



+0.1 -0.11
2.4±0.1 2.8±0.1
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage
Emitter-base voltage
TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN / PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT Process)
Portable Equipment Applications Switching Applications
0.05 M A
See Figure 4 circuit diagram VCC ∼− 30 V, RL = 100 Ω IB1 = −IB2 = 10 mA
Min Typ. Max Unit

⎯ −100 nA

⎯ −100 nA
−50 ⎯


125 ⎯

⎯ −0.20 V

⎯ −1.10 V

Collector power dissipation (t = 10s) Single-device
PC (Note 2)
value at ingle-device operation
Collector power dissipation (DC)



Part Number
EPI1L0342B20 EPI4L7122B20 EPI6L8951B20 EPI100801B20 EPI150701B20 EPI220601B20 EPI330441B20 EPI470371B20 EPI680321B20 EPI101261B20 EPI151211B20 EPI221181B20
.330 .270 .440 .360 .430 .360 .500 .215 .215 .500 .560 .350 .615 .370 .610 .390 .650 .400 .715 .390 .700 .390 .940 .390 1.00 .390 1.00 .500 .640 .315 .195 .118 .195 .079 .224 .118 .264 .157 .264 .118 .287 .177 .287 .138 .394 .150 .472 .315 .472 .236 .472 .177 .157 .126 .354 .213 .354 .157 .460 .235 .460 .165 .560 .250
Package B20
.330 (8.83)
.330 (8.38)
.060 (1.52)
.300 (7.62)
Suggested Pad Latout



AVAILABLE OPTIONS Current Limit Adjustment Ranget − Time − 1 ms/divFigure 2 OUTPUT TURN-ON RESPONSEt − Time − 2 ms/divFigure 3C L = 1 µFC L = 0 µFt − Time − 40 µs/divFigure 475% less output voltagedroop compared to TPS2111t − Time − 250 µs/divFigure 6PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3)TPS2110APW ACTIVE TSSOP PW 8150Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TPS2110APWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW 82000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TPS2110APWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW 82000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TPS2111APW ACTIVE TSSOP PW 8150Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TPS2111APWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW 8150Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TPS2111APWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW 82000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TPS2111APWRG4ACTIVETSSOPPW82000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAULevel-1-260C-UNLIM(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan -The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free (RoHS)or Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS):TI's terms "Lead-Free"or "Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br):TI defines "Green"to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible),and free ofBromine (Br)and Antimony (Sb)based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM17-Nov-2005Addendum-Page 1元器件交易网IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications,enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinueany product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placingorders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s termsand conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale inaccordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TIdeems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of allparameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible fortheir products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer productsand applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right,copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or processin which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or servicesdoes not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof.Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual propertyof the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is withoutalteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproductionof this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable forsuch altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for thatproduct or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service andis an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and applicationsolutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetworkMicrocontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated。



一顺控指令1 触点指令00 LD 逻辑操作开始01 LDI 逻辑非操作开始02 AND 逻辑乘03 ANI 逻辑乘非04 OR 逻辑加05 ORI 逻辑加非2 连接指令06 ANB AND逻辑块与07 ORB OR逻辑块或08 MPS 存储操作结果09 MRD 从MPS读取操作结果10 MPP 从MPS读取操作结果并清除结果3 输出指令11 OUT 软元件输出12 SET 软元件置位13 RST 软元件复位14 PLS 在输入信号的上升沿15 PLF 在输入信号的下降沿16 CHK 软元件输出翻转4 移位指令17 SFT 元件移1位18 SFTP 元件移1位5 主控指令19 MC 主控开始20 MCR 主控复位6 结束指令21 FEND 结束主程序22 END 总的程序末尾,返回第0步7 其它指令23 STOP 停止24 NOP 空操作二基本指令1 比较指令16位数据比较25 LD= 当S1=S2, 接通,当S1≠S2, 断开26 AND=27 OR=28 LD<> 当S1≠S2, 接通,当S1=S2, 断开29 AND<>30 OR<>31 LD> 当S1>S2, 接通,当S1≤S2, 断开32 AND>33 OR>34 LD<= 当S1≤S2, 接通,当S1>S2, 断开35 AND<=36 OR<=37 LD< 当S1<S2, 接通,当S1≥S2, 断开38 AND<39 OR<40 LD>= 当S1≥S2, 接通,当S1<S2, 断开41 AND>=42 OR>=32位数据比较43 LDD= 当(S1+1,S1)=(S2+1,S2), 接通44 ANDD=45 ORD=46 LDD<> 当(S1+1,S1)≠(S2+1,S2),接通47 ANDD<>48 ORD<>49 LDD> 当(S1+1,S1)>(S2+1,S2), 接通50 ANDD>51 ORD>52 LDD<= 当(S1+1,S1)≤(S2+1,S2),接通53 ANDD<=54 ORD<=55 LDD< 当(S1+1,S1)<(S2+1,S2), 接通56 ANDD<57 ORD<58 LDD>= 当(S1+1,S1)≥(S2+1,S2),接通59 ANDD>=60 ORD>=2 算术运算指令二进制16位加/减61 + (D)+(S)→(D)62 +P63 + (S1)+(S2)→(D)64 +P65 - (D)-(S)→(D)66 -P67 - (S1)-(S2)→(D)68 -P二进制32位加/减69 D+ (D+1,D)+(S+1,S)→(D+1,D)70 D+P71 D+ (S1+1,S1)+(S2+1,S2)→(D+1,D)72 D+P73 D- (D+1,D)-(S+1,S)→(D+1,D)74 D-P75 D- (S1+1,S1)-(S2+1,S2)→(D+1,D)76 D-P77 * (S1)×(S2)→(D+1,D)78 *P79 / (S1)/(S2)→商(D), 余数(D+1)80 /P81 D* (S1+1,S1)×(S2+1,S2)→(D+3,D+2,D+1,D)82 D*P83 D/ (S1+1,S1)/(S2+1,S2)→商(D+1,D),余数(D+3,D+2)84 D/P85 B+ (D)+(S)→(D)86 B+P87 B+ (S1)+(S2)→(D)88 B+P89 B- (D)-(S)→(D)90 B-P91 B- (S1)-(S2)→(D)92 B-P93 DB+ (D+1,D)+(S+1,S) →(D+1,D)94 DB+P95 DB+ (S1+1,S1)+(S2+1,S2)→(D+1,D)96 DB+P97 DB- (D+1,D)-(S+1,S)→(D+1,D)98 DB-P99 DB- (S1+1,S1)-(S2+1,S2)→(D+1,D) 100 DB-P101 B* (S1)×(S2)→(D+1,D)102 B*P103 B/ (S1)/(S2)→商(D),余数(D+1)104 B/P105 DB* (S1+1,S1)×(S2+1,S2)→(D+3,D+2,D+1,D)106 DB*P107 DB/ (S1+1,S1)/(S2+1,S2)→商(D+1,D),余数(D+3,D+2) 108 DB/P109 INC (D)+1→(D)110 INCP111 DINC (D+1,D)+1→(D+1,D) 112 DINCP113 DEC (D)-1→(D)114 DECP115 DDEC (D+1,D)-1→(D+1,D) 116 DDECP3 BCD—二进制转换117 BCD (S)→(D)BCD转换118 BCDP119 DBCD (S+1,S)→(D+1,D) 120 DBCDP121 BIN (S)→(D)二进制转换122 BINP123 DBIN (S+1,S)→(D+1,D) 124 DBINP4 数据传送指令125 MOV (S)→(D)126 MOVP127 DMOV (S+1,S)→(D+1,D)128 DMOVP129 CML (S)→(D)130 CMLP131 DCML (S+1,S)→(D+1,D)132 DCML133 DCMLP134 BMOV (S)→(D)n个135 BMOVP136 FMOV (S)→(D)n个137 FMOVP138 XCH (D1)←→(D2)139 XCHP140 DXCH (D1+1,D1)←→(D2+1,D2) 141 DXCHP5 程序分支指令142 CJ 条件满足,跳转到P**处143 SCJ 条件满足后紧接的扫描周期, 跳转到P**处144 JMP 无条件跳转到P**处145 CALL 执行P**处子程序146 CALLP147 RET 从子程序返回148 EI 允许中断149 DI 禁止中断150 IRET 从中断程序返回151 SUB 执行n指定的程序152 SUBP6 程序切换指令153 CHG 在主副程序间切换7 刷新指令154 COM 执行通讯刷新155 EI 允许通讯刷新156 DI 禁止通讯刷新157 SEG 对应软元件的刷新,仅执行1个扫描周期,M9052 O N时有效三应用指令1 逻辑运算指令158 WAND (D) AND (S)→(D)159 WANDP160 WAND (S1) AND (S2)→(D)161 WANDP162 DAND (D+1,D) AND (S+1,S)→(D+1,D) 163 DANDP164 WOR (D) OR (S)→(D)165 WORP166 WOR (S1) OR (S2)→(D)167 WORP168 DOR (D+1,D) OR (S+1,S)→(D+1,D) 169 DORP170 WXOR (D) XOR (S)→(D)异或171 WXORP172 WXOR (S1) XOR (S2)→(D)173 WXORP174 DXOR (D+1,D) XOR (S+1,S)→(D+1,D) 175 DXORP176 WXNR (D) XOR (S)→(D)177 WXNRP178 WXNR (S1) XOR (S2)→(D)179 WXNRP180 DXNR (D+1,D) XOR (S+1,S)→(D+1,D) 181 DXNRP182 NEG 0-(D)→(D)补码183 NEGP2 旋转指令184 ROR n位右转185 RORP186 RCR n位右转(带进位) 187 RCRP188 ROL n位左转189 ROLP190 RCL n位左转(带进位) 191 RCLP192 DROR n位右转193 DRORP194 DRCR n位右转(带进位) 195 DRCRP196 DROL n位左转197 DROLP198 DRCL n位左转(带进位) 199 DRCLP3 移位指令200 SFR n位右移201 SFRP202 SFL n位左移203 SFLP204 BSFR 1位右移205 BSFRP206 BSFL 1位左移207 BSFLP208 DSFR 1位右移209 DSFRP210 DSFL 1位左移211 DSFLP4 数据处理指令212 SER 数据搜索213 SERP214 SUM 位检查215 SUMP216 DSUM217 DSUMP218 DECO 译码编码219 DECOP220 ENCO221 ENCOP222 SEG 7段编码223 BSET 对字中n位置位224 BSETP225 BRST 对字中n位复位226 BRSTP227 DIS 组合分离228 DISP229 UNI230 UNIP231 ASC ASCII转化5 先进先出指令232 FIFW FIFO写233 FIFWP234 FIFR FIFO读235 FIFRP6 内存缓冲区存取指令236 FROM 从特殊功能模块读取数据237 FROMP238 DFRO239 DFROP240 TO 向特殊功能模块写数据241 TOP242 DTO243 FROM 从远程I/O站读数据244 FROMP245 DFRO246 DFROP247 TO 向远程站写数据248 TOP249 DTO250 DTOP7 FOR/NEXT指令251 FOR 重复n次252 NEXT8 本地站、远程I/O站存取指令253 LRDP 从本地站读数据254 LWTP 向本地站写数据255 RFRP 从远程特殊功能模块读数据256 RTOP 向远程特殊功能模块写数据9 显示指令257 PR 从指定的8点字软元件输出16个字符的ASCII码258 PR 顺序向输出模块输出ASCII 码, 直到结束符NUL(00H)259 PRC 将字软元件的注释转换成 ASCII码,并输出260 LED 将指定的8点字软元件显示16个字符的ASCII码261 LEDA 显示指定的英文数字字符262 LEDB263 LEDC 显示软元件S的注释264 LEDR 显示复位10 其它指令265 WDT WDT复位266 WDTP267 CHK 故障检测268 SLT 按参数设定的条件,数据被锁定269 SLTR 状态锁存复位,且执行SLT 270 STRA 按参数设定的条件,采样数据存入271 STRAR 采样跟踪复位,且允许执行272 STC 进位标志(M9012)ON273 CLC 进位标志(M9012)OFF274 DUTY 用户定义时钟11 伺服指令275 DSFRP 请求启动伺服程序276 PSFLP 数据修改特殊继电器和特殊寄存器一特殊继电器M清单M9000 熔丝断M9002 I/O组件校验出错M9004 MINI网通讯出错M9005 AC电源掉电检测M9006 电池电压低M9007 电池电压低锁存M9008 自诊断出错M9009 信号报警器检测M9010 运算出错标志M9011 运算出错标志锁存M9012 进位标志M9016 数据存储区清零标志M9017 数据存储区清零标志M9018 数据通讯监控切换M9020 0号用户定时时钟M9021 1号用户定时时钟M9022 2号用户定时时钟M9023 3号用户定时时钟M9024 4号用户定时时钟M9025 时钟数据设置请求M9026 时钟数据出错M9027 时钟数据显示M9028 时钟数据读请求M9030 0.1秒时钟M9031 0.2秒时钟M9032 1秒时钟M9033 2秒时钟M9034 1分钟时钟M9036 常开M9037 常闭M9038 RUN后第一个扫描周期ON M9039 运行标志M9040 暂停PAUSE允许线圈M9041 PAUSE状态触点M9042 停止状态触点M9043 采样跟踪完成M9044 采样跟踪M9046 采样跟踪M9047 采样跟踪准备M9048 RUN LED闪烁标志M9049 切换输出字符数目M9050 存放操作结果的存储区交换触点M9051 CHG指令执行禁止M9052 SEG指令切换M9053 EI/DI指令切换M9054 单步运行标志M9055 状态锁存完成标志M9056 主程序P, I设置请求M9057 副程序P, I设置程序M9060 副程序2P, I设置程序M9061 副程序3P, I设置程序M9060 远程终端出错M9061 通讯出错M9065 分离传送状态M9066 传送处理切换M9067 I/O组件出错检测M9068 测试模式M9069 线路故障时的输出M9073 WDT出错标志M9074 PCPU准备完成标志M9075 测试模式标志M9076 外部急停输入标志M9077 手动脉冲发生器轴设置错误标志M9078 测试模式请求出错标志M9079 伺复程序设置出错标志M9081 对远程模块的通讯请求M9082 最终站数不一致M9084 出错检测M9086 运行标志BASIC程序M9087 暂停(PAUSE)标志M9091 操作运行出错细节标志M9091 微机子程序调用出错标志M9092 双电源模块过热M9093 双工电源模块出错M9094 I/O改变标志M9095 双工运行校验出错M9096 A3VCPU A自校出错M9097 A3VCPU B自校出错M9098 A3VCPU C自校出错M9099 A3VTU自校出错M9100 SFC程序登记M9101 SFC程序起/停M9102 SFC启动状态M9103 连续步转移有效/失效M9104 连续转移防止标志M9108 步转移监控定时器起始 (对应D9108)M9109 步转移监控定时器起始 (对应D9109)M9110 步转移监控定时器起始 (对应D9110)M9111 步转移监控定时器起始 (对应D9111)M9112 步转移监控定时器起始 (对应D9112)M9113 步转移监控定时器起始 (对应D9113)M9114 步转移监控定时器起始 (对应D9114)M9180 激活步采样跟踪完成标志M9181 激活步采样跟踪执行标志M9182 激活步采样跟踪有效M9196 在块停止时控制输出M9197~9198 保险丝熔断,I/O校核出错显示切换二特殊寄存器D9000 保险丝断D9001 保险丝断D9002 I/O组件校验出错D9003 SUM指令检测位数D9004 MINI网主通讯组件出错D9005 AC掉电计数D9006 电池不足D9008 自诊断出错D9009 信号报警器检测D9010 出错步D9011 出错步D9014 I/O控制模式D9015 CPU运行状态D9016 ROM/RAM设置D9017 最小扫描时间D9018 当前扫描时间D9019 最大扫描时间D9020 恒定扫描D9021 扫描时间D9022 1秒计数器D9025 时钟数据(年,月)D9026 时钟数据(日,时)D9027 时钟数据(分,秒)D9028 时钟数据(星期)D9021~D9034 远程终端组件参数设置D9035 远程I/O组件的通讯属性D9035 扩展文件寄存器D9036 总的站数D9036~9037 供指定扩展文件寄存器软件地址D9038~9039 LED显示优先级D9044 采样跟踪D9050 SFC程序出错代码D9051 出错块D9052 出错步D9053 转移出错D9054 出错顺控步D9055 状态锁存步序号D9061 通讯出错代码D9072 PC通讯检测D9081 对远程终端模块的已执行的通讯请求数D9082 最后的站号D9090 微机子程序输入数据区首软元件号D9091 指令出错D9094 待更换的I/O组件的首地址D9095 A3VTS系统和A3VCPU的运行状态D9096 A3VCPU A自检出错D9097 A3VCPU B自检出错D9098 A3VCPU C自检出错D9099 A3VTU 自检测出错D9100~D9107 断保险丝的组件D9100 保险丝熔断的组件D9108~D9114 步转移监控定时器设置D9116~D9123 I/O组件校验出错D9124 信号器报警数量检测D9125~D9132 信号报警器地址号D9133~D9140 远程终端卡信息D9141~D9172 通讯重发次数D9173 模式设置D9174 设置重发次数D9175 线缆出错模块出错代码D9180~9193远程终端模块出错代码D9180 轴1和轴2的限位开关输出状态存储区D9181 轴3和轴4的限位开关输出状态存储区D9182 轴5和轴6的限位开关输出状态存储区D9183 轴7和轴8的限位开关输出状态存储区D9184 CPU出错的原因D9185 伺服放大器接线数据D9187 手动脉冲发生器轴设置出错D9188 在TEST模式下启动轴号请求出错D9189 出错程序号D9190 数据设置出错D9191 伺服放大器类型D9196~9199 故障站检测D9200 LRDP处理结果D9201 LWTP处理结果D9204 通讯状态D9205 执行回送的站D9206 执行回送的站D9207 通讯扫描时间(最大值)D9208 通讯扫描时间(最小值)D9209 通讯扫描时间(当前值)D9210 重发次数D9211 环路切换计数D9212 就地站运行状态(1~16)D9213 就地站运行状态(17~32)D9214 就地站运行状态(33~48)D9215 就地站运行状态(49~64)D9216 就地站出错检测(1~16)D9217 就地站出错检测(17~32)D9218 就地站出错检测(33~48)D9219 就地站出错检测(49~64)D9220 就地站参数不匹配或(1~16)远程站I/O分配出错D9221 就地站参数不匹配或(17~32)远程站I/O分配出错D9222 就地站参数不匹配或(33~48)远程站I/O分配出错D9223 就地站参数不匹配或(49~64)远程站I/O分配出错D9224 主站与从站和远程I/O站之间的初始通讯(1~16)D9225 主站与从站和远程I/O站之间的初始通讯(17~32)D9226 主站与从站和远程I/O站之间的初始通讯(33~48)D9227 主站与从站和远程I/O站之间的初始通讯(49~64)D9228 就地站或远程I/O站出错(1~16)D9229 就地站或远程I/O站出错(17~32) D9230 就地站或远程I/O站出错(33~48) D9231 就地站或远程I/O站出错(49~64) D9232 就地站或远程I/O站环路出错D9233 就地站或远程I/O站环路出错D9234 就地站或远程I/O站环路出错D9235 就地站或远程I/O站环路出错D9236 就地站或远程I/O站环路出错D9237 就地站或远程I/O站环路出错D9238 就地站或远程I/O站环路出错D9239 就地站或远程I/O站环路出错D9240 检测到接收出错的次数D9243 本站站号检测D9244 从站的总数D9245 检测到的接收出错次数D9248 就地站运行状态D9249 就地站运行状态D9250 就地站运行状态D9251 就地站运行状态D9252 就地站出错检测D9253 就地站出错检测D9254 就地站出错检测D9255 就地站出错检测各种软元件一览表项目 A1,A1NA1S A2,A2NA2C A2-S1A2N-S1 A3,A3NA3A A 2U,A3UA4UI/O软元件点 256 512 1024 2048 8192输入继电器 X 0~FF 0~1FF 0~3FF 0~7FF 0~FFF输出继电器 Y 0~FF 0~1FF 0~3FF 0~7FF 0~FFF辅助继电器内部继电器 (1000点)M0~M999 M0~M999, M2 048~8191特殊继电器 (256点)M9000~M9255锁存继电器 (1048点)L1000~L2048通讯用继电器 (2048点)B0~B3FF B0~BFFF定时器 100ms定时器 (200点)T0~T19910ms定时器 (56点)T200~T255100ms记忆定时器 (0点)计数器 (256点)C0~C255寄存器数据寄存器 (1024点)D0~D1023 D0~D6143特殊寄存器 (256点)D9000~D9255通讯寄存器 (1024点)W0~W3FF W0~WFFF累加器 (2点)A0,A1变址寄存器 (2点)Z, V Z,Z1~Z6(7点), V,V1~V6(7点) 嵌套 (8点)N0~ N7指针 (256点)P0~P255中断指针 (32点)I0~I31常数十进制 K (16位)-32768~+32767(32位)-2147483648 ~+2147483647十六进制 H (16位)0~FFFF(32位)0~FFFFFFFF。



