Survey Pro 4.11简易操作手册

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一. 产品安装&使用说明
AirMagnet Support Card :
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一. 产品安装&使用说明
如何开始使用Survey Pro&建立New Project: 1.点选 开始/程序/AirMagnet Surveyor/Surveyor 2.点选 File/New Project 输入Project name 3.汇入所要进行Survey之平面图(dwg、jpg、bmp…) 4.输入图面之实际比例 5.选择所Survey之环境类型 6.输入评估讯号延伸范围、无线基站预设功率大小 7.输入Site Survey简易描述 8.完成开启New Project
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一. 产品安裝&使用说明
如何开使新的Survey计划图示说明: E.选择所Survey之环境类型 F.输入评估讯号延伸范围、无线基地台预设功率大小
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B.Survey Screen Data Window B-2. Passive Survey Data Window
Parameter Channel MAC Address Signal Strength Description

目录1简介 (1)1.1欢迎使用手簿软件 (1)1.2系统需求 (1)1.3特别声明 (1)1.4系统安装 (2)2基本功能 (2)2.1项目 (2)2.1.1新建项目 (3)2.1.2最近项目 (5)2.1.3打开项目 (6)2.1.4删除项目 (7)2.1.5备份工程 (8)2.1.6编辑项目属性 (9)2.2设置 (10)2.2.1连接主机 (12)2.2.2配置端口 (13)2.2.3配置基准站 (14)2.2.4配置流动站 (17)2.2.5配置测量选项 (19)2.2.6椭球文件 (21)2.2.7天线文件 (22)2.2.8网络参数 (23)2.2.9配置静态测量 (24)2.2.10卫星状态 (24)2.3测量 (26)2.3.1测量 (27)2.3.2放样 (30)2.3.3点校正 (37)2.4键入 (37)2.4.1点 (38)2.4.2直线 (40)2.4.3弧段 (42)2.4.4道路 (44)2.5工具 (47)2.5.1点管理 (47)2.5.2点计算 (49)2.5.3反算计算 (51)2.5.4距离计算 (52)2.5.5交会计算 (53)2.5.6方位角计算 (56)2.5.7面积周长计算 (57)2.5.8计算器 (58)2.6设备 (59)2.6.1短信功能 (59)2.6.2系统工具 (60)2.6.3关于信息 (62)3注意事项 (64)1简介1.1 欢迎使用手簿软件本手簿软件支持易测系列高精度GPS设备,用于完成原始数据记录、数据采集、放样、RTK测量以及基本的坐标几何计算工作;其功能高效、实用,操作简单便捷。
1.2 系统需求z硬件需求CPU 最低主频≥206 MHZ、推荐配置≥400MHZ;支持的CPU为:ARM;内存推荐配置64M或以上;存储介质为:CF卡、SD卡、MMC等多种存储介质,容量大小根据数据量级而定;z软件需求支持的操作系统为:4.2、PocketPC2003、WinMobile5、WinMobile6等。
Survey Pro软件操作手册

目录第一章Survey Pro软件简介 (3)第二章外业操作流程 (3)2.1GPS RTK外业流程图 (3)2.2外业观测前的准备工作 (4)2.3基准站连接图 (4)2.4流动站连接图 (5)第三章求解转换参数 (6)**********针对第一种情况**********3.1 项目建立 (6)3.2 已知控制点输入 (8)3.3 检测连接情况 (9)3.4 设置基准站 (14)3.5 设置流动站 (16)3.6 已知点初始化 (18)3.7 求解转换参数 (19)**********针对第二种情况**********3.1项目建立 (21)3.2已知控制点(84坐标、地方坐标)输入 (23)3.3 检测连接情况 (25)3.4 设置基准站 (30)3.5 设置流动站 (32)3.6 求解转换参数 (34)第四章采集数据 (37)第五章放样-放点 (39)第六章放样-放线 (43)6.1 直线放样 (43)6.2平行线放样 (44)第七章道路放样 (47)7.1线路工程RTK放线测设的应用 (47)7.2 设置横断面模板 (47)7.3 输入平面定线数据 (51)7.4 输入垂直曲线要素 (54)7.5 编辑起始点坐标(点号) (55)7.6 编辑道路 (56)7.7 道路放线 (57)第八章数据上传与下载 (60)8.1数据下载 (60)8.2数据上传 (62)附录一菜单功能介绍 (65)附录二如何删除手簿中旧文件 (82)附录三ActiveSync软件使用 (82)第一章Survey Pro软件简介Survey Pro软件是由美国TDS(Tripod Data System)公司开发,并主要应用于测量行业的专业程序,它是一种运行于Win CE平台数据采集和控制软件,配合手薄控制器(如Ranger、MP2500等)可作为GPS或全站仪的数据采集器和控制器,完成GPS或全站仪的野外数据采集和控制工作。

ViewSpecPro 的使用方法说明1.双击图标打开软件,(图1)点击File →open 打开文件,默认路径为ViewSpecPro 文件夹。
图1 图22.点击Setup,修改Input Directory 路径,同时默认修改Output Directory 路径为存储光谱数据的文件夹。
(图2)3.打开一个文件,点击View-→Graph Data , 则出现一个窗口,窗口菜单中最主要的是Format 和Export 两项,点击Format, 可以在将光谱在DN ,reflectance(No Derivatite, 1st Derivatite, 2nd Derivatite), Transmittance 等之间直接转化。
用的最多的是reflectance(No Derivatite, 1st Derivatite 这两项。
(图3)点击Export, 可以输出图片或者文本的格式(图4),输出图片格式,首先选择好储存哪一种格式,一般为JPG 格式,然后点File →Browse 选择好存储的路径,点击Export 。
输出TEXT 文件,选择Text-→Browse, 选好存储路径,点击EXPORT 即可。
中间可以选择list 或者Table 形式输出。
图3 图44.ASCII 码输出选中要导出的数据,点击主菜单中Process →ASCII Export ,在对话框中选择数据的格式(DN ,Reflectance ,Radiance/Irradiance ),选中Output to a Single File →OK 即可。
5.点击主菜单中的View header info, 则显示的是此数据的一些具体信息,比如仪器的序列号,采集数据的时间,当时的积分时间integration time , 以及操作软件和数据分析软件的版本等等信息。
Spectra Precision Survey Pro软件及其他产品说明书

