



TM1642是一种带键盘扫描接口的恒流LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动、键盘扫描等电路。




功能特点•采用功率CMOS 工艺•多种显示模式(10段×7位~13段×4位)•SEG 恒流驱动最大电压值:VDD-1V •通道差最大+/-3%芯片间最大+/-6%•键扫描(8×2)•辉度调节电路(软件8级恒流可调)•串行接口(CLK,STB,DIN)•振荡方式:内置RC 振荡(450KHz+5%)•内置上电复位电路•封装形式:SOP28管脚信息123456789101112131415161718192021222324TM1642NCDINCLK STB K1K2VDDSEG1/KS1SEG2/KS2SEG3/KS3SEG4/KS4SEG5/KS5SEG6/KS6SEG7/KS7SEG8/KS8SEG9SEG10GRID1GRID2GRID3GRID4SEG14/GRID5SEG13/GRID SEG12/GRID VDD GND GND GND 25262728TOP VIEWSOP28深圳市富瑞世嘉科技有限公司13530167943天微专营为高时,CLK 被忽略输入该脚的数据在显示周期结束后被锁存段恒流输出(也用作键扫描),p管开漏输出16~17段恒流输出,P管开漏输出27、2624、23位输出,N管开漏输出输出(段/位)18~20段/位复用输出,只能选段或位输出逻辑电源7、215V±10%逻辑地22、25、28接系统地▲注意:DIN口输出数据时为N管开漏输出,在读键的时候需要外接1K-10K的上拉电阻,如图(1)所示。





PDA 系列产品的设计、制造、检查、试验及特性都应遵照适合的最新版IEC 和中国GB 标准及国际单位SI 制。

GB/T13730《地区电网数据采集与监控系统通用技术条件》GB/50171-92《电气装置安装工作盘、柜及二次回路接线施工及验收规范》DL/T630《交流采样远动终端通用技术条件》DL/478-92《静态继电保护及安全自动装置通用技术条件》GB/50062-92《电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范》GB/T50063-2008《电力装置的电测量仪表装置设计规范》DL/T587-1996《微机继电保护装置运行管理规程》GB/T13729-2002《远动终端通用技术条件》GB/14285-93《继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程》GB/T17626.12-1998《振荡波抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.11-2008《电压暂降、短时中断和电压变化抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.10-1998《阻尼振荡磁场抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.8-2006《工频磁场的抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.6-2008《射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度》GB/T17626.5-2008《浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.4-2008《电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.2-2006《静电放电抗扰度试验》GB/T 14047-1993《量度继电器和保护装置》GB 3836.3-2000《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第 3 部 分:增安型"e"》JB/T 10613-2006《数字式电动机综合保护装置》GB/T13850-1998《交流电量转换为模拟量或数字信号的电测量变送器》JJG596-1999《电子式电能表检定规程》GB/T17215.321-2008《静止式有功电能表(1级和2级)》GB/T 22264-2008《安装式数字显示电测量仪表》产品标准Contents 目 录A -01综合电力监控仪PDA-120系列B -13 三相智能型电力仪表 PDA-103系列C -31单相智能型电力仪表 PDA-101系列D -51 智能型电动机保护控制器 PDA-110MRK F -66参考设计图附录产品业绩G -73GB/T17215.322-2008《》静止式有功电能表(0.2S 级和0.5S 级)E -58 低压电动机保护装置 ADVP-1451产品简介功能详表产品特点PDA -120系列综合电力监控仪是北京奥德威特电力科技股份有限公司按IEC 国际标准开发,与当今国际先进技术同步的网络化综合电力监控仪表。



1. 适用范围本技术手册仅适用于室内P4.0(64*32)十六扫全彩表贴三合一单元板。

2. 产品说明8.1. 室内P4.0十六扫全彩表贴三合一单元板主要是由红色LED晶片、绿色LED晶片和蓝色LED晶片封装为一个像素点后组成矩阵,再固定到塑胶套件上而成;8.2. 此单元板含有驱动芯片和输入缓冲芯片,连接到LED显示屏控制系统即可显示视频、图像和文字信息等;8.3. 通过PWM信号驱动红色LED、绿色LED和蓝色LED的驱动芯片,可形成16,777,216种颜色变换;8.4. 此单元板可以按水平和垂直方向任意拼接,从而拼成不同大小的显示屏;8.5. 单元板的特点:●用超高亮的LED和优质的塑胶件●高对比度可达到良好的显示效果●重量轻易于安装、拆卸●可进行单点、单灯维护,成本低●采用恒流方式驱动LED,发光均匀,功耗低●像素间距为4.0mm,共有64*32个像素点,每个像素点由1R1G1B组成8.6. 单元板图片正视图背视图3. 产品参数(温度条件:Ta=25℃)4. 信号引脚定义HUB75-A5. 规格型号说明产品型号命名规范:6. IC贴片图元器件贴片位置元器件贴片位置74HC245PW U1-U3 74H138 U4-U5JXI5020GP UR1-UR8、UG1-UG8、UB1-UB8 74HC123 U64953 T1-T16 电容104 C1-C31排阻560,56ΩRP1-RP32 贴片电解电容CA1-CA3 贴片电源座5569-4P S1 贴片简易牛角座JIN、JOUT 电阻680R,680ΩRR1-RR8、RG1-RG8、RB1-RB8 电阻1003,100KΩR1备注:VRR、VRG、VRG为可调电阻。