机器人控制器选件示教器 TP1 Rev.8机器人控制器选件示教器TP1Rev.8Copyright © 2012-2021 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. All rights reserved. TP1 Rev.8i前言感谢您购买本公司的机器人系统。








商标Microsoft、Windows、Windows商标,为美国Microsoft Corporation在美国与其它国家的注册商标或商标。


本手册中的商标符号Microsoft® Windows® 8 Operating systemMicrosoft® Windows® 10 Operating system在本手册中,Windows 8和Windows 10指的是上述各操作系统。

在某些情况下,Windows一般是指Windows 8和Windows 10。





机器人系统安全手册请首先阅读本手册ii TP1 Rev.8TP1 Rev.8 iii阅读本手册之前本手册将以这些符号表示下述说明。





Optoway SPS-9110FWG**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No .38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737E-mail: sales@ http: // 12/1/2005 V2.01SPS-9110FWG / SPS-9110AFWG (RoHS Compliant)3.3V / 1310 nm / 2.125 Gbps Digital Diagnostic LC SFP SINGLE-MODE TRANSCEIVER **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************FEATURESl Hot-Pluggable SFP Footprint LC Optical Transceiver l Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) MSA compatible l Compliant with Fibre Channel 1X/2X SM-LC-L FC-PI l Compliant with IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-LX l SFF-8472 Digital Diagnostic Function l 1310 nm LD Transmitter l Distance up to 10 kml AC/AC Coupling according to MSA l Single +3.3 V Power Supply l RoHS Compliantl -10 to 85o C Operation: SPS-9110FWG l -40 to 85o C Operation: SPS-9110AFWGl Class 1 Laser International Safety Standard IEC 60825 CompliantAPPLICATIONSl ATM Switches and Routersl SONET / SDH Switch Infrastructure l XDSL Applications l Metro Edge SwitchingDESCRIPTIONThe SPS-9110FWG series single mode transceivers is small form factor pluggable module for bi-directional serial optical data communications such as Gigabit Ethernet 1000BASE-LX and Fibre Channel 1x/2x SM-LC-L FC-PI. It is with the SFP 20-pin connector to allow hot plug capability. Digital diagnostic functions are available via an I 2C. This module is designed for single mode fiber and operates at a nominal wavelength of 1310 nm. The transmitter section uses a multiple quantum well laser and is a class 1 laser compliant according to International Safety Standard IEC-60825. The receiver section uses an integrated InGaAs detector preamplifier (IDP) mounted in an optical header and a limiting post-amplifier IC.LASER SAFETYThis single mode transceiver is a Class 1 laser product. It complies with IEC 60825 and FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11. The transceiver must be operated within the specified temperature and voltage limits. The optical ports of the module shall be terminated with an optical connector or with a dust plug.ORDER INFORMATIONP/No. Bit Rate (Gb/s) FC-PI Distance (km) Wavelength (nm) Package Temp.(o C) TX Power (dBm) RX Sens. (dBm) RoHS Compliant SPS-9110FWG 2.125/1.063 200/100 10 1310 LC SFP with DMI -10 to 85 -3 to -8 -21 Yes SPS-9110AFWG2.125/1.063200/100101310LC SFP with DMI-40 to 85-3 to -8-21YesAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameterSymbol Min Max Units NotesStorage TemperatureTstg -40 85 o COperating Case Temperature Topr -10 -40 85 85 o C SPS-9110FWG SPS-9110AFWG Power Supply VoltageVcc-0.53.6VRecommended Operating ConditionsParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Units / NotesPower Supply VoltageVcc 3.1 3.3 3.5 VOperating Case Temperature Topr -10 -40 85 85 oC / SPS-9110FWG oC / SPS-9110AFWGPower Supply Current I CC (TX+RX)200 300 mA Data Rate10002125Mb/s***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No .38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737Transmitter Specifications (-10o C < Topr < 85o C, 3.1V < Vcc < 3.5V)ParameterSymbolMinTypMaxUnits Notes OpticalOptical Transmit Power Po -8 --- -3 dBm 1Output Center Wavelength λ 1270 1310 1350 nmOutput Spectrum Width ∆λ --- --- 2.5 nm RMS (σ) Extinction Ratio E R 9 --- dBOptical Modulation Amplitude (Peak-to-Peak) OMA 174 µW FC-PI Standard Optical Rise Time t r 160 ps 20 % to 80% Values Optical Fall Time t f 160 ps 20 % to 80% Values Relative Intensity Noise RIN -120 dB/HzElectricalData Input Current – Low I IL -350 µA Data Input Current – High I IH 350 µADifferential Input Voltage V IH - V IL 0.5 2.4 V Peak-to-PeakTX Disable Input Voltage – Low T DIS, L 0 0.5 V 2 TX Disable Input Voltage – High T DIS, H 2.0 Vcc V 2 TX Disable Assert Time T ASSERT 10 µs TX Disable Deassert Time T DEASSERT 1 ms TX Fault Output Voltage -- Low T FaultL 0 0.8 V 3 TX Fault Output Voltage -- High T FaultH 2.0 Vcc+0.3 V31. Output power is power coupled into a 9/125 µm single mode fiber.2. There is an internal 4.7K to 10K ohm pull-up resistor to VccTX.3. Open collector compatible,4.7K to 10K ohm pull-up to Vcc (Host Supply Voltage).Receiver Specifications (-10o C < Topr < 85o C, 3.1V < Vcc < 3.5V)ParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Units NotesOpticalSensitivity @2.125Gb/s @ BER=10-12 SENS (2X) --- --- -21 dBm 4 Sensitivity @1.25Gb/s @ BER=10-12SENS (1X)-22 dBm 4 Maximum Input Power Pin -3 dBm 4Signal Detect -- Asserted Pa --- -21 dBm Transition: low to high Signal Detect -- Deasserted Pd -30 --- --- dBm Transition: high to low Signal detect -- Hysteresis 1.0 --- dBWavelength of Operation1100---1600nmElectricalDifferential Output Voltage V OH – V OL 0.6 2.0 V Output LOS Voltage -- Low V OL 0 0.8 V 5 Output LOS Voltage -- High V OH 2.0 Vcc+0.3V54. Measured at 27-1 PRBS at BER 1E-12 @ 1300 nm.5. Open collector compatible, 4.7K to 10K ohm pull-up to Vcc (Host Supply Voltage).***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No .38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737PINSignal NameDescriptionPINSignal Name Description1 TX GND Transmitter Ground11 RX GND Receiver Ground2 TX Fault Transmitter Fault Indication12 RX DATA OUT- Inverse Receiver Data Out 3 TX Disable Transmitter Disable (Module disables on high or open)13 RX DATA OUT+ Receiver Data Out 4 MOD-DFE2 Modulation Definition 2 – Two wires serial ID Interface14 RX GND Receiver Ground5 MOD-DEF1 Modulation Definition 1 – Two wires serial ID Interface15 Vcc RX Receiver Power – 3.3V ±5% 6 MOD-DEF0 Modulation Definition 0 – Ground in Module16 Vcc TX Transmitter Power – 3.3V ±5% 7 N/C Not Connected 17 TX GNDTransmitter Ground 8 LOS Loss of Signal 18 TX DATA IN+ Transmitter Data In9 RX GND Receiver Ground 19 TX DATA IN- Inverse Transmitter Data In 10RX GNDReceiver Ground20TX GNDTransmitter GroundModule DefinitionModule DefinitionMOD-DEF2 PIN 4 MOD-DEF1 PIN 5 MOD-DEF0 PIN 6 Interpretation by Host 4SDASCLLV-TTL LowSerial module definitionprotocolModule Definition 4 specifies a serial definition protocol. For this definition, upon power up, MOD-DEF(1:2) appear as no connector (NC) and MOD-DEF(0) is TTL LOW. When the host system detects this condition, it activates the serial protocol. The protocol uses the 2-wire serial CMOS E 2PROM protocol of the ATMEL AT24C01A/02/04 family of components.*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737。



* hFE rank classification (UN9115/9116/9117/9110)
Rank hFE Q 160 to 260 R 210 to 340 S 290 to 460
UN9111/9112/9113/9114/9115/9116/9117/9118/9119/9110/ Transistors with built-in Resistor 911D/911E/911F/911H/911L/UNR911AJ/911BJ/911CJ
UN9111/9112/9113/9114/9115/9116/9117/9118/9119/9110/ Transistors with built-in Resistor 911D/911E/911F/911H/911L/UNR911AJ/911BJ/911CJ
s Electrical Characteristics
Cob — VCB
f=1MHz IE=0 Ta=25˚C
VO=–5V Ta=25˚C
–100 –30 VO= –0.2V Ta=25˚C
–10000 –3000
Collector output capacitance Cob (pF)
Output current IO (µA)
–160 –140 IB=–1.0mA Ta=25˚C –100
VCE(sat) — IC
Collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) (V)
IC/IB=10 160 VCE= –10V
hFE — IC


第 3 章 . 使用 ......................................................................................................... 15 支持的简体中文编码 ......................................................................................... 15 国标 GB2312 编码 (zh_CN.hp15CN) ........................................................ 15 国标 GB18030 编码 (zh_CN.gb18030) ..................................................... 15 Unicode (zh_CN.utf8) ................................................................................. 16 使用简体中文环境 ............................................................................................. 16 使用 HP CDE 简体中文环境 ............................................................................. 17 使用终端机仿真程序 ................................................................................. 18 在 X 终端机使用简体中文 ................................................................................ 18 设置键盘语言 ............................................................................................. 18 安装简体中文字库 ..................................................................................... 181Fra bibliotek版本说明



