



unit7 《wouldyoumindturningdownthemusic 》复习教案(鲁教初二上)doc 初中英语【单元目标】I•单词与短语mind dish task clothing postersolution annoy line return voiceetiquette normal Asian Europe allowpublic impolite cough smokesneez ecriticize drop litter behave perhaps polite uncomfortablenot at all 一点也不turn down 调剂(收音机等)使音量变小right away 赶忙;赶忙wait in line 排队等候cut in line 插队keep down 操纵at first 第一break the rule 不服从;不遵守put out 熄灭put on 穿上pick up捡起even ifn.目标句型:1. Would you mi nd doi ng …?2. Do you mind doing …?3. Could / Can / Will / May you please do …?4. Would you mind not doing …?5. Not at all. I 'll do it right away.6. Sorry ,I 'll do it right away.7. Please do / don ' t …8. You 'd better do … 川.重点句型1. Would you mind turning down the music?2. whether 和 if 引导从句的用法。

3. get 的用法 【重难点分析】1. Would you mi nd …?和Do you mind …?用于询咨询或要求不人做某事, 的许可。


got the wrong size will get a smaller
ordered a hamburger with French fries, but only got a hamburger
will get some French fries right away
A: You were late. Would you mind coming early? B: No, not at all./ I’m sorry, but I’m busy now. …
2b Listen again and fill in the chart.
clothing store
❖The future is hard to predict.
❖My dream never comes true.
❖It’s difficult to learn a foreign language.
Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.
What will you say if you have these problems?
Your friends were late.
The movie was terrible. Your best friend said it was great.
Look at the picture and Work in pairs (you can give more information)
A: I ordered a hamburger, but this is salad. Would you mind___brபைடு நூலகம்i_n_gi_n_g_m_e____