7. 安装孔位图备注:所有尺寸的单位为mm;如无特殊说明,外形公差为±0.2,孔径公差为±0.1。




发射管IR204-A, IR204/H16/L10, SIR204-A, HIR204-A, HIR204/H0,IR204C-A, IR323, IR323/H0-A,SIR323-5,IR333-A,IR333C-A, IR333C-6-A,SIR333-A,HIR333,IR333C/H0/L10,HIR333/H0-A,HIR333C/H0,IR7373C,HIR7373C,IR7393C,HIR7393C ,IR533C,IR1503,IR383,SIR383,HIR383C/L212,HIR8323/C16,HIR30-01C/S16,HIR38-01C,HIR36-01C/S32,HI R5393C/L223,HIR35-03C,HIR-A07/L183-P01,HIR-HX08L, IR11-21C/TR8, IR91-21C,IR91-21C/TR7, IR91-21C/TR9,IR91-21C/TR10,IR11-21C/TR8, HIR11-21C/TR8, IR15-21C/TR8, IR15-21C/L10/TR8, SIR15-21C/TR8, IR17-21C/TR8,IR19-21C/TR8, SIR19-21C/TR8, HIR19-21C/TR8, HIR19-21C/L11/TR8, IR19-315C/TR8,SIR19-315/TR8,IR26-21C/TR8,IR42-21C/TR8, IR67-21C/TR8,SIR67-21C/TR8,SIR67-21C/B/TR8,SIR67-21C/L9/TR10,IR908-7C-F,IR928-6C-F, HIR928-6C-F,SIR928-6C-F, IR958-8C,IR958-8P.接收管PD57-21B/TR8,PD15-22C/TR8,PD93-21C/TR8,PD70-01B/TR7,PD70-01C/TR7, PD70-01B/TR10,PD70-01C/TR10,PT204-6B, PT204-6C,PT28-21B/TR8,PD204-6C/L3, PD204-6B, PD438B,PD438B/L1,PD438B/S46,PD438C,PD638B,PD638C, PD333-3C/H0/L2,,PD334-6B,PD333-3B/L3, PT91-21B,PT91-21B/TR7,PT91-21B/TR10, PT11-21C/L41/TR8, PT12-21C/TR8, PT12-21B/TR8,PT26-51B/TR8,PT15-21C/TR8,PT15-21B/TR8,PT17-21C/TR8, PT17-21C/L41/TR8,PT17-21B/L41/TR8,PT26-21B/TR8, PT42-21B/TR8,PT57-21B/TR8,PT67-21B/C14/TR8,PT67-21C/L41/TR8,PD15-22C/TR8,PD93-21C/TR8,PT908-7C,PT958-8C,PT928-6C,PT928-6B,PT5529B/L2,PT5529B/L2/H2,PT5529B/L2/S3,PT5529B/L2/H3.Etc接收头:IRM-8601S, IRM-8601S-1, IRM-8601S-2, IRM-8601S-5, IRM-8602S, IRM-8602S-1, IRM-8602S-2, IRM-8602S-5IRM-8607S, IRM-8607S-1, IRM-8607S-2, IRM-8607S-5, IRM-8608S, IRM-8608S-1, IRM-8608S-2, IRM-8608S-5, IRM-8751,IRM-8751-1, IRM-8751-2, IRM-8751-5, IRM-8752, IRM-8752-1, IRM-8752-2, IRM-8752-5, IRM-8753, IRM-8753-1, IRM-8753-2, IRM-8753-5, IRM-8755, IRM-8755-1, IRM-8755-2, IRM-8755-5, IRM-8861S, IRM-8871S, IRM-8881S, IRM-2638A, IRM-2638T, IRM-3638A, IRM-3638T, IRM-3638N3, IRM-2738, IRM-3738, IRM-2738T, IRM-3738T, IRM-3638TF4,IRM-2638F4,IRM-2638S5F4,IRM-2638S6F3,IRM-2638S8F5,IRM-2638S18,IRM-2638S17,IRM-V038T,IRM-H238/TR2,IRM-H238T/TR2,IRM-V538/TR2,IRM-V538T/TR2,IRM-H 538/TR2,IRM-H538T/TR2, IRM-H638T/TR2光耦又分为:槽型光耦、反射式光耦、安规光耦等,品名例举:安规光耦EL3H7 /A/B/C/D, EL354A, EL357 /A/B/C/D, EL357N/A/B/C/D, EL124N, EL817 /A/B/C/D, EL816 /A/B/C/D, EL814 /A, EL815,4N29-30/31/32/33,H11B1/2/3/225,TIL113,H11AA1/2/3,H11A1/2/3/4/5,4N25/26/27/28,4N35/36/37,TIL111/117,CNY17-1/-2/-3/-4, MCT2/2E,CNY17F-1/-2/-3/-4,EL3031, EL3032, EL3033, EL3041, EL3041, EL3042, EL3043,EL3061, EL3062, EL3063, EL3081, EL3082, EL3083,EL3010, EL3012, EL3021, EL3022, EL3023, EL3051, EL3052, EL3053,H11L1, H11L2, H11L3,EL827槽型光耦ITR8010, ITR8102, ITR8103, ITR8104, ITR8105, ITR8117, ITR9803, ITR9809-F/T, ITR9813, ITR9901, ITR9907,ITR20005-F, ITR20006, ITR20402, ITR20403, ITR9608/F, ITR9702-F, ITR9707, ITR8402-F-A, ITR9606-F反射式光耦ITR8307, ITR8307/L24, ITR8307/TR8, ITR8308/L24/TR8, ITR8307/F43, ITR8307/L24/F43, ITR9904, ITR9909, ITR9908, ITR20001/T, ITR20002, ITR20004, ITR20004/L24, ITR20510/TR8, ITR2050Φ3圆头白光LED: 204-15/T2C2-1PSA, 204-15/F1C2-1RTA, 204-15/T2C3-1LQA, 204-15/T1C3-1QSA, 234-15/T2C3-1PSB, 234-15/T2C6-1LNA, 234-15/T1C6-1NQA, 234-15/X2C6-1LPA,204-15AUTC/S400-X9,204-15UTC/S400-X9,204-15UTC/S400-X10, 234-15RUTC/H5/S400-X9, 234-15UTC/H5/S400-X9, 234-15UTC/H0/S400-X9,etc.φ5圆头白光LED: 334-15/T2C1-1UWA, 334-15/F1C1-4WYA, 334-15/X2C1-1SUA, 334-15/X1C1-1TWA, 334-15/T2C2-1SUA, 334-15/F1C2-1VWA, 334-15/X1C1-1UWA, 334-15/T2C3-1RTA, 334-15/F1C3-1UWA, 334-15/X2C3-1PSA, 334-15/X1C3-1QTA, 334-15/T2C5-1MQA, 334-15/F1C5-1RTA, 334-15/X2C5-1MQA, 334-15/X1C5-1QSA, 334-15UTC/S400-X9,334-15UTC/S400-X10, 333-2UTC/S400-S14, 333-2UTC/S400-S15,333-2UTC/S400-S16,334-15UTC/S400-S15,424/T2C9-1FJA,424/X1C9-1GKA,424/X2C9-1BEA,3384-15UTC/S400-X9,3384-15U TC/S400-X10,3383-2UTC/S400-S15,etcφ4.6草帽头白光LED:7324/T2C9-1FJA, 7324/T1C9-1HMA,7324-15UTC/S400-X10, 7324-15UTC/S400-X11,7323-2UTC/S400-S16,etc.φ4.8钢盔头白光LED规格有:6324/F1C9-1LNA, 6324/T2C9-1HLA, 6324/X1C9-1HLA,6324/F1C9-4LNA,6324-15UTC/S400-X10, ,6324-15UTC/S400-X11,etc.光纤发射头PLT133/T,PLT133/T1, PLT133/T2,PLT133/T5A, PLT133/T5H,PLT133/T5P, PLT133/T6,PLT133/T6A,PLT133/T7,PLT133/T8, PLT133/T9,PLT133/T10, PLT153/K5HT,PLT153/K9T,PLT132,PLT133,PLT532,PLT152,PLT153,PLT552,光纤接收头PLR135/T,PLR135/T1, PLR135/T2,PLR135/T5A, PLR135/T5P,PLR135/T6, PLR135/T6A,PLR135/T7,PLR135/T8,PLR135/T9, PLR135/T10,PLR135,PLR233,PLR155,PLR2530603贴片LED有两个尺寸规格:19-21系列1.6*0.8*0.8mm(长*宽*厚)、19-21系列1.6*0.8*0.8mm(长*宽*厚)、19-213系列1.6*0.8*0.6mm(长*宽*厚) 、19-217系列1.6*0.8*0.4mm(长*宽*厚) 、19-218系列1.6*0.8*0.3mm(长*宽*厚) 、19-219系列1.6*0.8*0.2mm(长*宽*厚),正向发光,一般用于信号源设计,发光角度分别为100°~130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:19-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 19-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 19-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8,19-21/T1D-ANPHY/3T,19-21/BHC-AN1P2/3T, 19-21/GHC-YR1S2/3T, 19-21UBC/C430/TR8; 19-213SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 19-213SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 19-213UYC/S530-A3/TR8,19-213/T1D-ANPHY/3T, 19-213/BHC-AN1P2/3T, 19-213/GHC-YR1S2/3T, 19-213UBC/C430/TR8;19-217/R6C-AP1Q2/3T, 19-217/G7C-AL1M2B/3T, 19-217/Y5C-AP1Q2/3T,19-217/T1D-APQHY/3T, 19-217/BHC-AN1P2/3T,19-217/GHC-YR1S2/3T, 19-217UBC/C430/TR8;19-218/BHC-EL1M2QY/3T,19-218/W1D-AP1Q2QY/3T,19-219/B6C-ZM1N2QY/3T,19-219/T3D-AQ2R2TY/3T0805贴片LED有两个尺寸规格:17-21系列2.0*1.25*1.0mm(长*宽*厚)、17-215系列2.0*1.25*0.8mm(长*宽*厚),正向发光,一般用于信号源设计,发光角度130°~150°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:17-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 17-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 17-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8,17-21/T1D-ANPHY/2T, 17-21/BHC-AN1P2/2T, 17-21/GHC-YR1S2/2T,17-21UBC/C430/TR8, 17-215SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 17-215SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,17-215UYC/S530-A3/TR8,17-215/T1D-ANPHY/2T, 17-215/BHC-AN1P2/2T, 17-215/GHC-YR1S2/2T, 17-215UBC/C430/TR80402侧发光LED尺寸规格为:1.0*0.5*0.3mm(长*宽*厚),侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:16-916/T1D-AP1Q2QY/3T,16-916/R6C-AL1M2VY/3T0402正向发光有2种厚度的规格,16-213系列LED的尺寸规格:1.0*0.5*0.45(厚)mm,一般用于信号源设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:16-213SYGC/S530-E3/TR8, 16-213SURC/S530-A5/TR8,16-213SUYC/S530-A6/TR8; 16-216系列LED的尺寸规格:1.0*0.5*0.3(厚)mm,常用品名规格有:16-216/Y5C-BL2N1BY/3T, 16-216/S3W-AM1N2BY/3T, 16-216/T3D-AQ1R2TY/3T1206 LED为15-21系列的尺寸规格:3.2*1.5*1.0mm,正向发光,一般用于信号源设计,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:15-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 15-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,15-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8,15-21/T1D-APQHY/2T, 15-21/BHC-AN1P2/2T, 15-21/GHC-YR1S1/2T, 15-21UBCC430/TR8,侧向发光贴片LED系列分为:A. 12-21系列LED为3020的尺寸规格:3.0*2.0*1.0mm,侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:12-21UBC/C430/TR8, 12-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,12-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 12-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 12-21/BHC-AN1P2/2C, 12-21/GHC-YR2S2/2C; B. 12-21C系列LED为3015的尺寸规格:3.0*1.5*1.0mm,侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度100°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:12-21C/BHC-ANQ/2C,,12-21C/GHC-YR2T1/2C; C. 12-215系列LED为2110的尺寸规格:2.1*1.0*0.6mm,侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:12-215UBC/C430/TR8,12-215SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 12-215SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 12-215UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 12-215/BHC-AN1P2/2C,12-215/GHC-YR2S2/2C,12-215/T1D-ANPHY/2C; D. 22-21侧发光系列LED尺寸规格:2.7*1.3*1.2mm(长*宽*厚),发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:22-21UBC/C430/TR8,22-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 22-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 22-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 22-21/BHC-AN1P2/2C, 22-21/GHC-YR2S2/2C; E. 27-21侧发光系列LED尺寸规格:1.7*1.1*0.6mm(长*宽*厚),发光角度130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:27-21UBC/C430/TR8,27-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 27-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 27-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 27-21/BHC-AN1P2/2C, 27-21/GHC-YR2T1/2C, 27-21/T1D-ANQHY/3C; F.48-21侧发光系列LED尺寸规格:1.8*1.1*0.5mm(长*宽*厚),发光角度140°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:48-21/T1D-ANPHY/3C; G. 48-213侧发光系列LED尺寸规格:1.8*1.0*0.3mm(长*宽*厚),发光角度130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:48-21/T7D-AQ1R2QY/3C; H.57-21系列尺寸规格为:4.0*4.0*3.55mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于按键设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:57-21/B7C-AS1T2M/BF, 57-21/GHC-AT1U2M/EF, 57-21/G6C-AM1P2BZ/EF, 57-21/R6C-AP1Q2B/BF, 57-21/Y2C-AQ2S1B/BF, 57-21/T2C-UV2W1M/BF; I. 94-22系列尺寸规格为:9.2*1.9*1.6mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:94-22UBC/C430/S2,94-22SUBC/S400-A6/S2, 94-22SUGC/S400-A6/S2,94-22SYGC/S530-E2/S2, 94-22SURC/S530-A3/S2,94-22UYCC/S530-A3/S2, 94-22UYOC/S530-A3/S2; J. 97-22系列尺寸规格为:11*1.4*1.4mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度145°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:97-22UBC/C430/S2,97-22SUBC/S400-A6/S2, 57-22SUGC/S400-A6/S2,97-22SYGC/S530-E2/S2, 97-22SURC/S530-A3/S2,97-22UYCC/S530-A3/S2, 97-22UYOC/S530-A3/S2; K. 96-22系列尺寸规格为:14.7*1.1*1.2mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度145°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:96-22UBC/C430/TR8,96-22SUBC/S400-A6, 96-22SUGC/S400-A6, 96-22SYGC/S530-E2, 96-22SURC/S530-A3, 96-22UYC/S530-A3,96-22UYOC/S530-A3, L. 99-116系列2806尺寸规格为:2.8*0.6*0.88mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-116/T2C-AV2W1N/2AE; M. 99-213系列2808尺寸规格为:2.8*0.8*1.2mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-213UMC/3640010/TR8; N. 99-216系列3506尺寸规格为:3.5*0.6*1.2mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-216UMC/3438010/TR8; H. 99-217系列3805尺寸规格为:3.8*0.5*1.0mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-217UMC/3134010/TR8; O. 99-218系列3804尺寸规格为:3.8*0.4*1.1mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-218UMC/2529010/TR8; P. 99-135系列3409尺寸规格为:3.4*0.9*1.25mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向全彩发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-135/RSGHBHC-A01/FD11-21系列LED为1206的尺寸规格:3.0*1.5*1.5MM,正向发光,带有内陷的聚焦Lens,发光角度为60°,常用规格有:11-21UBC/C430/TR8,11-21/BHC-AP2R1/2T,11-21/GHC-YT1U2/2T,11-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,11-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8,11-21S URC/S530-A3/TR8大功率LED系列:AX08B(1W), AX08F(1W), AX08LS(1W), AX08EL(1W), AX08EL(3W), AX08LS(3W), AX08EL(5W),AX08LS(5W),A07(1W,3W),A09(0.5W),A18(4W),A21(0.5W,1W),B02(3W),B03LS(5W),C04(2W),C06(1W)为新款Shuen系列;插件型大功率LED系列:1103(1W),5393(1W),6393(1W)Series多芯白光贴片LED,分别有5050、4530、4040、3528、3632、3333等尺寸规格(例如5050为5.0mm*5.0mm外形尺寸),常用品名规格分别有:40-25AUTD/TR8,47-23UTD/TR8,47-24UTD/TR8,59-14UTD/TR8, 59-146UTD/TR8,59-23UTD/TR8, 67-23/T2C-EY2Z0/2T, 67-235/T2C-PX2Y2/2T, 69-23UTD/TR8RGB三色贴片LED分别有正向发光和侧向发光之区分,依尺寸规格规格区分料号,主要有12-23A/R6GHBHC-A01/2D,12-23C/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,12-23C/S2GHBHC-A01/2C,15-13D/R6GHBHC-A01/2C ,22-23A/R6GTB3C-D01/2C,22-23B/R6GTBTC-D01/2C,15-23B/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,19-137/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,19-237/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,19-237/S2GHBH C-A01/2C,19-337/R6GHBHC-A01/2C, 19-337/S2GHBHC-A01/2C, 22-23/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,23-23B/R6GHBHC-A01/2A,61-23/R6GHBHC-A01/ET,67-23/R6GHBHC-B06/2C双色贴片LED有较多规格:A. 3.0*2.5*1.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度60°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:11-22/R6G6C-A01/2T; B. 3.0*2.0*1.0mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:12-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/E2/TR8; C. 3.2*2.7*1.1mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度140°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:15-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/E2/TR8; D. 0603尺寸规格1.6*0.8*0.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:18-225SURSYGC/S530-A4/E4/TR8; E.1.9*1.6*0.8mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:19-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/E2/TR8; F. 1.6*1.5*0.6mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:19-223SURSYGC/S530-A3/E2/TR8; G. 1.6*1.3*0.4mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:19-226/R6G7C-A01/2T; H. 3.2*1.25*1.1mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,反向安装LED,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:23-22BSURSYGC/S530-A5/E3/TR8; I. 3528系列3.5*2.8*1.9mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-22/R6G6C-B09/2T; J.3.4*2.69*1.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:93-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/TR8;φ1.8mm圆头SMT LED: 尺寸规格为:3.2*2.4*2.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度30°,MPQ:1000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:42-21UBC/C430/TR8,42-21/BHC-AUW/1T,42-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 42-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8,42-21UYCC/S530-A3/TR8φ1.9mm小蝴蝶LED灯,以其PIN脚弯曲形状即焊锡安装不同而设计为多种规格:“Gull Wing”、“Yoke”、“Z-Bend”等PIN脚弯曲规格,常用的规格有91-21& 95-21系列:91-21UBC/C430/TR7,91-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR7,91-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR7, 91-21SURC/S530-A3/TR7, 91-21UYC/S530-A3/TR7, 91-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR7,91-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR7; 91-21UBC/C430/TR9,91-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR9, 91-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR9,91-21SURC/S530-A3/TR9, 91-21UYC/S530-A3/TR9, 91-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR9, 91-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR9;91-21UBC/C430/TR10,91-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR10, 91-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR10, 91-21SURC/S530-A3/TR10,91-21UYC/S530-A3/TR10, 91-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR10, 91-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR10;95-21UBC/C430/TR7,95-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR7, 95-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR7, 95-21SURC/S530-A3/TR7,95-21UYC/S530-A3/TR7, 95-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR7, 95-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR7;95-21UBC/C430/TR9,95-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR9, 95-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR9, 95-21SURC/S530-A3/TR9,95-21UYC/S530-A3/TR9, 95-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR9, 95-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR9;95-21UBC/C430/TR10,95-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR10, 95-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR10, 95-21SURC/S530-A3/TR10,95-21UYC/S530-A3/TR10, 95-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR10, 95-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR103528贴片LED规格:一种带有聚焦透镜头,常规SMT安装,1正3负共4电极, 3.5*2.9*3.25mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度60°(67-31H系列发光角度30°),MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-23BUTC/TR8,67-31B/B7C-AV2X1MZ3/BT, 67-31B/GHC-YX2Y2MZ3/BT, 67-31B/RSC-AW2Y1B9Z5/BT,67-31B/YSC-AW1X2B9Z5/BT, 67-31H/B2C-AY1Z0MZ3/BT, 67-31H/GBC-AZ0Z2EZ3/BT, 67-31H/RSC-AZ0Z2B9Z5/BT,67-31H/YSC-AZ0Z2B9Z5/BT3.0*2.2*1.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:93-21UBC/C430/TR8,93-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR8, 93-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR8, 93-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,93-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 93-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 93-21UY0C/S530-A3/TR8A. 一种沉于PCB孔内安装,可降低PCBA整体厚度或使PCBA表面平整,正负电极,3.2*2.7*1.8mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-21/B7C-AS2U1N/2AA,67-21/GBC-YV2W2N/2AA,67-21/G6C-FN2P2B/2AA,67-21/R6C-AP2R1B/2AA,67-21/Y2C-AP2R2L/2AA,67-21/T2C-YV2W2B22/ 2AA;B. 一种常规SMT安装,正负电极, 3.5*2.7*1.9mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-21/B7C-AS2U1N/2T,67-21/GBC-YV2W2N/2T,67-21/G6C-FN2P2B/2T,67-21/R6C-AP2R1B/2T,67-21/Y2C-AP2R2L/2T,67-21/T2C-YV2W2B22/2T;C. 一种带有聚焦透镜头,常规SMT安装,正负电极, 3.5*2.9*3.25mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度60°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-21B/BHC-XS1T2M/BT, 67-21B/GBC-YX2Z0M/BT, 67-21B/G6C-BRIS2T/BT,67-21B/R6C-AU2W1B/BT, 67-21B/Y2SC-AT1U2B/BT;D. 一种带有聚焦透镜头,常规SMT安装,1正3负共4电极, 3.5*2.9*3.25mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度60°(67-31H系列发光角度30°),MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-23BUTC/TR8,67-31B/B7C-AV2X1MZ3/BT, 67-31B/GHC-YX2Y2MZ3/BT, 67-31B/RSC-AW2Y1B9Z5/BT, 67-31B/YSC-AW1X2B9Z5/BT, 67-31H/B2C-AY1Z0MZ3/BT,67-31H/GBC-AZ0Z2EZ3/BT, 67-31H/RSC-AZ0Z2B9Z5/BT, 67-31H/YSC-AZ0Z2B9Z5/BT;E. 一种常规SMT安装,1正3负共4电极,3.5*2.7*1.8mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-31A/B7C-AT1U2MZ3/2T, 67-31A/GHC-YV1W2EZ3/2T, 67-31A/RSC-AV1W2B9Z5/2T,67-31A/YSC-AU2W1B9Z5/2T, 67-31A/T7C-AW1X1MZ3/2TF. 一种RGB全彩的LED,3正3负共6电极,3.5*2.8*1.4mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:64-135/R6GHBHC-A01/2T, 64-135/REGHB7C-B01/2T3014贴片LED尺寸规格有两款,分别为正向发光:3.0*1.4*1.2mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光:3.0*1.4*1.4mm(长*宽*厚),一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:50-215UJC/2631010/TR8,50-215TUJC/2631010/TR83020贴片LED尺寸规格为:3.0*2.0*1.3mm(长*宽*厚),Top View正向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:45-21/B7C-FS1T2G/2T, 45-21/GBC-YV2W2G/2T, 45-21/G6C-AM2P2B/2T,45-21/R6C-AQ1R2B/2T, 45-21/Y2SC-AS1T2B/2T, 45-21UMC/3237010/TR8,反向贴片SMT LED一般是将LED Lens透过PCB孔安装,以使PCBA整体厚度较小或者需求PCBA发光面平整而设计采用,规格分为23-21系列、23-21B系列、23-215系列、24-21系列、24-216系列、25-21系列、26-21系列,常用品名规格有:23-21UBC/C430/TR8,23-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 23-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 23-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 23-21/BHC-AN1P2/2A, 23-21/GHC-YR2T1/2A, 23-21B/BHC-AN1P2/2A, 23-21B/GHC-YR2T1/2A, 23-21B/T1D-ANQHY/2A,23-215A/BHC-DN2P2/3T, 23-215A/T1D-AQ2R2N/3T, 24-21UBC/C430/TR8,24-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,24-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 24-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 24-21/BHC-AN1P2/2A, 24-21/GHC-YR2T1/2A, 24-216/T1D-APQHY/2A, 25-21UBC/C430/TR8,25-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 25-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 25-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 25-21/BHC-AN1P2/2C, 25-21/GHC-YR2S2/2C, 25-21/T1D-ANQHY/2C, 26-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 26-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 26-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8食人鱼LED主要分为:φ3头、φ5头、平头、椭圆头、凹头规格,以及插件型和贴片型,主要的型号:30-01/T4C-4PRB, 30-01/T4C-4PRB, 30-01/Y5C-ARTB, 30-01/G4C-ARTB, 30-01/A5C-ASUC/AM, 30-01/R5C-AQSC, 31-01/T4C-4PRB,31-01/B4C-4KNB, 31-01/Y5C-ARTB, 31-01/G4C-ARTB, 31-01/A5C-ASUC, 31-01/R5C-AQSC, 30-02/YAC-AUWC/AM,30-02/AAC-AUWC/AM, 30-02/RAC-AUWC/AM,33-01/T4C-4PRB, 33-01/B4C-4KNB, 33-01/Y5C-ARTB, 33-01/G4C-ARTB,33-01/A5C-ASUC, 33-01/R5C-AQSC, 34-01/T4C-4PRB, 34-01/B4C-4KNB, 34-01/Y5C-ARTB, 34-01/G4C-ARTB,34-01/A5C-ASUC/AM, 34-01/R5C-AQSC, 32-01/T4C-4PRB, 32-01/B4C-4JMB, 32-01/Y4C-AQSB, 32-01/G4C-AQSB,32-01/A5C-ARTC, 32-01/R5C-AQSC, 36-01/Y3C-ARTC, 36-01/A5C-ARTC, 36-01/R3C-ARTC, 38-01/Y3C-AQSC,38-01/A5C-AQSC, 38-01/R3C-AQSC,34-02/YAC-AUWC/AM, 34-02/AAC-AUWC/AM, 34-02/RAC-AUWC/AM,35-01/Y3C-ARTC, 35-01/A5C-ASUC, 35-01/R3C-ARTC,34-04/R1G2B2C-C01,37-01/Y7C-ARTC/AM, 37-01/A7C-ARTC/AM,37-01/R7C-ARTC/AM,34-03/YAC-AUWC/AM, 34-03/AAC-AUWC/AM, 34-03/RAC-AUWC/AM,34-03/Y5C-ARTC,34-03/A5C-ARTC, 34-03/R5C-AQSC,41-07/Y7C-ASUC/AM, 41-07/A7C-ASUC/AM, 41-07/R7C-ARTC/AM,42-07/Y7C-ASUC/AM, 42-07/A7C-ASUC/AM, 42-07/R7C-ARTC/AM,35A-03/YAC-AUWC/AM, 35A-03/AAC-AUWC/AM,35A-03/RAC-AUWC/AM,35A-03/Y7C-ARTC/AM, 35A-03/A7C-ASUC/AM, 35A-03/R7C-ARTC/AM,39-01/B4C-AJLB,39-01/G4C-APRB, 39-01/A5C-AQSC, 39-01/Y5C-AQSB, 39-01/E4C-10,。

