcia he (will\would) call her tomorrow.
What did Lana say?
Lana said she was mad(生气) at Marcia.
She said, “ I’ m not going to her house on Friday night.”
What did Lana say?
She said she was not going to her house on Friday night.
2.Mary said:"I am studying Japanese.
2.Mary said she was studying Japanese.
3Susan said:"I go shopping every Sunday.
3.Susan said she went shopping every Sunday.
6.Linda said :"I go camping every week.
6.Linda said she went camping every week.
She said, “ I’m having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.”
What did Marcia say? She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. 为拉娜举办一个惊喜晚会

八年级英语Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.教案

八年级英语Unit 4   He said I was hard-working.教案

八年级英语Unit 4 He said I washard-working.教案八年级英语Unit4HesaidIwashard-working.教案I.Teachingaimsandteachingdemands:Inthisunitstudentslearntoreportwhatsomeonesaidandte llastory.II.Teachingkeyanddifficultpoints:A.Vocabularyever,mad,anymore,message,hard-working,surpriseparty ,reportcard,firstofall,lazy,soapopera,house,snacks, beach,history,science,Spanish,B.Targetlanguagewhatdidyourmathteachersay?HesaidIwashard-working.Icanspeakthreelanguages.whatdidshesay?Shesaidshecouldspeakthreelanguages.c.StructuresReportedspeechSimplepasttensecanforabilityIII.Teachingmethods:Audio-lingualmethodsIV.Teachingaids:ataperecorderV.Thisunitisdividedintoeightperiods.Lesson1SpeakandlistenSectionA1a---1cI.Teachingaimsanddemands:Studentslearntoreportwhatsomeonesaid.II.Teachingkeyanddifficultpoints:A.Vocabularysoapopera,surpriseparty,bemadat,onFridaynight,B.Targetlanguagewhatdidshesay?ShesaidshewashavingasurprisepartyforL anaonFridaynight.Didyoueverwatchsoapopera?whataresomethingshappenedonsoapopera?III.Teachingmethods:Audio-lingualmethodsIV.Teachingaids:ataperecorderV.TeachingprocedureActivity1.RevisionTask1.DictationTask2.Askandanswer.Questionsaboutthepastprogressive.Activity2.PresentationThisactivityintroducessomenewvocabularyandprovideor alpracticeusingthetargetlanguage.Task1.Askfourstudentstostandinfrontoftheclass,andth eteacherasksthemthefollowingquestionsasareporter..whatareyougoingtodowhenyougrowup?2.whatareyougoingtodonextweek?3.whataregoingtodoafterschool?Thestudentswillgivedifferentanswers,thenaskagoodstu denttoreportwhattheysaid.Iamgoingtoeadoctor.whatdidshesay?----------Shesaidshewasgoingtobeadoct or.IamgoingtohaveapartyonFridaynight.whatdidhesay?-------HesaidhewasgoingtohaveapartyonF ridaynight.Iamgoingtodomyhomework.whatdidshesay?------Shesaidshewasgoingtodoherhomewo rk.Iamgoinghomeafterschool.whatdidshesay?-----Shesaidshewasgoinghomeafterschoo l.SayInthisunitwearegoingtolearntousewordsliketoreportwhatsomeonesaid.Task2.Readtheinstructions.Thenaskastudenttoreadthef ourquestions.AndwritethewordsontheBb.Explainwhatsoa poperais.Task3.AskthestudentstoLookatthepictures,pointoutthe TVscreensinthepicture.Askonegirltoreadwhatmarciasai d.whatdidmarciasay?ShesaidShesaidshewashavingasurpris epartyforLanaonFridaynight.Repeattheotherpicturesin thesameway.Activity3.Listenandnumberthepicturesinactivity1a.Task1.Playtherecordingthefirsttime.Studentsonlylist en.Task2.Playtherecordingasecondtime.Studentsnumberthe pictures.Thenchecktheanswers.Activity4.PairworkAskthestudentstoaskandansweraboutwhatthepeopleinthe soapoperasaid.Homework.makeupyourownconversations.2.writedownthesentencesin1a.Lesson2ListenandspeakSectionA2a---GrammarFocusI.Teachingaimsanddemands:Studentslearntoreportwhatsomeonesaid.II.Teachingkeyanddifficultpoints:A.Vocabularyasurpriseparty,bemadat,not…anymore,bring…to,happen,DirectSpeech,IndirectSpeech.B.TargetlanguageBentoldLanathatmarciawasgoingtohaveasurprisepartyfo rher.Shesaidshewasmadatmarcia.Hetoldmehewouldcallmetomorrow/thenextday.Shesaidshecouldspeakthreelanguages.III.Teachingmethods:Audio-lingualmethodsandPPPIV.Teachingaids:ataperecorderV.TeachingprocedureActivity1.RevisionTask1.checkthehomework.Askandanswer.Iamastudent.whatdidhesay?-----Hesaidhewasastudent.Icanswim.whatdidshesay?------Shesaidshecouldswim.Iwillringyouuptomorrow.whatdidshesay?Shetoldmeshewouldringmeup.Activity2.Listeningandcircling.Task1.Readtheinstructions.Learnthekeyvocabulary. Task2.Pointtothefivesentencesandaskdifferentstudentstoreadthemtotheclass.Thensay:youwillhearaconversat ionbetweentwopeoplewhoaretalkingaboutasoapoperaonTV .circleTrueorfalseaftereachstatement.Playtherecordingtwiceandstudentscircletheiranswers. Thenchecktheanswers.Activity3.ListeningTask1.Readtheinstructions.Task2.Playtherecordingagainandchecktheanswers.Activity4.GroupworkTask1.Readtheinstructionsfortheactivity.Task2.Pointtothepicturesinactivity2b.Askthestudents tousethewordsandpicturesastheyhavetheirconversation s.Task3.Havethestudentsworkinpairs.Task4.checktheanswersbycallingondifferentpairstosay aconversationtotheclass.Activity5.GrammarFocusReviewthegrammarbox.askthestudentstosaythestatements.Payattentiontothefollowing:DirectspeechIndirectspeecham,is,amhaving,go,will,canwas,washaving,would,could,wentapresentsituationapastsituationwhenyoureportwhatsomeonesaid,youusewordsthattalkabo utthepast.Homework.Reviewtheconversationandthevocabulary.2.writethesentencesingrammarfocus.。

