八下单词 复习用





以下是八年级下册英语的一些重点单词和句子,供您参考:重点单词:1. opportunity(机会)2. skill(技能)3. experience(经验)4. education(教育)5. qualification(资格)6. opportunity(机会)7. responsibility(责任)8. enthusiasm(热情)9. challenge(挑战)10. success(成功)重点句子:1. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support.(我想借此机会感谢你的支持。

)2. She has a lot of skills and experience in this field.(她在这个领域有很多技能和经验。

)3. They are looking for someone with good communication skills.(他们正在寻找具有良好的沟通能力的人。

)4. I think this job would be a great opportunity for me to learn and grow.(我认为这份工作对我来说是一个学习和成长的好机会。

)5. She has a lot of enthusiasm and is always ready to take on new challenges.(她充满热情,随时准备迎接新的挑战。

)6. He has a lot of responsibilities at work and is always reliable.(他在工作中有很多责任,并且总是可靠的。

)7. She is very qualified for this position and has the necessary skills and experience.(她非常符合这个职位的要求,并且拥有必要的技能和经验。


英语八下(unit 8)重点单词中文
英语八下(unit 8)重点单词默写



八年级下册重点必背英语单词1. abandon - 放弃,抛弃Example sentence: The explorers had to abandon their mission due to bad weather.2. ability - 能力Example sentence: She has the ability to solve complex math problems quickly.3. absorb - 吸收Example sentence: Plants absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots.4. access - 接近,进入Example sentence: We need a password to gain access to the computer system.5. accomplish - 完成,实现Example sentence: He worked hard to accomplish his goal of running a marathon.6. accurate - 准确的Example sentence: The scientist made accurate measurements in the lab.7. accuse - 指责,控告Example sentence: The teacher accused the student of cheating on the test.8. achieve - 实现,达到Example sentence: With hard work and determination, you can achieve your goals.9. acknowledge - 承认,接受Example sentence: He acknowledged his mistake and apologized.10. acquire - 获得,取得Example sentence: She worked for many years to acquire the skills needed for her job.11. adapt - 适应,调整Example sentence: The plants have adapted to survive in desert conditions.12. addict - 上瘾者Example sentence: He is an addict and needs help to overcome his addiction to drugs.13. adequate - 充足的,适当的Example sentence: We provided an adequate amount of food for the party.14. adjust - 调整,适应Example sentence: You need to adjust the temperature on the thermostat.15. administer - 管理,执行Example sentence: The nurse will administer the medication to the patient.16. adolescent - 青少年Example sentence: Adolescents often experience many changes during puberty.17. advance - 前进,推进Example sentence: The army advanced towards the enemy's position.18. advantage - 优势,好处Example sentence: Being bilingual can give you an advantage when applying for jobs.19. adventure - 冒险,冒险活动Example sentence: They went on an exciting adventure through the rainforest.20. advice - 建议,忠告Example sentence: I asked for her advice before making a decision.21. aggressive - 好斗的,激进的Example sentence: Some dogs may become aggressive if they feel threatened.22. agriculture - 农业Example sentence: Many people in this region rely on agriculture for their livelihood.23. aid - 帮助,援助Example sentence: The government provided aid to the victims of the natural disaster.24. aim - 目标,目的Example sentence: His aim is to become a successful lawyer.25. alarm - 警报,警钟Example sentence: The fire alarm alerted everyone to evacuate the building.26. alert - 警惕的,警觉的Example sentence: The security guard stayed alert throughout the night.27. alien - 外星人Example sentence: The movie was about an alien from another planet.28. allocate - 分配,拨出Example sentence: The government allocated funds for new schools in the area.29. alter - 改变,修改Example sentence: She decided to alter her dress to make it fit better.30. amateur - 业余的,外行的Example sentence: He is an amateur guitarist, but he plays very well.31. ambition - 雄心,野心Example sentence: Her ambition is to become a famous actress.32. analyze - 分析,解析Example sentence: The scientist analyzed the data to determine the results of the experiment.33. ancestor - 祖先Example sentence: The researcher traced her family's ancestors back to the16th century.34. ancient - 古代的,古老的Example sentence: The ruins of the ancient city still stand today.35. angel - 天使Example sentence: The little girl dressed up as an angel for Halloween.36. annual - 年度的,一年一次的Example sentence: We have our annual family reunion in July.37. anticipate - 预期,预料Example sentence: I anticipated that it would rain, so I brought an umbrella.38. anxiety - 焦虑,担忧Example sentence: He suffers from anxiety and often feels overwhelmed.39. apologize - 道歉,谢罪Example sentence: I apologize for my rude behavior yesterday.40. appeal - 吸引力,魅力Example sentence: The new product has a strong appeal to young consumers.41. applaud - 鼓掌,赞美Example sentence: The audience applauded loudly at the end of the performance.42. appoint - 任命,指定Example sentence: The company will appoint a new CEO next month.43. approach - 方法,途径Example sentence: We need to find a new approach to solving this problem.44. approve - 批准,赞成Example sentence: The committee approved the plan unanimously.45. argument - 争论,争吵Example sentence: The couple had a heated argument about their finances.46. arrest - 逮捕,拘留Example sentence: The police arrested the suspect for robbery.47. article - 文章,论文Example sentence: She wrote an article about the benefits of exercise.48. artificial - 人造的,人工的Example sentence: The flowers in the vase were artificial, not real.49. ashamed - 感到羞愧的,惭愧的Example sentence: He felt ashamed of his actions and apologized.50. aspect - 方面,方向Example sentence: The report covered every aspect of the project.51. assess - 评估,评价Example sentence: The teacher will assess the students' progress at the end of the semester.52. assign - 分配,指派Example sentence: The teacher assigned a research project to each student.53. assist - 帮助,协助Example sentence: I will assist you with your homework if you need help.54. assume - 假设,认为Example sentence: I assume that he will be late because he is always late.55. assure - 保证,确保Example sentence: The doctor assured her that the surgery would go smoothly.56. astonish - 使惊讶,使吃惊Example sentence: His incredible magic tricks astonished the audience.57. astronaut - 宇航员Example sentence: She dreams of being an astronaut and exploring outer space.58. attach - 附上,连接Example sentence: Please attach your resume to the application form.59. attempt - 尝试,企图Example sentence: She made an attempt to climb the mountain, but it was too difficult.60. attitude - 态度,看法Example sentence: I don't like his attitude towards authority figures.61. attract - 吸引,引起注意Example sentence: The colorful display in the store window attracts customers.62. attribute - 属性,特征Example sentence: Honesty is an important attribute for a leader.63. audience - 观众,听众Example sentence: The singer had a large audience at her concert.64. author - 作者,作家Example sentence: The author of the book won several awards for her writing.65. automatic - 自动的,自动化的Example sentence: The doors to the store open automatically when someone approaches.66. available - 可用的,可获得的Example sentence: Is there a hotel room available for tonight?67. average - 平均的,平均数Example sentence: The average temperature in this city is 25 degrees Celsius.68. avoid - 避免,回避Example sentence: I always avoid driving during rush hour because of the heavy traffic.69. awkward - 尴尬的,难处理的Example sentence: He felt awkward at the party because he didn't know anyone.70. balance - 平衡,均衡Example sentence: The gymnast has excellent balance and can perform difficult moves.71. bandage - 绷带,包扎Example sentence: She wrapped a bandage around her cut finger.72. barren - 荒芜的,贫瘠的Example sentence: The desert is a barren landscape with no vegetation.73. base - 基础,根据Example sentence: The team's success is based on hard work and teamwork.74. behavior - 行为,举止Example sentence: His rude behavior towards the teacher resulted in a detention.75. belief - 信念,信仰Example sentence: Different cultures have different beliefs about the afterlife.76. benefit - 好处,利益Example sentence: Regular exercise has many health benefits.77. beverage - 饮料Example sentence: He ordered a cold beverage to quench his thirst.78. bizarre - 奇怪的,古怪的Example sentence: She wore a bizarre outfit to the costume party.79. blame - 责备,责怪Example sentence: Don't blame me for your mistakes; take responsibility for your actions.80. blank - 空白的,空白Example sentence: Please fill in the blank spaces with the correct answers.81. blend - 混合,融合Example sentence: The artist used different colors to blend the paint on the canvas.82. bless - 祝福,保佑Example sentence: The priest blessed the couple on their wedding day.83. boast - 自夸,夸耀Example sentence: He likes to boast about his achievements to impress others.84. border - 边境,界限Example sentence: The river forms the border between the two countries.85. boulder - 大石块,巨石Example sentence: The hiker had to climb over a large boulder to continue on the trail.86. boundary - 边界,范围Example sentence: It is important to respect personal boundaries in a relationship.87. brag - 吹嘘,夸耀Example sentence: He likes to brag about his expensive car and luxurious vacations.88. brake - 刹车,制动器Example sentence: Be sure to use the brake when you want to slow down or stop.89. branch - 分支,树枝Example sentence: The strong wind broke off a branch from the tree.90. brave - 勇敢的,英勇的Example sentence: The firefighter was awarded for his brave actions during a rescue mission.91. breeze - 微风Example sentence: The cool breeze felt refreshing on a hot summer day.92. brief - 简短的,简洁的Example sentence: Please give me a brief summary of the article.93. brilliant - 卓越的,杰出的Example sentence: She came up with a brilliant idea to solve the problem.94. broadcast - 广播,播放Example sentence: The live concert will be broadcast on television.95. buddy - 朋友,伙伴Example sentence: He is my best buddy; we do everything together.96. budget - 预算,财政Example sentence: We need to create a budget to manage our expenses.97. bully - 欺负,恶霸Example sentence: She stood up to the bully and defended her friend.98. burden - 负担,重担Example sentence: The heavy workload is a burden for the overworked employees.99. calculate - 计算,估算Example sentence: He used a calculator to help him calculate the answer.100. capable - 有能力的,能胜任的Example sentence: She is a capable leader and can handle difficult situations.101. capture - 捕获,俘获Example sentence: The photographer captured a beautiful sunset on camera.102. career - 职业,事业Example sentence: He has had a successful career as a lawyer.103. cautious - 小心的,谨慎的Example sentence: Be cautious when driving in icy conditions.104. celebrate - 庆祝,庆贺Example sentence: They celebrated their anniversary with a romantic dinner.105. ceremony - 典礼,仪式Example sentence: The graduation ceremony was held in the school auditorium.106. challenge - 挑战,挑剔Example sentence: The difficult math problem was a challenge for the students.107. champion - 冠军,胜利者Example sentence: She won the competition and became the champion.108. chapter - 章节,篇章Example sentence: I just finished reading the last chapter of the book.109. charity - 慈善机构,慈善事业Example sentence: The donations will go to a local charity to help those in need.110. charming - 迷人的,有魅力的Example sentence: The old house had a charming garden with colorful flowers.。




