同济木结构6-Design of members
同济大学 木结构
Axial load P (kN)
Displacement Δ (mm)
Compression members
(1) Strength
N An
where N —— compression
An —— net area
fc —— compression strength
(2) Stability
and modulus of elasticity
If log applied have not been cut out the checking parts, the design
values of compressive resistance strength and bending resistance strength parallel to grain and modulus of elasticity will be increased by 15%.
Strength For some import dimension lumber, there are design values of strength in our timber code.
Strength For some import dimension lumber, there are design values of strength in our timber code.
Technical Specification for Light Wood-Frame Constructions, DG/TJ08-2059-2009
buckling and material failure)
赛题 第十届同济大学大学生结构设计与模型竞赛
θi 安装角(°)
表 1 分段对应翼型弦长和安装角
3 2 1 4 6 8 10 12 14 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 16
点 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
X -0.42029 -0.41628 -0.31221 -0.31221 -0.20814 -0.20814 -0.10407 -0.10407 0.00000
Y -0.05659 0.04975 -0.05384 0.02740 -0.03963 0.00000 -0.02136 -0.01221
表 2 叶片翼型面坐标(对应单位坐标系)
一、竞赛模型 定向木结构风力发电塔(如图) ,塔身高 0.8m,叶片(数量不限)组成的叶轮直径 0.8m。
发电功率测量系统 竞赛模型示意图
二、模型介绍 1. 塔身 塔身为竞赛主结构,需满足以下要求: 1) 塔身高 0.8m,顶点高度实际误差不大于+1mm。外形不影响叶轮运转,在叶轮高度范围内必须 是中心对称形体。 2) 具有足够的承载能力。 3) 具有规定的刚度。 4) 与塔顶标准发电机底座连接可靠。 5) 与塔底标准底座连接可靠。 2. 叶片和叶轮 叶轮由叶片均匀布置、形状数量不限构成。附录为三叶叶片的参考数据。 三、装置说明 1. 发电机 发电机采用 CFX-03 型标准发电机,质量 4.47kg,底板及立面详见附图。 2. 风叶连接件 连接件质量 0.3kg,详见附图。 3. 发电功率测量系统 发电功率测量系统由导线、负载、功率计组成。导线所受风力不能传递到塔身,由支架承受。
DesignDesign ofofTimberStructuresFrank Lam, Ph.D., P.Eng.University of BritishColumbiaWood as a Environmentalfriendly Building Material •Wood is the only renewable building material•Replant a harvested tree with new seedlingsseedlings, in 50 to 100 years another tree will be available for consumption •Sustainable Forest Management through proper forestry practices is the keyForest coverage in major forestedCountry/areaRussian Federation BrazilCanadaUnited States of America ChinaAustraliaDemocratic Republic of the Congo IndonesiaCountry/areaEuropeN th A i North America South America AfricaAsiaCentral America Total WorldStatistics on Global Wood Country/areaU.S.CanadaBrazilRussiaChinaSwedenFinlandStatistics on Global Wood•Sawn wood (2000) produced in USA, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Sweden, Finland, and China was 112.2, 69.6, 20.0, 18.1, 15.8, 12.8, and 6.3 million m respectively•Canada ranks third behind Russia and USA in terms of global softwood harvesting •China is the 5th largest wood producing country–2/3 of its production (190.9 million m3) isburned as fuel!–Brazil and Russia commonly use wood as fuel (133.4 & 44.3 million m3)!Increased Demands on•In 1998, the consumed wood andfiber products in the US required~0.5 billion mproduction•Current worldwide demand for wood(approximately 3.5 billion mdoubled in the last 30 years•By 2050, the consumption of woodwill increase to 5.2 billion m•Why is the structural use ofwood rising?Carbon and Global Temperature Carbon Carbon SequestrationSequestration of TreesOn average a typical tree absorbs 1tonne tree absorbs 1 tonne of CO 2and produce 0.7 tonne of O 2per m 3of growthIndustries 22.7%U.S. Energy Consumption by SectorBuildings 49%•How do we compare theenvironmental impact of various construction material?