The Legend of 1900


The Legend Of 1900 ppt

The Legend Of 1900 ppt

灵魂,天籁之音 可曾捕获那骄傲而孤独的乐音? 茫茫无际,在思念里飘舞 属于钢琴的呼唤,渴望,思念 在水上,挥之不去 直至,那感伤的路的尽头 演绎着百年前的传奇 一个永远也弹不到结尾的世界 上
关于配乐 影片的配乐出自大师颜尼 欧· 莫里克奈之手,他以深情 飘逸的典雅曲风,又一次虏 获观众与乐迷的心。《海上 钢琴师》被誉为是1999年最 不容错过的电影原声带之一, 并众望所归地荣获了金球奖 最佳电egend Of 1900 海上钢琴师
男主角1900(人名)的整个人生都已 经是一场悲剧了。他是一个被人遗弃 在蒸气船上的孤儿,被船上一位好心 的烧炉工收养,然而好人不得好报, 烧炉工在一次意外中死亡,只有几岁 大的1900又再度成为了孤儿。过人的 天赋使他无师自通成了一名钢琴大师, 但宿命也令他天然地对红尘俗世深怀 戒意,他从不敢离船上岸去,只因纽 约无际的高楼和川流不息的人群令他 迷失自我。纵使后来遇上了一位一见 钟情的少女,他思量再三后,还是放 弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。他永 远地留在船上了,直到唯一的好朋友 警告他废船将要被炸毁,他也不愿离 开,于是从出生开始就没有离开过维 吉尼亚号的1900殉船于海底。 1900,这个既没有出生纪录,也 没有身份证明的人,没有留下一点痕 迹就在人间蒸发,就如流逝了的音符 一样,渺无踪影了。
一个漂泊的灵魂,一首美得心 碎的琴曲
1900这个角色,因为孤寂落寞的经历,使其更能敏锐的看透人心,并藉此弹奏、 创作出感动人心的乐曲。但一生面对海洋、面对钢琴,陆地上的一切,对他 来说有着太多的不确定性,使他一直对陆地踯躇不前。正如他所说:“我看 不到陆地的尽头”,或许对1900而言,海天一色的景致看得到地平线,往返 多地的邮轮也有靠港停泊的时候,88个琴键是有限的,他可以据以创作无限 的乐章,然而陆地上绵延不绝的大城市,是他所看不清也无法掌握的。

The Legend Of 1900海上钢琴师英语观后感800字

The Legend Of 1900海上钢琴师英语观后感800字

The Legend Of 1900海上钢琴师英语观后感800字A man, no parents, no names, no legal documents to prove his existence. In his infancy he was abandoned on a steamboat called the Virginia, and he spent his whole life on the ship, and did not step on the land. His profession is the pianist on the Virginia. When "the Virginian" abandoned, failed to change his friends to come to them and the last ship in the sea, sailing together to destroy the decision. The only trace of his life in the world was recorded, a record plate he played. Of course, most of the music in the record can not be heard, even if you do not know who on the other side of the sound.In the luxury cruise ship Virginia sui generis sea world, named in 1900 1900 abandoned orphans grow up as a genius pianist at sea, on land first attracted talented pianists to challenge, but love also inadvertently come from the window, but at the end of 1900 was decided in the sea from the sea. But I think we can not care too much about these plots. I don't think this is the key point of the movie, because they have been done inmany movies. Looking at the film, we should see his last line of monologue to the outside world in order to understand his final decision about going ashore.The tanker Virginia is carrying the hustle and bustle of cheers at the port of New York. Encouraged by a dream in the dense mass of people disembarked, meet with the possibility of a better future. After the hustle and bustle, there was nothing left on the ship except the crew. Coal worker Danny Boodman then went to a restaurant secretly collecting the guest lost valuables, nothing. At the end of his disappointment, he found a beautiful baby on the piano rack. He picked up the baby and saw his eyes clear and the skin white. Danny Boodman was amazed at the unexpected harvest, so the child, named 1900, was named to be adopted by him on the first day of the new century.In modern society, love in a different way to look at different from ordinary people, like that for 1900 people; people day and night chasing difficulties with glory, splendour, wealth and rank, complain to give vent, young time to complainabout social injustice and social corruption, the authorities and the inability of generation always in the past, when the young generation of old have the position of the power, they forget when young ideal, but was the cruel reality of the society to change the world is such a generation cycle and the performance of human most incisive poor human nature, do a good many innocent people, but the innocent people in such a world of suffering temptation.Then, the day playing in the hall of the legendary, and those infected people are fake? Why they disembarked, but no one to mention? Is really a genius? Or just on the ship is a ship, what all is not the man who won? What? Is that people continue to fast in the land, and he is still on the ship, when the ship will be destroyed but only one Max think of him. If the world on the land really cares about him and cares about his piano music, what is the end? Can you believe what the future of the ship they have depicted?If I was 1900, I will have no illusions about what the peopleon the land, also won't have what to look forward to, it is a place that is endless, no one really cares for you, that is more than fear, because strange?At the beginning, music was slow and beautiful. There was a touching note in the middle of the music. The end of the music was dull and miserable. This dull tragedy can make people shed tears. 1900, finally, with the explosion of the ship, it ended its life. When he died, he raised his hands and played the silent music, and he could hear him.版权作品,未经《99作文网》书面授权,严禁转载,违者将被追究法律责任。