General DescriptionThe MAX9111/MAX9113 single/dual low-voltage differen-tial signaling (LVDS) receivers are designed for high-speed applications requiring minimum power consumption, space, and noise. Both devices support switching rates exceeding 500Mbps while operating from a single +3.3V supply, and feature ultra-low 300ps (max)pulse skew required for high-resolution imaging applica-tions such as laser printers and digital copiers.The MAX9111 is a single LVDS receiver, and the MAX9113 is a dual LVDS receiver.Both devices conform to the EIA/TIA-644 LVDS standard and convert LVDS to LVTTL/CMOS-compatible outputs.A fail-safe feature sets the outputs high when the inputs are undriven and open, terminated, or shorted. The MAX9111/MAX9113 are available in space-saving 8-pin SOT23 and SO packages. Refer to the MAX9110/MAX9112 data sheet for single/dual LVDS line drivers.________________________ApplicationsFeatureso Low 300ps (max) Pulse Skew for High-Resolution Imaging and High-Speed Interconnecto Space-Saving 8-Pin SOT23 and SO Packages o Pin-Compatible Upgrades to DS90LV018A and DS90LV028A (SO Packages Only)o Guaranteed 500Mbps Data Rateo Low 29mW Power Dissipation at 3.3V o Conform to EIA/TIA-644 Standard o Single +3.3V Supplyo Flow-Through Pinout Simplifies PC Board Layout o Fail-Safe Circuit Sets Output High for Undriven Inputso High-Impedance LVDS Inputs when Powered OffMAX9111/MAX9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers withUltra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1≥Pin Configurations/Functional Diagrams/Truth Table19-4802; Rev 0; 7/00For free samples and the latest literature, visit or phone 1-800-998-8800.For small orders, phone 1-800-835-8769.Ordering InformationLaser Printers Digital Copiers Cellular Phone Base Stations Telecom Switching EquipmentNetwork Switches/Routers LCD DisplaysBackplane Interconnect Clock DistributionTypical Operating Circuit appears at end of data sheet.M A X 9111/M A X 9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT232_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V CC = +3.0V to +3.6V, magnitude of input voltage, |V ID | = +0.1V to +1.0V, V CM = |V ID |/2 to (2.4V - (|V ID |/2)), T A = -40°C to +85°C.Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.V CC to GND..............................................................-0.3V to +4V IN_ _ to GND .........................................................-0.3V to +3.9V OUT_ _ to GND...........................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)ESD Protection All Pins(Human Body Model, IN_+, IN_-)..................................±11kV Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)8-Pin SOT23 (derate 7.52mW/°C above +70°C)..........602mW8-Pin SO (derate 5.88mW°C above +70°C).................471mW Operating Temperature RangesMAX911_E.......................................................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX9111/MAX9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers withUltra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23_______________________________________________________________________________________3T A = +25°C.Note 2:Current into the device is defined as positive. Current out of the devices is defined as negative. All voltages are referencedto ground except V TH and V TL .Note 3:Guaranteed by design, not production tested.Note 4:AC parameters are guaranteed by design and characterization.Note 5:C L includes probe and test jig capacitance.Note 6:f MAX generator output conditions: t R = t F < 1ns (0% to 100%), 50% duty cycle, V OH = 1.3V, V OL = 1.1V.Note 7:t SKD1is the magnitude difference of differential propagation delays in a channel. t SKD1= |t PLHD - t PHLD |.Note 8:t SKD2is the magnitude difference of the t PLHD or t PHLD of one channel and the t PLHD or t PHLD of the other channel on thesame device.Note 9:t SKD3is the magnitude difference of any differential propagation delays between devices at the same V CC and within 5°Cof each other.Note 10:t SKD4, is the magnitude difference of any differential propagation delays between devices operating over the rated supplyand temperature ranges.Test Circuit DiagramsM A X 9111/M A X 9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT234_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 1. Receiver Propagation Delay and Transition Time Test CircuitFigure 2. Receiver Propagation Delay and Transition Time WaveformsMAX9111/MAX9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers withUltra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23_______________________________________________________________________________________5Typical Operating Characteristics(V CC = 3.3V, |V ID | = 200mV, V CM = 1.2V, f IN = 200MHz, C L = 15pF, T A = +25°C and over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified.) VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T H I G H V O L T A G E (V )OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE2. VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T L O W V O L T A G E (m V )OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE1301201101009048585368637873833.0 3.2 3.33.1 3.4 3.53.6SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T S H O R T -C I R C U I T C U R R E N T (m A )OUTPUT SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENTvs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE1416201822243. VOLTAGE (V)D I F FE R E N T I A L T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E (m V )DIFFERENTIAL THRESHOLD VOLTAGEvs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE0.010.11101001000FREQUENCY (MHz)P O W E R -S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )0201040305060MAX9113 POWER-SUPPLY CURRENTvs. FREQUENCY-4010-15356085TEMPERATURE (°C)P O W E R -S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )POWER-SUPPLY CURRENTvs. TEMPERATURE6. 3.53.6DIFFERENTIAL PROPAGATION DELAYvs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)D I F FE R E N T I A L P R O P A G A T I O N D E L A Y (n s )1.501.601.551.651.751.701.801.851.902.001.952. PROPAGATION DELAYvs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)D I F FE R E N T I A L P R O P A G A T I O N D E L A Y (n s )1201008060403. 3.4 3.53.6DIFFERENTIAL PULSE SKEW vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 9111 t o c 09SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)D I F FE R E N T I A L S K E W (n s )M A X 9111/M A X 9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT236_______________________________________________________________________________________1. PROPAGATION DELAY vs. DIFFERENTIAL INPUT VOLTAGEDIFFERENTIAL INPUT VOLTAGE (mV)D I F F E R E N T I A L P R O P A G A T I O N D E L A Y (n s )050150100200250-4010-15356085TEMPERATURE (°C)D I F FE R E N T I A L S K E W (p s )DIFFERENTIAL PULSE SKEWvs. TEMPERATURE1. PROPAGATION DELAY vs. COMMON-MODE VOLTAGECOMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (V)D I F FE R E N T I A L P R O P A G A T I O N D E L A Y (n s )330430380530480630580680-4010-15356085TEMPERATURE (°C)T R A N S I T I O N T I M E (p s )TRANSITION TIME vs. TEMPERATURE1. (pF)D I F FE R E N T I A L P R O P A G A T I O N D E L A Y (n s )DIFFERENTIAL PROPAGATION DELAYvs. LOADTypical Operating Characteristics (continued)2006001000140018002200102015253035404550TRANSITION TIME vs. LOADLOAD (pF)T R A N S I T I O N T I M E (p s )(V CC = 3.3V, |V ID | = 200mV, V CM = 1.2V, f IN = 200MHz, C L = 15pF, T A = +25°C and over recommended operating conditions,unless otherwise specified.)MAX9111/MAX9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers withUltra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23_______________________________________________________________________________________7_______________Detailed DescriptionLVDS InputsThe MAX9111/MAX9113 feature LVDS inputs for inter-facing high-speed digital circuitry. The LVDS interface standard is a signaling method intended for point-to-point communication over a controlled impedance media, as defined by the ANSI/EIA/TIA-644 standards.The technology uses low-voltage signals to achieve fast transition times, minimize power dissipation, and noise immunity. Receivers such as the MAX9111/MAX9113convert LVDS signals to CMOS/LVTTL signals at rates in excess of 500Mbps. The devices are capable of detecting differential signals as low as 100mV and as high as 1V within a 0V to 2.4V input voltage range . The LVDS standard specifies an input voltage range of 0 to 2.4V referenced to ground.Fail-SafeThe fail-safe feature sets the output to a high state when the inputs are undriven and open, terminated, or shorted. When using one channel in the MAX9113,leave the unused channel open.ESD ProtectionAs with all Maxim devices, ESD-protection structures are incorporated on all pins to protect against electrostatic discharges encountered during handling and assembly.The receiver inputs of the MAX9111/MAX9113 have extra protection against static electricity. Maxim ’s engineers have developed state-of-the-art structures to protect these pins against ESD of ±11kV without damage. The ESD structures withstand high ESD in all states: normal operation, shutdown, and powered down.ESD protection can be tested in various ways; the receiver inputs of this product family are characterized for protection to the limit of ±11kV using the H uman Body Model.Human Body ModelFigure 3a shows the H uman Body Model, and Figure 3b shows the current waveform it generates when dis-charged into a low impedance. This model consists of a 100pF capacitor charged to the ESD voltage of inter-est, which is then discharged into the test device through a 1.5k Ωresistor.__________Applications InformationSupply BypassingBypass V CC with high-frequency surface-mount ceram-ic 0.1µF and 0.001µF capacitors in parallel, as close to the device as possible, with the 0.001µF valued capaci-tor the closest to the device. For additional supply bypassing, place a 10µF tantalum or ceramic capacitor at the point where power enters the circuit board.Differential TracesOutput trace characteristics affect the performance of the MAX9111/MAX9113. Use controlled impedance traces to match trace impedance to both transmission medium impedance and the termination resistor.Eliminate reflections and ensure that noise couples as common mode by running the differential traces close together. Reduce skew by matching the electrical length of the traces. Excessive skew can result in a degradation of magnetic field cancellation.Maintain the distance between the differential traces to avoid discontinuities in differential impedance. Avoid 90°turns and minimize the number of vias to further prevent impedance discontinuities.Cables and ConnectorsTransmission media should have a differential charac-teristic impedance of about 100Ω. Use cables and con-nectors that have matched impedance to minimize impedance discontinuities.Avoid the use of unbalanced cables such as ribbon or simple coaxial cable. Balanced cables such as twisted pair offer superior signal quality and tend to generate less EMI due to canceling effects. Balanced cables tend to pick up noise as common mode, which is rejected by the LVDS receiver.TerminationTermination resistors should match the differential char-acteristic impedance of the transmission line. Because the MAX9111/MAX9113 are current steering devices,an output voltage will not be generated without a termi-nation resistor. Output voltage levels depend upon the value of the termination resistor. Resistance values may range from 75Ωto 150Ω.Minimize the distance between the termination resistor and receiver inputs. Use a single 1% to 2% surface-mount resistor across the receiver inputs.Board LayoutFor LVDS applications, a four-layer PC board that pro-vides separate power, ground, LVDS signals, and input signals is recommended. Isolate the input and LVDS signals from each other to prevent coupling. For best results, separate the input and LVDS signal planes with the power and ground planes.M A X 9111/M A X 9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT238_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 3a. Human Body ESD Test Modules Figure 3b. Human Body Current WaveformMAX9111/MAX9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers withUltra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23_______________________________________________________________________________________9Typical Operating CircuitChip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT:MAX9111: 675MAX9113: 675PROCESS: CMOSM A X 9111/M A X 9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT2310______________________________________________________________________________________Package InformationMAX9111/MAX9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23______________________________________________________________________________________11Package Information (continued)M A X 9111/M A X 9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embod ied in a Maxim prod uct. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.12____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2000 Maxim Integrated Products Printed USA is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.NOTES。



LOC111中⽂资料LOC111Linear OptocouplersApplicationsFeaturesDescriptionApprovalsOrdering Information Pin ConfigurationLOC111 is a linear optocoupler for use in telecom, med-ical and power supply isolation circuits. They are available in 8 pin DIP , surface mount or flatpack packages.Modem Transformer Replacement With No Insertion LossDigital Telephone IsolationPower Supply Feedback Voltage/Current Medical Sensor Isolation Audio Signal InterfacingIsolation of Process Control TransducersUL Recognized: File Number E76270CSA Certified: File Number LR 43639-10BSI Certified:BS EN 60950:1992 (BS7002:1992)Certificate #:7344 BS EN 41003:1993Certificate #:73448 Pin Flatpack or DIP PAckage (PCMCIA Compatible)?Couples Analog and Digital Signals ?Wide Bandwidth (>200kHz)?High Gain StabilityLow Input/Output Capacitance Low Power Consumption 0.01% Servo Linearity THD 87dB TypicalMachine Insertable, Wave SolderableSurface Mount and Tape Reel Versions Available VDE CompatibleLOC111 PinoutDLED +LED +V cc 1I1NC NC +V cc 2I 2LOC111Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure of the device to the absolute maximum ratings for an extended period may degrade the device and effect its reliability.Absolute Maximum Ratings (@ 25o C)Electrical Characteristics2Derate Linearly 6.67 mW/°CK3 Sorted Bins Bin A= 0.550-0.605Bin B = 0.606-0.667Bin C = 0.668-0.732Bin D = 0.733-0.805Bin E = 0.806-0.886Bin F = 0.887-0.974Bin G = 0.975-1.072Bin H = 1.073-1.179Bin I = 1.180-1.297Bin J= 1.298-1.426The LOC110/LOC111/LOC112 are shipped in anti-static tubes of 50pieces. Each tube will contain one K3 sorted bin.Bin designation marked on each device (A-J).Orders for the LOC110 product will be shipped using bins available at the date of the order. Any bin (A-J) can be shipped.For customers requiring selected bins D E F G we offer part num-bers LOC111 or LOC112.LOC111Performance Data*The Performance data shown in the graphs above is typical of device performance. For guaranteed parameters not indicated in the written specifications, please contact our application department.LOC111Dimensionsmm (inches)Mechanical DimensionsCPC7581 Mechanical DimensionsDimensionsmm(inches)CLARE LOCATIONSClare Headquarters78 Cherry Hill DriveBeverly, MA01915Tel: 1-978-524-6700Fax: 1-978-524-4900Toll Free: 1-800-27-CLARE Clare Micronix Division 145 ColumbiaAliso Viejo, CA92656-1490 Tel: 1-949-831-4622Fax: 1-949-831-4628SALES OFFICES AMERICASAmericas HeadquartersClare78 Cherry Hill DriveBeverly, MA01915Tel: 1-978-524-6700Fax: 1-978-524-4900Toll Free: 1-800-27-CLARE Eastern RegionClareP.O. Box 856Mahwah, NJ 07430Tel: 1-201-236-0101Fax: 1-201-236-8685Toll Free: 1-800-27-CLARE Central RegionClare Canada Ltd.3425 Harvester Road, Suite 202 Burlington, Ontario L7N 3N1 Tel: 1-905-333-9066 Fax: 1-905-333-1824Western RegionClare1852 West 11th Street, #348 Tracy, CA95376Tel: 1-209-832-4367Fax: 1-209-832-4732Toll Free: 1-800-27-CLARE CanadaClare Canada Ltd.3425 Harvester Road, Suite 202 Burlington, Ontario L7N 3N1 Tel: 1-905-333-9066 Fax: 1-905-333-1824EUROPEEuropean HeadquartersCP Clare nvBampslaan 17B-3500 Hasselt (Belgium)Tel: 32-11-300868Fax: 32-11-300890FranceClare France SalesLead Rep99 route de Versailles 91160 ChamplanFranceTel: 33 1 69 79 93 50Fax: 33 1 69 79 93 59 GermanyClare Germany Sales ActiveComp Electronic GmbH Mitterstrasse 1285077 ManchingGermanyTel: 49 8459 3214 10Fax: 49 8459 3214 29ItalyC.L.A.R.E.s.a.s.Via C. Colombo 10/AI-20066 Melzo (Milano) Tel: 39-02-95737160Fax: 39-02-95738829 SwedenClare SalesComptronic ABBox 167S-16329 Sp?ngaTel: 46-862-10370Fax: 46-862-10371United KingdomClare UK SalesMarco Polo HouseCook WayBindon RoadTauntonUK-Somerset TA2 6BG Tel: 44-1-823 352541Fax: 44-1-823 352797ASIA PACIFICAsian HeadquartersClareRoom N1016, Chia-Hsin, Bldg II,10F, No. 96, Sec. 2Chung Shan North RoadTaipei, Taiwan R.O.C.Tel: 886-2-2523-6368Fax: 886-2-2523-6369/doc/0fd841f2770bf78a64295400.html Worldwide Sales OfficesSpecification: DS-LOC111-R6Copyright 2001, Clare, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in USA.02/23/01Clare cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in this Clare product. No circuit patent licenses nor indemnity are expressed or implied. Clare reserves the right to change the specification and circuitry, with-out notice at any time. The products described in this document are not intended for use in medical implantation or other direct life support applications where malfunction may result in direct phys-ical harm, injury or death to a person.。

