PL Emission and Shape of Silicon Quantum Dots




势垒硅掺杂对GaN基LED极化电场及其光电性能的影响张正宜;王超【摘要】势垒硅掺杂对InGaN量子阱中的电场及LED器件的光电性能有着重要的影响.采用6×6 K·P方法计算了不同势垒硅掺杂浓度对量子阱中电场的变化,研究表明当势垒硅掺杂浓度>1e18 cm-3时,阱垒界面处的电场强度会变大,这主要是由于硅掺杂浓度过高导致量子阱中界面电荷的聚集.进一步发现随着势垒掺杂浓度的升高,总非辐射复合随之增加,其中俄歇复合增加,而肖克莱-霍尔-里德复合随之减少,这是由于点陷阱的增大形成了缺陷能级.电流电压曲线表明势垒掺杂可有效改善GaN基LED的工作电压,这归于掺杂浓度的提高改善了载流子的传输特性.当掺杂浓度为1e18 cm-3时,获得了较高的内量子效率,这主要是由于适当的势垒掺杂降低了量子阱中界面电荷的损耗.【期刊名称】《发光学报》【年(卷),期】2018(039)010【总页数】6页(P1445-1450)【关键词】势垒;量子阱;极化电场;光电性能【作者】张正宜;王超【作者单位】山西交通职业技术学院信息工程系, 山西太原 030031;兰州交通大学光电技术与智能控制教育部重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730070【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN321.81 引言InGaN半导体材料具有纤锌矿晶体结构和直接能隙结构,通过改变In原子在InGaN中的比例,可实现从0.7 eV到6.2 eV的能隙调控,从而可以在整个可见光范围内通过电致发光[1-2]。

InGaN LED被广泛应用到通用照明和显示领域。




取得令人瞩目的成绩,但目前报道的焦平面探测器 性能与其理论预期还有相当大的差距.主要的制约
本文报道用MBE技术生长InAs/GaSb超晶格材 料及其性能的研究.我们采用微分相衬显微镜、原子
of infrared image materials and devices,Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai
Abstract:The growth of mid-wavelength infrared InAs/GaSb superlattice
台阶高度为0.365nm,与一个单原子层的厚度基本 吻合.测试范围2¨m x2阻m内的平均粗糙度在1— 1.5 A之间,说明样品具有原子级平整的表面.因此
在后续的实验中,GaSb的生长温度采用485℃, InAs/GaSb超晶格的生长温度采用450℃. 第二组材料是在获得最佳的衬底温度条件下,
行的,超晶格材料的As源和sb源分别由As带阀的 裂解炉和sb带阀的裂解炉提供的As2和sb2.In源 和Ga源分别是7N的高纯金属In和Ga.实验采用
的反射式高能电子衍射(RHEED)花样监控,材料外 延生长的速率由RHEED强度振荡曲线获得,In/As
设计了3种不同的界面结构如图3所示,主要改变 了界面层中In和sb的开关时间长短及开关顺序. 由于InAs的晶格常数比GaSh的晶格常数th7.5%,