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16f630中文数据手册【Word版】9p (2)

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16 通道 LED 恒流驱动芯片 可编程 PWM 输出

16 通道 LED 恒流驱动芯片 可编程 PWM 输出

特性 输出端漏电流 串行数据输出端(S-OUT)电压
输出电流差异 (通道与通道间)*1 输出电流差异 (芯片与芯片间)*2 输出电流对输出电压之变异率 输出电流对电源电压之变异率
条件 VOH = 17 V IOL = 1.5 mA IOH= -1.3mA
最小值 ⎯ ⎯ 4.5
16 通道 LED 恒流驱动芯片可编程 PWM 输出
版本 : A.003
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16 通道 LED 恒流驱动芯片可编程 PWM 输出
版本 : A.003
Page 2
未經授權而逕予重製、複製、使用或公開本文件,行為人得被追究侵權之相關民刑事責任 Unauthorized reproduction, duplication, use or disclosure of this document will be deemed as infringement.
过温警示:(芯片接面温度大于 110℃) 过温断电:(芯片接面温度大于 180℃)
z 封装及管脚定义与通用 LED 恒流驱动芯片(ST2221C, DM134/5/6, DM13C)兼容 z 芯片工作电压: 3.3-5.5V
z 户内/户外 LED 显示屏 z LED 交通可变情报板(VMS) z LED 装饰照明



数据手册DATASHEET V1.1 UTouch_04B广州优硕4键触摸 IC一、概述UTouch04B是是一款使用电容式感应原理设计的触摸 IC,其稳定的感应方式可以应用到各种不同电子类产品,面板介质可以是完全绝缘的材料,专为取代传统的机械结构开关或者普通按键而设计。




二、特点1、工作电压:2.0V~5.5V2、工作电流@VDD=3V 无负载时,低功耗模式下典型值小于 4.0uA3、各触摸按键灵敏度可以由外部电容进行调节(0~50pF)4、提供同步输出模式,保持输出模式,开漏输出,CMOS 高电平有效或低电平有效输出,经由 TOG/AHLB/OD 引脚选择5、上电后约有 0.5 Sec 的系统稳定时间,在此期间内不要触摸 Touch PAD,且触摸功能无效6、有自动校准功能,当无按键被触摸时,系统重新校准周期约为 4.0 Sec三、应用范围:1、家用电器2、安防产品3、数码产品4、消费类电子产品5、LED 照明6、玩具四、封装示意图UTouch04B采用SOP16封装,原理封装示意图如下所示图1 封装示意图五、引脚描述表 1 引脚功能描述引脚编号 引脚名称 I/O类型 引脚功能1 TCH1 I 触摸输入引脚2 TCH2 I 触摸输入引脚3 TCH3 I 触摸输入引脚4 TCH4 I 触摸输入引脚5 AHLB I/PL 输出高/低有效电平选择,缺省值:06 VDD P 正电源7 TOG I/PL 保持/同步模式选择,缺省值:08 LPMB I/PL 低功耗/快速模式选择,缺省值:09 MOTO I/PH 最长输出时间选择,缺省值:110 GND P 负电源11 OD I/PH 开漏/推挽 输出选择,缺省值:112 SM I/PH 单键/多键输出选择,缺省值:113 OUT4 O/OD 输出引脚14 OUT3 O/OD 输出引脚15 OUT2 O/OD 输出引脚16 OUT1 O/OD 输出引脚注: 引脚类型,I => CMOS 输入,I/PH => 带上拉电阻的 CMOS 输入,I/PL =>带下拉电阻的 CMOS 输入;O/OD=>CMOS/开漏输出,P =>电源/地。

