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A B C D E治疗心力衰竭

A期:心衰高危但是没有器质性心脏病或心力衰竭症状 (严重高血压、冠心病、有使用心脏毒性药物治疗 或酗酒史、风湿热史、心脏病家族史等) B期:有器质性心脏病但是没有心衰症状(左心室肥厚或 纤维化、左心室舒张或收缩力降低、无症状性心 瓣膜病,既往心 肌梗死)
C期:有器质性心脏病,并且既往或目前有心衰 症状
B期患者EF≤30%、预计心功能良好状态 (NYHA1级)存活>1年最好置入ICD C期患者既往心脏骤停、Vf、VT,置入ICD作 为二级预防,也可作为一级预防 D期患者置入ICD并不降低总死亡率,已经置 入ICD者应告知选择停止除颤 AICD有可能加重心衰,生活质量下降
Assist Devices
有α受体阻滞作用的制剂易于发生 首剂或加量的24~48h内发生 可将ACEI或扩血管剂减量或与β-受体阻滞剂在每日不同时 间应用,一般不将利尿剂减量 常在起始治疗3~5d体重增加,如不处理,1~2周后常致心 衰恶化 告知患者,每日称体重,如有增加,应加大利尿剂剂量 与剂量成正比
无症状:在评估心衰以外疾病时(如心肌梗死、心律失常 或肺循环或体循环事件)发现患者有心脏扩大 或心衰证据
病史及体格检查 心电图及X线胸片 二维超声心动图 核素心室造影及核素心肌灌注 冠状动脉造影 判断心肌存活的方法: 多巴酚丁胺超声心动图试验 99mTc-MIBI 201TL 心肌核素显像 PET
心力衰竭 射血分数↓ 左心室收缩末容量↑ 左心室舒张末容量↑ 心排血量↓

移植的基本原则和步骤(九) 移植的基本原则和步骤(
环磷酰胺(cyclophosphamide) 是一种 环磷酰胺( 烷化剂,对B细胞和T细胞均有抑制作用。 烷化剂, 细胞和T细胞均有抑制作用。 皮质激素类(corticosteroids) 主要对T 皮质激素类( 主要对T 细胞和巨噬细胞起作用。 细胞和巨噬细胞起作用。 环孢素(cyclosporine) 阻止数种早期T 环孢素( 阻止数种早期T 细胞激活基因(白介素2、3、4和γ干扰素) 细胞激活基因(白介素2 干扰素) 的转录,抑制巨噬细胞产生白介素1。 的转录,抑制巨噬细胞产生白介素1
移植的基本原则和步骤(四) 移植的基本原则和步骤(
• 临床排斥反应综合征: 临床排斥反应综合征:
慢性排斥反应(chronic rejection)-是移植 慢性排斥反应( rejection)- 物功能丧失的常见原因,可发生在移植术 物功能丧失的常见原因, 后数月至数年。免疫损伤主要形式是血管 后数月至数年。 慢性排斥,临床表现为移植器官功能缓慢 慢性排斥, 减退,增加免疫抑制药物治疗常难奏效。 减退,增加免疫抑制药物治疗常难奏效。 慢性排斥致移植器官功能丧失的唯一有效 疗法是再次移植。 疗法是再次移植。
概述(四) 概述(
• 移植简史: 移植简史:
60年代放射疗法和第一代免疫抑制药 60年代放射疗法和第一代免疫抑制药 物(硫唑嘌呤、泼尼松和抗淋巴细胞血清) 硫唑嘌呤、泼尼松和抗淋巴细胞血清) 问世。 问世。 1963年Starzl首例肝移植;1966年Kelly 1963年Starzl首例肝移植;1966年 首例肝移植 等首例胰腺移植;1967年Barnard首例心脏 等首例胰腺移植;1967年Barnard首例心脏 移植。 移植。
移植的基本原则和步骤(十) 移植的基本原则和步骤(

评估心力衰竭预后几种方法的比较柴熙晨【摘要】心力衰竭是各种心脏疾病的终末期表现,在预后的评估方面相继有峰心肌氧耗量法、心衰生存评分、西雅图心衰模型、MUSIC风险评分等应用于临床.该文对几种心衰评分方法进行比较,分析它们各自的优势与不足,旨在找出最适合当前我国临床使用的方法.【期刊名称】《国际心血管病杂志》【年(卷),期】2010(037)003【总页数】3页(P143-145)【关键词】评分方法;心力衰竭;预后【作者】柴熙晨【作者单位】200025,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院心内科【正文语种】中文1 心衰生存评分(heart failure survival score,HFSS)HFSS针对心脏供体稀缺的状况,以筛选出最合适的心脏移植受体为目的,由Aaronson等[1]在1997年提出。
HFSS≥8.10,患者处于低危,无事件生存率高于预测的移植后生存率;HFSS 7.20~8.09,患者处于中危,发生结果事件(死亡或紧急移植)的风险5倍于低危;HFSS≤7.19,患者处于高危,发生结果事件的风险是低危患者的12~21倍。

器官移植的营养治疗心脏移植The advent of solid-organ transplantation for the treatment of patients with end-stage organ failure has been one of the most exciting medical advances in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Thousands of lives have been saved or improved by transplantation, allowing terminally ill patients to rejoin society, work productively, and have a meaningful life.The success of solid-organ transplantation is mostly due to improvements in immunosuppressive therapy, infection prophylaxis and surgical management. These advances have led to the appearance of other previously unknown complications. A major cause of long-term failure of transplanted organs is chronic rejection. A range of contributing factors has been recognised for chronic rejection. These include immunological risk factors, such as histoincompatibility, previous acute rejections, and inadequate immunosuppression, as well as non-immunological risk factors including ischaemia-reperfusion damage, hyperlipidaemia, oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), infectious diseases and others.随着现代外科手术的发展,器官移植给许多垂危患者带来了第2次生命,也是外科手术水平的标志。

