译林牛津版高中英语选修五课件:Unit 1 Getting along with others Grammar and usage 2


译林牛津版高中英语模块5第1单元 Getting-along-with-others词汇复习篇

译林牛津版高中英语模块5第1单元 Getting-along-with-others词汇复习篇

Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others一.词汇复习篇:【单词】1. I feel betrayed by my friend, Hannah. (P2)betray vt. 出卖,背叛;无意中显示;betrayal n 出卖,背叛常用结构:betray … to…He would rather die than betray his country. 他宁愿死也不愿意出卖他的国家。

The expression on her face betrays that she is angry. 她脸上的表情显示她在生气。

He felt sorry for betraying his friends to the enemy. 把朋友出卖给敌人让他感到很抱歉。

2. I didn’t feel like I was overlookin g my studies, but maybe I could work harder in Maths. (P2) overlook vt. 忽略,忽视,不追究;俯瞰overlook a valley from a hill 从山上俯视山谷overlook a person’s fault不追究(某人的)过错overlook a mistake 忽略了一个错误Located /Sitting on the hill, the house overlooks a river. 那个房子位于山上,俯瞰一条河。

3. We went to wash our hands in the girl’s toilets before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done. (P2)admit vt. 承认;允许…进入,接纳,允许参加;可容纳(= hold)常用结构:▲admit sth / admit doing sth / admit having done sth / admit + that-clause (承认…)▲admit …to /into…(接纳…进入…)He admitted having stolen / stealing the car. = He admitted that he had stolen the car.他承认自己偷了车。

牛津译林版高中英语必修5Unit 1Getting along with othersReading课件148张PPT课件ppt

牛津译林版高中英语必修5Unit 1Getting along with othersReading课件148张PPT课件ppt
1. We have been good friends since primary
school. (line7)
(1). Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since WWII.该国的失业率 处于二战以来的最低水平。
2). I write not just for the pay, but for fun.(乐趣). We had a lot of fun at the party.
3). They often make fun of me for this.
Don’t make_____of the blind man. A. fun B. funs C. funny D. a fun fun 做名词时不可数, 不能与a连用,也没 有复数形式。
6.I was determined to be cheerful.(line14)
(1) adj. 下了决心的
a. He is determined to take part in the international speech competition.
(2). may have done (it’s not certain) Something may have happened to her. 可能她发生了什么事。
4. feel like (have a desire for) (line11-12)

