Spin-orbit lateral superlattices energy bands and spin polarization in 2DEG
脑脊液(Cerebrospinal fluid, CSF)与脑细胞密切相关,它携带信号,指导发育过程中神经元祖细胞的增殖和特异性。
2022 年 5 月 11 日,来自斯坦福大学医学院神经学与神经科学系的科研团队在国际顶级期刊 Nature 发表了题为 Young CSF restores oligodendrogenesis and memory in aged mice via Fgf17 的研究性文章,他们发现将年轻的脑脊液直接注入衰老的大脑可以明显改善记忆功能,其中少突胶质细胞对这种恢复最敏感,他们还进一步确定了 Fgf17 是在衰老的大脑中恢复少突胶质细胞功能的关键靶点。
他们对 20 个月大的老鼠进行了足部电击,然后小鼠被随机分为两组,分别注入人工脑脊液(aCSF)或幼鼠脑脊液(YM-CSF),在3 周后进行记忆测试。
结果发现,注射 YM-CSF 的小鼠对恐惧记忆保存得更好。
2013年度生命科学领域最具创新力产品TOP10来源: E药脸谱作者:发布时间:2013-12-31 浏览数:10 大 | 中 | 小日前,《TheScientist》杂志评选出了2013 年度生命科学领域10 大最具创新性及竞争力的产品与技术。
(因有两项并列排名,实为12项)1) nVista HDInscopix开发的微型荧光显微镜nVista HD (mini fluorescence microscope)对神经元功能和神经环路研究意义重大。
nVista HD能真正实现单神经元细胞水平观测、同时实时检测多达数千神经元的活动,从而实现对整个神经网络的观测;nVista HD只有两克重,动物带着它可以自由的活动,从而能完成对特定行为学任务的研究。
2) X-MAN传统报告质粒是在过表达模式下工作的,不能反映生理表达量下的情况。
Promega开发的X-MAN报告系统则不同,其细胞株含内在的报告子,不需要使用传统的报告质粒,该类试剂盒包括两种类型:一种为含NanoLuc luciferase报告子的细胞株,无需高表达,在生理表达量下即可开展检测;另一种为含HaloTag的细胞株,该细胞株应用更广泛:兴趣蛋白与HaloTag表达后,可以通过添加荧光蛋白检测目标蛋白与其它蛋白的相互作用。
2) SmartFlare RNA 探针EMD Millipore开发的SmartFlare RNA检测探针(SmartFlare RNA Detection Probes)无需抗体,无需杀死细胞,完全在生理状态下,通过荧光检测内源性RNA。
SmartFlare RNA Detection Probes检测以往使用固定的死细胞开展实验的方式不同,是在活细胞环境下开展,具有重要意义:针对靶RNA的寡核苷酸与纳米金颗粒结合,与细胞孵育过夜,从而经胞吞摄入后,与靶基因RNA分子结合,即可通过流式细胞仪或荧光显微镜检测,而这个外源性分子在几天后可通过胞吐排除,细胞又恢复原有状态。
第50卷第6期2023年北京化工大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Natural Science)Vol.50,No.62023引用格式:刘琪,兰光强.变时滞反馈控制的混合中立型随机延迟微分方程的指数稳定性[J].北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,50(6):105-111.LIU Qi,LAN GuangQiang.Exponential stability of hybrid neutral stochastic differential delay equations with time⁃depend⁃ent delay feedback control[J].Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Natural Science),2023,50(6):105-111.变时滞反馈控制的混合中立型随机延迟微分方程的指数稳定性刘 琪 兰光强*(北京化工大学数理学院,北京 100029)摘 要:研究了变时滞反馈控制的混合中立型随机延迟微分方程(HNSDDEs)的指数稳定性㊂采用函数方法设置合适的变时滞反馈控制函数,得到了该系统的指数稳定性㊂对比已有的研究成果,本文的主要贡献是在变时滞反馈控制下对HNSDDEs 的指数稳定性作了进一步研究㊂最后,给出一个例子证明了结论的有效性㊂关键词:变时滞;混合中立型随机延迟微分方程(HNSDDEs);反馈控制;指数稳定性中图分类号:O211.6 DOI :10.13543/j.bhxbzr.2023.06.013收稿日期:2022-09-05基金项目:北京市自然科学基金(1192013)第一作者:女,1998年生,硕士生*通信联系人E⁃mail:langq@引 言带有变时滞反馈控制的混合中立型随机延迟微分方程(HNSDDEs)常被用于系统未来的建模,目前已经被广泛应用于种群生态㊁神经网络以及激光器动力学等领域㊂对于随机系统突然性的结构变化,常采用连续时间马氏链来描述,带有马氏链的随机延迟微分方程即为混合随机延迟微分方程㊂文献[1]具体研究了混合随机延迟微分方程,文献[2-4]则进一步考虑了其稳定性及有界性,文献[5-7]又扩展到了带中立项的混合随机延迟微分方程的稳定性研究㊂然而并非所有系统都是稳定的,因此设计一个合适的反馈控制使不稳定的系统变得稳定很有意义㊂相应地,文献[8-11]研究了系统稳定化问题㊂其中文献[8]研究了常时滞反馈控制的高阶非线性混合随机时滞微分方程的指数稳定性,文献[9]是在文献[10]的基础上进一步研究了变时滞反馈控制的HNSDDEs 的L p 渐进稳定性和H ∞稳定性㊂本文采用Lyapunov 函数方法,进一步研究了变时滞反馈控制下的HNSDDEs 的指数稳定性㊂文献[8]研究了常时滞反馈控制下的混合随机微分延迟方程的指数稳定性,其所涉及的时滞均为常量,本文进一步将常时滞推广到了函数时滞,并且将受控方程推广到了带有中立项的混合随机延迟微分方程,其难点在于找到时滞δ(t )的上界和利用引理2处理中立项㊂文献[9]研究了变时滞反馈控制的具有时变延迟的高度非线性HNSDDEs 的L p 渐近稳定性和H ∞稳定性,但缺少指数稳定性,本文则是通过进一步找到更合适的反馈函数确定了方程的收敛速度,即指数稳定性㊂1 基本假设与模型描述设(Ω,F ,{F t }t ≥0,P )是一个带有σ流(满足通常条件)的完备概率空间,{B (t )}t ≥0是定义在其上的m 维布朗运动,{r (t )}t ≥0是右连马氏链且独立于{B (t )}t ≥0,S ={1,2, ,N }是其状态空间,Γ=(γij )N ×N 是其生成算子㊂考虑变时滞反馈控制HNSDDEd ^x(t )=f (x (t ),x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t ))d t +g (x (t ),x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t ))d B (t ),t ≥0(1)其中^x(t )=x (t )-N (x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t )),且初值满足{x(θ):-τ≤θ≤0}=φ∈C([-τ,0];n)r(0)=r0∈S(2)其中f,g,N均为Borel可测函数,并且满足f:n×n×+×S→ng:n×n×+×S→n×mN:n×+×S→n加上反馈控制函数u之后系统变为d^x(t)=[f(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))+u(x(t-δ(t)),t,r(t))]d t+g(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))㊃d B(t),t≥0(3)其中0≤δ(t)≤δ≤τ,0≤τ(t)≤τ㊂假设f(0,0,t,i)=N(0,t,i)≡0,g(0,0,t,i)≡0V(x,t,i)∈C2,1(n×+×S;+)为方便起见,简记^x=x-N(y,t,i)㊂对V(x,t,i)∈C2,1(n×+×S;+)定义如下算子LL V(x,y,t,i)=V t(^x,t,i)+V T x(^x,t,i)f(x,y,t, i)+12trace[g T(x,y,t,i)V xx(^x,t,i)g(x,y,t,i)]+∑j∈sγij V(^x,t,j)(4)为得到本文主要结论,提出以下假设㊂假设1 对任意l>0,存在K l>0,使得对任意i∈S,t∈+,且|x|∨|x|∨|y|∨|y|≤l,满足|f(x,y,t,i)-f(x,y,t,i)|∨|g(x,y,t,i)-g(x,y,t,i)|≤Kl(|x-x|+|y-y|)(5)假设2 存在K>0,m1>1,m2≥1,使得对∀x, y∈n,i∈S,t∈+,有|f(x,y,t,i)|≤K(|x|m1+|y|m1+1)|g(x,y,t,i)|≤K(|x|m2+|y|m2+1)(6)假设3 系统(3)中的时滞函数τ:+→[0,τ]满足τ′(t)=dτ(t)d t≤τ<1,t≥0(7)系统(3)反馈控制函数中的δ:+→[0,δ]满足δ′(t)=dδ(t)d t≤δ<1,t≥0(8)假设4 存在κ∈(0,1)使得对∀x,y∈n,i∈S,t∈+,有|N(x,t,i)-N(y,t,i)|≤κ(1-τ)|x-y|(9)并且N(0,t,i)≡0㊂假设5 存在常数c1,c2,c3,c4>0,c2>c3+c4和函数V∈C2,1(n×+×S;+),U1,U2∈C(×[-τ,+∞];+),使得对∀x,y∈n,i∈S,t∈+,有U1(x,t)≤V(x,t,i)≤U2(x,t)L V(x,y,t,i)+V x(x-N(y),t,i)u(z,t,i)≤c1-c2U2(x,t)+c3(1-τ)U2(y,t-τ(t))+c4(1-δ)U2(z,t-δ(t))(10)由文献[7]可得如下引理㊂引理1 设假设1~4成立,且假设5对于U1(x,t)=|x|w成立,那么系统(3)有唯一的全局解,并且满足sup-τ≤t<∞E|x(t)|w<∞,w≥2(m1∨m2)由文献[5]中引理2.2以及式(9)可得引理2 若p≥1,则[1-κ(1-τ)]p-1[|x|p-κ(1-τ)|y|p]≤|x-N(y,t,i)|p≤[1+κ(1-τ)]p-1[|x|p+κ(1-τ)|y|p](11) 2 主要结论与证明定义片段过程x(t)={x(t+s):-2τ≤s≤0,0≤t≤2τ}同理定义r(t),且令r(s)=r(0),s∈[-2τ,0)x(s)=φ(-τ),s∈[-2τ,-τ{)令U∈C2,1(n×+×S;+)且满足lim|x|→∞inf(t,i)∈+×SU(x,t,i[])=∞对于t∈+,定义V(x(t),t,r(t))=U(^x(t),t,r(t))+ρ∫0-δ∫t t+s J(v)㊃d v d s(12)其中ρ>0,且J(t):=δ|u(x(t-δ(t)),t,r(t))+f(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))|2+|g(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))|2对于x,y∈n,i∈S,s∈[-2τ,0),设f(x,y,s,i)≡f(x,y,0,i)g(x,y,s,i)≡g(x,y,0,i)u(z,s,i)≡u(z,0,i)由伊藤公式可得d U(^x(t),t,r(t))=[U t(^x(t),t,r(t))+ U T x(^x(t),t,r(t))(f(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))+ u(x(t-δ(t)),t,r(t)))+∑j∈Sγj,r(t)U(^x(t),t,j)+ 12trace[g T(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))U xx(^x(t),t,㊃601㊃北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年r(t))g(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))]d t+d B(t)(13)其中,B(t)是局部鞅,并且B(0)=0㊂整理式(13)得d U(^x(t),t,r(t))=l U(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t, r(t))d t+U T x(^x(t),t,r(t))[u(x(t-δ(t)),t, r(t))-u(x(t),t,r(t))]d t+d B(t)其中,l U(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))=Ut(^x(t),t, r(t))+U T x(^x(t),t,r(t))[f(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t, r(t))+u(x(t),t,r(t))]+∑j∈Sγj,r(t)U(^x(t),t,j)+ 12trace[g T(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))U