高考英语专题复习分类练习 阅读理解综合解答题含答案

(1) What would be the best title for the text?/what is the topic of the text?
(2) The main topic / subject of the passage is _______.
(3) The main idea/The general idea is/The main theme of this passage is...
2. 四大题形的解题技巧
(7) What's the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?
2) 从命题形式上看,此类阅读测试题主要可概括为两大类,
(1) 怎样理解段落及文章整体的主旨大意
(2) 怎样拟定或选择恰当的标题.。
3) 主旨大意的解题技巧
(4பைடு நூலகம் What does the unlined word mean?
备战高考英语专题复习分类练习 阅读理解综合解答题附详细答案

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解It was just before 8 a.m. on October 17, 2010.She'd checked the higher summits forecast posted by the Mount Washington Observatory before she left. Based on her experience, Bales knew that her hike was realistic. Besides, she had two plans and extra layers of clothing to better regulate her temperature as conditions changed.At 10:30 a.m., the weather was showing its teeth. Bales added even more layers, including a jacket to protect herself from the cold winds and heavy fog. She made her way across the snow—covered ridge toward Mount Washington and began to think about calling it a day. Then she noticed something: a single set of footprints in the snow ahead of her. She'd been following faint tracks all day and hadn't given them much thought, because so many people climbed Jewell Trail. But these, she realized, had been made by a pair of sneakers. She silently scolded the absent hiker for breaking normal safety rules and walked on.Now she felt genuinely alarmed. She was sure the hiker could not navigate(找到方向)in the low visibility and was heading straight toward the challenging trails of the Great Gulf Wilderness. Bales stood there, shocked. The temperature and clouds were in a race to find their lowest point, and darkness was mere hours away. If Bales continued to follow the tracks, she'd add risk and time to the route she'd already adjusted to manage both. But she could not let this go. She turned to the left and called out, "Hello!" into the frozen fog.Bales wouldn't get an answer until a week later, when the president of her rescue group received a letter in the mail. It read: "I hope this reaches the right group of rescuers. I want to remain anonymous(匿名的), but I was called John. On Sunday, October 17, I went up my favorite trail, Jewell, to end my life. Weather was to be bad. Thought no one else would be there. I was dressed to go quickly. Next thing I knew this lady was talking to me, changing my clothes, giving me food, making me warmer."(1)What does the underlined sentence mean?A.The weather began to get worse.B.Nobody controlled the weather.C.Weather could never be predicted.D.Weather was generally changeable.(2)Why did Bales feel really frightened?A.Because she lost her way completely.B.Because the terrible weather was on the way.C.Because she was blinded by the frozen fog.D.Because she was convinced that someone was in trouble.(3)What is the purpose of John's hiking?A.To challenge his limit.B.To go up his favorite trail.C.To donate some money to rescue group.D.To kill himself without being discovered.【答案】(1)A(2)D(3)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,贝尔斯在天气恶劣时去登山,无意发现一串往危险区域行进的脚印,她知道有人陷入了困境。
高考英语专题复习分类练习 阅读理解综合解答题附答案

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解It started during a yoga class. She felt a strange pull on her neck, a feeling completely foreign to her. Her friend suggested she rush to the emergency room. It turned out that she was having a heart attack.She didn't share similar symptoms with someone who was likely to have a heart attack. She exercised, watched her plate and did not smoke. But on reviewing her medical history, I found that her cholesterol (胆固醇) level was sky-high. She had been prescribed a cholesterol-lowering statin (他汀) medication, but she never picked up the prescription because of the scary things she had read about statins on the Internet. She was the victim of fake medical news.While misinformation has been the object of great attention in politics, medical misinformation might lead to an increase in deaths. As is true with fake news in general, medical lies tend to spread further than truths on the Internet—and they have very real bad consequences.False medical information can also lead to patients experiencing greater side effects through the "nocebo effect (反安慰剂效应) ". Sometimes patients benefit from an intervention (干预) simply because they believe they will—that's the placebo effect (安慰剂效应). The nocebo effect is the opposite. Patients can experience harmful effects because they anticipate them. This is very true of statins. In blinded trials, patients who get statins are no more likely to report feeling muscle aches than patients who get a placebo. Yet, in clinical practice, according to one study, almost a fifth of patients taking statins report side effects, leading many to discontinue the drugs. What else is on the fake news hit list? As always, vaccines (疫苗) . False concerns that the vaccine may cause side effects have greatly reduced coverage rates.Cancer is another big target for pushers of medical misinformation—many of whom refuse alternative therapies. "Though most people think cancer tumors are bad, they're actually the way your body attempts to contain the harmful cells," one fake news story reads. It warns that prescription medications lead to the uncontrolled cell mutations (变异) .Silicon Valley needs to face this problem. I am not a free-speech lawyer, but when human health is at risk, perhaps search engines, social media platforms and websites should be held responsible for promoting or hosting fake information. Meanwhile, journalists should do a better job of spreading accurate information.(1)We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ________.A. the woman paid little attention to her daily dietsB. the unhealthy lifestyle might lead to the woman's heart attackC. the symptom of the heart attack was familiar to the womanD. the woman didn't take the prescription due to fake medical news(2)According to the passage, the placebo effect functions because patients ________. A. neglect necessary treatment B. discontinue the harmful drugsC. believe the benefits of an interventionD. suffer more side effects(3)What does the author mean by claiming that "he is not a free-speech lawyer" in the lastparagraph?A. He is a lawyer very easy to speak to.B. He is good at speaking because of his job.C. He is available to give a speech on the law.D. He is very cautious when speaking something(4)The main purpose of the passage is to ________.A. remind us to take medication as prescribedB. warn us against fake medical news on the InternetC. encourage journalists to report more positive news eventsD. teach us how to distinguish fake medical news on the Internet【答案】(1)D(2)C(3)D(4)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,通过举例来论证了网络谣言,尤其是关于药物的网络谣言有巨大的杀伤力。

