
关键词:连续梁;模态分析;MIDAS;有限元分析;中图分类号:U446.1 文献标识码:AExperimental modal analysis of the three-span continuous beamsChen Kun.etc(Department of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006,China)Abstract:In order to study the dynamic deformation features of the continuous beam bridge,a modal analysis test of the three-span continuous beams was carried out with the DASP,combined with the vibration theory and finite element analysis software MIDAS in this paper,then the frequency and damp ratio of this continuous beams were obtained . The results of finite element analysis and the test modal analysis were compared. The results shows that the test modal analysis and the analytic modal result are almost the same. Th e deviation of the frequency didn’t exceed 2%. It shows that the modal analysis test is a good way to get the modal parameters of the continuous beams.Keywords: continuous beams ; modal analysis; MIDAS; finite element analysis0引言连续梁桥是中小跨径桥梁中常用的桥型,具有结构刚度大、行车平稳舒适等优点。

Vibrational spectroscopy6.3.1 Fundamentals of vibrational spectroscopyDefinition Vibrational spectroscopy:is concerned with the d t ti f t iti detection of transitions between energy levels in molecules that result from stretching and bending vibrations of the interatomic bonds.asymmetricalVibrational spectroscopyKinds of vibrational spectroscopy ¾Infra-red spectroscopy(more sensitive to polarized group)6.3.1 Fundamentals of vibrational spectroscopysymmetrical¾Raman spectroscopy (moresensitive to non-polarized)Both methods are concerned with vibrations in molecules , they differ in the manner in which interaction with the exciting radiation occurs .Linear PE: (a) IR, (b)RamanFig. 6-14 Dipole moment of HClVibrational spectroscopyVibrating of Disulfide carbonSymmetrical stretchingInfrared inactive 6.3.2 Infrared spectroscopyAsymmetrical stretchingBendingInfrared activeInfrared inactive Fig. 6-15 Vibration of Disulfide carbonm1lowHigh/cm-1High/cm-1lowVibrational spectroscopy Methylbenzene(甲苯)2005.2 S. Guv =0 represents the ground state v =l the excited vibrational state6.3.3 Raman spectroscopy(1)(2)(3)Vibrational spectroscopy ¾The essential prerequisite for Raman scattering is a change in the polarizability of the bond when vibrations occur.Polarizability may be thought of as a measure of 6.3.3 Raman spectroscopy¾Polarizability may be thought of as a measure of theFig. 6-16 Motion state of linear molecules Degrees of freedom (H2O) : 3×3−6 = 3Vibraitonal modes (methylene group):2926cm-1(s)asνAsymmetricalsν: 2853 cm Symmetricalδ:1468 cm-1(m) δr:720 cm-1(CH1306~1303cm-1(w)γt :1250cmscissoring rocking waggingHexaneFour peakspSpectral interpretation always starts at the high end, because there are the best group frequencies and they are the easiest to interpret. No peaks appear above 3000 cm-1, the cut-off for unsaturated C-H. the four peaks below 3000 cm-1 are saturated C-H stretching modes.HexaneThe peak at 2962 cm-1 isassigned to the antisymmetricassigned to the antisymmetricstretch of the CH3group. Thisvibration is always found inthe range 2962±10 cm-1. thereare actually two degenerateantisymmetric stretchingmodes (only one shown).HexaneAt 2926cm-1, the CH2antisymmetric stretchabsorbs.Normal range:2926±10 cm-1.HexaneAt 2872cm-1, the CH3symmetric stretchabsorbs.Normal range:2872±10 cm-1.HexaneAt2853-1,the CHAt 2853cm, the CH2symmetric stretchabsorbs.Normal range:2853±10 cm-1.Vibrational spectroscopy Hexane1470cm-1This is the C-H bendingregion, expanded to show thenearly overlapping peaks forthe CH3and CH2bends.Vibrational spectroscopyHexanerocking When four or more CH2groups arein a chain, a vibration at 720±10cm-1corresponds to concertedrocking of all of the CH2’s.Vibrational spectroscopyHexanol3334 cm-1–OH stretch. Normal range: 3350±150 cm-1.This is a very characteristic group frequency. All of thepeaks due to the OH group are broad due to hydrogenbonding.Vibrational spectroscopy Hexanol 1430 cm -1–OH bend . Normal range: 1400±100 cm -1. This broad peak is buried under the CH bending modes.Vibrational spectroscopyHexanol660 cm -1–OH wag. While not a group frequency, this is another band due to the OH.Vibrational spectroscopy Aromatic ring expansion (Methylbenzene )At 1601 cm -1, thesymmetric ring strethch absorbs. Normal range: 1590±10 cm -1. This ib ti h di lOnly notsymmetrically substituted.vibration has a dipole change (and absords in IR) only when notsymmetrically substituted. The intensity of this band also varies with thesubstituent. Compare to p-xylene from the overlay menu.Vibrational spectroscopyAromatic ring expansion (Methylbenzene )At 1500cm -1, a different ring stretch absorbs. Range: 1500±10cm -1. Variable intensityVibrational spectroscopy 6.3.6 Comparing of IR and Raman SpectroscopyasymmetricalsymmetricalFig. 6-17 Linear PE: (a) IR, (b) Raman。

The development of mold oscillation 1.ForewordThe mold is in the heart of the continuous casting machine parts. Pouring the molten steel,if the knotCrystal device fixed fixed,the slab easily mold to bond,increasing the pullThe billet resistance,leading to"pull them or pull the drain accident,it is difficult to pourNote.Vibration of the mold with some regularity,so that wall to get a goodThe conditions of lubrication, reducing friction and prevent the molten steel and the inner wall of stickyKnot, but also can improve the quality of the surface of the slab.The event of a bond,The vibration can be forced stripping,to eliminate bonding.Vibration of the mold casting successA prerequisite is an important milestone in the development of continuous casting.Vibration ResultsCrystal device of the invention,was able to achieve large-scale industrial application of continuous casting technologySurgery.With the development of continuous casting technology,mold oscillation technology has been steadily Developments.2.The history of the two mold oscillation technology developmentThe first continuous caster is stationary in the process of casting billetShell easily and the crystallizer wall bond,leading to"pull them"or pullLeakage accidents.Therefore,the stationary vibration of crystallization limit the continuous casting productionIndustrialization.Until1933the founder of modern continuous casting---GermanySiegfried capacity Hans(Siegflied, Junghans)has developed a moldVibration device,and successfully applied to the continuous casting of non-ferrous metal brass.v Rossi,1949S.Yung Hans collaboratorslrving Rossi,Yung Hans vibration mold the use of patentsRights, and in the United States about A Le Delong Steel Corporation(Allegheng LudlumSteel Corporation)Watervliet plant bloom continuous casting test machineOn the use of vibration mold.At the same time,allow Hans vibration moldWas King Hu,the root,西德曼内斯曼(Mannesmann)(Huckingen)plants for continuous casting pilot continuous casting machine.The successful application of the mold oscillation in these two continuous casting machine,widely used for vibration technology laid the foundation for 3.Vibration forms of developmentMold oscillation experienced a rectangle speed,trapezoidal speed the way to the most widely used sinusoidal vibration mode,and in recent years more advanced non-sinusoidal vibration mode.3.1Rectangular speed lawThe rectangle speed law is the first emergence of a vibration mode.Itsmain features are:Mold and Billet declined synchronous movement,and then increased to three times the casting speed.Production practice shows that such modes of vibration of the slab mold release is effective,early applications.But such modes of vibration of the main problems are:the law of motion of the cam is too much trouble processing;a strict electrical chain in order to ensure the strict synchronous movement,vibration agencies and casting agencies;the turning point in the rise and fallat the speed of change in acceleration equal to infinity in theory.Connected to the transition curve between the rise and fall segments of the cam curve acceleration reach infinity, but is still great.Slab quality and the normal operation of the vibration system is disadvantageous,and therefore not easy to adopt high-frequency vibration.3.2trapezoidal speed lawTrapezoidal speed law is the Improved rectangle speed law.Its main features are:mold longer period of time in the process of downward movement speed slightly larger than throwing degrees,the so-called"negative sliding pressive stress in the solidified shell,you can fracture in the mold, the solidified shell together,so that the adhesive solidified shell forced demoulding;mold at the turning point in the rise and fall,the speed change is more relaxed and conducive to mention sportsstationary.Practice has proved that the trapezoidal velocity law is a good law of vibration,and therefore used for many ter sinusoidal vibration law replaced.3.3sine speed lawThe basic starting point is to choose this speed laws:Breaking the Have a certain speed relationship between the mold and slab frame,focusing on Play its the demoulding role;eccentric wheel to replace the cam.The main features of this rate law as follows:3.3.1mold and shell between synchronous stages of exercise,but still A short negative slide,and is conducive to crack the"healing"and release the solidified shell.3.3.2As speed is a sinusoidal change,so acceleration is Cosine curve.Mold oscillation stable.3.3.3Due to the smaller acceleration,you can use the higher frequency vibration,enabling Eliminate the bonding of the solidified shell,the improve demoulding role.3.3.4sinusoidal vibration is the eccentric mechanism than the cam Superior institutions,manufacturing is easy,convenient lubrication sealed motion accuracy High,easy to use high-frequency vibration.Sinusoidal vibration,the law is the most widely used at home and abroad a vibration law.Billet,slab and thin slab continuous casting machine,it has the most widely used.3.4non-sinusoidal speed lawSinusoidal vibration characteristics depends on the amplitude and vibration frequency,only two vibration parameters,the independent variable waveform regulate the ability of small,negative sliding time as the vibration frequency decreases and amplitude increases with increasing,but too high vibration frequency is too large amplitude will reduce the stability of the system, increasing the friction between the slab and mold.Therefore,in order to meet the above requirements in recent years,non-sinusoidal vibration.The main features of the non-sinusoidal vibration mode:negative slide a short time,and reduce the slab surface depth of oscillation marks;is sliding a long time can increase the consumption of mold flux,mold lubrication;the velocity of the mold up and small slab movement speed can reduce mold applied to the slab up the role of friction,you can reduce the tensile stress in the solidified shell to reduce the crack.Non-sinusoidal vibration to achieve both hydraulic and mechanical.Hydraulic servo system abroad,to allow pouring during the vibration waveform,frequency,amplitude adjustment,the system is complex,invest in expensive,high maintenance on equipment and requirements.Represent the meaning DEMAG hydraulic servo system,the vibration waveform curve displacement curve and velocity curve:S(t)=hsin[ωt-αsin(ωt)]V(t)=h[ω-αωcos(ωt)]cos[ωt-αsin(ωt)]Where:h-amplitude,mm;ω-angular frequency,rad/min.;alpha-waveform deflection rate;S-input displacement;V-input speed.Mechanical drive to achieve the non-sinusoidal vibration device, compared to the hydraulic servo system has a simple structure,ease of processing,manufacturing and maintenance costs low,especially for the transformation of the original continuous casting machine.The vibration waveform curve:S(t)=hsin{2arctg[1+E1-Etg(πft,)]}V(t)=h(1-E2)ω1-E2-2Ecos(ωt)cos{2arctg,[1+E1-Etg(πft,)]}Where:h-amplitude,mm;ω-angular frequency,rad/min.;E-waveform skew factor,and the waveform deflection rate ofαcorresponds to the relationship Department;S-input displacement;V-input speed.4ConclusionEarly caster mold vibration by the cam the rectangle speed laws and trapezoidal velocity law,a single waveform,failed to achieve the optimization of the vibration waveform.Eccentric mechanism to sinusoidal vibration of themold has been developed,and its vibration parameters were optimized to achieve high-frequency vibration in order to improve the quality of slab surface. The current development of non-sinusoidal vibration waveform wide range of options,and easy to adjust,reduce the frictional resistance of the slab and the crystallizer wall,especially the mechanical drive system,the system is simple, low investment and great promotion prospects in the country.However, depending on the actual situation,the sinusoidal vibration technology relies on its low cost,simple equipment is still in the continuous casting technology occupy an extremely important position.With the increasingly high demand for automation technology,sine vibration technology is non-sinusoidal vibration technology to replace the necessity of the development is the inevitable result of the development of human society.Machine结晶器振动技术的发展1前言结晶器是连铸机的心脏部件。