•ATHENA™, Sustainable Materials Institute, conducted a LCA study comparing theenvironmental impact of building a 240 m single family house using wood framing, sheet metal framing sheet metal framing, and concrete •Assessed environmental effects at all stages of the product's life includingresource procurement, manufacturing, on-site construction, building service life and de-commissioning at the end of the useful life of the buildingExtractionProcessingDesignManufacturingDistributionUseLandWaterAirCradleRepairDisposalRaw MaterialEnergyWaterGateGraveEmbodied Energy (EE)•EE is a measure of the total direct and indirect energy used during the extraction, processing, manufacturing, transportation and installation of the materials from raw material to the final product in the house•EE for the wood house is 53% less than sheet metal and 120% less than concreteGlobal Warming Potential •GWP is referenced by greenhouse gas emissions measured in the form of COamount of COmeasurement includes the emission of CO during the production process, such as steel making or cement production•GWP of wood is 23% lower than sheet metal and 50% lower than concrete•The toxicity indices are represented by an estimation of the volume of air or water needed to dilute the contaminated air or water emitted during the various life cycle of the material to within the acceptablel level defined by the most stringent standard (such as meeting the drinking level standards)•The air toxicity index for the wood house is 74% less than sheet metal and 115% less than concrete•Similarly, the water toxicity index for the wood house is 247% less than sheet metal and 114% less than concreteWeighted Resource use •The weighted resource use is a subjective measure based on survey of resource extraction and environmental specialists to develop subjective scores of the relative effects or ecological carrying capacity of different resource extraction activitiesWeighted Resource use •The weighted resource use for wood is 14% less than sheet metal and 93% less than concreteSolid Waste Generation•Solid Wasteweight in kilograms of constructionwaste•It was lowest for sheet metal. Thewood house is 21% higher and forconcrete, 58% higherTimber as a structural material•The oldest construction material and stillone of the most versatile•A natural material with inherent flaws andvariabilityW•We need to recognize its strengths andweaknesses•Timber design therefore as much an art asa scienceOne of nature’s most efficient structures:an Arbutus tree facing the onslaught of West Coast storms Decay of woodRequirements:•nutrition (wood)•modest temperature (~ 20 C)•moisture (the only one that can be readily controlled)Preservative treatment of wood in marine environment Decay in a poorly constructed building envelopeReliability Based Design•R.O. Foschi, B. Folz, and F. Yao (1993)Reliability-based design of wood structures:background to CSA-086.1-M89. Canadian Journalof Civil Engineering 30(3):349-357.