survey of AI robot products in China market




China’s “Golden Blue Collar”Market in the Post-demographic Dividend Era By Jenny HuRiver Delta and Pearl River Delta. As service sector and regional economy develops, blue collar migration begins toshift to metropolis and city clusters.What does this mean to bluecollar job market?Blue collars will have higher value The coming of “robot + human being” era is bringing more technical bor force shortage forces companies to adopt advanced technologies and introduce automation equipment like robots. According to statistics from , China became the world’s biggest buyer of industrial robot in the year of 2013, and it has topped the sales list in three consecutive years, exceeding that of the entire European market.Industrial robots normally engage in mechanical and repeated work or jobs that are not suitable for human beings. Industrial robots will partly undertake low-end blue collars’ work, and the application of robot will also bring such technical job opportunities like robot operation. Meanwhile, production and sales of robots is a market with tremendous potential, bringing more technical and service job opportunities. Synergy between human beings and robots as well as technology progress will considerably enhance the quality of blue collars.Blue collars will have higher salaryand education background Labor force shortage and decreasingA ccording to 2016-2017 Blue Col la r Job Ma rket W h ite Paper released by 58 Group, China’s blue collar job market is experiencing unprecedented changes. As China’s macro economic structure transformation and industrial upgrading are advancing and will extend to the upstream value chain, China’s future economic growth will more rely on highly-efficient allocation of human resources and upgrading of labor force quality. As Internet becomes a dominant channel for blue collar recruitment and labor force supply-demand information is digitized, big data will help to realize highly-efficient allocation of labor force. Demographic dividend is a significant force for supporting Chinese economy to grow rapidly in the past 30 years. Now this dividend is gradually disappearing. This means China’s economic growth will more rely on labor force quality upgrading, which will drive robot to replace low-end blue collar positions, increase blue collars’ salary and stimulate blue collars’ demands for vocational training.In the meantime, driven by the new round of industrial restructuring and Internet wave, blue collar begins to shift from manufacturing sector to service sector, and more and more blue collars start up their own business. In addition, in the golden age of manufacturing, blue collars are mainly located in Yangtze Demographic dividend is a significant force for supporting Chinese economy to grow rapidly in the past thirty years.low-end blue collar positions boost salary of blue collars. In the year of 2016, salary of blue collars saw a year-on-year increase by 18%. Statistics from ChinaHR shows that during the same period white collars had a salary increase of 9%. At the same time, blue collars born after 1990s have a better education background and as this young group takes an increasingly bigger ratio among blue collars, thus the overall education background of blue collars is improved.Blue collars’ vocational education is a blue ocean marketAlthough the young generation blue collars have a better education background, blue collars still have inadequate skills. Moreover, industrial upgrading and growth pose greater requirement to staffs’ skill level, which makes vocational training for blue collars an unknown blue ocean market.According to survey of 60,000 blue collar job seekers, 18.1% blue collars are willing to attend vocational training. Taking nationwide 370 million blue collar as the calculation basis, the potential group for blue collar vocational training mayexceed 66 million. At the same time, more and more blue collars attach importance to “vocational training”.According to Wang Lei, senior Human Resources director of Debanghr, the company mainly targets at job seekers born after 1990s, as they are willing to pay efforts yet desire due respect. In the past, job seekers cared more about salary, whereas job seekers now care more about interesting job content, sense of belonging, strength full play and future development.Employers have f lexibly diverse employment formsSluggish economic growth and increasing labor cost forces companies to urgently cut human resource cost. It is an inevitable trend for companies to adopt diverse employment forms. Long-term contract will be flexibly combined with dispatch, outsourcing, retirees reemployment, crowdsourcing and part-time.Last year, crowdsourcing and part-time prevailed in the domestic blue collar job market. Such platforms like Dada and Eleme developed under the wave of sharing economy make crowdsourcing as a popular employment type.With lower cost and flexible format, part-time is becoming an important employment type for more and more companies. Experience from the US andJapan shows that economic recession atdifferent degrees pushes companies toadopt part-time employment. Economicdownturn and aging population since1990s in Japan have ended lift-time employment, and informal employeesaccounts for over 1/3 among the entireemployment group in Japan.First round of industrial structurereform drives blue collars to shiftfrom manufacturing to service“Inter net+” br ings new a i r toemployment in the service sectorInternet+ injects vigor to the traditionalservice sector and brings lots of job opportunities. Job opportunities brought byInternet on one hand come from internaldemands within the companies, and on theother hand platform synergy of the Internetsector creates more job opportunities andbrings diverse employment types.Various door-to-door service platformsenable baby sitters and maternity matronsmore easily receive orders with higherincome; Meituan, Eleme and Baidu Take-away provide diverse full-time and part-time employment forms by such channels asdirect sales, franchisee and crowdsourcing.In the year of2016, salary ofblue collars sawa year-on-yearincrease by 18%.At the same time, take-away delivery turns into high-salary occupation.During the first three quarters of 2016, the number of job seekers for housekeeper, driver express delivery and take-away delivery grew rapidly with the help of Internet. The number of job seekers for take-away delivery saw the biggest growth with a year-on-year increase of 233%. These popular positions have also become high-salary occupations: average monthly salary for take-away delivery exceeds RMB 5,000 and salary for drivers reaches nearly RMB 5,000.Blue collars begin to start up their own business“Encouraging business start-ups and innovation” wave is also popular among blue collars. During a very long time in the past, starting up business is almost impossible particularly for blue collars, as information and capital are barriers. However, transparency of business start-up information, lower promotion cost and popularity of Internet recruitment lower the threshold for blue collars to start up business.Statistics show that when seeking for jobs, 7% of the blue collar group also care about starting up business information. Blue collar starting up business normally has small capital. Over 85% blue collars started up business within RMB 100,000 in such service sectors like catering, beauty & health care as well as life service.Blue collar migration to surrounding areas of metropolis and city clusterBlue collars in manufacturing sector migrate from Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta to the north and west Migration of blue collars is closely related with industrial development.A s s y n e r g y l i e s a m on g p l a n t s f o r manufacturing sector, manufacturing shows obvious regional cluster feature. Largely absorbing labor force, the blue collar group is highly concentrated in terms of location. In the meantime, the blue collar group is also migrating accordingly with transfer of the manufacturing sector.In the 20th century, manufacturing mainly concentrated in Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta. As a labor-intensive industry, manufacturing is pursuing cheaper labor force. Since the 21st century, manufacturing begins to shift to the north and west and set up plants in areas with lower labor cost. To obtain adequate labor force, the candidate cities for setting up plants are normally capitals of labor force-intensive provinces or the center of city clusters.Providing the largest number of job opportunities among plants, Foxconn’s migration is most representative. FoxconnAccording to a survey of 60,000 blue collar job seekers, 18.1% blue collars are willing to attend vocational training.expanded to Shenzhen in the year of 1988, and then to Kunshan in 1993. Since 2003, Foxconn has set up plants in Taiyuan, Yantai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Zhengzhou and Guiyang, which are cities offering abundant job opportunities.Blue collars in the service sector are widely located surrounding metropolis and city clustersU nlike manufacturing sector having obvious regional features, ser v ice sec tor prov ides w idely-located job opportunities according to the local economic development level. Job opportunities of the service sector come from three metropolis a reas. A mong t he top 15 c it ies providing job opportunities, the f irst 6 cities belong to the three metropolis areas. 8 cities in total are located in the three metropolis area: Yangtze River Delta-Shanghai, H a n g z h o u, S u z h o u, N a n j i n g; Pearl River Delta-Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region-Beijing and Tianjin. The rest seven cities are key cities of city clusters: Chengdu and Chongqing a re t wo key cit ies in Chengdu-Chongqing city cluster; Wuhan in the middle reach city cluster along Changjiang River; Zhengzhou in central China; Shengyan in Middle and South Liaoning; Ha rbin in Ha rbin & Cha ngc hun a rea a nd Qingdao in Shandong Peninsula City Group.Core cities absorb labor force from surrounding areasDevelopment of metropolis and city clusters drives Chinese economic development and urbanization, the key cities stimulate economic development of the surrounding areas and absorb labor force from the surrounding areas. For instance, apart from local contribution, Beijing’s labor force is more contributed by the surrounding provinces like Hebei and Henan; Shanghai absorbs blue collars from Anhui and Jiangsu; Chengdu and Zhengzhou absorb labor force from other cities within the province. In the “manufacturing sector”, labor force are highly concentrated and blue collars need to migrate far to other provinces in order to f ind a job. Nowadays, it becomes easier for blue collars tofind a job in the surrounding cities orprovinces of their hometown.In the Internet era, big data willenhance labor force allocationefficiencyUnbalanced labor force supply-demand result in human resource wasteAga inst the backd rop thatdemographic dividend is disappearing,economic development has posedstricter requirement to labor forceallocation efficiency. It is difficultfor companies’ employment, andlabor force supply-demand is stillunbalanced. In general, unbalancedlabor force supply-demand relation isreflected the following aspects:Sector unmatched: job seekers’target sector is unmatched withrecruitment sectorFor the blue collar labor force,demand generally exceeds supplya nd mea nwh i le supply-dema ndvaries in sectors. In the top 10 labor-intensive sectors, supply of driversand housekeepers exceeds demand,yet catering and customer servicehave inadequate labor force. In termsof city tiers, first-tier cities supplyadequate labor force, but in the third-tier and below cities, although lessjob opportunities are offered, laborforce is in severe shortage as the locallabor force migrates to the first- andsecond-tier cities. In these cities, gapof general workers and techniciansis bigger than that of the first- andsecond-tier cities.Education unmatched: artificiallyhigh education makes vocationaleducation in great demandEmployers care more about bluecollars’skills rather than educationbackground. In general, candidates’educ ation bac kground is aboveemployers’demand, but not up tostandard in terms of skills, whichis related with the fact that majorsetup and enrollment scale of highereducation is unbalanced with marketdemand. Sur vey shows that 71%companies regard that “college studentsdidn’t learn practical knowledge inuniversities”. Secondary vocationaleducation has such problems asinadequate student enrollment andteacher shortage. Blue collars withtechnical or vocational background arein severe shortage.Skill unmatched: job seekers’ skillscannot meet recruitment requirementStatistics from Human Resourceand Social Security Ministry showsthat the skilled worker group onlyaccounts for 19% in the national totalemployed labor force and high-levelskill workers accounts for 5%. Bluecollar labor force supply encounterssuch a dilemma that lower educationhas no skills and higher educationhas low skills. This needs the publiceducation system to adjust allocationb a s e d on m a rk e t d em a nd s a ndmeanwhile to provide opportunitiesfor blue collar vocational training.Internet recruitment help tohighly digitalize job informationTo balance suppl y-demandrelation, supply-demand of laborforce needs to be monitored andin the mobile Internet era bluecollar recruitment and job seekinginformation has been highly digitized.Internet has become a dominantchannel for job seekersAs the dominate channel for bluecollar job seeking, Internet is the firstchannel for nearly 60% blue collars.With the popularity of Internet, jobseeking on Internet will become moreimportant.Shao Zhidong, Human Resourcesdirector of Haidilao Hotpot introducedthat in the past recruitment is 70%contributed by staff recommendationand 30% by other recruitment channels.On the contrary, nowadays 70% comesfrom various recruitment channelsand 30% from recommendation. AndInternet recruitment is absolutely adominant channel.Companies also dominantly useInternet for recruitmentAs Internet offers abundant jobseekers, employers effectively target atjob seekers by blue collar recruitmentplatform. Internet platform may helpemployers save around 30%-50%recruitment cost. Good recruitmenteffect and low cost attract more andmore employers to choose Internetrecr u itment, which enables t heplatforms to have more recruitmentinformation.。




















间。 (3)所有部件的维护可接近性好,便于维护保养。 设备利用率高 (1)往复式自动喷涂机利用率一般仅为40%-60%,喷涂机器人的利用率可达90%-95%。
1) 介绍
1.3 工业机器人的特点
1)可编程。生产自动化的进一步发展是柔性自动化。工业机器人可 随其工作环境变化的需要而再编程,是柔性制造系统(FMS)中的一个重 要组成部分。
2)拟人化。工业机器人在机械结构上有类似人的行走、腰转、大臂、 小臂、手腕、手爪等部分,在控制上有电脑。此外,智能化工业机器人 还有许多类似人类的“生物传感器”,如皮肤型接触传感器、力传感器、 负载传感器、视觉传感器、声觉传感器、语言功能等。
液压传动式机器人 以液压方式驱动执行机构,其传动平稳、动作灵敏、出力大,但要 求密封性较高。
电传动式机器人 采用电动方式驱动执行机构,常用的有步进电机驱动、直流电机驱 动和交流驱动,其控制方法灵活、结构紧凑简单。
6) 按搬持重量及动作范围分类
超大型机器人 可搬重量为1t以上的工业机器人
定义:非制造环境下的机器人涵盖了除工业机器人外的所有 其它类型的机器人。
特点:非制造环境下的机器人除具有工业机器人的基本属性 和使用特点外,具有比工业机器人适应面更广、自动化和智 能化更高、对工作环境的适应能力更强、操作功能更复杂、 以及能满足特殊要求等特性。


19. A.markB.proveC.correctD.accept
20. fortB.promiseC.decisionD.guidance
A. Pet and Feed Animals
Whether it is tomatoes or beans, your kids can grow them with the help of a farmer. They can dig their hands into the soil, plant seeds (种子), water the plants and finally get full-grown vegetables. They can have much fun while learning the basics of farm work.
During the first lesson, Maddie had a____14____time focusing. She was staring out of the window when her teacher, Ms. Lorenz called her.
“Maddie, I think you’ve forgotten your homework again,” Ms. Lorenz said. “How about finishing it today at school?”
A local farm usually has animals that your children can feed or pet, such as pigs, ducks, and chickens. Kids can touch the animals, play with them, and feed them. Even adults can enjoy the pleasant experience.