下面是一些可能的例子: 1. 单词:Adventure(冒险)。














2. 短语:A piece of cake(小菜一碟)。

Break the ice(打破僵局)。

Catch someone's eye(引起某人的注意)。

Don't judge a book by its cover(不要以貌取人)。

Get the hang of(掌握)。

In the long run(从长远来看)。

It's a small world(世界真小)。

Keep an eye on(密切关注)。

On top of the world(兴高采烈)。

Piece of advice(一条建议)。

Take it easy(放松点)。

Think outside the box(打破常规思维)。

Turn a blind eye to(对...视而不见)。

Worth a shot(值得一试)。







Unit 1: How often do you exercise?1. exercise (v.) 运动,锻炼e.g. I exercise every day to keep fit.2. regularly (adv.) 经常地e.g. She goes swimming regularly on weekends.3. occasionally (adv.) 偶尔地e.g. We occasionally go out for dinner.4. rarely (adv.) 很少地e.g. He rarely eats fast food.5. hardly ever (adv.) 几乎从不e.g. I hardly ever watch TV because I'm too busy.6. never (adv.) 从不e.g. I never drink coffee because I don't like the taste.7. always (adv.) 总是e.g. She always arrives early for class.8. often (adv.) 经常e.g. They often go to the movies on weekends.9. sometimes (adv.) 有时候e.g. I sometimes stay up late to finish my homework.10. three times a week 每周三次e.g. He goes to the gym three times a week.Unit 2: What’s the matter?1. matter (n.) 事情,问题e.g. What's the matter? Why are you crying?2. feel (v.) 感觉e.g. I feel tired after a long day at work.3. headache (n.) 头痛e.g. I have a terrible headache.4. stomachache (n.) 胃痛e.g. She couldn't eat because of the stomachache.5. toothache (n.) 牙痛e.g. He went to the dentist because of a toothache.6. sore throat (n.) 喉咙痛e.g. I can't speak because I have a sore throat.7. runny nose (n.) 流鼻涕e.g. My sister has a runny nose and can't stop sneezing.8. cough (v.) 咳嗽e.g. He has been coughing all night.9. sneeze (v.) 打喷嚏e.g. I always sneeze when I'm allergic to something.10. take medicine 吃药e.g. You should take some medicine for the pain.Unit 3: What are you doing for vacation?1. vacation (n.) 假期,度假e.g. I'm going on vacation to the beach next week.2. trip (n.) 旅行e.g. We went on a trip to Paris last summer.3. camp (n.) 露营e.g. I went to summer camp and had a great time.4. stay (v.) 停留,逗留e.g. We stayed in a hotel during our vacation.5. visit (v.) 参观,访问e.g. They visited the Great Wall during their trip to China.6. hike (v.) 徒步旅行,远足e.g. We hiked in the mountains for the whole day.7. swim (v.) 游泳e.g. She loves to swim in the ocean.8. explore (v.) 探索,寻找e.g. We explored the ancient ruins and learned a lot.9. relax (v.) 放松e.g. I like to relax on the beach and read a book.10. have fun 玩得开心e.g. We had a lot of fun at the amusement park.Unit 4: What’s your favorite sport?1. sport (n.) 运动e.g. Basketball is my favorite sport.2. basketball (n.) 篮球e.g. The NBA is the highest professional basketball league in the world.3. soccer (n.) 足球e.g. The World Cup is the most watched sports event in the world.4. tennis (n.) 网球e.g. Roger Federer is one of the greatest tennis players of all time.5. volleyball (n.) 排球e.g. The USA women's volleyball team is a powerhouse in the sport.6. running (n.) 跑步e.g. The marathon is one of the longest running races.7. cycling (n.) 骑自行车e.g. The Tour de France is the most famous cycling race.8. swimming (n.) 游泳e.g. Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian in history.9. skiing (n.) 滑雪e.g. The Winter Olympics showcase the best in skiing and other winter sports.10. surfing (n.) 冲浪e.g. Surfing is a popular sport on the beaches of Hawaii.Unit 5: What are you going to be when you grow up?1. doctor (n.) 医生e.g. My dream is to become a doctor and help people.2. teacher (n.) 老师e.g. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds of young students.3. engineer (n.) 工程师e.g. Engineers design and build the structures that make modern life possible.4. lawyer (n.) 律师e.g. Lawyers work to ensure justice and protect the rights of their clients.5. artist (n.) 艺术家e.g. Artists use their creativity to express themselves through various forms of art.6. musician (n.) 音乐家e.g. Musicians create and perform music that can touch the hearts of many.7. scientist (n.) 科学家e.g. Scientists study the world around us to uncover new knowledge and solve problems.8. astronaut (n.) 宇航员e.g. Astronauts travel into space to conduct research and explore the final frontier.9. firefighter (n.) 消防员e.g. Firefighters risk their lives to save others and protect property from fire.10. police officer (n.) 警察e.g. Police officers work to maintain public safety and enforce laws.以上是八年级下册英语1到3单元的重点单词和短语。

仁爱版八年级英语下学期重点单词-期中知识点复习:Unit 5-Unit 6)

仁爱版八年级英语下学期重点单词-期中知识点复习:Unit 5-Unit 6)

知识梳理二、重点单词【单词复习】1. seem v.似乎,好像seem意为“好像,似乎”,是系动词,其用法有(1)seem + adj.You seem happy. 你好像挺高兴。

(2)seem + n.He seems a nice man. 他看起来像个好人。

(3)seem to do sth.They seem to know what they’re doin g. 看来他们知道自己在干什么。

(4)seem + that从句It seems that they know everything. 好像他们无所不知。

—Miss Wang ___________ very angry. What’s the matter, do you know?—Two boys had a fight in her class.A. soundsB. seemsC. smellsD. tastes答案:B思路分析:这四个词都可作连系动词。



