



7The Spectral Analysis of Random Signals Summary.When one calculates the DFT of a sequence of measurements of a random signal,onefinds that the values of the elements of the DFT do not tend to“settle down”no matter how long a sequence one measures.In this chapter, we present a brief overview of the difficulties inherent in analyzing the spectra of random signals,and we give a quick survey of a solution to the problem—the method of averaged periodograms.Keywords.random signals,method of averaged periodograms,power spectral den-sity,spectral estimation.7.1The ProblemSuppose that one has N samples of a random signal1,X k,k=0,...,N−1,and suppose that the samples are independent and identically distributed(IID). Additionally,assume that the random signal is zero-mean—that E(X k)=0. The expected value of an element of the DFT of the sequence,a m,isE(a m)=EN−1k=0e−2πjkm/N X k=0.Because the signal is zero-mean,so are all of its Fourier coefficients.(All this really means is that the phases of the a m are random,and the statistical average of such a m is zero.)On the other hand,the power at a given frequency is(up to a constant of proportionality)|a m|2.The expected value of the power at a given frequency 1In this chapter,capital letters represent random variables,and lowercase letters represent elements of the DFT of a random variable.As usual,the index k is used for samples and the index m for the elements of the DFT.In order to minimize confusion,we do not use the same letter for the elements of the sequence and for the elements of its DFT.587The Spectral Analysis of Random Signalsis E(|a m|2)and is non-negative.If one measures the value of|a m|2for some set of measurements,one is measuring the value of a random variable whose expected value is equal to the item of interest.One would expect that the larger N was,the more certainly one would be able to say that the measured value of|a m|2is near the theoretical expected value.One would be mistaken.To see why,consider a0.We know thata0=X0+···+X N−1.Assuming that the X k are real,wefind that|a0|2=N−1n=0N−1k=0X n X k=N−1n=0X2k+N−1n=0N−1,k=nk=0X n X k.Because the X k are independent,zero-mean random variables,we know that if n=k,then E(X n X k)=0.Thus,we see that the expected value of|a0|2isE(|a0|2)=NE(X2k).(7.1) We would like to examine the variance of|a0|2.First,consider E(|a0|4). Wefind thatE(|a0|4)=NE(X4i)+3N(N−1)E2(X2i).(See Exercise5for a proof of this result.)Thus,the variance of the measure-ment isE(|a0|4)−E2(|a0|2)=NE(X4i)+2N2E2(X2i)−3NE2(X2i)=Nσ2X2+2(N2−N)E2(X2i).Clearly,the variance of|a0|2is O(N2),and the standard deviation of|a0|2is O(N).That is,the standard deviation is of the same order as the measure-ment.This shows that taking larger values of N—taking more measurements—does not do much to reduce the uncertainty in our measurement of|a0|2.In fact,this problem exists for all the a m,and it is also a problem when the measured values,X k,are not IID random variables.7.2The SolutionWe have seen that the standard deviation of our measurement is of the same order as the expected value of the measurement.Suppose that rather than taking one long measurement,one takes many smaller measurements.If the measurements are independent and one then averages the measurements,then the variance of the average will decrease with the number of measurements while the expected value will remain the same.Given a sequence of samples of a random signal,{X0,...,X N−1},define the periodograms,P m,associated with the sequence by7.3Warm-up Experiment59P m≡1NN−1k=0e−2πjkm/N X k2,m=0,...,N−1.The value of the periodogram is the square of the absolute value of the m th element of the DFT of the sequence divided by the number of elements in the sequence under consideration.The division by N removes the dependence that the size of the elements of the DFT would otherwise have on N—a dependence that is seen clearly in(7.1).The solution to the problem of the non-decreasing variance of the estimates is to average many estimates of the same variable.In our case,it