■Through this collection of programmatic state-ments from key figures in the field, we chart the progress of AI and survey current and future direc-tions for AI research and the AI community.We know—with a title like that, you’re expecting something awful. You’re on the lookout for fanciful prognos-tications about technology: Someday comput-ers will fit in a suitcase and have a whole megabyte of memory. And you’re wary of lurid H ollywood visions of “the day the robots come”: A spiderlike machine pins you to the wall and targets a point four inches behind your eyes with long and disturbing spikes. Your last memory before it uploads you is of it ask-ing, with some alien but unmistakable existen-tial agony, what does this all mean?We are not here to offer a collection of fic-tion. Artificial intelligence isn’t a nebulous goal that we hope—or fear—humanity one day achieves. AI is an established research practice,with demonstrated successes and a clear trajec-tory for its immediate future. David Leake, the editor-in-chief of AI Magazine,has invited us to take you on a tour of AI practice as it has been playing out across a range of subcommunities,around the whole world, among a diverse com-munity of scientists.For those of us already involved in AI, we hope this survey will open up a conversationthat celebrates the exciting new work that AI researchers are currently engaged in. At the same time, we hope to help to articulate, to readers thinking of taking up AI research, the rewards that practitioners can expect to find in our mature discipline. And even if you’re a stranger to AI, we think you’ll enjoy this inside peek at the ways AI researchers talk about what they really do.We asked our contributors to comment on goals that drive current research in AI; on ways our current questions grow out of our past re-sults; on interactions that tie us together as a field; and on principles that can help to repre-sent our profession to society at large. We have excerpted here from the responses we received and edited them together to bring out some of the most distinctive themes.We have grouped the discussion around five broad topics. We begin in the first section (“Progress in AI”) by observing how far AI has come. After decades of research, techniques de-veloped within AI don’t just inform our under-standing of complex real-world behavior. AI has advanced the boundaries of computer sci-ence and shaped users’ everyday experiences with computer systems. We continue in the second section (“The AI Journey: Getting Here”) by surveying contributors’ experience doing AI. This section offers a more intimate glimpse inside the progress that AI has made as our contributors explain how their approaches25th Anniversary IssueWINTER 2005 85Copyright © 2005, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-2005 / $2.00Artificial Intelligence:The Next Twenty-Five YearsEdited by Matthew Stoneand Haym HirshAI Magazine Volume 26 Number 4 (2006) (© AAAI)AI Magazine Volume 26 Number 4 (2005) (© AAAI)Jim Hendler Rodney BrooksPatrick Winston Daphne Koller David WaltzAlan Mackworth Ruzena Bajcsy Bruce BuchananWolfgang Wahlster Aaron Sloman Michael KearnsUsama Fayyad Paul CohenSebastian Thrun Manuela VelosoTuomas Sandholm Peter Norvig Daniel BobrowJoe Marks Charles Rich Candace SidnerHenry Kautz Tom MitchellJohn Laird Tom Deanmake a name for themselves with important new ideas of their own. It may take longer than we are used to and require us to think different-ly about how we nurture new scientists.So, if AI as a community is to tackle the big problems and continue its progress, we have a lot of work to do besides our own research. But we mustn’t think of this work as painful. We’ll be doing it with friends and colleagues, as Tom Dean and Bruce Buchanan remind us, and we can expect a unique kind of satisfaction in see-ing AI’s collaborative process of discovery strengthened and energized by the new com-munities we foster.Surely, with such intriguing problems to workon, and with allied fields on the march, thisshould be a time for universal optimism and ex-pectation; yet many of today’s young, emergingpractitioners seem to have abandoned thegrand original goals of the field, working in-stead on applied, incremental, and fundamen-tally boring problems. Too bad. Pessimists willmiss the thrill of discovery on the Watson-and-Crick level.—Patrick Henry Winston, MIT Another reason for slow progress is the frag-mentation of AI: people learn about tiny frag-ments of a whole system and build solutionsthat could not form part of an integrated hu-manlike robot. One explanation is that we donot have full-length undergraduate degrees inAI and most researchers have to do a rapidswitch from another discipline, so they learnjust enough for their Ph.D. topic, and they andtheir students suffer thereafter from the result-ing blinkered vision.I’ve proposed some solutions to this prob-lem in an introduction to a multidisciplinarytutorial at IJCAI’05, including use of multiplepartially ordered scenarios to drive research.It requires a lot more people to step back and think about the hard problems of combin-ing diverse AI techniques in fully functionalhumanlike robots, though some room for spe-cialists remains.—Aaron Sloman, University of Birmingham The students of AI are sophisticated in both dis-crete and continuous mathematics, including arecognition of the role of uncertainty. This isnecessary because of the increased complexityof problems that we need to attack.—Ruzena Bajcsy, University ofCalifornia at Berkeley As teachers, we must challenge students towork on problems in which integration is cen-tral and not an afterthought: problems that re-quire large bodies of different types of knowl-edge, problems that involve interaction withdynamic environments, problems that changeover time, and problems in which learning iscentral (and sometimes problems in which de-termining the appropriate metrics is part of the research). But given the dynamics in the field of AI, a Ph.D. student must forge an association to an identifiable subfield of AI—some communi-ty in which to publish and build a reputa-tion—and as of today that is not “human-level intelligence,” “integrated cognitive systems,”or even my favorite, “cognitive architecture.”So even more than finding a home for publish-ing, we must grow a community of researchers, teachers, and students in which the integration is the core and not the periphery.—John Laird, University of Michigan In more than twenty years in this field, the most satisfying moments by far have come from working with people who have set aside their individual interests and biases to inspire students, nurture young scientists, and create community and esprit de corps. And, while I truly enjoyed collaborating with Kathy McKe-own on AAAI-91 and Gigina Aiello on IJCAI-99, helping to create the AAAI Robot Competition and Exhibition series with Pete Bonasso, Jim Firby, Dave Kortenkamp, David Miller, Reed Simmons, Holly Yanco, and a host of others was actually a lot of fun. The exercise was cer-tainly not without its aggravations, as getting a sizable group of researchers to agree on any is-sue is not easy. But most of the effort was spent thinking about how to create useful technolo-gy, advance the science and art of robotics, and make the entire experience both educational and inspirational to participants and spectators alike.It was particularly gratifying to see the buzz of activity around this year’s event in Pitts-burgh and learn about some of the new ideas involving social robots, assistive technologies, and, of course, cool hardware hacks. I don’t know what direction the field should take, and at this particular moment in my career as I re-turn to research after several years in senior ad-ministration at Brown University, I’m content to pursue my own personal research interests in the intersection of robotics, machine learning. and computational neuroscience. But I am thinking about how to get students interested in my research area, and in due course, I hope to work with the AI community to run work-shops, develop tutorials, sponsor undergradu-ate research, and pursue all the other avenues open to us to nurture and sustain community, both scientific and social, in our rapidly evolv-ing and increasingly central field.—Tom Dean, Brown University The sense of collegiality in the AI community has always made AI more fun. Most of the time, the statesmanlike conduct of senior people like Al Newell set an example for debate without rancor. The common goal of understanding the nature of intelligence makes everyone’s contri-bution interesting.—Bruce Buchanan, University of Pittsburgh25th Anniversary Issue 96AI MAGAZINEcomputer science from UCLA, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in 1985 and 1989, respectively, in computer science Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1998. His research interests spanBelow is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted Welcome to visit againXXXX annual work summaryDear every leader, colleagues:Look back end of XXXX, XXXX years of work, have the joy of success in your work, have a collaboration with colleagues, working hard, also have disappointed when encountered difficulties and setbacks. Imperceptible in tense and orderly to be over a year, a year, under the loving care and guidance of the leadership of the company, under the support and help of colleagues, through their own efforts, various aspects have made certain progress, better to complete the job. For better work, sum up experience and lessons, will now work a brief summary.To continuously strengthen learning, improve their comprehensive quality. With good comprehensive quality is the precondition of completes the labor of duty and conditions. A year always put learning in the important position, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. Continuous learning professional skills, learn from surrounding colleagues with rich work experience, equip themselves with knowledge, the expanded aspect of knowledge, efforts to improve their comprehensive quality.The second Do best, strictly perform their responsibilities. Set up the company, to maximize the customer to the satisfaction of the company's products, do a good job in technical services and product promotion to the company. And collected on the properties of the products of the company, in order to make improvement in time, make the products better meet the using demand of the scene.Three to learn to be good at communication, coordinating assistance. On‐site technical service personnel should not only have strong professional technology, should also have good communication ability, a lot of a product due to improper operation to appear problem, but often not customers reflect the quality of no, so this time we need to find out the crux, and customer communication, standardized operation, to avoid customer's mistrust of the products and even the damage of the company's image. Some experiences in the past work, mentality is very important in the work, work to have passion, keep the smile of sunshine, can close the distance between people, easy to communicate with the customer. Do better in the daily work to communicate with customers and achieve customer satisfaction, excellent technical service every time, on behalf of the customer on our products much a understanding and trust.Fourth, we need to continue to learn professional knowledge, do practical grasp skilled operation. Over the past year, through continuous learning and fumble, studied the gas generation, collection and methods, gradually familiar with and master the company introduced the working principle, operation method of gas machine. With the help of the department leaders and colleagues, familiar with and master the launch of the division principle, debugging method of the control system, and to wuhan Chen Guchong garbage power plant of gas machine control system transformation, learn to debug, accumulated some experience. All in all, over the past year, did some work, have also made some achievements, but the results can only represent the past, there are some problems to work, can't meet the higher requirements. In the future work, I must develop the oneself advantage, lack of correct, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, for greater achievements. Looking forward to XXXX years of work, I'll be more efforts, constant progress in their jobs, make greater achievements. Every year I have progress, the growth of believe will get greater returns, I will my biggest contribution to the development of the company, believe inyourself do better next year!I wish you all work study progress in the year to come.。



The Application of AI Big Model Will Usher in the “Wave Y ear”By Guo Yan2023 was known as the year of artificial intelligence, and the application of large models emerged one after another. From the beginning of the year, the cognitive intelligence model repre-sented by ChatGPT was born, which quickly detonated the market. In the second half of the year, large-scale models quickly entered a new stage. Many large-scale models moved from technology to commercialization, and each family seized the high ground of data, computing power, scenarios and applications to compete for the right to speak in the large-scale model market.The vertical big model landed fastestWith the increasing popularity of the market, many enterprises are devoting themselves to the research and development of large-scale modelapplications. According to enterprise survey data, since New Year’s Day in 2023, there were 104 enterprises whose trademark names, patent names and patent abstracts contained key words such as “big model, big language model, model training, text generation model, visual model and neural network model”.At present, the application fields of AI big models involve natural language processing, computer vision, manufacturing, the cultural industry, finance, medical care, education, retail, etc. In addition, AI big models in the fields of architecture, household appliances and semiconductors have also appeared one after another.“2023 is known as the year of artificial intelligence. This evaluation mainly stems from the continuous breakthroughs in core technologies such as deep learning and machine learning and the wide application of large models in various fields. Large models, such as GPT-4 and Tongyi Qianwen, have made remarkable ac h ie v ement s i n te x t c re at ion , intelligent customer ser vice and programming assistants with their powerful language generation and understanding abilities, which has left a deep impression on people. This is due to the high global investment in AI technology, the improvements in computing power, the richness of data resources and the continuous expansion of application scenarios,” Hong Yong, an associate researcher at E-commerce Institute of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, stated in an exclusive interview with our reporter.For example, Miaobi Edition, the writer’s assistant of Yuewen Group,is positioned as “the industry’s first19large model of web fiction”, which provides functions such as assisting with creation, content diagnosis and answering questions. Hi Echo, the “world’s first virtual human oral private education experience” under Netease Youdao, was off icially launched in October, 2023, and has already been iterated to version 2.0. Baidu serves customers at three levels: by training big models, using big models and trialing their applications, and exploring big models in government, finance, transportation and other fields. Huawei Cloud built the Huawei Pangu model with the idea of “5 + N + X”, and formed industry solutions which have been in implemented in fields such as government affairs, finance, mining and intelligent driving.Fan Zhicong, Head of Yang Wuyou AI, is optimistic about the application of large models. He said: “It is possible to generate new and almost unlimited content based on the given input. The progress of this technology benef its from the development of powerful computing power, big data and deep learning a l gor it h ms. At t he s a me t i me, with the improvements in data and computing power, the performance of the model in natural language processing, visual recognition, question answering, and other tasks is also cont i nuously bei ng opt i m i z ed. The development seen over this yea r benef ited f rom t he globa l attention and investment in artificial intel ligence and the continuous innovation of related technologies.”In addition, at present, major provinces are developing large-scale models, with Beijing, Guangdong, Z he ji a n g, S h a n gh a i a nd ot he r places being the most active, with the largest number of large models. China’s New Generation Artificial Intelligence Technology Industry Development Report 2023 shows that Beijing accounts for 28% of the 2,200 artificial intelligence enterprises in China, with 618 artificial intelligence enterprises, ranking f irst among all provinces and cities in China. According to data from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, as of the beginning of October, 2023, thenumber of large models released inBeijing reached 115.Accord ing to t he Resea rc hReport of the China AI Big ModelMap released by the Institute ofScientific and Technical Informationof China, there are 79 large modelsabove the scale of 1 billion parametersin China, including 20 in GuangdongProvince, and accounting for 25.3%of the whole country. In November2023, t he People’s Gover nmentof Gu a ngdong Prov i nce is suedthe Implementation Opinions onAccelerating the Construction ofthe General Artificial IntelligenceIndustry Innovation Leading Place,proposing to strengthen the keytechnology research on large models.The commercialization ofbig models still faces manychallengesAlthough the AI big model industryis in full swing, insiders admit thatthe commercialization of domesticbig models is still in its infancy, andthe commercialization process stillfaces many challenges.“T h e c h a l l e n g e s f a c e d b yA I appl icat ions ma in ly inc ludetechnical bottlenecks, ethics, datasecurit y and privacy protection.First, although the large model has astrong performance, how to furtherimprove its reasoning ability, solvethe long tail problem and reduce thecalculation cost is still a technicalproblem. Secondly, the transparencyand controllability of AI’s decision-making need to be improved to avoidthe social risks caused by algorithmd i s c r i m i n a t i o n a n d b l a c k-b o xoperation. Comparing China withEurope and America in this field,Europe and America have certainadvantages in basic research andoriginal technology, while China hasan outstanding performance record inindustrial application and marketing.For supervision, it is suggested tobuild a legal and regulatory systemthat adapts to the development ofAI, not only to encourage innovation,but also to ensure that data securityand personal privacy are effectivelyprotected. In the application field,we should pay attention to guidingAI to develop in the direction ofpeople’s livelihood and social welfaresuch as in education, medical careand env ironmenta l protection,”Hong Yong explained.At present, the data securityinvolved in the application of AI bigmodels and how to balance supervisionand technological innovation are thefocus of attention in the general industry.L i a n g Z h e np e n g, a s e n i o rindustrial economic observer, told thisreporter that, first, the acquisitionand processing of data is an importantcha l lenge, especia l ly for la rge-scale and high-quality labeled data.Secondly, the interpretability, securityand privacy protection of AI technologyalso need to be solved urgently. Inaddition, the standardization ofartificial intelligence in ethics andlaw is a lso a problem that mustbe faced. He said: “In response tothese challenges, and in terms ofsupervision, I believe that an A Ilaws and regulations system shouldbe establ ished and improved toensure the development of artificialintelligence on a compliant and safetrack. In the application field, it isimperative to encourage innovationand practice, and promote the deepintegration of AI technology acorssvarious industries.”Although the AI bigmodel industry isin full swing, thecommercialization ofdomestic big models isstill in its infancy, andthe commercializationprocess still faces manychallenges.20O n J u n e20,2023,t h e Cy b er s p ac e A d m i n is t r at ion of China issued an announcement on releasing the filing information of deep synthesis service algorithms, and announced the filing list of domestic deep synthesis service algorithms. The industry believes that with the release of the filing list, the regulatory rules are further being clarified. The big model license is expected to accelerate the landing and promote the transition of the supply side of the big model to a new stage.Fan Zhicong believes that for the application field, it is first necessary to st reng t hen t he resea rc h a nd development and optimization of AI technology to improve its performance and reliability. Secondly, we need to pay attention to the social impact and ethical issues of AI application to ensure that it operates within the legal and moral framework. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen data protection and privacy, and avoid the abuse of data and infringement on individual rights.Earlier, Li Yanhong, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Baidu, said at the Shenzhen 2023 X-Lake Forum that there are too many domestic big models, and there are too few AI native applications developed on the models. The industrialization mode of big models should combine the general capabilities of the basic models with the proprietary knowledge in the industry.Lu Yanxia, Research Directoro f I D C C h i n a, w a s f r a n k i nan inter v iew w ith our repor ter:“Although the popularity of the bigmodel exceeded expectations andgarnered great attention, there werenot many successful practices andmany fell short of expectations. TheB-end is not very impressive. On theC-end, the search interaction of thebig model can avoid the trouble ofchecking multiple apps once on thelarge model, which is more practical.However, the accuracy of the modeland the value of its application inthe actual scene need to be optimizedfor the scene, or it takes time tooptimize the iteration.”More industries will achievefurther landingsT h e i n d u s t r y g e n e r a l l yb e l i e v e s t h a t i n2024,t h eproductization, industrializationa n d c o m m e r c i a l i z a t i o n o f A Itechnology will be the top priorityof the development of large models.Fu Sheng, Chairman and CEO ofCheetah Mobile, said recently that2024 will be the wave year of AI bigmodel application.A few days ago, at the AIGCDevelopers Conference in China,Li Yang, the Ecological Director ofBaidu Big Model, expressed theirthoughts that with the development ofa big model in 2024, the improvementof high probability parameter orderis no longer the main theme of bigmodel development, traditiona lapplication software and big modelswill be better combined, and industryparticipants need to think aboutcompliance and localization issues.“In 2024, AI and big modelswill achieve further landings in moreindustries. For example, in the fieldof biomedicine, A I will aid newdrug research and development andprecision medical care. In intelligentmanufacturing, the big model willfurther optimize the productionprocess and improve the automationlevel. There will also be greaterbreakthroughs in smart cities andautonomous driving,” Hong Yong said.At the same time, he also pointed outthat it is necessary to pay attention todealing with potential social impactsand ethical challenges, promote thehealthy development of AI technology,and truly serve the progress of humansociety.Zhang Xuefeng, a f inancia lcommentator, believes that in 2024,the application of AI and big modelswill be more popular, involving morefields, such as medical care, educationand finance. The performance andeffect of the model will be furtherimproved, mak ing the artif icia lintelligence system more accurate andreliable. The driving factors for thistrend include the increasing amountof data, more eff icient algorithmdesign and the continuous progress ofhardware technology.According to Zhou Hong yi,t he fou nder of 360 Group, t hedevelopment direction of big modelsin China is industrialization andverticalization. In 2024, many realvertical big models will emerge. Thegovernment and enterprises willtrain vertical big models with theirown data, which proves that bigmodels can really solve problems.Regarding investment in the fieldof AI big models, Su Lianjie, ChiefAnalyst of Omdia AI, a researchinstitution, believes that investment inthe field of AI big models in China willincrease in 2024, and may focus on thetwo fields of big model algorithms andchips, that is, a more efficient algorithm21。










