



X ’nJ o n nvr t, ia 0 9, hn ) i a i t gU i s y X ’n7 0 4 C ia ao ei 1
Ab t a t sr c :T e t — i n in l ae mo e f te ma n t u d d n mi s me h d wa nr d c d n h h wo d me so a r d lo h g ei f i y a c t o s i t u e ,a d t e cl o
来 描述 电弧 等离 子 体 运 动 的 质量 、 量及 能 量 守 动
恒 过程 ; Maw l方程来 描述 其 中的 电磁 过程 。 用 x el
程, 忽略 电弧 与 电极 之 间 的相 互作 用 , 不仅 对与 电
弧特 性及 开断 性能 关系更 为 密切 的弧 柱部 分进 行
此 外 , 了反 映弧 柱 中 的焦 耳热 和辐 射冷 却过程 , 为 以及 在 自身/ F 磁场 作用 下 的 电磁力 作用 , 3部 特别 是 引入 器壁 侵蚀作 用 后对 电弧 特性 的影 响方程 中 需加 入 一些对 应 的源 项 , 成 磁 流体 动力 学 基本 构
动 力学建 模 与特 性 仿 真 , 以及 基 于 自行 研 制 的带 聚 焦透镜 的二 维光 纤 测试 系统 的模 型灭 弧室试 验 研 究方 面的部 分研 究成 果 ¨ J 。。
1 控 制 方 程 与数 值 求解
为 了简 化 断路 器 电弧 中 的 复 杂 物 理 化 学 过
基 于 以上 假 设 , 用 N ve—tks控 制 方 程 可 ai Soe r
efc ft e m ae ilg , mea a ra d i e r ptrsr c u e o r haa trsis we e nay e fe to h t ra as tlv po n ntru e tu t r n a c c r c e tc r a l z d. The r lv n i ee a t



基于F L UENT 的低压分断电弧仿真低压电器(2005№5)第一作者:吴 翊(19752),男,博士研究生,从事低压电弧的仿真研究。

基于F L UENT 的低压分断电弧仿真吴 翊, 荣命哲, 杨 茜, 胡光霞(西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室,陕西西安 710049)摘 要:在计算流体动力学(CF D )商用软件包F LUE NT 的基础上进行了二次开发,采用了磁流体动力学(MHD )理论,针对低压断路器灭弧室的简化模型,建立了相应的电弧仿真数学模型。


关键词:低压断路器;电弧;仿真中图分类号:T M 501+.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100125531(2005)0520007203S i m ul a ti on on D ynam i c Character isti cs of Arci n L ow Volt age C i rcu it Breaker M odelli n g Ba sed on FL UENTWU Yi, RON G M ing 2zhe, YAN G Q ian, HU Guang 2xia(State Key Lab of Electrical I nsulati on and Power Equi pment,Xi ’an J iaot ong University,Xi ’an 710049,China ) Abstract:A si m ulati on for arc moti on in a si m p le geometry of l ow voltage circuit breaker was carried out inthis paperwith the use of a commercial computative fluidic dynam ics (CF D )s oft w are F LUE NT .Based on theMHDtheory,a mathematical model of arc moti on was built .Some para meters got fr om the si m ulati on result during the whole arc moti on course was analyzed .Key words:low volt age c i rcu it breaker;arc;si m ul a ti on0 引 言在低压电器领域,断路器触头打开时将会产生电弧,电弧在磁场力的作用下移动进入灭弧栅片并最终熄灭。



















针对电弧运动过程特别是电弧背后击穿现象、电弧温度、电弧组分及其浓度等方面,综述了CCD 和光纤阵列、光谱诊断技术及磁测试技术等低压空气开关电弧的现代测试技术的特点及其应用,并指出了空气开关电弧实验研究中所面临的几个问题。

关键词:电弧;测试;光谱;光纤阵列中图分类号:T M 501+.2文献标识码:A 文章编号:100125531(20080120006204Rev i ew of the I nvesti ga ti on on the M odern M ea surem en tTechnolog i es of L ow Volt age A i r Sw itch ArcL I X ingw en,CHEN D egui,TUSON GJ I AN G Kari,L I R ui(State Key Laborat ory of Electrical I nsulati on and Power Equi pment,Xi πan J iaot ong University,Xi πan 710049,ChinaAbstract:A ir s witch arc is the most comp lex phenomenon in l ow voltage electric apparatus using air asquenching and insulati on mediu m.W ith regarding t o arc moti on p r ocess,es pecially,arc back commutati on phe 2nomenon,arc te mperature,arc compositi on and the corres ponding concentrati on,the characteristics and app licati on of modern measurement technol ogies including CCD,op tical fiber array,s pectru m diagnostics and magnetic diag 2nostics were reviewed .Finally,s ome i m portant p r oble m s in the experi m ental studies of arc s witching arc were pointed .Key words:arc;m ea sure m en t ;spectru m;opti ca l f i ber array陈德桂(1933—,男,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为新型低压电器的研究和开发等。