Agilent HLMP-AD16-P0000 等产品系列数据表说明书

Agilent HLMP-AD16-P0000 等产品系列数据表说明书

HLMP-AD16-P0000HLMP-AL16-N0000Agilent HLMP-ABxx, HLMP-BBxx, HLMP-ADxx, HLMP-BDxx, HLMP-AGxx, HLMP-BGxx, HLMP-ALxx, HLMP-BLxx,HLMP-AMxx, HLMP-BMxx T-13/4 (5 mm)Oval Precision Optical Performance AlInGaP and InGaN Lamps Data SheetFeatures•Well defined spatial radiation pattern•Viewing angles:Major axis 70°Minor axis 35°•High luminous output•Red and Amber Intensity are available for:AlInGaP (Bright)AlInGaP II (Brightest)•Colors:472 nm blue 526 nm green 626 nm red 630 nm red 590 nm amber 592 nm amber•Superior resistance to moisture •UV resistant epoxyBenefits•Viewing angle designed for wide field of view application•Red, green, and blue radiation patterns matched for full color sign•Superior performance in outdoor environments Applications•Full color/video signsDescriptionThese Precision O ptical Performance Oval LEDs are specifically designed for full color/video and passenger information signs. The oval shaped radiation pattern(35°x 70°) and high luminous intensity ensure that these devices are excellent for wide field of view outdoor application where a wide viewing angle and readability in sunlight areessential. These lamps have very smooth, matched radiation patterns ensuring consistent color mixing in full colorapplications, message uniformity across the viewing angle of the sign.High efficiency LED material is used in these lamps: Aluminum Indium Gallium Phosphide (AlInGaP) for amber and red,and Indium Gallium Nitride(InGaN) for blue and green. Each lamp is made with an advance optical grade epoxy offering superior high temperature and high moisture resistance in outdoor applications. The package epoxy contains both UV-A and UV-B inhibitors to reduce the effects of long term exposure to direct sunlight.Designers can select parallel or perpendicular orientation. Both lamps are available in tinted version.CAUTION: The blue and green LEDs are Class 1 ESD sensitive. Please observe appropriate precautions during handling and processing. Refer to Agilent Application Note AN-1142 for additio nal details.Table 1. Device Selection Guide for AlInGaP IIColor and Luminous Luminous ForwardDominant Intensity,Intensity,Voltage,LeadsWavelength I v (mcd) at I v (mcd) at V f (V)with Leadframe Package Part Numberλd (nm) Typ.20 mA Min.20 mA Max.Max.Stand-offs Orientation Drawing HLMP-AD06-P00xx Red 630880 2.4No Parallel A HLMP-AD06-P0Txx Red 630880 2.6No Parallel A HLMP-AD16-P00xx Red 630880 2.4Yes Parallel B HLMP-AD16-P0Txx Red 630880 2.6Yes Parallel B HLMP-AD16-RS0xx Red 63015002500 2.6Yes Parallel B HLMP-AD16-RSTxx Red 63015002500 2.6Yes Parallel B HLMP-AD16-RU0xx Red 63015004200 2.4Yes Parallel B HLMP-AD16-RUTxx Red 63015004200 2.6Yes Parallel B HLMP-AD16-ST0xx Red 63019003200 2.4Yes Parallel B HLMP-AD16-STTxx Red 63019003200 2.6Yes Parallel B HLMP-AL06-L00xx Amber 592400 2.4No Parallel A HLMP-AL06-L0Rxx Amber 592400 2.6No Parallel A HLMP-AL06-N00xx Amber 592680 2.4No Parallel A HLMP-AL06-N0Rxx Amber 592680 2.6No Parallel A HLMP-AL16-N00xx Amber 592680 2.4Yes Parallel B HLMP-AL16-N0Rxx Amber 592680 2.6Yes Parallel B HLMP-AL16-PSRxx Amber 5928802500 2.6Yes Parallel B HLMP-AL16-QR0xx Amber 59211501900 2.4Yes Parallel B HLMP-AL16-QRRxx Amber 59211501900 2.6Yes Parallel B HLMP-BD06-P00xx Red 630880 2.4No Perpendicular C HLMP-BD06-P0Txx Red 630880 2.6No Perpendicular C HLMP-BD06-RS0xx Red 63015002500 2.4No Perpendicular C HLMP-BD06-RSTxx Red 63015002500 2.6No Perpendicular C HLMP-BD16-P00xx Red 630880 2.4Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BD16-P0Txx Red 630880 2.6Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BD16-RU0xx Red 63015004200 2.4Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BD16-RUTxx Red 63015004200 2.6Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BD16-ST0xx Red 63019003200 2.4Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BD16-STTxx Red 63019003200 2.6Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BL06-N00xx Amber 592680 2.4No Perpendicular C HLMP-BL06-N0Rxx Amber 592680 2.6No Perpendicular C HLMP-BL06-QRKxx Amber 59211501900 2.4No Perpendicular C HLMP-BL06-QRSxx Amber 59211501900 2.6No Perpendicular C HLMP-BL16-N00xx Amber 592680 2.4Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BL16-N0Rxx Amber 592680 2.6Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BL16-PS0xx Amber 5928802500 2.4Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BL16-PSRxx Amber 5928802500 2.6Yes Perpendicular DTable 2. LED IndicatorsDevice Selection Guide for AlInGaPColor and Luminous LuminousDominant Intensity,Intensity,LeadsWavelength I v (mcd) at I v (mcd) at with Leadframe Package Part Numberλd (nm) Typ.20 mA Min.20 mA Max.Stand-offs Orientation Drawing HLMP-AG01-K00xx Red 626310No Parallel A HLMP-AG11-KN0xx Red 626310880Yes Parallel B HLMP-AL01-K00xx Amber 590310No Parallel A HLMP-AL01-LP0xx Amber 5904001150No Parallel A HLMP-AL01-NR0xx Amber 5906801900No Parallel A HLMP-AL11-KN0xx Amber 590310880Yes Parallel B HLMP-AL11-NR0xx Amber 5906801900Yes Parallel B HLMP-BG01-LM0xx Red 626400520No Perpendicular C HLMP-BG01-MN0xx Red 626520880No Perpendicular C HLMP-BG11-KN0xx Red 626310880Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BL01-NR0xx Amber 5906801900No Perpendicular C HLMP-BL11-KN0xx Amber 590310880Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BL11-NR0xx Amber 5906801900Yes Perpendicular DTable 3. Device Selection Guide for InGaNColor and Dominant Luminous Intensity,Leads with Leadframe Package Part Number Wavelength λd (nm) Typ. Iv (mcd) at 20 mA Min.Stand-offs Orientation Drawing HLMP-AB01-J00xx Blue 472240No Parallel A HLMP-AB01-K0Dxx Blue 472310No Parallel A HLMP-BB11-J00xx Blue 472240Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BB11-K00xx Blue 472310Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BM11-L00xx Green 526400Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-BM11-Q00xx Green 5261150Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-AB11-J00xx Blue 472240Yes Parallel B HLMP-AM01-Q00xx Green 5261150No Parallel A HLMP-BB01-J0Bxx Blue 472240No Perpendicular C HLMP-BM01-L00xx Green 526400No Perpendicular C Tolerance for intensity range limit is ±15%.Part Numbering SystemHLMP-X X X X - X X X XXMechanical Options00: Bulk PackagingDD: Ammo PackYY: Flexi-Bin; Bulk PackagingZZ: Flexi-Bin; Ammo PackColor Bin0: No Color Bin LimitationB: Color bin 2 and 3 onlyK: Color bins 2 and 4 onlyR: Color Bins 1, 2, 4, and 6 with V F max of 2.6 VS: Color bins 2 and 4 with VF max of 2.6 VT: Red Color with V F max of 2.6 VMaximum Intensity Bin0: No Iv Bin LimitationMinimum Intensity BinTint Option1 or 6: Matching Color TintsStandoff Option0: Without1: WithColorB: 472 nm BlueD: 630 nm RedG: 626 nm RedL: 590 or 592 nm AmberM: 526 nm GreenPackageA: 5 mm Mini Oval, ParallelB: 5 mm Mini Oval, PerpendicularPackage Dimensions5.00 ±(0.197 ±8.71 ± 0.200.50 ± 0.10SQ. TYP.5.00 ±(0.197 ±5.00 ±(0.197 ±5.00 ±(0.197 ±ABCDNOTES:1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES).2. LEADS ARE MILD STEEL, SOLDER DIPPED.3. TAPERS SHOWN AT TOP OF LEADS (BOTTOM OF LAMP PACKAGE) INDICATE AN EPOXY MENISCUS THAT MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 mm (0.040 IN.) DOWN THE LEADS.4. RECOMMENDED PC BOARD HOLE DIAMETERS:– LAMP PACKAGES A AND C WITHOUT STAND-OFFS: FLUSH MOUNTING AT BASE OF LAMP PACKAGE = 1.143/1.067 mm (0.044/0.042 IN.).– LAMP PACKAGES B AND D WITH STAND-OFFS: MOUNTING AT LEAD STAND-OFFS.Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A = 25˚CParameter Blue and Green Red and Amber DC Forward Current[1]30 mA50 mAPeak Pulsed Forward Current[2]100 mA100 mAAverage Forward Current30 mA30 mAReverse Voltage (I R = 100 µA) 5 VReverse Voltage (I R = 10 µA) 5 VPower Dissipation120 mW120 mWLED Junction Temperature130°C130°COperating Temperature Range–40°C to +80°C–40°C to +100°C Storage Temperature Range–40°C to +100°C–40°C to +120°C Dip Soldering Temperature[3]260°C for 5 seconds260°C for 5 seconds Wave Soldering Temperature[3]250°C for 3 seconds250°C for 3 seconds Notes:1. Derate linearity from Figures 6 & 7.2. Duty factor 30% KHz.3. 1.59 mm (0.060 in) below body.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25°CParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Typical Viewing AngleMajor2θ1/270degMinor35Forward Voltage V F V I F = 20 mARed (λd = 626 nm) 2.0 2.4Red (λd = 630 nm)Option xx0xx 2.2 2.4Option xxTxx 2.3 2.6Amber (λd = 590 nm) 2.0 2.4Amber (λd = 592 nm)Option xx0xx 2.2 2.4Option xxRxx, xxSxx 2.3 2.6Blue (λd = 472 nm) 3.5 4.0Green (λd = 526 nm) 3.5 4.0Reverse VoltageAmber, Red V R520V I R = 100 µABlue, Green5–I R = 10 µAPeak Wavelength Peak of Wavelength of Amber (λd = 592 nm)λpeak594nm Spectral Distribution Red (λd = 630 nm)639at I F = 20 mABlue (λd = 472 nm)470Green (λd = 526 nm)524Spectral Halfwidth Wavelength Width Amber (λd = 592 nm)∆λ1/217nm at Spectral Distribution Red (λd = 630 nm)171/2 Power Point at Blue (λd = 472 nm)35I F = 20 mAGreen (λd = 526 nm)47Capacitance V F = 0, F = 1 MHz Amber, Red C40pFBlue, Green43Luminous Efficacy Emitted Luminous Amber (λd = 592 nm)ηv500lm/W Power/Emitted Radiant Red (λd = 630 nm)155Power at I F = 20 mA Blue (λd = 472 nm)75Green (λd = 526 nm)520Thermal Resistance RΘJ-PIN240°C/W LED Junction-to-Cathode LeadNotes:1.2θ1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the on-axis intensity.2.The radiant intensity, I e in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e = I v/ηv where I v is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηv isthe luminous efficacy in lumens/watt.3.The luminous intensity is measured on the mechanical axis of the lamp package.4.The optical axis is closely aligned with the package mechanical axis.5.The dominant wavelength, λd, is derived from theCIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the lamp.6.For Options -xxRxx, -xxSxx and -xxTxx, max. forward voltage (Vf) is 2.6 V. Refer to Vf bin table.Figure 1. Relative intensity vs. wavelength.Figure 2. Blue, green forward current vs.forward voltage.WAVELENGTH – nmR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1.00.500. F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – V2.42.83.2 3.6520 2.6 3.0 3.4Figure 3a. Amber, red forward current vs.forward voltage.Figure 4. Blue, green relative luminous intensity vs. forward current.1.50.5I N T E N S I T Y N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m AI F – FORWARD CURRENT – mA01020301.051525C U R R E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – V Figure 3b. Forward current vs. forward voltage for option -xxTxx red, and option -xxRxx and -xxSxx amber.D C F O R W A R D C U R RE N T – m AFORWARD VOLTAGE – VFigure 6. Blue, green maximum forward current vs. ambient temperature.Figure 7. Amber, red maximum forward current vs. ambient temperature.I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C40804020102060301005152535I F – F O R W A R D C U R RE N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °CFigure 5. Amber, red relative luminous intensity vs. forward current.R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y (N OR M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )FORWARD CURRENT – mAFigure 8. Spatial radiation pattern – 35 x 70 degree lamps.R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y – %1000VERTICAL ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES8060507020501030404020-10-30-50903010-20-40R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y – %1000HORIZONTAL ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES8060507020501030404020-10-30-50903010-20-40Intensity Bin Limits (mcd at 20 mA)Bin Name Min.Max.G 140180H 180240J 240310K 310400L 400520M 520680N 680880P 8801150Q 11501500R 15001900S 19002500T 25003200U19002500Tolerance for each bin limit is ±15%.Amber Color Bin Limits (nm at 20 mA)Bin Name Min.Max.1584.5587.02587.0589.54589.5592.06592.0594.5Tolerance for each bin limit is ± 0.5 nm.Notes:1.All bin categories are established for classifi-cation of products. Products may not beavailable in all bin categories. Please contact your Agilent representative for further information.2. Vf bin table only available for those numbers with options -xxRxx, -xxSxx, -xxTxx.Blue Color Bin Limits (nm at 20 mA)Bin Name Min.Max.1460.0464.02464.0468.03468.0472.04472.0476.05476.0480.0Tolerance for each bin limit is ± 0.5 nm.Green Color Bin Limits (nm at 20 mA)Bin Name Min.Max.1520.0524.02524.0528.03528.0532.04532.0536.05536.0540.0Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm.Vf Bin Table [2] (V at 20mA)Bin Id Min.Max.VA 2.0 2.2VB 2.2 2.4VC 2.42.6/semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 6755 1939 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia: (+65) 6755 2044 Taiwan: (+65) 6755 1843Data subject to change.Copyright © 2004 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Obsoletes 5988-9224ENJune 29, 20055989-1903ENHLMP-AD16-P0000HLMP-AL16-N0000。

