Ego one功能说明书(带温控_修改20151012)



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Aegis one中文说明书祝贺您选择了AE Aegis one音箱这一对使用了金属振膜的强有力的两路分音书架箱请花几分钟阅读本说明书这有利于使音箱获得最佳的表现Aegis one音箱的中低音单元使用了金属振膜技术该项技术在著名的REFERENCE系列已大获成功坚硬的合金振膜可以确保完美活塞运动的实现而且振膜本身可以成为音圈的散热器这些特征可以提供出人意外的清澈感透明度动态范围和功率承受能力Aegis one的高音单元是一只优质的丝膜球顶与其他单元平滑连接所有的单元均经完备的磁屏蔽处理这样您就可以把它放在靠近电视机的位置Aegis one音箱内部接线为优质的OFC线可强化细节和透明度方面的表现Aegis one的最佳摆放高度是当您坐下时耳朵的位置与高音单元平齐或稍低聆听时最好把网罩摘除为充分发挥细节和动态方面的边县音箱需要坚固的支承坚固的脚架包括脚钉脚锥等一系列可靠的支承措施专用的脚架有助于获得良好的声像分离度和纵深感如果Aegis one是放在脚架上的话支承一定要稳固角锥建议放在箱体下方当音箱靠近墙壁时主要对低频产生影响音箱应当远离墙角音箱可以放在离后墙及侧墙相当近的位置但要避免音箱到后墙或侧墙的距离等于音箱离地面的距离需要反复试验才能找到一个能获得丰满而清晰低频的位置相信您的判断和耳朵为获得最佳的声像定位音箱应尽量远离聆听位置在接线时应确保功放处于关机状态否则很容易损坏音箱或功放连接时将音箱的极与功放的极红色用音箱线联接同样地将音箱的极与功放的极黑色联接注意左右音箱分别和功放的左右声道相连接好线后打开功放电源选择相应的节目源并逐渐拧大音量技术指标全频频率38Hz-22kHz响应频率响应 (+/-3dB) 50Hz-20kHz灵敏度 90dB/1w/1m分频点 2.8kHz额定功率 120W重量 7kg箱体尺寸192x362x235mm(WxHxD)。

EPIC 多用途封闭接触器 150A以上电源切换说明书

EPIC 多用途封闭接触器 150A以上电源切换说明书

Multi Purpose EPIC ® Sealed Contactor -150+ Amp Power SwitchingRoHS Compliant , all date codesPatent PendingChassis level UL508 sized power terminals – No need for speciallyrouted power cables, special bus bars, or special lugsRugged EPIC ® Seal rated to 175°C - Same technology used foradvanced aerospace programs that reduces risk of fire or meltdown in over current conditionsHermetically Sealed - Designed to meet: UL1604 for Class I & II, Div 2 and Class III for use in hazardous locations, IP67 for temporary water immersion for 30 min, SAE J1171 - external ignition protection, and ISO8846 for protection against ignition around flammable gassesElectronics-free high efficiency coil – No EMI emissions or cross-talk on your system control powerBuilt-in coil suppression for DC coils - Saves engineering time and parts cost to add external coil suppressionStainless steel hardware and mounting inserts, for years of corrosion free serviceUL508 ambient compliant to 75°C but can operate continuously at 85°C with a higher terminal temperature rise of 60°C. Can also operate up to 125°C in special cases -contact GIGAVAC for details.Not position sensitive – can be mounted in any position for ease of installationElectrical life rating is based on resistive load with TBD maximum inductance in circuit. Because your application may be different, we suggest you test the contactor in your circuit to verify life is as required.End of life is defined as when the dielectric, insulation resistance or contact resistance exceeds the specifications listed.If your application requires a higher current rating, you may want to consider the GIGAVAC GX12 EPIC ® sealed contactor .Make & Break Resistive Currentwith 1/0 cable and 50° terminal temp riseContact Voltages & Life Cycle RatingsDC or 50/60 Hz AC24 V 48 V 72 V 120 V 350 V 750 V150A - (75° C Ambient) 1/150,000100,00040,00020,0007,500 1,200 125A - (75° C Ambient) 1/180,000120,00048,00024,0009,0001,440 100A - (75° C Ambient) 1/225,000150,00060,00030,00011,2501,800 75A - (75° C Ambient) 1/300,000200,00080,00040,00015,0002,400 50A - (75° C Ambient) 1/435,000290,000116,00058,00021,7503,480 30A - (75° C Ambient) 1/750,000500,000200,000100,00037,5006,000 20A - (75° C Ambient) 1/900,000600,000240,000120,00045,0007,200 225A - (50° C Ambient) 2/127,50085,00034,00017,0006,3751,020 Max Break A, 2 cycles (75° C Ambient) 1/2,500A 2,000A 1,500A 1,000A 900A 600A Max Make, 10 cycles (75° C Ambient) 1/1,400A1,100A800A600A500A350A1/ Assumes UL508 ratings with 1/0 cables, UL508 max ambient temperature of 75°C as shown, and max. UL508 terminaltemperature rise of 50°C.At 85°C ambient, contactor can also meet all of its 75°C specifications but the terminal temperature can rise can be up to 60°C, which is higher than the 50°C rise allowed by UL508 and can be higher than some cable insulation ratings.2/ Assumes UL508 ratings with 1/0 cables, at a lower 50°C UL508 ambient temperature, and max. UL508 terminal temperature rise of 50°C.If your application requires a higher current rating, you may want to consider the GIGAVAC GX12 EPIC ® sealed contactor.1/ Assumes UL508 ratings with 1/0 cables, ambient maximum UL 508 temperature of 75°C, and maximum UL508terminal temperature rise of 50°C. Contactor can also carry the higher current as shown for 50°C ambient, and meet all of the UL508 temperature rise requirements.At 85°C ambient, contactor can also meet all of its 75°C specifications but the terminal temperature can rise can be up to 60°C, which is higher than the 50°C rise allowed by UL508 and can be higher than some cable insulation ratings.The maximum terminal temperature rating of the contactor is 175°C, which means much higher currents than shown can be carried and switched. However, this temperature is much higher than most cable insulation ratings, which mean busbars must be used. Contact GIGAVAC for assistance for higher current applications using this contactor.2/ Rating consists of combined inrush + cranking current at the times specified, with 2 seconds off between cycles. This is higher current than is required for UL1107 for marine battery switches.75°C / 50°CCable size 1/1 / 0Continuous, UL508 Max 1/ 10 seconds (1 time) 100 Seconds (1 time) 300 Seconds (1 time)Amp Amp Amp Amp 150 / 225 375 / 560 240 / 360 200 / 300 Starter Carry – Inrush 250 ms (10 repeats 1/ 2/)Amp NA / 2,000 Starter Carry - Cranking 10 sec (10 repeats 1/ 2/)Amp NA / 500 Maximum terminal Temp, Continuous Deg C 175 Maximum terminal Temp, Intermittent Deg C 225Ratings are at worse case temperature extremes, except coil resistance and current are at 25ºC.1/ DC coils have built-in coil suppression. The use of additional external coil suppression can slow the release time andinvalidate the life cycle ratings, or can cause the contactor not to be able to interrupt the maximum current specified. If lower coil back EMF is required, please contact GIGAVAC for assistance.Nominal Volts12Vdc 24Vdc 48Vdc 72Vdc 120Vdc 120Vac, 50/60Hz 240Vac, 50/60HzCoil P/N Designation B C F H J K L Max Volts14285684140140280 Pick-up, Volts, Max 7.51528467272144 Hold, Volts, Min491828464692 Drop-Out, Volts, Min0.50.5 1.8 2.7 4.5 4.59 Coil Resistance @ 25ºC (Ohms ±10%)17853358502125N/A N/A Coil Current, mA, Max at nominal Voltage7002801509056TBD TBD Coil Back EMF (volts) - Built in suppression 1/5555100150288N/AN/A1/ Auxillary contact rating - 2A, 24Vdc Resistive load, 100,000 cycles.2/50 Mohms after life.3/ Contactor can operate up to 125°C in special cases -contact GIGAVAC for details.SpecificationsUnits Specifications Contact Arrangement (main)Form X SPST-NO Contact Arrangement (Auxilary) 1/Form C SPDT Mechanical Lifecycles 1 millionContact ResistanceMax @ rated carry current Typical @ rated carry current mohms mohms .4 .15 to .3Operate time, 25˚CClose (includes bounce) Max Close (includes bounce) Typical Bounce on close, MaxRelease time (includes arc time at max. break current) ms ms ms ms 20 13 7 12 Insulation ResistanceMohms 100 2/ Dielectric at sea level (leakage < 1mA)VRMS 2,500 ShockG’s peak 20 Vibration, Sinusoidal (500-2000 Hz peak)G’s 15Operating ambient Temp Range ˚C -55 to +85 3/ Storage ambient Temp Range ˚C -70 to +175 Weight, TypicalKg (Lb)0.50/(1.1)GX11C ACoil VoltageB = 12 Vdc, internal coil suppressionC = 24 Vdc, internal coil suppression F = 48 Vdc, internal coil suppression H = 72 Vdc, internal coil suppression J = 120 Vdc, internal coil suppression K = 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz L = 240 VAC, 50/60HzCoil TerminationA = Flying leads, 38 cm (15 in)B = Flying leads, 61 cm (24 in)C = Flying leads, 122 cm (48 in)Auxiliary Contact (same length as coil wire selection) Blank = None A = SPDTThe polarity of the power terminals was previously shown reverse from what is correct and what is now indicated. The polarity is important only for switching the "Maximum Break, 2 cycles" when the voltage is over100 Vdc.Application Information:1. WARNING - When using more than one lug on a power terminal, make sure the primary power is closest to thecontactor busbar, with the lower current lug on top, then the washer, then the lock washer, then the nut. Improper order can cause severe over-heating resulting in the possible melting of the connecting cable insulation.2. EPIC ® sealing technology3. Relay Schematics and FormsPower contactsAuxiliary contacts (optional)05/12/08GIGAVAC® - P.O. Box 4428 - Santa Barbara, CA 93140-4428 - ph +(805) 684-8401 - +(805) 755-2000fx +(805) 684-8402 - **************** - - ©Copyright 2003-2008 GIGAVAC, LLC.。