第53卷第4期2024年4月人㊀工㊀晶㊀体㊀学㊀报JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS Vol.53㊀No.4April,2024溶液空间限域法制备有机-无机杂化卤化铅钙钛矿单晶薄膜及其器件应用研究进展张庆文,单东明,张㊀虎,丁㊀然(吉林大学电子科学与工程学院,集成光电子学国家重点实验室,长春㊀130012)摘要:近年来,有机-无机杂化卤化铅钙钛矿材料因其出色的光电特性在国际上备受瞩目,并已成功应用于太阳能光伏㊁光电探测㊁电致发光等多个领域㊂目前绝大部分器件研究都集中在钙钛矿多晶材料上,但钙钛矿单晶材料拥有更低的缺陷态密度㊁更高的载流子迁移率㊁更长的载流子复合寿命㊁更宽的光吸收范围,以及更高的稳定性等优异的性质,可有效减少载流子传输过程中的散射损失,以及在晶界处的非辐射复合,并抑制离子迁移所引起的迟滞效应㊂采用钙钛矿单晶薄膜作为器件有源层有望制备性能更高效且更稳定的钙钛矿光电器件㊂目前,已报道的多种钙钛矿单晶薄膜制备方法包括溶液空间限域法㊁化学气相沉积法㊁自上而下加工法等,其中溶液空间限域法的发展和应用最为广泛㊂本文聚焦利用溶液空间限域法制备高质量钙钛矿单晶薄膜的相关方法,以及钙钛矿单晶薄膜在光电探测器㊁太阳能电池㊁场效应晶体管和发光二极管等相关器件应用中的研究进展,并对钙钛矿单晶薄膜及其光电器件的未来发展趋势进行了展望㊂关键词:钙钛矿半导体材料;溶液空间限域法;钙钛矿单晶薄膜;光电子器件;单晶薄膜生长中图分类号:O78;O484;TN36㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1000-985X (2024)04-0572-13Research Progress on Preparation of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskite Single-Crystalline Thin-Films by Solution-Processed Space-Confined Method and Their Device ApplicationsZHANG Qingwen ,SHAN Dongming ,ZHANG Hu ,DING Ran(State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics,College of Electronic Science and Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)㊀㊀收稿日期:2023-11-20㊀㊀基金项目:国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目(2022YFB3607500);国家自然科学基金(62274076)㊀㊀作者简介:张庆文(1999 ),男,山东省人,硕士研究生㊂E-mail:zhangqw1012@ ㊀㊀通信作者:丁㊀然,教授,博士生导师㊂E-mail:dingran@Abstract :In recent years,organic-inorganic hybrid lead halide perovskite materials have attracted much attention in the world because of their excellent photoelectric properties,and have been successfully applied in many fields such as solar photovoltaic,photoelectric detection,electroluminescence and so on.At present,most of the device research focuses on perovskite polycrystalline materials,but perovskite single crystal materials have excellent properties such as lower defect state density,higher carrier mobility,longer carrier recombination lifetime,wider light absorption range and higher stability,which can effectively reduce the scattering loss during carrier transport and non-radiative recombination at the grain boundary,and inhibit the hysteresis effect caused by ion ing perovskite single crystal thin film as the active layer of the device is expected to produce more efficient and stable perovskite photoelectric devices.At present,many preparation methods of perovskite single crystal films have been reported,mainly including solution-processed space-confined method,chemical vapor deposition method,top-down processing method,etc.Among them,solution-processed space-confined method is the most widely developed and applied.This paper focuses on the preparation of high-quality perovskite single crystal thin films by solution-processed space-confined method,and the research progress of perovskite single crystal thin films in photodetectors,solar cells,field effect transistors,light-emitting diodes and other related devices,and prospects the future development trend of perovskite single crystal thin films and photoelectric devices.㊀第4期张庆文等:溶液空间限域法制备有机-无机杂化卤化铅钙钛矿单晶薄膜及其器件应用研究进展573㊀Key words:hybrid perovskite semiconductor;solution-processed space-confined method;perovskite single-crystalline thin-film;optoelectronic device;growth of single crystal thin film0㊀引㊀㊀言近年来,有机-无机杂化卤化铅钙钛矿材料因高的光吸收系数[1]㊁高的载流子迁移率[2-3]㊁长的载流子扩散距离[4]㊁带隙可调谐[5-7]等优异的光电性能,引起了科研界和产业界的广泛关注㊂尤其是在光伏器件领域,钙钛矿电池的功率转换效率(power conversion efficiency,PCE)从最初的3.8%[8]攀升到目前的25.9%[9],发展速度出人意料且远超其他光伏材料体系㊂理论计算得到单结钙钛矿电池的最高转换效率可达33%,这一效率优于晶体硅的理论极限效率29.4%㊂除光伏领域外,钙钛矿材料在光电探测[5,10-15]㊁电致发光[16-19]㊁光泵激光[20-23]和辐射探测[24-26]等诸多光电领域也展现出巨大的应用前景㊂有机-无机杂化卤化铅钙钛矿材料化学结构式通常为ABX3,一般为立方体或八面体结构[27],对于典型的三维钙钛矿材料,其中A代表一价阳离子(如MA+㊁FA+等),B代表二价Pb2+阳离子,X为一价卤素阴离子(如Cl-㊁Br-㊁I-等)㊂在钙钛矿材料中,B离子位于立方晶胞的中心[28],被6个X离子包围形成配位立方八面体结构㊂钙钛矿光电器件有源层材料以多晶薄膜为主,多晶材料虽然在器件应用方面已展现出卓越的性能,但是内部存在大量晶界,且在晶界处存在高密度的晶格位错,以及无序的晶粒生长,从而导致薄膜内存在大量的晶格缺陷和可自由移动的离子㊂多晶膜内大量晶粒㊁晶界㊁空隙和表面缺陷等,会显著增大非辐射复合过程并诱使激子猝灭,严重限制光电及电光转换效率[29-30]㊂同时,在外场作用下钙钛矿多晶膜中会产生明显的离子迁移现象,移动的离子会抑制自由载流子的感生㊁积累与传输,也将极大影响器件的光电性能[31]㊂相比之下,钙钛矿单晶拥有更低的缺陷态密度㊁更长的载流子扩散长度㊁更长的载流子复合寿命㊁更宽的光吸收范围,以及更高的稳定性等[32-33]㊂这些优秀的本征特性为克服以上挑战提供了良好的载体,有望制备性能更高效且更稳定的钙钛矿光电器件㊂从晶体形态学角度区分,钙钛矿单晶材料主要可分为块体[34-35]和薄膜两种类型[36-38]㊂相比于单晶块体材料,单晶薄膜更易于与传统半导体工艺相集成,并有望制备性能更加优越的光电器件,更因其突出的柔性[39]和机械性,在未来柔性电子器件领域也展现出良好的应用前景㊂目前,已报道的钙钛矿单晶薄膜制备方法中,主要包括溶液空间限域法[36-37,40]㊁化学气相沉积法[41-44]㊁自上而下加工法[13,45-48]等,其中溶液空间限域法的发展和应用最为广泛㊂由于单晶各向异性生长,为了有效控制单晶薄膜厚度,抑制薄膜沿垂直纵向方向生长,并且提高水平横向方向的生长速率㊁增大薄膜的表面积,常引入空间结构限制策略,实现可控制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂本文聚焦利用溶液空间限域法制备高质量钙钛矿单晶薄膜的相关技术方法,以及钙钛矿单晶薄膜在光电探测器㊁太阳能电池㊁场效应晶体管和电致发光器件等相关器件应用中的研究进展㊂同时,对未来钙钛矿单晶薄膜材料的发展及其应用所面临的难题提出可行的解决方案㊂1㊀钙钛矿单晶薄膜生长策略目前,溶液法生长钙钛矿单晶块体技术较为成熟,包括冷却结晶法[4,49-52]㊁逆温结晶法[46,53-57]㊁反溶剂扩散法[58-62]等方法,但单晶块体的厚度较厚,展现出较高的光吸收损耗和较长的激子扩散距离,不适于垂直结构型光电器件的应用㊂为了进一步扩展钙钛矿单晶材料在光电器件领域的应用,急需开发厚度和形貌可控㊁重复性高的钙钛矿单晶薄膜制备方法㊂2016年,陕西师范大学刘生忠教授团队报道采用空间限域结合动态流反应系统的生长方法,通过控制两个玻璃片之间的间隙大小,确保钙钛矿单晶薄膜在预设的限域空间结构内生长,达到单晶薄膜厚度可控的目的,如图1(a)所示[37]㊂利用蠕动泵驱动空隙中溶液流动,为单晶薄膜生长提供源源不断的前驱体溶液,最终实现一系列厚度约为150μm的MAPbI3单晶薄片㊂然而,微米厚度的钙钛矿单晶薄膜依然无法满足垂直结构型器件的需求,通过施加外部压力的方式来控制几何限域空间的间隙距离,达到进一步减薄钙钛矿单晶薄膜的作用㊂2016年,中国科学院化学研究所胡劲松研究员团队设计如图1(b)所示装置,实现可控制备厚度均匀的钙钛矿单晶薄膜生长方法[36]㊂实验具体流程是将两个平面衬底夹在一起,通过控制夹具的压力来限制几何限域空间间隙,再垂直浸入钙钛矿前驱体溶液中,在毛细力的作用下溶液会填充满整个限域空间,然后加热底部前驱体溶液,控制溶剂挥发速率,形成底部饱和㊁顶部过574㊀综合评述人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷饱和的溶液环境,由于温度差引起的热对流,底部的溶液不断向顶部流动补充,为限域空间内生长钙钛矿单晶薄膜提供充足的前驱体溶液㊂制备的单晶薄膜具有厚度从纳米至微米可调㊁表面积达到亚毫米尺寸㊁横纵比可达~105等特点㊂同时,该方法可将钙钛矿单晶薄膜制备在各种衬底(如玻璃㊁石英㊁氧化铟锡(indiumtin oxide,ITO)㊁氟掺杂氧化锡(F-doped tin oxide,FTO))上,其厚度只取决于两个衬底之间的间隙距离,不同厚度的薄膜呈现出多彩均匀的颜色㊂图1㊀溶液空间限域法中厚度可控策略制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂(a)溶液空间限域结合动态流反应系统生长法[37];(b)溶液空间限域法生长厚度可调的钙钛矿单晶薄膜[36]Fig.1㊀Strategies for the growth of thickness-controlled perovskite single-crystalline thin-films.(a)Schematic diagram of the geometry-confined dynamic-flow reaction system[37];(b)schematic diagram of the solution-processed space-confined growthmethod for perovskite single-crystalline thin-films[36]为了扩大钙钛矿单晶薄膜的横向尺寸,从晶体成核动力学角度出发,降低溶液空间限域法中衬底的表面能,将有助于提高溶剂中离子的扩散速度和扩散距离,诱导晶体沿横向方向加速生长㊂2017年,美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校黄劲松教授团队提出对衬底表面进行疏水处理,在ITO衬底表面旋涂疏水的聚[双(4-苯基)(2,4,6-三甲基苯基)胺](Poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine,PTAA)空穴传输层材料,再用两片PTAA修饰后的ITO衬底构建限域空间,在空间内滴加MAPbBr3前驱体溶液后,将衬底结构置于㊀第4期张庆文等:溶液空间限域法制备有机-无机杂化卤化铅钙钛矿单晶薄膜及其器件应用研究进展575㊀110ħ热台上[1]㊂对比PTAA处理和未处理的衬底所构建限域空间内前驱体溶液的扩散差异,从图2(a)不难发现,由于疏水材料处理的衬底表面具有较低的表面能,将加速前驱体溶液中离子的扩散速率,解决生长过程中离子长程输运差的问题,有助于减少多晶成核结晶概率,同时增大单晶薄膜的横向生长尺寸㊂基于该衬底修饰方法,实现MAPbBr3单晶薄膜厚度可控制在10~20μm,横向截面尺寸可达数十mm2,该工作证明了对衬底表面进行合理改性对于控制钙钛矿单晶薄膜横向生长至关重要㊂2020年,北京大学马仁敏教授团队采取对衬底表面进行特异性处理的策略[63]㊂具体方式是对玻璃衬底进行不同的亲疏水处理,由于具有特异性的亲疏水能力,衬底展现出大小不同的溶液接触角㊂在观测亲疏水能力与单晶成核密度之间的关系后,发现从亲水到疏水的转变过程中,衬底表面的成核密度显著降低㊂分析其原因是亲水表面的成核自由能垒相对低于疏水条件下的表面成核自由能垒,从而拥有较快速的成核速率;并且亲水表面更易于吸附和捕获前驱体溶液中的离子,而降低了离子的扩散速率,导致单晶结晶速率较为缓慢㊂因此,疏水处理的衬底可有效降低单晶成核密度,并且加快单晶生长速率,更易于制备大尺寸的钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂制得的MAPbBr3单晶薄膜边长尺寸达到1cm,厚度控制在10μm,同时展现出较好的结晶质量,薄膜陷阱态密度仅为1011cm-3,载流子迁移率超过60cm2/(V㊃s)㊂除了衬底修饰策略,衬底自身独特的表面特征也有助于钙钛矿单晶薄膜的生长㊂2020年,天津理工大学吴以成教授团队以云母作为溶液空间限域法的生长衬底[64],如图2(b)所示,将含有适量油酸(oleic acid,OA)的钙钛矿前驱体溶液滴加到两片云母组成的间隙中,旋转云母衬底去除多余的前驱体溶液,然后放置于热板上加热,最终获得超薄的MAPbBr3单晶薄膜㊂该方法是基于云母表面的钾原子与钙钛矿中卤素原子之间会产生较强的相互作用,导致界面能降低并促进钙钛矿单晶薄膜在云母表面横向生长,同时油酸作为表面改性剂附着在钙钛矿表面,抑制钙钛矿单晶薄膜沿纵向方向的生长,最终成功制备出厚度仅为8nm㊁横向尺寸可达数百微米的MAPbBr3单晶薄膜㊂图2㊀溶液空间限域法中衬底修饰策略制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂(a)PTAA处理和未处理的ITO衬底结构中前驱体溶液扩散速度对比图[1];(b)云母衬底上生长钙钛矿单晶薄膜流程示意图[64]Fig.2㊀Substrate modification for the growth of perovskite single-crystalline thin-films.(a)Comparison of the diffusion rate of precursor solution within the PTAA treated and untreated ITO substrates[1];(b)growth of perovskite single-crystalline thin-films on mica substrates[64]钙钛矿单晶薄膜的生长开始于成核阶段,考虑到处于复杂溶液环境中,晶体将发生各向异性生长,容易形成多个晶核,并诱使出现晶畴㊁晶界等结构,严重影响钙钛矿单晶成膜的结晶质量[65]㊂为解决这一问题,科研人员提出了一种晶种法技术策略,首先生长钙钛矿单晶种子,再将种子转移到目标衬底,最后在合适的溶液环境中再结晶生长形成高质量的钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂2018年,中国科学院化学研究所宋延林研究员团队提出了一种溶液空间限域结合晶种印刷法的生长策略,通过晶种再生长的方式,实现了厚度可控㊁重复性好㊁576㊀综合评述人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷结晶质量高的钙钛矿单晶薄膜[66]㊂如图3(a)所示,首先使用喷墨打印技术将钙钛矿前驱体溶液选择性滴加在目标衬底上,随着前驱体溶液的挥发,形成规则排布的钙钛矿单晶种子㊂获得的钙钛矿单晶种子将有效抑制无序成核结晶现象㊂然后,将载有钙钛矿单晶种子的衬底转移并浸入到钙钛矿前驱体饱和溶液中,置于热台上加热结晶后,通过控制钙钛矿单晶种子的数量和尺寸,最终制备出批量的毫米级钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂2021年,韩国首尔大学Lee教授团队进一步拓展了晶种生长法,结合种子转移技术,如图3(b)所示[67]㊂首先在两片玻璃片中注入前驱体溶液,玻璃片之间由厚度为25μm的聚四氟乙烯(polytetrafluoroethylene,PTFE)薄膜隔开,在110ħ的加热温度下,过饱和的钙钛矿前驱体溶液成核结晶,形成厚度为23μm㊁尺寸为100~200μm 的MAPbBr3单晶种子㊂然后,挑选出单个种子转移至一个密封式液体池腔体中,随着浓度为1mol/L的MAPbBr3前驱体溶剂以5μL/min速率源源不断地流入液体池腔体内,基于逆温结晶法,MAPbBr3单晶薄膜将匀速生长,最终制得了高质量㊁大尺寸的MAPbBr3单晶薄膜,其厚度为40μm,表面积可达16.23mm2,表面粗糙度为0.51nm,缺陷态密度仅有7.61ˑ108cm-3㊂图3㊀溶液空间限域法中晶种法策略制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂(a)溶液空间限域结合晶种印刷法制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜技术流程示意图[66];(b)晶种生长法结合晶种转移技术制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜技术流程示意图[67]Fig.3㊀Seed-induced methods for the growth of perovskite single-crystalline thin-films.(a)Technical flow diagram of preparation of perovskite single crystal film by solution-processed space-confined combined with seed printing[66];(b)process flow diagram of preparation of perovskite single crystal thin film by seed growth and seed transfer technology[67]图案化生长钙钛矿单晶薄膜对于推动钙钛矿单晶材料面向集成化光电器件应用至关重要㊂其主要思路是通过引入周期性的模板,构建结构化限域空间用于生长图案化钙钛矿单晶[68-74]㊂2021年,合肥工业大学罗林保教授团队利用高密度数字视频光盘(digital video disc,DVD)上的沟道作为结构化限域空间用于溶液空间限域法,如图4(a)所示[71]㊂首先,将聚二甲基硅氧烷(polydimethylsiloxane,PDMS)溶液旋涂在准备好的DVD磁盘上,固化后形成与磁盘沟道结构和形貌一致的PDMS模板㊂然后,在亲水性衬底上滴加钙钛矿前驱体溶液,溶液在亲水衬底上形成一层均匀的液膜,再将表面具有周期性沟道结构的PDMS模板覆盖其上,前驱体溶液便被重新分配并限制在PDMS模板与亲水性衬底形成的纳米沟道之间㊂放置于热台上加热之后,晶体沿着纳米沟道不断生长,最终形成规则且均匀的钙钛矿单晶阵列,得到的钙钛矿单晶阵列的结构完全与磁盘沟道形貌相一致,并可实现在不同衬底上生长大规模钙钛矿单晶阵列结构㊂2022年,苏州大学揭建胜教授团队开发了类似的三维限制结晶方法,在三维结构化的微通道模板上方利用一个三角形PDMS 基板协助溶液剪切过程,用于生长钙钛矿单晶阵列,PDMS模板紧密地附着在微通道表面,避免了溶液剪切㊀第4期张庆文等:溶液空间限域法制备有机-无机杂化卤化铅钙钛矿单晶薄膜及其器件应用研究进展577㊀过程中对微通道的破坏,同时利用PDMS模板表面的疏水性,可以有效防止溶液黏附在三角形PDMS基板上,如图4(b)所示[72]㊂在底部进行加热的情况下,缓慢移动三角形玻璃基板,钙钛矿前驱体溶液逐渐挥发结晶,最终形成与模板结构相同的MAPbI3单晶阵列㊂为了进一步提高钙钛矿单晶阵列横向尺寸,韩国汉阳大学Sung教授团队引入滚筒印刷技术,如图4(c)所示[73]㊂首先,钙钛矿前驱体溶液加在180ħ加热的基板衬底上,通过旋转图案化的PDMS模具包裹的圆柱形金属滚轮,PDMS模具上具有宽度为10mm㊁深度为200nm的周期性阵列,前驱体溶液被限制在模具和基板衬底之间,随着前驱体溶液的迅速蒸发而结晶,最终制得的钙钛矿单晶薄膜阵列与滚筒图案完全一致㊂成功实现了总宽度为10mm,周期尺寸为400nm,厚度为200nm的MAPbI3单晶薄膜阵列㊂利用该方法不仅可以在横向方向上约束钙钛矿单晶的生长,并且实现滚筒印刷制备大尺度钙钛矿单晶薄膜阵列的目的㊂通过上述总结,围绕溶液空间限域法制备大尺寸㊁高质量钙钛矿单晶薄膜,详细阐述了从厚度可控㊁衬底修饰㊁晶种生长㊁图案化生长等几个主要方面的生长和制备方法,相关性能参数如表1所示,对于未来实现可控制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜材料,进一步扩展其在光电器件领域的应用至关重要㊂图4㊀溶液空间限域法中图案化生长策略制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂(a)磁盘沟道模板生长钙钛矿单晶阵列的技术流程图[71];(b)三维限制结晶方法生长钙钛矿单晶阵列装置示意图[72];(c)滚筒印刷技术制备大尺度钙钛矿单晶阵列的装置流程图[73] Fig.4㊀Periodic structures for the growth of perovskite single-crystalline thin-films.(a)Digital channel template for the growth of perovskite single-crystalline arrays[71];(b)schematic diagram of apparatus for growing perovskite single crystal array by a three-dimensional restricted crystallization method[72];(c)flow chart of device for preparing large-scale perovskite singlecrystal array by roller printing technology[73]578㊀综合评述人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷表1㊀溶液空间限域法及其改进策略制备钙钛矿单晶薄膜的相关性能参数Table1㊀Performance parameters of the perovskite single-crystalline thin-films prepared by solution-processedspace-confined method and its improvement strategySolution-processed space-confined method and its improvement strategy Perovskitematerial type Thickness/μmDensity of defectstates/cm-3Carrier mobility/(cm2㊃V-1㊃s-1)Surface dimension ReferenceDynamic-flow reaction system MAPbI3~1506ˑ10839.6 5.84mmˑ5.62mm[37] Thickness controlledgrowth method MAPbBr30.01~1 4.8ˑ101015.7Hundreds of microns[36]Substrate treatment MAPbI310~40Electron:36.8ʃ3.7Hole:12.1ʃ1.5Tens of square millimeters[1] Substrate specific processing MAPbBr3~10 1.6ˑ1011>601cm[63] Mica substrate MAPbX30.008~0.01436.5Hundreds of microns[64] Seed printing method MAPbX3,CsPbBr30.1~10 2.6ˑ101014000μm2[66] Seed transfer technology MAPbBr3407.61ˑ10816.23mm2[67] Digital channeltemplate method MAPbI3~0.065cycle:760nm[71] Three-dimensional confinedcrystallization method MAPbI30.5~58.5ˑ1010cycle:8μm[72] Rolling mould printingtechnology MAPbI30.2or0.545.64cycle:400nm[73] 2㊀钙钛矿单晶薄膜器件应用钙钛矿单晶薄膜因其高的光吸收系数㊁高的载流子迁移率㊁长的载流子扩散长度㊁带隙可调谐等优异的光电性能,被广泛应用于光电探测器㊁太阳能电池㊁场效应晶体管㊁发光二极管等器件中㊂光电探测器是基于传统光电效应将光信号转变为电信号的器件装置,其在光通信㊁激光雷达㊁医疗诊断㊁安防监控等多个领域应用广泛㊂传统光电探测器多以无机半导体材料为主,例如Si㊁GaAs㊁GaN等材料[11]㊂近年来,随着有机-无机杂化卤化物钙钛矿半导体材料的出现,其展现出的巨大的应用潜力,有望促进光电探测器在成本和性能上取得进一步的提升和跨越㊂大量研究表明,由于较低的光吸收损耗和理想的激子扩散距离,钙钛矿单晶薄膜光电探测器[68-69,75-77]相比于单晶块体探测器,在光电探测方面已展露出明显的性能优势㊂2015年,阿卜杜拉国王科学大学Bakr教授团队首次报道利用直接生长在ITO玻璃衬底上的MAPbCl3单晶薄膜,制备一种具有金属-半导体-金属器件结构的光电导型探测器[54],并展现出出色的光电探测性能,具有较高的探测率与开关比,响应时间在ms数量级,这与当时商用的III-V族半导体光电晶体管的性能几乎相当㊂2017年,黄劲松团队利用MAPbBr3单晶薄膜制作了垂直器件结构为p-i-n型的Cu/BCP/C60/MAPbBr3/PTAA/ITO钙钛矿单晶探测器[78],如图5(a)所示,该光电探测器的探测率(D∗)高达1.5ˑ1013Jones㊂由于单晶薄膜较低的缺陷态密度,探测器对于弱光探测极为敏感,探测最低可达pW/cm2量级,同时线性动态范围高达256dB,是当时报道最高的结果㊂2018年,马仁敏教授团队系统性研究了光电探测器性能与单晶薄膜厚度之间的依赖关系[14]㊂发现随着钙钛矿单晶薄膜的厚度从10μm降低到几百nm,光电探测器的探测能力提升了2个数量级,增益提升了4个数量级㊂通过优化钙钛矿单晶薄膜的厚度以及结晶度,器件的增益可达5ˑ107,增益带宽积为70GHz㊂钙钛矿材料具有可低温㊁液相制备的特点,并可与多种柔性衬底相兼容,制备可弯折的柔性光电子器件㊂同时,钙钛矿单晶薄膜展现出较好的柔性和机械性,可用于制备柔性钙钛矿单晶薄膜光电探测器㊂为此, 2020年,马仁敏教授团队引入超薄钙钛矿单晶薄膜作为有源层,制备了高性能的柔性光电探测器[39],如图5 (b)所示,该光电探测器的单晶薄膜厚度仅为20nm,器件响应度高达5600A/W,在经过1000次循环弯折后,探测器的光电流和开关比没有出现明显的下降,展现出较好的弯折稳定性㊂高质量的钙钛矿单晶纳米线阵列有利于限制载流子在几何通道内输运,提高载流子的迁移率和扩散距离㊂2021年罗林保教授团队制备的基于MAPbI3单晶纳米线阵列的光电探测器[71],在520nm入射光照射下,随入射光功率的升高,该光电探㊀第4期张庆文等:溶液空间限域法制备有机-无机杂化卤化铅钙钛矿单晶薄膜及其器件应用研究进展579㊀测器的光电流呈线性递增,最低暗电流为0.3nA,最高光电流达350nA,总开关比高达1.2ˑ103㊂同时,该探测器的响应度为20.56A/W,探测率达到4.73ˑ1012Jones㊂由于钙钛矿单晶纳米线阵列展现出良好的偏振敏感性,该类型器件也适用于探测线偏光的偏振度㊂为了解决钙钛矿材料中铅毒性[79]和不稳定性的问题,2020年,中山大学匡代彬教授团队在ITO玻璃上原位生长不含铅元素的全无机Cs3Bi2I9单晶薄膜并制备了相应的光电探测器[80]㊂制得的Cs3Bi2I9钙钛矿单晶薄膜的陷阱态密度比多晶材料低3个数量级,载流子迁移率也高出3.8ˑ104倍㊂这些优异的性质有利于实现高性能的光电探测器,基于此材料制备的垂直结构型光电探测器的开关比高达11000㊂而且,在未封装的情况下,处在潮湿环境中1000h之后,该钙钛矿单晶薄膜光探测器的光电流仍维持初始值的91%,体现了该材料出色的环境稳定性㊂由于钙钛矿多晶薄膜内存在大量的晶界㊁空穴和缺陷态等,太阳能电池存在显著的非辐射复合能量损失,限制了钙钛矿太阳能电池PCE的进一步提升㊂而无晶界㊁低缺陷态密度的钙钛矿单晶薄膜成为解决材料内在问题及器件PCE的理想材料体系㊂2017年,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院李江宇教授团队在FTO/TiO2衬底上直接生长MAPbI3单晶薄膜,并制造了相应的钙钛矿单晶薄膜太阳能电池,该电池器件的PCE达到了8.78%[81]㊂同年,黄劲松教授团队利用在PTAA空穴传输层上直接生长的MAPbI3单晶薄膜,构建器件结构为ITO/PTAA/MAPbI3/PCBM/C60/BCP/Cu的太阳能电池器件,如图5(c)所示[1]㊂通过优化钙钛矿单晶薄膜厚度,其电池的光谱响应范围可以扩展到820nm,比相对应的多晶薄膜材料的光谱响应要宽20nm,器件的最佳短路电流密度J sc为20.5mA/cm2,开路电压V oc为1.06V,填充因子(fill factor,FF)为74.1%,PCE可达16.1%㊂在使用MAI离子溶液对单晶薄膜表面进行钝化处理之后,有效降低了MAPbI3单晶薄膜表面的电荷陷阱,器件最佳PCE提升到17.8%㊂2019年,Bakr教授团队利用20μm厚的MAPbI3单晶薄膜制备太阳能电池,器件结构为ITO/PTAA/MAPbI3/C60/BCP/Cu[82]㊂该钙钛矿单晶薄膜电池器件的PCE达到21.09%,填充因子FF为84.3%㊂之后,该团队通过优化前驱体溶液,采用碳酸丙烯酯(propylene carbonate,PC)和γ-丁内酯(1,4-butyrolactone,GBL)的混合溶剂,90ħ下生长MAPbI3钙钛矿单晶薄膜㊂基于此单晶材料制备的钙钛矿太阳能电池的V oc明显提高,PCE达到21.9%[84]㊂2021年,该团队在之前的器件结构基础上,将钙钛矿单晶的成分改为混合阳离子FA0.6MA0.4PbI3钙钛矿单晶,如图5(d)所示,制备的钙钛矿太阳能电池对近红外响应要比纯FAPbI3器件扩展了50meV,J sc达到26mA/cm2,PCE达到22.8%[84]㊂2023年,该团队在亲水性的([2-(3,6-dimethoxy-9H-carbazol-9-yl)ethyl]phosphonic acid,MeO-2PACz)单分子层表面生长FA0.6MA0.4PbI3钙钛矿单晶薄膜,与PTAA上生长的单晶薄膜相比,MeO-2PACz有效提高了钙钛矿单晶薄膜与衬底的机械粘附力,PCE达到创纪录的23.1%[85]㊂伴随着钙钛矿单晶薄膜生长技术的更新和迭代,钙钛矿单晶薄膜太阳能电池的器件性能有望超越钙钛矿多晶太阳能电池,在太阳能电池器件领域占据一席之地[86]㊂从钙钛矿材料结构角度出发,由金属阳离子和卤化物阴离子形成的强共价或离子键相互作用结合的钙钛矿八面体骨架结构,将为材料提供高的载流子迁移率骨架模型,据理论预测的迁移率最高可达1000cm2/(V㊃s);有机阳离子可以间接扭曲无机骨架,在分子尺度上影响材料的晶体结构和电学特性㊂因此,钙钛矿材料因其展现出较高的载流子迁移率,被认为是发展新一代半导体电子技术最理想的光电材料㊂基于钙钛矿单晶薄膜材料的场效应晶体管研究起步相对较晚,2018年,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学Amassian教授团队制备了底栅顶接触的钙钛矿单晶薄膜场效应晶体管器件,器件的沟道长度为10~150μm,如图5(e)所示[87]㊂该团队设计和制备了一系列基于MAPbCl3㊁MAPbBr3㊁MAPbI3单晶薄膜的场效应晶体管器件,测量和分析器件的转移和传输特性曲线,其空穴迁移率最高分别可达2.6㊁3.1㊁2.9cm2/(V㊃s),电子迁移率分别为2.2㊁1.8㊁1.1cm2/(V㊃s),且器件开关比分别可达2.4ˑ104㊁4.8ˑ103㊁6.7ˑ103㊂该系列场效应晶体管器件展现出良好的电学输运特性,为进一步推动钙钛矿单晶薄膜材料在集成电子器件领域的应用提供了良好的研究基础㊂钙钛矿发光二极管(perovskitelight emitting diodes,PeLED)近年来也发展迅速,自2014年英国剑桥大学的Friend教授课题组首次报道室温下PeLED器件以来,PeLED以其优异的光电性能㊁较低的器件成本,以及。

