湖北省武汉市常青第一中学2019-2020学年度第二学期期中考试高二物理试题 试题
武汉市常青第一中学2019-2020学年度第二学期期中考试高二物理试卷考试时间:2020年4月23日10:30-12:00 试卷满分:100分一、单项选择题:(共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分,在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题意的.)1.下列关于布朗运动的说法中正确的是A.布朗运动是指在显微镜下观察到的组成悬浮颗粒的固体分子的无规则运动;B.布朗运动是指在显微镜下直接观察到的液体分子的无规则运动;C.布朗运动是指液体分子的无规则运动;D.布朗运动是指在显微镜下观察到的悬浮固体颗粒的无规则运动。
2.下列现象中不能说明分子间存在分子力的是()A.两铅块能被压合在一起B.钢绳不易被拉断C.空气容易被压缩D.水不容易被压缩3.如图所示,金属框上阴影部分表示肥皂膜.它被棉线分割成a、b两部分.若将肥皂膜的a部分用热针刺破,棉线的形状是选项图中的()A.B.C.D.4.下列过程中可能发生的是( )A.将两瓶不同液体混合,然后它们又自发地各自分开B.利用其他手段,使低温物体温度更低,高温物体的温度更高C.打开一高压密闭容器,其内气体自发溢出后又自发溢进去,恢复原状D.某种物质从高温热源吸收20 kJ的热量,全部转化为机械能,而没有产生其他任何影响5.一瓶矿泉水喝完一半之后,把瓶盖拧紧,不久瓶内水的上方形成了水的饱和汽.当温度变化时,瓶内水的饱和汽压与温度变化关系的图像正确的是()A. B.C.D.6.如图所示,某种自动洗衣机进水时,与洗衣缸相连的细管中会封闭一定质量的空气,通.设温度不变,洗衣缸内水位升高,则过压力传感器感知管中的空气压力,从而控制进水量细管中被封闭的空气A.体积不变,压强变大B.体积变小,压强变小C.体积不变,压强变小D.体积变小,压强变大7.图为某种椅子与其升降部分的结构示意图,M、N两筒间密闭了一定质量的气体,M可沿N的内壁上下滑动,设筒内气体不与外界发生热交换,当人从椅子上离开,M向上滑动的过程中A.外界对气体做功,气体内能增大B.外界对气体做功,气体内能减小C.气体对外界做功,气体内能增大D.气体对外界做功,气体内能减小8.一定质量的理想气体经历一系列状态变化,其p-1V图线如图所示,变化顺序由a→b→c→d→a,图中ab线段延长线过坐标原点,cd线段与p轴垂直,da线段与1V轴垂直.气体在此状态变化过程中()A.a→b,压强减小、温度不变、体积减小B.b→c,压强增大、温度升高、体积增大C.c→d,压强不变、温度升高、体积减小D.d→a,压强减小、温度升高、体积不变9.如图,玻璃管内封闭了一段气体,气柱长度为l,管内外水银面高度差为h,若温度保持不变,把玻璃管稍向上提起一段距离,则( )A.h变大l变小B.,h l均变小C.,h l均变大D.h变小l变大10.一根竖直的弹簧支持着一倒立汽缸的活塞,使汽缸悬空而静止.设活塞和缸壁间无摩擦且可以在缸内自由移动,缸壁导热性能良好,使缸内气体温度总能与外界大气的温度相同,则下列结论中正确的是A.若外界大气压强增大,则弹簧长度将不变,汽缸的上底面距地面的高度将减小B.若外界大气压强减小,则弹簧长度将不变,汽缸的上底面距地面的高度将减小C.若气温升高,则活塞向上移动,汽缸的上底面距地面的高度将增大D.若气温降低,则活塞不动,汽缸的上底面距地面的高度将不变二、多项选择题:(共4小题,每小题4分,共16分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多个选项是符合题意的.每小题全选对的得4分,有正确选项但不全的得2分,有错误选项或者不选的不得分.)11.2010年诺贝尔物理学奖授予安德烈·海姆和康斯坦丁·诺沃肖洛夫,以表彰他们在石墨烯材料方面的卓越研究.他们通过透明胶带对石墨进行反复的粘贴与撕开使得石墨片的厚度逐渐减小,最终寻找到了厚度只有0.34nm的石墨烯,是碳的二维结构.如图所示为石墨、石墨烯的微观结构,根据以上信息和已学知识判断,下列说法中正确的是( )A.石墨是晶体,石墨烯是非晶体B.石墨、石墨烯与金刚石都是晶体C.石墨是单晶体,石墨烯是多晶体D.他们是通过物理变化的方法获得石墨烯的12.氧气分子在0 ℃和100 ℃温度下单位速率间隔的分子数占总分子数的百分比随气体分子速率的变化分别如图中两条曲线所示.下列说法正确的是A.图中虚线对应于氧气分子平均动能较小的情形B.图中实线对应于氧气分子在0 ℃时的情形C.图中曲线给出了任意速率区间的氧气分子数目D.与0 ℃时相比,100 ℃时氧气分子速率出现在0~400 m/s区间内的分子数占总分子数的百分比较小13.如图所示,导热性能良好的气缸内用活塞封闭着一定质量、常温常压的气体,气缸固定不动.一条细线一端连结在活塞上,另一端跨过两个光滑的定滑轮后连结在一个小桶上,开始时活塞静止,现不断向小桶中添加细沙,使活塞缓慢向上移动(活塞始终未被拉出,气缸、周围环境温度不变).则在活塞移动的过程中,下列说法正确的是A.气缸内气体的分子平均动能不变B.气缸内气体的内能变小C.气缸内气体的压强变小D.气缸内气体向外界放热14.如图甲、乙所示,容器A和容器B分别盛有氢气和氧气,用一段细玻璃管连通,管内有一段水银柱将两种气体隔开.当氢气的温度为0℃,氧气温度是20℃时,水银柱保持静止,下列情况中正确A.图甲中氢气升高10℃,氧气升高20℃,水银柱将向B侧移动B.图甲中两气体均升髙10℃,水银柱将向B侧移动C.图乙中两气体均降低10℃,水银柱将向B侧移动D.图乙中两气体均升高20℃,水银柱将向B侧移动三、填空题:(共2个小题,共14分)15.(6分)在发现查理定律时,尚未建立热力学温标,因此在查理定律的原始表述中采用的是摄氏温标。
在每小题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的)20.家庭居室装修成为新的经济增长点说明()A.追求个性、追求享受成为消费的主流B.人们可以不断制造出新的消费热点C.劳务消费已经是居民最基本的消费D.家庭居室装修能够带动相关产业的发展参考答案:B2. 下列活动中属于实践基本形式的有①医生治病②法官办案③文艺演出④调节分配结构A.②③ B.②④ C.①④ D.③④参考答案:B3. 中国汽车产业通过原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新,取得了一系列重大技术创新成果。
中国汽车业的发展历程表明( )①创新就是对既往的否定和对现实的肯定②创新的过程必定是“扬弃”的过程③创新推动科技进步和社会生产力发展④创新推动生产关系和人类思维的变革A.①②B. ②③C.①④ D.③④参考答案:4. 恩格斯在马克思墓前的讲话中说,马克思发现了人类历史的发展规律,……人们首先必须吃、喝、住、穿,然后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等等。
这说明A. 生产力决定生产关系B. 生产活动是人类社会存在和发展的基础C. 人民群众是历史的创造者D. 社会存在决定社会意识参考答案:B5. 经济学中著名的“丰收悖论”是这样表述的:(在完全竞争的市场上)如果某一农场主获得丰收,他的农场收入会增加;如果所有农场主的收成都破丰收记录的话,则他们的农场收入都会下降。
“丰收悖论”反映了A.总收入和总产量成正相关关系B.价格变动对生产有逆向的凋节作用C.在完全竞争的市场下,劳动效率与劳动收益成反比D.需求弹性小的农产品供过于求,会形成买方市场参考答案:D6. 十一届全国人大二次会议听取《政府工作报告》《最高人民法院工作报告》《最高人民检察院工作报告》等。
考试时间:2021年4月26日14:00-16:00 试卷满分:150分
1.某校高二(1)班甲、乙两同学进行投篮比赛,他们进球的概率分别是34和45,现甲、乙各投篮一次,恰有一人进球的概率是( ).
A .120
B .320
C .720
D .15
2. 维生素C 又叫抗坏血酸,是一种水溶性维生素,是高等灵长类动物与其他少数生物的必需营养素.现从猕猴桃、柚子两种食物中测得每100克维生素C 的含量(单位:mg),得到茎叶图如图所示,则下列说法中不正确的是( ).
A. 每100克柚子维生素C 含量的众数为121.
B.每100克猕猴桃维生素C 含量的中位数为113.
C.每100克猕猴桃维生素C 含量的极差为32.
D.每100克猕猴桃维生素C 含量的平均数小于每100克柚子维生素C 含量的平均数.
3. 在63()x x
的展开式中,常数项为( ). A .145 B .105 C .30 D .135
4.有8件产品,其中4件是次品,从中有放回地取3次(每次1件),若X 表示取得次品的次数,则(2)P X ≤=( ).
A .38
B .1314
C .45
D .78
5.将序号分别为1,2,3,4,5的5张参观券全部分给4人,每人至少1张,如果分给同一人的2张参观券连号,那么不同的分法种数是( ).
A .96
B .120
C .240
D .24
如图所示,连结圆心 C 与 F ,交圆于 Q .
第 4 页 共 19 页
FC 交抛物线的点即为使 d PQ 的最小时 P 的位置;
∴ d PQ PF PC 1 ,∵ C 2, 4 , F 1,0 , min
∴ FC 2 12 4 02 5 , CQ 1,
∴ d PQ 5 1 4 . min
截距式为 x y a ,把点 P 的坐标代入即可得出.
【详解】 当直线经过原点时,设直线的方程为 y kx ,将点 P 的坐标代入得 2k 3 ,解得 k 3 ,
此时,直线的方程为 y 3 x ,即 3x 2y 0 ; 2
m 2 0 解:①若该方程表示是椭圆,则 m 1 0
m 2 m 1
3 2
3 2
②若该方程表示是圆,则 m 2 m 1 ,∴ m 3 ,故 B 不正确;
③若该方程表示是双曲线,则 m 2m 1 0,∴ m 1或 m 2 ,故 C 错 D 正确.
x 22 y 4 1上一个动点, d PQ 的最小值是( )
C. 2 5 1
D. 13 1
【解析】根据题意,将 P 到其准线的最小距离为 d PQ 转为圆心 C 到焦点 F 的距离减
圆的半径,即 d PQ FC CQ . min
解:由抛物线定义知:点 P 到准线的距离等于 P 到焦点 F 的距离,
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 动点P到点M(1,0)与点N(3,0)的距离之差为2,则点P的轨迹是()A.双曲线B.双曲线的一支C.两条射线D.一条射线参考答案:D【考点】轨迹方程.【分析】根据双曲线的定义:动点到两定点的距离的差的绝对值为小于两定点距离的常数时为双曲线;距离当等于两定点距离时为两条射线;距离当大于两定点的距离时无轨迹.【解答】解:|PM|﹣|PN|=2=|MN|,点P的轨迹为一条射线故选D.2. 已知、均为单位向量,它们的夹角为60°,那么|+3|=()学科A.B C.D.4参考答案:C略3. 已知双曲线E的中心为原点,P(3,0)是E的焦点,过P的直线l与E相交于A,B 两点,且AB的中点为N(﹣12,﹣15),则E的方程式为()A.B.C.D.参考答案:B【考点】双曲线的标准方程;直线与圆锥曲线的综合问题.【分析】已知条件易得直线l的斜率为1,设双曲线方程,及A,B点坐标代入方程联立相减得x1+x2=﹣24,根据=,可求得a和b的关系,再根据c=3,求得a和b,进而可得答案.【解答】解:由已知条件易得直线l的斜率为k=k PN=1,设双曲线方程为,A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),则有,两式相减并结合x1+x2=﹣24,y1+y2=﹣30得=,从而==1即4b2=5a2,又a2+b2=9,解得a2=4,b2=5,故选B.4. 下列命题中真命题的是()A.在同一平面内,动点到两定点的距离之差(大于两定点间的距离)为常数的点的轨迹是双曲线;B.在平面内,F1,F2是定点,|F1F2|=6,动点M满足|MF1|+|MF2|=6,则点M的轨迹是椭圆;C.“若-3<m<5则方程是椭圆” ;D.存在一个函数,它既是奇函数,又是偶函数。
【详解】解:由抛物线定义知:点 P 到准线的距离等于 P 到焦点 F 的距离, 如图所示,连结圆心 C 与 F ,交圆于 Q . FC 交抛物线的点即为使 d PQ 的最小时 P 的位置;
∴ d PQ PF PC 1 ,∵ C 2, 4 , F 1,0 , min
∴ FC 2 12 4 02 5 , CQ 1,
∴ d PQ 5 1 4 . min
【点睛】本题考查抛物线的焦半径,抛物线上的点 P 到准线的距离等于 P 到焦点 F 的距离.