ProLight 1616 4W Power LED 技术数据表说明书

ProLight 1616 4W Power LED 技术数据表说明书

ProLight PQ2N-4LxE-xxxxx 4W Power LED Technical Datasheet Version: 1.9Features‧Best Moisture Sensitivity:JEDEC Level 1‧RoHS compliant‧Very wide Viewing Angle Main Applications ‧Commercial Lighting‧Indoor Lighting‧Outdoor Lighting‧Architectural‧Horticulture‧Consumer Portable‧High-End PortableIntroduction‧ProLight1616, is one of the smallest high power LED footprint available byProLight Opto, has offered extended solid-state lighting design possibilities.The 1616’s combination of consistent design across all configurations and itssmall size permit improved color mixing and optical control, compared to thelarger 3535 LED. ProLight1616 is designed with ProLight unique packagingtechnology which providing high stability reliability.‧1616 qualifies as the JEDEC Level 1 MSL sensitivity level and suitable for SMDprocess, Pb free reflow soldering capability, and full compliance with EUeducation of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) legislation.2021/06No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,Emitter Mechanical DimensionsNotes:1. Drawing not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.3. Unless otherwise indicated, tolerances are ±0.10mm.4. Please do not solder the emitter by manual hand soldering, otherwise it will damage the emitter.5. Please do not use a force of over 0.3kgf impact or pressure on the lens of the LED, otherwiseit will cause a catastrophic failure.2No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,Flux Characteristics, T J = 25°CColor Part NumberEmitterLuminous Flux ΦV(lm)CRITyp.@350mA Refer @700mA Refer @1000mAMin.Typ.Min.Typ.Min.Typ.White PQ2N-4LWE-WFC14014825727131533370 Neutral White PQ2N-4LNE-WFC14014825727131533370 Warm White PQ2N-4LVE-WFCR813013823825329331183 PC Amber PQ2N-4LPE-AWFC80107147196180241-PC Yellow Green PQ2N-4LPE-YGWFC140149254269314333-●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements.●Please do not drive at rated current more than 1 second without proper heat sink.Electrical Characteristics, T J= 25°CForward Voltage VF(V)ThermalRefer Refer Resistance@350mA @700mA@1000mA Junction to Slug Color Min.Typ.Max.Typ.Typ.(°C/ W)White 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36 Neutral White 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36Warm White 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36PC Amber 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36PC Yellow Green 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±0.1V for Voltage measurements.Optical Characteristics at 350mA, T J= 25°CTotalincluded ViewingDominant Wavelength λDAngle AngleRadiationColor or Color Temperature CCT(degrees)(degrees)Pattern Min.Typ.Max.θ0.90V 2 θ1/2LambertianWhite4800 K5600 K6450 K160130 Neutral White3710 K4255 K4800 K160130 Warm White2580 K2900 K3250 K160130 PC Amber587.5 nm589.7 nm592.5 nm160130 PC Yellow Green566.0 nm567.5 nm569.0 nm160130●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±1nm for dominant wavelength measurements.●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±5% for CCT measurements.No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,3No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, ParameterWhite/Neutral White/Warm White/PC Amber/PC Yellow Green DC Forward Current (mA)1000Peak Pulsed Forward Current (mA)1500 (less than 1/10 duty cycle@1KHz)ESD Sensitivity2KV (HBM per MIL-STD-883E Method 3015.7)LED Junction Temperature 150°C Operating Board Temperature -40°C -105°Cat Maximum DC Forward Current Storage Temperature -40°C -120°C Soldering Temperature JEDEC 020c 260°CAllowable Reflow Cycles 3Reverse VoltageNot designed to be driven in reverse biasAbsolute Maximum Ratings4Photometric Luminous Flux Bin Structure at 350mAColorBin Code MinimumMaximumAvailable Photometric Flux (lm)Photometric Flux (lm)Color BinsWhiteW2140155AllX1155170【1】X2170185【1】Neutral WhiteW2140155AllX1155170【1】X2170185【1】Warm WhiteW1130140AllW2140155【1】PC AmberT280903U1901002,3U2100110【1】V1110120【1】V2120130【1】PC Yellow GreenW2140155AllX1155170【1】X2170185【1】●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements.●The flux bin of the product may be modified for improvement without notice. ●【1】The rest of color bins are not 100% ready for order currently. Please ask for quote and order possibility.No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.300.320.340.360.380.400.420.280.300.320.340.360.380.40yXColor Range ANSI C78.377WhitePlanckian (BBL)5650 K4800 K V2V3V1V45000 KW2W3W1W45300 K6000 KX1X46450 K 6970 K5White Binning Structure Graphical RepresentationBin Code x y Typ. CCT(K)Bin Code x yTyp. CCT(K)V10.3464 0.36884870W40.3293 0.34235475 0.3551 0.3760 0.3371 0.34930.3533 0.3624 0.3366 0.33690.3452 0.3558 0.3294 0.3306V40.3452 0.35584870W20.3207 0.34625830 0.3533 0.3624 0.3292 0.35390.3515 0.3487 0.3293 0.34230.3441 0.3428 0.3215 0.3353V20.3376 0.36165155W30.3215 0.33535830 0.3464 0.3688 0.3293 0.34230.3452 0.3558 0.3294 0.33060.3371 0.3493 0.3222 0.3243V30.3371 0.34935155X10.3123 0.33856240 0.3452 0.3558 0.3207 0.34620.3441 0.3428 0.3215 0.33530.3366 0.3369 0.3136 0.3283W10.3292 0.35395475X40.3136 0.32836240 0.3376 0.3616 0.3215 0.33530.3371 0.3493 0.3222 0.32430.3293 0.3423 0.3150 0.3180●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005White Bin StructureNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,6No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.320.340.360.380.400.420.440.320.340.360.380.400.420.44yXColor Range ANSI C78.377Planckian (BBL)4200 K4800 KU2U3U1U44500 KS2S3S1S43710 K3970 K7Neutral White Binning Structure Graphical RepresentationNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, Neutral White Bin Structure8Bin Codex y Typ. CCT (K)Bin Codex y Typ. CCT (K)S10.38710.3959 3480U10.36410.3804 43500.40060.4044 0.37360.3874 0.39520.3880 0.37020.3722 0.38230.3803 0.36150.3659 S40.3823 0.3803 3480U40.3615 0.3659 43500.3952 0.3880 0.3702 0.3722 0.3898 0.3716 0.3670 0.3578 0.3784 0.3647 0.3590 0.3521 S20.37360.3874 4085U20.35480.3736 46500.38710.3959 0.36410.3804 0.38230.3803 0.36150.3659 0.37030.3726 0.3530.3597 S30.3703 0.3726 4085U30.3530 0.3597 46500.3823 0.3803 0.3615 0.3659 0.3784 0.3647 0.3590 0.3521 0.36700.35780.35120.3465●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.340.360.380.400.420.440.460.380.400.420.440.460.480.50yXColor RangeANSI C78.377Warm WhitePlanckian (BBL)3050 K3250 KN1N2N0N4N32850 K3150 K2950 K2580 K2700 K2650 K2800 KM1M2M0M4M39Warm White Binning Structure Graphical RepresentationBin Code x y Typ. CCT(K)Bin Code x yTyp. CCT(K)M10.481 0.4322650N10.443 0.4212950 0.469 0.429 0.456 0.4260.459 0.410 0.447 0.4080.470 0.413 0.435 0.403M40.470 0.4132650N40.435 0.4032950 0.459 0.410 0.447 0.4080.448 0.392 0.437 0.3890.459 0.394 0.426 0.385M00.448 0.3992700N00.424 0.3923050 0.457 0.418 0.432 0.4100.470 0.421 0.445 0.4140.459 0.402 0.436 0.396M20.469 0.4292800N20.430 0.4173150 0.456 0.426 0.443 0.4210.447 0.408 0.435 0.4030.459 0.410 0.422 0.399M30.459 0.4102800N30.422 0.3993150 0.447 0.408 0.435 0.4030.437 0.389 0.426 0.3850.448 0.392 0.415 0.381●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005Note:1. Although several bins are outlined, product availability in a particular bin varies by production runand by product performance. Not all bins are available in all colors.2. ProLight SmartBin is working to make the color bin smarter, by selecting that intelligence is infusedinto major M0 ,N0bin with minor M1-M4 , N1-N4 bins and processes that make assembly easilyWarm White Bin StructureNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,10No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.360.380.400.420.440.460.480.500.520.540.560.580.600.62yxPlanckian(BBL)2PC AmberSpectrum Locus3wd = 587.5 nmwd = 589.7 nmwd = 592.5 nmPC Amber Binning Structure Graphical Representation11PC Amber Bin Structure Bin Codex y Bin Codex y 20.5470 0.4250 30.5610 0.4160 0.5610 0.4160 0.5730 0.4260 0.5730 0.4260 0.5900 0.4100 0.56100.43900.57000.4100●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.440.460.480.500.520.540.560.580.600.620.640.660.280.300.320.340.360.380.400.420.440.460.480.50yxA0PC Yellow GreenSpectrum Locuswd = 566.0 nmwd = 569.0 nm12PC Yellow Green Binning Structure Graphical RepresentationPC Yellow Green Bin Structure Bin Code x y A00.38190.50550.41910.57900.43270.56550.39720.4986●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005Forward Voltage Bin Structure at 350mAColor Bin Code Minimum Voltage (V)Maximum Voltage (V)White A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4Neutral White A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4Warm White A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4PC Amber A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4PC Yellow Green A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±0.1V for Voltage measurements.Note: Although several bins are outlined, product availability in a particular bin varies by production run and by product performance. Not all bins are available in all colors.13No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 3. Warm White0. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)Standard Eye Response CurveWhite140. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)Standard Eye Response CurveNeutral White1. White2. Neutral White0. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)Standard Eye Response CurveWarm WhiteNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 4. PC Amber0. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm) e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)5. PC Yellow Green15No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 02040608010012014016020406080100120R e l a t i v e L i g h t O u t p u t (%)Junction Temperature, T J (℃)02004006008001000120012345A v e r a g e F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )Forward Voltage (V) e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s F l u xForward Current (mA)Light Output CharacteristicsRelative Light Output vs. Junction Temperature at 350mA16Forward Current Characteristics, T J = 25°CWhite, Neutral White, Warm White, PC Amber,PC Yellow GreenFig 1. Forward Current vs. ForwardVoltage for White, Neutral White,Warm White, PC Amber, PC Yellow Green.Fig 2. Relative Luminous Flux vs.Forward Current for White, Neutral White, Warm White, PC Amber, PC Yellow Green at T J =25 maintained.Typical Representative Spatial Radiation Pattern17No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,Soak RequirementsLevel Floor Life Standard Accelerated Environment Time Conditions Time (hours)Conditions Time (hours)Conditions1Unlimited≤30°C /168 +5/-085°C /NA NA 85% RH85% RH●The standard soak time includes a default value of 24 hours for semiconductor manufature'sexposure time (MET) between bake and bag and includes the maximum time allowed out ofthe bag at the distributor's facility.●Table below presents the moisture sensitivity level definitions per IPC/JEDEC's J-STD-020C.Soak Requirements Level Floor Life Standard Accelerated Environment Time Conditions Time (hours)Conditions Time (hours)Conditions1Unlimited≤30°C /168 +5/-085°C /NA NA 85% RH85% RH2 1 year≤30°C /168 +5/-085°C /NA NA 60% RH60% RH2a 4 weeks≤30°C /696 +5/-030°C /120 +1/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH3168 hours≤30°C /192 +5/-030°C /40 +1/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH472 hours≤30°C /96 +2/-030°C /20 +0.5/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH548 hours≤30°C /72 +2/-030°C /15 +0.5/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH5a24 hours≤30°C /48 +2/-030°C /10 +0.5/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH6Time on Label≤30°C / Time on Label30°C /NA NA (TOL)60% RH(TOL)60% RHMoisture Sensitivity Level -JEDEC Level 1No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,18Stress Test Stress ConditionsStressDurationFailure CriteriaRoom Temperature25°C, I F= max DC (Note 1)1000 hours Note 2 Operating Life (RTOL)Wet High Temperature85°C/60%RH, I F= max DC (Note 1)1000 hours Note 2 Operating Life (WHTOL)Wet High Temperature85°C/85%RH, non-operating1000 hours Note 2 Storage Life (WHTSL)High Temperature110°C, non-operating1000 hours Note 2 Storage Life (HTSL)Low Temperature-40°C, non-operating1000 hours Note 2 Storage Life (LTSL)Non-operating-40°C to 120°C, 30 min. dwell,200 cycles Note 2 Temperature Cycle (TMCL)<5 min. transferMechanical Shock 1500 G, 0.5 msec. pulse,Note 3 5 shocks each 6 axisNatural Drop On concrete from 1.2 m, 3X Note 3 Variable Vibration 10-2000-10 Hz, log or linear sweep rate,Note 3 Frequency20 G about 1 min., 1.5 mm, 3X/axisSolder Heat Resistance260°C ±5°C, 10 sec.Note 3 (SHR)Solderability Steam age for 16 hrs., then solder dip Solder coverage at 260°C for 5 sec.on leadNotes:1. Depending on the maximum derating curve.2. Criteria for judging failureItem Test Condition Criteria for Judgement Min.Max.Forward Voltage (V F)I F= max DC--Initial Level x 1.1Luminous Flux orI F= max DC Initial Level x 0.7--Radiometric Power (ΦV)Reverse Current (I R)V R= 5V--50 μA* The test is performed after the LED is cooled down to the room temperature.3. A failure is an LED that is open or shorted.Qualification Reliability TestingNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,19No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, ●All dimensions are in millimeters.TYPE A.20Recommended Solder Pad DesignStandard Emitter TYPE B.No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 21Reflow Soldering ConditionProfile FeatureSn-Pb Eutectic Assembly Pb-Free Assembly Average Ramp-Up Rate 3°C / second max.3°C / second max.(T Smax to T P )Preheat–Temperature Min (T Smin )100°C 150°C –Temperature Max (T Smax )150°C 200°C –Time (t Smin to t Smax )60-120 seconds 60-180 seconds Time maintained above:–Temperature (T L )183°C 217°C –Time (t L )60-150 seconds60-150 secondsPeak/Classification Temperature (T P )240°C 260°C Time Within 5°C of Actual Peak 10-30 seconds 20-40 seconds Temperature (t P )Ramp-Down Rate6°C/second max.6°C/second max.Time 25°C to Peak Temperature6 minutes max.8 minutes max.●We recommend using the M705-S101-S4 solder paste from SMIC (Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd.) for lead-free soldering.●Do not use solder pastes with post reflow flux residue>47%. (58Bi-42Sn eutectic alloy, etc) This kind of solder pastes may cause a reliability problem to LED.●All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.●Repairing should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable, a double-head soldering iron should be used. It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDs will or will not be damaged by repairing.●Reflow soldering should not be done more than three times.●When soldering, do not put stress on the LEDs during heating.●After soldering, do not warp the circuit board.t 25°C to Peakt S PreheatTimeT e m p e r a t u r eCritical Zone T L to T PRamp-upRamp-downT SmaxT Smint Pt LT PT L25IPC-020cNotes:1. Drawing not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.3. Unless otherwise indicated, tolerances are ±0.10mm.22 No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,Notes:1. Empty component pockets sealed with top cover tape.2. 1000 and 2000 pieces per reel.3. Drawing not to scale.4. All dimensions are in millimeters.23 No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 24Precaution for UseHandling of Silicone Lens LEDsNotes for handling of silicone lens LEDs●Please do not use a force of over 0.3kgf impact or pressure on the silicone lens, otherwise it will cause a catastrophic failure.●The LEDs should only be picked up by making contact with the sides of the LED body.●Avoid touching the silicone lens especially by sharp tools such as Tweezers.●Avoid leaving fingerprints on the silicone lens.●Please store the LEDs away from dusty areas or seal the product against dust.●When populating boards in SMT production, there are basically no restrictions regarding the form of the pick and place nozzle, except that mechanical pressure on the silicone lens must be prevented.●Please do not mold over the silicone lens with another resin. (epoxy, urethane, etc)●StoragePlease do not open the moisture barrier bag (MBB) more than one week. This may cause the leads of LED discoloration. We recommend storing ProLight’s LEDs in a dry box after opening the MBB. The recommended storage conditions are temperature 5 to 30°C and humidity less than 40% RH. It is also recommended to return the LEDs to the MBB and to reseal the MBB.●The slug is is not electrically neutral. Therefore, we recommend to isolate the heat sink.●We recommend using the M705-S101-S4 solder paste from SMIC (Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd.) for lead-free soldering.●Do not use solder pastes with post reflow flux residue>47%. (58Bi-42Sn eutectic alloy, etc) This kind of solder pastes may cause a reliability problem to LED.●Any mechanical force or any excess vibration shall not be accepted to apply during cooling process to normal temperature after soldering.●Please avoid rapid cooling after soldering.●Components should not be mounted on warped direction of PCB.●Repairing should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable,a heat plate should be used. It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDs will or will not be damaged by repairing.●This device should not be used in any type of fluid such as water, oil, organic solvent and etc.When cleaning is required, isopropyl alcohol should be used.●When the LEDs are illuminating, operating current should be decide after considering the package maximum temperature.●The appearance, specifications and flux bin of the product may be modified for improvement without notice. Please refer to the below website for the latest datasheets./。



