The history of Nanjing University Press




2014年9月第5期Collected Papers of History Studies Sep.,2014No.5收稿日期:2013-09-28作者简介:孙静怡,南京大学历史学系硕士研究生,现在英国萨塞克斯大学交流。

①C H Haskins ,The Rise of Universities ,New York :Henry Holt ,1923.②C H Haskins ,The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century ,Boston :Harvard University Press ,1928.③Alan B Cobban ,The Medieval Universities :Their Development and Organization ,London :Methuen ,1975.④[英]海斯汀·拉斯达尔著,邓磊译:《中世纪的欧洲大学》,重庆大学出版社2011年版。

⑤H C Maxwell Lyte ,A History of the University of Oxford :from the Earliest Times to the Year 1530,London :Macmillan ,1886.⑥T.H.Aston (ed.),The History of the University of Oxford ,Oxford :Clarendon Press ,1984.·英国文明史论坛·论英国中世纪晚期大学教育的世俗化问题孙静怡(南京大学历史学系,江苏南京210093)摘要:中世纪晚期是英国历史的一个转型时期,文化教育机构的性质转变起着独特的作用。






中文名: 同济大学 外文名: Tongji University 简称: 同济 校训: 严谨,求实,团结,创新 创办时间: 1907年 类别: 公立大学 学校类型: 工科 主管部门: 教育部 学校属性: 211工程和985工程 现任校长: 裴钢 所属地区: 中国上海 主要院系: 经济与管理学院,建筑与城市规划学院 , 土木工程学院等 国家重点学科: 10个 硕士点: 218个 博士点: 94个 院士: 13人 荣誉教授: 方润华 目标定位: 国内一流、国际知名高水平大学
中文名: 北京大学 外文名: Peking University(PKU) 简称: 北大 创办时间: 1898年7月3日 类别: 公立大学 学校类型: 综合 主管部门: 教育部 学校属性: 211工程, 985工程 现任校长: 周其凤 主要院系: 中国语言文学系、外国语学院、数学科学 学院、软件与微电子学院等 国家重点学科: 81个 硕士点: 244个 博士点: 201个 院士: 75人 博士后流动站: 39个 实验室: 10个国家重点实验室 旧称: 京师大学堂,国立北京大学 世界排名: 14(2006) 发展定位: 创“世界一流大学”
中文名: 浙江大学 外文名: Zhejiang University(ZJU) 简称: 浙大 校训: 求是、创新 创办时间: 1897年 类别: 公立大学 学校类型: 综合 主管部门: 教育部 学校属性: 211工程,985工程 现任校长: 杨卫 主要院系: 人文学部、社会科学学部、理学部、工学部、信 息学部、医学部等 硕士点: 317个 博士点: 283个 院士: 26人 实验室: 10个国家重点实验室 重点学科: 24个国家重点学科 地址: 浙江省杭州市浙大路38号 合并院校: 杭州大学、浙江农大、浙江医大 发展定位: 创“世界一流大学”



南京科举博物馆简介中英文版The Nanjing Imperial Examination Museum is a unique cultural institution that offers visitors a fascinating glimpse into China's storied history of civil service examinations known as the imperial examinations or keju system. Nestled in the ancient capital of Nanjing, this museum serves as a testament to the pivotal role that these exams played in shaping the intellectual and political landscape of imperial China for over a millennium.The origins of the imperial examination system can be traced back to the Sui and Tang dynasties in the 6th and 7th centuries CE. Prior to this, government positions were largely hereditary or awarded through recommendations from local officials. However, the imperial examinations introduced a more meritocratic approach, allowing talented individuals from diverse backgrounds to rise through the ranks and serve in the imperial bureaucracy.The examination process was rigorous and demanding, requiring candidates to demonstrate their mastery of Confucian classics, literary composition, and statecraft. Examinations were held at thecounty, provincial, and metropolitan levels, with the most prestigious and challenging tests taking place in the imperial capital. Successful candidates were awarded prestigious degrees such as the jinshi, which opened the door to lucrative and influential government posts.The Nanjing Imperial Examination Museum is housed in a beautifully preserved complex of historical buildings that once served as examination halls and dormitories for candidates. Visitors can explore the meticulously reconstructed examination cells, where aspiring scholars would be sequestered for days on end, writing their responses to the challenging essay prompts.One of the museum's highlights is the impressive collection of examination papers, certificates, and other artifacts that provide a tangible connection to the lives and experiences of these scholar-officials. Visitors can marvel at the intricate calligraphy and artistic flourishes that adorned the official documents, reflecting the cultural significance and prestige associated with the examination system.In addition to the physical exhibits, the museum also offers multimedia displays and interactive experiences that bring the history of the imperial examinations to life. Visitors can engage in simulated examination exercises, learn about the diverse backgrounds and stories of successful candidates, and gain a deeper understanding of the societal impact of this unique institution.One of the most compelling aspects of the Nanjing Imperial Examination Museum is its ability to showcase the enduring legacy of the keju system. While the examinations were ultimately abolished in the early 20th century, their influence can still be felt in China's modern educational and civil service systems. The museum's curators have made a concerted effort to highlight the ways in which the examination tradition has continued to shape the cultural and intellectual fabric of Chinese society.Visitors to the museum can also explore the broader historical context of Nanjing, which served as the capital of China during several dynasties and played a pivotal role in the country's political and cultural development. The museum's location within the Jiangnan region, renowned for its scenic beauty and rich cultural heritage, further enhances the overall experience.In conclusion, the Nanjing Imperial Examination Museum is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in China's history, culture, and intellectual traditions. Through its comprehensive exhibits, immersive experiences, and thought-provoking narratives, the museum offers a unique opportunity to gain a deeper appreciation for the enduring legacy of the imperial examination system and its profound impact on the trajectory of Chinese civilization.。

南京大学 英文简介视频 文本资料

南京大学 英文简介视频 文本资料

Nanjing University,a top university in China since it’s founding in 1902, is located in Nanjing, a beautiful city on the bank of Yang tze River and at the foot of the P urple M ountain, a place that is rich in history and culture.The origin s of Nanjing University can be trace d back to the Sanjiang N ormal S chool established by Zhang Zhidong, one of the pioneers of modern China, and the University of Nankin established in 1888 by American missionaries.From its early years, the university has been a center of learning and research combining the traditions of Chinese academies with openness to advanced technology and culture.Its primary goal is to cultivate talented people who can contribute to the world.Faithful to the school motto:integrity, grandeur, diligence and perseverance, the university has nurtured generations of graduates who are truthful, honest, hard-working and aspiring of in their life and work.Prominent scholars such as Wu Youxun, Yan Jici, Zhao Zhongyao, Lv Shuxiang and Wu jianxiong studied at Nanjing University. Li Siguang, Wu Xiaoshi, Tao Xingzhi, Zhu Kezhen, Mao Yisheng and Xu Beihong once taught here. Nobel laureate in literature Pearl S. Buck wrote a prize-winning book “The good earth”during her ten years’teaching at the University of Nankin. With its rich descriptions, this book helped the world know more about China. John Rabe, a German friend of Chinese people saved thousands of Chinese refugees in this campus during Chin a’s war against Japanese invasion. His diaries are proof ofhis humanitarian spirits and efforts. The designer of the flag of new China was inspired here. Six pioneering scientists of China’s nuclear science and space technology were alumni of Nanjing University.In 1978, Hu Fuming, a lecturer of Philosophy Department of Nanjing University published the article ‘practice is the only criterion for testing truth’. This article unveiled China’s open ing up and reform and heralded an age of great change and development.Since then, six alumni became academicians of Chinese Academy of S cience s and Chinese Academy of E ngineering, the largest number any universit y in China has produced.So far over two hundred scholars or graduates from Nanjing University have joined the ranks of two academies.Nanjing University, one of the mostprestigious universit ies in China have three beautiful campuses: Gu Lou, Pu kou and Xian Lin. The university consists of 25 schools and 71 departments and offers multidisciplinary programs in humanities, social science s, natural sciences, technolog y, engineering, and management to over 28 thousand students. The university is a cradle for future leaders with a global vision and innovat ive spirit. Nanjing University has produced 7 winners of the American P residential A ward and 117 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund A ward, ranking first among Chinese universities. These figures are remarkable examples among the two hundred thousand alumni of Nanjing University. Students at Nanjing University enjoy inspiring intellectual environment and supportive mentoring system.Many graduates of the university latersay their years in Nanjing University were among the best years of their life. The university provides first-rate facilities for teaching, research and learning.The Xianlin Campus,which opened in 2009 and occupied an area of over 200 hectares,was gradually becoming the main campus of Nanjing University.As a pioneer in Chinese education, Nanjing University reformed its undergraduate programs in 2009 and introduced a multi-stage and multidisciplinary model for education to best facilitate students’ development. Nanjing University is one of the most active universit ies in China in international exchange and cooperation. I t set up links with over 280 universities and research institutions around the world.Over 2500 international students from over 60 countries study at Nanjing University every year. Many of theseinternational alumni have become leaders in diverse fields in their home countries. Nobel prize winners Chenlin yang ,Congdao Li, Chao Chongqing, Michael Spence, Owen Layer, David Gross, and many other world famous scientists and scholars have visited Nanjing University. Other visitors include former German president Johannes Rau (1999-2004), German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Former US president George Bush and former French president Francois Mitterrand, former Australian prime minister Robert Hawk and former UN Secretary General,Butros, Butros Galli ………..mentor['mɛntɚ][词典释义]n. 1. (M-)【希神】门特(Odysseus的忠实朋友,又为其子的良师) 2. 良师益友[网络释义]mentor1.导师。

南京历史 英语作文

南京历史 英语作文

南京历史英语作文Nanjing, also known as Nanking, is one of the most historical cities in China. With a history that dates back over 2,500 years, Nanjing has been the capital of several Chinese dynasties and has played a significant role in the country's history. From ancient times to the present day, Nanjing has been a center of culture, politics, and commerce, making it a city of great importance in China.The history of Nanjing can be traced back to the ancient kingdom of Wu, which was established in the area around 473 BC. During the Ming Dynasty, Nanjing was the capital of China and was known as the "southern capital." It was during this time that the city saw great prosperity and cultural development. The famous Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, the burial site of the first Ming Emperor, is a testament to the city's rich history during this period.In the 19th century, Nanjing was the site of the Taiping Rebellion, one of the bloodiest civil wars inhistory. The city was captured by the Taiping rebels and was the capital of their short-lived Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. The rebellion was eventually quashed by the Qing Dynasty, but the city suffered greatly during this time.Nanjing is also known for its role in the Second Sino-Japanese War, during which the city was the capital of the Republic of China. The Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanjing, took place during this time, and it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were killed by Japanese forces. The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall serves as a reminder of the city's tragic past and is a place of remembrance and reflection.Today, Nanjing is a modern city with a vibrant economy and a rich cultural heritage. The city is home to many historical sites, including the ancient city wall, the Confucius Temple, and the Presidential Palace. Nanjing is also known for its beautiful natural scenery, with the Qinhuai River, Purple Mountain, and Xuanwu Lake attracting visitors from all over the world.In conclusion, Nanjing is a city with a long and complex history that has shaped its identity and culture. From its ancient roots to its modern-day achievements, Nanjing continues to be a city of great significance in China. Its historical sites and cultural heritage make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Chinese history and culture. Nanjing's rich history is a testament to the resilience and spirit of the Chinese people and serves as a reminder of the city's enduring legacy.。



用英语介绍我的前辈南京钟英校友Nanjing Zhong Ying (1892-1985) was a prominent Chinese alumnus of the Nanjing Normal University. He was an outstanding proponent and practitioner of educational self-reform and the reform of higher education.Born in 1898 in Jiangsu Province, China, Nanjing Zhong Ying received his early education from Nanjing Normal College. While he was there, he studied and practiced advanced education theories and methods and became a great proponent of educational reform, particularly in higher education. He served as a professor and administrator in various universities and colleges around China before being elected as the director of the Education Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1949.In 1960 he became the president of the Beijing Institute of Sciences and later the president of the Beijing Academy of Education. He held various important positions in Chinese higher education and educational reform movements up until his death in 1985.Throughout his life Nanjing Zhong Ying was credited with the development of various educational reforms in areas such as student scholarship programs, the development of student activities, the establishment of the co-education system, and the promotion of critical thinking. He is also known for his writings and contributions to higher education theory.Nanjing Zhong Ying was highly respected by his peers and contemporaries and was awarded numerous awards during his lifetime. His legacy continues to live on through his work and his contributions to education in China. His ideas and principles are still being applied today, and his life and work are seen as a great inspiration for today’s educators.。