八年级英语unit 4 he said i was hard-working. 人教新目标版知识精讲

八年级英语unit 4 he said i was hard-working. 人教新目标版知识精讲

初二英语Unit 4 He said I was hard-working. 人教新目标版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.二. 教学目标:学习如何转述别人所叙述的内容。

三. 教学过程:1. 重点词及短语。

1. 直接引语和间接引语。

(一)重点词汇:1. ever: adv. 曾经,永远(1)Do you ever watch soap opera?(2)I hardly ever(几乎不曾)go to the concert.(3)True love should last for ever. (永远)2. mad: adj. 疯狂的,狂热的(1)be mad at/ with sb. 生……的气(同义词组be angry with sb. )(2)be mad for sth. 因……事而生气ex: He is mad _________ his son _________ telling a lie.3. not … any more 不再……(1)He didn’t live here any more. 他不再住这里了。

(2)She wasn’t mad at me anymore. 她不再生我的气了。

4. first of all 首先5. message: n. 消息,信息(1)为某人捎个口信:①take a message _________sb.②give sb. a message(2)给某人留个口信:_________ a message _________sb.(3)传信给某人:_________ _________ a message to sb.ex: ①He left a _________ saying he would come back in a week.A. informationB. messageC. newsD. word②Can I _________ a message for you?A. bringB. leaveC. takeD. pass6. pass on 传递,继续前进①学生们在传球。

Unit 4 He said I was hard4

Unit 4  He said I was hard4

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working .Teaching goals:1.V ocabulary: hard-working ,report card ,can dobetter ,speaking ,listening ,average ,surprise .2.Patterns: What did your math teacher say ?He said he could speak three languages .3.直接引语和间接引语的转换。


Important and difficult points :1.新的词汇和习语。

2.个人Report card 的写作。


Teaching aids : teaching cards , pictures and a tape recorder .Period 4Teaching contents: Reading :She said helping others changed her life .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk Ss to think of people who need help and write some ideas .Then discuss with their partner .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 32 , Section 2 .1.Have Ss read the passage first for meaning .2.Ask Ss to read it again and fill in the blanks .3.Check the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3a .1.Ask Ss to read through again to find the relevant information forYang Lei’s students .2.Ask Ss to complete the information under “you” , saying what istrue for their own lives .3.Have Ss discuss their answers with their partner .SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3b .In pairs ,ask and answer the questions .SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3c .Have Ss write a summary of the reading and share the summaries in groups of five .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 33 , Section 4 .1.Have a class discussion about the work each organization does .2.Ask some Ss to say which organization they would like to workfor and why .Step 5 HomeworkWrite the summary of the reading on their exercise books .。