xx(^x(t),t, r(t))g(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t,r(t))]进而易得以下结论㊂引理3 V(x(t),t,r(t)),t≥0是伊藤过程,且有d V(x(t),t,r(t))=d B(t)+L V(x(t),t,r(t))㊃d t其中,L V(x(t),t,r(t))=l U(x(t),x(t-τ(t)),t, r(t))+ρδJ(t)-ρ∫t t-δJ(v)d v+U T x(^x(t),t,r(t))㊃[u(x(t-δ(t)),t,r(t))-u(x(t),t,r(t))](14)假设6 对于函数u:n×S×+→n,存在实数a i,a i,正数d i,d i和非负数b i,b i,e i,e i(i∈S),对于任意q1>1,p>2有x T[f(x,y,t,i)+u(x,t,i)]+12|g(x,y,t,i)|2≤a i|x|2+b i|y|2-d i|x|p+e i|y|px T[f(x,y,t,i)+u(x,t,i)]+q12|g(x,y,t,i)|2≤a i|x|2+b i|y|2-d i|x|p+e i|y|p且A1:=-2diag(a1,a2, ,a N)-ΓA2:=-(q1+1)diag(a1,a2, ,a N)-Γ是非奇异M矩阵(具体定义可参考文献[1]中的2.6部分),并有1>γ1,γ2>γ3,1>γ4,γ5>γ6(θ1,θ2, ,θN)T=A-11(1, ,1)T(θ1,θ2, ,θN)T=A-12(1, ,1)Tγ1=max i∈S2θi b i,γ2=min i∈S2θi d iγ3=max i∈S2θi e i,γ4=max i∈S(q1+1)θi b iγ5=min i∈S(q1+1)θi d i,γ6=max i∈S(q1+1)θi e i其中θi和θi是正数㊂需要注意的是,关于控制函数u的选取,考虑如下特殊情况x T f(x,y,t,i)+q-12|g(x,y,t,i)|2≤a(|x|2+ |y|2)-b|x|p+c|y|p其中a>0,b>c>0㊂由于|x|2,|y|2的系数均为正数,因此只能得到原方程的矩有界性,而得不到稳定性㊂此时可选取u(x,t,i)=Ax,其中矩阵A为实对称正定矩阵,且满足λmax(A)<-2a,从而x T[f(x,y,t,i)+u(x,t,i)]+q-12㊃|g(x,y,t,i)|2≤(λmax(A)+a)|x|2+a|y|2-b|x|p+c|y|p故加上控制项之后的系统指数稳定㊂假设7 存在U∈C2,1(n×+×S;+),H∈C(n;+),及常数0<α<1,0<β<λ,0<λ1,λ2,λ3,ρ1,ρ2,使得对任意的x,y∈n,i∈S,t∈+有l U(x,y,t,i)+λ1|U x(^x,t,i)|2+λ2㊃|f(x,y,t,i)|2+λ3|g(x,y,t,i)|2≤-λ|x|2+(1-τ)β|y|2-H(x)+(1-τ)αH(y)(15)其中,ρ1|x|p+q1-1≤H(x)≤ρ2(1+|x|p+q1-1)㊂假设8 存在λ4>0满足|u(x,t,i)-u(y,t,i)|≤λ4|x-y|(16)并且有u(0,t,i)=0㊂故有∀x∈n,u(x,t,i)≤λ4㊃|x|㊂定理1 令q∈[2,w),w≥2(m1∨m2)㊂若假设1~8成立,且常数满足κ(1-τ)<12δ≤λ1λ2(1-κ)(1-κ(1-τ))λ4∧2λ1λ3(1-κ)(1-κ(1-τ))λ24∧(λ-β)(1-δ)λ1(1-κ)(1-κ(1-τ))λ24则对任意初值,存在ε>0使得系统(3)的解满足lim t→∞sup1t ln(E|x(t)|q)≤-εw-q w-2(17)其中ε=ε1∧ε2∧ε3∧ε4,ε1,ε2,ε3,ε4分别是以下4个方程的根㊃701㊃第6期 刘 琪等:变时滞反馈控制的混合中立型随机延迟微分方程的指数稳定性εδ+2(1-κ)(1-κ(1-τ))=1[εh 3ρ-11(1+κ(1-τ))p +q 1-2](κe ετ+1)+e ετα=1ε(h 2+h 3)(1+κ(1-τ))(1+e ετκ)+βe ετ+2ρδ2λ24eεδ1-δ+λ4κ2(1-τ)e ετ(1-τ-δ+e εδ(1-τ ))λ1(1-δ-τ)=λ2e ετκ2(1-τ)2=1特别地,当q =2时有lim t →∞sup 1tln (E |x (t )|2)≤-ε(18)即满足均方指数稳定㊂证明:证明分为两步㊂1)第一步取k 0>0足够大使得‖φ‖:=sup -τ≤s ≤0φ(s )<k 0㊂定义σk =inf {t ≥0:|x (t )≥k |}(k ≥k 0),且inf ϕ=∞㊂由引理1和文献[7],当k →∞,则σk →∞,a.s.根据假设6再定义U (^x,i )=θi |^x |2+θi |^x |q 1+1(19)由伊藤公式有e εtEV (x (t ),t ,r (t ))=V (x (0),0,r (0))+∫te εs (εV (x (s ),s ,r (s ))+L V (x (s ),s ,r (s )))d s取h 1=min i ∈Sθi ,h 2=max i ∈S θi ,h 3=max i ∈Sθi ,结合式(12)可得h 1eε(t ∧σk )E |^x(t ∧σk )|2≤V (x (0),0,r (0))+∫t ∧σk0e εs E (L V (x (s ),s ,r (s )))d s +ερJ 1(t ∧σk )+∫t ∧σke εs (εh 2E |^x(s )|2+εh 3E |^x (s )|q 1+1)d s (20)其中,J 1(t ∧σk )=E ∫t ∧σke ε(s∫0-δ∫ss +uJ (v )d v d )u ㊃d s ㊂对于式(20)中的E |^x(t ∧σk )|2结合基本不等式可得到E |x (t ∧σk )|2≤2E |^x(t ∧σk )|2+2κ2(1-τ)2E |x (t ∧σk -τ(t ∧σk ))|2(21)对于式(20)中的L V (x (t ),t ,r (t ))结合式(14)和假设7有L V (x (t ),t ,r (t ))≤-λ|x (t )|2+(1-τ)β㊃|x (t -τ(t ))|2-H (x (t ))+(1-τ)αH (x (t -τ(t )))-λ1|U x (^x(t ),t ,r (t ))|2-λ2|f (x (t ),x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t ))|2-λ3|g (x (t ),x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t ))|2+ρδJ (t )-ρ∫tt-δJ (v )d v +U T x (^x (t ),t ,r (t ))㊃[u (x (t -δ(t )),t ,r (t ))-u (x (t ),t ,r (t ))]由假设8运用均值不等式可以得到U T x (^x (t ),t ,r (t ))[u (x (t -δ(t )),t ,r (t ))-u (x (t ),t ,r (t ))]≤λ1|U x (^x(t ),t ,r (t ))|2+λ244λ1㊃|x (t -δ(t ))-x (t )|2定义ρ=λ242λ1(1-κ)(1-κ(1-τ)),由定理1中δ满足的不等式知2ρδ2≤λ2,ρδ≤λ3㊂再由Hölder 不等式有E |x (t -δ(t ))-x (t )|2≤2E |^x(t )-^x (t -δ(t ))|2+2E |N (x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t ))-N (x (t -τ(t )-δ(t ),t ,r (t ))|2≤4E∫tt-δ[δ|u (x (v -δ(v )),v ,r (v ))+f (x (v ),x (v -τ(v )),v ,r (v ))|2+|g (x (v ),x (v -τ(v )),v ,r (v ))|2]d v +2κ2(1-τ)2E |x (t -τ(t ))-x (t -τ(t )-δ(t ))|2所以有E L V (x (t ),t ,r (t ))≤-λE |x (t )|2+(1-τ)㊃βE |x (t -τ(t ))|2-EH (x (t ))+(1-τ)αEH (x (t -τ(t )))+2ρδ2λ24E |x (t -δ(t ))|2(+λ24λ1-)ρ㊃E∫t t -δJ (v )d v +λ4κ2(1-τ)22λ1E |x (t -τ(t ))-x (t -τ(t )-δ(t ))|2(22)对于式(20)中的E |^x(t )|q 1+1有以下关系式E |^x(t )|q 1+1≤E |^x (t )|2+E |^x (t )|p +q 1-1(23)又由假设7有|x (t )|p +q 1-1≤ρ-11H (x (t ))(24)所以结合式(20)~(23)有12h 1e ε(t ∧σk )E |x (t ∧σk )|2≤Π1+Π2+Π3+∫t ∧σke εs (εh 2E |^x(s )|2+εh 3E |^x (s )|2+εh 3㊃E |^x(s )|p +q 1-1)d s +∫t ∧σke εs E [-λ|x (s )|2+(1-τ)㊃β|x (s -τ(s ))|2-H (x (s ))+(1-τ)αH (x (s -τ(s )))+2ρδ2λ24|x (s -δ(s ))|2+λ4κ2(1-τ)22λ1㊃|x (s -τ(s ))-x (s -τ(s )-δ(s ))|2]d s(25)其中,Π1=h 1e ε(t ∧σk )κ2(1-τ)2E |x (t ∧σk -τ(t ∧σk ))|2Π2=V (x (0),0,r (0))㊃801㊃北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年Π3=ερJ 1(t ∧σk )(+λ24λ1-)ρJ 2(t ∧σk )J 2(t ∧σk )=E∫t ∧σke ε[s∫ss -δJ (v )d ]v d s易得J 1(t ∧σk )≤δJ 2(t ∧σk )㊂取ε1为ε1ρδ+λ24λ1-ρ=0的唯一解,则由ρ的定义知,对任意0<ε≤ε1,有Π3≤0㊂结合式(11),令k →∞,结合式(24),式(25)化为12h 1e εt E |x (t )|2≤Π1+Π2+Π4+Π5(26)其中,Π1=h 1e εt κ2(1-τ)2E |x (t -τ(t ))|2Π4=∫teεs{εh 3ρ-11[1+κ(1-τ)]p +q 1-2㊃[EH (x (s ))+κ(1-τ)EH (x (s -τ(s )))]-EH (x (s ))+(1-τ)αEH (x (s -τ(s )))}d sΠ5=∫te εs {ε(h 2+h 3)[1+κ(1-τ)]㊃[E |x (s )|2+κ(1-τ)E |x (s -τ(s ))|2]}d s +∫teε[s-λE |x (s )|2+(1-τ)βE |x (s -τ(s ))|2+2ρδ2λ24E |x (s -δ(s ))|2+λ4κ2(1-τ)22λ1E |x (s -τ(s ))-x (s -τ(s )-δ(s ))|]2d s对于Π2,由初值条件㊁假设2㊁假设8㊁引理2和式(12)得V (x (0),0,r (0))<∞,并且记为C 0,C 0为常数㊂对于Π4,根据假设3化简有Π4≤{[εh 3(1+κ(1-τ))p +q 1-2ρ-11](κe ετ+1)+e ετα-1}∫te εs E [H (x (s ))]d s +e ετ[εh 3(1+κ(1-τ))p +q 1-2ρ-11κ+α]∫-τe εs E [H (x (s ))]d s取ε2为[ε2h 3(1+κ(1-τ))p +q 1-2ρ-11](κe ε2τ+1)+e ε2τα-1=0的唯一解,则对任意0<ε≤ε2以及0<α<1即可满足Π4≤e ετ[εh 3(1+κ(1-τ))p +q 1-2ρ-11κ+α]㊃∫0-τe εs E [H (x (s ))]d s <∞(27)对于Π5,令ε3为ε3(h 2+h 3)(1+κ(1-τ))(1+e ε3τκ)+βe ε3τ+2ρδ2λ24eε3 δ1-δ+λ4κ2(1-τ)e ε3τ(1-τ-δ+e ε3δ(1-τ ))λ1(1-δ-τ)=λ的唯一解,对任意0<ε≤ε3,有Π5≤e [ετε(h 2+h 3)(1+κ(1-τ))κ+β+λ4κ2(1-τ)λ]1∫0-τe εs E |x (s )|2d s +2ρδ2λ24eεδ1-δ∫0-δe εs㊃E |x (s )|2d s +λ4κ2(1-τ)2e ε(τ+δ)λ1(1-δ-τ)∫-δ-τe εs E |x (s )|2d s [+ε(h 2+h 3)(1+κ-κτ)(1+e ετκ)+βe ετ+2ρδ2λ24eεδ1-δ+λ4κ2(1-τ)e ετ(1-τ-δ+e εδ(1-τ ))λ1(1-δ-τ)-]λ∫te εs E |x (s )|2d s ≤e [ετε(h 2+h 3)(1+κ(1-τ))κ+β+λ4κ2(1-τ)λ]1∫0-τe εs E |x (s )|2d s +2ρδ2λ24e εδ1-δ∫-δe εsE |x (s )|2d s +λ4κ2(1-τ)2e ε(τ+δ)λ1(1-δ-τ)㊃∫-δ-τe εs E |x (s )|2d s <∞(28)综上对任意0<ε≤ε1∧ε2∧ε3,可得12h 1e εt E |x (t )|2≤h 1e εt κ2(1-τ)2E |x (t -τ(t ))|2+C 1(29)其中C 1是一个常数㊂2)第二步式(29)经过整理可以得到e εt E |x (t )|2≤2e ετe ε(t -τ(t ))κ2(1-τ)2E |x (t -τ(t ))|2+2C 1h 1,故有sup 0≤s ≤t e εs E |x (s )|2≤2C 1h 1+2e ετκ2(1-τ)2sup 0≤s ≤t e εs ㊃E |x (s )|2+2κ2(1-τ)2e ετsup -τ≤s ≤0‖ϕ‖2由κ(1-τ)<12,令ε4为1-2e ε4τκ2(1-τ)2=0的唯一解,则对任意0<ε≤ε1∧ε2∧ε3∧ε4,有sup 0≤s ≤t e εs E |x (s )|2≤2C 1h 1+2κ2(1-τ)2e ετsup -τ≤s ≤0‖φ‖21-2κ2(1-τ)2e ετ:=C 2即当t ∈[0,∞)时,e εt E |x (t )|2≤C 2,即E |x (t )|2≤C 2e -εt ㊂对于任意的q ∈[2,w ),由Hölder 不等式得到㊃901㊃第6期 刘 琪等:变时滞反馈控制的混合中立型随机延迟微分方程的指数稳定性E |x (t )|q≤(E |x (t )|2)w - qw -2(E |x (t )|w)q -2w -2㊂由引理1知C 3:=E |x (t )|w <∞,故E |x (t )|q ≤C q -2w -23(C 2e -εt )w - qw -2≤C 4e -εt w - qw -2所以式(17)成立㊂特别地,当q =2时,有式(18)成立㊂3 例子考虑一维HNSDDEd[x (t )-N (x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t ))]=f (x (t ),x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t ))d t +g (x (t ),x (t -τ(t )),t ,r (t ))d B (t ),t ≥0(30)其中f (x ,y ,t ,1)=0.5x +y 3-6x 3f (x ,y ,t ,2)=x +y 3-4x3g (x ,y ,t ,1)=g (x ,y ,t ,2)=0.5y 2τ(t )=0.1(1-cos t ),N (y )=0.1y显然f ,g 不满足线性增长条件㊂令r (t )为一个连续的马氏链,状态空间S ={1,2},算子Γ=-22æèçöø÷1-1,B (t )为标准布朗运动且独立于r (t )㊂定义初值x (u )=0.2+cos u ,u ∈[-0.2,0],r (0)=2㊂由文献[10]可知系统(30)不稳定,以下将通过引入一个反馈控制函数使系统稳定㊂增加控制函数u (x ,t ,1)=-x ,u (x ,t ,2)=-2x ,增加控制函数后系统(3)的具体形式为 d[x (t )-0.1x (t -τ(t ))](=12x (t )+(x (t -τ(t )))3-6x (t )3-x (t - δ(t )))d t +12(x (t -τ(t )))2d B (t ),i (=1x (t )+(x (t -τ(t )))3-4x (t )3-2x (t - δ(t )))d t +12(x (t -τ(t )))2d B (t ),i ìîíïïïïïïïïïüþýïïïïïïïïï=2其中δ(t )=τ(t )㊂以下验证假设1~8㊂假设1显然成立㊂令m 1=3,m 2=2,可知假设2成立㊂令λ4=2,可知假设8成立㊂假设3对如下常数成立:δ=τ=0.2,δ=τ=0.1,且假设4对κ=19成立㊂取U 1(x ,t )=V (x ,i ,t )=|x |6,U 2(x ,t )=2.2x 6+x 8,由Young 不等式可得L V (x ,y ,t ,i )+V x (x -N (y ),t ,i )u (z ,t ,i )≤sup x ∈(43x 6-0.229x 8)-8×U 2(x ,t )+589×(1-τ)×U 2(y ,t -τ(t ))+109×(1-δ)×U 2(z ,t -δ(t ))故假设5对c 1=sup x ∈(43x 6-0.229x 8)<∞,c 2=8,c 3=589,c 4=109成立㊂取p =4,q 1=3,可知假设6成立㊂取U (x ,t ,i )=2x 2+x 4,i =1x 2+x 4,i ={2,再由Young 不等式,令λ1=0.05,λ2=0.1,λ3=4可得l U (x ,y ,t ,i )+λ1|U x (^x(t ),t ,i )|2+λ2㊃|f (x ,y ,t ,i )|2+λ3|g (x ,y ,t ,i )|2≤-1.845|x |2+0.369(1-τ)|y |2-6(x 4+x 6)+0.955×(1-τ)×6(y 4+y 6)若令H (x )=6(x 4+x 6),λ=1.845,β=0.369,α=0.955,则假设7成立㊂根据定理1条件发现κ,τ取值合理,进而可以得到δ≤0.0576时,定理1所有条件成立,故对∀w ≥6,∀q ∈[2,w ),存在ε>0使得lim t →∞sup1t ln (E |x (t )|q )≤-εw -qw -2特别地,q =2时有lim t →∞sup1tln (E |x (t )|2)≤-ε㊂4 结论本文采用函数方法,受文献[5]的启发在多项式增长的条件下讨论了变时滞反馈控制下的HNS⁃DDEs 的指数稳定性㊂最后,用一个例子证明了结论的有效性㊂参考文献:[1] MAO X R,YUAN C G.Stochastic differential equations with Markovian switching[M].London:Imperial CollegePress,2006.[2] FEI W Y,HU L J,MAO X R,et al.Delay dependentstability of highly nonlinear hybrid stochastic systems[J].Automatica,2017,82:165-170.[3] FEI C,SHEN M X,FEI W Y,et al.Stability of highlynonlinear hybrid stochastic integro⁃differential delay equa⁃tions[J].Nonlinear Analysis:Hybrid Systems,2019,31:180-199.㊃011㊃北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年[4] HU L J,MAO X R,SHEN Y.Stability and boundednessof nonlinear hybrid stochastic differential delay equations [J].Systems &Control Letters,2013,62:178-187.[5] WU A Q,YOU S R,MAO W,et al.On exponential sta⁃bility of hybrid neutral stochastic differential delay equa⁃tions with 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[J ].Systems &Control Letters,2020,137:104645.[11]CHEN W M,XU S Y,ZOU Y.Stabilization of hybridneutral stochastic differential delay equations by delayfeedback control[J].Systems &Control Letters,2016,88:1-13.Exponential stability of hybrid neutral stochastic differential delay equations with time⁃dependent delay feedback controlLIU Qi LAN GuangQiang *(College of Mathematics and Physics,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China)Abstract :The exponential stability of hybrid neutral stochastic differential delay equations (HNSDDEs)with time⁃dependent delay feedback control has been ing the Lyapunov function method,the exponential sta⁃bility of the system can be obtained by setting an appropriate feedback control function with a variable ⁃pared with the existing research results,the results of this work increase our understanding of the exponential stabil⁃ity of HNSDDEs under the influence of variable delay feedback.Finally,an example is given to prove the validity of the conclusions.Key words :time⁃dependent delay;hybrid neutral stochastic differential delay equations (HNSDDEs);feedbackcontrol;exponential stability(责任编辑:吴万玲)㊃111㊃第6期 刘 琪等:变时滞反馈控制的混合中立型随机延迟微分方程的指数稳定性。
APT Attached Proton Test 质子连接实验ASIS Aromatic Solvent Induced Shift 芳香溶剂诱导位移BBDR Broad Band Double Resonance 宽带双共振BIRD Bilinear Rotation Decoupling 双线性旋转去偶(脉冲)COLOC Correlated Spectroscopy for Long Range Coupling 远程偶合相关谱COSY ( Homonuclear chemical shift ) COrrelation SpectroscopY (同核化学位移)相关谱CP Cross Polarization 交叉极化CP/MAS Cross Polarization / Magic Angle Spinning 交叉极化魔角自旋CSA Chemical Shift Anisotropy 化学位移各向异性CSCM Chemical Shift Correlation Map 化学位移相关图CW continuous wave 连续波DD Dipole-Dipole 偶极-偶极DECSY Double-quantum Echo Correlated Spectroscopy 双量子回波相关谱DEPT Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer 无畸变极化转移增强2DFTS two Dimensional FT Spectroscopy 二维傅立叶变换谱DNMR Dynamic NMR 动态NMRDNP Dynamic Nuclear Polarization 动态核极化DQ(C) Double Quantum (Coherence) 双量子(相干)DQD Digital Quadrature Detection 数字正交检测DQF Double Quantum Filter 双量子滤波DQF-COSY Double Quantum Filtered COSY 双量子滤波COSY DRDS Double Resonance Difference Spectroscopy 双共振差谱EXSY Exchange Spectroscopy 交换谱FFT Fast Fourier Transformation 快速傅立叶变换FID Free Induction Decay 自由诱导衰减H,C-COSY 1H,13C chemical-shift COrrelation SpectroscopY 1H,13C 化学位移相关谱H,X-COSY 1H,X-nucleus chemical-shift COrrelation SpectroscopY1H,X-核化学位移相关谱HETCOR Heteronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy 异核相关谱HMBC Heteronuclear Multiple-Bond Correlation 异核多键相关HMQC Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence异核多量子相干HOESY Heteronuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy 异核Overhause效应谱HOHAHA Homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy 同核Hartmann-Hahn谱HR High