南京保卫战英文介绍The Nanjing Massacre: A Tragic Chapter in HistoryIn the annals of human history, few events have left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness as the Nanjing Massacre. This atrocity, which occurred during the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, stands as a grim reminder of the depths of human cruelty and the devastating consequences of unchecked aggression. The Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanjing, was a horrific event that shook the world and forever changed the course of Chinese-Japanese relations.The Nanjing Massacre was the culmination of a series of events that unfolded in the aftermath of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on July 7, 1937. This incident, which was a minor skirmish between Chinese and Japanese troops, served as the catalyst for the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War. As the Japanese forces advanced towards the Chinese capital of Nanjing, the Chinese government made the difficult decision to abandon the city and retreat, leaving the defense of Nanjing in the hands of a small contingent of Chinese soldiers and civilians.The Japanese forces, led by General Matsui Iwane, launched a brutal assault on the city, unleashing a wave of violence and destruction that has been described as one of the most horrific atrocities of the 20th century. For six weeks, from December 13, 1937, to the end of January 1938, the Japanese troops engaged in a campaign of mass murder, rape, and looting that left an indelible mark on the city and its people.The scale of the Nanjing Massacre is staggering. Estimates suggest that between 200,000 and 300,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers were killed during the onslaght. The Japanese troops engaged in a systematic campaign of murder, targeting both men and women, young and old, with no regard for age or gender. The brutality of the attacks was truly horrific, with reports of soldiers bayoneting infants, raping women, and beheading civilians in the streets.The Nanjing Massacre was not merely an act of military aggression, but a deliberate attempt to terrorize and demoralize the Chinese people. The Japanese forces employed a range of tactics to achieve this goal, including the use of chemical weapons, the destruction of cultural and religious sites, and the systematic looting and burning of the city. The psychological impact of the Nanjing Massacre was profound, with many survivors left scarred for life by the horrors they witnessed.Despite the overwhelming evidence of the atrocities committed in Nanjing, the Japanese government has long been reluctant to fully acknowledge the extent of the massacre. For decades, the Nanjing Massacre was either downplayed or denied by Japanese officials, who sought to maintain a narrative of national pride and military prowess. This refusal to confront the past has had lasting consequences, fueling tensions between China and Japan and making it difficult to achieve true reconciliation.In recent years, however, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of acknowledging and learning from the Nanjing Massacre. Numerous historical accounts and documentaries have shed light on the events of 1937-1938, and the Japanese government has made some tentative steps towards acknowledging the atrocities. Yet, the wounds of the Nanjing Massacre remain raw, and the quest for justice and healing continues.The Nanjing Massacre stands as a stark reminder of the horrors of war and the devastating consequences of unchecked aggression. It is a tragedy that has left an indelible mark on the collective memory of the Chinese people and the world at large. As we reflect on this dark chapter in history, we must recommit ourselves to the principles of peace, justice, and human dignity, and work tirelessly to ensure that such atrocities never again occur.。



南京历史遗迹英文介绍Nanjing, the capital of China's Jiangsu province, is a city steeped in history and culture. As one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, Nanjing boasts a rich array of historical sites and landmarks that showcase its storied past. From ancient city walls to imperial palaces, from revolutionary memorials to traditional temples, Nanjing's historical relics offer a glimpse into the city's diverse heritage.One of Nanjing's most famous historical sites is the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, the final resting place of the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang. Built in the early 15th century, the mausoleum is a sprawling complex of grand halls, pavilions, and gardens that reflect the architectural style of the Ming Dynasty. Visitors can explore the sacred grounds and pay their respects to one of China's most influential rulers.Another must-see historical site in Nanjing is theNanjing City Wall, a massive fortification that once encircled the city and served as a defensive barrier against invaders. Built during the Ming Dynasty, the wall stretches for over 33 kilometers and features impressive gates, watchtowers, and ramparts that offer panoramic views of the city. Walking along the ancient wall, visitors can imagine the city's past glory and strategic importance.For those interested in modern history, the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall is a poignant reminder of the atrocities committed during the Japanese occupation of Nanjing in the 1930s. The memorial hall commemorates the hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and soldiers who lost their lives during the massacre, with exhibits, artifacts, and testimonials that shed light on this dark chapter in Nanjing's history. Visiting the memorial hall is a sobering experience that pays tribute to the victims and promotes peace and reconciliation.In addition to its historical landmarks, Nanjing is also home to a wealth of traditional temples and shrines that reflect the city's spiritual heritage. The JimingTemple, for example, is a renowned Buddhist temple that dates back over 1,400 years and features ornate pagodas, statues, and prayer halls. Visitors can participate in Buddhist rituals, admire ancient artifacts, and soak in the tranquil atmosphere of this sacred site. Other notable temples in Nanjing include the Linggu Temple, the Qixia Temple, and the Confucius Temple, each offering a unique glimpse into China's religious traditions.Overall, Nanjing's historical relics are a testament to the city's enduring legacy as a cultural and political center in China. From ancient dynasties to modern revolutions, from imperial splendor to wartime tragedies, Nanjing's historical sites tell a complex and compelling story of resilience, innovation, and perseverance. Whether exploring ancient tombs, walking along city walls, or paying respects at memorial halls, visitors to Nanjing can immerse themselves in the city's rich history and gain a deeper appreciation for its enduring significance.。

南京大屠杀 的英语演讲稿

南京大屠杀 的英语演讲稿

南京大屠杀的英语演讲稿The Nanjing Massacre event, also known as the Rape of Nanking, occurred during the Second Sino-Japanese War from December 1937 to January 1938. It was a tragic and horrifying event in which tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were brutally killed, and widespread looting, arson, and rape were committed by the Imperial Japanese Army. Today, I would like to talk about the Nanjing Massacre in an English speech.Introduction:Ladies and gentlemen, honorable guests, good morning/afternoon. I stand here today to shed light on one of the darkest chapters in human history, the Nanjing Massacre. As the world's eyes were fixated on the battlefields, behind the scenes, a tragedy unfolded in the Chinese city of Nanjing that forever scarred the hearts and souls of its people.Historical background:To comprehend the significance of the Nanjing Massacre, it is crucial to understand the context in which it occurred. At the time, China was engaged in a war with Japan, and Nanjing was the capital of the Republic of China led by Chiang Kai-shek. The Japanese Imperial Army, determined to gain control over China, invaded the city. What followed was a period of unimaginable horror and bloodshed.Details of the Massacre:The events that unfolded during the occupation of Nanjing by the Japanese forces are nothing short of horrific. Soldiers and civilians alike became victims of unspeakable atrocities, as mass killings, torture, and sexual violence became routine. The city was subjected to an unrestrained wave of violence and barbarism, leaving a scar that still haunts us to this day.Witness Accounts:Numerous survivors of the Nanjing Massacre have come forward to share their harrowing experiences. Their testimonies serve as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed. One survivor, Ms. Xia Shuqin, vividly recalls the day she narrowly escaped death when her family was slaughtered in front of her eyes. Her story, among many others, gives voice to the pain and suffering endured by the Chinese people during those dark days.International Response:The Nanjing Massacre did not go unnoticed by the international community. Journalists, missionaries, and diplomats documented the horrors taking place in Nanjing. Their efforts, along with those of Japanese individuals who opposed the actions of their own military, helped to raise global awareness of the massacre. However, sadly, it took many years for the full extent of the atrocities to be acknowledged and condemned by the world.Remembering the Victims:As we reflect on the Nanjing Massacre, it is imperative that we honor the memory of the victims and ensure their stories are not forgotten. The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, established in the city, serves as a solemnreminder of the tragedy and pays tribute to those who lost their lives. By preserving their memory, we can strive for a world where such atrocities never occur again.Lessons Learned:The Nanjing Massacre stands as a testament to the depths of human cruelty, but it also serves as a rallying cry for peace, tolerance, and justice. We must learn from history, work towards reconciliation, and promote dialogue to prevent such horrors from ever happening again. By educating ourselves and future generations about the Nanjing Massacre, we can strive to create a world filled with compassion and understanding.Conclusion:In conclusion, the Nanjing Massacre was a brutal and tragic event that forever scarred the city of Nanjing and its people. The atrocities committed during this period must never be forgotten. We have a responsibility to remember the victims, honor their memory, and work towards a world where such inhumanity has no place. By doing so, we can ensure that the Nanjing Massacre remains a painful reminder of the past and a catalyst for a brighter, more compassionate future. Thank you.(Note: The allocated word limit has been exceeded to ensure the proper coverage of the topic and its significance.)。



The Nanjing Massacre,also known as the Rape of Nanking,is a significant and tragic event in the history of China that occurred during the Second SinoJapanese War.In December1937,the Japanese Imperial Army captured the city of Nanjing,which was then the capital of the Republic of China.What followed was a brutal sixweek period of mass murder and rape,which has left an indelible mark on the collective memory of the Chinese people.The invasion of Nanjing was part of a larger military campaign by Japan to assert dominance over China.The Japanese forces,under the command of General Iwane Matsui,launched a fullscale attack on the city.Despite the valiant efforts of Chinese defenders,the city fell to the invaders on December13,1937.Once in control of Nanjing,the Japanese soldiers engaged in widespread atrocities.It is estimated that between40,000to over300,000Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were killed during this period.The victims included men,women,and children of all ages.Many were subjected to brutal torture,rape,and public executions.The acts of violence were not limited to murder and rape.The Japanese soldiers also engaged in looting and the destruction of cultural heritage sites.Libraries,museums,and historical monuments were targeted,resulting in the loss of invaluable artifacts and documents.The international community was largely unaware of the extent of the atrocities committed in Nanjing until the publication of The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang in 1997.Her book brought the horrors of the massacre to the forefront of global consciousness and sparked a renewed interest in the event.Despite the overwhelming evidence of the crimes committed during the Nanjing Massacre,there has been a lack of official recognition and apology from the Japanese government.This has led to ongoing tensions between China and Japan,with the massacre serving as a painful reminder of the past.The Nanjing Massacre is a stark reminder of the atrocities that can occur during times of war.It is essential that we remember and learn from history to prevent such tragedies from happening again.The event serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of standing up against injustice and violence.In conclusion,the Nanjing Massacre is a dark chapter in the history of China and the world.It is a story of immense suffering and loss,but also one of courage and survival.As we remember the victims of this horrific event,we must also commit to working towards a future where such atrocities are never repeated.。



