chapter 5 & 6 practice test


朗文2A Chapter5 (单词+课文)

朗文2A Chapter5 (单词+课文)

throw litter
Don’t make a noise.
make a noise
Fill in the signs
climb the trees walk on the grass
pick the flowers
feed the ducks
throw litter make a noise
Signs we see
Chapter 5, Book 2A Longman Welcome to English
What signs in the park?
Don’t climb the trees.
climb the trees
Rewrite the sentences with don’t or do not.
Do not pick the flowers. _D_o_n_’t_p_ic_k_t_h_e_f_lo_w_e_rs_.____
Don’t feed the ducks.
No, we can’t. Look at the sign. It says: Do not __f_e_ed_t_h_e_d_u_c_ks.
Can we ____ ___ ____ ?
No, we can’t. Look at the sign. It says: Do not ____ ___ ____.
Don’t _p_ic_k_ the flowers.
Don’t _fe_e_d_ the ducks.



Chapter 5 英汉词法翻译技巧第二节省略法(omission)省略译法——是指出于译文语法和习惯表达法的需要,把原文中需要而译文中又不需要的单词、词组等在翻译过程中加以省略的翻译方法。






省略冠词1) A teacher should have patience in his work. (表类别)2)The horse is a useful animal.3)The moon was slowly rising above the sea. (独一无二)4)He left without saying a word.5)Robert said he was getting a dollar a mile. 每开一英里就赚一块钱6)The children are of an age.省略连接词7)He looked gloomy and troubled. (并列)忧愁不安8)Despite the privation, and the mounting toll of dead and wounded, however, morale remained intact, andpeople still smile in the street. 尽管供应不足,伤亡增加,然而士气并未受到影响。



Writing Skills
3. Add a favorable comment on the goods ordered. Example: We feel confident that you will satisfy with the quality of our goods and our business service.
Writing Skills
Part 2 An order, especially a first order, should most
certainly be acknowledged by a letter, a fax or Email. The acceptance should include the following information.
Partial shipment is allowed; Transshipment is not allowed.
We will establish the relevant L/C before September 20 as requested. We would like you to effect the insurance for ll0% of the invoice value covering All Risks and War Risk.
We are confident that we must have a good business start and will extend our business successfully in future through our mutual effort.
We anticipate to hear from you soon. Thanks a lot for your kind cooperation.

Chapter 5 段落翻译

Chapter 5 段落翻译

She had gone out„ 相连,使得上下文更加紧凑,衔接更为自然。
在一个春节前一天的下午,我到重庆郊外去看一位朋友。她住在那 个乡村的乡公所楼上。走上一段阴暗的反反的楼梯,进到一间有一
Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers. 译文1:许多人常常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白 领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。 译文2:这在西方倒是人之常情,许多人常常宁愿牺牲比 较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位。 汉语习惯:原因在前,结果在后;条件在前,事实在后。
1. Learn from the past mistakes to avoid the future ones. 2. Behind, I see no ancestors; Ahead, I find no followers. 3. I think the worst problem is behind us. 4. I am getting ahead of the story. 5. They never met from the day forward. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 惩前毖后。 前无古人,后无来者。 我想最糟糕的情况已经过去了。 我讲到故事的后面去了。 从那天以后他们再也没见过面。
在四川,有一美妙去处。它背依岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声 婉转,流水潺潺。名胜古迹荟萃,这就是松潘县的黄龙。 该段翻译展现了中国人典型的思维方式—归纳法,即先描述或叙述理由,后做 结论。 英美人的思维方式正好相反,他们往往采用演绎法,即开门见山摆出结论,然 后再推演,段落中的主题句便是这种思维方式的体现。


Upper class in background but democratic in sympathy, the Brahmin poets carried their genteel, European-oriented views to every section of the United States, through public lectures at the 3,000 lyceums (centers for public lectures) and in the pages of two influential Boston magazines, the North American Review and the Atlantic Monthly.The writings of the Brahmin poets fused American and European traditions and sought to create a continuity of shared Atlantic experience. These scholar-poets attempted to educate and elevate the general populace by introducing a European dimension to American literature. Ironically, their overall effect was conservative. By insisting on European things and forms, they retarded the growth of a distinctive American consciousness. Well-meaning men, their conservative backgrounds blinded them to the daring innovativeness of Thoreau, Whitman (whom they refused to meet socially), and Edgar Allan Poe (whom even Emerson regarded as the ―jingle man‖). They were pillars of what was called the ―genteel tradition‖ that three generations of American realists had to battle. Partly because of their benign but bland influence, it was almost 100 years before the distinctive American genius of Whitman, Melville, Thoreau, and Poe was generally recognized in the United States.