1-01 脾萎缩(spleen atrophy)1-02心肌萎缩(myocardium atrophy)1-03颅骨压迫性萎缩(cranial pressure atrophy)1-04肾压迫性萎缩(kidney pressure atrophy)1-05脑压迫性萎缩(encephalic pressure atrophy)1-06 肝水变性(hepatic hydropic degeneration)1-07 肝脂肪变(hepatic fatty degeneration)1-08 纤维组织玻璃样变性(瘢痕疙瘩)(keloid)1-09 肾凝固性梗死(renal coagulative necrosis)1-10 结核干酪样坏死(caseous necrosis)1-11 液化性坏死(脑脓肿)(lliquefactive necrosis)1-12 干性坏疽(dry gangrene)1-13 湿性坏疽(坏疽性阑尾炎)(moist gangrene)1-14 皮肤溃疡(dermal ulcer)1-15 肝细胞压迫性萎缩(肝癌)(pressure atrophy of liver)1-16 肾小管上皮细胞水变性和玻璃样变性(hydropic and hyaline degeneration of renal tubular cells)1-17 脾中央动脉玻璃样变(hyaline degeneration of central arteriole of spleen)1-18 肝脂肪变性(hepatic fatty degeneration)1-19坏死细胞的形态(the morphological change of necrosis cell)1-20 肾贫血性梗死(anemic infarct of the kidney)2-01脾梗死瘢痕(splenic infarct scar)2-02 瘢痕疙瘩(keloid)2-03骨折愈合(healing of bone fracture)2-04 肉芽组织(granulation tissue)2-05 间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cell)2-06 骨折愈合(healing of bone fracture)3-01肝淤血(槟榔肝)(nutmeg liver)3-02脾淤血 (spleen congestion)3-03肾淤血 (kidney congestion)3-04食管静脉曲张 (esophageal varices)3-05脑出血 (cerebral hemorrhage)3-06血管内血栓 (blood vessel thrombus)3-07心房附壁血栓 (cardiac mural thrombus)3-08脾贫血性梗死 (spleen anemic infarct)3-09肾梗死瘢痕 (infartion scar of kidney )3-10肺出血性梗死 (hemorrhagic infarct of lung)3-11肠出血性梗死 (hemorrhagic infarct of intestine)3-12肺动脉栓塞 (pulmonary artery embolism)3-13肝淤血脂变 (liver fatty change)3-14肺淤血水肿 (pulmonary congestion)3-15慢性肺淤血(肺褐色硬变)(chronic pulmonary congestion) 3-16混合血栓(mixed thrombus)3-17血栓机化(thrombus organization)4-02 纤维蛋白性心包炎(fibrinous pericarditis)4-03咽喉及气管白喉(gular or tracheal diphtheria)4-04 细菌性痢疾(bacillary dysentery)4-05蜂窝织炎(阴囊)(phlegmonous inflammation)4-06 肾脓肿 (renal abscess)4-07 肝脓肿 (liver abscess)4-08 化脓性脑膜炎 (purulent meningitis)4-09 急性卡他胃炎 (acute catarrh gastritis)4-10 炭疽性脑膜炎 (anthrax meningitis)4-11 慢性胆囊炎 (chronic cholecystitis)4-12 慢性输卵管炎 (chronic salpingitis)4-13 慢性肥厚性胃炎(chronic hypertrophic gastritis)4-14 肠道慢性炎症—肠息肉 (intestinal polyp)4-15慢性心包炎 (chronic pericarditis)4-16 脾周围炎(糖衣脾)(perisplenitis)4-17慢性扁桃体炎 (chronic tonsillitis)4-18大网膜急性炎(acute inflammation of omentum)4-19鼻息肉(nasal polyp)4-20纤维蛋白性心包炎(pericarditis)4-21假膜性炎(细菌性痢疾)4-22皮下蜂窝织炎(subcutanous phlegmonous inflammation)4-23肺脓肿(pulmonary abscess)4-24肠息肉(intestinal polyp)4-25慢性胆囊炎(chronic cholecystitis)4-26肛门瘘管(anal fistula)4-27异物肉芽肿性炎(foreign body granuloma)5-01乳头状瘤(papilloma)5-02 甲状腺瘤(thyroid adenoma)5-03 乳腺纤维腺瘤(fibroadenoma of the breast)5-04 卵巢粘液性囊腺瘤(ovary mucinus cystadenoma)5-05 结肠腺瘤性息肉病5-06 皮肤鳞癌(squamous cell carcinoma of skin)5-07 食管鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus)5-08 阴茎鳞癌(squamous cell carcinoma of penis)5-09 乳腺腺癌(mammary adenocarcinoma)5-10 肠腺癌(intestine adenocarcinoma)5-11 肺癌(lung cancer)5-12 肺癌脑转移(brain metastasis of lung cancer)5-13 肝癌肺转移(lung metastasis of liver cancer)5-14 胰腺癌肝转移(liver metastases of pancreatic cancer)5-15 乳腺癌淋巴结转移(lymph node metastasis of breast carcinoma)5-16胃粘液癌大网膜种植转移(epiploon implantation metastasis of gastric mucinous carcinoma )5-17 纤维瘤(fibroma)5-18 脂肪瘤(lipoma)5-19 软骨瘤(chondroma)5-20 骨瘤(osteoma)5-21 子宫平滑肌瘤(fibromyoma uteri)5-22 皮下的毛细血管瘤(subcutaneous capillary hemangioma) 5-23 肝内的海绵状血管瘤(cavernous hemangioma of liver) 5-24 淋巴管瘤(lymphangioma)5-25纤维肉瘤(fibrosarcoma)5-26 骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma)5-27软骨肉瘤(chondrosarcoma)5-28脂肪肉瘤(liposarcoma)5-29神经鞘瘤 (neurinoma)5-30 黑色素瘤 (melanoma)5-31 囊性畸胎瘤(cystic teratoma)5-32 实性畸胎瘤(solid teratoma)5-33 皮肤乳头状瘤(papilloma of the skin)5-34 甲状腺腺瘤(thyroid adenoma)5-35 肠腺瘤(enteric adenoma)5-36 鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma)5-37结肠腺癌(colonic adenocarcinoma)5-38 乳腺腺癌(mammary adenocarcinoma)5-39 淋巴结转移癌(metastasis carcinoma of the lymph nodes) 5-40 纤维瘤(fibroma)5-41 脂肪瘤(lipoma)5-42 毛细血管瘤( capillary hemangioma)5-43 纤维肉瘤 (fibrosarcoma)5-44 骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma)5-45 神经鞘瘤(neurinoma)5-46 黑色素瘤(melanoma)6-01主动脉粥样硬化 (aortic atherosclerosis)6-02脑底动脉硬化 (cerebral atherosclerosis)6-03心肌梗死 (myocardial infarction)6-04脑出血 (cerebral hemorrhage)6-05高血压之肾(kidney of hypertention)6-06高血压之心 (heart of hypertention)6-07急性风湿性心内膜炎 (acute rheumatic endocarditis)6-08 亚急性感染性心内膜炎(subacute i nfective endocarditis)6-09风湿性心脏瓣膜病——二尖瓣狭窄 (rheumatic valvular heart disease) 6-10急性克山病之心脏 (heart of acute Keshan disease)6-11慢性克山病之心脏 (heart of chronic Keshan disease)6-12主动脉粥样硬化(aortic atherosclerosis)6-13冠状动脉粥样硬化 (coronary atherosclerosis)6-14高血压之肾(kidney of hypertention)6-15风湿性心肌炎 (rheumatic myocarditis)6-16风湿性心内膜炎 (rheumatic endocarditis)6-17亚急性感染性心内膜炎 (subacute infective endocarditis)6-18 心肌梗死 (myocardial infarction)6-19 心肌病 (myocardiopathy)7-01支气管扩张(bronchiectasis)7-02肺脓肿(pulmonary abscess)7-03肺气肿(emphysema)7-04慢性肺源性心脏病(chronic pulmonary heart disease)7-05 大叶性肺炎(红色肝样变期) (lobar pneumonia, red hepatization)7-06大叶性肺炎(灰色肝样变期)(lobar pneumonia, gray hepatization)7-07小叶性肺炎 (lobular pneumonia)7-08病毒性肺炎 (viral pneumonia)7-09 硅肺(silicosis)7-10 肺癌 (lung cancer)7-11大叶性肺炎(灰色肝样变期)(lobar pneumonia, gray hepatization)7-12 支气管肺炎(bronchopneumonia)7-13间质性肺炎 (interstitial pneumonia)7-14病毒性肺炎(viral pneumonia)7-15 慢性支气管炎(chronic bronchitis)7-16 硅肺(silicosis)7-17鼻咽癌(nasopharyngeal carcinoma)7-18 肺癌(lung carcinoma)8-01 消化性溃疡病(peptic ulcer disease)8-02 急性化脓性阑尾炎(acute suppurative appendicitis)8-03 急性坏疽性阑尾炎(acute gangrenous appendicitis)8-04 慢性阑尾炎(chronic appendicitis)8-05 阑尾粘液囊肿(appendix mucocele)8-06 急性重症肝炎(急性黄色肝萎缩)(acute severe hepatitis)8-07 亚急性重症肝炎(亚急性黄色肝萎缩)(subacute severe hepatitis)8-08 门脉性肝硬化(portal cirrhosis)8-09 胆汁性肝硬化(biliary cirrhosis)8-10 坏死后性肝硬化(post-necrotic cirrhosis)8-11 息肉型胃癌(polypoid type of gastric carcinoma)8-12 溃疡型胃癌(ulcerative type of gastric carcinoma)8-13 浸润型胃癌(infiltrating type of gastric carcinoma)8-14 食管癌(carcinoma of the esophagus)8-15 巨块型肝癌(unifocal large mass type of primary carcinoma of the liver)8-16 结节型肝癌(multifocal type with numerous nodules of primary carcinoma of the liver)8-17 胰腺癌(carcinoma of the pancreas)8-18 结肠癌(carcinoma of colon)8-19 急性胆囊炎(acute cholecystitis)8-20 慢性胆囊炎(chronic cholecystitis)8-21 慢性萎缩性胃炎(chronic atrophic gastritis)8-22 慢性胃溃疡(chronic gastric ulcer)8-23 急性阑尾炎(acute appendicitis)8-24 慢性阑尾炎(chronic appendicitis)8-25 门脉性肝硬化(portal cirrhosis)8-26 胆汁性肝硬化(biliary cirrhosis)8-27 急性(普通型)肝炎( acute hepatitis)8-28 急性重症肝炎(acute severe hepatitis)8-29 亚急性重症肝炎(subacute severe hepatitis)8-30 急性胆囊炎(acute cholecystitis)8-31 胃粘液腺癌(mucinous gland gastric carcinoma)8-32 食管癌(carcinoma of the esophagus)8-33 肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma)9-01 霍奇金淋巴瘤(Hodgkin’s lymphoma)9-02非霍奇金淋巴瘤 (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma)9-03非霍奇金淋巴瘤之淋巴结 (lymph node of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma )9-04急、慢性髓母细胞性白血病 (actue/chronic myelogenous leukemia)9-05 慢性粒细胞白血病之脾 (spleen of chronic myelogenous leukemia)9-06霍奇金淋巴瘤(Hodgkin’s lymphoma)9-07 非霍奇金淋巴瘤—小细胞淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma)9-08急性髓母细胞白血病之肝脏(liver of acute myeloblastic leukemia )9-09急性髓母细胞性白血病(血图片)(acute myeloblastic leukemia)10-01狼疮性肾炎(lupus nephritis)10-02 心脏移植(heart transplantation)11-01急性弥漫性增生性肾小球肾炎(acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis) 11-02新月体性肾小球肾炎(crescentic glomerulonephritis)11-03慢性肾小球肾炎(chronic glomerulonephritis)11-04急性肾盂肾炎(acute pyelonephritis)11-05慢性肾盂肾炎(chronic pyelonephritis)11-06肾细胞癌(renal cell carcinoma)11-07膀胱乳头状癌(papillary carcinoma of bladder)11-08肾母细胞瘤(nephroblastoma)11-09急性弥漫性增生性肾小球肾炎(acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis)11-10 新月体性肾小球肾炎(crescentic glomerulonephritis)11-11 轻微病变性肾小球肾炎(minimal change glomerulonephritis)11-12 膜性肾小球肾炎(membranous glomerulonephritis)11-13 膜性增生性肾小球肾炎(membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis)11-14 慢性肾小球肾炎(chronic glomerulonephritis)11-15 急性肾盂肾炎(acute pyelonephritis)11-16 慢性肾盂肾炎(chronic pyelonephritis)11-17 肾透明细胞癌(clear cell renal carcinoma)11-18膀胱移行细胞癌(transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder)12-01 子宫颈癌(外生菜花型)(cervical carcinoma)12-02 子宫内膜腺癌(endometrial adenocarcinoma)12-03 子宫平滑肌瘤(leiomyoma of the uterus)12-04 完全性葡萄胎(hydatidiform mole)12-05 绒毛膜癌(choriocarcinoma)12-06 卵巢粘液性囊腺瘤(mucinous cystadenoma of ovary)12-07 卵巢浆液性乳头状囊腺瘤(serous cystadenoma of ovary)12-08 乳腺纤维腺瘤(fibroadenoma of the breast)12-09 乳腺癌(carcinoma of the breast)12-10 炎症性乳腺癌(inflammatory carcinoma of the breast)12-11 慢性子宫颈炎(chronic cervicitis)12-12 子宫颈浸润性鳞状细胞癌(invasive squamous cell carcinoma)12-13 葡萄胎(hydatidiform mole)12-14 绒毛膜癌(choriocarcinoma)12-15 卵巢浆液性囊腺瘤(serous cystadenoma of ovary)12-16 乳腺浸润性导管癌(invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast)13-01 单纯性甲状腺肿(simple goiter)13-02 毒性甲状腺肿(toxic goiter)13-03 甲状腺瘤(thyroid adenoma)13-04 甲状腺癌(carcinoma of thyroid)13-05胶样甲状腺肿(colloid goiter)13-06 毒性甲状腺肿(toxic goiter)13-07 甲状腺滤泡性腺瘤(follicular adenoma of thyroid)13-08 甲状腺乳头状癌(papillary carcinoma of thyroid)13-09 甲状腺髓样癌(medullary carcinoma of thyroid)14-01 流行性脑脊髓膜炎(epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis)14-02 流行性乙型脑炎(epidemic encephalitis B)14-3 胶质瘤(glioma)14-03流行性脑脊髓膜炎 (epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis)14-04 流行性乙型脑炎(epidemic encephalitis B)15-01原发性肺结核病 (primary pulmonary tuberculosis)15-02支气管淋巴结结核病15-03肺粟粒性结核病 (pulmonary miliary tuberculosis)15-04全身粟粒性结核病( systemic miliary tuberculosis)15-05局灶型肺结核15-06浸润型肺结核(Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis)15-07干酪样肺炎(caseous pneumonia)15-8急性空洞性肺结核15-9慢性纤维空洞型肺结核(chronic fibro-cavitative pulmonary tuberculosis )15-10肺结核球 (tuberculoma)15-11结核性胸膜炎 (tuberculous pleuritis)15-12肠结核病(溃疡型)(intestinal tuberculosis,ulcer)15-13肾结核病 (t uberculosis of kidney)15-14结核性脑膜炎(tubercular meningitis)15-15 脊髓结核 (tuberculosis of spine)15-16 关节结核(tuberculosis of joint)15-17附睾结核 (tuberculosis of epididymis)15-18腹膜及肠系膜淋巴结结核 (tuberculosis of epididymis)15-19肠伤寒各期之回肠 (typhoid fever)15-20细菌性痢疾之结肠 (colon of bacillary dysentery)15-21中毒型细菌性痢疾 (toxic type bacillary dysentery)15-22流行性出血热之心(heart of epidemic hemorrhagic fever)15-23流行出血热之肾(kidney of epidemic hemorrhagic fever)15-24白色念珠菌病之食管(esophagus of white candidiasis )15-25肺粟粒性结核病(以增生为主)(proliferative pulmonary tuberculosis) 15-26肺粟粒性结核病(以渗出为主) (exudative pulmonary tuberculosis) 15-27肺结核球(tuberculosis)15-28肠结核(溃疡型)(intestinal tuberculosis)15-29结核性脑膜炎(tubercular meningitis)15-30肠伤寒(typhoid fever)15-31细菌性痢疾 (bacillary dysentery)15-32 尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminatum)15-33肺曲菌病 (aspergillosis of lung)15-34流行性出血热肾脏(kidney of epidemic hemorrhagic fever)16-01 结肠阿米巴病(intestinal amoebiasis)16-02 阿米巴肝脓肿(amoebic liver abscess)16-03 肠阿米巴病(intestinal amoebiasis)16-04 血吸虫病(schistosomiasis)16-05 肺吸虫病(parogonimiasis)。