2021牛津译林版必修五unit 1《getting along with others》(read

2021牛津译林版必修五unit 1《getting along with others》(read

2021牛津译林版必修五unit 1《getting along with others》(reading)word教案教案-R e a d i n g(译林牛津版必修5)Reading---教案Objectives:1.To help Ss get a general idea about the text.2. To make Ss become familiar with the detailed information about the text.3. To help Ss master Reading Strategy.Teaching important point:1.How to make the students understand the passage better.2.How to help the students finish all the exercises.3.How to help the students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities. Interaction Patterns: Teachers -class, individuals, pairsProcedures for teaching:Step 1 lead-inDiscussion● 1. Do you have any important events or unforgettable experiences with your close friends?● 2. Please share something with us and tell us what to do when meeting with difficulties in friendship.(1). If your friend tells others about your secrets, how will you feel and what will you react?(2). When your friendship is in trouble,will you stop talking with your friend and make a new friend?Conclusion● 1. We should keep our promise and keep friends’secrets. Honesty is one of the most important factors in the friendship.● 2. Friends should unite and help each other when meeting with some difficulties both in study or in other fields of life.In other words, we are supposed to take honesty and union as glory. But what are the shameful behaviors or the glorious?Next let’s learn something about it.●以热爱祖国为荣以危害祖国为耻●以服务人民为荣以背离人民为耻●以崇尚科学为荣以愚昧无知为耻●以辛勤劳动为荣以好逸恶劳为耻●以团结互助为荣以损人利己为耻●以诚实守信为荣以见利忘义为耻●以遵纪守法为荣以违法乱纪为耻●以困难奋斗为荣以骄奢淫逸为耻Step 2 Comprehension of the textFirst reading●By using these two rules, let’s go over the two letters for the first time and try to answer questions below.1. What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test?She thought it was quite easy.2. What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls’ toilet?She told Hannah how badly she had done in the Maths test.3. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they weren’t going to be friends any more?Because she thought that Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the Maths test.4. Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the match?He thought Matthew played badly and did not try hard enough. As a result, they lost the game.5.What did Matthew think about losing the match?He thought it was his fault.6. What kind of boy is Matthew? Is he usually a quiet boy?He is usually cheerful and out going.Second reading●Read the article again and finish part C2. Try to identify how Sarah and Andrew felt and why they felt like so.●Make sure you pick the relevant information within the given time.Step 3 Language items1.Match new words with their definitions2.Find out the similar words in the 2nd letterStep 4 Discussion1. Do you think Sarah and Hannah should try to be friends again or go their separate ways?2. If you found out that your best friends had made friends with another person,what would you think about this and what would you do?Step 5 Reading strategy●How do they show their strong feelings when meeting difficulties in friendship?1. I must be really stupid…. (line11)2. How they must have laughed behind my back! (line22)3. I was so angry that… (line23)4. It is really awkward….. (lin e 49)5. I can’t help wondering…. (line52-53)Step 6 Group workWork in groups and try to make a dialogue which is full of strong feelings.Suppose you were in a quarrel with your best friends, and turn to another one for help. You need to tell him the causes and how you feel about it. And the helper should give advice.Reading 2: Language FocusObjectives:1.Revise the reading passage by retelling it.2.Get the students to grasp the usage of some important words and expressions.3.Get the students to practice two important drills.Teaching important point:●Dear Sarah;You have every right to feel_________by your friend if she did tell your secrets to others,but it seems unlikely that she did. You say that you are best friends; well, best friends talk about their problems and try to solve them. If she is a good friend, you should___________for blaming her. If you still have doubts, you should think aboutwhy you don’t believe her. Was it because youWere ashamed of your______or your behavior?Did you feel jealous of your friend’s mark? If so,The problem lies with you, not her. Try not tosound too______of yourself when discussingMarks in front of others.However, if you feel that she is very bad atKeeping________and likes to embarrass you inPublic, you had better find a new friendDear Andrew,It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a ggod friend! Don’t forget that things are important to people, even when they don’t shout about them. The _______was probably very important to Matthew and he felt______about losing, and bad about not being as gifted at football as you are.A football team needs all the players to workTogether and help each other. Each playerShould play to their strengths. Shouting at yourTeammate was unfair and just made him feelworse. Although you both said________thingsto each other, one of you has to be first to saySorry. Don’t be stubborn.You say that your__________as important asFootball. Well, then you should be__________To get your friendship back. Do n’t delay. Talk toYour friend and I’m sure before long, you’ll beBack playing football together.language points1.We have been good friends since primary school.(line7)(1).Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since WWII.该国的失业率处于二战以来的最低水平.(2).She left her hometown five years ago. We haven’t seen her since.自那以后=from then on(3).It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain.(4).Since you are so busy, perhaps we shuold ask someone else.2.We are no fun.(un.) (line5)(1).Her baby is great fun./ sailing a boat is great fun. (有味的人/事)(2). I write not just for the pay, but for fun.(乐趣).We had a lot of fun at the party.(3).They often make fun of me for this.Donn’t make_____of the blind man.A funB funsC funnyD a funfun 做名词时不可数,不能与a连用,也没有复数形式.3.Must (when guessing,there seems to be no other possibilities) (line8-9) (1).I must have sounded very proud of myself.我当时的口气听上去确信专门自得.You must have left your wallet in the office.你确信是把钱包落在办公室里了.(2).may have d one(it’s not certain)Something may have happened to her.可能她发生了什么事.4.feel like(have an inclination or desire for) (line11-12)(1). I feel like I was overlooking my studies.(2). I felt like crying.我的父母晚饭之后总是想要出去散步.My parents always feel like going out for a walk after supper.feel like表示想要做某事,后可加doing sth.也能够加that clause.5.I was overlooking my studies. (line12)(1).forget/not see something important●we should not overlook the difficulties.●当第一次读的时候,我忽略了那个错误.●I overlooked the mistake the first time I read it.(2). not be angry with a bad thing请原谅我的错.●Please overlook my fault.(3). We want a room which overlook the garden,not one overlook the car park.我们想要一个能居高临下看到花园而不是停车场的房间.6.I was determined to be cheerful.(line14)●(1)adj.a.He is determined to take part in the international speech competititon.b.he is a determined supporter of President Bush.●(2)vi.He determined to take part in the international speech competition.他决定参加国际演讲竞赛.(3)vt.a.规定,确定例:They determined the date for the party.7. He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me. (line44-45)●(1).不要对她如此刻薄.Don’t be so mean to her.●(2). He was very mean with his money.unwilling to share or give what one has●(3). It is a mean dog. Be careful it does’t bite you. Bad-tempered/liking to hurt ●(4). Running ten miles is no mean achievement. very good8.I can’t stand seeing my team lose.(line45-46)(1)stand sb./sth.例:I can’t stand a lot of noise when I am reading.当我阅读时忍耐不了那么大的噪声I can’t stand this cold we ather.我忍耐不了那么冷的天气.He can’t bear that man. He talked too much.9.I can’t help wondering….. (line52-53)(1)cannot help doing sth.不由自主做某事例: He cannot help talking to his deskmate in class.上课时他忍不住要和同桌讲话.(2)cannot help it 没有方法例: He just can’t help i t. He has to obey orders.(3)can’t help do sth.无法关心做某事例:I can’t help do the housework for my mum.。