Chapter 5 英译汉的疑点(形合意合)

Chapter 5   英译汉的疑点(形合意合)

Hypotaxis vs. Parataxis
• • 汉语意合语言和英语形合语言 : 雨是最寻常的,一下就是三两天。可别恼,看,像 花针,像细雨,密密地斜织着,屋顶上全笼着一层 薄烟。(朱自清《春》) 试比较: 雨是最寻常的,(它)一下就是三两天。(不 过)(你)可别恼,(你)(试着向外边)看, (它正在下着),像花针,(也)像细雨,(它那 么)密密地斜织着,(以至于)(人家的)屋顶上 全笼着一层薄烟。
• •
试比较: (如果)一个民族不能自由地决定其政治地位, 不能自由地保证其经济,社会和文化的发展,要享 受其基本权利,/ 即使不是不可能,也是不容易的。 这一论断是无可置疑的了。
Hypotaxis vs. Parataxis
• More examples: • 1. All was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper ball fell. • 过了一些时候,从远方传来了消息:在小铜球坠落的当天, 确实发生了地震。这一切终于得到了澄清。
Байду номын сангаасypotaxis vs. Parataxis
• To clarify the relations between words, phrases or clauses, English more often resorts to overt cohesion(显性接应),frequently using various cohesive ties such us relatives (relative or conjunctive pronouns and adverbs, eg. who, whom, whose, that, which, what, when, where, why, how), connectives (coordinate or subordinate conjunctions, eg. and, or, but, yet, so, however, as well as, (n)either … (n)or …, when, while, as, since, until, so … that, unless, lest), prepositions, and some others.


Ancient Science and Technology
Four Great Inventions Traditional Chinese Medicine Other Impressive Ancient Inventions
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Other Impressive Ancient Inventions
• made generally from clay • heated at a high degree • the first glazing color is blue
• an early form of calculator
Four Great Inventions
• shows geographic directions • use the earth’s magnetic field • enables international trade and exploration • denotes eight main directions • helpful for the explorations of Zheng
Four Great Inventions
• known as “mother of civilization” • includes block printing and movable type printing • block printing is time-consuming and the blocks become useless after the printing • movable type printing is more convenient with the pieces being durable and reusable



2B Chapter5 Sports we like我们喜欢的运动一、重点单词、词组:football 足球basketball 篮球volleyball 排球badminton 羽毛球tennis 网球table tennis 乒乓球swim 游泳run 跑步read读club 俱乐部round 圆形oval 椭圆形heavy 重的light 轻的square 方形的二、重点句型:1、-What do you like doing? (你喜欢做什么?)-I like playing football. / I like running. 我喜欢踢足球。

/ 我喜欢跑步。

)2、-What does he like doing? (他喜欢做什么?)-He likes playing volleyball. (他喜欢打排球。

)3、-What does she like doing? (她喜欢做什么?)-She likes playing table tennis. (她喜欢打乒乓球。

)4、-I like swimming. Do you like swimming? (我喜欢游泳。

你喜欢游泳吗?)-No, I don’t like swimming but I like running. Do you like running? (我不喜欢游泳,但是我喜欢跑步。

你喜欢跑步吗?)-Yes, I do. Let’s join the Running Club. (是的,我也喜欢跑步。

我们一起加入跑步俱乐部吧!)三、理解、熟读:1、My name is Jack. I like playing football. Football is also called soccer. In football, we kick the ball. (我叫杰克,我喜欢踢足球。





Chapter 5 We can do it! 我们会做!1,What can the children do on Fun Day?‘兴趣日或活动日’孩子们会玩什么?对话(1)Mary: I can swim. 玛丽:我会游泳。

Ken: I can’t read. 肯:我不会阅读。

Tom: Can you skip? 汤姆:你会跳绳吗?Charlie: Yes, I can. 查理:会,我会Sally: Can you climb? 莎莉:你能爬(高)吗?Peter: No, I can’t.彼得:不,我不能。

Wordsskip跳跃skip a rope 跳绳read阅读read a book 看书climb攀爬climb a tree 爬树swim游泳swim in the pool 在泳池里游泳draw画画draw a picture 画一幅画write写字write a story 写故事Phonics C c ar c ome Phonics K K ate k ite2 What can the animals do?Read and find out动物们能做什么?阅读并找出。

(1)Today is Sports Day今天是体育会Kelly can run fast. 凯莉跑得很快She can jump high too. 她也能跳得很高Ricky cannot run. Ricky跑不动了( cannot= can’t )He can only walk. 他只能走了He is sad. 他很伤心(2)Can you run fast ,Coco? 你能跑得快吗,Coco ?No, I can’t.不,我不能(3)We can’t run in the race but we can help.我们不能在比赛中跑,但我们可以帮忙。

Thank you. 谢谢(4)I can’t find Coco 我找不到CocoOh no! I am late! 不,我迟到了!(5)Run, Coco,run! 奔跑Coco 奔跑!(6)Well done, Coco!干得好Coco!I can run fast! 我跑得很快!3Tom meets Kate and her sister Mimi in the children’s centre. Mimi is clever.汤姆在儿童中心遇见了凯特和她的妹妹Mimi。