OWNER & INSTALLATION MANUALA f f i n i t y25E30A M P C o o k t o pEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************Evo Affi nity 25EElectric Commercial CooktopFor Indoor Use OnlyCertifi cation: UL 197-2010 | CSA C22.2 No. 109-M1981 (R2009) | Report # 141-S-05e-2Part # 10-0061-EL and 10-0062-ELDoc: OM-C-25E20-30 v3 07/31/2015Copyright © 2015INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y 25EEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************2NOTICE THE SERIAL NUMBER AND MODEL INFORMATION LABEL PLATE ISLOCATED UNDERNEATH THE CONTROL PANEL. NOTICE INSTALLATION OF ANY VENT HOODS OR FIRE EXTINGUISHER SYSTEMSMUST CONFORM TO THE NATIONAL, STATE, AND LOCAL BUILDING AND ALL APPLICABLE UNIFORM CONSTRUCTION CODES.NOTICE DURING THE FIRST FEW HOURS OF OPERATION IT IS NORMAL FOR OILSUSED IN THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS AND INSULATING MATERIAL TOBECOME WARM AND GIVE OFF AN ODOR.Evo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************3Evo, I ncorporated w arrants t o t he o riginal c ommercial f oodservice p urchaser t hat t he E vo c ooking, r efrigeration a nd v entilation e quip-ment s hall b e f ree f rom r ust t hrough o n a ll m etal s urfaces a nd s hall b e f ree f rom d efects i n m aterials a nd w orkmanship u nder n ormal a nd reasonable u se f or O ne Y ear f rom t he o riginal d ate o f p urchase f rom E vo, I nc. T his w arranty i s f or t he b ene fit o f t he o riginal u se p urchaser and i s n on-transferable. E vo p romises t o r eplace, a t i ts d etermination, a ny p roduct o r c omponent t hat i s d efective d uring t his i nitial o ne y ear period. O r a s a r esolution, E vo m ay a t i ts o ption r epurchase t he p roduct a t i ts o riginal p urchase p rice. T his i s y our s ole a nd e xclusive r emedy. This warranty is subject to the limitations, exclusions and other provisions listed below.Limitations Involving Materials and Components:Warranty d oes n ot a pply t o n ormal w ear a nd t ear, w hich a re e xpected o ver t he c ourse o f o wnership. T he m aterials a nd c omponents l isted below are covered according to the following schedule from the original date of purchase from Evo:• O ne Y ear –e lectrical a nd e lectronic c omponents [including, b ut n ot l imited t o, e lectronic d isplays, o verlay a nd m embrane s witches,temperature s ensors (RTD a nd K -Value T hermal C ouple), h ot s urface i gniters, c omputers, t ransformers, h eater e lements, relays, igniters, ignition controllers, wiring, switches, encoders, outlets and plugs• One Year – gas components [including, but not limited to, gas regulator, gas hoses, manifold assemblies]• One Year – accessories and repair parts• Ninety (90) Days - refrigeration components [including, but not limited to, compressor, evaporator, pressure control units]The Warranty Registration Card (or online warranty registration form available at /content/commercial-warranty-registration) must be completed and returned/submitted to Evo, Incorporated within 30 days from the date of purchase. The original purchase invoice or payment record must be retained and produced upon request if claims are made under this warranty. To receive a replacement Warranty Registration Card, write or call the address listed at the bottom of this page. Warranties are void if the original serial numbers have been removed, altered, or cannot be readily determined.THIS WARRANTY APPLIES ONLY TO PRODUCTS PURCHASED AND LOCATED WITHIN THE USA OR CANADA.What is NOT COVERED by this warranty:1. Conditions and damages resulting from any of the following:a. Improper or inadequate installation, delivery, use, storage or maintenanceb. Any repair not authorized in writing by Evo, Inc., any modi fi cations, misapplications, or unreasonable use c. Improper setting of any controld. H arsh e nvironmental c onditions, i ncluding, b ut n ot l imited t o, c ontinual s eawater s pray, h igh p ressure w ater, a nd d irect c ontact w ith corrosive chemicals and materialse. Excessive or inadequate electrical, gas, or refrigeration supplyf. Accidents, natural disasters, acts of Godg. Conditions covered by the purchaser’s insurance h. Cleaning supplies and fi lters2. Labor not pre-authorized by Evo, Incorporated, and labor not performed by an authorized Evo service agency or representative3. Pre-authorized warranty labor performed outside of normal business hours, and at overtime and premium rates4. The cost of service or a service call to:a. Identify or correct installation errorsb. Transport the product or component for service to/from the manufacturer or service centerc. Instruct the user of the proper use of the product5. The cost for any inconvenience, personal injury or property damage due to failure of the product, and cost of damage arising out of the transportation of the product which is covered under different terms with the carrier6. Natural variations in color and fi nishes that are inherent to the material and unavoidable (and therefore not defects)ALL I MPLIED W ARRANTIES, I NCLUDING T HE I MPLIED W ARRANTIES O F M ERCHANTABILITY, S UITABILITY, Q UALITY A ND/OR F ITNESS F OR A PARTICULAR P URPOSE, A RE L IMITED I N D URATION T O T HE E XPRESS W ARRANTY P ERIODS S PECIFIED A BOVE F OR T HE P ARTS D ESCRIBED THEREIN. E VO, I NCORPORATED M AKES N O O THER W ARRANTY A ND W ILL N OT B E L IABLE F OR A NY D IRECT O R I NDIRECT, C ONSEQUENTIAL O R INCIDENTAL D AMAGES. S ome s tates d o n ot a llow l imitations o n h ow l ong a n i mplied w arranty l asts, s o t he a bove l imitation m ay n ot a pply to y ou. N either E vo m anufacturer r epresentatives a nd d ealers, n or t he c ommercial e stablishment s elling t his p roduct h as a ny a uthority t o make a ny w arranties o r t o p romise r emedies i n a ddition t o o r i nconsistent w ith t hose s tated a bove. T he m aximum l iability t o E vo, I ncorpo-rated i n a ny e vent, s hall n ot e xceed t he p urchase p rice o f t he p roduct p aid b y t he o riginal c ommercial-purchaser. S ome s tates d o n ot a llow the e xclusion o r l imitation o f i ncidental o r c onsequential d amages, s o t he a bove l imitations o r e xclusions m ay n ot a pply t o y ou. T his w ar-ranty gives you speci fic legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y 25EEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************4INSTALLATION CHECKLISTUNPACK COOKTOP COMPONENTS 5 - 6PREPARE COUNTERTOP FOR INSTALLATION 7 - 11INSERT CHASSIS IN COUNTERTOP 12INSTALL DRIP PAN 13 - 14INSTALL DRIP PAN GASKET 14INSTALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 15INSTALL COOK SURFACE AND TIGHTEN FASTENERS 16 - 17OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS 18 - 20ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS21PAGE #INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y 25EEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************5Cook Surface with Protective Cardboard : Lift and separate cook surface from unit and place next to installation area. Do not remove protective cardboard from cook surface until installation is complete. Use caution when lifting - the cook surface is E EXTREME CAUTION to ensure wiring on bottom of cook surface does not becomeentangled, pulled or damaged during unpacking or installation.Protective Cardboard:drip panprotectivecomplete.Lift UNPACKING COOKTOP COMPONENTS - 1 of 2STEP 1: As you are unpacking the crate, make sure you locate all components beforeinstallation. Keep all protective cardboard on components until installation is complete.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y 25EEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************6UNPACKING COOKTOP COMPONENTS - 2 of 2STEP 1 CONTINUED: Take care when lifting the cook surface during uncrating. Do not pull or damage wires or connections. Store in a safe place until ready to install.USE EXTREME CAUTION to ensure wiring on bottom of cook surface does not becomeentangled, pulled or damaged during unpacking or installation.