is convenient to average measurements of P m,and this technique is known as the method of averaged periodograms.Consider the MATLAB r program of Figure7.1.In the program,MAT-LAB takes a set of212uncorrelated random numbers that are uniformly dis-tributed over(−1/2,1/2),and estimates the power spectral density of the “signal”by making use of the method of averaged periodograms.The output of the calculations is given in Figure7.2.Note that the more sets the data were split into,the less“noisy”the spectrum looks.Note too that the number of elements in the spectrum decreases as we break up our data into smaller sets.This happens because the number of points in the DFT decreases as the number of points in the individual datasets decreases.It is easy to see what value the measurements ought to be approaching.As the samples are uncorrelated,their spectrum ought to be uniform.From the fact that the MATLAB-generated measurements are uniformly distributed over(−1/2,1/2),it easy to see thatE(X2k)=1/2−1/2α2dα=α331/2−1/2=112=0.083.Considering(7.1)and the definition of the periodogram,it is clear that the value of the averages of the0th periodograms,P0,ought to be tending to1/12. Considering Figure7.2,we see that this is indeed what is happening—and the more sets the data are split into,the more clearly the value is visible.As the power should be uniformly distributed among the frequencies,all the averages should be tending to this value—and this too is seen in thefigure.7.3Warm-up ExperimentMATLAB has a command that calculates the average of many measurements of the square of the coefficients of the DFT.The command is called psd(for p ower s pectral d ensity).(See[7]for more information about the power spectral density.)The format of the psd command is psd(X,NFFT,Fs,WINDOW)(but note that in MATLAB7.4this command is considered obsolete).Here,X is the data whose PSD one would like tofind,NFFT is the number of points in each607The Spectral Analysis of Random Signals%A simple program for examining the PSD of a set of%uncorrelated numbers.N=2^12;%The next command generates N samples of an uncorrelated random %variable that is uniformly distributed on(0,1).x=rand([1N]);%The next command makes the‘‘random variable’’zero-mean.x=x-mean(x);%The next commands estimate the PSD by simply using the FFT.y0=fft(x);z0=abs(y0).^2/N;%The next commands break the data into two sets and averages the %periodograms.y11=fft(x(1:N/2));y12=fft(x(N/2+1:N));z1=((abs(y11).^2/(N/2))+(abs(y12).^2/(N/2)))/2;%The next commands break the data into four sets and averages the %periodograms.y21=fft(x(1:N/4));y22=fft(x(N/4+1:N/2));y23=fft(x(N/2+1:3*N/4));y24=fft(x(3*N/4+1:N));z2=(abs(y21).^2/(N/4))+(abs(y22).^2/(N/4));z2=z2+(abs(y23).^2/(N/4))+(abs(y24).^2/(N/4));z2=z2/4;%The next commands break the data into eight sets and averages the %periodograms.y31=fft(x(1:N/8));y32=fft(x(N/8+1:N/4));y33=fft(x(N/4+1:3*N/8));y34=fft(x(3*N/8+1:N/2));y35=fft(x(N/2+1:5*N/8));y36=fft(x(5*N/8+1:3*N/4));y37=fft(x(3*N/4+1:7*N/8));y38=fft(x(7*N/8+1:N));z3=(abs(y31).^2/(N/8))+(abs(y32).^2/(N/8));z3=z3+(abs(y33).^2/(N/8))+(abs(y34).^2/(N/8));z3=z3+(abs(y35).^2/(N/8))+(abs(y36).^2/(N/8));z3=z3+(abs(y37).^2/(N/8))+(abs(y38).^2/(N/8));z3=z3/8;Fig.7.1.The MATLAB program7.4The Experiment61%The next commands generate the program’s output.subplot(4,1,1)plot(z0)title(’One Set’)subplot(4,1,2)plot(z1)title(’Two Sets’)subplot(4,1,3)plot(z2)title(’Four Sets’)subplot(4,1,4)plot(z3)title(’Eight Sets’)print-deps avg_per.epsFig.7.1.The MATLAB program(continued)FFT,Fs is the sampling frequency(and is used to normalize the frequency axis of the plot that is drawn),and WINDOW is the type of window to use.If WINDOW is a number,then a Hanning window of that length is e the MATLAB help command for more details about the psd command.Use the MATLAB rand command to generate216random numbers.In order to remove the large DC component from the random numbers,subtract the average value of the numbers generated from each of the numbers gener-ated.Calculate the PSD of the sequence