;/novel/106181.html ;/novel/105418.html ;/novel/102593.html ;/novel/106121.html ;/novel/102659.html
• 4.搬开你的自行车
• 5.马上
6.洗盘子 7.穿着旧牛仔裤
wash / do wear the
the old
dishes jeans
8.从浴室里走出来 get
9.穿上另一条 10.看起来难看
put on another pair
汉译英 1.打扫院子_______________ clean the yard play baseball 2.打棒球_________ Exerises 3.把音量关小_______ turn down... 4.立刻;马上_______ right away 5.一点也不_________ not at all 6.介意做某事________ min玄界天尊在都市 济世仁心 林宜应寒年免费阅读 龙武狂豪 ;
到了,还不出去,媳妇都要跟别人跑了!" 当前 第叁伍2章 你呀很急吗? 文章阅读 时候过真快啊,白重炙暗叹一声,朝鹿老微微一笑,闪身直接出了逍遥阁.看书 一出现在房间内,就看到夜轻语更坐在他床上垂着头,摆弄着衣裙,如雪の白发下,一张秋水眸子,正闪烁不停,不知在想些什么,不时还露出 微微の羞意. "不咋大的语,在想什么哪?那么入神?"白重炙直接坐在床上,一把抱住夜轻语,亲了下她の脸蛋,亲昵说道. "没…没想什么!" 夜轻语被白重炙一亲,更加羞涩了,站起身来,慌乱の整了整裙摆,慌张の说道:"哥,还有五天就大婚了,你呀赶快去长老堂吧,长老们找你呀…对了,你呀还不把 轻舞带出来?青牛爷爷都在骂人了,说你呀们不讲礼节,婚前都住在一起!" 额… 白重炙想起夜青牛鼓着一双牛眼,凶狠の样子.不禁讪讪の摸了摸鼻子,再次闪进逍遥阁,把在修炼の夜轻舞带了出来.而后独自一人朝外走去,去长老堂看看情况. 拐出寒心阁,走过东院,来到西院,站在长老堂门前.白重 炙望着门上三个金光闪闪、龙飞凤舞の"长老堂"三字,不禁自嘲一笑,当年他可是整整在这跪了一天一夜,最后这长老堂の大门依旧紧闭,而当它打开の时候,自己得到の却是夜荣の嘲讽和怒骂… "少族长,您来了,快进来!" 门口走出两名长老,很是亲和の说道.俨然是长老堂内の长老们发现了白重炙 の到来,出来迎接の. 白重炙淡淡点了点头走了进去,长老堂很大,很气派,这可是白家表面最高の权利机构,每日都有无数の长老在着办公,处理着整个破仙府北方の大不咋大的事情. "少族长!" 大厅内坐着十多名长老,夜剑和夜枪赫然在其中,所有长老见到白重炙の到来,纷纷起坐,朝白重炙点头行 礼. "大伯,三叔好!诸位长老好,别太客气,你呀们随意吧!"白重炙拱手回礼,淡淡の憋了一眼夜剑,没有多说什么,走到旁边の一张黒木椅子上坐下. "轻寒啊,五天之后就大婚了,这几天别忙着修炼了.和司仪长老学学礼仪,到时候别闹笑话,五天后,可是整个破仙府の名流都会来齐了,到时候要整有 气质点,让天下人看看俺们白家少族长不仅武力无双,文采气质也是独步天下,哈哈!"夜枪首先发话了,这次大婚是他和夜天青主办の,他当然要好好交代一番. "嗯?又学这个,哎…轻寒尽力吧!"白重炙一听见头都几个大了,愁眉苦脸の点头道. "哈哈,别愁眉苦脸!其实也没你呀什么事!接亲の队伍 早就开拔了,月家也派了大队人马护送,估计此刻都在回雾霭城の路上了…你呀只需在五天之后,去荣耀亭迎接一下月倾城,在回来带着你呀三个不咋大的媳妇,一同完成大婚礼仪,而后给宾客们敬敬酒,然后就放心洞房吧…哈哈,少族长のyan舞齐天,可是让无数の破仙府才俊,夜夜垂泪不已啊…" 夜天 青嘿嘿一笑,讲解起大婚の流程,同时不忘打趣一下白重炙.同时旁边の长老们也开始纷纷打趣起来,一时候长老堂马屁奉承打趣调侃声不止,让白重炙有些哭笑不得了. 事情交代完了,白重炙便离开长老堂,回到寒心阁,不料却发现夜轻舞竟然不见了.一问之下发现夜轻舞竟然回曼舞阁了,说是被夜青 牛派人叫了回去,准备大婚,不准在乱跑了. …… 即将迎娶三位大陆人都羡慕の绝世美人,白重炙の心也静不下来了,无心修炼.整日被迫去司仪长老那里学习礼仪,而后则回来和夜轻语处着二人世界. 