牛津译林版高中英语必修5Unit 1Getting along with othersGrammar and Usage同步练习1译林版必修5

牛津译林版高中英语必修5Unit 1Getting along with othersGrammar and Usage同步练习1译林版必修5

Module Five Unit OneGetting along with othersGrammar and UsageI. 翻译写出下列短语1. 劝说某人什么事_________________________________________________2. 劝说某人做/ 不做某事____________________________________________3. 他这个人容易被说服______________________________________________4. 我尽力劝说她戒酒,但最后徒劳______________________________________5. 小心做某事______________________________________________________6. 照顾; 照料;喜欢;爱好_____________________________________________7. 关心; 惦念;在意_________________________________________________8. 阻止某人做某事_________________________________________________9. 鼓励某人做某事_________________________________________________10. 请告诉我一切__________________________________________________11. 你在学校怎么样________________________________________________12. 我迫不急待地想见到你__________________________________________13. 我天天在网上聊天______________________________________________14. 假装做某事____________________________________________________15. 最好做了某事__________________________________________________ II.翻译下列句子1. 他的个性使他在班上很难与人相处.__________________________________________________________________ 2. 说实在的,我宁愿在家看电视,也不愿去打篮球,因为天气太热了.___________________________________________________________________ 3. 你最好不要让孩子晚上单独出门.___________________________________________________________________ 4. 那天晚上我什么也没有做,只是在家复习功课.___________________________________________________________________ 5. 我们期盼已久的一天终于来到了.___________________________________________________________________ 6. 她不喜欢当众被别人作弄.___________________________________________________________________ 7. 当心别喝多了.___________________________________________________________________ 8. 他因作弊而被老师处罚了.___________________________________________________________________ 9. 他说他明天早上六点起床,但他是绝对不会做到的.___________________________________________________________________ 10. 昨晚我走进他房间时, 他假装在看书.___________________________________________________________________11. 说到旅游, 你到过香港吗?___________________________________________________________________ 12. 由于有这样一个好的机会,他非常激动.___________________________________________________________________ III. 语法练习1.What is the way Lao Wang thought of _______ enough money to buy the house?A. to getB. gettingC. having gotD. being got2. Without fact, we can’t form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge __________ our thinking.A. which to be based onB. which to base onC. on which to baseD. which to base3. Tom pretended _________ it but in fact, he knew it very well.A. not listen toB. not to hear fromC. not to have heard aboutD. not to be listening to4. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _________ whether he was going in the right direction.A. seeingB. having seenC. to seeD. to have seen5. Hearing his words, I couldn’t decide __________ or remain.A. whether to go abroadB. if I go abroadC. if to go abroadD. to go abroad6. Lily’s mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never _______ again.A. to findB. to be foundC. findingD. being found7. --- Tomorrow is a holiday. Why are you doing your homework?--- I’m doing this exercise now so that I won’t have ________ on Sunday.A. forB. themC. itD. to8. I did nothing all day but ________ to my friend who I haven’t seen for almost a year.A. writeB. to writeC. wroteD. writing9. Would you please ________ leave the door open? It’s too cold here.A. notB. not toC. to notD. don’t10. ---I hear that you and your parents are going to spend your summer vocation in Beijing.--- Yes, we’re planning _________.A. toB. to beC. itD. to do it11. I don’t think it wise ________ the hard work that they have refused to do.A. for you to take onB. of you to take onC. for you taking onD. of you taking on12. My father promised to give some money and _______ anything I want to.A. to allow me to buyB. allow me to buyC. promised to allow me to buyD. that I would ask them to buy13. He spoke English slowly and clearly in class _________ because they are all freshmen.A. so as to be understoodB. to be understoodC. so as to understandD. to understand14. ________ the truth, he is not an honest man we can believe in.A. I am to tellB. ToldC. TellingD. To tell15. ________ a long story short, he wanted to marry her and get a lot of money.A. MakeB. To makeC. Jack had made D Making16. --- Have you found out the telephone number I need?--- Yes, but ________, I have sat here for nearly a half hour.A. for finding it outB. to find it outC. for finding out itD. to find it out17. Though it is polluted a little, yet this city with a long history is still a good place ___________.A. in which to liveB. to live inC. to liveD. all the above are right18. We didn’t expect the plan we had made very carefully for them ______ so coldly.A. refusedB. to refuseC. to be refusedD. refusing19. _______ into the college, he had to work hard at all the subjects, some of which he didn’t like.A. In order to admitB. In order to be admittedC. So as to admitD. So as to be admitted20. She works ______ hard ______ catch up with the top students.A. so; as toB. very; as toC. so; toD. as; as to21. It was undeliverable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _________ a look at the sports stars.A. hadB. havingC. to haveD. have22. _________ more about university courses, call (910) 746--- 5789 .A. To find outB. Finding outC. Find outD. Having found out23. All these gifts must be mailed immediately ________ in time for Christmas.A. in order to have receivedB. in order to receiveC. so as to be receivedD. so as to be receiving24. ---Manager, do you have something ________ at this moment?