using various values of NFFT.What differences do you notice?What similarities are there?7.4The ExperimentNote that as two ADuC841boards are used in this experiment,it may be necessary to work in larger groups than usual.Write a program to upload samples from the ADuC841and calculate their PSD.You may make use of the MATLAB psd command and the program you wrote for the experiment in Chapter4.This takes care of half of the system.For the other half of the system,make use of the noise generator imple-mented in Chapter6.This generator will be your source of random noise and is most of the second half of the system.Connect the output of the signal generator to the input of the system that uploads values to MATLAB.Look at the PSD produced by MATLAB.Why does it have such a large DC component?Avoid the DC component by not plotting thefirst few frequencies of the PSD.Now what sort of graph do you get?Does this agree with what you expect to see from white noise?Finally,connect a simple RC low-passfilter from the DAC of the signal generator to ground,and connect thefilter’s output to the A/D of the board627The Spectral Analysis of Random SignalsFig.7.2.The output of the MATLAB program when examining several different estimates of the spectrumthat uploads data to MATLAB.Observe the PSD of the output of thefilter. Does it agree with what one expects?Please explain carefully.Note that you may need to upload more than512samples to MATLAB so as to be able to average more measurements and have less variability in the measured PSD.Estimate the PSD using32,64,and128elements per window. (That is,change the NFFT parameter of the pdf command.)What effect do these changes have on the PSD’s plot?7.5Exercises63 7.5Exercises1.What kind of noise does the MATLAB rand command produce?Howmight one go about producing true normally distributed noise?2.(This problem reviews material related to the PSD.)Suppose that onepasses white noise,N(t),whose PSD is S NN(f)=σ2N through afilter whose transfer function isH(f)=12πjfτ+1.Let the output of thefilter be denoted by Y(t).What is the PSD of the output,S Y Y(f)?What is the autocorrelation of the output,R Y Y(τ)? 3.(This problem reviews material related to the PSD.)Let H(f)be thefrequency response of a simple R-Lfilter in which the voltage input to thefilter,V in(t)=N(t),enters thefilter at one end of the resistor,the other end of the resistor is connected to an inductor,and the second side of the inductor is grounded.The output of thefilter,Y(t),is taken to be the voltage at the point at which the resistor and the inductor are joined.(See Figure7.3.)a)What is the frequency response of thefilter in terms of the resistor’sresistance,R,and the inductor’s inductance,L?b)What kind offilter is being implemented?c)What is the PSD of the output of thefilter,S Y Y(f),as a function ofthe PSD of the input to thefilter,S NN(f)?Fig.7.3.A simple R-Lfilter647The Spectral Analysis of Random Signalsing Simulink r ,simulate a system whose transfer function isH (s )=s s +s +10,000.Let the input to the system be band-limited white noise whose bandwidth is substantially larger than that of the fie a “To Workspace”block to send the output of the filter to e the PSD function to calcu-late the PSD of the output.Plot the PSD of the output against frequency.Show that the measured bandwidth of the output is in reasonable accord with what the theory predicts.(Remember that the PSD is proportional to the power at the given frequency,and not to the voltage.)5.Let the random variables X 0,...,X N −1be independent and zero-mean.Consider the product(X 0+···+X N −1)(X 0+···+X N −1)(X 0+···+X N −1)(X 0+···+X N −1).a)Show that the only terms in this product that are not zero-mean areof the form X 4k or X 2k X 2n ,n =k .b)Note that in expanding the product,each term of the form X 4k appears only once.c)Using combinatorial arguments,show that each term of the formX 2k X 2n appears 42times.d)Combine the above results to conclude that (as long as the samplesare real)E (|a 0|4)=NE (X 4k )+6N (N −1)2E 2(X 2k ).。