方法检索PubMed、Embase、Cochrane Library、中国生物医学文献数据库,收集心脏移植诱导治疗包括抗胸腺细胞免疫球蛋白渊ATG)、巴利昔单抗(BAS)等相关文献,时间从建库至2020年3月,主要结果为1年排斥反应率,运用RevMan5.4软件进行分析。
结论心脏移植后使用ATG预防1年排斥反应效果优于使用BASo[关键词]心脏移植;诱导治疗;排斥;感染;生物制剂[中图分类号]R556.5[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1673-7210(2020)12(b)-0072-04 Systematic evaluation of the effect of immune induction after heart transplantation on the prevention of rejectionLI Yang HOU Zhen TONG Weiyi DENG Jingfei YANG Yuan kInsLiLuLe of Medcial InformaLion,China Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing100005,China[Abstract]Objective To systematically evaluaLe Lhe effecL of immune induction on preventing rejection afLer hearL LransplanLaLion.Methods PubMed,Embase,Cochrane Library,Chinese Biomedical LiLeraLure DaLabase were searched, and relaLed liLeraLure on inducLion Lherapy of hearL LransplanLaLion were collecLed,including anLiLhymocyLe immunoglobulin(ATG),basiliximab(BAS).The Lime from Lhe establishment of Lhe database Lo March2020,Lhe main resulL was Lhe one-year rejection raLe,and RevMan5.4software was used for analysis.Results Finally,a LoLal of12sLudies were included,wiLh a LoLal of38764cases.The resulLs showed LhaL Lhe one-year rejection raLe of Lhe BAS group was higher Lhan LhaL of Lhe ATG group,and Lhe difference was sLaLisLically significanL(OR=2.03,95%CI:1.78-2.32,P<0.01).There was no sLaLisLically significanL difference in Lhe one-year rejection raLe beLween Lhe ATG group,Lhe BAS group and Lhe non-inducLion group(P>0.05).The one-year rejection raLe of Lhe AlemLuzumab group was lower Lhan LhaL of Lhe no-inducLion group,and Lhe difference was sLaLisLically significanL(P<0.05).Conclusion AfLer hearL LransplanLa-Lion,Lhe effecL on preventing one-year rejection of ATG is beLLer Lhan LhaL of Lhe BAS.[Key words]HearL LransplanLaLion;InducLion Lherapy;RejecLion;InfecLion;Biological agenLs免疫诱导治疗是在器官移植排斥反应风险最高时发挥高强度免疫抑制[1],自诞生之日起,预防性诱导治疗能否更好地预防免疫排斥反应就备受争议。

标准原位心脏移植术近似词条心脏移植术SOTH护理院基本标准(2011版)医疗事故分级标准(试行)医疗器械标准管理办法(试行)血液净化标准操作规程(2010 版)卫生部营养标准专业委员会成立三级综合医院评审标准(2011年版)助理全科医生培训标准(试行)>>更多相关词条赞助商链接目录1. 拼音2. 英文参考3. 手术名称4. 别名5. 分类6. ICD编码7. 概述8. 适应症9. 禁忌症10. 供体的选择11. 术前准备12. 麻醉和体位13. 手术步骤1. 1.供心的修剪2. 2.切除受体病变心脏3. 3.植入供体心脏14. 术中注意要点15. 术后处理1. 1.常规处理2. 2.血流动力学支持3. 3.预防感染4. 4.免疫排斥反应的监测及治疗16. 相关文献[返回]拼音shùbiāo zhǔn yuán wèi xīn zāng yí z hí [返回]英文参考standard orthotopic cardiac transplantation[返回]手术名称标准原位心脏移植术[返回]别名标准原位心脏移植手术;SOTH[返回]分类心血管外科/心脏移植/原位心脏移植[返回]ICD编码37.5101[返回]概述原位心脏移植是将受体病变心脏切除后在原位植入供体的心脏。

牛心包在心脏外科中的应用【关键词】心脏外科;牛心包;应用近年来,随着组织工程学发展,经戊二醛处理的牛心包, 组织强度和植入体内寿命均明显增加,拉伸力明显优于自身心包组织,且来源广泛,易于塑形和缝合[1]。
牛心包片逐渐被单独或与涤纶片等材料合用于治疗各种先天性或后天性心血管疾病.1牛心包的组织结构和特性[2-3] 牛心包的厚度约0·1~0·8mm,随位不同而变化。
根据各层之间的定向不同,大致分为20层以上,每层厚度约25 ~100μm不等。
外结缔组织层包含小血管、神经元及多种结缔组织细胞如成纤维细胞、巨噬细胞和脂肪细胞等,并深入心包全层.临床使用的经戊二醛固定的牛心包片厚度约0·25 ~ 0·34mm,浆膜层的间皮细胞已基本脱落,仅剩间皮细胞下层.外结缔组织层中成丛状的脂肪细胞全部丢失。
牛心包经生化及戊二醛处理后,去除了大量的可溶性蛋白、粘多糖和糖蛋白,胶原纤维的交联,掩盖和封锁了抗原性基团,使其抗原性大大降低.2先天性心脏病的矫治 2·1修补缺损、制作挡板各种类型室间隔缺损、房间隔缺损及心内膜垫缺损患者,均可用牛心包修补闭合缺损或分隔房室[4-6]。
器官移植病理学临床技术操作规范(2019 版)

第10卷 第4期2019年7月Vol. 10 No. 4Jul. 2019器官移植Organ Transplantation【摘要】 为了进一步规范器官移植病理学临床技术操作,中华医学会器官移植学分会组织器官移植专家和移植病理学专家,从移植心脏心内膜心肌活组织检查的临床操作规范、移植心脏排斥反应的病理学诊断临床技术操作规范、移植心脏的心肌缺血损伤的病理学诊断临床技术操作规范、移植心脏血管病的病理学诊断临床技术操作规范、移植后淋巴组织增生性疾病的病理学诊断临床技术操作规范、移植心脏心内膜心肌活组织检查病理报告的基本内容规范、移植心脏心内膜心肌活组织检查病理学诊断的难点与局限性、移植心脏病理学相关的其它临床技术操作规范等方面,制定器官移植病理学临床技术操作规范(2019版)之移植心脏病理学临床技术操作规范。
【关键词】 移植病理学;器官移植;心脏移植;心内膜心肌活组织检查;排斥反应;心肌缺血损伤;移植心脏血管病;移植后淋巴组织增生性疾病【中图分类号】R617,R36 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1674-7445(2019)04-0008-09器官移植病理学临床技术操作规范(2019版)—心脏移植中华医学会器官移植学分会DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7445.2019.04.008基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(“国家863计划”)(2012AA021009);国家卫生和计划生育委员会行业科研专项基金(201302009);中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程(2016-12M-01-015);中国医学科学院中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项基金(2018PT32018);华中科技大学自主创新基金(01-08-540149)执笔作者单位:100037 北京,中国医学科学院阜外医院(王红月、李莉);华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 器官移植教育部重点实验室 卫健委器官移植重点实验室 中国医学科学院器官移植重点实验室(郭晖)通信作者:郭晖,研究方向为移植病理学基础及临床应用研究,Email :**************本文为移植心脏病理学临床技术操作规范。