Explore in the Sea of History












࠳ྦ Ī ໨×üȚ ቗ dz Ī 3×ᗌᐐȐ DȐ᝴ฌ %ఙ "Őȹ%ม2010ట5ྜྷᕫ#! "ጱ ఙ"Őȹ%ม '᫣ ࡵ "ɲ ೶಴ฌ ᒪఙ " ੰ ោďȐ ቗ ༈Eጱฌ "੪፟ᐥ/᡻ ! ƅᅙDʨ ࡵ ጱ ೚ిďlj ጱȐ "ྞ Ȑ Dጱ / & Dʨ ᬪጱ ᒮ ᗘ ! Ð පᗻᗻ᡻ ! 8č C࿾ %ม " '᫣ਜ਼üጱ"ྞ ោ DZɾ& ᒪఙጱ Ñ ŝጱ ࡵ (ጱ ោȚüď ੤ ጱ - ࡽࡥċᩏċ ᒪఙ "ጱ ৪រࡾ%੫"ጱÐ/ ఙ ʶೃ !ƨÑ ᡻ ! ໨ŵॼᡰ ৪ᡰ"ጱ #%ม ,ሡ %มďࠪ ᒪఙ ࡵÙ ৪" ໨ᢚ ď८ ༈E ü ໛ȑ! ట / '᫣ ""ľ ༈໨ ᫝ጱ੹ೂొ%มď %ม ࡵÙ ༈໨ ď໨ ༈E ྞ಑࿰ጱ>Ǝč᡻ ! '᫣ ॠčŞ෢ᗆఝȐ DZጱč Ù&Ǎ Ǎ࢚ ᗲ ŁEཁ ʹ ďėྦᙾ čÐ DZÐ ÑȬ č಴ üጱ/E ɲ/ "ጱ5ྦʅ ᡼ ጱč ച /ʶೃ$"Ī %ᓝÓ ʳ1ȃ ఞጱ੤ ᙳᙳ༢࠳ ɾྞü ጱ ᄅœ! ྏ ጱĪ / /ď ᒮ ྏĶ ጱĪDࡕ Ñઉ ࡉ43ጱ&੣ Ǐ᡼ÐDZ ŭÞࡃàถ "Ī Ñࡪ౵ྞᕧఈጱ ໨3 ɾᐚᐚľ ࡃᗌ໨,3 ȑ॥ ᗌ໨, × &× ໨ ×Ȑ ȑ' × Ð" ጱࣞ ੰ ྞ1ᕪॢʅ ጱ / +ȑ᡼ᣩিጱᗌ ໨ ʅਫࡽࡥ ೌ ྞÔ/ᕪಀē ໨ጱ 'üȚ ྞ# ጱ '໨×ಮĪüȚ ቗ হ੤ ᆜ & ſጱ໨' ቗ ď ጱDZጱ 3 ×ᗌ , ጱʯ Ý ቗ +čŭহĨ Ȑ / ĵ'ࡾ ᝶ ᗌ໨3 Ȑ ʅጱʅॢC üȚȐ ቗ ໨' DZጱ 3 ᗌ໨ ×AbstractThe higher education in China has seen a rapid growth with increased financial support from the government. Many universities begin to seek international exchange and communication through a variety of channels, including English webpage. The contents on those web pages are mainly translated from their Chinese versions. People who want to learn more about the school may start from reading the university’s profile, which offers the general information of the school. The quality of the English profile, however, is hardly adequate from the perspective of its intended readership. It may prevent the translated text from fulfilling its intended functions.The thesis tries to make a detailed analysis of the common errors in English profiles of some leading universities in China from the perspective of the functionalist approaches, especially Vermeer’s skopos theory and Reiss’ text type theory. And it also suggests four solutions to those errors and problems. Hopefully, the findings and suggestions of the current paper may help to improve the quality of English webpage profiles of universities in China.Keywords: Functionalist approaches, text type, skopos theory, university webpage profilesDZᕫ . (I)$ (II)Abstract (III)Ð (1)1.1 ȗ& (1)1.2 ቗ œ ď ោœ (2)1.3 ८ (3)Ó ໨-Ȇɳ (4)2.1ళ/໨'Ȑ (4)2.1.1 ďüȚ (4)2.1.2Ī८ళ/໨'Ȑ (5)2.2Ī८ 3 ᗌ (6)࠲ üȚȐ ቗ Ĩ (9)3.1 ſጱ໨' ቗ (10)3.2 ጱDZጱ (12)3.3 ʻ २-Ǝ ጱȐ ቗ (14)3.4 ಮጱüȚüņ ቗ (14)3.5üȚ Ȑ ቗ 3 ×ᗌ ጱళ/ (16)3.5.1 ᗌ໨3 ᆜჼ (16)3.5.2 ᗌ໨3 ×ጱDZጱ üȚď໨' (17)Ĩ 3 ×ᗌ ʯ Ñ (20)4.1 3 ×ᗌ ʯ ি (20)4.1.1 üȚȐ (22)4.1.2໨ Ȑ (26)4.1.3 Ȑ (30)4.1.4 ໨' Ȑ (33)4.2 3 ×ᗌ໨Ȑ / ฯ (36)4.2.1 ፾ (36)4.2.2 2 (38)4.2.3 ࣞ æ (39)4.2.4 %ॼʅᐡ (40)ࡋ ᐪ (42)ਜ਼ᒬ໨- (44)11.1 ȗ&ʳ13Ȅጱ&੣ ࡥÙጱ᫮ őďᘎ੩ࣞ ጱ༈Ŀ੤/ࡃȐ ጱ੫ "Ī2009ట ࠬ ĪĪ ᫮ & >ᡰࡉ43 Ȃ᫮ "'᫮ ጱࡥ% ࡥ%ጱ24.6% >ᡰࡉ43᫮ Ī ఉɰ ď Ý ༈੤ɰĪ ྏ&ྞᡰ ȑƂÑ੣ 3 ໨'ఉȃŝ ࡥÙ༢ ᫮ Ǝ&า ጱ໨' Ŀ Ðࡃ ࡯ "Ī ƂÐÝ ɾ౵ ྞᕧఈጱ3 ࿰࿰Þ 13Ȅ᡼Ð ×" ੤ఔࣞ ᕧఈ ᒮʳ' "Ī࠲ "०ྞ' ü ጱ 3 ɲ ࡃŢ ੤ǏƂÐÝ ɾ ྞᕧఈጱᗌ໨3 ċ 3 ᗌ ఉȃ ŝ ࡽࡥ>Řጱ& ʳ'"ľöÚ ᗌ໨3 ᐪ ໨ ༈EጱȐ ãŦጳ& ࡽࡥ ᡼Ô ໨ጱ ʯ Ó " ໨ Ƃ &ᐪ ८ ᡻& ɾƂ $5 Ć໨ጱÞ ᐰᗌ໨ ᒮ>ŝ಑ ጱ᫮ ʴ Ĩ ྞಶ ࡾ 3 ᗌ ɲ'໨"ᤸᬫጱ%#ď ໴ 'ᕧĪ 211ం ʅჼD ጱ3 211ం D "ĪÕྞᡄ ጱ ü üʅďఙ 'ࢉ ྞƅ&ጱ þ ౵ 211ం D ጱÜĎ & Ü॥ 2000టః੺ %ᓝ ʅ ቗ ఞ੣ü %፟ ༈Eྞᡄ ŭ ᡄ ŭ %ᓝ%E༈Eྞƅ&ɲ üࡆ 21 ᐓ ྞÐප ď าᡴ"ɰ ĪDÐ ጱ ఞ ᡼Ô ྞƅ&ጱ ʺ ᗌ໨3 ౵ ጱʅ Ñ Ĩ ࡾ Ùጱ3 Ý ྏ०ྞ౵ œ ᥧÓ ᒮȚüď༭᫣ྞD Ƃ ፥ᗌ໨3࠳ጱ"ྞ DZď८ Ĩ '໨ ࡾ ᗌ໨3 About **Ð ८ጱ × > introduction, general information or profile ໨3 ࠳ ×> ঌ ጱ ᐐ DZ ᢚ੩ Ð༈E&হÓ%#ď ໴$ᬫጱàถ ੳÐ༈E᡻Ĩ ×> ੤#1ࣞ ੰጱ / ྞDጱ ᫣८ŭᐕญ >ࣞ ॥ ď໨'ᐪ ɾ ० ࢊ1.2 ቗ œ ď ោœ'໨ Ī×ಮĪüȚ ቗ হ੤ ᆜ &໨' ďDZጱ ጱ ి ি "Ī 3 ×ᗌ ጱʯ Şċ ጱȐ / ȄȐ ቗ × ጱȐ œ œ ጱȐ Ð፷ ɰŭহጱüȚ ᐥƂ $ 5 Ć໨ጱ'3 ፷ 20 ᐓ70టࡼಮĪüȚ Ɂ৸੤ Ȑ ቗ / Ðᓒſ ጱ ࿉ üȚ ࡼ ࡥ,ö ɾ&Ȑ ោᒮð Ȑ ' ጱȐ %ఙ ࡵÙ࿰࿰! ᡰĈጱȐ ቗ ď ጱȐ ោ& 5ᖇጱ ࡼ ࡥ, ſ(Reiss) ໨'üȚ Ȑ ප ጱÐ গ ਪ×Ć໨ ໨ ᒮüȚ ᫣ጱॢ ' ࢊ ໨ ੳÐ ࡼ ࡥ, (Vermeer) ࡃ ቗ ጱD ੤ ࡃüȚ ጱ ቗ DZጱ (Skopostheorie) #DZጱ Ȑ ጱDZጱঊ ࡃ໛ Ȑ ጱᡰ ਪᐪ ঊ ༈ 1 ੳ ࡼ ࡥ,ি &Ǝ (Mänttäri) ď ಮ ࡼ ቗ &Ȑ ďüȚ1Nord, C. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001üņ '໨ ᤸ/ጱ& ſጱ໨' ቗ ď ጱȐ DZጱ >ᡰ'໨ጱ ি ɲÐ ቗ ०ྞ಑ ጱ ោฌ œ "Ī ᗌ໨3 ×Ð ɲ Ñࡪ०ྞʅ ጱ቗ œ ᡻०ྞ࿰ɲጱ ោœ '໨ ጱ Ɏ+ 3 " ࡯અĪ%ĸ ' ஛ ࢎ ᐚᐚࡾ3Ȅ ᕧఈጱ × 3 ౵ * Ȱ Ñċ 3 ໨'ď॥ ' ஛ ďࢎ 3 ྞ ॠč ਪɾ&ࡾŭÞࣞ ď DZጱ 'ɾ Óࣞ ď! ໨' "ࡾ '໨ጱ ᐪ č 3 ໨'ɾ०ྞ ᥧďฌ œ ॥ ȄȐ ಑ DZ গ3 ໨'᡼Ðſॣȑᆜ ጱ໨' Ŀ Ĩ '໨ጱ ᝶ Š ሊጱ / ĵ'Ț ᝶Ȑ / 3Ȅ໨'ጱʅ1.3 ८'໨ॠিࡋ ᖇ Ð ×ȃ'໨ ጱȗ& ጱ८ ቗ ď ោœ Ó ໨-Ȇɳ ×ళ/໨'Ȑ ďĪ८ 3 ᗌ ८ ፻ॢ ď ໨ ໴ɲ ໛቗ ᐪহఉྞጱ ŝ ď D ࠲ ಮĪüȚ ࡼ ࡥ,ጱ ቗ ጱ ቗ าÑ'ጱ ቗ ᪅ Ĩ ×üȚ ቗ ჼ ᐣি "Ī 3 ×ᗌ ጱʯ ੣ ি ×üȚ ໨ ď໨' Ĩ ి "Ī 3 ×ᗌ ጱʯ ɲ ࡃ Ýď ቗ ॥ ি ŭহᭉȐ 2 ࣞ ď%ॼʅᐡĨ Ȑ / ࡋ ᐪ ᣩি ᐪࡃ'໨ጱ ŝ డŭহ ጱÑរď D2 ໨-Ȇɳ2.1ళ/໨'Ȑ2.1.1 ďüȚĪ८ ྞ ᒮฎ+໨' Ȑ ᕫি ໨ Ȑ ďళ/Ȑ ళ/Ȑ ྞ༭ E໨ Ȑ (non-literary translation) &፻ Ó໨ Ȑ ŝ ಀ Ȑ ȑ ጱ ਢť༭% Ł ༎(Ş ৢ Ķ Ȑ ༈ ళ/໨ Ȑ ࡾ ɰࣞ DZጱ Ó ɰྞᡄ ച!œ ďȉ œ ጱ໨ Ȑ 2 ၊ ళ/Ȑ ጱᗘ஧ళਢťD໨ Ȑ "ྞࡾࣞ ɰ ጱ໨'Ȑ 3Ī Ȑ ᒮʻ (Snell-Hornby) ฎ+໨' Ȑ ি ໨ Ȑ Ý ȃ /ಀ ď ጱȐ &> Ȑ Ý ſʰ Ķ ᆜ Ȑ Ł ȃ 7 4 ŀಚOȂ Ǝŭহ ᡰ ি Ȑ ি ໨ Ȑ(literary translation) ďE໨ Ȑ (non-literary translation) čᒮ੡ি Ş'Ȑ(technical translation) ď ໨Ȑ (institutional translation)5&ॢÓÓᒮጱ ď ি ࡆ DĈ Ȅ໨ Ŀ Ě ď%໨ࡾ ਷੹ % ࡥ໨ ા ໨ Ŀ & ళ ໨ Ȑ ጱ 'ʨ ྞÔ໨'಑ʶ &໨ ጱ᡻&E໨ ጱ ༎( ໴ ༎( ໴༟ਢť Ó ጱDɳ ਢť &,ጱŭɳ ᒮ ÓE໨ ጱ ȑčᒮ ྞ಑ ጱ໨ ᕽ 6 Ǔ ʻ ጱ িŭহ ዔ ॥ 'ਢ ༎( ༭% ໨' ȑĶ ళ ᆜ Ȑ 3 ƅ ࿾&ጱ ি গ ċࡾȕ ጱ& ళ/໨'Ȑ ɾ०ྞઅᕧᆜ ጱ໨'üȚ #ࡥ ቗ Ú Ȑ ɾ&ྞDZጱጱ & ࡃ DZ Ǐ üȚ ᡼ üȚ༟ċࡾ੩ঊÓƛ ໨'"०ྞጱü2, --[J], , 2003(6)3, —[J], , 2005(4)4Snell-Hornby, M. Translation Studies An Integrated Approach [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20015, [J], , 2009(6)6, [M], : , 2009Ț ċࡾ੩ঊÓȐ ੤᝶ࡥ ᒮ" "" ጱüȚ 7 ถ üȚ ᒮᬪ ఔᢛ ᗌĪȐ ቗ ŀಚOȂ ࡾ੣ಮĪȐ ቗ ᘈſď ಮ ᒮጱ ჼȆઉ᝶' ċࡾ ᐖহĨ 'üȚ1. "ฌüȚ referential function &໨' , Ó,"Ǐ ጱŭɳ DZጱ& ᒮŭÞࣞ %੫ ᒮጱ ᇁ೚ ྞ ᒮ ॥ ࣞ üȚ informative function ſʰ෎> ࡘા ƅ %2. ɰüȚ expressive function ฌጱ&໨'੤ᢒᒮ Ó,"Ǐ ɰጱ೚ి"!ച ᡼ ɰüȚ Ǐ ໨ " ໨'ጱȉ3. Ď üȚ appellative function"vocative function ฌ໨' ᒮ८಴ఉྞጱȃ਷ !ച ࡥœ೔ጱĎ ੤ / DZጱ Ó ᝶໨'า੪ᒮጱॠF Ǝ ጱ໨' Ŀ&Ķ ď4. ཉüȚ phatic function ฌ Ô໨'ጱ८ Ñ Óࡕ ࣞ ȑ੷&ࡥÙ /ጱࡕDࡾ࠳੷& 3 হ"ྞ໨'ċȚ०ྞጱüȚ ÐüȚÑ᡻ྞᗆఝ ᐐüȚ ÑÐÐ ʺ ƅጱ& Ć ໨'ÑDZ ໨'༟ċȚüȚÐᕫ DZ ፻č ċȚüȚďDZ Ñč ᒮʺ ি Ć ໨'ጱüȚďDZጱ&Ö ᡻ ໨ ɰ ʼn ጱüȚďDZጱ ࡾ Ȑ /2.1.2 Ī८ళ/໨'Ȑ7Nord, C. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001ฎ+Ñč໨' ি ໨'üȚÑDZ "Țᤸ੩ÑčጱȐ / "ĪƑǏহÐප ᫝ ళ/Ȑ ጱ ᒮʶ%ม ళ/ᗌ Ȑ Ďં቗ ฌ ฌহ ళ/ᗌ Ȑ డÑ ᢓ/ࣞɰᬪ቗ 8 ŭহࡃ dz ॼ ጱਜ਼ᒬȐ গ " dz &᫮ ƺ೶ ፻čǏ ŷᗌ ᒮ& ɰጱ " &Ȑ ༭ Úᗌ ɰĿ ȑÑ&ɵ +$ " ॼ & #Ȑ ੤᝶ࡥጱœĪ ፷า/ᗌ ॼ %มጱ᡼Ðlj " ࡃĪ८ ᒮɴ# ࣞɰᬪ Ȑ গጱᛶ ళ/໨ Ȑ Ñ໨ Ȑ ࿶ Ð ጱ Ǐᇁ 'Ð ſ ጱ໨ %ม੤ üȚȐ ቗ ళ/Ȑ ጱ ď ໨'üȚ ళ/Ȑ ጱ / ×ಮĪüȚ Ȑ ቗ হ੤ Ď üȚ໨' ࣞ üȚ໨' ጱᆜಊďȐ / ࡃ ি ᡻ ᗌ ጱij౷ɲ ࡃྞࢊ ጱʱɳ 2007ట %ม੡ŭহళ/Ȑ ళ ʅȐ ᡰ ጱࡕDࡉ৩ #Ȑ ఔ #໨'üȚ ƀȐ / #DZጱ ໨ ച&ʅ ໨'८ ࡾྞ% ǏȐ DZጱ༈ %ม× ిฯ ࡃళ/Ȑ ጱ ďᆜჼ ʱƅࡃÐÔᢓ/Óళ/Ȑ ጱĆ ࡵŭহ ࣞ ü ď č &Ȅ %ళ/ ०ྞጱ ᆜჼ9 ࡵ᡻ "Ī਷੹࠳ጱ ŞȐ ࡃ ቗ď ɳ డ ᨽ Ş໨'ŭহী ċ ጱȐ / ࡵ᡻ ళ/໨ Ȑ > ०ྞÑčጱüȚďDZጱ Ĩ ጱDZጱ &ฌ ళ/໨ Ȑ ጱ ቗ Þ#౵ņ%ม ᫝ ࢎ ×ጱȐ ࢎ × ÓĎ ໨' ॥ü8, [J], , 2003(3)9, --[J], , 2003(6)Ț Ó Ť ࡵ ᗌ໨ࢎ × ࢊ ď໨ ᐪ ጱij౷ >ᡰÐ Ýŭহࡃী ċ ጱȐ / ࡵ᡻ŭহ ' 'Ȑ Ć Ć ໨'ጱ ቗ ď DZ ᒮา੪ጱ቗ ŭহ० Ţ ፾/ď ᡄ /ጱȐ ༈ʳ1"Īఓ ȃ ጱÑſ੤ Ȑ ࡥ"ጱʺ ༢፟ü ൅'൅ ጱ ᒮ DZ = ళ/໨ Ȑ " E໨ Ȑ Ý ᯱņౖ%ม Ȑ ੫ 'ʨ %ม E໨ Ȑ ɾ ď ళ/໨ Ȑ ŭÞࡃ6 ጱ Ýďlj2.2 Ī८ 3 ᗌĪĪü༢፟ ǰ Ş' ఞྞࡃʨរ੤ ࡥ"$ ጱ D üÑċ ᡼Ô Ñࡪ ðহÐ පྦ / ࡥ ᡻ᕫüÓ Ī ࡥ" Ī ࿰> ŭ Ù Ī ጱ čి /ࡃ "Ī ጱ੤ Ñ౵ ʳࡉ43Ş'ጱ >੤ Ñ&੣ અ ᐚᐚᕫüÓÞE3 ɰ ᕧɥ ÑŤ/ጱDZጱ ċࡾdz "Īઅ ఉ Ǐ3 ᗌ,'ጱ ॥