2. either adv.也either作副词时,意思是“也”,只能放在否定句的句尾。

He can’t swim. I can’t, either. 他不会游泳,我也不会。

(1)either adj.“两者中的任何一个”。

You may use either telephone. 两部电话随你用哪一部。

(2)either conj.“两者中的任何一个”。

—Which would you like, tea or coffee? 你要茶还是咖啡?—Either is OK. 任何一个都行。

(3)either conj. 常与or连用,意为“或者……或者……;要么……要么……”。

Either your watch or mine is wrong.不是你的表不准,就是我的不准。




一、词汇部分1. announce(v.) - 宣布,宣告例句:The teacher announced the winner of the competition.2. audience(n.)- 观众,听众例句:The concert attracted a large audience.3. behavior(n.)- 行为,举止例句:His bad behavior got him into trouble.4. celebrate(v.)- 庆祝,赞美例句:We will celebrate her birthday with a big party.5. challenge(n.)- 挑战例句:Completing this task within a day is a real challenge.6. cheer(v.)- 欢呼,喝彩例句:The crowd cheered when their team scored a goal.7. confident(adj.)- 自信的例句:She is confident that she will win the race.8. decorate(v.)- 装饰,布置例句:We decorated the classroom with balloons and streamers.9. describe(v.)- 描述,说明例句:Can you describe what the suspect looks like?10. election(n.)- 选举例句:There will be an election for class president next week.11. environment(n.)- 环境,自然环境例句:It is important to protect the environment.12. experience(n.)- 经验例句:She has a lot of experience in dealing with difficult situations.13. explore(v.)- 探索,考察例句:They went on a trip to explore the ancient ruins.14. familiar(adj.)- 熟悉的,常见的例句:The place looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before.15. fashion(n.)- 时尚,流行例句:She always keeps up with the latest fashion trends.16. habit(n.)- 习惯例句:It takes time to break a bad habit.17. health(n.)- 健康例句:Exercise is important for maintaining good health.18. improve(v.)- 改进,提高例句:She worked hard to improve her English skills.19. independent(adj.)- 独立的例句:He is a very independent person and likes to do things on his own.20. introduce(v.)- 介绍,引入例句:Let me introduce you to my friend.21. journey(n.)- 旅行,行程例句:We had a long journey to get to our destination.22. knowledge(n.)- 知识,学问例句:He has a wide range of knowledge about science.23. magic(n.)- 魔法,神奇例句:The magician performed some amazing magic tricks.24. mention(v.)- 提到,说起例句:He mentioned that he was planning to go on vacation.25. nonsense(n.)- 胡说八道例句:Don't listen to him. He's talking nonsense.二、短语部分1. break a habit- 改掉一个习惯例句:It's difficult to break a habit, but it can be done with determination.2. take a trip- 去旅行例句:We're going to take a trip to the beach this weekend.3. catch someone's eye- 引起某人的注意例句:The colorful display in the store window caught my eye.4. keep up with- 跟上,紧跟例句:I find it hard to keep up with all the latest fashion trends.5. make a difference- 产生影响,有所不同例句:Every little action can make a difference in protecting the environment.6. pay attention to- 注意,关注例句:Please pay attention to what the teacher is saying.7. stand out- 显眼,引人注目例句:Her red dress really stood out in the crowd.8. be familiar with- 熟悉于例句:I'm not familiar with this area. Can you give me directions?9. take care of- 照顾,照料例句:She took care of her sick grandmother while her parents were away.10. get along with- 与...相处融洽例句:He gets along with everyone in his class.总结:本文介绍了八年级下册英语单词的重点整理,包括词汇部分和短语部分。