Ab s t r a c t :A d y n a mi c mo d e l o f DC l o w v o h a g e c i r c u i t b r e a k e r wa s e s t a b l i s h e d o n t h e b a s i s o f t h e d y n a mi c s o f mu l t i — b o d y s y s t e m. C o u p l i n g t h e mo t i o n e q u a t i o n s a n d t h e c i r c u i t e q u a t i o n s w i t h t h e ma g n e t i c i f e l d e q u a t i o n s , t h e b r e a k i n g p r o c e s s o f t h e c i r c u i t b r e a k e r c o n s i d e i r n g e l e e t r o d y n a mi e f o r c e wa s s i mu l a t e d . A ig r i d — l f e x i b l e c o u p l i n g
mo d e l or f t h e br e a ki n g pr o c e s s we r e a na l y z e d.Th e a p pr o a c h p r o p o s e d wi l l p r o v i d e a me t h o d f or t h e d e s i g n a n d
为 断 路 器 设计 中关 键零 件 的设 计 和 优 化 提 供 一 条 有 效 的 途径 。



低压气体直流击穿特性试验报告专业:学生姓名:学号:完成时间:大连理工大学Dalian University of Technology大连理工大学实验报告摘要气体放电是指气体在电场作用下从产生载流子定向运动而导电的现象,是气体中的原子或者分子等中性粒子因为某种激励因素的作用而发生电离产生正负带电粒子的过程。



1672年,Gottfried Wilhelm 首次在旋转硫磺球上发现了人工条件下的电火花,揭示了气体放电的物理本质;1802年彼得洛夫发现了电弧放电;1889年Paschen研究了低气压放电的击穿现象,得到了击穿电压与气压和电极间隙的依赖关系,并找到了击穿电压的最小值,低气压气体击穿过程的试验规律研究获得了实质性进展。



关键词:气体放电;帕邢定律;放电击穿目录摘要............................................................... I I1.实验内容与原理 (1)2.实验仪器与设备 (1)3.实验方法与步骤 (2)4.实验数据与分析 (3)5.实验结果与讨论 (4)6.实验课后习题解答 (5)7.实验感悟 (6)1.实验内容与原理1.1实验原理(1)低气压气体击穿现象气体放电分为自持放电和非自持放电。