•Reliability-Based Design of Wood Structures –Structural Research Series, report No. 34.Department of Civil Engineering. UBC VancouverBC. ISBN 0-88865-356-5•RELANWhere does the strength ofwood come from? Softwood and HardwoodSoftwood Gymnosperms HardwoodsGrowth ringsLate woodHeartwoodWood AnatomyEarly woodSapwoodBarkCell WallCell Wall LayerThickness PercentageOrientation angleto thelongitudinal axisP 5%Random t 70Cell Wall StructureS 19%50°to 70°S 285%10°to 30°S 31%60°to 90°Drink Straw Analogy•Wood is an anisotropic material withits mechanical properties dependent–Grain direction. –Species–Moisture and Temperature –Size–Load DurationDirectional Elastic Properties of WoodE L : E R : E T ≈ 20 : 1.6 : 1G LR : G LT : G RT ≈ 10 : 9.4 : 1E L : G LR ≈ 14 : 1Moisture Effects on Clear Wood%100×Woodof Weight Woodin 00Moisture Variation InducedDistortionMoisture Variation InducedStresses Moisture conditionsMoisture conditions –Ice-rink arena (Ingolstadt, MPA BAU)Indoor riding arenaMoisture conditionsMoisture conditions –Gymnasium with skylights(Benediktbeuern, MPA BAU)Production hallCracks caused by shrinking•In glulam beams –possible crack distributionf t,90σc,90σt,90Benediktbeuern, MPA BAU)Cracks caused by shrinking•In combination with fasteners –(Feldkirchen, Prof. Winter)(Freiligrathstr., Munich, MPA BAU)Temperature effects on ClearWood )](1[12T T E E T T −−=αSpecific Gravity of Common•Douglas •western •western larch•Engelmann spruce •lodgepole pine •balsam firEffect of SG on Clear WoodStrengthsR = 0.88 (air dried)R = 0.81 (green)Defects in Full Size MaterialKnotsSlope of GrainEffect of Slope of Grain on WoodStrengthsHankinson Equation000)(cos )90()(sin )0()90()0()(θθθn n F F F F F D D D D +=Basis of Visual Strength Grading Basis of Visual Strength Grading --KnotsLet’s StudyMechanics.And Break Something!Tension Compression Parallel toGrainCompression Parallel toGrain0Compression Perpendicular to MPa)•Wood is very week inTension Perpendicularto Grain•It is a brittle failuremode that is highlyundesirable•If possible avoidprovide designs thatavoid tensionperpendicular to grainstressesTensile Testing machine of full sizeUTS of OSL (32 mm x 140 mm)Shear Strengths•Difficult to induce shear failures in bending members yet shear strength sometimes governs design of timber beams•Based on ASTM shear block tests with a conversion factor for full size (3.15 to 4.1)Shear Strength of Full SizeMembersDouglas fir PSLPropertiesMOE and MORSmall Clear Bending Tests•Mechanical properties of Canadiandimension lumber•Japanese market (sizes and grades)(NSize2x4Ingrade Bending StrengthsIngrade Compression StrengthsSize2x42x82x10Ingrade Modulus of Elasticity Size2x4Ingrade Modulus of Elasticity Size2x82x10Establish Design Propertiesσ1> σ2> σ3Significance of Size Effects 1NTensile Strength Assumptions:t = 1Time Dependent Behaviour ofWoodt = 10t = 100Creep & creep RuptureLoad Duration Canadian CodeLoad Duration Short TermStandard Term Permanent For standard term