他是一个太过勇敢的人,他 可以在出生长大的船被爆破 之际依然演奏想象中的钢琴。 然而它又是一个太胆小的人, 他甚至不敢面对我们每天经 历的尘世间的生活
He’s a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms. Yet he’s a man so stupid, that he chose to gone with the wind while he’s other choice could be marrying a beautiful woman and having a child.
The Legend of 1900
Li Bingru
An epic story of a man who could do anything…
except be ordinary.
这是一个史诗般的故事,关于一个人,他可以成就任 何事
1900 was an abandonde d baby who was adoped by Danny Boodman.
Eventually 1900 won. The game brought 1900 with reputation.
A music publisher hoped 1900’s recording, and guaranteed he would be rich and famous.
For the third class members.
For the girl at the window.
No For the darkness of the night. For the heartbeat of his own.

The Legend of 1900 海上钢琴师英文观后感

The Legend of 1900 海上钢琴师英文观后感

"The Legend of 1900" is unique in many ways, the first being that it is an Italian film with English-speaking characters. Tim Roth who has been cast as a villian most of his career does a remarkable job as the adult '1900', the simple man, a gifted piano player, who had a his own particular take on life. The story begins as a ship worker is crawling around the ballroom floor, looking for valuables lost by the wealthy guests, but instead finds a baby. It is the New Year 1900, thus the baby's name. He is raised in the bowels of the ship until at about age 8 or 10 he is noticed playing the piano. He eventually becomes the ship's piano player, and his reputation spreads until Jelly Roll Morton takes a voyage and challenges '1900.' In the end, he lit his cigarette on the hot piano strings!Some spoilers - The film actually starts in more modern times as the trumpet player friend of 1900's is selling his horn and telling the 'Legend of 1900' after the shopkeeper shows him a patched-together record of the piano composition that was lost years earlier, parts hidden in the piano. He tells the story in a series of flashbacks, and at the end finds out the old ship has been stripped of all valuables and is to be sunk the next day by dynamite. But he just knows '1900' must still be aboard the ship, because he knew he never could leave. So he borrows the record and a player and goes to every different part of the dilapidated ship, playing the song, hoping to lure out '1900'. Earlier in the film '1900' said, "My music will never go anywhere without me" and that is why the master disk never left the ship until the piano, with the broken recods hidden in it, ended up in the shop also.More spoilers - '1900' almost left the ship once, he was going to visit NYC and a pretty girl he met, was half-way down the gangplank, suitcase in hand, well-wishers waving goodby, he paused a long time, threw his hat into the water, and went back on the ship. Only years later, as he and his friend spoke in the bowels of the old ship did he explain, "I looked at the city and could not see an 'end.' A piano has 88 keys, you know where it starts and where it ends. But the city alone has hundreds of miles ofstreets, how do you know which one to take, which girl to love, which house to buy? I could not see an 'end' so I had to stay on the ship." And he did, he had become so accustomed to the small, contained world of the ship that he could not cope with the greater world. Even though it is a movie, one second we are seeing '1900' with a smile, musing about heaven, and the next moment a horrific blast. It is hard to not get jolted by the image.At 120 minutes this film requires some patience, and the desire to see good character studies over non-stop action. It is impossible to describe in words how good Tim Roth is in this role. We always knew he could play the bad guy, this film crystallizes his overall talent as one of the best in the business. A remarkable story, a legend, with a remarkable character. This is a beautiful, poetic film, with an enthralling story, beautiful cinematography, and lovely score.A superb film!。

