



2021上海专业技术人员继续教育公需科目知识产权根底〔下〕答案一、单项选择题1.以下哪一项为制造制造的制造人〔10.0分〕A.提供资金支持的老板B.组织实施的领导C.提供测试的实验人员D.对制造制造的实质性特点作出制造性奉献的人我的答案:D √答对2.以下对象中不享有著作权的是〔10.0分〕A.色情小说B.法院判决书C.雕塑D.计算机软件我的答案:B √答对3.张某经过努力完成一篇科研学术论文,依我国著作权法的规定〔10.0分〕A.张某只有在其论文发表后才能享有著作权B.张某的论文不管是否发表都能享有著作权C. 张某的论文须经登记后才能享有著作权D.张某的论文须加注版权标记后才能享有著作权我的答案:B √答对4.职务制造制造申请专利的权利归属于〔10.0分〕A.制造人B.单位C.根据约定D.制造人和单位共有我的答案:B √答对二、多项选择题1.有用新型专利权被授予后,任何单位或者个人未经专利权人许可,都不得为生产经营目的实施其专利,包含〔10.0分〕〕A.制造其有用新型专利产品;B.使用其有用新型专利产品;C.许诺销售其有用新型专利产品;D.销售其有用新型专利产品;我的答案:ABCD √答对2.以下标志中不能得到商标注册的有〔10.0分〕〕A.羊皮牌皮装B.上海牌C.美国牌服装D.宝山牌家具我的答案:ABCD ×答错正确答案:ABC三、推断题1.集体商标可以许可非集体成员使用。