夜轻语这两天接近大婚,虽然白家司仪堂本想让夜轻语去外面住几天,大婚再住进寒心阁.但是夜轻 语却不肯,无奈之下司仪堂只能派了几名老妈子,住进了寒心阁,专门为夜轻语准备起来. 这夜,风轻云淡,圆月高悬,星光闪耀. 白重炙和夜轻语用过晚饭,两人走到了露天の天台,开始坐在天台上赏月. 当然,明则赏月,具体赏些什么,这就不由得之了,不过见夜轻语越来越怕羞の神情就可以猜出几分 了… "来,不咋大的语,坐哥旁边来!"白重炙坐在长长の躺椅上,望着月色下夜轻语一头银发,宛如精灵一样,透露出一丝神圣の气息,不禁眼中露出一丝荡意,对她招了招手. "俺…不来,哥,老是使坏!"夜轻语抖了抖不咋大的巧の鼻子,脸微微红了起来,接近大婚,似乎她越来越害羞了. "呃…行俺保 证今天不使坏,哥是正人君子,动口不动手!"白重炙嘿嘿一笑,连忙正色说道. "嗯,记得你呀说の话哦!"夜轻语一听见保证,这才玉步轻移,坐在他身边,不料一坐下,却被白重炙一把抱住,而后她两片骄唇,直接被白重炙大嘴覆上,一条舌头,灵巧の钻了进来,四处游走,不断纠缠起她の香丁不咋大的舌 起来… "唔…哥,你呀算话不算话…你呀不是说动口不动手吗…呀,你呀这个大坏蛋!"夜轻语问道白重炙雄烈の男人气息,被他霸道の吻整の浑身都软了,好半响才反应过来,娇嗔起来.不料却发现白重炙刚才の话,竟然设了个圈套,不禁又羞又怒,两只粉拳朝着白重炙の肩膀捶打起来. "嘿嘿,俺当然 只是动了口…都要马上成亲了,还害羞什么…唔,不咋大的语,你呀の舌头好软…"白重炙很是守规矩,双手抱住夜轻语没有动手,而是再一次朝她の香唇贴了上去. 一番淤泥,两人相拥而坐,夜轻语半个身子靠在白重炙身体上,浑身发烫,脸红如花,低着头,不断の掐着白重炙の大腿. 白重炙没有说话,任 凭夜轻语给他按压,而是微微闭着眼睛,非常享受着醉人の时光. "哥…" 良久之后,夜轻语一声轻呼将他惊醒,他诧异の低头朝夜轻语望去,不料却发现她满脸羞红,宛如被火烧了一样,不禁一阵心猿意马,问道:"怎么了,不咋大的语?" "哥,今夜…你呀要了俺吧!" 夜轻语突然鼓起了勇气,睁大眼睛望 着白重炙,说了一句让他差点下巴掉落在地上の话. 白重炙愣了半天,看着夜轻语火热の目光,眨了眨眼皮,半天才憋出一句话:"什么?这…这事,这事不用急吧,不是还有两天就大婚了吗?那什么?俺不是很急,还能憋の住…你呀,你呀很急吗?" 本书来自 聘熟 当前 第叁伍叁章 异位面强者降临 文章 阅读 "呸…哥你呀说の是,什么羞人话…" 夜轻语一听见本来鼓起很大勇气睁大の眼睛,迅速败退,连忙惊慌の低下头,脖子一片嫣红,好半响才再次鼓起勇气说道:"俺,俺想大婚那天让给,让给倾城姐…俺,俺不是急…不说了,羞死人!" "呃!" 白重炙望着自己怀里宛如,一些丛林内走出の精灵般の 夜轻语,不禁感动万分.这妮子,什么时候都在为他着想,却从来没有要求过他什么,能娶如此女子为妻,无憾矣… "轻语,从今天开始,俺不再是你呀哥,俺是你呀の男人…你呀,永远是俺最爱の不咋大的女人,是俺最疼爱の妻子,无可替代,俺将一辈子永远珍惜你呀の,永远!" 白重炙拦腰抱起夜轻语,几 多正色の对夜轻语说道,而后朝天台大门走去. "唔…哥,你呀永远是俺の男人,俺愿永远做你呀の不咋大的女人,你呀の妻子!"夜轻语痴痴の仰起了头,望着白重炙犹如刀削般の脸,眼角流下一滴清泪. 她,等这天等得太久,太久了… 抱着夜轻语,慢慢走入自己の房间,轻轻将她放在床上.白重炙并没 有猴急の扑了上去,而是轻轻の拥着她,温柔の轻吻她,轻抚她,让她内心宁静下来,也让她身子慢慢火热起来… "唔…哥,要了俺吧,俺要做你呀の妻子!"夜轻语微闭着双眼,偶然闪出一丝迷离の目光,两片娇弱の双唇,一张一合,双颊红里透白,很是诱人. "轻语,俺の不咋大的妻子,俺来了!"白重炙见 火候到了,一把反生而上,贴身附下,一路吻下,双手却不空闲,麻利の解开两人の衣袍……一时候这个房间内の温度陡然升高,空气也变得旖旎起来… 只是…当白重炙调情了不咋大的半个时辰,将两人QY提升到顶点,跨身慢慢进入之后,非常怪异の事情发生了. 夜轻语痛呼一声,紧紧将白重炙抱住の时 候,突然身体散发出一阵神圣の淡淡光芒,这光芒很柔和,很弱,并且一闪而逝.以至于正激动正酣の两人都没发现,而窗外这时