Survey Pro SoftwareSurvey Pro: Simply The BestIncludes Spectra Precision Central:Spectra Precision’s cloud computing solution.S U R V E Y P R Oit meets rigorous MIL-STD-810G military standard for drops, vibration, humidity and extreme temperatures, and with an IP67 rating, it’s designed to keep your investment and your data safe. The Ranger 3 comes standard with 8 GB of onboard memory for storing data. Move your data fast and easily using a SDHC card, Bluetooth, USB cable, Wi-Fi, or WWAN modem.military standards the Nomad uses a high capabilities like GPS, Wi-FiSpectra PrecisionT41 Data CollectorThe Spectra Precision® T41™ Data Collector is rugged, powerful, connected and compact,offering high performance with a highresolution outdoor readable display.The slim, ergonomic design is easy tohold and enables all-day use. A newcapacitive touch-screen protected byGorilla® Glass provides intuitive andresponsive finger-tip touch capability.The T41 handheld has 3.75G cellulardata capabilities plus cellular voice andSMS capabilities.Spectra PrecisionMM20 Data CollectorThe Spectra Precision® MM20 Data Collector delivers maximum performance and reliability in a lightweight but rugged design. It’s dust- and waterproof andweighs just 380 g (13 ounces) It featureslong battery life making it a perfect tool forlong surveying tasks. The MM20 provides Bluetooth, wireless LAN (WiFi), and GSM/GPRS/3.5G modem. Top that off with a 5Mpixel camera and built-in GPS, and you havea powerful, yet inexpensive tool.Spectra Precision CentralSpectra Precision Central provides a cloud computing hub for your complete survey team to connect and exchange information from anywhere there is a data connection. A cloud service is nothing more than internet accessible data storage. It’s how you access and use the data that is really the important part. Spectra Precision Central is designed for professionals who make their living outside, doing measurements, and building the world. The PartsWeb PortalThe web portal provides an easy way to edit, manage, and use your Central accounts and data. It can be accessed with any browser from your office computer, tablet, or smart phone.Smart Phone ApplicationsSurvey Pro Central for Android and Survey Pro Central for iOS provide access with dedicated smart phone and tablet apps. These apps provide data access and a range of functionality to help you manage your data, and therefore your workday, better. Spectra Precision Central SyncCentral Sync is a tool that runs as a service on your computer and synchronizes the data files that are placed in the Central folders. This makes file management and synchronizing data with Central very easy.Survey Pro IntegrationSurvey Pro is fully integrated into Spectra Precision Central. Files are uploaded as they are created. New data is sent up to Central based on user preferences. So now, not only do Spectra Precision ultra-rugged data collectors and dedicated field software protect your data, so does Central, backing it up on a remote server. See the Spectra Precision Central product brochure for more information.S U R V E Y P R OSetupSurvey Pro setup routines are designed to get you working as soon as possible. Multiple instrument setup options using known points or resection means you can work the way you need to work. Results are conveniently displayed making it easy to check the setup. All setup data is stored and is easily reviewed and edited as necessary using the integrated data editor. If an instrument height is updated, all affected coordinates will also be updated. Survey Pro puts you in control.GNSS SetupSurvey Pro provides two main methods of configuring a GNSS survey: Mapping Plane and Calibration. With these two methods, there is nearly infinite flexibility. Calibration allows you to use a local coordinate system, often set using total stations. This keeps everything aligned which makes you more productive. Survey Pro walks you through the process and provides check routines toensure everything is spot on.Feature and Attribute collectionYou can define features like “utility pole” and “water line” using feature codes in the field or in the office. Add features and attributes as you survey. Using line features, Survey Pro will automatically draw lines in real time making it easy to verify your work before leaving the job site. Process and adjust the data in Spectra Precision Survey Office and export tocommon data formats when you are done.COGO, Inverse, and CurvesSurvey Pro software provides powerful Coordinate Geometry (COGO), Inverse and Curve functions. The calculation tools give you the power to do just about anything in the field. The end result is more productivity.Spectra Precision CentralSpectra Precision Central is a cloudcomputing solution that provides real-time data upload, backup, and download along with the tools to easily access your data wherever you are. Central is fully integrated into Survey Pro making it easy to use.Survey Pro Central for Android and iOS are the perfect companion tools. These apps allow access to your Central account so you can manage your data from just about any smart phone. These apps come with your Spectra Precision Central account.Central also has a dedicated web portal giving you compete access and control over youraccounts and account data.Active MapsSeeing your data graphically helps speed your work and ensures there are no mistakes. Survey Pro provides several exciting map features for just this reason. Active Maps provide a way to do calculations or initiate measurements right from the map views. Tap on a point to stake it. Tap two points to compute the inverse. Or, enter Survey Mode and collect points seeing them appear on the map as they are measured. Active Background Maps provide a method of importing DXF files that can be used forcalculations or staking. Select a DXF line and offset points or stake it. You have full control of the DXF file layers; hide them, show them, or freeze them. See what you need to see,how you need to see it.Stakeout / LayoutSurvey Pro provides tools to complete your stakeout tasks more efficiently. Using anactive map view or interactive features, Survey Pro navigates you to the points you need to stake, when you need to stake them. Points are checked off as they are staked, preventing you from duplicating observations.Survey Pro stores all measurement data and any as-built or as staked points that are collected. This data can then be used for cut sheet reports using Spectra Precision Survey Office or XML Style Sheets to create reports on your data collector while still in the field.Stake DTM surfaces and use the data collected to compute volumes in the field. View the resultant DTM being staked in the field to determine where additional points might be needed. Survey Pro displays cut / fill information for any location on the DTM surface in real-time.S U R V E Y P R OPower FeaturesSurvey Pro continually improves withcapabilities that make your job easier, help you work more productively, and get the job done right. Some of the most recent feature enhancements include:• Data Management ControlFlexibility in data collection with the ability to edit survey data to fix entry errors or blunders and immediately get updated coordinates. Change a rod height and see the change cascade through the file with our enhanced dynamic file viewer/editor.• Active DXFSupport staking with DXF files to enable data flow from design software to your field crews, improving efficiency on the road or construction site. Import a DXF file as a background map to select objects like lines and nodes for staking or calculations. Survey Pro also provides control over the layers you are viewing and what layers you can select objects from allowing you to see what you need to see.