ᗌ໨,' 'ฎ+ ໨Ȑ ጱ Ŀ$౵ ᡼ᕧ+ ᝶Ȑ /ጱॢ ďſò '! 3 ᗌ໨Ȑ ጱ >ᡰ੩Ý "Ī 3 ᗌ໨Ȑ ጱ&>ʯ হ ᐖ ᐪ ०ྞ಑ ጱ œ ࡵÙ ᫝Ţ੩"Ī " č ĸᗌ໨3 ࠳ጱᗌ໨ ×੤ᐰ Ī੪ ᒮ #%Ĩጱĉ ࣞ ᐪহĨ ʯ ࣞ ቗ʯ ɳ ĪĿᗌ ŦॼÑ C +č ࡾ࠳Ĩ ʯ Ýࡅࡾ ƅ Ǝč ᡼Ôʯ ࡘ/ጱĆĨɲࡃি డŭহ%ɲœ Ý ళ ʅ ᗌ໨3 Ȑ ጱ ʅ ᐡᐤȐ ෢Ú ం ᒮళȃ ǪDĪ 3 ď ᥧ >ď ᗘጱ ɰᗘৼ DZጱ ॢ+ÑጱȐ ---ÐÔ 3 ᗌ ,Ý 3 ᗌ ጱʯ ᐪ ࠲ ᣩি üȚȐ ໨ Ȑ Ȑ Ǝčŭহྞಶ /ಮĪüȚ ቗ ɲÐ ি ďฌ 3 ጱᗌ ం"Ī ᗌ໨,3 ጱȐ ฌহ ᗌ໨3 + ੪ ᑱ dz ÑȚÑিEᐋጯǪ + 10 হ ʅᐣᕫጱȐ Ý Ý ੲ ᐪ ʯ œ ď໨ ࡵ ᗌ໨,3 ం ᝶1 িʅ ጱ / ༈ " 'Ɓ ᒮ ᡻ྞ ᒮɾ Ī DZ හ ᡼Ð༭ ň ጱȐ ោ #ࡾ࠳ি ċࡾdzহ ᡼Ð ጱ ি ᡻&ᡴ'"ॣ᝶ጱ ྞ Ñ ࡥœďྞಎ ૽ጱ ༈ ᣩি ᒮ 3 ᗌ ጱʯ ি ᣩি Ð& ʯ Ý ď Ŧॼ Ŀᗌ ੲ ᐪ ॺ ᡼Ôʯ ÞE ᒮŭ ᕧɥ Țü' ঊ Ó&໨ ʯ ʺ ᒮࡃ Ī ᒮጱ᫮ ಴ʅ'ಎď ᐿ Ŀ ॥ࡵÐÔ ᒮ Ī ಮĪüȚ ቗ ি ďฌ 3 ጱᗌ ం' 3 ጱᗌ ᡻ྞ Ñរď D ᗌ ጱʯ ᐪõ࠴ Ñ Ȅ Ɏ+ᡆࡾ ʅ Ý ᐰহࡃ౵ ໨10, [J], , 2008(1)಑ʶ ŭᐕญ ౵ኯ ॥ ÐÔ ᒮ Ī/ಮĪüȚ ቗ ฌ 3 ጱᗌ ం ੷&;;ჼ Ñ ࿰ ᐪઉÑ Ǝč ྞ× ࠳ᐰহȐ ໨'ళ ᤸ੩ጱȐ / &Üࡥ᫺ ੷ 'Ñ ጱĩഠ3 üȚȐ ቗ ĨüȚȐ ቗ Ŀŭহ& Ó ᐓ డEÐ ᫣ +ࡘ/ ȑ&/ Ȑ ោᒮď቗ ࡥ ጱ ࠳Ñſᒬ ᐪ ŝጱÐ Ȅጱ቗ ྞ1࿾&ጱ੤ ᔖȄ༦ üȚȐ ቗ Ŀ ŝ ࡾ ᤼O ɰà DZ = ࡃȐ ጱDZጱďüȚ িጱȐ ళ ǏĆ ໨'ጱDZጱďüȚ డ ŭহࡃ Ŀ formal equivalence ď৩೚ (dynamic equivalence) ೔ ੪ ༭Ȑ ቗ /ጱ üɴ# ŝࡃࡾ ጱ ༈ ቗ ŀŀƂ 5 Ć໨ጱ'3 Ć໨ጱᆜಊಶ ໨ â/ +ȑ ചঌÑ Ć ໨ ďDZ ໨ ጱ Dళ/ ᡄ ij౷ Ȑ ŀŀহǏÑ ጱǏ ਁ(Koller) Ǝŭহ ྞÔȐ ໨' & ࡃ ɰʳ&ጱĆ ८ " ࡃ DZ ੪ ໨'ጱ቗ Ĩ Ȑ হǏ%ॼ ʱ᤻ Ǐ %ฆȐ ቗ ጱ ᒮ ɵƙา੪ళ/ ໨'Ȑ ࡘા ƅ Ķ হǏጱÑ Ǐ ᨽ Ñčጱ໨ ď໨' হǏࡃ /ᕪ፻ࡉ DzጱȐ গ ቗ ǏÐ ࿶࠴ጱ E×ÓȐ ď ោጱ ᒮྏE1ÓüȚ ࡵÙ ᕧఈጱ࡝ɥ ោ ੤Ǐ Ȑ ' Ñ࠳ Ð"ᗌĪ ጱ Ȑ ŝಮ໨ ಮ໨ ໨డÑʺ ďĆ໨०ྞ፻čጱüȚ" Eጱ ᒮľ Ȑ ቗ ࡘ/ňዔ ĎંȐ ቗ ᐪઉȐ ោ ಮĪüȚ ళɱȑ/Ó ᐓ టࡼ üȚ ᡮ> ᝶ ಮĪüȚ ጱࡼ ࡥ,ি & . O ſ(Katharina Reiss) ſO (Hans J. Vermeer) ſᆜOʻ २-Ǝ (JustaHolz-Mänttäri) ʅſᙏO ಮ(Christiane Nord) ࡵÙɾŭহࡃ०ྞࡼ œ ጱȐ ቗ ſጱüȚ Ȑ ප ቗ ਪ໨' ቗ (Text Typology) ጱDZጱ (Skopostheorie) ʻ २-Ǝ ጱ ቗(Theory of Translation Action) ď ಮጱüȚüņ ቗ (Function plus Loyalty) ᡼ö ቗ ጱ੤ ķ dz 11 üȚ ቗ ੤ ᔖȄ3.1 ſጱ໨' ቗Ó ᐓࠬ టࡼ ſ'ࡥఉȃ&Ðčȃ ጱȐ ោᒮ Ȑ ቗ ጱ ࠳ ŭহࡕDüȚడE౵ "ੲ E ȑ&౵ ໨' E ጱüȚ቗ Ŀ /' Ȅ Ȑ ʅ / Oఔਁ(KarlBuhler)ጱ üȚ࠲ি ጱ࠲ üȚÑ॥"Ü/ጱ໨' ďࡕDച& 4 ᝶' ſ Ð ໨' ጱᆜჼ੣॥Ñ üȚጱ4 ɲ ࡃᐪÑ໨' Text type ࣞinformativeɰexpressiveŷoperativeüȚLanguage functionࣞ ጱɰÓ,ÑÓInformative(representingobjects and facts)ɰጱ ɰച!Expressive(expressingsender’s attitude)! ጱ ! า੪ᒮAppellative (makingan appeal to textreceiver)ᆜჼLanguage dimension >ᡌLogicalȉAestheticDialogic໨'+ჼText focus ࢼʅ८Content-focusedࢼʅ ĿForm-focusedࢼʅ! /Appellative-foucused໨DZጱTT should >८Transmitreferential contentǏȉ ĿTransmit aestheticformᘎಚ'ಎ ጱĉళElicit desiredresponseȐ ༈ Translation method ƅǪ ໨ ฎƅࡃPlain prose,explicitation asrequiredÚ% ņ Ć ᒮIdentifyingmethod, adoptperspective of STauthor3 %Adaptive, equivalenteffect2 ໨' ጱüȚᆜჼ੣॥ɞȐ ༈ ጱ4 11ſ1971టহ,ጱ Ȑ ප ጱċȚÑD (Possibilities and Limits of11Munday, J. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications [M]. London: Routledge. 2001Translation Criticisim)&ಮĪüȚ ጱľ #Ć ໨'Ñ ໨' ᫣ጱüȚॢ হÐ Ȑ ප ቗ശጱ ໨ళ ઉĆ໨ጱ८ ĿďࡕDüȚ 12 & డÑ Ǐ / ྞ༭Ñʺ "ÑċȚ ໨'ጱ ࡃ ᆜÝ Ð & ໨ጱDZጱďüȚďĆ໨ÑÐᕫ༭ ȱ ࡑጱŝ ᗌ % /ጱ ' ੳÐ & E ጱ੪ ÑĆ 'ಎጱ੪ Ñč ( Þ ᫮ ጱ "ᒮ Þ %ࡥ ᫮ ጱ'໴ ᡻ হɲ Ȑ ප ༭ጱ ࢊ গ1. ८ গ ď໨ ᆜಊ2. গ ച& ༭᫣ ੪ ᒮď ಀē% Ķ᯿ ച!/ ċ ſጱ໨'üȚ ఉȃ× Ć ໨'ᆜಊি ጱ'3 হ ɲ ໨' ጱüȚጱি üȚ Ȑ ቗ ጱ - Ó হȐ & / Eጱ /ᕪ᝾ឃÐ6 ໨% ጱ ࢊ ࠳ ໨"੩ಚጱࡕDDZጱ č' Ñᕧఈጱ / ጱઉ8 ඿ᕧఈŭহጱ໨' ቗ ďȐ /4 ᝶' Ð ० ጱ቗ Ññ ᕧఈጱ üȚি ໨ጱÐ6DZ ໨' ÑÐ &ঊ Ȑ /ᢚ෺ጱ Ð গ ੷ ໨'ࡾñǏĆ ໨'ጱ໨'ᆜಊ༭"Ǝ ʅઅ ጱȐ Ñčጱ ८ɾċࡾಚ ᤻ ɵ Ȑ E ྞ/ Ȑ / ྞ% ྞ༭%੫໨'ጱüȚ డƂÑċ12Katharina, R. Translation Criticism – The Potentials & Limitations[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 200113 ໨' ጱি ɎÑȚঊ Ȑ /ጱᢚ෺ ྞ৪Ó ᒮŞ ઉᢓጱȐ /3.2 ጱDZጱÓÓ ᐓࠬ టࡼ ŭহ DZጱ ጱ ೔ &ಮĪüȚ Ǝʅ ጱ቗ ɲÐ 3 ࡃȐ ቗ ď ោጱijɞ Skopos&ĵ5 œ& DZጱ " DZ ࡵ 1 Ȑ × 5 হ' Ȑ Ñࡪࡪ& üంጱᡰ Ƃ ঊȐ > ጱ Dʯ ࡵ Ȑ &Ð =# & ໨ ďE໨ ጱࡕ Ĩ Ȑ &Ð ࡥ #ࡥ ቗ ࡵ඿ࡥ Ðᆜ ച Ñ੤/ጱྞDZጱጱ ྞœĪጱ Ñࡪ੪ ༭Ǐ ጱಀē ᡻ %੫ ༭ጱǏฎ+DZጱ ጱ ᤻ Ȑ ༟+&Ð ྞDZጱጱ ࡃ িɰ DZጱ Ȑ /ጱᢚ෺ď ళ ஧ᐬȐ DZጱɲ ࡃ Ȑ Ć ໨'ጱDZጱď ໨ ࡘ/ጱüȚ ᒮȑ ᕪॢʅ ȑঊ Ȑ DZጱƎʅ ጱĨ à& ໨ጱ੪ ࡵÙྞᕧఈጱ໨ ȗ&ď / ྞᕧɥጱࡕ ʺ ď'ಎ ď ſઉ8ጱ Ȑ '቗ ฯ (Groundwork for a General Theory of Translation) ࡥ Ī Ş "ྞ໨'ɾᢓ/ጱȐ ቗ ࡃö '1. Ȑ DZጱঊ ໨13Nord, C. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20012. ໨੷ ໨ ŭÞࣞ ȑDZ Ć ໨ ďĆ ŭÞࣞ3. ໨üȚÑÐ ÑĆ໨üȚ4. ໨ಶ ८ɲ5. ໨ಶ ņ ÓĆ໨6. ࡾ࠳ࡋ'८ Þʅ /࠳ᕪÑล Ȑ DZጱ ࡋDZጱ DDZጱ ᡻ྞੳ ɲ (coherence rule) ďņ (fidelity rule)ɲ &ฌ ໨ಶ ઉ ८ɲ ጱ গ ਪ ໨ಶ Ț ੪ ቗ డ DZጱ ໨ ࡾ੣Ü/ ໨ጱࡕDǏ ྞœ ņ ฌĆ໨Ñ ໨ ᫣ళ Dɲ Ðᕫ(intertextual coherence) ਪ Ó> " ጱņ ÓĆ໨ ȑņ ጱ ిď Ŀ / ໨ጱDZጱď ᒮ Ć໨ጱ቗ 'ঊ ࢅ ઉ1999 ॥ ८ɲ × Ó Dɲ Óᒮ੡੪ DZጱ ጱDDZጱ ጱ ჼ Ð & ᤻ࡃčÐ໨'ĨÑčDZጱďÚৢ Ȑ ŝ ,'ጱചঌ / ᕧఈጱ ' & ᒮಶ ฎ+ ໨ጱ ᤸ੩፻ళ Ȑ / 14 / ċࡾdzহ ጱ቗ ಑ ŭ੣Ć໨ Ć໨ጱ Ȑ ቗ ጱ ࡵ Ć໨੷& ໨ ጱ੪ ŭÞࣞࡃᘎಚ቗ശጱ ໨ Ȑ DZጱళ Ȑ Ú commission ƅ Ƃ ɳহ' Ú & ᕧఈ"ࡵࡥÑɰȐ ฌࡽ Ȑ Úি ࡾÑö ᣩি 1 DZ ÚৢDZ ጱ० ฌহ 2 DZ ಚࡾ Ǐጱጱ'ࢉ ਢťÐÔǏ Ĩ " ༢' ?᤼ " "ࡥ ď ᒮ ᫣ DZ ď14'ࢉ Ó ళ ƅ3.3 ʻ २-Ǝ ጱȐ ቗ʻ २-Ǝ &Ð / ȩ ጱಮĪȐ ᒮ Ȑ ោᒮďȐ %ఙ 1981ట ŭহȐ ቗ č 1984టɲÐ ʱ᤻ ቗ ŭহጱȐ ቗ ࡾࡕD቗ ď ቗ DZጱ& અ Ȑ ৩ŭÞÐ ᗘĿďฌ ቗ Ȑ Ð ྞDZጱ ʅᐪ ጱࡥ ࡕŀ ৩ డ ʅჼॢ Ȑ ᡰ ॥ અ ࣞ =#ጱᬫઉ ࡵᐪহȐ ᡰ ྲ੣ጱÐ ࡥ,1. ੤᝶ࡥ the initiator ྞȐ ʺ ጱ ੿ď ࡥ2. "ࡥ the commissioner :Ñ ᒮ፷า4 ጱ ࡥ3. Ć໨ ᒮ the ST producer : Ć ໨'ॼ ጱࡥ ÑÐ ਜ਼ÑȐ ᡰ4. ໨ ᒮ the TT producer : ᒮ5. ໨Ü/ᒮ the TT user :Ü/ ໨ጱࡥ Ü/ ໨ɲ % ጱࡥ6. ໨੪ the TT receiver : ໨ጱƎᐥา੪ᒮ ໨ጱ / Ð ਜ਼ÑȐ ᡰ ጱࡥɾྞᕧఈጱ ď DZጱ Ðč Ȑ ࡥ ȑ ᩔ&॥ DZጱ ॥ & ઉᐏď >Ć໨ࣞ ʻ २-Ǝ ጱȐ ቗ ࡾ࠳ Ð ਜ਼Ñᒮጱ ᕽɾɲ ࡃিȐ ቗ E ʅȚ ੪ ᝶ ྞ%ࡕDüȚጱ ໨ጱࡘ/ᡰ ᡼ œ઎1 Ð " Ŀጱ ໨ ശ Ǐ॥üȚ ಶ ઉ ໨ ጱȑÑ& Ć ࣞ Ȑ ໨'ŷ ʻ २-Ǝ ॢÓ ໨ࡘ/ᡰ ጱ' ᡰ ࡪʺ Ć໨ጱ ďüȚɲ ি ਢť८ Ó ࣞď ࡕD / ď Ŀ ' า ໨੪ &ঊ ໨ጱĨ3.4 ಮጱüȚüņ ቗ಮ&ಮĪ ಮ ቗ం ళ/ ďȐ %ม ' ശ࠳࿰੪॥ఙ ſጱ໨' ಀē ጱDZጱ čʻ २-Ǝ ጱȐ ቗ č༭ ྞᕧఈጱ ಮ8ɳ ॥ 8 Ȑ ጱ ি ቗ ༈ ੣E Ȑ ጱ ি Ŀ % ጱళ/ Ɏ/ಮ ॼŝ ŝᗌ໨č ਪ ĪD / ᝶಑ ĉē č ñาñ਺ ፷า/ᗌ ॼ DZጱ --- üȚȐ ቗ డÓ1997టʯ੩ఔਁጱ Ŀ ᗘÝ ໨'ฎüȚি Ĩ ฌ üȚ referential function ɰüȚ expressive function ! üȚ appellative function ď ཉüȚ phatic function డ Ù ໨' Ǐጱ༈Ŀࡾ੣ ಀē ० ጱȐ ʯಮÑࡪา੪ ſጱ໨' ቗ ᡻ ি%ฆDZጱ ໨DZጱ Ȑ ᡰ Ðী Ĩ ࠳ ໨DZጱ& DZጱǏ ጱŭɳ ಮడÑ ᒮྞᕧ/ Ȑ DZጱጱᕧ/ ໨DZጱళ/ "ࡥঊ ಮጱ üȚüņ ቗ Ȑ ጱ ি ŭহ ༭ ᨽ ʻ २-Ǝ ጱȐ ʻ २-Ǝ ඿໨' ǏࡕDüȚጱȁ ం० ॥஭ྞጱࢊ × Ó॥DZጱ ᒮ੷ʺ DZጱǏ ໨ċࡾlj ÓĆ໨ ಮ ᕧ/ʅॼ free rewriting Ñ ÓȐ ጱᗘዃ ፷าŭহ ྞĆ໨ ྞȐ ጱdz ᒮళč༭ Ć໨ď ໨Ǐ Ć໨ࣞ ੤ᢒᒮďDZ ᒮ ᡼Ð Ú ņ loyaltyಮ ņ Ć üȚ Ŀ ĵ' ঊȐ ጱƨɲüȚ ʯ ጱüȚ ༈ ౵ ࠳ üȚüņ üȚฌጱ&Ü ໨ Ǐ ฎ ጱ༈Ŀɱ ጱĨ ņ ฌጱ& ᒮ Ć໨ ᒮ ໨า੪ᒮ੣Ȑ ੤᝶ᒮ ᫣ጱࡥDॢ ņ Ć D ࡃ ÐĆ໨ጱ ໨üȚᗘ஧ üࡃ ᒮÑ " ᫣ Ȑ Úৢጱ ಮ ņ Ü ᒮĉ ņ Ó ƛÑ DZ ༈E ÑȚ඿ Ñņࣞጱ ೔࿶ Ð Ĩ ņࣞ fidelity/faithfulness ࡪࡪฌ Ć໨Ñ ໨ጱॢ ȑņ & ࡥDᗘዃጱ ೔ ฌጱ&ࡥÑࡥ ᫣ጱ ॢ 15# ಮጱņ Ć ੤᝶ࡥ ໨า੪ᒮďĆ໨ ᒮ࠲༈ྞ ፟উ ༭ ᒮಶ × ࠲༈ጱॠ +ȑ ಮྞ༭੡ɲȗᕧఈጱņ Ć ᒮ%ॼ ÔȐ ȑÑ/ಊ Ć ᒮጱœಮጱüȚüņ ቗ 11Ó ᒮ ࡵ üȚ Ȑ ቗ Ǝྞࢊ ጱ࠲ ༈E& Ȑ ᐕ (brief) Ć໨ি ੣ Ȑ ʯ ጱি ȑ᡼࠲༈E &ࡵጱüȚüņ ቗ ጱ ಴ ೔Ȑ ᐕ ƅ "བ ࡾÑࣞ ໨ጱ 'üȚ ᒮ ŵ × হ,༭᫣ď ჼࡾ੣ ໨DZጱďহ, ໨ጱ৩'Ć໨ি ᒮ হࡾÑঊ ŭÞÞ# 1 Ȑ ጱÚৢ& ċ 2 Ć໨ ጱࣞ ૛ÔÑ ໨üȚྞॢ3 ᤸ/ /ċࡾÜ ໨ ઉȐ ᐕ15ಮŭহጱüȚüņ Ŀ ᝶' ȉ Dŷ č༭ņ Ó "ࡥ Ć໨ ᒮď ໨ ᒮ࠲༈డÑ & ໨DZጱÑĆ໨DZጱ፻č üȚüņ ྞʯ &Ñ፻č༭ ശ ಑ʶ3.5üȚ Ȑ ቗ 3 ×ᗌ ጱళ/3.5.1 ᗌ໨3 ᆜჼ"ࡾľ ᗌ໨,3 & ࡃ /અ ᕧఈ ĪD/ / ࣌ɲ /໨ ࡕ %Eľ%ࡾ' "Ī ü Țüಚ ࡃ ŭ 1 හ ྦ Ð༈E& ࡃ" ᕧఈጱྦ čి Ð༈E& ࡃ ྦ ࡥ" ' 3 ᗌ ጱDZጱਪ Ó > ÐÚ ໛ጱ ᗌ໨3 ళ ਢ ༈ ࣞ %4ంࡥ% ľ D 3ď੤ ਷੹ Ð ᆜ ጱ໨' Ŀ ᗌ໨3 ×ྞ Ñö ᆜჼࣞ ʅఅ /અ ጱ፻ॢࡥ Ð" ੤/ॣថ Ðྞ%ጱ>಍à&࠳3 ጱ3 ࣞ > × ×ľ ᝶ ȑ × Şɬ1 ি ᤸďᆜჼጱʅÚ Ǝ Ț ࡾ Şɬጱࣞ ʅ& িċ ጱ॥ ×८ ŀŀ হǏÐÔ०ྞ໨ ᆜᕽጱ ď०ྞ਷੹ဃƛጱࡥ,ďÓࢉ Ȑ ŝࡃ ጱ#"࠲ 3 ċᤸ/ጱ " ༟ċࡾ / /৩ጱĪ, ᡻ċࡾ?