Unit1What's the matter?1 matter n.问题,事情2 What's the matter ? 怎么了? 出什么事了?3 sore adj.疼痛的,酸痛的4 have a cold 感冒5 stomachache n.胃痛,腹痛6 have a stomachache 胃痛7 foot n.足,脚8 neck n.颈,脖子9stomach n.胃,腹部10 throat n.咽喉,喉咙11 fever n.发烧12lie v.躺,平躺13 lie down 躺下14rest v&n.放松,休息15 cough v.咳嗽16 X-ray n. X射线,X光17toothache n.牙痛18 take one's temperature 量体温19 headache n.头痛20 have a fever 发烧21breakn.间歇;休息22 take breaks(take a break) 休息23 hurt v.(使)疼痛,受伤24 passenger n.乘客,旅客25 off adv.&prep. 离开(某处);不工作;从……去掉26 get off 下车27 to one's surprise 使……惊讶的,出乎……意料28 onto prep.向;朝29 trouble n. 问题,苦恼30 hit v.(用手或器具)击,打31 right away 立即;马上32 get into 陷入;参与33 herself pron.(she的反身代词)她自己34 bandage n.绷带v.用绷带包扎35 sick adj.生病的;有病毒36 knee n.膝盖,膝37 nosebleed n.鼻出血38 breathe n.呼吸39 sunburned adj.晒伤的40 ourselves pron.(we的反身代词)我们自己,自己41 climber n.登山者;攀登者42 be used to 习惯于……,适应于……43 risk n&v.危险,风险44take risks(take a risk)冒险45 accident n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇46 situation n.情况,状况47kilo (=kilogram) n.千克48 rock n.岩石49 run out (of) 耗尽50 knife n.(pl.knives) 刀51 cut off 切除52 blood n.血53 mean v.意思是,打算,意欲54 get out of 离开,从……出来55 importance n.重要性,重要56 decision n.决定,抉择57control n.﹠v.限制,约束,管理58 be in control of 掌管,管理59spirit n.勇气,意志60 death n.死,死亡61 give up 放弃62 nurse n.护士Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the parks.1 clean up 打扫(或清除)干净2 cheer v.欢呼,喝彩3 cheer up (使)变得更高兴,振奋起来4 give out 分发,散发5 volunteer v.义务做,自愿做n.志愿者6 notice n.公告牌,通告,布告7 used to 曾经……,过去……8 lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的9 several pron. 几个,数个,一些10 feeling n.感觉,感触11 satisfaction n.满足,满意,舒服12 joy n.高兴,愉快13 owner n.物主,主人14 journey n.(尤指长途)旅行,行程15 sign n.标志,信号16 sick adj.生病的,有病的17 raise v.募集,征集18 alone adv.独自,单独19 repair v.修理,修补20 fix v.安装,使固定21 give away 赠送,捐赠22 wheel n.车轮,轮子23 letter n.信,函24 miss n.女士,小姐25 set up 建起,设立26 make a difference 影响,有作用27 blind adj.瞎的,失明的28 deaf adj.聋的29 imagine v.﹠n.想象,设想30 difficulty n.困难,难题31 open v.开,打开32 door n.门33 carry v.拿,提,扛34 train v.训练,培训35 excited adj.激动的,兴奋的36 training n.训练,培训37 kindness n.仁慈,善良38 clever adj.聪明的,聪颖的39 understand v.理解,领会40 change v.变化,改变41 disabled adj.丧失能力的,有残疾的42strong adj.强壮的,强健的43 sir n.先生44 madam n.夫人,女士Unit3.Could you please clean your room?1 rubbish n.垃圾;废弃物2 take out the rubbish 倒垃圾3 fold v.折叠;对折4 sweep v.扫;打扫5 floor n. 地板6 mess n.杂乱;不整洁7 throw v.扔;掷8 all the time 频繁;反复9 neither adv.也不10 shirt n.衬衫11.as soon as 一...就12 pass v.给;递;走过;通过13 borrow v.借;借用14 lend v.借给;借出15 finger n.手指16 hate v.厌恶;讨厌17 while conj.在……期间;当……的时候18 snack n.点心;小吃;快餐19 chore n.杂务;乏味无聊的工作20 stress n.精神压力;心理负担21 waste n.浪费;滥用22 in order to 目的是;为了23 provide v.提供;供应24 anyway adv.而且;加之25 depend on 依靠;信赖26 develop v.发展;壮大27 fairness n.公平性;公平合理性28 since conj.从……以后;自……以来29neighbor (=neighbour) n.邻居30 result n.后果;结果31 ill adj.有病;不舒服32 drop v.落下;掉下33 independence n.独立34 independent adj.独立的;自主的35 take care of 照料;爱护36 fair adj. 合理的;适当的Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?1allow v.允许;准许2 wrong adj.错误的,不对的3 guess v.猜测;估计4 deal n.协议;交易5 work out 成功的发展;解决6 get on with和睦相处;关系良好7 relation n.关系;联系;交往8 communication n.交流;沟通9 argue v.争吵;争论10 cloud n.云;云朵11 elder adj.年纪较长的12 instead adv.代替;反而;却13 whatever pron.任何;每一14 nervous adj.焦虑的;担忧的15 offer 主动提出;自愿给予16 proper adv.正确地;恰当地17 secondly adv.第二;其次18 communicate v.交流;沟通19 explain v.解释;说明20 clear adj.清楚易懂;晴朗的21 copy v.复制;复印22 return v.回来;回去23 member n.成员;分子24 pressure n.压力25 compete v.竞争,对抗26 opinion n.意见;想法;看法27 skill n.技艺;技巧28 typical adj.典型的29 football n.足球;(美式)橄榄球30 cut out 删去;删除31 continue v.持续;继续存在32 compare v.比较33 compare…with…比较;对比34 crazy adj.不理智的;疯狂的35 push v.推动;移动36 development n.发展;发育;成长37 cause v.造成;引起38 usual adj.通常的;寻常的39 perhaps adv.可能;大概;也许40 quick adj.快的;迅速的;时间短暂的41 in one's opinion 依...看Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm come?rainstorm n.暴风雨suddenly adv.突然;忽然alarm n.闹钟go off (闹钟)发出响声pick up 接电话strange adj.奇特的;奇怪的storm n.暴风雨report v.报道;公布area n.地域;地区wind n.风light n.光;光线;光亮wood n.木;木头window n.窗;窗户flashlight n.手电筒;火炬match n.火柴复数形式:matches beat v.敲打;锤砸heavily adv.在很大程度上;大量地against prep.倚;碰;撞asleep adj.睡着fall asleep 进入梦乡;睡着die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失rise v.增加;提高;增强apart adv.分离;分开passage n.章节;段落pupil n.学生bright adj.明亮的;光线充足的completely adv.彻底地;完全地silence n.沉默;缄默;无声in silence 沉默;无声recently adv.不久前terrorist n.恐怖主义者;恐怖分子date n.日期;日子tower n.塔;塔楼at first 首先;最初realize v.理解;领会;认识到truth n.实情;事实6Unit 6 编辑An old man tried to move the mountains. once upon a time 从前shoot v.(shot)射击;发射begin v.(began)开始god n.神;上帝remind v.提醒;使想起bit n.有点;稍微silly adj.愚蠢的;不明事理的instead of 代替;反而monkey n.猴子magic adj.有魔力的;有神奇力量的birth n.出生;诞生give birth (to do sth.)生孩子stick n.棍;条hide v.隐藏;隐蔽tail n.尾;尾巴turn…into 变成Western adj.西方的weak adj.虚弱;无力的stepsister n.继姐(妹)prince n.王子fit v.适合;合身couple n.两人;两件事物smile v.笑;微笑marry v.结婚get married 结婚born v.出生be born 出生object n.物体;物品gold adj.金色的emperor n. 国王underwear n.内衣silk n.丝绸;丝织物stupid adj.愚蠢的cheat v.欺骗;蒙骗stepmother n.继母wife n.妻子;太太husband n.丈夫whole adj.全部的;整体的scene n.(戏剧或歌剧的)场;场景stone n.石头shine v.(shone) 发光;照耀as soon as 一……就……;尽快ground n.地;地面lead v.(led) 带路;领路voice n.声音inside adv.里面brave adj.勇敢的;无畏的Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world? square n.平方;正方形meter (=metre) n.米;公尺deep adj.深的;纵深的desert n.沙漠population n.人口;人口数量Asia n.亚洲wall n.墙tour n.旅行;旅游tourist n.旅行者;观光者ancient adj.古代的;古老的protect v.保护;防护wide adj.宽的;宽阔的as far as I know 就我所知man-made adj.人造的achievement n.成就;成绩paragraph n.段;段落southwestern adj.西南的;西南方向的thick adj.厚的;浓的include v.包括;包含freezing adj.冻冰的;结冰的condition n.条件;状况take in 吸入;吞入(体内)succeed v.实现目标;成功Japan n.日本challenge v.挑战;考验in the face of面对(问题、困难等)achieve v.达到;完成;成功force n.力;力量nature n. 自然界;大自然ocean n.大海;海洋the Pacific Ocean 太平洋cm (=centimeter/centimetre) 厘米weigh v.有……重;重at birth 出生时bamboo n.竹;竹子research n.研究;调查awake adj.醒着excitement n.激动;兴奋illness n.疾病;病adult adj.成年的;成人的remain v.遗留;剩余artwork n.图片;插图wild adj.野生的government n.政府;内阁whale n.鲸oil n.油;食用油;石油huge adj.大的;极多的Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?treasure n. 珠宝;财富island n. classic n.岛classic n. 经典作品;名著page n. (书刊或纸张的)页,面,张hurry v.匆忙;赶快hurry up 赶快;急忙(做某事)due adj.预期;预定ship n.船;舰tooln.工具gun n.枪;炮sand n.沙滩;沙else adv.其他的;别的cannibal n.食人肉者towards adv.朝;向对着land n.陆地;大地technology n.科技;工艺French n.法语pop n.流行音乐;流行乐曲band n.乐队forever adv.永远abroad adv.在国外;到国外actually adv.真实地;事实上fan n.迷;狂热爱好者southern adj.南方的modern adj.现代的;当代的success n.成功belong v.属于;归属beauty n.美;美丽million num.一百万record n.唱片;记录v.录制;录(音)introduce v.介绍;引见line n.行;排9Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?amusement n.娱乐;游戏unbelievable adj.难以置信的;不真实的progress v. 进步;进展rapid adj. 迅速的;快速的unusual adj. 特别的;不寻常的toilet n.坐便器;厕所encourage v.鼓励social adj.社会的peaceful adj.和平的;安宁的performance n.表演;演出perfect adj.完美的;完全的itself pron.(it的反身代词)它自己;自己collect v.收集;采集German adj.德国的;德语的;德国人的n.德语;德国人theme n.主题province n.省份thousand num.一千on the one hand…on the other hand …一方面……另一方面……safe adj.安全的;无危险的thousands of 数以千计的;许许多多的simply adv.仅仅;只;不过fear v.害怕;惧怕whether conj.不管……(还是);或者……(或者)Indian adj.印度的;印度人Japanese adj.日本的;日本人的;日语的n.日本人;日语fox n.狐狸daytime n.白天;白昼equator n.赤道whenever conj.在任何……时候;无论何时spring n. 春天mostly adv.主要地;通常location n. 地点;位置National Science Museum 国家科学博物馆International Museum of Toilets 国家厕所博物馆Hangzhou National Tea Museum 杭州国家茶博物馆Donad Duck 唐老鸭camera 照相机Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.yard n.院子yard sale 庭院拍卖会sweet adj.甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的memory 记忆;回忆cent n.分;分币toy n.玩具bear n.熊maker n.生产者;制造者scarf n.围巾;披巾;头巾soft adj.软的;柔软的board n.板;木板board game棋牌游戏check v.检查;审查check out察看;观察no longer 不再;不复railway n.铁路;铁道certain adj.某种;某事;某人honest adj.诚实的;老实的truthful adj.诚实的;真实的to be honest 说实在的camera n.照相机;摄影机;摄像机hometown n.家乡;故乡hill n.山丘;小山search v.搜索;搜查among prep.在(其)中;……之一crayon n.彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔)shame n.羞耻;羞愧;惭愧regard v.将……认为;把……视为count v.数数century n.百年;世纪according to 依据;按照opposite adj.对面的;另一边的especially adv.尤其;特别;格外consider v.注视;仔细考虑hold v.(held)拥有;抓住。