Simulation on the Arc Plasma Behavior in Low V oltage Circuit BreakerLi Xingwen(李兴文),Chen Degui(陈德桂), Wang Qian(汪倩)Department of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710047,ChinaEmail: jds20@Abstract: Taking into account the properties of the arc plasma and the electromagnetic, heat and radiative phenomena, commercial computational fluid dynamics software PHOENICS has been adapted and modified to develop the three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) model of arc in a low voltage circuit breaker. The effects of the arc ignition location, venting size and gassing material on arc behavior are investigated. The analysis of the results show that the arc velocity accelerates with the increase of the distance between arc ignition location and of the venting size, and the existence of the gassing material benefits to improve the arc voltage and reduce the arc temperature.Keywords: arc model, venting, gassing material1 IntroductionLow voltage current limiting circuit breakers such as molded case circuit breakers (MCCBs) and miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) are widely used in electrical distribution systems. They are used to protect the power supply to electrical machines and to protect people as well as electrical equipment against a fault current. The breaking technique is based on current limitation, which means that the effective peak value of the arc current is far below the prospective current value with the rapid increase of arc voltage. When a fault current comes, the contacts will part and an arc will occur between the contacts. The interruption operation is performed by the displacement of an electrical arc from an ignition area to a quenching area, consisting of parallel steel plates positioned transversely across the arc column, with the help of Lorentz force and/or gas dynamic force, as shown in Fig. 1.Many various experimental and theoretical investigations report the study of low voltage circuit breakers. Hirofumi Takikawa [1] and Mitsuru Takeuchi [2] studied the distribution of temperature in the cross section of an arc column between separate contacts with spectroscopic detecting systems. J.W. McBride investigated the influence of gas flow and gas composition on the arc root mobility in the contact region of miniature circuit breaker (MCB) [3]. The effects of gassing materials on the arc characteristics are also investigated experimentally in literature [4]. Concerning numerical simulation, first calculations were done by Karetta [5] for arc chambers consisting of two arc runners and insulating walls using a MHD model. With two-dimensional model, Helene Rachard [6] analyzed the influence of the magnetic forces on the shape and displacement of the arc. B Swierczynski [7] developed a three dimensional model to investigate the arc motion with the influence of external magnetic field and plasma composition and transport properties. Lindmayer simulated the process of arc-splitting between metal plates in low voltage arc chutes [8].However, the theoretical knowledge of the influence of the contact and quenching system, and gassing material on arc behavior is not well comprehensive. This paper is devoted to the further study of the air arc plasma motion with the influence of venting size, arc ignition location and gassing material numerically.plateArcFig.1 Illustration of the contact and quenching system of lowvoltage circuit breaker2 The mathematical model2.1 Physical process of the arc columnArc motion is a very complex interaction between current flow, magnetic forces, dynamic gas flow, heat dissipation etc. Fig. 2 schematically shows these coupled processes [5]. The initial temperature and pressure determines the electric conductivity that in turn influences the electric potential and thereby the current density distribution. Ohmic heating and the magnetic forces due to the current density cause gas flow and energy transport with the plasma. This leadsto a temperature and pressure distribution with the arc chamber, and affect the pressure- and temperature-dependent parameters of the plasma.Fig. 2 Interactions between the gasdynamic andelectromagnetic process in an arc column2.2 Assumptions and basic equationsIn order to reduce the complexity of the simulation, we are interested in the motion of the arc column, rather than the chemical processes of the arc, so the following assumptions were made [5]-[7][9]:(1) The plasma studied is assumed to satisfyconditions for local thermodynamic equilibrium(LTE) and the flow is laminar.(2) The arc-electrode interaction is not modeled.(3) The plasma is considered to be a gas mixture withthermodynamic and transport properties obtainedfrom the literature [10]. The physical properties(thermal conductivity, viscosity, density, specificheat, electrical conductivity) are functions of theplasma temperature and pressure.(4) The plasma is assumed to be electrically neutral.This condition is nearly exactly fulfilled with thearc column. However, this so-called sheath regionis ignored since the behavior of the plasma in thearc column is focus of the present study, and itsinteraction with the surroundings is of primaryimportance in switching applications.(5) The arc plasma flow can be regarded as a movingconductor in a magnetic field, and then it isassumed that the induced current given by thetransient terms in Maxwell’s equations is smallcompared to the injected current from the circuit.It is therefore neglected.(6) No ferromagnetic materials in the domain arepresented, thus justifying the use of a constantpermeability for the gaseous medium in order tosimplify the calculation of the magnetic field.Then, The arc plasma can be described by Navier-Stokes equations to describe the mass, momentum and energy conservation processes, and Maxwell’s equations to describe the electromagnetic processes. In addition, in accordance with the physical process of the arc column, to reflect the ohmic heatingand radiative cooling, together with the Lorentz forceon the plasma due to self-induced and external magnetic fields, it is necessary for the simulation ofthe arc to include source terms in the energy and momentum equations.The governing equations are as follows, with t being time, x i, and x k Cartesian coordinates, υrflowvelocity,iυr velocity in i-direction (i=x, y, z), p pressure, T temperature, H dynamic enthalpy,Jrcurrent density, Brmagnetic flux density, V viscous dissipation function, S R radiative cooling, ρdensity, η viscosity, λ thermal conductivity,σelectrical conductivity, and φ electric potential.(1) Mass balance:()divtρρυ∂+=∂r(1)(2) Momentum balance:31()()()(iii kiki k k idivtpJ Bx x x)ρυρυυυυηυ=∂+=∂⎡⎤∂∂∂∂−+++×⎢⎥∂∂∂∂⎣⎦∑rr r(2)(3) Energy balance:2()()()1R H div H div gradT tp V S J tρρυλσ∂+−∂∂+−+∂rr =0 (3)(4) Current continuity:()div grad σφ= (4)where φ may be expressed asJ grad σφ=−r(5)(5) Magnetic flux density can be calculated from the Biot-Savart equations with the assumption of no ferromagnetic materials in the domain.3()()()4ext V r r B r B r J r dV r r µπ′′−′=+×′−∫∫∫r r r r r r r r r r ′ (6) Equation (6) is used to calculate the magnetic fluxdensity for a given current density distribution for each point in the computational domain including the existence of the external magnetic field. r rThe source term in the momentum balance, J B ×r r, is the Lorentz force density, which represents the interaction between the electric current and the magnetic field.Ohmic heating, , occurs when there iselectric current flowing through the plasma field. It is the major factor resulting in the high temperature of arc column.2(1/)J σr Thermal radiation plays a significant role in switching arcs due to the high operating temperatures. However, an exact formulation of the energy radiation is very complicated, which depends on the spectrum characteristics, temperature and pressure [5][9]. In the paper, equation (7) from the literature [5] is used to represents the radiation cooling.