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解It was the beginning of 2011. I had just finished filming the first season of Game of Thrones(《权利的游戏》). With almost no professional experience, I had been given the role of Daenerys Targaryen. The show was so successful that young girls would dress themselves up as Daenerys for Halloween.And yet, terrified of the attention, terrified of trying to make good on the faith that the creators had put in me, I worked much harder.On the morning of February 11, 2011, I was getting dressed in a gym when I started to feel a bad headache. I was so exhausted that I could barely put on my sneakers. I tried to ignore the pain, but I couldn't. I reached the toilet and sank to my knees. A woman came to help me. Then everything became unclear. I only remember the sound of an ambulance.That operation lasted three hours. When I woke, the pain was unbearable. After four days, they moved me out of the I.C.U. (重症监护室). But one day when a nurse asked me, as part of a series of cognitive (认知的) exercises, " What's your name?", I couldn't remember my name and I felt terrified: I am an actor; I need to remember my lines. Now, I couldn't recall my name.The phenomenon is called aphasia. Then I was sent back to the I.C.U. and, after about a week, I was able to speak and know my name. And I was also aware that there were people in the beds around me who didn't make it out of the I.C.U. I was continually reminded of just how fortunate I was.I rarely gave a thought to my health. Nearly all I thought about was acting. I thought of myself as healthy. Once in a while, I would get dizzy. When I was fourteen, I had a migraine (偏头痛) that kept me in bed for a couple of days. But it all seemed manageable — part of the stress of being an actor. Now I think I might have been experiencing warning signs of what was to come.Anyway, there is something pleasant about coming to the end of Thrones. And I'm so happy to be here to see the beginning of whatever comes next.(1)The author felt terrified after acting in the first season of Game of Thrones because _____.①she felt nervous about the public attention.②she had been criticized for her lack of experience.③she was experiencing some warning signs of a serious illness.④she wasn't sure if she had perform ed well in Season 1.A. ①④B. ②③C. ①②D. ③④(2)When did the author lose consciousness?A. After she took an operation.B. After a woman came to her rescue in a gym.C. When trying to ignore a headache while working out.D. When knowing many patients wouldn't survive the illness.(3)A patient who is suffering from aphasia ______.A. cannot move his or her bodyB. will fall into serious depressionC. must undergo brain surgery at onceD. is not able to remember things from the past (4)What can you infer from the end of the passage?A. The author feels very lucky to be an actress.B. The author is quite confident about her role.C. The author can't go on acting due to the illness.D. The author will pay more attention to her health.【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)D(4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了自己在作为一名演员对待工作非常认真努力却忽视了自己的身体健康,直到有一天她晕倒并进了重症病房接受治疗,她才意识到要重视身体健康。

Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know exactly where she's been while she's on her worldwide vacation in a special way. The traveler, who was born with a bone disease, had her right leg amputated (截肢) at the age of four. Although the amputation caused inconvenience for Gallagher early on, she now sees it as nothing short of inspiration for living her best life.To spread that message. Gallagher has gone to social media, where she shares photos of her travels across the world, but instead of simply using a geo-tag (地理位置标签), she writes her location on her artificial leg before taking a picture.Now she has been taking pictures across the Continent, which show her cycling over the canal in Amsterdam relaxing on a wall overlooking the city of Barcelona, posing with a waffle in Brussels, taking in the beautiful Parthenon temple in Athens and enjoying a river ride in Budapest, all with the well-known locations written on her artificial leg."I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design on it. One day I had a sudden thought to get a chalk-board," Gallagher said. "My mum and grandmother didn't like the idea, but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did."Gallagher said people often stare when she's writing on her leg, but once she shares the photos, she receives only positive feedback (反馈), "My leg hasn't stopped me from doing anything I've wanted to do," she said. "I don't know if it's my determination to prove to myself that I can do it, anyway, I've been able to keep up with people at my age and lead a pretty great life."Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the way of your dreams. And if life gives you an artificial leg, make art.(1)What message did Gallapher want to spread in her special way?A. She enjoys her travelling across the globe.B. She suffers little from her leg's amputation.C. she looks on her misfortune as another form of blessing.D. She has exactly fallen in love with posting photos online.(2)What does the word "which" underlined in paragraph 3 refer to?A. the continentB. the picturesC. the legD. the location(3)Gallapher can best be described as ________.A. helpful and ambitiousB. friendly and generousC. determined and creativeD. independent and sensible(4)Which of the following might be the best title for the text?A. Never Too Late to shareB. A Special Artificial LegC. An Outstanding PhotographerD. Gallagher's Summer Holidays【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)C(4)B【解析】【分析】Devon Gallagher小时因病右腿截肢,尽管有很多不便,但她认为这可以激励她过上最好的生活。
2020-2021高考英语专题复习分类练习 阅读理解综合解答题含答案解析

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解On average, Americans spend about 10 hours a day in front of a computer or other electronic devices and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors. That is a claim made by David Strayer, a professor of psychology at the University of Utah. In his 2017 TED Talk, Strayer explained that all this time spent with technology is making our brains tired.Using an electronic device to answer emails, listen to the news and look at Facebook puts a lot of pressure on the front of the brain, which, Strayer explains , is important for critical (有判断力的)thinking , problem-solving and decision-making.So, it is important to give the brain a rest. And being in naure, Strayer claims, helps get a tired brain away from too much technology. More than 15,000 campers from around the world attended an international camping festival in September. That is when friends and family take time off and escape to nature for several days. They take walks, climb, explore, swim, sleep, eat and play. Camping may be just what a tired brain needs.Take Carl for example .He lives in West Virginia and enjoys camping. He says that staying outdoors makes him feel at ease. It also prepares him for the work he must do. Kate Somers is another example who also lives in West Virginia. She says she enjoys camping with her husband and two children. She calls it a “regenerative” experience.At the University of Utah, David Strayer has studied both short-term and long-term exposure to nature. He found that spending short amounts of time in nature without technology does calm the brain and helps it to remember better. However, he found, it is the long-term contact with nature that does the most good. He and his research team found that spending three days in nature without any technology is enough time for the brain to fully relax and reset itself.(1)What is David Strayer's opinion?A. Americans dislike outdoor activities.B. Electronic equipment should be quitted.C. New technologies are a double-edged sword.D. Electronic equipment brings great convenience.(2)Why does Strayer insist we go outdoors?A. To try another lifestyle.B. To refresh our brain.C. To make better decisions.D. To play with our family and friends.(3)What does the underlined word “regenerative” mean?A. RebornB. MemorableC. RemarkableD. Tiring(4)Which is the proper title for the passage?A. Electronic Equipment Harms the Brain.B. Good Rest Develops Good Memory.C. Tips on Using New Technologies.D. Being in Nature Is Good for the Brain.【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)A(4)D【解析】【分析】本文属于科普文,主要阐述电子产品的过多使用让大脑得不到休息,因而鼓励人们多进行户外活动,让大脑休息。