八年级下册英语单词重点及其用法下面是八年级下册英语单词重点及其用法的详细介绍:1. defend- 词性:动词- 释义:保护,捍卫- 例句:We must defend our rights and freedoms.2. civilization- 词性:名词- 释义:文明- 例句:The ancient Egyptians made significant contributions to the development of human civilization.3. ancient- 词性:形容词- 释义:古代的- 例句:The Great Wall is an ancient structure that has stood for centuries.4. tradition- 词性:名词- 释义:传统- 例句:Celebrating Chinese New Year is a tradition in many Asian cultures.5. independent- 词性:形容词- 释义:独立的- 例句:My parents want me to become independent and take care of myself.6. victory- 词性:名词- 释义:胜利- 例句:The team celebrated their victory with cheers and applause.7. emperor- 词性:名词- 释义:皇帝- 例句:During ancient times, emperors ruled over vast empires.8. generation- 词性:名词- 释义:一代人- 例句:Each generation has its own unique experiences and challenges.9. global- 词性:形容词- 释义:全球的- 例句:Climate change is a global issue that affects every country.10. democracy- 词性:名词- 释义: **- 例句:In a democracy, the people have the power to elect their leaders.11. wealth- 词性:名词- 释义:财富- 例句:Some people believe that wealth is a measure of success, while others value happiness and fulfillment more.12. agriculture- 词性:名词- 释义:农业- 例句:Many countries heavily rely on agriculture for both food production and economic growth.13. pollution- 词性:名词- 释义:污染- 例句:Air pollution from factories and vehicles is a major environmental issue.14. entertainment- 词性:名词- 释义:娱乐- 例句:There are many forms of entertainment, such as movies, music, and sports.15. poverty- 词性:名词- 释义:贫困- 例句:The government has implemented various programs to reduce poverty in the country.16. technology- 词性:名词- 释义:技术- 例句:The rapid advancement of technology has greatly impacted our daily lives.17. environment- 词性:名词- 释义:环境- 例句:We should all do our part to protect the environment for future generations.18. advantage- 词性:名词- 释义:优势- 例句:Having a good education gives you an advantage in the job market.19. construct- 词性:动词- 释义:建造- 例句:The team worked together to construct a new building in record time.20. significant- 词性:形容词- 释义:重要的- 例句:His discovery made a significant contribution to the field of science.21. generation gap- 词性:短语- 释义:代沟- 例句:There is often a generation gap between parents and their children due to differences in values and experiences.22. global warming- 词性:短语- 释义:全球变暖- 例句:Global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt at an alarming rate.23. poverty line- 词性:短语- 释义:贫困线- 例句:The government has set a poverty line to determine who is eligible for social assistance programs.24. advanced technology- 词性:短语- 释义:先进技术- 例句:With the development of advanced technology, we can now communicate with people from all over the world in an instant.25. natural environment- 词性:短语- 释义:自然环境- 例句:The destruction of the natural environment is a growing concern for many environmentalists.26. sustainable- 词性:形容词- 释义:可持续的- 例句:Developing renewable energy sources is crucial for achieving sustainable development.27. entrepreneur- 词性:名词- 释义:企业家- 例句:An entrepreneur is someone who starts their own business and takes risks to make a profit.28. innovation- 词性:名词- 释义:创新- 例句:Innovation is key to the success of any business or organization.29. diversity- 词性:名词- 释义:多样性- 例句:Cultural diversity can enrich a community by bringing together different ideas and traditions.30. economy- 词性:名词- 释义:经济- 例句:The economy of a country depends on its ability to produce goods and services efficiently.31. education- 词性:名词- 释义:教育- 例句:Education is the foundation for personal and societal development. 32. health- 词性:名词- 释义:健康- 例句:Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining good health.33. communication- 词性:名词- 释义:沟通- 例句:Good communication skills are important in both personal and professional relationships.34. cooperation- 词性:名词- 释义:合作- 例句:International cooperation is necessary to address global issues like climate change.35. leadership- 词性:名词- 释义:领导力- 例句:Good leadership is crucial for guiding a team or organization towards its goals.36. conflict- 词性:名词- 释义:冲突- 例句:Conflict can arise when people have different opinions or goals.37. resolution- 词性:名词- 释义:解决- 例句:The resolution of a conflict often requires compromise and understanding.38. environmental protection- 词性:短语- 释义:环境保护- 例句:Environmental protection is a global priority that requires immediate action.39. renewable energy- 词性:短语- 释义:可再生能源- 例句:Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are essential for a sustainable future.40. economic growth- 词性:短语- 释义:经济增长- 例句:Economic growth should be balanced with social and environmental considerations.41. educational system- 词性:短语- 释义:教育系统- 例句:The educational system plays a significant role in shaping the future of a country.42. public health- 词性:短语- 释义:公共卫生- 例句:Access to clean water and sanitation is crucial for public health. 43. globalization- 词性:名词- 释义:全球化- 例句:Globalization has brought both benefits and challenges to societies around the world.44. cultural exchange- 词性:短语- 释义:文化交流- 例句:Cultural exchanges can help to promote understanding and tolerance between different groups.45. scientific research- 词性:短语- 释义:科学研究- 例句:Scientific research is essential for driving technological advancements and solving complex problems.46. technological advancement- 词性:短语- 释义:技术进步- 例句:Technological advancement has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate.47. public policy- 词性:名词- 释义:公共政策- 例句:Public policy aims to address societal challenges and improve the well-being of citizens.48. social justice- 词性:名词- 释义:社会公正- 例句:Fighting for social justice involves advocating for equal rights and opportunities for all.49. human rights- 词性:名词- 释义:人权- 例句:Every individual should have access to basic human rights, such as freedom of expression and education.50. environmental sustainability- 词性:短语- 释义:环境可持续性- 例句:Environmental sustainability requires us to balance economic development with the protection of natural resources.总结:八年级下册英语单词重点及其用法涵盖了多个语法形式,如名词、形容词和动词。

中考英语基础单词词组复习及词汇应用 八年级下册 unit8默写复习资料整理

中考英语基础单词词组复习及词汇应用 八年级下册 unit8默写复习资料整理

一.重点单词1.dig vi. &vt.挖(洞,沟等)2.serious adj.认真的,严肃的3.reduce vi. &vt.减少,降低4.recycle vt.回收利用,循环利用5.cause vt.导致,造成6.wise adj.明智的,充满智慧的7.plastic n.塑料8.separate vi. &vt.分开,隔开9.recycling n.回收利用,循环利用10.allow vt.允许11.cut down砍倒12.punish vt.处罚,惩罚13.fine vt.罚款adj.美好(优秀)的14.limit vt.限制15.depend vi.依靠,依赖,指望16.rich adj.丰富的;富有的17.resource n.资源18.wisely adv.明智地,充满智慧地19.run out用完,耗尽20.produce vt.导致,产生21.difference n.差异,不同(之处)22.make a difference (to sb/sth)(对…)有影响,起作用23.display vt.&vi.展示;陈列24.pollute vt.污染25.harm vt.伤害;损害26.living adj.活着的,活的27.survey n.调查28.empty adj.空的29.dust n.灰尘,尘土30.harmful adj.有害的31.soil n.土壤32.in place在正确位置33.coal n.煤34.oil n.石油;原油;食用油35.gas n.气体;煤气36.form vt.&vi.形成37.carelessly a dv.满不在乎地;粗心地38.reuse vt.再使用39.simple adj.简单的40.step n.步骤41.power n.电力;力量二、重点词组1.减少空气污染reduce air pollution2.缩短洗澡时间来节水save water by taking shorter showers3.保护环境protect the environment4.引起严重的大气污染cause serous air pollution5.被分成……be separated into... 把垃圾分类separate waste into different groups6.制定法律做某事make laws to do sth.7.被处罚be punished8.被允许做某事be allowed to do sth. (被动)(主动)allow sb. to do sth.9.依靠丰富的资源depend on rich resources10.对……有害be harmful (adj.) to.... do harm (n.) to...11.保持水土keep soil in place12.变得糟糕(每况愈下)change for the worse=get worse13.采取步骤做某事take steps to do sth.14.刷牙brush one’s teeth15.如果可能的话,重复利用水reuse water if possible16.(不)在使用中be (not)in use17.塑料袋plastic bags18.尽某人最大的努力做某事try one’s best to do sth.三、词汇应用,每空一词。



八年级下册英语单词Unit 1 单词1.identify: 辨认,识别2.emergency: 紧急情况,紧急事态3.situation: 情况,形势4.provide: 提供,供应5.immediate: 立即的,即刻的6.escape: 逃跑,逃脱7.demand: 需求,要求8.location: 位置,地点9.attitude: 态度,看法10.reaction: 反应,反作用11.assist: 帮助,援助12.incident: 事件,事故Unit 2 单词munity: 社区,群体2.constant: 持续的,不断的pare: 比较,对照4.decorate: 装饰,布置5.impress: 使印象深刻6.proper: 正确的,适当的7.consume: 消耗,消费8.according to: 根据,按照9.avoid: 避免,躲开10.legislation: 法律,立法11.waste: 浪费,废物12.access: 接近,进入Unit 3 单词1.announcement: 公告,宣布2.distract: 分散注意力,使分心3.method: 方法,办法4.solution: 解决办法,解决方法5.prevent: 防止,预防anization: 组织,机构7.contribute: 贡献,捐助8.limit: 限制,界限9.effective: 有效的,生效的10.skill: 技能,技巧11.tend to: 倾向于,往往会12.encourage: 鼓励,促进…以上是八年级下册英语的部分单词,每个单元都包含一些常用的词汇,通过学习和掌握这些词汇,可以帮助提高英语语言能力。