每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



1. What does the man think of learning baseballA. Boring.B. Difficult.C. Interesting.2. Why does the woman feel happyA. She got a chance for a free trip.B. She had a good time in New York.C. Cindy came back from New York.3. What does the woman want the man to doA. Retype the letter.B. Meet the boss.C. Send an email.4. What causes Jane to sit there for hoursA. An accident.B. A phone call.C. A checkup.5. What does the man meanA. He forgot the meeting time.B. He had little time to prepare the speech.C. He finished the speech ahead of time.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



高三英语课外时文分类阅读系列(4)第四部分“人与社会”之科学与技术篇目录:Passage 1 中国首位执行出舱任务的女航天员Passage 2 人工智能让电子游戏更有趣Passage 3 “天宫课堂”让科学梦张力无限Passage 4 哪些事情是机器人难以做到的Passage 5 给个人信息上牢“安全锁”Passage 6 一堂“太空课”的8年之变Passage 7 全球首个可繁殖活体机器人问世Passage 7 冬奥黑科技:穿戴技术全面应用Passage 1主题语境——人与社会——中国首位执行出舱任务的女航天员On Nov 8, Wang Yaping, a female taikonaut of Shenzhou XIII mission, 1. ______ (become) China’s first and the world’s 16th female spacewalker. The expected six-month journey in space has left many curious about the differences between male and female astronauts, especially in terms of performing extravehicular activities(EVAs). Despite physical challenges, female astronauts have unique 2. ______ (advantage).Mutual understanding between astronauts is very important for carrying out EVAs, which 3. ______ (base) on excellent communication skills. Women are superior in communication and language expression, 4. ______ (help) female astronauts conduct extravehicular activities.Men and women are different in body size, 5. ______ also gives women unique advantages for spacewalks. Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as women will be able to control their weight better and thus perform a wider variety of tasks.A different body shape requires a different spacesuit. A tailor-made spacesuit was prepared forWang’s extravehicular activities, which was 6. ______ (light) than the male version. Designers improved the pattern of this spacesuit in the lower limb area to make it more 7. ______ (suit) for astronauts with slimmer figures.Many studies have found that female astronauts are well adapted to executing space missions, and have advantages 8. ______ male astronauts in qualities such as attention to detail and thinking 9. ______ (thorough).Men tend to excel in shorter-term, goal-oriented situations, 10. ______ women are better in longer-term, habitation-type circumstances. Women’s participation in EVAs is an integral part of space missions, and we are witnessing history thanks to Wang’s bravery.【参考答案】1. became2. advantages3. is based4. helping5. which6. lighter7. suitable8. over9. thoroughly 10. whilePassage 2主题语境——人与社会——人工智能让电子游戏更有趣Video game developers have been using artificial intelligence (AI) in new and interesting ways ever since some of the very first video games 1. _______ (make).For example, in the 1972 game Pong, your opponent would move a certain way 2. _______ (depend) on how you hit the ball. In 1978, the game Space Invaders introduced enemies that had different movement patterns. And in the 80s, Pac-Man was the first video game with enemies that could search for you based on the path you took, and those enemies were the first 3. _______ (show) different “personalities”.Although these advancements were nothing more than simple algorithms, they were classified 4. _______ AI because of the “intelligence” they showed. They were programmed to act a certain way to make their actions 5. _______ (believe) and challenge players.And, as video games become 6. _______ (increase) complicated, developers are trying to find novel means to make the virtual worlds more immersive for players. For instance, many modern games have characters and environments that change and respond to how a player acts in the game.Although this is a huge jump in video game 7. _______ (develop), AI in video games is advancing in8. _______ way unlike ever before. But what exactly will the future look like for video games with advanced AI systems?“When you think about the first time you played your favorite game, you only get that experience once. There’s no way to replicate that feeling,” AI researcher and game developer Michael Cook said. “But automated game design 9. _______ (let) you have that experience many times over because this game can be constantly redesigning itself and refreshing itself, 10. _______ is really cool.”【参考答案】1. were made2. depending3. to show4. as5. believable6. increasingly7. development8. a9. lets 10. whichPassage 3主题语境——人与社会——“天宫课堂”让科学梦张力无限On Dec 9, three Chinese astronauts gave a science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth! Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, 1. _______ are working aboard the Tiangong space station, showed millions of students a glimpse of their life there. They also did some fun science 2. _______ (experiment).The human body 3. _______ (grow) with the pull of Earth’s gravity. But in space, our bones and muscles don’t need to support our body’s weight. This will cause bone and muscle loss. NASA says that astronauts can lose up to 20 percent of their muscles after just a couple of weeks. That is 4. _______ (danger) for astronauts because they will be too weak to work.Astronauts have different ways to prevent this. During the lecture, Zhai introduced a special uniform h e was wearing. It’s called a “penguin suit”. 5. _______ (wear) it, astronauts use their muscles to stretch the bands. This keeps their muscles strong.During another experiment, Wang made a water film. Then she added more water drops onto the film 6. _______ (make) it a water ball. This can never happen on Earth. Why? We need to first understand the surface tension of water. Surface tensi on is like a “skin” of water. The “skin” is there because water molecules 7. _______ (show) to each other. One example on Earth is that some bugs can “walk on water”. Most of the time, gravity is too strong and it breaks the “skin”. But with zero gravity i n space, the “skin”stays strong and the water ball will not break.Space water is different in many other ways 8. _______ that on Earth. For example, water will not flow downward if you try to pour it into a cup. That’s 9. _______ astronauts usually drink water through straws in 10. _______ (seal) bags. If astronauts cry, the tears will stay on their eyeballs instead of falling down. They have to wipe them away!【参考答案】1. who2. experiments3. grows4. dangerous5. Wearing6. to make7. are drawn8. from9. why 10. sealedPassage 4主题语境——人与社会——哪些事情是机器人难以做到的A Russian robotics company has recently made headlines for offering $200,000 for the right to use one individual’s face and voice forever in robot development. It’s expected 1. _______ their robots will look and sound human like. However, they may not be able to move like humans.“Robots are awkward.” US AI engineer Ken Goldberg said. Research shows that one-year-old human babies have 2. _______ (good) movement skills than robots do. Let’s take a look at some tasks that are easy for you but tough for robots.♦Pick things upPicking things up is not easy. If we drop our pencil on the floor, our brains work hard. First, we must find the pencil and look at its 3. _______ (distant). Then we move our hands to it. A robot cannot always move its “hand” to the right place. Calculating the distance is not easy. Then, when we touch the pencil, it might roll a little bit. Robots cannot 4. _______ (easy) understand this either. So, if you drop a pencil on the floor, a robot will probably roll it around the room.♦Get around spacesIf someone drops you in a building you’ve never been to, you might feel a bit 5. _______ (lose). But you can look around, find a door and get out quickly. You will not get stuck in a corner. But a robot will look everywhere 6. _______ a door, even on ceilings and floors. This is because it’s hard for them to understand spaces, especially large, blank things such as walls or ceilings. Scientists need to train themwith lots of data to learn this.♦Understand the world made by people“Common sense” is 7. _______ we don’t need to think or talk about. Because of common sense, we do not look for doors on the ceiling. We pick up a coffee cup by 8. _______ (it) handle. We feel whether it has coffee inside, and whether it is hot.But robots may turn the cup upside down or hold the hot part of the cup, 1. _______ (damage) itself. Scientists have tried teaching robots common-sense rules. But even huge databases don’t help much. There are just too many rules – and too many exceptions. Maybe they just need more time 1. _______ (learn). 【参考答案】1. that2. better3. distance4. easily5. lost6. for7. what8. its9. damaging 10. to learnPassage 5主题语境——人与社会——给个人信息上牢“安全锁”You go out for a meal. You scan a QR code to order the food, but it asks for your phone number. You ride in a taxi, and your addresses 1. _______ (leak). You go back home and are asked to look into a facial recognition camera. Data collection is everywhere.However, the personal information 2. _______ (collect) by companies can be leaked for marketing or used for communications fraud. According to a survey of 5,898 people, 87.1 percent of people said they had experienced personal information leaks from 3. _______ (apply) on their smart phones. Most said they got unwanted calls or text messages afterward.On Nov 1, the Personal Information Protection Law came into effect in China. The law has detailed rules 4. _______ (strengthen) the protection of personal information.The law defines personal information as any kind of information about people 5. _______ are or can be identified, in electronic or other form. So a person’s name, date of birth, ID number, address and phone number are all personal information. There’re also some kinds of personal information that are regarded 6. _______ “sensitive”, such as fingerprints, faces, religious beliefs, medi cal health, financial accounts and all data relating to minors under 14.According to the law, activities such as collecting, using, processing and trading of personal information will be strictly regulated. One key rule is that those handling personal information should inform users and get permission. For sensitive information, there are 7. _______ (strict) rules on related activities. For example, in 8. _______ case of a minor, approval from their parents is required.For individuals, it’s important to r aise awareness of 9. _______ (protect) personal information. Individuals need to 10. _______ (full) understand the requests for personal information. If it’s not necessary, don’t agree. If you find that your personal data has been used illegally, you can r eport to consumer councils or cyberspace administrations with evidence.【参考答案】1. are leaked2. collected3. applications4. to strengthen5. who6. as7. stricter8. the9. protecting 10. fullyPassage 6主题语境——人与社会——一堂“太空课”的8年之变“Hello, everyone! Welcome to Tiangong Class.” With this 1. _______ (greet), a special lecture began on Tiangong space station about 400 kilometers above Earth.Lasting for about an hour, the space lecture 2. _______ (broadcast)live to millions of students. Three astronauts from the Shenzhou XIII crew –Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu –hosted the lecture, 3. _______ (demonstrate) how they live and work on the space station and conducting some interesting experiments that can only be done in space.This is the second live space lecture in China. In 2013, 4. _______ the assistance of two other Shenzhou X crew members, Wang delivered the country’s first live space lecture to over 60 million schoolchildren across China.The space lecture eight years ago sometimes faced the challenges of the video freezing and an unclear picture, 5. _______ this year’s lecture is different.With the help of China’s Tianlian relay satellites, the transmission speed has been highly increased and the whole live broadcast has run 6. _______ (smooth).These changes show that Chinese aerospace industry 7. _______ (make) great progress in the pasteight years. Along with the technological progress, this year’s space lecture discussed more disciplines of science. This year, biology was added. The astronauts compared the 8. _______ (grow) and shape of cells in artificial gravity and zero gravity, so as to study their changing rules.Though these space lectures showed 9. _______ (variety) topics, the aim behind the lectures has never changed. The spirit of science in the youth is 10. _______ important driver of the progress of mankind. Space activities can help them build the spirit of pursuing science and facing challenges.【参考答案】1. greeting2. was broadcast3. demonstrating4. with5. but6. smoothly7. has made8. growth9. various 10. anPassage 7主题语境——人与自然——全球首个可繁殖活体机器人问世Living robots can reproduce on their own in a dish. This is not a science-fiction movie, 1. ______ the result of a new research. The study was published by the National Academy of Sciences in the US.Xenobots, a type of tiny robot, 2. ______ (create) in 2020, using cells taken from the embryo of an African frog species. Under the right lab conditions, the cells formed small structures that could self-assemble, move in groups and react 3. ______ their environment. Now, the researchers have found that xenobots can also self-replicate. They are organisms because they are made of stem 4. ______ (cell) and can reproduce. But they are also robots because they can move on their own and perform physical labor.But this is something that’s never been observed before,” co-author Douglas Blackiston, 5. ______ senior scientist at Tufts University in the US, told Science Daily website. “People have thought for quite a long time that we’ve worked out all the ways that life can reproduce or replicate.The ability 6. ______ (replicate) adds a new layer of potential function to the robots. Kriegman told The Washington Post that while xenobots are not yet commercially useful, they have the potential to provide a number of services, from cleaning up microplastics in the ocean to safely 7. ______ (deliver) drugs to a specific spot in a person’s body.However, the creation of xenobots comes with concerns. Some think more 8. ______ (advance) futurexenobots, especially ones that live longer and reproduce, could out-compete other species.The researchers think these risks are manageable. “If you change the amount of sodium in that water to be too high or too low, they 9. ______ (die),” Kriegman said. “If there’s a piece of copper in the dish, they’ll all die. It’s an 10. ______ (extreme) controllable and stoppable and safe system.”【参考答案】1. but2. were created3. to4. cells5. a6. to replicate7. delivering8. advanced9. will die 10. Extremely。