Fundamentals of Management, 8e (Robbins et al.)Chapter 5 Basic Organizational Structure and DesignI True or false1) Organizational design is the process in which managers change or develop an organization's structure.2) There are four basic elements in organizational structure.3) The original ideas about organizational design formulated by Fayol and Weber are now largely obsolete.4) When work specialization originally began to be implemented early in the twentieth century, employee productivity initially rose.5) Today, most managers see work specialization as a source of ever-increasing productivity.6) The advantage of work specialization is that it tends to result in high employee motivation and high productivity.7) Departmentalization is how jobs are grouped.8) Staff authority is the ability to direct the work of any employee who does not havea higher rank in the organization.9) Grouping jobs on the basis of major product areas is termed customer departmentalization.10) Line authority can be exerted only after a manager checks with his or her superior.11) Unity of command prevents an employee from trying to follow two conflicting commands at once.12) Power is a right that a manager has when he or she has a higher rank in an organization.13) When decisions tend to be made at lower levels in an organization, the organization is said to be centralized.14) Traditional organizations are structured in a pyramid, with the power and authority located in the pyramid's broad base.15) The two prevalent organization structure models in today's world are the organic organization and the inorganic organization.16) A mechanistic organization is bureaucratic and hierarchical.17) An organic organization tends to be flexible and have few formal rules.18) Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of a mechanistic structure rather than an organic structure.19) The relationship between organizational size and structure tends to be linear.20) Joan Woodward attempted to view organizational structure from a technological perspective.21) Woodward concluded that mass production worked best with an organic organization structure.22) The stability of a mechanistic structure seems to work best in today's dynamic and uncertain business environment.23) The strength of a simple structure is that everything depends on a single person.24) A strength of a functional structure is that it avoids duplication.25) A weakness of the divisional structure is that duplication tends to occur.26) In a team structure, team members are not held responsible for their decisions.27) In a team structure, there is a clear line of managerial authority from top to bottom.28) Employees in an organization with a matrix design can have two bosses for the same job.29) A significant advantage of the matrix structure is the clear chain of command from top to bottom of the organization.30) When employees in a matrix structure finish a project, they go back to their functional department.31) When employees in a project structure finish a project, they go back to their original department.32) Vertical boundaries separate employees by their rank in an organization.33) Horizontal boundaries separate employees by the amount of power they have in an organization.34) A virtual organization relies on freelancers who have no permanent status or position in the organization.35) Managers want to eliminate boundaries in organizations primarily to increase stability and reduce flexibility.36) Horizontal boundaries separate employees by the specialization of their job.37) A virtual organization may disintegrate after it finishes its task.38) All learning organizations share a distinct structure.39) The biggest issue in workers working at home or off-site involves fairness.40) A learning organization puts an enormous amount of effort on making sure that all of its employees are enrolled in some kind of university level class.41) When you call JetBlue you are likely to speak to an agent in a large office in India.42) Contingent workers may make up to 40 percent of the workforce by the end of the decade.II. Choose the best answers43) Organizational design requires a manager to ________.A) organize groups within an organizationB) change the culture of an organizationC) change or develop the structure of an organizationD) change the logo of an organization44) All of the following are part of the process of organizational design EXCEPT ________.A) deciding how specialized jobs should beB) determining rules for employee behaviorC) determining the level at which decisions are madeD) determining goals for the organization45) Which of the following are NOT basic elements of organizational structure?A) work specialization, span of controlB) chain of command, line authorityC) centralization, decentralizationD) departmentalization, formalization46) Which of the following is synonymous with work specialization?A) division of laborB) job discriminationC) chain of commandD) job preference47) Which statement accurately defines work specialization?A) It is the degree to which tasks are grouped together.B) Individual employees specialize in doing part of an activity rather than the entire activity.C) Jobs are ranked relative only to their worth or value to the businesses.D) Work specialization clarifies who reports to whom.48) Early supporters of work specialization saw it as ________.A) a reliable way to increase productivityB) a good way to increase employee moraleC) a source of innovationD) an immoral way to coerce workers into greater productivity49) Early users of work specialization in the early twentieth century found that the practice ultimately resulted in ________.A) higher profits and better employee moraleB) bored workers with low moraleC) huge and permanent productivity gainsD) better communication among employees50) Today, managers favor this approach instead of work