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y 25EEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************736” clearance to ceiling from cooktop surfaceCLEARANCE DIMENSIONSEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************8STEP 2: Mark the fi nished position of the Evo Af fi nity 25E drip pan on the countertop using the dimensions shown. The circular dimension of 31-11/16” is the diameter of the drip pan to the outside fl ange material thickness (located to the inside of the half-rolled bead edge). The drip pan cutout must be made precisely to these dimensions (or at a maximum +1/16”) so that the half-rolled top bead on the drip pan edge overhangs the cutout dimension by .25”. (See following page for more details).INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y25ECOUNTERTOP INSTALLATION (2 of 4)INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y 25EEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************10LQ SIDE VIEWExample of 3/8” tile with substrate for a total of 1-1/2” overall. Make sure you allow for the countertop overhang as nished COUNTERTOP INSTALLATION (3 of 4)INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y25EFRONT VIEWSTEP 3: Construct a bay for the Evo unit with your chosen cabinet system. Position and fasten the supplied mounting brackets 7-21/32” below the fi nished countertop surface.Example: Tiled countertop with substrate.Finished countertop thickness should beCOUNTERTOP INSTALLATION (4 of 4)INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS A f f i n i t y 25ESTEP 4:black, red and green208V / 230V, 30AMP 1-Phase, 50-60HzINSERT CHASSIS IN COUNTERTOPINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS A f f i n i t y 25ESTEP 5: Slide drip tray over chassis circular skirt positioning spillover slots to thecorresponding slots of the top chassis deck. Notice the drip pan catches showing through the inside cutout locations of the circular chassis skirt. From the inside of the skirt, use each of the three latches to pull the drip pan down into the counter.DRIP PAN INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y25EDRIP PAN AND GASKET INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS A f f i n i t y 25ESTEP 7: Before picking up cook surface, rotate each of the two front slotted captive fastener screws counter-clockwise and back them out fully. Rest cook surface at rear of chassis on drip pan protective cardboard and connect respective power and temperature sensor leads. For electrical wiring details, refer to the electrical schematic in the back of this guide.CONNECTING COOK SURFACE - ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y25EINSTALLING COOK SURFACEINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y25EINSTALLING COOK SURFACEj-hook and secure with 1/4” x 20 secure cooking surface to chassis.STEP 9: Open spillover tray doors and tighten nut on end of j-hook located at inside rear ofeach door.Complete electrical installation by connecting 3-wire service line located underneath unit. Use electrical schematic diagram at the back of this guide for reference.OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS A f f i n i t y 25EINNER 000F .Displays temperature for Inner heater element in Fahrenheit degrees whenever Inner control knob is selected. The Dot mark after F is illuminated whenever the inner heater element is energized. Inner display remains illuminated whenever Inner heater element is selected.OUTER000F .Displays temperature for Outer heater element in Fahrenheit degreeswhenever Outer control knob is selected. The Dot mark after F isilluminated whenever the outer heater element is energized. Outerdisplay remains illuminated whenever Outer element is selected.Depressing the round switch located below the On/Off label switches the unit between powerOn and power Off states. Switching the unit On illuminates a green light above the On/Offlabel indicating the unit is active. Depressing the switch a second time powers down the unit,and cancels previous settings.On/Off Is illuminated whenever there is an increase in temperature adjustment to the Inner or Outer heater control knobs. Set remains illuminated until temperature selected is achieved.SETIs illuminated as a safety feature to indicate cook surface temperature are in excess of 150F° or greater. HOT SURFACEIs illuminated to show actual temperature for both Inner and Outer heater element whenever Mode switch is selected.ACTUALDepressing the Mode button momentarily displays the actual temperature at both Innerand Outer zones of the cook surface. When Mode is fi rst selected, the word Actual isilluminated to indicate the temperatures displayed are the current temperatures for Innerand Outer zones.Mode The Af fi nity 25E Commercial cooktop is provided with a COOK Mode that offers atemperature range between 150F to 525F:Low 150, 165, 175, 200, 225, 250.Med 275, 300, 325, 350, 375, 400.Hi 415, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525.TemperaturesEVO AFFINITY 25E ELECTRIC CONTROL PANEL DISPLAYOPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS A f f i n i t y 25EREMOVABLE SPILLOVER TRAYSThe Af fi nity grill has removable waste pans concealed in doors on both the right and left side of the front control panel. It is very important to monitor the level of spillover in the trays, and immediately empty when they are near full or after each use.Opening Spillover Tray Doors- To open a door, grasp the door at its bottom and pull forward.Do not operate cook top or clean drip pan into spillover slots without waste pans installed inspillover doors. Failure to install waste pan will result in cooking grease contamination to the underside of door. This requires immediate cleaning.Removable waste panAccessDoor Spillover SlotInsert each waste pan all the way to theback of the left and right compartments.Do not allow spillover liquids or debris down spillover slots when doors are open. Any liquids or debris that may fall into this area when doors are open should be immediately wiped with a dry cloth, and keep this area clean at all times.Do not allow the spillover trays to over fl ow, and do not allow full trays to splash over edge when cleaning. Spillover debris and liquids can be hot and cause burns, and/or damage to the internal operation of the grill.OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y25ECOOK SURFACE MAINTENANCERegular cleaning and care for your Evo Affi nity 25E cooktop will keep it looking and functioning it’s best.The cook surface is designed to hold a fi ne layer of cooking oil creating a ‘seasoning’ on its surface. Thisseasoning promotes a non-stick cooking surface and is easily maintained.Caring for Evo’s cook surface is much like maintaining cast iron cookware. When the surface requires cleaning,there are a few basic cleaning techniques to use. For quick and routine cleaning between preparations, a metalspatula or scraper works for removing the majority of surface debris. For tougher areas or where sugars glazethe cook surface, pour a small amount of warm water on the soiled surface while the grill is warm and scrape thedebris away with a spatula. Heat the cook surface to a high temperature and allow the sticky debris to becomebrittle. Once the debris is brittle, use the spatula or scraper to remove it. Afterwards wipe the cook surface with vegetable oil again before cooking.To condition the Evo cook surface you should use the grill cleaning kit supplied with your grill. The grill cleaning kit contains a blue grill pad handle, grill cleaning screens, and grill grey polishing pads. Use the polishing pad afterthe grill cleaning pads to achieve a smooth cooking surface for the most delicate foods and applications.To use a grill cleaning screen: With a warm cook surface, place one gray polishing pad between the grill handlebase and the grill screen, so the grill screen makes direct contact with the cooking surface. Pour a small amountof vegetable oil on the cook surface and scrub the surface in a circular motion. The gray polishing pad allowsexcess oil to be absorbed and scours the cooking surface of carbonized debris. When fi nished scrubbing, wipethe surface down with a paper towel or cotton terry cloth.The drip pan located just below the cook surface is designed to catch food debris and drippings from the cooksurface. We recommend cleaning the drip pan after your grill has cooled to prevent the possibility of touchinghot adjoining surfaces. The drip pan is easy to wipe out with soap and water using a kitchen sponge. For added convenience, two removable stainless ninth-pans are mounted inside doors at right and left side of the front control panel for collecting drip pan debris and spill overs. These spillover trays can be easily washed by hand or in a dishwasher. Be sure to empty the spillover trays after every use, and at a minimum, whenever they appear halffull.All the stainless steel components on your grill can be easily polished using a stainless steel cleaner/polish. Information about purchasing replacement grill cleaning and polishing pads is available on our Website. The Evoweb site address is: .Cooking TechniquesStovetop Cooking and Heat ZonesYou can use Evo’s cook surface similar to the burners on your kitchen stove top. Adjust Evo’s heater elements to control the temperatures of the cook surface “heat zones.” Evo’s circular grill top is divided into two distinct zones.The center control panel knob controls the “inner heat zone,” which is also the inner circle of the cook surface at approximately an 11” radius from the center of the cook surface. The outer control panel knob controls the “outerheat zone,” which is the outer circle of the cook surface. Because the cook surface is made of heavy steel, it takes approximately 10 minutes from a cold start to completely heat the surface. With a pre-heated cook surface, if youadjust one of the heater elements, you will have to wait momentarily before the heat zone adjusts to temperature.Thank You For Cooking With Evo!INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA f f i n i t y 25EEvo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USAPhone503.626.1802|Fax503.213.5869||**********************2130AMP ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICPART #: 10-0062-EL & 10-0061-EL 208V - 230V, 1-Phase, 50-60Hz 30AMP Dedicated Circuit 208V / 5.37 kVA。