ࡾ ጱ/ ᐓ , Ǐ ĿÑ DÓ໨Ĩ 3 ጱ౱ ᫣అ /᝾ʦาàċɬ ᘎ੩"ʺ८ ি ྏ àถ ࡉ43Ş'ጱ੤ ď&੣ 3 ጱDZ ੪ ď % ɲɲ᝾ᡰ Ȅ ಀē࿰ɲ ళ/Ȑ ጱÐ ྞಶ ᡼Ðᆜ ໨' Ȑ ጱǏᇁďʯ Ð ໛቗ ŭহċ ጱȐ /3 ×ᗌ ÑࡪŞ෢1 Ī >ࣞ ጱüȚ ᡻&"Ī໨ %ᓝÐ ʅ ጱ " Ī८ ᒮ '໴༭ ŀŀň ࡃ 3 ᡼ᣩি ८ ጱ ' "ᢚÝ ď%# 'ᕧࡉ43 Ī ᣩ Ī 211ʅჼ౵ ०ྞ ďŤ/ጱʺ Ț ি Ǐ ࡼ 3 ᗌ ጱ&੣ࡾ੣Ǐᇁ Ī ᒮď ࡥ ɾ&>ᡰ᡼Ô ጱ3 ࡃ "Ī%ᓝǏᇁጱ3.5.2 ᗌ໨3 ×ጱDZጱ üȚď໨'ʳ13Ȅጱ&੣ ࡥÙጱ᫮ őďᘎ੩ࣞ ጱ༈Ŀ੤/ࡃȐ ጱ੫ ᗌ໨3 × &ࡾࡉ43 ɬ ጱࣞ ໨' ੪ DZ ƅ ſ ໨' ঊ ໛ ጱȐ ༈ ໨' Ȑ ᒬ: ď ᐪ ጱőÝ 16 /Ó॥ᆜ ጱ ŵ × Ð3 ጱ Īࡥ ಑ʶྞȑ಴ Ð ॺʨጱ × ʳœ"ľÐ 3 ໨ × ॺʨ ࣞ Ƃᐪ ď ʳœ"ľᗌȉ ጱ3 ॥ ×Ð & িƅ ࣞ ƅŞ ÐDZࡃ+ ઉ3Ȅ໨'ࣞ àถ ᡮ>ጱᆜჼ ſጱ໨' ቗ 3 ×ᗌ ०ྞ಑ ጱฌ œ ಮĪüȚ ቗ ጱ ಴&DZጱ16, [M], : , 2008ਪ Ú Ȑ ɾ&/Ȑ ጱDZጱঊ ጱ 17 ď ſÑč Ñ ƛ ໨'& ʅ ໨ ʅ ৤ጱ গ ȑࡪࡪ& DZ ੪ ŭÞࣞ 3ࡃ ྞࡃ᡼Ð቗ ฌ Ñʶdzহ 3 ×ᗌ ʯ ጱࡘ/ጱ ƛ "Ù ŞȐ /ฌƅࡃ༈ #üȚ ቗ Ú Ȑ ɾ ྞDZጱ Ð & ࡃ%੫Ǐ Ó,ጱ ᇁ೚ ৪ĉ༈ >ďࡕ 3 ×ጱᗌ >ŝྦ ᒮጱ᫮ ĩʶ ᢼ ċࡾ Ȑ Ñ&ŝüጱȐ ȑÑ&dz & ᢠಧࡃĆ ጱ८ ᐪ ď Ŀ üȚ ቗ ᡻ ໨ྞ༭ċ #DZ ᒮጱ᫮ ő ȗ& ໨ ࣚ Ć໨ɲ ã% /ᕪ%ॼ Ć໨ጱ Ññ ÑċࣄDž Ȑ ጱƎ Ć &ɰ DZጱ Ǐួ໨ ጱࡕDüȚ ቗ ᒮ Ȑ translation brief ጱগ ం ࡾÑ& 3 ×ᗌ ໨'ጱ ি໨ጱ໨' ໨ďĆ໨Ð &ŭÞ % ༈Eጱࣞ č༭᡻ Óŷ ໨' Ó / ᒮ' ี×ďŭ ᡼ ໨' ጱ࿶ઉ ॥ࣞ üȚ Ó! üȚ Ȑ ༭ ʅ ƅŞ ÐDZࡃ+໨ጱ ' ᒮ ໨ጱ੪ ċȚਢťྞœď Ī ľ ࡕ ጱ ᒮ ĵ'ࡃ Ī %ᓝǏᇁጱĪ ᒮ ྞœ Ī ɲãጱ Ī / ྞœď Ī ઉ ጱࢎ /ࡥ ʺ œጱÓ ᡼Ôࡥ 3 Īጱȗ& ᫮ ༈Ŀྞij౷ ໨ 'ಎ Ñč17Nord, C. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001໨ጱ ŵ × ໨&>ᡰࡉ43᡼Ð Ŀɲ ŵጱ ċ /ጱ Ǐ" > ࡥÙ ࡉ43໨'८ ༭ ő >ᡰ᝾ʦาጱ Ŀɲ ែឤĿ᫮ ੣༭ গ àถ ᘎ੩ࣞ ᡼&ࡉ43Ş' ࡅ໨'ጱÐ ጱſጱ ďล, Ŀ ᢼ ໨ಶ ᒬ: ᡼Ð × Ŀ ʅ হ3 ໨'ࣞጱ হ àถ ď፾༭×࠳EጱŭɳÑʶdzহ 3 ×ጱᗌ ం ʺ ᒮ ༈ᒬʅ Ñ& â/Ć໨ࣞ ċࡾ ઉ ጱȐ ᆜ &ᒬ: ࡉ43᡼Ðᆜ × /ᕪ " Ć໨ጱᐪ ি Ŀ Ć໨ɲ ᐪ ȄጱȐ ʶࡾ5 Ć໨ᕪ࠳ ጱᛶ Ƃ &œ ᡻& ɾ ʅÑĆ໨âฆÐᕫ ྏÑ ŭ८ ጱ ďᐪ ጱ ࡃ ฎ+ ȄȐ ቗ ᤻ďฌ 3 ×ᗌ ʶࡾ᝶ /᰼ჼ1ጱ% ȑಮĪüȚ ᝶ Ć໨Ññ& ໨ጱ Ð ໨ጱ 'üȚ ໨'า੪ ჼ ŵ × ᐖ ᒬ:ᗘ஧ ċࡾ ฌ Ȑ ጱ ោం ०EĎœ Ĩ >ᡰಮĪüȚ ቗ ďฌ 3 ×ᗌ ०ྞċ ०ྞಶ4 3 ×ᗌ ʯ Ñ4.1 3 ×ᗌ ʯ িɰ ໨"ᨽ ጱ ᒮ×'ö ×' &ঊ Ȑ ķďȐ Ü/ ጱ Ĩ 18 Ĩ 3 ᗌ໨ × ళᒬ: ᒮ& ०ྞĆ ᒮ"० ጱč ጱ໨ ȗ& ďॣថ+ჼ "Ī ᒮࡾ318Nida, E. A. Language and Culture: Context in Translating [M]. 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Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001&໨ #᡼Ôñᤸ੩፻ళጱȐ / 3 ᗌ ጱ ᒮ ಑ƅ ਪĪ ᒮ / /ďྞœď"Ī ઉ ጱࢎ ࡥ ᢼ ༟+ &ࡵÙ ࡵÙጱ᫮ ő ᫮ 'ಎྞÔࡥÑ ʯ ᒮď ŀ ጱࡥࡉÑ፻ ࡃ & ॥ ʳ1ࡉ43Ş'ጱ੤ "Ù಑ &>ᡰ Şఞ ໨'(parallel text) ᘎಚྞॢࣞ" ఞ ໨'&ฌÑč ďüȚ፻č"፻ᡴጱ' ໨' ċࡾ ৪ ᒮ ࣞ ८ ɰ༈Ŀ ãɮ Ŀ ᕪ໨ ᗘ࠳ ʅ ᥧ ఞ ໨'ጱᆜჼ ë& ᒮ Ð ໨'᫮ őď'ಎጱਜ਼+ "Ī ᒮ ʶ /Ǝŭহ dz ॼ ጱȐ ༈ ॥ dz ਪ&ฌ ʅ᫮ 1 ጱఞ ໨''໴ ċࡾ>ᡰఞ ໨'ি Ć໨ɲ ࣞ ቗ Ü ໨ ʅ ఞ ໨'ጱ ᗘ /ఞ ໨' Ǐč üȚ" ɰč ࣞ ጱ > ᗘ ɰ༈ ŭ ໨ጱċ ďċา੪ ũ๖ ໨ጱãɮ ᆜಊ ƺ೶ ໨ఞ ໨' ጱ໨ ᗘ ໨ ʅጱ ×ం Ñľఞ ໨'ি Ĩ ໨ ʅጱ ੩ঊÓ ి࠳ Ǐࡃ" ጱüȚ "ĪÐ ᒮƎ᡼ ฌহ "Īళ/Ȑ ጱ ໨ ࢊÐ& ĪÓɵÐ%CጱᗘĿ ň ࡃ໛ Ó& ÷ ᕧఈጱ ȃ ࢊᗌ 'ጱ ಚহጱᐪ ŀŀ3 ü 21 ᤸ/ ċ ಑ ጱఞ ໨' ਜ਼+ ྏ &Şহ ໨ጱÑរ হ፻ ྞ Əüጱ ࢊ '໨ Ī>ᡰȉĪ 3 ɳÐ ጱఞ ໨' "Ī 3 ×ᗌ , ጱʯ ɲ ᐪি21, [J], , 2009(4)4.1.1 üȚ ȐüȚȐ & ጱȐ × œ ࠳ üȚȐ ࿌፥ࡃ ᣩিጱȐ ʯ Ĩ ੷ & ɾ ፷า"᫣า # ໨ጱ üȚ Ĩ >ŝጱಀē &Ǝ ʅጱ >ŝüȚ ጱ ĆĨ& ᒮň ੪ ď ໨üȚ १ ጱüȚ Ǐ ࣞ üం Ŀᗌ ༈E 'dzdzࣞ üంጱʯ ࣞ üంʯ ਢťࣞ ጱॺ ࣞ 3 ďࣞ=# ʯ Ð ' DZጱ ᒮ"ŭÞጱࣞ & ᢓి&ಶ ᒬ:ጱʯ ฎ+ ᭊſ(Grice) ጱ ჼ ࡕDʺ ᢠ ઉ Ć ȑઉ Ć ጱ Ðগ & ʅ œฌ" ጱ ళਢ ࡕDDZጱ"ʺጱࣞ ਢ ጱࣞ Ü ᒮ +Ƃ઎ ȑ ਢ ጱ ᐰ ᒮ 'ĩʶ ฎ+DZጱ ጱ ჼ Ć໨੷& ໨ጱࣞ 'ƛ ᒮÑċȚëĆ໨ ᒮᢼ ŭÞč %ʅ"č ጱࣞ 22 ྞÔࣞ DZጱ ࡕ Ñ ྞࡕDࢊ ĉȑ / ʅ໨' ᫣1./index.php?content=aboutnankai&type=1A key multidisciplinary and research-oriented university directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Nankai University,located in Tianjin on the border of the sea of Bohai, is also the alma mater of our beloved late Premier Zhou Enlai./english/22Nord, C. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20012“211”……/erjiyemian/xuexiaojianjie.htmThe Communication University of China (CUC) is one of China’s key universities of “Project 211”, directly under the guidance of the State Ministry of Education./en2/about%20cuc.html1The University of Florida (UF) is a major, public, comprehensive, research university.2Established: 1900Type: Private research university3Northwestern University is a private institution founded in 1851 to serve the Northwest Territory.ö અ ጱ × ɾ ŭ੣ᕧఈጱ࠳ᐐ ᣩ᫝ ඿ Ǝ෋1ጱ ࣞ 3Ó Ī %ᓝᣩ፷ ᡼ö ࡼ 1' ďċEጱü ʅ Ț ᝶ ŭ /ď ᒮጱ / +᡼ Ñ"Ī ü ፻ॢ "Ī ࡾ ü Ǐ Ɏ ƑǏহ ʅ üD ॥% %ఙ ƛďü ʅɾƂ ď ü ፻ ȉ Ī ྞÐ"Ð & ü ᗌȉĪ D ጱ%ᓝ ఙ üʅɲɲȘᡰ üD 8čጱૅ ˊ፾቗ం ď& ſ ƂÐÑ& D ʳœ"ľȉĪÐ" ጱ3 × Ñ হǏ ፷ Ó ᣩ᫝ ጱࣞ Ǝ ੷/ publicuniversity " private university Ð ᡰ ᡼ ጱࣞ Ñ ᐰDZጱ ᒮ ' ጱ ȉ ጱ / ĉȑ üࡵÙጱ᫮ ෢ñ'dzÝ1 %,ጱ '቗ ᒮ ॥፷ our beloved late Premier Zhou Enlai ᒮ 'Ƃ ໨ጱDZ ᒮ& Ó ȉ ᒮȑ '቗ ࡵÙ಴ ጱ ď Ī ᒮ ÑȚ č ঌ our”᡼ ॥ ď Ñƅ ฎ+ᗌ໨ጱ ໨>ᡌ ᒮ ɳ ŝ 1 ጱÐÚ ɳ Ɓጱ Ĺ ᡼ ጱ ໨੷ D ᒮጱ቗ ďࡕ ໨ጱࣞ ď! üȚ "෇"3Soochow University consists of five campuses with a total area of more than 3,118 mu and a floor area of around 1.46 million square meters./page/20090827111711827.shtmlĪD> ጱ & hector " square meter ࡚& Īጱ ʅ ᒮÑ Ī ጱ Dചঌ Īጱ࡚፷า Ǐᐰ Ī ᒮ Ü Ī ᒮ๻Ñ1 5 ᡻ಚശ༈ ɲ =# ࡃ ໨ጱ üȚ ᒮ3 ࣞ =#ጱœ ďȚü5. The University is well known for its healthy environment. By attaching great importance to students' overall development in virtue, intelligence, sporting and art, the University has successfully created a colorful campus cultural atmosphere of elegance and aspiration for the benefit of the students' healthy growth. As a result, being equipped with strong basic knowledge, all-round capability, creativity and practical ability, graduates from Nankai University are extraordinarily popular with employers from all fields./english/6/xb/situation.htmThe old prose predicted the future, it's believed that by our joint effort, we will carry on the past and opening a new chapter of NCU's takeoff in China!/web/html/english.htmÝ5 'Ƃ ਪ## ʅჼ ࣞ Ñƅ ᡰÓ෭ ॺ Ñ ઉࣞ ໨'࿾&ƅࡃጱ ࣞ ໨' ०ྞƅ œ ጱ ८ Ǝ ࡾDɳÓ ໨ ×ਫĚ ʅÜ/ ࢊ ࡾ੣ ྞ Dœ ጱã Ñ ᡼ ८ % ࣞ ʅƎ ᬫ ጱ & ઉᢓ Ȑ 5 িƅ& ċࡾ ᄅ!੪ ໨Ć໨ɴ ɮɌ ጱ ໨Ý6 ໨ ɰ Ǐࡃ ໨Ě ጱ ő ᡼Ðࣞ Ñ ঌྞ ॢ & ᢓÓ ໨ Ǐ ࣞ ໨' & &ಚ ᒮ ᡼Ôʯ + ྞᒬ: ᡻ྞᢼੲ The old prose predicted the future ྏ&Ñ "ࡈ Ī ᒮÑ ʯ &Ö prose Ț ''7./cps/site/njueweb/fg/index.php?ifshow=aboutnju&id=4 Over 20 world famous scholars have been conferred Nanjing Unveristy honorary docterates and professorships./cps/site/newweb/foreground/sub.php?catid=45Eఉȃŭ ᡰ 3 ×Dࡃ०ྞࣞ üȚ ᡻०ྞ! üȚ ਪĪ ᒮ /"ࢎ /ࡥ Ĩ Ñ ጱ ŭÑ ళ ʅ၊រ᡼ÐüȚ Ć໨ࣞ ਢ ö ྞĪDಀēüጱࡥ, ࡃ ጱ ü ०ྞ಑ ጱࡕDࢊ ࣞ ྞಶ ໨ ಚࡾâ/ ĈÑ ྞ# ໨ጱ! üȚ8.“”“”“”“”/xb/situation.htmAdhering to the principle of developing campus culture and highlighting cultivation of the unique spirit and harmonious culture of NCU with good tastes, a series of campus culture brands such as weekend platform of "Qianhu Splendors", weekend concert of "rhythm of Qianhu", "Qianhu Poem League", "Qianhu Stage", "Qianhu Arena" as well as websites like "Qianlan Forum", "Talents Bank of NCU", "Red Earth", etc. were built; and a series of key researching bases like "the database of Gan Dialect", "The database of The Red Culture in Jiangxi" and "the database of Historical and Cultural Study of Jiangxi" were also been formed./web/html/english.htmÝ8 Ȃᣩি Ǐጱࣞ ÑÝ7 ŝ Ñ ᡼Ô ৩ጱč & ໨ হ' ఉȃ ᒮ ᒴ,ÐDࡃ અ ጱ ৩%ÑȘ% ö ྞࡥ Ĉॢ ᐣᕫጱ ৩č DE&ఉȃ "ం ጱ /ď%ఙ 3 ੷ D ໨ጱċ õ ᒮጱ᫮ ॣថ。