specialization.A) All tasks are performed by all employees.B) Partners switch jobs every half hour.C) Employees perform a broad range of tasks.D) Monotonous tasks are shared by all employees.51) Functional departmentalization groups jobs by ________.A) tasks they performB) territories they serveC) products or services they manufacture or produceD) type of customer they serve52) ________ departmentalization is based on territory or the physical location of employees or customers.A) FunctionalB) ProductC) GeographicD) Matrix53) A soap company that features a bath soap department, a laundry detergent department, and a dish soap department is using which of the following?A) process departmentalizationB) functional departmentalizationC) product departmentalizationD) customer departmentalization54) What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government agency in which there are separate departments that provide services for employers, employed workers, unemployed workers, and the disabled?A) productB) geographicC) outcomeD) customer55) State motor vehicle offices usually use this kind of departmentalization.A) productB) functionalC) customerD) process56) The line of authority that extends from the upper levels of management to the lowest levels of the organization is termed the ________.A) chain of responsibilityB) unity of commandC) staff authorityD) chain of command57) The chain of command answers this question.A) Where do I go for help?B) How do I know when the task is complete?C) What are the rules?D) Who reports to whom?58) Authority gives an individual the right to do this.A) give ordersB) reprimand employeesC) command respectD) obey orders59) In the chain of command, each person above you ________.A) has special privilegesB) receives higher payC) has line authorityD) has no right to give you orders60) Staff managers have authority over ________.A) special support employees onlyB) line managersC) middle managersD) the person above them in the chain of command61) Line authority gives a manager the ability to direct the work of ________.A) any employee in the firmB) any subordinateC) any subordinate, after consulting with the next higher levelD) only subordinates one level down62) ________ prevents a single employee from getting conflicting orders from two different superiors.A) Line authorityB) Unity of commandC) Staff authorityD) Chain of command63) The importance of unity of command has diminished in today's workplace because of its tendency to be ________.A) inflexible and inefficientB) ethically questionableC) chauvinistic and dictatorialD) too decisive64) Which of the following statements is true?A) Power is a right.B) Authority is one's ability to influence decisions.C) Authority is a right.D) Both power and authority are rights.65) ________ is the obligation or expectation to perform a duty.A) ResponsibilityB) Unity of commandC) Chain of commandD) Span of control66) The personal secretary of a top manager may have ________.A) power but not authorityB) authority but not powerC) power and authorityD) line authority but not staff authority67) Which of the following statements is true?A) Power is a type of authority.B) Authority and power are identical.C) Authority is a type of power.D) Power is determined by horizontal position in an organization.68) As represented in a power cone, power is based on ________.A) vertical position onlyB) horizontal position onlyC) distance from the center onlyD) vertical position and distance from the center69) As represented in a hierarchical organization diagram, authority is based on ________.A) vertical position onlyB) horizontal position onlyC) distance from the center onlyD) horizontal and vertical position70) A construction site supervisor who sees an impending thunderstorm and tells workers to go home is demonstrating ________.A) line authorityB) staff delegationC) provisional accountabilityD) responsibility71) ________ is the power that rests on the leader's ability to punish or control.A) Reward powerB) Coercive powerC) Expert powerD) Referent power72) A bank manager who passes out bonuses at the end of the year is exercising this.A) reward powerB) coercive powerC) expert powerD) referent power73) Your firm's attorney has ________ power when giving legal advice.A) legitimateB) statusC) expertD) coercive74) ________ is the power that arises when a person is close to another person who has great power and authority.A) Expert powerB) Referent powerC) Reward powerD) Legitimate power75) When a top manager decides to hire an individual over the objections of her staff, she is exercising which kind of power?A) referentB) expertC) coerciveD) legitimate76) The traditional view holds that managers should not directly supervise more than ________ subordinates.A) three or fourB) five or sixC) seven or eightD) nine or ten77) Modern managers find that they can ________ if their employees are experienced, well-trained, and motivated.A) increase their span of controlB) decrease their span of controlC) eliminate their span of controlD) fluctuate their span of control78) A traditional "top down" organization is ________ organization.A) a largely centralizedB) a largely decentralizedC) an absolutely decentralizedD) an absolutely centralized79) ________ reflects the degree to which decision making is distributed through out the hierarchy rather than concentrated at the top.A) CentralizationB) Span of controlC) ConcentrationD) Decentralization80) In recent years, organizations have become more ________ to be responsive to a dynamic business environment.A) centralizedB) decentralizedC) structuredD) mechanistic81) In today's decentralized business world, ________ the most important strategic decisions.A) top managers still primarily makeB) middle managers makeC) lower-level managersD) nonmanagerial employees82) All of the following are characteristics of a highly formalized