即移植物与供者始终带有主要血管以及淋巴或神 经的蒂相连,其余部分均已分离,以便转移到其他需 要的部位,移植过程中始终保持有效血供,移植物在 移植的部位建立了新的血液循环后,再切断该蒂。这 类移植都是自体移植如各种皮瓣移植。
即移植物移植时不进行血管吻合,移植后移植物 血供的建立依靠周缘的受者组织产生新生血管并逐渐
即将移植物制备成保存活力的细胞或组织悬液, 通过各种途径输入或注射到受者体内,例如输血、骨 髓移植、胰岛细胞移植等。
三、器官移植的特点和主要问题-1 1. 术前供、受者的选择
同种移植(allotransplatation) 同种但遗传基因型不相同间的移植,如临床大多 数的移植,术后不可避免地会发生排斥反应
异种移植 (xenotransplantation) 不同物种间的移植,如猪的器官移植给人,术后 不可避免地会发生剧烈的排斥反应
至2008年底统计 共施行各种实质大器官移植11万例次例次, 肾移植:9万例次,最长存活超过32年; 肝移植:1,6万例次,最长存活超过10年; 心移植:500余例,最长存活超过17年;
移植抗原(transplantation antigen) 引起免疫应答的供者移植物抗原 主要组织相容性抗原(MHC) 人类白细胞抗原(HLA), 其可分为I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ三大类 次要组织相容性抗原(mHC)、 ABO血型抗原、组织特异性抗原等,

结果 stemⅰ组及nstemⅰ组bnp水平明显高于其他2组(p0.05)。
1.2 仪器与方法采集上述对象治疗前清晨空腹静脉血,血浆bnp 检测采用西门子公司advia centaur自动化学发光免疫系分析仪及原装配套检测试剂盒。
1.3 统计学方法计量资料结果以x±s表示。
应用spss 17.0 软件分析,计量资料组均数比较用t检验,组间比较用单因素方差分析进行,两两比较采用lsd法,p综上所述,血浆bnp水平对急性冠脉综合征的诊断及判断预后有着重要的价值,血浆bnp水平检测可以很好地评价心脏功能,能够较好的预测心肌的局部缺血情况,对acs患者进行危险分层,对急性冠脉综合征的临床诊断和观察疗效都有着非常重要的临床意义。
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CaseNum213PtName Heidi MaryamAddress2202 SW Sam JacksonAge59Height6' 0"Weight198 lbSex FRace WhiteAllergies NKDASectionName Organ TransplantationCaseName Cardiac TransplantationChiefComplaint Orthotopic heart transplantationHxPresIllness HM is a 59-year-old Caucasian female with a history of viral cardiomyopathy diagnosed approximately in 1999. She has had progressive heart failure over the past 2 years with shortness of breath, edema, and severe limitation of activity and is currently maintained on dobutamine and nitroprusside. Attempts to wean off of her inotropic support were unsuccessful. Patient was listed and considered for heart transplantation 3 weeks ago. Past medical history is significant for severe depression, gout, and herpes zoster. After finding a suitable donor, patient underwent heart transplantation for viral cardiomyopathy.PastMedicalHxUnstable anginaStatus post cerebrovascular accidentAnemiaDepressionIngrown right first toenailGoutHerpes zosterVentricular arrhythmiaSocialHx Smoking for 20 years<br>No illicit drug use<br>Married with five childrenFamilyHx Her mother and father are alive, and she has no family history of viral cardiomyopathy or MI.ReviewOfSystems The patient denies any fever, chills, back pain, dizziness, weakness, chest pain, shortness of breath, or rash. She does have fatigue. No symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, dysphagia, odynophagia, lower extremity edema, or gastrointestinal bleeding. She does have occasional lower extremity paresthesias. No abdominal bloating or cramping. The remainder of her review of systems is noncontributory.PhysicalExam A 59-year-old female in no acute distress. Vital signs are stable. Bloodpressure 158/79 mmHg, heart rate 93, respiratory rate 20, temperature 37.1. Oxygen saturation at room air is 98%.Postoperative heart transplant day 2CHEST: Respirations are even and unlaboredLUNGS: Clear to auscultation. No accessory muscle use noted. No retractions noted. CARDIAC: S1, S2, irregular rate and rhythm irregular, rubs and significant gallopsGI: Bowel sounds are present. No masses or organomegaly noted.EXTREMITIES: There is noted lower extremity pitting edema bilaterally, which the patient states is her norm. Dorsalis pedis pulses 2+ bilaterally.NEUROLOGIC: Without asterixis. She has no focal neurological deficits.LabsAndDxTestsSodium 141 mEq/LPotassium 4.1 mEq/LChloride 102 mEq/LCO2 24 mEq/LGlucose 99 mg/LAlbumin 3.7 g/LHCT 41%Hemoglobin 10.6 g/dLDiagnosis Heart transplantationRxRecordRPhNotes None availableCaseNum213QuestNum2121Question Which two agents act by inhibiting the enzyme calcineurin, which is needed for T-cell activation?AnswerChoiceA Daclizumab and basiliximabAnswerChoiceB Tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetilAnswerChoiceC Cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetilAnswerChoiceD Tacrolimus and cyclosporineAnswerChoiceE Cyclosporine and azathioprineCorrectAnswer DExplanation Both cyclosporine and tacrolimus inhibit T lymphocyte proliferation by inhibiting calcineurin. Cyclosporine inhibits calcineurin by binding to cyclophilin receptors while tacrolimus inhibits calcineurin by binding to FKPB-12.CompetencyStmt 1.2.2K-TypeCaseNum213QuestNum2122Question Cyclosporine trough concentrations should be monitored for:<br>I. efficacy.<br>II. toxicity.<br>III. compliance.AnswerChoiceA I onlyAnswerChoiceB III onlyAnswerChoiceC I and II onlyAnswerChoiceD II and III onlyAnswerChoiceE I, II, and IIICorrectAnswer DExplanation Therapeutic monitoring is used to avoid toxicity and to assessácompliance. Patients with therapeutic blood concentrations are at a lower risk of acute rejection.CompetencyStmt 1.1.4K-Type KCaseNum213QuestNum2123Question To avoid cosmetic side effects such as hirsutism, coarsening of facial features and gingival hyperplasia, cyclosporine can be replaced with which of the following agents in the same class?AnswerChoiceA Mycophenolate mofetilAnswerChoiceB TacrolimusAnswerChoiceC SirolimusAnswerChoiceD AzathioprineAnswerChoiceE SimulectCorrectAnswer BExplanation The adverse drug reaction profile of tacrolimus is similar to cyclosporine. However, hirsutism and gingival hyperplasia have not been reported with the use of tacrolimus.CompetencyStmt 1.2.4K-TypeCaseNum213QuestNum2124Question Compared to cyclosporine, which of the following statements isáNOT true regarding tacrolimus?AnswerChoiceA Tacrolimus is associated with improvement in 1-year graft survival and mortality rate.AnswerChoiceB Tacrolimus has fewer rejection episodes.AnswerChoiceC Rejection episodes associated with tacrolimus are milder and more responsive to corticosteroids.AnswerChoiceD Tacrolimus is better at reversing refractory rejection.AnswerChoiceE Tacrolimus is extensively metabolized through hepatic enzymes.CorrectAnswer AExplanation Patient and allograft survival of kidney, heart, and liver transplant under tacrolimus protocols are similar to those of cyclosporine.CompetencyStmt 1.3.1K-TypeCaseNum213QuestNum2125Question Which of the following transplant recipients appear to be at greater risk for nephrotoxicity?AnswerChoiceA Liver transplantAnswerChoiceB Kidney transplantAnswerChoiceC Heart transplantAnswerChoiceD Bone marrow transplantAnswerChoiceE Liver and heart transplantCorrectAnswer BExplanation Kidney transplant patients are at a greater risk of nephrotoxicity compared to other transplant recipients. Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) is a common problem (30%) following transplantation caused by ischemic injury. Older donors and cold ischemic time greater 24 hours have been known as a risk factor for ATN. Therefore, dosage adjustmentis required if nephrotoxicity develops in kidney transplant patients.CompetencyStmt 1.3.1K-TypeCaseNum213QuestNum2126Question Which of the following agents is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits IL-2 receptors?AnswerChoiceA CyclosporineAnswerChoiceB TacrolimusAnswerChoiceC DaclizumabAnswerChoiceD SirolimusAnswerChoiceE AzathioprineCorrectAnswer CExplanation Daclizumab is a humanized IL-2 receptor antagonist that can be used to reduce acute rejection following transplantation.CompetencyStmt 1.2.1K-TypeCaseNum213QuestNum2127Question Which of the following agents consists of 90% human and 10% murine amino acid sequences?AnswerChoiceA BasiliximabAnswerChoiceB DaclizumabAnswerChoiceC MycophenolateAnswerChoiceD TacrolimusAnswerChoiceE CyclosporineCorrectAnswer BExplanation Daclizumab is a humanized (90% human and 10% murine) IL-2 receptor antagonist that can be used to reduce acute rejection.CompetencyStmt 1.2.1K-TypeCaseNum213QuestNum2128Question Which of following is a major side effect of daclizumab?AnswerChoiceA HypertensionAnswerChoiceB Flu-like syndromeAnswerChoiceC NephrotoxicityAnswerChoiceD HyperlipidemiaAnswerChoiceE No major clinical side effects have been reported with the use of daclizumabCorrectAnswer EExplanation No major drug toxicities have been associated with the use of daclizumab. The overall rate of infection or cancer is similar to the placebo group. CompetencyStmt 1.1.4K-TypeCaseNum213QuestNum2129Question Which of the following statements is true about mycophenolate mofetil (MMF)?AnswerChoiceA MMF is a calcineurin inhibitor.AnswerChoiceB MMF inhibits purine synthesis and thus inhibits DNA and RNA synthesis of T- and B-cells.AnswerChoiceC MMF is an IL-2 receptor antagonist.AnswerChoiceD MMF inhibits m-TOR induction.AnswerChoiceE MMF is a humanized IL-2 receptor inhibitor.CorrectAnswer BExplanation Mycophenolate mofetil is a pro-drug of mycophenolaic acid that blocks the proliferation of both B- and T-cells.CompetencyStmt 1.3.2K-TypeCaseNum213QuestNum2130Question Compared to azathioprine, which of the following statements isáNOT true aboutámycophenolate mofetil (MMF)?AnswerChoiceA MMF may have a greater incidence of gastrointestinal side effects and lymphoproliferative disease.AnswerChoiceB MMF 3 g/day is better tolerated than azathioprine.AnswerChoiceC MMF is associated with less neutropenia.AnswerChoiceD MMF is associated with a lower use of antilymphocyte therapy.AnswerChoiceE MMF is associated with a reduced incidence of rejection.CorrectAnswer BExplanation Clinical studies with 3 g/day of mycophenolate are limited. At 3 g/day, mycophenolate is associated with a significantly higher risk of GI complications. CompetencyStmt 1.3.1K-Type213 器官移植病人姓名:海蒂·麦尔彦地址:萨姆杰克森2202年龄:59身高:183cm性别:女性种族:白人体重:90Kg过敏史:无主诉常位心脏移植。