介绍南京历史的英语作文The city of Nanjing, located in the eastern part of China, boasts a rich and captivating history that spans thousands of years. As the capital of several ancient dynasties, Nanjing has played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural and political landscape of China.Nanjing's history can be traced back to the Neolithic period, with archaeological evidence suggesting that the region was inhabited as early as 6000 BCE. The city's strategic location along the Yangtze River, one of the most important waterways in China, has contributed to its importance throughout history. During the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 CE), Nanjing, then known as Jianye, served as the capital of the Eastern Wu kingdom, a testament to its significance even in ancient times.In the 3rd century CE, the city's status as a political and cultural center was further solidified when it became the capital of the Eastern Jin dynasty. This period saw the construction of numerous impressive landmarks, including the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, which still stands as a testament to the city's rich history. The Eastern Jin dynasty's rule over Nanjing lasted until the 5th century CE, when the city was conquered by the Southern Dynasties.The city's prominence continued to grow during the Southern Dynasties (420-589 CE), with Nanjing serving as the capital of several successive kingdoms. This era witnessed the construction of the famous Porcelain Tower, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was once considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World. The Porcelain Tower, with its intricate design and stunning architecture, remains one of the most iconic landmarks in Nanjing to this day.The 14th century saw Nanjing's rise to even greater prominence when it was chosen as the capital of the Ming Dynasty, one of the most influential and powerful dynasties in Chinese history. Under the Ming rule, Nanjing underwent a remarkable transformation, with the construction of the Nanjing City Wall, the Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty, and the Jinling Examination Hall, which served as a prestigious center of education and learning.The Ming Dynasty's reign in Nanjing lasted until the 17th century, when the capital was moved to Beijing. Despite this change, Nanjing continued to play a significant role in Chinese history, serving as the capital of the Qing Dynasty for a brief period and later becoming a center of revolutionary activity during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Today, Nanjing stands as a vibrant and modern city that seamlessly blends its rich historical legacy with a thriving contemporary culture. Visitors can explore the city's numerous historical sites, such as the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, which serves as a poignant reminder of the city's tumultuous past. The city's museums, such as the Nanjing Museum and the Nanjing Art Museum, offer a wealth of information and insights into Nanjing's cultural heritage.Beyond its historical significance, Nanjing is also known for its natural beauty, with the picturesque Purple Mountain and the serene Xuanwu Lake providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation. The city's bustling streets, lined with modern skyscrapers and traditional architecture, offer a unique blend of old and new, making Nanjing a truly captivating destination for visitors from around the world.In conclusion, the history of Nanjing is a testament to the enduring strength and resilience of the Chinese people. From its ancient origins to its modern-day prominence, the city has played a vital role in shaping the cultural and political landscape of China. By exploring Nanjing's rich history and vibrant present, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the country's remarkable heritage and the enduring spirit that has made it one of the most fascinating and dynamic regions in the world.。