故选:B 【点睛】本题考查全称命题与特称命题的否定,属于基础题. 4. 在新高考改革中,一名高一学生在确定选修物理的情况下,想从政治,地理,生物,化学中再选两科学习,则
所选两科中一定有地理的概率是( )
1 D.
【解析】 【分析】 根据题意列举出所有情况,再求一定有地理情况,最后求概率即可. 【详解】解:四科中间选两科一共有: 政地,政生,政化,地生,地化,生化 6 种选择,
【详解】由直线 x 3y 1 0 ,
则y 3 x 3, 33
设直线的倾斜角为 ,
所以 tan 3 , 3
所以 . 6
故选:A 【点睛】本题考查了直线的斜截式方程、直线的倾斜角与斜率的关系,属于基础题.
2. 椭圆 x2 y2 1 的离心率为( ) 43
B. 3 4
1 C.
D. 7 2
【详解】对于①,若 l , m , l// , m / / ,则 与 可能相交;故①错误;
2019-2020学年武汉市第十七中学高三英语上学期期末试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANational Disability Insurance Scheme (方案)The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will transform the way Queenslanders with disability are supported and change the way disability services are funded and delivered.Under the scheme, Queenslanders with disability will have choice and control over how they access support and who delivers them. They will also have certainty that they will be supported throughout their lifetime to achieve their personal goals.The NDIS will have an effect on the following programs.School Transport Assistance Program for Students with DisabilityThe NDIS will not disrupt existing services for qualified students. The Queensland Government will also continue to provide school transport assistance for students with disability who are not qualified to receive funding via the NDIS.For more information about the School Transport Assistance Program, and to check your qualification, visit the Education and Training website.Taxi Subsidy (补助金) SchemeThe Queensland Governmenthas lengthened the Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS) membership for NDIS qualified members to 31 October, 2022. This will allow more time to solve transport support arrangements under the Commonwealth’s NDIS.You can find more information about the TSS and your qualification on the TransLink website.Disability Parking Permit SchemeNo changes will be made to the Disability parking permit scheme when the NDIS is introduced inQueensland. Current arrangements for this scheme will be maintained.You can find more information on this scheme, and check your qualification, on the Queensland Government website.Public Transport Concessions for People with DisabilityThere will be no change to concessions on public transport for people with disability when the NDIS is introduced inQueensland. TransLink will continue to ensure concessions are provided for disabled persons travelling on public transport inQueenslandwhen the NDIS is introduced.You can find more information about public transport discounts for people with disability, and check your qualification, on the TransLink website,1.Which program helps drive the disabled to and from school?A.Taxi Subsidy Scheme.B.Disability Parking Permit Scheme.C.Public Transport Concessions for People with Disability.D.School Transport Assistance Program for Students with Disability.2.What can we learn about Taxi Subsidy Scheme?A.The scheme is for parking permit.B.The existing membership can be effective for longer time.C.There is no change to current arrangements for the scheme.D.The NDIS will not break off existing services for qualified students.3.What do the four programs have in common?A.They are all related to transport.B.They are all largely affected by NDIS.C.They all can be checked on the same website.D.They all provide discounts for disabled persons.BThe first patient who died on my watch was an older man with a faulty heart. We tried to slow it down with treatment, but it suddenly stopped beating completely. Later, whenever I would have a case like that one, I found myself second-guessing my clinical management. However, it turns out that thinking twice may actually cause more harm than good.In a working paper, Emory University researchers found that when doctors delivering a baby have a bad result, they are more likely to switch to a different delivery method with the next patient, often unnecessarily and sometimes with worse results.Because doctors make so many decisions that have serious consequences, thefalloutfrom second-guessing appears especially large for us. A 2006 study found that if a patient had a bleed after being prescribed (开药)warfarin, the physician was about 20% less likely to prescribe later patients the blood thinner that prevents strokes (中风). However, if a patient was not on warfarin and had a stroke physicians were still no more likely to prescribe warfarin to their other patients.These findings highlight interesting behavioral patterns in doctors. In the blood-thinner study, doctors were more affected by the act of doing harm (prescribing a blood thinner that ended up hurting doctors were more affected by the act of doing harm(prescribing a blood thinner that ended up hurting a patient) and less affected by letting harm happen (not prescribing a blood thinner and the patient having a stroke). Yet a stroke is often more permanent and damaging than a bleed.But this phenomenon is not unique to medicine. ''Overreaction to Fearsome Risks'' holds true for broader society.For instance, sensational headlines about shark attacks on humans in Florida in 2001 caused a panic and led the state to prohibit shark-feeding expeditions. Yet shark attacks had actually fallen that year and, according to the study, such a change was probably unnecessary given the extremely small risk of such an attack happening.Humans are likely to be influenced by emotional and often irrational (不理性的) thinking when processing information, bad events and mistakes. As much as we don't want to cause an unfortunate event to happen again, we need to be aware that a worst situation that can be imagined doesn't necessarily mean we did anything wrong. When we overthink, we fail to rely on thinking based on what we know or have experienced. Instead, we may involuntarily overanalyze and come to the wrong conclusion.I have treated dozens of patients who presented with the same illnesses as my first patient, who died more than a year ago. Instead of second-guessing myself, I trusted my clinical instinct (本能) and stayed the course. Every one of those patients survived. You should trust your instinct in your life, too.4. The first two paragraphs suggest that________.A. bad medical outcomes affect doctorsB delivering babies can be difficult workC. some doctors are not very experiencedD. doctors sometimes make silly mistakes5. In the blood-thinner study, doctors________.A. tend to prescribe less effective medicineB. are more concerned about the patients' safetyC. become less confident in writing a prescriptionD. believe a stroke is more treatable than a bleeding6. What does the underlined word ''fallout'' in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. ResultB. BenefitC. DifferenceD. Absence7. The author will probably agree that________.A. we should not doubt our own decisionsB. our experience will pave way for our futureC. humans are emotional and irrational on the wholeD. instincts don't necessarily lead to wrong directionsCMy first week working in a restaurant, one of the servers said something that stuck with me: Everyone should work in a restaurant for at least a year. At the time, I didn't get it, but I took the advice to heart and worked in restaurants on and off for the next eight years. Before realizing it, I mastered many important skills, one of which is communication skill.When I was little, I was so shy that I used to hide behind my mom whenever someone spoke to me. And when I first started in restaurants, I had two personalities: Restaurant Lizzy and Home Lizzy. It was easier to pretend to be a different person while at work, since it was so different from who I actually was. But gradually, the skills I learned working in restaurants helped Home Lizzy come out of her shell in the real world.When you work in a restaurant, you don't have the luxury of hiding behind your parents to avoid talking to people. I'm still 110% an introvert, but restaurant work helped me communicate. Working in a restaurant not only helped me speak clearly, deliberately and directly but also taught me how to talk about almost everything. Some guests don't want their servers to interact too much with them, and that's fine. But some sit at the bar simply to chat with you. You learn how to judge your guests' level of interest in communicating with you, and how to exit a conversation at the appropriate time.My restaurant work is something that I'm most proud of and I know I wouldn't be the person I am today without those eight years of experience. If you're still on the fence about working in a restaurant for that long, start with one year. I doubt that you'll look back.8. What did the writer think of the server's words?A. Impressive.B. Ridiculous.C. Amusing.D. Logical.9. What do we infer from Paragraph 2?A. The writer tried different jobs.B. The writer became more sociable.C. The writer used an invented name.D. The writer had a hard time at work.10. Which of the following best describes the writer's restaurant work?A. Boring.B. Relaxing.C. Worthwhile.D. Unchallenging.11. What message does the writer try to convey in this passage?A. A strong-willed soul can reach his goal.B. Things are difficult before they are easy.C. Communication skills advance your career.D. Restaurantwork helps to achieve a better self.DSurfing the Internet for fun will make you a better employee, according to an Australian study.The University of Melbourne study shows that people who use the Internet for their own reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive than those who do not. Study author Brent Coker said, “Surfing the Internet at times helps increase an employee's attention.”“People need to relax for a bit to get back their attention,” Coker said on the university's website. “Having a short break, such as a quick surfing of the Internet, helps the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total Internet attention for a day's work, and as a result, increases productivity (生产效率),” he said.According to the study of 300 workers, 70 percent of people who use the Internet at work surf the Internet for their own reasons during office hours. Among the most popular surfing activities are searching for information about products, reading online news, playing online games and watching videos. “Firms spend a lot of money on software toblocktheir employees from watching videos, using social networking sites or shopping online,” said Coker. “That's not always a good idea.”However, Coker said the study looked at people who surfed the Internet in moderation (适度), or were on the Internet for less than 20 percent of their total time in the office. “Those who spend too much time surfing the Internet will have a lower productivity than those without.” he said.12. What does the University of Melbourne study mainlyshow?A. People who surf the Internet are good employees.B. Not everyone surfs the Internet for fun during office hours.C. The Internet is becoming more and more important in people's life.D. Surfing the Internet for fun at times during office hours increases productivity.13. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as one of the most popular surfing activities?A. Watching videos.B. Reading online news.C. Reading online novels.D. Playing online games.14. The underlined word “block” in Paragraph 4 means “________”.A. stopB. organizeC. protectD. separate15. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Those who never surf the Internet have the lowest productivity.B. Spending too much time surfing the Internet reduces productivity.C. Most people don't surf the Internet in moderation during office hours.D. People should spend as little time as possible surfing the Internet.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年湖北省武汉市第十七中学高二物理上学期期末试卷含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. 右图为某电场的部分电场线。