胸闷(chest distr ess)高血压肾病hyper te nsi ve ne phr opa thy hyper te nsi ve r e na l disea se心力衰竭:Heart failure 心力衰竭Congestive beart failure 充血性心力衰竭Acute left-sided heart failure 急性左心衰竭Chroinc heart failure 慢性心力衰竭Intractable heart failure 难治性心力衰竭Systolic insufficiency heart failure 收缩功能不全性心力衰竭Diastolic insufficiency heart failure 舒张功能不全性心力衰竭Congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭Cardiac dysfunction 心功能障碍心律失常:Arrhythmia (cardiac arrhythmia)心律失常Triggered activity 触发活动Afterdepolarization 后除极a.窦房结Sinus node recovery time SNRT 窦房结恢复时间Sinoatrial conduction time SACT 窦房传导时间Bradycardia 心动过缓Tachycardia 心动过速Sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速Sinus bradycardia 窦性心动过缓Sinus pause (sinus arrest) 窦性停搏(窦性静止)sinoatrial block 窦房阻滞(Mobitz 莫氏, Wenckebach 文氏)Sick sinus syndrome(SSS) 病(态)窦(房结)综合征Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome 心动过缓-心动过速综合征b.心房Atrial premature beats 房性期前收缩Atrial tachycardia 房性心动过速Intrinsic heart rate 固有心率Automatic atrial tachycardia 自律性房性心动过速Reentrant atrial tachycardia 折返性房性心动过速Chaotic atrial tachycardia 紊乱性房性心动过速Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with AV block (PAT with block) 伴有房室阻滞的阵发性房性心动过速Multifocal atrial tachycardia 多源性房性心动过速Atrial flutter 心房扑动Atrial fibrillation 心房颤动c.房室交界区性Premature atrioventricular junctional beats 房室交界区性期前收缩A V junctional escape beats 房室交界区性逸搏A V junctional rhythm 房室交界区性心律Nonparoxysmal atrioventricular junctional tachycardia 非阵发性房室交界区性心动过速Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT)阵发性室上性心动过速Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia(A VNRT)房室结内折返性心动过速Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia(A VNRT)房室返性心动过速Preexcitation syndrome(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) 预激综合征(WPW综合征)d.心室Premature ventricular beats 室性期前收缩Ventricular parasystole 室性并行心律Ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过速Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 加速性心室自主节律Torsades de pointes 尖端扭转Ventricular flutter 心室扑动Ventricular fibrillation 心室颤动Atrioventricular block 房室传导阻滞Wenckebach block 文氏阻滞Adame-Strokes syndrom 阿-斯综合征Intraventricular block 室内传导阻滞Right bundle branch block 右束支传导阻滞Left bundle branch block 左束支传导阻滞Left anterior fascicular block 左前分支传导阻滞Left posterior fascicular block 左后分支传导阻滞Bifascicular block 双分支阻滞Trifascicular block 三分支阻滞心脏骤停与猝死sudden cardiac death 心脏性猝死Cardiac arrest 心脏骤停Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 无脉性电活动高血压:Hypertension 高血压Hypertensive urgencyes 高血压急症Hypertensive crisis 高血压危象Hypertensive emergencies 高血压危症Secondary hypertension 继发性高血压Primary hypertension 原发性高血压“White coat” hypertension 白大衣性高血压4Isolated systolic hypertension 单纯收缩期高血压Arteriolosclerosis 小动脉硬化先心病:Congenital heart disease 先天性心脏病Congenital cardiovascular disease 先天性心血管病Pulmonic stenosis 肺动脉狭窄Isolated pulmonic stenosis 单纯肺动脉口狭窄Coarctation of the aorta 主动脉缩窄Idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery 单纯肺动脉扩张Primary pulmonary hypertension 原发性肺动脉高压Persistent left superior vena cava 双侧上腔静脉(左上腔静脉残存)Isolated dextrocardia 孤立性右位心Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage 部分性肺静脉畸形引流Ventricular septal defect (VSD) 室间隔缺损Eisenmenger’s syndrome 艾森门格综合征Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)动脉导管未闭Tetralogy of Fallot 法洛四联症Trilogy of Fallot 法洛三联症Complete transposition of the great vessels 完全性大血管错位Atrial septal defect (ASD) 房间隔缺损心脏瓣膜病:Multivalve heart disease 多瓣膜疾病5Mitral valve disease 二尖瓣疾病Pulmonic valve disease 肺动脉瓣疾病Tricuspid valve disease 三尖瓣疾病Ebstein’s anomaly 三尖瓣下移畸形Dysfunction or rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能失调或断裂Aortic valve disease 主动脉瓣疾病Aortic arch syndrome 主动脉弓综合征Valvular heart disease 心脏瓣膜病rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病Rheumatic fever 风湿热Rheumatic carditis 风湿性心脏炎Mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄Mitral incompetence 二尖瓣关闭不全Acute mitral insufficiency 急性二尖瓣关闭不全Chronic mitral insufficiency 慢性二尖瓣关闭不全Marfan’s syndrom 马凡氏综合征Aortic stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄Aortic incompetence 主动脉瓣关闭不全Chronic aortic insufficiency 慢性主动脉瓣关闭不全Tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣狭窄Tricuspid incompetence 三尖瓣关闭不全Pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄Pulmonary incompetence 肺动脉瓣关闭不全冠心病:Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病Coronary heart disease 冠状动脉性心脏病Angina pectoris 心绞痛Stable angina pectoris 稳定型心绞痛Unstable angina pectoris 不稳定心绞痛Initial onset angina pectoris 初发型心绞痛Accelerated angina pectoris 恶化型心绞痛Variant angina pectoris (Prinzmetal’s variant angina pectoris)变异型心绞痛Angina decubitus 卧位心绞痛Acute coronary insufficiency 急性冠状动脉功能不全Postinfarction angina pectoris 梗塞后心绞痛Acute coronary syndrome(ACS) 急性冠脉综合征Myocardial infarction(MI) 心肌梗死Acute myocardial infarction(AMI) 急性心肌梗死Dysfunction of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能失调Rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌断裂Rupture of the heart 心脏破裂Embolism 栓塞Cardiac aneurysm 心脏室壁瘤Postinfarction syndrome 心肌梗死后综合征Latent coronary heart disease 无症状型冠心病(隐性冠心病)Ischemic cardiomyopathy 缺血性心肌病Sudden death 猝死感染性心内膜炎:Infective endocarditis (IE) 感染性心内膜炎Native valve endocarditis 自体瓣膜心内膜炎Prothetic valve endocarditis 人工瓣膜心内膜炎Endocarditis in intravenous drug abusers 静脉药瘾者心内膜炎Acute infective endocarditics(AIE) 急性感染性心内膜炎Subacute Infective endocarditis 亚急性感染性心内膜炎心肌疾病:Specific cardiomyopathy 特异性心肌病Viral myocarditis 病毒性心肌炎Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM)肥厚性心肌病Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH) 非对称性室间隔肥厚Restrictive cardiomyopathy(RCM)限制性心肌病Dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM)扩张型心肌病Alcoholic cardiomyopathy 酒精性心肌病Peripartum cardiomyopathy 围生期心肌病Drug-induced cardiomyopathy 药物性心肌病Keshan disease (KD) 克山病Endemic cardiomyopathy (ECD) 地方性心肌病Cardiomyopathies 心肌疾病Myocardial bridging 心肌桥Myocarditis 心肌炎Right ventricular cardiomyopathy 右室心肌病Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy(ARVC)致心律失常型右室心肌病Unclassified cardiomyopathies,UCM)心包疾病:Purulent pericarditis 化脓性心包炎Acute pericarditis 急性心包炎Tuberculous pericarditis 结核性心包炎Constrictive pericarditis 缩窄性心包炎血管疾病:Peripheral arteriosclerosis obliteration 闭塞性周围动脉粥样硬化Primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches 多发性大动脉炎Raynaud syndrome 雷诺综合征Pulness disease 无脉病Thromboangitis obliterans 血栓闭塞性脉管炎Thrombophlebitis 血栓性静脉炎Aortic dissection 主动脉夹层其它疾病:Syndrome XCardiogenic shock 心原性休克Postpericardiostomy syndrome 心肌损伤后综合征Pulmonary embolism 肺动脉栓塞Syncope 晕厥Syphlitic cardiovascular disease 梅毒性心血管病Cardiovascular neurosis 心脏血管神经官能症药物Vasodilator 血管扩张剂(phlebectasis 静脉扩张,arteriectasis 动脉扩张)Diuretic 利尿剂(thiazide diuretic 噻嗪类利尿剂;loop diuretic 袢利尿剂;potassium-sparing diuretics 保钾利尿剂)inotropic agent 正性肌力药(digitalis preparation 洋地黄制剂;adrenergic receptor stimulant 肾上腺素能受体兴奋剂;phosphodiesterase inhibitor 磷酸二酯酶抑制剂)Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor(ACE inhibitors)(ACEI)血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂Aldosterone antagonist 醛固酮拮抗剂Beta adrenergic receptor blocker (beta blockers)ß肾上腺素能受体阻滞剂Calcium channel blocker(CCB)钙通道阻滞剂Angiotension Ⅱantagonist(Angiotension Ⅱreceptor blocker) 血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻滞剂Alpha blockers α1 受体阻滞剂Nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油Digoxin 地高辛Lanatoside C 西地兰10antiarrhythic drugs 抗心律失常药lidocaine 利多卡因Propafenone 普罗帕酮Amiodarone 胺碘酮调脂药降脂药HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors HMG-CoA 还原酶抑制剂Nicotinic acid 烟酸Clofibrate 氯贝丁酯抗血小板药物溶栓药recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator ,rt-PA 重组组织型纤维蛋白酶原激活剂抗凝药操作interventional therapy for cardiovascular diseases 心血管病介入性治疗Holter ECG monitoring 动态心电图Ultrasound angioplasty 超声消融术Directional coronary atherectomy 定向旋切术High frequency rotational atherectomy 高频旋磨术Laser angioplasty 激光血管成形术Catheter ablation 心导管消融Radiofrequency catheter ablation 经导管射频消融Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty(PBMV)经皮穿刺球囊二尖瓣成形术Percutaneous balloon pulmonic valvuloplasty(PBPV)经皮穿刺球囊肺动脉瓣成形术Percutaneous transluminal septial myocardial ablation,(PTSMA)经皮经腔间隔心肌消融术11Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) 经皮穿刺腔内冠状动脉成形术Percutaneous intracoronary stent implantation 经皮穿刺冠状动脉内支架安置术Transluminal Extraction catheter (TEC)经皮血管内切吸导管Artificial cardiac pacing 人工心脏起搏Multisite cardiac pacing 多部位心脏起搏Biatrial pacing 双心房起搏biventricular pacing 双心室起搏bifocal pacing 双灶起搏Heart transplantation 心脏移植Angiojet rheolytic thrombectomy 新鲜血栓吸引术Upright tilt-table testing 直立倾斜试验Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)置入型心律转复除颤器Thumpversion 捶击复律Cough-version 咳嗽复律Cardioversion 心脏电复律Defibrillation 心脏电除颤Revascularization 血管重建其它Hemolytic streptococcus 甲族乙型溶血性链球菌Antithymocyte globulin (ATG)抗胸腺细胞球蛋白Vagus nerve 迷走神经,Brainstem death 脑干死亡12Brain death 脑死亡Myocardial remodeling 心肌重塑Hemodynamics 血液动力学Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)心钠素Vasopressin 血管加压素,抗利尿激素Bradykinin 缓激肽Triggered activity 触发活动Afterdepolarization 后除极Late ventricular potential 心室晚电位Sinus node recovery time(SNRT) 窦房结恢复时间Sinoatrial conduction time(SACT) 窦房传导时间Intrinsic heart rate 固有心率Accessory atrioventricular pathways 房室旁路Atriohisian tracts 房希氏束Nodoventricular fibers 结-室纤维Fasciculoventricular fibers 分支室纤维Insulin resistance 胰岛素抵抗Vasodepressor response 血管减压反应Pulsus tardus 细迟脉Minimum Inhibitory concentration (MIC) 最小抑菌浓度Systolic anterior motion(SAM) (二尖瓣前叶)收缩期前向运动Intermittent claudication 间歇性跛行。