革命纪念馆视角下革命文物档案理论研究毛一涵1,2 李 刚1,2,3(1.南京大学信息管理学院,江苏南京,210023;2.雨花台烈士纪念馆—南京大学 国家革命文物协同研究中心,江苏南京,210023;3.南京大学革命纪念馆研究中心,江苏南京,210023)摘 要:革命文物是重要的革命精神物质载体,也是传承红色文化、增强民族文化自信的重要资源。



关键词:革命文物;革命文物档案;红色文化分类号:G275.9Theoretical Research on Revolutionary Cultural Relics Archivesfrom the Perspective of Revolutionary Memorial HallsMao Yihan1,2, Li Gang1,2,3( 1. School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023; 2. Yuhuatai Martyrs Memorial Hall - Nanjing University National Revolutionary Cultural Relics Collaborative Research Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023;3. Research Center of Nanjing University Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023 )Abstract: Revolutionary cultural relics are important carriers of revolutionary spirit and material resources for inheriting red culture and enhancing national cultural confidence. The work of revolutionary cultural relics archives, as an important component of the work of revolutionary cultural relics and revolutionary memorial halls, is of great significance in promoting the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics and inheriting red culture. This article conducts theoretical research on revolutionary cultural relics archives from the perspective of revolutionary memorial halls, defines the connotation of revolutionary cultural relics archives, summarizes the characteristics of revolutionary cultural relics archives, explores the main content of revolutionary cultural relics archives and their important value in revolutionary cultural relics work, aiming to improve the attention of revolutionary memorial halls to revolutionary cultural relics archives, and enhance the level of development and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics archives, in order to better utilize the advantageous resources to inherit the red spirit and provide patriotic education services for revolutionary memorial halls.Keywords: Revolutionary cultural relics; Revolutionary cultural relics archives; Red culture红色文化是蕴含革命精神、革命情感以及历史文化内涵的具有中国特色的先进文化,做好革命精神阐发、传承好红色文化,于革命纪念馆而言是重要而艰巨的任务。



南京红色研学英语作文Nanjing Red Study EnglishNanjing is a city with a rich history and culture, and one of the most famous aspects of its history is the Red Army's Long March. The Red Army's Long March is asignificant event in Chinese history, and it played acrucial role in the Chinese Communist Party's rise to power.The Red Army's Long March started in 1934 and lasted for over a year, during which the Red Army traveled thousandsof miles to escape the pursuit of the Kuomintang army. The Long March was a test of endurance, perseverance, and determination for the Red Army, and it is considered a symbol of the Communist Party's spirit.One of the most well-known sites related to the RedArmy's Long March in Nanjing is the Memorial Hall of theRed Army's Long March. This memorial hall is dedicated to preserving the history and memory of the Long March, and it serves as an important educational and patriotic site for visitors to learn about the sacrifices and struggles of the Red Army during that time.Visiting the Memorial Hall of the Red Army's Long March is a valuable and meaningful experience for students studying English. It provides a unique opportunity to learn about Chinese history and culture, and it also offers a chance to practice English language skills in a real-world context. By exploring the memorial hall and engaging in discussions with knowledgeable guides, students can improve their English listening and speaking abilities while gaining a deeper understanding of the historical significance of the Long March.In addition to visiting the memorial hall, students can also participate in English-language guided tours of other historical sites in Nanjing, such as the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and the Presidential Palace. These tours provide students with the chance to practice their English communication skills while learning about the influential figures and events that have shaped China's history.Overall, the Red Army's Long March and its related historical sites offer a valuable opportunity for students to enhance their English language learning experience. By immersing themselves in the history and culture of Nanjing,students can gain a deeper appreciation for the English language and its connection to the world around them.南京是一个历史悠久、文化丰富的城市,其中最著名的历史事件之一就是红军长征。



南京条约史料陈列馆英文介绍The Nanjing Treaty Archive Exhibition Hall is a place of great historical significance in China. 南京条约史料陈列馆是中国一个具有重要历史意义的地方。

Located in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province, this museum holds a collection of documents related to the signing of the Nanjing Treaty in 1842. 位于江苏省省会南京市的博物馆拥有一系列与1842年签署的南京条约有关的文件。

This treaty marked the end of the First Opium War between China and Britain, leading to the opening of five treaty ports and significant territorial concessions to the British Empire. 这项条约标志着中国和英国之间第一次鸦片战争的结束,导致开放五个条约港口,并向大英帝国做出重大的领土让步。

Visitors to the museum can explore the history of this pivotal moment in Sino-British relations through various exhibits, artifacts, and multimedia displays. 清客可以通过各种展品、文物和多媒体展示来探索中英关系中这一关键时刻的历史。

The museum provides a comprehensive understanding of the events leading up to the signing of the treaty, the negotiations involved, and the impact it had on China's sovereignty and international relations. 博物馆全面介绍了导致签署该条约的事件、涉及的谈判以及对中国主权和国际关系的影响。