(7)4404()R S k T T α=−where113pk m p =⋅, with 0p =1 atm (8)W/m 86.6705710α−=⋅2K 4 (9)Also, it should be noted that the electromagneticfield and the fluid field are fully coupled. Therefore, the Navier-Stokes equations and Maxwell’s equations have to be solved simultaneously.2.3 Geometry and boundary conditionsIn the model, the physical domain is 50×8×8 mm, and the initial arc column between the anode and cathode is a hexahedron with both the length and width of 4 mm, as shown in Fig. 3. The grid size of 50×8×8 is used to calculate the arc plasma flow.No heat conduction is assumed with the outside and the arc chamber is enclosed except at the right end of the chamber is modeled with ambient temperature and pressure. The electric potential boundary of cathode distributes evenly, and both the anode and cathode maintain immobile during the whole simulation process.The following simulations are valid for a constant current of 100 A. They start with initial states of static simulation, where no external magnetic forces are active. At the beginning (t =0) of the transient simulation, the external magnetic forces are switched on and the transient response of the arc for the next 1.0 ms is observed. The external magnetic field forces the arc plasma to flow forward along X axis, the direction and magnitude of which are along Y axis and 0.001T, respectively.50 mm8mm8mm AnodeL=W=4 mm V x =V y =V z =0q=0, J=I/A anodeL=W=4 mm V x =V y =V z =0q=0, φ =0CathodeOther boundaries:V x =V y =V z =0q=0, J=0VentingFig. 3 Schematic diagram of the model andboundary conditions3 Results and discussionResults from the computational model are presented in this section to illustrate the effects of arc ignition location, venting size and gassing material on arc behavior. Some predicted results are compared to experimental results from the past works qualitatively.3.1 Effect of arc ignition locationWhen the venting is full open, three arc ignitionlocations have been analyzed with the above-mentioned method:A. In the middle of the modelB. Forward 10 mm along X direction relative tocase AC. Backward 10 mm along X direction relative tocase A Fig. 4 partly shows the temperature and velocitydistributions of the plasma flow with contour and vector ways, respectively, at 0.8 ms in the X-Y symmetry plane of case A. Double vortices can be seen clearly in the area of the temperature maximum, forming distinct recirculation zones in the domain. Fig. 5 shows the temperature distribution of t= 0, 1.0 and 1.5 ms in the X-Y symmetry plane of case A.It can be seen that with the action of external magnetic force, the high temperature plasma bends and flows tothe venting side.Fig. 4 Temperature and velocity distributions ofthe plasma flow at 0.8ms of case A(a) t=0 ms(b) t=1.0 ms(c) t=1.5 msFig. 5 Temperature distribution for different time stepsFig. 6 shows the simulation results. Curve 1 and 2 represent the velocity ratio of case B and C variation with the time, respectively, regarded the velocity of case A as standard. It demonstrates that the arc ignition location has important effect on the arc motion. Moving the location forward along x axis canresult in decreasing the velocity of arc motion significantly. And it also seems that the velocity of arc motion will increase when moving the location to theopposite direction. Thus, it may be concluded that smaller space behind the arc will benefit to the arc motion, which probably be related to the pressure formation and distribution and should be investigated and discussed in next work.μs)Fig. 6 Arc velocity ratio of different arc initial location 3.2 Effect of venting size When the arc ignition is located in the middle of the model, two kinds of venting size has been simulated:A. Full openB. 1/9 of the entire areaFig. 7 shows the velocity (curve 1) and electric potential (curve 2) ratios of case B and A variation with the time. It demonstrates that reducing the venting size will decrease the velocity of the arc motion and the electrical potential. In our previous experiments [11], with measuringthe arc voltage and imaging the arc motion todifferent venting conditions, it concluded that increasing the venting, the arc voltage would be improved, which also benefited the arc motion. This conclusion is consistent with the simulation results.μs)Fig. 7 Arc velocity and electric potential ratios ofdifferent venting size3.3 Effect of gassing materialIn circuit breakers, the purpose of installing gassing material in the arc chamber is to help in increasing thearc voltage and aid in the interruption process through improving the arc voltage. Our previous work also verified this point experimentally [4]. However, theoretical investigations haven’t given detailed and enough explanation.In the paper, neglecting the complex interaction between the arc and the gassing material, adapting the transport and thermo-dynamic properties of 90% Air-10% PA6 gas mixture [7], the effect of gassing material has been simulated, when the arc ignition is located in the middle of the model and the venting is full open.Fig. 8 shows the electric potential (curve 1) and temperature (curve 2) rations relative to the same case without gassing material, respectively. It demonstrates that the electric potential is increased and the temperature is dropped with the existence of gassing material, especially in the former stage. However, probably for without considering the interaction process between the arc and the gassing material, the difference seems not clear in the following stage. So the modeling method about the effect of gassing material should be improved in the following work.Fig. 8 Electric potential and arc temperature rations with theexistence of gassing material4 ConclusionsHere are the conclusions based on the simulation investigation on the arc plasma in low voltage circuit breakers.(1) The arc ignition location from the endventing may affect the arc motion. Thefarther the distance is, the slower the arcmoves.(2) The venting size has significant influence onthe arc motion. The larger size will result inthat arc moves quicker and the electricpotential also increases.(3) Installing the gassing material in the arcchamber, the electric potential will increase,and the temperature will drop.Reference[1] Hirofumi Takikawa and Tateku Sakakibara, “Radiative aspects of the ablation-stabilized arc in polyethylene tube,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., V ol. 19, pp. 879-884, Oct. 1991. 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On Electrical Contacts, 16-20 Sept. 1996,35 -44.[6] Helene Rachard, Pierre Chevrier, Daniel Henry and Denis Jeandel, Numerical study of coupled electromagnetic and aerothermodynamic phenomena in a circuit breaker electric arc, International Journal of Hear and Mass Transfer, 42, 1999. 1723-1734[7] B Swierczynski, J J Gonzalea, P Teulet, P Freton and A Gleizes, Advance in low voltage circuit breaker modeling, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37, 2004, 595-609[8] Lindmayer M., Marzahn, E., Mutzke, A., Ruther, T. and Springstubbe, M, The process of arc-splitting between metal plates in low voltage arc chutes, Proc. of the 50 IEEE Holm Conf. on Electrical Contacts, 20-23 Sept. 2004, 28- 34[9] Lei Z. Schlitz, Suresh V. Garimella and S. H. Chan, Gas dynamics and electromagnetic processed in high-current arc plasmas. Journal of Applied Physics, V ol. 85, March, 1999, 2540-2555[10]J. Yos, Revised transport properties for high temperature air and its components, Avco Space System Division, Technical Release, 1967.[11] Chen Degui, Liu Hongwu, Li Zhipeng, Li Xingwen and Hongtae Park, Experimental investigation on arc motion ofMCCB with different configurations of arc chamber usingoptical fiber measurement system, Proceedings of the 50thIEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, 20-23 Sept.2004, 341-346.。