八年级英语下册:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the mus

八年级英语下册:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the mus

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?一、教学内容:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?二、教育信息:1. 重点短语:(1) not at all 一点也不(2) turn down 把音量调小(3) right away 立刻,马上(4) wait in line 排队等候(5) cut in line 插队(6) keep …down 控制,压低声音(7) at first 首先(8) put out 熄灭(9) pick….up 捡起(10) break the rules 违反规则(11) no problem 没问题2. 句型:(1) Would you mind doing…?(2) Could you please do…?3. 交际用语:学会提出请求或表示抱怨4. 语法:(1) 情态动词could表示请求(2) Would you mind +动名词的用法二、重点内容讲解:1. Would you mind turning down the music?(1)此句中的would是will的过去式,但此处并不表示客气,而是一种委婉的语气,表示征求意见或提出请求。

ex: Would you like some tea?Would you please e with us?Would you please not do this?(2)mind意为“介意,反对”,用作及物动词,常用于疑问句、否定句,条件句中,后接宾语从句或动名词。

ex: Do you mind if I put my bike here?I don’t mind what you said.我不在乎你说的话。

Would you mind opening the door?请你打开窗户好吗?(3) mind doing sth. 意为“介意做某事”,若表示“介意某人做某事”,则用mind sb. /one’s doing sth.ex: 我在这吸烟你介意吗?Would / Do you mind me / my smoking here?你这样说我不介意。


Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?
Would you mind (not) …
sweeping the floor getting up early cooking for us playing the computer games
What will you say to them?
shopping.I need your help.
1.Would you mind washing the dishes?
2.Could you please feed the dog ?
the Pizza Hut. Yours,
A: Would you mind getting up?
You have to help me in
Using “could
the kitchen.
you”, you”,
“would “have to”
5.Also, you have to do your homework .
If you finish these tasks, we can go to a movie tonight.
TASK: Writing a note.
You have to go to school. Write a note to your cousin and ask him/her to help you.
Can you help me ?

初二Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music

初二Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music

Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?目标认知重点词汇与短语:not at all, in the future, try to do, turn on\down, get out of, line, wait in line, annoy, get annoyed, polite, perhaps, happen to sb.重点句型:Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.或许在将来,我应该试着不这么有礼貌。

Would you mind turning down the music? 你可以把音乐调低点吗?重点语法:表示客气和委婉的请求的句型日常用语:1. ---Would you mind cleaning your room? 你介意打扫一下你的房间吗?---I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away. 对不起,我马上就干。

2. ---Would you mind moving your car? 你介意挪一下你的车吗?---No, not at all. 不,不介意。

3. Could you please feed my little dog when I’m taking a holiday?我度假时,你能喂一下我的小狗吗?4. Shall we help the elderly clean the yard? 我们帮老人打扫一下院子好吗?5. Let’s make some rules to protect wild animals. 我们来定一些制度保护野生动物吧。

6. Why don’t you go there by plane? 你为什么不乘飞机去那儿呢?7. Why not give him a funny book as a present?为什么不给他一本有趣的书当作礼物呢?8. You’d better take a good car e of yourself. 你最好能照顾好自己。

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music

Unit 7  Would you mind   turning down   the music

Would you mind doing sth?
No, not at all .
Of course not. . I’ll do it right now/
in a minute.
OK .
-Would you mind doing …? -No, not at all .
-Would you mind doing …? -No, not at all .
-Would you mind making the bed ? -OK, I’ll do it right now.
-Would you mind doing …?
-No, not at all .
-Would you mind turning down the music? -Of course not.I’ll do it in a minute.
--Sorry. I won’t do it again.
Would you mind not playing the computer games ?
Not at all . I’ll stop it right away .

A: Would you mind not smoking? B: I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.
1 not closing the window
not eating too much ice cream
1a Match the requests with the people in the picture.
1b listening

八年级英语下册 Unit7《Would you mind turning down the musi

八年级英语下册 Unit7《Would you mind turning down the musi

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?☆重点归纳☆☆典型试题☆例1同义句改写Please help your younger brother learn to swim .1)Would you mind ___________?2)Could you please ________________?3)You have to ____________________4)You must ________________________〖解题思路〗would you mind +doing 是提建议的交际用语,后接动词ing形式,除此之外“could”后面跟动词原型。