Inotropic Therapy for End-Stage Heart Failure
Mean donor age (years)
% of Transplants
Donor Age by Year of Transplant
80% 25an Age
40% 10
1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002
18-35 36-49 50-59 60+
J Heart Lung Transpl. 2004; 23: 796-803.
Description of UNOS Status Levels
Status IA
• RHC in place and:
– two or more inotropes regardless of dose – IV milrinone at least 0.5 mcg/kg/min – IV dobutamine at least 7.5 mcg/kg/min
Cardiac Transplantation and Mechanical
Circulatory Support
Andrew Boyle, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Medical Director of Heart Failure, Cardiac Transplantation, and Mechanical Circulatory Support

700上海交通大学学报(医学版)2020, 40 (5)JOURNAL OF SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY (MEDICAL SCIENCE )V ol.40 No.5 May 2020低灌注有关,后逐步回落至术前水平,说明体外循环下瓣膜置换手术对患者肾功能的影响是安全可控的。
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cardiac transplantation,心脏移植

• Coronary artery disease + Severe anginal symptoms + not amenable to percutaneous or surgical revascularization
• Intractable life-threatening arrhythmias unresponsive to medical therapy, catheter ablation, surgery, and/or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
• Recurrent instability of fluid balance/renal function not due to patient noncompliance with medical regimen
Absolute contraindications: • Systemic illness with a life expectancy <2 years despite heart transplantation • Irreversible pulmonary: irreversible pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) >3 Wood units • Clinically severe symptomatic cerebrovascular disease • Active substance abuse (drug, tobacco, or alcohol) • Multiple demonstrations of inability to comply with drug therapy • Multisystem disease with severe extracardiac organ dysfunction

DEAR PROFESSOR:WELCOME TO OUR HOSPITAL, I’M CHY, AND GLADE TO INTRODUCE OUR DEPARTMENT.解放军总医院心血管内科成立于1954年,是心血管内科专业硕士、博士学位授权点、博士后流动站,全军心血管病研究所,北京市重点学科,卫生部及全军心血管介入培训中心。
Founded in 1954, The Cardiology Department of Chinese PLA General Hospital is now the authorization center for Doctor's & Master's degree of cardiovascular as well as postdoctoral mobile station, Cardiovascular Disease Research Center of PLA, Beijing Municipal Key Discipline, Cardiovascular intervention Training Center of Health Bureau & Cardiovascular intervention Training Center of PLA.科室拥有一流的人才队伍、国际领先的诊疗设备和科学的教育培训系统,在国内心血管领域拥有较高学术地位,是国家重要的心血管疾病诊疗、科研、教学、保健基地。
With the first-class talents, the most advanced clinical equipment and scientifically designed education &training system, the cardiology department enjoys high reputation in domestic cardiovascular field. We have become an important base for cardiovascular diseases in vary way including diagnosis, treatment, research, education, and health care. Experts from this department has assumed long-term health care task for important leaders of the party and the state.通过科室几代人的不懈努力,目前在多个领域的诊疗技术已达到国际领先水平,成为科室特色优势项目,包括:冠脉腔内影像技术指导下复杂冠脉疾病介入治疗、复杂心律失常的射频和起搏治疗、成人先天性心脏病的介入治疗、肺动脉高压的介入诊疗、心力衰竭的综合治疗(药物、干细胞移植、心脏同步化)、难治性高血压病综合治疗、肾动脉狭窄介入治疗、全方位评估左室功能及心肌灌注、以及临床心电图诊断和监测。