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working★Background information:Teacher: Zhou Kai Class: B Grade: 2Time duration: two periods(80mins.) Period: 5-6Textbook: Unit 4 He said I was hard-working from Go for itType of class: Reading★Language contents and Teaching aims:1.Students are able to master the new words, phrases and expressions in this stage. poor: 贫穷的;贫困的village: 乡村;村庄Peking University: 北京大学graduate: (大学)毕业生volunteer: 志愿者rural: 乡下的;乡村的the Ministry of Education: 教育部Chinese Young Pioneer: 中国少先队area: 地区;区域meter: 米;公尺sea level: 海平面thin: 稀薄的ate: 动词eat的过去式fortunately: 幸运地decision: 决心;决定husband: 丈夫dormitory: 宿舍senior high school: 高中open up: 打开start: 开始;开端influence: 影响return: 回来;返回hometown: 家乡;故乡Greenpeace: “绿色和平”组织care for: 照料;照顾border: 边境;边界UNICEF: 联合国儿童基金会WWF: 世界野生动物基金会danger: 危险2. After careful reading, students will be able to retell the language points in the passage and translate the difficult sentences into Chinese.3. After these two classes, students will be able to realize the importance to help people in trouble and cherish the life that they are living.★Important & Difficult points:1. How to guide students to retell the language points in the passage and translate the difficult sentences into Chinese.2. How to guide students to realize the importance of helping people in trouble and cherish the life that they are living.★Teaching aids : PPT, chalk, blackboard★Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in (10mins)T: Hello, everybody. How are you?Ss: Fine. Thank you. And you?T: I’m fine, too. Today we are going to learn how to help others. First of all, let’s see some pictures. (show the picture) Do you know where it is?Ss: Yes. It is our school.T: Yes, you are right. This is the playground, and this is the garden, the teaching building, and the Jialing River. Now look at the picture carefully. Do you think our school is beautiful,熊焕绎?熊焕绎: Yes.T: Yes, I think so. We live in a beautiful city, study in a beautiful school. We have good teachers to teach us and our classmates are friendly and hard-working. So do you think you are happy?Ss: (Some may say yes but some may say no.)T: Now look at some other pictures.( show the pictures of the poor children, and all the students are surprised) Now do you think you are happy,龚让?龚让: Yes.T: Yes. Look at their school, their shoes and their classrooms. They live a hard life. Their school isn’t as beautiful as ours. And their classroom is small and dark. And look at their shoes, are old and worn-out, broken. And look yourselves, beautiful clothes and shoes. Their life is hard. Do you think so,郭建斌?郭建斌: Yes.T:Now look these pictures, do you want to help them?Ss: Yes.T: Then how can we help them?Ss:……T: There are many organizations which are trying to help others. Do you know any of them?Ss:……T: Now please look at the screen. Do you know them?(show the pictures one by one) Ss: 绿色和平组织,联合国儿童基金会……T: Yes. They are绿色和平组织,联合国儿童基金会,无国界医生组织,世界野生动物基金会. What are these groups used for? What are they trying to do?Ss:T: Let me show you.What are these groups used for?T: Besides these organizations, there are also many people trying to help others. Now look at this photo, can you guess who she is?( show the picture) Who is she? What did she do?Ss: ( students may give different answers.)(刘韵琪,李昱颖,赵欣佚)Step 2 Fast reading (9mins)T: Maybe you are right, may be you are wrong. Now six minutes to read the passage and try to answer these questions. Now go.…six minutes later…T: Finish?Ss: Yes.T: Good, now let’s check the answers. (ask students to tell it is true or false, if it is false, then he/she must read the right sentences.)(邓艾明,唐洪鑫,王雨沛,陈子渊,王典,杨一,曾繁勋)Step 3Careful Reading (30mins)T: Now let’s read the first paragraph together. 2minutes to read it and then fill in the information card about Yang Lei.(display the information chart) For example, what is her name? Her name is Yang Lei. Understand?( Yes) Now, one minute. Go.…two minutes later…T: Do you get the answers?Ss: Yes.T: Good. 邓雯莹,what is her work?邓雯莹: She is a volunteer teacher.T: Good, and where is she from?邓雯莹:She is from Beijing.T: Good, sit down, please. Now all of you tell me together. (Students also say it out) She graduated from Peking University.T: Do you know Peking University?Ss:.. …T: Do you want to study there? (Yes.) If you study hard now, you will be there. Now let’s look at this paragraph in details.( T will explain the language points to students.) T: Now let’s look at the second and third paragraph. Two minutes to read the paragraphs and then fill in the chart. (display the chart). For example, the hometown of Yanglei’s students is a mountain village in Gansu province. Fill in the chart like this.Understand?Ss: Yes.…two minutes later…T: Finish?Ss: Yes.T: Good. Yang Lei’s students’ food is (Ss say aloud) porridge. Right? Now, 吴庆渝, can you tell us when these students get up?吴庆渝: They get up at 5 a.m.T: Good. Sit down, please. And when do they finish studying? 阮梓含.阮梓含: They finish studying at 11p.m.T: Now, look at the chart, everybody. How about you? Now let’s finish it together.T&Ss: We live in Chongqing. We often eat KFC or CSC. Our teachers are very good professional teachers.T: Now do you think you are happy?Ss: Yes.T:OK. What did Yang Lei’s mother say about her daughter’s volunteer work? (Paragraph 2). First of all, you need to find the sentence in the paragraph?Ss: She said that young people today need to experience different things. (Students may not be able to answer, so T should say the answer aloud with students.) (T need to explain why we use simple present tense instead of simple past tense here. It is because here it refers to a fact.)T: Good. Then what did the children say about volunteer teachers? (Paragraph 3) Ss: The children said that they were like big brothers or sisters to them, and they felt lucky.T: Good. ( Now T will explain the language points to students.)T: Now let’s look at paragraph4 and paragraph5. Two minutes to read them and answer the four questions. Clear?Ss: Yes.T: Good. Two minutes, now, go.…two minutes later…T: Finish?Ss: Yes.T: Good. Did she love her volunteer work?(刘思海, 肖洒)Ss: Yes, she did.T: What does she do now?Ss: She now works as a math teacher at a high school in the city of Pingliang, Gansu Province.T: What did Yang Lei say she could help? (Paragraph 4)(王典, 王雨沛)Ss: She said she could open up her stude nts’ eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.T: What did Yang Lei say about her time as a volunteer? (陈欣慧, 傅媛)Ss: She said she likes being a good influence in the children’s lives.( T will explain the language points to students.)Step 4Conclusion (Post Reading) (10mins)T: Can you retell the story of Yanglei?Helping otherschanged YangLei’s lifeOptional part: Interview.T: Work in pairs. One is Cui yongyuan, one is Yanglei. What will Cui ask Yang? And what will Yanglei answer? You have 2 minutes to prepare and I will ask some of you to play for us.Reflection of my first teaching。