“have to”后面跟动词原型。

情态动词“can ,may ,must”后面都跟动词原型。

因此答案为1)helping your younger brother learn to swim2)help your younger brother learn to swim3)help your younger brother learn to swim4)help your younger brother learn to swim 例2:Would you mind _______the new words for me ?A copyB copyingC to copyD copied〖解题思路〗mind 后接动名词,故选B☆单元评价☆●基础巩固一、根据句意补全单词(每空1分,共10分)1.Would you mind w______ the dishes?]2.My father is a salesman. He works at am______.3.Could you p_______ go shopping with me ?4.Would you mind getting up ?You have to helpme in the k______. Your grandparents wille to our house for supper.5 If I f________ these tasks ,we can go to theconcert.6 I am so hungry. Would you mind b______ ahamburger?7. It doesn’t work . Would you mind giving mea n______ one?8. I b____ this shirt in the clothes shopyesterday .9. You gave me the w_______ size .Could youplease give me a smaller one?10 I o_______ a hamburger ,but it’s acheeseburger.二、选择正确的词或短语填空(每空1分,共10分)1.I ______(ran /run )out of money. What shouldI do?2.Would you mind ______(close/closing)door?3.Could you______(turning /turn) downmusic, please?4.His hobby isold______(coins/cousins).5.How long havebeen______(watching/listening to)videos?6.The more Leo learns about Chinese,______(more/most) he enjoys himself China.7.——______.(OK,I’ ll do/Sorry)8.Would you mind______(not /not standing)close to me?’the door?10.Mom is busy now, what about(help/helping) her?三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空0.5分共10分)1.Would you mind ______ ____________(把音乐声音关小点)?2.If you ______ ______(来这里),I’you a ______(给你个惊喜).3.While I was ______ ______(种蔬菜)in garden, one of my old friends______ to______ me(来访).______(将赢得这场比赛).you mind ______ ______ ______ ______(不要对我讲话)?、单项选择:选择最佳答案填入题前括内(每空2分,共30分)you mind having some juice? --___________.A. No, of course notB.Yes ,I wouldC. No, I wouldD. Yes, I will-- of course notA.to listen to B listening toC. to listen toD. listeningA. not makingB. don’t makeC.not to makeD. not makewash the dishes ,________ _________?A. don’t youB. do youC. will youD. won’t you’ll do it ______.(下面选项哪个不符合题意)A. right awayB. all rightC. at onceD. in a minuteto play football.A. have to notB. not have toC. don’t have toD. have not to7. --Yan Ming ,could you makeposters?--Sure ,that’s ______A. no questionB. no problemC. not question8. --Would you mind _______ the window ?--No, not at all .Do please .A.I close B me closingC. my closed D my closing9. --Would you like to join us ?--Yes,______.A. I wouldB. I’d love toC. I’d loveD. I’d like10. --Shall we go to a movie tonight ?--_______ Let’s go.A. Why not B .Yes, we shallC. Certainly D OKwell.A at last B. at mostC at least D. at firstA. politeB.unhappyC. terribleD. impolite’t usually like ______, so we have to be careful how we give them some suggestions.A. criticizeB.to be criticized C to criticize D. criticizingyou see any litter on the school playground ,you’d better ______A. pick up itB. pick it upC. go awayD. not touch them--Could you please ______?--Oh , sorry I will .A .wait in line B. cut in lineC wait in a line D. cut in the line、阅读理解(每小题1分,共20分) 仔细读下面的文章,然后选择正确答案AMr Stilwell looked out of his window. ThereThere was a very thin dog in the street too.“e here, good”The dog was very hungry and went to the boy, he didn’ t give it any of his bread.Instead, he kicked(踢) the dog. It ran away the boy laughed.Then Mr Stilwell came out of his house said to the boy,“Do you want a shilling 令)?”The boy was happy and said,“Yes, I do.“e here,”to Mr Stilwell, but Mr Stilwell didn’stick.The boy cried and said,“me? I didn’ t ask you for any money.”“No,”Mr Stilwell said,“and the dog didn t ask you for any bread, but you kicked it.A. before the windowB. in the streetC. on his houseD. at the table17. The thin dog was ______.A. Mr Stilwell’ sB. the boy’ sC. Mr Stilwell’s neighbour’ sD. a wild one18 .The boy was Mr Stilwell’ s son, wasnt he?A. Yes, he was.B. No, he wasn’ t.C. Yes, he wasn’ t.D. No, he was.19 The boy______. B. gave the dog bread, then kicked it awayC. kicked the dog, then laughed at itD. was kind to the dog to give it breadA. the boy was badB. Mr Stilwell was badC. the people in West countries liked the dogsD. the people in West countries didn’ t like the dogsBJohn sent for (派人去请) a doctor because wife was ill .He called the doctor and made they would meet at five .He arrived at the s He arrived at the doctor’s at twenty“It’s a little bit ’ll wait for a moment .It’s goodThen he stopped his car in front of the ’s He looked around and saw a noisy广场)not far from here .He went there sat down on a chair to enjoy the last nightSuddenly he heard a girl crying .He cameaddress and took her home .The girl’swere very thankful.Then John hurried to the doctor’doctor said angrily when he saw him , you ‘minutes ? John said nothing but one “sorry!”1. John drove to the doctor’s ________.A .late B. on timeC. in time Din no time2. John went to the square to _______.A.spend the timeB. enjoy himselfC. see the children and the womenD. help the girl3. The girl cried because _________A. someone hit herB. she fall off her bikeC. her parents were angry with herD. she didn’t find the way home4. At last John got to the doctor’s atC. five o’fiveC. helpful personD. lucky person (B)仔细阅读下面的文章,用所给动词Joe Brown had a shop where he 1 meat.shop at five to”she said.“I”in his shop. He箱)fridge and”the woman said.”Joe 7put the meat into“This piece’ s”C. smallD.C. goD.33.A.in B. of C. with D. by34.A.most B. much C. many D. more35.A.all B. every C. both D. each六、书面表达。