Mechanical Vibrations(机械振动)Mechanical vibrations are the oscillatory motions, either continuous or transient, of objects and structures. In some instances they are purposefuIandintegraltothedesignofamachineasinapneumaticdrillorareciprocat ingengine.Inmostinstances,however,theyareincidentaloraccidentalandmayimp air thenormalfunctioning ofastructureorinstrument. Suchvibrationsenterintoallaspectsofthemechanicalworldandarethereforeofint eresttosomeextentinallfieldsofengineeringscienceandphysics.Aknowledgeofthefundamentalsofmechanical vibrationsisindispensabletopractitionersofthesevariedtechnologies. EffectsofVibrationsinMechanicalSystems Thereareanumberofweightyreas onsfor thewidespreadinterestinthefundamentalsandpracticalaspects ofmechanicalvibrations. Onesuchreasonisthepossibilityofundesirableeffectsbyvibrationsonmechanica lsystems.Anygeneralmechanicalsystem,forexample,wholebuildings,instrument sonthebenchinthelaboratory,complexmechanicaltoolsonthefloorofaworkshop,tr ansportvehiclesorahumanbeingmayberepresentedbysomepatternorformofinter connectedmass/spring/damperelements.Sincemostdrivingforcesƒt maybede emedtohaveharmoniccomponents,thepossibility ofexcitingresonancewithintheover-allsystemisgreat.Ifaresonanceisnotdamped, thedisplacement ofthemassandhencethestretching ofthespringelementwilltendtowardsinfinity.Thespringcomponentwillfractureandf orthisreasonundampedresonancesmustbe avoidedfortheprotection ofequipmentandinstruments.Thisappliesalsowhenthehumanbodyis part oftheover-allsystemwhichmightexperiencethedamagingresonance.Long-termexposure ofamechanicalsystemtovibrations offrequenciesawayfromresonance canalsocausedamagethroughthemechanismoffatigue.Thus,ifamechanicalcomponentsuchasaspringissubjectedtorepetitiveorcyclicalapplications ofstresslevelsmuchlowerthantheultimatestrength,itwillfractureafteralargenumb er ofrepetitions ofthisstress.Indeed,ifthenumberofcyclesofstressisincreased,theamplitudeofthe stressneededeventuallytocausefracturebecomeslower. Theunderlyingmechanisminfatigueappearstobethegradualunzipping ofintermolecularbondsstartingfromadefectorweaknessinthemolecularstructure. Anotherundesirableeffectofvibrationsisthefactthattheycanimpairthenormalfun ctioningofinstruments,Thus,iftherearevibrationswithinanelectronmicroscopewhichmag nifies by over×104,ablurredimagecanresult.VibrationsinamicrotomecanresuItincuts ofdifferentthicknesses.Likewise,manydevicesinfineengineeringandopticscannottolerate excessivevibrations.Electricalconnectionscanbeundonebyvibrations. Unwantedvibrationsinasystem,furthermore,indicateinefficiency. Energyis wastedinexcitingthevibrationsinstead ofbeingeffectivelydirectedtothework ofthesystem.Anotherundesirableside-effect ofvibratingstructuresisthegeneration ofaudiblenoise.Suchnoisecanbepsychologicallyannoyingtohumanbeingsworki ngintheenvironmentandrendernormalvoicecommunicationimpossible.Ifextrem e,noisecan irreparablydamagehumanhearing.Themostthorough way ofsuppressingsuchnoiseistoreduceoreliminatethevibrationscausingit. Considerableeffortisdevotedtothemeasurementandexamination ofseismicvibrationsassociatedwithearthquakes.Thesemeasurementsareavita llinkinprovidingadvancewarningand protectiontopopulationsagainstvolcaniceruptionswithwhichareassociatedeartht remors.Anotherarea ofinterestin vibration quantificationistheso-calledplannedorpreventivemaintenanceofequipment,particularlyrotatingmachinery.Asthistype ofmachineryagesand undergoeswear,theassociatedunwantedvibrationstendtobecomegreater.Regularvibrationmeas urementcanprovidein-serviceindices ofthedegeneration ofthemachinery.Repair or replacementcanthenbecarriedoutbeforecatastrophicfailureandatatimeconvenie ntforthefactoryor plant.Thefirststepinany oftheseareasofvibrationscienceistomeasurethevibrations inquestion.MeasurementEquipment Themostgenerallyusedmethodsofmeasuringvibratio nsareelectrical.Thekeycomponentisthevibrationtransducerthat producesanelectricalvoltageorcurrentproportionaltosomequantityinthemech anicalvibration,thedisplacement,velocityoracceleration.Thereafter,avarietyofelectroniccomponentscancarryoutanyof arrange ofstandardelectronicsignalprocessingstepsonthevibrationvoltage.Typicalste psincludeamplification,attenuation,filtering,differentiationandintegration.Thentheprocessedsignalismeasuredwit hameter,displayedonanoscilloscope, recordedonachartrecorderortaperecorderorfurtherprocessedandanalyzedby digitalcomputer.机械振动是物体和结构瞬时或连续的振荡运动。