• Optimized WorkflowSurvey Pro contains a user customizable Home screen enabling you to configure your favorite choice of field processes to expedite your daily workflow. Easily switch between functions by selecting the home screen and choosing your next action. Also use the graphical Active Survey map screen to speed your activities. For example, tap and hold to create new points, then select your points and switch to your graphical stakeout screen to complete the task. Also, the customizable Quick Pick feature provides a custom menu that is available from most survey screens and allows you to jump to another feature and then back again quickly and easily.It’s More Than Just SoftwareWhen you choose Survey Pro, you get software built on more than 20 years of experience. You also get software that’s continually enhanced thanks to input from surveyors in the field. Many of our people—including members of the Survey Pro development team—have worked as surveyors so we understand how a small change to an existing function can help you be more productive or make your job easier. That’s why—and how—we continuously improve Survey Pro, along with all our hardware and software. So go ahead—tell us how we can make Survey Pro work even better for you — send an e-mail to ******************************RoadsImport road data from Spectra Precision Survey Office via a RXL file, which is alsoa supported format in many other CAD packages, or from a LandXML file. Multiple roads can be loaded into the road manager to use for road staking/layout. View any station and offset along the road, view a vertical profile, and see cut slope values for any station. It’s all there.Road StakeoutThe road staking capabilities enable you tostake any part and even locate catch points.Once your road has been opened, Survey Proprovides a comprehensive set of road stakeouttools and graphical views, depending uponwhich element of the road you are staking out.Quickly edit and view the road definition in thefield using the road editor. Points can also bestaked out to a predefined subgrade offset,depending upon the phase of the job you areworking on.Slope StakingSlope stake using a complete road definition,or define it yourself in the standard slopestaking screen, or just pick a point to use asthe anchor. Survey Pro displays all shots on avertical realtime map display so you can seethe profile, and quickly locate and stake thecatch point.SURVEY STANDARD™ is a complete data collection package for surveyors. It contains a complete COGO suite as well as traverse, sideshot and staking routines. SURVEY PRO shares all Survey Standard functions and adds advanced road layout routines, advanced staking routines, attribute collection, DTM routines, and much more.SURVEY PRO GNSS shares all theSurvey Pro functions, and it provides thecapability to collect data from RTK GNSSreceivers. Survey Pro GNSS software is easyto use, reduces training and simplifies setups.All staking functions are supported in theGNSS module.LEVELING MODULE Add Leveling toany module of Survey Pro to add support forlevel loops, trigonometric leveling, and digitallevel drivers.SURVEY PRO ROBOTICS shares allSurvey Pro functions and adds support forcontrolling robotic total stations. Use the datacollector at the rod to take measurements,control the instrument, and finish the surveyfaster than ever before.SURVEY PRO MAX™ is the ultimate fieldsoftware. It integrates Survey Pro Roboticsand Survey Pro GNSS functions, enablingyou to use the same job files with both GNSSreceivers and total stations.SURVEY STANDARD™ is a complete data collection package for surveyors. It contains a complete COGO suite as well as traverse, sideshot and staking routines.SURVEY PRO shares all Survey Standard functions and adds advanced road layout routines, advanced staking routines, attribute collection, DTM routines, and much more.SURVEY PRO GNSS shares all the Survey Pro functions, andit provides the capability to collect data from RTK GPS/GNSS receivers. The GNSS software is easy to use, reducestraining and simplifies setups. All staking functions aresupported when using GNSS receivers.LEVELING MODULE Add Leveling to any module of Survey Pro toadd support for level loops, trigonometric leveling, and digitallevel drivers.SURVEY PRO ROBOTICS shares all Survey Pro functions andadds support for controlling robotic total stations. Use thedata collector at the rod to take measurements, control theinstrument, and finish the survey faster than ever before.SURVEY PRO MAX™ is the ultimate field software. It integratesSurvey Pro Robotics and Survey Pro GNSS functions,enabling you to use the same job files with both GPS/GNSSreceivers and total stations.● Survey Standard▲ Survey Pro◆ Survey Pro Robotics■ Survey Pro GNSS★ Survey Pro MaxTITLE BAR/TASK BAR/MENUToggle collection mode (total station/GNSS)■★Battery status indicator●▲◆■★Map access button●▲◆■★Editable quick picks●▲◆■★Home screen●▲◆■★Build your own custom menu●▲◆■★FILEImport/export●▲◆■★JOB, RAW1, TXT, CSV, LandXML,JobXML, CR5.●▲◆■★Import Control●▲◆■★Backup/Restore●▲◆■★JOBEdit points/polylines●▲◆■★Edit alignments▲◆■★Auto linework (real time)▲◆■★View/edit raw data●▲◆■★View DTM▲◆■★Manage layers●▲◆■★Calculator●▲◆■★AU Conversions●▲◆■★SURVEY (CONVENTIONAL MODE)Backsight setup●▲◆■★Multiple point backsight●▲◆■★Traverse/sideshot●▲◆■★Quick shot4●▲◆■★Repetition shots●▲◆■★Multiple sideshots●▲◆■★Distance/angle offset●▲◆■★Corner & 2 lines●▲◆■★Corner & angle●▲◆■★Corner & offset●▲◆■★Corner & plane●▲◆■★Shoot from 2 ends●▲◆■★Resection●▲◆■★Remote elevation●▲◆■★Check point●▲◆■★Bluetooth support (Recon)●▲◆■★Solar observation▲◆■★Remote control◆★Fine turning◆★Tap to turn◆★Surface Scan2▲◆■★STAKEOUTQuick stake4●▲◆■★Cut/fill to design grade●▲◆■★Generate cut sheet data●▲◆■★Turn instrument to stake with 2-D and3-D modes◆★Remote stake from rod◆★Stake points/list of points●▲◆■★Stake to line/polyline●▲◆■★Offset staking▲◆■★Slope staking from line or point▲◆■★Stake to line and offset●▲◆■★Stake to curve and offset●▲◆■★Stake to spiral and offset▲◆■★Stake DTM▲◆■★Define a location●▲◆■★Where is next point●▲◆■★Slope stake from a point▲◆■★Station staking▲◆■★INVERSEMultiple types●▲◆■★COGOPoint in direction●▲◆■★Intersection●▲◆■★Offset line/points●▲◆■★Corner angle●▲◆■★Compute area●▲◆■★Triangle solutions●▲◆■★Map check●▲◆■★Predetermined area●▲◆■★HD/VD to/from SD/ZA●▲◆■★Station & offset▲◆■★CURVECurve solution●▲◆■★PI and tangents▲◆■★3-point curve▲◆■★Radius point●▲◆■★Tangent to circles▲◆■★Curve layout●▲◆■★Traverse on a curve●▲◆■★Parabolic curve/layout●▲◆■★Straight grade●▲◆■★Spiral/spiral layout▲◆■★Traverse on a spiral▲◆■★ROADSImport from Trimble RXL▲◆■★Supports Survey Office roads▲◆■★Complete road data supported▲◆■★Import from LandXML Roads▲◆■★Road Stakeout▲◆■★Alignment▲◆■★Cross Sections▲◆■★Any location▲◆■★Station and Offset▲◆■★Road Slope Staking▲◆■★Designate hinges and slopes▲◆■★ADJUSTScale/translate/rotate●▲◆■★Traverse adjust●▲◆■★Fix Station Setup●▲◆■★MAP VIEWSActive Background mapsDXF Layers●▲◆■★DXF Colors●▲◆■★Select objects for survey operations●▲◆■★Active Survey MapCollect points●▲◆■★Manage linework●▲◆■★Inverse point to point or line or location●▲◆■★Create Point●▲◆■★Stake to point or location●▲◆■★Show past results●▲◆■★Survey Setup displayOccupy point●▲◆■★Backsight point●▲◆■★Base location●▲◆■★Rover location●▲◆■★Rod location●▲◆■★Follow me mode●▲◆■★SURVEY (GNSS MODE)Cell phone/radio modem settings■★GPS/GNSS status■★Network connection manager■★Base/rover setup (Smart Setup)■★Control points■★Collect point, features, offset■★Projection setup/statistics■★Remote elevation■★Projection Calculator■★Receiver file manager3■★SETTINGS (GNSS MODE)Post process■★Map Projection or Calibration (localtransformation) modes■★Adjust with projection and control update■★All stakeout functions with GPS receiver■★Please note: This chart is an abbreviated general guide tosoftware functions. All specifications are subject to changewithout notice.1. Export Only.2. Requires motorized instrument.3. For Spectra Precision and Trimble receivers.4. Only available on the Nivo C, FOCUS 8 and FOCUS 30.。