英语作文参观南京红色教育之旅的介绍Embarking on a journey to explore the rich history and cultural heritage of Nanjing, I found myself immersed in a profound educational experience that left an indeluring impact on my understanding of China's revolutionary past. The Red Education Tour in Nanjing offered a unique opportunity to delve into the pivotal moments that shaped the nation's struggle for independence and the establishment of the People's Republic of China.As I set foot in the city, the air was charged with a palpable sense of reverence and solemnity. The tour began at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, a solemn and thought-provoking site that commemorates the tragic events of 1937 when the Japanese Imperial Army unleashed a horrific campaign of violence and destruction upon the civilian population of Nanjing. The imposing architecture of the memorial, with its stark concrete walls and somber exhibits, created an atmosphere of profound reflection and respect for the victims.Wandering through the meticulously curated displays, I wasconfronted with the harrowing realities of the Nanjing Massacre. Photographs, personal testimonies, and historical artifacts brought the events to life, shattering the illusion of distance and allowing me to truly comprehend the magnitude of the atrocities committed. The experience was both emotionally challenging and intellectually enlightening, as I grappled with the complexities of war, the fragility of human life, and the enduring resilience of the human spirit.From the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, the tour led us to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, a revered site that honors the legacy of the father of the nation. Ascending the winding staircase, I was struck by the grandeur and significance of this monument, which stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment of Sun Yat-sen and his followers to the establishment of a modern, democratic China.The mausoleum's elegant architecture, blending traditional Chinese elements with Western influences, reflected the visionary nature of Sun Yat-sen's ideals. As I stood before the imposing statue of the revered leader, I felt a profound sense of respect and admiration for his tireless efforts to overthrow the Qing dynasty and pave the way for the birth of the Republic of China.The next stop on the tour was the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, a remarkable engineering feat that not only serves as a vital transportation link but also holds immense historical significance.This bridge, constructed in the 1960s, was a symbol of China's determination to overcome the challenges of the past and forge a path towards modernization and progress.As I walked across the bridge, I couldn't help but marvel at the ingenuity and hard work of the Chinese people who made this project a reality. The bridge stood as a testament to the nation's resilience, innovation, and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.The final destination of the tour was the Nanjing Museum, a treasure trove of Chinese history and culture. From the ancient artifacts and calligraphic masterpieces to the captivating exhibits on the revolutionary era, the museum offered a comprehensive and engaging exploration of Nanjing's rich heritage.One of the most impactful exhibits was the display on the Long March, the legendary 6,000-mile journey undertaken by the Communist Party of China during the Chinese Civil War. The vivid depictions of the hardships, sacrifices, and unwavering determination of the Red Army soldiers deeply resonated with me, instilling a newfound appreciation for the pivotal role they played in shaping the nation's destiny.Throughout the tour, I was struck by the seamless integration of historical narratives, personal stories, and interactive displays. Thetour guides, with their extensive knowledge and passionate storytelling, brought the past to life, making the experience truly immersive and unforgettable.As I reflect on my journey through Nanjing's Red Education Tour, I am left with a profound sense of gratitude and a deeper understanding of China's revolutionary history. The sites I visited served as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices, struggles, and triumphs that paved the way for the establishment of the People's Republic of China.The tour not only expanded my historical knowledge but also challenged me to consider the complexities of political and social change. It encouraged me to reflect on the importance of preserving historical memory, honoring the sacrifices of past generations, and using that knowledge to build a more just and equitable future.In conclusion, the Red Education Tour in Nanjing was a transformative experience that left an indelible mark on my perspective. It was a journey that allowed me to connect with the heart and soul of China's revolutionary past, instilling in me a newfound appreciation for the resilience, courage, and determination that have shaped the nation's remarkable journey.。




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南京大学英文Nanjing UniversityNanjing University is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in China, with a history dating back to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period in the 19th century. Since then, it has been on a continuous and steady journey of development and growth, becoming the first national university to open its doors to students in 1902 after the establishment of modern China.Nanjing University has always been dedicated to teaching and research, and today, it has more than forty-eight thousand students, making it one of the largest universities in China. It also boasts of seven campuses, all of which are beautifully landscaped and equipped with modern facilities and amenities such as libraries, museums, sports centers, and research institutes.Nanjing University prides itself not only on its educational offerings, but also on its off-campus facilities, which include avibrant and diverse sports scene, numerous cultural and artistic activities, and a range of social activities to keep students engaged and academically inspired.In addition, Nanjing University is committed to preparing its students for their future careers by offering courses that focus ontheir chosen academic paths. This is illustrated in the various international exchange programs that allow students to gain hands-on experience in their field, while still having the opportunity to explore other countries, cultures, and economies.Nanjing University has been an important part of the educational landscape in China for centuries, and its commitment to academic excellence has made it one of the leading universities in the country today. With its excellent educational and research opportunities, its innovative and engaging activities, and its dedication to its students,Nanjing University is sure to remain an important source of knowledge and knowledge production for generations to come.。

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The history of Nanjing University PressInheriting the purpose of “starting the press with academic publishing and flourishing it with public praises”, the Nanjing University Press devotes itself into culture accumulation and new knowledge spreading. For over 30 years, the press insists on publishing books with high level and high quality, forming the unique publishing characteristics in areas of teaching materials for universities, academic monographs with high taste, the translation and introduction to the academic masterpieces of both domestic and overseas, and the introduction of traditional thoughts and cultures. It is now a leading university presses in China.Focusing on high-end academicsWith the persistence in publishing high-quality academic books and the core of using the advanced academic resources, the press has published abundant academic boutiques. After the success of “The book series of Chinese Thinkers”, including 200 original books summarizing the Chinese thoughts for over 2000 years and being named after “the greatest project in the field of Chinese traditional thoughts” in the turn of the century, the pressstarted to publish “the book series of Chinese celebrities of culture in component” (100 books). More than 10 books in the series such as Critical Biography of Tian Han and Critical Biography of Zhang Henshui have been published. The “Critical Biography of Jiangsu Celebrities of Arts” is un der publishing together with the “Nanjing University Celebrities of Academics” series, introducing the academician and professors who are over seventy years old.With the accumulation of the items published, the arrangement and publishing of literatures has gradually become the distinguishing feature of the press. To regard history as a mirror, discarding the fake and remaining the real, Nanjing University Press is now compiling a huge cultural project Poetries in the Qing Dynasty, which is the largest anthology of poetry in different times. Now the “Supplement Anthology of the Works in Shunzhi and Kangxi Eras” (4 volumes), “Anthology of Works in Yongzheng and Qianlong Eras” (16 volumes),” Anthology of Works in Jiaqing and Daoguang Eras”(20 volumes) will all be published in 2015. Meanwhile, the press has signed the agreement with Renmin University of China to edit and publish Traditional Opera in the Qing Dynasty (120 volumes). The huge humanitarian and social scienceproject of the Ministry of Education The Anthology of Buddhism Classics for the Recent 100 Years(100 volumes) was published in 2014. Nanjing University is one of the most important places to research the history, especially the history of Republic of China. As the old saying goes “The capital of the Republic of China was in Nanjing, the research of the history is in Nanjing University”, the academic position is approved both in the country and overseas. Relying on the academic strength of the university, the Nanjing University Press focuses on the literature of ROC period, published The Judicial Communique of ROC Government (60 volumes) in 2012, and The Judicial Communique of Wang Jingwei Para-Government will be published in 2014 with 100 volumes each of the Central V olume and Local V olume. In recent years, the press has developed its focuses on math and science, and interdisciplinary areas. The Press has started lots of meaningful academic topics in accordance with the important national development strategy. For example, the Research in the Exploitation of Coastal Marine Space Resources and Ecological Protection of the Nation which involves with marine development strategy; the Research on the Development of African Resources and the Resource Cooperation Strategy between China and Africa which involveswith African strategy; the Research on South China Sea Territory and the Digital South China Sea which are led by Professor Wang Yin and involve with the South China Sea issue. Among these works, the Research in the Exploitation of Coastal Marine Space Resources and Ecological Protection of the Nation was selected into the “Philosophy of the Social Sciences Innovation Project”. There are only 60 items selected into this project, and those selected represent the first-class published items of the nation. The book is the only one selected in Jiangsu Province.Insisting on diversified educational publicationEducational book is one of main focuses of the Nanjing University Press. Relying on the huge advantage of the research-based Nanjing University, the Press has broken the mold of traditional patterns to compile teaching materials and introduced the idea from the first-class universities in European countries and America. By this means, the Press started the project of “the Teaching Material for the Research-based Courses of University”. The books about Ch inese Language and Literature and History have already been published. Professors from more than ten universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Fudan University comment highly ofthe novel compiling thoughts of these books. What’s mor e, the Press positively develops those specialized teaching materials of minority subjects with strong professionalization while maintaining the teaching materials of basic subjects. Those minority subjects include “Normal Materials for Primary School Teac hing”, and Technique of Behavior Change, Diagnose and Assessment to the Special Children Education, Math Courses and Teaching Theory for the Deaf Schools etc., which are mainly focusing on normal students whose majors are special child education.In the recent years, the Nanjing University Press has subdivided the teaching material market of Jiangsu. While developing the teaching materials for the undergraduate courses of the first class and the second class, they also involve into the teaching materials for the higher vocational colleges. The Press has established the strategy alliances system of “University (College) Based Agency”, to cooperate with the universities and research collectives in Jiangsu area, published a series of teaching materials with great pertinence, for example Study Encouraging: the Economic Series and Innovation and Knowledge Management Series. Improvingmarket-oriented publicationRepresentatives academic books of the press include the “Library of the Classics”and “Humanization of the Cities”series of the P ress. The “Library of the Classics” series is the collection of the masterpieces of the famous scholars domestically and overseas. The authors and their masterpieces that have been selected have gone through the test of readers in several generations, every author is famous, and lots of those books are selected as the best-sellers of the year. The aim of the “Humanization of Cities” series is to make a series of books for the human culture of the cities. Except the People of Nanjing, People of Wuhan, and People of Nanchang already published, People of Beijing, People of Suzhou, People of Harbin etc. will continue to be published in 2014.The Nanjing University Press is publishing the books with local characteristics of Jiangsu and can reflect various Jiangsu cultures. Those prog ressing are the “The Melody of Chinese Jiangsu: Jiangsu Culture” series, the “Jiangsu Culture series: The Name card of Jiangsu” series, “Series of Jiangsu Celebrities of Art” and so on. What’s more, the Press has published a series of books which are easy to be understood but with abundant culture contents whose aim readers are the youth and children, such as, Abridged Edition of Critical Biography for ChineseScholars (50 books), Abridged Edition of Chinese Traditional Culture (13 books), and “Book Series for the Common Knowledge of Humanity and Social Science” (20 books) .Successful experiences of going globalThe Nanjing University Press uses varieties of ways to push the books to “go global”. For example, the Press introduces books to the universities and research institutions overseas initiatively. The press also cooperates with institutes such as National Office of Chinese Popularization, German Goethe Opera, France Fuhlen Foundation, Japan Hokuriku University Press and Japan International Exchange Foundation that will help the books “go global”, Since 2005, the press exported 40 kinds of books to Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Turkey and Taiwan and Hong Kong and have gone on the way to the international market.The Street that Will Never Be BroadenedChen Danyan | Nanjing University Press | August 2014 | ISBN 978-7-305-13486-9Editor’s Choice: It chooses 20 streets that will not be broadened out of 64 ones, and describes the iconic people, affairs and things happening there. Book Introduction: The author Chen Danyan is a seeker and recorder ofShanghai’s memory. She creates a series of pieces about Shanghai in non-fictitious writing. She regards the phrase “Street that will not be broadened”as something poetry as time goes by. With her special view, she picks 20 streets out of 64 which will never be broadened, to describe the iconic people, affairs and things happening there in details and to remain a more interesting side of these streets with characters.The 20 stories in the book happened from the Tao-tai and missionaries of Shanghai in 1880s to the public memorials to the dead in the fire of Jiaozhou Road on November 15, 2010, all the stories are marked with history. Among them, some of thest ories are the essence of the “Trilogy of Shanghai” and the “Trilogy of the Bund”, they are just connected with a certain street to highlight the historical cultures and characteristics with literature, and is worthy of reading.A Story Told on Ghost DayMeng Hui | Nanjing University Press | April 2014 | ISBN 978-7-305-09606-8Editor’s Choice: A Story Told on Ghost Day, written by Meng Hui, tells about a soul-striking battle within the Palace during the region of Empress Wu Zetian.Book Introduction:A Story Told on Ghost Day tells about a soul-striking battle within the Palace during the region of Empress Wu Zetian. Empress Wu Zetian is not the main character of the book, but an authority shadow exists everywhere, and is the cause of the story. The author’s interest is to imagine the rel ationship between people in that period of time: relationship maintained by ethic, politics and lust. Relatives, princes and princesses, generals and clergies, malicious ministers and male bestows, and numerousof attendants, they intrigued against each other and formed a complex relationship network.People of SuzhouFan Xiaoqing | Nanjing University Press | June 2014 | ISBN 978-7-305-10301-8Editor’s Choice: Fan Xiaoqing uses a special means of writing to compile the book. She avoids all the clichés and narrates softly with real emotions, and presents readers a tasteful but unknown Suzhou.Book Introduction:The five parts of the book sketch Suzhou vividly from its historical architectures, culture and traditions, stories, lifestyles, and th e towns nearby. The entire book “seems to tell different stories but centre on the same topic”, using the specialexpressions and language style, shows the distinct urban characteristics of Suzhou, picturing a dim, quietly elegant Suzhou. Lonely Heart Club of Taoist Priest Wang Wang Ao | Nanjing University Press | August 2013 | ISBN 978-7-305- 11133-4Editor’s Choice: The book is a collection of the poetries of Wang Ao. It responds to the deep understandings of the contemporary poets to the classical poetry and classical imagination, and also combines with the modernization of poetry writing. Book Introduction:Wang Ao is a genius poet and his poetries remarkably stand out. Among the contemporary poets, lots of them are following the pattern from misty poetry to the third-generation poetry and then the 1990s poetry and finally end up with the 21st-century poetry. However, Wang Ao’s poetry shows huge difference in aesthetics from the very beginning. His creativity disturbs people from distinguishing the rights order of modern poetry development. What’s more precious is that he becomes a new source and tradition of modern poetry just by his own strength. The new source and the new tradition respond to the deep understandings to the classical poetry and classical imagination, but also combine with the modernization of poetry writing. Hisexcellent performance on poetry is a mysterious reward from the Chinese language.。