Resolution 高分辨HSQCHeteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence 异核单量子相干INADEQUATE Incredible Natural Abundance Double Quantum Transfer Experiment 稀核双量子转移实验(简称双量子实验,或双量子谱)INDOR Internuclear Double Resonance 核间双共振INEPT Insensitive Nuclei Enhanced by Polarization 非灵敏核极化转移增强INVERSE H,X correlation via 1H detection 检测1H的H,X核相关IR Inversion-Recovery 反(翻)转回复JRES J-resolved spectroscopy J-分解谱LIS Lanthanide (chemical shift reagent ) Induced Shift 镧系(化学位移试剂)诱导位移LSR Lanthanide Shift Reagent 镧系位移试剂MAS Magic-Angle Spinning 魔角自旋MQ(C) Multiple-Quantum ( Coherence ) 多量子(相干)MQF Multiple-Quantum Filter 多量子滤波MQMAS Multiple-Quantum Magic-Angle Spinning 多量子魔角自旋MQS Multi Quantum Spectroscopy 多量子谱NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 核磁共振NOE Nuclear Overhauser Effect 核Overhauser效应(NOE)NOESY Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy 二维NOE谱NQR Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance 核四极共振PFG Pulsed Gradient Field 脉冲梯度场PGSE Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo 脉冲梯度自旋回波PRFT Partially Relaxed Fourier Transform 部分弛豫傅立叶变换PSD Phase-sensitive Detection 相敏检测PW Pulse Width 脉宽RCT Relayed Coherence Transfer 接力相干转移RECSY Multistep Relayed Coherence Spectroscopy 多步接力相干谱REDOR Rotational Echo Double Resonance 旋转回波双共振RELAY Relayed Correlation Spectroscopy 接力相关谱RF Radio Frequency 射频ROESY Rotating Frame Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy 旋转坐标系NOE谱ROTO ROESY-TOCSY Relay ROESY-TOCSY 接力谱SC Scalar Coupling 标量偶合SDDS Spin Decoupling Difference Spectroscopy 自旋去偶差谱SE Spin Echo 自旋回波SECSY Spin-Echo Correlated Spectroscopy自旋回波相关谱SEDOR Spin Echo Double Resonance 自旋回波双共振SEFT Spin-Echo Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (with J modulation)(J-调制)自旋回波傅立叶变换谱SELINCOR Selective Inverse Correlation 选择性反相关SELINQUATE Selective INADEQUATE 选择性双量子(实验)SFORD Single Frequency Off-Resonance Decoupling 单频偏共振去偶SNR or S/N Signal-to-noise Ratio 信 / 燥比SQF Single-Quantum Filter 单量子滤波SR Saturation-Recovery 饱和恢复TCF Time Correlation Function 时间相关涵数TOCSY Total Correlation Spectroscopy 全(总)相关谱TORO TOCSY-ROESY Relay TOCSY-ROESY接力TQF Triple-Quantum Filter 三量子滤波WALTZ-16 A broadband decoupling sequence 宽带去偶序列WATERGATE Water suppression pulse sequence 水峰压制脉冲序列WEFT Water Eliminated Fourier Transform 水峰消除傅立叶变换ZQ(C) Zero-Quantum (Coherence) 零量子相干ZQF Zero-Quantum Filter 零量子滤波T1 Longitudinal (spin-lattice) relaxation time for MZ 纵向(自旋-晶格)弛豫时间T2 Transverse (spin-spin) relaxation time for Mxy 横向(自旋-自旋)弛豫时间tm mixing time 混合时间τc rotational correlation time 旋转相关时间。
临床肝胆病杂志第40卷第3期2024年3月J Clin Hepatol, Vol.40 No.3, Mar.2024[3]XIA SL, LIU ZM, CAI JR, et al. Liver fibrosis therapy based on biomi⁃metic nanoparticles which deplete activated hepatic stellate cells[J]. J Control Release, 2023, 355: 54-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2023.01.052.[4]LIU YW, DONG YT, WU XJ, et al. The assessment of mesenchymalstem cells therapy in acute on chronic liver failure and chronic liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized con⁃trolled clinical trials[J]. Stem Cell Res Ther, 2022, 13(1): 204. DOI:10.1186/s13287-022-02882-4.[5]ZHANG ZL, SHANG J, YANG QY, et al. Exosomes derived from hu⁃man adipose mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate hepatic fibrosis by inhibiting PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and remodeling choline me⁃tabolism[J]. J Nanobiotechnology, 2023, 21(1): 29. DOI: 10.1186/ s12951-023-01788-4.[6]ZHAO T, SU ZP, LI YC, et al. Chitinase-3 like-protein-1 function andits role in diseases[J]. Signal Transduct Target Ther, 2020, 5(1): 201. DOI: 10.1038/s41392-020-00303-7.[7]YANG H, ZHAO LL, HAN P, et al. Value of serum chitinase-3-likeprotein 1 in predicting the risk of decompensation events in patients with liver cirrhosis[J]. J Clin Hepatol, 2023, 39(7): 1578-1585. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2023.07.011.杨航, 赵黎莉, 韩萍, 等. 血清壳多糖酶3样蛋白1(CHI3L1)对肝硬化患者发生失代偿事件风险的预测价值[J]. 临床肝胆病杂志, 2023, 39(7): 1578-1585. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2023.07.011.[8]MA L, WEI J, ZENG Y, et al. Mesenchymal stem cell-originated exo⁃somal circDIDO1 suppresses hepatic stellate cell activation by miR-141-3p/PTEN/AKT pathway in human liver fibrosis[J]. Drug Deliv, 2022, 29(1): 440-453. DOI: 10.1080/10717544.2022.2030428. [9]NISHIMURA N, DE BATTISTA D, MCGIVERN DR, et al. Chitinase 3-like 1 is a profibrogenic factor overexpressed in the aging liver and in patients with liver cirrhosis[J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2021, 118(17): e2019633118. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2019633118.[10]WANG CG, LI SZ, SHI JM, et al. Research progress in differentia⁃tion, identification, and purification methods of human pluripotent stem cells to mesenchymal-like cells in vitro[J]. J Jilin Univ Med Ed, 2023, 49(6): 1655-1661. DOI: 10.13481/j.1671-587X.20230634.王成刚, 李生振, 史嘉敏, 等. 体外人多能干细胞向间充质样细胞分化、鉴定和纯化方法的研究进展[J]. 吉林大学学报(医学版), 2023, 49(6): 1655-1661. DOI: 10.13481/j.1671-587X.20230634.[11]LI TT, WANG ZR, YAO WQ, et al. Stem cell therapies for chronicliver diseases: Progress and challenges[J]. Stem Cells Transl Med, 2022, 11(9): 900-911. DOI: 10.1093/stcltm/szac053.[12]YANG X, LI Q, LIU WT, et al. Mesenchymal stromal cells in hepaticfibrosis/cirrhosis: From pathogenesis to treatment[J]. Cell Mol Im⁃munol, 2023, 20(6): 583-599. DOI: 10.1038/s41423-023-00983-5. [13]ZHAO SX, LIU Y, PU ZH. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes attenuate D-GaIN/LPS-induced hepatocyte apop⁃tosis by activating autophagy in vitro[J]. Drug Des Devel Ther, 2019, 13: 2887-2897. DOI: 10.2147/DDDT.S220190.[14]LEE CG, HARTL D, LEE GR, et al. Role of breast regression protein39 (BRP-39)/chitinase 3-like-1 in Th2 and IL-13-induced tissue re⁃sponses and apoptosis[J]. J Exp Med, 2009, 206(5): 1149-1166.DOI: 10.1084/jem.20081271.[15]HIGASHIYAMA M, TOMITA K, SUGIHARA N, et al. Chitinase 3-like 1deficiency ameliorates liver fibrosis by promoting hepatic macro⁃phage apoptosis[J]. Hepatol Res, 2019, 49(11): 1316-1328. DOI:10.1111/hepr.13396.收稿日期:2023-06-09;录用日期:2023-08-17本文编辑:邢翔宇引证本文:LIU PJ, YAO LC, HU X, et al. Effect of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in treatment of mice with liver fibrosis and its mechanism[J]. J Clin Hepatol, 2024, 40(3): 527-532.刘平箕, 姚黎超, 胡雪, 等. 人脐带间充质干细胞(hUC-MSC)对肝纤维化小鼠模型的治疗作用及其机制分析[J]. 临床肝胆病杂志, 2024, 40(3): 527-532.读者·作者·编者《临床肝胆病杂志》推荐使用的规范医学名词术语有关名词术语应规范统一,以全国自然科学名词审定委员会公布的各学科名词为准。