英文专业词汇大全英文翻译常用词汇短语具有:have (has), possess, take on表示为:present (提供、给出), denote, is, express by, figure, show,提出、提议:propose、put forward, bring forward明显地、显然地:evidently, obviously, appearently, distinctly, drastically提高、增加:increase, improve, enhance, heighten, elevate (elevation)减少:decrease, reduce, lessen,减小:minish输入、代入:import(进口), input, introduce, substitute((数)代入,vt代替、取代), substituteA by(with) B(依B代A), substitute for出现、发生:happen(vi), appear(vi), occur(vi), generate, take place, arise, come forth因为、由于:as, because, for, since, because of , by reason of , on account of, due to根据、依照:in terms of, according to,计算、求解:compute, calculate, solve推导:derive, derivation, deduce, deducibility,由:by, from因此:so, thus, hence, therefore, thereby并且:also, and , besides而且:and that, furthermore, moreover,随着:along with, with, accompany一致,与……一致:coincident with, consistent with, in accord with推导:derive, deduce列举:enumerate, list专攻,致力于:specialize, apply oneself to完成,达到:achieve, accomplish, realize描述,描绘:represent,describe加强:intensify, enhance, reinforce, strengthen预见,预估:anticipate, estimate受到,承受:experience, endure, superimpose研究,探索:explore, exploration, investigate, investigation,相当的,比的上的:comparable, equivalent,做...实验, 对...做实验:make (carry out, do, perform, try) an experiment on (upon, in, with)固定,安装:mount, fixed, install, set影响:have(has) an impact on (upon)取决于:depend on, depend upon, have a dependence upon称为,把…称作,叫做:be termed以…为标题,称为:intitule vt求积分:Taking integration与…相反:contrary on , 与…对比:contrast with/to分别的respective,分别地apart respectivelyCompare vt. 比较,对照(with)把...比作;比喻(to)接着next, follow, in succession随后later subsequently whereafter总之anyhow anyway in a word in conclusion on all accounts to sum up 金属切削加工圆周铣削:peripheral milling,端铣削:end milling,(端)面铣(削):face milling,顺铣:Down milling, climb milling逆铣:conventional milling, up milling,平面铣削:slab milling切屑横截面积:chip cross sectional area, area of chip section,单位切削力,比切削力:specific cutting pressure切向力:tangential cutting force径向力:radial cutting force声发射:acoustic emission signal与….联合、与…协作:in conjunction with振动方面的专业英语及词汇参见《工程振动名词术语》1 振动信号的时域、频域描述振动过程(Vibration Process)简谐振动(Harmonic Vibration)周期振动(Periodic Vibration)准周期振动(Ouasi-periodic Vibration)瞬态过程(Transient Process)随机振动过程(Random Vibration Process)各态历经过程(Ergodic Process)确定性过程(Deterministic Process)振幅(Amplitude)相位(Phase)初相位(Initial Phase)频率(Frequency)角频率(Angular Frequency)周期(Period)复数振动(Complex Vibration)复数振幅(Complex Amplitude)峰值(Peak-value)平均绝对值(Average Absolute Value)有效值(Effective Value,RMS Value)均值(Mean Value,Average Value)傅里叶级数(FS,Fourier Series)傅里叶变换(FT,Fourier Transform)傅里叶逆变换(IFT,Inverse Fourier Transform) 离散谱(Discrete Spectrum)连续谱(Continuous Spectrum)傅里叶谱(Fourier Spectrum)线性谱(Linear Spectrum)幅值谱(Amplitude Spectrum)相位谱(Phase Spectrum)均方值(Mean Square Value)方差(Variance)协方差(Covariance)自协方差函数(Auto-covariance Function)互协方差函数(Cross-covariance Function)自相关函数(Auto-correlation Function)互相关函数(Cross-correlation Function)标准偏差(Standard Deviation)相对标准偏差(Relative Standard Deviation)概率(Probability)概率分布(Probability Distribution)高斯概率分布(Gaussian Probability Distribution) 概率密度(Probability Density)集合平均(Ensemble Average)时间平均(Time Average)功率谱密度(PSD,Power Spectrum Density)自功率谱密度(Auto-spectral Density)互功率谱密度(Cross-spectral Density)均方根谱密度(RMS Spectral Density)能量谱密度(ESD,Energy Spectrum Density)相干函数(Coherence Function)帕斯瓦尔定理(Parseval''''s Theorem)维纳,辛钦公式(Wiener-Khinchin Formula)多阶谐振频率multi-mode resonance frequency多阶频率multiple natural frequnency等效一阶频率equvilent fundamental frequency主振频率main vibration frequency一阶弯曲振动频率First-order Bending Vibration Freguency 低阶固有频率LOW-V ALUE NATURAL FREQUENCY振型分解法Mode Analysis Method振型叠加法Method of Superposition of Vibration Mode2 振动系统的固有特性、激励与响应振动系统(Vibration System)激励(Excitation)响应(Response)单自由度系统(Single Degree-Of-Freedom System)多自由度系统(Multi-Degree-Of- Freedom System)离散化系统(Discrete System)连续体系统(Continuous System)刚度系数(Stiffness Coefficient)自由振动(Free Vibration)自由响应(Free Response)强迫振动(Forced Vibration)强迫响应(Forced Response)初始条件(Initial Condition)固有频率(Natural Frequency)阻尼比(Damping Ratio)衰减指数(Damping Exponent)阻尼固有频率(Damped Natural Frequency)对数减幅系数(Logarithmic Decrement)主频率(Principal Frequency)无阻尼模态频率(Undamped Modal Frequency)模态(Mode)主振动(Principal Vibration)振型(Mode Shape)振型矢量(Vector Of Mode Shape)模态矢量(Modal Vector)正交性(Orthogonality)展开定理(Expansion Theorem)主质量(Principal Mass)模态质量(Modal Mass)主刚度(Principal Stiffness)模态刚度(Modal Stiffness)正则化(Normalization)振型矩阵(Matrix Of Modal Shape)模态矩阵(Modal Matrix)主坐标(Principal Coordinates)模态坐标(Modal Coordinates)模态分析(Modal Analysis)模态阻尼比(Modal Damping Ratio)频响函数(Frequency Response Function)幅频特性(Amplitude-frequency Characteristics)相频特性(Phase frequency Characteristics)共振(Resonance)半功率点(Half power Points)波德图(Bodé Plot)动力放大系数(Dynamical Magnification Factor)单位脉冲(Unit Impulse)冲激响应函数(Impulse Response Function)杜哈美积分(Duhamel‟s Integral)卷积积分(Convolution Integral)卷积定理(Convolution Theorem)特征矩阵(Characteristic Matrix)阻抗矩阵(Impedance Matrix)频响函数矩阵(Matrix Of Frequency Response Function) 导纳矩阵(Mobility Matrix)冲击响应谱(Shock Response Spectrum)冲击激励(Shock Excitation)冲击响应(Shock Response)冲击初始响应谱(Initial Shock Response Spectrum)冲击剩余响应谱(Residual Shock Response Spectrum) 冲击最大响应谱(Maximum Shock Response Spectrum) 冲击响应谱分析(Shock Response Spectrum Analysis)3 模态试验分析模态试验(Modal Testing)机械阻抗(Mechanical Impedance)位移阻抗(Displacement Impedance)速度阻抗(Velocity Impedance)加速度阻抗(Acceleration Impedance)机械导纳(Mechanical Mobility)位移导纳(Displacement Mobility)速度导纳(Velocity Mobility)加速度导纳(Acceleration Mobility)驱动点导纳(Driving Point Mobility)跨点导纳(Cross Mobility)传递函数(Transfer Function)拉普拉斯变换(Laplace Transform)传递函数矩阵(Matrix Of Transfer Function)频响函数(FRF,Frequency Response Function)频响函数矩阵(Matrix Of FRF)实模态(Normal Mode)复模态(Complex Mode)模态参数(Modal Parameter)模态频率(Modal Frequency)模态阻尼比(Modal Damping Ratio)模态振型(Modal Shape)模态质量(Modal Mass)模态刚度(Modal Stiffness)模态阻力系数(Modal Damping Coefficient)模态阻抗(Modal Impedance)模态导纳(Modal Mobility)模态损耗因子(Modal Loss Factor)比例粘性阻尼(Proportional Viscous Damping)非比例粘性阻尼(Non-proportional Viscous Damping) 结构阻尼(Structural Damping,Hysteretic Damping) 复频率(Complex Frequency)复振型(Complex Modal Shape)留数(Residue)极点(Pole)零点(Zero)复留数(Complex Residue)随机激励(Random Excitation)伪随机激励(Pseudo Random Excitation)猝发随机激励(Burst Random Excitation)稳态正弦激励(Steady State Sine Excitation)正弦扫描激励(Sweeping Sine Excitation)锤击激励(Impact Excitation)频响函数的H1 估计(FRF Estimate by H1)频响函数的H2 估计(FRF Estimate by H2)频响函数的H3 估计(FRF Estimate by H3)单模态曲线拟合法(Single-mode Curve Fitting Method) 多模态曲线拟合法(Multi-mode Curve Fitting Method) 模态圆(Mode Circle)剩余模态(Residual Mode)幅频峰值法(Peak Value Method)实频-虚频峰值法(Peak Real/Imaginary Method)圆拟合法(Circle Fitting Method)加权最小二乘拟合法(Weighting Least Squares Fitting method) 复指数拟合法(Complex Exponential Fitting method)1.2 振动测试的名词术语1 传感器测量系统传感器测量系统(Transducer Measuring System)传感器(Transducer)振动传感器(Vibration Transducer)机械接收(Mechanical Reception)机电变换(Electro-mechanical Conversion)测量电路(Measuring Circuit)惯性式传感器(Inertial Transducer,Seismic Transducer)相对式传感器(Relative Transducer)电感式传感器(Inductive Transducer)应变式传感器(Strain Gauge Transducer)电动力传感器(Electro-dynamic Transducer)压电式传感器(Piezoelectric Transducer)压阻式传感器(Piezoresistive Transducer)电涡流式传感器(Eddy Current Transducer)伺服式传感器(Servo Transducer)灵敏度(Sensitivity)复数灵敏度(Complex Sensitivity)分辨率(Resolution)频率范围(Frequency Range)线性范围(Linear Range)频率上限(Upper Limit Frequency)频率下限(Lower Limit Frequency)静态响应(Static Response)零频率响应(Zero Frequency Response)动态范围(Dynamic Range)幅值上限Upper Limit Amplitude)幅值下限(Lower Limit Amplitude)最大可测振级(Max.Detectable Vibration Level)最小可测振级(Min.Detectable Vibration Level)信噪比(S/N Ratio)振动诺模图(Vibration Nomogram)相移(Phase Shift)波形畸变(Wave-shape Distortion)比例相移(Proportional Phase Shift)惯性传感器的稳态响应(Steady Response Of Inertial Transducer) 惯性传感器的稳击响应(Shock Response Of Inertial Transducer)位移计型的频响特性(Frequency Response Characteristics Vibrometer)加速度计型的频响特性(Frequency Response Characteristics Accelerometer) 幅频特性曲线(Amplitude-frequency Curve)相频特性曲线(Phase-frequency Curve)固定安装共振频率(Mounted Resonance Frequency)安装刚度(Mounted Stiffness)有限高频效应(Effect Of Limited High Frequency)有限低频效应(Effect Of Limited Low Frequency)电动式变换(Electro-dynamic Conversion)磁感应强度(Magnetic Induction,Magnetic Flux Density)磁通(Magnetic Flux)磁隙(Magnetic Gap)电磁力(Electro-magnetic Force)相对式速度传(Relative Velocity Transducer)惯性式速度传感器(Inertial Velocity Transducer)速度灵敏度(Velocity Sensitivity)电涡流阻尼(Eddy-current Damping)无源微(积)分电路(Passive Differential (Integrate) Circuit)有源微(积)分电路(Active Differential (Integrate) Circuit)运算放大器(Operational Amplifier)时间常数(Time Constant)比例运算(Scaling)积分运算(Integration)微分运算(Differentiation)高通滤波电路(High-pass Filter Circuit)低通滤波电路(Low-pass Filter Circuit)截止频率(Cut-off Frequency)压电效应(Piezoelectric Effect)压电陶瓷(Piezoelectric Ceramic)压电常数(Piezoelectric Constant)极化(Polarization)压电式加速度传感器(Piezoelectric Acceleration Transducer)中心压缩式(Center Compression Accelerometer)三角剪切式(Delta Shear Accelerometer)压电方程(Piezoelectric Equation)压电石英(Piezoelectric Quartz)电荷等效电路(Charge Equivalent Circuit)电压等效电路(Voltage Equivalent Circuit)电荷灵敏度(Charge Sensitivity)电压灵敏度(Voltage Sensitivity)电荷放大器(Charge Amplifier)适调放大环节(Conditional Amplifier Section)归一化(Uniformization)电荷放大器增益(Gain Of Charge Amplifier)测量系统灵敏度(Sensitivity Of Measuring System)底部应变灵敏度(Base Strain Sensitivity)横向灵敏度(Transverse Sensitivity)地回路(Ground Loop)力传感器(Force Transducer)力传感器灵敏度(Sensitivity Of Force Transducer)电涡流(Eddy Current)前置器(Proximitor)间隙-电压曲线(Voltage vs Gap Curve)间隙-电压灵敏度(Voltage vs Gap Sensitivity)压阻效应(Piezoresistive Effect)轴向压阻系数(Axial Piezoresistive Coefficient)横向压阻系数(Transverse Piezoresistive Coefficient)压阻常数(Piezoresistive Constant)单晶硅(Monocrystalline Silicon)应变灵敏度(Strain Sensitivity)固态压阻式加速度传感器(Solid State Piezoresistive Accelerometer) 体型压阻式加速度传感器(Bulk Type Piezoresistive Accelerometer) 力平衡式传感器(Force Balance Transducer)电动力常数(Electro-dynamic Constant)机电耦合系统(Electro-mechanical Coupling System)2 检测仪表、激励设备及校准装置时间基准信号(Time Base Signal)李萨茹图(Lissojous Curve)数字频率计(Digital Frequency Meter)便携式测振表(Portable Vibrometer)有效值电压表(RMS Value Voltmeter)峰值电压表(Peak-value Voltmeter)平均绝对值检波电路(Average Absolute Value Detector)峰值检波电路(Peak-value Detector)准有效值检波电路(Quasi RMS Value Detector)真有效值检波电路(True RMS Value Detector)直流数字电压表(DVM,DC Digital Voltmeter)数字式测振表(Digital Vibrometer)A/D 转换器(A/D Converter)D/A 转换器(D/A Converter)相位计(Phase Meter)电子记录仪(Lever Recorder)光线示波器(Oscillograph)振子(Galvonometer)磁带记录仪(Magnetic Tape Recorder)DR 方式(直接记录式) (Direct Recorder)FM 方式(频率调制式) (Frequency Modulation)失真度(Distortion)机械式激振器(Mechanical Exciter)机械式振动台(Mechanical Shaker)离心式激振器(Centrifugal Exciter)电动力式振动台(Electro-dynamic Shaker)电动力式激振器(Electro-dynamic Exciter)液压式振动台(Hydraulic Shaker)液压式激振器(Hydraulic Exciter)电液放大器(Electro-hydraulic Amplifier)磁吸式激振器(Magnetic Pulling Exciter)涡流式激振器(Eddy Current Exciter)压电激振片(Piezoelectric Exciting Elements)冲击力锤(Impact Hammer)冲击试验台(Shock Testing Machine)激振控制技术(Excitation Control Technique)波形再现(Wave Reproduction)压缩技术(Compression Technique)均衡技术(Equalization Technique)交越频率(Crossover Frequency)综合技术(Synthesis Technique)校准(Calibration)分部校准(Calibration for Components in system)系统校准(Calibration for Over-all System)模拟传感器(Simulated Transducer)静态校准(Static Calibration)简谐激励校准(Harmonic Excitation Calibration)绝对校准(Absolute Calibration)相对校准(Relative Calibration)比较校准(Comparison Calibration)标准振动台(Standard Vibration Exciter)读数显微镜法(Microscope-streak Method)光栅板法(Ronchi Ruling Method)光学干涉条纹计数法(Optical Interferometer Fringe Counting Method)光学干涉条纹消失法(Optical Interferometer Fringe Disappearance Method) 背靠背安装(Back-to-back Mounting)互易校准法(Reciprocity Calibration)共振梁(Resonant Bar)冲击校准(Impact Exciting Calibration)摆锤冲击校准(Ballistic Pendulum Calibration)落锤冲击校准(Drop Test Calibration)振动和冲击标准(Vibration and Shock Standard)迈克尔逊干涉仪(Michelson Interferometer)摩尔干涉图象(Moire Fringe)参考传感器(Reference Transducer)3 频率分析及数字信号处理带通滤波器(Band-pass Filter)半功率带宽(Half-power Bandwidth)3 dB 带宽(3 dB Bandwidth)等效噪声带宽(Effective Noise Bandwidth)恒带宽(Constant Bandwidth)恒百分比带宽(Constant Percentage Bandwidth)1/N 倍频程滤波器(1/N Octave Filter)形状因子(Shape Factor)截止频率(Cut-off Frequency)中心频率(Centre Frequency)模拟滤波器(Analog Filter)数字滤波器(Digital Filter)跟踪滤波器(Tracking Filter)外差式频率分析仪(Heterodyne Frequency Analyzer) 逐级式频率分析仪(Stepped Frequency Analyzer)扫描式频率分析仪(Sweeping Filter Analyzer)混频器(Mixer)RC 平均(RC Averaging)平均时间(Averaging Time)扫描速度(Sweeping Speed)滤波器响应时间(Filter Response Time)离散傅里叶变换(DFT,Discrete Fourier Transform) 快速傅里叶变换(FFT,Fast Fourier Transform)抽样频率(Sampling Frequency)抽样间隔(Sampling Interval)抽样定理(Sampling Theorem)抗混滤波(Anti-aliasing Filter)泄漏(Leakage)加窗(Windowing)窗函数(Window Function)截断(Truncation)频率混淆(Frequency Aliasing)乃奎斯特频率(Nyquist Frequency)矩形窗(Rectangular Window)汉宁窗(Hanning Window)凯塞-贝塞尔窗(Kaiser-Bessel Window)平顶窗(Flat-top Window)平均(Averaging)线性平均(Linear Averaging)指数平均(Exponential Averaging)峰值保持平均(Peak-hold Averaging)时域平均(Time-domain Averaging)谱平均(Spectrum Averaging)重叠平均(Overlap Averaging)栅栏效应(Picket Fence Effect)吉卜斯效应(Gibbs Effect)基带频谱分析(Base-band Spectral Analysis)选带频谱分析(Band Selectable Sp4ctralAnalysis)细化(Zoom)数字移频(Digital Frequency Shift)抽样率缩减(Sampling Rate Reduction)功率谱估计(Power Spectrum Estimate)相关函数估计(Correlation Estimate)频响函数估计(Frequency Response Function Estimate) 相干函数估计(Coherence Function Estimate)冲激响应函数估计(Impulse Response Function Estimate) 倒频谱(Cepstrum)功率倒频谱(Power Cepstrum)幅值倒频谱(Amplitude Cepstrum)倒频率(Quefrency)4 旋转机械的振动测试及状态监测状态监测(Condition Monitoring)故障诊断(Fault Diagnosis)转子(Rotor)转手支承系统(Rotor-Support System)振动故障(Vibration Fault)轴振动(Shaft Vibration)径向振动(Radial Vibration)基频振动(Fundamental Frequency Vibration)基频检测(Fundamental Frequency Component Detecting) 键相信号(Key-phase Signal)正峰相位(+Peak Phase)高点(High Spot)光电传感器(Optical Transducer)同相分量(In-phase Component)正交分量(Quadrature Component)跟踪滤波(Tracking Filter)波德图(Bode Plot)极坐标图(Polar Plot)临界转速(Critical Speed)不平衡响应(Unbalance Response)残余振幅(Residual Amplitude)方位角(Attitude Angle)轴心轨迹(Shaft Centerline Orbit)正进动(Forward Precession)同步正进动(Synchronous Forward Precession)反进动(Backward Precession)正向涡动(Forward Whirl)反向涡动(Backward Whirl)油膜涡动(Oil Whirl)油膜振荡(Oil Whip)轴心平均位置(Average Shaft Centerline Position) 复合探头(Dual Probe)振摆信号(Runout Signal)电学振摆(Electrical Runout)机械振摆(Mechanical Runout)慢滚动向量(Slow Roll Vector)振摆补偿(Runout Compensation)故障频率特征(Frequency Characteristics Of Fault) 重力临界(Gravity Critical)对中(Alignment)双刚度转子(Dual Stiffness Rotor)啮合频率(Gear-mesh Frequency)间入简谐分量(Interharmonic Component)边带振动(Side-band Vibration)三维频谱图(Three Dimensional Spectral Plot)瀑布图(Waterfall Plot)级联图(Cascade Plot)阶次跟踪(Order Tracking)阶次跟踪倍乘器(Order Tracking Multiplier)监测系统(Monitoring System)适调放大器(Conditional Amplifier)趋势分析(Trend Analysis)倒频谱分析(Cepstrum Analysis)直方图(Histogram)确认矩阵(Confirmation Matrix)通频幅值(Over-all Amplitude)幅值谱(Amplitude Spectrum)相位谱(Phase Spectrum)报警限(Alarm Level)机械相关专业词汇集锦阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm 安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷 safe load 凹面、凹度 concavity扳手 wrench 板簧 flat leaf spring半圆键 woodruff key 变形 deformation摆杆 oscillating bar 摆动从动件 oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear 摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion 摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel包角 angle of contact 保持架 cage背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement 背锥 back cone ;normal cone背锥角 back angle 背锥距 back cone distance比例尺 scale 比热容 specific heat capacity闭式链 closed kinematic chain 闭链机构 closed chain mechanism臂部 arm 变频器 frequency converters变频调速 frequency control of motor speed 变速 speed change变速齿轮 change gear ; change wheel 变位齿轮 modified gear变位系数 modification coefficient 标准齿轮 standard gear标准直齿轮 standard spur gear 表面质量系数 superficial mass factor表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度 surface roughness并联式组合 combination in parallel 并联机构 parallel mechanism并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism 并行工程 concurrent engineering并行设计 concurred design, CD 不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance) 不平衡量 amount of unbalance不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing 波发生器 wave generator波数 number of waves 补偿 compensation参数化设计 parameterization design, PD 残余应力 residual stress操纵及控制装置 operation control device 槽轮 Geneva wheel槽轮机构 Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross 槽数 Geneva numerate槽凸轮 groove cam 侧隙 backlash差动轮系 differential gear train 差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism差速器 differential 常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use车床 lathe 承载量系数 bearing capacity factor承载能力 bearing capacity 成对安装 paired mounting尺寸系列 dimension series 齿槽 tooth space齿槽宽 spacewidth 齿侧间隙 backlash齿顶高 addendum 齿顶圆 addendum circle齿根高 dedendum 齿根圆 dedendum circle齿厚 tooth thickness 齿距 circular pitch齿宽 face width 齿廓 tooth profile齿廓曲线 tooth curve 齿轮 gear齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes 齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter 齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构 gear 齿轮轮坯 blank齿轮传动系 pinion unit 齿轮联轴器 gear coupling齿条传动 rack gear 齿数 tooth number齿数比 gear ratio 齿条 rack齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter 齿形链、无声链 silent chain齿形系数 form factor 齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机 gear shaper 重合点 coincident points重合度 contact ratio 冲床 punch传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio 传动装置 gearing; transmission gear 传动系统 driven system 传动角 transmission angle传动轴 transmission shaft 串联式组合 combination in series串联式组合机构 series combined mechanism 串级调速 cascade speed control创新 innovation ; creation 创新设计 creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load 唇形橡胶密封 lip rubber seal磁流体轴承 magnetic fluid bearing 从动带轮 driven pulley从动件 driven link, follower 从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face从动件停歇 follower dwell 从动件运动规律 follower motion从动轮 driven gear 粗线 bold line粗牙螺纹 coarse thread 大齿轮 gear wheel打包机 packer 打滑 slipping带传动 belt driving 带轮 belt pulley带式制动器 band brake 单列轴承 single row bearing单向推力轴承 single-direction thrust bearing 单万向联轴节 single universal joint 单位矢量 unit vector 当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷 equivalent load 刀具 cutter导数 derivative 倒角 chamfer导热性 conduction of heat 导程 lead导程角 lead angle 等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion等速运动规律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion 等径凸轮 conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮 constant-breadth cam 等效构件 equivalent link等效力 equivalent force 等效力矩 equivalent moment of force 等效量 equivalent 等效质量 equivalent mass等效转动惯量 equivalent moment of inertia 等效动力学模型 dynamically equivalent model底座 chassis 低副 lower pair点划线 chain dotted line (疲劳)点蚀 pitting垫圈 gasket 垫片密封 gasket seal碟形弹簧 belleville spring 动力学 dynamics顶隙 bottom clearance 定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动密封 kinematical seal 动能 dynamic energy动力粘度 dynamic viscosity 动力润滑 dynamic lubrication动平衡 dynamic balance 动平衡机 dynamic balancing machine 动态特性 dynamic characteristics 动态分析设计 dynamic analysis design 动压力 dynamic reaction 动载荷 dynamic load端面 transverse plane 端面参数 transverse parameters端面齿距 transverse circular pitch 端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile端面重合度 transverse contact ratio 端面模数 transverse module端面压力角 transverse pressure angle 锻造 forge对称循环应力 symmetry circulating stress 对心滚子从动件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower对心直动从动件 radial (or in-line ) translating follower对心移动从动件 radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构 in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism多列轴承 multi-row bearing 多楔带 poly V-belt 多项式运动规律 polynomial motion多质量转子 rotor with several masses 惰轮 idle gear额定寿命 rating life 额定载荷 load ratingII 级杆组 dyad 发生线 generating line发生面 generating plane 法面 normal plane法面参数 normal parameters 法面齿距 normal circular pitch法面模数 normal module 法面压力角 normal pressure angle法向齿距 normal pitch 法向齿廓 normal tooth profile法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm 法向力 normal force反馈式组合 feedback combining 反向运动学 inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法 kinematic inversion 反正切 Arctan范成法 generating cutting 仿形法 form cutting方案设计、概念设计 concept design, CD 防振装置 shockproof device飞轮 flywheel 飞轮矩 moment of flywheel非标准齿轮 nonstandard gear 非接触式密封 non-contact seal非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation 非圆齿轮 non-circular gear粉末合金 powder metallurgy 分度线 reference line; standard pitch line分度圆 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle分度圆柱导程角 lead angle at reference cylinder分度圆柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder 分母 denominator分子 numerator 分度圆锥 reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法 analytical method 封闭差动轮系 planetary differential复合铰链 compound hinge 复合式组合 compound combining复合轮系 compound (or combined) gear train 复合平带 compound flat belt复合应力 combined stress 复式螺旋机构 Compound screw mechanism 复杂机构 complex mechanism 杆组 Assur group干涉 interference 刚度系数 stiffness coefficient刚轮 rigid circular spline 钢丝软轴 wire soft shaft刚体导引机构 body guidance mechanism 刚性冲击 rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子 rigid rotor 刚性轴承 rigid bearing刚性联轴器 rigid coupling 高度系列 height series高速带 high speed belt 高副 higher pair格拉晓夫定理 Grashoff`s law 根切 undercutting公称直径 nominal diameter 高度系列 height series功 work 工况系数 application factor工艺设计 technological design 工作循环图 working cycle diagram工作机构 operation mechanism 工作载荷 external loads工作空间 working space 工作应力 working stress工作阻力 effective resistance 工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment公法线 common normal line 公共约束 general constraint公制齿轮 metric gears 功率 power功能分析设计 function analyses design 共轭齿廓 conjugate profiles共轭凸轮 conjugate cam 构件 link鼓风机 blower 固定构件 fixed link; frame固体润滑剂 solid lubricant 关节型操作器 jointed manipulator惯性力 inertia force 惯性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment惯性力平衡 balance of shaking force 惯性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force惯性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force 惯性主矩 resultant moment of inertia 惯性主失 resultant vector of inertia 冠轮 crown gear广义机构 generation mechanism 广义坐标 generalized coordinate轨迹生成 path generation 轨迹发生器 path generator滚刀 hob 滚道 raceway滚动体 rolling element 滚动轴承 rolling bearing滚动轴承代号 rolling bearing identification code 滚针 needle roller滚针轴承 needle roller bearing 滚子 roller滚子轴承 roller bearing 滚子半径 radius of roller滚子从动件 roller follower 滚子链 roller chain滚子链联轴器 double roller chain coupling 滚珠丝杆 ball screw滚柱式单向超越离合器 roller clutch 过度切割 undercutting函数发生器 function generator 函数生成 function generation含油轴承 oil bearing 耗油量 oil consumption耗油量系数 oil consumption factor 赫兹公式 H. Hertz equation合成弯矩 resultant bending moment 合力 resultant force合力矩 resultant moment of force 黑箱 black box横坐标 abscissa 互换性齿轮 interchangeable gears花键 spline 滑键、导键 feather key滑动轴承 sliding bearing 滑动率 sliding ratio滑块 slider 环面蜗杆 toroid helicoids worm环形弹簧 annular spring 缓冲装置 shocks; shock-absorber灰铸铁 grey cast iron 回程 return回转体平衡 balance of rotors 混合轮系 compound gear train积分 integrate 机电一体化系统设计 mechanical-electrical integration system design机构 mechanism 机构分析 analysis of mechanism机构平衡 balance of mechanism 机构学 mechanism机构运动设计 kinematic design of mechanism 机构运动简图 kinematic sketch of mechanism机构综合 synthesis of mechanism 机构组成 constitution of mechanism机架 frame, fixed link 机架变换 kinematic inversion机器 machine 机器人 robot机器人操作器 manipulator 机器人学 robotics技术过程 technique process 技术经济评价 technical and economic evaluation技术系统 technique system 机械 machinery机械创新设计 mechanical creation design, MCD 机械系统设计 mechanical system design, MSD机械动力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery 机械动力设计 dynamic design of machinery机械动力学 dynamics of machinery 机械的现代设计 modern machine design 机械系统 mechanical system 机械利益 mechanical advantage机械平衡 balance of machinery 机械手 manipulator机械设计 machine design; mechanical design 机械特性 mechanical behavior机械调速 mechanical speed governors 机械效率 mechanical efficiency机械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms 机械运转不均匀系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation机械无级变速 mechanical stepless speed changes 基础机构 fundamental mechanism基本额定寿命 basic rating life 基于实例设计 case-based design,CBD基圆 base circle 基圆半径 radius of base circle基圆齿距 base pitch 基圆压力角 pressure angle of base circle基圆柱 base cylinder 基圆锥 base cone急回机构 quick-return mechanism 急回特性 quick-return characteristics急回系数 advance-to return-time ratio 急回运动 quick-return motion棘轮 ratchet 棘轮机构 ratchet mechanism棘爪 pawl 极限位置 extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions计算机辅助设计 computer aided design, CAD计算机辅助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM计算机集成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS计算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment 计算弯矩 calculated bending moment加权系数 weighting efficient 加速度 acceleration加速度分析 acceleration analysis 加速度曲线 acceleration diagram尖点 pointing; cusp 尖底从动件 knife-edge follower间隙 backlash 间歇运动机构 intermittent motion mechanism减速比 reduction ratio 减速齿轮、减速装置 reduction gear减速器 speed reducer 减摩性 anti-friction quality渐开螺旋面 involute helicoids 渐开线 involute渐开线齿廓 involute profile 渐开线齿轮 involute gear渐开线发生线 generating line of involute 渐开线方程 involute equation渐开线函数 involute function 渐开线蜗杆 involute worm渐开线压力角 pressure angle of involute 渐开线花键 involute spline简谐运动 simple harmonic motion 键 key键槽 keyway 交变应力 repeated stress交变载荷 repeated fluctuating load 交叉带传动 cross-belt drive交错轴斜齿轮 crossed helical gears 胶合 scoring角加速度 angular acceleration 角速度 angular velocity角速比 angular velocity ratio 角接触球轴承 angular contact ball bearing 角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing 角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing角接触轴承 angular contact bearing 铰链、枢纽 hinge校正平面 correcting plane 接触应力 contact stress接触式密封 contact seal 阶梯轴 multi-diameter shaft结构 structure 结构设计 structural design截面 section 节点 pitch point节距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth 节线 pitch line节圆 pitch circle 节圆齿厚 thickness on pitch circle节圆直径 pitch diameter 节圆锥 pitch cone节圆锥角 pitch cone angle 解析设计 analytical design紧边 tight-side 紧固件 fastener径节 diametral pitch 径向 radial direction径向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent radial load 径向当量静载荷 static equivalent radial load 径向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic radial load rating径向基本额定静载荷 basic static radial load tating径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing 径向平面 radial plane径向游隙 radial internal clearance 径向载荷 radial load径向载荷系数 radial load factor 径向间隙 clearance静力 static force 静平衡 static balance静载荷 static load 静密封 static seal局部自由度 passive degree of freedom 矩形螺纹 square threaded form锯齿形螺纹 buttress thread form 矩形牙嵌式离合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch绝对尺寸系数 absolute dimensional factor 绝对运动 absolute motion绝对速度 absolute velocity 均衡装置 load balancing mechanism抗压强度 compression strength 开口传动 open-belt drive开式链 open kinematic chain 开链机构 open chain mechanism可靠度 degree of reliability 可靠性 reliability可靠性设计 reliability design, RD 空气弹簧 air spring空间机构 spatial mechanism 空间连杆机构 spatial linkage空间凸轮机构 spatial cam 空间运动副 spatial kinematic pair空间运动链 spatial kinematic chain 框图 block diagram空转 idle 宽度系列 width series雷诺方程Reynolds…s equation 离心力 centrifugal force离心应力 centrifugal stress 理论廓线 pitch curve离合器 clutch 离心密封 centrifugal seal理论啮合线 theoretical line of action 隶属度 membership 力 force力多边形 force polygon 力封闭型凸轮机构 force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism力矩 moment 力平衡 equilibrium力偶 couple 力偶矩 moment of couple连杆 connecting rod, coupler 连杆机构 linkage连杆曲线 coupler-curve 连心线 line of centers链 chain 链传动装置 chain gearing链轮 sprocket ; sprocket-wheel ; sprocket gear ; chain wheel 联组V 带 tight-up V belt联轴器 coupling ; shaft coupling 两维凸轮 two-dimensional cam临界转速 critical speed 六杆机构 six-bar linkage龙门刨床 double Haas planer 轮坯 blank轮系 gear train 螺杆 screw螺距 thread pitch 螺母 screw nut螺旋锥齿轮 helical bevel gear 螺钉 screws螺栓 bolts 螺纹导程 lead螺纹效率 screw efficiency 螺旋传动 power screw螺旋密封 spiral seal 螺纹 thread (of a screw)。