The Legend of 1900 英语影视欣赏

The Legend of 1900  英语影视欣赏

The Legend of 1900The Legend of 1900 is an Italian movie. It is known as one of the Giuseppe Trnatore’ s famous “Searching Trilogy”.The movie tells us a said story about a pianist who lived on the sea all his life. January,1900,the beginning of 20th century, a worker named Danny Boodman on the Virginian—a luxury ship—found a baby was abandoned on the piano. Danny was so warmhearted that he adopted the little boy and he gave the boy a new name Nineteen Hundred because the boy was found in the first month of new century. As time goes, 1900 grew up though they lived in a poor living condition. However, in a serious accident Danny was bad hurt and he went away several days later. 1900 became an orphan again. But music saved him from sadness and confusion. 1900 is quite gifted in music especially in piano and he became the pianist of the ship. 1900 never go ashore but he can imagine the world outside the ship wonderfully.1900 lived a calm life until he met Max who was badly seasickness in a serious sea storm. Max was good at play trumpet and he appreciated 1900’s music. Max became 1900’s good friend soon. He told 1900 how is the outside world like and encourage 1900 go ashore because he held the view that 1900’s music would bring wealth and honor. But 1900 didn’t agree to leave because he knew nothing about outside so that he didn’t want to go out to see what the world really is. For 1900, the world is too remote.It came to a turning point when 1900 met a beautiful girl. After a couple of long voyage, 1900 decided to go ashore and to see the girl. On the day he left, all sailor waved hands to say goodbye to 1900. 1900 put on the coat that Max gave him. He went down the stairs carefully, step by step, with his small suitcase. He saw the town, the street, the smoke from the high chimney. Suddenly he threw his hat to the ground and turn back to the ship. He said he would never go ashore again. 1900 lost the world from then on.At the end of the movie, 1900 was disappeared in the sea with Virginian. Maybe this is his best choice.After watching the movie, I still remember a lot of details of the story, which moved me so much. I can’t forget Boodman taught 1900 reading on news paper. I can’t forget the smiling face on 1900 when he went through the hall playing piano in the sea storm. I can’t forget 1900’s confusion on his face when he was going to go ashore. 1900 was so gifted but he was so lonely. In that world of movie, Max was the only person who knew his wonderful music after his death. Outside the screen, we feel the loneliness of 1900 and we will remember this talented pianist who spent all his life on sea. The said ending make me think about life and many complex things. The Legend Of 1900 is a movie really rewarding to see.。

The Legend of 1900 海上钢琴师

The Legend of 1900 海上钢琴师

整部片子随着Max回 回 整部片子随着 忆中的1900,与现实中 忆中的 , Max追寻 追寻1900的下落这两 追寻 的下落这两 条主轴,交互穿插, 条主轴,交互穿插,紧紧 牵动着观众的心, 牵动着观众的心,而当 Max从乐器行老板口中得 从乐器行老板口中得 知,Virginian号即将被拆 号即将被拆 解时, 解时,故事也达到了最高 潮。
除了曲折的情节,几个精彩的桥段更是令人吟咏不已, 除了曲折的情节,几个精彩的桥段更是令人吟咏不已, 包括Max初识 初识1900时,两人在海上狂风暴雨之际松开了钢 包括 初识 时 琴的固定栓,坐在钢琴前随船摆动着, 琴的固定栓,坐在钢琴前随船摆动着,一边弹琴一边在大 厅里四处滑动,像极了跳着华尔兹或探戈的舞者; 厅里四处滑动,像极了跳着华尔兹或探戈的舞者;而面对 傲慢的Jelly来势汹汹的挑战,1900如何展现出他过人的钢 来势汹汹的挑战, 傲慢的 来势汹汹的挑战 如何展现出他过人的钢 琴天赋,让与会者由轻蔑转为震惊。 琴天赋,让与会者由轻蔑转为震惊。
作为一个纯粹的艺术家, 作为一个纯粹的艺术家,处身于无尽而不可知的欲 望深渊之中,便失掉了真实的自己, 望深渊之中,便失掉了真实的自己,也失掉了真正的音 于是便失去了其作为钢琴师的价值。 乐。于是便失去了其作为钢琴师的价值。这正是除了生 于斯长于斯的恋旧情结之外, 于斯长于斯的恋旧情结之外,他不惜决定与船共亡的另 一个重要原因。 一个重要原因。
我想影片的成功所在就是放大了纯洁灵魂以及我们 心灵深处的自由。至今无法忘记1900 1900那孤独却不颓废的 心灵深处的自由。至今无法忘记1900那孤独却不颓废的 眼神,无辜,彷徨,令人同情。奔波于忙碌的生活, 眼神,无辜,彷徨,令人同情。奔波于忙碌的生活,我 们也必须试着拷问自己灵魂的深处,我们为了什么而活, 们也必须试着拷问自己灵魂的深处,我们为了什么而活, 我们怎么活,又是什么支撑着自己,可以没有信仰, 我们怎么活,又是什么支撑着自己,可以没有信仰,但 必须要有信念。 必须要有信念。