由图可知A、B两点的场强大小EA EB(选填“>”、“<”或“=”)。
参考答案:>2. 关于天然放射现象,下列叙述正确的是()A、若使放射性物质的温度升高,其半衰期将缩短B、β衰变所释放的电子是原子核内的中子转变为质子时产生的C、β衰变所释放的电子是原子核外的电子电离形成的D、α、β、γ三种射线中,γ射线的穿透力最强,电离本领最强参考答案:B3. 关于力,下列说法中错误的是A.力是物体对物体的作用B.力是矢量,它既有大小又有方向C.力可以只有施力物体而没有受力物体D.力是改变物体运动状态的原因参考答案:4. 如图2所示,在条形磁铁从图示位置绕轴转动90°的过程中,放在导轨右端附近的金属棒将( )A.向左运动B.向右运动C.静止不动D.无法判断参考答案:B5. 下列物理量属于矢量的是()A.速率 B.牛顿 C.质量 D.位移参考答案:D二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 质子()和粒子()从静止开始经相同的电势差加速后垂直进入同一匀强磁场做圆周运动,则这两粒子的动能之比E k1:E k2= ,轨道半径之比r 1:r 2=,周期之比T1:T2= 。
参考答案:1:2 1:;1:27. (4分)质量为m的汽车,驶过一半径为R的拱桥,到达桥顶时汽车的速度为v,则此时汽车对桥的压力为______________。
参考答案:mg-mv2/R8. 电磁波谱有无线电波、、可见光、紫外线、X射线、γ射线。
参考答案:9. 长为L的导体棒原来不带电,现将一带电量为 +q的点电荷放在距棒左端R处,如图所示。
参考答案:10. (1)完成核反应方程:;(2)已知的半衰期约为 3.8 天,则约经过天,16 g 的衰变后还剩 1 g 。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 若复数z满足(i是虚数单位),则z的共轭复数是()A. B. C. D.参考答案:A因为,所以,因此的共轭复数是,选A.2. P是椭圆上任意一点,F1、F2是焦点,那么∠F1PF2的最大值是()A.600 B.300 C.1200D.900参考答案:A3. 如角满足,则()A.B. C. D.参考答案:D由题意可得,选D.4. 过点P(2,2)的直线与圆相切,且与直线垂直,则a=()A. -1B. 1C. -2D.参考答案:D5. 设函数在区间上单调递减,则实数a的取值范围是()A. (-∞,2)B. (1,2]C.(0,3]D. (4,+∞)参考答案:B【分析】函数的定义域为,由导函数的解析式可知函数的单调递减区间为,单调递增区间为,据此得到关于a的不等式组,求解不等式组可得实数a的取值范围.【详解】函数的定义域为,由函数的解析式可得:,据此可得函数的单调递减区间为,单调递增区间为,结合题意有:,解得:,即实数a的取值范围是(1,2].本题选择B选项.【点睛】本题主要考查导函数研究函数的单调性,属于中等题.6. 如图所示,在正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,四面体A-B1CD1在面AA1D1D上的正投影图形为参考答案:A7. 若直线与圆相离,则点与圆的位置关系是()在圆上在圆外在圆内以上都有可能参考答案:C略8. 下列推理是归纳推理的是()A.由a1=1,a n=3n﹣1,求出s1,s2,s3,猜出数列{a n}的前n项和的表达式B.由于f(x)=xsinx满足f(﹣x)=﹣f(x)对?x∈R都成立,推断f(x)=xsinx为偶函数C.由圆x2+y2=1的面积S=πr2,推断:椭圆+=1的面积S=πabD.由平面三角形的性质推测空间四面体的性质参考答案:A【考点】归纳推理.【分析】直接利用归纳推理的定义,判断选项的正误即可.【解答】解:对于A,设数列﹛a n﹜的前n项和为s n,由a1=1,a n=3n﹣1,求出s1,s2,s3,猜出数列{a n}的前n项和的表达式,满足归纳推理的形式与步骤,所以A正确.对于B,由f(x)=xsinx,满足f(﹣x)=﹣f(x)对?x∈R都成立,推断f(x)=xsinx 为奇函数,是函数的奇偶性的定义的应用,是演绎推理,所以B不正确;对于C,由圆x2+y2=r2的面积s=πr2推断:椭圆+=1(a>b>0)的面积S=πab,是类比推理,所以C不正确;对于D,由平面三角形的性质推测空间三棱锥的性质是类比推理,所以D不正确.故选:A.9. 下列说法中正确的是()A.若ac>bc,则a>b B.若a2>b2,则a>bC.若>,则a<b D.若<,则a<b 参考答案:D10. 如图,正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1的棱长为1,线段B1D1上有两个动点E、F,且EF=,则下列结论中错误的是 ( )A.AC⊥BEB.EF∥平面ABCDC.三棱锥A-BEF的体积为定值D.△AEF的面积与△BEF的面积相等参考答案:D略二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分11. 已知三角形两边长分别为2和2,第三边上的中线长为2,则三角形的外接圆半径为.参考答案:2【考点】余弦定理;正弦定理.【分析】设AB=2,AC=2,AD=2,D为BC边的中点,BC=2x,则BD=DC=x,由,且cos∠ADB=﹣cos∠ADC,代入可求BC,则可得A=90°,外接圆的直径2R=BC,从而可求【解答】解:设AB=2,AC=2,AD=2,D为BC边的中点,BC=2x,则BD=DC=x△ABD中,由余弦定理可得,△ADC中,由余弦定理可得,∴∴x=2∴BC=4∴AB2+AC2=BC2即A=90°∴外接圆的直径2R=BC=4,从而可得R=2故答案为:212. 若,,与的夹角为60°,则________________.参考答案:13. 若数列{}的通项公式是则数列{}中最大项;参考答案:14. 在等差数列{a n}中,若a10=0,则有等式a1+a2+…+a n=a1+a2+…+a19-n(n<19,n∈N*)成立,类比上述性质,相应地:在等比数列{b n}中,若b11=1,则有等式 _ 成立.参考答案:15. 设直线过点其斜率为1,且与圆相切,则的值为▲参考答案:16. 采用系统抽样从含有8000个个体的总体(编号为0000,0001,…,,7999)中抽取一个容量为50的样本,已知最后一个入样编号是7900,则最前面2个入样编号是参考答案:0060,022017. 已知,则中共有项.A. B. C.D.参考答案:D略三、解答题:本大题共5小题,共72分。
2019-2020学年武汉市常青第一中学高三英语第二次联考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt looks like 2017 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year in movie History. Here is a list of some of the year’s biggest blockbusters so far.Kong: Skull IslandA reboot (重启) of King Kong would normally get laughed at in this day and age, but it looks like this modem version of the story will be worth watching. With US actress Brie Larson and UK actor Tom Hiddleston in the mix, this film is set to be this year’s biggest monster tale.Release Date:3/10/17Beauty and the BeastDirector Bill Condon is bringing back a part of our childhood in live action, complete with the songs we all remember and love. With British stars Emma Watson and Dan Stevens leading thecast, the classic Walt Disney story already sounds like it’ll be a delight for both children and adults.Release Date:3/17/17The Fate of the FuriousThere was doubt that we’d even get a Fast 8, especially after the fitting ending US actor Paul Walker’s character was given at the end of Furious 7. Fans thought they’d never see Dom and the rest of the crew back in action, but thankfully, US star Vin Diesel himself confirmed that The Fate of the Furious is fueling up for another go.Release Date:4/14/17Spider-Man: HomecomingSpider Man is heading home to Marvel Studios for the first time. The movie will show us Peter Parker’s high school days, and will continue the threads we saw formed during his initial appearance in Captain America: Civil War. We know that Michael Keaton is playing The Vulture in this story, and that both Happy Hogan and Tony Stark, played by US actors Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr., are along for the ride.Release Date:7/7/171.Which of the following movies can’t you see on May Day?A.Kong: Skull Island.B.Beauty and the Beast.C.The Fate of the Furious.D.Spider-Man: Homecoming.2.What can we know about Beauty and the Beast?A.It is fueling up for another go.B.It is produced by Marvel StudiosC.It’ll show us Peter Parker’s school days.D.It’ll be enjoyable for both children and adults.3.What does the underlined word “cast” probably mean?A.Characters.B.Actors.C.Directors.D.Teachers.BWhen I was 13, I lost my sight. Since then, I had learned to get about with a walking stick, but had to stay at home because my parents thought I would get lost or robbed, even get hit by a car.I, however, believed I could regain my way if I lost it. A neighbor told me that a public library was offering a free course designed for the blind. That's an important opportunity for me to kill two birds with one stone: I could practice my getting — about skills on my way to learning practical technology. My parentssettled forit.But how would I plan my course? I knew that the blind singer Ray Charles, get around without a walking stick by counting steps. But I couldn't seem to do that the way he had. I developed the power of my imagination, catching the layout(布局)of places I visited and taking note of landmarks in my mind. Every time I visited a place, the mental map I'd drawn would turn up and helped me with the direction. But that doesn't mean I didn't lose my way in the process of acquiring this skill. I'd have to swallow(吞下)my pride to ask kind strangersfor help.On those days I lost my way, I'd go to bed feeling down. But my desires to beat blindness and further my education were usually enough to get me out of bed the next day and try again. Today, I'm a published reporter and audio producer.Yes, I've lost my way at times and found it again. And when people ask me,"Aren't you afraid to be out on your own?” the answer to me is clear:I'd rather risk and find happiness than stick to safety and be painful.Now, impressed by my progress, my father told my mother, "Our boy can see!".4. What does the underlined phrases “settled for" in the second paragraph mean?A. Talked about.B. Stuckto.C. Agreed to.D. Cared about.5. How did the author go around on his own after losing his sight?A.He created pictures of places in his mind.B. He drew a map on the paper to help him.C. He was always asking strangers for directions.D.He threw away the walking stick and counted steps.6. Which of the following can best describe the author?A. Determined and adventurous.B. Patient and intelligent.C. Warm-hearted and positive.D. Adventurous and outgoing.7. How did the author's parents feel about his progress?A.Concerned.B. Surprised.C. Confident.D. Proud.CAlex Wong, a junior atMarkKeppelHigh SchoolinAlhambra,California, is working hard on his application to a top college. His resume shows off his nearly straight A’s in difficult classes, experience at a summer program atStanfordUniversity, Eagle Scout project and time on the soccer team as well as the school choir. But his steady progress stopped unexpectedly this year. Aiming to open access to college-level Advanced Placement (大学预科) courses, his schoolbegan using a computer-based lottery to give out spaces. Alex got shut out of all three of the courses he requested.The new system caused anger among families whose children failed to get into AP courses, which many consider important to develop advanced skills, improve grade-point averages and allow students to earn college credit, saving them and their families tuition dollars. Students and parents wrote to administrators to complain, circulated a petition (请愿) and launched a Facebook group for trading classes. “I’M DESPERATE! I’LL GIVE YOU FREE FOOD,” one student, Kirk Hum, posted on the 210-member AP Flea Market Facebook group.AP classes have long been held dear by the most talented and ambitious students.But now they are seen as positive for all students who are willing to push themselves – and schools are increasingly viewing access to them as a basic educational right. But this change has brought challenges.Miracle Vitangcol, a junior atDowntownMagnetsHigh Schoolwith average grades and test scores, is failing her AP US history class. She said she can’t handle the rapid pace and volume of material she needs to remember. But she said she intends to stick it out because the class is teaching her to manage her time, take good notes and workhard. “I’m struggling to adjust,” she said. “But I keep telling myself: ‘It’s OK. You can do it. Just push yourself’.”Some critics worry that the open-access movement is pushing too many unprepared students into AP classes, as shown by higher exam failure rates over the last decade. They also fear that open enrollment (录取) policies are encouraging teachers to weaken courses and give out high grades to students who don’t deserve them. “While expanding access is generally a good thing, we need to make sure we’re not watering down the experience for the high achievers,” said Michael Petrilli, executive vice president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, a Washington-based educational policy organization.8. The purpose of the new AP courses system at Alex Wong’s school is to ______.A. make sure all students get access to the AP courses they desire.B. ensure that students have a fair chance to get access to AP courses.C. improve the academic performance of students in AP courses.D. separate high achievers from average students through the new courses.9. According to the article, the AP Flea Market Facebook group is a place where ______.A. students’ parents send their complaints to school administrators.B. students share tips about saving money for college.C. students offer items to trade for the AP courses they need.D. students can find support and guidance on their AP study.10. Which of the following statements would Michael Petrilli agree with?A. Opening AP courses to all students is a bad idea.B. School administrators should maintain high academic standards for AP courses.C. High schools should stop charging students for taking AP courses.D. Access to AP courses is necessary for students applying for top American colleges.11. The author used Miracle Vitangcol’s example to show that ______.A. students need to remember too much in their AP courses.B.AP courses pose a big challenge to unprepared students.C. the secret to success in AP courses is to keep pushing yourself.D. average students don’t deserve their places in AP courses.DA city inSouth Korea, which has the world’s largest number of people using smartphones, has placed flashing lights and laser beams at a road crossing to warn “smartphone zombies” to look up and drivers to slow down, inthe hope of preventing accidents.The designers of the system were motivated by growing worry that more pedestrians glued to their phones will become victims in a country that already has some of the highest road death and injury rates among developed countries. State-run Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) believes its system of flashing lights at zebra crossings can warn both pedestrians and drivers.In addition to red, yellow and blue LED lights on the pavement, “smombies” - smartphone zombies - will be warned by laser beam projected from power poles and a warning sent to the phones by an app that they are about to step into traffic.