Invitrogen Quant-iT dsDNA Broad-Range Assay - 手册说明

Invitrogen Quant-iT dsDNA Broad-Range Assay - 手册说明

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.Table 1.Contents and storageQuant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay KitCatalog no. Q33130IntroductionThe Quant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay Kit makes DNA quantitation easy and accurate. The kit provides concentrated assay reagent, dilution buffer, and pre-diluted DNA standards. Simply dilute the reagent 1:200, load 200 μL into the wells of amicroplate, add 1–20 μL sample volumes, mix, then read the fluorescence. The assay is highly selective for double-stranded DNA over RNA, and in the range of 2–1000 ng, the fluorescence signal is linear with DNA (Figure 2, page 2). The assay is performed at room temperature, and the signal is stable for 3 hours. Common contaminants, such as salts, solvents, detergents, or protein are well tolerated in the assay.In addition to the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay Kit described here, we also offer the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA High-Sensitivity Assay Kit (Cat. no. Q33120). The Quant-iT ™ dsDNA High-Sensitivity Kit is designed for assaying samples containing 0.2–100 ng of DNA.If you would like to use this kit with the Qubit ® fluorometer, we have includedinstructions under Using the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay Kit with the Qubit ® Fluorometer .Before You BeginHandling the Quant-iT ™ reagentWe must caution that no data are available addressing the mutagenicity or toxicity of the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR reagent. This reagent is known to bind nucleic acid and is provided as a solution in DMSO; treat the reagent with the same safety precautions as all other potential mutagens and dispose of the dye in accordance with local regulations.Remove the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay Kit from storage and allow thecomponents to equilibrate to room temperature. During all steps, protect the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR reagent concentrate and the working solution from light as much as possible.Figure 2. DNA selectivity and sensitivity of the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR assay. Triplicate 10 µL samples of λ DNA ( ), E. coli rRNA ( ), or a 1:1 mixture of DNA and RNA ( ) were assayed in the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR assay. Fluorescence was measured at 485/530 nm and plotted versus the mass of nucleic acid for the DNA alone or RNA alone, or versus the mass of the DNA component in the 1:1 mixture. The variation (CV) of replicate DNA determinations was ≤3%. The inset, a separate experiment with octuplicate determinations, showsthe sensitivity of the assay for DNA. Background fluorescence has not been subtracted.Figure 1. Excitation and emission maxima for the Quant-iT ™dsDNA BR reagent bound to DNA.Using the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay Kit with a Fluorescence Microplate ReaderThis protocol describes the use of the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay Kit with a fluorescence microplate reader equipped with excitation and emission filters appropriate for fluorescein or Alexa Fluor ® 488 dye. Some contaminating substances may interfere with the assay. See Conatminating substances, page 7, for moreinformation. For an overview of this procedure, see Figure 3, below.Add Samples and Mix Well Add Quant-iT ™ standards (10 µL)and unknown samples (1–20 µL)Read PlateLoad Microplate with Working SolutionQuant-iT ™ reagentBufferFigure 3. The Quant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range assay.1.1 Make a working solution by diluting Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR reagent 1:200 in Quant-iT ™dsDNA BR buffer. For example, for ~100 assays put 100 μL of Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR reagent (Component A) and 20 mL of Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR buffer (Component B) in a disposable plastic container and mix well. Do not use glass containers. Do not use buffers other than the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR buffer to make the working solution.1.2 Load 200 μL of the working solution into each microplate well. Diluted Quant-iT ™dsDNA BR reagent is stable for at least 3 hours at room temperature, protected from light. 1.3 Add 10 μL of each λ DNA standard (Component C) to separate wells and mix well. Takecare not to introduce nucleases into the tubes of DNA standard as you remove aliquots for the assay. Duplicates or triplicates of the standards are recommended. 1.4 Add 1–20 μL of each unknown DNA sample to separate wells and mix well. Duplicatesor triplicates of the unknown samples are recommended. Some contaminating substances may interfere with the assay, see Contaminating substances , page 7. 1.5 Measure the fluorescence using a microplate reader (excitation/emission maxima are510/527 nm; see Figure 1, page 2). Standard fluorescein wavelengths (excitation/emission at ~480/530 nm) are appropriate for this dye. The fluorescence signal is stable for 3 hours at room temperature. 1.6 Use a standard curve to determine the DNA amounts. For the λ DNA standards, plotamount vs. fluorescence, and fit a straight line to the data points.Data analysis considerations –standard curves and extendedranges The fluorescence of the Quant-iT™ dsDNA BR reagent bound to dsDNA is extremelylinear from 0–1000 ng. For best results at the low end of the standard curve, the lineshould be forced through the background point (or through zero, if backgroundhas been subtracted). When 10 μL volumes of the standards are used, the lowestDNA-containing standard represents 50 ng of DNA; nevertheless, highly accuratedeterminations of DNA down to 2 ng are attained using the standard curve as describedabove.To assess the reliability of the assay in the low range, use smaller volumes of thestandards; for example, 2 μL volumes for a standard curve ranging from 0–200 ng(Figure 4A, below). Alternatively, dilute the standards in buffer for an even tighterrange (Figure 4A, inset). During development of the Quant-iT™ dsDNA BR assay, wewere able to detect 0.5 ng of λ DNA under ideal experimental circumstances (usingcalibrated pipettors, octuplicate determinations, the best microplate readers, andZ-factor1 analysis). Your results may vary.If desired, the utility of the Quant-iT™ dsDNA BR assay can be extended beyond1000 ng, up to 2000 ng (Figure 4B). For standards in this range, use 20 μL volumes of theprovided standards. Note that the standard curve may not be linear in the range1600–2000 ng.Figure 4. Extended ranges for the Quant-iT™ dsDNA BR assay. Triplicate 2 µL (Panel A) or 20 µL samples(Panel B) of λ DNA ( ), E. coli rRNA ( ), or a 1:1 mixture of DNA and RNA ( ) were assayed in the Quant-iT™dsDNA BR assay. Fluorescence was measured at 485/530 nm and plotted versus the mass of nucleic acidfor the DNA alone or RNA alone, or versus the mass of the DNA component in the 1:1 mixture. The inset(Panel A), a separate experiment with octuplicate determinations, shows the sensitivity of the assay forDNA. Background fluorescence has not been subtracted.Using the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay Kit with the Qubit ® FluorometerThe Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR Assay Kit can easily be adapted for use with the Qubit ® fluorometer. The protocol below is abbreviated from the Qubit ® fluorometer userguide, which is available at /qubit . Although a step-by-step protocol and critical assay parameters are given here, more detail is available in the Qubit ® fluorometer user guide and you are encouraged to familiarize yourself with this manual before you begin your assay. See Figure 5, below, for an overview of the procedure.Figure 5. Overview for using the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR assay in the Qubit ® fluorometer .IMPORTANT! Ensure all assay reagents are at room temperature before you begin. Use only thin-wall, clear 0.5 mL PCR tubes. Acceptable tubes include Qubit ® assay tubes (500 tubes, Cat. no. Q32856) or Axygen ® PCR-05-C tubes (VWR, part no. 10011-830).2.1 Label the lids of the assay tubes* you will need for the standards and user samples.Note: The Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR Assay Kit requires two standards for calibration.Prepare a dilution of the 0 ng/µL λ dsDNA BR standard from the Component C set to generate Standard #1, and prepare a dilution of the 100 ng/µL λ dsDNA BR standard from the Component C set to generate Standard #2 (see step 2.3 below).2.2 Make the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR working solution by diluting the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BRreagent 1:200 in Quant-iT ™ buffer. 2.3Prepare assay tubes according to Table 2 below.* where n = number of standards plus number of samplesFinal volume is 200 µLFinal volume is 200 µLVortex all assay tubes for 2–3 secondsIncubate at room temperature for 2 minutesRead tubes in the Qubit ® fluorometer2.5 Incubate the tubes for 2 minutes at room temperature.2.6 Calibrate the Qubit ® fluorometer using Standard #1 and Standard #2. 2.7 Read the user samples in the Qubit ® fluorometer.2.8 For Qubit ® 2.0 Fluorometer users: Multiply the readout from the Qubit ® 2.0 Fluorometerby the value given by the dilution factor (see the Qubit ® 2.0 Fluorometer user guide) to determine the concentration of your original sample. Alternatively, choose Calculate Sample Concentration to have the Qubit ® 2.0 Fluorometer perform this multiplication for you. For more information, refer to the Qubit ® 2.0 Fluorometer user guide.Note: The Qubit ® 3.0 Fluorometer performs this calculation automatically.Appendix: Critical Assay ParametersAssay temperatureThe Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR assay for the Qubit ® fluorometer delivers optimal performance when all solutions are at room temperature. The Quant-iT ™ assays were designed to be performed at room temperature, as temperature fluctuations can influence the accuracy of the assay. To minimize temperature fluctuations, store the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR reagent and the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR buffer at room temperature and insert all assay tubes into the Qubit ® fluorometer only for as much time as it takes for the instrument to measure the fluorescence, as the Qubit ® fluorometer can raise the temperature of the assay solution significantly, even over a period of a few minutes. Do not hold the assay tubes in your hand before reading, as this will warm the solution and result in a low reading.Incubation timeIn order to allow the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA BR assay to reach maximum fluorescence, incubate the assay tubes for 2 minutes after mixing the sample or standard with the working solution. After this incubation period, the fluorescence signal is stable for3 hours at room temperature.2.4 Vortex all tubes for 2–3 seconds.Table 2. Tube setup.Photobleaching of theQuant-iT™ reagent The Quant-iT™ dsDNA BR reagent exhibits high photostability in the Qubit®fluorometer, showing <0.3% drop in fluorescence after 9 readings and <2.5% drop influorescence after 40 readings. It is important to remember, however, that if the assaytube remains in the Qubit® fluorometer for multiple readings, a temporary reductionin fluorescence will be observed as the solution increases in temperature. Note thatthe temperature inside the Qubit® Fluorometer may be as much as 3°C above roomtemperature after 1 hour. For this reason, if you want to perform multiple readings ofa single tube, you should remove the tube from the instrument and let it equilibrate toroom temperature for 30 seconds before taking another reading.Assay tubes to use with theQubit® Fluorometer Use only thin-wall, clear 0.5 mL PCR tubes with the Qubit® Fluorometer. Acceptabletubes include Qubit® assay tubes (Cat. no. Q32856, 500 tubes) or Axygen® PCR-05-C tubes(VWR, part number 10011-830). The assay volume must be 200 µL for an accurate read.Calibrating the Qubit®Fluorometer When quantifying your samples using the Qubit® fluorometer, you have the choice tocalibrate the instrument using freshly prepared calibration solutions or to apply thevalues from a previously run calibration. Using the Quant-iT™ dsDNA Broad-Range AssayKit with the Qubit® Fluorometer, page 5, describes the preparation of fresh calibrationstandards. Consult the instruction manual for the Qubit® fluorometer for guidance onchoosing a calibration mode.Contaminating substances A number of common contaminants have been tested in the Quant-iT™ dsDNA BR assay,and most are well tolerated (Table 3, below). For untested contaminating substances andin general, the standards should be assayed under the same conditions as the unknownsfor highest accuracy. For example, if the experimental samples are in an unusual bufferand if 10 µL volumes of these samples are used, then add 10 µL volumes of the unusualbuffer (lacking DNA) to the assays of the standards.Table 3. Effect of Contaminants in the Quant-iT™ dsDNA Broad-Range Assay. *Purchaser NotificationThese high-quality reagents and materials must be used by, or directl y under the super v ision of, a tech n ically qualified individual experienced in handling potentially hazardous chemicals. Read the Safety Data Sheet provided for each product; other regulatory considerations may apply.Obtaining SupportFor the latest services and support information for all locations, go to .At the website, you can:• Access worldwide telephone and fax numbers to contact Technical Support and Sales facilities • Search through frequently asked questions (FAQs)• Submit a question directly to Technical Support (************************)• Search for user documents, SDSs, vector maps and sequences, application notes, formulations, handbooks, certificates of analysis, citations, and other product support documents• Obtain information about customer training • Download software updates and patchesSDSSafety Data Sheets (SDSs) are available at /sds .Certificate of AnalysisThe Certificate of Analysis provides detailed quality control and product qualification information for each product. Certificates of Analysis are available on our website. Go to /support and search for the Certificate of Analysis by product lot number, which is printed on the product packaging (tube, pouch, or box).Limited Product WarrantyLife Technologies Corporation and/or its affiliate(s) warrant their products as set forth in the Life Technologies’ General Terms and Conditions of Sale found on Life Technologies’ website at /termsandconditions . If you have any questions, please contact Life Technologies at /support .DisclaimerLIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL LIFE TECHNOLOGIES AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR UNDER ANY STATUTE OR ON ANY OTHER BASIS FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, MULTIPLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE USE THEREOF.Important Licensing InformationThis product may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of this product, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries, unless otherwise specified. NanoDrop is a registered trademark of NanoDrop Technologies, LLC.Triton is a registered trademark of Union Carbide Corporation.Axygen is a registered trademark of Axygen, Inc.©2015 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.16 February 2015Reference1. J Biomol Screen 4, 67-73 (1999).Product List Current prices may be obtained from our website or from our Customer Service Department.Cat. no. Product Name Unit SizeQ33130 Quant-iT™ dsDNA Assay Kit, Broad Range, 1000 assays *2–1000 ng*.............................................. 1 kit Related products Q33120 Quant-iT™ dsDNA Assay Kit, High Sensitivity, 1000 assays *0.2–100 ng* ........................................... 1 kit Q10213 Quant-iT™ RNA Assay Kit, Broad Range, 1000 assays *20–1000 ng*............................................... 1 kit Q33140 Quant-iT™ RNA Assay Kit, 1000 assays *5–100 ng*............................................................. 1 kit Q32882 Quant-iT™ microRNA Assay Kit, 1000 assays *5–500 ng*........................................................ 1 kit Q33210 Quant-iT™ Protein Assay Kit, 1000 assays *0.25–5 μg*.......................................................... 1 kit O11492 Quant-iT™ OliGreen ® ssDNA Assay Kit *2000 assays* ..........................................................1 kit。



第60卷第3期2021年5月Vol.60No.3May 2021中山大学学报(自然科学版)ACTASCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATISSUNYATSENI硅纳米粒子的功能化及生物分析应用*李春荣1,3,邹小勇1,戴宗21.中山大学化学学院,广东广州5102752.中山大学生物医学工程学院,广东深圳5181073.黔南民族医学高等专科学校,贵州都匀558013摘要:硅纳米粒子作为一类新兴的荧光纳米材料在生物传感研究方面有许多优势。



关键词:硅纳米粒子;细胞成像;功能化修饰;生物传感;荧光检测中图分类号:O657文献标志码:A文章编号:0529-6579(2021)03-0001-11Founctional silicon nanoparticles and bioanalitical applicationLI Chunrong 1,3,ZOU Xiaoyong 1,DAI Zong 21.School of Chemistry ,Sun Yat -sen University ,Guangzhou 510275,China2.School of Biomedical Engineering ,Sun Yat -sen University ,Shenzhen 518107,China3.Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities ,Duyun 558013,ChinaAbstract :As a newly emerging nanomaterial ,silicon nanoparticle possesses many advantages in the ap⁃plication of biosensor.In recent years ,silicon nanoparticles have been received widespread attention in biosensor ,bioanalytical ,and fluorescence probe.Herein ,the functional modification ,and application in fluorescence detection ,biosensor ,and imaging analytical of silicon nanoparticles were reviewed.Moreover ,the future functional modification developments and application of silicon nanoparticles are al⁃so discussed.Key words :silicon nanoparticles ;cell imaging ;function modification ;biosensor ;fluorescence detection 硅是地壳中含量第二大元素,为各种硅相关应用材料提供了丰富而低成本的资源支持。



synthesis of CdTe quantum dots,fluorescence excitation spectra of broad,sharp
emission spectra,hi曲quantum yield,fluorescence intensity,and the implementation by changing the reaction time and the ratio of reactants to tuning the size of quantum
quantum dots,fluorescence absorption and emission spectra,as well as the impact of
quantum yield.Using UV spectrophotometer,fluorescence spectrophotometer, transmission electron microscopy,microplate reader,particle size analyzer, fluorescence confocal microscopy, fluorescence confocal scanner means for the synthesis of quantum dots were characterized.
1.在有氧条件下,以巯基乙酸为修饰剂,在水溶液中合成的CdSe/SiO:量子 点,粒径均匀,均为球形,随反应时间以及包被时间不同,粒径随之改变,荧光 发射光谱也随之改变,实现了通过反应时间与包被时间对量子点尺寸的调谐作用。
2.在无氧条件下,以巯基乙酸为修饰剂,在水溶液中合成的CdTe量子点,荧 光激发光谱广,发射光谱尖锐,量子产率高,荧光强度大,并实现了通过改变反 应时间与反应物比例来调谐量子点的尺寸。