海上钢琴师英语观后感The legend of 1900A fter watching this fi lm, I can’t hold my tears back. Not only dose it touched me, but also it described the classical life of a man who has God’s arms. In addition, 1900's story is told via flashback and reflection by Max, a friend of 1900's of whom he spent many years with on the ship, and played the trumpet along side him in the jazz orchestra.1900 is a talent. When he first touched the piano, he played it excellent. And his spirit is random, he once said :” Fuck the regulation .” He thought his music belongs to the soul, belongs to people who understand it, belongs to the freedom. 1900 never set his foot on the land except when he encountered his love. But when he had already packaged his things and stood on the stairs, he flinched. Then he never step out of the ship, even never go down the stairs. After the war ended ,the ship was too old to carry people and it would be exploded.1900’s friend, his only friend found 1900 still in the ruined ship. But our adamant pianist was stuck with his determination, to him , the ship is all, the ship is his whole world. Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder. “ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city. Finally his friend left 1900 sorrowfully, watched the ship being bombed, a talent disappeared, the legend of 1900 ended.I t’s a classical movie. Although the movie is untrue, it closes to our heart, it strucked me, what about you?1900 once told his only friend, Max :” Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It's a woman too beautiful; it's a voyage too long, a perfume toostrong. It's a music I don't know how to make. I could never get off this ship.” I think it’s a symbol of weakne ss. Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt. With no doubt, loneliness adversely affects his personality. He fear change his temporary condition, he wants his everyday life remains the same. he fear that if he left the ship everything would out of control. It’s quite lamentable that he could win over the piano master, but he couldn’t win over himself. He lived in their own world, and other people weren’t able to walk in.I n the movie, when Max told others the story of his friend,nobody believed. At last, the moving story only made Max bring back his trumpet. I once believed that when 1900 bombed with the ship, the ending is perfect. But the ordinary end seems more touched. Just as Max said:” Sooner or later all stories ended.” No matter how popular the story was, it would ensed. And 1900 only lives in Max’s memory.T he music, which I feel make the film more perfect ,all by Ennio Morricone, is wonderful. I loved how scenes would just be time after time of 1900 pounding out notes. It reminded me of "Tango" in the sense that you were watching it more for its dancing and cheorography than its storytelling; "The Legend of 1900" was interesting mostly for its musical capabilities.What’s more, the music could deeply embody the emotion of the lonely man and made us know more about the film.O ur life is also a performance, but without fixed script, everybody around you is audience, but they have different goal and attitude; everybody around you is actor, they act different stories.T he world needs legend. Perhaps 1900 would have a beauty as lifelong companion, we may thought if they would live happily.Perhaps when 1900 go to the land, he would become wealthy and famous, but we would also thought, a ship or a world, which is more important. Because when 1900 had his lover, he would not be the classical people, when 1900 set his foot on the land, he would not be the legend. To build a legend, the director made 1900 married with a piano. And we could feel 1900’s real friend is piano.1900 is very familiar wit h the emotion which the piano convey, but persons’ exchange can not get it. May be it’s a little sad, it is true.。



电影《海上钢琴师》的叙事分层《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900)改编自意大利作家亚历山德罗·巴里科的独白小说《一九零零》(Novecento),是20世纪末导演朱塞佩·托纳多雷(Guiseppe Tornatore)献给世界的经典影片,与其另两部电影《天堂电影院》《玛莲娜》并称为“时空三部曲”或“寻找三部曲”。