“Increasing number of smombie accidents have occurred in pedestrian crossings, so these zombie lights are essential to prevent these pedestrian accidents,” said KICT senior researcher Kim Jong-hoon. Drivers are warned by the flashing lights, which have shown to be effective 83.4 percent of the time in the institute’s tests involving about 1,000 vehicles.In 2017, more than 1,600 pedestrians were killed in auto related accidents, which is about 40 percent of total traffic deaths, according to data from the Traffic Accident Analysis System. For now, the smombie warning system is placed only in Ilsan, a suburban city about30 kmnorthwest of the capital,Seoul, but is expected to go nationwide, according to the institute.Kim Dan-hee, a 23-year-old resident of Ilsan, welcomed the system, saying she was often too absorbed in her phone to remember to look at traffic. “This flashing light makes me feel safe as it makes me look around again, and I hope that we can have more of these in town,” she said.12. What do the underlined words “smartphone zombies” in paragraph 1 refer to?A. Drivers driving after drunk.B. Pedestrians buried in their phones.C. Passengers crazy about phones.D. Policemen in charge of traffic.13. What do we know about the warning system?A. It has reduced death rate by 83.4%.B. It has been spread nationwide.C. It gives a warning to the smartphones.D. It is being tried out in many places.14. What was the residents’ attitude to the traffic system?A. Negative.B. Unconcerned.C. Disapproving.D. Favorable.15. What is the best title for the text?A.South KoreaWarns Smartphone Zombies of TrafficB. Flashing Lights Are Used to Prevent AccidentsC. Smartphone Zombies Are Causing Traffic AccidentsD.South KoreaUses a New Traffic System第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年武汉市常青第一中学高三英语模拟试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AChina has 410K5Gbase stationsChina built 257,000 new 5G base stations in the first half of the year, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).Shipments of 5G phones reached 8623 million unis in China, with 5G package users hitting 66 million by the end of June, said Wen Ku, head of information and communication at the ministry.To give full play to the commercialization of 5G, more policies should be implemented to boost the vitality of the market, Wen said, adding that international cooperation in 5G technology, industry and application should be strengthened.AG600 seaplane’s test flightKunlong, China’s homegrown AG600 large amphibious aircraft, conducted its first sea-based test flight on Sunday morning, marking a new milestone in the program.The AG600 is China’s second amphibious aircraft, after the SH-5, which was developed in the 1970s for military purposes and has been retired for a long time.These specifications make it the world’s biggest amphibious aircraft, surpassing Japan’s ShinMaywa US-2 and Russia’s Beriev Be-200.Once in service, it will put an end to the absence of a large rescue aircraft in China and will be very useful in the national emergency rescue and disaster relief systems.Beidou products land abroadAccording to Ran Chengqi, director general of China Satellite Navigation Office, Beidou has been constantly deepening its compatibility, interoperability and cooperation with the US’ GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the EU’s Galileo. It has also entered international organizations of civil aviation, maritime affairs, search and rescue satellites and mobile communication.BDS-based services have been successfully applied in land mapping, precision farming, digital development and smart port construction in member countries of ASEAN, South Asia, Eastern Europe, West Asia and Africa.1. What can we learn from this passage?A. The total number of 5G phones has reached a new level.B. Kunlong, unlike SH-5, is not just for military purposes.C. Technologies mentioned above need more cooperation with others.D. BDS-based services have been provided for users in many countries.2. Which of the following is most probably related to agriculture?A. 5G phonesB. BDS-based servicesC. AG600 seaplaneD. Beriev Be-2003. If your friend did a course in marketing management, he may choose a job in a ________.A. 5G technology related marketB. large amphibious aircraftC. BDS-based projectD. China Satellite Navigation OfficeBA growing body of research is revealing associations between birth defects (缺陷) and a father's age, alcohol use and environmental factors, say researchers atGeorgetown University Medical Center. They say these defects result from epigenetic changes that can potentially affect multiple generations.The study, published in theAmerican Journal of Stem Cells, suggest both parents contribute to the health status of their offspring — a common sense conclusion which science is only now beginning to demonstrate, says the study's senior investigator, Joanna Kitlinska, PhD, an associate professor in biochemistry, and molecular and cellular biology.“We know the nutritional, hormonal and psychological environment provided by the mother permanently influences organ structure, cellular response and gene expression in her offspring,” she says.“But our study shows the same thing to be true with fathers — his lifestyle, and how old he is, can be reflected in molecules that control gene function,” she says. “In this way, a father can affect not only his immediate offspring, but future generations as well.”For example, a newborn can be diagnosed with fetal (胎儿的) alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), even though the mother has never consumed alcohol, Kitlinska says. “Up to 75 percent of children with FASD have biological fathers who are alcoholics, suggesting that preconceptual paternal alcohol consumption negatively impacts their offspring.”Advanced age of a father is correlated with elevated rates of certain diseases, and birth defects in his children.A limited diet during a father’s preadolescence has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular death in his children and grandchildren. Paternal obesity is linked to enlarged fat cells, changes in metabolic regulation,diabetes, obesity and development of brain cancer. Psychosocial stress on the father is linked to defective behavioral traits in his offspring. And paternal alcohol use leads to decreased newborn birth weight, marked reduction in overall brain size and impaired cognitive function.“This new field of inherited paternal epigenetics needs to be organized into clinically applicable recommendations and lifestyle alternations,” Kitlinska says. “And to really understand the epigenetic influences of a child, we need to study the interplay between maternal and paternal effects, as opposed to considering each in isolation.”4. What’s the message the writer conveys in the passage?A. Both parents contribute to the health status of their offspring.B. Father’s age and lifestyle are tied to birth defects.C. Father plays a more critical role in birth defects.D. Birth defects can potentially affect multiple generations.5. What can we infer from the example in Paragraph 5?A. FASD can only be diagnosed in a newborn whose father is addicted to alcohol.B. A newborn will not contract FASD if his mother has never consumed alcohol.C. A father’s lifestyle can negatively impact his offspring.D. Most children have biological fathers who are alcoholics.6. Which of the following situations is less likely to lead to children’s birth defects?A. Having a father with a limited diet.B. Having a father who is an alcoholic.C. Having an overweight father.D. Having a father with psychosocial stress.7. What will the research probably continue to focus on in the part that follows?A. The maternal epigenetic influences of a child.B. The ways to avoid negative paternal influence on children.C. The clinical application of the research findings.D. The interaction between maternal and paternal effects.CCoke was introduced by the Coca Cola company in 1886, making it a rather true andtested favorite of generations of people in over 200 countries. This list should give you some ideas on how to get more from your coke than usual.. Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster (除锈剂). If you have a bunch of small rusty objects, put them in cokeovernight and give them a goodscrubin the morning. Coke helps to break down the rust, making cleaning much easier. Be sure to throw out the used coke when you are done with it or you might be taking a trip to the doctor.. Like the previous item, the citric acid (柠檬酸) in coke makes for an excellent window cleaner. This is especially useful for car windows. Pour a can of coke over the window and rub the window, then wipe it off with a wet cloth to remove any sugary matter from the sugar in the drink. As coke is fullof sugar, you should clean the sticky matter off the window glasses, or it will be not a cleaner but a dirt.. For those of you who live in areas where skunk (臭鼬) smells can be an issue from time to time, one can of coke added to water with detergent (清洁剂) really helps to break the smell down. If you have been sprayed, stand in the shower and cover yourself from head to toe with coke — wait for a few minutes, then wash yourself with a shower. Coke is an excellent hair treatment so you get two tips for the price of one with this item!. Pots can sometimes get black on the bottom. The black is almost impossible to remove; this is caused by over-cooking. To remove the black and renew your pot, pour in a can of coke (or as much as you need to cover the blackened area by an inch) and put it on the stove on a low heat. After an hour or so, wash the pot as normal.8. What does the underlined word “scrub”in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Start.B. Cleaning.C. Shake.D. Example.9. What is important while using coke to clean car windows?A. Use a dry cloth.B. Rub the window lightly.C. Don’t pour too much coke.D. Clean the sugary matter thoroughly.10. For which purpose does coke have to be mixed with other material?A. To get rid of the black on the pot.B. To breakdown the rust,C. To remove smells.D. To clean windows.11. What type of writing is this text?A. An advertisement.B. A review.C. A news report.D. A practical guide.DAge has never been a problem for 16-year-old Thessalonika Arzu-Embry. After all, she’s already got her master’s degree.The North Chicago-area teen started homeschooling at the age of 4. She began having an influence on others soon after. When she was 6 years old, she was an inspirational speaker at an organization called Tabitha House Community Service, which is for people who were forced to leave their homes because of earthquake, flood and other natural disasters.At the age of 11, she graduated from high school and then earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2013. She completed those classes online as she was traveling for church events and leadership meetings.She doesn’t stop there, though. The teen plans to focus on aviation psychology (航空心理学) for her further study, a decision inspired by her father who is a pilot. She grew up around airplanes and took fights all the time. Her goal is to use it to help pilots deal with problems that could have deadly results once the plane takes off — a topic that has been in the news lately. For her, it’s a mix of two of her interests.In her free time, Thessalonika enjoys playing tennis, swimming and being active in her