cases where D > L, K the specified dead and live loads respectively.Madison Curve (Small Clear 1940’s)50100150200t r e s s R a t i o (%)Empirical Hyperbolic CurveDOL data used in Curve Fitting 0-5510Stress Duration to Failure- Log (second)S Elmendorf Data PointSome Canadian Load DurationSpecies Douglas-fir Douglas-fir Western Hemlock Spruce Spruce Spruce Spruce •Q1: High Quality •Q2: Low Quality •Q3: Medium Quality•Let us define damage in a memberas whereααIntuitively, we assume that the rate of damage accumulation depends on the applied stress history.More Sophisticated Damage•Foschi and Yao Model:a, b, c, n, σ0is term the threshold stress ratiodt d Load Duration ExperimentsSpiral Grain problems Use of Damage Model•The damage model needs to be calibratedagainst DOL test data•The model parameters may be–Testing mode dependent–Species dependentSpec–Size dependent–Etc•The calibrated model can be used nsimulation study to evaluate the DOLbehaviour of members subject to differentrandom load historiesJuvenile Wood Compression Wood… imagine a bundle ofstraws held together withelastic bands•lignincellulose fibresGrading of timberf h ffDefects that affect the strengthDesign values for structural joists and planks (MPa)Variability of material propertiesBridging(load sharing)Selection of members for specific applications Closely spaced members (load sharing)p pp(grading)Large glulam (MPa)Loadc c u r r e n c edistributionP r o b a b i l i t y o f o Probability of failure (overlap area)Engineered wood products -pick the best member for each applicationI-joistslaminated veneer lumberplywoodfinger-jointed studsoriented strandboardlaminated strand lumberBridging(load sharing)Closely spaced members (load sharing)Platform constructionWall constructionThese elements for shearwallsonlyLoads onwallsGravity loads(dead load, snow,occupancy)Shear loads(wind, earthquake)Lateral loads(wind)2x12 (38x235) joistsWhen using green wood (25% MC)Shrinkage @ 5% results in(0.05)(235+38+38) = 15.6mm2x4 (38x89) top platesShrinkage in woodframe construction Shrinkage in connections•One of the biggest challenges in light timber construction •Also an important benefit of heavy timber construction •National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) defines Fire Safety as the objective to reduce the probability that a person in or adjacent to a building will be exposed to an unacceptable fire hazard as a result of the design and construction of the building •NBCC regulates building elements •National Fire Code of Canada regulates some of the building contentsClassification of Building•Buildings or parts of building are classified according to their intended enduse accounting for:–Potential of fire load quality and type of combustible materials likely to bepresent–Number of people likely to be exposedto the fire threat •Fireproofed buildings do not exist •Fire severity is governed by the ability of a construction to provide adequate:–Fire confinement–Limitation of the fire effect onsupporting structureFire Performance: Wood structures can be designed to provide