g o l o系列产品使用说明书030101(总40页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--golo 系列产品使用说明书更新日期:2014-05-273版权所有!未征得深圳市轱辘软件开发有限公司(下称“轱辘公司”)的书面同意,任何公司或个人不得以任何形式(电子、机械、影印、录制或其它形式)对本说明书进行复制和备份。













One 操作说明说明书

One 操作说明说明书

06.2020 ZH首次使用机器之前,请务必仔细通读本指导手册。






 本机器适合在 0 °C 到 60 °C 的室内干燥环境下使用和存放。




















 对于 8 岁及以上儿童以及身体机能、感知能力或智力低下人士或缺乏经验者,如果有人监督或指导其如何安全地使用本电器并已了解相关危险,则可以使用本电器。








GE LOGIQ E10 Series 产品说明书

GE LOGIQ E10 Series 产品说明书

Enabling Interventional Procedures LOGIQ E10 SeriesEMPOWERING YOU TO MAKE THE DIFFERENCENext-level confidence in needle planning & guidanceConfident diagnosisThe extraordinary image quality of the LOGIQ E10 Series gives clinicians the assurance of detailed visualization when performing biopsies, ablations or treating patients.Auto-optimized images: The cSound Imageformer automatically and continuously delivers images of high quality across a wide range of clinical scenarios.Radiant flow™: Provides a near-3D look to support detailed vascular imaging, especially when combined with Micro Vascular Imaging (MVI).MVI: High-definition flow mode helps clinicians visualize small vessels in masses and organ perfusion. Further enhanced when used with RadiantChoice of high-performance probes:probes deliver high fidelity and wide bandwidth for deep penetration and high resolution. Available with Verza Guidance, which has five angles for needle visualization for precise placement.Comprehensive toolsThe LOGIQ E10 Series provides robust tools to increase the speed and precision of diagnosis, guidance and treatment.Volume Navigation: The LOGIQ E10 Series offers advanced capabilities for image-guided procedures, including:• Fusion Imaging: Merge real-time ultrasound with a volume DICOM® dataset (CT, MR, PET/CT, CBCT, SPECT and 3D CEUS) to help increase precision in image-guided interventional procedures• Needle Tip Tracking: Helps users navigate interventional procedures in plane or out of plane. Available Virtual Tracking tool displays a projected view of the needle during procedures • 2D/3D GPS Tracking: Visually track position during a scan using GPS-like technology, and mark selected points of interest B-Steer+:speed and confidence in needle guidance procedures.Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS):for pre- and post-ablation assessment of lesion vascularity orresidual tumor.Photo Assistant app:an Androidto the ultrasound system for inclusion with the clinical images –providing valuable context for the reviewing physician.Operatea LOGIQ E10 system from anDual Image CF Pancreas, C1-6-D Pediatric Kidney B-Flow, L2-9-DConcise workflowThe LOGIQ E10 Series can help you achieve new levelsof workflow efficiency, so you have more time tofocus on patients.Auto-registration for Fusion Imaging: Sophisticated navigational toolshelp increase precision and accuracy of image-guided interventional procedures.The Active Tracker enables one-click auto-registration of CT, MR, CBCT, and3D CEUS images that enhances accuracy and ease in managing patient motion,breathing and transmitter movements.Exam Comparisons: View previous exams side-by-side with real-time images.Easy Access to PACS pushes previous studies to device without interruptingworkflow. Multi-Modality Query Retrieve enables import of DICOM data frommultiple modalities.Smart Assistant: Automatically launches the preferred setting and probewhen the user selects an exam type, reducing keystrokes and helpingto ensure quality imaging.Exceptional mobility: Systems easily fit into crowded suites.Power Assistant battery eliminates the need for re-boot, andyou can even scan on battery power. On-board storageensures supplies are at hand.Liver Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) with CT using VolumeNavigation, C1-6-DLiver mass image using CEUS with L3-9i-DSmart investmentGE Healthcare accelerates innovation with the LOGIQ E10 Series – making it the smart choice for now and in the future. The systems are available with a full suite of robust features and scalable options.A to A digital platform: Stay at the forefront of clinical imaging with our A to A digital platform, specifically engineered so you can add next-generation capabilities in the years ahead.Familiar user interface: The new LOGIQ E10 Series offers greater functionality whilemaintaining the ease of operation and satisfying user experience that has become ahallmark of LOGIQ interface design.SonoDefense: GE Healthcare’s multi-layer approach to cybersecurity helps keep thesystems safe and functional in the face of cyberthreats and helps protect patient datafrom unauthorized access.Digital support: Wide choice of efficiency tools to help users, administrators, and operationsstaff improve productivity, including remote preset management, performance analytics,software/security updates, live clinical training, and advanced system diagnostics.Product may not be available in all countries and regions. Full product technical specifications are available uponrequest. Contact a GE Healthcare Representative for more information. Please visit /promotional-locations.Data subject to change.© 2020 General Electric Company – All rights reserved.GE, the GE Monogram, LOGIQ, XDclear, cSound, and Radiant flow are trademarks of General Electric Company.Android is a trademark of Google LLC. DICOM is a trademark of National Electrical Manufacturers Association.Verza is a trademark of CIVCO Medical Solutions.Reproduction in any form is forbidden without prior written permission from GE. Nothing in this material shouldbe used to diagnose or treat any disease or condition. Readers must consult a healthcare professional.To determine whether individual features are standard or optional, consult with your GE Healthcare salesrepresentative.October 2020 JB00141XX。