youth group at church. She also has three self-published books, which are on her site. Jump the Education Barrier is written to help students finish college, and in the future aims to help business owners with trends. Her third book The Genius Race is designed to help people to be talents in various areas of life.12. Which of the following is TRUE about Thessalonika?A. When she was 6 years old, she started homeschooling.B. She gained her master’s degree at the age of 11.C. She majored in science and technology.D. In 2013 she got her bachelor’s degree through completing courses online.13. What is her next plan according to the passage?A. Major in aviation psychology.B. Deliver inspiring speeches for church events and leadership meetings.C. Be active in her youth group at church.D. Write another book to help people to be talents.14. Why does she write the book Jump the Education Barrier?A. It aims to help people to be geniuses.B. It is intended to give students a hand to complete college.C. It is designed to arouse people’s awareness of psychology.D. The author hope to share her own experience with others.15. Which ofthe following can be the best title for the text?A. The Story of ThessalonikaB. To be a talentC. Three Published BooksD. Homeschooling第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年武汉市常青第一中学高三英语上学期期中试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AOur Teen Summer Spanish Program is two weeks of fun, educational excitement that helps students learn Spanish fast. Our Spanish summer program allows our students to learn from highly trained, certified teachers and be absorbed in the language and theculture of Costa Rica.Features include:* Intensive(强化的) daily Spanish classes* Extracurricular classes in dance, cooking, music, and handiwork* Outdoor activities including hiking, camping, rafting, and ziplining(高空滑索)* Homestay with a local Costa Rican family* Volunteer work in needy neighborhoodsOur Teaching Methods:We are proud to use TPRS---Total Physical Response Storytelling---in our curriculum. This innovative method uses strange and amusing stories to teach new vocabulary, increase fluency, and get students involved by giving them the opportunity to alter the details themselves. Because of the silliness, creativity, and repetition involved, TPRS allows students to learn easily and remember information effortlesslyMemorizing vocabulary and listening to lectures on grammar are slow, inefficient ways to learn a new language. The best way to truly learn and commit new material to memory is through conversation. In our Spanish classes, students can expect to speak up to 80% of each class. By speaking in the new language freely and consistently, students can see progress faster because they are using the new grammar and vocabulary that they have learned at the same time. This helps the brain remember the new words and grammar structures for future use, making it much easier to progress.1.What does the program do?A.It offers weekly Spanish classesB.It focuses more on outdoor activitiesC.It gives teachers a chance to receive trainingD.It provides activities about the Spanish culture2.What is the best way to learn a language according to the text?A.Memorizing a larger vocabularyB.Speaking more in the new language.C.Mastering more grammar structuresD.Writing stories to share with others3.What is the purpose of the text?A.To employexperienced Spanish teacherB.To hire foreign volunteers for a programC.To attract teen foreigners to a programD.To introduce language learning methodsBEvery day, millions of shoppers hit the stores in full force, searching wildly for the perfect gift.Aside from purchasing holiday gifts, most people regularly buy presents for other occasions throughout the year, including weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. This frequent experience of gift-giving cancause uncertain feelings in gift-givers. Many enjoy the opportunity to buy presents because gift-giving offers a powerful means to build stronger bonds, while many worry that their purchases will disappoint rather than delight the intended recipients (接受者).Anthropologists describe gift-giving as a positive social process, serving various political, religious, and psychological functions. Economists, however, offer a less favorable view. According to Waldfogel, gift-giving represents an objective wasteof resources. People buy gifts that recipients would not choose to buy on their own, or at least not spend as much money to purchase (a phenomenon referred to as‘‘the deadweight loss of Christmas”).What is surprising is that gift-givers have much experience acting as both gift-givers and gift-recipients, but nevertheless tend to overspend each time they set out to purchase a meaningful gift. In the present research, we propose a unique psychological explanation for this overspending problem — gift-givers link how much they spend with how much recipients will appreciate the gift. Though it seems natural to gift-givers, such an assumption may be unfounded. Indeed, we propose that gift-recipients will be less likely to base their feelings of appreciation on the value of a gift than givers assume.Why do gift-givers assume that gift price is closely linked to gift-recipients’ feelings of appreciation? Perhapsgivers believe that more expensive gifts communicate a stronger sense ofthoughtfulness and consideration. According to Camerer and others, gift-giving represents a symbolic ritual (习俗), by which gift-givers attempt to signal their positive attitudes towards the recipient and their willingness to invest resources in a futurerelationship. In this sense, gift-givers may be motivated to spend more money on a gift in order to send a “stronger signal”. As for gift-recipients, they may not interpret smaller and larger gifts as representing smaller and larger signals of thoughtfulness and consideration.The idea of gift-givers and gift-recipients being unable to account for the other party’s viewpoint seems confusing because people slip in and out of these roles every day. Yet, despite the experience as both givers and receivers, people often struggle to apply information gained from one role in another. In theoretical terms, people fail to use information about their own preferences and experiences to produce more efficient outcomes in their exchange relations. In practical terms, people spend hundreds of dollars each year on gifts, but somehow never learn to estimate their gift expense according to personal insight.4. The author uses “the deadweight loss of Christmas” in Paragraph 2 to express ________.A. gift-givers don’t spend much money during holidaysB. gift-givers don’t ask recipients what gifts they preferC. gift-givers buy improper and expensive giftsD. gift-givers have difficulty in choosing gifts5. According to the passage, people buy gifts to ________.A. receive gifts in returnB. enjoy the feeling of shoppingC. help recipients to save moneyD. better relationships with recipients6. What can we learn from the passage?A. People’s high living standards require expensive gifts.B. Gift-givers buy gifts based on their experiences as recipients.C. Anthropologists think gift-giving meets different human needs.D. Recipients judge the depth of friendship according to the gift price.7. Why did the author write this article?A. To criticize people’s gift-buying habits.B. To analyze people’s gift-giving behaviors.C. To offer advice on how to improve relationships.D. To remind people not to overlook others’ preferences.CCalifornia's August Complex Fire tore through more than 1,600 square miles of forest last summer,burning nearly every tree in its path. It was the largest wildfire in the state's recorded history, breaking the record previously set in 2018. After the fire, land managers must determine where to most efficiently plant new trees.A predictive mapping model called the Postfire Spatial Conifer Restoration Planning Tool recently described in Ecological Applications could inform these decisions, saving time and expense. The tool can “show where young trees are needed most, where the forest isn't going to come back on its own, where we need to intervene(干预)if we want to maintain forests," says lead author Joseph Stewart, an ecologist at the University of California, Davis.To develop the model, Stewart and his colleagues classified data collected from more than 1,200 study plots in 19 areas that burned between 2004 and 2012. They combined these data with information on rainfall, geography, climate, forest composition and bum severity.Theyalso included how many seeds sample conifer trees (针叶树)produced in 216locations over 18 years, assessing whether the trees release different numbers of seeds after a fire.The tool's potential benefits are significant, says Kimberley Davis, a conservation scientist at theUniversityofMontana, who was not involved in the study. Those managers will still have to make hard decisions, such as which species to plant in areas that may experience warmer and drier conditions resulting from climate change, but the model provides some research-based guidance to help the forests recover.8. What challenge do land managers face after the wildfire?A. Lack of wood supplies.B. Where to plant new trees best.C. How to save the burned trees.D. Loss of trees and wild animals.9. What's the main idea of paragraph 2?A. The function of the tool.B. The disadvantages of the tool.C. The improvement of the tool.D. The development of the tool.10. What does the underlined word "They" refer to?A. The study plots.B. The data.C. Stewart and his colleagues.D. The seeds.11. What isDavis' attitude towards the tool?A. Skeptical.B. Ambiguous.C. Tolerant.D. Optimistic.DThe AI research arm of Alibaba created a machine learning model that received a higher score on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset than humans. The database consists of more than 100,000 questions to test reading comprehension.In early January this year the Alibaba AI software machine scored 82.44 on the test while humans scored 82.304. Besides, computers and AI have already defeated humans, for example in games such as chess. However, it seemed that language skills were superior in humans as machines find languages hard to master.A large number of call center employees, often in developing countries, may be out of work soon if the AI robots are cheaper and as effective as human labor. Soon when you phone a company for information the conversation will go like this: “ We are sorry but all our robots are busy right now. We value your call. Please stay on the line until a robot is free to serve you. There are just 12 callers ahead of you.” A robot will serve you some popular tunes while you wait.Si Luo, who is a chief scientist of natural language processing at Alibaba’s AI research group noted that questions such as “What causes rain?” can now be answered with a high degree of accuracy by robots. Si Luo said, “ We believe the foundational technology can be gradually applied to a lot of applications such as customer service, museum tutorials, and online responses to inquiries from patients, freeing human efforts in a new way.”Si Luo’s team is working closely with Ali Xiaomi, a mobile customer service chatbot. Ali Xiaomi can be customized to be used on Alibaba’s platforms such as Taobao and Tmall. The new AI robots could answer consumers’ questions as they did the Stanford questions. The robots would look for the answers from prepared information. However, there are limits to what the system will be able to do. If questions do not have clear-cut answers, or the questions asked are too unclear or ungrammatical, the robot may not be able to deal with them.12. What can we learn about the Alibaba AI software machine?A. It has been tested in some areas.B. It has become popular since January.C. It has offered a special learning style.D. It has made people interested in reading.13. What does the example in paragraph 3 show about the AI robots?A. They should have better language skills.B. They may replace humans in some fields.C. They need to be customized to serve customers.D. They will be widely used in developing countries.14. How does Si Luo feel about the foundational technology?A. Doubtful.B. Worried.C. Curious.D. Confident.15. What can we infer from the lastparagraph about Ali Xiaomi?A. It needs to improve in some ways.B. It is connected with another system.C. It is a platform to show good service.D. It can answer any questions accordingly.