excellent fireperformance. Our current knowledge can be used to overcome the unfavorable perceptions about the fire performance of residential and non-residential wood structures.The Japanese ministry ofconstruction (MLIT) nowallows 3-storey woodenstructures in the fire-proof designated urbanareas.New Swedish fire regulationspermit 6 storey multi-familywooden structuresSource Forintek Canada Corp.Heavy Timber Construction •Wood burns at a rate of approximately 0.6 mm/minute•Charring insulates and protects the unburnt woodTh•The unburnt portion of a thick member can retain 85% of its strength•Large cross section wood member can burn within their fire rating time period and still carry significant loadHeavy timber construction•NBCC defines heavy timber construction as a type of combustible construction in which a degree of fire safety is attained by placing limitations on the sizes of wood structural members and on the thickness and composition of wood floors and roofs and by the avoidance of concealed spaces under floors and roofs.SupportedAssemblyRoofs onlyheavy timber construction –Floors,floors plusroofsHeavy Timber Construction •The wood elements must be arranged insolid masses with essentially smooth, flatsurfaces to avoid thin sections and sharpprojections.•In roof arches, trusses, beams or girdersare made from several pieces, connection elements must be a minimum of 64 mmthick and be protected by sprinklers. •Where not protected by sprinklers, theymust be built so that they constitute asolid mass or have the voids blocked offon the underside by a continuous woodcover plate at least 38mm thick.Efficient use of timber for a long span roof (minimal connections)BearingComplex connections ??Just do it !!。
在这 本 国标 里 ,并 没 有对 楼层 板 是否 可 以使 用 木结 构 楼面 ,
有 明确规 定 。笔 者 曾请 教 同济 大学 何 敏娟 教 授 ,她 认 为在 结 构 力
学上 .应 用 木 结构 楼 面是 可 以的 。笔 者也 请 教 西南 设计 院的 杨 学
兵工 程 师 ,杨 工是 该 规范 主 要起 草人 之 一 。他 认 为木 结 构楼 面 应
木 结 构 在 多 层 经 济 适 用 房 的 应 用
口 加拿大加福林业亚洲区总裁 楼左生
多 层 木 结 构 在 中 国 的应 用
在 中 国 盖 多 层 木 结 构 是 有 法 可 依 的 。 在 GB, 0 61 T5 3 —
2 0 “ 骨 架 组 合 墙 体 技 术 规 范 ” 中 有 明确 规 定 。 在 该 规 范 0 5 木 56 1 规 定 , 木 骨架 组 合 墙 体 可 以用 作 6 及6 以 下住 宅建 筑 . .条 层 层
量 。如 果 用水 泥 或 钢材 盖 相 同房 屋 , 碳 排放 量 增 /7 0 ̄。这 一 ]2n 1
增减 ,使 此 栋建 筑 为人 类减 少 1 2 吨的 碳排 放量 。笔者 也 曾 经对 00
工作篇 ■
6 城 镇 民用 建 筑传 统 砖 混 结 构 与 国标 GB T5 3 — 0 5 计 的 层 / 0 612 0 设
1 l4 O 4
做 出积 极 的贡献 。
混 合 木 结 构 成 本 优 势
目前 在 中 国, 木结 构 房 屋 停 留在 低 密 度 的 高 档 房 建设 上 。 加 拿 大 政 府援 建地 震后 的 四 川省 青 川 县 , 在 那 里 盖 了几 百栋 普 I 通 装 修 的全 木 结 构 房 , 建 筑 商 的价 格 是 7 0 m 。木 结 构 房 的 4 / 建 筑 可 以 在 工 地 建 造 ,也 可 以将 主要 建 筑 体一 房 顶 、屋 架 、墙 体 、楼 面 在工 厂 预造 , 然后 运 到工 地 拼装 。
结合 的方法 , 控制 了塑性屈服点 和木材破坏进程 。建 立三维 非线性模型 , 获得 的顺纹 受拉下 的受 力性能 结果 是合适 的。
节 点 构 造 如 图 1 。
卜旦_. +旦
t 2 壬
线是非 线 性 的, 化 简 为曲线 , 如图 4 。
木 材 假 定 为 横 向 各 向 同 性 。 密 度
非 常重 要 。 为 了 了解 节 点 的受 力 特 点 , 般 采 用 理 论 的方 法 一
或数值模拟 的方 法。理论 的方法 是将 节点作 为一个 整体对
象 , 是它成本高 , 数 的数 量和类 型则 比较简单 。而数值 但 参 模 拟 的方 法 , 以 考 虑 木 材 和 钢 板 各 自 的力 学 性 能 , 通 过 可 并 接 触 分 析 的方 法 模 拟 不 同构 件 的相 互 作 用 。 本 文 提 出 了利 用 H f a o m n失 效 准 则 与 Hi 屈 服 准 则 相 f l l
+ c7
一 ) +c ( 3
+ C8t r
一 ) y ‘+C o 4 r
+ C o + C6 5 r
+ C r 9
IF /
() 2