1. "Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation" by Mario Paz and William Leigh这本书是结构动力学领域的经典著作,涵盖了结构动力学的基本理论和计算方法。
2. "Dynamic Analysis of Structures" by Anil K. Chopra这本书是另一本经典的结构动力学教材,它介绍了结构动力学的基本概念和分析方法,并重点讨论了地震荷载对结构的影响。
3. "Dynamics of Structures" by Ray W. Clough and Joseph Penzien这本书是结构动力学领域的经典著作之一,它详细介绍了结构动力学的基本原理和分析方法。
4. "Structural Dynamics: An Introduction to Computer Methods" by Roy R. Craig Jr. and Andrew J. Kurdila这本书介绍了利用计算机方法进行结构动力学分析的基本原理和技术。
VT307N-TF2Z546EN 3端口弹簧式电磁阀说明书

Inrush Holding
DIN terminal, grommet 100,200,110,220,240
24,12 Contact SMC -15 to 10% of rated voltage Note 1) 12.7 (50Hz), 10.7 (60Hz) 7.6 (50Hz), 5.4 (60Hz)
• Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information.
• Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems. IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements) ISO 10218-1: Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 1: Robots.
Note 2)
Direct operated 2 position single solenoid Air
0 to 1 (High-pressure type), 0 to 0.7 (Standard type) -10 to 50 (No freezing) ≤20 (at 0.5 MPa) 10

Discovery of ultrasonic
Spar Lanny Za, a Italy priest and biologist, revealed that bats fly at night using ultrasound and complete their prey.
ultrasonic sensor
Emission and reception of ultrasonic
Piezoelectric effect At both ends of the piezoelectric material, the vibration can occur (the emission state: the reverse piezoelectric effect). A piezoelectric material can produce an electrical signal (the receiving state: the positive piezoelectric effect) by accepting sound vibration. This characteristic is called the piezoelectric effect. Materials with piezoelectric effects are called piezoelectric materials. The piezoelectric materials are called piezoelectric wafers, piezoelectric vibrators and piezoelectric elements in the ultrasonic probe.