38 新发明与chatGPT-2022年中考英语最新热点时文阅读

38 新发明与chatGPT-2022年中考英语最新热点时文阅读

2022年中考英语最新热点时文阅读-新发明与chatGPT01(2023春·山东菏泽·九年级校联考阶段练习)ChatGPT, a smart AI chatbot (聊天机器人) tool, has swept the education world in the past months. According to a US survey of more than 1,000 students, over 89 percent of them have used ChatGPT to help with a their homework.Developed by US company OpenAI, ChatGPT is a powerful tool. You can ask it to write stories and e-mails, create recipes (食谱), translate languages, and answer all kinds of questions.Some schools in the US, Australia and France have banned (禁止) the use of ChatGPT. In the US, for example, New York City public schools banned students and teachers from using ChatGPT on the district’s networks and devices (设备).The move comes out of worries that the tool could make it easier for students to cheat on homework. Some also worry that ChatGPT could be used to spread inaccurate (不准确的) information.“It does not build critical-thinking (批判性思维) and problem-solving skills, which are necessary for academic (学术的) and lifelong success,” said Jenna Lyle, the deputy press secretary of the New York City Department of Education.Apart from bans, teachers are making changes to their classes to block the use of ChatGPT. Some college teachers in the US try to include more speaking exams and handwritten papers instead of typed ones.However, not all educators say “no” to ChatGPT. Some Canadian universities are drafting (起草) policies on its use, for both students and teachers. They have no plans to completely ban the tool so far.Bhaskar Vira, pro-vice-chancellor (副校长) for education at the University of Cambridge in the UK, said that bans on AI software like ChatGPT are not sensible (明智的). “We have to know that [AI] is a tool people will use,” he told Varsity, the school newspaper of the university. What we need to do is “adapt ourlearning, teaching and examinations”. That way, we can “have integrity (诚信) while recognizing the use of the tool”.1.Some schools in the US banned the use of ChatGPT because ________.A.students may use it to cheat on hardly provides correct takes the place of teachers2.Jenna Lyle thinks that ________.A.ChatGPT is necessary for academic and lifelong successB.using ChatGPT is not good for developing students’ mindsC.ChatGPT is so far the smartest AI chatbot tool3.What did the educators in the US do to avoid the use of ChatGPT?a. They blocked students’ access to the tool.b. They learned to recognize papers written by ChatGPT.c. They changed the forms of assignment.d. They suggested laws to ban the use of ChatGPT.A.ab C.bc4.Which opinion is NOT mentioned in the story?A.Using ChatGPT makes students lazy in thinking.B.The complete ban on using ChatGPT is not wise.C.ChatGPT will completely change education.02(2023·广东深圳·深圳中学校联考一模)Shenzhen Daily 2023-02-28①Getting a pie from the sky is becoming a reality in the city as online delivery platform Meituan has been allowed to start drone delivery service(无人机送餐服务), Shenzhen Evening News reported.②At Galaxy World in Longgang District, a reporter from the newspaper watched how a meal has been delivered by the drone on Thursday. The drone slowly landed and a door above the Meituan Intelligent Dining Cabinet(储藏柜)opened slowly, where the drone put the meal box inside the cabinet.③“It takes about 15 minutes to place the order and receive the meal. A lot of people have tried the drone delivery service here,” said a woman who just took her meal box out from the cabinet.④During the year 2022, food and drinks such as noodles, fruits, coffee and milk tea and even flowers have been delivered through Meituan’s drone delivery system, the report said.⑤The company said that as of last year, it had completed over 100,000 drone deliveries. Meituan started to explore drone delivery service in 2017 and started the try in early 2021. The service has an average delivery time of 12 minutes, which is less than traditional delivery methods, according to the company.⑥There are only a few cities in the world with the advantages of drone delivery service, and Shenzhen is taking the lead in China, according to the report. However, there are still some problems with this kind of service.5.Where is the meal box put?A.In Longgang District.B.Inside the cabinet.C.By the drone.D.At Galaxy World.6.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A.Where the drone landed.B.When the service started.C.How the service provided.D.Who watched the drone.7.How long did Meituan spend exploring drone delivery service?A.Three years.B.Four years.C.Five years.D.Six years.8.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Many cities around the world have the drone delivery service.B.The drone delivery service has many advantages in our daily life.C.Shenzhen is the first city starting drone delivery service in China.D.The drone delivery service is very popular all over the world.9.What is the passage going to talk about next?A.How to make good use of the drone delivery service.B.What problems the drone delivery service faces.C.How to solve the problems of the drone delivery service.D.What advantages the drone delivery service has.03(2023·山东日照·校考一模)TOKYO, JAPAN — What do you do when you see a cockroach (蟑螂)? Do you hit it with a newspaper? Do you step on it?When researchers at Tokyo University see a cockroach, they take the remote control and make the cockroach turn around, run left or right, or go forward. These scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots. Each cockroach has a very small packet that has in it a microprocessor(微处理器). Then researchers can send signals from the remote control to the packet. The signals control the movements of the cockroaches.Why does anyone want to control a cockroach? “Insects can do many things that people can’t,” says Isao Shimoyama, head of robot research at Tokyo University. In a few years, he says, these robot insects will carry very small cameras. They will be able to move through earthquake rubble(瓦砾) to look for people or move under doors to find information about someone.This may seem strange, but the Japanese government thinks the research is very important. The government is giving the scientists $ 5 million for this research.First, the researchers breed (培育) hundreds of cockroaches. They use only the American cockroach because it is bigger and stronger than other cockroaches. Then they choose the best cockroaches and remove their wings and antennae(触须). They put small packs where the antennae were. The packs weigh about three grams, or about two times the weight of the cockroaches themselves. “Cockroaches are very strong,” says Ralph Holzer, who is a researcher at Tokyo University. “They can lift 20 times their own weight.”With a remote control, the scientists send signals to the packs. When a cockroach gets the signal, it moves. The problem is that the cockroaches don’t always move in the right direction.10.The scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots because ________.A.they want cockroaches to do things people can’t in the futureB.they want to control the movements of the cockroachesC.they want cockroaches to take photos of the earthquakesD.they want to send signals to the packs on the cockroaches11.What can cockroaches do to help people?A.They can lift 20 times their own weight.B.They can help people to carry very small cameras.C.They can breed hundreds of cockroaches.D.They can search for those people in rubble after an earthquake.12.Scientists control cockroaches’ movements removing their wings sending signals from the remote using very small cameras removing their antennae13.What problem do the researchers meet with?A.The cockroaches sometimes don’t move.B.The cockroaches sometimes move in the wrong direction.C.The cockroaches arc too big to move through earthquake rubble.D.The cockroaches can only lift 20 times their own weight.14.What’s the object of this article?A.The cockroaches B.The signals C.The cockroach robot D.The researchers04(2023春·浙江杭州·九年级校联考阶段练习)3D printing is becoming more and more popular. We are now able to print things such as clothing, musical instruments and other things. People and businesses are able to produce the things they need very quickly and easily using 3D printers.But can you imagine printing food? Some scientists are trying to change the dining experience by doing this. They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will become as common as the blender. Scientists say that they are easy to use: you simply have to choose a recipe (食谱) and put the food “inks” into the printer. You can also change the instructions to make the food exactly how you want it. This means that it would be very quick and easy to make rich and delicious meals.Using 3D printers to make your meals would also be saving the environment. There would be less need for traditional growing, transporting and packing processes.Printing food could also help some sick people. They could use the printer to make softer versions (版本) of their favourite foods so that they would not have trouble eating them.However, some people think that a future of 3D-printed food would be a serious problem. It could take away many jobs, including those for growing, transporting and packing food. Imagine a world where there was no need for farming or growing crops, and the same tastes could be printed from a “food ink”. Also,traditional restaurants might lose business. And there are still some worries: is it really possible to get the nutrients (营养物) we need from food-based inks?What’s more, cooking and eating together with family and friends has long been a traditional and enjoyable activity. It is hard to imagine a world where the enjoyment of cooking is dead and meals can be made as soon as you turn on the machine.15.What does the underlined word “inks” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Black or colored materials used for writing.B.Materials used to make food in a machine. C.Things thrown away in the kitchen.D.Instructions given to the printer.16.What are some scientists doing to change the dining experience?A.Making 3D printers look like blenders.B.Making all the instructions exactly the same. C.Making 3D printers easy and good to use.D.Making traditional growing more important. 17.Why do some people think 3D printing is a serious problem?A.It will provide too many good jobs.B.Farming is not needed any more.C.All the tastes of foods are different.D.More restaurants are needed.18.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.3D printers will take the place of traditional kitchens.B.3D printers: the most successful invention?C.3D printers will bring a lot of problems.D.3D printing: the future of food production?05(2022春·山东德州·七年级校考期中)There will be a kind of new cars in the future. People will like this kind of small cars better than the big ones. The car is as small as a bike. But it can carry two people in it. Everybody can drive it easily, just like riding a bike. Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for all the cars in cities, and there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets.The little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and to drive. These little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour, so driving will be safer. The cars of the future will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be useful for a long trip.This kind of cars can save a lot of gas (汽油). They will go 450 kilometers, and then they have to stop for more gas. They are nice cars, aren’t they?19.What will this kind of new cars in the future be like?A.Much more expensive.B.Much smaller.C.Much bigger.D.Much faster.20.If you drive this kind of new cars for four hours, you can probably go ______ at most (最多). A.450 kilometers B.260 kilometers C.130 kilometers D.65 kilometers21.The little cars are ______ the big cars.A.cheaper than B.more expensive cheap as expensive as22.Why do these little cars have to stop after going 450 kilometers?A.To get more water.B.To get more gas.C.To have a rest.D.To get more oil. 23.Which of the following is Not true?A.This kind of new cars can save much gas.B.Driving little cars will be less polluting.C.These little cars will be useful for a long trip.D.These little cars can make more space for other cars and people.06(2023·河南许昌·统考一模)阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。








工业和信息化部赛迪研究院赛迪智库装备工业研究所目录一、全球机器人产业发展状况 (1)(一)产业规模 (1)(二)区域分布 (2)1、日本 (2)2、美国 (3)3、韩国 (3)4、德国 (4)(三)主要特点 (5)1、工业机器人产销国高度集中 (5)2、亚洲成为最重要市场 (5)3、各国高度重视技术创新 (6)4、产品向模块化等方向发展 (7)5、技术发展呈现四大趋势 (7)二、我国机器人产业发展状况 (9)(一)产业规模 (9)(二)区域分布 (10)1、长三角地区实力雄厚,发展水平较高 (10)2、珠三角地区控制系统占有优势,市场应用空间大 (11)3、环渤海地区科研实力较强,龙头企业牵引作用明显.. 114、中西部地区借助外部科技资源,发展势头强劲 (11)(三)典型机器人产业园 (12)1、上海机器人产业园 (12)2、常州武进机器人及智能装备产业园 (13)3、芜湖机器人产业园 (15)4、哈南工业新城机器人产业园 (16)(四)主要特点 (17)1、本土企业快速成长 (17)2、外企加速在我国布局 (18)3、本体企业业务盈利能力较低 (19)4、创新创业热潮推动产业蓬勃发展 (19)三、国内外重点应用 (20)(一)工业机器人 (20)(二)服务机器人 (21)四、国内外企业发展状况 (24)(一)总体发展状况 (24)1、发达国家企业占据工业机器人市场绝大份额 (24)2、全球科技巨头纷纷布局智能机器人领域 (24)3、国内互联网企业积极进军服务机器人领域 (25)(二)国外主要企业发展状况 (27)1、工业机器人 (27)2、服务机器人 (33)3、关键零部件 (35)(三)国内主要企业发展状况 (38)1、工业机器人 (38)2、服务机器人 (41)3、关键零部件 (43)五、国内外机器人产业政策环境 (46)(一)主要国家和地区政策 (46)1、美国 (46)2、欧盟 (46)3、日本 (47)4、韩国 (48)(二)我国及地方产业政策 (48)1、国家相关政策 (48)2、地方相关政策 (50)六、我国机器人产业发展存在的主要问题 (52)(一)自主创新能力不强 (52)(二)产品以中低端为主 (52)(三)企业成本压力大 (53)(四)自主品牌认可度不高 (53)(五)行业标准有待进一步规范 (54)七、2016年机器人产业发展展望 (55)(一)全球机器人需求继续保持快速增长 (55)(二)我国工业机器人市场规模快速扩大 (56)(三)行业标准制定工作稳步推进 (56)(四)创新中心建设有望加速 (57)(五)应用领域和区域不断扩展 (57)八、推进我国机器人产业发展对策建议 (58)(一)完善政策扶持体系 (58)(二)加大技术研发力度 (58)(三)深入开展示范应用 (59)(四)集中突破重点产品 (59)(五)加强人才队伍建设 (59)一、全球机器人产业发展状况(一)产业规模机器人市场规模不断扩大,产品需求大幅增加。





(每小题1分,共5分)6. A. Many times.B. For two years.C. In three years.7. A. It's boring.B. On October 31st.C. In North America.8. A. I hope not.B. You're welcome.C. Of course not.9. A. He was very quiet.B. He is very funny.C. He used to walk to school.10. A. Paper. B. Mr. Zhang.C. In Weifang.三、听短对话,选择正确答案。

(每小题1分,共5分)11. What does Mr. Li think the best present for him is?A. The cards.B. The flowers.C. The students' hard work.12. What did the girl use to be afraid of?A. Dogs.B. Snakes.C. Cats.13. What does the woman think of learning English by watching videos?A. Difficult.B. Interesting.C. Useless.14. Where is the man going?A. To the bank.B. To the park.C. To the library.15. Where was the earring made?A. In Thailand.B. In Japan.C. In China.四、听长对话,选择最佳答案。