--- No, thanks. I’ll call you if any.A. to be typedB. to typeC. typingD. typed25. Mark _________ when he spoke ill of him.A. happened to be passedB. happened to be passing byC. happened passing byD. happened to pass26. Whom are you going to have _________ this letter for you?A. typeB. typedC. to typeD. been typing27. Alice stared angrily at the assistant and turned away, as though ______ out of the shop.A. goneB. wentC. would goD. to go28. _________ whether they will come or not.A. No one knowB. They can’t knowC. There is no tellingD. There is not telling29. Mr. White are determined to devote all he had to ________ some Hope Schools for the poor children in mountains.A. set upB. setting upC. having set upD. have set up30. _______ made all of us happy.A. Mary’s married JackB. Mary has been married JackC. Mary marrying JackD. Mary’s marrying Jack31.---Why were you late for work today again?--- _________ to the office was very slow this morning due to the traffic.A. To driveB. A driveC. I have been drivingD. Driving32. He was lucky to escape _______ to prison.A. being sentB. sendingC. to be sentD. sent33. John was caught _______ his neighbor’s apples the other day.A. to stealB. stealingC. having stolenD. to have stolen34. There is no point _______ to play the piano, unless you practice every day.A. to learnB. by learningC. in learningD. having learned35. I really appreciate ________ to help me , but I’m sure that I can manage by myself.A. you to offerB. which you offerC. that you are offeredD. your offering Ⅳ.完形填空An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his 36 to leave the house building 37 and live a more leisurely life with his wife, 38 time with his extended family. He would 39 the pay, but he needed to retire. They could 40 .The employer was 41 to see such a good worker leave and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal 42 . The carpenter said yes, but in time it was43 to see that his heart was not in his work. He built the house 44 and used poor materials. It was an 45 way to end his career.When the carpenter 46 his work, the employer handed the front-door key to the carpenter.“This is your house.”he said, “my 47 to you.”.What a shock! What a 48 ! If he had only known he was building his 49 house, he would have done it all so 50 . Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.51 it is with us. We build our 52 in a distracted (心不在焉的) way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At 53 points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have 54 and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had 55 that, we would have done it differently.36. A. retirement B. problem C. purposes D. plans37. A. business B. site C. teams D. workers38. A. spending B. dividing C. enjoying D. sparing39. A. consider B. miss C. raise D. save40. A. get by B. get along C. get back D. get around41. A. ashamed B. anxious C. frightened D. sorry42. A. favor B. bargain C. present D. reply43. A. frank B. probable C. easy D. content44. A. sadly B. carelessly C. slowly D. proudly45. A. unfair B. unhappy C. unfortunate D. unlucky46. A. checked B. discovered C. prepared D. finished47. A. gift B. salary C. memory D. punishment48. A. quality B. prize C. shame D. surprise49. A. final B. best C. everlasting D. own50. A. differently B. quickly C. hard D. happily51. A. Then B. So C. But D. Whatever52. A. houses B. bodies C. glories D. lives53. A. difficult B. main C. strong D. important54. A. created B. faced C. improved D. avoided55. A. recognized B. known C. realized D. previewedGrammar and UsageI. 翻译写出下列短语1. persuade sb. to do2. persuade sb. into doing / not to do / out of doing3. He is easily persuaded.4. I tried to persuade her to give up drinking , but in vain.5. take care to do sth.6. care for7. care about8. discourage sb. from doing sth.9. encourage sb. to do sth.10. please tell me all11. how are you doing at school?12. I can’t wait to see you.13. I chat on the line daily.14. pretend to do / to be doing / to have done15. had better have done sth.II.翻译下列句子1. His personality made it difficult for him to get along with others in his class.2. To tell you the truth, I would rather stay home watching TV than play basketballbecause of the hot weather.3. You’d better not have your child go out alone at night.4. That evening I had nothing to do but review my lessons.5. The day we had been looking forward to came at last.6. She doesn’t enjoy being made fun of in public.7. Take care not to drink too much.8. He was punished for his cheating in the exam.9. He says that he will get up at six tomorrow morning, but he’ll never make it.10. Last night when I entered his study, he pretended to be reading.11. Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Hong kong?12. Because of there being a good chance, he was excited.III. 语法练习1—5 ACCCA 6—10 BDAAA 11—15 BBADB 16—20 BDCBA 21—25 CACAB 26--- 30 ADCBD 31—35 DABCDⅣ.完形填空36—40 DACBA 41—45 DACBC 46—50 DACDA 51—55 BDDAC。