30 20
40 50
10 00
70 80
temperature pressure
30 20
40 50
10 0
70 80
Moveable piston
Volume increase
Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
by Michael Quirk and Julian Serda
Properties of Materials
• Temperature • Pressure and Vacuum • Condensation • Vapor Pressure • Sublimation and
Deposition • Density • Surface Tension • Thermal Expansion • Stress
by Michael Quirk and Julian Serda
© 2001 by Prentice Hall
After studying the material in this chapter, you will be able to:
1. Identify and discuss the four states of matter.
Dry ice (CO2)
Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
by Michael Quirk and Julian Serda
Figure 5.7
© 2001 by Prentice Hall

advanced optical materials分区

advanced optical materials分区

Advanced Optical MaterialsIntroductionAdvanced optical materials are a class of materials that possess unique optical properties and are engineered to enhance light-matter interactions. These materials have revolutionized various fields such as photonics, optoelectronics, and nanotechnology. In this article, we will explore the different types of advanced optical materials, their applications, and the future prospects of this exciting field.Types of Advanced Optical MaterialsPhotonic CrystalsPhotonic crystals are periodic structures that can manipulate the propagation of light. They consist of a periodic arrangement ofdielectric or metallic components with alternating refractive indices. These structures can control the flow of light by creating energy bandgaps, which prohibit certain wavelengths from propagating through the material. Photonic crystals find applications in optical communication, sensing, and solar cells.MetamaterialsMetamaterials are artificially engineered materials that exhibit properties not found in nature. They are composed of subwavelength-sized building blocks arranged in a periodic or random manner. Metamaterials can manipulate electromagnetic waves by achieving negative refractive index, perfect absorption, and cloaking effects. These unique properties have led to applications in invisibility cloaks, super lenses, and efficient light harvesting.Plasmonic MaterialsPlasmonic materials exploit the interaction between light and free electrons at metal-dielectric interfaces to confine light at nanoscale dimensions. This confinement results in enhanced electromagnetic fields known as surface plasmon resonances. Plasmonic materials have diverse applications such as biosensing, photothermal therapy, and enhanced solar cells.Quantum DotsQuantum dots are nanoscale semiconductor crystals with unique optical properties due to quantum confinement effects. Their size-tunable bandgap enables them to emit different colors of light depending ontheir size. Quantum dots find applications in display technologies (e.g., QLED TVs), biological imaging, and photovoltaics.Organic Optoelectronic MaterialsOrganic optoelectronic materials are based on organic compounds that exhibit electrical conductivity and optical properties. These materials are lightweight, flexible, and can be processed at low cost. They find applications in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic photovoltaics (OPVs), and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs).Applications of Advanced Optical MaterialsInformation TechnologyAdvanced optical materials play a crucial role in information technology. Photonic crystals enable the miniaturization of optical devices, leading to faster and more efficient data transmission. Metamaterials offer possibilities for creating ultra-compact photonic integrated circuits. Plasmonic materials enable the development of high-density data storage devices.Energy HarvestingAdvanced optical materials have revolutionized energy harvesting technologies. Quantum dots and organic optoelectronic materials are used in next-generation solar cells to enhance light absorption and efficiency. Plasmonic nanoparticles can concentrate light in solar cells, increasing their power output. These advancements contribute to the development of sustainable energy sources.Sensing and ImagingThe unique optical properties of advanced optical materials make them ideal for sensing and imaging applications. Quantum dots are used as fluorescent probes in biological imaging due to their bright emissionand excellent photostability. Metamaterial-based sensors offer high sensitivity for detecting minute changes in refractive index ormolecular interactions.Biomedical ApplicationsAdvanced optical materials have significant implications in biomedical research and healthcare. Plasmonic nanomaterials enable targeted drug delivery, photothermal therapy, and bioimaging with high spatial resolution. Organic optoelectronic materials find applications in wearable biosensors, smart bandages, and flexible medical devices.Future ProspectsThe field of advanced optical materials is rapidly evolving with continuous advancements being made in material synthesis, characterization techniques, and device fabrication processes. Thefuture prospects of this field are promising, with potential breakthroughs in areas such as:1.Quantum Optics: Integration of advanced optical materials withquantum technologies could lead to the development of quantumcomputers, secure communication networks, and ultra-precisesensors.2.Flexible and Wearable Electronics: Organic optoelectronicmaterials offer the potential for flexible and wearable electronic devices, such as flexible displays, electronic textiles, andimplantable medical devices.3.Optical Computing: Photonic crystals and metamaterials may pavethe way for all-optical computing, where photons replace electrons for faster and more energy-efficient data processing.4.Enhanced Optoelectronic Devices: Continued research on advancedoptical materials will lead to improved performance and efficiency of optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, LEDs, lasers, andphotodetectors.In conclusion, advanced optical materials have opened up newpossibilities in various fields by enabling unprecedented control over light-matter interactions. The ongoing research and development in this field promise exciting advancements in information technology, energy harvesting, sensing and imaging, as well as biomedical applications. The future looks bright for advanced optical materials as they continue to revolutionize technology and shape our world.。



表面等离子体激元纳米激光器技术及应用研究进展陈泳屹;佟存柱;秦莉;王立军;张金龙【摘要】Conventional semiconductor lasers suffer from the scale of the diffraction limit due to the light to be confined by the optical feedback systems. Therefore, the scales of the lasers cannot be miniaturized because their cavities cannot be less than the half of the lasing wavelength. However, lasers based on the Surface Plas- mon Polaritons(SPPs) can operate at a deep sub-wavelength, even nanometer scale. Moreover, the develop- ment of modern nanofabrication techniques provides the fabrication conditions for micro - or even nanometer scale lasers. This paper reviews the progress in nano-lasers based on SPPs that have been demonstrated re-cently. It describes the basic principles of the SPPs and gives structures and characteristics for several kinds of nanometer scale lasers. Then, it points out that the major defects of the nanometer scale lasers currently are focused on higher polariton losses and the difficultiesin fabrication and electronic pumping technologies men- tioned above. Finally, the paper considers the research and application prospects of the nanometer scale lasers based on the SPPs.%传统半导体激光器由于采用光学系统反馈而存在衍射极限,其腔长至少是其发射波长的一半,因此难以实现微小化。



Silicon Photonic Crystal Waveguide ModulatorsLanlan Gu 1, Wei Jiang 2, Xiaonan Chen 1, Ray T. Chen 1*Microelectronic Research Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,1. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78758, USA2. Omega Optics Inc, Austin, TX 78758, USA*Email:***************.eduAbstractUltra-compact silicon-photonic-crystal-waveguide-based thermo-optic and electro-opticalMach-Zehnder interferometers have been proposed and fabricated. Thermal and electricalsimulations have been performed. Experimental results were in a good agreement with thetheoretical prediction.IntroductionThe driving force behind the development of silicon photonics is the monolithic integration of optics and microelectronics. Silicon remains the dominant material for microelectronics ever since the invention of the integrated circuit. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) has been identified as a promising material for integrated optoelectronics. CMOS circuits fabricated on SOI benefit from reduced parasitics and absence of latch-up problem, which enable high-speed and low-power operations. SOI also provides strong optical confinement for the telecommunication wavelengths serving as an ideal platform to realize the guided-wave micro- and nano- photonic devices. Silicon microelectronic devices have undergone numerous generations of feature size reduction. However, there has been little progress made in the miniaturization of the silicon based optical components. Photonic crystal provides a promising platform to build ultra-compact and high-performance photonic devices [1]. It has been demonstrated that the light propagation in a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) can have much slower group velocity than that in the conventional waveguides [2]. Such a slow-photon effect greatly enhances the interaction between the light wave and the wave-guiding materials, namely, it amplifies the optical response of materials to the external fields, such as thermal and electrical fields. It thus potentially leads to a significant reduction in size and power consumption. In this paper, we present the simulation and experimental results for ultra-compact silicon-PCW-based thermo-optic (TO) and electro-optical (EO) Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs).Results and discussionFor low-cost and low-frequency applications, the TO effect is considered an attractive alternative to the free-carrier EO effect for realization of optical switching and modulation [3, 4]. Silicon is an ideal material for implementing TO MZIs operating at 1.5µm mainly because: (1) silicon is transparent at this communication wavelength, (2) the TO coefficient is high in silicon, which is approximately 1.86 X10-4 K -1 , two times greater than polymers and twenty times greater than SiO 2 and Si 3N 4; (3) the thermal conductivity of silicon is also high, which is 100 times higher than SiO 2, and therefore it provides a comparatively fast switching speed. The microscope image of the fabricated silicon-PCW-based TO MZI is shown in Fig. 1 (a). This device was fabricated on a SOI wafer with a 220 nm-thick top silicon layer and a 2 µm-thick buried oxide layer. The pitch size of the hexagonal photonic crystal lattice is a = 400 nm. The normalized air hole diameter is designed to be (a)(b) Fig. 1 (a) Microscope image of the TO MZI;(b) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a PCW at the 45o viewing angle.WC5 (Invited)18:00 – 18:30d/a = 0.53. Details of the fabrication were published in [5]. A Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the 45o -view of the PCW in conjunction with an input strip waveguide is shown in Fig. 1 (b). The length of photonic crystal waveguides is 80 µm. An aluminum thin-film micro-heater with the dimension of 8µm X100 µm was deposited on the silicon layer. It was on one side of the active arm of the MZI. A static thermal analysis of such a device was performed using a finite element modeling software, ANSYS. The simulated temperature profile across the device showed a temperature rise of 9o C in the line-defect region under an input ohmic heating power of 70 mW. It can be calculated, in a conventional silicon TO MZI, it requires an active region at least of 460 µm to obtain the π phase shift of the optical signal at 1.55 µm for a 9 o C temperature increase. Details of the calculation were previously reported [5]. However, in the PCW based MZI, the required length of the active region could be reduced significantly due to the amplification of TO effect in photonic crystals, which is intrinsically associated with the high-dispersion property of the PCW. We have experimentally demonstrated a size reduction of the silicon-PCW-based MZI by almost one order of magnitude compared with conventional TO MZIs [6].The modulation measurements were performed on afully-automated Newport Photonics Alignment/Packaging Station. The input and output lensed fibers canbe accurately aligned with silicon waveguides by twofive-axis high-precision stages with computerizedcontrol. TE waves were used for the opticalmeasurements. We chose wavelength at 1548nm, whichis at the edge of the defect mode, for the switchingproperty characterization. Switching characteristics wereobtained through a digital communication analyzer. Themeasured 3dB bandwidth was 30 kHz, which is a typicalvalue of a TO switch. The modulation curves at 1 kHzand 30 kHz are shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b), respectively.The rise (10% to 90%) time and fall (90% to 10%) timewere measured to be 19 µs and 11 µs, respectively. It wasone order of magnitude faster than that was reported in aconventional structure with the micro-heater placed onthe top of the PCW region [7]. The maximummodulation depth of 84% was achieved at the switchingpower of 78 mW. The power consumption can bereduced by optimizing the heater geometry. It waspreviously shown by the ANSYS thermal simulation, asmall temperature variation of 9 o C was obtained in thePCW region with a supplied heat power of 70 mW. Itwould require an active region at least 460 µm to achieveπ phase shift in a conventional rib or strip waveguide based silicon TO MZI. Our experiments demonstrated almost a one-order of magnitude reduction in the lengthof the device active region, which obviously benefitedfrom the slow group-velocity of the PCW.The main drawback of the TO modulator is itscomparative low switching speed. A feasible way torealize high-speed optical modulation in the GHz domainis to utilize the EO effect instead of the TO effect. MostEO silicon modulators operate based on plasmadispersion effect. The relation between the variation ofthe refractive index and perturbation of free-carrierconcentration was studied by Scorf [8]. Here, wepropose a lateral p-i-n configuration for a PCW based EOMZI, which has a different structure from as previouslyreported [9]. In this device, index tuning was achieved using a forward biasing voltage to inject free carriers into photonic crystal region of the active arm. The switchingspeed of such a p-i-n diode based device is usually determined by the carrier recombination time or carrier transit time depending on which one is larger. The transient characteristics of the p-i-n diode were simulated using a (a) (b)Fig. 2 Modulation curves at (a) 1 kHz and (b) 30 kHz. Fig. 3 Transient free-carrier distributions along lateral distance of the p-i-n diode.two-dimensional semiconductor device simulator MEDICI. Thesimulated p-i-n device has an n-type background dopingconcentration of 1015 /cm 3 in the i region, whereas a uniformdoping concentration of 2X1019 /cm 3 was assumed for both p +and n + regions. The lateral electrodes were defined on top of thep + and n + regions, separated by 2µm from the PCW line defect.It is clearly shown in Fig. 3 that the minority carrier injection inthe intrinsic region, which is also the PCW region, is fairlyuniform. A carrier concentration perturbation of around 3X1017/cm 3, which induced a real refractive-index change of siliconabout -0.001, was predicted within 0.63ns under a forward biasing voltage of 2V. Further decrease of response time can be achieved by reducing the separation distance between the two lateral electrodes. For an index variation about 0.001, it usuallyrequires one-half to several millimeters active region to obtain the required π phase shift in the conventional rib waveguide based MZIs [10]. However, in our proposed PCW based MZI modulators, an active PCW region with a few tens of microns in length is long enough to achieve sufficient phase shift [9]. The microscope image of the fabricated p-i-n diode based silicon PCW MZI is shown in Fig. 4. As shown in Fig. 4, the p + and n + regions were carefully designed to avoid electrical breakdown at the fragile edges of photonic crystal waveguides and the advantages of such a design have been demonstrated in experiments. Extensive electrical and optical measurements is currently under investigation. More detailed experimental results will be presented at the conference.SummaryIn summary, we have proposed and fabricated ultra-compact silicon-PCW-based EO and TO MZIs. Device configurations were carefully designed based on the thermal and electrical simulations. The size of the silicon modulators was significantly reduced by incorporating the PCW into to MZIs. Both TO and EO devices have been fabricated and characterized.AcknowledgementsThis research is supported by AFOSR, DARPA’s AP2C program and NSF’s NNIN program. Technical advices from Dr. Gernot Pomrenke and Dr. Richard Soref are acknowledged.References[1]J. D. Joannopoulos, R. D. Meade, and J. Winn, Photonic Crystals , Princeton University Press, 1995. [2]M. Notomi, K. Yamada, A. Shinya, J. Takahashi, C. Takahashi, and I. Yokohama, “Extremely Large Group-Velocity Dispersion of Line-defect Waveguides in Photonic Crystal Slabs,” Phys. Rev. Lett ., 87, 253902 (2001). [3] G. Cocorullo, M. Iodice, I. Rendina, and P. M. Sarro, “Silicon thermaloptical micromodulator with 700-kHz-3-dBbandwidth ,” IEEE. Photonic technology letters , 7, 363 (1995).[4] Y. A. Vlasov, Martin O’Boyle, Hendrik F. Hamann, and S. J. McNab, “Active control of slow light on achip with photonic crystal waveguides,” Nature , 438, 65 (2005).[5]Lanlan Gu, Yongqiang Jiang, Wei Jiang, Xiaonan Chen, Ray T. Chen, “Silicon-on-insulator-based photonic-crystal Mach-Zehnder interferometers, ” Proceedings of SPIE, 6128, 261-268 (2006). [6]U. Fischer, T. Zinker, B. Schuppert and K. Petermann, “Singlemode optical switches based on SOI waveguides with large cross-section,” Electronics Letters , 30, 406 (1994). [7] Tao Chu, Hirohito Yamada, Satomi Ishida, and Yasuhiko Arakawa, “Thermooptic switch based on photonic-crystalline-defect waveguides,” IEEE. Photonic technology letters , 17, 2083 (2005).[8] R. A. Soref, B. R. Bennett, “Electrooptical effects in silicon,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-23, 123(1987).[9] Yongqiang Jiang, Wei Jian, Lanlan GU, Xiaonan Chen, Ray T. Chen, “80-micron interaction length silicon nano-photonic crystal waveguide modulator,” Applied Physics Letters , 87, 221105 (2005).[10] G.V. Treyz, P.G. May and J.M. Halbout, “Silicon Mach-Zehnder waveguide interferometers based on theplasma dispersion effect,” Appl. Phys. Lett ., 59, 771 (1991).Fig. 4 Microscope image of the top view of a p-i-n diode based photonic crystal silicon MZI.。



Concentration Measurement
DNA Concentration Measurement
1000 900 800
• The Rotor-Gene is fully equipped to do DNA concentration measurement using fluorescent dyes
From: High-Resolution Genotyping by Amplicon Melting Analysis Using LCGreen Carl T. Wittwer, Gudrun H. Reed, Cameron N. Gundry, Joshua G. Vandersteen, and Robert J. Pryor. Clinical Chemistry 49:6, 853–860 (2003)
Muta nts
(T a lle le )
He te ro zyg o te s
Temperature (°C)
•Example SNP genotyping using HRM analysis. ACTN3 (R577X) SNP genotypes (C—T).
HRM Profile
HRM on the Rotor-Gene 6000
高灵敏度的光学系统 精确的控温方式 高精度的温度分辨率(0.02 ℃ /S) 高强度的荧光采集速率(1000 次/ ℃) 功能强大的分析软件
Wild typ es
(C a lle le )