手簿差分IP :,端口8000,分组号和小组号按图示要求填写。

RC411 Operator ManualFOREWORD1.Read the instructions contained in the enclosed booklet carefully, because it contains important information on installation, operation and maintenance safety. Store this booklet carefully for any further consultation by other operators.2.Having removed the packing material, check that all the equipment is present.If there is any doubt, do not use it and contact qualified personnel.The packing elements (plastic bags, foam polystyrene, nails, etc.) should be kept away from children, because they are dangerous.3.Before switching the equipment on, make sure that the model plate data conforms to that of the electrical and water distribution network.4.Installation should be carried out by qualified personnel according to the manufacturer's instructions.5.This equipment should be destined to the use which it has been conceived for. Any other application should be considered improper and consequently dangerous.6.The equipment should only be used by personnel trained for its use.7.Operators must strictly follow all hygienic requirements in the handling of clean dishware and cutlery.8.Do not leave the machine in an environment at temperatures lower than 0°C.9.The protection of the machine is IP X4, therefore it should not be washed with high pressure directed water jets.10.Qualified personnel only can access the control panel, after having disconnected the machine from the primary current supply.11.The appliance is made according to EEC 89/336 regarding radio noise suppression and electromagnetic compatibility.12.According to EEC directive nr.23 of 19/02/1973 and the law of actuation nr.791 of 18/10/1987, our appliances are built-up according to the good technique norms in force in Italy and abroad.13.Noise level of the machine, less than 63dB(A)INSTRUCTIONS FOR USECONTROL PANELH3Q1H2H2Pilot lamp "machine READY"H3Pilot lamp "machine WORKING"Q1 Main switchOFFGREEN MachineRED Machine ON / Wash cycleselectorS9CycleOPERATION AND USE1. Before washing make sure that:•the wall-mounted on/off switch is switched on;•the water tap is open;•water is present in the distribution network;•the pump protection filters are installed in their respective positions;•the overflow in inserted;•all rotating parts are free;•the rinse aid dispenser is full;•make sure that dishware is in good conditions as it may cause cleaning difficulty and haven bacteria.2. Press the "Q1" button (RED) to enable the automatic wash tank filling and the consequent triggering of the heating element.3. As soon as visual indicator "H2" is ON; pour about 30 gr. of detergent directly into the tank, paying attention to distribute it uniformly on the filters, the quantity being according to supplier's instructions. Add 15 gr. every 7 cycles to achieve a concentration of 1,5gr/lt. In order to respect our environment, use only the correct amount of detergent.When using chlorinated detergent, it is suggested to use an automatic dispenser; otherwise, brownish spots might appear on the surfaces due to chlorine reactions. Detergent should always be placed near the pump filter.4. Then, introduce the glasses or the cups to wash, after having removed the solid waste and having placed them into the proper racks. The cups and the glasses should be turned upside down, while the cutlery should be put vertically into the proper container, and the same applies to dishware.5. Press the "S9" button to select the wash cycle according to conditions of•(pos.short cycle with normally dirty dishes;•(pos.long cycle with particularly dirty dishes or deep dishes 6. Close the door for the wash cycle start.The end of which will be indicated by the switching off of the "H3" lamp.standards, guaranteeing a final rinse at 85°C. Wash cycle automatically lengthened if final rinse temperature is not reached. When this auto-cycle intervenes and the cycle is pro-longed, after 8 minutes the "H3" indicator flashes to indicate this intervention and the cycle continues (water supply temperature is likely to be the problem, otherwise contact an assistance centre since it is a rinse water heating intervention.). Turn off the machine to remove this alarm.7. Remove the rack and slightly incline it to permit a perfect drain; allow dishware to dry and after having washed one’s hands, handle the rack in order not to touch the dishware inside then place the rack on hygienically clean shelves.8. At the end of washing, with the machine off (Q1 – GREEN pos.), empty out the tank by taking out the overflow tube, then close the door and with the machine on (Q1 – RED pos.).for a few minutes to wash the machine. Then again with the machine off and wait until the tank is completely emptyAt this point, the tank filter can be taken out, in order to be washed, then replace it with the overflow in its place.For any further information concerning equipment cleaning, read chapter "USEFUL SUGGESTIONS".turning off the main supply through the general wall switch and close the water supply.INSTRUCTIONS DURING THE WASHING1) Do not plunge bare hands into the water containing the detergent. If this happens, wash them immediately and abundantly with fresh water.2) When the machine is operating, do not open the door too rapidly.3) Use only specific anti-foaming detergents.4) Disconnect the equipment in case the machine is out of order or it does not work properly. For the repairs consult a technical assistance centre authorised by the manufacturer and ask only for an original spare parts.5) Never modify the thermostat settings.6) Check that lamp "H2" is on.7) Wash tank water should be changed at least twice a day or according to daily wash requirements.8) Do not subject clean dishware to any further cleansing treatment such as brushes or drying towels.If these instructions are not followed, the safety of the equipment can be compromised.USEFUL SUGGESTIONS1) MAINTENANCEIMPORTANT: Before carrying out the cleaning and maintenance operations, disconnect the equipment from the electric supply.Frequently check and clean the nozzles. The frequency of this operation will depend on the quantity of residues, which may result in an unsatisfactory washing result.♦For the inside and outside cleaning of the machine, do not use corrosive products such as sodium hypochlorite (bleach) savelling water and hydrochloric acid, acids, steel wool or steel brushes.♦The presence of calcium and magnesium salt in the water can compromise machine performance, thus ask qualified personnel to remove the deposits periodically.