organization EXCEPT ________.A) explicit job descriptionsB) little discretion for employeesC) minimum number of rulesD) a standardized way of doing things83) Today's managers are moving away from formalization and trying to be this.A) more rigorousB) more flexibleC) more strictD) less permissive84) Today's managers expect employees to ________.A) ignore rules for the most partB) use discretion when it comes to following rulesC) faithfully follow rules even when it may harm the organizationD) make their own rules85) A(n) ________ organization has a high degree of specialization, formalization, and centralization.A) organicB) horizontalC) learningD) mechanistic86) Which of the following would likely be found in mechanistic organizations?A) wide span of controlB) empowered employeesC) decentralized responsibilityD) standardized jobs87) A(n) ________ organization is able to change rapidly as needs require.A) organicB) hierarchicalC) verticalD) mechanistic88) Which term best describes an organic organization?A) hierarchicalB) pyramid-shapedC) flexibleD) fixed89) Which word best characterizes a mechanistic organization?A) hierarchicalB) collaborativeC) adaptableD) informal90) Strategy, size, technology, and the degree of uncertainty in the environment together make up what are called ________.A) contingency variablesB) control factorsC) structure variablesD) probable factors91) Together, contingency variables determine the ________.A) success of an organizationB) culture of an organizationC) structure of an organizationD) size of an organization92) A company that is pursuing a cost leadership strategy would be most likely to have this kind of structure.A) mechanisticB) virtualC) teamD) matrix-project93) A company that is trying to be a leader in innovation within its industry would be most likely to have this kind of structure.A) mechanisticB) organicC) simpleD) functional94) Larger organizations tend to have ________ than smaller organizations.A) more specializationB) less departmentalizationC) less centralizationD) fewer rules and regulations95) As an organization grows to a size of over 2,000 employees, it finds it hard to avoid becoming more ________.A) mechanisticB) organicC) informalD) adaptable96) Joan Woodward conducted pioneering studies on how this affected the structure of companies.A) ethicsB) technologyC) valuesD) corporate culture97) Woodward found that if horizontal differentiation in an organization were low, this structure worked best.A) mechanisticB) traditionalC) inorganicD) organic98) Woodward concluded that a mechanistic structure worked best for a firm that used ________.A) unit productionB) mass productionC) process productionD) quality production99) In Woodward's study, this type of production combined high vertical differentiation and low horizontal differentiation.A) unit productionB) mass productionC) process productionD) technological production100) The greater the environmental uncertainty, the more an organization needs to become ________.A) organicB) mechanisticC) stableD) high-tech101) Global competition forces firms to ________.A) become lean, fast, and flexibleB) build up enormous cash reservesC) think locallyD) become more hierarchical102) Traditional organizational designs tend to be more mechanistic and include ________.A) simple, complex, and divisional structuresB) simple, functional, and dysfunctional structuresC) functional, divisional, and vertical structuresD) simple, functional, and divisional structures103) A simple structure is ________ like a mechanistic organization, but ________ like an organic organization.A) centralized; informalB) informal; decentralizedC) decentralized; formalD) centralized; formal104) What is a strength of a simple structure?A) Employees are grouped with others who have similar tasks.B) Power and authority are widely distributed.C) Accountability is clear.D) There are cost-saving advantages from specialization.105) What is a weakness of a simple structure?A) Duplication of activities and resources increases costs and reduces efficiency.B) Functional specialists become insulated and have little understanding of what other units are doing.C) Pursuit of functional goals can cause managers to lose sight of what is best for the overall organization.D) Reliance on a single person is risky.106) This is a key characteristic in an organization with a functional structure.A) adaptabilityB) departmentalizationC) flexibilityD) little specialization107) This is a weakness of a functional structure.A) favoring functional goals over organizational goalsB) favoring organizational goals over functional goalsC) failing to attain functional goalsD) overemphasizing organizational goals108) Avoiding redundancy is a strength of which structure?A) simpleB) divisionalC) functionalD) corporate109) In a ________ structure each business unit has complete autonomy to reach its goals.A) simpleB) functionalC) divisionalD) matrix110) A media company that has separate, autonomous companies for movies, TV, Internet, and print journalism is most likely a ________ structure.A) divisionalB) functionalC) simpleD) matrix111) Having separate payroll departments in each division of a divisional structure is an example of which of the following?A) efficiency, because payroll departments competeB) duplication, because a single payroll department could do the jobC) effectiveness, because separate payroll departments create jobsD) efficiency, because separate payroll departments can share methods of operation Answer: B112) As the number of employees in an organization grows, structure tends to become more ________.A) bureaucraticB) informalC) decentralizedD) relaxed113) Looking for ways to make their organization more flexible and innovative, today's managers may choose this kind of structure.A) simpleB) divisionalC) functionalD) team114) In a team structure, ________.A) there is a clear