荧光淬灭效率 反义词 英文

荧光淬灭效率 反义词 英文

荧光淬灭效率反义词英文Fluorescence Quenching Efficiency: Definition and Factors Affecting It.Fluorescence quenching efficiency is a crucial parameter in various fluorescence-based assays and applications. It quantifies the extent to which the fluorescence emission of a fluorophore is diminished due to interactions with other molecules or environmental factors. Understanding the factors that influence quenching efficiency is essential for optimizing fluorescence assays and interpreting experimental data accurately.Definition of Fluorescence Quenching.Fluorescence quenching refers to the decrease in fluorescence intensity of a fluorophore due to interactions with external factors or molecules known as quenchers. Quenchers can be classified into two main types:Dynamic Quenchers: These quenchers interact with the fluorophore in a transient manner, usually throughdiffusion-controlled collisions. The quenching effect is reversible and depends on factors such as temperature, viscosity, and molecular mobility.Static Quenchers: These quenchers form stable complexes with the fluorophore, resulting in a non-reversible reduction in fluorescence intensity. The quenching effect is permanent and depends on the binding affinity between the fluorophore and the quencher.Factors Affecting Fluorescence Quenching Efficiency.Several factors influence the efficiency of fluorescence quenching, including:1. Nature of the Quencher:The quenching efficiency depends on the type of quencher and its quenching mechanism. Some common quenchers include:Acceptor Molecules: Molecules that can accept energy from the excited fluorophore, leading to Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) quenching.Heavy Atoms: Atoms with high atomic numbers, which can promote intersystem crossing and non-radiative decay processes.Collisional Quenchers: Molecules that collide with the fluorophore, disrupting its excited state and dissipating energy as heat.Chemical Reactants: Molecules that react with the fluorophore, leading to the formation of non-fluorescent products.2. Concentration of the Quencher:The quenching efficiency is directly proportional to the concentration of the quencher. Higher concentrations of quencher result in more frequent interactions with thefluorophore, leading to increased quenching.3. Distance between Fluorophore and Quencher:For dynamic quenching, the efficiency is inversely proportional to the distance between the fluorophore and the quencher. The Förster distance, which represents the distance at which 50% quenching occurs, is a critical parameter in FRET quenching.4. Diffusion Rate:The quenching efficiency is influenced by the diffusion rate of the quencher and the fluorophore. Higher diffusion rates increase the frequency of collisions, leading to enhanced quenching.5. Temperature:Temperature can affect both the diffusion rate and the quenching mechanism. In general, higher temperatures favor dynamic quenching processes.6. Viscosity:Viscosity affects the mobility of the fluorophore and the quencher, influencing the frequency of collisions and the quenching efficiency.7. pH:pH can alter the ionization state and binding properties of both the fluorophore and the quencher, affecting the quenching efficiency.8. Ionic Strength:Ionic strength influences the electrostaticinteractions between the fluorophore and the quencher, which can impact the quenching efficiency.Applications of Fluorescence Quenching.Fluorescence quenching has wide-ranging applications invarious fields, including:Biosensing: Quenching-based assays are used to detect and quantify analytes by monitoring changes in fluorescence intensity due to interactions with specific binding partners.Molecular Interactions: Quenching studies provide insights into molecular interactions, such as protein-protein binding, DNA-protein interactions, and enzyme-substrate reactions.FRET Analysis: Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) relies on quenching to quantify distances and conformational changes in biological systems.Drug Discovery: Fluorescence quenching assays are employed in drug screening and optimization processes.Materials Science: Quenching studies are used to investigate the properties and interactions of materials, such as polymers and nanoparticles.Conclusion.Fluorescence quenching efficiency is a fundamental parameter in fluorescence-based assays and applications. Understanding the factors that influence quenching efficiency is crucial for optimizing experimental conditions, interpreting data accurately, and harnessing the full potential of fluorescence spectroscopy in various fields of research and technology.。



Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay KitCatalog No. Q33232Product informationThe Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS (High Sensitivity) Assay Kit makes DNA quantitation easy and accurate. The kit includes a ready-to-use assay buffer and DNA standards. To perform the assay, dilute your sample (any volume from 1–20 μL is acceptable) into the 1X working solution provided, then read the concentration using a fluorescence plate reader. The assay is highly selective for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) over RNA (Figure 4, page 6) and is accurate for initial sampleconcentrations from 10 pg/μL to 100 ng/μL, providing a core detection range of 0.2 ng to 100 ng of DNA in the assay tube. The assay is performed at room temperature, and the signal is stable for 3 hours when the samples are protected from light. Common contaminants such as salts, free nucleotides, solvents, detergents, or protein are well tolerated in the assay (Table 2, page 7).In addition to the Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay Kit described here, we also offer the Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA BR (Broad Range) Assay Kit (Cat. No. Q33267). The Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA BR Assay Kit is designed for assaying samples containing 4–2000 ng of DNA. The Qubit ™ dsDNA HS Assay – Lambda standard (Cat. No. Q33233) can be used to create the standard dilution series for the Quant-iT ™ dsDNA HS assay.If you would like to use this kit with the Qubit ™ Fluorometer, we have included instructions under "Perform the Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay on a Qubit ™ Fluorometer" (page 4).Table 1.Contents and storagePub. No. MAN0017526Rev. C.0Critical assay parametersAssay temperatureThe Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay delivers optimal performance when all solutions are at room temperature (18–28˚C). Temperature fluctuations can influence the accuracy of the assay (Figure 5, page 6).To minimize temperature fluctuations, insert all assay tubes into the fluorescence microplate reader only for as much time as it takes for the instrument to measure the fluorescence. Do not hold the assay tubes in your hand before reading because this warms the solution and results in a different reading.Incubation timeTo allow the Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay to reach optimal fluorescence, incubate the tubes for 2 minutes after mixing the sample or the standard with the working solution. After this incubation period, the fluorescence signal is stable for 3 hours at room temperature when samples are protected from light.Photostability of Quant-iT ™reagentsThe Quant-iT ™ reagents exhibit high photostability, showing <0.3% drop in fluorescence after 9 readings and <2.5% drop in fluorescence after 40 readings.Handling and disposalNo data are currently available that address the mutagenicity or toxicity of theQuant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS Reagent (the dye in Component A). This reagent is known to bind nucleic acids. Treat the Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS working solution with the same safety precautions as all other potential mutagens and dispose of the dye in accordance with local regulations.Figure 1. Excitation and emission maxima for the Quant-iT ™1X dsDNA HS reagent when bound to dsDNA.Perform the Quant-iT™ dsDNA HS Assay on a fluorescence microplate readerThis protocol describes the use of the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay Kit with afluorescence microplate reader that is equipped with either a monochrometer orexcitation and emission filters appropriate for fluorescein or Alexa Fluor™ 488 dye(Figure 1, page 2). Some contaminating substances may interfere with the assay; formore information, see "Contaminants tolerated by the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay"(page 7). For an overview of this procedure, see Figure 2.Figure 2. The Quant-iT™ dsDNA High-Sensitivity assay.Assay procedure IMPORTANT! For best results, ensure that all materials and reagents are at roomtemperature.1.1 Add 10 μL of each Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS Standard to separate wells. Duplicates ortriplicates of the standards are recommended.1.2 Add 1–20 µL of each unknown DNA sample to separate wells. Duplicates or triplicatesof the unknown samples are recommended.1.3 Load 200 μL of the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA working solution into each microplate well.This can be done readily using a multichannel pipettor.If possible, mix your 96-well plate using a plate mixer or using the plate reader for1.4about 3–10 seconds. Following mixing, allow the plate to incubate at room temperaturefor 2 minutes..Measure the fluorescence using a microplate reader (excitation/emission maxima are1.5502/523 nm; see Figure 1, page 2). Standard fluorescein wavelengths (excitation/emission at ~480/530 nm) are appropriate for this dye. The fluorescence signal is stablefor 3 hours at room temperature when protected from light.Use a standard curve to determine the DNA amounts. For the dsDNA standards, plot1.6amount vs. fluorescence, and fit a straight line to the data points.Note: Many curve fitting programs will calculate the y-intercept. However, for bestresults, manually set the y-intercept as the RFU value obtained from the 0 ng/μLdsDNA standard.Data analysis considerations –standard curves and extendedranges The fluorescence of the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS reagent bound to dsDNA is extremelylinear from 0–100 ng. For best results at the low end of the standard curve, the lineshould be forced through the background point (or through zero, if backgroundhas been subtracted). When 10 μL volumes of the standards are used, the lowestDNA-containing standard represents 5 ng of DNA; nevertheless, highly accuratedeterminations of DNA down to 0.2 ng are attained using the standard curve asdescribed above.To assess the reliability of the assay in the low range, use smaller volumes of thestandards; for example, 2 μL volumes for a standard curve ranging from 0–20 ng.Alternatively, dilute the standards in buffer for an even tighter range. Duringdevelopment of the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS assay, we were able to detect 0.05 ng ofλ DNA under ideal experimental circumstances (using calibrated pipettors, octuplicatedeterminations, the best microplate readers, and Z-factor1 analysis). Your results mayvary.If desired, the utility of the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS assay can be extended beyond100 ng, up to 200 ng. For standards in this range, use 20 μL volumes of the providedstandards. Note that the standard curve may not be linear in the range 160–200 ng, andhigh levels of RNA may now interfere slightly with the results.Perform the Quant-iT™ dsDNA HS Assay on a Qubit™ FluorometerThe Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA Assay Kit can be adapted for use with the Qubit™Fluorometer. The protocol below is abbreviated from the Qubit™ Fluorometer userguide, which is available at /qubit. Although a step-by-step protocoland critical assay parameters are given here, more detail is available in the Qubit™Fluorometer user guide and you are encouraged to familiarize yourself with thismanual before you begin your assay. See Figure 3 for an overview of the procedure.Figure 3. Overview for using the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS assay in the Qubit™ fluorometer.Assay procedure IMPORTANT! For best results, ensure that all materials and reagents are at roomtemperature.2.1 Set up the required number of 0.5-mL tubes for standards and samples. The Quant-iT™1X dsDNA HS Assay requires 2 standards.Note: Use only thin-wall, clear, 0.5-mL PCR tubes. Acceptable tubes include Qubit™assay tubes (Cat. No. Q32856).2.2 Label the tube lids.Note: Do not label the side of the tube as this could interfere with the sample read. Labelthe lid of each standard tube correctly. Calibration of the Qubit™ Fluorometer requiresthe standards to be inserted into the instrument in the right order.2.3 Add 10 µL of the 0 ng/μL and the 10 ng/μL Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS Standard to theappropriate tube2.4 Add 1–20 µL of each user sample to the appropriate tube.2.5 Add the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS Working Solution to each tube such that the finalvolume is 200 µL.Note: The final volume in each tube must be 200 µL. Each standard tube requires 190 µLof Quant-iT™ working solution, and each sample tube requires anywhere from180–199 µL.2.6 Mix each sample vigorously by vortexing for 3–5 seconds.2.7 Allow all tubes to incubate at room temperature for 2 minutes, then proceed to read thestandards and samples. Follow the procedure appropriate for your instrument:• Qubit™ Flex Fluorometer• Qubit™ 4 Fluorometer• Qubit™ 3 FluorometerNote: If you are using the Qubit™ 3 Fluorometer, download the 1X dsDNA algorithmand assay button from /qubit, then install it onto your Qubit™Fluorometer.AppendixSelectivity of the Quant-iT™ 1XdsDNA HS AssayFigure 4. DNA selectivity and sensitivity of the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay (Cat. No. Q33232). Triplicate10-μL samples of λ DNA, E. coli rRNA, or a 1:1 mixture of DNA and RNA were assayed with the Quant-iT™1X dsDNA HS Assay. Fluorescence was measured at 502/532 nm and plotted versus the concentration ofthe RNA or DNA sample alone, or versus the mass of the DNA component in the 1:1 mixture. The variation(CV) of replicate DNA determinations was ≤2%. The inset is an expanded view of the low range of the assayshowing the extreme sensitivity of the assay for DNA. Background fluorescence has not been subtracted.Effect of temperature on theQuant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HSAssayFigure 5. Plot of fluorescence vs. temperature for the Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay. The Quant-iT™assays are designed to be performed at room temperature, as temperature fluctuations can influence theaccuracy of the assay.Contaminants tolerated by the Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HSAssayNote: While the contaminant tolerances of the Quant-iT ™ 1X dsDNA HS assay and theQuant-iT ™ dsDNA HS assay are largely similar, they are not identical.Reference1. J Biomol Screen 4, 67–73 (1999).Table 2. Effect of contaminants in the Quant-iT ™1X dsDNA HS Assay*/support | /askaquestion Limited Product WarrantyLife Technologies Corporation and/or its affiliate(s) warrant their products as set forth in the Life Technologies’ General Terms and Conditions of Sale found on Life Technologies’ website at /us/en/home/global/terms-and-conditions.html . If you have any questions, please contact Life Technologies at /support .Life Technologies Corporation | 29851 Willow Creek Road | Eugene, OR 97402 USAFor descriptions of symbols on product labels or prodoct documents, go to /symbols-definition .The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.DISCLAIMER: TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, LIFE TECHNOLOGIES AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, MULTIPLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING YOUR USE OF IT.Important Licensing Information: These products may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of these products, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.Revision history:Pub. No. MAN0017526©2021 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified .Ordering informationCat. No. Product name Unit size Q33232Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA HS Assay Kit.................................................................... 1 kitRelated products Q33267 Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA BR Assay Kit.................................................................... 1 kit Q33120 Quant-iT™ dsDNA Assay Kit, High Sensitivity............................................................ 1 kit Q33130 Quant-iT™ dsDNA Assay Kit, Broad Range.............................................................. 1 kit Q10213 Quant-iT™ RNA Assay Kit, Broad Range................................................................ 1 kit Q33140 Quant-iT™ RNA Assay Kit, 1000 assays ................................................................ 1 kit Q32882 Quant-iT™ microRNA Assay Kit, 1000 assays............................................................ 1 kit Q33210 Quant-iT™ Protein Assay Kit, 1000 assays .............................................................. 1 kit O11492 Quant-iT™ OliGreen™ ssDNA Assay Kit ................................................................ 1 kit Q33233 Qubit™ 1X dsDNA Assay- Lambda Standard ............................................................ 1 kit Q33238 Qubit™ 4 Fluorometer with WiFi....................................................................... 1 each Q33327 Qubit™ Flex Fluorometer ............................................................................ 1 each Q33252 Qubit™ Flex Assay Tube Strips .................................................................. 125 tube strips M33089 Microplates for fluorescence-based assays, 96-well (black-walled, clear bottom) ................................ 10 plates。