图 5 理 论 值 与 模 型 值 的 荷 载~ 滑 移 曲 线
MA C MS R . C建 立 有 限 元 模 型 , 了 控 制 木 材 塑 性 屈 服 为 点 和 木 材 破 坏 进 程 , 效 准 则 将 H f a 则 与 Hl屈 服 准 失 o m n准 i l
点六面体单元。考虑到对称性 , 只有 四分之一 的接 头要做模
型 。 边 界 条 件 要考 虑对 称性 和荷 载 。 荷 载 施 加 时 , 构 件 在 木
d0 4
0.9743 nt
这里, 是每英寸的螺栓数。 R3.1 ACI 318 附录 D 要求用于地震作用下的锚栓,能抵抗模拟的循环地震作用。 经验表明受到典型地震作用的钢筋混凝土结构, 其塑性铰区的裂缝宽度发展大大超出了 ACI 355.2 中的预期。
混凝土中后置式机械锚栓的 试验步骤
R6.3 R6.3.1………………………………………………………………...…………………………….. 12
毕业设计(论文)报告纸 R7
R7.2……………………………………………………………...……………………………………....12 R7.2.1…………………...………………………………………………...……………………….. ..12 R7.3 R7.3.1……………………………………………...……………………...……………………….. .12 R7.3.2……………………………...………………………………..….………………………….... 12
R5.1…………………………………………………………………...……………………………….... 7 R5.1.1………………...…………………………………..…...……..……………….……………..…7 R5.1.2………………...……………………………………...……..………………….……………….7 R5.1.3………………...……………………………………...……..………………….……………….7 R5.2 R5.2.2………………...……………………...……………………..…………………….…………….9 R5.2.3………………...……………………...……..…………………………………….…………….9 R5.2.3.1………………...……………………...…………………………………….…………….10 R5.2.3.4………………...…………………...……..……………………………….…………….10 R5.4……………………………………………………………………...……………………………....10 R5.5 R5.5.1………………...…………………………………...……..…………………… .…………….10 R5.5.3………………...…………………………………...……..…………………… .…………….10 R5.5.3.2………………...…………………………………...……………………….…………….12
分会将在接下来的一年内开展优秀工程师讲座、企业日、Paper Competition、企业TEAM活动和关爱工程公益活动等系列活动,同时协办学院科创中心、外事办公室的相关活动。
Brief Introduction of ICE-TJU Student CommitteeAfter the deliberate preparation since Sept. 2011, the ICE-TJU Student Committee was officially established in Dec. 2011 along with its student council.ICE-TJU Student Committee aims to combine the resources of ICE and Civil Engineering College (CE) of TJU to meet the needs of students in related majors. It sets up a channel of communication between Chinese potential civil engineers and the outside world, companies and colleges, students and top engineers. The Committee also aims to help its student-members improve their personal capability, enlarge their knowledge scope and form their international vision.The Committee, formed as a subsidiary of ICE SHA, is now led by Innovation Base of Civil Engineering College, TJU. The Student Committee has close relationships with ICE-SJTU Student Committee and members of ICE SHA, including top engineers from enterprise and professors.In the past 2012, ICE-TJU Student Committee successfully organized a series of events such as “Company Day”, Senior Lecture, the site visit of some large-scale projects and the Delegation to HongKong in the summer vacation.In the coming 2013, ICE-TJU Student Committee plans to organize a series of events such as Member Recruitment, Inauguration Ceremony and “Company Day”. It also assists CE with various kinds of international exchanges for the interests of student-members. The committee also plans to deepen the involvement of public-spirited activities such as Caring Engineering Projects and Wu Zhi Qiao charitable activities. The Student Committee is now running closely with ICE-HA and ICE-SJTU Student Committee to promote the profile of ICE and the development of G&S of ICE Shanghai Branch.ICE在中国ICE认同和赞赏中国近来土木工程建设所取得的巨大成就,但同时也认识到中国在现代基础设施开发项目中所面临的巨大挑战。