Xpert MTBRIF对结核菌利福平耐药的诊断价值及rpoB基因突变特点的分析

Xpert MTBRIF对结核菌利福平耐药的诊断价值及rpoB基因突变特点的分析

Xperi MTB/RIF对结核菌利福平耐药的诊断价值及rpoB基因突变特点的分析高春景杨洋阚宗卫成松魏素梅胡凯【摘要】目的分析Xpert MTB/RIL检测对结核分枝杆菌利福平耐药的诊断价值及rpoB基因突变特点。

方法回顾分析2012年、月至2022年2月期间来院就诊患者相同标本,同时进行了结核分枝杆菌培养及药敏试验和Xpert MTB/RIL检测,且任一种方法检出MTB。

结果用Xpert MTB/RIL及培养药敏两种方法检测标本共7659例,Xpert MTB/RIL对MTB的检出率高,且有统计学意义(P<245)。

两种方法同时检出MTB3271例,Xpert MTB/RIL检出利福平耐药262例,培养药敏检出利福平耐药238例;两种方法检测利福平耐药的一致率为99.41%;采用Kappa检验,两种方法的检测结果完全符合。


结论Xpert MTB/RIL检测可以快速有效的诊断利福平耐药结核,有助于早发现、早治疗。


【关键词】结核分枝杆菌;Xpert MTB/RIL;耐药;rpod突变Diaanostic value of Xpert MTB/RIF assty t PUmpicin resistancc of Mycybacterinm thbercylosit and analy-sit of rpoB geee mutation chal'actePshctGAO Chun-jing,YANG Yang,KAN Zong-pji,CHENG Song,WEI Su-mni,HU KiDepartmeni of TubeTculosP,Xuzhon Igections Disease Hospitnl,Xuzhon,Jiangsp221004,Chinn【Abstract]Objective To analyze the diayzostic value of Xpert MTB/RIL assay for rdampiciz resistance of Mycodactedum tuUerchlosis and the characteristics of rpoB yeze muta/ou.Methods Retpspective analysis was per­formed ox the same samples of pa/eots aUmi—eX to the hospimi from January227to Juze2022who were simultane-oasly tested for mycodactePum tuberchlosis cylture and drua seosi—vity test and Xpert MTB/RIF assay.At the sametime, MTB was positiveeither of the two methods.Resultt A total of7659samples were UetectedXpert MTB/ RIB and mycodactePum tuPepylosis cylture.Xpert MTB,/RIB assay hak a high detectiou rate of MTB,and the yetec-tiou rate was smCsCca/u significant(P<4.45).A total of3271cases o f MTB were detectedthe two methods,262cases were rdampiciz resistantXpert MTB/RIF assas,and238rdampiciz resistant cases were detectedcylture drup seosiCvim•The coizcideoce rate of rdampiciz psistazce Uetected b,two methods was99.41%.Kappatest was used,and the test results of the two methods were completely cousisteot.The muta/ou frepueocy of pphe ofRR-DB were:pphe E63.37%,pphe D20.19%,pphe B8.03%,pphe A4.53%,pphe C4.80%,and combi­za/ou pphe2.38%.Taking cylture drup seosi—v—y as the-old standard of rdampiciz psistazce ,rdampiciz resist­ance accrmcy of the Xpert pphe free muta/ou-ppp was signi—caney lower than that of the pphe mutatiou-ppp.There was sm/stica/u significazt diRerezce iz the fpqueocy of pphe muta/ou betweez pPmarg and secondary Weat-meot cases.Conclusion Xpert MTB/RIF assy,is a rapib and effective method for the diayzosis of Pfampiciz resist­ant tuPemylosis,which is helpful for early U eWcWou and Weatmeo-.The muta/ous of rdampiciz resistazt TB pphesare mainly foavd at pphe E and pphe D,while the muW/ou of pphe C is the least-【Key words]MycodactePum tuPepylosis;Xpert MTB/RIL;drup psistazce;rpoB mutatiou目前,耐多药结核病(Muiedrup-resistadi tuber-cylosis,MDR-DB)和利福平耐药结核病(Rifampicin-dg:17.3979/j.imn.1757-6693.2521.55.517作者单位:221776江苏徐州,徐州市传染病医院结核科通信作者:胡凯,E-mail:5oolrain215@ resistant iuPercymsis,RR-DB)仍然是全球结核病控制工作所面临的严峻问题。