重点词汇讲解1. worth / worthybe worth + money ( the price) 值……钱be (well / better) worth doing sth. (很)值得做某事(worth前的修饰副词只能用well,不可以用very, much等)be worthy of sth. / of being done / to be done1) The trip was expensive but it was worth every penny.这次旅行花费很大,但是花的每一分钱都不冤枉。

2) The book is worth reading. = it is worth reading this book.这本书值得一读。

2. fun u./n.乐趣;有趣的人/ 物funny adj.滑稽的有趣的1) It’s great fun talking with you. 和你交谈很愉快。

2) What fun it is to meet so many new friends!与到这么多新朋友是多么愉快的事啊!3) He is good fun; we all enjoy being with him.他是个有趣的人,我们都喜欢跟他在一起。

3. say=read ……上说/写着1) I found a sign which read/said ‘NO PARKING’.我发现一块告示,上面写着: “不准停车”。

2) When I returned home, I found a note pinned on my door saying that I should go to attend a meeting that afternoon.当我回到家时,我发现门上钉着一张便条,通知我下午去开会。

4. pretend vt./vi. 假装pretend sth./to do/ that从句1) When I went in, he pretended to be reading a book.我进门时,他假装正在看一本书。


brilliant adj. 优秀的,杰出的;灿烂的;聪明的
focus vi.& vt.集中注意力;聚焦 n. 焦点,关注点
absent-minded adj.心不在焉的
afterwards adv.然后,后来
yell vi.& n.吼叫,大叫
mean adj. 刻薄的,卑鄙的,吝啬的
guilty 内疚的,有罪的
2. Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very ___________ (学术的)and like to study, but we like it that way.
3. We went to wash our hands in the girls’ toilets before lunch and I a__________ how badly I had done.
17. She says I spend an ___________ (不合理的) amount of time online.
18. Mum says I had better pass my exams, or she will sell the computer as ________(惩罚).
hesitate vi. 犹豫,迟疑不决
respond vi. 做出反应,回应,回答
hesitation n. 犹豫,迟疑不决
regardless adv.不管,不顾
1. get along with
2. be worth sth/doing sth
3. be worried about

牛津高中英语 模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others-新课标[原创] .ppt

牛津高中英语 模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others-新课标[原创] .ppt
Are the writers of the letters feeling happy or sad?
They both feel sad.
What did Sarah get for the surprise Maths test?
The lowest mark in the class.
Is Matthew usually a quiet boy?
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
5. What did Matthew think about losing the match?
Matthew thought that having lost the game was not his fault and that Andrew shouldn’t yell at him because he thought one couldn’t always give a great performance.
3. 4.
Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they weren’t going to be
friends any more?
Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the match
What did Matthew think about losing the match?
Lead in
Have you ever quarreled with your best friend? Why did you quarrel with each other? Who shouted at the other first? What did you do at that time? What was your mood at that time? Are you still friends?

unit1 Getting along with others-- Reading(牛津版必修5)

unit1 Getting along with others-- Reading(牛津版必修5)

Finish Exercise E on page 5 and get to know what advice it is that the magazine agony aunt actually gives to Sarah and Matthew.
Keys: (1)betrayed (2)pretended (3)horrible (4)awkward (5)apologize
Practice of Reading Strategy: Read A friendship in trouble, and try to
find out Andrew’s problem and how he feels about it by filling in the blanks:
Andrew felt: ___________ ___________ ___________ Why?
Secrets and lies Fast reading:
Sarah got a D in a surprise Maths test. Secret:______________________
Hannah denied having let out the secret. Lie:_________________________
Group work: Problem solving (2)
My advice to all of you on how to mend a friendship: 1. You have to talk to your friend. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. 2. If your friend doesn’t want to talk, you could write a letter. 3. Always remember there are three steps to being friends again:


[名师点津] pretend 后接不定式和从句作宾语,不接动名词 作宾语。
3.(教材 P2)We went to wash our hands in the girls' washroom before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done. 午饭前,我们一起去女洗手间洗手,我承认了自己的成绩 很糟糕。
4.(教材 P2)I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we weren't going to be friends any more because she couldn't keep her word. 我非常生气,于是径直去找汉娜并且告诉她我们将不再是 朋友了,因为她不信守诺言。 keep one's word(=keep one's promise)