二、硬件组成1. 电源接口•这个电源接口可是很重要的哦。



2. 逻辑器件•这里面有各种逻辑门电路等逻辑器件呢。



3. 输入输出接口•这些接口是开发板与外界交互的通道呀。



三、软件环境搭建1. 安装开发工具•我们需要安装专门用于ego1开发板的开发工具哦。



2. 配置开发环境•安装好开发工具后,就需要进行环境配置了。



四、简单示例程序运行1. 选择示例程序•开发工具一般会自带一些示例程序的。



2. 编译示例程序•选中示例程序后,就可以进行编译了。


3. 下载运行•编译成功后,就可以将程序下载到开发板上运行了。


Workspace ONE产品说明书

Workspace ONE产品说明书

Potential benefitsWorkspace ONE enables you to improve experiences and tasks that were previously costly, time consuming, and resourceintensive. With Workspace ONE, IT organizations can:•Quickly onboard new employees with their needed apps and devices in under an hour, without tickets and help desk calls• Set and enforce access and data policies across all apps, devices,and locations in one place • Set up business processes from a mobile device with the ease of a consumer experienceFeatures•Simple access to a personalized enterprise app catalog where users can subscribe to virtually any mobile, web, hosted or Windows app.•Simplify application and access management by offering Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities and support for multi-factor authentication.•Can be used BYOD or corporate owned devices •Highly secure productivity apps:mail, calendar, and documents •Data security and endpointcompliance with conditional accessKey market trendsThe rapid adoption of modern applications (SaaS apps, mobile apps) coupled with the proliferation of powerful yet affordable mobile devices have introduced new challenges into the work environment.The modern apps sit outside of the traditional corporate network and some have to be supported, and updated in addition to the existing portfolio of legacy/native and web apps that still consume significant IT resources. And, the growing proliferation of mobile apps also gives rise to inconsistencies in user experience, security posture, and support requirements that must be addressed to manage cost. In order to be productive whenever and wherever, employees have gone around the traditional rigid and old anizations are facing the critical decision to either ignore these trends – at the peril of unintended security breaches – or embrace the new way of work using a new management framework.What is Workspace ONEVMware Workspace ONE™ (the Solution) is an enterprise platform that enables IT to deliver a digital workspace that empowers the workforce to more securely bring the technology of their choice – devices and apps – at the pace and cost the business needs. It begins with consumer simple, single sign on access to hosted, mobile, web and Windows apps in one unified catalog, and it includes powerfully integrated email, calendar, and files that engage employees.Help keep employees connected and protected virtually anywhereVMware Workspace ONE™ from AT&TEmployees are put in the driver’s seat to choose their own devices or benefit from employer provided devices with the ability for IT to enforce fine-grained, risk-based conditional access policies that also take into account device compliance information delivered using VMware Unified Endpoint Management technology.Finally, Workspace ONE automates traditional onboarding and laptop and mobile device configuration, and it delivers near real-time application lifecycle management that bridges from legacy enterprise client-server apps to the mobile-hosted era.1. UEM notifications only. Third-party and actionable notifications with mobile flows, SSO for SaaS, and virtual apps requires Workspace ONE Access, which isnot included in Workspace ONE MDM Essentials.2. Third-party and actionable notifications with mobile flows, SSO for SaaS, and virtual apps requires Workspace ONE Access.3. Includes limited Workspace ONE Intelligence features for PC management automation (e.g., patching and CVE automation, compliance with Sensors, etc.).4. SEG included in Workspace ONE Standard is limited to native mail clients.5. Workspace ONE Productivity Apps and features include VMware Workspace ONE Web, Content, Boxer, Send, Tunnel, PIV-d Manager, App Wrapping, andTelecom Management tools.AT&T Professional ServicesImplementation and AT&T Business customer support desk (CSD) is available for MDM Essentials, Standard, and Advanced offerings. One of the following implementation service fees is required for CSD.• Lite or Lite Plus installation and training services for MDM Essentials• Premium installation and training services for Standard • Premium Plus installation and training for Advanced Other installation options are available.Customer Support Desk (CSD)*Purchase of AT&T professional implementation service is required for CSD, which is provided by AT&T Business and is available to customers that have not previously purchase an UEM Solution from AT&T.CSD service includes the following:• Technical support• MACD (moves, adds, changes, disconnects) administration• Service OptimizationMonthly recurring charge (MRC) subscriptions to all VMware Workspace ONE™ editions include a license plus CSD Support.Remote Administration Support Plan (optional) The Remote Administration Support Plan provides a higher level of managed technical support from certified AT&T-provided technicians.The Remote Administration Support Plan (available at an additional cost) is designed for organizations with minimal internal support and mobile expertise. A UEM consultant will be assigned to you and will provide additional benefits beyond CSD support. The Remote Administration Support Plan includes: • Daily, ongoing configuration and lifecycle administration of the managed service on your behalf• An assigned Unified Endpoint Management Consultant (UEMC), a trusted advisor trained to provide proactive recommendations and ongoing consultation on UEM design, implementation, and administration• Advanced security and policy remote administration • A trained and experienced support staff withcross-solution expertise with UEM, OEM, OS, and application platforms (CCNA, CCNP, MCSA, CISSP) • Ability to update security policies and authorize device configurations• Annual performance health checks* AT&T will not provide technical support to end users and will not provide technical support for applications and/or content that Customer chooses to distribute and are not included in the Solution’s feature list.VMware Workspace ONE ™ Product Brief Important Information General: Workspace ONE as described in this product brief (the Solution) is available only to eligible customers with a qualified AT&T agreement “Qualified Agreement”). The Solution is subject to (a) the terms and conditions found at https:///download/eula/universal_eula.html (Additional Product Terms); (b) the Qualified Agreement; and (c) applicable Sales Information. (For government customers, any Additional Product Terms not allowable under applicable law will not apply, and the Qualified Agreement will control in the event of any material conflict between the Qualified Agreement and the Additional Product Terms. Except for government customers, Customer must accept the Additional Product Terms on behalf of its end users. Any service discounts, equipment discounts, and/or other discounts set forth in the Qualified Agreement do not apply to the Solution. The Solution may not be available for purchase in all sales channels or in all areas. Additional hardware, software, service and/or network connection may be required to access the Solution. Availability, security, speed, timeliness, accuracy and reliability of service are not guaranteed by AT&T.Requirements; Technical Information: The Solution is available for use with multiple network service providers and its functionality is limited to certain mobile devices and operating systems. A list of the compatible devices and operating systems is available by contacting an AT&T Account Executive or visit /mdm . For users subscribed to AT&T wireless service, activation of an eligible AT&T data plan with short message service (SMS) capabilities is required. For users of the Solution with devices subscribed to non-AT&T wireless providers, Customer is responsible for ensuring that its applicable end users and the Solution comply with all applicable terms of service of such other wireless carrier(s). All associated voice, messaging and data usage will be subject to the applicable rates and terms of such other wireless carrier(s). Refer to applicable wireless carrier(s) for such rates, terms and conditions. The Solution’s administrative interface is accessed via a Web portal and requires a browser with Internet connection. AT&T reserves the right to (i) modify or discontinue the Solution in whole or in part and/or (ii) terminate the Solution at any time without cause. All fees paid for the Solution are non-refundable. A minimum of 20 Solution subscriptions is required for an initial order.Reservations: AT&T reserves the right to perform work at a remote location or use, in AT&T’s sole discretion, employees, contractors or suppliers located outside the United States to perform work in connection with or in support of the Solution. Any warranties related to the Solution that can be passed through under law will be passed through to Customer by AT&T. Use of the Solution requires download of application software to user devices from an app store or from a third-party site. AT&T is not licensing or furnishing the software. For government customers, the following applies to the extent not in conflict with the Qualified Agreement: (i) ALL SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AT&T TO CUSTOMER ON AN “AS IS” BASIS; (ii) AT&T disclaims all remedies for claims of infringement by a third party based upon or arising out of Customer’s or end users’ use of the Solution, and (iii) Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any damages, losses, costs and expenses arising out of or relating to use of the Solution will be termination of service. For all other Customers: (i) VMware, not AT&T, is responsible for any warranty terms and commitments; (ii) ALL SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AT&T TO CUSTOMER ON AN “AS IS” BASIS; (iii) AT&T disclaims all remedies for claims of infringement by a third party based upon or arising out of Customer’s or end users’ use of the Solution; and (iv) Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any damages, losses, costs and expenses arising out of or relating to use of the Solution will be termination of service.Use of Solution Outside the U.S.: For government customers, see your account representative for additional information regarding use of the Solution outside the US. For other Customers, see the Country Specific Provisions in the Solution Service Guide located at /sg_flashPlayerPage/VMWCLD .Data Privacy: Customer Personal Data may be transferred to or accessible by (i) AT&T personnel around the world; (ii) third parties who act on AT&T’s or AT&T’s supplier’s behalf as subcontractors; and (iii) third parties (such as courts, law enforcement or regulatory authorities) where required by law. Customer will only provide or make Customer Personal Data accessible when Customer has the legal authority to do so and for which it has obtained the necessary consents from its end users, and will camouflage or securely encrypt customer Personal Data in a manner compatible with the Solution. As used herein, the term Customer Personal Data includes, without limitation, name, phone number, email address, wireless location information or any other information that identifies or could reasonably be used to identify customer or its end users. Customer is responsible for providing end users with clear notice of AT&T’s and Customer’s collection and use of Customer Personal Data obtained via the Solution, including, without limitation, end user device location information, and for obtaining end user consent to that collection and use. Customer may satisfy its notification requirements as to AT&T by advising end users in writing that AT&T and its suppliers may collect and use Customer Personal Data by providing for end user review the relevant links to the product brief or other sales information that describes the Solution and to AT&T’s Privacy Policy at /gen/privacy-policy?pid=2506.AT&T Cybersecurity’s enterprise-grade technologies provide phenomenal threat intelligence, collaborative defense, security without the seams, and solutions that fit your business. Our unique, collaborative approach integrates best-of-breed technologies with unrivaled network visibility and actionable threat intelligence from AT&T Alien Labs researchers, Security Operations Center analysts, and machine learning — helping to enable our customers around the globe to anticipate and act on threats to protect their business.About AT&T Cybersecurity© 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T, Globe logo, and DIRECTV and registered trademarks and service marks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change. | 241301-020921。