硅基PN 结型光波导有效折射率的定量分析

硅基PN 结型光波导有效折射率的定量分析

第39卷 第3期吉林大学学报(信息科学版)Vol.39 No.32021年5月Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)May 2021文章编号:1671⁃5896(2021)03⁃0318⁃06硅基PN 结型光波导有效折射率的定量分析收稿日期:2021⁃01⁃28基金项目:国家重点研发计划基金资助项目(2016YFE0200700);国家自然科学基金资助项目(61627820;61934003;62090054);吉林省重大科技专项基金资助项目(20200501007GX)作者简介:孙圣现(1996 ),男,黑龙江七台河人,吉林大学硕士研究生,主要从事激光雷达及其控制电路研究,(Tel)86⁃184********(E⁃mail)sunsx18@;通讯作者:宋俊峰(1971 ),男,吉林白城人,吉林大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事硅基光电子集成器件与系统研究,(Tel)86⁃186********(E⁃mail)songjf@㊂孙圣现a ,b ,陈柏松a ,b ,李雨轩a ,b ,李盈祉a ,b ,张蓝萱a ,b ,陶 敏a ,b ,宋俊峰a ,b(吉林大学a.电子科学与工程学院;b.集成光电子学国家重点实验室,长春130012)摘要:为解决脊型波导相位调制的有效折射率测量问题,提出一种3端口MZI(Mach⁃Zehnder Interferometer)结构,能定量测量并分析PN 结(Positive⁃Negative junction)脊型硅光波导中,有效折射率的实部和虚部受偏置电压调制的相对变化,并给出多项式拟合方程㊂实验所得结果与拟合结果非常符合,最终可以得到脊型波导在相位调制过程中的特性㊂该测量方法简单易行,可应用于硅基光电子集成芯片当中,作为载流子调制特性定量检测器件㊂关键词:硅基光波导;载流子色散;高速硅基光电调制器;马赫⁃曾德尔调制器;相位调制中图分类号:TN252文献标识码:AEffective Refractive Index Quantitative Analysis of Silicon⁃Based PN Junction Optical WaveguideSUN Shengxian a,b ,CHEN Bosong a,b ,LI Yuxuan a,b ,LI Yingzhi a,b ,ZHANG Lanxuan a,b ,TAO Min a,b ,SONG Junfeng a,b(a.College of Electronic Science and Engineering;b.State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)Abstract :In order to solve the effective refractive index measurement problem of the ridged waveguide phase modulation,a three⁃port MZI(Mach⁃Zehnder Interferometer)structure is proposed.It can quantitatively measure and analyze the relative changes of the real and imaginary parts of the effective refractive index with the voltage varies of the PN ridged silicon optical waveguide and the polynomial fitting equation is derived.The experimental results are in good agreement with the fitting results,and then finally the characteristics of the ridged waveguide in the phase modulation process are obtained.This measurement method is simple and feasible,and can be used in silicon based optoelectronic integrated chips as a quantitative device for the detection of carrier modulation characteristics.Key words :silicon⁃on⁃insulator waveguides;carrier dispersion;high⁃speed silicon photoelectric modulator;Mach⁃Zehnder modulator;phase modulation 0 引 言随着光通信技术的高速发展,人们对光电子集成器件的要求也越来越高㊂半导体光电子集成技术是制造性能优越㊁低成本的光电子器件的关键技术㊂硅基光电子技术将硅技术与集成光电子技术相结合,使硅技术的应用领域得以拓展㊂硅技术与CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)技术具有很好的兼容性,是当前光电子集成器件发展的重要方向[1],并向高速化㊁小型化㊁大规模集成化迅猛发展㊂高速光调制器[2]㊁硅激光器[3]㊁光开关[4]和光波导放大器[5]等硅基光电子集成器件也在不断优化,性能不断提升㊂硅光调制器是众多硅基光电子集成器件中最重要的一种㊂硅光调制器具备高速度㊁高传输带宽以及功耗低等特点[6]㊂由于硅基光波导不具备如铌酸锂晶体的电光效应,因此无法实现电光调制,其热光系数也不足以支持它实现高调制速度的热光调制㊂利用硅基光波导制备光调制器的研究多是通过载流子色散效应完成对光的调制㊂其电学结构主要有脊型波导的注入型PIN(Positive⁃Intrinsic⁃Negative)结构[7],金属氧化物半导体(MOS:Metal Oxide Semiconductor)电容结构[8]和耗尽型反偏PN 结(Positive⁃Negative junction)结构[9]㊂其中基于注入式PIN 结结构的光器件由于受载流子的扩撒速度的限制,一般只能实现10GHz 的调制速度,如2016年Kim 等[10]研制的载流子注入式MZ(Mach –Zehnder)光调制器,采用预加重方法得到10Gbit /s 的调制速度㊂基于MOS 电容结构的硅基光波导调制器依赖外加电场引起的载流子浓度的变化,其调制速度不同于PIN 结构,可以达到几十GHz㊂2019年,Mahrous 等[11]研制了长度为800μm 的波导调制器,采用制作简单的鳍栅结构,能达到90GHz 的带宽㊂2021年,Zhang 等[12]提出了MOS 电容结构的光波导相位调制器,可在无均衡器条件下实现60Gbit /s 的高速数据调制㊂耗尽型反偏PN 结在结构上与PIN 结相似,工作原理却与MOS 电容结构类似,可以说是MOS 电容型结构的一种改进,并成为近年电调制高速硅光器件的最主要结构㊂如2013年Tu 等[13]研制了一种基于反偏PN 结结构的硅基马赫⁃曾德尔干涉仪(MZI:Mach –Zehnder Interferometer),采用补偿掺杂法和低损耗行波电极对调制器的性能进行了优化,最终该调制器具有50.1Gbit /s 数据速率和5.56dB 动态消光比㊂2018年Li 等[14]提出一种马赫⁃曾德尔调制器的衬底去除技术,有效地改善了调制器的调制宽度,并使调制器的调制速度在无光学或数字补偿的情况下达到90Gbit /s,3dB 带宽为50GHz㊂然而,目前很少有实验定量地测量PN 结光波导中,载流子色散效应对有效折射率的影响,为此笔者提出了一个三端口的MZI 结构,测量PN 结脊型波导中有效折射率实部和虚部随外加电压的相对变化关系,为其他高速器件的设计与分析提供依据㊂1 工作原理及公式推导1.1 载流子色散效应在硅基光波导中,改变载流子浓度可以使硅材料的介电常数的虚部和实部发生变化,进而改变硅的折射率和吸收系数㊂载流子色散效应是指载流子的注入或抽取导致的硅材料折射率变化的重要的物理现象[15]㊂1987年Richard 等[16]通过Kramers⁃Kronig 关系计算得到在波长为1550nm 下的载流子色散效应引起的硅材料的折射率的变化,硅材料的折射率和吸收系数随材料中的载流子浓度的变化规律[17]可表示为Δn =Δn e +Δn h =-(8.8×10-22ΔN e +8.5×10-18ΔN 0.8h )(1)Δα=Δαe +Δαh =8.5×10-18ΔN e +6.0×10-18ΔN h (2)其中Δn e 和Δn h 是硅材料因电子和空穴浓度变化产生的折射率变化量,Δαe 和Δαh 是硅材料因电子和空穴浓度变化引起的硅材料的吸收系数变化量,ΔN e 和ΔN h 是电子和空穴浓度变化量㊂由于式(1)和式(2)是针对材料中载流子分布均匀情况下的关系式,而在实际器件中,一方面脊型波导结构中注入的N 型或P 型杂质的分布是不均匀的,不能简单地应用式(1)和式(2)对光波导折射率进行计算;另一方面,光在脊型波导中的分布也是不均匀的,光波导中的有效折射率是光子与载流子相互交叠的综合效果㊂1.2 马赫⁃曾德尔干涉仪笔者设计了一种MZI 结构,通过实验定量地测量在不同电压下,光波导的有效折射率实部与虚部的变换量㊂图1为PN 结脊型波导的结构示意图,整体结构是一个MZI 结构,上下两个臂分别引出两个抽头,设计成为具有3个输入端和3个输出端的器件㊂为了便于讨论,分别用A,B,C 和1,2,3表示6个端口㊂MZI 是上下对称结构,每个一分二,或二合一都是按50%:50%的3dB Y 分叉结构㊂两个干涉臂都913第3期孙圣现,等:硅基PN 结型光波导有效折射率的定量分析是由PN 结构成,其截面如图1b 所示,P 区与N 区平分脊型波导结构㊂在调制器工作时,PN 结上加反向电压,调制器使PN 结中间的耗尽区变宽㊁载流子浓度降低,从而改变脊型波导的折射率,进而实现对光的调制㊂其中A 到1或C 到3的光路可以定量测量PN 结脊型波导在不同调制电压下的光损耗㊂图1 PN 结脊型波导的结构示意图Fig.1 The structure diagram of the PN ridged waveguide 以A 到1为例,电场表示为E 1=E A g 22γexp(i k 0n r L -k 0n i L )22γg =12E A g 2γ2exp(i k 0n r L -k 0n i L )(3)其中E A 是从A 端口入射的光振幅,g 是光纤与光波导的耦合损耗,γ是Y⁃分叉所产生的额外损耗,k 0是波数,n r 和n i 分别是光波导中有效折射率的实部和虚部,L 是干涉臂的长度,即PN 结脊型光波导的长度㊂从端口1测量的光强为P 1=14P A g 4γ4exp[-2k 0n i (V u )L ](4)其中V u 是在上干涉臂上施加的反向偏压,n i (V u )是在调制电压V u 作用下虚部折射率的数值,将光功率用对数表示,可以推导出折射率虚部相对于不加电压时的相对变化为n i (V u )-n i (0)=10lg P 1(V u )-10lg P 1(0)-20Lk 0lg(e)(5) 用B 到2的光路可以测量有效折射率的实部,出端口2的电场为E 2=14E B g 2γ4{exp[i k 0n r (V u )L -k 0n i (V u )L +i φu ]+exp[i k 0n r (V d )L -k 0n i (V d )L +i φd ]}(6)其中E B 是从B 端口入射的光振幅,V d 是在下干涉臂上施加的反向偏压,φu ,φd 分别是上下两路的相位变化,2端口输出光功率为P 2=116P B g 4γ8exp[-2k 0n i (V u )L ]+exp[-2k 0n i (V d )L ]+exp[i k 0n r (V u )L -i k 0n r (V d )L -k 0n i (V u )L -k 0n i (V d )L +i φu -i φd ]+exp[i k 0n r (V d )L -i k 0n r (V u )L -k 0n i (V d )L -k 0n i (V u )L -i φu +i φd ìîíïïïïüþýïïïï](7) 如果在测量过程中,所有的输入端都采用相同的光功率,可以得到P 2=γ44{P 1+P 3+2P 1P 3cos[k 0n r (V u )L +θ0]}(8)其中θ0=φu -φd ,可以推出相位的变化的表达式为cos[k 0n r (V u )L +θ0]=4P 2γ-4-P 1-P 32P 1P 3(9)2 实验结果与讨论采用新加坡AMF 公司标准的硅光工艺技术制作的MZI 调制器如图2所示㊂该结构基于2μm 掩埋二氧化硅,220nm 顶上硅的SOI(Silicon⁃On⁃Insulator)晶圆㊂在这种MZI 结构中,硅波导有两种,分别是矩形波导和脊型波导,矩形波导宽度及其中间的脊宽都是0.5μm,两侧的厚度为90nm㊂两个干涉臂,每个干涉臂PN 结光波导的总长度为8.04mm,为使PN 结中载流子受电压的调制更充分,把PN 结脊型023吉林大学学报(信息科学版)第39卷光波导分成12段,即12段PN 结并联㊂4个电极分别是控制上下两个PN 结的电极㊂图2 光学显微镜下的器件照片Fig.2 Photograph of the device under a light microscope 搭建测量系统框图如图3所示,其中包括1550nm 激光器㊁偏振控制器㊁两个高精度6轴平移台㊁红外相机㊁稳压直流电压源和功率计等㊂1550nm 激光器通过偏振器控制器调节成为TE(Transverse Electric)偏振光从锥形光纤输出,高精度平移台调节芯片输入端和输出端锥形光纤接入位置,与硅光波导耦合㊂稳压电源通过两个探针连接在器件的电极上,为PN 结提供反向偏置电压,然后使用LabVIEW控制稳压电压源在0~10V 做线性扫描,步进为0.1V,并读取功率计反馈到上位机的光功率数值,最后将得到的数据通过Matlab 进行处理和绘制㊂图3 测量系统示意图Fig.3 Schematic diagram of measuring system 对A 到1光路进行实验测量得到的器件相对损耗如图4所示,纵坐标相当于式(5)右端的分子部分,表示光功率随电压的相对变化值;由此计算的有效折射率虚部变化如图5所示,通过多项式拟合可得n i (V )-n i (0)=10-6(0.0772V -2.22)V , V ≤10(10)其中V 是外加的反向偏压㊂实验数据(散点)与二阶多项式拟合曲线(实线)非常符合㊂ 图4 器件相对损耗 图5 有效折射率虚部对比 Fig.4 The loss of device relative Fig.5 The imaginary part of the effective index 测量B 到2光路,即MZI 调制器,采用与上述相同方法㊂通过式(9)得到光的相位的余弦值如图6所示,用Matlab 非线性方程拟合技术,可得到有效折射率实部的相对变化量与外加偏置电压的关系如图7所示,利用多项式表示有效折射率实部的相对变化关系为n r (0)-n r (V )=10-5(0.0659V -3.774)V , V ≤10(11) 将折射率的实部和虚部的关系式,即式(10)和式(11)代入式(7)并与实验测量的数据绘制一起(见图8),可看到通过多项式拟合得到的数据与实验测量所得的数据符合得很好,实验测得其半波电压为3.3V,最大消光比为22.3dB㊂123第3期孙圣现,等:硅基PN 结型光波导有效折射率的定量分析 图6 相位余弦值随电压变化 图7有效折射率实部随电压变化 图8 端口2光强随电压变化 Fig.6 The phase cosine varies Fig.7 The real part of the effective Fig.8 The light intensity of the with the voltage refractive index varies with the voltage port 2varies with the voltage3 结 语笔者提出了一种三端口MZI 结构定量测量PN 结脊型光波导有效折射率实部和虚部的方法㊂通过实验测量和模拟分析,给出了实部与虚部随外加偏压的关系式,模拟分析与实验测量数据非常吻合㊂该结构和分析方法可以应用于硅基光电子集成器件芯片的设计与检测中,为器件的设计与调试提供依据㊂参考文献:[1]杨建义,余辉,张强,等.面向微波光子的硅基光子器件研究[J].微纳电子与智能制造,2019,1(3):24⁃30.YANG Jianyi,YU Hui,ZHANG Qiang,et al.Study of Silicon Photonic Devices for Microwave Photonics [J].Micro⁃Ano Electronics and Intelligent Manufacturing,2019,1(3):24⁃30.[2]HE Mingbo,XU Mengyue,REN Yuxuan,et al.High⁃Performance Hybrid Silicon and Lithium Niobate Mach⁃ZehnderModulators for 100Gbit s -1and Beyond [J].Nature Photonics,2019,13(5):359⁃364.[3]ZHOU Peiqi,WANG Xingjun,HE Yandong,et al.A High⁃Power,High⁃Efficiency Hybrid Silicon⁃Based Erbium Silicate⁃Silicon Nitride Waveguide Laser [J].IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,2020,56(2):1⁃11.[4]ZHENG Jiajiu,FANG Zhuoran,WU Changming,et al.Nonvolatile Electrically Reconfigurable Integrated Photonic SwitchEnabled by a Silicon PIN Diode Heater 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系列针对 Si 衬底上 GaN 及其异质结构的生长方法和技术手段,包括低温 AlN 插入层 [1] 、AlN / GaN 超晶格缓
冲层 [2-4] 、Al 组分梯度渐变 AlGaN 缓冲层 [5-6] 等方法,已能初步满足低阻 Si 衬底上 GaN 基功率电子器件对材
料的要求;然而目前高阻 Si 衬底上 GaN 及其异质结构材料仍然存在很高的位错密度,其应力 / 翘曲控制仍然
此外,尽管采用高阻 Si 衬底,射频损耗仍然是阻碍 Si 衬底上 GaN 基射频电子材料和器件发展的关键瓶
颈。 其内涵是 Si 衬底上 GaN 基射频器件在信号传输时存在传输的损耗,这会造成信号精准性和器件工作效
率的下降。 Si 衬底上 GaN 基射频器件的射频损耗主要包括 4 个部分 [7] :1) 导体损耗,也可称为传输线损耗。
YANG Xuelin1,2,3 , SHEN Bo1,2,3,4
(1. Research Center for Wide Gap Semiconductors, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Artificial Microstructure and Microscopic Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
进行解决。 2) 衬底损耗。 这部分损耗可以通过使用高阻的 Si 衬底进行解决。 3) 由于 Si 衬底和半导体界面
的导电层带来的界面损耗。 4) 无法避免的辐射损耗,这部分损耗通常可以忽略不计,只在严重失配或者特