海上钢琴师英文影评原创the legend of 1900

海上钢琴师英文影评原创the legend of 1900

The legend of 1900The society, the human beings, who is stronger? Who is weaker?Like The Shawshank Redemption, the legend of 1900 relates a story using the second perspective. But frankly speaking, the trumpet player is far from satisfactory than Red. That is not to say the play is terrible, it’s just because Morgan Freeman is so great that I almost consider the legend of 1900 as a plagiarized work when I saw it first.But when saw it in second time, the great skill of Tornatore, which is the ability to shape the roles vividly, become obvious. It is better to consider 1900 as a group of people, not a specific individual. Maybe it is a reason why the screenwriter doesn’t give him a name. Some people say 1900 is a reflection of the fate of artists. And their loneliness contributes to their artistic quality.1900, being adopted by a boiler man, is an abandoned infant. Unfortunately, his adoptive father died in an accident when 1900 is eight years old. On one hand, the immense talent makes him as a self-taught piano master. On the other hand, the fate also let him be deeply suspicious about the secular world. Even if meet a young girl he loved at the first sight, thinking over and over, he ultimately give up the impulse to find his first lover. Feeling that his fate is tied to the ship, 1900 cannot bring himself to leave the only home he has known. In the end, the Virginian blows up and sinks, with 1900 still aboard.This is an unreal marvel, a sentimental story, a genius interweaved with the ocean, steamboat, piano, land, loneliness and friendship. As the most European movies, the legend of 1900 also fills with an arm of insinuations. As an abandoned baby in the ship, a piano master in born, 1900 spent his whole life on the ship and never get off, strolling in the deck while other passengers are suffering from the seasickness. He can’t even get off the boat to looking for the woman he loved deeply. But what’s the key to understand these insinuations? There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. From my own perspective it is the “choice”.The human beings are faced with the choice at all time. Each choice, big or small, decides the direction of our life. 1900 choose to stay in the boat, even all the passengers are sorely tempted to throw him overboard. He said: “Land is a ship too big for me.” He is anxious about the sense of no end, while the key of piano are not infinite, and that lets him relieved.In fact, when compared with the real world, the life of 1900 has somethingunreal. 1900 never contact piano before, but when he play it first, the beautiful music springs from his dexterous hands so naturally. Besides, how a person who never has the formal education can speak in so poetic language? And how he gets the food he needs to survive before Max finds him in that abandoned ship? However, the most controversial spot is the end of the movie: the hero’s conversation with Max. I really don’t agree with the 1900’s explanation why he doesn’t want to go off the ship at the very beginning, thinking he had a negative attitude towards life. But I finally understand the reason. Instead of playing the piano for others or for money, he desires to continue his love for piano in heaven, to play his own music.Just like the 1900, we all have our own world, and desire to live a so-called life in the demarcated safe zone. But can we? I still remember such words: “Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.” 1900 compresses his life into this side to another, then enlarges into the infinite music he can make on the only 88 keys.Now take the view from piano to the life itself. The freedom of society is infinite, but what a little pleasure can we enjoy from it? Life resembles a huddled adventure, so we are more prone to have a great admiration to these people who concentrate on a specific area always .Sometimes when be tortured by fate, resisting the change can offers us a sense of security. In other words, the human beings are may stronger than society if we can resist the extra temptation from the secular world. T hat’s what the movie want to tell us I think.哈尔滨工业大学航天学院。

The Legend of 1900 之经典独白

The Legend of 1900  之经典独白

I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way.
Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets… There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die...
All that world is weighing down on me, you don't even know where it comes to an end, and aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of living it?



海上钢琴师英文总结English Answer:The legend of 1900, the pianist who was abandoned as a baby on an ocean liner and raised by the ship's crew, has been immortalized in the enchanting film "The Legend of 1900." Set against the backdrop of the 20th century's tumultuous events, the story unfolds through the reminiscences of Max Tooney, the ship's aging trumpet player and 1900's lifelong friend.1900 displays an extraordinary gift for music from a tender age. Despite having no formal training, hisintuitive touch and uncanny ability to improvise captivate all who hear him. As the ship sails across the Atlantic, 1900 becomes a legend among the passengers and crew, his music serving as a beacon of hope and solace amidst the chaos of the world.However, 1900's passion for music is intertwined with adeep-seated fear of disembarking the ship. He believes that if his feet touch land, his music will lose its magic and he will be confined to a life less extraordinary than the one he has built aboard the ship. This fear holds him captive, preventing him from experiencing the world beyond the confines of the ocean liner.As the years pass, 1900's life becomes inextricably linked to the rhythms of the ship, the ebb and flow of the ocean, and the faces of the passengers who briefly inhabit his musical world. Among these passengers is a beautiful woman named Betty, who becomes the object of 1900's affection. Despite their mutual attraction, Betty's life on land and 1900's life at sea keep them separated by an insurmountable obstacle.The arrival of the opulent ocean liner SS Virginian presents 1900 with an opportunity to confront his fears and finally step onto solid ground. Jazz legend Jelly Roll Morton challenges 1900 to a musical duel, an event that could propel 1900 to international acclaim. However, as the moment of truth approaches, 1900's fear consumes him. Herealizes that his music is not meant for the concert halls of the world but for the boundless expanse of the ocean.In a poignant climax, 1900 chooses to remain on the ship, bidding farewell to the possibility of fame and the love of his life. As the ship sinks into the depths of the ocean, 1900 and his music become one with the sea, his legend forever etched in the hearts of those who were touched by his extraordinary gift."The Legend of 1900" is a cinematic masterpiece that explores the themes of fear, isolation, and the indomitable spirit of the human soul. Through the unforgettable character of 1900, the film invites us to reflect on the choices we make and the sacrifices we are willing to endure to preserve the essence of who we are.中文回答:《海上钢琴师》英文概要。