S-T111B19MC-OGETFG,S-T111B20MC-OGFTFG,S-T111B21MC-OGGTFG,S-T111B22MC-OGHTFG, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

S-T111B19MC-OGETFG,S-T111B20MC-OGFTFG,S-T111B21MC-OGGTFG,S-T111B22MC-OGHTFG, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

S-T111 SeriesHIGH RIPPLE-REJECTION LOW DROPOUT CMOS VOLTAGE REGULATOR© Seiko Instruments Inc., 2003-2010Rev.3.0_00 The S-T111 Series is a positive voltage regulator with a low dropout voltage, high output voltage accuracy, and low current consumption developed based on CMOS technology.A built-in low on-resistance transistor provides a low dropout voltage and large output current, and a built-in overcurrent protector prevents the load current from exceeding the current capacitance of the output transistor. An ON/OFF circuit ensures a long battery life. Compared with the voltage regulators using the conventional CMOS process, a larger variety of capacitors are available, including small ceramic capacitors. A small SOT-23-5 package realizes high-density mounting.Features• Output voltage: 1.5 V to 5.5 V, selectable in 0.1 V steps.• High-accuracy output voltage: ±1.0%• Low dropout voltage: 190 mV typ. (3.0 V output product, I OUT = 100 mA)• Low current consumption: During operation: 50 μA typ., 90 μA max.During shutdown: 0.1 μA typ., 1.0 μA max.• High peak current capability: 150 mA output is possible (at V IN ≥ V OUT(S) + 1.0 V)*1• Built-in ON/OFF circuit: Ensures long battery life.• Low ESR capacitor can be used: A ceramic capacitor of 0.1 μF or more can be used for the outputcapacitor.• High ripple rejection: 80 dB typ. (at 1.0 kHz)• Built-in overcurrent protector: Overcurrent of output transistor can be restricted.• Lead-free, Sn 100%, halogen-free*2*1. Attention should be paid to the power dissipation of the package when the output current is large.*2. Refer to “ Product Name Structure” for details.Applications• Power supply for battery-powered devices• Power supply for personal communication devices• Power supply for home electric/electronic appliances• Power supply for cellular phonesPackage• SOT-23-5S-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc.2 Block DiagramVIN VSSVOUTON/OFF *1. Parasitic diodeFigure 1Rev.3.0_00 S-T111 SeriesProduct Name Structure• The product types and output voltage for the S-T111 Series can be selected at the user’s request.Refer to the “1. Product Name ” for the construction of the product name, “2. Package ” regarding the package drawings and “3. Product Name List ” for the full product names.1. Product namewhen the output voltage is 1.5 V, *1SOT-23-5*2*3A: ON/OFF pin negative logic B: ON/OFF pin positive logic*1. Refer to the tape specifications at the end of this book. *2. Refer to the product name list.*3. Refer to 3. Shutdown (ON/OFF pin) in the “ Operation ”.2. PackageDrawing CodePackage NamePackage Tape ReelSOT-23-5 MP005-A-P-SD MP005-A-C-SD MP005-A-R-SDS-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc.4 3. Product name listTable 1Output Voltage Product Name1.5V±1.0%S-T111B15MC-OGATFx 1.6V±1.0%S-T111B16MC-OGBTFx 1.7V±1.0%S-T111B17MC-OGCTFx 1.8V±1.0%S-T111B18MC-OGDTFx 1.9V±1.0%S-T111B19MC-OGETFx 2.0V±1.0%S-T111B20MC-OGFTFx 2.1V±1.0%S-T111B21MC-OGGTFx 2.2V±1.0%S-T111B22MC-OGHTFx 2.3V±1.0%S-T111B23MC-OGITFx 2.4V±1.0%S-T111B24MC-OGJTFx 2.5V±1.0%S-T111B25MC-OGKTFx 2.6V±1.0%S-T111B26MC-OGLTFx 2.7V±1.0%S-T111B27MC-OGMTFx 2.8V±1.0%S-T111B28MC-OGNTFx 2.9V±1.0%S-T111B29MC-OGOTFx 3.0V±1.0%S-T111B30MC-OGPTFx 3.1V±1.0%S-T111B31MC-OGQTFx 3.2V±1.0%S-T111B32MC-OGRTFx 3.3V±1.0%S-T111B33MC-OGSTFx 3.4V±1.0%S-T111B34MC-OGTTFx 3.5V±1.0%S-T111B35MC-OGUTFx 3.6V±1.0%S-T111B36MC-OGVTFx 3.7V±1.0%S-T111B37MC-OGWTFx 3.8V±1.0%S-T111B38MC-OGXTFx 3.9V±1.0%S-T111B39MC-OGYTFx 4.0V±1.0%S-T111B40MC-OGZTFx 4.1V±1.0%S-T111B41MC-OHATFx 4.2V±1.0%S-T111B42MC-OHBTFx 4.3V±1.0%S-T111B43MC-OHCTFx 4.4V±1.0%S-T111B44MC-OHDTFx 4.5V±1.0%S-T111B45MC-OHETFx 4.6V±1.0%S-T111B46MC-OHFTFx 4.7V±1.0%S-T111B47MC-OHGTFx 4.8V±1.0%S-T111B48MC-OHHTFx 4.9V±1.0%S-T111B49MC-OHITFx 5.0V±1.0%S-T111B50MC-OHJTFx 5.1V±1.0%S-T111B51MC-OHKTFx 5.2V±1.0%S-T111B52MC-OHLTFx 5.3V±1.0%S-T111B53MC-OHMTFx 5.4V±1.0%S-T111B54MC-OHNTFx 5.5V±1.0%S-T111B55MC-OHOTFx Remark 1. Please contact our sales office for products with type A. 2. x: G or U 3. Please select products of environmental code = U for Sn 100%, halogen-free products.Rev.3.0_00 S-T111 SeriesPin ConfigurationTable 2Pin No. Symbol Description1 ON/OFF Shutdown pin2 VSS GNDpin3 NC *1No connection 4 VOUT Output voltage pin 5 VIN Input voltage pin*1. The NC pin is electrically open. The NC pin can be connected to VIN or VSS.5 4 1 3 2SOT-23-5Top viewFigure 2Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 3(Ta = 25°C unless otherwise specified)ItemSymbol Absolute Maximum Rating UnitV IN V SS − 0.3 to V SS + 7V Input voltage V ON/OFF V SS − 0.3 to V IN + 0.3V Output voltage V OUT V SS − 0.3 to V IN + 0.3V 300 (When not mounted on board) mWPower dissipationP D600*1mW Operating ambient temperature T opr −40 to +85 °C Storage temperature T stg −40 to +125 °C*1. When mounted on board[Mounted board](1) Board size : 114.3 mm × 76.2 mm × t1.6 mm (2) Board name : JEDEC STANDARD51-7Caution The absolute maximum ratings are rated values exceeding which the product could sufferphysical damage. These values must therefore not be exceeded under any conditions.P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (P D ) [m W ]Figure 3 Power Dissipation of Package (When Mounted on Board)S-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc. 6Electrical CharacteristicsTable 4*1. V OUT(S): Specified output voltageV OUT(E): Actual output voltage at the fixed load The output voltage when fixing I OUT (= 30 mA) and inputting V OUT(S) + 1.0 V*2. The output current at which the output voltage becomes 95% of V OUT(E) after gradually increasing the output current. *3. V drop = V IN1 − (V OUT3 × 0.98) V OUT3 is the output voltage when V IN = V OUT(S) + 1.0 V and I OUT = 50 mA or I OUT = 100 mA.V IN1 is the input voltage at which the output voltage becomes 98% of V OUT3 after gradually decreasing the input voltage.*4. The change in temperature [mV/°C] is calculated using the following equation.1000]C /ppm [V Ta V ]V [V ]C /mV [Ta V OUT OUT )S (OUT OUT ÷°•ΔΔ×=°ΔΔ*3*2*1*1. The change in temperature of the output voltage *2. Specified output voltage*3. Output voltage temperature coefficient*5. The output current can be at least this value.Due to restrictions on the package power dissipation, this value may not be satisfied. Attention should be paid to the power dissipation of the package when the output current is large. This specification is guaranteed by design.Rev.3.0_00 S-T111 SeriesTest Circuits1.Figure 42.Figure 53.Figure 64.LFigure 75.LFigure 8S-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc.8 Standard Circuit*1. C IN is a capacitor for stabilizing the input. *2. A ceramic capacitor of 0.1 μF or more can be used for C L .Figure 9Caution The above connection diagram and constant will not guarantee successful operation.Perform thorough evaluation using the actual application to set the constant.Application ConditionsInput capacitor (C IN ): 0.1 μF or more Output capacitor (C L ): 0.1 μF or more ESR of output capacitor: 10 Ω or lessCaution A general series regulator may oscillate, depending on the external components selected.Check that no oscillation occurs with the application using the above capacitor.Selection of Input and Output Capacitors (C IN , C L )The S-T111 Series requires an output capacitor between the VOUT and VSS pins for phase compensation. Operation is stabilized by a ceramic capacitor with an output capacitance of 0.1 μF or more in the entire temperature range. However, when using an OS capacitor, tantalum capacitor, or aluminum electrolytic capacitor, a ceramic capacitor with a capacitance of 0.1 μF or more and an ESR of 10 Ω or less is required. The value of the output overshoot or undershoot transient response varies depending on the value of the output capacitor. The required capacitance of the input capacitor differs depending on the application.The recommended value for an application is 1.0 μF or more for C IN and 0.47 μF or more for C L ; however, when selecting the output capacitor, perform sufficient evaluation, including evaluation of temperature characteristics, on the actual device.Rev.3.0_00 S-T111 SeriesExplanation of Terms1. Low dropout voltage regulatorThe low dropout voltage regulator is a voltage regulator whose dropout voltage is low due to its built-inlow on-resistance transistor. 2. Low ESRA capacitor whose ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) is low. The S-T111 Series enables use of a low ESR capacitor, such as a ceramic capacitor, for the output-side capacitor C L . A capacitor whose ESR is 10 Ω or less can be used. 3. Output voltage (V OUT )The accuracy of the output voltage is ensured at ±1.0% under the specified conditions of fixed input voltage *1, fixed output current, and fixed temperature. *1. Differs depending on the product.Caution If the above conditions change, the output voltage value may vary and exceed theaccuracy range of the output voltage. Please see the “Electrical Characteristics” and attached characteristics data for details. 4. Line Regulation ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛•OUTIN OUT1V ΔV ΔV Indicates the dependency of the output voltage on the input voltage. That is, the values show how much the output voltage changes due to a change in the input voltage with the output current remaining unchanged.5. Load regulation (ΔV OUT2)Indicates the dependency of the output voltage on the output current. That is, the values show how much the output voltage changes due to a change in the output current with the input voltage remaining unchanged.6. Dropout voltage (V drop )Indicates the difference between the input voltage V IN1, which is the input voltage (V IN ) at the point where the output voltage has fallen to 98% of the output voltage value V OUT3 after V IN was gradually decreased from V IN = V OUT(S) + 1.0 V, and the output voltage at that point (V OUT3 × 0.98). V drop = V IN1 − (V OUT3 × 0.98)S-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc.10 7. Temperature Coefficient of Output Voltage ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛•OUTOUTV ΔTa ΔV The shadowed area in Figure 10 is the range where V OUT varies in the operating temperature range when the temperature coefficient of the output voltage is ±100 ppm/°C.V OUT(E)*1Ex. S-T111B28 Typ.−40 25 °CV OUT *1. V OUT(E) is the value of the output voltage measured at 25°C.85 Ta [°C]°CFigure 10A change in the temperature of the output voltage [mV/°C] is calculated using the following equation. [][][]1000C ppm/V Ta V V V C mV/TaVOUTOUTOUT(S)OUT÷°•ΔΔ×=°ΔΔ3*2**1*1. Change in temperature of output voltage *2. Specified output voltage*3. Output voltage temperature coefficientRev.3.0_00S-T111 SeriesOperation1. Basic operationFigure 11 shows the block diagram of the S-T111 Series.The error amplifier compares the reference voltage (V ref) with V fb, which is the output voltage resistance-divided by feedback resistors R s and R f.It supplies the output transistor with the gate voltage necessary to ensure a certain output voltage free of any fluctuations of input voltage and temperature.*1.Parasitic diodeFigure 112. Output transistorThe S-T111 Series uses a low on-resistance P-channel MOS FET as the output transistor.Be sure that V OUT does not exceed V IN + 0.3 V to prevent the voltage regulator from being damaged due to inverse current flowing from the VOUT pin through a parasitic diode to the VIN pin.S-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc.12 3. Shutdown pin (ON/OFF pin) This pin starts and stops the regulator.When the ON/OFF pin is set to the shutdown level, the operation of all internal circuits stops, and the built-in P-channel MOS FET output transistor between the VIN pin and VOUT pin is turned off to substantiallyreduce the current consumption. The VOUT pin becomes the V SS level due to the internally divided resistance of several M Ω between the VOUT pin and VSS pin.The structure of the ON/OFF pin is as shown in Figure 12. Since the ON/OFF pin is neither pulled down nor pulled up internally, do not use it in the floating state. In addition, note that the current consumption increases if a voltage of 0.3 V to V IN – 0.3 V is applied to the ON/OFF pin. When the ON/OFF pin is not used, connect it to the VSS pin if the logic type is “A” and to the VIN pin if it is “B”.Table 5Logic TypeON/OFF Pin Internal Circuits VOUT Pin VoltageCurrent ConsumptionA “L”: Power on Operating Set value I SS1 A “H”: Power off Stopped V SS level ISS2 B “L”: Power off Stopped V SS level I SS2 B “H”: Power onOperatingSet valueI SS1VINFigure 12Rev.3.0_00S-T111 SeriesPrecautions•Wiring patterns for the VIN, VOUT and GND pins should be designed so that the impedance is low.When mounting an output capacitor between the VOUT and VSS pins (C L) and a capacitor for stabilizing the input between VIN and VSS pins (C IN), the distance from the capacitors to these pins should be as short as possible.•Note that the output voltage may increase when a series regulator is used at low load current (1.0 mA or less).•Generally a series regulator may cause oscillation, depending on the selection of external parts. The following conditions are recommended for this IC. However, be sure to perform sufficient evaluation under the actual usage conditions for selection, including evaluation of temperature characteristics.Input capacitor (C IN): 1.0μF or moreOutput capacitor (C L): 0.47μF or moreEquivalent series resistance (ESR): 10 Ω or less•The voltage regulator may oscillate when the impedance of the power supply is high and the input capacitor is small or an input capacitor is not connected.•The application conditions for the input voltage, output voltage, and load current should not exceed the package power dissipation.•Do not apply an electrostatic discharge to this IC that exceeds the performance ratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit.•In determining the output current, attention should be paid to the output current value specified in Table4 in the “ Electrical Characteristics” and footnote *5 of the table.•SII claims no responsibility for any disputes arising out of or in connection with any infringement by products including this IC of patents owned by a third party.S-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc.14 Typical Characteristics(1) Output Voltage vs. Output current (when load current increases) S-T111B15 (Ta = 25°C)S-T111B30 (Ta = 25°C)V O U T [V ]1002003004005006001. O U T [V ]2003004005001006003. OUT [mA]I OUT [mA]S-T111B50 (Ta = 25°C)V O U T [V ]2003004001005006543210600I OUT [mA]Remark In determining the output current, attention should be paid to the following. 1) The minimum output current value and footnote *5 in the “ Electrical Characteristics ” 2) The package power dissipation(2) Output voltage vs. Input voltageS-T111B15 (Ta = 25°C)S-T111B30 (Ta = 25°C)V O U T [V ] O U T [V ] IN [V]V IN [V]S-T111B50 (Ta = 25°C)V O U T [V ] IN [V]Rev.3.0_00 S-T111 Series(3) Dropout voltage vs. Output currentS-T111B15 S-T111B30V d r o p [V ]0501001502000.450.400.350.300. d r o p [V ]0501001502000.450.400.350.300. OUT [mA]I OUT [mA]S-T111B50V d r o p [V ]050100150200I OUT [mA](4) Dropout voltage vs. Set output voltageV d r o p [V ]0.400.350.300. OTA [V]S-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc.16(5) Output voltage vs. Ambient temperatureS-T111B15 S-T111B30V O U T [V ]1.601.551.501.451.4025–2575100–5050V O U T [V ]0 25 –50–2550751003. [°C]Ta [°C]S-T111B50V O U T [V ]100755025–25–505. [°C](6) Current consumption vs. Input voltageS-T111B15 S-T111B30I S S 1 [μA ]8642I S S 1 [μA]6 4 2 0 1201008060402008V IN [V]V IN [V]S-T111B50I S S 1 [μA ]2 4 6 8V IN [V]Rev.3.0_00 S-T111 Series(7) Ripple rejectionS-T111B15 (Ta = 25°C) S-T111B30 (Ta = 25°C) V IN = 2.5 V, C OUT = 0.47 μFV IN = 4.0 V, C OUT = 0.47 μFR i p p l e R e j e c t i o n [d B ]1001k10k100k 101M100806040200R i p p l e R e j e c t i o n [d B ]1001k10k 100k 101M100806040200Frequency [Hz]Frequency [Hz]S-T111B50 (Ta = 25°C) V IN = 6.0 V, C OUT = 0.47 μFR i p p l e R e j e c t i o n [d B ]1001k10k100k101M100806040200Frequency [Hz]S-T111 SeriesRev.3.0_00Seiko Instruments Inc.18Reference Data(1) Input transient response characteristicsS-T111B15 (Ta = 25°C)S-T111B30 (Ta = 25°C)I OUT = 30 mA, tr = tf = 5.0 μs, C OUT = 0.47 μF, C IN = 0 μF I OUT = 30 mA, tr = tf = 5.0 μs, C OUT = 0.47 μF, C IN = 0 μFV O U T [V ]1.46 I N [V ]V O U T [V]-40-200204060801001201401606 543 2 1 0V I N [V ]t [μs]t [μs]S-T111B50 (Ta = 25°C)I OUT = 30 mA, tr = tf = 5.0 μs, C OUT = 0.47 μF, C IN = 0 μFV O U T [V ]4.968 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0-40-20020406080100120140160V I N [V ]t [μs](2) Load transient response characteristicsS-T111B15 (Ta = 25°C)S-T111B30 (Ta = 25°C)V IN = 2.5 V, C OUT = 0.47 μF, C IN = 1.0 μF, I OUT = 50↔100 mAV IN = 4.0 V, C OUT = 0.47 μF, C IN = 1.0 μF, I OUT = 50↔100 mAV O U T [V ]020406080100120140-40-201601.40150100500 –50–100–150I O U T [m A ]V O UT [V ]20406080100120140-40-20160150100500 –50–100–150I O U T [m A ]t [μs]t [μs]S-T111B50 (Ta = 25°C)V IN = 6.0 V, C OUT = 0.47 μF, C IN = 1.0 μF, I OUT = 50↔100 mAV O U T [V]020406080100120140-40-201604.90150100500 –50–100–150I O U T [m A ]t [μs]Rev.3.0_00 S-T111 Series(3) Shutdown pin transient response characteristicsS-T111B15 (Ta = 25°C)S-T111B30 (Ta = 25°C)V IN = 2.5 V, C OUT = 0.47 μF, C IN = 1.0 μF, I OUT = 100 mAV IN = 4.0 V, C OUT = 0.47 μF, C IN = 1.0 μF, I OUT = 100 mAV O U T [V ] 1.2 1.4-0.4-0.21.63 21 0 –1 –2–3543210–1V O N /O F F [V ]V O U T [V ] 1.2 1.4-0.4-0.21.66 420 –2 –4–61086420–2V O N /O F F [V ]t [ms]t [ms]•The information described herein is subject to change without notice.•Seiko Instruments Inc. is not responsible for any problems caused by circuits or diagrams described herein whose related industrial properties, patents, or other rights belong to third parties. The application circuit examples explain typical applications of the products, and do not guarantee the success of any specific mass-production design.•When the products described herein are regulated products subject to the Wassenaar Arrangement or other agreements, they may not be exported without authorization from the appropriate governmental authority. •Use of the information described herein for other purposes and/or reproduction or copying without the express permission of Seiko Instruments Inc. is strictly prohibited.•T he products described herein cannot be used as part of any device or equipment affecting the human body, such as exercise equipment, medical equipment, security systems, gas equipment, or any apparatus installed in airplanes and other vehicles, without prior written permission of Seiko Instruments Inc.•T he products described herein are not designed to be radiation-proof.•A lthough Seiko Instruments Inc. exerts the greatest possible effort to ensure high quality and reliability, the failure or malfunction of semiconductor products may occur. The user of these products should therefore give thorough consideration to safety design, including redundancy, fire-prevention measures, and。