法 disagreement
→cheer+-ful →sincere+-ly →disagree+-ment
Ⅲ.补全短语 1.stare at 2.get on/along with 3. keep one's word 4.belong to 5.spy on 6.keep pace with 7.before long 8.as a result of
Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit & Reading — Language points
Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.It's no use pretending (假装) that you didn't know the rules. 2.A true friend never betrays (出卖) his friends even in time of

高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:Unit 1 Getting along with others Section Ⅳ 知能演练闯关含答案

高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:Unit 1 Getting along with others Section Ⅳ 知能演练闯关含答案

A卷Ⅰ单句语法填空1.The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition.She seemed ____________ (prepare) for it pretty well.答案:to have prepared2.I am delighted ____________ (invite) to the strawberry farm.I really had a good time there.答案:to have been invited3.____________ (feel) where he was going,the blind boy had to walk with a stick.答案:To feel4.—Nowadays quite a few people choose to drive their private cars to and from work. —Indeed.But I think they seem ____________ (lose)the benefit little by little that walking brings to their health.答案:to be losing5.She pretended ____________ (listen) to the manager,but actually she was thinking about something else.答案:to be listening6.He seems ____________ (finish) his homework.答案:to have finished7.What is the best way you can imagine ____________ (reduce) the overuse of water in our school?答案:to reduce8.You may go now.I have no more letters __________(type).答案:to be typed9.Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people ____________ (climb) the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains.答案:to climb10.The international science project ____________(accomplish) by the end of 2022 will achieve people’s dream of living on the Mars.答案:to be accomplishedⅡ阅读理解Hi Singapore First Aid Training Center!I am Nivashini Kaliaperumal, a research officer working at the Institute of Molecular andCell Biology (IMCB). Under the coaching of both you and Mr. Jason Sim, I was certified(证明) to be a first aider yesterday.Coincidentally(恰巧), my first aid skills were put to test today. While returning to work with my workmates after lunch, we noticed a small crowd gathered around a 4D shop.Surprisingly, they weren’t buying lottery(彩票) tickets. Instead a pale looking aunty seated on the step of the shop had attracted a crowd around her.We immediately rushed to the scene.I introduced myself as a certified first aider, which put her mind at rest.Though feeling weak,she refused to lie down.I realized that she was in a poorly ventilated(空气流通不好的) area as many were frequently walking past her.My workmates and I moved her to a well ventilated area.Some kind onlookers bought her mineral water.She felt better after resting and drinking some water.A bleeding wound was noticed on her neck.She had been injured during her fall and was feeling weak.Thankfully a medical shop was nearby and necessary first aid items were bought.While dressing the wound,I collected necessary information (name,health problems,medicine,etc.) about her.She is a patient with high blood pressure who takes her medicine regularly.A complete head to toe examination was performed.No further sign of bleeding was observed.We encouraged her to see a doctor before she left for home.Being trained with proper first aid knowledge and skills allowed me to help Aunty Sally today.Thank you for taking the time to teach us these lifesaving skills.It has given me confidence to reach out to those in need and provide proper care.Special thanks to the First Aid Team for making a difference in our lives.Best wishes,Nivashini 【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文。

牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 1《Getting along with others》文化背景

牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 1《Getting along with others》文化背景

Cultural variations of friendshipA group of frien ds consists of two or more people who are in a mutually pleasing relationship engendering a sentiment of camar aderie, exclusivity, and mutual trust. There are varying degrees of "cl oseness" between friends. Hence, some people choose to differentiate and categorize friendships based on this sentiment.RussiaThe relationship is constructed differently in different cultures. In Russia, f or example, one typically accords very few people the status of "friend". These friendships, however, make up in i ntensity what they lack in number. Friends are entitled to call each other by their first names alone, and to use diminutives. A norm of polite behaviour is addressing "acquaintances" by full first name plus patronymic. These could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as r eal friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal and visit, and so on. Physical contact between friends was expected, and friends, whether or not of the same sex, would embrace, sometimes kiss and walk in public with their arms around e ach other, or arm-in-arm, or hand-in-hand.AsiaIn the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships, while less restricted than in Russ ia, tend also to be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use nick names and diminutive forms of their first n ames.Modern westIn the Western world, intimate ph ysical contact has been sexualized in the public mind over the last one hundred years and is considered almost taboo in friendship, especially between two males. However, stylized hugging or kissing may be considered acceptable, depending on the context (see, for example, the kiss the tramp gives the kid in The Kid). In Spain and other Mediterranean countries, men may embrace each other in public and kiss each other on the chee k. This is not limited solely to older generations but rather is present throughout all generations. In young children throughout the modern Western world, friendship, usually of a homosocial nature, typically exhibits elements of a closeness and intimacy suppressed later in life in order to conform to societal standards.。