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年武汉市第十七中学高三英语上学期期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIn his 402nd anniversary year, Shakespeare is still rightly celebrated as a great language master and writer. But he was not the only great master of play writing to die in 1616, and he is certainly not the only writer to have left a lasting influence on theater.While less known worldwide, Tang Xianzu is considered one of Chinas greatest playwrights and is highly spoken of in that country of ancient literary and dramatic traditions.Tang was born in 1550 inLinchuan,Jiangxiprovince. Unlike Shakespeare's large body of plays,poems and sonnets (十四行诗), Tang wrote only four major plays: The Purple Hairpin, Peony Pavilion (《牡丹亭》), A Dream under the Southern bough, and Dream of Handan. The latter three were constructed around a dream narrative, a way through which Tang unlocked the emotional dimension of human desires and ambitions and explored human nature beyond the social and political limits of that time.Similar to Shakespeare, Tang's success rode the wave of a renaissance (复兴) in theater as an artistic practice. As in Shakespeare'sEngland, Tang's works became hugely popular inChinatoo. During Tang'sChina, his plays were enjoyed performed, and changed. Kunqu Opera, a form of musical drama, spread from southernChinato the whole nation and became a symbol of Chinese culture. Combining northern tune and southern music, kunqu Opera was known for its poetic language, music, dance movements and gestures. Tang's works benefited greatly from the popularity of kunqu Opera, and his plays are considered classics of kunqu Opera.While Tang and Shakespeare lived in a world away from each other, there are many things they share in common, such e humanity of their drama, their heroic figures, their love for poetic language, a lasting popularity and the anniversary during which we still celebrate them.1. Why is Shakespeare mentioned in the first paragraph?A. To describe Shakespeare's anniversary.B. To introduce the existence of Tang Xianzu.C. To explain the importance of Shakespeare.D. To suggest the less popularity of Tang Xianzu.2. What's possibly one of the main theme of Tang's works?A. Social reality.B. Female dreams.C. Human emotions.D. Political environment.3. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 4?A. The influence of Kunqu Opera on Tang's works.B. Tang's success in copying Shakespeare's styles.C. The way Kunqu Opera became a symbol of Chinese culture.D. Tang's popularity for his poetic language and music.BLife in the Internet age is lonely—or is it? That’s what experts in human interaction are debating after a new Stanford University survey has been published.According to the study, the more time people spend online, the less they can spare for real-life relationships with family and friends. The researchers asked 113 people about the Web’s influence on daily activities. 36%of those people are online for more than five hours a week.” As Internet use becomes more widespread, it will have an increasingly isolating (孤立的) effect on society,” says Robert Kraut, one of the researchers.Scholars and Web lovers criticized the study for stretching its data to make the “isolating” point. While 13%of regular Web users admitted the loss of time with loved ones, 60%reported watching less TV. The survey also shows that E-mail is the most popular online activity. If some of webheads (网虫)spend what was once passive TV time keeping company with friends via E-mails, “that’s a move toward greater connectedness,” says Paul Resnick, a professor at the University of Michigan.Thisisn’t the first claim that the Web should be criticized. A 1998 report monitored 73 Pittsburgh-area families’ Net use for a year. People who used the Internet more “talked less to family members and reported being lonelier and more depressed.” says Robert Kraut.“It’s true that there have been big declines in social connectedness over the past decades, but those declines began before the Internet was invented,” says Thomas Putnam.As Amitay Etzioni says, the Internet gives us a different kind of social life—not better or worse than before, but just different.4. Who claimed that the Web had negative influence?A. Paul Resnick.B. Robert Kraut.C. Thomas Putnam.D. Amitay Etzioni.5. The underlined word “This” in Para.4 refers to .A. the opinion expressed in Bowling AloneB. the survey made by the University of MichiganC. the conclusion in a report written in 1998D. the study conducted by Stanford University6. From the passage we learn that .A. watching TV used to take time away from staying onlineB. the Web was blamed more than once for causing an isolating effectC. 36%ofweb users spend more than five hours a week onlineD. the Web has the same influence as telephones and televisions7. The passage mainly discusses .A. how we can make a better use of the InternetB. how declines in social connectedness appearC. whether the Internet causes an isolating effectD. what a different life the Internet brings to usCScientists say baby sharks are at risk of being born smaller and without the energy they need to survive because of warming oceans from climate change.Scientists studied epaulette sharks, which live off Australia and New Guinea. They found that warmer conditions sped up the sharks’ growing process. That meant the sharks were born earlier and very tired. The findings could be used in the study of other sharks, including those that give birth to live young.The scientists studied 27 sharks. Some were raised in average summer water temperatures, about 27 degrees Celsius. Others were raised in higher temperatures around 29 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius. They found that the sharks raised in the warmest temperatures weighed much less than those raised in average temperatures. They also showed reduced energy levels.Epaulette sharks can grow to a length of about one meter. Their name comes from large spots on their bodies that look like decorations on some military clothing.One study this year found that worldwide numbers of oceanie sharks and rays dropped more than 70 percent between 1970 and 2018. Overfishing is a main concern, while climate change and pollution also threaten shark.Carolyn Wheeler is a doctoral student at the University of Massachusetts Boston and with the ARC Centre ofExcellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Australia. She was the lead author of the epaulette shark study. She said that while all the sharks survived, those raised in warmer temperatures were not strong enough to survive for long in the wild.She added that if the sharks are born smaller than usual “they are probably going to have to start looking for food sooner—and they’re going to have less time to adjust to their surroundings.” The study should serve as a warning to ocean governing agencies that careful management is needed to prevent the loss of more sharks.8. In what aspect do the warmer conditions affect the baby sharks?A. Their food.B. Their body weight.C. Their living habits.D. Their moving route.9. How did the scientists carry out their study?A. By studying former data.B. By tracking sharks in the wild.C. By collecting information about climate change.D. By comparing sharks in waters of different temperatures10. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?A. The origin of sharks’ names.B. The sharks’ appearance.C. The threats to sharks’ survival.D. The sharks’ living environment.11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Scientists Raise Sharks to Deal with ProblemsB. Global Warming Has Reduced Shark PopulationsC. Baby Sharks Struggle to Survive in Warming OceansD. Scientists Are Struggling to Save Sharks from ExtinctionDSome years ago a young man applied to a large United States optical firm for a job as a lens designer. He apologized for lack of training, but on announcing that he owned two copies of the classic Conrady's Applied Optics and Optical Design, one for his office and a second for his bedside table, he was hired on the spot. Perhaps the story will be repeated some day with Buchdahl's Introduction to Hamiltonian Optics as a similar certificate of qualification.Hamiltonian theory describes with powerful generality the overall properties of optical systems considered as ‘black boxes’, although it does not describe the detailed structure needed to construct the systems and achievethese properties. Buchdahl's book is therefore on the subject of geometrical optics, but it is not about how to design lenses. It is, however a compact comprehensive account of the fundamentals of the theory written with the lens designer's needs very much in mind. Every lens designer worth his salt has at some time in his career attempted to apply the broad concepts of Hamiltonian optics to the solutions of practical problems. Success has been sufficiently rare that the theory, as such, has made little direct contribution to techniques for optical instrument design. The failures have been frustrating because of the obvious fundamental power of the theory and because of its conceptual elegance. The indirect effects have been large, however, both in contributing to an understanding of fundamental principles that govern the overall behavior of optical systems and in pointing the way to other, more practical, theoretical approaches.Buchdahl approaches the subject not only as a capable mathematical physicist, but as one who with a knowledge of practical optics has made a significant contribution to geometrical optical theory. Buchdahl's approach has, over the last decade, had a major impact on modern lens design with computers. Thus, he brings to this exposition of Hamiltonian optics a familiarity with practical optics not usually found in authors on this subject.The author claims his book to be non-mathematical, and indeed it might be so viewed by a professional mathematician. From the point of view of many physicists and engineers, it will appear to be quite mathematical. Moreover, this is a tightly written book. The subject matter is developed with precision, and the author expects the reader, at very point, to be master of the preceding exposition.12. Hamiltonian theory met with failures as a result of ______.A. newer finding related to the wave particle nature of lightB. very complicated concepts too difficult to understand by most lens designersC. too much mathematical detail in the theoryD. not enough practical information offered by the theory to allow for use by lens crafters13. The author of this passage implies that Introduction to Hamiltonian Optics is necessary to ______.A. the students who are major in mathematical geometryB. those who want to grasp the basic principles of optical systemsC. the lens designers who look for instructions on practical designsD. those who are interested in physics14. The article points out that the great benefits of Hamiltonian optics have been found is ______.A. indirect ways of learning mathematicsB. a fundamental power within the theoryC. the conceptual elegance of the theoryD. the practical applications of the theory in finding new approaches to old problems15. This passage is probably excerpted from ______.A. a review of a bookB. a chemistry textbookC. an optician's essayD. a general science text第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年湖北省武汉市(第十五中学、十七中学、常青)高一上学期期末联考数学试题 (解析版)