He said I was hardworking教案unit 4he said i was hard-working 知识归纳【单元目标】1.单词与短语ever mad anymore snackmessage suppose hard-working nervoussemester worst true disappointinglucky copy hers decisionstart influence peace borderdangerfirst of all 首先pass on 传递be supposed to 被期望或被要求... ...do better in 在......方面做得更好be in good health 身体健康report card 成绩单get over克服;恢复;原谅open up 打开care for照料;照顾have a party for sb.为某人举行一次聚会be mad at sb2.目标句型:转述他人话语what did sb. say?he said i …she said she…they said…3.语法直接引语和间接引语【重难点分析】直接引语和间接引语(一)直接引述别人的原话,叫做直接引语;用自己话转述别人的话,叫做间接引语。




1. 时态的变化:直接引语变为间接引语时,通常受转述动词said,asked等的影响而使用过去化的时态,即把原来的时态向过去推,也就是一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变为过去进行时等。

例如:tom said to m e,“my brother is doing his homework.”→tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.2. 人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等等的变化;根据意义进行相应的变化。

2013新版新目标英语八年级(下) Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.

2013新版新目标英语八年级(下) Unit 4  He said I was hard-working.

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.主备:李云彩(黄鱼圈中学)校对:一、教材分析本单元通过转述别人的话学习直接引语和间接引语,并通过―看肥皂剧转述剧中人的话和向家长转述老师对自己的评价‖这些练习活动,来理解和掌握直接引语和间接引语之间的转换规律。



二、目标引导(一)重点词汇message, village, area, meter, decision, husband, start, influence, hometown, danger, suppose, copy, ate, return, nervous, true, lucky, own, poor, thin.(二)重点短语1.have a surprise party 举办一个惊喜的聚2.be/get mad at/with sb. 生某人的气3.not…any more 不再4.bring sth. to sw. / sb. 把某物带到某地/某人5.direct speech 直接引语6.reported speech 间接引语7.first of all 首先8.call sb. 给某人打电话9.do a homework projectwork on a homework project 做家庭作业10.at one’s house doing a homework project在……家做作业11.pass sth. to sb.pass sb. sth. 把……传递给……12.pass on… 传递pass sth. on to sb. 把……传递给……13.be supposed to do sth. 被期望或被要求…14.do better in…在……方面做得更好15.be in good health 身体健康16.finish my end – of – year exams 结束年终考试17.report card 成绩单18.get nervous 变得紧张19.in the mail 在邮件中20.have a really hard time with science 自然课学得很吃力21.be surprised to do sth. 做……感到很吃惊22.help sb. do / with sth. 帮助某人做某事23.have a big fight 打了一大架24.talk to sb. 跟某人说话25.have a fight 打架26.start a bad habit 养成/开始坏习惯27.I’m sure that… 我确信……28.get over 克服29.in a poor mountain village 在一个贫穷的山村30.sound like fun to sb. 对你来说听起来是件趣事may not sound like fun to sb. 或许不是你的兴趣所在31.on a one – year program 在为期一年的援助计划中32.the Ministry Education 教育部33.Chinese Y oung Pioneers 中国少年先锋队34.sea level 海平面35.agree with sb. 同意……的观点36.open up one’s eyes 打开……的眼界/ 拓展学生的视野37.make sb. do sth. 使得某人做某事38.care for 照料、照顾39.doctors without borders 没有国界的医生40.wild animals in danger 处于危险中的野生动物(三)重点句型1.She said she was mad at Marcia.2.She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.3.He told me he would call me tomorrow.4.She said she could speak three languages.5.It all started when she asked me if she could copy my homework.6.I asked her why she wanted to do that.(四)语法:现在完成进行时直接引语和间接引语(Direct speech and reported speech)(五)话题学会转述别人的话三、重难点解读1.She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.她说她准备在周五的晚上为拉娜举办一个惊喜聚会。