S1151 产品目录
1.火灾报警控制器 ........................................................................................I/H47 交互式系统控制器 ..................................................................................................... 1 FS1120 CC114x-CT/I/H67 交互式系统控制器 .............................................................................................. 2 FS1120 CI1142/I/Rack 交互式系统控制器 (上柜式)................................................................................... 3 FS1120 CC114x-/I/Rack 交互式系统控制器 (上柜式)................................................................................ 4 消防辅助设备扩充机柜 (上柜式)................................................................................................................. 5
2. S1151 交互式探测回路设备 ..................................................................................... 6

Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip HS300 1910012446 REV1

Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip HS300 1910012446 REV1

User GuideKasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip, 6-OutletsHS3001910012446 REV1.0.0ContentsAbout This Guide (1)Introduction (2)Appearance (3)Set Up Y our Smart Power Strip (4)Main Device Controls (5)Configure Your Smart Power Strip (6)Create Scenes (8)Discover Kasa (9)Authentication (10)About This GuideThis guide provides a brief introduction to Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip and the Kasa app, as well as regulatory information.Please note that features of Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip may vary slightly depending on the model and software version you have, and on your location, language and internet service provider. All images, parameters and descriptions documented in this guide are used for demonstration only.ConventionsMore Info• Specifications can be found on the product page at https://.• Our T echnical Support and troubleshooting information can be found at https:///support.12Introduction With independent control of 6 smart outlets and always-on USB ports to charge 3 others, the Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip is ideal for family rooms, home offices and small businesses. Download the Kasa app and control your outlets remotely. The Kasa app provides easy step-by-step installation instructions and convenient remote control from anywhere.•6 Smart Outlets - Independently control 6 smart outlets from your smartphone with the Kasa Smart app.•Surge Protection - ETL certified surge protection shields electronics from power surges and overloading.•3 USB Ports - Charge your tablet, smartphone, or other devices using the always-on USB ports.•Energy Monitoring - Monitor energy consumption of devices plugged into your smart power strip.•No Hub Required - Connect to your existing Wi-Fi router.•Scheduling - Set a schedule to automatically turn devices on and off.•Voice Control - Use Alexa, Google Assistant to control your devices with voice commands.Surge Protection No Hub Required Control from Anywhere Individual Control Energy MonitoringSchedulingSupported Load Types:Coffee Maker: 800 W Heater: 1500 W T oaster: 850 WDesk Lamp: 235.2 W Humidifier: 260 W T ower Fan: 50 WLCD: 270 W Iron: 1500 W3AppearanceSmart Power Strip has 6 individual smart outlets, with control buttons to turn on/off devices plugged in and LEDs to show you the current status. SYS,Grounded LED Lit up when it is grounded normally.Protected LEDLit up when it is under surge protection.Smart Outlet (1-6 from left to right)Plug in your device and control it from your smartphone.Each outlet is independent. LED of Smart Outlet (1-6 from left to right)Lit up when the corresponding smart outlet is on.Control Button (1-6 from left to right)Press the control button to turn on or off the corresponding outlet.Press and hold a control button for 5s to reenable setup mode.Press and hold a control button for 10s to restore your Smart Power Strip to factory default settings.USB Port Charge your tablet, smartphone or other devices.Output: 5V/2.4A each; 5V/4A total Blinking Orange Resetting.Blinking Green Searching for Wi-Fi.RedNo Wi-Fi connection.Blinking Orange and Green Setup mode initiated.SYS Wi-Fi LEDOrangeRebooting.White Connected to Wi-Fi network successfully.Main Switch Turn on or off your Smart Power Strip.4Set Up Y our Smart Power Strip Follow the steps below to set up your Smart Power Strip via Kasa Smart app.1.Download and install Kasa app Go to Google Play or the Apple App Store or scan the QR code below to download the Kasa app on your Android or iOS smartphoneor tablet. 2.Log in or sign up with TP-Link ID Open the app. Use your TP-Link ID to log in. If you don’t have a TP-Link ID,tap Create Account and the Kasa app will guide youthrough the rest. 3.Add Device T ap the + button in the Kasa app, select SmartPower Strip and then follow step-by-step appinstructions to complete the setup.Main Device ControlsAfter you successfully set up your Smart Power Strip, you will see the home page of the Kasa app. Here you can view the status of all devices that you've added to Kasa and manage them. There are 6 smart outlets of HS300 and you can tap on a smart outlet to control and manage.Device StatusHome Page56Configure Y our Smart Power Strip On Device Status page, you can set Schedule, preset Away Mode, set Timer, check Usage and change the settings of your smart outlet.Set Schedule Tap to set a schedule for your smartoutlet to simplify your daily routine by creatingautomatic On/Off action.Preset Away Mode Tap to preset the Away Mode and your smart outlet will be randomly turned on /offduring this time.7Set TimerT ap to set the timer and your smart outletwill automatically turn on/off after the time ends. Device Settings Tap to view and change the settings ofyour smart outlet. Check Usage T apto view and track energy consumption.Create ScenesA scene is a preset group of smart devices that can be programmed, customized and activated simultaneously at the touch of a button from your smartphone or tablet, allowing you to easily set your mood, activity or fit any special occasion. This page allows you to preset how your smart homedevices should act automatically at special occasions.8Discover KasaUse the Kasa app to pair your Smart Power Strip with Amazon Alexa, Google Home Assistant and enjoy a full hands-free experience. Kasa helps manage the rest of your smart home too, working with Nest to trigger changes when you arrive home or leave for the day.Launch the Kasa app and go to Add Device > WORKS WITH KASA > Nest Home and Away / Amazon Alexa / Google Assistant for detailedinstructions.9AuthenticationCOPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKSSpecifications are subject to change without notice. is a registered trademark of TP-Link T echnologies Co., Ltd. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from TP-Link T echnologies Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2018 TP-Link T echnologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.FCC compliance information statementProduct Name: Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip,6-OutletModel Number: HS300Responsible party:TP-Link USA Corporation, d/b/a TP-Link North America, Inc.Address: 145 South State College Blvd. Suite 400, Brea, CA 92821Website: /us/T el: +1 626 333 0234Fax: +1 909 527 6803E-mail: *********************This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC RF Radiation Exposure StatementThis equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.“T o comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this grant is applicable to only Mobile Configurations. The antennas used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”We, TP-Link USA Corporation, has determined that the equipment shown as above has been shown to comply with the applicable technical standards, FCC part 15. There is no unauthorized change is made in the equipment and the equipment is properly maintained and operated.Issue Date: 2018.7.16NCC Notice注意!依據 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法第十二條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性或功能。