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Since we've headed into the snowy part of the year, it seems like a good time to solve a language puzzle that Eskimos have a huge number of words for snow. The idea was popularized by the now well-known expert Benjamin Lee Whorf in the 1940s. His number was approximately five Eskimo words for snow, but somehow the story was so wide spread and romantic that it got out of control and grew bigger and bigger.There are two problems with the concept of Eskimos having tons of words for snow.First, Eskimos speak at least two different languages—Inuit and Yupik. Just as we have talked about how English and many other languages developed from a common language called Proto-Indo-European, Inuit and Yupik come from a different common language called Eskimo-Aleut. So saying Eskimos have 100 words for snow is like saying Europeans have 100 words for kings or queens. It might be telling you something broad about culture, but it isn't really telling you much about language.The second problem is "What is a word?” The Inuit and Yupik languages make words in different ways from how we make words in English. For example, the West Greenlandic word 'siku,' (sea ice), is used as the root for 'sikursuit (pack ice), 'Sikuliaq (new ice), and 'sikurluk (melting ice). But it's not that West Greenlandic has so many more words for describing snow than English, it's just that West Greenlandic expresses ideas by combining meaningful units of language together into one word while English uses more phrases and compounds. We express all the same ideas; we just do it a little differently because of the way our language is built.So you're probably still wondering, "If it's not 50 or 100 or 400 words, how many is it?" Well, Woodbury lists 15 that are present in a Yupik dictionary published in 1984, but he says that depending on how you look at it this is not an exact number. It could be 12; it could be 24. But it's certainly not 100.Sometimes, the "hundred words for snow" puzzle is used to argue that because Eskimos have so many words for snow, they think about snow in ways that we can't even begin to imagine—that your language decides or limits your thoughts. Languages are just different. They don't decide what we are able to think about or are not able to think about. I can think about snow floating on water even if we don't have a word for that in English.So when you're out skiing or snowboarding or just shoveling your driveway this winter, don't believe the people who try to tell you that Eskimos have 100 words for snow.(1)Why are Eskimos thought to have so many words for snow?A. Because snow is everywhere where Eskimos live.B. Because the story about it got enriched and believed.C. Because snow is of great importance to Eskimos.D. Because Eskimos have great affection for snow.(2)How does the writer explain the first problem?A. By presenting figures.B. By making comparisons.C. By quoting sayings.D. By adopting idioms.(3)The example of the west Greenlandic word 'siku' shows that .A. the making of words varies from language to languageB. the Inuit and Yupik languages have more words for snowC. the richness of words and phrases leads to different ideasD. more phrases about snow are found in the English language(4)What conclusion can we safely draw from the last two paragraphs?A. Eskimos better understand snow than other people.B. Languages deeply influence people's ability to think.C. There is no point counting Eskimo's expressions for snow.D. What comes into our mind is limited by our language.【答案】(1)B(2)B(3)A(4)C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了爱斯基摩人描述雪的词语虽然多但并非传言中的100多个。
高考英语专题复习 阅读理解(附答案)

高考英语专题复习阅读理解(附答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解As winter set in, it's the perfect time to get out of town and escape the seasonal mood disorder. Here are vacation ideas to adopt now.Costa RicaCosta Rica, located in the Valle del General, is an off-the-radar agriculture town that's not overrun with tourists. The area is known for its coffee, pineapples and sugar cane plantations, as well as its rich forests. What's more, you can enjoy horseback riding, spend afternoons at the spa or tour a nearby wildlife shelter to look out for colorful birds, sloths and other animals.Los Cabos, MexicoIf you love wine, travel to Los Cabos, a beautiful vacation destination at the southern edge of the Baja Peninsula. During your getaway, you can enjoy special wine tastings and dinner cooked by Los Cabos's Michelin-starred chef. There are wildlife-viewing opportunities, too. From December through May, you can spot whales, manta rays and more wildlife.Petit St Vincent, the GrenadinesThis private Caribbean island was spared the anger of hurricanes Irma and Maria. What's more, the whole island is only 115 acres and has 22 cottages. Each cottage is located in a quiet place, and you can expect to unplug and recharge phones with no wireless connections, televisions or telephones in the cottages. Even better, you can spend your days admiring fascinating marine (海洋的) life at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Diving Caribbean center.The Exumas, BahamasOn Fowl Cay's 50-acre private island, you can enjoy a carefree escape. Days can be spent fishing, boating and diving before wandering along white sands. The resort features large one-, two- and three-bedroom houses. Best of all, if you're planning a group getaway or multigenerational trip, you rent the entire island for a one-of-a-kind island escape.(1)Why does the author recommend these places to readers?A. To escape from extreme weather.B. To experience out-of-town sights.C. To beat winter blues.D. To treat mental diseases.(2)What do we know about Petit St Vincent?A. It suffered from Irma and Maria.B. It's a huge and quiet island.C. People can admire fish off shore.D. People can charge phones using wireless connections(3)Where can Tom best go with his grandparents and parents?A. Los Cabos, Mexico.B. Petit St Vincent, the Grenadines.C. Costa Rica.D. The Exumas, Bahamas.【答案】(1)D(2)C(3)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了冬天来临之时,适合外出度假的一些地点。
2020-2021高考英语专题复习分类练习 阅读理解综合解答题及详细答案