直流电器 讲座 第一讲 低压直流空气电弧研究进展综述

直流电器 讲座 第一讲 低压直流空气电弧研究进展综述

中图分类号 : T M 5 6 1 文献标 志码 : A 文章编号 : 2 0 9 5 . 8 1 8 8 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 5 - 0 0 6 7 - 0 8
D oI :1 0 . 1 6 6 2 8 / j . c n k i . 2 0 9 5 — 8 1 8 8 . 2 0 1 7 . 1 5 . 0 1 5
检测、 基 于栅 片 电压 测 量 的 电弧 展 。
p o n e n t s +G i r d ) 项 目以及我 国将开展直 流配 电网工 程示 范研究 的背景下 , 低压直流空气 电弧 高性 能开 断 以及 直流故 障 电弧检 测更 加成 为 低压 电器 领 域
v o l t a g e s o f s p l i t t e r p l a t e s . I t wo u l d p r o v i d e r e f e r e n c e s f o r t h e d e v e l o p me n t o f r e l e v a n t p r o d u c t s . Ke y wo r d s :l o w v o l t a g e a p p a r a t u s ;DC d i s t r i b u t i o n;DC a r c i n t e r r u p t i o n;DC a r c f a u l t ;DC a r c
( T h e S t a t e K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f E l e c t i r c a l I n s u l a t i o n a n d P o w e r E q u i p me n t , X i ’ a n J i a o t o n g U n i v e r s i t y , X i ’ a n 7 1 0 0 4 9 ,C h i n a )