第43卷第4期自动化学报Vol.43,No.4 2017年4月ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA April,2017机器人室内语义建图中的场所感知方法综述朱博1高翔1赵燕喃1摘要场所感知问题是机器人语义地图研究的关键问题之一,本文对室内语义地图相关的场所感知方法进行全面综述.首先,根据近年的文献给出场所概念的描述性定义,对研究中涉及的相近术语和概念进行辨析,澄清研究对象和研究主题.然后,根据实现场所感知目标所采用的线索对已有方法进行分类介绍.主要分成3个大类:基于环境布局几何信息的方法、基于环境布局视觉信息的方法、基于用户指导信息的方法,其中各类又根据所用信息特点细分为若干子类.除此之外,将一些特殊研究方法单独归类进行补充说明.阐述各类别方法对场所感知问题的解决思路和工作原理,并指出各种方法特点和局限性.最后,分析了该领域存在的主要问题,并对未来研究方向进行了讨论和展望.关键词场所分类,语义建图,室内语义地图,场所感知,语义场所标注引用格式朱博,高翔,赵燕喃.机器人室内语义建图中的场所感知方法综述.自动化学报,2017,43(4):493−508DOI10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160350Place Perception for Robot Indoor Semantic Mapping:A SurveyZHU Bo1GAO Xiang1ZHAO Yan-Nan1Abstract Place perception is a key problem in the robot semantic map research area,and a comprehensive survey of place perception related to indoor semantic mapping is presented in this paper.Firstly,a descriptive definition of place concept is given according to the latest research literature.On the other hand,some similar terms and concepts involved in this research are discriminated in order to clarify the research object and theme.Then,the existing methods are classified in terms of the clues which are used to implement the place perception targets.There are mainly three categories:the methods based on geometry information of environmental layout,the methods based on visual information of environmental layout,and the methods based on user guiding information.Each category can be further divided into some sub-categories according to the characteristics of used information.Besides,some particular methods are also described as an additional category.The ideas and principles used in all methods for solving place perception problem are comprehensively introduced,and the characteristics and limitations of these methods are also pointed out.Finally,some potential issues are analyzed,and probable future research directions are discussed.Key words Place categorization,semantic mapping,indoor semantic map,place perception,semantic place labeling Citation Zhu Bo,Gao Xiang,Zhao Yan-Nan.Place perception for robot indoor semantic mapping:a survey.Acta Automatica Sinica,2017,43(4):493−508近年来,服务机器人技术的突飞猛进加快了其全面进入寻常百姓生活的步伐.在此进程中,人们发现人与机器人间仍然存在着巨大的交互障碍.例如:尽管通过语音识别技术,机器人能够获得某些语义符号,但是其难以理解符号的真正含义,并将符号接收稿日期2016-04-19录用日期2016-11-08Manuscript received April19,2016;accepted November8,2016国家自然科学基金(61603195),江苏省自然科学基金(BK20140878),南京邮电大学国家自然科学基金孵化项目(NY215131),南京邮电大学引进人才科研启动基金资助项目(NY214018)资助Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61603195),Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20140878),Incubation Project for National Natural Science Foundation Project of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecom-munications(NY215131),and Introduction of talent research start-up fund of NUPT(NY214018)本文责任编委徐昕Recommended by Associate Editor XU Xin1.南京邮电大学自动化学院南京2100231.School of Automation,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing210023地到(Grounding)真正的指代对象,造成机器人难以理解用户意图.上述问题的解决受制于语义层技术的发展程度,语义地图技术是该领域重要研究内容之一.与室内场所有关的一类重要语义通常被称为“场所语义”或“场所概念(Place concept)”,例如客厅、餐厅、走廊等.与之相应的场所感知技术是语义地图技术研究的关键问题之一,现已形成新的研究热点.在场所感知技术支持下,所创建的语义地图将具有与人类相容的场所语义标签、空间范围和内涵属性等特质,从而能够促使服务机器人更加有意义地推理、规划、决策、实施和完成室内服务任务,并且可以使用人类能够理解的场所概念进行自然交互.服务机器人场所感知功能的缺失,不仅会引起交互障碍,而且将导致很多服务任务难以顺利或类人地实现.例如:机器人在不知道“卧室”概念时,不能在该场所中适时降低运行速度、保持轻声,更一般情494自动化学报43卷况下,机器人无法在特定场所内采取恰当行为.“场所”本意为人类从事某种特定活动的处所,英文文献中与之对应的单词为“Place”.为明确研究对象并展开有关讨论,本文综合现有研究资料,给出“场所”的一般描述性定义:“位于人类活动空间中,由人类思维根据某些线索抽象出的可由符号标签指代且具有一定语义内涵的空间区域”.而“场所感知”问题指机器人如何将“场所”作为一个完整的语义实体,感知其存在性以及其他多种属性,并保持感知过程和结果与自然人认知行为相容.场所感知研究旨在研究如何使机器人从较高抽象概念层次上理解所处环境,得到有关环境的抽象知识(如场所语义符号、范围标识、功能属性等),进而研究如何为其他任务提供交互、指代、操作对象和上下文知识,为任务规划和执行提供场所语义支持.场所感知研究的一般思路:基于某种机制或原理,在机器人内部建立抽象场所概念模型(结构);通过与该机制相应的离线或者在线学习算法,获得模型参数;当机器人在环境中运行时,传感器不断采集环境数据,抽象模型随之具象化,形成环境场所的在线表达,以符号、图形、数据结构等形式输出.场所感知研究的一个核心问题是如何建立抽象场所概念模型,不同方法建立模型的出发点不同,导致机器人的感知行为和结果不尽相同.从2005年前后开始,国外许多科研院所对场所感知问题开展了多方位研究,相继出现一些大型支持项目,典型的如:欧盟第六框架(EU FP6)下的CoSy[1]和COGNIRON[2]以及欧盟第七框架(EU FP7)下的CogX[3]等.目前,该领域研究仍颇为活跃,一些实验室已出现能在小范围内运行的原型系统,研究人员还在不断将新观念、新理论、新方法与领域问题结合,探索终极解决之道.相比较而言,国内在该领域研究相对不足:一些工作仍停留在算法研究,罕有系统性研究,在完整应用平台建设方面投入不足.需要指出的是,目前对“场所”概念的界定及场所感知研究范畴的划分尚未形成共识,尽管如此,并不影响相关研究的开展,众多研究人员根据自己对问题的理解给出了有价值的研究成果.不同场所感知方法从不同角度研究了场所感知问题.按研究侧重点分,相关研究可以分为研究学习机制的方法、研究特征构造的方法、基于人机交互的方法等;按照研究范式分,相关研究可以分为传统机器学习方法、仿认知行为方法、仿认知生理方法等;按照场所感知线索(或称场所语义信息来源类型)划分,相关研究可以分为基于环境布局几何信息的方法、基于环境布局视觉信息的方法、基于用户指导信息的方法等.本文以上述第三种划分方式分别综述有关研究现状,其中各类方法进一步根据所用信息特点细分出若干子类(见图1).图1场所感知方法分类Fig.1The category of place perception methods为方便读者更加完整地了解相关研究领域现状,给出一些与本文有关的综述性文章,比较异同,明确本文所处地位.文献[4]综述了近年来移动机器人在语义建图方面的成果,其涉及内容包括室内、室外环境下多类别语义(形状、物体等)的提取与地图构建.与之相比,本文将关注重点放在室内语义地图创建任务,并仅对与“场所语义”有关的感知方法进行综述,可以看作是对文献[4]在室内场所语义方面综述内容的细化和扩充.文献[5−6]对基于图像的场景语义分类研究进行了综述,该研究领域中的室内场景分类研究与机器人背景下的相关研究有相似之处,但研究目标不尽相同,最主要是缺乏对场景在三维空间中布局形式(目标位置、大小、姿态等)的考量.近年,室内场景分类与机器人环境感知研究互相交叉渗透,出现一类关注于提取场所语义的方法,可以看作是场景分类研究在机器人背景下的推广,一些典型方法在后文综述.机器人室外自然场景理解研究方面,文献[7]对有关问题给出了全面的综述.1概念辨析本节在进一步明确场所概念要素的基础上,尝试比较相近术语.1.1场所概念的要素由引言中场所概念的描述性定义可知,其包括4期朱博等:机器人室内语义建图中的场所感知方法综述495如下要素:1)场所具有空间属性.人类从事的室内活动总是在一定空间区域中进行,不同场所通常位于不同的空间区域,有时不存在明确物理边界.2)场所具有语义属性.自然人选择在某一空间区域内从事特定活动,其活动本身具有一定意义、涉及特定行为和物品,并且所选择的区域还具有某些适于特定活动的特征.这样,承载相应活动的空间区域在人类活动过程中被自觉或不自觉地赋予了多重语义.3)场所具有符号属性.为使交流过程便捷,人们会使用词汇标签对复杂的场所实例进行指代和区分.4)场所具有抽象属性.场所对象不是一种物理实体,客观环境中通常也不存在显式的场所标识符和界定标志,人们通过某种思维活动来感知它的存在,并将其从环境中抽象出来.需要指出的是,“场所”概念是人们在生活实践中逐渐形成的,具有一定主观性,不同常识背景的人对具体场所内涵的理解不尽相同.目前研究中,机器人所使用的传感器(与人类感受器覆盖的信息空间不同)和感知方法等存在局限性,导致机器人感知到的实际“场所”不完全符合前述定义,而仅具备四大属性中个别属性.例如,有人把场所感知归结为获得场所标签,利用图像手段解决问题,忽略了空间属性.后文述及的大部分研究工作中,其“场所”内涵并不严格符合前述定义.随着研究工作的深入,机器人掌握的“场所”内涵将逼近其真实含义.1.2“场所”与“场景”在文献中被提及的另一术语“场景(Scene)”,经常被视为“场所”的同义词.心理学高层场景感知领域曾有学者给出“场景”概念的一种描述性定义:场景是真实环境的一种语义上连贯(通常可被命名)的视图(View),它由以空间合理方式布局的背景元素和多个离散景物组成[8].信息科学研究实践中一般认为“场景”概念可以描述为环境中各种元素呈现出的景况.比较前述定义,“场所”与“场景”概念并不等同.首先,“场景”在概念范围上更加宽泛,主要包括:自然场景、城市场景、室内场景和事件场景等[5].室内情况下,场景指代的尺度范围较广,只要语义连贯,甚至在任意尺度上均能形成一个场景,如:房屋一隅也可形成一个场景,显然不能称之为场所.其次,实践中“场景”概念通常忽略了研究对象的空间属性,因此经常出现在图像识别领域或基于平面图像的机器人环境感知研究中;相应地,“场景识别”研究通常仅关注于语义标签的获得,而不去关注标签所对应的深层语义属性.文献[9]给出“场所”及“场景”的一种形式化定义,较为严格地区分了两者,文中指出“场所”由“场景”及“场景”区域间存在的空间关系定义.值得注意的是,近年逐渐流行的场景理解研究不再满足于仅仅获得整个场景的标签,而是尝试提取蕴含于视图平面中的物体关系、区域标签以及对场景内各种目标的位置及大小进行推测[5]等.这在一定程度上与机器人领域所关注的场所感知研究目标相吻合,不同之处在于机器人领域更加关注在三维空间中对场所概念的把握.需要指出的是,目前对两类概念的界定仍缺乏普遍共识,注意通过上下文语义来区分“室内场景”是否等同于“场所”.1.3场所感知传感器与信息源机器人场所感知研究通常不脱离机器人平台进行,所利用的底层信息也来自移动机器人传感器,常见传感器有RGB-D传感器、视觉传感器、激光雷达等.将为场所感知提供某种基础支持信息的信源称为“场所语义信源”,简称“语义源”.不同语义源所提供信息类型不同,直接影响感知算法设计和结果内涵.同一传感器可能提供支持场所感知的多种类型信息(如RGB-D传感器可以提供图像信息、深度信息、空间点云信息等),即多种语义源可位于同一传感器载体之上,它们可被不同场所感知方法所利用.可见,语义源与传感器并非一一对应.1.4场所感知与场所分类研究众多文献提及场所感知研究时常使用术语—场所分类(Place classification[10]或Place categoriza-tion[11−12])或者场所语义标注(Semantic place la-beling[13]).这类问题所面临的主要挑战之一是如何处理类内存在的差异性[14],相关研究侧重于获取所属场所类别的语义符号.根据前述对“场所”概念的描述性定义,显然,场所分类/标注问题并不是场所感知研究的全部内容.事实上,场所感知问题可视为场所分类问题的一般性问题,反之,场所分类问题视为场所感知问题的特殊性问题.单一的场所分类问题通常仅关注于获得场所标签而忽视了场所的其他属性.1.5场所感知与场所识别场所感知问题不同于场所识别问题(Place recognition problem).场所识别问题通常着眼于处理“事先见过”的场所如何再次被可靠地识别出来,即场所模型的测试数据与训练数据来自同一环境[14],其研究不需要考虑对类内变化(Intra-class variation)的鲁棒性[13],研究重点也不在于类人地从语义角度对周边环境识别,相关研究有时可以完496自动化学报43卷全脱离语义进行(例如:简化为底层特征的匹配问题[15]),此类问题可更确切地被称为“地点识别”或“位置识别”问题.而场所感知问题(狭义上,场所分类问题)中场所模型的测试数据来源于预先未知的环境,需在线对这些数据分析以完成对当前空间的语义层感知.事实上,某些场合下,两者之间的界限并非完全清晰,一些技术甚至可以同时胜任场所识别和场所分类问题[13],后文叙述中至少将与语义无关的且可明确区分的场所识别研究排除在外.下面,根据场所感知过程所依赖的主要场所语义信源类型,将现有方法分为三类进行综述.之后,对一些特殊方法进行补充说明.2利用环境布局的几何信息实现场所感知2.1基于2D几何信息的场所感知由于环境的二维几何信息与某些场所语义相关,因此可以被用于实现场所感知.相关研究很早就引起了一些学者的兴趣,上世纪80年代,Laumond[16]在环境的理想几何模型下,通过分析图的分解树实现了对“房间(Room)”、“走廊(Corridor)”等场所概念的识别.距离传感器能够方便地获取环境的几何信息,因此近年来一些学者尝试通过对其数据模式分类(实例见图2)实现场所感知.Mozos等[17]仅利用激光传感器数据进行场所感知,他们使用AdaBoost 算法训练弱分类器集合以得到一个强分类器,从而凭借该强分类器实现了机器人对“房间”、“走廊”和“门口”等室内场所的区分.该方法在后来的研究中,被多次扩展使用,例如:文献[18]基于该方法构建了室内环境的语义拓扑地图.Shi等[19]采用Logistic回归(Logistic regression)作为多类分类器(Multi-class classifier)对给定环境标注“办公室(Office room)”、“教室(Lecture room)”和“走廊”三类场所标签,其方法可以观察者位置或者障碍物点作为场所的语义载体,并能够生成语义栅格地图.最近,Shi等[20]指出他们的上述方法对一些语义类型存在分类模糊性(Classification ambiguity),遂提出用概率图模型避免这些问题:使用支持向量机(Support vector machine,SVM)分类器和基于条件随机场(Conditional randomfield,CRF)的类Voronoi随机场(Voronoi randomfield,VRF)算法对广义Voronoi图(Generalized Voronoi graphs, GVG)的节点进行场所语义标注,所标注场所分为三个笼统的大类:少量个体活动的房间、多人团体活动房间和过道.Sousa等[21]采用SVM分类器实现对两类场所—“房间”和“走廊”的区分.Preme-bida等[22]提出一种动态贝叶斯混合模型(Dynamic Bayesian mixture models,DBMM)分类器,主要用于利用2D激光雷达信息实现场所分类.Urˇs iˇc 等[23]提出一种组合层次化表达模型,学习环境中不同形状出现的频率,进而用于解决房间分类问题. Soares等[24]基于激光雷达数据,将多种AdaBoost 分类器与概率决策表相结合,提升分类性能.Kaleci 等[25]使用原始激光数据作为特征向量,提出一种融合K均值和学习矢量量化网络(Learning vector quantization,LVQ)的概率方法实现对“房间”、“过道”和“门口”的分类.图2位于房间、门口、走廊时距离传感器数据实例[17]Fig.2The data instance of range sensors in room,doorway,and corridor[17]Friedman等[26]从激光传感器生成的占有栅格地图中提取Voronoi图,之后以其上点作为CRF的节点,从而估计每个节点的标签,可区分出的场所包括:“房间”、“走廊”、“门口”和“交叉口(Junc-tion)”.Luperto等[27]假设不同类型建筑物具有不同拓扑属性及结构特征,根据建筑类型选定分类器,进而确定米制地图上的房间类型.Liao等[28]基于激光数据构建多层输入,利用深度神经网络对其进行学习和分类,最终基于信度树融合多层信息给出预测标签,其分类框架未来将用于RGB-D数据.Buschka等[29]提出一种房间检测技术,使得机器人在导航过程中能够利用声纳自动并增量地检测出“类房间”区域,作者随后指出利用区域的偏心率(Eccentricity)参数可将其进一步分类为“房间”或“过道”.Liu等[30]利用概率生成模型和基于马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛(Markov chain Monte Carlo, MCMC)的推理技术实现了对占有栅格地图中语义信息的自动提取.Hellbach等[31]将占有栅格地图作为输入,采用非负矩阵分解方法对其分解,得到环境特征,利用GLVG(Generalized learning vector quantization)分类算法对栅格单元进行分类,进而得到建筑结构的语义标签.从根本上看,上述方法受二维几何信息中所含场所相关信息量少的限制,只适用于提取少量与几何结构密切相关的场所概念,而难以胜任对其他复杂场所的感知任务(如:文献[20]中仅能在笼统类别层次上实现分类,又如对于开放式场所的感知).另外,基于2D几何信息并采用分类器的方法均存在如下困难:当场所固有结构的复杂性增加时,确定合理的特征形式变得更加困难.合理的特征一方面有4期朱博等:机器人室内语义建图中的场所感知方法综述497利于维持类内不变性;另一方面有利于维持系统的泛化能力、计算开销等性能,而不适当的特征将直接导致分类性能降低.尽管如此,这类方法可为进一步感知多样、复杂场所提供感知基础.2.2基于3D 几何信息的场所感知最近,Swadzba 等[12,32]给出一种新颖观点:3D 场景几何编码了有关场景信息,对形成室内场景分类能力具有重要贡献,而物体检测仅扮演次要角色.他们指出这一假设受脑研究和心理学研究中的一些发现所支持.作者给出的另一假设是人工环境主要由平坦表面构成.以这些假设为出发点,他们提出一种3D 空间特征向量(作为向量定义基础的夹角特征和面积比特征参见图3),用以捕捉场景类的3D 空间结构,从而实现场景分类.作者将其方法应用于来自真实环境的RGB-D 数据集,不同组合特征下的分类率均高于60%.图33D 空间特征向量构成基础[32]Fig.3The construction base of3D space feature vector [32]该方法拓展了利用几何信息所能处理的场所类型,为场所感知研究提供了新的研究思路,但其仍存在一些开放性问题,例如:从论文中相关例子看出,场所中的物理分隔结构(如:墙)参与了场景分类过程,因此若面向开放式等复杂场所,该方法的可行性与可靠性需要进一步探讨;脑区域响应情况与高层抽象概念的生成之间有无必然联系,以及两者的相关程度还需要进一步讨论;该方法目前能够实现语义标注,但相关语义内容的回溯如何实现等.最后,值得注意的是,上述基于几何特征的感知方法普遍难以通过语义回溯得到对人类有意义的场所内涵解释.3利用环境布局的视觉信息实现场所感知人类获取的环境信息大量源于视觉感受器,近年来机器视觉理论与技术飞速发展,使得机器人通过视觉传感器实现类人的环境感知成为可能.视觉传感器能够提供更加丰富的环境信息,机器人凭借它可以感知更丰富的场所类型.3.1基于平面图像特征实现场所感知有关方法主要以图像特征为线索,利用平面图像实现场所感知.相关研究中的关键问题之一在于寻找某种适于场所描述的图像特征(组合)及相应处理框架.由于此类方法通常仅需要环境的二维图像(不限于RGB 图像),因此相关研究有时可以脱离机器人载体来进行,相关技术的应用对象也不局限于机器人.尽管如此,本节仅对一些与移动机器人应用有密切关系的研究内容进行综述.Torralba 等[33]给出一种基于上下文的视觉系统,该系统可以实现对新环境的场所分类,其中使用了一种同时考虑纹理属性和其空间布局的全局特征.Fazl-Ersi 等[13]提出一种新的场景描述子—HOUP (Histogram of oriented uniform patterns),它不仅可以用于场所识别也可以用于场所分类.Quattoni 等[34]提出一种非常适于室内场景识别任务的模型,该模型涉及一种图像层面的“场景原型”概念,能够同时利用图像的局部和全局信息完成识别任务.Madokoro 等[35]使用SIFT (Scale invariant feature transform)和主旨(Gist)特征作为上下文,提出一种无监督场景分类方法.Wu 等[36]提出一种用于场所类别和实例识别的新的特征表达—空间PACT (Spacial principal component analysis of census transform histograms),与一些其他特征相比,其优势在于更好的性能、较少的待调参数、极快的速度和非常易于实现.Pronobis 等[37]以一种能够捕捉丰富视觉表观(Visual appearance)信息的高维直方图特征—组合感受区直方图(Composed receptive field histograms,CRFH)—结合SVM 分类器实现场所识别.之后,Pronobis 等[38]又进一步提出一种用来度量分类器输出的信度水平的方法,该方法被用于视觉线索整合,作者在实验中使用CRFH 和SIFT 两种视觉线索,获得了更好的识别性能.Luo 等[39]使用增量SVM 解决场所识别算法的时变适应性问题.Pronobis 等[40]提出一种利用多模态信息实现场所分类的思想,他们利用SVM 将文献[17]和[37]的工作结合起来,使得机器人学会依房间类型使用不同线索进行场所识别.Li 等[41]提出一种通用场景学习和分类方法(不局限于室内场景),其中利用局部区域的集合来表达场景图像,使用无监督方法获得主题(Theme)分布和码字(Codeword)分布,面向13类复杂场景的实验结果表明,其方法具有令人满意的分类性能.Ranganathan [42]提出一种称之为“PLISS (Place labeling through image sequence segmentation)”的技术,其利用视频或图像流实现场所识别和分类,使用了一种在线贝叶斯变化点检测(Batesian change-point detection)。