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解The new social robots, including Jibo, Cozmo, Kuri and Meccano M.A.X., bear some resemblance to assistants like Apple's Siri, but these robots come with something more. They are designed to win us over not with their smarts but with their personality. They are sold as companions that do more than talk to us. Time magazine hailed (称赞) the robots that "could fundamentally reshape how we interact with machines." But is reshaping how we interact with machines a good thing, especially for children?Some researchers in favor of the robots don't see a problem with this. People have relationships with many kinds of things. Some say robots are just another thing with which we can have relationships. To support their argument, roboticists sometimes point to how children deal with toy dolls. Children animate (赋予…生命) dolls and turn them into imaginary friends. Jibo, in a sense, will be one more imaginary friend, and arguably a more intelligent and fun one.Getting attached to dolls and sociable machines is different, though. Today's robots tell children that they have emotions, friendships, even dreams to share. In reality, the whole goal of the robots is emotional trickery. For instance, Cozmo the robot needs to be fed, repaired and played with. Boris Sofman, the chief executive of Anki, the company behind Cozmo, says that the idea is to create "a deeper and deeper emotional connection ... And if you neglect him, you feel the pain of that." What is the point of this, exactly? What does it mean to feel the pain of neglecting something that feels no pain at being neglected, or to feel anger at being neglected by something that doesn't even know it is neglecting you?This should not be our only concern. It is troubling that these robots try to empathize with children. Empathy allows us to put ourselves in the place of others, to know what they are feeling. Robots, however, have no emotions to share, and they cannot put themselves in our place. No matter what robotic creatures "say" or squeak, they don't understand our emotional lives. They present themselves as empathy machines, but they are missing the essential equipment. They have not been born, they don't know pain, or death, or fear. Robot thinking may be thinking, but robot feeling is never feeling, and robot love is never love.What is also troubling is that children take robots' behavior to indicate feelings. When the robots interact with them, children take this as evidence that the robots like them, and when robots don't work when needed, children also take it personally. Their relationships with the robots affect their self-esteem (自尊). In one study, an 8-year-old boy concluded that the robot stopped talking to him because the robot liked his brothers better.For so long, we dreamed of artificial intelligence offering us not only simple help but conversation and care. Now that our dream is becoming real, it is time to deal with the emotional downside of living with robots that "feel."(1)How are the new social robots different from Siri?A. They are intended to teach children how to talk.B. They are designed to attract people with their smarts.C. Their main function is to evaluate children's personality.D. They have a new way to communicate with human beings.(2)In Paragraph 3 Cozmo is used as an example to show that the social robots ______.A. are deeply connected with human beingsB. are unable to build a real relationship with childrenC. are so advanced that they can feel the pain of human beingsD. are not good enough to carry out the instructions of children(3)The underlined phrase "essential equipment" in Paragraph 4 refers to ______.A. emotionB. painC. fearD. thinking(4)Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?I: Introduction P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: ConclusionA. B.C. D.【答案】(1)D(2)B(3)A(4)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,新的社交机器人与以往机器人不同,他们不仅比我们聪明还有他们的个性。
高考英语试卷 阅读理解题分类汇编(附答案)

高考英语试卷阅读理解题分类汇编(附答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1.(2019•浙江)阅读理解California has lost half its big trees since the 1930s, according to a study to be published Tuesday and climate change seems to be a major factor(因素).The number of trees larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46, 000 square miles of California forests, the new study finds. No area was spared or unaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles. In the Sierra high country, the number of big trees has fallen by more than 55 percent; in parts of southern California the decline was nearly 75 percent.Many factors contributed to the decline, said Patrick Mclntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study. Woodcutters targeted big trees. Housing development pushed into the woods. Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests crowded with small trees that compete with big trees for resources(资源).But in comparing a study of California forests done in the 1920s and 1930s with another one between 2001 and 2010, Mclntyre and his colleagues documented a widespread death of big trees that was evident even in wildlands protected from woodcutting or development.The loss of big trees was greatest in areas where trees had suffered the greatest water shortage. The researchers figured out water stress with a computer model that calculated how much water trees were getting in comparison with how much they needed, taking into account such things as rainfall, air temperature, dampness of soil, and the timing of snowmelt(融雪).Since the 1930s, Mclntyre said, the biggest factors driving up water stress in the state have been rising temperatures, which cause trees to lose more water to the air, and earlier snowmelt, which reduces the water supply available to trees during the dry season.(1)What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. The seriousness of big-tree loss in California.B. The increasing variety of California big trees.C. The distribution of big trees in California forests.D. The influence of farming on big trees in California.(2)Which of the following is well-intentioned but may be bad for big trees?A. Ecological studies of forests.B. Banning woodcutting.C. Limiting housing development.D. Fire control measures.(3)What is a major cause of the water shortage according to Mclntyre?A. Inadequate snowmelt.B. A longer dry season.C. A warmer climate.D. Dampness of the air.(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?A. California's Forests: Where Have All the Big Trees Gone?B. Cutting of Big Trees to Be Prohibited in California Soon.C. Why Are the Big Trees Important to California Forests?D. Patrick Mclntyre: Grow More Big Trees in California【答案】(1)A(2)D(3)C(4)A【解析】【分析】本文属于议论文,围绕加利福尼亚的大树从20世纪30年代以来大量减少为主题,探讨出现这一现象的原因。
高考英语专题复习 阅读理解(含答案)