METTLER TOLEDO 产品说明书:关于石油品质评估的高效方法

METTLER TOLEDO 产品说明书:关于石油品质评估的高效方法

Efficient determination of crude oil quality –with METTLER TOLEDO instrumentsThe petrochemical industry is facing depleting oil resources, higherexploration and production costs. Crude oil products are constantlytested for quality and environmental purposes. Challenges includekeeping production downtime to an absolute minimum at the sametime as increasing production yield and reducing costs. METTLERTOLEDO offers a wide range of solutions for such ambitious endeavors.Continuous monitoring of crude oil qualityThe exploration and production of crude oil is a high-tech process involving many risks. Pipeline corrosion or blockage, due to chemical reactions, occurs easily due to the oil’s high acid content as well as through chemical reaction between forma-tion and production water. Therefore, an oil production shutdown is extremely costly and clearly must be avoided. Typical crude oil characteristics, such as chloride content, total acid number and water content, are constantly monitored within the laboratory in order to enhance oil yield and suppress costs. More simple analysis is often carried out off-shore in a small oil rig based labora-tory. Therefore, instruments need to be por-table, rugged and easy to use. Analytical tests done in laboratories on the mainlandare more comprehensive and include sul-phur content and density measurement,two parameters that greatly influence theprice that refineries pay for the oil. Testingis implemented according to standardnorms and all results need to be availablequickly.Clever solutions fromMETTLER TOLEDOLaboratory instruments play an impor-tant role within the petrochemical industry.Through offering a wide range of solutions,METTLER TOLEDO instruments are com-patible for various laboratory environments.METTLER TOLEDO provides compact andportable instruments suitable for offshoresituations as well as a comprehensive selec-tion of innovative products with greaterfunctionality for critical laboratory tests. AllMETTLER TOLEDO instruments are reli-ably accurate, robust and easy to use inorder to assist the petrochemical industry’sanalytical testing quality and laboratory ef-ficiency.●METTLER TOLEDO solutions supportthe petrochemical industry in upstreamas well as downstream processes andtherefore increasing productivity withinyour laboratory.●METTLER TOLEDO sales and supportspecialists are highly trained and com-petent in finding petrochemical solu-tions.Contact METTLER TOLEDO now and allowthem support your business!2Petrochemicals News 1METTLER TOLEDOPetrochemicals News 1Efficient determination of crude oil quality –with METTLER TOLEDO instruments ASTM D 5186 and ASTM D 6550 in one METTLER TOLEDO Berger SFC System Security at its best Taking the strain out of bromine number determinations Helping lab managers to choose wisely METTLER TOLEDO’sThermal Analysis in the Petrochemical Industry –Part 1Strong laboratory solutions for improved productivitySubject to technical changes.© 2005 Mettler-Toledo GmbH Printed in Switzerland.Mettler Toledo GmbH Laboratory & Weighing Technologies Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee Switzerland Laboratory Marketing Support Switzerland Mettler Toledo GmbH –Laboratory & Weighing Technologies–Analytical InstrumentsBerger SFC SchematicChanging StandardsDiesel fuel caries very strict limits on aromatic hydrocarbons since these promote the formation of black soot and the soot is an environmental hazard. ASTM method D5186has been adapted to measure aromatics in fuel with SFC, since it provides a rapid and efficient method for refiners to monitor the aromatic content. In California, the Air Re-sources Board (CARB) specifies use of this method.Proven instrumentationTo meet the diesel specifications,METTLER TOLEDO’s partner AC Analytical Controls developed the AC Aromatics Ana-lyzer, based on the original Berger SFC de-veloped by Dr. Terry Berger. The system in-corporates the proven packed column METTLER-TOLEDO Berger SFC. The Berger SFC modules include a single fluid control system that allows independent control of pressure and flow, and a thermal control3Petrochemicals News 1METTLER TOLEDOAromatics and Olefins analyzer:ASTM D 5186 and ASTM D 6550 in one METTLER TOLEDO Berger SFC SystemEnvironmental regulations control the amount of particulate emission generated by diesel combus-tion. With aromatics in diesel fuels promoting par-ticulate combustion, it is essential to accurately measure the aromatic content in diesel fuels. Gaso-line-range olefinic hydrocarbons have been demon-strated to contribute to photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, which result in the formation of photochemical smog in susceptible urban areas.module optimized for packed columns,which also allows for the mounting of a flame ionization detector. The user-inter-face software automates the analysis, and reduces operator involvement.Aromatics in diesel fuelThe METTLER TOLEDO AC Aromatics (ASTM D 5186) Analyzer, based on METTL ER TOL EDO’s Berger SFC tech-nology, detects:●Saturates●Mono-ring aromatics●Polynuclear-ring aromatics (di- and polyring aromatics)in diesel fuels, aviation turbine fuels and diesel blending stocks.Olefins in gasolineSince January 1, 2002, the Californian Air Resources Board (CARB) has specified test method ASTM D 6550 to measure total olefins in gasoline, which also incorporates the SFC technology. Olefins boost the octane number of gasoline, but tend to be reactive and toxic. This necessitates an appropriate analytical test method for determination of total olefins to be used both by regulators and producers.The AC Olefins (ASTM D 6550) Ana-lyzer, based on METTLER TOLEDO’s SFC technology, separates and quantifies olefins in gasoline, and completely separates the olefinic fraction of the fuel from saturates,aromatics and oxygenates. Everything is easily automated, no sample preparations are required and analysis time is a com-paratively short 10 minutes.X /bergerMETTLER TOLEDO’s partner AC Analytical Controls has developed a combined aromatics/olefins ana-lyzer that determines both aromatics in diesel fuels and olefins in gasoline using the proved packed column Berger SFC technology from METTLER TOLEDO. The cost effective design allows refiners to combine two applications into one METTLER TOLEDO Berger Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) system, which reduces the amount of invest-ment required for fuel analysis.4Petrochemicals News 1Always correctly leveled –for accurate resultsThe leveling check is often is the first step within the daily balance operation in a quality control laboratory before analyzing lubricant samples. If the balance is not lev-eled correctly, accuracy of the weighing re-sults can not be guaranteed. On this ac-count METTL ER TOL DEO developed the new feature «Level Control» for the XP ana-lytical balance for exactly this purpose. This time saving and more accurate system set the balance level under a sensor eye whichomits and acoustic signalas soon as the balance fallsout of level whilst a simul-taneous message appearson the display. The displaythen gives comprehensiveinstructions on how torelevel the balance. ManyStandard OperatingProcedures (SOP) of pet-rochemical companies stipulate a balance level check as part of the daily work routine which really does mean that METTLER TOLEDO can provide wel-come relief for petrochemical companies, whilst also saving time and money.«SmartGrid» and «ErgoClips»speed up your weighingproceduresOil companies are constantly strivingfor ever faster guaranteed weighing results,which is why METTLER TOLEDO developedthe revolutionary SmartGrid, a uniquelyshaped weighing pan. It minimizes the ef-fects of turbulence, stabilizes much fasterand at the same time provides accurateweighing results more quickly.As specifically shaped tare containersare required for different tasks, SmartGridoffers Clip-ins, called «ErgoClips», whichenable efficient sample handling. Thanks to«ErgoClips», any type of tare container canbe placed firmly on the weighing pan andconsequently making the weighing-in ofyour samples far easier and avoiding spill-age. In combination with «SmartGrid»,«ErgoClips» simplify specific weighing op-erations and set new records in weighingefficiency.Hands-free operationWhen weighing-in lubricant oils orother chemicals, gloves are often worn toprotect the user from hazardous spillage.METTLER TOLEDOXP analytical balance:Security at its bestIn the Petrochemical Industry, precise weighing is the backbone of many processes. Oil samples are highly viscous and therefore prob-lematic or even dangerous to work with. Nevertheless, accurate and efficient sampling is the key for higher yield which is why the new METTLER TOLEDO XP analytical balance offers the best solution: It makes the weighing process faster and safer.Thanks to two optical sensors on the termi-nal called «SmartSens», weighing can becarried out without having to touch the bal-ance at all, thus saving time and reducingthe risk of instrument contamination. Withthe freely placeable optical sensor«ErgoSens» up to 4 operations can be doneliterally hands-free. Consecutive weighingprocedure, for example «Zeroing – Taringthe balance – opening & closing the door –Printout» can be completed without actu-ally touching the balance. One can concen-trate 100% on sample handling and the riskof spillage is reduced to the bare minimum!In addition, the draft shield can becompletely dismantled, making cleaningthe balance especially easy. All parts are re-sistant to acids and chemicals and can becleaned in the dish washer.X /xp-analyticalMETTLER TOLEDO5Petrochemicals News 1METTLER TOLEDOMETTLER TOLEDO titration and RAININ pipettes:Taking the strain out of bromine number determinationsBromine number determination is an important test in refineries and petrochemical plants. It helps to control refinery processes and allows the assessment of aliphatic mono olefins quality.METTLER TOLEDO titrators and RAININ pipettes offer some unique features to facilitate the life of laboratory personnel in the petroleum industry. Better bromine number productivity, reduced cost and im-proved results are the benefits of joining forces with METTLER TOLEDO.An important measure for refineries and petrochemical plantsThe bromine number is a useful mea-sure of unsaturation in petroleum samples and allows the estimation of olefin content in petroleum distillates. It is therefore a standard test procedure carried out in large numbers by refineries around the world.This test also serves to determine purity and to identify commercially available aliphatic mono-olefins, making it an important pa-rameter in the quality control of petro-chemicals. The bromine number is deter-mined by titration with bromide/bromate titrant at reduced temperature. The end-point is indicated voltametrically when an excess of bromine is present in the solution.METTLER TOLEDO DL58:Facilitating the taskThe METTLER TOLEDO DL58 is ideally suited for bromine number determination in a large variety of samples. Its robust de-sign meets the harsh conditions in refinery and petrochemical process labs thereby re-ducing maintenance cost. The user inter-face is self explanatory allowing process staff to execute the tests, which reduces cost for shift lab personnel. Through LabX PC software automatic L IMS integration is simple, reducing manual data processing and eliminating transcription errors. The unique temperature control function en-sures that each bromine number determi-nation takes place at the ideal temperature range of 0 to 5 °C, which greatly increases result accuracy.Rainin Pipettes: Accurate sample measuringA different sample size has to be added to the titration beaker by means of a pipette depending on the expected bromine num-ber of a substance. This is done by means of a pipette. The use of a Rainin pipette is highly recommended as it allows one handed operation, simple volume change and protects the operator from repetitive strain injury thanks to its LTS TM pipetting force reduction feature.METTLER TOLEDO solutions:improving bromine number determinationsThanks to its unique competencies in laboratory equipment METTLER TOLEDO can help to facilitate bromine number de-terminations. Increased productivity, re-duced operating cost, healthier operators and improved accuracy are just some of the benefits petrochemical companies experi-ence through teaming up with METTLER TOLEDO.X /rainin X /titration6Petrochemicals News 1METTLER TOLEDO METTLER TOLEDO solutions for oil refining: Helping lab managers to choose wiselyRefinery labs face a multitude of analytical challenges on a dailybasis and this, along with the ever increasing pressure to speed up,reduce cost and run more samples, makes evaluating state-of-the-artinstrumentation solutions a crucial, yet daunting task for lab manag-ers. METTLER TOLEDO’s interactive refinery Internet guide makes iteasier to understand the overall offering for refineries and assists withinvestment justifications and lab improvement programs.A multitude of analytical challenges for refinery laboratoriesRefinery laboratories carry out a multi-tude of tasks and analyze thousands of samples over the course of a year. METTLER TOLEDO offers numerous solu-tions that are the backbone of refinery qual-ity control. Whether it is crude oil analysis for API gravity, sulphur, chloride or mois-ture content, quality control of petroleum distillates by acid or bromine number deter-minations, lubricants performance estima-tion by base number testing or simply the environmental evaluation of refinery wa-ters, METTLER TOLEDO offers state-of-the-art solutions and extensive support.Faster, cheaper, more comprehensiveRefinery labs are currently expected to provide answers faster, constantly decrease lab operating costs and perform increas-ingly more analyses with the same comple-ment of staff. It is therefore mandatory to keep up to date with technological develop-ments and replace outdated instrumenta-tion with the best solution available. It also goes without saying, that all methods usedin a refinery lab must comply strictly withindustry standards such as ASTM, UOP or IP.The Internet plays an ever increasing rolein helping laboratories to stay in tune withthe fast developing market place.Interactive refinery guideIn order to facilitate the life of lab man-agers, METTLER TOLEDO has developed aninteractive guide for refinery customers(/refinery-lab). This guide de-tails the refinery process including all vari-ous product streams, summarizes the re-spective standard procedures to be obeyedfor each product stream and presentsMETTL ER TOL EDO solutions for eachanalysis. In order to assist lab managerswith the CAPEX justification, feature ben-efits of the solutions are explained, so thatthe value of updating a piece of kit can beclearly communicated to senior manage-ment.The wonders of the cyber world makesolution evaluation not only easier, but alsoa much more enjoyable task. A visit to/refinery-lab could be the be-ginning of a substantial improvement pro-gram with valuable benefits for refinery labsaround the world.X /refinery-lab7Petrochemicals News 1METTLER TOLEDOMETTLER TOLEDO’s Thermal Analysis in the Petrochemical Industry – Part 1An important test in the petrochemical industry con-cerns the measurement of the oxidation stability of oils. The determination of the oxidation induction time (OIT) is a rapid method for assessing the sta-bility of petroleum products.High pressure differential scanning calorimetry (HP DSC) is the thermal tech-nique most frequently used to characterize the stability of petroleum products. Part 1 of this topic focuses on isothermal method conditions based on the ASTM D6186 stan-dard. The examples highlight how detailed information can be obtained to predict the behavior of oils under actual operating con-ditions and how stabilizers can be developed to improve performance.Oxidation stability of oils ac-cording to ASTM D6186Measurement of the oxidation stability of oils allows their behavior to be predicted under actual operating conditions, for ex-ample in motor vehicle engines. In the test procedure according to ASTM D6186, the sample of oil is held isothermally at 180 °C under increased oxygen pressure until oxi-dation begins. The onset of exothermic oxi-dation (intersection of the baseline withthe inflectional tangent) is called the oxi-dation induction time (OIT).The diagram shows OIT measurements of two different motor oils, one mineral the other synthetic. The mineral oil oxidizes after about 35 minutes. The synthetic oil is stable at the same temperature during the 120-minute period prescribed by the ASTM standard. The inserted diagram on the right displays the measurement curve of the syn-thetic oil and shows that it takes much longer to oxidize than the mineral oil,namely 237 minutes.X /TADSC Measurements under Pressure with the HP DSC827eStrong laboratory solutions for improved productivityMettler-Toledo GmbHLaboratory & Weighing Technologies Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee Switzerland Mettler-Toledo GmbH Analytical Instruments Sonnenbergstrasse 74CH-8603 Schwerzenbach SwitzerlandMettler-Toledo AutoChem Inc.7075 Samuel Morse Drive Columbia MD 21046USAMETTLER TOLEDO’s goal is to constantly improve laboratory solutions and consequently fulfill customer needs on the highest level by offering effective technologies and state-of-the-art applicative solutions.We are your partner for efficiency, integration and quality across all your laboratory processes. Our balances meet a diversity of needs and our analytical instruments assure consistently reliable results on composition or properties of liquids and substances.Industrial WeighingWeighing SolutionsMETTLER TOLEDO XP precision balance:Chemical resistance against any kind of sample spillage makes our new Excellence Plus precision balances robust. Weighing-in of sticky or oily samples has never been easier with increased /xp-precisionProcess weighing solutions:Optimize your plant efficiency with the smart weight transmitter IND130. Connect your load cells over Profibus® DP, Allen-Bradley RIO or RS232 directly to your PLC or DCS for batching, filling, tank/hopper weighing, and for inventory control.SSPS: Small-Scale Production SystemA Small Scale Production System for the production of high value compounds and intermediates. With the SSPS, METTLER TOLEDO provides a powerful tool supporting all necessities of Kilo Lab Production assuring accurate, safe and reliable process /sspsMETTLER TOLEDO density measurement systems:The determination of tanker vessel density profiles is not an unproblematic undertaking as oil is sticky and highly viscous. With the METTLER TOLEDO Density meter’s automatic error recognition and the efficient cleaning concept,delays are prevented and productivity is increased on a daily basis /density METTLER TOLEDO coulometric Karl Fischer Titrators:The METTLER TOLEDO coulometric Karl Fischer Titrators for water content determination save analysis and cleaning time, providing a fast analytical response when it really matters. This is crucial when a tanker is waiting to be unloaded./titration11794006 40.12Lasentec® & React IR™ ToolsIn-Process tools for the Petrochemical industry allowing real-time measuring, understanding and control. Continuous Phase analysis via in-situ mid-infrared spectroscopy. Measurement in opaque/black process fluids from asphaltines to micronized coal to water in crude /lasentec /reactirAutomated Chemistry Analytical Instruments。