一、重点单词1.programme n. <英>节目;方案;方案2.main unit 〔电脑〕主机;主件3.mouse 或mouses) 鼠标4.screen [skriːn]显示屏,屏幕5.receive [rɪ'siːv]收到,接到6.guide [gaɪd] 导游,向导7.icon [ˈaɪkɒn] 图标8.click [klɪk] 点击 [ˈeɪʃə] 亚洲10.Africa ['æfrɪkə] 非洲11.America [ə'merɪkə] 美洲12.wordfamous 世界著名的,举世著名的13.trade [treɪd] 贸易14.southern adj. 南方的,南部的15.international adj. 国际的16.gather [ˈɡæðə]聚集,集合17.huge [hjuːdʒ] 巨大的18.darkness [ˈdɑːknɪs]黑暗19.island ['aɪlənd] 岛屿20.several ['sevərəl] 几个,数个wn [lɔːn]草坪22.musical [ˈmjuːzɪk(ə)l] 音乐剧23.pick [pɪk] 选择24.website [websaɪt] 网站25.dream of/about 幻想;想像26.passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt]护照27.coast [kəʊst] 海岸28.sail [seɪl] 帆29.Australian n. 澳大利亚〔人〕的30.opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt] 对立的人〔或物〕31.mind [maɪnd] 介意32.print [prɪnt] 打印;印刷33.my pleasure 不客气,很愿意效劳,很荣幸34.queen [kwiːn]女王35.ruler ['ruːlə] 统治者;管理者36.pound [paʊnd] 英镑37.be made up of 由…组成,用…制造(制成)38.European [jʊərəˈpiːən] 欧洲的39.dollar [ˈdɒlə] 美元二、重点词组1.换频道change the channel2.做文字处理do word processing3.收发电子邮件send and receive emails4.搜寻信息search for information5.在……的底部at the bottom of...6.在……的南端at the southern end of...7.辛勤工作一天后 a hard day’s work8.听说hear about/of...9.与……相反the opposite of...10.介意做某事mind doing sth11.有悠久的历史have a long history (动词短语〕with a long history (介词短语〕12.一个欧洲国家a European country三、依据以下句子所给汉语注释或首字母,完成词汇。



Unit11.你怎么了?What’s the matter with you?=What’s wrong with you?=What’s the troublewith you?=What’s your trouble ?=What’s the problem with you?=What’s your problem?=What’s up?2.have a stomachache 胃病have a cold感冒have a headache头疼have a cough咳嗽have afever=have a temperature=run a fever发烧have a toothache牙疼have a high temperature/fever 发高烧3.休息have /take a rest=have/take a break/breaksneed sth.需要某物need to do sth.需要做某事need sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事4.in the same way 以同样的方式5.without doing sth没有做某事 without +n.没有某物6.see sb.do sth.看见某人做某事(强调全过程) see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事(强调正在发生)7.shout for help 大声呼救 agree to go 同意去8.thanks to 多亏······ thanks for 为······而感谢9.in time 及时on time 准时at times=sometimes 有时at a time 每次10.have trouble(=problems/difficulty) with sth.在某事方面有困难have trouble(in)doing sth.在做某事方面有困难11.think about 考虑think of 想起think over仔细考虑12.put…on sth.在某物上放······13.cut oneself切到某人自己cut up 切碎cut into pieces切成碎片cut down 砍倒cut off 砍掉14.hit sb./sth. with sth.用某物击打某人/某物15.be used to doing sth.=get/become used to doing sth.习惯于做······used to do 过去常常做take risks=take a risk冒险the risk of sth./doing sth.16.get out of 离开,从······出来What does ···mean?= What ‘s the meaning of...?······的意思是mean to do 打算做mean doing 意味着做17.决定做某事decide to do sth.=make a decision to do sth.=make up one’s mind to do sth.18.be in control of 掌管,管理19.keep on doing sth.继续,重复做某事keep doing sth. 保持,持续做某事keep sb doing sth.让某人一直做某事20.lose to sb.输给某人lose a game 输掉比赛Unit 21.clean (v.)up(adv.) 打扫干净set up 成立,设立put off 推迟give out 分发help out 帮助care for 照顾try out 尝试give away 捐赠ask for 要求cheer up (使)变得更高兴,振奋起来at the age of 在······岁时be busy with忙于be worried about着急,担心fix up 修理put up 张贴be strong in 在······突出work out fine 发展好,结果好2.volunteer(v.)to do sth.自愿做某事the volunteer(n.) job志愿工作3.notice sb. do sth.注意到某人做了某事notice sb.doing sth.注意到某人正在做某事4. a feeling of satisfaction 一种满足感5. to one’s satisfaction令人满意的是6.to one’s joy 另某人高兴的是with joy 高兴地.7.take after =be similar to=look like与······长的像8.write a letter to给······写信make a difference 有影响9.be blind to sth.对某事视而不见10. have trouble(=difficulty=a problem=problems)(in)doing sth.在做某事方面有困难/费力11.be open to对······开放12.train to do sth.接受训练去做某事13.change …into…把······变成······change one’s mind改变主意14.the disabled=disabled people 残疾人15.be interested in=have an interest in对······感兴趣interests and hobbies兴趣和爱好Unit 31、…could you please…?意思是“请你…可以吗?肯定回答:Certainly./Of course./With pleasure./No problem. 否定回答:Sorrry,I can`t./Sorry,I`m afraid not.2、take out把…拿出去(补充:put on穿上take off脱掉cut up切碎put off 推迟try on 试穿mixup混合pick up捡起)3、help out帮忙help sb out帮助某人解决难题或摆脱困难help out with sth帮忙处理某事4、throw away 扔掉5、the minute =as soon as“一…就…”6、take sb for a walk带某人去散步take a walk=have a walk=go for a walk去散步8、pass sb sth=pass sth to sb把…递给…9、borrow sth from sb/someplace 从某人/某地借…lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 把…借给某人10、make/let/have sb do让某人做某事11、a waste of…浪费…12、in order to…表示目的13、There is no need for sb to do sth对于某人而言做某事是没有必要的14、spend 时间/金钱on sth=spend时间/金钱(in) doing 花时间/金钱在(做)某事上15、provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth为某人提供某物16、depend on…依靠,依赖,由…而决定17、finish doing sth完成做某事 mind doing sth介意做某事18、It is +形容词 +for sb to do sth对某人而言做某事是…19、the+形容词比较级,…the+形容词比较级…“越…越…”20、take out the rubbish倒垃圾 fold the clothes 叠衣服 do the dishes洗餐具sweep the floor扫地 make the bed铺床 get a ride搭便车neither也不①Neither+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语,是倒装句,表示“后者也不”--- He can`t swim. ---Neither can I.②neither也可作形容词,意为“两者都不”,放在单数名词前面。



人教版八年级英语下册复习知识点人教版八年级下册英语知识篇一【重点短语】1.go out for dinner 出去吃饭2.stay out late 在外面待到很晚3.go to the movies 去看电影4.get a ride 搭车5.work on 从事6.finish doing sth. 完成做某事7.clean and tidy 干净整洁的8.do the dishes 洗餐具9.take out the rubbish 倒垃圾10.fold your/the clothes 叠衣服11.sweep the floor 扫地12.make your/the bed 整理床铺13.clean the livng room 打扫客厅problem 没问题15.wele sb. 欢迎某人home from school/work放学/下班回家17.throw down 扔下18.sit down 坐下over 过来20.take sb. for a walk 带某人去散步21.all the time 一直;总是22.all day/evening 整曰/夜23.do housework 做家务24.shout back 大声回应25.walk away 走开26.share the housework 分担家务27.a fortable home 一个舒适的家28.in surprise 惊讶地something to drink 拿点喝的东西30.watch one show 观看一个节目31.hang out 闲逛32.pass sb. sth. 把某物传给某人33.lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人sth. wet 使某物弄湿35、 hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事36.do chores 做杂务37.help sb. (to ) d o /with sth?帮助某人干某事38.bring a tent带顶帐篷来39.buy some snacks买些小吃to the store去商店41.invite sb. to a party邀请某人参加聚会42.make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事stress足够的压力44.a waste of time浪费时间45.in order to为了good grades取得好成绩47.mind doing sth. 介意做某事48.depend on依赖;依靠49.develop children ’ s independence发展孩子的独立性50.look after/take care of 照顾;照看51.do one’ s part in (doing ) sth. 做某人分内的事【重点句型】1.Could you please clean your room? 你能打扫一下你的房间吗?2、 I have to do some work. 我必须干些活。