添煤工人Danny Boodman于是偷偷跑到餐厅搜罗客人遗落下的贵重物品,结果一无所获。



Danny对这意外收获十分惊喜,于是收留了这个孩子,起名叫Danny Boodman T.D.Lemon Nineteen Hundred(丹尼博德曼T.D.雷蒙1900),纪念这孩子在新世纪的第一天被他收养。


但因为没有任何出生证明之类的文件,Danny 害怕1900会被别人抢走,所以不许他离开船舱一步。




高三英语作文:The Legend Of 1900

高三英语作文:The Legend Of 1900

The Legend Of 1900A man, no parents, no names, no legal documents to prove his existence. In his infancy he was abandoned on a steamboat called the Virginia, and he spent his whole life on the ship, and did not step on the land. His profession is the pian ist on the Virginia. When “the Virginian” abandoned, failed to change his friends to come to them and the last ship in the sea, sailing together to destroy the decision. The only trace of his life in the world was recorded, a record plate he played. Of course, most of the music in the record can not be heard, even if you do not know who on the other side of the sound.In the luxury cruise ship Virginia sui generis sea world, named in 1900 1900 abandoned orphans grow up as a genius pianist at sea, on land first attracted talented pianists to challenge, but love also inadvertently come from the window, but at the end of 1900 was decided in the sea from the sea. But I think we can not care too much about these plots. I don’t think this is the key point of the movie, because they have been done in many movies. Lookingat the film, we should see his last line of monologue to the outside world in order to understand his final decision about going ashore.The tanker Virginia is carrying the hustle and bustle of cheers at the port of New York. Encouraged by a dream in the dense mass of people disembarked, meet with the possibility of a better future. After the hustle and bustle, there was nothing left on the ship except the crew. Coal worker Danny Boodman then went to a restaurant secretly collecting the guest lost valuables, nothing. At the end of his disappointment, he found a beautiful baby on the piano rack. He picked up the baby and saw his eyes clear and the skin white. Danny Boodman was amazed at the unexpected harvest, so the child, named 1900, was named to be adopted by him on the first day of the new century.In modern society, love in a different way to look at different from ordinary people, like that for 1900 people; people day and night chasing difficulties with glory, splendour, wealth and rank, complain to give vent, young time to complain about social injustice and socialcorruption, the authorities and the inability of generation always in the past, when the young generation of old have the position of the power, they forget when young ideal, but was the cruel reality of the society to change the world is such a generation cycle and the performance of human most incisive poor human nature, do a good many innocent people, but the innocent people in such a world of suffering temptation.Then, the day playing in the hall of the legendary, and those infected people are fake? Why they disembarked, but no one to mention? Is really a genius? Or just on the ship is a ship, what all is not the man who won? What? Is that people continue to fast in the land, and he is still on the ship, when the ship will be destroyed but only one Max think of him. If the world on the land really cares about him and cares about his piano music, what is the end? Can you believe what the future of the ship they have depicted?If I was 1900, I will have no illusions about what the people on the land, also won’t have what to look forward to, it is a place that is endless, no one really cares foryou, that is more than fear, because strange?At the beginning, music was slow and beautiful. There was a touching note in the middle of the music. The end of the music was dull and miserable. This dull tragedy can make people shed tears. 1900, finally, with the explosion of the ship, it ended its life. When he died, he raised his hands and played the silent music, and he could hear him.。