2019-2020学年湖北省武汉市(第十五中学、十七中学、常青)高一上学期期末联考数学试题一、单选题1.已知全集{|08,}U x x x Z =<<∈,{2,4,5}A =,{1,3,5,7}B =,则()U A C B ⋂=( ) A .{2,4} B .{2,4,6}C .{5}D .{6}【答案】A【解析】由题意可得:{}246U C B =,, {}245A =Q ,, (){}24U A C B ∴⋂=,故选A2.已知幂函数()y f x =得图像过点(2,2,则1()4f =( )A .12B .2CD .2【答案】D【解析】设幂函数()ay f x x ==Q 图象过点2⎛ ⎝⎭,则2a =a ∴=-12124f ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭故选D3.已知3(0,)2πα∈,sin()πα+=3cos()2πα-=( )A .BC .2或 D【答案】B【解析】()sin πα+=Q sin α∴= 302πα⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭Q ,则3 2,παπ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭3sin 22cos παα⎛⎫-=-= ⎪⎝⎭故选B4.已知弧度数为2的圆心角所对的弦长也是2,则这个圆心角所对的弧长是( ) A .2 B .2sin1C .2sin1D .sin 2【答案】B【解析】先由已知条件求出扇形的半径为1sin1,再结合弧长公式求解即可. 【详解】解:设扇形的半径为R ,由弧度数为2的圆心角所对的弦长也是2,可得1sin1R =, 由弧长公式可得:这个圆心角所对的弧长是22sin1R =,故选:B. 【点睛】本题考查了扇形的弧长公式,重点考查了运算能力,属基础题. 5.函数1ln 22y x x =+-的零点所在的区间是( ) A .11e ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,B .()12,C .()e 3,D .()2e ,【答案】B【解析】应用函数零点存在性定理判断. 【详解】 易知函数f (x )=1ln 22x x +-在定义域上连续, 且f(1e )=1 e -52<0 , f (1)= -1<0 , f(2)=1ln 2>02 ,()13f e =+e-2=e-022> ,根据函数零点存在性定理,可知零点所在区间为()1,2,故选B. 【点睛】本题考查了函数零点的判定定理的应用,判断函数零点所在区间有三种常用方法,①直接法,解方程判断,②定理法,③图象法.6.已知5,6()(2),6x x f x f x x -≥⎧=⎨+<⎩,则(3)f 为( ) A .2 B .3C .4D .5【答案】A【解析】根据自变量范围代入对应解析式,解得结果. 【详解】(3)(32)(52)752f f f =+=+=-=故选:A 【点睛】本题考查分段函数求值,考查基本分析求解能力,属基础题.7.设()3sin sin 3f x a x b x =+-,若12f π⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭,则2f π⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭( ) A .-2 B .-5C .-7D .4【答案】C【解析】令()()33sin g x f x asin x b x =+=+()()3sin g x asin x b x g x -=--=- ()g x ∴为奇函数3302222g g f f ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫+-=++-+= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭又12f π⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭72f π⎛⎫∴-=- ⎪⎝⎭故选C8.函数cos tan y x x =⋅ ()22x ππ-<<的大致图象是( )A .B .C .D .【答案】C【解析】去掉绝对值将函数化为分段函数的形式后可得其图象的大体形状. 【详解】由题意得sin ,02sin ,02x x y cosx tanx x x ππ⎧≤<⎪⎪=⋅=⎨⎪--<<⎪⎩,所以其图象的大体形状如选项C 所示. 故选C . 【点睛】解答本题的关键是去掉函数中的绝对值,将函数化为基本函数后再求解,属于基础题.9.若146()7a -=,157()6b =,27log 8c =,定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 满足:对任意的12,[0,)x x ∈+∞且12x x ≠都有1212()()0f x f x x x -<-,则()()(),,f a f b f c 的大小顺序为( )A .()()()f b f a f c <<B .()()()f c f b f a >>C .()()()f c f a f b >>D .()()()f b f c f a >>【答案】B【解析】由题意,()f x 在R 上单调递减, 又111445267771,log 17668a b c -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫==>=>=< ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,所以a b c >>,所以()()()f c f b f a >>,故选B .10.要得到函数()cos(2)6f x x π=-的图像,只需将函数()sin 2g x x =的图像( )A .向左平移6π个单位 B .向右平移6π个单位 C .向左平移3π个单位 D .向右平移3π个单位 【答案】A 【解析】【详解】解:将函数g (x )=sin2x =cos (2x 2π-)的图象向左平移6π个单位,可得函数()26f x cos x π⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭的图象,故选A .11.已知20191,0()2log ,0xx f x x x ⎧+≤⎪=⎨⎪>⎩,若存在三个不同实数,,a b c 使得()()()f a f b f c ==,则abc 的取值范围是( )A .(]0,1B .[)2,0-C .(]2,0-D .(0,1)【答案】C【解析】先画出分段函数f (x )的图象,然后根据图象分析a 、b 、c 的取值范围,再根据对数函数以及绝对值函数的性质得出bc =1,即可得到abc 的取值范围. 【详解】由题意,画出函数f (x )的图象大致如图所示:∵存在三个不同实数a ,b ,c ,使得f (a )=f (b )=f (c ),可假设a <b <c , ∴根据函数图象,可知:﹣2<a ≤0,0<b <1,c >1.又∵f (b )=f (c ), ∴|log 2019b |=|log 2019c |,即:﹣log 2019b =log 2019c .∴log 2019b +log 2019c =0. ∴log 2019bc =0,即bc =1.∴abc =a .∵﹣2<a ≤0,∴﹣2<abc ≤0. 故选C .【点睛】本题主要考查分段函数的图象画法,数形结合法的应用,绝对值函数以及对数函数的应用,不等式的性质,属于中档题. 12.已知函数()211sinsin (0)222xf x x ωωω=+->,若()f x 在区间()π,2π内没有零点,则ω的取值范围是 A .10,8⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦B .][1150,,848⎛⎤⋃ ⎥⎝⎦ C .50,8⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦D .][150,,148⎛⎫⋃ ⎪⎝⎭【答案】B【解析】函数()2()4f x x πω=-,,由0f x =(),可得 42k x ππππω+=∉(,),,因此115590115()()()()()848484848,,,,,,ω∴∉⋃⋃⋃⋯=⋃+∞即可得出.【详解】 函数()2111112sin sin ()22222224xcos x f x x f x sin x sin x ωωπωωω-=+-=+-=-(),由0fx =(),可得()04sin x ,πω-=解得42k x ππππω+=∉(,),115590115()()()()()848484848,,,,,,ω∴∉⋃⋃⋃⋯=⋃+∞ ∵f x () 在区间()π,2π内没有零点,][1150,,848ω⎛⎤∴∈⋃ ⎥⎝⎦.故选B . 【点睛】本题考查了三角函数的图象与性质、不等式的解法,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于中档题.二、填空题13.00sin 50(1)+的值 【答案】1【解析】原式=sin50°1⎛ ⎝⎭==2sin50°·3010301010sin cos cos sin cos ︒︒︒︒︒+=2sin50°·402404080101010sin cos sin sin cos cos cos ︒︒︒︒︒︒︒===1.14.设当x θ=时,函数()sin 2cos f x x x =-取得最大值,则cos θ=______.【答案】5-;【解析】f(x)=sin x -2cos x x x ⎫⎪⎪⎝⎭sin(x -φ),其中sin φ,cos φ,当x -φ=2kπ+2π(k ∈Z)时,函数f(x)取得最大值,即θ=2kπ+2π+φ时,函数f(x)取到最大值,所以cos θ=-sin φ.15.函数()213log 23y x mx =-+在(),1-∞上为增函数,则实数m 的取值范围为______. 【答案】12m ≤≤【解析】根据复合函数单调性之间的关系以及对数函数的定义域,列不等式组即可得到结论.【详解】设223t x mx =-+则函数13log y t =为减函数,要使函数()213log 23y x mx =-+在(),1-∞上为増函数,则等价为函数()223t g x x mx ==-+在(),1-∞上为减函数,且()10g ≥,即 420212m m m -≥⎧⎪⎨--=≥⎪⎩,解得21m m ≤⎧⎨≥⎩,即12m ≤≤,故答案为12m ≤≤. 【点睛】在区间对于函数()y f g x ⎡⎤=⎣⎦,可设内层函数为()u g x =,外层函数为()y f u =,可以利用复合函数法来进行求解,遵循“同增异减”,即内层函数与外层函数在区间D 上的单调性相同,则函数()y f g x ⎡⎤=⎣⎦在区间D 上单调递增;内层函数与外层函数在区间D 上的单调性相反,则函数()y f g x ⎡⎤=⎣⎦D 上单调递减.16.已知函数()sin f x x x =+,则下列命题正确的是_____.(填上你认为正确的所有命题序号) ①函数()0,2f x x π⎛⎫⎡⎤∈ ⎪⎢⎥⎣⎦⎝⎭的单调递增区间是06,π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦; ②函数()f x 的图像关于点,06π⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭对称; ③函数()f x 的图像向左平移(0)m m >个单位长度后,所得的图像关于y 轴对称,则m 的最小值是6π; ④若实数m 使得方程()f x m =在[0,2]π上恰好有三个实数解123,,x x x ,则12373x x x π++=. 【答案】①③④【解析】首先利用辅助角公式将函数化简为()2sin 3f x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,再根据正弦函数的性质一一验证即可. 【详解】解:13()sin 3cos 2sin cos 2sin 23f x x x x x x π⎛⎫⎛⎫=+=+=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,()f x ∴的单调增区间为52,2()66k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤-+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦, 当0,2x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,增区间为06,π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,∴①正确; 2sin 2sin 106636f ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫-=-+==≠ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,∴②不正确;函数()f x 的图像向左平移(0)m m >个单位长度后得()2sin 3f x x m π⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭,由题意得32m k πππ+=+,6m k ππ=+,则m 的最小值是6π,∴③正确;若实数m 使得方程()f x m =在[0,2]π上恰好有三个实数解123,,x x x ,结合这两个函数图像可知,必有10x =,32x π=,此时()2sin 33f x x π⎛⎫=+= ⎪⎝⎭,另一个解为23x π=,12373x x x π∴++=,∴④正确. 故答案为:①③④【点睛】本题考查辅助角公式的应用,正弦函数的性质的综合应用,属于中档题.三、解答题17.若角()0,απ∈,且7sin cos 13αα+=. (1)求sin cos αα-的值; (2)求tan α的值. 【答案】(1)1713;(2)125-. 【解析】(1)由()0,απ∈得知sin 0α>,将等式7sin cos 13αα+=两边平方,可求出2sin cos αα的值,并可得出cos 0α<,可推出sin cos 0αα->,并将代数式sin cos αα-平方,可求出sin cos αα-的值;(2)根据题中条件和(1)的结果建立方程组求出sin α和cos α的值,再利用同角三角函数的商数关系可求出tan α的值. 【详解】(1)将7sin cos 13αα+=平方得2249sin 2sin cos cos 169αααα++=, 1202sin cos 0169αα∴=-<. ()0,απ∈Q ,sin 0α∴>,cos 0α<,sin cos 0αα∴->.而()2120289sin cos 12sin cos 1169169αααα⎛⎫-=-=--= ⎪⎝⎭,因此,17sin cos 13αα-=; (2)由(1)得7sin cos 1317sin cos 13αααα⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪-=⎪⎩,解得12sin 135cos 13αα⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=-⎪⎩,因此,sin 12tan cos 5ααα==-. 【点睛】本题考查同角三角函数的平方关系和商数关系求值,在处理有关sin cos αα±的值,一般利用平方关系,即()2sin cos 12sin cos αααα±=±,同时不要忽略对角的取值范围的判断,考查运算求解能力,属于中等题.18.已知cos 410x π⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,3,24x ππ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭.(1)求sin x 的值; (2)求sin 26x 骣琪+琪桫p的值. 【答案】(1)45;(2). 【解析】(1)利用同角三角函数的基本关系计算出sin 4x π⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭的值,再利用两角和的正弦公式计算出sin sin 44x x ππ⎡⎤⎛⎫=-+⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦的值; (2)利用同角三角函数的基本关系求出cos x 的值,利用二倍角公式求出sin 2x 和cos2x 的值,然后利用两角和的正弦公式计算出sin 26x 骣琪+琪桫p的值. 【详解】(1)因为3,24x ππ⎛⎫∈⎪⎝⎭,所以,442x πππ⎛⎫-∈ ⎪⎝⎭,sin 410x π⎛⎫∴-==⎪⎝⎭,sin sin sin cos cos sin 444444x x x x ππππππ⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+=-+-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦45=; (2)因为3,24x ππ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,所以3cos 5x ===-, 所以24sin 22sin cos 25x x x ==-,27cos 22cos 125x x =-=-,因此,7sin 2sin 2cos cos 2sin 66650x x x πππ+⎛⎫+=+=- ⎪⎝⎭. 【点睛】本题考查两角和的正弦公式求值,同时也考查了同角三角函数、二倍角公式的应用,考查运算求解能力,属于中等题.19.已知函数()2cos sin f x x x x =⋅.(1)若0tan 2x =,求0()f x ; (2)求()f x 的周期,单调递增区间. 【答案】(1;(2)见解析 【解析】(1)分子分母同除1,利用221cos sin x x =+,把分母变形,然后分子分母同除0cos x ,利用齐次式求0tan x ,(2)利用辅助角公式把f (x )化为sin()y A wx ϕ=+的形式,再利用正余弦函数的单调性求单调区间. 【详解】(1)()20000cos sin f x x x x =20000222000cos sin tan sin cos tan 1x x x x x x x ===++ 0tan 2x =,()025f x ∴=(2)()2sin cos f x x x x =)1cos21sin222x x +=-sin 232x π⎛⎫=--⎪⎝⎭ ∴周期为T π=由222232k x k πππππ-+≤-≤+可得1212k x k π5ππ-≤≤π+ 所以递增区间5,,1212k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤-+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦. 【点睛】本题考查三角函数齐次式的应用,三角函数辅助角公式以及求单调区间,解题关键是转化为齐次式,属于基础题. 20.已知函数1()22xx f x =-. (1)若()2f x =,求x 的值;(2)存在[1,2]t ∈使得不等式2(2)()0tf t mf t +≥成立,求m 的取值范围.【答案】(1)2log 1)x =;(2)17m ≥-【解析】(1)解关于2x 的二次方程,然后再解指数方程即可;(2)恒成立问题转化为分离参数后再求函数的最值. 【详解】 (1)由1222xx -=得22 2.210x x --=解得21x =)2log 1x ∴=(2)由()()220t f t mf t +≥得221122222t t ttt m ⎛⎫⎛⎫-≥-- ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭当[]1,2t ∈时,1202tt -> 2122212t t ttm ⎛⎫∴≥-+=-- ⎪⎝⎭由题意知17m ≥- 【点睛】本题考查含指数函数的二次方程的求解,恒成立问题分离参数最值,转化的思想,考查一定的运算能力,属于中档题.21.若函数()sin()f x A x ωϕ=+,(0,0,)22A ππωϕ>>-<<的部分图象如下图所示.(1)求函数()f x 的解析式及其对称中心;(2)若将函数()f x 图象上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍,纵坐标不变,得到函数()g x 的图象,求函数()g x 在区间[0,]π上的单调区间.【答案】(1)()2sin(2)6f x x π=-,对称中心为,0)().212k k Z ππ+∈(;(2)增区间2[0,]3π:减区间:2[,]3ππ.【解析】【详解】试题分析:(1)观察图象,利用周期、最值、特殊点,求得,并求对称中心;(2)将图象进行变换,得到()g x ,利用整体思想求单调区间. 试题解析: (1)由图得,.,解得,于是由T =,得.∵,即,∴ ,k ∈Z ,即,k ∈Z ,又,所以,即.()()2,,,0).6212212k k x k x k Z k Z ππππππ-==+∈∴+∈令函数对称中心为( (2) 由已知条件得()2sin 6g x x π⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭, 50,.666x x Q ππππ≤≤∴-≤-≤()252-,0,66232663x x g x x x πππππππππ≤-≤≤≤≤-≤≤≤当即时是增函数,当即时 ()()220,,,33g x g x 是减函数,的增区间为减区间为πππ⎡⎤∴⎤⎡⎦⎣⎢⎥⎣⎦22.已知()f x 为奇函数,()g x 为偶函数,且2()()2log (1)f x g x x +=-. (1)求()f x 及()g x 的解析式及定义域;(2)若关于x 的不等式(2)0xf m -<恒成立,求实数m 的取值范围.(3)如果函数()()2g x F x =,若函数(21)3212x xy F k k =--⋅-+有两个零点,求实数k 的取值范围.【答案】(1)见解析;(2)[0,).m ∈+∞;(3)1(,)(0,).2k ∈-∞-⋃+∞. 【解析】试题分析:(1)()()21log 111xf x x x-=-<<+,()()()22log 111g x x x =--<<;(2)()2xf -0m <恒成立,则()()x maxm f 2>,利用换元,解得[)m 0,∞∈+;(3)要使()XX y F 213k 212k =--⋅-+函数有两个零点,即使得()2y t 3kt 2k 1,t 0,1=--++∈函数在有一个零点,即()2t 3kt 2k 100,1+--=方程在内只有一个实根,所以()1,0,.2k ⎛⎫∈-∞-⋃+∞ ⎪⎝⎭试题解析:(1)因为()f x 是奇函数,()g x 是偶函数, 所以,,,①令取代入上式得,即,②联立①②可得,,(2)因为,所以,设,则,因为()f x 的定义域为, ,所以,,即, ,因为关于的不等式()2xf -0m <恒成立,则()()max2xm f >,()200x f m <∴≥Q 又,故的取值范围为[)0,.m ∈+∞.(3)()()()()221,1,1,1211,,11213212,,1x xxF x x x x y k k x =-∈-∴-<-<∈-∞∴=---⋅-+∈-∞[)210,1x t 设=-∈ [)2321,0,1y t kt k t ∴=--++∈()0,121x t y t y ∈==-Q 当时,与有两个交点,要使()213212XXy F k k 函数=--⋅-+有两个零点,即使得()2321,0,1y t kt k t =--++∈函数在有一个零点,(t =0时x =0,y 只有一个零点)即()232100,1t kt k +--=方程在内只有一个实根 0∆>Q()()()21321,0100.2u t t kt k u u k k =+--⋅<∴-令则使即可或()1,0,.2k k ⎛⎫∴∈-∞-⋃+∞ ⎪⎝⎭的取值范围。