ECE R120

ECE R120

}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/50521 April 2005AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OFTHESE PRESCRIPTIONS ∗/(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)_________Addendum 119: Regulation No. 120Date of entry into force: 6 April 2005UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES TO BE INSTALLED IN AGRICULTURAL ANDFORESTRY TRACTORS AND IN NON-ROAD MOBILE MACHINERY, WITHREGARD TO THE MEASUREMENT OF THE NET POWER, NET TORQUEAND SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION_________UNITED NATIONS∗/Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 3Regulation No. 120UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES TO BE INSTALLED IN AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY TRACTORS AND IN NON-ROAD MOBILE MACHINERY, WITH REGARD TO THE MEASUREMENT OF THE NET POWER, NET TORQUE AND SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTIONCONTENTSREGULATION Page1. Scope (5) (5)2. Definitions3. Application for approval (6)4. Approval (6)5. Specifications and tests (8)6. Conformity of production (11)7. Penalties for non-conformity of production (11)8. Modification and extension of approvalof an engine type or engine family (11)9. Production definitely discontinued (12)10. Names and addresses of technical servicesresponsible for conducting approval tests,and of administrative departments (12)ANNEXESAnnex 1: Essential characteristics of the internal combustion engine and general information concerning the conduct of testsAnnex 1 - Appendix 1: Essential characteristics of the engine/parent engineAnnex 1 - Appendix 2: Essential characteristics of the engine familyAnnex 1 - Appendix 3: Essential characteristics of engine type within the familyE/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 4CONTENTS (continued)Annex 2: Communication concerning the approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or production definitely discontinued of an engine or engine familypursuant to Regulation No. 120Annex 3: Arrangements of approval marksAnnex 4: Method for measuring internal combustion engine net powerAnnex 4 - Appendix: Results of tests for measuring net power engineAnnex 5: Essential characteristics of the engine familyAnnex 6: Checks on conformity of productionAnnex 7: Technical data of reference fuels}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 51. SCOPE1.1. This Regulation applies to the representation of the curves as a function of enginespeed of the power, torque and specific fuel consumption at full load, indicated bythe manufacturer for internal combustion engines to be used:1.1.1. in category T vehicles1/,1.1.2. in machinery intended and suited to move, or to be moved on the ground, with orwithout road, operated under intermittent or constant speed.1.2. The internal combustion engines belong to one of the following categories:1.2.1. Reciprocating internal combustion engines (positive-ignition or compression-ignition), but excluding free piston engines;1.2.2. Rotary piston engines (positive-ignition or compression-ignition).2. DEFINITIONS2.1. "Approval of an engine" means the approval of an engine type with regard to its netpower measured in accordance with the procedure specified in Annex 4 to thisRegulation;2.2. "Approval of an engine family" means the approval of the members of an enginefamily with regard to their net power in accordance with the procedure specified inAnnexes 5 or 6 to this Regulation;type" means a category of engines which do not differ in such essential 2.3. "Engineengine characteristics as defined in Annex 1 - Appendix 3;family" means a manufacturer's grouping of engines which, through their 2.4. "Enginedesign, fulfil the grouping criteria laid down in Annex 5 to this Regulation;engine" means an engine selected from an engine family in such a way that it 2.5. "Parentcomplies with requirements set out in Annex 5 of this Regulation;power" means the power obtained on a test bench at the end of the crankshaft or 2.6. "Netits equivalent at the corresponding engine speed with the auxiliaries and equipmentlisted in Table 1 of Annex 4 to this Regulation, determined under referenceatmospheric conditions;1/ As described in Annex 7 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) (TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend. 2).E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 62.7. "Rated net power" means engine net power as declared by the manufacturer at ratedspeed;power" means the maximum value of the net power measured at full 2.8. "Maximumnetengine load;2.9. "Ratedspeed" means the maximum full load speed allowed by the governor, as specified by the manufacturer;2.10. "Maximum net power speed" means the engine speed at which the maximum netpower is obtained, as specified by the manufacturer;2.11. "Maximumspeed" means the engine speed at which the maximum torque istorqueobtained, as specified by the manufacturer;torque" means the maximum value of the net torque measured at full 2.12. "Maximumengine load.3. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL3.1. The application for approval of an engine type or an engine family with regard to themeasurement of the net power shall be submitted by the manufacturer or by his dulyaccredited representative.3.2. It shall be accompanied by the following documents in triplicate: description of theengine type or engine family comprising all the relevant particulars referred to inAnnex 1 to this Regulation.3.3. An engine representative of the engine type to be approved, or the parent engine, incase of an engine family, fitted with the equipment prescribed in Annex 4 to thisRegulation, shall be submitted to the technical service conducting the approval tests.4. APPROVAL4.1. If the power of the engine submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation wasmeasured according to the specifications of paragraph 5. below, approval of theengine type or family shall be granted.4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each engine type or family approved. Itsfirst two digits (at present 00 for the Regulation in its original form) shall indicatethe series of amendments incorporating the most recent major technical amendmentsmade to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same ContractingParty shall not assign the same number to another engine type or family.}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 74.3. Notice of approval or of extension or of refusal of approval of an engine type or anengine family pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a form conforming to themodel in Annex 2 to this Regulation.4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place as specifiedon the approval form, to every engine conforming to an engine type or an enginefamily approved under this Regulation an international approval mark consisting of:4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of thecountry which has granted approval; 2/4.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approvalnumber to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.Alternatively, instead of affixing these approval marks and symbols to the engine,the manufacturer may decide that engine approved under this Regulation shall beaccompanied by a document giving this information in order to enable the approvalmarks and symbol to be attached to the vehicle.4.5. If the engine conforms to an approved type or family under one or more otherRegulations annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted approvalunder this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. need not berepeated; in such a case the Regulation and approval numbers and the additionalsymbols of all the Regulations under which approval has been granted underthis Regulation shall be placed in vertical columns to the right of the symbolprescribed in paragraph 1 for Germany, 2 for France, 3 for Italy, 4 for the Netherlands, 5 for Sweden, 6 for Belgium, 7 for Hungary, 8 for the Czech Republic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Serbia and Montenegro, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 (vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal, 22 for the Russian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35 (vacant), 36 for Lithuania, 37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for the European Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan, 44 (vacant), 45 for Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47 for South Africa, 48 for New Zealand, 49 for Cyprus, 50 for Malta and 51 for the Republic of Korea. Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 84.6. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the data plate affixed by themanufacturer to the approved type.4.7. Annex 3 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approval marks.4.8. Every engine conforming to an engine type or an engine family approved underthis Regulation must bear, in addition to the approval mark:4.8.1. the trademark or trade name of the manufacturer of the engine;4.8.2. the manufacturer’s engine code.5. SPECIFICATIONS AND TESTS5.1. GeneralThe components liable to affect the power of the engine shall be so designed,constructed and assembled as to enable the engine in normal use, despite thevibrations to which it may be subjected, to comply with the provisions of thisRegulation.5.2. Description of tests for internal combustion engines5.2.1. The net power test shall consist of a run at full throttle for positive-ignition enginesand at fixed full-load fuel injection pump setting for compression-ignition engines,the engine being equipped as specified in Table 1 of Annex 4 to this Regulation.5.2.2. Measurements shall be taken at a sufficient number of engine speeds to definecorrectly the power, torque and specific fuel consumption curves between thelowest and the highest engine speeds recommended by the manufacturer.This range of speeds must include the rotational speeds at which the engineproduces its rated net power, its maximum power and its maximum torque.5.2.3. The fuel used shall be the following: For positive-ignition engines fuelled with petrol:The fuel used shall be the reference fuel specified in Annex For positive-ignition engines fuelled with LPG: In the case of an engine with self-adaptive fuelling:}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 9The fuel used shall be the one available on the market. In any case of dispute thefuel shall be one of the reference fuels specified in Annex 7; In the case of an engine without self-adaptive fuelling:The fuel used shall be the reference fuel specified in Annex 7 with the lowestC3-content, or5. In the case of an engine labelled for one specific fuel composition:The fuel used shall be the fuel for which the engine is labelled. The fuel used shall be specified in the test report. For positive-ignition engines fuelled with natural gas: In the case of an engine with self-adaptive fuelling:The fuel used shall be the one available on the market. In any case of dispute thefuel shall be one of the references fuels specified in Annex 7; In the case of an engine without self-adaptive fuelling:The fuel used shall be the one available on the market with the Wobbe Index atleast 52.6 MJm-3 (20 °C, 101.3 kPa). In case of dispute the fuel used shall be thereference fuel GR specified in Annex 7, i.e. the fuel with the highest WobbeIndex, or5. In the case of an engine labelled for a specific range of fuels:The fuel used shall be the one available on the market with the Wobbe Index atleast 52.6 MJm-3 (20 °C, 101.3 kPa) if the engine is labeled for the H-range ofgases, or at least 47.2 MJm-3 (20 °C, 101.3 kPa) if the engine is labelled for the L-range of gases. In case of dispute the fuel used shall be the reference fuel GRspecified in Annex 7 if the engine is labelled for the H-range of gases, or thereference fuel G23 if the engine is labelled for the L-range of gases, i.e. the fuelwith the highest Wobbe Index for the relevant range, or 3/3/ "Wobbe Index (lower Wl; or upper Wu)" means the ratio of the corresponding calorific value of a gas per unit volume and the square root of its relative density under the same reference conditions:=ρ/ρW H xgas air gasE/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page In the case of an engine labelled for one specific fuel composition:The fuel used shall be the fuel for which the engine is labelled. The fuel used shall be specified in the test report. For compression-ignition engines:The fuel used shall be the reference fuel specified in Annex Measurements shall be carried out according to the provisions of Annex 5 to thisRegulation.5.2.5. The test report shall contain the results and all the calculations required to determinethe net power, as listed in the appendix to Annex 4 to this Regulation together withthe characteristics of the engine, as listed in Annex 1 to this Regulation.5.3. Interpretation of ResultsPower5.3.1. NetThe net power declared by the manufacturer for the type of engine (or parent engine)shall be accepted if it does not differ by more than ± 2 per cent for rated net powerand more than ± 4 per cent at the other measurement points on the curve with atolerance of ± 1.5 per cent for engine speed, from the values measured bythe technical service on the engine submitted for testing.5.3.2. RatedspeedThe rated speed declared by the manufacturer shall not deviate by more than 100min-1 from the declared value.consumption5.3.3. FuelThe specific fuel consumption curve declared by the manufacturer for the type ofengine (or parent engine) shall be accepted if it does not differ by more than ± 8 percent at all measurement points from the values measured for the same points bythe technical service on the engine submitted for testing.family5.3.4. EngineIn case of compliance of the parent engine to the conditions in paragraphs 5.3.1. and5.3.2., the acceptance is automatically extended to all the declared curves of thefamily members.}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 116. CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTIONThe conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out in theAgreement, Appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2), with the followingrequirements:6.1. Engines approved under this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to conform tothe type approved.6.2. The minimum requirements for conformity of production control procedures setforth in Annex 6 to this Regulation shall be complied with.7. PENALTIES FOR NON-CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION7.1. The approval granted in respect of an engine type or an engine family pursuant tothis Regulation may be withdrawn if the requirements set forth in paragraph 6.1.above are not met or if an engine or an engine family bearing the approval mark doesnot conform to the type approved.7.2. If a Contracting Party to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws anapproval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other ContractingParties applying this Regulation, by means of a communication form conformingto the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.8. MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF APPROVAL OF AN ENGINE TYPEOR ENGINE FAMILY8.1. Every modification of an engine type or an engine family with regard to thecharacteristics in Annex 1, shall be notified to the administrative department whichapproved the engine type or engine family. The department may then either:8.1.1. Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have any appreciable adverseeffect and that in any case the engine still complies with the requirements; or8.1.2. Require a further test report from the technical service responsible for conducting thetests.8.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations shall becommunicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to the Parties tothe Agreement applying this Regulation.8.3. The competent authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign a seriesnumber for such an extension and inform thereof the other Parties to the1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication formconforming to the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 12DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED9. PRODUCTIONIf the holder of an approval completely ceases to manufacture an engine type or anengine family approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform theauthority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant communicationthat authority shall inform thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applyingthis Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model inAnnex 2 to this Regulation.10. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF TECHNICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBLE FORCONDUCTING APPROVAL TESTS, AND OF ADMINISTRATIVEDEPARTMENTSThe Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation shall communicate to theUnited Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the technical servicesresponsible for conducting approval tests, and/or the administrative departmentswhich grant approval, and to which forms certifying approval or extension or refusalof approval, issued in other countries, are to be sent.}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 13Annex 1Annex 1ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINEAND GENERAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CONDUCT OF TESTSParent engine/engine type 1/:......................................................................................... 1. General1.1. Make (name of undertaking):.........................................................................................1.2. Type and commercial description of the parent - and (if applicable) of the familyengine(s) 1/:.................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ 1.3. Manufacturer's type coding as marked on the engine(s) 1/:........................................... ........................................................................................................................................ 1.4. Specification of machinery to be propelled by the engine 2/:........................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 1.5. Name and address of manufacturer:............................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ 1.6. Name and address of manufacturer's authorized representative (if any):...................... ........................................................................................................................................ 1.7. Location, coding and method of affixing of the engine identification: ........................................................................................................................................ 1.8. Location and method of affixing of the approval mark:................................................ ........................................................................................................................................plant(s):..................................................................................assembly1.9. Address(es)of ........................................................................................................................................E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 14Annex 12. Attachments2.1. Essentialcharacteristics of the parent engine(s) (see Appendix 1)................................ ........................................................................................................................................characteristics of the engine family (see Appendix 2)....................................2.2. Essential ........................................................................................................................................of engine types within the family (see Appendix 3)...............2.3. Essentialcharacteristics ........................................................................................................................................3. Characteristics of engine-related parts of the mobile machinery (if applicable)........... ........................................................................................................................................4. Photographs of the parent engine...................................................................................5. List of further attachments:5.1. Appendix 1 / Appendix 2 / Appendix 3 1/5.2. Declared power, torque and specific fuel consumption curves for engine/parent engineand engines within the family 1/5.3. Any further attachments, if any:..................................................................................... ____________________1/ Strike out what does not apply.2/ List the types and models.}Rev.2/Add.119E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 120page 15Annex 1 - Appendix 1Annex 1 - Appendix 1ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENGINE / PARENT ENGINE 1/1. DESCRIPTION OF ENGINE1.1. Manufacturer:........................................................................................................1.1.2. Manufacturer's engine code:.................................................................................1.1.3. Working principle: positive-ignition/compression-ignition,four-stroke/two-stroke 1/3/:.................................................................................................................mm 1.4. Bore3/:...............................................................................................................mm 1.5. Stroke1.6. Number, layout and firing order of cylinders:......................................................1.7. Engine capacity 4/:................................................................................................cm3 1.8. Volumetric compression ratio 2/:.........................................................................1.9. Combustion system description:...........................................................................combustionchamber and piston crown:........................................of1.10. Drawing(s)1.11. Minimum cross-sectional area of inlet and outlet ports:.......................................1.12. Cooling system: liquid/air 1/1.12.1. Liquid1.12.1.1. Nature of liquid:.................................................................................................... Circulating pump(s): yes/no 1/ Characteristics or make(s) and type(s) (if applicable):......................................... .............................................................................................................................. Drive ratio(s) (if applicable):................................................................................E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505}Rev.2/Add.119 Regulation No. 120 page 16Annex 1 - Appendix 11.12.2. Air1.12.2.1. Blower: yes/no 1/ Characteristics or make(s) and type(s) (if applicable):......................................... .............................................................................................................................. Drive ratio(s) (if applicable):................................................................................1.13. Temperature permitted by the manufacturer1.13.1. Liquid cooling: maximum temperature at outlet:.................................................K1.13.2. Air cooling: reference point:.................................................................................1.13.3. Maximum temperature at reference point:............................................................K1.13.4. Maximum charge air outlet temperature at the inlet inter-cooler (if applicable):..............................................................................................................................K1.13.5. Maximum exhaust temperature at the point in the exhaust pipe(s) adjacent to theouter flange(s) of the exhaust manifold(s):...........................................................K1.13.6. Lubricant temperature: minimum:............................................................K maximum:...........................................................K 1.14. Pressure charger: yes/no 1/1.14.1. Make:....................................................................................................................1.14.2. Type:.....................................................................................................................1.14.3. Description of the system (e.g. max. charge pressure, waste-gate, if applicable):1.14.4. Inter-cooler: yes/no 1/1.15. Intake system: maximum allowable intake depression at rated engine speed and at100 % load:...........................................................................................................kPa1.16. Exhaust system: maximum allowable exhaust back-pressure at rated engine speedand at 100 % load:................................................................................................kPa。