教学设计:Unit 4 He said I was hard-working(人教新目标八年级下)

教学设计:Unit 4 He said I was hard-working(人教新目标八年级下)

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.Period 1Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:Key vocabularies: mad, anymore, direct speech, reported speechSentence patterns: What did she say?She said she was having a party for Lana.What did your teacher say?She said she could speak three languages.2. Ability aims: To train Ss’ listening and speaking skills.To train communicative abilities of students3. Moral aims: Try best to make students be interested in communicating inEnglish. And always be ready to help others in their life.Teaching important and difficult points:1. Master the new words, the direct speech and the reported speech and thekey sentences in Grammar Focus2. Report what others say correctly.Teaching methods:1.Situation teaching method2.Task-based teaching methodmunicative teaching methodTeaching tools: A recorder, a tape and some picturesTeaching procedures:Step1 Leading in: Duty report about weather or other daily thingsEnjoy a beautiful music.Step2 Warming up: Greetings and review the words:1 再也不,不再------2 首先-------3 消息--------4传递-------------- 5假定----- 6被期望-----7生某人的气----- 8举行惊喜晚会-----(题目形式复习单词和词汇,进入上课的学习环境)Step 3 PresentationAsk several students what they are going to do after school. And write their sentences on the BbEg: T: What are you going to do after school?S1:I’m going to play soccer after school..S2: I’m going to help my motherS3: I will have a party for my sister..Then teacher says: These Ss talk about what they are going to do after school ,if you want to tell a friend what they said ,how would you tell him ? Who can tell me what they three said just now?S3: He said he was going to play soccer after school .Then write the sentence on the Bb.T: What did S2 say?S4: She said she was going to help his mother . (Also write it on the Bb.)T: In this unit we’re going to learn to use words like this to report what others said.Then underline the words ―He said‖ and ―She said‖ in the sentencesStep 4 1a Group work1.Point out the TV screens in the picture .Ask one student to read what the personsays in the first picture .Then ask another student :What did she/he say ? Help to answer :She/He said she/he was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night .2.Then group work to deal with other pictures like this. (任务型教学和小组学习的方式,体现了学生主体,老师为主导的教学思想,培养英语综合运用能力。

Unit4 He said I was hard-working导学案

Unit4 He said I was hard-working导学案

Unit4 He said I was hard-working.Period1(1a-1c)教学设计教学目标(Teaching Aims and Demands)知识与技能了解直接引语和间接引语,以及引语间的转换。





教学重点、难点(Teaching Key Points and Difficulties)教学重点(Teaching Key Point):了解直接引语和间接引语,以及引语之间的转换。

教学难点(Teaching Difficulties):间接引语转换中,注意一些关键动词的变化和人称代词的变化。

教具(Teaching Aids)幻灯片教学方法尝试教学法教学设计:教师活动教学过程学生活动让一名学生回答问题“What did you do last night?”然后假装没听见,问另一名学生”What did he /she say?”引导学生回答。


展示图片,让学生回答问题“What is soap opera?Do you ever watch soap opera? What are some soap opera you know? What are some things that happen on soap opera?”并及时引导。


Step I lead-inRevise What did youdo last night? What didhe /she say?Step II Studying AimsShow the studyingaims. Ask the studentto read it.StepIII 1aAsk student answer thequestions“What issoap opera?Do youever watch soap opera?What are some soapopera you know? Whatare some things thathappen on soapopera?”The teachergive some help ifnecessary.一名学生回答老师的问题。

八年级英语下册 Unit4 He said I was hard-working section A 2a-2c课件

八年级英语下册 Unit4 He said I was hard-working section A 2a-2c课件
6.Linda said she went camping every week.
男孩女孩 看看谁的眼力尖, 看看谁的眼力尖,脑力快
间接引语 直接引语变间接引语
7She said "This is my computer".
7.She said this was her computer.
8.They said "We are having a surprise party.
Marci a
Marcia said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. 意外的
Lana said she was mad(生气 at Marcia. 生气) 生气 be mad at sb. =be angry with sb. 生某人的气
直接引语: 直接引语:He said , “This is my computer.” ” 间接引语: 间接引语:He said that was his computer.
直接引语变为 间接引语注意: 间接引语注意:
人称 时态 所有格
am\is are Have\has will can do
3Susan said:"I go shopping every Sunday.
3.Susan said she went shopping every Sunday.
男孩女孩 看看谁的眼力尖, 看看谁的眼力尖,脑力快
间接引语 直接引语变间接引语
4.Tom said:"My favorite sport is football.
男孩女孩 看看谁的眼力尖, 看看谁的眼力尖,脑力快



Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.(the first period)年级:八年级课型:新授课执笔:高迪English saying: Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量。

)【学习目标】1)Ss report what others said.2)Have Ss exchange their ideas on one another.3)引导学生参与课堂Pairwork 和Groupwork 教学活动,培养他们团结协作的品质。




What did Marcia say? She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.3)在教学过程中培养学生的英语应用能力,合作学生的能力。


一.课前预习1. 重点词汇:mad,anymore,hard-working,report,surprise,party. be mad at, soap opera, direct speech, reported speech.2. 语言点导学:1. Lana said she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore. Lana说她不再生Marcia的气了。

句中not…anymore或not…any more意为“不再…”,也可以用no more来表示。

例如:I won’t be late anymore/any more.= I will no more be late.我不再迟到了。

2. What are some things that happen on opera operas? 肥皂剧中发生哪些事情?该句中的that happen on soap operas是that 引导的定语从句,用来修饰things. That 是用来引导定语从句的引导词,可用来指人或物;things是先行词。

新课标人教版八年级英语下册Unit 4 He said I was hardworking--SEC

新课标人教版八年级英语下册Unit 4 He said I was hardworking--SEC

Unit 4 He said I was hardworkingPart 1: Teaching designSECTION AGoals To learn toreportwhat someone saidTo learn such words as: first of all Ever, mad, anymore, message, hardworking,surprise party, report cardProceduresWarming up learning about Direct speech and reported speechIndirect Speech (also referred to as 'reported speech') refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said. It is almost always used in spoken English.If the reporting verb (i.e. said) is in the past,the reported clause will be in a past form. This form is usuallyone step backinto the past from the original. Structures Reported speech; Simple past tense; Can for ability TargetlanguageWhat did your math teacher say? He said I was hard working. I can speak three languages. What did she say? She said she could speak three languages. VocabularyEver, mad, anymore, message, hardworking, surprise party, report card first of all Learningstrategies Listening for key words; Self-evaluatingFor example:He said the test was difficult.She said she watched TV every day.Jack said he came to school every day.If simple present, present perfect or the future is used in the reporting verb (i.e. says) the tense is retained.For example:He says the test is difficult.She has said that she watches TV every day.Jack will say that he es to school every day.If reporting a general truth the present tense will be retained.He said, “I live in Paris.”He said he lived in Paris. He said, “I am cooking dinner.” He said he was cooking dinner.He said, “I have visted London twice.”He said he had visited London twice. He said, “I went to New York last week.”He said he had gone to New York the week before. He said, “I had already eaten.” He said he had already eaten.He said, “I am going to find a newjob.”He said he was going to find a new job.He said, “I will give Jack a call.” He said he would give Jack a call. 1a Doing groupworkHello, class! We shall go to watch a soapopera first of all.But l et’s talk about these questionsfirst.What is a sopa opera?What are some of the soap oeras you know?Do you ever watch soap opera?What are some things that happen onsoap opera?Daytime dramas so named because they were originally sponsored by the makers of laundry detergent in the early days of television.Aserialized program usually dealing with sentimentalized family matters that is broadcast on radio or television (frequently sponsored by a pany advertising soap products)A soap opera is an ongoing, episodic work of fiction, usually broadcast on television or radio and most recently on mobile phones. This genre of TV and radio entertainment has been in existence long enough for audiences to recognize them simply by the term soap. What differentiates a soap from other television drama programs is their open-ended nature. ...1b Listening and numberingListen and number the statements [1-4] on page 26 inthe picture.Now you will read the tapescript for the structure of “reported speech”.1c Asking and answeringIn pairs you are to ask and answer about what the people in the soap opera said.Listen and circle true or false for each statement.the top.Listen again. What did the people on TV say? Circle the correct answers. Answers: 1-is; 2-will; 3-am; 4-am; 5-will2c Doing pairworkNow in pairs you will make a conversation about “Young Lives” that you saw last night.Next you are going to read a newspaper story on page 28 and try to fill in the blanks.Ne xt we are going to do some writing practice. Let’s imagine the next episode of “Young Lives” and try to finish the newspaper story on page 28.In groups of four you are going to role play conversations according to the three role play cards on page 28.Closing down by having a quiz on reported speechMary “I love chocolate.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate.”a.lovedb. lovesc. loving Answer aMary: “I went skiing.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ skiing.”a. wentb. had gonec. have gone Answer bMary: “I will eat steak for dinner.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak for dinner.”a. willingb. willc. would Answer cMary: “I have been to Sydney.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ to Sydney.”a. had beenb. has beenc. was being Answer aMary: “I have had three cars.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ three cars.a. hasb. has hadc. had had Answer cMary: “I'm going to go to Long Beach.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ going to go to Long Beach.”a. isb. wasc. went Answer bMary: “I don't like spinach.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ like spinach.”a. doesn'tb. don'tc. didn't Answer cMary: “I have never been to London.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ never been to London.”a. hadb. hasc. have Answer aMary: “I was swimming.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ swimming.a. has beenb. had beenc. have been Answer bMary: “I had a cat.”Jill: Mary said (that) she had ___ a cat.”a. haveb. hasc. had Answer cMary: “I can't swim.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ swim.”a. can'tb. couldn'tc. can not Answer bMary: “I won't buy a new car.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ by a new car.”a. won'tb. willc. wouldn't Answer cMary: “I have to do my laundry.”Jill: “Mary said (that) she ___ to do her laundry.”a. hadb. hasc. have Answer a。