高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:Unit 1 Getting along with others Section Ⅲ 知能演练闯关含答案

高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:Unit 1 Getting along with others Section Ⅲ 知能演练闯关含答案

Ⅰ品句填词1.The story has attracted ____________ (全世界的)attention.答案:worldwide2.There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot ____________ (克服).答案:overcome3.He continued to talk about his success in business,____________ (不顾) of my feeling.答案:regardless4.I knocked on the door and tried to wake up the children,but there was no ____________(回应)at all.答案:response5.When asked about his ____________ (态度) towards such a matter,he remained silent.答案:attitude6.The merchant is too ____________(吝啬的) to his workers.答案:meanⅡ单句改错1.You may rely on that he will come to meet you.____________________答案:在that前加it2.We’ll finish the task on time regardless what might happen.____________________答案:在regardless后加of3.At first they hated each other,but they ended up became good friends.____________________ 答案:became→becoming4.He won’t show any evidence unless asking to.____________________答案:asking→asked5.Thanks for electronic mail,today you can send a letter halfway around the world in seconds simply by pressing a button.____________________答案:for→toⅢ完成句子1.如果你们早一点来,你们会遇上他的。

牛津译林版高中英语模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Read

牛津译林版高中英语模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Read
2. Students will learn and use the reading strategy: reading to understand feelings.
1. Students will understand the two passages well.
2. Students will learn how to mend a broken friendship and how to make their friendship last long.
Secret: Sarah got a D in a surprise Maths test.
Lie: Hannah denied having let out the secret.
3. Careful reading: Students read the letter again, this time carefully and try to answer the following questions:
Think about their own experiences and discuss the friendship which has meant the most to them or influenced them the most.
Ss read the title of the passage and the first sentence of the first paragraph, and try to predict the main idea of the letter.
Unit 1 Getting along with others Reading教学案1

译林版英语Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others知识点课件47张

译林版英语Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others知识点课件47张

6.blame vt.责备,指责n.(坏事或错事的)责任;责备;指责 教材原句 ①While it may feel awkward, if she really is your best friend you should apologize for blaming ( blame)her. ◆单句填空 ②Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning,and put the blame
Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others
1.pretend vi. & vt.假装;装扮,扮作 教材原句 ①Afterwards, I pretended to be
(be) cheerful, but Hannah sensed
something was wrong.
on the alarm clock. ③Jeremy rather than his friends is to blame (blame)for the accident.
④It is obvious that you are to blame for the accident. ⑤She was said to have been charged with drunk driving. ⑥I was told that he was accused of murder. ◆完成句子 ⑦我们不能把这起事故归咎于天气。 We can't blame the accident on the weather. =We can't put/lay the blame for the accident on the weather.

牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 1《Getting along with others》(Project)教案

牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 1《Getting along with others》(Project)教案

Unit1 Getting along with others Project教材:牛津高中英语(模块五)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计—教案单元:Unit 1 Getting along with others板块:Project作者:Thoughts on the design:本课是以读引做的project。





通过学习,学生将能出好一份调查问卷进行调查并模仿“Teenagers’ Friendships”完成一份调查报告。

Teaching aims:After learning proje ct, the students will be able to1.have a deep a nd clear understanding of different attitudes of boys and girlstowards friendship2.know the structure of a report3.know the tips of making a questionnaire4.group themselves and divide work among themselves5.design a questionnaire and write a reportTeaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in (PPT1-4)Daily talk about friendsBoys and girls, in this unit, we have talked about friends and friendship. Tom(a boy), do you have a good friend, why? Mary (a girl), do you have a good friend?Why do you think so?All the boys have something in common and so do all the girls. So from their answers, we can find that boys and girls do have differences on the topic of “friends and friendship”. Someone has conducted a survey and written a report on this topic. In this class, we will study it and also we have to give our own report on other differences between adolescent girls and boys.[Explanation]这个project让学生比较男女生的某个差别并作出一个报告。

牛津版必修5 unit1 word power课件 Getting along with others

牛津版必修5  unit1 word power课件 Getting along with others

Group work
Try to describe their personalities
Match these adjectives to their meanings
•treating people as his friends •spending more time in study or work •deserving trust • having or showing that someone has good manners •always has consideration for others • providing help or always being willing to help others

Let’s have a try
• Use some adjectives to describe people’s personalities
“Dae Jang Geum” What kind of person
is she? kind/ helpful/ warmhearted smart/ clever /diligent/ hardworking/creative/ strongminded
2. He is not mean with his money but willing to share or ready to generous give others freely. So he is ______ 3. It is difficult to get on well with Mr. Smith because his feeling or mood is always changing quickly. So Mr. Smith moody is ____________