♦In order to avoid some oxidation risks, or chemical reactions, generally the stainless steel surfaces have to be well cleaned.2) OPTIMAL RESULTS:A possible wash deficiency can be noticed when residue remains.Marks can be caused by an insufficient rinse: in this case checkthat the rinse nozzles are clean and that there is sufficient water supply pressure.In case of dishware residue check that:•the washing nozzles are clean•the water temperature is around 60°C•there is detergent•the pump suction filter is clean•the racks are suitable for the dishes and cutlery that are to be washed•the position of the cutlery and the dishes in the racks are correct3) TEMPORARY MACHINE NON-USEIn case the machine is stopped for some weeks, it is recommended before closing it to fill the tank and run the machine with clean water, then empty it out, in order to avoid the forming of bad odour and that any residue remains in the pump.If necessary repeat this operation until the water leaving the machine is clean. If the machine is stopped for many weeks, it is recommended to oil the stainless steel surfaces with paraffin oil and to discharge the water from the boiler and the electric pump.4) SANITIZING THE MACHINESanitizing the machine at least once a week is of the utmost importance in order to guarantee hygiene even when the machine is not in use.It is advisable to use a disinfecting product suggested by an authorised detergent dealer.The use of this product will satisfy hygienic requirements, even during machine non use.Before switching off the machine run the machine briefly with cleanwater.5) HARD WATER CONDITIONSIf a hard water supply is present, mineral deposits will form within the machine and also on dishware.In order to avoid the above conditions a periodic removal of these deposits is necessary.The frequency and method of this operation upon consultation by your detergent supplier.INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCEINSTRUCTIONSThe following instructions are addressed to qualified personnel the only one authorised to carry out checks and repairs, if any.The manufacturer declines any responsibility in the case of interventions made by a non-qualified personnel or the use of spare parts other than those supplied by the Manufacture.INSTALLATIONDuring installation, carry out proper machine levelling, which is a prerequisite for a correct operation thereof (max. tolerance 2°).In order to prevent any damage caused by steam going out of the machine, make sure that the surrounding materials do not deteriorate in its presence. After machine installation check thermostat settings, booster 85°C, tank 60°C.1) ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONThe electrical safety of this equipment is only assured if it is connected as follows. It is necessary to connect the equipment to an effective earthing as specified by the electrical safety regulations in force. Check that this basic requirement is complied with, in case of any doubt ask for a careful check of the installation by a qualified personnel. In the case the earthing is not efficient there will be a dispersion due to the suppresser.The machine shall be included in a correctly dimensioned equipotential, whose effectiveness is to be very tight in accordance to the procedures set for in the applicable safety standards. The connection shall be performed through a screw marked by the plate near the rear side of the appliance.The manufacturer declines any responsibility for any damages caused by lack of an effective ground installation. For the electrical power supply have available a wall circuit breaker switch with multiple phase protection according the following table with contact aperture distance, equal to or not exceeding 3mm and a supply cable no less than 2.5mm².kW 230/240V∼ 230/240V3N∼3∼ 400/415V7,75kW 40A 25A 16A5,45W 32A 16A 16A3,10kW 16AFor other supplies the cable cross section and the circuit breaker switch must be calculated according to voltage and length of cabling. If cabling too long adjust cable size to Amp rating; do not pull on supply cable or install it under tension. If cable needs to be replaced use type H07RN-F.2) WATER CONNECTIONInstall a 55°C water tap in a well accessible place, terminating in a 3/4" fitting, which the pipe strainer and inlet hose shall be connected to. Carefully comply with any national or regional regulations in force.The operating pressure should be neither less than 2 bars or greater that 4 bars (200/400 kPa). If water pressure is inferior then 2 bar, a pressure increase pump is necessary. If water pressure exceeds 4 bar, a pressure reducer is necessary.In order to obtain best results, it is suggested that the water supply have a hardness not greater that 8 Clarke.3) WATER DRAINArrange a water drain towards the floor with siphon and connect the machine with the flexible tube given with the machine, so that it leans towards the drain. Moreover, make sure that the hose does not have constrictions.Make sure that the building drain tubing withstands temperatures up to 70°C.4) RINSE AID DOSAGEMake sure that rinse aid suction hose is correctly installed in its proper container. The dosage is automatic with the adjusting of the screw "I", which after screwing to a full stop unscrew two turns. At this point the machine automatically takes the necessary liquid for every rinse: during the washing operations, check that the liquid of the container does not run short.For filling the dosing tube, start the machine without plugging the overflow in: at that point switch the machine on and off. Repeat this operation several times at intervals of few seconds, until the rinse aid reaches the injector. Wait until the machine reaches the correct temperature (lamp "H2" on). Make some empty cycles, then try to wash: if the objects washed show some drops, this means that the rinse aid is insufficient. On the contrary, the presence of marks can mean that there is too much rinse aid or the water is too hard. The regulation can change according to the kind of rinse aid.5) DETERGENT DOSAGE (for machines with built-in detergent dispenser)With the screw on the side of the detergent pump, close completely the product intake, and then slowly open the screw until the desired intake quantity has been reached. The correct quantity is indicated by the detergent supplier. Check that the intake of the pipe during the rinse cycle is as preset. (1cm = 1g approximately). Maximum intake or delivery distance: 2 meters.6) LOADING AND UNLOADING OF THE MACHINEFor the transportation of the machine from the delivery point to the final installation position, use a fork lift or adequate lifting equipment used by authorised staff. Lift the machine by its frame, taking care that any protruding parts are not damaged (discharges, wiring etc.).7) MACHINE DISMANTLINGAt the end of its normal lifetime, the machine has to be taken apart according to the local regulations in force by separating the components as follows: • metal parts: hood, platforms, frames, filters• electrical parts: motors, remote control switches, microswitches, wiring • plastic parts: racks, connections • rubber parts: tubes, sleevesENERGY CONSUMPTIONModel Wash tank capacity (l) Rinse waterconsumpt. (l)Tankheater (W)Rinse heater (W)Wash pump (W)Total electric load (W)Output in racks per hour with 55°C inlet waterOutput in racks per hour with 12°C inlet waterRC41121 3,5 2000MAX7000750MAX 775030/20 20In the event of low water supply temperature, the will be a subsequent machine output drop.WIRING DIAGRAMC1 Anti noise filterC3 CondensatorheaterE2 BoosterE3 TankheaterH2 Pilot lamp machine readyH3 Pilot lamp machine workingKE2 Booster heater contactorKE2b Safety contactor of booster heaterM2 Rinse pump (if required)M3 Wash pumpM5 Drain pump (if required)MD Detergent dispenser (if required)switchQ1 MainswitchS1 DoorS2 PressureswitchS9 Cycle selection push buttonthermostatSE2 BoosterSE2a Booster thermostatSE2b Booster safety thermostatthermostatSE3 TankSE3b Tank safety thermostatY1 Rinse solenoid valveX1 JunctionThe manufacturer declines any responsibility for any printing errors contained in this booklet. The manufacturer also reserves the right to make any modifications to its products that do not affect the basic characteristics thereof.。