ego1开发板使用手册1. 引言ego1开发板是一款功能强大的嵌入式开发板,适用于学习和开发各种电子项目。


2. 开发板概述ego1开发板是一块基于Xilinx Zynq系列SoC的开发板,具备强大的处理能力和丰富的资源。

主要特性包括:- 高性能ARM Cortex-A9处理器- 可编程逻辑资源(FPGA)- 丰富的外设接口(UART、SPI、I2C、GPIO等)- 电源管理和时钟模块3. 开发环境配置使用ego1开发板进行开发需要进行相应的环境配置。

以下是配置开发环境的步骤:1) 安装Xilinx Vivado开发套件,并将其路径添加到系统环境变量中;2) 下载并安装ego1开发板的驱动程序;3) 连接ego1开发板至计算机,并确保正常识别。

4. ego1开发板组件介绍ego1开发板包含多个重要组件,用户应了解各组件的功能和用途。

以下是主要组件的介绍:- Zynq SoC芯片:包含ARM Cortex-A9处理器和可编程逻辑资源,实现高性能计算和灵活性;- DDR3内存:用于存储程序和数据;- 外设接口:包括UART、SPI、I2C、GPIO等接口,用于与其他外设进行通信;- LED指示灯:提供状态和调试信息的显示;- 开发调试接口:支持JTAG和SWD接口,用于调试和下载程序。

5. 开发流程ego1开发板的开发流程分为几个主要步骤,包括项目创建、程序编写、综合、实现、下载和调试。

以下是基本开发流程的概述:1) 使用Vivado创建新项目,并选择合适的开发板设置;2) 编写程序或设计硬件逻辑,并进行仿真和验证;3) 进行综合和实现,生成bitstream文件;4) 将bitstream文件下载至ego1开发板;5) 使用调试工具对程序进行调试和验证。