line of managerial authorityB) there is no clear line of managerial authorityC) authority comes from top managers onlyD) no one has the authority to make decisions115) In a team structure, team members ________.A) are subject to decisions made by their supervisorsB) can influence decisions made by top managersC) make decisions and are accountable for their decisionsD) make decisions only after first checking with management116) All of the following are necessary for successful team structure EXCEPT ________.A) well-trained team membersB) team members with cross-functional skillsC) team members with years of management experienceD) a fair and well-run team-based pay plan117) In a ________, employees are recruited from functional departments to work on a specific project for a limited time period.A) team structureB) divisional structureC) product structureD) matrix structure118) In a matrix structure, a group member will typically report to ________.A) a project manager onlyB) both a project manager and functional department headC) a functional department head onlyD) Group members are fully autonomous in a matrix structure, so they don't report to anyone.119) When a group member in a matrix structure finishes a project, he or she ________.A) returns to his or her functional departmentB) stays with the group to take on a new projectC) enters a pool of available employees from the entire organizationD) starts looking for a new job120) By giving employees two direct superiors, a matrix structure violates this key element of organizational design.A) unity of commandB) chain of commandC) span of managementD) decentralization121) A key difference between a team structure and a matrix structure is that a team structure ________ while a matrix structure does not.A) empowers group membersB) works on projectsC) has fairly permanent groups or teamsD) holds group members accountable122) In a project structure, when employees finish a project they ________.A) return to their departmentB) return to a different divisionC) move on to another projectD) return to their regular work123) In an orchestra, a horizontal boundary exists between which of the following?A) the string section and the horn sectionB) the string section and the conductorC) the conductor and the audienceD) the string section and the audience124) In an orchestra, a vertical boundary exists between which of the following?A) the string section and the horn sectionB) the string section and the conductorC) the horn section and the percussion sectionD) the percussion section and the string section125) Boundaryless organizations try to eliminate ________ within their organization.A) horizontal specialization and vertical hierarchyB) horizontal specialization onlyC) vertical hierarchy onlyD) vertical specialization only126) A virtual organization is essentially ________ who come together for a particular project.A) a group of employees from a single companyB) a group of free agentsC) a team of employees from different departments of a companyD) a group of top managers and CEOs127) How does a virtual organization save on costs?A) by hiring people who specialize in what they doB) by hiring fewer people than they need and making them work much longer hoursC) by eliminating all administrative dutiesD) by keeping only a small permanent staff for administrative purposes only128) A ________ subcontracts part of a project to outside suppliers.A) virtual organizationB) boundary organizationC) matrix structureD) network organization129) A building contractor follows the network organization model when he does which of the following?A) does the framing and tiling by himselfB) hires three workers to help with framingC) gives orders to workersD) farms out the plumbing to a plumbing firm130) A learning organization develops the capability to ________.A) add new training programs to keep employees up to dateB) accept the conventional wisdom of the industryC) continuously learn, adapt, and changeD) attract new employees who have special knowledge131) A learning organization requires employees to ________.A) encode information to prevent competitors from stealing ideasB) collaborate with competitorsC) make all ideas publicD) share information and collaborate with one another132) All of the following are characteristic of learning organizations EXCEPT ________.A) a strong sense of communityB) a collaborative environmentC) managers who serve as facilitatorsD) fear of making mistakes133) Organizational learning can't take place without ________.A) complete privacy for employeesB) a clear chain of commandC) a shared vision of the futureD) a stable structure or hierarchy134) In a learning organization, it is important that all employees _______.A) collaborateB) study each nightC) have a strong sense of leadershipD) share the same vision for the organization135) The jobs of assembly-line employees are to be changed to allow more tasks to be done by individual workers. This is a reduction in ________.A) work specializationB) departmentalizationC) chain of commandD) centralization136) Eric, who is trained as an engineer, is now in a group with production workers and marketing specialists from different departments designing a new product that the company plans to offer. This situation could be described as a(n) ________.A) alternative assignmentB) collective assignmentC) advanced assignmentD) project assignment137) Eric is offered a chance to help direct the efforts of some employees assigned to his work group. This is a chance for Eric to experience ________.A) functional structureB) divisional structureC) responsibilityD) authority138) Eric sees this new assignment as an increase in ________, or an obligation or expectation for him to perform at a new level.A) functional structureB) divisional structureC) responsibilityD) authority(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。