高考英语专题复习阅读理解(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Our plan was to drive into Cambridge, catch the 7:34 train to Liverpool Street Station, then to separate and meet again for lunch. We should have arrived at Liverpool at 9:19, but due to a typical London fog, the train had to move along so slowly that it was not until 10:30 that it got there. In spite of our late arrival, Joan, my wife's sister, decided that she would go to see the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London while we went shopping. It was only after her sister had disappeared into the fog that my wife realized that we hadn't decided where we should meet for lunch. Since I had our three tickets for the concert in my pocket, this was indeed a problem. There seemed to be nothing we could do except taking a taxi to the Tower of London, and try to find her there. Needless to say, we didn't find her.It was now one o'clock, and the concert began at 2:30. "Perhaps she will think of waiting outside the concert hall," suggested my wife hopefully. By this time the fog was so thick that road traffic had to stop, and the only way to get there was by underground railway. Hand in hand we felt our way along the road to where we thought the nearest station should be. An hour later we were still trying to find it. Just as I was about to lose my temper completely when we met a blind man tapping his way confidently through the fog. With his help we found Tower Hill tube station just fifty yards down the road.By now it was far too late even to try to get to the concert hall before the performance began at 2:30, so we decided to return to Cambridge. It took seven long hours instead of the usual two to make that journey. Nor were we able to get any food and drink on the train. Tired and hungry we finally reached home at ten, opening the door to the sound of the telephone bell. It was Joan; she had seen the Crown Jewels, had managed to get another ticket for concert, and had had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant near the hotel where she decided to stay for the night. Now she was ringing to discover whether we had had an equally successful day.(1)Why was Joan separated from her sister and her brother-in-law?A. they could not see each other because of the fog.B. Joan had not seen Crown Jewels.C. They planned to do different things until lunch time.D. The writer didn't want to go to the concert.(2)What did the writer plan to do in the afternoon?A. Go to the concert.B. See the Crown Jewels.C. Return to Cambridge.D. Go shopping.(3)The reason why they didn't all meet for lunch was that _______.A. They lost their way in the fogB. they forgot to make necessary arrangementC. they waited at different places and didn't meet each otherD. the couple couldn't find the underground station(4)It's quite clear that for Joan the trip to London had been ________.A. spilt by the fogB. quite tiringC. rather disappointingD. very enjoyable【答案】(1)C(2)A(3)B(4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者一伙人到伦敦游玩的故事。

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解The mayor of Flint offered Miss Michigan Emily Sioma high praise on Tuesday for speaking out at this weekend's Miss America conference about the city's water crisis."I was really excited for her to do that," Mayor Karen Weaver told TMZ. "I think she was very brave because so many times you say who you are and where you're from and just general information. For her to take that opportunity and use her platform and use her voice to speak up about what's going on in Michigan and in Flint, in particular, was just amazing."Emily Sioma, 24, introduced herself on stage on Sunday by saying, "From the state with 84 percent of the U. S. fresh water but none for its residents to drink. I am Miss Michigan Emily Sioma." The brief 'speech was a reference to Flint, a town with lead-filled drinking water.Weaver said Sioma's decision to speak about the Flint water crisis demonstrated her impressive character. "I applaud her for being a brave young woman. And it also shows you that she's not a selfish person," Weaver said. "She could have talked only about herself, but she chose to use this opportunity to bring attention to, and keep attention on, what's going on in Flint, what's going on with water quality standards what's going on with this broken infrastructure(基础设施) that we have across the country. "Ratings showed that 4. 3 million viewers watched the ABC program. Although Miss New York Nia Imani Franklin ultimately won the competition, many Twitter users quickly got behind Sioma, who did not make the final 15, after her introduction."Emily Sioma wanted to make an impact," one Twitter user wrote on Sunday. Regardless of whether you agree with what she said or not- she is shining light on a pressing issue that we have in our state and that is still not solved. That is a Miss America."(1)What does the underlined word "water crisis" refer to in Paragraph 1?A.Water transportation.B.Water shortage.C.Water reservation.D.Water quality.(2)How does the mayor find Emily Sioma?A.Curious and cautious.B.Brave and unselfish.C.Proud and admirable.D.Talkative and outgoing.(3)What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 5?A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Introduce the ABC program.C.Emphasize Sioma's influence.D.Add some background information.(4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.The Mayor of FlintB.A Twitter VoiceC.The ABC CompetitionD.A Miss America【答案】(1)D(2)B(3)C(4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Sioma在一次会议中大胆地提出了美国大城市用水质量存在的问题,Flint市的市长高度赞扬了她并认为她是一个勇敢且大公无私的人,网上的人们也表达了对此事的看法。

阅读理解1In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music, dance and theatre in Edinburgh. The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.It quickly attracted famous names such as Alec Guinness, Richard Burton, Dame Margot Fonteyn and Marlene Dietrich as well as the big symphony orchestras (交响乐团). It became a fixed event every August and now attracts 400,000 people yearly.At the same time, the “Fringe” appeared as a challenge to the official festival. Eight theatre groups turned up uninvited in 1947, in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform, and they did so in a public house disused for years.Soon, groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University, and later from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform theatre by littleknown writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh.Today the “Fringe”,once less recognized, has far outgrown the festival with around 1,500 performances of theatre, music and dance on every one of the 21 days it lasts. And yet as early as 1959, with only 19 theatre groups performing, some said it was getting too big.A paid administrator was first employed only in 1971, and today there are eight administrators working all year round and the number rises to 150 during August itself. In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries. More than 1.25 million tickets were sold.1.What was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at the beginning?A.To bring Europe together again.B.To honor heroes of World War Ⅱ.C.To introduce young theatre groups.D.To attract great artists from Europe.答案:A细节理解题。

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Most adults find it hard to recall events from their first few years of life and now scientists have found exactly when these childhood memories fade(消失).A new study has found that most three-year-olds can recall a lot of what happened to them over a year earlier, and these memories persist while they are five and six, but by the time they are over seven, these memories decline(衰退) rapidly.Most children by the age of eight or nine can only recall 35% of their experiences from under the age of three, according to the new findings.The scientists behind the research say this is because at around this age the way we form memories begins to change. They say that before the age of seven children do not have a sense of time and place in their memories. In older children, however, the early events they can recall tend to be more adult-like in the way they are formed. Children also have a far faster rate of forgetting than adults. The findings also help to explain why children can often have clear memories of events but then forget them just a couple of years later.The youngsters first visited the laboratory at the age of three and discussed six unique events from their past, such as family outings, trips to the zoo, and the first day of school. The children then returned for a second session between the ages of five and nine to discuss the same events. The researchers found that between the ages of five and seven, the amount of memories the children could recall remained between 63 -72 percent. However, the amount of information eight-to nine-year-old children could recall dropped to 35 and 36 percent.(1)What does the new study tell us?A.Childhood memories decline with years.B.Three-year-old kids are the cleverest.C.Childhood memories can fade easily.D.Some adults cannot recall past events.(2)What does the underlined word "persist" in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Change.B.Remain.C.Appear.D.Return.(3)What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A.Adults cannot have clear memories of past events.B.Children can think like adults when they get older.C.Children under 7 years old have different ways of forming memories.D.Children often forget things because they have no idea of time or place.(4)In the second session, nine-year-old children _________.A.refused to discuss the same eventsB.remembered all their family outingsC.could recall 72 percent of their past eventsD.only remembered a small part of their past events【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)D(4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了记忆消失的一些知识。