线扫描激光器通过工件或相机移动,获取3D轮廓。 入3D模型或进行一次扫描,预先录入待
式,各有优缺点,目前双目结构光的方案相对较多。 过程中可以通过深度学习优化模型的识别。 知工件的抓取技术还存在很大挑战。将强
工厂 设备 传输


智能检测 仪表
Part2. 工业视觉三大新方向
Part2. 工业视觉三大新方向
◆ 机器视觉:通过摄取图像模拟人的视觉功能,并提取信息,加以处理,最终用于检测、测量、判断和控制。其具有自动化、高效、高精 度、非接触的特点,广泛应用在包括各行各业,目前在工业中应用最为广泛,报告主要讨论工业视觉。
Part2. 工业视觉三大新方向 3.1. 机器人3D视觉
◆ 相比于2D视觉在缺陷检测等领域已经成熟应用,3D视觉目前的应用相对较少,方案供应商也以国外为主,价格较高。最近两年新成立 了一批国产3D视觉供应商,并获得了资本的支持,快速发展起来。
◆ 3D视觉在工业的主要应用方向有机器人视觉引导与检测两种,其中检测相对简单,近两年主要兴起的是视觉引导: 视觉引导:通过3D视觉对工件进行定位和识别,引导机器人进行抓取,用于无序分拣与堆码,上下料,焊接等。 视觉检测:将摄像头、激光扫描器等安装在机器人末端,对工件进行轮廓检测、表面缺陷检测、三维重建等。



写一篇关于介绍机器人作用的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Rise of the Robots: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Our WorldAs a student in the 21st century, I can't help but be amazed by the rapid advancements in technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. Robots are no longer confined to the realms of science fiction; they are now an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing various industries and reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.One of the most significant roles of robots is their ability to automate tasks and processes that were previously considered too complex, dangerous, or time-consuming for humans. In the manufacturing sector, robotic arms and assembly lines have become indispensable, ensuring precision, efficiency, and consistency in the production of goods. From automobiles to electronics, robots have streamlined operations, reduced errors,and increased productivity, ultimately benefiting both companies and consumers.Beyond industrial applications, robots have also made significant strides in the field of healthcare. Surgical robots, such as the da Vinci Surgical System, have revolutionized minimally invasive procedures, allowing for greater precision, smaller incisions, and faster recovery times for patients. Additionally, robotic assistants are being developed to aid in rehabilitation, providing physical therapy and supporting individuals with limited mobility.Another area where robots are making a profound impact is in exploration and research. Robots can venture into inhospitable environments that would be too hazardous for humans, such as the depths of the ocean or the surface of other planets. For instance, NASA's Mars Rover has provided invaluable insights into the Red Planet, paving the way for future manned missions and expanding our understanding of the solar system.In the realm of personal assistance, robots are becoming increasingly integrated into our homes and daily routines. From robotic vacuum cleaners that autonomously clean our floors to virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri that can answer queries, setreminders, and control smart home devices, these robots are designed to make our lives more convenient and efficient.However, the impact of robots extends far beyond practical applications. They are also reshaping the way we perceive and interact with technology. Social robots, designed to mimic human behavior and emotions, are being developed to provide companionship, education, and emotional support. These robots have the potential to revolutionize fields such as eldercare, childcare, and mental health support, offering personalized and engaging interactions.As robots become more advanced and capable, concerns have been raised about their potential impact on employment and job displacement. While it is true that some jobs may become obsolete due to automation, it is essential to recognize that new opportunities will also arise. Robots will likely take over repetitive and physically demanding tasks, allowing humans to focus on more creative, strategic, and analytical roles. Furthermore, the development and maintenance of robotic systems will create new job opportunities in fields such as engineering, programming, and robotics.Despite the numerous benefits and potential of robots, there are also ethical considerations that need to be addressed. As AIsystems become more sophisticated, questions arise about their decision-making processes, accountability, and the potential for biases or unintended consequences. Additionally, issues surrounding privacy, data security, and the responsible development and deployment of robots must be carefully navigated.In conclusion, robots and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing the world we live in, offering countless opportunities and challenges. As students, it is our responsibility to embrace this technological revolution while also critically examining its implications. We must strive to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to shape the future of robotics and ensure that these advancements are developed and utilized in an ethical, responsible, and sustainable manner. The rise of robots is not just a technological shift; it is a paradigm shift that will profoundly impact every aspect of our lives, and it is up to us to navigate this transformative journey with wisdom, curiosity, and a deep understanding of its far-reaching consequences.篇2The Roles of Robots in Our WorldSince I was a kid, I've always been fascinated by robots. Whether it was the friendly droids in Star Wars or the Terminator taking over the future, robots have captured my imagination. But they aren't just fiction and fantasy anymore - robots are very much a real part of our world today and will only become more prevalent in the future.What exactly are robots though? A robot is essentially a machine capable of carrying out a series of actions automatically or by being programmed. They can be very simple, mindless devices like the robotic arms featured in automotive factories or extremely complex and intelligent systems with capabilities rivaling humans. No matter the complexity, robots are designed to assist and augment human capabilities across nearly every field and industry.One of the biggest roles robots play is in manufacturing and production. Factories rely heavily on robotic systems to assemble products with speed, precision, and consistency that human workers can't match. Robotic arms can weld, paint, package, and manipulate objects on assembly lines continuously without breaks. They boost efficiency, productivity and safety by taking over repetitive, strenuous or dangerous tasks that could injurehuman workers. Thanks to robots, we get higher quality products in higher volumes at lower costs.Beyond manufacturing, robots fill many service roles as well. You may have seen robots vacuuming floors, mowing lawns, or even serving food and drinks at restaurants and hotels. Healthcare facilities utilize robots to clean patient rooms using UV light, handle logistics like delivering medicine and supplies, and even assist in surgery by holding and guiding instruments with incredible precision. Robots can work around the clock without tiring and handle tedious or gross tasks humans would rather avoid.Of course, robots are pivotal in fields like space exploration and scientific research too. The Mars rovers like Perseverance are advanced robotic systems that can survey the harsh environment and collect samples that human astronauts can't reach. Many rovers and drones map new worlds and take incredible images of the cosmos. Here on Earth, robotic systems aid scientists and researchers by flawlessly carrying out experiments, handling hazardous materials, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.More and more robots are also entering our homes. You may have your own robotic vacuum like a Roomba cleaning yourfloors or even a robot assistant like Alexa to control smart devices with voice commands. Soon, there could be robots folding laundry, washing dishes, tending gardens, and assisting the elderly and disabled. As these home robots become more advanced with better AI and machine learning, they could transform domestic life.Speaking of AI, that may be the most incredible and influential role for robots in the near future - artificial general intelligence that can perceive, learn, and function like humans across many disciplines. Imagine super intelligent robots that can manifest our wildest dreams and solve our greatest challenges in fields like energy, medicine, space travel or beyond. We may even merge with robots through technological singularity where biological and machine intelligence fuse into a new, superintelligent lifeform. The possibilities aremind-boggling and world-changing.Of course, the rise of robots isn't all positive. Many have fears about robots rendering human workers obsolete and taking over jobs faster than new jobs can be created. There are reasonable concerns about privacy issues with robots collecting so much personal data. If not programmed with ethics and robust security, highly intelligent robots could also poseexistential risks to humanity with unforeseen actions stemming from their goals and values misaligning with ours. So as amazing as robots can be, we must be thoughtful about their development and deployment.Overall though, I'm extremely excited about the incredible potential robots offer across so many domains. By augmenting and expanding human potential, robots help create a more abundant future filled with technological marvels. They can take humanity to new frontiers of knowledge, productivity and achievement. We get to dream up new possibilities and robots can help bring those visions into reality. So while the rise of robots may be disruptive, it's an essential development for the progress and betterment of human civilization. The future is being built by both human and machine intelligence, working in tandem to unlock opportunities we can scarcely imagine today.篇3The Role of Robots in Our SocietyRobots have become an increasingly prevalent part of our everyday lives, though we may not always realize it. From the manufacturing lines that produce our electronics and vehicles to the exploratory rovers traversing alien planets, robots play a vitalrole across many industries and applications. In this essay, I will explore the various ways robots have integrated into our society and the benefits and potential concerns they present.One of the primary roles robots have assumed is in the manufacturing sector. Robotic arms and automated assembly lines have revolutionized mass production, enabling companies to create consistent, high-quality products much faster than traditional human-operated assembly lines. The automotive industry, in particular, has widely adopted robotics, with automated welding, painting, and assembly robots working tirelessly around the clock. This increased efficiency has led to lower costs for consumers while improving workplace safety by removing human workers from hazardous or strenuous tasks.However, this double-edged sword has also contributed to job losses, as automated systems can replace numerous human workers. It's a complex issue that forces us to weigh economic benefits against the wellbeing of displaced workers. Initiatives focused on retraining programs and perpetual education could help workers adapt to this increasingly automated workplace.Beyond manufacturing, robots have taken on service roles that improve our quality of life. In healthcare, surgical robots allow for incredibly precise, minimally invasive procedures,reducing trauma and recovery time. Robotic prosthetics can restore mobility and independence for those with disabilities. Some robots even serve as social companions for the elderly, providing emotional support and stimulating interactions.The military has long utilized robot technology as well, deploying remotely operated drones and ground vehicles to carry out dangerous reconnaissance and explosive disposal missions, protecting human soldiers' lives. Search and rescue operations also employ robots capable of navigating hazardous environments humans cannot safely access during natural disasters or industrial accidents.Looking to the future, I'm particularly excited about the potential of robots in space exploration. The Mars Curiosity rover has already made groundbreaking discoveries about the Red Planet's geology and climate. Upcoming missions could see swarms of robots establishing outposts and infrastructure on the Moon and Mars, paving the way for human colonies by manufacturing habitats, extracting resources, and studying the alien environments.While the roles robots play are undeniably beneficial in many ways, they also raise concerns we must carefully consider as a society. The increasing sophistication of artificial intelligencepowering these systems has stirred fears of a technological singularity where super-intelligent robots become uncontrollable and a threat to humanity. Although this risks being an overly pessimistic science fiction trope, ensuring AI systems remain stable, transparent, and firmly under meaningful human control is a critical issue we cannot ignore.Privacy rights are another key concern, as robots could conceivably monitor our daily activities and behaviors in invasive ways, even if unintentionally. Any deployment of robot technology must have robust regulations and privacy safeguards in place. There are also understandable anxieties about armed military robots having the autonomy to use lethal force without human oversight based on their own flawed interpretations of a situation.On a more philosophical level, the proliferation of robots raises existential questions about what role will remain for human labor and human workers' sense of identity and purpose as automation increases. Many jobs could become obsolete, and while new positions would likely arise to create, operate, and maintain robots, there could be severe social and economic dislocations in this transition that we must proactively address.In considering both the immense potential and risks that robotics presents, it becomes clear we areaser at an important inflection point in technological progress. Robots are not automatically good or bad - they are powerful tools that can be tremendously beneficial or incredibly destructive depending on how we wield them. Developing robust governance, ethical guidelines, and educational frameworks around their deployment is critical.Ultimately, I believe robotics and automation are inevitably going to continue advancing and integrating further into our society and daily lives in numerous ways we can scarcely imagine today. While legitimate concerns exist that we must thoughtfully grapple with as a society, the positive possibilities of robots improving our quality of life, driving scientific advancement, and sparking entire new industries are too great to ignore.Our charge is to proactively shape the development of this technology in socially responsible ways that prioritize human interests and wellbeing. From enhancing workplace safety and precision manufacturing to making cutting-edge healthcare solutions possible and exploring the farthest reaches of space, robots truly are a revolutionary force positioned to transform our world in the coming decades in ways we can scarcely fathom.Embracing their prudent development and use is vital to ensuring we can fully harness their potential to uplift humanity.。



小学下册英语第1单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My friend is very __________ (友好的) and open-minded.2.What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?A. Marco PoloB. Christopher ColumbusC. Ferdinand MagellanD. Vasco da GamaB Christopher Columbus3.The __________ (历史的学习机会) shape future leaders.4.My brother wants to be a __________ (宇航员) when he grows up.5.The teacher is _______ (helping) the students.6.My ________ (玩具名称) is designed for indoor fun.7.The __________ (历史的发现) can change perspectives.8._____ (植物特色) attract people to gardens.9.What is the freezing point of water in Celsius?A. 0 degreesB. 100 degreesC. -32 degreesD. 50 degreesA10.The ______ is important for clean air.11. A ______ can be trained to help humans.12.I think it’s important to ________ (保持冷静).13.What sound does a cow make?A. MeowB. BarkC. MooD. Quack14.The __________ (历史的传递方式) influence understanding.15.The _____ (植物保护愿景) guides conservation efforts.16.My friend's dad, ______ (我朋友的爸爸), is a great cook.17. A group of stars that form a pattern is called a ______.18.The civil rights movement aimed to end _______ segregation.19.What do you call a place where you can go swimming?A. BeachB. PoolC. LakeD. All of the aboveD20. A telescope helps us see ______ in the sky.21.What is the name of the famous American national park known for its giant redwoods?A. SequoiaB. YosemiteC. Grand CanyonD. YellowstoneA22.I am excited to join the school ________ (合唱团) and sing with my friends.23.My uncle is my funny _______ who tells hilarious stories.24.The ______ helps us understand social issues.25.What is the capital of Morocco?A. CasablancaB. RabatC. MarrakechD. AgadirB Rabat26.The ______ (小鸟) builds its nest high in the tree.27.What do you call a person who studies ancient artifacts?A. ArcheologistB. HistorianC. GeologistD. BiologistA28.What is the color of an orange?A. GreenB. YellowC. OrangeD. RedC29.We are going to ________ a movie.30.Which shape is round?A. SquareB. TriangleC. CircleD. RectangleC Circle31.The process of combining two or more substances is called ______.32.Which large mammal is known for its tusks?A. HippoB. ElephantC. RhinoD. GiraffeB33.The _____ (独角兽) is a magical creature from fairy tales. 独角兽是童话中的魔法生物。