Key words: series arc faults; improved Mayr model; MATLAB/; time-varying impedance; black-box model
日常生活中电弧分为两种:一种是正常电弧, 如开关电器时产生的电弧,不会对周围产生恶劣 的影响;另一种是故障电弧,往往是由于线路老 化、连接头松动等出现持续燃弧现象。因为故障 电弧电流的有效值往往小于正常电流同时燃弧时 伴随着热量产生,故障电弧无法使家用的小型断 路器脱扣,从而产生火灾。由于故障电弧难以检
本文在Mat模型的基础上,提出了一个新的 模型,认为电弧为一个时变的阻抗:电弧在稳定燃 烧时候等效为一个稳定的电阻,电弧在零休期间 等效为RLC串联电路。在MATLAB/Sixulink平 台中分别仿真了在阻性和阻感性负载下的电弧电 流波形,同时和实际搭建的电弧发生平台得到的 电弧电流做对比,其波形比经典模型波形更加与 实际吻合。
江 润(1994_)
男 硕士研究生 研 究方向为故障电弧 模型及其在线检测 技术。八"卫、
关键词:串联故障电弧;改进的Mayr模型;MATLAB/Simulink;时变阻抗;黑盒模型 中图分类号:TM 501 + .2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-8188(2019)21-0014-05 DOI: 10.16628/j. oki. 2095-8188. 2019. 21.003




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随着直流配电网和用电设备的不断发展$直 流开关电器得到了广泛应用)!* $随之对低压直流
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低压电器电弧仿真与研究张钰【摘要】As a very common physical phenomenon in power system and electric energy application engineering, the research on arc motion and Simulation of low-voltage electrical apparatus is getting more and more attention. In this paper, based on the arc motion mechanism and arc simulation technology of low-voltage electrical equipment, the arc simulation model of low-voltage electrical equipment was built, and the simulation process of the low-voltage electrical arc was studied.%作为电力系统、电能应用工程中十分常见的物理现象,低压电器电弧运动与仿真研究越来越受关注.本文结合低压电器电弧运动机理与电弧仿真技术,构建了低压电器电弧仿真模型,就低压电器电弧仿真过程进行了研究.【期刊名称】《电子测试》【年(卷),期】2017(000)002【总页数】2页(P34,36)【关键词】低压电器;电弧;仿真【作者】张钰【作者单位】镇江市产品质量监督检验中心,江苏镇江,212013【正文语种】中文通过研究低压电器的电弧运动特性,有助于优化低压电器产品的设计,提高其性能。














【期刊名称】《电器与能效管理技术》【年(卷),期】2018(000)022【总页数】8页(P12-19)【关键词】磁流体动力学;触头烧蚀;故障电弧;电弧运动;灭弧室【作者】李兴文【作者单位】[1]西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室,陕西西安710049;【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM501.20 引言在低压直流系统成为行业重要发展方向的背景形势下,本文就近期关于低压空气电弧的一些进展进行介绍。


1 MHD的建模与仿真MHD方法主要是耦合求解电磁场-温度场-气流场等多物理场的方程,从而用来对电弧等离子体发展过程以及内部机理进行研究的一种数值计算方法。








低压电器振动冲击失效仿真分析黄瑞;苗晓丹【摘要】In order to solve the problem of failure mechanism of low voltage electrical apparatus under the condition of vibration shock, the simulation analysis of the failure of the circuit breaker is carried out based on thefinite element method. According to the simulation analysis, the stress distribution of the circuit breaker is obtained. Combined with the test results, the material and structure of the circuit breaker are optimized, soas to avoid the failure of the vibration shock. And then the feasibility of the research method of the failure mechanism of vibration shock is verified, which provides an effective method for the structural design and material optimization of circuit breaker.%为了解决低压电器振动冲击工作条件下的失效机制研究问题,基于有限元法对断路器进行了振动冲击失效仿真分析,根据仿真分析得出了断路器结构所产生的应力分布,并结合测试结果对断路器进行材料和结构优化,从而避免振动冲击失效。