袍 上 巾 的 各 种 污 染 , 也_ l J 』 以 减 少 施 I : 误差 ,保 证 建 筑 的 品 喷 ;
3 .单 丁 亡 化 的 处 让 建 筑 设 计 加 灵 活 , 建筑 师 f I 』 以根 据 具 体 的 需 要 组 俞 不 同 的 功 能模 块 ,在 标 准 l “ J 格【 { 1 实 现 多 种 多样 的 ;
建筑的建造 卡 l J 拆 卸 圳 方 便 灵 活 。 找仃 J ・ 叮以根 据 具 体需 求 结 构 允许
Znternati o na l W o od Ind ustr y 20 17 . 0 2
Байду номын сангаас
的 起作 用。而 我 们所 需婴 的 , 忧1 } _ l
是将 这些 单 元 灵活的 组织 起 求 , 满
足使用者的需求 E _ J 可。
.● k n e t .a c .c n
哉仃 J 认 为这 佯 的 活 处理 具 有 多种 多样 的好 处 :
1 . 预 制 的 建 筑 单 元 可 以在 工 』‘ 中火 产 ,速 度 j 产 唤量 都 能
的条件 卜 任 崽 增 加千 ¨ 减少t 庀 数 量 ,满 足 维 修 、扩 容 等 需 求 ;
, 《
5 . 预 制 化的 处理 能 够 肜 成 多
种 多样 的 结 果 , 也就 是 说 ,
“ 咖
够 允分僻到保障 , 外 ,我仃 J 所设
¨ ’ 的 无尺 度 义 ’ 便进 行 运 输 ;
模块 t 叮以 通 过 自 由 的 拼 犍 到 多
种 H的 : 1 . 形 成 多 种 多 样 的 建 筑 伞
事P a u l N e w m a n 出席颁 奖典礼并为活动致辞 。 来自中国八 所高 校并学 习
木结构设计课程的学生参加了 本次设计竞赛 , 学生们将在校所学基础
知识应用于实际木结构项目设计 中。 学生们在木结构设计方面表现出 浓厚的兴趣, 有望填补中国木结构设计人才的缺 口。 本竞赛 旨在加强大学生对木结构建筑特性 的认识, 提高 大学生将
土木工程专业基础理论 和专业知识运用于木结构设计的能九 增加各
高校师生对木结构的设计和研究 的兴趣。 同济大学在不列颠哥伦 比亚 大学的帮助下, 从2 0 0 3 年起开办面向土木工程系学生、 为期九周的木结 构设计 课程 , 首次开课 约有8 0 名学生选修,以后逐年吸引更 多学生选 修, 近5 年每年学生数近4 O 0 . A, 成为世界上学生规模较 大的木结构课
中、 加政 府十分关心绿色木结构建筑在中国的发展, 尤其关心 中 国对木结构 专业人才的培养。 加拿大不列颠哥伦 比亚省林业、 土地及 自然资源厅厅长S t e v e T h o m s o n , 加拿大驻 上海总领事W e l d o n E p p , 上海市
住房和城 乡建设管理委员会总工程师刘千伟, 加Fra bibliotek大木业协会执行董
◎ 钱秀 苇
2 0 1 6 年1 1 月3 0 R, 历时7 个月的 “ 2 0 1 6 全国第一届高校木结构设计 邀请赛” 在沪圆满收官。 本届设计邀请赛由全 国高等学校土木工程学 科专业指导委员会木结构教学研究会 主办, 同济大学土木工程学院承
办, 加拿大木业协会协办。
T h o m s o n 厅 长如 是 表示 。
论 文
第一作者:刘应扬(1987—),男,讲师,工学博士,主要研究方向为木结构。E-mail:liuyingyang5687@qq. com 通信作者:钱辉(1978—),男,教授,工学博士,主要研究方向为结构振动控制。E-mail:qianhui@zzu. edu. cn
图 1 木结构螺栓连接节点 Fig. 1 Timber bolted connections
然而,上述工作仅涉及到节点的承载能力,并没有 针对节点刚度和节点力‒位移关系进行研究;这是因为 现阶段的木结构设计方法多采用铰接节点的假定,《木
结构设计标准》GB50005—2017[10]中也仅给出了螺栓 连接节点的承载力计算公式。祝恩淳、何敏娟、熊海贝、 宋晓滨等学者[11-14]开展了木结构螺栓群节点的抗弯性 能研究,研究表明节点可以承载一定的弯矩,表现出半 刚性的特性;同时,节点在弯矩作用下易产生横纹方向 的拉应力和顺纹方向的剪应力,这两者也是木材材性 中最薄弱的环节,可能导致节点区域木材的开裂(图 2a)[13],甚至结构节点的失效。因此,铰接节点的设计 假定可能会偏于不安全[15]。
向为沿螺栓长度方向,木材厚度即为销槽承压长度; 长细比代表螺栓直径与木材厚度的比值。
试件木材采用层板胶合木,原料为加拿大进口 的云杉‒松‒冷杉规格材,材质等级为 IIc级。通过材 性试验得到木材的顺纹弹性模量为 9 542 MPa、顺纹 抗压强度为 26. 1 MPa、顺纹抗拉强度为 46. 7 MPa; 横 纹 弹 性 模 量 为 334 MPa、横 纹 抗 压 强 度 为 3. 8 MPa、横纹抗拉强度为 2. 4 MPa。螺栓采用 6. 8 级普 通螺栓,抗拉强度为 600 MPa。钢板采用 Q235 钢, 厚度为 10 mm。
1.设计教育中艺术设计的情感化运用分析--“曛· TIME”咖啡厅视觉形象设计研究[J], 杨园园
3.同济大学结构工程学院与同济大学建筑设计研究院近年来设计的钢结构电视塔概况介绍 [J], 无
4.现代木结构在小尺度建筑中的设计初探以第四届全国高等学校木结构设计邀请赛一等奖作品为例 [J], 舒欣
5.多高层木结构建筑空间设计分析——以寒地多高层木结构建筑为例 [J], 张广平;孙铭阳
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N fc m A0
——stability factor for compression m —— load combination factor
5. Bending combined with compression members
(3) Stability out the bending plane 2 M N 1 y A0fc LWfm where y —— stability factor for compression out the bending plane L —— lateral stability factor for bending
3. Bending members
Prevention of lateral torsional buckling
h/b h
<4 <5
Lateral support at spacing:
no support purlins or tie rods
< 6 1 0 mm
3. Bending members
Elastic buckling (Euler屈曲) Inelastic buckling (combination of
Axial load P (kN)
Crooked elastic column
Crooked column with material failure
buckling and material failure)