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解When I was a kid, I was the girl who kept the training wheels on my bike as long as possible. Even my younger sister had got rid of them much earlier than me. But as I began to grow older, this changed.All this happened on the Bike Safety Day. It is supposed to be a fun day at school when all of us kids bring our bikes to school and the school provides us with the opportunity to ride outside and learn proper bike safety. Sounds like fun, right? No. In fact, it caused me to panic. What was I going to say when my friends asked me about my training wheels?With the pressure of everyone seeing my training wheels, I determined to let them go. This was the first big change I'd ever made on my own.I went to my parents and told them all about my dilemma. They were more than happy to help. We went outside and got my bike. Instead of running away and hiding behind, I stood in front of my bike and took great pride in my decision as my dad removed the training wheels.I got on and steadied myself. My heart raced but my feet and hands were calm. My dad started to push before my feet even moved and suddenly I was off. The fear faded away and a relaxed mind came into its place. It was crazy to think how quickly I learned something that took so long for me to even try!My confidence soared. This was going to be the start of a brand new world for me. My accomplishment would carry me forth to new goals and wins. I realized that if I set my mind to something, I could achieve it.(1)What does the school expect the students to do on Bike Safety Day?A. Have their bikes checked.B. Ride outside for fun.C. Acquire bike safety skills.D. Remove the training wheels.(2)What does the underlined word "them" (in Paragraph 3)refer to?A. The author's friends.B. The author's parents.C. The safety problems.D. The training wheels.(3)What happened when the author finally rode without the training wheels?A.She felt extremely embarrassed.B.Everything turned out to be easy.C.She ended up flat on the ground.D.Her sisters followed her example.(4)What does the author think is necessary for her to achieve a goal?A.Patience.B.Determination.C.Pressure.D.Concentration.【答案】(1)C(2)D(4)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者学习骑自行车的故事,学会了骑自行车让作者拥有了自信,也让作者意识到决心的重要性。
备战高考英语专题复习分类练习 阅读理解综合解答题含答案(1)

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed new artificial intelligence(AI) software to recognize and follow up the faces of chimpanzees(黑猩猩)in the wild. The new software will allow researchers and wildlife conservationists to significantly cut back on time spent analyzing videos, according to the new paper published in Science Advances.For species(物种)like chimpanzees which have complex social lives and live for many years, getting photos of their behavior taken from short-term field research can only tell us so much," says Dan Schofield, researcher and DPhil student at Oxford University's Private Models Lab, School of Anthropology. "By taking advantage of the power of machine learning to unlock large video files, it makes it possible to measure behavior over the long term."The computer model was trained using over 10 million images(影像):from Kyoto University s Primate Research Institute(PRI) video files of wild chimpanzees in Guinea, West Africa. The new software is the first to continuously track and recognize individual a wide range of poses, performing with high accuracy in difficult conditions such as low lighting and poor image quality. "Access to this large video file has allowed us to use deep neural networks to train models to a degree that was previously not possible," says Arsha Nagrad, co-auther of the study and DPhil student at the Department of Engineer Science, University of Oxford." Additionally, our new software differs from previous primate face recognition software in that it can be applied to videos with limited manual intervention(人工干预), saving hours of time."The technology can be potentially used to monitor species for conservation Although the present application focuses on chimpanzees, the AI software provided will be applied to other species, and help drive the adoption of AI systems to solve(解决)a range of problems in the wildlife sciences.(1)What is the purpose of developing the new soft?A.To save wildlife researchers' time spent in the labs.B.To keep track of wildlife conservationists' behaviors.C.To protect chimpanzees and help them to live longer.D.To recognize and track the faces of wild chimpanzees.(2)What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 2 refer to?A.Getting photos.B.Analyzing videos.C.A powerful machineD.The new AI software.(3)What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A.The working principle of the new software.B.Some limitations of using the new software.C.The unique advantages of the new software.D.Controversial attitudes to the new software.(4)What can be known from the last paragraph?A.Technology advance is the final goal of scienceB.The new software won't just be applied to chimpanzees.C.AI systems are widely used in the wildlife sciences.D.The application of the new technology isn't easy.【答案】(1)D(2)D(3)C(4)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一种新的人工智能软件,这种软件可以识别和追踪黑猩猩的面孔,大大节省了研究者和野生动物保护者的时间,而且它还可以应用到其他的物种研究。
高考英语专题复习 阅读理解(附答案)