中性点空气间隙击穿事故的仿真分析陆忠心;李卫彬;瞿卫东;丁丁;高勤践【摘要】35 kV系统作为配电网的主干网,其运行状况直接关系到客户的用电安全。

对一起35 kV 变电站发生的中性点空气间隙击穿事故,通过查阅事故发生时的天气状况,结合变电站单母线、单主变接线方式,进行了过电压仿真分析和计算。

结果表明,发生事故的主要原因是35 kV 线路遭受雷击,雷电冲击侵入主变压器,导致中性点与A相接线排之间发生空隙放电。


%35 kV system as the backbone network,its performance is directly related to the safe use of electrici-ty customers.The neutral point occurred in 35 kV substation in the air gap breakdown accident phenomenon, by tracing back to the time of the accident the weather conditions,the single bus,single combined substation variable connection mode,the overvoltage calculation and simulation.The simulation results show that,the main reasons of the accidents is the 35 kV line of counterattack,lightning invasion of main transformer neutral point,lead and A wiring row between void discharge.Based on summarizing the accident,puts forward some measures and suggestionsfor prevention of such accidents.【期刊名称】《电力与能源》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】4页(P317-320)【关键词】35kV变电站;雷击;中性点;空隙击穿【作者】陆忠心;李卫彬;瞿卫东;丁丁;高勤践【作者单位】国网上海市电力公司长兴供电公司,上海 201913;国网上海市电力公司长兴供电公司,上海 201913;国网上海市电力公司长兴供电公司,上海201913;国网上海市电力公司长兴供电公司,上海 201913;国网上海市电力公司崇明供电公司,上海 202150【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM860 引言35 k V系统作为配网的主干网,其安全运行直接关系到客户的用电。






仿真结果表明,无极性低压直流断路器可以消除电流反向对电弧运动的阻碍作用,并在240 mT和16 A下灭弧能力最强。


基于K-means聚类的汽车天窗防夹算法研究5.基于电弧磁流体仿真的DC 1500V 两极塑壳断路器气道优化设计

500 kV ACF断路器C2级背对背电容器组开合试验重击穿故障及其原因分析

500 kV ACF断路器C2级背对背电容器组开合试验重击穿故障及其原因分析

500 kV ACF断路器C2级背对背电容器组开合试验重击穿故



2.500kV泉州变电站35kV V、VI组电容器组故障分析

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对于电弧在运动过程中所出现的重击穿现象, 国内外的学者也作了相应的研究工作。日本名古屋 大学 Yoshiyuki Ikuma 等人于 1988 年首次用快速摄 像 机 观 察 到 电 弧 的 背 后 击 穿 现 象 [9] 。 法 国 的 C.Fievet[10]等人也发现,在电弧经过区域的温度仍
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
其中:SR 为每个基本网格单元内由于辐射所发射出
的能量;α为 5.67057×10−8W/(m2⋅K);k 为与网格单
元内的压力有关的衰减系数;T 为网格单元内的温
度;T0 为外部环境的温度(300K)。 1.4 电磁场方程
div(σ gradϕ )=0
1.6 电弧弧根的确定方法
灭弧室的 XY 对称面将其均匀的分成上下 2 部
本文以磁流体动力学为基础,综合气流场、电 磁场和热场的计算,建立了三维空气电弧等离子体 在外部磁场作用下运动的数学模型,此模型可以预 测电弧运动过程中的重击穿现象,并利用基于有限 容积法的商业软件包 FLUENT 对上述模型进行了 求解。
1 空气电弧的仿真模型
1.1 灭弧室的几何模型
∂ρ +div(ρv)=0
(∂ρvi ∂t