一、疾病及诊断相关名词1. 冠心病(Coronary artery disease)冠心病是一种心脏疾病,通常由冠状动脉供血不足引起。
2. 糖尿病(Diabetes)糖尿病是一种慢性疾病,主要特征是血糖水平不稳定。
3. 白血病(Leukemia)白血病是一种骨髓恶性肿瘤,指骨髓生成的白细胞异常增多。
二、治疗方法及技术名词1. 放射治疗(Radiation therapy)放射治疗是使用高能射线或粒子来杀死和控制肿瘤细胞的一种治疗方法。
2. 内镜检查(Endoscopy)内镜检查是通过将柔软的镜头(内镜)插入患者的体内,以观察和诊断潜在的内部病变。
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Circulation. 1995;91:1706-1713.)© 1995 American Heart Association, Inc.Occult and Frequent Transmission of Atherosclerotic Coronary Disease With Cardiac TransplantationInsights From Intravascular UltrasoundE. Murat Tuzcu, MD; Robert E. Hobbs, MD; Gustavo Rincon, MD; Corinne Bott-Silverman, MD; Anthony C. De Franco, MD; Killian Robinson, MD; Patrick M. McCarthy, MD; Robert W. Stewart, MD; Skip Guyer, RCPT; Steven E. Nissen, MDFrom the Department of Cardiology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio.Correspondence to E. Murat Tuzcu, MD, Department of Cardiology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Ave, Desk F-25, Cleveland, OH 44195-5066.AbstractBackground Transplant coronary artery disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality after cardiac transplantation. However,limited data exist regarding the potential contribution of coronary atherosclerosis in the donor heart to cardiac-allograft vasculopathy.Methods and Results We performed quantitative coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound imaging in 50 of 62 consecutive heart-transplant recipients (40 men, 10 women, mean age, 53±9years) 4.6±2.6 weeks after transplantation. The donor population consisted of 30 men and 20 women (mean age, 32±12 years). Ultrasound imaging visualized all three coronary arteries in 22 patients, two coronary arteries in 23, and one coronary artery in 5. Ultrasound imaging detected coronary atherosclerosis (intimal thickness 0.5 mm) in28 patients (56%). However, the angiography was abnormal in only 13 patients (26%). The sensitivity and specificity of coronary angiography were 43% and 95%, respectively. With ultrasound, the average atherosclerotic plaque thickness was 1.3±0.6 mm and the cross-sectional area narrowing was 34±16%. Atherosclerotic involvement frequently was focal (85%), eccentric (mean eccentricity index,87±8), and near arterial bifurcations. Donors of the transplant recipients with coronary atherosclerosis were older than those without atherosclerosis (37±12 versus 25±10 years, P=.001). Maximal intimal thickness correlated with donor age (r=.54, P=.0001). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that donor age (P=.0001), male sex of donor (P=.0006), and recipient age (P=.03) were independent predictors of atherosclerosis.Conclusions Coronary atherosclerosis is frequently but inadvertently transmitted by means of cardiac transplantation from the donor to the recipient. Long-term outcomes of donor-transmitted coronary artery disease will require further evaluation.Key Words:transplantation • coronary disease • ultrasonicsIntroductionSurvival rates after cardiac transplantation have improved steadily during the past 2 decades. Presently, 1-year survival rates average 80% to 90% at most active centers.12 After the first year after transplantation, cardiac-allograft vasculopathy represents the principal cause of death.34Necropsy examinations have described cardiac-allograft vasculopathy as a diffuse, obliterative process characterized by concentric intimal proliferation.567 Prior reports89 have emphasized that the predominant mechanism for genesis of transplant vasculopathy is immune injury with resulting intimal hyperplasia. Transplant coronary disease eventually results in multiple myocardial infarctions, which lead to accelerated graft failure or sudden cardiac death.Both postmortem and intravascular ultrasound imaging studies have demonstrated that angiography underestimates the extent and severity of transplant vasculopathy.10111213 Although most centers perform routine surveillance angiography at annual catheterization, this screening process often fails to detect coronary disease. There is limited information regarding the prevalence of atherosclerosis in donor hearts and its effect on coronary disease after transplantation. Accordingly, we examined this phenomenon by performing quantitative coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound imaging soon after cardiac transplantation. We sought to determine the frequency and morphological patterns of atherosclerosis transmitted from heart donors to recipients.MethodsPatient PopulationThe study group consisted of patients who underwent cardiac transplantation between December 31, 1992, and February 14, 1994.Patients who were ineligible for cardiac catheterization, who died during hospitalization, or who did not give informed consent were excluded. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cardiac CatheterizationRecipients were studied within 2 months after cardiac transplantation.All patients underwent right and left heart catheterization,endomyocardial biopsy, coronary angiography, and intravascular ultrasound imaging. After nitroglycerin was administered sublingually,coronary arteriography was performed with large-lumen 7F coronary-guiding catheters.14 Multiple angiographic views were obtained for optimal visualization of the coronary arteries.Coronary Intravascular Ultrasound ImagingIntravascular ultrasound imaging was performed on the recipients with a 30 MHz 3.5F ultrasound catheter (Boston Scientific) interfaced with a dedicated scanner (Hewlett Packard). The ultrasound catheter consisted of a 135-cm-long monorail device with a transducer enclosed in an acoustically transparent housing that was 20 mm from the tip. A driveshaft cable rotated the transducer at 1800 rpm to generate a 360° imaging plane angled 15° forward from perpendicular to the long axis of the catheter. The axial resolution of the imaging system, which varied with distance, averaged80 to 100 µm, whereas lateral resolution ranged from 150to 200 µm. This device generated ultrasound images at30 frames per second, and continuously recorded these images on 1/2-in Super-VHS videotape.After coronary angiography, recipients were given 3000 to 5000U IV heparin before being examined by intravascular ultrasound imaging. The operator used fluoroscopic guidance to place a0.014-in high-torque angioplasty guide wire at a distal location in the target vessel. The ultrasound catheter was placed over the guide wire at the most distal site in the coronary artery to which it could be advanced safely. The ultrasound catheter was then withdrawn gradually from this distal location during continuous imaging. At sites of atherosclerosis and adjacent normal segments, pullback was paused for identification. A cineangiogram and an audio recordingdocumented the location of the imaging probe and its proximity to branches and other anatomic landmarks at each of these sites. Proximal, mid, and distal segments of the three major epicardial coronary arteries, defined according to Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS) classifications, were targeted for imaging.15Ultrasound Imaging AnalysisThe intravascular ultrasound images were analyzed by blinded observers in the intravascular ultrasound imaging core laboratory. For each site examined, a short segment (10 to 20 seconds) of videotape was digitized at 30 frames per second into a 640x480-pixel matrix image with a 24-bit gray scale. The full-motion sequence was examined frame by frame to select for analysis the image with the most atherosclerosis.The selected frames were used to make the following measurements:(1) Maximal intimal thickness was measured as the greatest distance from the intimal leading edge to media-adventitia border, (2)minimal intimal thickness as the shortest distance from the intimal leading edge to media-adventitia border, (3) minimal luminal diameter as the shortest distance between opposing intimal leading edges, (4) lumen area as the area within the boundaries of the intimal leading edge, (5) vessel area as the area within the media-adventitia border, and (6) plaque cross-sectional area as the difference between vessel and lumen areas. Also,a relative measure of ultrasound percent area reduction was computed as follows: lumen area divided by vessel area multiplied by100 (Fig 1).View larger version(88K):[in this window] [in a new window]Figure 1. Measurements of lumen and vessel wall dimensions in an ultrasound image.Patients were divided into atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic subgroups that were stratified by the maximal intimal thickness of all examined sites. The atherosclerotic group included patients with intimal thickness 0.5 mm, whereas the nonatherosclerotic group included those with a maximal intimal thickness <0.5 mm. The distribution pattern of atherosclerosis was assessed longitudinally and circumferentially.Diffuse disease was defined as intimal thickening of the entire length of the artery, whereas focal disease consisted of intimal thickening of isolated sites. The circumferential distribution of atherosclerotic plaque was determined as follows.Angiographic AnalysisCineangiograms were reviewed in the core cineangiography laboratory by an experienced angiographer blinded to the results of the ultrasound imaging study. The angiograms were projected onto a screen at a fixed distance with a rear-projection system (Tagarno 35AX).For each coronary artery, the CASS segment classification system was used to identify the most distal site imaged by ultrasound.Stenosis severity at sites showing any luminal narrowing was measured with an Atari digital caliper system (Sandhill Scientific,Inc). For each identifiable lesion, the operator determined vessel diameter at the stenosis and at an adjacent angiographically normal reference site to quantify percent diameter stenosis.Statistical AnalysisNormally distributed data were reported as mean±SD. 2-test or Fisher's exact test was used to find significant associations between categorical variables. An unpaired t test was used to test for differences between the mean values for continuous variables in subgroups. Pearson's correlations were used to test for relations between continuous variables. Stepwise linear regression was used to determine which factors (age, sex, cytomegalovirus[CMV] virus titers for donors and recipients, ischemic time for the donor heart, rejection episodes, donor family history for coronary artery disease, smoking history, and hypertension) were significantly related to atherosclerosis after adjustment for other significant factors. A value of P.05 was considered statistically significant.ResultsPatient CharacteristicsSixty-two adult patients underwent cardiac transplantation between December30, 1992, and February 14, 1994. All but 5 underwent cardiac catheterization within 2 months after transplantation. The 5 patients not examined included 4 who died soon after the operation (1 from multiorgan failure, 1 from cerebral hemorrhage, 1 from sepsis, and 1 from aortic rupture). One additional patient had severe medical problems precluding catheterization. Of the remaining 57 patients, 50 underwent successful intravascular ultrasound imaging. The 7 patients who did not undergo imaging included 3 patients with scheduling constraints,2 with angiographically evident severe coronary artery disease,and 2 who experienced technical problems related to the equipment.The 50 cardiac transplant recipients were studied an average of4.6±2.6 weeks after the operation. This cohort included40 men and 10 women with a mean age of 53±9 years. Of the 50 recipients, 40 had positive CMV titers and 14 had experienced at least one episode of rejection requiring treatment before catheterization (Table 1).ischemic time for the donor heart, defined as the interval between removal of the donor heart and transplantation, averaged 134±40 minutes. Of the 50 donors, 31 had positive CMV titers. The medical and social histories of donors were not complete in some cases. Twenty-four of 42 donors were known smokers, 4 of 42 were hypertensive,and 3 of 24 had a family history of coronary artery disease.Because most donors were identified after major trauma, reliable basal lipid levels were not available (Table 1).All three major epicardial coronary arteries were imaged successfully in 22 patients, two arteries were imaged in 23 patients, and only one vessel was imaged in 5 patients (Table 2). Thus, 117 first-order epicardial vessels were examined in the 50 patients.The right coronary artery was not imaged in 19 patients, the left circumflex in 12, and the left anterior descending in 2. Arteries were not imaged in 14 patients because of tortuosity, in 8 because of a small-caliber vessel, in 5 because of a nondominant right coronary artery, in 4 because of coronary spasm, and in 2 for technical reasons. Of the 450 CASS segments targeted, 255 (112proximal, 96 mid, and 47 distal) were imaged (Table 2), with no complications other than reversible coronary spasm.In 22 patients, the appearance of the coronary arteries with ultrasound imaging was normal, with maximal intimal thickness <0.5 mm (Fig2). By applying a criterion for atherosclerosis requiring an intimal thickness 0.5 mm, it was determined that 28 patients(56%) had unequivocal evidence of disease (Fig 3). In this