6. 示例项目演示在本节中,我们将通过一个简单的LED闪烁项目演示ego1开发板的使用过程。















Energizer Eagle One Tire Shine 产品说明书

Energizer Eagle One Tire Shine 产品说明书

Energizer Manufacturing, Inc.25225 Detroit Rd.44145 Westlake United StatesTelephone: 800-383-7323 (USA / CANADA)Website: (800) 255-3924 USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands, +1 (813) 248-0585 Internationalnot requiredof no significanceNot relevant (mixture)For the listed ingredient(s), the identity and exact percentage(s) are being withheld as a trade secret.SECTION 1: Identification 1.1Product identifier Trade nameEagle One Tire Shine 1.2Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstRelevant identified usesGeneral use1.3Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet 1.4Emergency telephone numberSECTION 2: Hazard(s) identification 2.1Classification of the substance or mixture 2.2Label elementsLabelling acc. to OSHA "Hazard Communication Standard" (29 CFR 1910.1200)- Precautionary statementsP102Keep out of reach of children.2.3Other hazardsSECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients 3.1Substances3.2MixturesEagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12Do not leave affected person unattended. Remove victim out of the danger area. Keep affected person warm, still and covered. Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical advice. In case of unconsciousness place person in the recovery position. Never give anything by mouth.If breathing is irregular or stopped, immediately seek medical assistance and start first aid actions. Provide fresh air.Wash with plenty of soap and water.Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Irrigate copiously with clean, fresh water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eyelids apart.Rinse mouth with water (only if the person is conscious). Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician immediately.Symptoms and effects are not known to date.noneWater spray, BC-powder, Carbon dioxide (CO2)Water jetNitrogen oxides (NOx), Carbon monoxide (CO), Carbon dioxide (CO2)In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Co-ordinate firefighting measures to the fire surroundings. Do not allow firefighting water to enter drains or water courses. Collect contaminated firefighting water separately. Fight fire with normal precautions from a reasonable distance.SECTION 4: First-aid measures 4.1Description of first- aid measures General notesFollowing inhalationFollowing skin contactFollowing eye contactFollowing ingestion4.2Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed4.3Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededSECTION 5: Fire-fighting measures 5.1Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing mediaUnsuitable extinguishing media5.2Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Hazardous combustion products5.3Advice for firefightersEagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12Remove persons to safety.Wear breathing apparatus if exposed to vapors/dust/aerosols/gases.Keep away from drains, surface and ground water. Retain contaminated washing water and dispose of it.Covering of drainsWipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Collect spillage: Sawdust, Kieselgur (diatomite), Sand, Universal bind-erUse of adsorbent materials.Place in appropriate containers for disposal. Ventilate affected area.Hazardous combustion products: see section 5. Personal protective equipment: see section 9. Incompatible materials:see section 10. Disposal considerations: see section 13.Use local and general ventilation. Use only in well-ventilated areas.Wash hands after use. Do not eat, drink and smoke in work areas. Remove contaminated clothing and protective equip-ment before entering eating areas. Never keep food or drink in the vicinity of chemicals. Never place chemicals in con-tainers that are normally used for food or drink. Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs.SECTION 6: Accidental release measures 6.1Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures For non-emergency personnelFor emergency responders6.2Environmental precautions6.3Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Advices on how to contain a spillAdvices on how to clean up a spillAppropriate containment techniquesOther information relating to spills and releases6.4Reference to other sectionsSECTION 7: Handling and storage 7.1Precautions for safe handling Recommendations- Measures to prevent fire as well as aerosol and dust generationAdvice on general occupational hygiene7.2Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesControl of the effectsEagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12Heat, High temperatures, FrostSee section 16 for a general overview.General ventilation.Wear eye/face protection.Wear suitable gloves. Chemical protection gloves are suitable, which are tested according to EN 374. Check leak-tightness/impermeability prior to use. In the case of wanting to use the gloves again, clean them before taking off and air them well. For special purposes, it is recommended to check the resistance to chemicals of the protective gloves men-tioned above together with the supplier of these gloves.Take recovery periods for skin regeneration. Preventive skin protection (barrier creams/ointments) is recommended. Wash hands thoroughly after handling.Protect against external exposure, such as7.3Specific end use(s)SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection 8.1Control parametersNotationi inhalable fraction mist as mistsr respirable fractionSTEL short-term exposure limit: a limit value above which exposure should not occur and which is related to a 15-minute period un-less otherwise specifiedTWAtime-weighted average (long-term exposure limit): measured or calculated in relation to a reference period of 8 hours time-weighted average8.2Exposure controlsAppropriate engineering controlsIndividual protection measures (personal protective equipment)Eye/face protectionSkin protection - Hand protection- Other protection measuresEagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory protection.Use appropriate container to avoid environmental contamination. Keep away from drains, surface and ground water.Respiratory protectionEnvironmental exposure controlsSECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties 9.1Information on basic physical and chemical properties Physical state liquid Color colorless Odor Pleasant pH (value)not determined Melting point/freezing pointnot determined Initial boiling point and boiling range not determined Flash point 94 °CEvaporation rate not determined Flammability (solid, gas)not relevant (fluid)Explosive limits not determined Vapor pressure not determined Density not determinedVapor density this information is not availableRelative density information on this property is not available Solubility(ies)not determined Auto-ignition temperature not determined Viscositynot determined Explosive properties none Oxidizing propertiesnoneEagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12Concerning incompatibility: see below "Conditions to avoid" and "Incompatible materials".The material is stable under normal ambient and anticipated storage and handling conditions of temperature and pres-sure.No known hazardous reactions.There are no specific conditions known which have to be avoided.OxidizersReasonably anticipated hazardous decomposition products produced as a result of use, storage, spill and heating are not known. Hazardous combustion products: see section 5.Test data are not available for the complete mixture.The method for classification of the mixture is based on ingredients of the mixture (additivity formula).This mixture does not meet the criteria for classification.Shall not be classified as acutely toxic.Shall not be classified as corrosive/irritant to skin.Shall not be classified as seriously damaging to the eye or eye irritant.Shall not be classified as a respiratory or skin sensitizer.Shall not be classified as germ cell mutagenic.SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity 10.1Reactivity10.2Chemical stability10.3Possibility of hazardous reactions10.4Conditions to avoid10.5Incompatible materials10.6Hazardous decomposition productsSECTION 11: Toxicological information 11.1Information on toxicological effectsClassification procedureClassification acc. to OSHA "Hazard Communication Standard" (29 CFR 1910.1200)Acute toxicitySkin corrosion/irritationSerious eye damage/eye irritationRespiratory or skin sensitizationGerm cell mutagenicityEagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12Shall not be classified as carcinogenic.Shall not be classified as a reproductive toxicant.Shall not be classified as a specific target organ toxicant (single exposure).The classification criteria for this hazard class are not met. Shall not be classified as a specific target organ toxicant (repeated exposure).Shall not be classified as presenting an aspiration hazard.Shall not be classified as hazardous to the aquatic environment.Data are not availableData are not available.Data are not available.Data are not available.None of the ingredients are listed.Do not empty into drains. Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheets.Completely emptied packages can be recycled. Handle contaminated packages in the same way as the substance itself.CarcinogenicityReproductive toxicitySpecific target organ toxicity - single exposureSpecific target organ toxicity - repeated exposureAspiration hazardSECTION 12: Ecological information 12.1Toxicity12.2Persistence and degradability12.3Bioaccumulative potential12.4Mobility in soil12.5Results of PBT and vPvB assessment12.6Other adverse effects Endocrine disrupting potentialSECTION 13: Disposal considerations 13.1Waste treatment methodsSewage disposal-relevant informationWaste treatment of containers/packagesEagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12Please consider the relevant national or regional provisions. Waste shall be separated into the categories that can be handled separately by the local or national waste management facilities.There is no additional information.The cargo is not intended to be carried in bulk.Not subject to transport regulations.Not subject to IMDG.Not subject to ICAO-IATA.none of the ingredients are listedRemarksSECTION 14: Transport information 14.1UN numbernot subject to transport regulations 14.2UN proper shipping name not relevant 14.3Transport hazard class(es)Class-14.4Packing groupnot relevant14.5Environmental hazards non-environmentally hazardous acc. to the danger-ous goods regulations14.6Special precautions for user14.7Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC CodeInformation for each of the UN Model RegulationsTransport of dangerous goods by road or rail (49 CFR US DOT)International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG)International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO-IATA/DGR)SECTION 15: Regulatory information 15.1Safety, health and environmental regulations specific for the product in question National regulations (United States)SARA TITLE III (Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act)- List of Extremely Hazardous Substances (40 CFR 355) (EPCRA Section 302 and 304)Eagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12none of the ingredients are listednone of the ingredients are listednone of the ingredients are listedHazardous Materials Identification System. American Coatings Association.National Fire Protection Association: Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Re-sponse (United States).- Specific Toxic Chemical Listings (40 CFR 372) (EPCRA Section 313)CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act)- Section 102(A) Hazardous Substances (40 CFR 302.4)Clean Air ActCalifornia Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA): Proposition 65 Chemicals known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicityIndustry or sector specific available guidance(s)NPCA-HMIS® IIINFPA® 704Eagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12All components are listed or exemptedChemical safety assessments for substances in this mixture were not carried out.OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), 29 CFR 1910.1200.Transport of dangerous goods by road or rail (49 CFR US DOT). International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG). Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for the air transport (IATA).Physical and chemical properties: The classification is based on tested mixture.Health hazards, Environmental hazards: The method for classification of the mixture is based on ingredients of the mix-ture (additivity formula).This SDS has been compiled and is solely intended for this product. The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is de-signed only as a guide for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.Additional information15.2Chemical Safety AssessmentSECTION 16: Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionKey literature references and sources for dataClassification procedureDisclaimerEagle One Tire ShineVersion number: 1.2Date of compilation: 2017-06-12。