高考英语专题复习阅读理解(附答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解City trees grow faster and die younger than trees in rural forestry, a new study finds. Over their lifetimes, then, urban trees will likely absorb less CO2 from the air than forest trees.As we all know, the earth would be freezing or burning hot without CO2. However, CO2is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps energy from the sun as/heat. That makes temperatures near the ground rise. Human activities, especially the widespread burning-of fossil(化石)fuels, have been sending extra greenhouse gases into the air. This has led to a rise in average temperatures across the globe.Studies had shown forests readily absorb CO2, but there hadn't been much data on whether city trees grow, die and absorb CO2at the same rate as forest trees do. So some researchers decided to find out.To figure out how quickly trees were growing, researchers tracked their diameters (the width of their trunks) between 2005 and 2014. A tree's diameter increases as it grows, just as a person's waist size increases as they gain weight. About half the weight of a tree is carbon, research has shown. Most of the rest is water. Over the nine years' tracking, the researchers found city trees absorbed four times as much carbon from the air as forest trees. However, they were twice as likely to die. So over the lifetime of each type of tree, forest trees actually absorbed more CO2.City trees grew faster because they had less competition for light from their neighbors. In a forest,trees tend to grow close together,shading their neighbors. Street trees also benefit from higher levels of nitrogen (氮)in rainwater. Nitrogen helps plants grow. Waste gases from gas-burning cars also contain nitrogen, thus enriching city air with nitrogen. Later, rainwater may wash much of it to the ground. Some street trees may also have better access to water than trees in the country because the underground water pipes can leak.(1)What can he known about CO2 from paragraph 2?A. It is one of the side effects of greenhouses.B. It greatly accelerates the process of global warming.C. It results from the widespread burning of fossil fuels.D. It prevents the earth from becoming unsuitable to live on.(2)Why did researchers track the diameters of trees?A. To know about their growth rates.B. To find out how much they weigh.C. To check whether they were healthy.D. To assess the carbon amounts in them.(3)What advantage do city trees have over forest trees?A. They are more likely to access growth promoters.B. They can enjoy more water coming from the air.C. They can enjoy more shade from neighbors.D. They are better at competing for light.(4)What will probably be talked about if the passage is continued?A. How urban trees can live longer.B. Why city living makes trees die young.C. How trees respond to dry soil conditions.D. Why faster-growing trees absorb more C02.【答案】(1)D(2)A(3)A(4)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解It seems that electronic devices just keep getting smaller. Scientists in the United States have announced the creation of the first transistor with only two dimensions(二维).A transistor is a small electronic device that transfers or carries electronic current. Scientists hope these new 2D transistors will be used for building high-resolution(高分辨率)displays that need very little energy.Two groups of scientists created these 2D transistors. They report that the transistors are only a few atoms thick.Usually transistors are made with the element silicon(硅). Computer processors, memory chips, TV screens and other electronic devices contain billions of silicon-based transistors. But these very small electrical parts have certain limitations.Dimitris Ioannou is an electrical engineering professor at George Mason University. He says the traditional transistor has been improved as much as it can be. He adds that researchers have been looking for new materials with special features and they want transistors to be seen through and soft."If the layers are very thin, the transistor can become flexible, so it doesn't have to be rigid(坚硬的), like it would be in a silicon chip. So people can think of applications like wearable electronics, television screens and other things," said Ioannou.These new transistors can also carry higher current. They also can move the current much faster than traditional transistors. This is important for high-definition screens.Dimitris Ioannou says the scientific success could prove very useful in the future. "Now, how good and how useful it will be, it's still in the stage of research, but it certainly is an advance," said Ioannou.(1)Which of the following statements about the newly created transistor is TRUE?A.They are expected to be used in high-resolution displays.B.The transistors are made with the element silicon.C.They are rigid, just like traditional transistors.D.They have already been put into actual use.(2)What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?A.The traditional transistors have been changed into two-dimensional ones.B.Many of the traditional transistors have been improved over the years.C.The traditional transistor has been developed to its fullest.D.The traditional transistor has been developed quite well.(3)What is Dimitris Ioannou's attitude towards the creation of the new transistors?A.Negative.B.Neutral.C.Indifferent.D.Positive.【答案】(1)A(2)C(3)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,美国科学家发明了新的二维晶体管,介绍了新型二维晶体管的相关信息及未来前景。

高考英语专题复习阅读理解 (及答案 )一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Traveling TipsNo SmokingFederal and State Government Regulations do not allow you to smoke on board express coaches within Australia.Luggage AllowanceAs a fare paying customer you are entitled to take 2 pieces of personal luggage. Each mustnot exceed 75 cm in length, or weigh more than 20kg.Excess luggage will be carried at the company's excess luggage rate and depending onspace availability may be required to be carried on another coach.Luggage Tips1)Keep your valuables with you. Money, jewellery, valuable documents, credit cards, keys, medications should be retained by you and not on the coach at meal or transport stops.2)Use sturdy, lockable luggage. Do not use plastic bags as these may split during the transit.3)Make sure you identify your luggage with a name tag.4)Backpacks—stow all items and do not leave mugs, shoes, towels hanging off your backpack as these can get caught in other luggage and cause damage.Departure TimesThe time shown on your ticket is the coach departure time. If you are boarding halfway and notat a travel centre or terminal you should be at the pick up point 15 minutes ahead of this time, so you can be comfortably on board by the time the coach is due to leave. If you are boarding at a travel centre or terminal, please arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the published departure timeand remember to allow extra time at peak travel times.As a courtesy, and so as not to offend fellow travelers, a reasonable standard of clothingand footwear is required.(1) As a traveler, you can_____.(2) Among the following traveling tips, which one is true?A.Smoking is strictly forbidden all over the places within Australia.B.Plastic bags should be avoided in case of split during the transit.C.15 minutes ahead of the departure time should be guaranteed.D.Standards of dress requirements have been specifically listed.【答案】( 1) C(2) B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了旅行列出五个建议,并就每个建议进行了说明。
高考英语专题复习分类练习 阅读理解综合解答题及详细答案