五年级s版5坚定的锡兵教案教学设计一、教学内容本节课选自五年级S版《语文》第 chapter 5《坚定的锡兵》。


详细内容包括:1. 理解课文内容,把握故事情节。

2. 学习生字词:坚定、困境、勇敢等。

3. 分析锡兵的形象特点,体会其坚定勇敢的品质。

二、教学目标1. 知识与技能:能够正确地朗读课文,理解课文内容,掌握生字词,学会用词语造句。

2. 过程与方法:通过自主学习、合作交流,提高学生的阅读理解能力和表达能力。

3. 情感态度价值观:培养学生坚定勇敢的品质,教育学生在面对困难时要有勇气和毅力。

三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:分析锡兵的形象特点,体会其坚定勇敢的品质。

2. 教学重点:正确朗读课文,理解课文内容,掌握生字词。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:课文PPT、生字词卡片、黑板、粉笔。

2. 学具:课文、字典、练习本。

五、教学过程1. 导入:通过一个实践情景引入,让学生分享自己在生活中遇到的困难和如何克服的经历,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 自主学习:让学生自主阅读课文,理解课文内容,勾画出生字词,查找字典,理解词义。

3. 合作交流:分组讨论,分析锡兵的形象特点,体会其坚定勇敢的品质。

4. 例题讲解:讲解生字词,让学生用词语造句,巩固所学知识。

5. 随堂练习:让学生根据课文内容,完成课后练习题。

六、板书设计1. 课题:第 chapter 5 坚定的锡兵2. 生字词:坚定、困境、勇敢等3. 主要内容:锡兵的形象特点,坚定勇敢的品质七、作业设计1. 作业题目:根据课文内容,写一篇关于“我心中的坚定锡兵”的作文。

2. 答案:无固定答案,要求学生充分发挥想象,结合自身经历,描述自己心中的坚定锡兵形象。

八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 反思:教师反思本节课的教学效果,针对学生的掌握情况,调整教学方法,提高教学质量。

2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生在课后阅读更多关于勇敢、坚定的故事,提高自己的品质素养。



3.区别: 个体决策
信息大多不完整 备选方案不多 创新性 自由性大 责任清晰 时间短 经济 正确率一般较低
比较完整 多 屈于压力 少数人驾驭 不清 较长 费用较大 较高
1至15,以便在飞机着火前(20分钟后)尽 可能多地取得必需品。你们小组的成员决心 呆在一起。相信共同努力能使你们成为幸存 者! 计算:用第3栏减第1栏,取绝对值得出第4 栏,用第3栏减第2栏得出第5栏,把第4栏 累加起来得出个人得分,第5栏累计起来得 出小组得分。
物品清单 1.手电筒 (4节电池)
2.匕首 3.坠落区的地图 4.塑料雨衣(大号的) 5.指南针 6.救护箱 7.0.45口径手枪(足够子弹) 8.降落伞(红色和白色) 9.装有盐片的瓶子(1000片) 10.每人一公升水 11.书《沙漠里能吃的动物》 12.每人一付太阳镜 13.烈性伏特加酒2公升
1个人 顺序
2小组 顺序
3专家 排列
4个人和 5小组与 专家比较 专家比较 ︱3-1︱ ︱3-2︱
14.每人一谈谈本组决策的简单思路。 2.通过本游戏,你得到哪些启示? 3.请问:个体决策与群体决策有何区别?
物品清单 1.手电筒 (4节电池)
2.匕首 3.坠落区的地图 4.塑料雨衣(大号的) 5.指南针 6.救护箱 7.0.45口径手枪(足够子弹) 8.降落伞(红色和白色) 9.装有盐片的瓶子(1000片) 10.每人一公升水 11.书《沙漠里能吃的动物》 12.每人一付太阳镜 13.烈性伏特加酒2公升 14.每人一件外套 15.化妆镜

0 26 33 46 56 71 – 25 – 32 – 45 – 55 – 70 以上

Chapter 5 (Ⅰ)

Chapter 5 (Ⅰ)

Division & CondensationChapter 5 (Ⅰ)•There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.•我访问了一些地方,遇到了不少人,要谈起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。

•We recognize that China‘s long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth.•我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。

•At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle ground reply.•现在人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因为那样做安全,不招风险。

Division (拆译)•Division means the necessary splitting of a long sentence into shorter ones.•英汉两种语言之间存在很大差异。






分译法可使译文意思清楚, 干净利落。




















商贸英汉翻译Chapter 5

商贸英汉翻译Chapter 5

Chinese sentences are like a flowing river without branches.
3) Complexness and simpleness
5.2 Comparison of word order between English and Chinese
e.g. a. At seven o’clock on the morning of 25 July, 1991 the train started back to Beijing. 1991年7月25日上午7点火车开始返回北京。 He graduated from English Department, Peking University. 他毕业于北京大学英语系。 He lives at 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts U.S.A 他住在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥神德街2号。
b) Rearrangement of order of sentences; The suggestion put forward by the teacher was accepted by his students. 教师提的意见被学生接受了.
This may occur if the corporation is capitalized with too little equity capital (owner’s money) as compared to debt capital (borrowed money), also known as “thin capitalization”, under circumstances amounting to fraud or other improprieties(不 当行为) in dealing with creditors(债权人). 在相当于诈骗或其他针对债权人的不当行为的情况下,公司 资本(公司拥有者的钱)少于借款数(借来的钱),即所谓“资金 薄弱”,便会出现这种现象.