新目标英语八年级下 语法 Unit 7

新目标英语八年级下 语法 Unit 7

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 常考短语:Not at all Turn down Right away Wait in line Cut in lineAt firstKeep…downT ake carePut outBreak the rulePick up1.Would you mind turning down the music? 你介意把音乐声关小一点吗?-No, not at all. 不,一点儿也不。

Would you mind doing…? 是用来客气地提出请求、要求的方式之一●也可以说成Would you mind one’s doing…?意为“请你做某事好吗?”“做某事你介意吗?”或“你介意做某事吗?”●其否定形式为“Would you mind not doing…?”——在回答时用yes表示“介意”,用no表示“不介意”。

-Would you mind closing the window? 你介意关上窗户吗?-No, not at all / certainly not / of course not. 不,一点儿也不/当然不介意。

-Would you mind my sitting here? 你介意我坐在这儿吗?-Yes, I do. 是的,我介意Mind的用法●Mind用作动词,意为“介意,在乎,反对”。


e.g. Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?I don’t mind what he said and did. 我对他的所作所为并不介意。

●Mind用作名词,意为“想法,意见,主意”e.g. Jack changed his mind at last. 最后杰克改变了主意。

2.Turn down (将音量)调低,关小。

其反义词为turn up,意为“调大,开大”。

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music 讲解与练习

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music 讲解与练习

第 1 页 (共4 页) 第 2 页 (共4 页)学校 姓名 班级 考场 考号---------------------------------○密------------------ -------------------○封----------------------------- -- --○线----------------------------※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※答※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※题※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※线※※※※※※※※※※※※※新目标英语八年级下册Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?讲解与练习重要短语1.turn down (音量)放小,(光线)调暗 turn up (音量)放大,(光线)调亮 turn on 打开(开关、按钮)turn off 关(开关、按钮)2. not at all 一点也不3. right away = in a minute 立刻,马上=at once4. do/wash the dishes 洗碗5. put on 穿上(动作)6. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事=help sb. do sth.7. make posters 制作海报8.be close to 离……很近9. wait in line 排队 10. cut in line 插队 11.get annoyed 生气 12.try not to do sth.设法不做某事 13.try to do sth.设法做某事14. an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家15.keep one's voice down 把某人的音量调低 16.follow sb. around 到处跟着某人17.all the time 一直 18.the same thing 同样的事 19.try to sleep 设法睡觉20.take care of 照顾 21. in public places 在公共场所22.break the rules 破坏规则 23.take care to do sth.小心做某事24.drop litter 扔垃圾25.pick up 把……捡起 26.a shop assistant 售货员 27.in the future 在将来28.be excited to do sth.做某事很激动 29.put out 扑灭,熄灭 句子重点讲解1.Do you mind my smoking? 我抽烟你介意吗?2.I‟ll do it right away .我马上做. right away 意为“立刻、马上”,与at once 或in a minute 或before long 同义。

新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music》

新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music》
Turn down the music Turn up the TV
A: Would you mind turning down the music? B: OK. I’ll turn it down./
No, not at all./ Sorry, I’ll do it right away.
cleaning the yard?
✓ B: No, not at all./ OK. I’ll do it right away.
A: Would you mind not smoking here? B: No, not at all./
I’m sorry. I won’t do it right away./ Ok. I’ll smoke outside.
2. Move your bike please! ➢ _W_o_u_l_d_y_o_u__m_i_n_d_m__o_v_i_n_g_y_o_u_r_b_i_k_e_?_______
3. Don’t watch TV! ➢ _W_o_u_l_d_y_o_u__m_i_n_d_n_o_t_w__a_tc_h_i_n_g_T_V__?________
Thank you!
❖Would you mind not doing…?
❖ a. Get up! b. Would you mind getting up?
❖ a. Don’t play basketball here! b. Would you mind not playing basketball here?
Would you mind (not) doing…?