海上钢琴师(Legend of 1900)中英文剧本+词汇解析 by爱酷英语

海上钢琴师(Legend of 1900)中英文剧本+词汇解析 by爱酷英语

海上钢琴师(Legend of 1900)-Max: “I still ask myself if I did the right thing我还在问自己是否做的对,when I abandoned his floating city. And I don't mean only for the work. Fact is,abandon: 放弃,遗弃floating: 漂流的;浮动的当我离开了他漂泊的城市,我指的不仅是工作,事实是a friend like that, a real friend, you won't meet one again.那样才是真正的朋友,你再也不会见到他这样的人。

If you just decide to hang up your sea legs,hang up: [常用被动语态]中止,搁置如果你不想出海,if you just want to feel something more solid beneath your feet,solid: 固体的,结实的beneath: 在…之下如果你只想站在陆地上,and if then you no loner hear the music of the gods around you. But like he used to say…no longer: 不再如果你不再想听见天籁之音,但是像他常说过的一样…You're never really done for as long as you got a good story and someone to tell it to.done for: 完蛋的,破灭的as long as: 只要只要你有个好故事,你就永远不会被人忘记,一个值得告诉别人的故事,Trouble is nobody believe a single word of my story. It happened every time someone would look up and see herlook up: 抬头看可问题是没人相信我的故事。



瞧电影学英语 Legend of 1900 《海上钢琴师》-Max: “I still ask myself if I did the right thing我还在问自己就是否做得对,when I abandoned hisfloating city、And I don't mean onlyfo rthework、 Factis,abandon: 放弃,遗弃floating: 漂流得;浮动得当我离开了她漂泊得城市,我指得不仅就是工作,事实就是a friend like that, a real friend, you won't meet oneagain、那样才就是真正得朋友,您再也不会见到她这样得人。

Ifyou justdecide to hang up yoursea legs,hang up: [常用被动语态]中止,搁置如果您不想出海,if you just want to feel something more solid beneath your feet,solid: 固体得,结实得beneath: 在…之下如果您只想站在陆地上,and if then you no loner hear the music of the gods around you、But like he used to say…no longer: 不再如果您不再想听见天籁之音,但就是像她常说过得一样…You're never really done for as long as you got agood story and someone to tell it to、done for:完蛋得,破灭得as long as: 只要只要您有个好故事,您就永远不会被人忘记,一个值得告诉别人得故事,Trouble is nobody believe a single word of my story、It happened every time someone would lookupand see herlook up:抬头瞧可问题就是没人相信我得故事。

海上钢琴师 Legend of 1900 全部台词 中英文对照

海上钢琴师 Legend of 1900 全部台词 中英文对照

看电影学英语Legend of 1900 《海上钢琴师》-Max: “I still ask myself if I did the right thing我还在问自己是否做的对,when I abandoned his floating city. And I don't mean only for the work. Fact is,abandon: 放弃,遗弃 floating: 漂流的;浮动的当我离开了他漂泊的城市,我指的不仅是工作,事实是a friend like that, a real friend, you won't meet one again.那样才是真正的朋友,你再也不会见到他这样的人。

If you just decide to hang up your sea legs,hang up: [常用被动语态]中止,搁置如果你不想出海,if you just want to feel something more solid beneath your feet,solid: 固体的,结实的 beneath: 在…之下如果你只想站在陆地上,and if th en you no loner hear the music of the gods around you. But like he used to say…no longer: 不再如果你不再想听见天籁之音,但是像他常说过的一样…You're never really done for as long as you got a good story and someone to tell it to.done for: 完蛋的,破灭的 as long as: 只要只要你有个好故事,你就永远不会被人忘记,一个值得告诉别人的故事,Trouble is nobody believe a single word of my story. It happened every time someone would look up and see herlook up: 抬头看可问题是没人相信我的故事。



看电影学英语 Legend of 1900 《海上钢琴师》-Max: “I still ask myself if I did the right thing我还在问自己是否做的对,when I abandoned his floating city. And I don't mean only for the work. Fact is, abandon: 放弃,遗弃floating: 漂流的;浮动的当我离开了他漂泊的城市,我指的不仅是工作,事实是a friend like that, a real friend, you won't meet one again.那样才是真正的朋友,你再也不会见到他这样的人。