系统管理..................................................................................................................1 概述 .........................................................................................................................1 登录设置..................................................................................................................3 机构管理..................................................................................................................3 添加/删除机构 ........................................................................................................3 设置机构属性..........................................................................................................4 剪切/粘贴机构 ........................................................................................................4 用户管理..................................................................................................................4 添加用户..................................................................................................................4 删除用户..................................................................................................................6 属性设置..................................................................................................................7 复制/剪切/粘贴 .......................................................................................................7 角色与权限..............................................................................................................7 自定义功能............................................................................................................11 项目职务设置........................................................................................................13 系统审计................................................................................................................14 查看 OAMASSENGE ...........................................................................................15 系统设置................................................................................................................15 数据类别定义........................................................................................................16 枚举定义................................................................................................................17 编码定义................................................................................................................19 类别树 ...................................................................................................................21 自定义属性............................................................................................................21 模具报表分类........................................................................................................24

易测手簿软件eSurvey手簿软件使用说明书北京合众思壮科技股份有限公司地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥东路9号电子城A2座东6层邮政编码:100016电话:400-810-5000传真:0注意:未经本公司允许,任何人不得修改本文档目录1简介....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
欢迎使用手簿软件 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统需求 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
特别声明 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统安装 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2基本功能................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
项目 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
新建项目............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
最近项目............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
打开项目............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
删除项目............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
备份工程............................................ 错误!未定义书签。

易测手簿软件手簿软件使用说明书北京合众思壮科技股份有限公司地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥东路9号电子城A2座东6层邮政编码:100016电话:400-810-5000传真:0注意:未经本公司允许,任何人不得修改本文档目录1简介....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
欢迎使用手簿软件 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统需求 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
特别声明 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统安装 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2基本功能................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
项目 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
新建项目............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
最近项目............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
打开项目............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
删除项目............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
备份工程............................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.3差分设置点击“配置”菜单下的“手簿端口配置”,打开设置对话框;手簿端口及卫星信息设置:SBAS差分设置点击“Real-time”,打开差分源设置界面;差分源“Source Type”选择SBAS,点击按钮,出现如下界面:广域差分系统说明:SBAS为全球性免费差分服务,在亚洲地区为MSAS服务,编号为PRN129和PRN137两颗卫星服务;在北美为W AAS服务,编号为PRN135和PRN138;世界其他地方使用EGNOS服务,编号为120、124、126三个。
注意:为了不占用卫星搜索通道,根据所在位置,选择性的开启差分服务卫星编号,若在中国,只开启129和137两个源(Enabled,Heed Health),其他都关闭(Disabled);若在世界上初亚洲、北美其他地方,则开启120、124、126既可。
思拓力 SurPad 4.0 软件使用说明书(Android)