八下英语重点单词及用法一、名词1. student:学生例句:I am a student at XYZ High School.翻译:我是XYZ高中的学生。

2. teacher:老师例句:Mr. Johnson is my English teacher.翻译:约翰逊先生是我的英语老师。

3. school:学校例句:I go to school from Monday to Friday.翻译:我从周一到周五上学。

4. book:书例句:I like to read books in my free time.翻译:我喜欢在空闲时间读书。

5. pencil:铅笔例句:Can I borrow a pencil from you?翻译:我可以向你借一支铅笔吗?6. pen:钢笔例句:I prefer using a pen when I write.翻译:我写字时更喜欢用钢笔。

7. paper:纸例句:Please hand in your papers before leaving the classroom. 翻译:请在离开教室前上交你们的作业。

8. computer:电脑例句:I use a computer for my school work.翻译:我用电脑做我的学校作业。

9. desk:书桌例句:I keep my books and stationery on my desk.翻译:我把书和文具放在书桌上。

10. chair:椅子例句:Please take a seat on the chair.翻译:请在椅子上坐下。

二、动词1. study:学习例句:I need to study for my math test.翻译:我需要为数学考试学习。

2. read:阅读例句:I love to read books before I go to bed.翻译:我喜欢在睡觉前阅读书籍。





一、名词类单词:1. Computer - 计算机2. Internet - 互联网3. Television - 电视4. Telephone - 电话5. Travel - 旅行6. School - 学校7. Music - 音乐8. Sports - 运动9. Science - 科学10. History - 历史二、动词类单词:1. Study - 学习2. Play - 玩耍、打球3. Run - 跑4. Jump - 跳跃5. Swim - 游泳6. Dance - 跳舞7. Sing - 唱歌8. Write - 写作9. Read - 阅读10. Speak - 说话三、形容词类单词:1. Beautiful - 美丽的2. Smart - 聪明的3. Tall - 高的4. Short - 矮的5. Funny - 有趣的6. Happy - 快乐的7. Sad - 悲伤的8. Good - 好的9. Bad - 坏的10. Interesting - 有趣的四、副词类单词:1. Very - 非常2. Quite - 相当3. Also - 也4. Always - 总是5. Never - 从不6. Sometimes - 有时候7. Often - 经常8. Rarely - 很少9. Usually - 通常10. Early - 早地五、介词类单词:1. In - 在...里面2. On - 在...上面3. Under - 在...下面4. Above - 在...上面5. Below - 在...下面6. Beside - 在...旁边7. In front of - 在...前面8. Behind - 在...后面9. Between - 在...之间10. Above - 在...之上六、代词类单词:1. I - 我2. You - 你/您3. He - 他4. She - 她5. It - 它6. We - 我们7. They - 他们8. Myself - 我自己9. Yourself - 你自己10. Himself - 他自己七、数词类单词:1. One - 一2. Two - 二3. Three - 三4. Four - 四5. Five - 五6. Six - 六7. Seven - 七8. Eight - 八9. Nine - 九10. Ten - 十八、冠词类单词:1. The - 定冠词,表示特指2. A/An - 不定冠词,表示泛指3. Some - 一些4. Any - 任何5. This - 这个6. That - 那个7. These - 这些8. Those - 那些9. My - 我的10. Your - 你的/您的九、连词类单词:1. And - 和2. But - 但是3. Or - 或者4. Because - 因为5. Although - 尽管6. If - 如果7. When - 当...时候8. While - 当...时候9. Where - 哪里10. Who - 谁十、感叹词类单词:1. Oh - 哦2. Oh my! - 天哪!3. Wow - 哇4. Oops - 哎呀5. Yay - 太好了6. Uh-oh - 不太好7. Aha! - 啊哈!8. Eureka! - 我找到了!9. Hooray! - 太棒了!10. Alas! - 唉!以上就是八年级下册英语单词及重点的详细列举,希望对您有所帮助。

中考英语基础单词词组复习及词汇应用 八年级下册 unit7默写复习资料整理

中考英语基础单词词组复习及词汇应用 八年级下册 unit7默写复习资料整理

1.especially adv.特别,尤其2.basic adj.基础的,基本的cation n.教育4.equal adj.平等的5.right n.权利6.spread n.扩散;分布;展开7.interviewer n.来访者8.blindness n.失明9.mostly adv.主要地,大部分地10.case n.病例;案列11.cure vt.治愈12.medical adj.医学的,医疗的13.treatment n.治疗14.patient n.病人15.afford vt.买得起;能做16.go to hospital 去看病17.on board 在飞机(船、火车)上18.operate vi.做手术19.proud adj.骄傲的,自豪的20.medicine n.医学;药21.develop vi.发展;加强22.treat vt.治疗;处理23.carry on 继续开展,继续下去24.leaflet n.传单;散页印刷品25.hand out 分发;提出26.hold vt.容纳v.拿住,握住,保留27.set vi.&vt.设置;放置,安置28.set up 建起,设立29.including prep.包括,包含30.war n.战争anize 组织32.pale adj.苍白的33.matter n.事情,问题,物质,素材34.check n.检查35.secretary n.秘书36.India n.印度37.officer n.官员二、重点词组1.有……剩下have sth left 有零花钱剩下have pocket money left2.一个叫联合国儿童基金会的慈善组织a charity called UNICEF3.女孩和妇女的平等权利the equal rights of girls and women4.阻止一些严重疾病的传播prevent the spread of some serious disease5.可以被预防或者治疗can be prevented or cured6.医学治疗medical treatment7.付不起……can’t afford sth. (加n.) can’t afford to do sth. (加v.)8.为……感到骄傲be/feel proud to do sth.(加v.)9.继续做某事carry on to do sth. (加V.) carry on with sth(加n.)10.某物被发放给某人sth be handed out to sb. (被动)11.生病get illnesses 病人sick people12.吃药take the medicine13.下定决心做某事make up one’s mind to do sth.三、词汇应用,每空一词。