Sino-US English Teaching, August 2023, Vol. 20, No. 8, 322-325doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2023.08.004 A Survey of Feautures of Three English Versions ofLu Xun ’s Short StoriesGUO YuLeshan Normal University, Leshan, ChinaLu Xun (1881-1936) has been acclaimed father of modern Chinese literature. He is the first writer to use thevernacular to write fiction. His stories have laid a solid foundation for the development of modern Chinese fiction.Call to Arms (1923) and Wandering (1926) represent the greatest achievement of Chinese story-writing at that time.Since the 1920’s, Lu Xun ’s stories have been translated into various languages and published throughout the world,enjoying an international reputation. The three English versions chosen are different with various features, especiallyin dealing with Chinese traditional culture according to different purposes and towards different English readers.Keywords: Lu Xun’s short stories , Wang ’s version, the Yangs ’ version, Lyell ’s versionIntroductionLu Xun (1881-1936) has been acclaimed father of modern Chinese literature. He is the first writer to use the vernacular to write fiction. In his short stories, he exposes the crimes of feudalism, describes the plight of the peasants, and also depicts the fate of the intellectuals who struggle in the intense social contradictions. His fiction has laid a solid foundation for the development of modern Chinese fiction. There are totally 33 stories in Lu Xun’s works, most of which are short stories. Call to Arms (呐喊) is comprised of 14 stories, written between 1918 and 1922. Wandering (彷徨) composes 11 stories, written between 1924 and 1925. These two books represent the greatest achievement of Chinese fiction creation at that time. Since they were published, Lu Xun’s stories have been translated into various languages all over the world, and enjoyed an international reputation. Among them, three English versions are of significance and of influence in that they make these stories known to English readers, that is, Chi-chen Wang’s version, the Yangs ’ version, and William A. Lyell ’s version.Wang ’s VersionAh Q and Others: Selected Stories of Lusin was translated by the famous translator Chi-chen Wang, and published by Columbia University Press in 1941, and reprinted by Greewood Press in 1971. There are only 11 stories included in Wang ’s version, namely, “My Native Heath ”, “The Cake of Soap ”, “The Divorce ”, “Reunion in a Restaurant ”, “The Story of Hair ”, “Cloud over Luchen ”, “Our Story of Ah Q ”, “A Hermit at Large ”, “Remorse ”, “The Window ”, and “The Diary of a Madman ”. Wang ’s version is the first influential English version of Lu Xun’s stories , for it is addressed to those whose real interest lies in humanism instead of time-killing literature and who would welcome Lu Xun as a symbol of China ’s awakening. Therefore, Wang has adopted American English in his translating, especially colloquial language in dialogues, which are very familiar to GUO Yu, M.A., lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Leshan Normal University, Leshan, China.D A VID PUBLISHINGDFEAUTURES OF THREE ENGLISH VERSIONS OF LU XUN’S SHORT STORIES323average Americans. In this version, there is an introduction in which Wang provides readers with a lot of information, including his evaluation of the author and his fiction, a brief introduction to all his life, the literary and historical status of his longest story, The True Story of Ah Q, the transla tor’s target readers and difficulties, as well as other English versions available. Generally speaking, when dealing with culture-loaded messages, Wang adopts either paraphrase method, omitting the original image, or foreignizing strategy, making target readers confused without necessary annotations. And he usually transliterates people’s names and some proper names. For instance, “八卦拳” is just transliterated into “pa-kua-ch’ǖan”, and “光绪年间” is “the Kuang Hsu period” without any background information. Similarly, the highly Chinese culture-bound image of “承重孙” in “The Misanthrope” has been omitted by the translator, just translating it into “the chief mourner”. It is obvious that Wang’s translation is not appropriate and likely to lead to ambiguity for target readers. Moreover, there are some omission, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation in this version, in particular, in the translation of The True Story of Ah Q. For example, Wang has translated the term “遗老” into “a man who has seen better days”.The Yangs’ VersionThe well-known husband-and-wife translators Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang translated The True Story of Ah Q, published by Beijing Foreign Languages Press in 1953; then Selected Stories of Lu Hsun, published by the same press respectively in 1954, 1960, 1972, and 2002. Next came the magnificent four-volume Selected Works of Lu Hsun (1956-1960) by them, the first attempt at a systematic introduction to Lu Xun in English. Moreover, the Yangs also translated Lu Xun’s first two collections of stories, entitled Call to Arms and Wandering, in 1981. It is noticeable that most translated versions in different languages all over the world are mainly based on the Yangs’ version by Foreign Language Press (FLP).The Yangs have always been celebrated for their good command of both Chinese and English, precise and fluent translation as well as perfect cooperation, so as to be chosen to translate all of Lu Xun’s works into English by FLP. On the whole, their version is characterized by their smooth British English, idiomatic expressions, and loyalty to the original, although there are still some misunderstanding and omission in 1954 version. But most of these flaws have been corrected and improved in 1960 version. Besides, the Yangs’ version does not convey enough unique cultural messages and relevant information, which are attractive to average readers, resulting in cultural loss in communication. And stories included in the Yangs’ version s are not always the same, according to different requirements and different historical periods. Generally speaking, the Yangs’ version is more target-culture oriented.Lyell’s VersionDiary of a Madman and Other Stories was translated in 1990 by William A. Lyell, the professor of Chinese Language and Literature of Stanford University. This version has included all of stories in Call to Arms and Wandering. There are also a full and accurate introduction and a note on Chinese pronunciation. Since the Yangs have systematically translated Lu Xun’s stories into a British English, Lyell is the first to translate all of these stories into the American branch of the language. Lyell’s version is a completed version of Lu Xun’s prominent collections of stories, and also the first English version by an American translator to comprehensively and systematically introduce the writer and his fiction to the English world. The translator has done much research on the original text in detail before translating, and gives us a preface and an introduction, which contains theFEAUTURES OF THREE ENGLISH VERSIONS OF LU XUN’S SHORT STORIES324author’s biography, his writing career, in particular, his short stories, and the translating process as well as difficulties. What’s more important, Lyell has been interested in traditional Chinese culture for a long time, thought highly of those Chinese culture-loaded messages in Lu Xun’s stories, and tried every means to reproduce them in the target text instead of omitting or destroying them, which is difficult of attainment. Hence, a good many notes and explanations are found in Lyel l’s version whenever any cultural misunderstanding or obstacle is likely to arise, and sometimes annotations occupy one third to half of the space in some pages. The last but not the least, Lyell has chosen 16 pieces of illustrations by the modern Chinese artist Cheng Shifa (1921-2007) for Ah Q—The Real Story, from which English readers, especially those who know little about China and Chinese people at that time, could be made upon a direct and deep impression.In the first place, it contains detailed annotations to explain when and where each story was originally published. For instance, Lu Xun’s first story is translated by Lyell into “Remembrances of the Past” with an elaborate annotation. Through the explanation, readers get to know not only the information about the original text, but also the differences between its first English translation and the present one. This kind of annotation makes for a thorough and systematic comprehension of the writer’s story writing and publication as a whole.In the second place, Lyell speaks of the relevant English versions of some Chinese literary classics when necessary. It is beneficial for English readers to acquaint themselves with Chinese literature, both past and present.A case in point is his reference to Romance of the Three Kingdoms.In the third place, the translator also introduces the prototypes of some protagonists in Lu Xun’s stories, in order to make readers know that the writings have originated, for the most part, from the writer’s real life and surroundings, such as his introduction to the character of Wei Lianshu, the protagonist in “The Loner”, is introduced as being “in part, based on Lu Xun’s friend Fan Ailong”. Lyell even gives an annotation to explain the character and fate of Wei’s grandmother, which helps to understand Lu Xun’s s ympathetic attitude toward Chinese women, although she is just a minor role in the same story. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that the translator has made first-hand investigation before translating, and he has tried every means to make a desirable translation.In the fourth place, Lyell is good at relating one story with another to make a systematic impression upon readers. For instance, the superstitious belief, that is, “a steamed bread roll in one’s blood” could be used to cure certain illness, has been repeated in two stories: One is “Diary of a Madman” and the other is “Medicine”. Lyell gives a note to make readers ponder it over as a whole: “A similar incident is the basis for Lu Xun’s stor y ‘Medicine’. Human blood was believed to be a cure for tuberculosis”. Besides, the translator usually associates some of stories, at least their main threads, with Lu Xun’s personal experiences. For instance, in the story of “The Loner”, there is a sentence to describe what circumstance Wei Lianshu was in after his father’s death: “我父亲死去之后,因为夺我的屋子,要我在笔据上画花押”. Lyell also deems that it reflects some part of the author’s real life: “Lu Xun’s brother, Zhou Zuoren, said that Lu Xun once used these very words to describe how his own great uncle tried to cheat him of the family property in Shaoxing when their father died in 1897”. It proves that great work of art usually roots in the real life.ConclusionAll in all, the Yangs’ version is more target-culture oriented, while Wang’s and Lye ll’s are, rather, source-culture oriented. The three English versions have their own merits and demerits, but from the point of conveyingFEAUTURES OF THREE ENGLISH VERSIONS OF LU XUN’S SHORT STORIES325cultural messages, Lyell’s version is no doubt the most successful one, for it not only tries every means to be faithful to the source text and retains the exoticism of the source text, but also reproduces cultural connotations in the target text and provides a lot of information to explain their background. In conclusion, in virtue of Lyell’s earnest attitude, great efforts, and excellent translation, Diary of a Madman and Other Stories has been designated as the required text of modern Chinese literature in many American universities.ReferencesCao, J. R. (2006). A critical bibliography of Lu Xun. Shanghai: Fudan University Press.Ge, B. Q. (1981). The story of “The true story of Ah Q: In other count ries”. Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House. Hsia, T. A. (2004). The gate of darkness: Studies on the leftist literary movement in China. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Lee, L. O. (Ed.). (1985). Lu Xun and his legacy. Berkeley: University of California Press.Lee, L. O. (Ed.). (1987). Voices from the iron house: A study of Lu Xun. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.Lyell, W. A. (Trans.). (1990). Diary of a madman and other stories. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.Qian, L. Q. (2003). A general analysis of Lu Xun’s work. Beijing: Peking University Press.Tang, T. (1993). History of modern Chinese literature. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.Wang, C. C. (1939). Lusin: A chronological record, 1881-1936. China Institute Bulletin, 3(4), 99-105.Wang, C. C. (Trans.). (1941). Ah Q and others: Selected stories of Lusin. New York: Columbia University Press.Xia, Z. Q. (2005). A history of modern Chinese fiction. Shanghai: Fudan University Press.Yang, H. Y., & Yang, G. (Trans.). (1954). Selected stories of Lu Hsun. Peking: Foreign Languages Press.Yang, H. Y., & Yang, G. (Trans.). (1960). Selected stories of Lu Hsun. Peking: Foreign Languages Press.Yang, H. Y., & Yang, G. (Trans.). (1972). Selected stories of Lu Hsun. Peking: Foreign Languages Press.Yang, H. Y., & Yang, G. (Trans.). (1980). Selected works of Lu Xun. Peking: Foreign Languages Press.Zhang, X. F. (Ed.). (2005). Complete c ompilation of Lu Xun’s short stories. Beijing: Beijing University of Technology Press.。



机器人对我们的生活好处英语作文The Benefits of Robots in Our LivesRobots have become an integral part of our daily lives, providing us with numerous benefits in various aspects. From industrial work to household chores, robots have transformed the way we live and work. In this essay, we will explore the advantages of robots in our lives and how they have made tasks easier and more efficient.One of the main benefits of robots is their ability to perform tasks that are considered dangerous or tedious for humans. In industries, robots are used to handle heavy machinery, work in hazardous environments, and perform repetitive tasks with precision. This not only increases the safety of workers but also improves the efficiency of production processes. With robots taking over these tasks, workers can focus on more complex and creative tasks that require human intelligence.Moreover, robots have also played a significant role in healthcare, assisting surgeons in performing delicate surgeries with precision and accuracy. Surgical robots can make smaller incisions, reduce the risk of complications, and shorten recovery times for patients. In addition, robots are also used inrehabilitation to help patients regain mobility and independence after injuries or surgeries.In the field of transportation, robots have revolutionized the way goods are delivered and distributed. Autonomous vehicles and drones can efficiently navigate through traffic and deliver packages to customers in a timely manner. This has significantly improved the efficiency of logistics and reduced delivery times for businesses and consumers.In everyday life, robots have made household chores easier and more convenient. Robotic vacuum cleaners can clean floors and carpets autonomously, saving homeowners time and effort. Smart home devices, such as robot assistants andvoice-activated speakers, can help with tasks like setting reminders, playing music, and controlling smart appliances.Furthermore, robots have also been used in disaster response and search-and-rescue missions to locate and rescue victims in hazardous environments. Robotic drones can survey disaster areas and provide real-time information to first responders, helping them make informed decisions and save lives.Overall, robots have proven to be invaluable in improving the quality of our lives and society as a whole. Their ability toperform tasks efficiently, accurately, and tirelessly has revolutionized various industries and transformed the way we live and work. As technology continues to advance, the role of robots in our lives will only become more prominent, offering new opportunities and possibilities for innovation.。