Chapter 5第5课 复习要点

Chapter 5第5课 复习要点

Chapter 5 复习要点一、必背短语及语言点be sure 确信/肯定in trouble处于困境中/遇到麻烦have fun玩得开心tell stories 讲故事go through穿过;通过dress up装扮;打扮in pieces成为碎片bring sb. to + some place把某人带到某个地方来get in here进到这里来get out of here从这儿出去take place = happen发生the weather forecast(the weather report)天气预报do a survey做调查in peace 平安地;以友好的方式;和睦地go camping去野营invite sb, to do sth邀请某人做某事give sb. sth.给某人某物invite sb. to the party邀请某人参加派对be afraid of害怕…land on在…上面着陆/登陆look like…看起来像…call sb. + 名字叫某人(…名字)make a suggestion 提建议had better do sth最好做某事(提建议)next to 紧挨着,be angry with sb. 生某人的气二.课文必背句子:1.Towards evening, we landed on an unknown planet.临近傍晚,我们在一个不知名的星球登陆。

2.We went through it. 我们穿过那个洞穴。

3.But tomorrow you‟ll be in pieces. 但是明天你们将成为碎片。

Tomorrow, you‟re going to die. 明天你们就要死了。

m, our pilot, brought us to a cave. 我们的飞行员兰姆把我们带到一个洞穴里来。

5.Maybe he‟s friendly. 也许他很友好。

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1.Ever since the rise of scientific management, organisations have been specifically designed with theobjective of trying to control and keep a damper on emotions. This is known as:a.cognitive dissonanceb.the affective component of emotionsc.emotional negationd.the myth of rationality2.Which of the following is not true concerning emotions?a.In the past, emotions were rarely viewed as being constructive.b.Researchers believe that emotions are more fleeting and short-lived than moods.c.Emotions are therefore immediate reactions to a person or an event.d.Emotions and moods are synonymous.3.________ refers to the inconsistencies between the emotions people feel and the emotions they project.a.Surface actingb.Emotional dissonancec.Exposed emotionsd.Affect4.Which of the following is not a dimension of emotional intelligence?a.detect emotions in othersb.manage emotional cuesc.create their own self-aware5.At zero input (when nothing in particular is going on) people have the tendency of most individuals toexperience:a. a strongly positive moodb. a strongly negative moodc. a mildly positive moodd. a strongly positive mood6.Gina and Hanna are teachers. Gina dislikes her students, but pretends she likes them by making sure sheacts in a friendly manner toward them. Hanna also dislikes her students, but is trying to change the way she feels about them.Which of these teachers is most likely to feel the most stress from their actions and why?a.Gina, since she has to feign genuine emotionb.Gina, since her deep emotions conflict with what her job requiresc.Hanna, since she will probably display her true feelings before she changes her deep emotionsd.Hanna, since it is very difficult to change displayed emotion7.Research has identified six universal emotions: anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprise.a.Trueb.False8.One study found that crying on the job was more damaging to a man's career than to a woman's.a.Trueb.False9.John works in customer service and his work day is full of small hassles. Computers constantly breakdownand customer are constantly lodging complaints. These are everyday events that occur in the job. However, John is well-known for his sunny and cheerful disposition.Taking the affective events theory into account, which of the following statements is likely to be correct?a.John's emotional reactions to the events are moderated by his cheerful disposition.b.There is a direct link between the work hassles and job satisfaction.c.There is a direct link between work hassles and job performance.d.John will always have a negative emotional reaction to the events described.10.Which of the following statements is FALSE?a.People in a good mood tend to be more creative than people in a bad mood.b.Effective leaders rely on emotional appeals to help convey their messages.c.Moods and emotions have little effect on decision making.d.Employers are starting to use EI measures to hire people.11. A process by which individuals organise and interpret their sensory impressions in order to givemeaning to their environment is called:a.outlookb.interpretationc.environmental analysisd.perception12.What one perceives ________ objective always the same asb.should be the same asc.can be substantially different considered13.Which of the following is not true about our perceptions of a target?a.Motion, sounds, size, and other attributes of a target shape the way we see it.b.Targets are usually looked at in isolation.c.The relationship of a target to its background influences perception.d.Similar things tend to be grouped together.14.The theory that has been proposed to develop explanations to explain why we judge people differentlydepending on what meaning we assign to their behaviour is known as:a.attribution theoryb.judgmental theoryc.behavioural theoryd.equity theory15.The determination of whether an individual's behaviour is externally or internally caused depends onall of the following factors except:a.consistencyb.consensusc.perceptiond.distinctiveness16.The more consistent a behaviour, the more the observer is inclined to:a.attribute it to internal causesb.attribute it to external causesc.attribute it to consensusd.depend on the behaviour17.When investors bragged about their investing expertise during the stock market rally between 1996 andearly-2000, then blamed analysts, brokers, and the Federal Reserve when the market imploded in 2000, they were guilty of:a.fundamental attribution errorb.consensusc.self-serving biasd.distinctiveness18.________ is the tendency to attribute one's own characteristics to other people.a.Selectionb.Projectionc.Interpretationd.Stereotyping19.Which is not one of the steps in the rational decision-making model?a.identifying the decision criteriaputing the decisions that satisficec.evaluating the alternativesd.defining the problem20.Each of the following is part of the three-component model of creativity except:a.intuitive decision makingb.expertisec.creative thinking skillsd.intrinsic task motivation。