Unit4 He said I was hard-working

Unit4 He said I was hard-working

《新目标英语》Go for it!八年级(下)教案赣州市于都县水头中学谭林秀Unit4 He said I was hard-working .The First Period 一.Teaching contents:SectionA(1a-2c)二.Teaching aims1.Be able to listen for key information in the listening material .2.Be able to report what others say .三.Teaching main and difficult points1.Learn to report what others say.2.Master the differences between the direct and reported apeeches .四.Teaching method:Learn to listen for key words .五.Teaching procedureStep1.Leading in1. Ask the students answer these questions:What is a soap opera?Do you ever watch soap operas?(explain : even means at any time ) What are some soap operas you know?What are some things that happen on soap operas?2.This lesson we go to see a soap opera, look to see what will happen to the interesting thing.Step2.Presentation1.Ask the students to open the book and see and face. See pictures of 1, and see what they do.2.Encourage one student to read aloud the dialogues in the big picture to the class and the others study the three dialogues carefully.3.Teach grammar point direct speech and reported speech.Direct speech:说话人直接引用别人的原话。

新目标八年级下Unit4 He said I was hard-haeding导学案

新目标八年级下Unit4 He said I was hard-haeding导学案

新目标英语八年级下册导学案执笔:审核:审批:授课人:授课时间:学案编号:班级:姓名:小组:课题:Unit 4 He said I was hard-working. 课型:新课【学习目标】1.掌握P26-31黑体单词和重点短语2.理解直接引语和间接引语3.掌握间接引语在中考中的考查重点—宾语从句【重难点预见】1.宾语从句常考点:引导词,尤其是if和wether的用法,时态以及语序2.理解间接引语【知识链接】1 归纳形容人物性格及心情的形容词:2.复习由that引导的宾语从句,举例如下:分析that 在句中的用法:【学法指导】1.课前预习,拼读新单词,练习语音能力2.课前复习,练习归纳能力3.课上认真听讲,积极思考,理解新知识,掌握必考知识【学习流程】⏹自主学习:自行朗读并翻译语法焦点的句子,思考直接引语是怎样转换为间接引语的,观察并总结这两种引语的差异,举例说明如下:He said: “ I am hard-working”(直接)He said he was hard-working. (间接)⏹合作探究:考点说明:中考对直接引语和间接引语的要求是理解,能读懂完形填空、阅读理解中的两种引语,但对宾语从句的检测中,会有所涉及,因此本单元的语法重点,趋于掌握宾语从句及其基本用法。

下面是宾语从句的详细讲解,请大家认真阅读并掌握考点(运用或背熟)+掌握以下3大方面即可:一、明确三种类型宾语从句根据其引导词的不同可分为三种类型:1. 由连词that引导的宾语从句,如:He said (that) it was Sunday yesterday.2. 由连词if/whether引导的宾语从句,如:Could you tell me if /whether there will be a test next week?3. 由which, when等连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句,如:I don’t know how I can get there.二、理顺三个步骤把两个单句组成含有宾语从句的复合句时,合并变化应遵循以下三个步骤:1. 确定引导词根据从句的句子类型选择正确的引导词。

鲁教版英语八上《Unit 4 He said I was hard-working》

鲁教版英语八上《Unit 4 He said I was hard-working》

I’m having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.
Marci a
Marcia said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.
Lana said she was mad at Marcia.
2.(Tony)I go camping every weekend.
3.(Linda) I am upset about my report card.
Linda said she was upset about her report card. --------------------------------------------------------
I look beautiful.
She said she looked beautiful.
用动词的适当形式填空: visiting 1.He said he __________(go would go ) __________(visit) my home this week. 2. “ I don’t want to surprise you.” He said . he didn’t want to surprise me. He said ____________________________________. 3. “ I will write a letter to my parents.” The girl said. she would write a letter to her parents. The girl said ______ _____________________________. 4.---What are you doing? --I ___________________________( 爬树)。 am climbing a tree. 5.—What did you say? I was in a good health --I said ___________________________( 我身体健康。)