Neurogenesis in the brain of adult mammals occurs throughout life, and has been clearly demonstrated at two locations under normal conditions: the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus. These cells may be required for certain forms of brain function involving the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus, which is important for some forms of learning and memory. Microglia are the principal immune effector cells in the CNS, and play an essential role in shaping adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Microglia may exert both detrimental and beneficial effects on adulthood neurogenesis depending on their morphological and molecular phenotype. The classic activated microglia (M1) display pro-inflammatory phenotype, and have negative effects on neurogenesis. In contrast, the alternative activated microglia (M2) show increased expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines and nerve growth factors, and play a supportive role in regenerative processes. Brain-derived neurotrophic growth factor (BDNF) is one of the key factor involved in neurogenesis through the BDNF-TrkB interaction. It is hypothesized that the pro-neurogenic activity of M2 microglia involving with BDNF signaling pathway. The microglia were stimulated in vitro for 24h either by IFN-γ (100ng/ml) or IL-4 (10ng/ml) to induce M1 or M2 phenotype. With the co-culture of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and ,microglia, the neurogenesis was enhanced by of IL-4-stimulated (M2) microglia and arrested by IFN-γ-stimulated (M1) microglia. It was found that IL-4-stimulated microglia have a higher expression of BDNF than IFN-γ-stimulated microglia. The pro-neurogenic activity of M2 was blocked by anti-BDNF antibody or by K252a, a selective inhibitor of TrkB.These results suggest that the alternative activation of microglia have a pro-neurogenic effect, which is involved with the BDNF signaling pathway. Keywords: Microglia, Alternative activation, Neurogenesis, BDNF
2022-2023高三上英语期末模拟试卷请考生注意:1.请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上, 请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。
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第一部分(共20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)1. -You know, people have different opinions about the construction of the project.-We welcome any comments from them, favorable or _______.A. soB. otherwiseC. elseD. rather2.—Sh.go.he.firs.scienc.fictio.published.I.turne.ou.t.be________. —When was that?—It was in 2009 ________ she was still in college.A. success; thatB. a success; whenC. success; whenD. a success; that3. No one believes his reasons for being late that he was caught in a traffic jam, _______ made him embarrassed.A. itB. whichC. thatD. why4. We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like.A. attemptsB. requestsC. doubtsD. promises5. — How do you think I can make up with Jack?— Set aside _______ you disagree and try to find _______ you have in common.A. what; whatB. what; whereC. where; whatD. where; whether6. The news was a terrible blow to her, but she ______the shock soon.A. got outB. got overC. got offD. got through7. —Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.—_________.Opposite.sometime.d.attract.A. I hope notB. I think soC. I appreciate thatD. I beg to differ8. Why does she always drive to work ____ she could easily take the train?A. unlessB. untilC. beforeD. when9.Si.down.Emma.Yo.wil.onl.mak.yoursel.mor.tired... o.yo.feet.A. to keepB. keepingC. having keptD. to have kept10..Som.peopl.sa.mor.bu.d.les._____.other.d.th.opposite.A. onceB. whenC. whileD. as11. The affairs of each country should be by its own people.A. electedB. settledC. developedD. contained12. Our bedrooms are all on the sixth floor, with its own bathroom.A. allB. everyC. eitherD. each13. Jane’s pale face suggested that she ______ ill and her parents suggested that she ______ a medical exam.A. be; should haveB. was; haveC. should be; hadD. was; had14. How I wish I ______ my mouth before I shouted at my mum!A. shutB. have shutC. had shutD. would shut15. —Thank God! This school term is coming to an end!—Yeah, after all that hard work, we all a holiday.A. preserveB. observeC. reserveD. deserve16. The palace is heavily guarded, because inside its walls ________.A. where sit the European leadersB. the European leaders there sitC. sit the European leadersD. that the European leaders sit17. An old lady came to the bus stop only the bus had gone.A. to run ; to findB. running;to findC. and ran ; findingD. running; finding18. The problem _______he will have his college education at home or abroad remains untouched.A. howB. whetherC. thatD. when19.Mr.Wilso.i..ma.o.patienc.an.kindness.an.hi.goo.tempe.neve._____.him. A. fails B. disappointsC. controlsD. worries20. You can’t use the computer now, ________ the upgrade of the system is under way.A. untilB. unlessC. asD. after第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A.B.C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
客户问题:{在此插入新问题} 分类主题:
单个家庭的年用水需求是多少? 包含四个在家的人的家庭 每年平均200天,使用量平均为100 每天多少升水?
单户家庭的年用水需求 包含四个人,他们平均在家的时间为 每年200天,平均使用100升的 每天的用水量为每年800万升。
2nd prompt—答案提取
一个普通人在一分钟内能打出25拳。 一场比赛持续5个回合,每回合3分钟。有多少 他投掷了多少拳?