2019-2020学年武汉市常青第一中学高三英语上学期期末试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIf you are looking for recommendations on biographies(传记) that will educate you, comedies that will make your belly ache or stories that present the unique challenges women face every day, read on.“Pride and Prejudice”by Jane AustenA classic thatnever gets old. Set in ruralEnglandin the early 19th century, this tale centers around the Bennet family, a family of five daughters and their two parents who are desperate to find at least one of the daughters a wealthy match. Austen’s story focuses on the tension between marrying for love instead of just for power and fame, and also the unique pressure on women to find financial security by way of marriage at the time.“Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the WorldWomen in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World”by Rachel IgnotofskyIt is a sweetly illustrated and educational book that highlights the contributions of 50 women in the fields of technology, science, engineering and mathematics, from present day all the way back to 360 AD.“Good Night Stories for Rebel GirlsGood Night Stories for Rebel Girls”by Elena FavilliIt tells the stories of female heroes from years ago and present day. With color1 portraits and biographies that are short and sweet, this book is a page-turner for anyone wanting to learn about influential women in the past and present.“Becoming”by Michelle ObamaWe wouldn’t be able to write this list without including Michelle Obama’s memoir. “Becoming” has the former FLOTUS discussing her childhood, family, motherhood, her own FLOTUS impact, the pressures of being part of the first Black family in the White House and balancing her public life now. And of course she writes all about meeting her husband and the many unique challenges they faced too.1. What didthe Bennetsintend to do?A.To marry their daughters to rich men.B.To lessen pressure on their daughters.C. To help their daughters marry for true love.D. To make their daughters financially independent.2. Whose book will attract a teen interested in science?A. Jane Austen’s.B.Rachel Ignotofsky’s.C.Elena Favilli’s.D.Michelle Obama’s.3.What do the four books have in common?A.They are all classics.B.They are all biographies.C.They are all related to the female.D. They are all about heroes.BAddiction to smartphones will result in poor sleep, according to a new study.The study, published Tuesday in Frontiers in Psychiatry, looked at smartphone use among 1,043 students between the ages of 18 and 30at King's College London. Researchers asked the students to complete two questionnaires on their sleep quality and smartphone use, in person and online.Using a 10-question scale that was developed to judge smartphone addiction in children, nearly 40% of the university students qualified as "addicted" to smartphones, the study found. “Our findings are in agreement with other reported studies in young adult populations globally, which are in the range of 30-45%,” lead author Sei Yon Sohn and her co-authors wrote in the study. "Later time of use was also significantly connected with smartphone addiction, with use after 1 a.m. increasing a 3- times risk," the authors wrote.Students who reported high use of smartphones also reported poor sleep quality, the study found. That foils in line with previous studies that have found overuse of smartphones at night to be associated with trouble falling asleep, reduced sleep duration (睡眠持续时间)and daytime tiredness. That's likely because use of smartphones close to bedtime has been shown to delay the body's normal sleep - and - wake clock.In fact, the No. 1 rule is "no computers, cell phones, and ipads in bed and at least one hour beforebed Dr. Vsevolod Polotsky, who directs sleep basic research, said in a recent interview. That's because "any LED light source from electronics (电子设备)may further hold back melatonin (褪黑激素)levels," Polotsky said. Melatonin is often referred to as a "sleep hormone," because we sleep better during the night when levels reach the top.“This is a cross-sectional study, and it cannot lead to any firm conclusions about smartphone use as the cause of reduced sleep quality, said Bob Patton, a lecturer in clinical psychology at the University of Surrey, via email.4. How did Sei Yon Sohn's team begin their study?A. By publishing researching papers.B. By responding to others’ concern.C. By collecting firsthand data.D. By turning to related experts.5. What did the study find about sleep quality and smartphone use?A. 30-45% of the university students are addicted to smartphones.B. High use of smartphones is related to poor sleep quality.C. Overuse of smartphones leads to shorter sleep duration.D. Use after 1 a.m. will result in smartphone addiction.6. What is Polotsky's opinion on electronics ?A. We should stop using them an hour before going to sleep.B. LED light source from them will delay normal sleep- and- wake clock.C. Reduced sleep quality has nothingto do with them.D. No electronics should be used in bed at any time.7. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Say No to SmartphonesB. Sleep Quality Can Be ImprovedC. LED Light Source Causes Great HarmD. Smartphone Addiction Ruins SleepCA male tiger was rescued in Mishan city, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Friday. A tiger was recently seen on the Siner Russian border(边界),but there is no evidence to suggest this is the same tiger or that it had lost its way from Russia.Wherever it may have come from, cross-border protection of endangered species is a problem. According to Ma Jianzhang, a senior wild animal researcher in China, tigers know no borders, which have been built to stop humans from illegally crossing over. However, these borders also stop the free movement of tigers, thus preventing their breeding(繁殖)and exchange of genes.The Sino-Russian border alsocomes in the way ofprotecting tigers in the region. Data show about 500 to 550 Siberian tigers, or over 90 percent of the species, live in the wild in Russia; 27 live in the wild in China, and 50 inthe border region. Sometimes tigers lose their way across the border and that is hindering(妨碍)efforts to stop illegal hunting and protecting them.Fortunately, both China and Russia have realized this problem and are working toward solving it. As early as 2010, the two countries established a cross-border protection network aimed at strengthening communication on protecting tigers in the northeast. The countries have also held anti-poaching(反偷猎)activities together. In 2019,two national parks from the two countries signed a three-year deal to share research data on tigers, greatly improving the living conditions of Siberian tigers in the wild.However, much more needs to be done to protect the species. It is necessary to combine the tiger protection areas in the two countries. That will require greater efforts from both sides and some difficulties might remain even then. Fortunately, both countries have been taking effective measures to provide the endangered species a better home.8. What's the original purpose of setting up the Sino-Russian borders?A. To ban people from illegal crossings.B. To help protect tigers in the region.C. To protect tigers from losing their way.D. To stop tigers' breeding and exchange of genes.9. What does the underlined phrase “comes in the way of” probably mean?A. keeps from.B. is on the way toC. is aimed atD. keeps up10. What is the focus of Paragraph 4 ?A. Recent studies and researches on tigers.B. Joint efforts by China and Russia to protect tigers.C. The possible effects of establishing a networkD. Reasons for improving the living conditions of tigers.11. What's the author's purpose in writing the text?A. To inform the possible dangers of tiger protection.B. To cover the news about a missing tiger on the border.C. To put forward suggestions on finding the missing tiger.D. To report the problems and measures of cross-border tiger protection.DLike all cultural institutions, galleries and art fairs are adapting to a new reality.Art Basel Hong Kong, Asia's biggest contemporary-art fair, was cancelled because of covid-19, but anyone he who had planned to visit last week could enjoy an experimental alternative:the viewing room. At the click of a keyboard) you could enter an overall view but private visual salon, without having to brave the airless Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.There, on one webpage, was Jeff Koons riffing(翻唱)on Botticelli's "Primavera" in a tribute to the history ofpainting at David Zwirner Gallery. Ota Fine Arts offered one collector the chance to acquire an "infinity(无限)room“, one of the most Instagrammed artworks of recent years- the creation of the fantasies,nonagenarian (九十多岁) Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. White Cube presented a large collection of international works by Andreas Gursky (German), Theaster Gates (American) and Beatriz Milhazes (Brazilian). But not every artist, gallery and form showed to equal advantage in this alternative fair. Not surprisingly, simple two-dimensional works in bright colours came across best No sculpture or conceptual art was includedBesides depth and texture, there are aspects of gallery hopping that a website is unlikely to copy. One isserendipity—the sense of wandering between artworks and encountering the unexpected. Another is sociability. Art is a communion between artist and viewer, but galleries and fairs are also places to swap opinions and share enthusiasms.Thereare ways to compensate (or these inevitable(不可避免的)disadvantages. As they shut their physical doors, some of the world's nest galleries and museums are offering advanced interactive visits, 360 degree videos and walk around tours of their collections, allwithout queues and high ticket prices. One of the best is laid on by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam;its tour allows visitors to view its Vermeers and Rembrandts, including the magnicent "Night Watch”, far more closely than would normally he possible. Another standout offering is from the Museu de Arte de SPaulo, which has an even broader collection. On its virtual platform, its pain tings, spanning 700 years, appear to be hanging in an open-plan space, seemingly hung on glass panels, or "crystal easels” as the. museum calls them, ideal for close-up inspection,12. From the paragraph 3, we may knowA. "Primavera" was originally painted by JeKoonsB.“innity room” was the most popular artworks of recent years on social mediaC. White Cube displayed a great many works by artists from different nationsD. Various paintings and statues showed on the webpage are well-received13. What does the underlined word "serendipity" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. surpriseB. treasureC. expectationD. compromise14. What is the purpose of writing the last paragraph?A.To introduce some popular art show in the world.B. To show that there are some alternative ways to promote the display during covid-19 epidemic.C. To prove that paintings hung on glass panels can be idealfor close-up inspection,D. To release some information about some extraordinary art shows.15. What is the best title?A. Art beyond the internet.B. Fascinating art.C. Art under covid-19.D. gallery hopping第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________
1. 直线的倾斜角为()
2. 椭圆的离心率为()
3. 已知命题“,”的否定是()
4. 在新高考改革中,一名高一学生在确定选修物理的情况下,想从政治,地理,生物,化学中再选两科学习,则所选两科中一定有地理的概率是()
5. 国家教育部规定高中学校每周至少开设两节体育选修课,在一次篮球选修课上,体育老师让同学们练习投篮,其中小化连续投篮两次,事件“两次投篮至少有一次投篮命中”与事件“两次投篮都命中”是()
6. 已知两条不同的直线和两个不同的平面,有如下命题:
7. 抛物线的焦点坐标是()
8. “”是“,使得是真命题”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件
9. 已知为抛物线上一个动点,到其准线的距离为,为圆
A.5 B.4 C.D.
10. 已知方程,下列说法正确的是()
C.若此方程表示双曲线,则D.当时,此方程表示双曲线11. 已知双曲线的一个焦点与抛物线的焦点重合,且与直线
12. 已知点,,若直线上至少存在三个点,使得
13. 双曲线上一点到它的一个焦点的距离等于3,那么点到
14. 求过点,并且在两轴上的截距相等的直线方程_____.
15. 水痘是一种传染性很强的病毒性疾病,容易在春天爆发,武汉疾控中心为了调查某高校高一年级学生注射水痘疫苗的人数,在高一年级随机抽取了5个班级,每个班级的人数互不相同,若把每个班抽取的人数作为样本数据,已知样本平均数为5,样本方差为4,则样本数据中最大值为__________.
16. 点、、分别是正方体的棱,,的中点,则下列命题中的真命题是__________(写出所有真命题的序号).
17. 求适合下列条件的椭圆标准方程:
18. 随着人们经济收入的不断增加,个人购买家庭轿车已不再是一种时尚,车的使用费用,尤其是随着使用年限的增多,所支出的费用到底会增长多少,一直是购车一族非常关心的问题,某汽车销售公司做了一次抽样调查,并统计得出2009年出售的某款车的使用年限(2009年记)与所支出的总费用(万元)有如表的数据资料:
2 3 4 5 6
总费用 2.5 3.5 5.5 6.5 7.0
19. 如图,在四棱锥中,底面为菱形,,侧棱
20. 2019年12月,全国各中小学全体学生都参与了《禁毒知识》的答题竞赛,
21. 如图所示,直角梯形
22. 设点,的坐标分别为,,直线,相交于点,且它们的斜率之积为-2,设点的轨迹是曲线.