工程测量软件SurPad4.0(Android版本)使用说明书广州思拓力测绘科技有限公司2018年4月目录第一章 SurPad4.0软件概述 (1)1.1软件简介 (1)1.2软件界面 (1)1.3软件的安装与卸载 (3)第二章快速入门 (6)第三章项目 (9)3.1 项目管理 (9)3.2 数据文件管理 (10)3.3 坐标系统 (11)3.4 测站校准 (15)3.5 坐标点库 (17)3.6 数据文件导出 (20)3.7 扫一扫 (21)3.8 云设置 (22)3.9 软件设置 (22)3.9 关于软件 (24)第四章仪器 (26)4.1 通讯设置 (26)4.2移动站模式 (27)4.2.1移动站-主机网络 (29)4.2.2移动站-内置电台 (30)4.2.3移动站-外置电台 (30)4.2.4移动站-手簿网络 (30)4.3基准站模式 (30)4.3.1基准站-主机网络 (32)4.3.2基准站-内置电台 (33)4.3.3基准站-外置电台 (34)4.3.4基准站-双发 (34)4.4静态站模式 (34)4.5工作状态 (36)4.6配置集 (38)4.7仪器信息 (39)4.8仪器设置 (39)4.9倾斜校准 (39)4.10重新定位 (44)4.11仪器注册 (44)4.12内置电台设置 (45)第五章测量 (46)5.1 点测量 (46)5.2碎步测量 (51)5.3 CAD (52)5.4点放样 (54)5.5直线放样 (56)5.6线路施工放样 (59)5.7线路逐点放样 (61)5.8测横断面 (63)5.9道路桥涵放样 (64)5.10桥台锥坡放样 (66)5.11电力线勘测 (68)5.12塔基放样 (73)5.13场地高程控制 (74)5.14曲线放样 (76)5.15既有线放样 (78)5.16铁路放样 (79)5.17测区设置 (82)5.18图层设置 (83)第六章工具 (84)6.1 转换参数 (84)6.2坐标转换 (86)6.3角度变换 (87)6.4周长面积计算 (87)6.5几何计算 (89)6.5.1 坐标反算 (89)6.5.2 点线计算 (89)6.5.3 空间距离 (90)6.5.4 夹角计算 (90)6.5.5 交会计算 (91)6.5.6 前方交会 (91)6.5.7 后方交会 (92)6.5.8 坐标正算 (92)6.5.9 偏点计算 (93)6.6计算器 (93)6.7大电台设置 (94)6.8土方计算 (96)6.9测站刷新 (98)第七章全站仪 (99)第一章 SurPad4.0软件概述1.1软件简介SurPad4.0软件安卓版是广州思拓力测绘科技有限公司开发的GNSS测绘软件,根据多年的市场经验积累,在结合国际主流测绘数据采集软件功能的同时,集RTK控制采集、道路设计放样等功能于一体。

北京合众思壮科技有限责任公司 E-Survey 手簿软件快速操作手册 Beijing UniStrong Science & Technology Co., Ltd
一、初步的了解 E-650R 软件。
打开手簿,点击 E- 650R 的 图 标 , 打 开 E-650R 的程序。进入主 界面,如图二所示。
第 11 页
北京合众思壮科技有限责任公司 E-Survey 手簿软件快速操作手册 Beijing UniStrong Science & Technology Co., Ltd
在天线文件中可以进行 650 天线 文件的增加和编辑。默认的有 650 的斜高和垂高两种天线类 型,不可编辑也不能删除。增加 的时候需要输入名称、半径还有 相位中心的高度。 (E-650 的天线半径为 0.095 米,相位中心高为 0.092 米)
图 23
图 24
如图 24 所示,在此界面可以 选择数据的发射方式,可以是单一 电台的模式,也可以是 GPRS 的模 式,
例如只要用内部电台发射,只 要在内置数据链前打勾即可(一般 是用这种方式),如果是想用内部 电台和固定 IP 双链路待机的话, 只需要在内置数据链和固定 IP 前 打勾即可。
在此界面同样可以选择电台 的频点,有 1-9 九个频点可供选 择,这样在有干扰的时候可以切换 数据链路的频点。
图 21
如图 21 所示,在连接方式 中选择是用蓝牙连接和电缆连 接。
一般我们选择蓝牙连接,如 果 GPS 列表中没有机器,点击搜 索,搜索结束之后点击保存,也 可以把已经存在的蓝牙设备删 除。如果要连接那个机器的话, 选中机器,点击连接。连接成功 之后会有对话框显示机器的序 列号和注册日期的信息。如图 22 所示。

2.1 项目 .........................................................................................................................................2 2.1.1 新建项目 .........................................................................................................................3 2.1.2 最近项目 .........................................................................................................................5 2.1.3 打开项目 .........................................................................................................................7 2.1.4 删除项目 .........................................................................................................................8 2.1.5 备份工程 .........................................................................................................................9 2.1.6 编辑项目属性 ...............................................................................................................10