Only likely for very high grade material Benign (良性的) failure mode
3. Bending members
(1) Bending failure in tension
Most likely failure mode Brittle(脆性的) Combination of tension and shear, although tension fracture is the initiating mode
Bending failure
Lateral torsional buckling
Shear failure Notch failure
Bearing failure
Excessive deflections
3. Bending members
(1) Bending failure in compression
3. Bending merpendicular to grain
tension of fibres along the edges
bearing plate
3. Bending members
glulam beams
3. Bending members
(2) Stability in the bending plane
N —— tension
M —— bending moment An —— net area W n —— net elastic section modulus ft —— tension strength fm —— bending strength
3.Bending members
4.Bending combined with tension members 5.Bending combined with compression members
1. Tension members
1. Tension members
N ft An
(6) Excessive deflections
w w
w —— deflection limit of a bending member
—— calculating deflection based on standard load effects
bearing plate on steel column
3. Bending members
(5) Bearing failure
The “soft” property of wood Often governs Not only compression perpendicular to grain but also tension of the fibers along edges
L2 eff
Displacement Δ (mm)
2. Compression members
(1) Strength N fc An where N —— compression An —— net area f —— compression strength (2) Stabilityc
Bridging (剪刀撑) for floor joists
φl = 1.0 when lateral support is provided as shown
< 6.5
< 610 mm
compression edge held by decking or joists
< 8h
< 7.5
top edge plus bridging
3. Bending members
(3) Shear failure VS fv Ib
where V —— shear force, without consideration within h S —— area modulus I —— moment of inertia b —— width f —— shear resistance strength parallel to grain
N Ag
N An
—— tension —— net area (within 150mm)
ft —— tension strength
2. Compression members
2. Compression members
2. Compression members
2. Compression members
Design of Wood Members
Prof. He Minjuan Tongji University, Shanghai China
Words and Expressions
Crushing 压碎
Design of Wood Members
1.Tension members pression members
Notch (A)Symmetrically Slenderness ratio Benign Brittle Shrinkage crack
缺口,凹槽 (非)对称地 长细比 良性的 脆性的 收缩裂缝
3. Bending members
(4) Notch failure
3 V 2bhn
3. Bending members
h h n
h —— depth hn —— net depth of the section not
including the notch depth
3. Bending members
(1) Bending failure
M fm Wn
3. Bending members
M —— bending moment
Lateral torsional buckling of deep I-joists
W n —— net elastic section modulus
both edges
3. Bending members
(3) Shear failure
One of the very weak properties of wood Shrinkage cracks (收缩裂缝) often occur at the ends of beams in the zone of maximum shear This part of the stress load transferred in direct compression Direct compression transfer of loads in the end zones reduces the total shear force to be 45 o carried. critical section
Pin connected
Note: water damage
fixed or pin connected?
3. Bending members
3. Bending members
Parallel Strand Lumber girders
3. Bending members
3. Bending members
M —— bending moment W —— section modulus
fm —— bending resistance strength l —— lateral stability factor of member in