变压器初级过压过流保护一、 应用电路二、 变压器初级用热敏电阻规格:型号规格不动作电流Ih60℃(mA)动作电流It25℃/300S(mA)适用变压器1.0Un(mA)1.2Un(mA)1.9Un(mA)MZ11-06E201-401RM 25 80 15 20 60 MZ11-06E301-601RM 20 70 12 18 50 MZ11-06E501-801RM 15 60 10 12 40 MZ11-06E701-102RM 10 50 6.5 8 35 MZ11-06E901-122RM 8 40 5.0 6.5 30 MZ11-06E102-152RM 6 30 4.5 5.0 30 MZ11-04B201-401RM 10 35 6.0 8 30 MZ11-04B401-701RM 8.5 30 5.0 7.0 25 MZ11-04B501-801RM 8 30 4.5 6.5 25 MZ11-04B801-122RM 6.5 25 4.0 5.0 20 MZ11-04B102-122RM 6.0 20 4.0 4.5 18 MZ11-08D131-191RM 25 80 15 20 70 MZ11-08E151-251RM 35 90 25 30 80 WMZ12A-56RV095 95 190 50 70 200 MZ11-08E900-161RM 40 120 30 35 110 MZ11-08E650-101RM 50 150 35 40 130MZ11-08E450-700RM 60 200 40 50 180 MZ11-09E200-400RM 80 250 50 70 200规格型号不动作电流 动作电流 耐压最大工作电压 最大电流Ih 60℃ (mA)It25℃/300S(mA)Vac Vmax AmaxMZ11‐09E300‐600RM 65 200 420265 0.8 MZ11‐09E500‐800RM 55 180 420265 0.8 MZ11‐13D100‐150RM 100 280 360265 2MZ11‐13D150‐250 RM 80 200 360265 2MZ11‐13D200‐400RM 65 175 360265 2MZ11‐16E080‐150RM 150 450 360265 3MZ11‐16E100‐200RM 130 350 360265 3MZ11‐16E180‐300RM 100 250 360265 3MZ11‐19E040‐070RM 300 800 360265 4MZ11‐19E060‐100RM 250 700 320265 4MZ11‐19E100‐150RM 200 650 320265 4MZ11‐24E030‐050RM 420 1500 300265 5MZ11‐24E040‐070RM 360 1200 300265 5MZ11‐24E060‐100RM 300 1000 300265 5复合型PTC热敏电阻在变压器初级过压防护中的最新应用一、概述:复合型PTC热敏电阻,将一个PTC热敏电阻和一个压敏电阻(压敏电压值根据变压器额定电压不同而不同)封装在一起,利用压敏电阻过电压时产生的电流和温度使热敏电阻响应迅速,利用热敏电阻阻值上升对电压和电流的影响反过来对压敏电阻进行保护。



Customersupport:*********************** Energy. Anytime. Anywhere.5YEARWARRANTYBlue Smart ChargerIP65The professional’s choiceWater, dust and chemical resistant Seven step smart charge algorithmRecovery of fully discharged ‘dead’ batteries Automatic power supply functionSevere cold performance: down to -30°C Several other battery life enhancing features Low power mode to charge smaller batteries Li-ion battery modeSetup and configure, readout of voltage and current by Bluetooth SmartBlue Smart IP65 Charger 120V12V 4/5/7/10/15A24V 5/8AInput voltage 120 VACEfficiency94%95%Standby power consumption 0.5WMinimum battery voltage Starts charging from down to 0VCharge voltage 'absorption'Normal: 14.4V High: 14.7V Li-ion: 14.2V Normal: 28,8V High: 29,4V Li-ion: 28,4V Charge voltage 'float'Normal: 13.8V High: 13.8V Li-ion: 13.5V Normal: 27,6V High: 27,6V Li-ion: 27,0V Charge voltage 'storage' Normal: 13.2V High: 13.2V Li-ion: 13.5V Normal: 26,4V High: 26,4V Li-ion: 27,0VCharge current4 /5 / 7 / 10 / 15A 5/8ACharge current in low current mode2 / 2 / 2 /3 / 4A 2 / 3ATemperature compensation (lead-acid batteries only)16 mV/°C (9mV/°F)32 mV/°C (18mV/°F)Can be used as power supplyYesBack current drain 0.7Ah/month (1mA)ProtectionReverse polarity Output short circuitOver temperatureOperating temp. range -40 to +60°C (full rated output up to 30°C) -40 to +140°F (full rated output up to 90°F)Humidity (non condensing) Max 95%ENCLOSUREBattery-connection Black and red cable of 1.5 meter (4.9 feet) 120 V AC-connection Cable of 1.8 meter (5.9 feet) with US NEMA 1-15 plug Protection category IP65 (splash and dust proof, and ignition protected) Weight0.9kg (2lbs)0,9kg (2lbs) Dimensions (h x w x d)12/7: 47x95x190mm 1.8x3.7x7.5 inches 0ther: 60x105x190mm24/8: 60x105x190mm 2.3x4.1x7.5 inchesSTANDARDSSafety UL 1236, CSA C22.2, EN 60335-1, 60335-2-29 Emission EN 55014-1, EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-3-2ImmunityEN 55014-2, EN 61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-3-3Customersupport:***********************IncludedM8 eyeletsExtension cable 2m Battery indicator eyelet M8OptionalClampsFused clampsFused M6 or M8 eyeletsAutoplugBattery indicator panelCarry Case for Blue Smart IP65 Chargers and accessoriesWall mountRubber BumperBlue Smart IP65 You can display the status of your charger and battery and even control the functions of your charger using the VictronConnect app. On your screen the readout of voltage and current is defaultDownload your app for iOS and Android here at https:///live/victronconnect:startery.Itispossiblethatittakesngarecommendedcharger.STORAGEREFRESH。



文件编号:MT-D-PRO-111 版本:A1
文件编号:MT-D-PRO-111 版本:A1


2、以每条线为单位,按标准产能计算出日产量达成率和月产量达成率,以月产量达成率高低进行排名进 行奖惩。

3、此产量属于初次制定,为了体现公平性,公司将于第一次月度为单位进行调整,第二次调整将以季度 为单位进行调整,第三次为年度调整
4、所有产量为合格品,如果出现返工将不另外计工时,如果是材料原因,将提出报告,由品质部核对, 由相应供应商承担,公司不承担任何额外的费用。