基于倍频小波的微生物燃料电池故障诊断颜闽秀;卢振方;史晓琳【摘要】针对微生物燃料电池工作时的常见故障,提出了一种基于倍频小波的故障诊断方法.首先利用倍频小波分析了不同故障情况下的输出电压;然后,利用小波系数重新构建高频信号和低频信号,并提取故障信号的频域特征,从而得出故障信号的主要分布情况;最后诊断出不同类型的故障.所设计的故障诊断方案可以有效提高设备的可靠性和安全性.【期刊名称】《沈阳大学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(029)006【总页数】7页(P446-452)【关键词】微生物燃料电池;故障诊断;倍频小波分析;信号能量特征值【作者】颜闽秀;卢振方;史晓琳【作者单位】沈阳化工大学信息工程学院,辽宁沈阳 110142;沈阳化工大学信息工程学院,辽宁沈阳 110142;沈阳化工大学信息工程学院,辽宁沈阳 110142【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TK6;TM911.4;TP273随着世界经济的飞速发展和人口数量的急剧增加,能源短缺与环境污染所带来的一系列问题日益凸显.调整能源结构,提高能源利用率,加速开发出绿色新能源成为各国学者重点关注和深入研究的问题[1].微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell, MFC)能够在微生物作用下将污水中的化学能转换为电能,实现污水净化和发电的双重效果.它以微生物为阳极催化剂,将有机物中的化学能转化为电能[2].微生物燃料电池技术具有绿色无污染、燃料来源广、转化效率高、操作条件温和、应用范围广等优点得到了广泛的关注,各国学者纷纷对其开展了深入和有价值的研究,也取得了一定的研究成果[3].这些研究成果主要集中在电极材料的选择、膜材料的选择、反应器结构的设计、电子传输机理、建模、优化控制、提高输出功率密度等几个方向[4-7].微生物燃料电池系统作为新兴起的研究方向,涉及到电化学、微生物学、化学工程等多领域的交叉.整个系统通常由阴极室、阳极室、质子交换膜、电极及辅助设备构成.在其工作的过程当中,必然会出现各种各样的故障.然而,现今微生物燃料电池成果主要集中在正常条件下系统的运行情况,很少对其进行故障分析及诊断.在实际运行中每一元件发生故障或者失效都会影响其输出,导致输出性能下降或者设备无法正常运行,因而能否在故障发生时快速、高效的诊断出故障的原因在微生物燃料电池的研究中尤为重要,同时微生物燃料电池作为一种能源,提供给其他动力设备作为能量输入,对后续依赖此微生物燃料电池系统设备而言故障诊断也显得举足轻重,因此如何提高系统的安全性是推进MFC商业化和产业化的关键.为了确保燃料电池系统的安全运行,有必要利用故障诊断技术对其展开研究[8].这里所选用的微生物燃料电池反应器为双室结构,整个系统由四部分组成,分别是双室微生物燃料电池、辅助设备、外电路负载及数据采集系统.整个系统示意图如图1所示.图1中右侧是密封的阳极厌氧室,而左侧则是顶部和大气相连通的阴极室,并用曝气装置不间断地鼓入空气.阴阳极室的中间则采用了质子交换膜将彼此分开.阳极区底部安装磁力搅拌装置,确保活性污泥的悬浮状态,使得污泥与污水可以充分接触,提高降解的速率,从而提高电池效率.引起微生物燃料电池系统故障的原因很多,产生故障的部位和特征也各有特点.在这里,把各种原因引起的故障和有关因素加以综合考虑,不考虑检测元件故障、人为因素,微生物燃料电池系统常见的故障如下:故障1,空气泵故障空气泵是利用微生物代谢活动将储存在有机物中的化学能直接转化为电能的过程中向曝气池供氧的设备.通过人为地通入空气,不仅使池内的液体与空气接触,而且在搅动液体过程中,加速了空气中氧向液体中的转移.空气泵的好坏,直接影响污水处理效果,而且影响电池电压输出.故障2,磁力搅拌装置故障磁力搅拌装置是通过底座产生的磁场间接对容器内液体进行搅拌,保证活性污泥处于悬浮状态,加强室内有机物与微生物接触,提高降解速度,从而提高产电效率.由于其经常动作,所以故障率也很高.故障3,电极脱落故障铜线与碳布连接制成电极,由于铜线浸入到电解液和污泥中,极易发生电化学腐蚀.当导电胶失效后,就会腐蚀铜线,严重情况下造成铜线与碳布分离,从而增加电池的内阻,使系统输出电压降低.故障4,质子交换膜故障质子交换膜是微生物燃料电池系统中重要的部件,起到导通质子、隔离化学反应的作用.当其发生故障时,阻碍质子在膜上顺利通过,从而导致电池性能下降.因此质子交换膜的性能对燃料电池的性能起着非常重要的作用,它的好坏直接影响电池的使用寿命.这几种故障发生时都会引起电压在不同程度的降低或升高,但无法具体判断属于哪种故障.20世纪80年代,Morlet 首次提出了小波分析这一概念.小波分析可以实现在低频处频率细分,高频处时间细分,能自动聚焦到信号的任意细节,保留了傅里叶变换的优点,又弥补了其在信号分析上的不足.迄今为止,小波分析在理论上和工程应用中均取得了丰硕的成果,并在信号处理、计算机视觉、图像处理、语音分析与合成等众多的领域得到应用[9].文献[10]利用小波包分解对液压泵进行故障诊断,文献[11]针对滚动轴承故障特征利用时间-小波能量谱方法分析故障,文献[12]对电机故障特征值进行倍频小波分析,然而,在这些文献中没有将小波分析应用在微生物燃料电池中.小波包分析方法能够对多分辨率分析中的高频部分进行细化分解,从而具有更高的频率和时间的分辨率,能有效诊断微生物燃料电池系统的故障类型.本文利用倍频小波分析方法,分别计算高频段和低频段的能量特征值,这些特征值综合反映了微生物燃料电池系统的全部故障信息,通过对其分析,能够确认故障类型.诊断结果表明,利用倍频小波分析可有效实现对微生物燃料电池的故障诊断.倍频小波分解的原理是将信号投影到一组相互正交的尺度函数和小波函数构成的子空间,将信号在各尺度上进行展开,从而提取信号高低频带的特征,与此同时仍保留信号在不同尺度上的时域特征.定义一系列递归函数Wn(t)满足下面的双尺度方程[13]其中g(k)=(-1)kh(1-k),即两系数满足正交关系.当n=0时,由上式可得那么序列{Wn(t)}为由基函数W0(t)=φ(t)所确定的正交小波,由于基函数φ(t)由h(k)唯一确定,所以又称序列{Wn(t)}为序列{h(k)}正交小波.利用小波理论实现信号分解的算法为式中,{S(k),k∈N}为离散序列, l代表小波分解各序列的序列点,j代表倍频小波分解层数.这样通过正交分解为原始信号提供一种更加精细的分析方法,能够将信号分解到不同层次频段内.利用小波分析进行输出电压分析时,为了能够取得满意的分析效果,选择合适的小波基很关键.与傅里叶变换相比,小波变换结果并不是唯一的,可以根据研究问题的不同选择多种小波基.在这里通过比较选取DB小波作为小波基[14].对于特定的故障诊断应用,倍频小波分解的层次数取决于电压信号的频率特征,合理的分解层次便于提高特征信息的敏感度.利用倍频小波分析步骤如下:(1) 系统上电,稳定工作30 h;(2) 利用数据采集卡采集数据,获得系统在几种不同工作情况下的输出电压信号;(3) 对信号进行小波分解,得到各个结点所代表的小波分解层上的小波系数;(4) 利用小波分解系数进行重构,得到各个频段上的重构信号;(5) 计算各个频段的特征值E;(6) 根据各个频段特征值进行故障诊断;(7) 确定出故障原因,结束.为了验证倍频小波分析算法的正确性和可靠性,用小波包分解对微生物燃料电池系统输出电压信号进行计算机仿真分析.实验时,系统上电后,电池连续工作30 h,待系统稳定后,分别对正常情况及四种故障情况下进行电压信号采集,采样频率 fs=56 Hz,采集12 h的数据,每种情况重复采样7次.图2为三层小波分析结构图.表1代表经过3层分解后各个频段所代表的频率范围.当微生物燃料电池系统发生故障时,在整个频谱上包含了故障信息.与无故障时相比,在一些频段信号增强,而在另一些频段信号减弱[15].因此,可以通过计算各频段信号特征值,诊断出系统出现的不同故障.各个频段信号特征值计算公式为其中:j代表小波分解层数;N代表采样信号数.依据式(4)计算不同情况下各个频段信号的特征值,并进行7次测量结果的统计平均,形成一个八维向量,直观显示出各个频段的特征值,见表2.由表2可以看出:若8个结点的特征值与无故障时相比都变小,则是故障1;若结点[3,0],[3,1],[3,2],[3,3],[3,4]的特征值变为无故障时的1.5倍,结点[3,5],[3,6],[3,7]与无故障时相比放大万倍,则是故障2;若结点[3,0],[3,1],[3,2],[3,3]的特征值与无故障时相比变大,结点[3,4],[3,5],[3,6],[3,7]数值较无故障时略减小,则是故障3;若结点[3,0],[3,1],[3,2],[3,3],[3,4] 的特征值变为无故障时的两倍左右,结点[3,5],[3,6],[3,7]与无故障时相比放大万倍,则是故障4.由表2可见,利用倍频小波分析,能够得到多个频段的信号特征值,从而进行微生物燃料电池系统故障诊断.故障发生时,在某些结点处,故障与无故障时特征值差异较大,因此,可以实现正确的故障诊断.图3~图7代表了不同情况下的小波重构图.从图中可以看出,正常工作状态下及故障情况下小波在不同节点的重构图明显不同,从另一角度说明倍频小波可以识别不同故障情况.本文在分析微生物燃料电池系统常见故障的基础上,充分利用小波分析的优越性,提出了基于倍频小波包变换的故障诊断技术.该方法能够有效地提取微生物燃料电池系统常见故障的故障特征值,从而确定故障的类型,仿真验证了所提方法的有效性,为微生物燃料电池系统故障诊断提供了新途径.此外,利用小波包分解后的特征值还可用于神经网络,为故障诊断方法的多样化提供依据.【相关文献】[ 1 ] 吴捷,杨俊华. 绿色能源与生态环境控制[J]. 控制理论与应用, 2004,21(6):864-869.WU J,YANG J H. 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基于矩阵求逆理论的曲梁单元刚度矩阵解析解宋郁民;吴定俊【摘要】基于矩阵求逆理论,提出矩阵求逆的综合法.弹性核法求解曲梁单元的刚度矩阵时,由于柔度矩阵的每个元素表达式繁琐,难以直接求逆得到曲梁单元的刚度矩阵.既有相关文献均指出采用数值方法求逆可得出曲梁单元的刚度矩阵.应用矩阵求逆的综合法,推导出曲梁单元刚度矩阵的解析解,并通过算例分析比较,证明了公式的正确性.由此,在编制曲梁杆系梁段有限元的计算程序时,解析解的应用不但简化了程序的编写,而且节约了计算机工作单元,提高了计算精度.【期刊名称】《结构工程师》【年(卷),期】2010(026)004【总页数】6页(P57-62)【关键词】矩阵求逆;综合法;曲梁单元;刚度矩阵;解析解【作者】宋郁民;吴定俊【作者单位】同济大学桥梁工程系,上海,200092;同济大学桥梁工程系,上海,200092【正文语种】中文1 引言曲线梁桥能很好地适应地形、地物的限制,且线形流畅、视觉明快,桥梁美感好,因而在国内外的桥梁建设中广泛应用。
自 20世纪 80年代初曲线梁桥在我国修建以来,众多科技工作者对曲梁结构做了大量的理论与试验研究,取得了丰硕成果[1-4]。

光谱学英语一、单词1. spectrum(复数:spectra)- 英语释义:A band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of theponents of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength.- 用法:可以用作名词,如“The spectrum of light includes colors f rom red to violet.”(光谱包括从红色到紫色的颜色。
) - 双语例句:The visible spectrum is just a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.(可见光谱只是电磁光谱的一小部分。
)2. spectroscopy- 英语释义:The study of the interaction between matter and radiated energy, especially in terms of the frequencies present in a spectrum of the radiation.- 用法:作名词,例如“Spectroscopy is widely used in chemical analysis.”(光谱学在化学分析中被广泛应用。
)- 双语例句:Infrared spectroscopy can be used to identify different chemicalpounds.(红外光谱学可用于识别不同的化合物。
)3. wavelength- 英语释义:The distance between successive crests of a wave, especially points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave.- 用法:名词,如“Each color has a different wavelength.”(每种颜色都有不同的波长。
behavioural analysis

behavioural analysis[Behavioural Analysis]Introduction:Behavioural analysis is a psychological approach that involves studying, understanding, and interpreting human behaviour. This field of study aims to observe and analyze human actions, reactions, and patterns to gain insights into their thoughts, emotions, and personality traits. By examining behaviour, psychologists, researchers, and practitioners can better understand the motives, intentions, and underlying processes of individuals. In this article, we will explore different aspects of behavioural analysis, including its methods, applications, and significance.Methodology:Behavioural analysis employs several methods to study human behaviour. These methods include direct observation, interviews, surveys, and experiments. Direct observation involves carefully observing and noting down behavioural patterns in specific settings. Researchers may conduct structured or unstructured interviews to gather information about individuals' experiences, perspectives, and attitudes. Surveys are another common method that employsquestionnaires to collect data on a larger scale. Lastly, experiments are conducted to test hypotheses and explore cause-and-effect relationships between specific variables and behaviour.Applications:Behavioural analysis finds applications in various fields, including psychology, sociology, education, marketing, and criminal justice. Psychologists use this approach to diagnose and treat mental health conditions. Understanding patterns and triggers behind certain behaviours allows therapists to develop more effective treatment plans. Moreover, behavioural analysis is relevant in education as it helps identify learning difficulties, behavioural disorders, and social challenges among students. Teachers can then adapt their teaching methodologies to accommodate these individual needs.In the marketing industry, behavioural analysis plays a pivotal role in understanding consumer purchasing behaviour. By studying consumer habits, preferences, anddecision-making processes, companies can design targeted marketing campaigns and develop products that align with customers' needs and wants. In the criminal justice system,behavioural analysis contributes significantly to crime investigation and profiling. Detectives and criminal profilers analyze crime scenes, offender behaviour, and eyewitness accounts to predict the characteristics and motivations of criminals. This aids in the apprehension and prevention of future crimes.Significance:Behavioural analysis is significant as it provides valuable insights into human behaviour, enabling professionals to make informed decisions and implement effective strategies. By understanding the factors that influence behaviour, individuals can gain self-awareness and make positive changes in their lives. The knowledge acquired through behavioural analysis also helps society in general by fostering better understanding and empathy towards others.Behavioural analysis allows researchers to explore the complex interaction between biology, cognition, and the environment. It aids in uncovering the underlying reasons for certain behaviours, including biases, attitudes, and beliefs. This understanding is crucial in addressing societal issues such as discrimination, prejudice, and inequality.Moreover, behavioural analysis helps in predicting andpreventing harmful or deviant behaviours. By identifying risk factors and early warning signs, professionals can intervene and provide necessary support to individuals at risk. For example, in the field of mental health, behavioural analysis assists in identifying warning signs of potential self-harm or suicide. This enables mental health professionals to take appropriate measures to prevent tragedy and provide the necessary care and intervention.Conclusion:Behavioural analysis is a comprehensive approach that delves into the intricacies of human behaviour. Through various methods, this field of study unlocks valuable insights into the motives, intentions, and underlying processes that drive our actions and reactions. The applications of behavioural analysis span across multiple disciplines, all helping us gain a better understanding of ourselves and others. By recognizing the significance of behavioural analysis, we can cultivate a more empathetic and inclusive society while effectively addressing individual and societal challenges.。
《混凝土结构设计原理》双语 (13)

• Variance (方差)
E[( X
E(X )2 ]
E[ X
2 ] [E(X )]2
2 X
• Standard deviation(标准差) X
• Coefficient of variation (变异系数)
X X E(x) X
Pf P(Z 0) [ f R (r)dr] fS (S)dS FR (S) fS (S)dS
First-order second-moment method
2 R
2 S
βis called reliability index (可靠度指标)
第4.1.3条 混凝土轴心抗压,轴心抗拉强度标准值fck,ftk应 按表4.1.3采用。
强度种 类
混凝土强度标准值(N/mm2) 混凝土强度等级
C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 C40 C45 C50 C55 C60 C65 C70 C75 C80
10.0 13.4 16.7 20.1 23.4 26.8 29.6 32.4 35.5 38.5 41.5 44.5 47.4 50.2
3.4 Classification of design methods
• 水准Ⅰ • 水准Ⅱ • 水准Ⅲ
半概率法 近似概率法 全概率法
3.5 Limit State Design
• Two principal types of limit state: • o Ultimate limit state: The whole structure or its