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.讲解与练习

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.讲解与练习

第 1 页 (共4 页) 第 2 页 (共4 页)学校 姓名 班级 考场 考号---------------------------------○密------------------ -------------------○封----------------------------- -- --○线----------------------------※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※答※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※题※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※线※※※※※※※※※※※※※新目标英语八年级下册Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.讲解与练习班级 姓名重点词组及句型:1. first of all 首先2. pass on 传递3. be supposed to 被期望或被要求,应该…4. do better in 在……方面做得更好5. be in good health 身体健康6. report card 成绩单7. get over 克服;恢复;原谅8. open up 打开9. care for 照料;照顾 10. have a party for sb. 为某人举行一次聚会 11. be mad at sb. 对某人愤怒 12. hear about/of 听说 精讲巧练1. I asked her why she wanted to do that, and she said that she had forgotten to do hers. 我问她为什么要那么做,她说她忘记做作业了。

forget to do sth. 忘记做某事 (还没有做 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 (已经做过了)例如:When you leave the classroom, don’t forget to turn off the lights.离开教室时,别忘记关灯。

Go for it八年级(B) Unit 4 He said Ⅰ was hard-working教学设计及课后反思

Go for it八年级(B) Unit 4 He said Ⅰ was hard-working教学设计及课后反思
En o rg h es e t oh v r c u a et t nst a eat ud y S o tefr : h w h om Die t p e h rc e c s Ia i1 m 1. Re o t ds e c p re p e h H es i adhewa 1. si1
四、课后反 思 : 如何 让学 生轻松地 接受语 法性较强 的课
S e I : r sn a o tp 1 P e e tt n i
Be a s r arc n tf d h rh b n ,h c u eM sCh i a ’ i e us a ds e n
c l h e c e p By te c nv rai n wi r al t eta h ru . o e s t t M s s h o h Ch i e pan t eu a e o p re p e h a d te ar x li h sg fr o td s e c n h , e

教学 内容 :
课时安排 : h sp r d T e rtei i f o 板书设计 :
本单元 主要 学习直接引语变 间接 引语 的方
法,即如何转 述别人的话 。这个知识点是本册 教 材的一 个重要组成部分 ,也是整个初 中阶段
的重点,学好 它,有助 于学 生对人称和时态有
更深的认识并更好地利用英语进行交际。 二 、教学 目标 : 1知识与能力 : . 掌握主句是一般过去时时 ,
直接 引语 变间接 引语 的方法 。能借 助语境理解
间接 引语 的含义,能针对所 听语段的 内容记 录
简单信息 。学生能够得到发散思维能力的培养。
2过程与方法 : . 整节课 以有 意义的具体语 教学程序 :



History—can do better
Science—lazy student
Math– hard-working
Spanish—good at speaking
History—should do better
Science—lazy student
2c Pairwork
1a Check (✓) the sentences that are true for you.
• ___ I’m hard-working.adj.勤勉的,努力工作的 • ___ I’m good at speaking. • ___ I’m lazy. • ___ In English, I’m better at
reading than listening. • ___ I can do better in math.
• E.g. A: I’m not hard-working. B: Really? I think you are very hard-working. Or B: Yes, I think so. You should work hard in
the future.
What do you think of your study?
• I think…

I am lazym good at …, and I am better at …

I do well in …, and I can do better in …

I can’t do well in…, although I work very
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talk about these questions.讨论这些问题。


i'm having a surprise party for lana on② friday night.

i'm not going to her house on friday night.周五晚上我不会去她家的。





1 3 4 2








a:did you see“young lives”last night? 昨天晚上你看《年轻岁月》了吗?





b:oh, no! 不!


1.true 2.true 3.false 4.true 5.false










i am having a party for lana.











student a (学生a)
student b (学生b)



例如:she says(that)she is a good student.她说她是一名好学生。


例如:li lei says he is going to beijing.

例如:直接引语;he said,“my friend's name is tom.”



例如:she said,“i'm busy。



②这是一个表时间的介词短语,其中须注意介词“on”,一般情况为:in the morning/afternoon/evening在早晨/下午/晚上,at night在晚上,但当是具体某一天时应用介词“on”。

例如:on sunday morning在星期日早晨
on the evening of 11th在十一号的晚上
③“be mad at”意为“对……恼火”,使用时须注意be动词形式的变化及at后接人称代词时,要用宾格。

例如:she is mad at yang lin.她在生杨琳的气。

④tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事“tell”后可接双宾语,其一为sb.,其二为sth.
例如:please tell me your birthday.请告诉我你的生日。


例如:i don't eat junk food anymore。




take to把……带到……去,bring to把……拿到……来。

例如:please take the book to your home.请把这本书带到你家去。

常用“pass sth.to sb.”形式,“把某物传递给某人”。


例如:pass the pen to her,please.请把这支钢笔递给她。

⑧be supposed to意为“认为应该,认为……必要”。


例如:i am supposed to tell the thing to her.我认为有必要把这件事告诉她。