让我们一步一步地思考并解释这个计算过程。 一步一步地 。
在三分钟内,乔打了3 * 25 = 75拳。
在五轮中,乔投掷了5*75 = 375次拳。
在一分钟内,乔打了25拳。 在三分钟内,乔打了3 * 25 = 75拳。 在五轮中,乔投掷了5*75 = 375次拳。
请总结信息 关于产品 [{'text': 'iPhone', 'type': '产品'}], {'text': '苹果', 'type': 'ORGANIZATION’}]
iPhone是一系列智能手机。 由苹果设计并销售 Inc. 这些设备结合了 计算机、相机和互联网 单一设备中的连接性,以及 以其简洁的设计而闻名 用户友好的界面。
人工智能 机器学习 深度学习
计算机科学领域中致力于创造的分支 能够复制或超越人类智能的智能机器 人类智能
人工智能的子集,使机器能够从 现有数据,并在该数据的基础上进行改进,以使其 决策或预测
山东省潍坊青州市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次期末模拟(6月段考)英语试题一、阅读理解In this post, we’ll introduce some top robotics competitions open to high schoolers. Keep reading to learn more.Botball Educational Robotics ProgramLevel: Regional and national competitions availableGrades: 9th, 10th. 11th, 12thOver a period of about seven weeks, students learn to code(编程) and develop complex strategies to use artificial intelligence. This allows them to create an autonomous robot together that competes in an annual game challenging against other teams in competitions at various levels across the country.FIRST: Robotics CompetitionLevel: Local, regional and national competitions availableGrades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12thTeams work together with professional teachers to design, assemble(装配), and test an industrial-sized robot .The robot then competes in a head-to-head field game against other teams.Robo GamesLevel: InternationalGrades: All ages and backgroundsThis self-claimed “Olympics of robots” and current largest open robot competition challenges participants in a wide variety of events to display various skills. Amateurs, professionals, young and old alike are invited to participate with the goal of winning prizes, expanding educational service, and recognizing robot-builders in the public eye.Zero Robotics High School TournamentLevel: International, including the U.S. and member countries of the European Space AgencyGrades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12thThis fascinating competition begins with robots called SPHERES inside the International Space Station. The first phase of the competition is entirely online, in which competitors code the SPHERES to meet a yearly challenge. Finalists compete in person, onboard the International Space Station, conducted live in microgravity by a real astronaut!1.What do the first and second robotics competitions have in common?A.Teamwork is a must in competitions.B.They have the same goals and rules.C.The robot is tested before competitions.D.They are completely of the same level.2.Which of the competitions has no age limitation?A.Bot ball Educational Robotics Program.B.FIRST: Robotics Competition.C.Robo Games.D.Zero Robotics High School Tournament. 3.What can we learn about Zero Robotics High School Tournament?A.It is held by the European Space Agency.B.It is a local robotics competition.C.The whole competition is conducted online.D.The final competition is held at the International Space Station.“I am not crazy,” says Dr. William Farber, shortly after performing acupuncture (针灸) on a rabbit. “I am ahead of my time.” If he seems a little defensive, it might be because even some of his coworkers occasionally laugh at his unusual methods. But Farber is certain he’ll have the last laugh. He’s one of a small but growing number of American veterinarians (兽医) now practicing “holistic” medicine-combining traditional Western treatments with acupuncture, chiropractic (按摩疗法) and herbal medicine.Farber, a graduate of Colorado State University, started out as a more conventional veterinarian. He became interested in alternative treatments 20 years ago when he suffered from terrible back pain. He tried muscle-relaxing drugs but found little relief. Then he tried acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, and was amazed that he improved after two or three treatments. What worked on a veterinarian seemed likely to work on his patients. So, after studying the techniques for a couple of years, he began offering them to pets.Leigh Tindale’s dog Charlie had a serious heart condition. After Charlie had a heart attack, Tindale says, she was prepared to put him to sleep, but Farber’s treatments eased her dog’s suffering so much that she was able to keep him alive for an additional five months. And Priscilla Dewing reports that her horse, Nappy, “moves more easily and rides more comfortably” after a chiropractic adjustment.Farber is certain that the holistic approach will grow more popular with time, and if the past is any indication, he may be right: Since 1982, membership in the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association has grown from 30 to over 700. “Sometimes it surprises me that it works so well,” he says. “I will do anything to help an animal. That’s my job.”4.What do some of Farber’s coworkers think of him?A.He’s odd.B.He’s strict.C.He’s brave.D.He’s rude. 5.Why did Farber decide to try acupuncture on pets?A.He was trained in it at university.B.He was inspired by another veterinarian.C.He benefited from it as a patient.D.He wanted to save money for pet owners. 6.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?A.Steps of a chiropractic treatment.B.The complexity of veterinarians’ work.C.Examples of rare animal diseases.D.The effectiveness of holistic medicine. 7.Why does the author mention the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association?A.To prove Farber’s point.B.To emphasize its importance.C.To praise veterinarians.D.To advocate animal protection.Killer whales are mama’s boys. A son will follow his mother, taking bits of fish and other food, throughout his life, even as his sisters grow up and have babies of their own. This neediness comes at a significant cost to mom, who gives up having additional children to look after her boy, according to a new study.Michael Weiss has observed the mother-son bond in killer whale groups off the Pacific coast of North America. “It’s kind of wild,” says the behavioral ecologist. These animals live for decades, yet even fully grown males “act like little kids around their mom, rolling around and swimming right beside and behind her like they're still babies”.Weiss wanted to know whether these high-maintenance children came at a cost —particularly, whether they hurt a mother’s ability to raise more children. He and colleagues studied 40 years’ worth of data on three Pacific pods (小群动物), social groups typically consisting of a couple dozen killer whale mothers and sons that traveled and hunted fish together. Sure enough, the team found a “huge effect”, Weiss says.In a given year, mothers of sons were less than half as likely to have another baby as were childless females or mothers of daughters. Strikingly, both a 3-year-old son and an 18-year-old son lowered their mom’s chances of having more children, Weiss says.The researchers suggest mom’s favoritism toward her boys developed because of the particular social structure of these pods. When a daughter gives birth, her babies stay in the same group as her and her mom and therefore compete with the rest for food and attention. By contrast, a son doesn’t bring more mouths into the group — he mates with females in passing pods who then go on to raise children in their own social units.His kids are thus “someone else’s problem”, Weiss explains. So, it makes sense for mom to give more energy to him than to his sisters if she wants as many grandchildren as possible with the least competition.The team didn’t establish exactly how sons prevented their mothers from having more babies. Weiss says he hopes to do more research across populations, and in different species of whales. But now, killer whales remain an extreme example of parental care across the animal kingdom. “In other animals,” he says, “at some point, you just stop relying on your mom as much.”8.What can we learn about a mother killer whale’s chance of having more babies?A.It is independent of her son’s age.B.A mother of a son won’t have another baby.C.A mother of daughters has the least chance.D.It changes with the social structure of the pod.9.What can be inferred from the research?A.Male killer wales can’t grow fully.B.Male killer wales are precious in their social structure.C.Baby killer wales live with their grandmother.D.Baby killer wales compete against their father for food.10.Why do mother killer whales favor their boys?A.To increase the pod’s population.B.To compete with other pods.C.To gain support from boys.D.To save food.11.What does Weiss think of the mother-son bond in killer whale groups?A.It is extremely rare in nature.B.It shows that killer whales have feelings.C.It doesn’t exist in other species of whales.D.It slows male killer whales’development.Dumbphones have very limited functions compared to an iPhone. You can only make and receive calls and messages. And, if you are lucky-listen to radio and take very basic photos, but absolutely not connect to the internet or apps.Dumbphones are enjoying a comeback. Google searches for them increased by 89% between 2018 and 2021. Meanwhile, a study said that one in 10 mobile phone users in the UK had a dumbphone. Kaiwei Tang, CEO of Light Phone, a maker of dumbphones said that, surprisingly, the company’s main customers are aged between 25 and 35. He says he expected buyers to be much older.Sandra Wachter, a researcher at Oxford University, says that it’s easy to see why some of us are looking for simpler mobile phones. One can reasonably say that nowadays a smart phone’s ability to connect calls and send messages is almost a side function. Your smart phone is your entertainment centre, your newspaper, your map, your diary, and your wallet. They always want to catch your attention with notices and latest news.“If aliens came to earth they’d think that mobile phones are the creatures controlling human beings,” Mr. Tang says. “It’s not going to stop. Instead, it’s getting worse. Consumers are realizing that something is wrong, and we want to offer a choice.”Last year, Przemek Olejniczak, changed his smartphone for a dumphone at first for its longer-lasting battery. However, he soon realized there were other benefits. “Before I would always be checking, going through the news, or other facts I didn’t need to know,“ he says. ”Now I have more time for my family and myself. And I’m not addicted to liking, sharing, or describing my life to other people. I have more privacy.“Yet back in London, Robin West says that many people are confused by her choice of mobile. “Everyone thinks it’s just a short-term thing. They’re always asking me: ‘So when are yougetting a smartphone? Are you getting one this week?’ ”12.What surprises Kaiwei Tang about dumbphones?A.Few people show interest in them.B.They are coming into fashion again.C.Their buyers are mainly young people.D.Dumbphones are in a wider use than smartphones.13.What does Sandra Wachter think of people’s turning to dumbphones?A.Understandable.B.Unusual.C.Thoughtless.D.Meaningful.14.What does the author mention Robin West in the last paragraph?A.To give suggestions on mobile choice.B.To show public support for dumbphones.C.To make a prediction about the future of dumbphones.D.To introduce a different opinion on using dumbphones.15.Which of the following might be a suitable title for the text?A.Dumbphones are Here to StayB.A Generation Controlled by SmartphonesC.Smartphones: Where are they leading us?D.Another Choice? The Return of DumbphonesIn the 1960s and 1970s, some writers and university professors called themselves “futurists”. These futurists tried to forecast the future. 16 The problem was that none of these futurists were scientists or engineers. So, while they knew the future would have more powerful computers, they had no clue what these computers would look like, what they could do, or what impact they would have on our lives.17 Having said that, we can make some good guesses about future technology by looking at current scientific and technological advances. We can also ask the real experts: the scientists and engineers who are bringing us these advances.Because so much of our daily life will be integrated with computers, virtual reality will become an actual, real reality for many of us. This virtual world will at times seem as real as — ifnot more real than — the actual world around us. Without leaving home, you will be able to take tours of foreign countries, or even get a medical exam by a doctor in another city.18 There is already, for example, technology which will allow blind people to see using cameras and deaf people to hear using microphones that are connected to their brains. Future technology will allow people to defeat all sorts of physical disabilities.Much research is being done to unlock the human mind. Using technology that is being developed now, people in the future may be able to not just read someone else’s mind, but also record their thoughts like one would record a movie. 19 For example, robot hands are being developed for people who have no hands. These artificial hands are connected to a person’s nerves so that the person’s brain tells the hands what to do.As a result of such advances, in the future, some people who are badly injured may become more robot than human. 20We should all eagerly view the future as a great adventure — a new world waiting to be explored. Who knows exactly what we will find?A.Speaking of medicine, people with brain injuries will be able to find new hope.B.That is, their brains will control their robotic body parts so they can live their lives normally. C.Only a few of their predictions were right, and all of them missed the computer revolution. D.Artificial hands are made stronger and faster than human ones and work very well. E.Some other research involves using robotic technology to replace human functions.F.Many new parts will be made to replace broken human body ones.G.This should make us hesitate before we try to predict the future.二、完形填空For most of us, running a marathon is hard enough. Spanish athlete Eric Domingo Roldan is a man who did not think running a marathon was enough of a 21 . Instead, on November 8, 2021, he attempted to 22 his mum in the Barcelona Marathon.Completing the race was not 23 for him. To make things even 24 , he wanted to break the world record for “the fastest marathoner pushing a wheelchair (轮椅)”. Such a 25 was difficult to achieve, but Eric had a special 26 . He wanted to develop 27and educate people about multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化症), the disease his mother had dealt with for more than 17 years.Their first attempt was 28 in the Seville Marathon back in 2020. But instead of 29 , they trained harder and Eric promised to 30 in 2021. The conditions were 31 this time. Eric was in his home city, so he made a strong 32 . Then he hit halfway in 1 hour 26 minutes, well on track for the record. “I was feeling 33 from the first kilometer until the last, as my mum never stopped 34 and supporting other runners, and that was the best part of running together,” he shared. “To cross that line meant we did what we 35 after going through the hardest time of our lives.”21.A.benefit B.chance C.risk D.challenge 22.A.amaze B.push C.honor D.respect 23.A.possible B.important C.enough D.helpful 24.A.harder B.worse C.clearer D.faster 25.A.standard B.position C.purpose D.goal 26.A.problem B.reason C.result D.personality 27.A.fitness B.fairness C.awareness D.business 28.A.unsuccessful B.incomplete C.unnecessary D.impracticable 29.A.standing by B.carrying on C.falling behind D.giving up 30.A.recover B.return C.relieve D.reply 31.A.similar B.difficult C.favourable D.unknown 32.A.start B.change C.decision D.connection 33.A.nervous B.concerned C.calm D.happy 34.A.asking B.cheering C.passing D.reminding 35.A.needed B.liked C.promised D.suggested三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
卢柯 院 士课题 组 利 用表 面 机 械碾 磨 处理 在 纯 铜 棒 材 表 面 成 功 制 备 出梯 度 纳 米 结 构 , 自 表 及 里 晶粒 尺 寸 由十 几 纳 米 梯 度 增 大 至 微 米 尺 度 , 棒 材 芯 部 为 粗 晶 结 构 ( 粒 尺 寸 为 几 晶 十 微 米 ) , 这 种 梯 度 纳 米 结 构 的 厚 度 可 达 数 百 微 米 。梯 度 纳 米 结 构 层 具 有 很 高 的 拉 伸 屈 服 强 度 , 室 温 拉 伸 实 验 表 明 , 具 有 梯 度 纳 米 结 构 的 表 层 在 拉 伸 真 应 变 高 达 10 0 %时 仍 保 持
法 的 机 理 、 孔 道 大 小 控 制 以 及 所 得 到 的 多 孔 材 料 的应 用 等方 面进 行 了重 点介 绍和 评述 。 多孔材 料 广 泛用 作 分 离介 质 、吸 附剂 、组 织 工 程 支 架 以及 隔热 隔 音 物 质 等 ,是 人 们 日 常 生 活 和 工 业 生 产 过 程 中 必 不 可 少 的 基 础 性 材料 。 用 汪 勇 教 授 课 题 组 的 新 方 法 制 备 得 到 的 孔
纳 米 铜 导 电 星 水 制备 研 夯 获 新 进 展
配 。 理 论 计 算 研 究 表 明 , 复 杂 阴 、 阳 离 子 基 团 都 对 晶 体 整 体 的 非 线 性 效 应 有 较 大 的 贡 献 ,而 不 像 大 多 数 传 统 非 线 性 光 学 材 料 中 阴 离 子基 团 占主要 贡献 。 无机 超 分子 化合 物是 一种 潜在 的 中远 红外 非 线 性 光 学材 料 , 通 过 同 时 引入 极 化 率 大 的 复 杂 阴 、 阳 离 子 基 团 并 通 过 超 分 子 化 学 和 晶 体 工 程 控 制 组 装 其 极 化 方 向 在 晶 体 中 的 择 优 取 向排 列 ,将 会 得 到 新 型 的性 能优 异 的 中远 红 外 非 线 性 光 学 材 料 , 该 研 究 结 果 为 非 线 性 光学材 料 的 结构 设计提 供 了新 思路 。
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voyages to the “western ocean”
The four Major Inventions Papermaking
• The usages of paper • What people used before paper was invented
Shang dynasty-bones, tortoise shells and bronze wares
• Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
• Other Impressive Ancient Inventions
Modern Science and Technological Achievements
• Atomic energy • Nuclear and hydrogen bombs • Oil production • Synthetic crystalline bovine insulin • First man-made satellite • Scientific research on the Pacific Ocean • Breakthrough in Goldbach's Conjecture • Reach on PNA semi-molecule • Five-stroke code computer input method
The composition of the Earth
1. Introduction An accurate and precise model of the chemical and isotopic composition of the Earth can yield much information regarding its accretion processes, and global-scale differentiation processes, including: core segregation, possible mineral fractionation in a primordial magma ocean and crust-mantle differentiation. With such a model we can also constrain compositional estimates for present-day reservoirs in the Silicate Earth and thus provide insights into their evolution. (The terms Silicate Earth and Primitive Mantle are synonymous.) There are three main approaches which have been used to model the composition of the Earth: ( 1) using the seismic profile of the core and mantle and their interpretation; (2) comparing the compositional systematics of primitive meteorites and the solar photosphere to constrain the solar nebula composition and from this estimate the composition of the inner rocky planets; and ( 3 ) using chemical and petrological models of peridotite-basalt melting relations (i.e. the pyrolite model). The seismic velocity structure of the Earth, in combination with mineral physics data for phases at the appropriate pressures and temperatures, provide important information about the average density and from this the bulk composition of the crust, mantle and core. These data yield basic insights into the gross compositional characteristics of these regions, but cannot be used to constrain the minor- and trace-element composition of the Earth. Compositional models based on primitive meteorites relates elemental abundances in the bulk Earth to those observed in chondritic meteorites in general, but particularly the CI carbonaceous chondrites, the most primitive of the chondritic meteorites. These meteorites are free of chondrules, possess the highest abundances of the moderately-volatile and volatile elements rela-
基于铁木辛柯梁理论的工字梁剪切变形计算方法研究辛育霞,王勇,付佳豪,倪天琦,齐贺阳(航空工业北京长城计量测试技术研究所,北京 100095)摘要:飞机机翼通常采用工字梁作为支撑结构,然而由于工字梁的几何参数改变,理论计算会受到影响,梁理论的选择会直接影响计算结果。
关键词:工字梁;剪切变形;铁木辛柯梁理论;电测法中图分类号:TB9;V224 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-5795(2023)05-0031-08Research on calculation method of shear deformation of I⁃beam based onTimoshenko beam theoryXIN Yuxia, WANG Yong, FU Jiahao, NI Tianqi, QI Heyang(Changcheng Institute of Metrology & Measurement, Beijing 100095, China)Abstract: Aircraft wings usually use I⁃beams as support structures. However, due to changes of the geometric param⁃eters of the I⁃beams, theoretical calculations will be affected, and the choice of beam theory will directly affect the calcula⁃tion results. At present, the existing deflection calculation of I⁃beams is mainly based on the Euler Bernoulli beam theory, without fully considering the shear deformation during beam bending. Therefore, this article proposes a calculation method for I⁃beams considering shear effects based on the Timoshenko beam theory, which is used to calculate I⁃beams af⁃fected by concentrated forces. By characterizing the effect of shear deformation on beam deformation, the law of action of shear deformation on the beam was obtained, and the deformation mechanism of shear deformation in the beam was ex⁃plained. Research has shown that when the I⁃shaped cantilever beam is within a certain range near the fixed end and the span to height ratio of the beam is less than 5, the influence of shear deformation should be considered in the calculation. The theoretical results of internal force calculation obtained by this method are basically consistent with the results of simulation and electrical measurement method, and can be applied to practical engineering calculation.Key words: I⁃beam; shear deformation; Timoshenko beam theory; electrometric methoddoi:10.11823/j.issn.1674-5795.2023.05.05收稿日期:2023-03-17;修回日期:2023-04-12基金项目:航空创新基金项目(ZC02102280)引用格式:辛育霞,王勇,付佳豪,等.基于铁木辛柯梁理论的工字梁剪切变形计算方法研究[J].计测技术,2023,43(5):31-38.Citation:XIN Y X,WANG Y,FU J H,et al.Research on calculation method of shear deformation of I⁃beam based on Timoshenko beam theory[J].Metrology & Measurement Technology,2023,43(5):31-38.0 引言工字梁是一种空腹式杆件,这种截面设计主要通过离形心最远的翼缘抵抗弯曲,利用腹板抵抗剪切,具有强度高、重量轻的优点,是飞机机翼的理想支撑结构[1],针对工字梁的研究是研究机翼变形的基础。