冷链物流外文翻译文献综述(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)(AbstractQuality control and monitoring of perishable goods during transportation and delivery services is an increasing concern for producers, suppliers, transport decision makers and consumers. The major challenge is to ensure a continuou s …cold chain‟ from producer to consumer in order to guaranty prime condition of goods. In this framework, the suitability of ZigBee protocol for monitoring refrigerated transportation has been proposed by several authors. However, up to date there was not any experimental work performed under real conditions. Thus, the main objective of our experiment was to test wireless sensor motes based in the ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 protocol during a real shipment. The experiment was conducted in a refrigerated truck traveling through two countries (Spain and France) which means a journey of 1,051 kilometers. The paper illustrates the great potential of this type of motes, providing information about several parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, door openings and truck stops. Psychrometric charts have also been developed for improving the knowledge about water loss and condensation on the product during shipments.1. IntroductionPerishable food products such as vegetables, fruit, meat or fish require refrigerated transportation. For all these products, Temperature (T) is the most important factor for extending shelf life, being essential to ensure that temperatures along the cold chain are adequate. However, local temperature deviations can be present in almost any transport situation. Reports from the literature indicate gradients of 5 °C or more, when deviations of only a few degrees can lead to spoiled goods and thousands of Euros in damages. A recent study shows that refrigerated shipments rise above the optimum temperature in 30% of trips from the supplier to the distribution centre, and in 15% of trips from the distribution centre to the stores. Roy et al. analyzed the supply of fresh tomato in Japan and quantified product losses of 5% during transportation and distribution. Thermal variations during transoceanic shipments have also been studied. The results showed that there was a significant temperature variability both spatially across the width of the container as well as temporally along the trip, and that it was out of the specification more than 30% of the time. In those experiments monitoring was achieved by means of the installation of hundreds of wired sensors in a single container, which makes this system architecture commercially unfeasible.Transport is often done by refrigerated road vehicles and containers equipped with embedded cooling systems. In such environments, temperatures rise very quickly if a reefer unit fails. Commercial systems are presently available for monitoring containers and trucks, but they do not give complete information about the cargo, because they typically measure only temperature and at just one point.Apart from temperature, water loss is one of the main causes of deterioration that reduces the marketability of perishable food products. Transpiration is the loss of moisture from living tissues. Most weight loss of stored fruit is caused by this process. Relative humidity (RH), T of the product, T of the surrounding atmosphere, and air velocity all affect the amount of water lost in food commodities. Free water or condensation is also a problem as it encourages microbial infection and growth, and it can also reduce the strength of packagingmaterials.Parties involved need better quality assurance methods to satisfy customer demands and to create a competitive point of difference. Successful transport in food logistics calls for automated and efficient monitoring and control of shipments. The challenge is to ensure a continuous …cold chain‟ from producer to consumer in order to guaranty prime condition of goods .The use of wireless sensors in refrigerated vehicles was proposed by Qingshan et al. as a new way of monitoring. Specialized WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) monitoring devices promise to revolutionize the shipping and handling of a wide range of perishable products giving suppliers and distributors continuous and accurate readings throughout the distribution process. In this framework, ZigBee was developed as a very promising WSN protocol due to its low energy consumption and advanced network capabilities. Its potential for monitoring the cold chain has been addressed by several authors but without real experimentation, only theoretical approaches. For this reason, in our work real experimentation with the aim of exploring the limits of this technology was a priority.The main objective of this project is to explore the potential of wireless ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 motes for their application in commercial refrigerated shipments by road. A secondary objective was to improve the knowledge about the conditions that affect the perishable food products during transportation, through the study of relevant parameters like temperature, relative humidity, light, shocking and psychrometric properties.2. Materials and Methods2.1. ZigBee MotesFour ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 motes (transmitters) and one base station (receiver) were used. All of them were manufactured by Crossbow. The motes consist of a microcontroller board (Micaz) together with an independent transducer board (MTS400) attached by means of a 52 pin connector. The Micaz mote hosts an Atmel ATMEGA103/128L CPU running the Tiny Operating System (TinyOS) that enables it to execute programs developed using the nesC language. The Micaz has a radio device Chipcon CC2420 2.4 GHz 250 Kbps IEEE 802.15.4. Power is supplied by two AA lithium batteries.The transducer board hosts a variety of sensors: T and RH (Sensirion SHT11), T and barometric pressure (Intersema MS5534B), light intensity (TAOS TSL2550D) and a two-axis accelerometer (ADXL202JE). A laptop computer is used as the receiver, and communicates with the nodes through a Micaz mounted on the MIB520 ZigBee/USB gateway board.Each Sensirion SHT11 is individually calibrated in a precision humidity chamber. The calibration coefficients are used internally during measurements to calibrate the signals from the sensors. The accuracies for T and RH are ±0.5 °C (at 25 °C) and ±3.5% respectively.The Intersema MS5534B is a SMD-hybrid device that includes a piezoresistive pressure sensor and an ADC-Interface IC. It provides a 16 bit data word from a pressure and T (−40 to +125°C) dependent voltage. Additionally the module contains six readable coefficients for a highly accurate software calibration of the sensor.The TSL2550 is a digital-output light sensor with a two-wire, SMBus serial interface. It combines two photodiodes and an analog-to digital converter (ADC) on a single CMOS integrated circuit to provide light measurements over a 12-bit dynamic range. The ADXL202E measures accelerations with a full-scale range of ±2 g. The ADXL202E can measure both dynamic acceleration (e.g., vibration) and static acceleration (e.g., gravity).2.2. Experimental Set UpThe experiment was conducted in a refrigerated truck traveling during 23 h 41 m 21 s from Murcia (Spain) to Avignon (France), a distance of 1,051 km. The truck transported approx.14,000 kg of lettuce var. Little Gem in 28 pallets of 1,000 × 1,200 mm . The lettuce was packed in cardboard boxes with openings for air circulation.The length of the semi-trailer was 15 m with a Carrier Vector 1800 refrigeration unit mounted to the front of the semi-trailer. For this shipment the set point was 0 °C.The truck was outfitted with the wireless system, covering different heights and lengths from the cooling equipment, which was at the front of the semi-trailer. Four motes were mounted with the cargo (see Figure 1): mote 1 was at the bottom of the pallets in the front side of the semi-trailer, mote 2 was in the middle of the semi-trailer, mote 3 was in the rear at the top of the pallet, and mote 4 was located as shown in Figure 1, about a third of the distance between the front and the rear of the trailer. Motes 1, 2 and 3 were inside the boxes beside the lettuce. The program installed in the motes collects data from all the sensors at a fixed sample rate (7.2 s), with each transmission referred to as a “packet”. The RF power in the Micaz can be set from −24 dBm to 0 dBm. D uring the experiment, the RF power was set to the maximum, 0dBm (1mW approximately).2.3. Data AnalysisA specialized MATLAB program has been developed for assessing the percentage of lost packets (%) in transmission, by means of computing the number of multiple sending failures for a given sample rate (SR). A multiple failure of m messages occurs whenever the elapsed time between two messages lies between 1.5 ×m ×SR and 2.5 ×m ×SR. For example, with a sample rate of 11 s, a single failure (m = 1) occurs whenever the time period between consecutives packets is longer than 16.5 s (1.5 × 1 × 11) and shorter than 27.5 s (2.5 × 1 × 11). The total number of lost packets is computed based on the frequency of each failure type. Accordingly, the total percentage of lost packets is calculated as the ratio between the total number of lost packets and the number of sent packets.The standard error (SE) associated to the ratio of lost packets is computed based on a binomial distribution as expressed in Equation 1, where n is the total number of packets sent,and p is the ratio of lost packets in the experiment.2.4. Analysis of VarianceFactorial Analysis of Variance (ANOV A) was performed in order to evaluate the effect of the type of sensor in the registered measurements, including T (by means of Sensirion and Intersema), RH, barometric pressure, light intensity and acceleration module. ANOV A allows partitioning of the observed variance into components due to different explanatory variables. The STATISTICA software (StatSoft, Inc.) was used for this purpose [14]. The Fishers‟s F ratio compares the variance within sample groups (“inherent variance”) with the variance between groups (factors). We use this statistic for knowing which factor has more influence in the variability of the measurements.2.5. Psychrometric DataPsychrometry studies the thermodynamic properties of moist air and the use of these properties to analyze conditions and processes involving moist air. Psychrometric chartsshow a graphical representation of the relationship between T, RH and water vapor pressure in moist air. They can be used for the detection of water loss and condensation over the product.In our study, the ASAE standard D271.2 was used for computing the psychrometric properties of air. Equations 2–5 and Table 1 enable the calculation of all psychrometric data of air whenever two independent psychrometric properties of an air-water vapour mixture are known in addition to the atmospheric pressure:where Ps stands for saturation vapor pressure (Pa), T is the temperature (K), Pv is the vapor pressure (Pa), H the absolute humidity (g/kg dry air), Patm is atmospheric pressure (Pa) and A, B, C, D, E, F, G and R are a series of coefficients used to compute Ps, according to Equation 3.3.Results and Discussion3.1. Reliability of TransmissionSignal propagation through the lettuce lead to absorption of radio signals, resulting in great attenuations in RF signal strength and link quality at the receiver. During the experiment, only motes 3 and 4 were able to transmit to the coordinator. No signals were received from mote number 1, at the bottom of the first pallet, and number 2, in the middle of the pallet. Mote 3 was closer to the coordinator than mote 4, but mote 3 was surrounded by lettuce which blocks the RF signal. However between mote 4 and the coordinator there was free space for transmission. Thus, the maximum ratio of lost packets found was 100% for two of the motes and the minimum 4.5% ± 0.1%, for mote 4.Similar ratios were reported by several authors who performed experiments with WSN under real conditions, like for example in monitoring vineyards. Also, Baggio and Haneveld, after one year of experimentation in a potato field using motes operating at the band of 868/916MHz, reported that 98% of data packets were lost. However, during the second year the total amount of data gathered was 51%, which represents a clear improvement. Ipema et al. monitored cows with Crossbow motes, and found that the base station directly received less than 50% of temperature measurements stored in the mote buffer. Nadimi et al., who also monitored cows with this type of motes, showed packet loss rates of about 25% for wireless sensor data from cows in a pasture even the distance to the receiver (gateway) was less than 12.5 m away.Radio propagation can be influenced by two main factors: the properties of propagation media and the heterogeneous properties of devices. In a commercial shipment, if the motes are embedded within the cargo, a significant portion of the Fresnel zone is obstructed. This is a big challenge in our application. Changing the motes‟ location, for example the one at the bottom of the pallets (mote 1, at the front of the semitrailer) or the one in the middle of the compartment (mote 2), might have yielded in better data reception rates but would have resulted in a loss of spatial information near the floor or at mid-height. The sensors should be as close as possible to the products transported; otherwise the measurements would not give precise information. Thus, one solution, if the same motes are to be used, could be to includeintermediates motes that allow peer to peer communication to the base station. Another solution could be to use lower frequencies; however this is not possible using ZigBee, because the only radio frequency band available for ZigBee worldwide is the 2.4 GHz one. The other ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) bands (868 MHz and 915 MHz) differ from USA to Europe. Other options include developing motes with more RF power that can achieve longer radio ranges. The transmission could also be improved by optimizing antenna orientation, shape and configuration. The standard antenna mounted in the Micaz is a 3 cm long 1/2 wavelength dipole antenna. The communications could be enhanced using ceramic collinear antennas or with use of a simple reflecting screen to supplement a primary antenna, which can provide a 9dB improvement. Link asymmetry and an irregular radio range can be caused by the antenna position. In a real environment, the pattern of radio transmitted at the antenna is neither a circular nor a spherical shape. Radio irregularity affects the motes performance and degrades their ability to maintain connection to other nodes in the network. However, in our experiment Micaz motes were deployed in its best position according to a recent study. Another issue is the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), it should be recorded in further experiments in order to detect network problems and estimate the radio link quality. RSSI is a way for the radio to report the strength of the radio signal that it is receiving from the transmitting unit.Sample rates configured in the motes were very short in order to get the maximum amount of data about the ambient conditions. In practice, a reduction in the sampling frequency of recording and transmission should be configured in order to extend battery life. According to Thiemjarus and Yang this also provides opportunities for data reduction at the mote level. It is expected that future wireless sensor motes will have on-board features to analyze recorded data and detect certain deviations. The level of a deviation determines whether the recording or transmitting frequency should be adapted .One important feature in the motes came from the miniaturized sensors mounted on the motes that allow, in a small space (2.5 ×5 ×5 cm), to provide data not just about temperature, but also RH, acceleration and light, according to the proposal of Wang and Li. Those variables were also measured and analyzed.3.2. Transport ConditionsFor the analysis of T conditions, the average value of the two sensors mounted in each mote is considered. The set-point of the transport trailer‟s cooling system was 0 °C, but the average temperature registered during the shipment was 5.33 °C, with a maximum of 8.52 °C and a minimum of −3.0 °C. On average, 98% of the time the temperature was outside of the industry recommended range (set-point ± 0.5 °C).Figure 2 shows the temperature fluctuations registered during the shipment, where four different markers are used corresponding to two T sensors per mote. There are large differences between the temperatures recorded with each sensor on the same mote even thought individual calibration curves were used. The SHT11 measures consistently higher temperatures than the Intersema. This behaviour could be due to the closer location of the SHT11 to the microcontroller, causing sensor self-heating effects.In other studies, like for example Tanner and Amos, it was observed that the cargo was within the industry recommended T interval for approximately 58% of the shipment duration. Rodriguez-Bermejo et pared two different cooling modes in a 20‟ reefer container. For modulated cooling the percentage of time within the recommendation ranged between 44% and 52% of the shipment duration, whereas for off/on control cooling it ranged between 9.6% and 0%. In those experiments, lower percentages of time within industry recommended intervals are found for high T set points.The analysis of variance of the T data shows that the variability in temperature depended both in the type of sensor and on the mote used. The interaction between these two factors also has an impact on the T measurements. The critical value of F at 95% probability level is much lower than the observed values of F, which means that the null hypothesis is false. The mote is the factor that has most influence on the variability of the measurements (highest Fishers‟s F); this fact seems to be due to the location of the node. Mote 4 is closer to the cooling equipment which results in lower temperature measurements.The node is a very significant factor in the measurements registered. In the case of RH, pressure, light and acceleration, the node location has great influence in data variability . However, node location has more impact on the measured RH than on the other variables.Inside the semi-trailer RH ranged from 55 to 95% (see Figure 3). The optimal RH forlettuce is 95%. Humidity was always higher at mote 4 (at the top middle of the semi-trailer; average RH 74.9%) than at mote 3 (located at the rear; average RH 62.1%).摘要生产商、供应商、运输决策者和消费者越来越关心易腐货物在运输和交付服务中对质量的掌握和把控。
Structural Health Monitoring