1. advice意思:建议用法:advice是不可数名词,通常作主语或表语。

例如:I need some advice.(我需要一些建议。

)2. behave意思:举止,表现用法:behave是及物动词,可以用于带介词的短语中。

例如:You should behave yourself.(你应该表现得像个大人。

)3. competition意思:比赛,竞争用法:competition是可数名词,可以用来表示参加比赛的人或物。

例如:There are 20 teams in the competition.(比赛中有20支队伍。

)4. courage意思:勇气用法:courage是不可数名词,通常作主语或表语。

例如:He showed great courage in facing his fears.(他在面对恐惧时表现出了极大的勇气。

)5. crowd意思:人群用法:crowd是可数名词,可以用来表示一群人。

例如:There was a large crowd at the concert.(音乐会上有很多人。

)6. exercise意思:锻炼,运动用法:exercise是可数名词,可以用来表示一项体育活动或锻炼的动作。

例如:I do exercise every morning.(我每天早上都做锻炼。

)7. experience意思:经验用法:experience是可数名词,可以用来表示一个人所经历的事情。

例如:I had a bad experience at the restaurant.(我在餐厅里有个糟糕的经历。

)8. invent意思:发明用法:invent是及物动词,通常与物品、设备等搭配使用。

例如:Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.(托马斯·爱迪生发明了电灯泡。



八年级下册 Module 4 单词
• 健康(状况)
• health [helθ] n.
• 健康的
• well [wel] adj.
• 心脏
• heart [hɑ:t] n.
• 积极的;活跃的 • active [ˈæktɪv] adj.
• 宠物;宠畜
• pet [pet] n.
八年级下册 Module 4 单词
八年级下册 Module 4 短语
• 多运动
• exercise more
• 去跑跑步 • go for a run/go running
• 感觉糟糕 • 浑身发热 • 看上去健康 • 吃健康饮食
• feel awful • be hot all over • look well/fine • have a healthy diet
八年级下册 Module 4 短语
• 感冒
• catch a cold
• 量某人的体温 • take one’s temperatቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱre
• 快餐食品
• fast food
• 参加,参与(某事•)take part in
• 健康状况很好 • in excellent condition/
• 健康状况不好 • out of condition
初中英语复习 (教材)
Module 4 Seeing the doctor
八年级下册 Module 4 单词
• 咳嗽
• cough [kɒf] n. v.
• 发烧;发热
• fever ['fi:və(r)] n.
• 头痛
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不受欢迎的;不得人心的傻的;愚蠢的残暴的,残酷的;地主;房东似乎,好像歌剧;电影;影片感动人的;令人感动的自豪的;骄傲的;骄傲,自豪闻,嗅;气味心烦的,苦恼的;惊奇的,惊讶的,吃惊的奥地利哭,哭泣孤独的,寂寞的;偏僻的活泼的;充满生气的生气的;发疯的;,惊吓的;受惊的,害怕的角色面部的;面部用的姿势;手势文化外国人;外地人感激的,感谢的严格的;严密的害羞的送,邮寄;打发;派遣电子贺卡感觉;感情不及格;失败;衰退说笑话;开玩笑经历;经验建议,提议正常的柔和的;软的紧张不安的外地人;陌生人像……一样,如同通常的,平常的接受拍手,鼓掌对付;对待;解决,处理年长的,年纪较大的拒绝,不愿懂得;明白;理解忧伤,悲哀任何人;无论谁不公平的,不公正的虽然,可是Topic 3 Many things can change our feelings.有苦味的;痛苦的;严酷的使......安心烦闷的,厌倦的光盘数码影碟测试,考查,试验演讲(班级内的)班长;监视器;显示器影响同校同学心情,情绪老板;领班(英)中小学校长同事;工友护照特别,尤其悬挂,吊着;把……吊起眼泪睡着的,熟睡的念头;思想,思考自信的,有信心的地震话题;题目噪声;喧闹声;声音这样的,类似的情绪,心境;精神杂志决定;决心感觉,意识丈夫妻子,太太Unit 6Topic 1 We’re going on a spring fieldtrip.田地,田野;牧场;场地交通工具;车辆任务,工作(美)飞机航空公司;航空系统决定;下决心总的;总数的,总计的;日出(时分);黎明,拂晓筹集;使升高;饲养讨论;商量预订(房间、车票等)(火车上的)卧铺电影院;电影宾馆,旅馆,饭店预订冰箱空调系统标准(的);标准条件,状况舒服的;安逸的;普通的,一般的;共有的抽奖;抽签;抓阄;抽(签、牌)卖,售可移动电话正午,中午安全地顶部,(物体的)上面;向前;前进.庙宇,寺院白天;白昼;日间当地的,地方的Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs?收到,得到明信片下赌注(于);用……打赌当然,的确考察;探险;勘察对话完美的,极好的野营度假远足,徒步旅行西北拱门标明,作记号于;标记开始,开端神的;神圣的官员,高级职员;官方的,政府的勘测;查看;调查;测验骆驼威望;声望;威信东方的;东部的北;北方;北部;北的;东北(部)东,东方;东部参观,观光,旅行;巡回比赛空间人群;拥挤,群聚推方向;方位踩;走;跨步;脚步,台阶,梯级脚趾注意,注意到;布告,通告;注意视线;视力;情景,风景跳动;打败(某人);敲打;慢慢地巨大的,庞大的在……旁边;靠近悲伤地,伤心地发电子邮件背包龙凤门卫兵,守卫;防护装置,警戒认识到,实现谢天谢地!Topic 3 Bicycles are popular. 乘客,旅客疯狂的任何地方污染不可能的死急转弯的;锋利的,尖的相反的;对面的相反;对面冲,奔跑热线警察;巡警头盔浅色的,淡色的罚款十字路口;人行横道警告;告诫;预先通知摩托车英国,不列颠左手的;左边的,左面的问题,麻烦;困难;苦恼勇气;胆略过去式led)带领;领导平坦的;光滑的成功骑自行车的人成绩;成就;达到;完成中级的;中间的;当中的道路;途径挑战面对面地;毫不回避地;复出;重返环法自行车赛再一次确定的,无疑的; 一定会……超级明星最后的;终极的结果,效果弄坏了的亚洲海拔;海拔高度国际自行车联合会测定……的时间,记录……的时间阶段;舞台中心的,中央的;主要的成功的,有成就的锦标赛冠军,优胜者Unit 7Topic 1 We are preparing for a foodfestival.摔跤运动尼日利亚筹备,组织想象,设想汤奶酪饼干薄煎饼西方的,西部的小甜饼希腊的,希腊人的印度人的;(美洲)印第安人的咖喱食品油煎的寿司意大利(人)的;意大利语的比萨饼,意大利薄饼非洲的,非洲人的非洲人俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的俄国人;俄语遗憾;怜悯,同情尼日利亚的尼日利亚人(使)继续出售,销售摔跤运动员日常用品,活动用品供给,供应更差,更糟Topic 2 You must cook very carefully. 切,剪,削,割伤口微小地,细微地油平底锅用油煎;用油炸轻微地,轻轻地添加,增加锅,壶,瓶,罐炊具(锅、炉灶、烤炉等)猪肉火腿洋葱(头)面条碗,盆立即优点;好处便宜的小吃黄油,奶油梨一块(片、张、件……)倒出;倾泻,不断流出吃或喝(某物)时嘴唇发出啧啧的声音不礼貌的,粗鲁的喧闹地有礼貌的,有教养的肘;肘部匙,调羹叉,餐叉筷子正式的方式;举止;态度(人坐时)膝部某人;有人一小口甜点一道菜;课程南方的,南部的海鲜,海味热狗(红肠面包)Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival! 女士,夫人绅士,先生;有身份、有教养的人满足,使满意客人,宾客好心的菜单啤酒酒(不含酒精的)清凉饮料帐单;(美)钞票,纸币柠檬水豆腐主食主菜色拉(西餐中的一种凉拌菜)可乐值得……的;有……的价值努力,艰难的尝试成功地整洁地,整齐地舀出,铲出牛排,肉排,鱼排适当地均衡饮食有规律地,定期地有规律的;规则的;经常的不受限制(约束)地,随意地Unit 8Topic 1 What a nice coat! 服装;戏服棉布制的;棉花;棉布(蚕)丝,丝织品时装;时尚;流行式样(女式)短上衣;宽罩衫围巾,领巾牛仔裤长大衣女用皮包,手提包运动服装,便装帽子(一般指有边的);礼帽(商店的)女售货员,女店员短袜(总称)衣服(衣服的)口袋风衣,防风(皮)夹克大小,尺寸自然的材料,原料羊毛的,羊毛制的皮制的皮革满意的;满足的;欣慰的不喜爱;厌恶手套长筒靴;靴几乎,将近北方的;北部的一套(衣服),套装;适合除……之外(也)重要的社交活动(仪式)相当,宁可相似的,像银制的,银质的银项链熨烫铁,熨斗温度;热把……加热干洗社会制服(日本的)和服,和服式晨衣随和的Topic 2 Different jobs require differentuniforms.设计,策划图案,图样,样式允许,准许合适的,适宜的纪律,风纪样式;款式;方式;风格,作风采访,;会见;面试女警察普通的;家常的便衣;便服执行,开展领带;绳子;结;关系拖鞋,室内便鞋休闲的,便装的;不经意的看门人,守门人顾客,主顾侍者得体地;准确地消防人员天花板,顶棚士兵,战士隐藏,把……隐藏起来飞行员航空站,飞机场警察,警务人员警官;军官;官员需要;要求苗条的,纤细的Topic 3 Let’s go and watch the fashionshow.模特;穿戴展示(时装表演时供模特用的)狭长表演台,T 型台旗袍传统的;惯例的少数民族;少数在后台;秘密地签名西藏人;西藏语蒙古人朝鲜人,韩国人王朝,朝代亚洲的,亚洲人的亚洲人(用绳索等打的)结,装饰性花结装饰,修饰;装饰品表达;表示穿戴者,佩带者个人的,私人的迷人的,有吸引力的西方款式的特色;特征;特点普遍的;广泛的一件商品(物品);项目选择;抉择传统地;习俗地;惯例地几乎不结婚;婚姻庆祝;庆祝会。