2)词组: stand out ① 坚持 e.g.:They stood out till victory. 他们坚持到胜利。 ② 引人注目,脱颖而出 e.g.:Our daughter is a great dancer, she stands out above the rest. 我们的女儿是一个不错的舞者,她从许多舞者中脱 颖而出。 She stands out in the crowd, for she is two meters in height. 她在人群中显得很突出,因为她身高两米。 stan词”的词组小结 in hospital在住院 in store储藏着;准备着 in prison在监狱(服刑 in general 大体上(=generally) in battle在战斗中 in peace平平安安地(=peacefully) in order井然有序 in secret秘密地(=secretly) in danger在危险中 in surprise惊奇地(=surprisely) in doubt 感到怀疑 in public公开地(=publicly) in common共有 in person亲自(=personally) in debt负债 in particular特别地(=particularly) in sight看得见 in silent无声地(=silently)
18.apologiz(s)e v. apology n.歉意 apologize to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb.for doing sth.因做某事向某人道歉 make an apology道歉 1)单独使用。 It is your fault. You must apologize. 这是你的过错,你 必须道歉。 I really don't know who is to apologize. 我的确不知道 谁应该道歉。 2)表示“向……表示歉意”要加介词to。
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To-infinitive & Bare infinitive
&Verb-ing form as a noun
Part 2
Verb-ing form as a noun
分析句子中的-ing form成分
1. Seeing is believing. (眼见为实) 2. I appreciate swimming in the river in the summer.
put off doing; cannot help doing keep on doing 不停地做;what about doing 做……怎么样;think of doing 考 虑做;be interested in doing 对做……
感兴趣;have some difficulty/trouble
如: I like swimming but I don’t like to swim in winter. I prefer to drive rather than be driven. I prefer driving to riding.
Tip 2 有些动词,如forget,remember, regret, mean, try,stop等,后面接动名词表示 的动作先于谓语动词动作,不定式表示的动 作后于谓语动词。 go on doing 继续做同样的事 接着做另一件事
(in) doing 做某事有困难;be busy (in)
doing 忙于做;
Tip1: 有些动词 (begin, start, continue,
prefer,like, love, hate)后面既可以接不定式
go on to do
1.Remember ________(book) tickets for the to book cinema on you way home. returning 2. I remember __________(return) the book to you yesterday. saying 3. Waving tour hands means _________(say) good-bye in China. 4. I didn’t mean ______(hurt) you by saying it. to hurt 5. I regret ________(inform) to inform you that you have failed the exam. 6. How I regret ________(waste) so much wasting time playing online games.
动 名 词
表语 宾语 定语
1. 动名词的句法功能:动名词由动词加 ing构成,与现在分词的形式相同。 动名词主要起名词作用,在句中担任 主语、表语、宾语和定语。
① 作主语,可以直接放在句首,但在某 些习惯表达法中也可以用先行代词it作 为形式主语,而把动名词后置,如:
It is no use /useless/no good/ great fun/a waste of time+ 动名词: 做某事没用(不好) It’s no use crying over spilt milk. (覆水难收) It’s no good smoking in public.
He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he could not risk ____ the good opportunity. A. to lose C. to be lost B. losing D. being lost
--- There is a story here in the paper
His hobby is collecting stamps. 可改为: Collecting stamps is his hobby. Cf. He is collecting stamps. (is collecting
不能改为:Collecting stamps is he.
3. I cannot help wondering why she
doesn’t like me.
4. He was lucky to escape being killed.
5. I keep fit by running everyday.
6. You must prepare a sleeping bed for it.about a 1来自0-year-old man.
--- My goodness! I can’t imagine __ that
A. to be B. to have been
C. being
D. having been
③作宾语 下列动词只能接动名词作宾语 avoid,admit, appreciate, consider, dislike,delay, deny, enjoy, escape, finish, ,imagine, practise, mind, miss,keep,suggest, miss,risk, stand, understand, allow,forbid等) 下列动词短语只能接动名词作宾语
② 作表语:通常是说明主语的内容,
I can’t stand __ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses __ talking while she works. A.working; stopping B. to work; stopping C. working; to stop D. To work; to stop
be used to doing 习惯于做;look forward to doing 盼望做;devote one’s life to doing 致力于做;spend time (in) doing 花时间做;be fond of doing 喜爱 做;be good at doing 擅长做;be proud of doing 为做……而自豪;be tired of doing 对做……感到厌倦;feel like doing 想做;lead to导致;insist on坚持 要做;object to反对;succeed/be successful in 成功地做了