If you just decide to hang up your sea legs,hang up: [常用被动语态]中止,搁置如果你不想出海,if you just want to feel something more solid beneath your feet,solid: 固体的,结实的beneath: 在…之下如果你只想站在陆地上,and if then you no loner hear the music of the gods around you. But like he used to say…no longer: 不再如果你不再想听见天籁之音,但是像他常说过的一样…You're never really done for as long as you got a good story and someone to tell it to.done for: 完蛋的,破灭的as long as: 只要只要你有个好故事,你就永远不会被人忘记,一个值得告诉别人的故事,Trouble is nobody believe a single word of my story. It happened every time someone would look up and see herlook up: 抬头看可问题是没人相信我的故事。

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Melanie Thierry---the Girl Music: Ennio Morricone
Giuseppe Tornatore, Director’s Director
Brief Introduction (in Chinese)
His films touch the soul of Sicily, transcending the ordinary, the conventional, the stereotypical.
With time, he is earning respect as that rarest of cinematic talents—a ―Director’s Director.‖ He rarely gives interviews, preferring to let his work speak for itself. Artistically, that’s a solid position. His work speaks well of its creator.
In 1986, Giuseppe Tornatore made his debut in feature films with Il Cammorrista (the Gangster)被称为教 授的男人 ,and his singular motion picture won Tornatore a Golden Globe for best new director.
The story of 1900 opens with a middle-aged failed jazzman entering a used musical instrument shop in post-World War II London to pawn his trumpet. He happens to find that the shopkeeper has in his possession the only recording ever made of 1900 playing the As it turns out, the recording was salvaged from a ship scheduled for demolition. Max, convinced that his old friend 1900 may still be on board, attempts to find him and save him, amidst a flashback depicting 1900' s unusual life and the two men's friendship.
The Legend of 1900
●European Film Award for Best Cinematographer in 1999 ● Golden Globe Awards for Best Original Score in 2000
An epic story of a man who could do anything…except be ordinary
In 1999, Giuseppe Tornatore shot his first movie in English, the Legend of 1900. Yet, he has had no luck with United States distributors. His original cut of Cinema Paradiso was ruthlessly hacked to pieces by Miramax Films for its North American theatrical release. Now, a decade later, The legend of 1900 has seen its 160 minutes Italian running length shrunk to 123 minutes at the insistence of Fine Line Features. To Tornatore’s credit, he has managed to keep the story mostly intact.
The Virginia sails gracefully into the 20s. Then, Max and 1900 meet when Max joins the ship's jazz band. By now, 1900, the band's star attraction, can play any kind of music dazzlingly well and has become a legend in the mind of those on the dry land. He's an incredible musician, but Max is equally enthralled with his lifestyle: he's never been off the ship. Decades come and go.
In the year 1900, a hearty laborer, Danny, who shovels coal aboard the ocean liner Virginia, a grand vessel voyages between Europe and America , discovers an abandoned baby boy in a fruit box. With the support of his co-workers, Danny informally adopts the boy, and gives him the name 1900. Years later, Danny is killed in a shipboard accident, and 1900 becomes an orphan once again. However, his extraordinary talent in piano playing impressive both the captain and the passengers. Thus he is remained on the boat to entertain the passengers who keep their own dreams of America .
Produced in: Italy
Released in: 1999 Director: Giuseppe Tornatore Cast: Tim Roth---1900 Pruitt Taylor Vince---Max Bill Nunn---Danny
Clarence Williams---Jelly
General understanding:
As the Italian director—Giuseppe Tornatore’s first English movie, the Legend of 1900 nevertheless seems mournfully, romantically Italian and could be an opera. There is something heroic about a man whose whole life–not a long life at all—starts and ends in a single vessel, a man who has never set foot dry land. This is a fantasy and a tall tale— the kind of thing that could never happen, but that we have no trouble accepting in well— crafted motion picture.
In a sense, everybody is 1900, confined in his own case, and never knows, or never dares to know the real life, the real world. And ,while most of us have not experienced such an unusual existence as 1900 has, it is also obviously impossible for us to experience all of life in all of its aspects. Therefore, we have to rely on our imagination to understand others as well as ourselves. Then, 1900 is also possible to be seen as a symbol of man’s ultimate isolation and loneliness.
On the one hand, in the legendary figure 1900, Tornatore discovers a metaphor rich in meaning, indeed, a metaphor for no less than the human experience. At first, we—and Max—see 1900 as in a state of confinement, a man who has escaped into his music and resists stepping into the much of everyday life. 1900 sees the land as a place of overwhelmingly infinite choices and dangers. The longer 1900 stays aboard, the more frightening the idea of standing on land becomes. But, what is real life? That on land? Do those live on land really know? Maybe they don’t, just as they don’t understand 1900’s life on Virginia.