∂p ∂xi
B )i
∂(ρH ∂t
) +div(ρvH
)−div(λgradT )=
∂p ∂t
+1 σ
杨 茜等: 低压断路器中空气电弧重击穿现象的仿真与实验研究
然还较高,存在有剩余电流,会以热击穿的形式导 致背后击穿。Corinne Brdys[11]采用磁测量的方法来 研究重击穿的现象,发现当重击穿发生时存在有电 流转移现象。Ewald Gauster[12]采用测试的方法对重 击穿现象进行了研究,表明恢复时间的长短、触头 间的距离、器壁材料和触头材料均与重击穿现象有 关。在国内,文献[5]建立了以磁流体动力学为基础 的低压电器开关电弧的二维动态模型,对影响开断 性能的背后击穿现象进行了理论分析。
电弧在灭弧室中的运动过程,是一种涉及气流 场、电场、磁场和热场的复杂物理现象,研究者们 过去主要对此现象进行了实验研究[1-4]。近年来,随 着计算机技术和计算流体动力学(CFD)商业软件的 发展,人们开始利用计算机数值分析对电弧等离子 体进行研究,探索以磁流体动力学为基础的电弧模 型的建立[5-8]。
分,剖分网格沿 X 轴将上部灭弧室分成了许多基本
片段,如图 1 中标注所示。电弧在外界磁场作用下
运动时,在每一时刻,认为在 X 轴上具有最大平均
电导率处为阴极斑点的 X 坐标,阴极斑点的 Y 坐标
为零。电流密度 j(x, y)= Jmax exp(−b x2 + y2 ) ,围绕 着阴极斑点在阴极上呈指数分布。平均电导率的计
J =−σ gradϕ
∇2 Ai =−µ0 Ji , i = x, y, z
其中:Ai 为矢量磁位在 i 方向 (i = x, y, z) 的各分量;
µ0 为真空中的磁导率。
1.5 边界条件
本文计算所采用的电弧等离子体的总电流 I 为
YANG Qian, RONG Ming-zhe, WU Yi, SUN Zhi-qiang
(State Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, Shaanxi Province, China)
虑了它所受到的洛仑兹力 J×B;在它的能量方程的 源项中考虑了焦耳热项(1/σ )J2 和辐射项 SR 所产生 的影响。上述的动量和能量的源项加在了灭弧室中
SR =4kα (T 4 −T04 )
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第 27 卷
3500K,因此将 3500K 作为电极的温度边界条件。 灭弧室器壁的温度设为环境温度(300K);出气孔处 的 温 度 和 压 力 分 别 为 环 境 温 度 (300K) 和 压 力 (1.01325×105Pa)。
中,所建立的是低压断路器的简化灭弧室。其 X 方
向的长度为 45mm,宽和高分别为 8mm 和 9mm, 如图 1 所示。灭弧室的上壁面为阴极,坐标原点位 于阴极上,下壁面为阳极。在灭弧室的右侧有 4 片 陶瓷栅片,其尺寸为 8.55mm×7mm ×1mm;在右侧 的器壁上有 3 个尺寸为 6mm ×1mm 的出气孔。
第 27 卷 第 6 期 2007 年 2 月
文章编号:0258-8013 (2007) 06-0084-05
中国电机工程学报 Proceedings of the CSEE
中图分类号:TM561.1 文献标识码:A
Vol.27 No.6 Feb. 2007 ©2007 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.
k =m k =1
基本片段 ZY
(0,0,0) X
阴极 出气孔
栅片 灭弧室器壁 i =n
i =1 阳极
图 1 简化灭弧室的几何模型图 Fig.1 The geometry of simplified arc chamber
1.2 空气电弧的仿真假设 三维空气电弧等离子体运动的数学模型的建
立是基于以下几个假设:①电弧等离子体中满足局 部 热 力 学 平 衡 条 件 ( LT E ) ; ② 电 弧 等 离 子 体 是 层 流[13-14];③灭弧室内的介质为纯空气,其热动力学 和传输特性参数均取自文献[15];④电弧起始于具 有恒定间距的 2 个电极之间。 1.3 气流场方程
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(50477025, 50537050, 50525722)。 Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (50477025, 50537050, 50525722).
现象,而当磁场增大到 5mT 时重击穿现象消失。此外,还 发现当磁场为 10mT 时,在出口面积分别为 20%、60%和 100% 3 种情况下电弧均可以顺利到达栅片,在运动的过程 中没有电弧重击穿现象的发生。
KEY WORDS: air arc plasma; magnetohydrodynamic; arc restriking
摘要:低压断路器用于接通和分断电路中的电流。当故障电 流产生时,动触头和静触头打开,在触头间产生电弧,随后 在电磁场和气流场的作用下向灭弧栅片运动。在运动过程中 会出现电弧的停滞和后退的重击穿现象,严重降低了断路器 的开断性能。该文以磁流体动力学(MHD)为基础建立了三维 空气电弧等离子体在外部磁场作用下运动的数学模型,此模 型可以预测电弧的重击穿现象,并发现当灭弧室的出口面积 为 60%时,电弧在 3mT 磁场的作用下运动时出现了重击穿
(2)电场边界条件。 阴极面上的电流密度满足指数分布:
j(x, y)= Jmax exp(−b x2 + y2 )
其中:x、y 为直角坐标;Jmax 为 1.2×108A⋅m−2[17],b
∫ 为由 I =2π RC 0
j(r)rdr (其中 Rc 为 3
0 引言
低压断路器是一种用于接通、承载以及分断电 路中电流的开关电器。当电路中出现故障电流时, 断路器的动静触头分开时会在触头间的介质中产 生电弧,随后电弧在外界磁场的作用下进入灭弧栅 片并最终熄灭。能否使电弧快速地到达栅片,可靠 地被熄灭是评价低压断路器性能的一个重要标准。 在电弧的运动过程中会出现电弧的停滞和后退的 重击穿现象,这种现象在断路器的开断过程中会反 复出现多次,使燃弧时间增长,严重降低了断路器 的开断性能。如何防止重击穿现象的发生就成为一 个重要的问题。
其中:t 为时间;vi 为速度在直角坐标系中的各分量;
p 为压力;T 为温度;H 为焓;J 为电流密度;B 为
磁感应强度;SR 为辐射项;ρ为电弧等离子体的密 度;η为粘度;cp 为定压比热;λ为热导率;σ 为电 导率。
低压断路器中空气电弧重击穿现象的 仿真与实验研究