TP 自动化技术、计算机技术[TP-9] 自动化技术经济TP1 自动化基础理论TP11 自动化系统理论TP13 自动控制理论TP14 自动信息理论TP15 自动模拟理论(自动仿真理论)TP17 开关电路理论TP18 人工智能理论TP181 自动推理、机器学习TP182 专家系统、知识工程TP183 人工神经网络与计算TP2 自动化技术及设备TP20 一般性问题TP202 设计、性能分析与综合TP202+.1 可靠性、稳定性、寿命TP202+.2 精确性、误差TP202+.3 灵敏度TP202+.4 随机过程、随机信号TP202+.5 过渡过程TP202+.7 最佳化、自适应性TP203 结构、构造TP204 材料TP205 制造、装配、改装TP206 调整、测试TP206+.1 试验、测试技术与方法TP206+.3 故障预测、诊断与排除TP207 检修、维护TP21/27 各种自动化元件、部件、装置、系统 TP21 自动化元件、部件TP211 一般自动化元件、部件TP211+.1 无触点元件、部件TP211+.2 机械元件、部件TP211+.3 流体元件、部件TP211+.31 液压元件、部件TP211+.32 气压元件、部件TP211+.4 机电元件、部件TP211+.5 电子元件、部件TP211+.51 半导体元件、部件TP211+.53 磁性元件、部件TP211+.6 光电元件、部件TP211+.7 射线元件、部件TP212/217 各种自动化器件、自动化仪表 TP212 发送器(变换器)、传感器TP212.1 物理传感器TP212.11 温度传感器TP212.12 机械量传感器TP212.13 磁性传感器TP212.14 光传感器TP212.2 化学传感器TP212.3 生物传感器、医学传感器TP212.6 智能化传感器TP212.9 传感器的应用TP213 分配器、配电器TP214 调节器、调节阀TP214+.1 线性调节器TP214+.2 非线性调节器TP214+.3 比例调节器(有差调节器) TP214+.4 积分调节器(无差调节器) TP214+.5 比例积分调节器TP214+.6 比例微分调节器TP214+.7 程序调节器TP214+.8 最佳调节器TP214+.9 极值调节器TP215 传动装置(执行机构)TP216 自动检测仪器、仪表TP216+.1 自动测量仪表TP216+.2 自动记录和指示仪表TP216+.3 自动分析器TP216+.4 计算仪器TP217 校正元件、校正装置TP217+.1 无源校正元件TP217+.2 交流校正元件TP217+.3 有源校正元件TP23 自动化装置与设备TP24 机器人技术TP241 机械手TP241.2 工业机械手TP241.3 专用机械手TP242 机器人TP242.2 工业机器人TP242.3 专用机器人TP242.6 智能机器人TP242.6+1 机器人触觉TP242.6+2 机器人视觉TP242.6+3 机器人听觉TP242.6+4 机器人嗅觉TP249 应用TP27 自动化系统TP271 一般自动化系统TP271+.1 无触点系统TP271+.2 机械系统TP271+.3 流体系统TP271+.31 液压系统TP271+.32 气压系统TP271+.4 机电系统TP271+.5 电子系统TP271+.6 连续系统TP271+.61 连续线性系统TP271+.62 连续非线性系统TP271+.7 变参数系统TP271+.71 线性变参数系统TP271+.72 非线性变参数系统TP271+.73 断续变参数系统TP271+.74 随机变参数系统TP271+.8 不连续(离散、断续)系统TP271+.81 采样(脉冲)系统TP271+.82 数字和程序系统TP271+.83 继电器系统TP271+.9 反馈系统TP272/278 各种自动化系统TP272 自动调节、自动调节系统TP273 自动控制、自动控制系统TP273+.1 最佳控制、最佳控制系统TP273+.2 自适应(自整定)控制、自适应控制(自整定)系统TP273+.21 特性自适应控制系统TP273+.22 学习控制系统、自行组织系统TP273+.23 极值系统(自寻最佳系统)TP273+.24 自整定系统TP273+.3 复合控制、复合控制系统TP273+.4 模糊控制、模糊控制系统TP273+.5 计算机控制、计算机控制系统TP274 数据处理、数据处理系统TP274+.1 自动记录和指示系统TP274+.2 数据收集和处理系统TP274+.3 自动分类与质量检查系统TP274+.4 集中检测与巡回检测系统TP274+.5 采用各种新技术的自动检测系统TP274+.51 放射线检测及其设备TP274+.52 红外线检测及其设备TP274+.53 超声波检测及其设备 TP275 自动随动、自动随动系统TP276 自动拖动、自动拖动系统TP277 监视、报警、故障诊断系统 TP278 自动生产作业线TP29 自动化技术在各方面的应用TP3 计算技术、计算机技术TP3-0 计算机理论与方法TP3-05 计算机与其他学科的关系TP30 一般性问题TP301 理论、方法TP301.1 自动机理论TP301.2 形式语言理论TP301.4 可计算性理论TP301.5 计算复杂性理论TP301.6 算法理论TP302 设计与性能分析TP302.1 总体设计、系统设计TP302.2 逻辑设计TP302.4 制图TP302.7 性能分析、功能分析TP302.8 容错技术TP303 总体结构、系统结构TP303+.1 元件TP303+.2 插件、机架TP303+.3 电源系统TP304 材料TP305 制造、装配、改装TP305+.1 微小型化工艺TP305+.2 防潮、防霉、防腐工艺 TP306 调整、测试、校验TP306+.2 调整、测试方法TP306+.3 故障诊断与排除TP307 检修、维护TP308 机房TP309 安全保密TP309.1 计算机设备安全TP309.2 数据安全TP309.3 数据备份与恢复TP309.5 计算机病毒与防治TP309.7 加密与解密TP31 计算机软件TP311 程序设计、软件工程TP311.1 程序设计TP311.11 程序设计方法TP311.12 数据结构TP311.13 数据库理论与系统TP311.131 数据库理论TP311.132 数据库系统:按类型分TP311.132.1 层次数据库TP311.132.2 网状数据库TP311.132.3 关系数据库TP311.132.4 面向对象的数据库TP311.133.1 分布式数据库TP311.133.2 并行数据库TP311.134.1 模糊数据库TP311.134.3 多媒体数据库TP311.135.1 文献型数据库TP311.135.3 事实型数据库TP311.135.4 超文本数据库TP311.138 数据库系统:按系统名称分 TP311.5 软件工程TP311.51 程序设计自动化TP311.52 软件开发TP311.53 软件维护TP311.54 软件移植TP311.56 软件工具、工具软件TP312 程序语言、算法语言TP313 汇编程序TP314 编译程序、解释程序TP315 管理程序、管理系统TP316 操作系统TP316.1/.5 操作系统:按类型分TP316.1 分时操作系统TP316.2 实时操作系统TP316.3 批处理TP316.4 分布式操作系统、并行式操作系统 TP316.5 多媒体操作系统TP316.6/.8 操作系统:按名称分TP316.6 DOS操作系统TP316.7 Windows操作系统TP316.8 网络操作系统TP316.81 UNIX操作系统TP316.82 XENIX操作系统TP316.83 NOVELL操作系统TP316.84 OS/2操作系统TP316.86 WindowsNT操作系统TP316.89 其他TP316.9 中文操作系统TP317 程序包(应用软件)TP317.1 办公自动化系统TP317.2 文字处理软件TP317.3 表处理软件TP317.4 图像处理软件TP319 专用应用软件TP32 一般计算器和计算机TP321 非电子计算机TP321+.1 求积仪、曲线仪TP321+.2 积分器TP321+.21 机械积分器TP321+.22 液压积分器TP321+.23 气压积分器TP321+.24 电气、机电积分器TP321+.3 手动计算机TP321+.5 电动计算机TP322 分析计算机(穿孔卡片计算机)TP322+.1 穿孔机TP322+.2 验孔机TP322+.3 分类机TP322+.5 制表机TP323 电子计算器TP323+.1 台式计算器TP323+.2 袖珍计算器TP33/38 各种电子计算机TP33 电子数字计算机(不连续作用电子计算机) TP331 基本电路TP331.1 逻辑电路TP331.1+1 集成化逻辑电路TP331.1+3 金属-氧化物-半导体管逻辑电路 TP331.2 数字电路TP332 运算器和控制器(CPU)TP332.1 逻辑部件TP332.1+1 寄存器TP332.1+2 计数器TP332.2 运算器TP332.2+1 加、减法器TP332.2+2 乘、除法器TP332.3 控制器、控制台TP333 存贮器TP333.1 内存贮器(主存贮器)总论TP333.2 外存贮器(辅助存贮器)总论TP333.3 磁存贮器及其驱动器TP333.3+1 磁芯存贮器TP333.3+11 单孔磁芯存贮器TP333.3+12 多孔磁芯存贮器TP333.3+2 磁薄膜存贮器TP333.3+21 平面磁薄膜存贮器TP333.3+3 磁泡存贮器TP333.3+4 磁鼓存贮器TP333.3+5 磁盘存贮器TP333.3+6 磁带存贮器TP333.3+7 电磁继电器存贮器TP333.4 光存贮器及其驱动器TP333.4+1 磁光存贮器TP333.4+2 全息存贮器TP333.4+3 激光存贮器TP333.5 半导体集成电路存贮器TP333.5+1 双极性型半导体存贮器TP333.5+2 金属-氧化物-半导体(MOS)存贮器 TP333.5+3 电荷耦合型存贮器TP333.6 超导体存贮器TP333.7 只读(ROM)存贮器TP333.8 随机存取存贮器TP333.93 交换器TP333.95 延迟线存贮器TP333.95+1 水银柱延迟线存贮器TP333.95+3 石英晶体延迟线存贮器TP333.95+5 磁滞伸缩延迟线存贮器TP333.96 虚拟存贮器TP334 外部设备TP334.1/.4 各种外部设备TP334.1 终端设备TP334.2 输入设备TP334.2+1 图形输入设备TP334.2+2 图像输入设备TP334.2+3 文字与数字输入设备TP334.2+4 语音输入设备TP334.3 输出设备TP334.4 输入输出控制器[TP334.5] 外存储器TP334.7 接口装置、插件TP334.8 打印装置TP334.8+1 针式打印机TP334.8+2 热敏打印机TP334.8+3 喷墨打印机TP334.8+4 激光打印机TP334.8+8 各种用途打印机TP334.9 其他TP335 信息转换及其设备TP335+.1 模拟-数字转换设备TP335+.2 文字-代码转换设备TP335+.3 图形-代码转换设备TP335+.4 数字-模拟转换设备TP336 总线、通道TP337 仿真器TP338 各种电子数字计算机[TP338.1] 微型计算机TP338.2 小型计算机TP338.3 中型计算机TP338.4 大型、巨型计算机TP338.6 并行计算机TP338.7 阵列式计算机TP338.8 分布式计算机TP34 电子模拟计算机(连续作用电子计算机) TP342 运算放大器和控制器TP342+.1 运算放大器TP342+.2 运算器TP342+.21 加、减法器TP342+.22 乘、除法器TP342+.23 平方器、开方器TP342+.25 积分器、微分器TP342+.3 控制器TP343 存贮器TP344 输入器、输出器TP346 函数发生器TP347 延时器TP348 各种电子模拟计算机TP348+.1 微分分析器与增量计算机TP348+.2 直流电子模拟计算机TP348+.3 交流电子模拟计算机TP35 混合电子计算机TP352 数字-模拟计算机TP352+.1 数字微分分析器TP353 模拟-数字计算机TP36 微型计算机TP368 各种微型计算机TP368.1 微处理机TP368.2 单板微型计算机TP368.3 个人计算机TP368.32 笔记本计算机TP368.33 超微型计算机TP368.5 服务器、工作站TP368.6 网络计算机(NC)TP37 多媒体技术与多媒体计算机TP38 其他计算机TP381 激光计算机TP382 射流计算机TP383 超导计算机TP384 分子计算机TP387 第五代计算机TP389.1 人工神经网络计算机TP39 计算机的应用TP391 信息处理(信息加工)TP391.1 文字信息处理[TP391.11] 汉字信息编码TP391.12 汉字处理系统TP391.13 表格处理系统TP391.14 文字录入技术TP391.2 翻译机TP391.3 检索机TP391.4 模式识别与装置TP391.41 图像识别及其装置[TP391.42] 声音识别及其装置TP391.43 文字识别及其装置TP391.44 光模式识别及其装置TP391.5 诊断机TP391.6 教学机、学习机TP391.7 机器辅助技术TP391.72 机器辅助设计(CAD)、辅助制图 TP391.73 机器辅助技术制造(CAM)TP391.75 机器辅助计算(CAC)TP391.76 机器辅助测试(CAT)TP391.77 机器辅助分析(CAA)TP391.8 控制机TP391.9 计算机仿真TP392 各种专用数据库TP393 计算机网络TP393.0 一般性问题TP393.01 计算机网络理论TP393.02 计算机网络结构与设计TP393.03 网络互连技术[TP393.04] 通信规程、通信协议[TP393.05] 网络设备TP393.06 计算机网络测试、运行TP393.07 计算机网络管理TP393.08 计算机网络安全TP393.09 计算机网络应用程序TP393.092 网络浏览器TP393.093 文件传送程序(FTP)TP393.094 远程登录(Telnet)TP393.098 电子邮件(E-mail)TP393.1/.4 各种计算机网TP393.1 局域网(LAN)、城域网(MAN)TP393.11 以太网TP393.12 令牌网TP393.13 DQDB网(分布队列双总线网络) TP393.14 FDDI网(高速光纤环网)TP393.15 ATM局域网[TP393.17] 无线局域网TP393.18 校园网、企业网(Intranet)TP393.01 计算机网络理论TP393.02 计算机网络结构与设计TP393.03 网络互连技术[TP393.04] 通信规程、通信协议[TP393.05] 网络设备TP393.06 计算机网络测试、运行TP393.07 计算机网络管理TP393.08 计算机网络安全TP393.09 计算机网络应用程序TP393.092 网络浏览器TP393.093 文件传送程序(FTP)TP393.094 远程登录(Telnet)TP393.098 电子邮件(E-mail)TP393.1/.4 各种计算机网TP393.1 局域网(LAN)、城域网(MAN)TP393.11 以太网TP393.12 令牌网TP393.13 DQDB网(分布队列双总线网络) TP393.14 FDDI网(高速光纤环网)TP393.15 ATM局域网[TP393.17] 无线局域网TP393.18 校园网、企业网(Intranet)TP393.2 广域网(WAN){TP393.3} 洲际网络TP393.4 国际互联网TP399 在其他方面的应用TP6 射流技术(流控技术)TP60 一般性问题TP601 理论、研究TP602 设计及性能分析TP602+.1 静态特性TP602+.2 动态特性TP603 结构、构造TP604 材料TP605 制造、装配TP606 调整、测试TP606+.1 静态测试TP606+.2 动态测试TP607 检修、维护TP61/67 各种射流装置TP61 射流元件TP61+1 有源射流元件TP61+2 无源射流元件TP61+3 数字射流元件(逻辑元件)TP61+3.1 附壁式射流元件TP61+3.2 紊流式射流元件(紊流放大器) TP61+3.3 动量交换式元件TP61+4 比例射流元件(模拟元件)TP61+4.1 对冲元件TP61+4.3 涡流元件TP61+5 液压式射流元件TP62 射流附件TP62+1 升压器TP62+2 转换器TP62+3 延时器TP62+4 抽负器TP63 检测发信装置TP64 执行机构TP65 动力源TP65+1 气源净化系统TP65+2 气源附件TP65+2.1 过滤器TP65+2.2 减压阀TP65+2.3 定值器TP66 射流控制线路TP67 射流自动控制系统TP69 射流技术的应用TP7 遥感技术TP70 一般性问题TP701 理论TP702 设计和性能分析TP703 结构TP704 材料TP705 制造、装配TP706 调整、测试TP707 检修、维护TP72/75 各种遥感及装置TP72 遥感方式TP721 依传感器接受信号的来源分TP721.1 被动式遥感TP721.2 主动式遥感TP722 依探测的波长范围分TP722.3 紫外遥感TP722.4 可见光遥感TP722.5 红外遥感TP722.6 微波遥感TP73 探测仪器及系统TP731 多光谱扫描仪TP732 遥感传感器TP732.1 微波遥感传感器TP732.2 红外遥感传感器TP733 反束光导管摄像机TP75 遥感图像的解译、识别与处理TP751 图像处理方法TP751.1 数字处理TP751.2 光学处理TP752 图像处理设备TP752.1 数字处理设备TP752.2 光学处理设备TP753 图像解释、判读TP79 遥感技术的应用TP8 远动技术TP80 一般性问题TP801 理论、研究TP802 设计和性能分析TP802+.1 可靠性、稳定性、寿命TP802+.2 精确性、误差TP802+.3 灵敏度TP802+.4 远动信号、信号发射、接收及转换TP802+.5 作用距离TP802+.6 干扰(噪声)、抗干扰TP802+.7 最佳化、自适应性TP802+.8 信道划分TP803 结构TP804 材料TP805 制造、装配TP806 调整、测试TP806+.1 试验、测试技术与方法TP806+.3 故障预测、诊断与排除TP807 检修、维护TP81/87 各种远动装置及系统[TP81] 远动元件、部件TP83 远动化装置TP84 远程信道TP84+1 有线信道TP84+2 无线电中继信道TP87 远动化系统TP871 远距离调节、远距离调节系统TP872 远距离控制和信号、远距离控制和信号系统 TP872+.1 近作用的遥控系统TP872+.2 断续遥控系统TP872+.21 频率制TP872+.22 时间制TP872+.3 连续遥控系统TP872+.31 频率制TP872+.32 时间制TP872+.33 脉码制TP873 远距离测量、远距离测量系统TP873+.1 单路遥测系统TP873+.11 频率制TP873+.12 时间制TP873+.13 脉码制TP873+.14 增量制TP873+.2 多路遥测系统TP873+.21 频率划分制TP873+.22 时间划分制TP873+.23 脉码划分制TP89 远动技术在各方面的应用---------------------------。