适用精选文件资料分享Would you mind turning down the music教课设计课题: Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 学习目标:词汇短语: yard, right away, dish句型:Would you mind doing the dishes? I ’ll do it right away. Ok,I ’ll put on another pair.重难点:句型及听力教课过程:一.复习词汇:朗读,记忆。

二.问题导航:请同学们查阅课本,完成以下句子 1 .请刷一下盘子好吗?2.我马上就做。


三. 1.2a Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear them. 2. 2b Listen again. Match the requests in activity2a with the requests below. Write the letter in the blanks. 3. 2c Look at the requests and reponses above and make conversations. 4. Grammar Focus练习:完成句子 1 . Would you mind______ ______ ______(刷一刷)?2.-Would you mind ______ ______ ______ _______ ______(请不要穿那件旧外衣好吗?)-Ok._____ _____ _____ _____ ______(那我穿另一件吧 ) 。

2 . I ’ll leave for Shanghai_____ ______ _____( 马上 ) 。

3 . That pair of old jeans______ ______(把车挪一下好吗?) No,______ ______________(一点也不 ) 。

Unit 7《Would you mind turning down the music》课

Unit 7《Would you mind turning down the music》课

Look a1nbdLliisstetnencainregfully. Try to
remember the requests in order. 1a,1b
_2_ a. Would you mind cleaning the yard? _4_ b. Would you mind not playing
Would you mind doing sth?
No, not at all
Of course not. I’ll do it right now/
in a minute.
--- Would you mind…? --- No, not at all./
Certainly not./ Of course not. I’ll do it right away/in a minute.
_2_ b. Nick, would you mind not wearing those old jeans?
_4_ c. Jenny, would you mind cleaning your room?
_3_ d. Nancy, would you mind getting out of the bathroom?
talk on the phone too loud
play the music
play soccer
in the room
Find out three
DethairnMgsrthaantdaMrerbsad. Harris,
Welcome to our neighborhood. You must be excited to be in a new house. However, would you mind not ---?
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吉林省长春市104中八年级英语下册《Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music 》测试题(1)(无答案) 人教新目标版一、选择题(每小题2分,共30分)1、The girl was born ______ the morning of June 18th,1991. 【】A、at B、onC、in D、during2、I am full now. But thank you______. 【】A、at the same B、the all timeC、same to you D、all the same3、He will be back ______ he is free. 【】A、while B、becauseC、after D、if4、______you get up late, you’ ll be ______for school.【】A、When; late B、Because; earlyC、in D、during5、It’ s nice ______to you.【】A、to talk B、talkC、talked D、is talking6、I don’ t mind his ______ at me. 【】A、shout B、shoutedC、shouting D、shouts7、Please bring me some food. I’ m ______hungry now.【】A、much B、moreC、most D、very8、What day______ tomorrow? 【】A、it will B、will itC、it will be D、will it be9、It’ s very cold today. Please keep the door______.【】A、closed B、closeC、open D、opened10、This pair of jeans is different______ that one. 【】A、to B、withC、on D、from11、I can buy ______ because I have no money. 【】A、anything B、nothingC、something D、anything12、—Is Jim coming later? 【】—He ______ if he can.A、comes B、cameC、coming D、will come13、If it ______ tomorrow, we’ ll have a sports meeting. 【】A. isn’ t rainB. doesn’ t rainC. rainsD. not rain14、Don’ t laugh______ your classmates when they______ mistakes. 【】A. at; makeB. at; madeC. to; makeD. with; have15.Thank you for ______ us. We really enjoyed ______. 【】A. join; oursB. joining; ourselvesC .join; ourselves D. joining; us二、填空题A.选择正确的词或短语填空(每空1分,共10分)1.I ______(ran out of/run out of) money. What should I do?2.Would you mind ______(close/closing) the door?3.Could you______(turning down/turn down) the music, please?4.His hobby is collecting old______(coins/cousins).5.How long have you been______(watching/listening to) music videos?6.The more Leo learns about Chinese, the ______(more/most) he enjoys himself in China.7.—Would you mind keeping your voice down?—______.(OK,I’ ll do/Sorry)8.Would you mind______(not very close to me/not standing very close to me)?9.It’ s so cold. Could you ______(closing/close) the door?10.I______(asked/ordered) a humburgar for my friend. But the clerk gave me French fries.B.根据汉语意思完成句子(每空1分,共20分)1.Would you mind ______ ______ ______ ______(把音响声音关小点)?2.If you ______ ______(来这里), I’ ll ______ you a ______(给你个惊喜).3.While I was ______ ______(种蔬菜)in the garden, one of my old friends______to______ me(来访).4.The reporter said we ______ ______ ______ ______(将赢得这场比赛).5.Would you mind ______ ______ ______ ______(不要对我讲话)?三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Joe Brown had a shop where he 1 meat. One day a woman 2 into the shop at five to one. “I’ m sorry. I’ m late,”she said.“I 3 some more meat for my dinner tonight.”Joe had only one 4 of meat in his shop. He took it 5 the fridge and said,“This is $6.50.”“That piece is too 6 ,”the woman said.“Haven’ t you got anything bigger?”Joe 7 into the room behind his shop, put the meat into the fridge, took it out again and closed the door 8 a lot of noise. Then he brought the piece of meat to the woman and said,“This piece of meat is bigger and 9 expensive. It’ s $8.75.”“Good,”the woman said with a smile.“Give me 10 of them, please.”1.A.sell B. buy C. bought D. sold 【】2.A.came B. stood C. went D. put 【】3.A.wanted B. need C. wants D. needs 【】4.A.bowl B. is C. piece D. pound 【】5.A.in B. out of C .into D. out 【】6.A.big B .bigger C. small D. smaller 【】7.A.went B. goes C. go D. runs 【】8.A.in B. of C. with D. by 【】9.A.most B. much C. many D. more 【】10.A.all B. every C. both D. each 【】四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AMr Stilwell looked out of his window. There was a boy at the other side of the street. Theboy took some bread out of a bag and began eating it.There was a very thin dog in the street too. The boy said to it very kindly.“Come here, good dog. Do you want a p iece of bread?”The dog was very hungry and went to the boy, but he didn’ t give it any of his bread. Instead, he kicked(踢) the dog. It ran away and the boy laughed.Then Mr Stilwell came out of his house and said to the boy,“Do you want a shilling?”The b oy was happy and said,“Yes, I do.”“Come here,”Mr Stilwell said. The boy went to Mr Stilwell, but Mr Stilwell didn’ t give him a shilling. Instead, he hit him with a stick.The boy cried and said,“Why did you hit me? I didn’ t ask you for any money.”“No,”Mr Stilwell said,“and the dog didn’ t ask you for any bread, but you kicked it.”阅读短文,选择正确答案(10分)1.Mr Stilwell stood ______ and looked out. 【】A. before the windowB. in the streetC. on his houseD. at the table2.The thin dog was ______. 【】A. Mr Stilwell’ sB. the boy’ sC. Mr Stilwell’ s neighbour’ sD. a wild one3.The boy was Mr Stilwell’ s son, wasn’ t he? 【】A. Yes, he was.B. No, h e wasn’ t.C. Yes, he wasn’ t.D. No, he was.4.The boy______. 【】A. kicked the dog, then gave bread to itB. gave the dog bread, then kicked it awayC. kicked the dog, then laughed at itD. was kind to the dog to give it bread5.From this story, we can see that______. 【】A. the boy was badB. Mr Stilwell was badC. the people in West countries liked the dogsD. the people in West countries didn’ t like the dogsBAt midnight on New Year’ s Eve(除夕),people in Rome, Italy, throw out all the things they don’ t want any longer. The streets are filled with old chairs, beds, clothes and plates. In Madrid, Spain, the New Year comes in more quietly. People get together in the center of the city. Each holds a bag of grapes. As the clock strikes(敲) twelve, the people eat grapes—one for each strike.In Tokyo, Japan, people eat noodles on New Year’ s Eve. This food is said to bring long life. Early the next morning some Japanese families climb Mount Fuji. There they watch the first sunrise of the new year.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)1.New Year’ s Eve Rome must be very noisy. 【】2.In the center of Madrid, a Spaniard(西班牙人) brings more than fifteen grapes andwaits for the New Year. 【】3.Many happy people are in the street in Madrid on New Year’ s Eve. 【】4.People in both Madrid and Tokyo bring in the new year by eating a special food. 【】5.The Japanese prefer to welcome the new year by going to bed early and risingearly. 【】五、书面表达(共10分)看下面五幅图,按文字提示排列顺序,然后通过它们所表达的内容用英语写一篇短文。______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________-。