(dissolution) vessel 溶出杯(FTIR) 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪13C-NMR spectrum,13CNMR 碳-13核磁共振谱1ength basis 长度基准1H-NMR 氢谱2D-NMR 二维核磁共振谱:2D-NMR3D-spectrochromatogram 三维光谱-波谱图Aa stream of nitrogen 氮气流a wide temperature range 宽的温度范围absolute detector response 检测器绝对响应(值)absolute entropy 绝对熵absolute error 绝对误差absolute reaction rate theory 绝对反应速率理论absolute temperature scale 绝对温标absorbance 吸光度,而不是吸收率(absorptance)。


absorbance noise, absorbing noise 吸光度噪音。




absorbed water 吸附水absorptance 吸收率absorptant 吸收剂absorption band 吸收带absorption cell 吸收池absorption curve 吸收光谱曲线/光吸收曲线absorption tube 吸收管abundance 丰度。

即具有某质荷比离子的数量accelerated solvent extraction(ASE) 加速溶剂萃取accelerated testing 加速试验accelerating decomposition 加速破坏acceptance limit,acceptance criterion 验收限度,合格标准accidental error 随机误差accuracy 准确度。






关键词 动态血压监测;血压管理;指南;高血压2020 Chinese Hypertension League Guidelines on Ambulatory Blood Pressure MonitoringWriting Group of the 2020 Chinese Hypertension League Guidelines on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring.Corresponding Author: WANG Jiguang, Email: jiguangwang@2020中国动态血压监测指南中国高血压联盟《动态血压监测指南》委员会指南与共识AbstractHypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has become an indispensable technique for the detection of hypertension, risk assessment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, therapeutic monitoring, and guidance of the individualized treatment. Based on the “2015 expert consensus on the clinical use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring”, the current guideline updates recommendations on the major issues of ABPM, such as the device requirements and methodology, interpretation of the reported results, clinical indications, application on special populations, the utility in the community and future perspectives. It aims to guide the clinical application practice of ABPM in China.Key words ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; blood pressure management; guideline; hypertension(Chinese Circulation Journal, 2021, 36: 313.)高血压是心脑血管疾病的重要危险因素,与心脑血管疾病发病和死亡密切相关[1-3]。