gorenje 使用说明书

gorenje 使用说明书



SensoCare 即使在低温环境中也操作简便,经济节能。

















45414994使用后关闭干衣机(程序选择旋钮应对准"关闭"位置)并拔下插头 (防止闪电或电压超载发生的危险)。




































Gopher Control 产品说明书

Gopher Control 产品说明书

For Gopher ControlThis product may only be used for the controlof pocket gophers in manual, below ground applications.Intended for Residential UseACTIVE INGREDIENT:Zinc Phosphide............................................................................ 2.0% INERT INGREDIENTS: ............................................................... 98.0% TOTAL .......................................................................... 100.0%EPA Reg. No. 36029-12-54705 EPA Est. No. 36029-CA-1GO-DIE is a registered trademark of Lawn and Garden Products, Inc.Net Weight: 1 Lb / 453.6 kgManufactured for:LAWN AND GARDEN PRODUCTS, INC.P. O. Box 35000 • Fresno, CA 93745 • (559) 499-2100***************************KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDRENTREATMENT FOR PET POISONINGIf animal eats bait, call veterinarian at once.NOTE TO PHYSICIAN OR VETERINARIANContains the phosphine-producing active, Zinc Phosphide. Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. For animals ingesting bait and/or showing poisoning signs, induce vomiting by using hydrogen peroxide. Sodium bicarbonate can be given orally to neutralize the stomach acidity. The stomach and intestinal tract can be evacuated, oxygen administered and cardiac and circulatory stimulants given.PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTSHAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALSHarmful if swallowed. Harmful if absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid breathing dust. Wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, shoes plus socks and waterproof gloves. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet. Remove contaminated clothing and wash clothing before reuse. Any person who retrieves carcasses or unused bait following application of this product must wear waterproof gloves.ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDSThis product is extremely toxic to birds, fish and other wildlife. Wildlife feeding on treated bait may be killed. Dogs, cats, and other predatory and scavenging mammals and birds might be poisoned if they feed upon animals that have eaten this bait. Do not apply directly to water.DIRECTIONS FOR USEIt is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.READ THIS LABEL: Read this entire label and follow all use directions, restrictions and use precautions. For information on this pesticide product (including health concerns, medical emergencies, or pesticide incidents), call the National Pesticide Telecommunications Network at 1-800-858-7378.USE RESTRICTIONS:• This product may only be applied against the pests listed on this label, and by the application methods listed on this label. This product may only be used to control pocket gophers in manual, below-ground applications in lawns. • Bait must be applied directly into the burrow or tunnel systems. • Do not apply in gardens and areas where food or feed may become contaminated. • Any person who retrieves carcasses or unused bait following application of this product must wear waterproof gloves. • Do not apply this product by the use of an artificial burrow builder. • Not to be sold in individual containers containing more than 1 lb. of product.APPLICATION DIRECTIONS FORPOCKET GOPHERSApply bait to control pocket gophers using one of the two methods outlined below:Plug Removal Baiting: Burrowing pocket gophers (Thomomys spp. and Geomys spp.) throw out low, fan shaped mounds on either side of their underground tunnel. These lateral tunnels coming to the surface are on the flat side of the fan and are plugged with soil. Using a long-handled spoon, carefully remove the plug. Insert one teaspoon of bait as far down as possible. Reclose opening, being careful not to cover bait with soil.Main Runway Baiting: To locate main runways, probe about 6 to 8 inches away from mounds by use of an iron bar, a strong stick, or other suitable implement. Resistance on probe will drop suddenly and probe will fall about two inches when main runway is entered. Carefully enlarge the opening to accommodate insertion of the bait. Insert one teaspoon of bait into each active tunnel. Carefully close the hole with a stone, sod, or soil. Take care not to cover bait with soil.FOLLOW-UPWearing waterproof gloves, collect and dispose of all dead, exposed animals and of leftover bait in accordance with disposal instructions. Use detergent and hot water to wash spoons. Do not use spoons for mixing, holding or transferring food or feed. If reinfestation does occur, repeat treatment.NOTICE OF WARRANTYNOTICE:To the extend consistent with applicable law, Buyer assumes all risk of use and/or handling of this material when such use and/or handling is contrary to label instructions.(WIL-120710A) 0213(01)。

V-one Gaming Controller中文说明书

V-one Gaming Controller中文说明书

中文说明书V-one Gaming Controller警告:本产品包含细小部件,请勿吞咽。



● 为了安全起见,请勿在无人看管的情况下对本产品进行充电,以免出现意外情况。

● 请使用包装内附带的配件进行充电。


● 如果本产品出现过热,异味或冒烟的情况,请立即将本产品与供电设备断开连接并与供应商联系。


● 为避免产品损坏,请勿将其暴露在雨中,高湿度环境或任何未指明的室外环境中。


● 请保持本设备清洁干燥,并避免水,灰尘或其他异物进入。

● 请勿将本产品放置在明亮的火焰附近,如蜡烛或类似物品。

● 请勿将设备放置在温度高的物体附近,如蜡烛或类似的发热物体。

● 请勿使用水,酒精或化学药品直接清洁设备。


● 请避免从高处跌落产品,以免损坏。


● 请勿自行拆卸和修理本产品。





产品名称工作平台连接方式工作电压产品尺寸包装尺寸工作模式电池类型IFYOO V-one 游戏手柄PC Windows(XP / 7 / 8 / 10)Android(需4.0版或更高版本)蓝牙 / 2.4GHz无线3.7~5.5V DC160 x 110 x 52 mm185 x 140 x 70 mmXinput / Android高质量锂电池产品型号工作温度工作湿度无线距离充电时间充电电流充电电压USB接口产品净重电池容量IFYOO-V1080℃~+45℃20~80%推荐7米以内2~3 小时1~2 A5V DCUSB 2.0 / 3.0222g600mAHIFYOO V-one 游戏手柄(型号:IFYOO-V108)可以用通过蓝牙和2.4GHz两种方式连接,适用于PC Windows(XP/7/8/10),安卓设备(需4.0或更高版本,2.4GHz连接时,安卓设备需完全支持OTG功能)。

MyUI for GO N1使用说明书

MyUI for GO N1使用说明书

青橙定制手机 N1GO N1用户使用说明书1.使用前须知 (1)1.1安全须知 (1)1.2个人信息和数据安全 (2)2. 开始了解手机 (4)2.1您的手机 (5)2.2电池 (6)2.3 SIM卡 (6)2.4 智能体感 (8)2.5开机和关机 (9)2.6使用触摸屏 (9)2.7锁定与解锁屏幕 (10)2.8主屏幕 (11)3. 通话功能 (15)3.1拨打电话和视频通话 (15)3.2接听或拒接电话 (16)3.3通话中的其他操作 (16)3.4使用通话记录 (17)3.5使用飞行模式 (18)4. 联系人 (18)4.1打开联系人 (18)4.2从SIM卡复制联系人信息 (18)4.3创建联系人信息 (19)4.4收藏联系人 (19)4.5查找联系人信息 (19)4.6编辑联系人信息 (20)4.7与联系人联系 (20)4.8删除联系人信息 (20)4.9通过手机U盘备份联系人 (21)4.10管理群组 (21)4.11发送联系人 (22)5. 使用屏幕键盘 (22)5.1使用输入面板 (22)6. 短信 (23)6.1短信和彩信 (23)6.2电子邮件 (26)7. 建立连接 (28)7.1移动网络 (28)7.2使用无线局域网 (29)7.3浏览互联网 (30)7.4使用蓝牙 (31)8. 娱乐功能 (33)8.1拍照和摄像 (33)8.2使用图库 (36)8.3享受音乐 (37)9. 账号与同步 (38)9.1管理账户 (38)9.2自定义账户同步信息 (39)10.更多应用程序 (40)10.1日历 (40)10.2使用时钟 (41)10.3使用计算器 (42)11.管理手机 (43)11.1设置时间和日期 (43)11.2显示设置 (44)11.3情景模式设置 (44)11.4手机服务设置 (45)11.5设置文字转语音 (46)11.6安全设置 (46)11.7管理应用程序 (47)11.8恢复设置 (49)1.使用前须知1.1安全须知易燃易爆区在进入易燃易爆区(如加油站)或其周边时,请您关闭手机,并遵守那里所有的安全标志和说明。

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Ego one功能说明书(带温控)







正常充电电流500mA 左右。






电池低电量提醒:低于3.5V 吸烟灯一直闪,有输出。