我想发明神奇的胶囊作文英文回答:The concept of a miraculous capsule, capable of transforming lives with its extraordinary powers, has captivated the imaginations of inventors and visionaries alike. If I were to embark on the endeavor of inventing such a capsule, several key considerations would guide my design:1. Purpose and Functionality:The capsule's primary purpose would be to alleviate human suffering, promote well-being, and enhance cognitive capabilities. It should have the ability to cure diseases, repair damaged tissues, and improve overall health. Additionally, the capsule could possess cognitive-enhancing properties, enabling users to learn new skills, improve memory, and solve problems more effectively.2. Composition and Administration:The capsule's composition would be a blend of advanced nanotechnology, biotechnology, and cutting-edge medical research. It would be designed for oral administration, eliminating the need for invasive procedures or surgeries. The capsule's outer shell would be made of a biocompatible material that dissolves harmlessly in the digestive tract.3. Targeted Delivery and Controlled Release:To ensure precise targeting and controlled release of the capsule's contents, I would employ a combination of sensors and microfluidics. Sensors would monitor the body's condition and release the capsule's contents only when and where they are needed. This targeted approach would minimize side effects and maximize effectiveness.4. Personalized Treatment:The capsule would be tailored to each individual's unique needs and genetic profile. Through advanced DNAanalysis and machine learning algorithms, the capsule would adjust its composition and dosage to provide optimal benefits. This personalized approach would enhance the capsule's efficacy and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.5. Safety and Accessibility:Ensuring the safety and accessibility of the capsule would be paramount. Rigorous clinical trials and regulatory approvals would be conducted to guarantee its safety for widespread use. The capsule would also be designed to be affordable and accessible to individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds.The potential benefits of such a miraculous capsule are immeasurable. It could revolutionize healthcare, education, and human potential. However, it is essential to approach its development with a responsible and ethical mindset, prioritizing human well-being above commercial interests.中文回答:神奇胶囊的发明。
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0603364v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 14 M a r 2006Pis’ma v ZhETFSpin-orbit lateral superlattices:energy bands and spin polarization in2DEGV.Ya.Demikhovskii,D.V.Khomitsky 1)Department of Physics,University of Nizhny Novgorod,Gagarin Avenue 23,603950Nizhny Novgorod,RussiaSubmitted 14March 2006The Bloch spinors,energy spectrum and spin density in energy bands are studied for the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG)with Rashba spin-orbit (SO)interaction subject to one-dimensional (1D)periodic elec-trostatic potential of a lateral superlattice.The space symmetry of the Bloch spinors with spin parity is studied.It is shown that the Bloch spinors at fixed quasimomentum describe the standing spin waves with the wavelength equal to the superlattice period.The spin projections in these states have the components both parallel and transverse to the 2DEG plane.The anticrossing of the energy dispersion curves due to the interplay between the SO and periodic terms is observed,leading to the spin flip.The relation between the spin parity and the interband optical selection rules is discussed,and the effect of magnetization of the SO superlattice in the presence of external electric field is predicted.PACS:73.21.Cd,85.75.-dINTRODUCTIONIn the past years,an increasing attention has been drawn to the spin related phenomena in semiconductor structures.This research area has developed in the new branch of condensed matter physics and spin electron-ics.The problem of spin-dependent quantum states and transport phenomena in these systems are currently at-tracting a lot of interest also due to their potential for future electronic device applications.In two-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures the spin-orbit interaction is usually dominated by the Rashba coupling [1]stemming from the structure in-version asymmetry of confining potential.The low-dimensional semiconductor structures with SO interac-tion were studied theoretically in numerous papers [2–5],including the 1D periodic systems with SO coupling [6],[7].The effects of spin splitting in 2DEG were investi-gated experimentally by the magnetotransport studies,in particular,by Shubnikov -de Haas oscillations [8].The role of other SO terms,such as Dresselhaus term,can be estimated,for example,by optical methods [9].As it was demonstrated by the experiments,in the SO structures interesting effects may be observed,such as the spin Hall effect [10]and the spin-galvanic effect [11].In the present paper we study quantum states and the electron spin distribution in a system combining the spin-splitting phenomena caused by the SO inter-action and the external gate-controlled periodicelectric2V.Ya.Demikhovskii,D.V.Khomitsky 2m∗+α(ˆσxˆp y−ˆσyˆp x),(2)and the one-dimensional periodic potential V(x)of a1Dsuperlattice with the period a.We choose the simplestform of the periodic potentialV(x)=V0cos2πx2m∗+V(x)−αˆσyˆp x.Considering the SOterms−αˆσyˆp x as a perturbation,one can choose the zero-order wavefunction asΨ(x)=ψmk(x) 1±i (4)whereψmk(x)are the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian ˆp2m∗∂εmm∗ ψmk|ˆp x|ψmk =∂εm∂p x vanishes at the border of theBrillouin zone(BZ)k x=±π/a,k y=0and at the BZ center,the degeneracy is not lifted in these points, being lifted atfinite k yonly.Fig.1Energy bands at k y=0double-split by the SO perturbation.The degeneracy is not lifted at k x= 0,±π/a,k y=0since the derivative∂εman,k y ,(7) n=0,±1,±2,....The eigenstate in band m thus has the formψm k= λn a mλn(k)e i k n r2 1λe iθn ,λ=±1(8)where k is the quasimomentum in the1D Brillouin zone andθn=arg[k y−ik nx].After substituting the wave-function(8)into the Schr¨o dinger equation the coeffi-cients a mλn are determined by the standard eigenvalue problemλ′n′ E R n′λ′−E δλnλ′n′+Vλλ′nn′ a mλ′n′=0,(9) where E Rλn is the energy of a free Rashba quantum stateE Rλ= 2k2/2m+λαk(10)Spin-orbit lateral superlattices:energy bands and spin polarization in 2DEG 32δn,n ′±1,n =n ′±1.(11)The structure of matrix elements(11)determines the classification of energy bands and gaps in the SO su-perlattice.The dependence of the matrix elements (11)on the quantum numbers k x and k y can be obtaineddirectly from Eq.(11).The matrix elements V +−n,n ±1and V −+n,n ±1describe the coupling between the nearest-neighboring states (7)with n ′=n ±1and with the opposite indices λ=λ′labeling different up-and down-Rashba bands (10).Here the superscript ±labels the in-dex λ=±1.We shall see below that these elements pro-duce the energy gaps located inside the Brillouin zone.The elements V ++n,n ±1and V −−n,n ±1are responsible for the coupling between the states of the same Rashba index λ=λ′.Such elements could open gaps on the borders of the Brillouin zone k x =±π/a .However,one can see from (11)that they vanish for the case of pure elec-trostatic periodic potential.Then,for the values of at k y ≫π/a the elements with opposite indices λ=λ′,i.e.V +−n,n ±1and V −+n,n ±1decrease to zero while the elements with λ=λ′approach their maximum values.1..3Energy spectrumThe energy spectrum calculated with the help of sys-tem (9)is shown in Fig.2.Here in Fig.2a we give an example of energy spectrum E (k x )at fixed k y =0and in Fig.2b the k y -dependence of the same spectrum for k x =0.In accordance with the Kramers theorem the symmetry E m ↑(k )=E m ↓(−k )together with the sym-metry k x,y →−k x,y takes place,and we thus show the spectrum only at positive k x and k y .One can see that the spin degeneracy at k y =0is not lifted at the center and at the borders of the BZ k x =±π/a .This result was also obtained earlier in the perturbation approach,see Fig.1.The nature of this effect is due to the specific k x and k y dependence of matrix elements (11).The el-ements V λ=λ′nn ±1which are responsible for the degeneracy lifting at k x =±π/a and k y =0vanish at k y =0.Theother set of elements V λ=−λ′nn ±1is non-zero at k y =0,and it opens the gaps inside the BZ.The k y -dependence of the energy bands at k x =0is shown in Fig.2b.The degeneracy at k y =0is lifted at finite k y by mutual influence of linear k y terms in (2)and by the matrix elements (11).At certain conditions the anticrossing of the dispersion curves from different bands [4]may takeFig.2Energy spectrum at α=5·10−11eVm,V 0=1.7meV shown (a)as a function of k x at k y =0and (b)as a function of k y at k x =0.In the latter case the anticrossing takes place at the point A for band2.place.An example of the anticrossing effect can be see in Fig.2b near the point A for the band 2.Below we shall see that the anticrossing leads to the spin flip in the (k x ,k y )plane for quantum states near the anticross-ing point.2.SPIN POLARIZATIONThe control on the spin polarization is crucial for practical implementation of spintronics.Below we show that in the SO superlattice the standing spin wave with the period equal to the superlattice period is formed.We discuss the space distribution of the spin density for the states with different quasimomenta k and the distri-bution of spin expectation values in the Brillouin zone.The latter describes the mean value of spin polarization for the electrons travelling in different directions.We have calculated the spin densityS i k (x,y )=(ψk )†ˆσi ψk(12)for a quantum state ψk in a given band and after thespace integration we obtained the vector field of 2D spin expectation values (σx (k ),σy (k ))in the Brillouin zone:σi (k )= ψk |ˆσi |ψk .(13)In Fig.3we show the calculated distribution of (σx ,σy )for two lowest bands 1and 2shown in Fig.2.One can see that the spin polarization is qualitatively modified by periodic potential.The uniform curl distribution of spins which typical for the 2DEG with SO interaction and without the periodic potential is conserved only near the BZ center.It can be seen in Fig.3a that the curl distribution is destroyed at the borders k x =±π/a of the BZ.The principal difference is that at k x =±π/a the spins are polarized along x axis and σy =0,and a4V.Ya.Demikhovskii,D.V.KhomitskySpin-orbit lateral superlattices:energy bands and spin polarization in2DEG56V.Ya.Demikhovskii,D.V.Khomitsky1. 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