subgroup,maximal intimal thickness averaged 1.3±0.6 mm; mean luminal diameter, 3.4±1.1 mm; and average luminal cross-sectional area, 11.8±5.8 mm2. The plaque cross-sectional area averaged5.5±2.4 mm2, which represented a cross-sectional area reduction of 34±16%. Thus, a significant amount of atherosclerosis was detected in more than half the recipients studied early after transplantation.View larger version (33K): [in this window][in a new window]Figure 3.thickness in 50 cardiac transplantation patients.Atherosclerotic plaque involvement was focal rather than diffuse in24 of 28 patients. In patients with focal disease, plaque was observed most frequently near arterial bifurcation sites (Fig 4). In14 patients (50%), atherosclerotic involvement was evident near the left anterior descending–circumflex artery bifurcation.Of the 14 patients, 9 had plaque on the left anterior descending side of the bifurcation, 3 on the circumflex side, and 2 on both sides. In all cases, the plaque was on the wall opposite the arterial carina of the branching vessel. An atheroma was found near the left anterior descending–diagonal artery bifurcation in 8 patients, and plaque was seen at the circumflex-obtuse marginal bifurcation in 2 patients. One patient had a plaque in the right coronary artery at the site of bifurcation in a right ventricular branch.These patterns served to emphasize the focal nature of plaque distribution in patients studied early after transplantation.Of the 28 patients with atherosclerosis, 19 had an atherosclerotic plaque in more than one arterial these 28 patients (Fig 5mean eccentricity index was 87±8%,which demonstrated that nearly all of the plaque was located on one side of the artery. Of the 28 recipients who had atherosclerotic involvement,the eccentricity index was >50% in every patient and was >75%in 26 of 28. In all cases, the surfaces of the coronary plaques were smooth. There was no evidence of ulcerated plaque or plaque dissection in any of the imaged arteries. Calcified elements occurred in the plaques of 9 of 28 patients.View largerversion (85K):[in this window][in a newwindow]Figure 5. Top, Angiogram of the left coronary artery in the right anterioroblique projection showing mild luminal narrowing. Black arrowindicates the site of intravascular ultrasound imaging. Bottom, Two-dimensional intravascular ultrasound image revealing a large eccentricplaque in the proximal circumflex artery (black arrow).Risk Factors for AtherosclerosisDonor age and recipient age were the only variables found to be significantly different between the atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic groups by univariate analysis. Although all donorswere relatively young, the donors for recipients who had atherosclerotic involvement were significantly older (37±12 versus 25±10 years,P=.0003, Table 1). Linear-regression analysis revealed a moderate correlation between maximal plaque thickness and donor age (r=.54,P=.0001, Fig 6). A less-significant difference existed between the two subgroups with regard to recipient age (55±9versus 49±10 years, P=.02). Univariate analysis demonstrated no significant differences for the remaining variables, including donor hypertension, smoking history, family history of coronary disease, rejection episodes, donor and recipient CMV titers,time between transplantation and imaging, ischemic time, and number of vessels and segments imaged.View larger version (20K):Scatterplot showing correlation between donor age and intimal thickness. indicates male donors; ,and recipient age (P=.03) were independent predictors of atherosclerosis. There was no correlation between recipient and donor ages (r=.11, P=.43) to explain these findings. However, when plaque thickness was analyzed with donor age and recipient age as categorical variables (age <30 or 30) rather than as continuous factors, only donor age (P=.0001) and donor sex were significant factors for predicting atherosclerosis (P=.008,Table 3).Quantitative coronary arteriography revealed completely normal coronary arteries in 37 of 50 patients (74%). In the other 13 patients,angiographic stenosis ranged from 10% to 38% (22±7%), and ultrasound imaging confirmed the presence of a plaque in abnormal segments in 12 of these patients. Thus, coronary angiography detected atherosclerosis in only 12 of the 28 patients (43% sensitivity) who had atherosclerosis but correctly identified21 of 22 normal cases (95% specificity, Fig 7). In 3 patients,angiography detected more than one lesion; some of these lesions were in segments not imaged by ultrasound. However, in all 3of these patients, ultrasound imaging identified atherosclerosis in more than one segment.View larger version (166K): [in this window][in a new window]Figure 7. A, Arteriogram of the left coronary artery in theright anterior oblique projection. Black arrow indicatesimaging site shown in B; white arrow, imaging site shownin D. B, intravascular ultrasound image of the proximalcircumflex artery. Despite a large eccentric plaque, a largecircular lumen similar to that in D is preserved because ofremodeling. C, Left coronary angiogram in the left anterioroblique projection. Black arrow indicates imaging siteshown in B; white arrow, imaging site of proximalcircumflex artery shown in D. D, intravascular ultrasoundimage at another site in the proximal circumflex arteryshowing normal arterial morphology.DiscussionCoronary artery disease represents the major cause of late death in patients after cardiac transplantation. Cardiac-allograft vasculopathy has been reported1617 to be an immunologic process in which intimal injury leads to proliferation and, eventually, to arterial obstruction. The present study, which uses quantitative coronary arteriography and a new high-resolution intravascular ultrasound imaging device, demonstrates an alternative cause. In the first few weeks after transplantation, comprehensive imaging of multiple major epicardial coronary arterial segments revealed typical atherosclerotic plaque in 56% of recipients. Thus, unequivocal evidence of transmission of atherosclerosis from the donor to recipient was present in more than one half of the recipients.These findings are particularly striking when one considers the conservative definition that is used in the present study to classify the presence or absence of atherosclerosis. Although the normal intima in young subjects consists of only a few cell layers, limited data are available to describe the range of normal intimal thickness in adults. In a necropsy study, normal intimal thickness averaged 0.21 mm (0.10 to 0.28 mm) in 21-to 25-year-old men and 0.25 mm (0.18 to 0.35 mm) in 36- to 40-year-old men.18 In a comparative ultrasound-histology study, patients with no known coronary artery disease had intimal thicknesses averaging 0.24±0.11 mm.19 An in vivo ultrasound imaging study20 reported mean intimal thickness in a "normal" population as 0.18 mm, with 95% confidence intervals of 0.06 and 0.30 mm.However, in normal subjects, intimal thickness and echogenicity increases with age. Thus, in very young subjects, a distinct laminar structure often is not evident by intravascular ultrasound.1920 To avoid potential controversy regarding interpretation of this study, we used a high threshold (0.5 mm) for abnormal intimal thickness. This value represents intimal thicknesses at least three SDs greater than any published range of normal values.The pattern of atherosclerotic plaque in these patients was typical of atherosclerosis and distinctly different from immune-mediated transplant vasculopathy. Most atheromas were highly eccentric, with >87%of plaque on one side of the vessel. In addition, the lesions showed apredilection for sites of major bifurcations. Experimental studies suggest that low shear stress along the non–flow-dividing wall might be an important localizing force, in contrast to the high shear stress along the flow-dividing wall (carina at vessel bifurcation).21 The morphological characteristics of the plaques are typical of conventional atherosclerosis and dissimilar to vasculopathy as described in the transplant population.22Indeed, features characteristic of transplant vasculopathy, particularly diffuse, concentric intimal thickening, were absent in our study group. Thus, it is evident that the atherosclerotic changes were present in the donor hearts and transmitted to the recipients at cardiac transplantation.This study highlights the limitations of standard coronary arteriography for detecting early transplant coronary disease. Quantitative coronary angiography was relatively insensitive, revealing less than half the lesions identified by intravascular ultrasound imaging.An important explanation for the discrepancy between angiography and ultrasound imaging is provided by the anatomic pattern of early atherosclerosis. As originally described by Glagov et al,23early coronary disease is characterized by remodeling of the coronary artery, which protects against luminal encroachment of the atherosclerotic plaque. Thus, segments with major intimal thickening retain a lumen size virtually identical to adjacent, uninvolved sites. In the absence of luminal narrowing, angiography fails to detect early disease.Few demographic characteristics were useful for predicting the likelihood of donor atherosclerosis. Multiple-regression analysis showed only donor age, recipient age, and donor sex to be independent predictors.The strongest predictor was donor age, which correlated significantly with intimal thickness. Although donor sex was not (univariately)associated with maximal intimal thickness, it became a significant factor after adjusting for donor age. It is not surprising that hearts from older men tended to have a higher prevalence of atherosclerosis,since age and male sex are well-known risk factors for coronary disease. It is more difficult to explain the unfavorable effect of recipient age on atherosclerosis early after transplantation. Acute rejection,2425 CMV infection,2627 and conventional risk factors have been suggested to be possible contributors to the development of chronic transplant coronary disease, but were not significant in this study. However, information about donor hypertension, smoking, family history, and hypercholesterolemia was incomplete. Thus, a full understanding of the relation between donor risk factors and early atherosclerosis cannot be stated conclusively.In a recent report from St Goar et al,28 with a larger (4.3F)earlier-generation intravascular ultrasound catheter, 25 patients were studied within 1 month of cardiac transplantation. Imaging was limited to segments extending from the ostium of the left main coronary artery to the midportion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. In 5 of 25 patients, there was eccentric intimal thickening>0.5 mm. The difference in the prevalence of atherosclerosis between the study by St Goar et al and ours is explained by several factors. In the present study, imaging was more extensive and an improved, low-profile 3.5F ultrasound probe was used.This permitted examination of multiple segments from major epicardial coronary arteries in 86% of patients. At least two of the three major coronary arteries were imaged in 90% of recipients. In addition,our study population was larger and donors were older (32±12 versus28±8 years old).These in vivo findings provide strong evidence as to the high prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis in young and middle-aged Americans.These findings are consistent with autopsy studies performed on large populations of trauma victims during the Korean and Vietnam wars.29 30 During the Korean War, atherosclerotic plaques with a wide range of stenoses (10% to 90%)were found in 117 of 300 young soldiers.29 Autopsy studies on American soldiers killed in Vietnam revealed that 45% had some coronary atherosclerosis.30In both necropsy studies, all thedeceased were men and mean subject age was 22 years old, whereas in our study, 40% of the donors were women and the mean donor age was 32±12 years.Furthermore, necropsy studies, which often examine explanted vessels not distended by physiological pressures, represent only estimations of the severity of coronary disease.This intravascular ultrasound imaging study provides direct in vivo evidence of occult, but rather extensive, atherosclerosis in a young and presumably healthy population. Without high-resolution intravascular ultrasound imaging, detection and quantification of atherosclerosis would not have been possible in living humans. Ultrasound imaging provides unique cross-sectional information that is analogous to pathology and that cannot be obtained in coronary arteries from any other imaging technique.The older age of the donor population in this study reflects an important trend in cardiac transplantation. The limited availability of suitable donors and the long waiting lists for transplantation have increased the use of older donors.31 However, the presence of atherosclerosis in more than 80% of our donors who are 30 years old indicates a potential hazard to this approach. The presence of coronary atherosclerosis in so many transplant recipients raises an important clinical question. 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