Philips Shaver 9111 12 产品说明书

Philips Shaver 9111 12 产品说明书

S9111/12in every passCuts up to 20% more hair* in a single passThe Shaver 9000 is our most advanced shaver yet. The unique contour detecttechnology offers exceptional coverage over every contour of your face, and the V-Track system guides hairs into the best cutting position for the closest results.Easy to useShaver can be rinsed clean under the tapIntuitive icons make the functions easy to use50 minutes cordless shaving after a one-hour chargeWith 2 year guaranteeA comfortable shaveGet a comfortable dry or refreshing wet shave with A quatecDesigned for perfectionBlades perfectly guide hairs into position for a close shaveHeads flex in 8 different directions for a superb resultGet the most of your shaverClick-on trimmer for perfect mustache and sideburn trimmingHighlightsV -Track precision bladesystemGet the prefect close shave . The V -Track Precision Blades gently positions each hair in the best cutting position , even the flat laying and di fferent length of hairs . Cuts 30% closer in less strokes leaving your skin in great condition .8-directionContourDetectHeadsFollow every contour of your face and neck with 8-directional ContourDetect heads . You 'll catch 20% more hairs with every pass .Resulting in an extremely close , smooth shave .A quatec Wet &DryChoose how you prefer to shave . With the A quatec Wet & Dry seal , you can opt for a quick yet comfortable dry shave . Or you can shave wet – with gel or foam – even under the shower .SmartClick precisiontrimmerClick on our skin -friendly Precision Trimmer to finish your look . It ’s ideal for maintaining your mustache and trimming your sideburns .3 level LEDdisplayThe intuitive display shows relevantinformation , enabling you to get the best performance out of your shaver : - 3-level battery and travel lock indicators - Cleaning Indicator - Battery Low Indicator -Replacement Head Indicator 50 minutes of cordlessshavingOur advanced charging system gives you two convenient options : charge for one hour and you ’ll get 50 minutes of running time , or do a quick charge for one full shave . A ll 9000 Series Shavers contain a powerful energy -e fficient ,long -lasting lithium -ion battery . They are designed to operate only in cordless mode , to ensure you ’ll always be safe when shaving with water , even under the shower .Built tolastWe back this Philips shaver with a 2-year guarantee . Our 9000 Series Shavers are designed for performance and durability ,promising you an extremely close shave time after time .Fully washableshaverSimply open the shaver head to rinse it thoroughly under the tap .SpecificationsPowerA utomatic voltage: 100-240 VRun time: 50 min / 17 shavesCharging: Quick charge for 1 shave, 1 hour full chargeBattery Type: Lithium-ionStand-by power: 0.1 WMax power consumption: 9 WDesignHandle: Ergonomic grip & handling Color: Glacier Blue Ease of useDisplay: 3 level battery indicator, Cleaningindicator, Battery low indicator, Replaceshaving heads indicator, Travel lock indicatorCleaning: Fully washableShaving PerformanceSkinComfort: A quaTec Wet & DryShaving system: V-Track Precision BladeSystem, Super Lift & Cut A ctionContour following: 8-directionContourDetectHeadsA ccessoriesSmartClick: Precision trimmerPouch: Travel pouchServiceReplacement head: Replace every 2 yrs withSH902-year guaranteeSoftwareSoftware update: Philips offers relevantsoftware updates for a period of 2 years afterthe date of purchase* Cuts up to 20% more hair - versus SensoTouch© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A ll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2023‑03‑18 Version: 9.0.1 。



RPN SeriesHall-Effect Rotary Position SensorsDESCRIPTION RPN Series Rotary Position Sensors use a magnetically biased, Hall-effect integrated circuit (IC) to sense rotary movement of the actuator shaft over a set operating range. Rotation of the actuator shaft changes the IC’s position relative to the magnets. The resulting flux density change is converted to a linear output. The IC, together with conditioning and protection circuitry, and two permanent magnets, is sealed in a rugged package of IP67 or greater for durability in most harsh environments. Solid-state Hall-effect technology provides non-contact operation, long service life, low torque actuation and reduced wear-out mechanisms. Eight operating ranges (50°, 60°, 70°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 270° and 360°) are tolerant to over travel and allow use in most common applications. FEATURES • Solid-state Hall-effect technology • Eight operating ranges, up to 360° • Variety of supply voltages and output configurations • Rugged sealed package with integral connector • IP67 or greater • Integrated reverse polarity, short circuit and EMC protection • Single or dual output versions available • Industry-standard termination POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS Position and movement detection of pedals, throttle, gear shift, levers, linkages, suspension and hitches in: • Trucks • Off road vehicles • Industrial vehicles and equipment • Construction vehicles and equipment • Agricultural vehicles and equipment • Cranes Five different supply voltages and eight different output configurations, in either mA or Vdc, improve compatibility with a variety of control systems. Two versions provide dual outputs for use where an additional output may be desired where redundancy and backup is needed. Another potential application includes using one output for an indicator and the second for the control system. Lever versions are available. The easy-to-mount sensor has a mounting flange with two round or oval mounting holes. All products have AMP or Deutsch receptacles.RPN SeriesTable 1. RPNR Redundant (Dual) Output Specifications Characteristic Parameter Operating ranges available 50° (±25°), 90° (±45°) Output available 50° (±25°): Channel 1: 4 mA (left), 20 mA (right); Channel 2: 0.5 Vdc (left), 4.75 Vdc (right) 90° (±45°): Channel 1: 0.25 Vdc (left), 4.75 Vdc (right); Channel 2: 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) Supply voltage range(s) 50° (±25°): Channel 1: 8.5 Vdc; Channel 2: 5 Vdc available 90° (±45°): Channel 1: 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc; Channel 2: 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc Current consumption 20 mA max. Output signal delay 3 ms approx. Accuracy ±1.6% Hysteresis none Linearity RPNR050SDMEC3A21X ±0.35° RPNR090KAAA3A11X ±0.6° Reverse polarity protection yes Operating and storage -40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F] temperature range EMC 200 V/m ISO 11452-3 6 Expected life 30x10 cycles Protection class IP69K DIN 40050 Housing material PA66 plastic Shaft material stainless steel Termination AMP 1-1419168-1 Mechanical end stop no Table 2. RPNS Single Output Specifications Characteristic Operating ranges available Outputs availableSupply voltage range(s) available Current consumption (maximum) Output signal delay (approx) Reverse polarity protection EMC Operating and storage temperature range Protection class Accuracy Hysteresis Linearity RPNS050BB1A21X, RPNS050FA1A21X RPNS060AC1A21X RPNS070DD1A21X All other listings RPNS120AA1A21X Housing material Shaft material Expected life Termination Mechanical end stopParameter 50° (±25°), 60° (±30), 70° (±35), 90° (±45), 120° (±60), 180° (±90), 270° (±135), 360° (±180) 0.25 Vdc (left), 4.75 Vdc (right) 4 mA (left), 20 mA (right) 0.5 Vdc (left), 4.5 Vdc (right) 20 mA (left), 4 mA (right) 1 Vdc (left), 9 Vdc (right) 3 Vdc (left), 5 Vdc (right) 4.5 Vdc (left), 0.5 Vdc (right) 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) 5 Vdc, 8 Vdc to 30 Vdc, 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 20 mA 3 ms yes 200 V/m ISO 11452-3 -40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F] IP67 DIN 40050 ±1.6% none ±0.35° ±0.6 ±1° ±2° ±5° PA66 plastic stainless steel 6 30x10 cycles AMP Superseal 282087-1, Deutsch DT04-3P no2/sensingHall-Effect Rotary Position SensorsFigure 1. RPNR Redundant (Dual) Output Versions (For Reference Only: mm/[in].) RPNR050DMEC3A21X RPNR090KAAA3A11XRFigure 2. RPNS Single Output Versions (For Reference Only: mm/[in].) RPNS050BB1A21X RPNS050FA1A21XReceptacle: AMP Superseal 282087-1 Mating Connector: AMP Superseal 282103 3 Vdc L 4 Vdc 50° 5 Vdc R52 [2.05] 37,7 [1.48] 4,2 [0.17]20°27,7 [1.09] Pinout 1 = Ground 2 = 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc Supply 3 = 3 Vdc to 5 Vdc Output Characteristic Curve 5 5 [0.20]50 [1,97]63 [2.48]32124,8 [0.98]4,12 [0.16] 4,6 [0.18] Ø20 [0.79]8,3 [0.33] Ø2 [0.08]14 [0.55]3 25 0 Angle (°) 25Ø6 [0.24]RPNS060AC1A21XRPNS070DD1A21XHoneywell Sensing and Control3RPN SeriesFigure 2. RPNS Single Output Versions (Continued) RPNS090AA1A11X RPNS090AA1B11ARPNS090AA1B11ARPNS090AA2A11XRPNS090AC1A21XOutput (Vdc)RPNS090AC1A21XRPNS090CA1A11XRPNS090DD2A21XReceptacle: Deutsch DT04-3P Mating Connector: Deutsch DT06-3S 4 mA L 52 [2.05] 12 mA 90° 20 mA ROutput (Vdc)248607WW/YY260121WW/YYRPNS090CA1A11XWW/YY37,7 [1.48]4,2 [0.17]24899020°27,7 [1.09] Pinout 1 = Ground 2 = 8 Vdc to 30 Vdc Supply 3 = 4 mA to 20 mA Output Characteristic Curve 20Output (Vdc)50 [1,97]63 [2.48]5 [0.20]2 3 124,8 [0.98]4,12 [0.16] 4,6 [0.18] Ø20 [0.79]8,3 [0.33] Ø2 [0.08]14 [0.55]4 45 0 Angle (°) 45Ø6 [0.24]4/sensingHall-Effect Rotary Position SensorsFigure 2. RPNS Single Output Versions (Continued) RPNS090EA1A11X RPNS090GA1A21XRPNS120AA1A21XRPNS180DA2A11XReceptacle: Deutsch DT04-3P Mating Connector: Deutsch DT06-3S 12 mA 180°52 [2.05]RPNS120AA1A21XWW/YY37,7 [1.48] 4 mA L Ø5.3 [0.20] 27,7 [1.09] Pinout 1 = Ground 2 = 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc Supply 3 = 4 mA to 20 mA Output Characteristic Curve 20 5 [0.20] 50 [1,97] 20 mA R24821363 [2.48]2 3 124,8 [0.98]Output (Vdc)4,12 [0.16] 4,6 Ø6 [0.18] [0.24] 90 0 Angle (°) 908,3 [0.33] Ø2 [0.08] Ø20 [0.79]14 [0.55]0RPNS180HD1B11ARPNS270DA1A21XHoneywell Sensing and Control5RPN SeriesFigure 2. RPNS Single Output Versions (Continued) RPNS360GC1A11XReceptacle: AMP Superseal 282087-1 Mating Connector: AMP Superseal 282103 2.5 Vdc 360°52 [2.05] 37,7 [1.48] Ø5.3 [0.20]27,7 [1.09] Pinout 1 = Ground 2 = 5 Vdc Supply 3 = 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc Output Characteristic Curve 4.5 5 [0.20]50 [1,97]63 [2.48]0.5 Vdc 4.5 Vdc L R32124,8 [0.98]0.5 180 0 Angle (°) 180 Ø6 [0.24]4,12 [0.16] 4,6 [0.18] Ø20 [0.79]8,3 [0.33] Ø2 [0.08]14 [0.55]6/sensingHall-Effect Rotary Position SensorsOrder GuideCatalog Listing Output Style redundant (dual) redundant (dual) single single single single single single single single single single single single single single single single single Operating Range 50° (±25°) 90° (±45°) 50° (±25°) 50° (±25°) 60° (±30°) 70° (±35°) 90° (±45°) 90° (±45°) 90° (±45°) 90° (±45°) 90° (±45°) 90° (±45°) 90° (±45°) 90° (±45) Supply Voltage Channel 1: 8.5 Vdc Channel 2: 5 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 18 Vdc to 30 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 5 Vdc 8 Vdc to 30 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 5 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 8 Vdc to 30 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc Output Type Channel 1: 4 mA (left), 20 mA (right) Channel 2: 0.5 Vdc (left), 4.75 Vdc (right) Channel 1: 0.25 Vdc (left), 4.75 Vdc (right) Channel 2: 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) 1 Vdc (left), 9 Vdc (right) 3 Vdc (left), 5 Vdc (right) 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) 4 mA (left), 20 mA (right) 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) 4.5 Vdc (left), 0.5 Vdc (right) 4 mA (left), 20 mA (right) 20 mA (left), 4 mA (right) 0.5 Vdc (left), 4.5 Vdc (right) 4.75 Vdc (left), 0.25 Vdc (right) 4 mA (left), 20 mA (right) 0.25 Vdc (left), 4.75 Vdc (right) 4 mA (left), 20 mA (right) 0.5 Vdc (left), 4.5 Vdc (right) Termination AMP 1-14191681 Shaft Mounting Shape Hole flat oval round oval oval oval oval round round round oval round oval round oval oval round round) oval round LeverRPNR050DMEC3A21X RPNR090KAAA3A11X RPNS050BB1A21X RPNS050FA1A21X RPNS060AC1A21X RPNS070DD1A21X RPNS090AA1A11X RPNS090AA1B11A RPNS090AA2A11X RPNS090AC1A21X RPNS090 CA1A11X RPNS090DD2A21X RPNS090EA1A11X RPNS090GA1A21X RPNS120AA1A21X RPNS180DA2A11X RPNS180HD1B11A RPNS270DA1A21X RPNS360GC1A11Xnone none none none none none none 43 mm [1.69 in] none none none none none none none none 43 mm [1.69 in] none noneAMP 1-1419168flat 1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1 AMP Superseal round 282087-1 Deutsch DT04-3P AMP Superseal 282087-1 AMP Superseal 282087-1 Deutsch DT04-3P flat flat flat flat120° (±60°) 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 180° (±90°) 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 180° (±90°) 270° (±135°) 360° (±180°) 8 Vdc to 30 Vdc 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc 5 VdcAMP Superseal flat 282087-1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1 Deutsch DT04-3P flat AMP Superseal round 282087-1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1 AMP Superseal flat 282087-1Honeywell Sensing and Control7WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury. • •WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONThe information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide. Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.WARRANTY/REMEDY Honeywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages. While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application. Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.SALES AND SERVICE Honeywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office or: E-mail: Internet: /sensing Phone and Fax:Asia Pacific Europe +65 6355-2828 +65 6445-3033 Fax +44 (0) 1698 481481 +44 (0) 1698 481676 Fax Latin America +1-305-805-8188 +1-305-883-8257 Fax USA/Canada +1-800-537-6945 +1-815-235-6847 +1-815-235-6545 FaxSensing and Control Honeywell 1985 Douglas Drive North Minneapolis, MN 55422 /sensing005896-1-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA October 2008 Copyright © 2008 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.。




