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(1. 江西农业大学林学院 江西省竹子种质资源与利用重点实验室袁江西 南昌 330045曰 2. 江西官山国家级自然保护区管理局袁江西 宜丰 336300)
摘 要:榧树渊Torreya grandis冤是国家二级珍稀保护植物袁为了解江西官山国家级自然保护区榧树种群动态及更新
状况袁在官山建立了 4 个 20 m伊20 m 榧树群落的定位监测样地(GS-TS1袁GS-TS2袁GS-TS3袁GS-TS4)袁采用群落学方法对
各龄级呈非均匀分布袁以第玉龄级个体数最多袁第域龄级个体数最少曰种群存活率曲线趋于 Deevey-玉型遥 以上结果说
样地的物种组成尧种群动态和生态位进行分析袁以期为榧树的保护提供科学参考遥 结果表明院(1)4 个榧树群落植物共计
571 株袁隶属 26 科 36 属 39 种曰榧树在 4 个群落乔木层的重要值不同袁分别为 2.31尧6.07尧18.02 和 20.25曰(2) 榧树群落中
生态位ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้叠值大于 0.50 的共有 17 对袁占总种对数的 16.19 %袁不发生重叠的种对有 28 对袁占 26.67 %曰(3)榧树种群在
第 源7 卷第 3 期 2019 年 6 月
DOI 编码院10.16259/j.cnki.36-1342/s.2019.03.002
South China Forestry Science
Vol. 47袁 No. 3 Jun., 2019
陈艳芳 员袁余泽平 圆袁陈 琳 圆袁宋述灵 员袁文仁权 员袁宋庆妮 员袁杨清培 1绎
Abstract: Torreya grandis is a species of state rare plant (Class 域). In order to better understand the population dynamics and regeneration of T. grandis, four long-term monitoring plots of T. grandis community in Guanshan National Nature Reserve(GS-TS1袁 GS-TS2袁GS-TS3袁GS-TS4) were established. By analyzing the species composition, population dynamics and niche, the results showed that: (1) There were 571 individuals in total, belonging to 26 families, 36 genera and 39 species. The important values of T. grandis were different in the four communities, with 2.31, 6.07, 18.02 and 20.25 in the tree layer from GS -TS1 to GS -TS4, respectively. (2) There were 17 species counterparts of niche overlap values larger than 0.50, accounting for 16.19% of T. grandis community, and 28 species counterparts without niche overlap, accounting for 26.67%. (3) T. grandis species were non-uniformly distributed in all age classes. The largest number of individuals was in the first age class and the least was in the second age class. The survivorship curve of the T. grandis populations tended to correspond to the Deevey-砖. These findings indicated that T. grandis can regenerate itself well and its dominance differs in different communities. Key words: Torreya grandis; rare plant; population quantity; niche breadth; niche overlap; Guanshan National Nature
(1. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory for Bamboo Germplasm Resources and Utilization, Forestry College of Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang Jiangxi 330045, China; 2. Jiangxi Guanshan National Nature Reserve Administration, Yichun Jiangxi 336300, China)
Population dynamics and niche interpretation of Torreya grandis community in Guanshan National Nature Reserve of Jiangxi Province
Chen Yanfang1, Yu Zeping2, Chen Lin2, Song Shuling1, Wen Renquan1, Song Qingni1, Yang Qingpei1绎