5、以上产能规定,如果是机器仪器原因出现异常,将提出报告,由生技核对,公司副总核准,由公司承 担。


7、每次转线损耗时间为15分钟,超过时间由当线承担,如果是由于村料没有及时到,而出现转线,则由 生产提出报告,生管核实,由公司副总核准,由采购承担责任,赔偿相应的转线时间费用;由于客人 紧急通知而转线,则由公司承担相应的转线费用。




*可再充电电池 EN-4 使用上的注意点 1. 在您购买的时候电池没有充电,使用前请进行充电。 2. 充电时的周围的温度为 5~35℃的范围比较适合。 3. 使用相机不久后,电池的内部的温度可能会很高。这种状态下,有可能不能
进行充电或进行不完全的充电。请等电池的温度下降后再进行充电。 4. 充电完了后请不要再次充电。这样会降低电池的寿命。 5. 一般的使用情况下,希望在充电 20~30 回后至少一回用快速充电器恢复放电
在使用前一定要阅读「安全上的注意」,并正确使用。阅读完毕后,为了使用方 便请将说明放在比较容易拿的地方保管。
警告! 请不要分解,修理或改造。 这样有可能会触电或因异常的动作而引起受伤等。 因碰撞等原因而造成破损使充放电器内部部露出,请不要用手触摸露出部。 这样有可能会触电或因破损部而引起受伤等。
注意! 请不要在阳光直射的地方、火源的旁边和热源的旁边使用。 这样有可能会引起发热、变形或其他故障等。 请不要用湿手直接操作。 这样有可能会引起触电等。 请不要将本产品及附件放在幼儿的手拿得到的地方保管。 这样有可能会使幼儿受伤或吞食附属品等。 请不要将使用中的电源插销拔来拔去。 这样有可能会因为电火花引起火灾或触电等。
后在充电使用。 6. 即使完全恢复充放电后,电池也只能使用很短的时间时,说明该电池已达到
重要 1. 本说明书记载了安全性及操作方法等重要的说明。请阅读后妥善保管。 2. 万一出现异常情况的时候,请立即停止使用。
*可再充电电池 EN-4 的充电方法 1. 将电源线与快速充放电器连接,将电源插销插入家庭用接线板(AC220V)
注意! 将电源插销从接线板处拔出时,请不要拔取电源线,要拿住电源插销拔出。 不然有可能会因电源线破损而引起触电或发火等。 长时间不使用时,请将电源插销拔出。 不然有可能会引起火灾或触电等。



出光C3-16 是一种工业用油,主要用于润滑和防护。

关于出光C3-16 的标准,以下是根据我国相关标准和行业规范整理的内容:
1. 产品类型:出光C3-16 属于合成润滑油,具有优良的润滑性能和抗氧化性能。

2. 性能指标:出光C3-16 油品具有以下性能指标:
- 粘度:40℃时,动力粘度范围在1.5-2.5 Pa·s 之间;
- 闪点:不低于230℃;
- 凝点:不超过-20℃;
- 氧化稳定性:在100℃下,抗氧化性能不低于1000 小时。

3. 应用范围:出光C3-16 适用于工业领域的各种润滑部位,如轴承、齿轮、液压系统等。


4. 包装规格:出光C3-16 通常采用200 升、18 升等不同容量的塑料桶包装。

5. 储存和运输:出光C3-16 应在避光、干燥、通风的环境中储存,远离火源和热源。


6. 保质期:出光C3-16 在正常储存条件下,保质期为两年。

炜盛科技 MP-4 可燃气体检测用平面半导体气敏元件 产品说明书

炜盛科技 MP-4 可燃气体检测用平面半导体气敏元件 产品说明书

产品说明书 平面半导体气敏元件系列MP-4可燃气体检测用平面半导体气敏元件MP-4型可燃气体检测用平面半导体气敏元件采用先元件外形结构* 高选择性* 对甲烷的灵敏度高 * 元件外形尺寸小 * 5V定电压、低功耗 * 快速的响应恢复特性 * 优异的稳定性和长期的使用寿命 * 简单的驱动电路应用* 用于家庭、工厂、商业用所的可燃气体泄漏监测装置,防火 /安全探测系统。

* 可燃气体泄漏报警器,气体检漏仪。

性能参数基本测试电路抗振性* 振动:频率-1000次/分,全振幅-4mm,持续时间-1小时,方向-垂直敏感体功耗值(Ps)计算公式:Ps=Vc 2×Rs/(Rs+R L )2 * 冲击:加速度-100G,方向-垂直,重复5次产品型号 MP-4产品类型 平面半导体气敏元件标准封装 金属 检测气体 甲烷、天燃气检测浓度 300-10000ppm(甲烷、天燃气)标准电路条件回路电压V c≤24V DC加热电压V H 5.0V±0.2V ACorDC负载电阻 R L 可调标准测试条件下气敏元件特性加热电阻 R H 70Ω±10Ω(室温)加热功耗 P H ≤350mW 敏感体表面电阻 R s 2KΩ-20KΩ(in 5000ppm 甲烷)灵敏度SRs(in air)/Rs(5000ppm甲烷)≥5 浓度斜率α ≤0.6(R 5000ppm /R 3000ppm 甲烷)标准测试条件温度、湿度20℃±2℃;65%±5%RH标准测试电路 Vc:5.0V±0.1V; V H : 5.0V±0.1V 预热时间不少于48小时传感器电阻值(Rs)计算公式:Rs=(Vc/V RL -1)×R L灵敏度特性 温/湿度的影响时间(S)图1中Rs 表示传感器在不同浓度气体中的电阻值;Ro表 图2中Rs表示在含1000ppm甲烷、各种温/湿度下的电 示传感器在1000ppm甲烷中的电阻值。



protel dxp 2004 元件库中的常用元件初学protel DXP 碰到最多的问题就是:不知道元件放在哪个库中。




下面这些库元件都是DXP 2004自带的不用下载。

########### DXP2004下Miscellaneous Devices.Intlib元件库中常用元件有:电阻系列(res*)排组(res pack*)电感(inductor*)电容(cap*,capacitor*)二极管系列(diode*,d*)三极管系列(npn*,pnp*,mos*,MOSFET*,MESFET*,jfet*,IGBT*)运算放大器系列(op*)继电器(relay*)8位数码显示管(dpy*)电桥(bri*bridge)光电耦合器( opto* ,optoisolator )光电二极管、三极管(photo*)模数转换、数模转换器(adc-8,dac-8)晶振(xtal)电源(battery)喇叭(speaker)麦克风(mic*)小灯泡(lamp*)响铃(bell)天线(antenna)保险丝(fuse*)开关系列(sw*)跳线(jumper*)变压器系列(trans*)(tube*)(scr)(neon)(buzzer)(coax)晶振(crystal oscillator)的元件库名称是Miscellaneous Devices.Intlib, 在search栏中输入*soc 即可。

########### DXP2004下Miscellaneous connectors.Intlib元件库中常用元件有:(con*,connector*)(header*)(MHDR*)定时器NE555P 在库TI analog timer circit.Intlib中电阻AXIAL无极性电容RAD电解电容RB-电位器VR二极管DIODE三极管TO电源稳压块78和79系列TO-126H和TO-126V场效应管和三极管一样整流桥D-44 D-37 D-46单排多针插座CON SIP双列直插元件DIP晶振XTAL1电阻:RES1,RES2,RES3,RES4;封装属性为axial系列无极性电容:cap;封装属性为RAD-0.1到rad-0.4电解电容:electroi;封装属性为rb.2/.4到rb.5/1.0电位器:pot1,pot2;封装属性为vr-1到vr-5二极管:封装属性为diode-0.4(小功率)diode-0.7(大功率)三极管:常见的封装属性为to-18(普通三极管)to-22(大功率三极管)to-3(大功率达林顿管)电源稳压块有78和79系列;78系列如7805,7812,7820等79系列有7905,7912,7920等常见的封装属性有to126h和to126v整流桥:BRIDGE1,BRIDGE2: 封装属性为D系列(D-44,D-37,D-46)电阻: AXIAL0.3-AXIAL0.7 其中0.4-0.7指电阻的长度,一般用AXIAL0.4 瓷片电容:RAD0.1-RAD0.3. 其中0.1-0.3指电容大小,一般用RAD0.1电解电容:RB.1/.2-RB.4/.8 其中.1/.2-.4/.8指电容大小.一般<100uF用RB.1/.2,100uF-470uF用RB.2/.4,>470uF用RB.3/.6二极管: DIODE0.4-DIODE0.7 其中0.4-0.7指二极管长短,一般用DIODE0.4 发光二极管:RB.1/.2集成块: DIP8-DIP40, 其中8-40指有多少脚,8脚的就是DIP8贴片电阻0603表示的是封装尺寸与具体阻值没有关系但封装尺寸与功率有关通常来说0201 1/20W0402 1/16W0603 1/10W0805 1/8W1206 1/4W电容电阻外形尺寸与封装的对应关系是:0402=1.0x0.50603=1.6x0.80805=2.0x1.21206=3.2x1.61210=3.2x2.51812=4.5x3.22225=5.6x6.5关于零件封装我们在前面说过,除了DEVICE.LIB库中的元件外,其它库的元件都已经有了固定的元件封装,这是因为这个库中的元件都有多种形式:以晶体管为例说明一下:晶体管是我们常用的的元件之一,在DEVICE.LIB库中,简简单单的只有NPN与PNP之分,但实际上,如果它是NPN的2N3055那它有可能是铁壳子的TO—3,如果它是NPN 的2N3054,则有可能是铁壳的TO-66或TO-5,而学用的CS9013,有TO-92A,TO-92B,还有TO-5,TO-46,TO-52等等,千变万化.还有一个就是电阻,在DEVICE库中,它也是简单地把它们称为RES1和RES2,不管它是100Ω还是470KΩ都一样,对电路板而言,它与欧姆数根本不相关,完全是按该电阻的功率数来决定的我们选用的1/4W和甚至1/2W的电阻,都可以用AXIAL0.3元件封装,而功率数大一点的话,可用AXIAL0.4,AXIAL0.5等等.现将常用的元件封装整理如下:电阻类及无极性双端元件AXIAL0.3-AXIAL1.0无极性电容RAD0.1-RAD0.4有极性电容RB.2/.4-RB.5/1.0二极管DIODE0.4及DIODE0.7石英晶体振荡器XTAL1晶体管、FET、UJT TO-xxx(TO-3,TO-5)可变电阻(POT1、POT2) VR1-VR5当然,我们也可以打开C:\Client98\PCB98\library\advpcb.lib库来查找所用零件的对应封装.这些常用的元件封装,大家最好能把它背下来,这些元件封装,大家可以把它拆分成两部分来记如电阻AXIAL0.3可拆成AXIAL和0.3,AXIAL翻译成中文就是轴状的,0.3则是该电阻在印刷电路板上的焊盘间的距离也就是300mil(因为在电机领域里,是以英制单位为主的.同样的,对于无极性的电容,RAD0.1-RAD0.4也是一样;对有极性的电容如电解电容,其封装为RB.2/.4,RB.3/.6等,其中“.2”为焊盘间距,“.4”为电容圆筒的外径.对于晶体管,那就直接看它的外形及功率,大功率的晶体管,就用TO—3,中功率的晶体管,如果是扁平的,就用TO-220,如果是金属壳的,就用TO-66,小功率的晶体管,就用TO-5,TO-46,TO-92A等都可以,反正它的管脚也长,弯一下也可以.对于常用的集成IC电路,有DIPxx,就是双列直插的元件封装,DIP8就是双排,每排有4个引脚,两排间距离是300mil,焊盘间的距离是100mil.SIPxx就是单排的封装.等等.值得我们注意的是晶体管与可变电阻,它们的包装才是最令人头痛的,同样的包装,其管脚可不一定一样.例如,对于TO-92B之类的包装,通常是1脚为E(发射极),而2脚有可能是B极(基极),也可能是C(集电极);同样的,3脚有可能是C,也有可能是B,具体是那个,只有拿到了元件才能确定.因此,电路软件不敢硬性定义焊盘名称(管脚名称),同样的,场效应管,MOS管也可以用跟晶体管一样的封装,它可以通用于三个引脚的元件.Q1-B,在PCB里,加载这种网络表的时候,就会找不到节点(对不上).在可变电阻上也同样会出现类似的问题;在原理图中,可变电阻的管脚分别为1、W、及2,所产生的网络表,就是1、2和W,在PCB电路板中,焊盘就是1,2,3.当电路中有这两种元件时,就要修改PCB与SCH之间的差异最快的方法是在产生网络表后,直接在网络表中,将晶体管管脚改为1,2,3;将可变电阻的改成与电路板元件外形一样的1,2,3即可.protel99se常用元件封装电阻:RES1,RES2,RES3,RES4;封装属性为axial系列无极性电容:cap;封装属性为RAD-0.1到rad-0.4电解电容:electroi;封装属性为rb.2/.4到rb.5/1.0电位器:pot1,pot2;封装属性为vr-1到vr-5二极管:封装属性为diode-0.4(小功率)diode-0.7(大功率)三极管:常见的封装属性为to-18(普通三极管)to-22(大功率三极管)to-3(大功率达林顿管)电源稳压块有78和79系列;78系列如7805,7812,7820等79系列有7905,7912,7920等常见的封装属性有to126h和to126v整流桥:BRIDGE1,BRIDGE2: 封装属性为D系列(D-44,D-37,D-46)电阻:AXIAL0.3-AXIAL0.7其中0.4-0.7指电阻的长度,一般用AXIAL0.4 瓷片电容:RAD0.1-RAD0.3。