Structural Health Monitoring Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a critical aspect of ensuring the safety and reliability of structures such as buildings, bridges, and dams. It involves the use of various sensors and monitoring systems to continuously assess the condition of these structures and detect any signs of damage or deterioration. In this response, I will discuss the importance of SHM from multiple perspectives, including the benefits it brings to engineers, the impact it has on public safety, and the potential challenges in implementing such monitoring systems. From an engineering perspective, SHM plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and performance of structures. By continuously monitoring key parameters such as strain, vibration, and temperature, engineers can gain valuable insights into the structural behavior and identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. This proactive approach allows for timely maintenance and repair, reducing the risk of catastrophic failures and minimizing downtime. SHM also provides engineers with a wealth of data that can be used for structural analysis and optimization, leading to more efficient and cost-effective designs in the future. Furthermore, SHM has a significant impact on public safety. By continuously monitoring the health of critical infrastructure, such as bridges and high-rise buildings, SHM systems can detect early warning signs of structural deterioration or damage. This early detection enables engineers and authorities to take appropriate actions, such as implementing temporary safety measures or closing the structure for repairs, thus preventing potential accidents and ensuring the safety of the public. The implementation of SHM systems can therefore instill confidence in the community, assuring them that necessary measures are in place to monitor and maintain the structural integrity of public infrastructure. However, the implementation of SHM is not without its challenges. One major challenge is the cost associated with installing and maintaining the necessary monitoring systems. The sensors, data acquisition devices, and data processing software can be expensive, especially for large-scale structures or extensive monitoring networks. Additionally, the continuous monitoring generates a vast amount of data that needs to be processed and analyzed in real-time, requiring sophisticated algorithms and computing resources. The cost of these systems andthe expertise required to operate them can be a significant barrier for many organizations, particularly smaller ones with limited budgets. Another challenge is the interpretation and utilization of the collected data. While SHM systems can provide a wealth of information about the structural health, it requires skilled engineers and analysts to interpret the data and make informed decisions. This requires a deep understanding of the structural behavior and the ability to distinguish between normal variations and potential signs of damage. Additionally, the integration of SHM data into decision-making processes and maintenance strategies can be a complex task, requiring collaboration between engineers, asset managers, and other stakeholders. Overcoming these challenges necessitates investment in training and education, as well as the development of user-friendly tools and guidelines to facilitate the effective use of SHM data. In conclusion, Structural Health Monitoring is a vital tool for engineers and authorities to ensure the safety and reliability of structures. It provides valuable insightsinto the structural behavior, enables early detection of damage, and facilitates proactive maintenance and repair. From an engineering perspective, SHM allows for more efficient designs and optimization of structures. It also has a significant impact on public safety by preventing accidents and instilling confidence in the community. However, the implementation of SHM faces challenges such as cost, data interpretation, and integration into decision-making processes. Overcoming these challenges requires investment in resources, training, and collaboration among various stakeholders. Despite these challenges, the benefits of SHM far outweigh the costs, making it an indispensable tool for ensuring the long-term performance and safety of structures.。

电站检修运维英语Title: Power Plant Maintenance and Operations: Ensuring Efficiency and ReliabilityPower plants play a critical role in generatingelectricity to meet the demands of modern society. To ensure the continuous and efficient operation of these facilities, meticulous maintenance and effective operations management are indispensable. In this essay, we delve into the key aspects of power plant maintenance and operations, highlighting the strategies, challenges, and best practices involved.1. **Routine Maintenance Procedures**:- Scheduled Inspections: Regular inspections of equipment and infrastructure components such as turbines, boilers, transformers, and cooling systems are conducted to detect potential issues before they escalate.- Preventive Maintenance: Planned maintenance activities, including lubrication, cleaning, and parts replacement, are carried out to prevent equipment failures and optimize performance.- Predictive Maintenance: Utilization of advanced monitoring technologies such as vibration analysis, thermography, and oil analysis to predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance accordingly, minimizing downtime and reducing costs.2. **Emergency Response and Repair**:- Rapid Response Teams: Trained personnel are available around the clock to address emergency situations such as equipment breakdowns, power outages, or safety hazards.- Spare Parts Management: Maintaining an inventory of critical spare parts ensures prompt replacement during emergencies, minimizing downtime and preventing significant disruptions to power generation.3. **Safety Protocols and Compliance**:- Adherence to Regulations: Compliance with industry standards and regulations, including safety protocolsoutlined by relevant authorities, is paramount to ensure the well-being of personnel and the surrounding environment.- Training and Education: Continuous training programsare provided to employees to enhance their understanding of safety procedures, emergency protocols, and equipment operation, fostering a culture of safety within the workforce.4. **Efficiency Optimization**:- Performance Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) such as heat rate, fuel consumption, and efficiency metrics enables operators to identify opportunities for optimization and implement corrective actions.- Energy Management Systems: Implementation of advanced control systems and automation technologies to optimize energy production, minimize waste, and reduce operational costs while maintaining reliability and stability.5. **Environmental Sustainability**:- Emission Control Measures: Adoption of emission control technologies such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR), electrostatic precipitators (ESP), and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems to mitigate the environmental impact of power generation activities.- Renewable Integration: Integration of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power into existing power plant operations to diversify the energy portfolio, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote sustainable practices.6. **Data Analytics and Predictive Maintenance**:- Big Data Analytics: Utilization of data analytics tools and algorithms to analyze large volumes of operational data, identify patterns, and optimize maintenance schedules,resulting in improved asset reliability and reducedoperational costs.- Condition Monitoring: Implementation of remotemonitoring systems and sensor technologies to continuously assess equipment health and performance, enabling predictive maintenance strategies and early fault detection.In conclusion, effective maintenance and operations management are essential for ensuring the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of power plants. By implementing robust maintenance practices, prioritizing safety, optimizing efficiency, and embracing technological advancements, power plant operators can overcome challenges and deliver reliable electricity to meet the needs of society.。

chep手术发声原理The chep手术发声原理 refers to the principle of how the CHEP (Continuous Hinged ExtraPhonation) surgery is able to improve voice production for individuals with vocal cord paralysis or paresis. The surgery involves a procedure where a silicone block is implanted within the larynx to help open the vocal folds and allow for improved phonation. 这种手术是通过植入硅胶块来打开声带裂隙,从而改善声音的产生。
The principle behind the CHEP surgery lies in the concept of restoring the balance of airflow and tissue tension within the larynx to achieve a more natural and efficient voice production. CHEP手术的原理在于恢复喉部的气流和组织张力的平衡,以实现更自然、高效的声音产生。
One perspective to consider when discussing the chep手术发声原理is the impact it has on the biomechanics of the larynx. The insertion of the silicone block alters the tension and position of the vocal folds, allowing for improved phonation. 这种硅胶块的植入改变了声带的张力和位置,有助于改善发声。

[Abstract]In the process of analyzing the structure mechanics of the rock-soil slope support of the expressway,it is necessary to realize effective calculations on the vibration mechanics of the rock-soil slope supporting structure,accurately measure the relevant values and understand meanings of the values. The support mechanics model, earthquake factors,etc. are considered,and the deformation and damage around the support are observed. The propagation damping between the longitudinal wave and the transverse wave is considered,the seismic dynamic response factors are obtained,and the overall mechanical parameters are calculated.
因合龙段临时锁定主要是克服梁体温差变化产生的轴向 力。刚性支撑工字钢在夜间低温时锁定,根据合龙段施工期 间历史天气情况,考虑刚性支撑锁定后结构整体升温 20℃, 整体降温 –15℃。
5 计算结果分析 张拉合龙段临时钢束时会给刚性支撑工字钢施以轴向压
Structural Health Monitoring and Control