Annual report on the technical textile industry in ChinaChina Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association(CNITA) published its annual report that released the important information with regards to the economic performance of non-woven and industrial textiles last year. In the executive summary of the report, it stated that the world economic growth significantly slided down against an uncertain environment where the “black swan” and “grey rhino” events hap-pened on a frequent basis, which also impacted the domestic economy in China where the trio-impacting factors, demand shrink, supply impact and the weakening expectations , are overlapped to preponderate a growing pressure on the eco-nomic development, giving rise to complexity, severity and uncertainty. The nonwovens and industrial textiles industry is still in the recovery and readjustment period after the extraordinary surge growth in 2020 when the medical textiles and other special-purposed applications were much sought after as emergency supplies to fight the pandemic. In spite of these unfavorable exterior and interior factors, the nonwovens and industrial textiles industry made a steady headway in the value-added output and in the production and sales, except for a few sectorial indicators that registered a low-level growth, meaning that the foundation for a sustained recovery growth needs to be further solidified.Besides the official data received from the government, CNITA also conducted its own industrial survey to better un-derstand the business prospect situation. For the report, theindustrial association sent out around 300 questionnaires to thesample companies in the industry-wide survey to present the business index for 57.3 in 2022, a significant fall from 2021 when this indicator showed 73.8, better than the first half of 2022 because it already overpassed 50, a demarca-tion line for prosperity and recession.Capacity utilization and productionThe whole nonwovens and industrial textiles industry continued to adhere to the concept of new-model devel-opment to ensure a quality-pivoted direction of economic growth. In 2022, the equipment capacity utilization rate had dropped before it rose up to a normal level, keeping the production running steadily for the main product-lines. This statement was made out of the analysis on the respondents of the questionnaire sent to the member companies to show that the capacity utilization rate stood around 50% as af-fected by the pandemic that occurred repeatedly, hindering the logistic flow in the first quarter of 2022, and began to rise in the following months, rebounding to over 70% at the end of the year, and over 20% of the sampling companies stood out with their equipment utilization rate overpassing 90%.According to CNITA’s statistics, the total mill consump-tion of fibers in this industry amounted to 19.601 million tons, up by 1.1% year-on-year, and the nonwovens, as the main raw materials of the industrial textiles, reached 8.135 million tons in production, down by 0.8%.Cost rise and operation under pressure The National Bureau of Statistics released the data that show the business income in the nonwovens & industrial textiles sector was basically on a par with each other in 2022 v.s. 2021, but the total profit fell by 8.9% and the income/ profit rate was 4.7%, a drop of 0.5 percentage point, the low-est in recent years.CNITA conducted survey to find out that the main rea-son for the profit rate decline rested with the fact the price fluctuation in the raw materials, coupled with other impact-ing factors, which drove the business to be running at higher cost, leading to the across-the-board lower level in profit gains. In the survey, the price index of the raw materials in the respondent companies was 71.3, a still high price level, even though it had dropped a bit as compared with the pre-vious year that registered 87.4 in 2021. Nonetheless, the logistic cost that was pushed higher in time of special control and prevention practices against COVID-19 was also respon-sible for the higher operation cost in the companies, more than 60% of the companies under survey replied that the transportation cost in 2022 had risen by different margins.The excessive competition is also one of the factors for the profit drop, as is shown in the government statistics that the number of companies sizable to be eligible for data col-lection by National Bureau of Statistics (known as “above-scale enterprises” in the domestic statistical terms) largely rose up by 50.6% in 2022 as opposed to that in 2019, and this fast number growth of the companies analogous to each other in the same business line indeed intensified the market competition to further narrow the room for price bargain. And this inferable situation was true to CNITA’s own survey, showing that the price index for main products was merely 38.7 in 2022, a slump from 55.0 in 2021. The excessive competition expedited the polarization in businesses, result-ing in 19.6% of the total companies in number that ran in red, and an increase of 27.8% in profit loss therein.In sectorial view, the nonwovens sector was running under pressure with its business income and profit respec-tively by 0.7% and 24.9% down, resulting in 14.3% in gross profit rate and 3.8% in the income/profit rate, having fallen 1.5 percentage point and 1.2 percentage point each in year-on-year growth comparison.In rope, cords and cable sector, the decline was seen by 1.5% in business income and 17.8% in profit, which led to 17.8% in gross profit rate and 4.1% in income/profit rate, both dropping 0.7 percentage point and 0.8 percentage point respectively.In narrow ribbons and tyre-cord fabric sec-tor, the business income dropped by 6.3% and the profit fell by 2.7% with the gross profit rate at 15.2%, 0.1 percentage point down and the income/ profit rate at 5.3%, 0.2 percentage point down.In tents and tarpaulin sector, driven by the fast-growing “camping economy”, this special sector appeared better with a robust growth momentum in the fact that the business in-come grew by 0.2% while the profit curved up to 16.6% in a sharp growth with the gross profit rate at 17.2% and the income/profit rate at 6.5%, both the highest in the whole nonwovens and industrial textiles industry.In geotextiles and filtering textiles sector, the new infrastructure and air pollution preven-tion and control projects gave impetus to the rising market demand for these special applications, as the downstream sectors where these special textiles were much needed were turning for the better in steady growth of their economic performance. The two indicators of business income and profit achieved 4.4% and 10.2% growth in the geotextiles and filtering textiles sector where its gross profit rate registered 16.1%. 0.4 percentage point down while its income/profit rate was rated 5.9%, 0.3 percentage point up.Investment strengthened in high quality projectsThe coronavirus outburst impelled zealous investment in nonwovens sector, aggrandizing its production capacity which is now under way in readjustment cyclic period. Since 2022, the investment heat in the expanded capacity has continued to cool down and some companies postponed or cancelled the new capacity investment plan that had been set for 2022. According to CNITA’s estimation, the fixed-as-sets investment capitals dropped by 10% in the nonwovens sector in 2022.The recent years witnessed the growing trend for high-end products, AI-driven manufacturing and greenization as the guiding direction for new project investment. In 2022, the backbone companies in this sector continued to em-power their competitive advantages by actively investing in differentiation projects, such as high speed spun-bond-and-melt-blown combination process line, bi-component filament spun-bond nonwovens production line, wood pulp spun-laced process line. The investment priority also goes to the high quality personal care products, high-end geo-syn-thetics, high-performance filtering materials and personal protection and safety products.Referring to the investment plan in 2023, CNITA’s industrial survey shows that the investment willingness is somewhat weakened in generality, about 60% of the enterprises under survey have no investment plan for the new projects in 2023, whereas, in the companies who haveinvestment intention, 66.2% of them will invest in equip-ment upgrading, building construction, AI and greenization projects, a further increase as against 2021. With this, it is summarized as stating that the investment in the high qual-ity projects continues to be strengthened.International trade- down in growth speed, up in export priceAccording to the Customs data, the total export value of the nonwovens and industrial textiles (covering 8-digit lines under HS Code in this category) amounted to $44.15 billion, a fall by 15.9% as against a high figure base achieved last year, still maintaining an overall steady growth as compared with the export before the pandemic broke out, an averaged growth rate of 17.3% since 2019 in export value.In view of export value, the “camping economy” that was growing against the headwind in time of pandemic run spurred the export of relevant products, out of which the coated products, tarpaulin/tents are the two front runners in the nonwovens and industrial textiles industry, wrapping up $4.99 billion, up by 16.7% and $4.43 billion, up by 0.9% re-spectively in 2022. Mask (with or without respirators) export continued to trend weak, finishing $3.45 billion, a freefall by 73.4% while the other traditional products, like ropes, cords and cables, ribbons which were exported for $3.29 billion in totality, up by 7.9% and the canvas which was sold out for $3.02 billion, up by 21.6% and the synthetic leather/sub-strates that were shipped out for $2.51 billion, up by 7.1% in the export portfolio.The export of nonwovens and the relevant products as-sumed different trend patterns as affected by the demand changes in the application market. In 2022, China shipped out 1.208 million tons of raw nonwovens for $3.99 billion, which fell respectively by 11.9% and 12.1%, and by more than 10% in dollar terms in the main markets in Vietnam, Korea and the United States, etc. The sanitary and medical disposables were much demanded in international market, which were exported for $3 billion, up by 19%, of which the shipment to Russia was doubled in value. The export of absorbent cotton, gauze and bandages were added up to $1.1 billion, up by 11.7%, and the protective wear made of nonwovens (including surgery clothing and protective wear in hospitals) was sold out to overseas market for $1.08 billion, plummeting 50.3%, and the export of the wet tissues was registered for $670 million, up by 6.7%.Take a look at export price, the averaged price of the main products in the outbound shipment was increased at different level, of which the coated fabric and raw nonwovens maintained basically on a par with 2021, and the tarpaulin/ tents at much higher level, up by 11.5%, and the masks (face masks and mouth muffles), rope (cords and cables, ribbons), canvas and disposable sanitary/medical-purposed products were all up respectively by 6%, 3%, 3.2% and 5.9%.According to the General Administration of Cus-toms, the total import of nonwovens and industrial textiles was $6.13 billion, a drop by 15.9% in 2022-v. s-2021 comparison.There was generally a weakening import demand for the main products in 2022, as can be seen that the nonwovens import continued to fall in consecutive years since 2020, registering $920 million, a double-digit fall by 13.1%, and by 24% in volume. The import of the glass fiber-reinforced manufactured goods and the coated/laminated fabrics, which are traditional products for technical textile applica-tions, amounted to $730 million and $670 million, down by 13.1% and by 3.6% each. In recent years, the competitive-ness of the domestic manufacturers for sanitary products has continuously been incremented, and consumers’ aware-ness and recognition of the domestic brands have also been increased, which leads to a continuity of import decline with respect to these products, and 2022 witnessed a drastic drop by 32.6% in the import of these products. There is an opti-mistic side of the picture with the fiber-reinforced materials, the trade of which has for a long time been in deficit for China where the import demand still remains strong. China im-ported $640 million worth of these structural reinforcement-purposed textiles in 2022, up by 8.1%.Prospect 2023The world economy is running in an existing situation where the unilateralism, trade protectionism and inflation also run rampant, aggravated by geopolitical game, making it harder for the global economic recovery to speed up back to the normal track. With this, the domestic economic re-covery has to run the gauntlet of "demand shrinking, supply impacts and weak expectations”, the trio-impacting factors challenging the foundation of the economic recovery that is yet to be strengthened.In prospect of 2023, the fundamental trend pattern of our domestic economy turning for the better in the long run has not changed, and the whole economy in China is expected to rise in general, and the pandemic control and prevention measures will be further optimized in favor of health, safety and economic growth in comprehensive account, and the policy in practice and the new policy to take effect all will exert synergetic strength on the national economy and on the positive thrust to the operation of the nonwovens and industrial textiles industry as well. In micro-economic activi-ties, the confidence in industrial economic growth also goes up with the tailwind. CNITA’s industrial survey shows that there is more optimistic confi-dence in future business development and expan-sion in such important sectors as the geotextiles & construction textiles sector, transportation vehicles textiles sector and safety and persona protective textiles sector, whereas, the enterprises in rope (cords, cables, ribbons), the lining cloth sector and the sanitary & medical textiles sector have shown a reserved optimism in estimating the economic growth trend.More noticeably, since the COVID-19 broke out, China’s nonwovens and industrial textiles industry has experienced different period of fast growth, slowdown for readjustment and steady growth in gradual steps, during which the re-shaping in merging and shutdown were going on hand in hand. In view of the intensified busi-ness polarization that has taken place in recent years, a new round of reformation and reshap-ing is expected to set in as the year of 2023 is ticking on.All in all, the production and sales in the nonwovens and industrial textiles industry will recover steadily and assume a moderate growth speed around 5%, and profit competence will be improved and the investment priority will be hinged toward equipment upgrading, AI-mod-eled manufacturing and pro-environment pro-duction etc., and the export is hopeful to bounce back to the level that fits in with the international market demand.。

太原市五中九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you

太原市五中九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you out D.give out
( D )14.Please remember ________ off the light when ________ the home.
A.turning ; leaving turn ; leave
C.turning ; left turn ; leaving
ask them for help. B.careful C.patient D.famous
( C )13.Xiong'an New Area has helped ________ big problems in
Beijing, such as traffic jams.
A.set out B.check out
→____________(adj. )贵重的; 有价值的
13. policeman(n. ) →____________(复数)警察
答案: 7. prevent 8. energy 9. victory 10. enemy
14. wolf(n. )
15. easy(adj. )
3. 天太冷不能待在外面。 It was__________ cold__________ __________ outside. 4. 一定有人在房间里唱歌。 There__________ __________ __________ __________ in the room. 5. 他可能在找他的钢笔。 He__________ __________ __________ for his pen. 答案: 3. too; to stay 4. must be somebody/someone singing

热点 11 人工智能 -2021年中考英语作文热点素材+精彩范文

热点 11 人工智能 -2021年中考英语作文热点素材+精彩范文





内容包括:1.描述或畅想未来人工智能的发展状况2.分析这种现象产生的原因3.陈述利弊以及表明个人态度____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】Future trends in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence,It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine.For human services and to help people solve problems.After all,people thought it was unique,there are feelings,there are a variety of character,this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact,to do the same as the human thinking machine,the only one of the artificial intelligence,is by no means all.Through the study of artificial intelligence,can resolve all kinds of scientific problems,and promote the development of other science,the artificial intelligence is the best!I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step the real connotation.(二)人工智能已经深入生活,影响了生活,谈谈你的看法?___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【参考范文】Artificial intelligence approach,someone worries aboutunemployment,some people in the future,someone in exploring business opportunities,also some people on the go.Before discussing these,maybe we should consider the outcome of human beings.One might think about this topic too exaggeration,The first recall what has happened in the history of mankind incredible things.Incredible things,the need to please a few through to decide.We please1was born in the0people born in the year of the(han dynasty)through1600A.D.(Ming dynasty),although spans1600years,but the man may be on the lives of people around you won't feel too exaggerated,just changed a few dynasty,still facing the loess back and busy day.But if please11600British people through to1850in the UK,see the huge steel monsters on the water ran,this person may directly be frighten urine,this is never imagined that250years ago.If again please11850through to1980,I heard that a bomb can flatten a city,this person may be directly scared silly,130years ago the Nobel wasn't invented dynamite.Then please1in1980people now?This person will be cry?(一)人工智能飞速发展,对生活产生什么样的影响,谈谈你的看法?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【参考范文】The progress of artificial intelligence.Speed is amazing,the future we will start to work side-by-side with artificial intelligence.AlphaGo fire,five one hundred million people watching"man-machine war",in the end it depends on the technical advantage of big data and deep learning in a4-1winners posture tell people,to artificialintelligence is no longer just the scene in the movie,but in the real world there is another round of industrial revolution,however,this changes make many people feel scared,at that time all kinds of artificial intelligence threats to the human voice,according to the British science association entrusted network research firm YouGov, according to a survey of about36%of people think that the rise of artificial intelligence technology will pose a threat to human long-term survival.People in allkinds of artificial intelligence can bring big Bob"unemployment"is deeply concerned about the discourse,but also in such a tough AlphaGo will be malicious use worrying on such issues.(二)人工智能能否代替电脑,谈谈你的看法,写篇文章。

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• Key features
– – – – Natural language chatting in English & Chinese Incremental learning (very similar to Tyche) Cloud computing and storage User private storage for learned data
Overview of “Dodo Bear”
• Product status:
– Crowdfunding success 149.4% with 576 backers (June.18 ~ July.18) – Deliver to backers in 30 days after crowdfunding
Pudding – home mini robot
Homepage: / Crowdfunding: /project/details/24370.html Demo: https://wwபைடு நூலகம்/watch?v=aaUQRNE05r0 Price: 138$ for early birds.
– Natural language chatting within 3 meters – Learning ability to memorize user habits.. – Connect to home devices and voice control the devices – Story telling, music player, news, take pictures..
• Key features
– – – – – Natural language chatting Cloud computing, self learning, grow up with kid Teach kids English Remote control, tele conference Story telling, weather, news and so on..
Gongzi Xiaobai - Little companion
Homepage: / Crowdfunding: /project/details/24372.html Demo: No convincing video demos available. Price: 280$ for early birds.
Homepage: / Crowdfunding: /project/detail.htm?projectId=1837 Price: 62$ for early birds
Overview of “ERobot”
• Key features
– – – – – Natural language chatting, sound localization “Understand like human, fast react, and self-learning” Teach kids as companion (English, Math, and more) For 3-6 years old kids Story telling, remote video talk
Overview of “Gongzi Xiaobai ”
• Product status:
– Crowdfunding success 367.5% with 2344 backers (Sep.30 ~ Oct.30) – Will deliver to backers in Nov.
• Key features
Overview of “Robuddy”
• Product status:
– Crowdfunding success 149% with 3156 backers (July.27 ~ Aug.27) – Deliver to backers in 40 days after crowdfunding
• There are many intelligent robot products appeared recently in China market • They are targeting the market about language teaching and kids companion. • Story telling and children’s song playing seems to be very attractive functions • “How are you”, Robuddy and “Dodo bear” are very similar to Tyche with reasoning and memory.
Dodo Bear – Companion with Cloud AI
Homepage: / Crowdfunding: /project/details/13437.html Price: 31$ for early birds
A survey of AI companion robot in China market
How Are You – AI robot
Homepage: /
Crowdfunding: /project/details/24593.html Demo: https:///watch?v=SKXmplMyTyw
Overview of “Pudding”
• Product status:
– Crowdfunding success 162% with 3512 backers (Sep.30 ~ Oct.30) – Will deliver to backers before Nov.30.
• Key features
– Natural language chatting – Big database for question and answer – Tells time, weather, news and so on..
Robuddy – little companion
Homepage: / Crowdfunding: /project/details/14248.html Price: 109$ for early birds. 234$ for retail
Price: 360$ for early birds.
Overview of “How are you”
• Product status:
– Crowdfunding success 227.6% with 3200 backers (Sep.21 ~ Oct.21) – Will deliver to backers before Nov.21
• Product status:
– Crowdfunding success 100% with 2087 backers (July) – Deliver to backers in 7 days after crowdfunding
• Key features
– Natural language chatting – Touch sensor – Story telling, music player..