一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Plastic sludge(污泥)and garbage is a disaster for the world's oceans. A film crew traveled the globe to document the rubbish. And Julie Andersen of the Plastic Oceans Foundation says what we see is just the tip of the problem. “Half o f the waste actually sinks to the bottom, and that remains on the surface actually breaks down. ”The filmmakers found rubbish in ocean gyres, the circulating currents that trap large concentrations of pollution in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacifc Oceans, home of what some have plastic. What we found was a plastic smog that spread throughout all the water. And in some parts of the oceans, scientists have found more plastic than plant. ”The pieces of the plastic garbage infect the food chain, sometimes visibly, and more so at the microscopic level, where the plastic particles interact with other pollutants. “There are heavy metals, medicines, industrial waste in the sea, while it acts like magnets(磁铁). These poisonous substances absorb on the plastic, and then when seafood absorbs the plastics, those poisonous substances enter the fatty tissues. ”To be consumed by other sea life and by people at last. China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are the worst plastic polluters. The United States, although a leader in recycling, is one of the world's 20 since it produces and consumes so much plastic. There are efforts around the world to address the problem, including at this newly opened recycling center in Lebanon(黎巴嫩). But Andersen says there is more that people can do. “Cut back on single-use plastics, straws, plastic cups, plastic water bottles, plastic bags and find alternatives like reusable materials.” She says healthy oceans are essential to our survival.(1)What can we learn from the passage?A. There's all island full of plastic rubbish in the Pacific.B. The bad effect of plastic pollution can't be seen by eyes.C. The United States is the least plastic polluters.D. The plastic pollution to oceans is more serious than what we can see.(2)What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph 3?A. Pollutants like heavy metals and medicines.B. The plastic particles.C. Seafood.D. Fatty tissues.(3)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. All Asian countries have the most serious problem of plastic pollution.B. The plastic problem hasn't attracted the world's attention.C. Andersen is not satisfied with what has been done to solve the plastic problem,D. People should stop using plastic products immediately.(4)Which may be the title of the passage?A. Plastic pollution in the World.B. Plastic pollution—Oceans'Disaster.C. Ways to solve the problem of plastic pollution to oceans.D. Plastic pollution and our health.【答案】(1)D(2)B(3)C(4)B【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。
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一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解A great number of species make their home in the vast waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Although the entire ocean makes up an ecosystem, many smaller habitats are found within, including an open-water habitat off the coast of the Northern Atlantic Ocean known as the Sargasso Sea. Sargassum is an alga(海藻) that floats in masses that can continue for miles. The waters of the Gulf Stream push the water in a northward move into this area. This constant move and varying temperature support the accumulation of the brown-colored seaweed.The Sargasso Sea is so enormous that one method of information collection has not been enough for scientists to obtain an accurate picture of what takes place within this ecosystem. Researchers have needed to employ several methods of sampling. Methods such as dragging nets over the surface of the water and videotaping beneath areas of sargassum have served scientists well. Information collected has shown that the Gulf Stream pushes brown algae from open water into the Sargasso Sea area, creating a diverse floating habitat in an area that would otherwise not support that wildlife.In the most recent study of the sargassum community off the shores of North Carolina, eighty-one fish species were documented as using the area as a microhabitat. This is an increase from previous studies. The types of fish found here are both commercially and environmentally important. The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council is working to regulate the harvesting of sargassum. The Council hopes to have the area classified as an Essential Fish Habitat. Which would afford it certain protections.Further research needs to be done before scientists understand how to best protect the Sargasso Sea as well as understand how it goes about supporting so many important types of wildlife.(1)The author uses "enormous" in paragraph 2 to stress that .A. the Atlantic Ocean is really amazing in terms of its size and areaB. what the researchers do is highly respected by scientific communityC. the research work is complex because a large area must be coveredD. a large amount of money for the Sargasso Sea research is needed(2)It can be inferred from the phrase "needed to be done" in paragraph 4 that the author thinks .A.the Sargasso ecosystem is worth our attention and needs more studyB.the scientific community has ignored this complex ecosystemC.the Sargasso Sea is becoming a problem and needs removingD.new methods for researching the ecosystem must be found instantly(3)The text is mainly about .A.diversity of wildlife in the Atlantic OceanB.different habitats of sea animalsC.methods of information collectionD.the Sargasso Sea as an entire ecosystem【答案】(1)C(2)A(3)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了马尾藻海这个完整的生态系统,非常巨大以至于一种信息收集方法不足以让科学家准确了解这个生态系统中发生的情况,这里发现的鱼类种类在商业和环境上都很重要。
根据第二段中的“one method of information collection has not been enough for scientists to obtain an accurate pictur e of what takes place within this ecosystem”一种信息收集方法还不足以让科学家准确地了解在这个生态系统中发生了什么,可知作者在第2段中使用了“enormous”一词,是为了强调研究工作很复杂,因为必须覆盖很大的区域。
根据第四段中的“before scientists understand how to best protect the Sargasso Sea as well as understand how it goes about supporting so many important types of wildlife”在科学家们了解如何最好地保护马尾藻海以及如何救助这么多重要的野生动物之前,还需要做进一步的研究。
可知从第4段“need to be done”一词可以推断,作者认为马尾藻生态系统值得我们关注,需要更多的研究。
根据第一段中的“Although the entire ocean makes up an ecosystem, many smaller habitats are found within, including an open-water habitat off the coast of the Northern Atlantic Ocean known as the Sargasso Sea.”虽然整个海洋构成了一个生态系统,但在其中发现了许多较小的栖息地,包括北大西洋沿岸的一个被称为马尾藻海的开放水域栖息地。
2.阅读理解People who sleep fewer than six hours a night are more likely to die early, researchers in University of Warwick have found in a recent study. They discovered that people who slept for less than six hours each night were 12% more likely to die before the age of 65 than those who slept the recommended six to eight hours a night.The researchers pointed out that previous studies had shown that the lack of sleep was associated with problems like heart disease and high blood pressure. However, the researchers also found that sleeping too much was linked to an early death. Those who slept for more than nine hours a night were 30% more likely to die early, as an article in the latest Sleep suggested. That directly contradicts another passage in the same journal last month suggesting that people who slept for ten hours or longer a night were more likely to live to 100. This was thought to be because people who lived into extreme old age were healthier and therefore slept better.However, the authors of the latest research contradicted this and suggested that long sleep wasa sign of underlying illnesses such as depression and low levels of physical activity. Professor Francesco Cappuccio at the University of Warwick said: "While short sleep may represent a cause of ill-health, long sleep is believed to represent more an indicator of ill-health."He also mentioned: "Modern society has seen a gradual reduction in the average amount of sleep people take, and this pattern is more common among full-time workers, suggesting that it may be due to social pressures for longer working hours. On the other hand, the worsening of our health is often accompanied by an extension of our sleeping time.""Consistently sleeping six to eight hours per night may be good for health. However, whether to achieve the goal depends on various factors such as the environment as well as measures of public health aimed at favourable changes of the working environments," Professor Francesco Cappuccio added.(1)What did researchers in University of Warwick find?A. People who sleep fewer than 6 hours each night die before 65.B. Sleeping for more than 9 hours a night does good to one's health.C. Six to eight hours' sleep can be appropriate for people.D. People at an old age are healthier because they sleep longer.(2)What is Professor Francesco Cappuccio most likely to agree with?A. Long sleep is what causes our health problems.B. Modern people sleep less because they work longer.C. Our health becomes worse because we sleep less.D. How long we sleep depends on our education.(3)What did the researcher think may help people have proper sleep?A. Social pressure.B. Longer working hours.C. Extension of sleeping time.D. Changes of working environments.(4)What can be the best title for this passage?A. How Long Should We SleepB. Longer Sleep Makes Better HealthC. Time to Sleep EarlyD. The Importance of Sleep【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,研究发现,每晚睡眠不足6小时的人死亡风险更大。