AMPCI-9111板为用户提供了单端32路/双端16路模拟量数据采集输入通道, 模拟量输入通道具有程控放大功能,2路12Bit模拟量电压或电流信号输出,16Bit TTL数字量输入和16Bit TTL数字量输出,配接AMPCD821光隔端子板实现光隔I/O,可直接驱动继电器, 3路16位计数定时通道(一片82C54),计数频率8M,板内自带基准时钟4M,82C54的0、 1、2通道均引至输出插座J2,可构成脉冲计数、频率测量、脉冲信号发生器等电路。


二、性能和技术指标2.1 性能•模拟信号输入A/D分辩率: 12Bit•模拟信号通道: 单端32路/双端16路•模拟信号输入程控放大倍数: 1/2/4/8 (B型为1/10/100/1000)•模拟信号输出D/A分辩率: 12Bit•模拟信号输出通道: 2路•数字量输入/输出: 16Bit DI/16Bit DO ;TTL/COMS兼容•计数定时通道: 3路16BIT• A/D转换触发工作方式: 软件触发• A/D转换数据传输方式: 查询方式2.2 技术指标•输入电压范围: ±5V、0-10V、±10V•输入阻抗: > 100 MΩ• A/D转换时间: 8.5uS• A/D转换精度: 优于±0.1%(10V满量程)•输出电压范围: ±5V、0-5V、0-10V•输出电流范围: 0-10mA 、4-20mA•内部时钟基准: 4MHz三、使用3.1本板A/D转换工作过程描述AMPCI-9111板的A/D转换是通过软件来控制和启动A/D转换的<1>使用时首先应程序设定要进行A/D转换的通道号,即要对哪一通道进行A/D转换,该写操作见后面《寄存器功能描述》的(1)节: “模拟输入通道选择、增益选择寄存器”,该寄存器I/O地址Offset=00H ,“Offset”是相对地址的偏移量,为该寄存器的I/O地址(详细对“Offset”的读写操作见软件说明部分)<2>程序设定完要进行A/D转换的通道号和放大倍数后,需执行程序启动A/D转换操作,A/D转换器才开始转换,即再执行《寄存器功能描述》的(2)节,“启动A/D转换”,该写操作的I/O地址 Offset=02H,该操作为软件触发启动一个周期的A/D转换,若A/D转换的放大倍数不是1倍,应在设定“模拟输入通道选择、增益选择寄存器”操作后,适当加几个μS的延时以给程控放大器足够的建立时间,再执行启动A/D转换操作,以保证精度<3>启动A/D转换后,通过软件查询A/D转换完成状态标志位,见《寄存器功能描述》的(3)节,“查询A/D 转换状态位+A/D转换数据”,“Z”该位为1,说明A/D转换器正在进行转换,不可读取A/D转换数据,继续查询该位,若该位为0,说明A/D转换已完成,可读取A/D转换数据,该读操作的I/O地址 Offset=0AH,标志位Z对应该标志寄存器数据线D15-D00的D15,当查询A/D转换完成状态标志位“Z”位为0时,此时读取该口的B11-B00 即为A/D转换数据3.2本板D/A转换工作过程描述进行D/A转换时只需向相应的I/O端口写12BIT数据即可,如对D/A1进行转换,将数据B11-B00写入D/A1数据寄存器offset=06H端口即可3.3本板结构如下:主要元件位置、信号输入/输出插座及跳线选择定义AMPCI-9111/9111BJ1: 模拟量输入输出37P孔式D型插座J2: 数字量计数定时输入输出50P双排针插座JP1/JP2: 单双端输入方式设定JP3: A/D输入范围设定JP6: D/A1输出方式设定JP7: D/A2输出方式设定3.4 J1模拟信号输入/输出插座定义:<1>模拟输入单端方式引线定义见下:⊙ 19 GNDGND 37 ⊙⊙ 18 D/A-1 +12V 36 ⊙⊙ 17 D/A-2通道32 35 ⊙⊙ 16 通道16通道31 34 ⊙⊙ 15 通道15通道30 33 ⊙⊙ 14 通道14通道29 32 ⊙⊙ 13 通道13通道28 31 ⊙⊙ 12 通道12通道27 30 ⊙⊙ 11 通道11通道26 29 ⊙⊙ 10 通道10通道25 28 ⊙⊙ 9 通道9通道24 27 ⊙⊙ 8 通道8通道23 26 ⊙⊙ 7 通道7通道22 25 ⊙⊙ 6 通道6通道21 24 ⊙⊙ 5 通道5通道20 23 ⊙⊙ 4 通道4通道19 22 ⊙⊙ 3 通道3通道18 21 ⊙⊙ 2 通道2通道17 20 ⊙□ 1 通道1印制板D/A-1: 模拟输出通道1D/A-2: 模拟输出通道2GND: 模拟输入/输出地单端方式时32路模拟输入信号连接到通道n输入端,所有信号的地端接到GND端,下图所示CH00(1通道)输入 CH01(2通道) Vi 被测信号端 .口 . Vi.CH1F(32通道)ViGND(地线)单端方式时32路模拟输入信号接线示意图单端输入时通道代码与选择通道对应关系如下:<2>模拟输入双端方式引线定义见下:双端方式时16路模拟输入信号连接到通道正端和通道负端,信号的负端经电阻接到GND端,下图所示⊙ 19 GNDGND 37 ⊙⊙ 18 D/A-1+12V 36 ⊙⊙ 17 D/A-2通道16- 35 ⊙⊙ 16 通道16+通道15- 34 ⊙⊙ 15 通道15+通道14- 33 ⊙⊙ 14 通道14+通道13- 32 ⊙⊙ 13 通道13+通道12- 31 ⊙⊙ 12 通道12+通道11- 30 ⊙⊙ 11 通道11+通道10- 29 ⊙⊙ 10 通道10+通道9- 28 ⊙⊙ 9 通道9+通道8- 27 ⊙⊙ 8 通道8+通道7- 26 ⊙⊙ 7 通道7+通道6- 25 ⊙⊙ 6 通道6+通道5- 24 ⊙⊙ 5 通道5+通道4- 23 ⊙⊙ 4 通道4+通道3- 22 ⊙⊙ 3 通道3+通道2- 21 ⊙⊙ 2 通道2+通道1- 20 ⊙□ 1 通道1+印制板现场信号双端方式时16路模拟输入信号接线示意图双端使用说明:双端输入时信号加在CHn+和CHn-之间,模拟输入采用双端方式时,负输入端应与GND之间接一只几十KΩ~几百KΩ的电阻(信号源内阻小于100Ω时,该电阻应为信号源内阻的1000倍,当信号源内阻大于100Ω时,该电阻应为信号源内阻的2000倍),从而为仪表放大器输入电路提供偏置,见上图所示双端输入时通道代码与选择通道对应关系如下(双端时只有16个通道):3.5 数字量和计数定时器输入输出插座J2定义:J2为50P双排针插座GND 50 ⊙⊙ 49 GND+5V 48 ⊙⊙ 47 +5VCLK2 46 ⊙⊙ 45 OUT2GATE2 44 ⊙⊙ 43 CLK1GATE1 42 ⊙⊙ 41 OUT1 OUT0 40 ⊙⊙ 39 CLK0GATE0 38 ⊙⊙ 37 ФGND 36 ⊙⊙ 35 GND+5V 34 ⊙⊙ 33 +5VPB07 32 ⊙⊙ 31 PB06PB05 30 ⊙⊙ 29 PB04PB03 28 ⊙⊙ 27 PB02PB01 26 ⊙⊙ 25 PB00PB08 24 ⊙⊙ 23 PB09PB10 22 ⊙⊙ 21 PB11PB12 20 ⊙⊙ 19 PB13PB14 18 ⊙⊙ 17 PB15PA07 16 ⊙⊙ 15 PAO6PA05 14 ⊙⊙ 13 PAO4PA03 12 ⊙⊙ 11 PAO2PA01 10 ⊙⊙ 9 PAO0PA08 8 ⊙⊙ 7 PA09PA10 6 ⊙⊙ 5 PA11PA12 4 ⊙⊙ 3 PA13PA14 2 ⊙□ 1 PA15插座J2定义见图示其中:PAO0~PA15: 16bit数字量输出PB00~PB15: 16bit数字量输入+5V: 机内PCI总线+5VGND: 机内地GATE0: 计数器通道0门控GATEOUT0: 计数器通道0输出端CLK0: 计数器通道0时钟输入端GATE1: 计数器通道1门控GATEOUT1: 计数器通道1输出端CLK1: 计数器通道1时钟输入端GATE2: 计数器通道2门控GATEOUT2: 计数器通道2输出端CLK2: 计数器通道2时钟输入端3.6 跨接线选择定义:<1> JP1/JP2: JP1和JP2用来设置A/D模拟输入采用单端方式/双端方式①A/D输入采用单端方式时JP1/JP2按如下设置(出品状态):□○○○○ JP1 ; 即JP1的2和3短接, 4和5短接 1□○○○○○ JP2 ; 即JP2的2和3短接, 5和6短接1② A/D输入采用双端差分方式时JP1/JP2按如下设置:□○○○○ JP1 ; 即JP1的1和2短接, 3和4短接 1□○○○○○ JP2; 即JP2的1和2短接, 4和5短接 1<2>JP3 ;JP3用于设置A/D输入范围;可分别设置①-5V~+5V; ②0~+10V; ③-10V~+10V① -5V ~ +5V 输入范围时按如下设置(出品状态):○○○○2 ○□ 1 JP3; 即JP3的1和3短接, 4和6短接② 0 ~ +10V 输入范围时按如下设置:○○○○2 ○□ 1 JP3; 即JP3的1和3短接, 2和4短接③ -10V ~ +10V 输入范围时按如下设置:○○○○2 ○□ 1 JP3; 即JP3的3和5短接, 4和6短接<3> JP6与JP7JP6与JP7分别用来设置D/A1输出和D/A2输出的输出方式, JP6与JP7设置方式相同,可分别设置① D/A输出电压方式 -5V ~ +5V(出品状态):3○○○○○○○○○○□○○○○即(3,6);(9,12);(10,13)短接1 JP6/JP7② D/A输出电压方式 0V ~ +5V:3○○○○○○○○○○□○○○○即(3,6);(12,15);(10,13)短接1 JP6/JP7③ D/A输出电压方式 0V ~ +10V:3○○○○○○○○○○□○○○○即 (3,6); (10,13) 短接1 JP6/JP7④ D/A输出电流方式 0 ~ 10mA:3○○○○○○○○○○□○○○○即 (2,3); (7,8);(12,15) 短接1 JP6/JP7⑤ D/A输出电流方式 4 ~ 20mA:3○○○○○○○○○○□○○○○即 (2,3); (4,5); (7,8);(11,14) ;(12,15) 短接1JP6/JP73.7 I/O寄存器功能描述①: 模拟输入通道选择、增益选择寄存器(写操作)Offset=00H,Offset:相对地址的偏移量,即该写操作的I/O地址(详细对Offset=##H I/O端口的读写操作见后面软件说明部分,后同)G2~G0:程控放大增益选择位,意义见下:G1 G0 程控放大增益倍数 B型程控放大增益倍数(此时放大器为PGA202)0 0 1 10 1 2 101 0 4 1001 1 8 1000C4~C0: 模拟信号输入通道选择位 (注:单端方式时)C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 通道代码通道号0 0 0 0 0 00H 通道10 0 0 0 1 01H 通道20 0 0 1 0 02H 通道3...... ....... .1 1 1 1 0 1EH1 1 1 1 1 1FH 通道32注:双端方式时只有C3~C0有意义,此时只有16个通道,C4位无意义②启动A/D转换 (写操作)Offset=02H,Offset是相对地址的偏移量,该写操作的I/O地址D15~D00 此时无意义,软件设定通道和增益后需执行启动A/D转换,即执行对Offset=02H的写操作③查询A/D 转换状态位+A/D转换数据 (读操作)Offset=0AH Offset:相对地址的偏移量,该读操作的I/O地址读Offset=0AH时数据对应表:Z: A/D 转换状态位 Z=1, A/D转换器正在进行转换Z=0, 转换结束,可以读取本次A/D转换数据B11~B0 : 本次A/D转换数值在用户应用程序执行启动A/D转换后,应查询”Z”标志位, 当Z=1时A/D转换器正在进行转换,处于忙状态, 当Z=0时A/D转换结束,此时读回的数据B11-B00为有效的A/D转换值④ D/A1 模出转换数据寄存器 (写操作)Offset=06H, Offset:相对地址的偏移量,对D/A1写操作的I/O地址D/A1输出数据对应表:X: 未用位B11~B00: D/A1转换12Bit数据,输出D/A1时向Offset=06H写入B11~B00数值即可⑤D/A2 模出转换数据寄存器 (写操作)Offset=08H, Offset:相对地址的偏移量,对D/A2写操作的I/O地址D/A2输出数据对应表:X: 未用位B11~B00: D/A2转换12Bit数据,输出D/A2时向Offset=08H写入B11~B00数值即可⑥16位PA口TTL数字量输出寄存器(写操作)Offset=0CH, Offset:相对地址的偏移量,该写操作的I/O端口地址输出寄存器数据格式:A15~A00 : 16Bit数字量输出,对应J2的PA15~PA00⑦: 16位TTL数据输入寄存器 (读操作)Offset=0EH , Offset:相对地址的偏移量,该读操作的I/O地址输入寄存器数据格式:B15~B00 : 16Bit数字量输入, 对应J2的PB15~PB00⑧计数定时器8254的I/O地址分配(读操作+写操作)Offset=10H-16H, Offset是相对地址的偏移量,具体I/O地址分配见下表, 对82C54的所有读写操作只有D7~D0 有意义,编程时请注意具体对82C54的工作方式设定请参阅INTEL8253手册等相关资料AMPCI-9111读写I/O操作命令表:3.8 调整电位器定义PR1: 程控放大器增益输出调整电位器PR2: A/D转换单极性零偏移调整电位器PR3: A/D转换双极性零偏移调整电位器PR4: A/D转换满量程调整电位器PR5: D/A输出电流方式基准源-2.5V调整电位器PR6: D/A1零偏移调整电位器PR7: D/A1满量程调整电位器PR8: D/A2零偏移调整电位器PR9: D/A2满量程调整电位器PR10: D/A输出基准源+5V调整电位器3.9校准①A/D部分校准a.程控放大器调整:软件设置放大倍数8倍,任一通道接一500mV电压,调整PR1 使PGA202的12脚输出为4.000V(出品时已调整)b.单极性输入0~+10V:任一通道对地短接,调整PR2,使转换值为001H;输入任一通道接5V,调整PR4,使转换值为800H;c.双极性输入-5V~+5V:任一通道对地短接,调整PR3,使转换值为800H;输入任一通道4.997V调整PR4使转换值为FFEH;需要注意的是此时A/D转换的零点与满度需反复调整d.双极性输入-10V~+10V:任一通道对地短接,调整PR3,使转换值为800H;输入任一通道10V调整PR4使转换值为FFEH;同样需要注意的是此时A/D转换的零点与满度需反复调整② D/A部分校准基准源调整: 调整PR10使336-5V输出+5.000V,出厂时已调整。

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