10K 10K 10K 10K RU0 RU1 RU2 RU3
Vdd 或者 Gnd Vdd 或者 Gnd
并行一对一 接口
注意事项: 1. Cmod是电荷收集电容, 通常取值范围在1nf~10nf,典型值是4.7nf。 2. Cdc是灵敏度电容,取值范围是最小15pf,最大100pf, 电容取值越小,灵敏度越高。


SC04A规格书 v1.2 8/8
OUT0~OUT3输出 Zo 电阻( NMOS开漏)
delta Cin > 0.2pF delta Cin < 0.2pF
OUT0~OUT3输出 灌电流 最小检测电容
Isk delta_Cin
VDD=5V CDC=15pf
1 如果感应管脚寄生电容超过2.5倍的Cdc电容,芯片不能正常工作(绝大多数情况无需考虑这个限制)

SC04A规格书 v1.2 7/8
4.3 封装尺寸图 (SOP-16)
A A1 b C D E e H L θ
Dimensions In Millimeters


Power Consumption(功耗)
Luminous Flux(亮度)
Color rendering index(CRI)(显色性)
Working temperature(工作温度)
Storage Temperature(储存温度)
Product name(产品名称)
4*1W LED射灯
Item No(型号)
Input voltage(输入电压)
Power factor(PF)(功率因数)
LED type(LED类型)
QTY of LEDs(LED颗数)
Viewing Angle(发光角度)
15°/30°/45°/60°CoLeabharlann or temperature(色温)
warm white:3200-3500K
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FEATURESs Dual Device Module s Electrically Isolated Package s Pressure Contact Construction s International Standard Footprint s Alumina (Non Toxic) Isolation Medium sIntegral Water Cooled HeatsinkAPPLICATIONSs Motor Controls Controlled Rectifier Bridges s Heater Control sAC Phase ControlVOLTAGE RATINGSORDERING INFORMATIONOrder As:MP04HBT590-18 or MP04HBT-16 or MP04HBT14MP04HBP590-18 or MP04HBP-16 or MP04HBP14MP04HBN590-18 or MP04HBN-16 or MP04HBN14Note: When ordering, please use the whole part number.KEY PARAMETERS V DRM 1800V I T(AV)595A I TSM(per arm)16800A V isol3000VReplaces April 2001 version, DS5371-2.2DS5371-3.1 October 2001180016001400MP04---590-18MP04---590-16MP04---590-14ConditionsT vj = 0˚ to 125˚C,I DRM = I RRM = 50mA V DSM = V RSM =V DRM = V RRM + 100V respectivelyLower voltage grades available.Type NumberRepetitive PeakVoltages V DRM V RRMV Fig. 2 Electrical connections - (not to scale)Fig.1 Circuit diagramsModule type code: MP04.For further information see Package Details.Test ConditionsHalf wave resistive loadT case = 75˚C T case = 85˚CT case = 75˚C8.3ms half sine, T j = 125˚CV R = 08.3ms half sine, T j = 125˚CV R = 50% V DRM10ms half sine, T j = 125˚CV R = 010ms half sine, T j = 125˚CV R = 50% V DRMCommoned terminals to base plate.AC RMS, 1 min, 50HzSymbol I T(AV)I T(RMS I TSM I 2t I TSM I 2t I TSM I 2t I TSM I 2t V isolUnits A A A kA A 2s kA A 2s kA A 2s kA A 2s VMax.59550593516.81411 X 10313.5911 X 10315.71232 X 10312.6794 X 1033000ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS - PER ARMStresses above those listed under 'Absolute Maximum Ratings' may cause permanent damage to the device. In extreme conditions, as with all semiconductors, this may include potentially hazardous rupture of the package. Appropriate safety precautions should always be followed. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings may affect device reliability.ParameterMean on-state currentRMS valueSurge (non-repetitive) on-current I 2t for fusingSurge (non-repetitive) on-current I 2t for fusingSurge (non-repetitive) on-current I 2t for fusingSurge (non-repetitive) on-current I 2t for fusing Isolation voltageTest Conditionsdc Half wave 3 PhaseMounting torque = 5Nm with mounting compound Reverse (blocking)-Mounting - M6Electrical connections - M10-ParameterThermal resistance - junction to case (per thyristor or diode)Thermal resistance - case to heatsink (per thyristor or diode)Virtual junction temperature Storage temperature range Screw torqueWeight (nominal)THERMAL AND MECHANICAL RATINGSSymbol R th(j-c)R th(c-hs)T vj T stg --Units ˚C/kW ˚C/kW ˚C/kW ˚C/kW˚C ˚CNm (lb.ins)Nm (lb.ins)gMax.0.0560.0600.0660.021251306 (35)12 (106)1580Min.-----–40---Units mA V/µs A/µsV m ΩTest ConditionsAt V RRM /V DRM , T j = 125˚C To 67% V DRM , T j = 125˚CFrom 67% V DRM to 1500A, gate source 1.5A,t r = 0.5µs, T j = 125˚CAt T vj = 125˚C. See note 1At T vj = 125˚C. See note 1ParameterPeak reverse and off-state current Linear rate of rise of off-state voltage Rate of rise of on-state currentThreshold voltage On-state slope resistanceDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS - THYRISTORSymbol I RRM /I DRM dV/dt dI/dtV T(TO)r TMax.5010005000.850.38Min.-----Note 1: The data given in this datasheet with regard to forward voltage drop is for calculation of the power dissipation in the semiconductor elements only. Forward voltage drops measured at the power terminals of the module will be in excess of these figures due to the impedance of the busbar from the terminal to the semiconductor.ParameterGate trigger voltage Gate trigger current Gate non-trigger voltage Peak forward gate voltage Peak forward gate voltage Peak reverse gate voltage Peak forward gate current Peak gate power Mean gate powerTest ConditionsV DRM = 5V, T case = 25o C V DRM = 5V, T case = 25o C At V DRM , T case = 125o CAnode positive with respect to cathode Anode negative with respect to cathode-Anode positive with respect to cathode See table fig. 5-Symbol V GT I GT V GD V FGM V FGN V RGM I FGM P GM P G(AV)GATE TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS AND RATINGSMax.3.52000.25300.2551015010Units V mA V V V V A W WCURVESFig. 5 Sub-cycle surge curvesspecified conduction angles, sine wave 50/60Hzpower loss and maximum permissible case temperatureFig. 8 On-state power loss per arm vs on-state current at specified conduction angles, square wave 50/60Hzcurrent at specified conduction angles, sine wave 50/60Hzcurrent at specified conduction angles, square wave 50/60Hzpower loss and maximum permissible case temperaturePACKAGE DETAILSFor further package information, please visit our website or contact your nearest Customer Service Centre. All dimensions in mm, unless stated otherwise. DO NOT SCALE.POWER ASSEMBLY CAPABILITYThe Power Assembly group provides support for thosecustomers requiring more than the basic semiconductor ing CAD design tools the group has developed a flexible range of heatsink / clamping systems in line with advances in device types and the voltage and current capability of Dynex semiconductors.An extensive range of air and liquid cooled assemblies is available covering the range of circuit designs in general use today.HEATSINKSThe Power Assembly group has a proprietary range of extruded aluminium heatsinks. These were designed to optimise the performance of Dynex semiconductors. Data with respect to air natural, forced air and liquid cooling (with flow rates) is available on request.For further information on device clamps, heatsinks andassemblies, please contact your nearest sales representative or customer service office.MOUNTING RECOMMENDATIONSAdequate heatsinking is required to maintain the basetemperature at 75˚C if full rated current is to be achieved. Power dissipation may be calculated by use of V T(TO) and r T information in accordance with standard formulae. We can provideassistance with calculations or choice of heatsink if required.The heatsink surface must be smooth and flat; a surface finish of N6 (32µin) and a flatness within 0.05mm (0.002") are recommended.Immediately prior to mounting, the heatsink surface should be lightly scrubbed with fine emery, Scotch Brite or a mild chemical etchant and then cleaned with a solvent to remove oxide build up and foreign material. Care should be taken to ensure no foreign particles remain.An even coating of thermal compound (eg. Unial) should be applied to both the heatsink and module mounting surfaces.This should ideally be 0.05mm (0.002") per surface to ensure optimum thermal performance.After application of thermal compound, place the modulesquarely over the mounting holes, (or ‘T ’ slots) in the heatsink.Fit and finger tighten the recommended fixing bolts at each ing a torque wrench, continue to tighten the fixing bolts by rotating each bolt in turn no more than 1/4 of a revolution at a time, until the required torque of 6Nm (55lbs.ins) is reached on all bolts at both ends.It is not acceptable to fully tighten one fixing bolt before starting to tighten the others. Such action may DAMAGE the module.CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRESMainland Europe Tel: +33 (0)1 58 04 91 00. Fax: +33 (0)1 46 38 51 33North America Tel: (613) 723-7035. Fax: (613) 723-1518.UK, Scandinavia & Rest Of World Tel: +44 (0)1522 500500. Fax: +44 (0)1522 500020SALES OFFICESMainland Europe Tel: +33 (0)1 58 04 91 00. Fax: +33 (0)1 46 38 51 33North America Tel: (613) 723-7035. Fax: (613) 723-1518. Toll Free: 1.888.33.DYNEX (39639) /Tel: (949) 733-3005. Fax: (949) 733-2986.UK, Scandinavia & Rest Of World Tel: +44 (0)1522 500500. Fax: +44 (0)1522 500020These offices are supported by Representatives and Distributors in many countries world-wide.© Dynex Semiconductor 2001 Publication No. DS5371-3 Issue No. 3.1 October 2001TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION – NOT FOR RESALE. PRINTED IN UNITED KINGDOMHEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS DYNEX SEMICONDUCTOR LTD Doddington Road, Lincoln.Lincolnshire. LN6 3LF. United Kingdom.Tel: 00-44-(0)1522-500500Fax: 00-44-(0)1522-500550DYNEX POWER INC.99 Bank Street, Suite 410,Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 6B9Tel: 613.723.7035Fax: 613.723.1518Toll Free: 1.888.33.DYNEX (39639)This publication is issued to provide information only which (unless agreed by the Company in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose nor form part of any order or contract nor to be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. No warranty or guarantee express or implied is made regarding the capability, performance or suitability of any product or service. The Company reserves the right to alter without prior notice the specification, design or price of any product or service. Information concerning possible methods of use is provided as a guide only and does not constitute any guarantee that such methods of use will be satisfactory in a specific piece of equipment. It is the user's responsibility to fully determine the performance and suitability of any equipment using such information and to ensure that any publication or data used is up to date and has not been superseded. These products are not suitable for use in any medical products whose failure to perform may result in significant injuryor death to the user. All products and materials are sold and services provided subject to the Company's conditions of sale, which are available on request.All brand names and product names used in this publication are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.e-mail: power_solutions@Datasheet Annotations:Dynex Semiconductor annotate datasheets in the top right hard corner of the front page, to indicate product status. The annotations are as follows:-Target Information: This is the most tentative form of information and represents a very preliminary specification. No actual design work on the product has been started.Preliminary Information: The product is in design and development. The datasheet represents the product as it is understood but details may change.Advance Information: The product design is complete and final characterisation for volume production is well in hand.No Annotation: The product parameters are fixed and the product is available to datasheet specification.。