Structural Health Monitoring and Control Structural health monitoring and control are critical aspects of ensuring the safety and longevity of infrastructure, buildings, bridges, and other civil engineering structures. The need for effective monitoring and control has become increasingly important in the face of aging infrastructure and the growing threat of natural disasters. This prompts the question of how to effectively monitor and control the health of structures to ensure their safety and reliability. One perspective to consider is the technological aspect of structural healthmonitoring and control. With advances in sensor technology, it is now possible to monitor various aspects of a structure's health, such as strain, temperature, and vibration, in real-time. These sensors can provide valuable data that can be used to assess the structural integrity of a building or bridge, detect potential issues, and even predict future failures. Furthermore, the integration of wireless communication and data analysis technologies allows for the continuous monitoring of structures, providing a wealth of information to engineers and decision-makers. Another important perspective to consider is the economic aspect of structural health monitoring and control. While the initial investment in monitoring systems and sensors may seem costly, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. By detecting and addressing structural issues early on, the need for costly repairsor even the replacement of an entire structure can be avoided. Additionally, the implementation of effective monitoring and control measures can help to extend the lifespan of infrastructure, reducing the overall lifecycle costs and providing a significant return on investment. From a societal perspective, the importance of structural health monitoring and control cannot be overstated. The safety of the public is paramount, and the failure of a critical infrastructure can have devastating consequences. By implementing effective monitoring and control measures, the risk of structural failures can be minimized, providing peace of mind to the public and ensuring the continued functionality of essential infrastructure. Furthermore, the implementation of advanced monitoringtechnologies can also lead to the development of new jobs and opportunities in the field of structural engineering and technology. In addition to the technological, economic, and societal perspectives, it is also important to consider theenvironmental impact of structural health monitoring and control. By detecting and addressing structural issues early on, the need for extensive repairs or replacements can be minimized, reducing the environmental impact of construction and demolition activities. Furthermore, the implementation of monitoring andcontrol measures can help to optimize the use of resources and materials, contributing to a more sustainable approach to infrastructure maintenance and development. In conclusion, the importance of structural health monitoring and control cannot be overstated. From a technological standpoint, advances in sensor technology and data analysis have made it possible to continuously monitor the health of structures in real-time. From an economic perspective, the long-term benefits of implementing monitoring and control measures far outweigh the initial costs. From a societal standpoint, the safety and functionality of infrastructure are crucial to the well-being of the public. And from an environmental perspective, effective monitoring and control can help to minimize the environmental impact of infrastructure maintenance and development. By considering these multiple perspectives, it is clear that structural health monitoring and control are essential aspects of ensuring the safety, reliability, and sustainability of our infrastructure.。
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Journal of Sound and<ibration(2000)230(3),493}506doi:10.1006/jsvi.1999.2625,available online at onVIBRATION ANALYSIS OF THE CONTINUOUS BEAM SUBJECTED TO A MOVING MASSM.I CHIKAWA,Y.M IYAKAWA AND A.M ATSUDADepartment of System Engineering,Okayama Prefectural;niversity,111Kuboki Soja,Okayama,Japan(Received9December1998,and,nal form27July1999)The dynamic behavior of the multi-span continuous beam traversed by a moving mass at a constant velocity is investigated,in which it is assumed that each span of the continuous beam obeys uniform Euler}Bernoulli beam theory.The solution to this system is simply obtained by using both eigenfunction expansion or the modal analysis method and the direct integration method in combination.The e!ects of the inertia and the moving velocity of the load on the dynamic response of the continuous beam are evaluated for three kinds of continuous beams having uniform span length.2000Academic Press1.INTRODUCTIONThe dynamic behavior of beam structures,such as bridges on railways,subjected to moving loads or masses has been investigated for over a century.There are numerous reports available in the excellent monographs of Fryba[1,2],and most of them treat a uniform simply supported beam of single span.When the e!ect of the inertia of the load is accounted for,the problem is associated with serious di$culties even for the case of a single-span beam.Cai et al.[3]investigated the dynamic interactions between the vehicle and guideway ofa maglev system by modelling the vehicle as a concentrated moving force and as a two-degree-of-freedom model.Michaltsos et al.[4]derived a closed-form solution for the single-span beam to a moving mass by approximating the total time derivative of the mass displacement with the partial derivative and by using as a"rst approximation the solution of the corresponding problem without the e!ect of the mass.Recently,Foda and Abduljabbar[5]studied the in#uence of the parameters of the system on the dynamic response of the single-span beam subjected to a moving mass using the method of dynamic Green function.Lee[6,7] investigated the possibility of mass separation from the beam during the mass motion using the Lagrangian approach and the assumed mode method for the Euler and the Timoshenko beams of single span.There are not so many reports on the dynamic problem of a multi-span continuous beam subjected to the moving load.Yang et al.[8]presented the useful impact formulas for vehicles moving over the simple and continuous beams.LeeFigure 1.Illustration of an N -span continuous beam subjected to a moving mass.[9]investigated the Euler beam on multiple supports with a moving mass using the assumed mode method.Chatterjee et al .[10]investigated the dynamic response of the multi-span continuous bridge under a moving vehicle modelled as a single unsprung or sprung mass,using the eigensti !ness method developed by Hayashikawa and Watanabe [11].Henchi et al .[12]also presented the dynamic sti !ness element method,followed by the modal fast Fourier transform approach,for the moving load problem of the multi-span continuous beam.Yang and Yau[13]developed the vehicle }bridge interaction element with both accuracy and e $ciency in the analysis of railway bridges carrying high-speed trains.Ichikawa et al .[14]investigated the dynamic response of a multi-span Euler }Bernoulli beam subjected to a moving load at time-dependent velocity using the method of the eigenfunction expansion or the modal analysis,and estimated the e !ects of acceleration or deceleration of a moving load on the dynamic ampli "cation factor for a symmetric three-span continuous beam.Its solution method is simple and can be widely applied.The present paper investigates the response of the multi-span Euler }Bernoulli beam subjected to a moving mass by using the method just described.The equation of transverse motion of each span is non-dimensionalized in a reasonable manner,and is transformed into the coupled ordinary di !erential equation of second order for the generalized co-ordinate whose solution is found through the direct integration method in the present paper.The e !ects of the inertia and the velocity of the moving load are evaluated numerically for three kinds of continuous beams of uniform span length.2.FORMULATIONIn the present paper,the following assumptions are made for the formulation of the vibration problem of a continuous beam subjected to moving mass as in Figure 1:(1)each span of the continuous beam obeys a Euler }Bernoulli beam theory and has linear elastic behavior;(2)the moving mass keeps contact with the continuous beam at all times;and (3)for the initial conditions,the moving mass is located at the left-hand end of the continuous beam.494M.ICHIKAWA E ¹A ¸.The equation of the trnsverse vibration for each span is given by(EI )P * w P *x P #( A )P * w P *t "f P (x P ,t ),0)x P )l P ,r "1,2,2,N ,(1)in which the su $x r denotes the r th span,EI , and A denote,respectively,the #exural rigidity,mass density and the cross-sectional area.Furthermore,w is the transverse de #ection of each span,f is the time-varying external load distribution due to moving loads,x P is the local co-ordinate along the axis of the r th span,and t is the time.The continuity and equilibrium conditions at the intermediate support points of the continuous beam require the following relations:w P (x P "l P,t )"0,wP> (x P>"0,t )"0,*w P *x P (x P "l P ,t )"*w P> *x P> (x P> "0,t ),(EI )P * w P *x P(x P "l P ,t )"(EI )P> * w P> *x P> (x P> "0,t ),r "1,2,2,N !1.(2)Introducing dimensionless variables P "x P /l and ¹" t ,in which "((EI ) /( A ) /l,into equations (1)and (2)leads to * w P * P #a P * w P *¹ "l b P (EI )f P ( P ,¹),0) P )c P ,r "1,2,2,N (3)andw P ( P "c P ,¹)"w P> ( P> "0,¹)"0w P ( P "c P ,¹)"w P> ( P> "0,¹)b P w P ( P "c P ,¹)"b P> w P> ( P>"0,¹)r "1,2,2,N !1,(4)wherea P "( A )P (EI ) ( A ) (EI )P ,b P "(EI )P (EI ) ,c P "l P /l ,f P ( P ,¹)"f P (l P ,¹/ ),r "1,2,2,N (5)and the symbol ( )denotes di !erentiation with respect to the dimensionless spatial variable.For a steady state of free vibration,let f P ( P ,¹)"0and w P ( P ,¹)" P ( P )e S 2in which P ( P ),i and denote the spatial function of the r th span,the imaginary unit and the dimensionless circular frequency on the basis of the "rst span CONTINUOUS BEAM RESPONSE TO MOVING MASS 495respectively.Then,the following results are easily obtained for the simply supported continuous beam:P ( P )" sinh a c sin a !sin a c sinh a ,r "1,B P F P ( P )#D P G P ( P ),r "2,3,2,N ,(6)where "( ,the coe $cients B P and D P are the constants and the functions F P ( P )and G P ( P)are expressed by F P ( P )"(cos a P c P !cosh a P c P )sinh a P P #sinh a P c P (cosh a P P !cos a P P )(7)andG P ( P )"(cos a P c P !cosh a P c P )sin a P P #sin a P c P (cosh a P P !cos a P P ).(8)The coe $cients B P and D P may be expressed in the matrix form of B P D P "U P \ U P \ 2U ,r "1,2,2,N ,(9)where matrices U are given as follows:U "1e U !sin a c sinh a c a b sinh a c cos a c !sin a c cosh a c,(10)and U I "1e I U I a I b I h I a I> b I> a I b I h I a I> b I> h I h I,k "2,3,2,N !1,(11)where e I "a I> a I(cos a I> c I> !cosh a I> c I> )(sinh a I> c I> !sin a I> c I> ),U I " cos a I> c I> !cosh a I> c I> !sin a I> c I> !cos a I> c I> #cosh a I> c I> sinh a I> c I>,k "1,2,2,N !1(12)496M.ICHIKAWA E ¹A ¸.andh I "cos a I c I sinh a I c I h I "cos a I c I sin a I c I h I "cos a I c I cosh a I c I #sinh a I c I sin a I c I !1h I "sin a I c I sinh a I c I !cosh a I c I cos a I c I#1k "2,3,2,N !1.(13)The frequency equation for the simply supported continuous beam,from which the values of are found,is as follows:B ,F ,(c ,)#D ,G ,(c ,)"0.(14)The solutions of equation (3)can be expressed as the seriesw P ( P ,¹)" L PL ( P )q L (¹),r "1,2,2,N ,(15)where PL ( P )is the n th eigenfunction of the r th span and q L (¹)is the corresponding generalized time-dependent co-ordinate to be ing the relation of * P /* "( P / )* P /* P and l 'Hospital 's rule leads to the following orthogonality relation of the eigenfunctions for the present system:, P a P b P A P PG PH d P "M G 4 G GH ,(16)where is the Kronecker delta and the coe $cient M G is expressed by M G "b ( G (0) G (0)!3 G (0) G (0))#,\ Pb Pc P +( PG (c P )) !2 PG (c P ) PG (c P ),#b ,+(3 ,G (c ,)#a ,c , G ,G (c ,)) ,G (c ,)#(c , ,G (c ,)! ,G (c ,)) ,G (c ,)!2c , ,G (c ,) ,G (c ,),.(17)This relation is indeed suitable for the computer implementation of the present analysis because of its clear and simple expression,so that the present method can be applied to the continuous beams with other combinations of boundary conditions with only minor changes.Thus,substitution of equation (15)into equation (3),and use of equation (16)lead tod q L d ¹ # L q L "4 L l M L (EI ) , P A P f P ( P ,¹) PL ( P )d P .(18)When considering the e !ect of the inertia of the moving mass m ,the external forces f Pon the right-hand side of equation (18)should be regarded as the CONTINUOUS BEAM RESPONSE TO MOVING MASS 497time-varying reaction forces acting at the point of contact.From the equation of vertical motion of the moving mass,the functions f Pcan be expressed by f P ( P ,¹)"mg l 1! g d y d ¹ P !s #P \ Gc G +H ( P )!H ( P !c P ),,r "1,2,2,N ,(19)where g is the gravitational acceleration,y the vertical displacement of the moving mass,s is de "ned to represent s /l which indicates the dimensionless distance between the instantaneous position of the moving mass and the left-hand end of the continuous beam, is the Dirac delta function and H is the Heaviside step function.Since both y and s are functions of only time,substitution of equation (19)into equation (18)yieldsd q L d ¹ # L q L "4 L M L 1! d y d ¹ L (s ),(20)where the introduced quantities are de "ned by the following expressions:q L "q L mgl /(EI ) ,y "y mgl /(EI ), "m /( Al ) andL (s )", P PL s !P \ I c I ; H s !P \ I c I !H s !P I c I .It should be noticed that the dimensionless parameter denotes the mass ratio of the moving mass to the total mass of the "rst span,and that the quantity mgl /(EI ) means the scaling factor for the transverse displacement of the system under investigation.From the second assumption that the moving mass keeps contact with the continuous beam at all times,the non-dimensional displacement y is the right-hand side of equation (20)can be written byy (¹)" L L (s )q L (¹).(21)Since s is a function of dimensionless time ¹,we obtain the following relation:d y d ¹ " d s d ¹ L d L (s )d s q L (¹)# d s d ¹L d L (s )d s q L (¹)498M.ICHIKAWA E ¹A ¸.Figure 2.Illustration of the continuous beam of N equal spans subjected to a mass moving at constant velocity.T ABLE 1¹he ,rst six eigenvalues of continuous beams in Figure 2NumberRoots H of equation (14)ofspans12 3 4 5 6 23)92660232 7)06858273 10)210176133)55640854)29752972 6)70759567)42954134 3)39323133)92660234)46332442 6)5454138#2d s d ¹ Ld L (s )d s d q L (¹)d ¹# L L (s )d q L (¹)d ¹Q Q 2 (22)Thus,equation (20)yields the set of coupled ordinary di !erential equations of second order for the unknown time-dependent functions q L .They can be obtained by using the direct integration method [15]because closed solutions for them are unavailable except in the case of "0where the inertia of the moving mass is ignored.The central di !erence method [15]is used here since it has the simple procedure for computer implementation.The discrete time interval for integration,therefore,must be su $ciently small to ensure the stability and convergence of the solutions. 3.NUMERICAL EXAMPLESThe continuous beams having uniform span length of from 2through 4spans are considered in the numerical examples as shown in Figure 2,and it is also assumed that a moving mass starts to move at the left-hand end of the "rst span at t "0with the constant velocity,v .Hence,the dimensionless distance of the moving mass to the left-hand end of the continuous beam is given in a form of s (¹)" ¹in which denotes the non-dimensional velocity parameter de "ned by v / l .CONTINUOUS BEAM RESPONSE TO MOVING MASS 499Figure 3.Normalized de #ections at the midpoint of the "rst span for two di !erent values of the mass ratio when (a) "0)5and (b) "1)2;**, "0;}}}, "0)4.The calculated eigenvalues I corresponding to the "rst six natural modes are listed in Table 1including those for a single-span beam.The present results are in perfect agreement with those in reference [16].The series solution of equation (15)converges rapidly,and it is con "rmed that the lowest 12terms give su $cient results for all the calculated cases in the present paper.The history curves of the midpoint de #ection,which is normalized by the scaling factor of mgl /EI ,on each span of the continuous beams are shown in Figures 3}6for four combinations of the mass ratio and the velocity parameter.The equivalent velocities corresponding to "0)5and 1)2are,respectively,v "35and 85m/s when the #exural rigidity EI "1)96;10 N m ,mass per unit length A "1)0;10 kg/m and l "20m in Figure 2.The abscissa of these plots can be considered the instantaneous position of the moving mass on the continuous beams.The in #uence of the inertia of the moving mass on the dynamic response of the continuous beam is small in the case of "0)5,whereas it is large for "1)2and the inertia of the moving mass seems to have greater e !ects upon the latter spans of the continuous beam than the "rst span.500M.ICHIKAWA E ¹A ¸.Figure 4.Normalized de #ections at the midpoint of the second span for two di !erent values of the mass ratio when (a) "0)5and (b) "1)2;**, "0;}}}, "0)4.As pointed out by Lee [6,7,9],there is a possibility that the moving mass may separate from the beam during motion.Then,the second assumption in the present paper will not be valid for the succeeding motion after the separation.The mass separation can be determined by observing the sign of the contact force;the mass becomes free from the beam when the sign of the contact force changes the positive to the negative.From equations (19),the contact force F A in the course of motion has an expression as follows:F A mg /l "1! d y d ¹ ,(23)where mg /l is the scaling factor for the contact force and the right-hand side is to be evaluated using equation (22).The calculated minimum values of F A during motion are shown in Figure 7for both the values of ranging from 0to 1)5and four di !erent values of the mass ratio.Consequently,it is veri "ed that the mass separation does not occur in Figures 3}6.As seen from Figure 7,the minimumCONTINUOUS BEAM RESPONSE TO MOVING MASS 501Figure 5.Normalized de #ections at the midpoint of the third span for two di !erent values of the mass ratio when (a) "0)5and (b) "1)2;**, "0;}}}, "0) force does not decrease monotonously with ,so that it is necessary to evaluate the contact force in each case for determination of the possible separation.The in #uence of the velocity of the moving mass on the ampli "cation of displacement at the middle point of each span is evaluated under the same conditions as Figure 7.Since the purpose of the present study is to clarify the e !ect of the inertia of the moving mass,the ampli "cation factor is de "ned as the ratio between the maximum dynamic de #ection in the moving mass problem and that in the corresponding moving force problem,namely, "0.The computed results are shown in Figures 8}11*the mass separation during motion is excluded here because of a great di $culty in fully considering the possible separation shown in Figure 7.From these results,the following points can be made:(1)When the value of exceeds by about 0)5the ampli "cation factors for almostall the spans of the continuous beams seem to change its behavior and their local peaks show an increasing tendency with the velocity.The former property appears clearly for the "rst span particularly.502M.ICHIKAWA E ¹A ¸.Figure6.Normalized de#ections at the midpoint of the fourth span for two di!erent values of the mass ratio when(a) "0)5and(b) "1)2;**, "0;}}}, "0)4.(2)Without reference to both the mass ratio and the total number of spans,theampli"cation factor of the"rst span quite di!ers from those of the second and the successive spans in that the"rst span reaches a certain value strongly dependent on the mass ratio and changes gradually in the range of larger than0)6;the other spans show considerable variations in the same range.(3)The ampli"cation factor is more than unity generally and will become verylarge in its magnitude for the multi-span continuous beam.However,it does not necessarily increase with the mass ratio.(4)In the calculated range of ,the inertia of the moving mass does notsigni"cantly a!ect the ampli"cation factor when the value of the mass ratio is less than0)1.4.CONCLUSIONThe dynamic behavior of a multi-span continuous beam subjected to a movingmass with a constant velocity has been investigated.The method for analyzing theFigure7.Variation of minimum values of the normalized contact force during motion with the velocity parameter for four di!erent values of the mass ratio where(a)two-span beam,(b) three-span beam,and(c)four-span beam:**, "0)1;}}}, "0)2;-----, "0)4;}-}-, "0)6.Figure8.Variation of ampli"cation factor at the middle point of the"rst span with the velocity parameter for four di!erent values of the mass ratio where(a)two-span beam,(b)three-span beam, and(c)four-span beam:**, "0)1;}}}, "0)2;-----, "0)4;}-}-, "0)6.Figure9.Variation of ampli"cation factor at the middle point of the second span with the velocity parameter for four di!erent values of the mass ratio where(a)two-span beam,(b)three-span beam, and(c)four-span beam:**, "0)1;}}}, "0)2;-----, "0)4;}-}-, "0)6.Figure10.Variation of ampli"cation factor at the middle point of the third span with the velocity parameter for four di!erent values of the mass ratio where(a)three-span beam,and(b)four-spanbeam:**, "0)1;}}}, "0)2;-----, "0)4;}-}-, "0)6.Figure11.Variation of ampli"cation factor at the middle point of the fourth span with the velocity parameter for four di!erent values of the mass ratio :**, "0)1;}}}, "0)2;-----, "0)4;}-}-, "0)6.present problem is the eigenfunction expansion or modal analysis accompanied by the direct integration method,and it can also easily include other e!ects such as non-uniformity of the continuous beam,various combinations of boundary conditions and the speed variation of the moving mass.Numerical calculations have been conducted to clarify the e!ects of two important parameters,the mass ratio of the moving mass to the"rst span and the velocity of the moving mass,on the dynamic response and the ampli"cation factor of the continuous beams havinguniform span length.Conclusions drawn from present analysis are as follows:(1)with the multi-span continuous beam,the inertia of the moving mass has greater in#uences on the second and the successive spans than the"rst span;(2)the ampli"cation factor for almost all the spans of the multi-span continuous beam appears to change its 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