Spark™ 10M instrument specifications and typical performance valuesGeneral specificationsParameters CharacteristicsWidth 494 mm/19.5 inHeight 395 mm/15.5 inHeight (with injector carrier) 455 mm/17.9 inDepth 557 mm/21.9 inDepth (plate carrier moved out) 699 mm/27.5 inWeight – instrument 40 kg/88 lbWeight – injector box (2 channel) 4.0 kg/8.8 lbWeight – heater/stirrer 2.7 kg/6 lbOperating temperature +15 to +35 °C/59 to 95 ° Transportation temperature -30 to +60 °C/-22 to +140 °F Operating humidity 20-90 % (non-condensing) Transportation humidity 20-95 % (non-condensing) Operating pressure 700-1050 hPaTransportation pressure 500-1100 hPaOvervoltage category IIPollution degree 2Noise level <60 dBAMethod of disposal Electronic waste (infectious waste) Measurement Software controlledInterface USB 2.0 or higherSample formats SBS standard microplates from1- to 384-wells, cuvettes, NanoQuant™low-volume plate, Cell Chips™ andCell Chip AdapterMicroplate shaking Linear, orbital and double orbitalshaking; variable amplitudes andfrequenciesLid lifting system – maximumheight of microplate and lid 24.5 mmPower supply 100-120 V and 220-240 V, auto-sensing Power consumption 170 VA Environmental controlParameters Characteristics Temperature control – heating range +4 °C above ambient up to +42 °C Temperature control – uniformity <0.5 °C at 30 °C and 37 °Cat incubation position Temperature control – environmentaloperating conditions 15-35 °CGas control – CO2 range 0.04-10 % vol.Gas control – O2 range 0.1-21 % vol.Gas control – CO2 accuracy <1 % vol.Gas control – O2 accuracy <0.5 % vol.Humidity cassette – 96-well plate Evaporation <10 % (excluding the with lid, 4 days incubation at outside wells; first and last+37 °C with 5 % CO2column, first and last row) Humidity cassette – environmentaloperating conditions +18 to 42 °CHumidity cassette – plate formats 6- to 384-wellHumidity cassette small – 16 mm; 96- and 384-well plates maximum plate height without plate lidHumidity cassette large – 23 mm; 6- to 384-well plates maximum plate height with or without plate lid Injectors: hardware specificationsParameters CharacteristicsPlate types 1- to 384-well platesInjector syringe volumes 500 μl, 1000 μlAccuracy @ 10 μl ≤5 %Accuracy @ 100 μl ≤1 %Accuracy @ 450 μl ≤0.5 %Precision @ 10 μl ≤5 %Precision @ 100 μl ≤1 %Precision @ 450 μl ≤0.5 %Heater/stirrer power supply 24 V, max. 60 W, external plug-in Heater temperature regulation 20-42 °CStirring speed regulation 50-1,000 rpmANALY SI SI N CU BATIONPROTEC TIONDETECTION1Injectors: reagent compatibilityPlease refer to the following list for reagent compatibility.Rating ‘A’ indicates good compatibility with the injector system. Chemicals with the rating ‘D’ must not be used with the injector system as they will cause severe damage.‘A’-rated chemicals ‘D’-rated chemicalsAcetic acid <60 % AcetonitrileDimethyl formamide Butyl amineEthanol ChloroformMethanol (methyl alcohol) Carbon tetrachloride (dry) Water, deionized Diethyl etherWater, distilled EthanolamineWater, fresh Ethylene diaminePotassium hydroxide (caustic potash) FurfuralPotassium hypochlorite (aqueous) HexaneSodium hydroxide (<60 %, aqueous) Hydrofluoric acidSodium hypochlorite MonoethanolamineSulfuric acid (diluted or concentrated) TetrahydrofuranCell counting moduleParameters CharacteristicsIllumination LEDImage Bright-fieldObjective 4xOptical resolution >3 μmArea/image 2.2 mm2Multiple images per sample 1, 4, 8Cell Chips (Tecan) Disposable; 2 sample chambers perCell Chip; 10 μl sample volumeCell Chip Adapter 4 Cell Chips per adapter; autoclaveable,stackable, SBS formatNumber of samples/run up to 8 samplesCell size 4-90 μmCell concentration 1x104-1x107 cells/mlCounting accuracy ± 10 %, HeLa and CHO at 1x106 cells Counting precision <10 % (1 sigma), HeLa and CHO at 1x106 cells Measurement time* <30 seconds/sample ( 1 image per sample) * P late-in and plate-out movements, and initialization steps are not includedin the measurement time.Absorbance: hardware specificationsand measurement timesParameters CharacteristicsLight source High energy xenon flash lamp Detector Silicon photodiodeWavelength selection Single High-Speed Monochromator Wavelength range 200-1,000 nm, selectable in 1 nm steps Wavelength accuracy ≤0.8 nmWavelength reproducibility ≤0.5 nmBandwidth Fixed, 3.5 nmMeasurement range (OD) 0-4 ODMeasurement time* 96-well plate, 1 flash <14 seconds Measurement time* 384-well plate, 1 flash <30 secondsFast Scan (200-1,000 nm, 1 nm steps) <5 seconds* Fast reading times are determined by using one flash only, plate-in and plate-out movements are not included in the measurement time. Absorbance: performance specifications and typical performance valuesParameters CharacteristicsOD accuracy 0-0.8 OD, 96-well plate ±0.008 ODOD accuracy 0.8-2.5 OD, 96-well plate <±1.0 %OD accuracy 2.5-3.0 OD, 96-well plate <±1.5 %*OD accuracy @ 260 nm ≤0.5 %OD precision 0-1.2 OD, 96-well plate <±0.006 OD OD precision 1.2-3 OD, 96-well plate ±0.5 %*OD precision @ 260 nm ≤0.2 %OD linearity, 0-3 OD, 96-well plate, @ 260nm R2 > 0.999OD uniformity, 96-well plate, @ 1OD <3 %* T ypical performance valueAbsorbance: performance specifications and typical performance values for the NanoQuant plate Parameters Characteristics *Detection limit (DNA) <1 ng/μl dsDNA 260/280 nm OD ratio accuracy <0.07260/230 nm OD ratio accuracy <0.08 Measurement time for DNA quantification <8 seconds/sample (consisting of a full wavelength scan plus fixedwavelength measurements at 230, 260, 280 and 310 nm)* T ypical performance valueA bsorbance: performance specificationsfor the cuvette optionParameters Characteristics Absolute height (including lid) 35-55 mmFootprint (outer dimension) 12.5 x 12.5 mmOptical path 10 mm* Measurement window >2 x 2 mmDetection limit (DNA) <0.2 ng/μl dsDNA Detection limit (protein: BSA, IgG, lysozyme) <0.1 mg/mlFast Scan (200-1000 nm, 1 nm steps) <5 seconds* I f using a cuvette with different optical path measurement resultshave to be corrected accordingly.Fluorescence: hardware specificationsand measurement timesParameters CharacteristicsLight source High energy xenon flash lampDetector Low dark current photomultiplier tube Detector gain Manual: 1-255, optimal: automatic,calculated from well: automatic Wavelength selection Fusion Optics: Quad4 monochromatorsand/or optical filterWavelength range Monochromators: Excitation: 230-900 nm (Fluorescence top and Emission: 280-900 nm bottom with UV-enhanced selectable in 1 nm steps bottom fiber) Filters: E xcitation: 230-900 nmEmission: 230-900 nm Wavelength accuracy Monochromators: E xcitation: <1 nmEmission: <2 nmFilters: F ilter dependentWavelength precision Monochromators: E xcitation: <1 nmEmission: <1 nmFilters: Filter dependentBandwidth Monochromators: E xcitation: 20 nm (fixed)Emission: 20 nm (fixed)Filters: F ilter dependent;available between 10 and 80 nm High density well scanning Up to 100 x 100 data pointsZ-focusing (top and bottom) Automatic adjustment with max. S/B ratio Measurement time*, 96-well plate: <13 secondstop, filter, 1 flash 384-well plate: <30 seconds Measurement time*, 96-well plate: <14 secondstop, mono, 1 flash 384-well plate: <32 seconds Measurement time*, 96-well plate: <21 secondsbottom, mono, 1 flash 384-well plate: <35 seconds* F ast reading times are determined by using one flash only, plate-in and plate-out movements are not included in the measurement time.2Fluorescence intensity (FI):typical performance valuesParameters Characteristics*Limit of detection F/F – top ≤0.25 pM (≤25 amol/well; 100 μl) *Limit of detection M/F – top ≤0.35 pM (≤35 amol/well; 100 μl) *Limit of detection F/M – top ≤0.35 pM (≤35 amol/well; 100 μl) *Limit of detection M/M – top ≤0.5 pM (≤50 amol/well; 100 μl) *Limit of detection F/F – bottom ≤2.5 pM (≤0.5 fmol/well; 200 μl) *Limit of detection M/F – bottom ≤3.5 pM (≤0.7 fmol/well; 200 μl) *Limit of detection F/M – bottom ≤3.5 pM (≤0.7 fmol/well; 200 μl) *Limit of detection M/M – bottom ≤4 pM (≤0.8 fmol/well; 200 μl) Uniformity FF – 96-well – top and bottom <3 CV %Uniformity FF – 384-well – top and bottom <5 CV %Uniformity MM – 96-well – top and bottom <3 CV %Uniformity MM – 384-well – top and bottom <5 CV %* Typical performance value; Limit of detection for FluoresceinTime-resolved fluorescence (TRF):hardware specificationsParameters CharacteristicsLight source High energy xenon flash lampDetector Low dark current photomultiplier tube Detector gain Manual: 1-255Optimal: automaticCalculated from well: automatic Wavelength selection Fusion Optics: Quad4 monochromators and/oroptical filterWavelength range Monochromators:(Fluorescence top and Excitation: 230-900 nmbottom with UV-enhanced Emission: 280-900 nmbottom fiber) selectable in 1 nm stepsF ilters:Excitation: 230-900 nmEmission: 230-900 nmWavelength accuracy Monochromators:Excitation: <1 nmEmission: <2 nmF ilters:Filter dependentWavelength precision Monochromators:Excitation: <1 nmEmission: <1 nmF ilters:Filter dependentBandwidth Monochromators:Excitation: 20 nm (fixed)Emission: 20 nm (fixed)F ilters:Filter dependentZ-focusing (top and bottom) Automatic adjustment with max. S/B ratio Integration time 20-2,000 μsLag time 0 μs-2 msTime-resolved fluorescence (TRF):typical performance valuesParameters Characteristics*Limit of detection F/F ≤40 fM (≤4 amol/well; 100 μl)*Limit of detection M/F ≤65 fM (≤6.5 amol/well; 100 μl)*Limit of detection F/M ≤65 fM (≤6.5 amol/well; 100 μl)*Limit of detection M/M ≤100 fM (≤10 amol/well; 100 μl)* Limit of detection for Europium Fluorescence polarization (FP):hardware specificationsParameters CharacteristicsLight source High energy xenon flash lampDetector Low dark current photomultiplier tube Detector gain Manual: 1-255Optimal: automaticCalculated from well: automatic Wavelength selection Fusion Optics: Quad4 monochromators and/oroptical filterWavelength range Monochromators:(Fluorescence top and Excitation: 300-850 nmbottom with UV-enhanced Emission: 300-850 nmbottom fiber) selectable in 1 nm stepsF ilters:Excitation: 300-850 nmEmission: 300-850 nmWavelength accuracy Monochromators:Excitation: <1 nmEmission: <2 nmF ilters:Filter dependentWavelength precision Monochromators:Excitation: <1 nmEmission: <1 nmF ilters:Filter dependentBandwidth Monochromators:Excitation: 20 nm (fixed)Emission: 20 nm (fixed)F ilters:Filter dependentFluorescence polarization (FP):typical performance valuesParameters Characteristics*Limit of detection F/F ≤1.5 mP*Limit of detection M/F ≤2.5 mP*Limit of detection F/M ≤2.5 mP*Limit of detection M/M ≤3.0 mP* FP precision at 1 nM FluoresceinLuminescence: hardware specifications Parameters Characteristics – Characteristics –standard module enhanced module Detector Low dark current photo- Low dark current photo-multiplier tube operated multiplier tube operatedin counting mode in counting mode Wavelength range,glow and flash 370-700 nm 370-700 nm Wavelength range,scanning n.a. 390-660 nm Wavelength selection,multicolor n.a. via filter sets(38 spectral filters) Integration time/well 0.1-60 seconds 0.1-60 seconds Attenuation 1 OD, 2 OD 1 OD, 2 OD, 3 OD Dynamic range 107-109 107-1010 Luminescence: typical performance values Parameters Characteristics*Limit of detection (glow) ≤9 pM (≤225 amol/well; 25 μl)**Limit of detection (flash) ≤218 fM (≤12 amol/well; 55 μl)* Limit of detection for ATP (144-041 ATP detection kit SL, Biothema)** Limit of detection for ATP (ENLITEN®, Promega)3Alpha Technology: hardware specificationsParameters Characteristics AlphaScreen® Filter choice: Central wavelength: Long-pass filter: 520 nm 570 (100) nm Short-pass filter: 620 nm AlphaLISA® Filter choice: Central wavelength: Long-pass filter: 610 nm 622.5 (25) nm Short-pass filter: 635 nm AlphaPlex™ Filter choice: Central wavelength: Lable 1: Lable 1: Long-pass filter: 610 nm 622.5 (25) nm Short-pass filter: 635 nm Lable 2: Lable 2: Long-pass filter: 535 nm 547.5 (25) nm Short-pass filter: 560 nmExcitation source High power laser (680 nm/750 mW)Detector Low dark current photomultiplier tube Temperature Contactless temperature sensor –correction automatic normalization of the signal toa temperature of 22.5 °C Excitation time/well 10-1,000 ms Integration time/well 10-60,000 msAlpha Technology:typical performance valuesParameters Characteristics *Limit of detection ≤100 amol/well bio-LCK-P *Z´value ≥0.9**Limit of detection ≤2.5 ng/ml **Uniformity ≤3.0 %Fastest read times (incl. temp. corr.) ≤2 min (384-well plate) ≤1 min (96-well plate)* P-Tyr-100 assay kit, Perkin Elmer ** Omnibeads™, Perkin ElmerSparkControl™ highlightsParameters CharacteristicsDashboard control Touch-optimized dashboard for instrument communication, measurement control and progress monitoring Direct Excel® export Automatic export of all data and measurement settings into Microsoft Excel Touch-optimized, 1-click applications Continuously enlarged set of 1-click applications with integrated data reduction, eg. for cell counting, cell viability, low-volume DNA quantification, absorbance-based cuvette measurements, etc.Multiplexing capability in endpoint and kinetic modes Up to ten different measurements in various measurement modes within a single endpoint or kinetic run Well-wise kinetic measurement A kinetic measurement performed well per well – eg. for Ca 2+ release assays Kinetics well-wise A well-wise measurement performed in a kinetic run – eg. for FRET and TR-FRET kinetics Gain regulation in fluorescence top and bottom kinetics Automatic gain adjustment within a kinetic measurement prevents ‘OVER’ signals Conditional measurements in kinetics Time- and signal-triggered actions and measurements within a kinetic measurement run Integrated fluorophore spectra viewer >60 commercially available fluorophores Extended dynamic range for fluorescence Automatic gain adjustment during a fluorescence endpoint measurement for a higher dynamic signal range Automatic mirror selection for fluorescence Automatic selection of optimal mirror settings 3D scan for fluorescence Simultaneous excitation and emission scans for convenient fluorophore characterizationOptimal Read for fluorescence bottom Optimized illumination and signal detection for cell-based assays measured in fluorescence bottom mode, no matter which plate format is used Multiple reads per well for absorbance,and fluorescence top and bottom modes Multiple measurement spots per well Area scan in fluorescence bottom High density (up to 100 x 100) option of multiple reads per well enabling enhanced signal resolution and absorbance modes within a measured well Screencasts Continuously enlarged set of screencasts, showing exemplified workflow setups Help Center Fully integrated wizard for convenient set-up of the measurement script Data reduction software: Offers all the functionality required for compliance with FDA regulation 21 CFR part 11 for electronic records and SparkControl Magellan™ Tracker signatures in addition to the functionality of SparkControl Magellan Standard.398836 V 1.0, 07-2015, 30103173Australia +61 3 9647 4100 Austria +43 62 46 89 33 Belgium +32 15 42 13 19 China +86 21 2206 3206 Denmark +45 70 23 44 50 France +33 4 72 76 04 80 Germany +49 79 51 94 170 Italy +39 02 92 44 790 Japan +81 44 556 73 11 Netherlands +31 18 34 48 174 Singapore +65 644 41 886 Spain +34 935 95 25 31 Sweden +46 31 75 44 000 Switzerland +41 44 922 81 11 UK +44 118 9300 300 USA +1 919 361 5200 Other countries +43 62 46 89 33Tecan Group Ltd. makes every effort to include accurate and up-to-date information within this publication; however, it is possible that omissions or errors might have occurred. Tecan Group Ltd. cannot, therefore, make any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in this publication. Changes in this publication can be made at any time without notice. All mentioned trademarks are protected by law. For technical details and detailed procedures of the specifications provided in this document please contact your Tecan representative. This brochure may contain reference to applications and products which are not available in all markets. Please check with your local sales representative. All mentioned trademarks are protected by law.In general, the trademarks and designs referenced herein are trademarks, or registered trademarks, of Tecan Group Ltd., Männedorf, Switzerland. A complete list may be found at /trademarks. Product names and company names that are not contained in the list but are noted herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.Tecan is a registered trademark of Tecan Group Ltd., Männedorf, Switzerland. Spark multimode reader is for research use only.© 2015, Tecan Trading AG, Switzerland, all rights reserved. For disclaimer and trademarks please visit Specifications are subject to change. Typical performance values represent the average observed factory tested values. For more product specifications refer to operators manual.。


1/ 2
( 5)
可以看出 , 电流密度 j 与三态激子浓度 T2 成正比 . [ 11 ] EP H 器件的外量子效率定义为 :
ext φ φP H e Tw e ( 6) EP H = ξ τ PH j 这里假定三态激子浓度在发射区域内是均匀分布 的 . 一般说来 , 发射宽度 w e 约为器件厚度 d 的一 半 , 要比复合宽度 w 大 .ξ是光输出耦合因子 , 它与 材料的折射率 n 相关 , 一般认为ξ= 1/ 2 n2 ,φ P H 为光 τ 致磷光量子效率 , P H 为不存在湮灭过程时三重态激 子的寿命 . 通常情况下 , ( 5 ) 式中的系间窜越过程对 T 的 S S γ 贡献相对可以忽略 ( kS r + k n µ k ISC ) , 若取 γ TT TT , α 2 = 3/ 4 ,结合 ( 6 ) 式 ,则磷光外量子效率表示为 : ξ φP H w e e 1 -η ext φ ( ) 1/ 2 ( 7) × EP H τ γTT 2 j w PH 如果只考虑电场不太大的情况 , 则激子的解离过程 也可以近似忽略 ,即ην 1. 对于复合宽度的确定 , 我们假设在研究的有机 材料中空穴的迁移率远远大于电子迁移率 , 复合由 空穴来决定 , w 可以认为是空穴在复合时间τ rec 内走 [ 13 ] 过的距离 , 即 h τ ( 8) w =μ h F rec h -1 τ γ ( 9) ne ) rec = ( μ 其中 h 是空穴迁移率 ;γ 是双分子复合系数 ; ne 是电子浓度 ; F = V / d 是电场强度 ;V 是外加电压 . 器件的电流密度可以表示为 : ( 10) j 0 = e (μ e ne + μ h nh ) F
dS α ( S 2 S ) j +γ = 1 1 -η TT T - [ k r + k ISC + ew dt T
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