eSurvey手簿软件使用说明书(...)合众思壮RTK易测手簿软件eSurvey3.2.0.1手簿软件使用说明书北京合众思壮科技股份有限公司地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥东路9号电子城A2座东6层邮政编码:100016电话:400-810-5000传真:010-********注意:未经本公司允许,任何人不得修改本文档目录1简介 (1)1.1欢迎使用手簿软件 (1)1.2系统需求 (1)1.3特别声明 (1)1.4系统安装 (2)2基本功能 (2)2.1项目 (2)2.1.1新建项目 (3)2.1.2最近项目 (5)2.1.3打开项目 (6)2.1.4删除项目 (7)2.1.5备份工程 (8)2.1.6编辑项目属性 (9)2.2设置 (10)2.2.1连接主机 (12)2.2.2配置端口 (13)2.2.3配置测量选项 (14)2.2.4椭球文件 (16)2.2.5天线文件 (17)2.2.6网络参数 (18)2.2.7配置静态测量 (19)2.2.8卫星状态 (19)2.3测量 (21)2.3.1测量 (22)2.3.2放样 (25)2.3.3点校正 (32)2.4键入 (32)2.4.1点 (33)2.4.2直线 (35)2.4.3弧段 (37)2.4.4道路 (39)2.5工具 (42)2.5.1点管理 (42)2.5.2点计算 (44)2.5.3反算计算 (46)2.5.4距离计算 (47)2.5.5交会计算 (48)2.5.6方位角计算 (51)2.5.7面积周长计算 (52)2.5.8计算器 (53)2.6设备 (54)2.6.1配置基准站 (54)2.6.2配置流动站 (58)2.6.3短信功能 (60)2.6.4系统工具 (61)2.6.5关于信息 (63)3注意事项 (64)1简介1.1 欢迎使用手簿软件本手簿软件支持易测系列高精度GPS设备,用于完成原始数据记录、数据采集、放样、RTK测量以及基本的坐标几何计算工作;其功能高效、实用,操作简单便捷。
ViewScan Pro 快速入门指南说明书

ViewScan Pro Quick Start GuideTable of ContentsIncluded Parts (2)Assembly Instructions: (3)Camera Setup (7)Startup Instructions (8)Login Instructions (9)Import License (10)Add Portal (11)Aligning Camera (12)Included Parts•2x ViewScan monolith pillars•2x ViewScan feet•1x ViewScan brace crossbar bottom channel•1x ViewScan brace crossbar cover•1x ViewScan power supply•1x C7 Power Cable•6x Leveling screws for feet and monolith•4x Large threaded wing screw for legs•4x Black thumb screws for camera boom•4x Silver thumb Screws for crossbar•4x Silver captive thumb screw for monoliths•1x Traveling case (Optional)•1x Handheld wand•1x Camera boom•1x PoE cameraFor Basic and Pro package owners:•Visit our website to download the ViewScan Software Installation Guide.•Perform its instructions before continuing with this guide.Assembly Instructions:1. Install leveling screws in ViewScan feet.2. Mount ViewScan feet to ViewScan monolith pillars using large thread wing screws.3.Unfold ViewScan monoliths and install silver captive thumb screws to securethem inthe unfolded position.4.Feed the cables through the ViewScan brace crossbar bottom channel on either side inthe provided cutout.5.Connect top crossbar to Monolith using x4 silver thumb screws6.Connect cables on either side of the ViewScan brace crossbar with the data cable.7.Plug an ethernet cable into the ViewScan monolith’s top (Scanner) RJ45terminaland terminate into either the provided PoE network switch or local network.8.Plug an ethernet cable into the ViewScan monolith’s bottom (Camera) RJ45terminal and terminate into either the provided PoE network switch or localnetwork.9.Connect the provided 12V DC power supply into the ViewScan.10.Turn on ViewScan power using the switch located on the side of the unit.Camera Setup1.Attach the camera boom to the pillar that you are applying power and data to using the Largeblack knurled thumb screws.2.Connect the ethernet cable running through the boom to the side of theViewScan monolith right next to the boom mounting location.3.Connect an ethernet patch cable from the laptop to the provided PoE network switch.4.Refer to the figure below for logical layout.Startup Instructions1.The setup instructions will be done on the user machine running ViewScan2.0.2.Turn on the machine and start the ViewScan Controller from the desktop.3.When it opens wait for it to connect to the Server.a.If a server connection is unsuccessful click Start Server. Allow the controller tomake a connection while the server starts up.4.Once connected it will change the server status icon to green.Login Instructions1.Visit the Web Page by opening the ViewScan Web Portal shortcut on the desktop.2.Sign in with the set admin credentials, these are changed on the first login.3.You will be prompted to accept and EULA & to change the password. Complete both.Note: Store the new password in a safe place.Import LicenseA ViewScan license allows for the application to run on a designated system. If you do not currently have a license, please reach out to our support for one.1.Log into the Web Portal and visit the Settings page, then Other, then License FileUpload.2.Choose the license file with the type ‘vs_license’.3.Click Upload License. A message will appear and alert you of a valid license format.Add Portal1.Log into the Web Portal and visit the Settings page, then Portals then Add Portal.2.Fill in the Portal & Camera inputs with or without a camera then click Confirm.•The Portal should now be visible on the controller.3.Check that the Monolith & Camera is turned on and go to the ViewScan Controller.4.Check the box next to the name of the Portal.5.Click Start Scanner.•Allow the scanner to fully initialize until the status icons turn green.6.In a few short moments, the portal will start, connect to the server, start up thecamera & scanner, and will be ready to take passengers.7.To take a snapshot or to stop a portal click the corresponding button.8.To view scans from any networked computer, open the Web Portal and select aportal from the dropdown.Aligning Camera1.If a scanner is not already active check the box next to a name in the Controller.2.Click Start Scanner.•Allow the scanner to fully initialize until the status icons turn green.3.Visit the Web Portal and click Settings, then Camera, then Align ViewScan Camera.4. Click the following locations in this order:• Top-Left inner corner • Top-Right inner corner• Bottom-Right stabilizing foot edge • Bottom-Left stabilizing foot edge5. Click Confirm Alignment, then Save Camera Settings , and finally Restart Scanner .6. Allow the Scanner to perform a quick Restart.7. Either walk through the scanner or take a Snapshot from the Monitor or Controller to confirm proper alignment.。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Survey Pro 4.11简易操作手册
从开始菜单中打开Survey Pro,打开界面如图
Survey Pro必须要求新建或打开一个项目文件,否者无法进入Survey Pro。
进入Survey Pro后如下图