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Swift创新导论_浙江大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.下列代码片段会输出什么?答案:"4 countries."2.通过下面的代码片段来回答问题。

下列哪个术语用来描述上述的“point”?答案:“实参”(Argument Label)3.下列定义变量会报错的是?答案:4.下列对数组的操作运行时,会出错的是?答案:5.下列不能用来作为变量名的是?答案:static6.通过下面的代码片段来回答问题。





下列运算结果为 0 的是?答案:12.通过下面的代码片段来回答问题。


Debug area 中会输出什么?答案:14.通过下面的代码片段来回答问题。



已知UITapGestureRecognizer 的原型如上图所示,下列为 label 添加点击事件的操作,正确的是?答案:17.通过下面的代码片段来回答问题。


设置 logoImageView 在 view 右边 8 个单位处,下列操作正确的是?答案:19.通过下图来回答问题。





调用函数f()时,第一个参数采用传值(call by value) 方式,第二个参数采用传引用(call by reference)方式,main()执行后输出的值为()。



在函数执行的过程中,f(5,x)f(int x,int &a)可以得出第一个参数x的取值为5(第一个参数为传值调用);第二个参数a取得左边main()函数中x的地址(第二个参数为传址调用);当运行x=2*a-1后,f()函数中x的取值变为3(2*2-1);当运行a=x+5后,a对应地址的取值被修改为8,也就是将main()函数中的x值修改为8;当运行return后,f()函数结束。























高仿模拟考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于计算机病毒的说法,错误的是:A. 计算机病毒是一种恶意软件B. 计算机病毒能够自我复制C. 计算机病毒能够自我修复D. 计算机病毒可以破坏计算机系统答案:C2. 在Excel中,以下哪个函数用于计算一组数据的平均值?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. MAXD. MIN答案:B3. 下列哪个选项不是操作系统的主要功能?A. 进程管理B. 存储管理C. 设备管理D. 网络管理答案:D4. 在HTML中,用于定义最重要的标题的标签是:A. `<h1>`B. `<h6>`C. `<head>`D. `<body>`答案:A5. 在数据库管理系统中,用于查询数据的语句是:A. INSERTB. UPDATEC. DELETED. SELECT答案:D6. 下列哪个选项不是计算机网络的拓扑结构?A. 星型B. 环型C. 总线型D. 树型答案:D7. 在计算机编程中,以下哪个关键字用于定义一个类?A. functionB. classC. structD. interface答案:B8. 在计算机系统中,RAM代表什么?A. 随机存取存储器B. 只读存储器C. 可编程只读存储器D. 硬盘存储器答案:A9. 下列哪个选项是计算机硬件的组成部分?A. 操作系统B. 编译器C. 中央处理器D. 编程语言答案:C10. 在计算机图形学中,以下哪个术语用于描述图像的分辨率?A. 颜色深度B. 位图C. 像素D. 分辨率答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 下列哪些因素会影响计算机的性能?A. 处理器速度B. 内存大小C. 硬盘容量D. 显示器尺寸答案:A、B、C12. 在计算机安全中,以下哪些措施可以提高系统的安全性?A. 安装防病毒软件B. 定期更新操作系统C. 使用强密码D. 禁用不必要的服务答案:A、B、C、D13. 下列哪些是计算机编程语言的类型?A. 编译型语言B. 解释型语言C. 标记型语言D. 脚本型语言答案:A、B、D14. 在计算机存储中,以下哪些是常见的存储设备?A. 固态硬盘(SSD)B. 机械硬盘(HDD)C. 光盘D. 优盘答案:A、B、C、D15. 下列哪些是计算机网络协议?A. HTTPB. FTPC. SMTPD. POP3答案:A、B、C、D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 计算机病毒只能通过电子邮件传播。


























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