Spectroscopic Study of the Interaction between Small Molecules and Large Proteins1. IntroductionThe study of drug-protein interactions is of great importance in drug discovery and development. Understanding how small molecules interact with proteins at the molecular level is crucial for the design of new and more effective drugs. Spectroscopic techniques have proven to be valuable tools in the investigation of these interactions, providing det本人led information about the binding affinity, mode of binding, and structural changes that occur upon binding.2. Spectroscopic Techniques2.1. Fluorescence SpectroscopyFluorescence spectroscopy is widely used in the study of drug-protein interactions due to its high sensitivity and selectivity. By monitoring the changes in the fluorescence emission of either the drug or the protein upon binding, valuable information about the binding affinity and the binding site can be obt本人ned. Additionally, fluorescence quenching studies can provide insights into the proximity and accessibility of specific amino acid residues in the protein's binding site.2.2. UV-Visible SpectroscopyUV-Visible spectroscopy is another powerful tool for the investigation of drug-protein interactions. This technique can be used to monitor changes in the absorption spectra of either the drug or the protein upon binding, providing information about the binding affinity and the stoichiometry of the interaction. Moreover, UV-Visible spectroscopy can be used to study the conformational changes that occur in the protein upon binding to the drug.2.3. Circular Dichroism SpectroscopyCircular dichroism spectroscopy is widely used to investigate the secondary structure of proteins and to monitor conformational changes upon ligand binding. By analyzing the changes in the CD spectra of the protein in the presence of the drug, valuable information about the structural changes induced by the binding can be obt本人ned.2.4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyNMR spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the investigation of drug-protein interactions at the atomic level. By analyzing the chemical shifts and the NOE signals of the protein in thepresence of the drug, det本人led information about the binding site and the mode of binding can be obt本人ned. Additionally, NMR can provide insights into the dynamics of the protein upon binding to the drug.3. Applications3.1. Drug DiscoverySpectroscopic studies of drug-protein interactions play a crucial role in drug discovery, providing valuable information about the binding affinity, selectivity, and mode of action of potential drug candidates. By understanding how small molecules interact with their target proteins, researchers can design more potent and specific drugs with fewer side effects.3.2. Protein EngineeringSpectroscopic techniques can also be used to study the effects of mutations and modifications on the binding affinity and specificity of proteins. By analyzing the binding of small molecules to wild-type and mutant proteins, valuable insights into the structure-function relationship of proteins can be obt本人ned.3.3. Biophysical StudiesSpectroscopic studies of drug-protein interactions are also valuable for the characterization of protein-ligandplexes, providing insights into the thermodynamics and kinetics of the binding process. Additionally, these studies can be used to investigate the effects of environmental factors, such as pH, temperature, and ionic strength, on the stability and binding affinity of theplexes.4. Challenges and Future DirectionsWhile spectroscopic techniques have greatly contributed to our understanding of drug-protein interactions, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. For instance, the study of membrane proteins and protein-protein interactions using spectroscopic techniques rem本人ns challenging due to theplexity and heterogeneity of these systems. Additionally, the development of new spectroscopic methods and the integration of spectroscopy with other biophysical andputational approaches will further advance our understanding of drug-protein interactions.In conclusion, spectroscopic studies of drug-protein interactions have greatly contributed to our understanding of how small molecules interact with proteins at the molecular level. Byproviding det本人led information about the binding affinity, mode of binding, and structural changes that occur upon binding, spectroscopic techniques have be valuable tools in drug discovery, protein engineering, and biophysical studies. As technology continues to advance, spectroscopy will play an increasingly important role in the study of drug-protein interactions, leading to the development of more effective and targeted therapeutics.。



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Differences in Pulse Spectrum Analysis Between Atopic Dermatitis andNonatopic Healthy ChildrenAbstractObjectives: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common allergy that causes the skin to be dry and itchy. It appears at an early age, and is closely associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Thus, AD is an indicator that other allergies may occur later. Literatures indicate that the molecular basis of patients with AD is different from that of healthy individuals. According to the classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body constitution of patients with AD is also different. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in pulse spectrum analysis between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals.Methods: A total of 60 children (30 AD and 30 non-AD) were recruited for this study.A pulse spectrum analyzer (SKYLARK PDS-2000 Pulse Analysis System) was used to measure radial arterial pulse waves of subjects.Original data were then transformed to frequency spectrum by Fourier transformation. The relative strength of each harmonic wave was calculated. Moreover, the differences of harmonic values between patients with AD and non-atopic healthy individuals were compared and contrasted.Results: This study showed that harmonic values and harmonic percentage of C3 (Spleen Meridian, according to Wang’s hypothesis) were significantly different. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that C3 (Spleen Meridian) is a good index for the determination of atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the pulse spectrum analyzer is a valuable auxiliary tool to distinguish a patient who has probable tendency to have AD and/or other allergic diseases.IntroductionAtopic dermatitis (AD) is a common pruritic chronic inflammatory allergic disease. Approximately 10% of all children in the world are affected by atopicdermatitis,typically in the setting of a personal or family history of asthma or allergic rhinitis. It occurs in infancy and early childhood. Sixty percent (60%) of the symptoms manifest in the first year of life, and 85% by 5 years of ag e. Early onset and close association with other atopic conditions, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, make atopic dermatitis an excellent indicator that other allergies may occur later.A number of observations suggest that there is a molecular basis for atopic dermatitis; these include the findings of genetic susceptibility, immune system deviation, and epidermal barrier dysfunction. Moreover, according to the classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body constitution of atopic dermatitis patients was also different. Establishment of scientific methods using pulse diagnosis will assist the diagnosis and follow-up of AD."Organs Resonance"brought up by Wei-Kung Wang provided a scientific explanation for "pulse condition" and "Qi." Organs, heart, and vessels can produce coupled oscil- lation, which minimize the resistance of blood flow, resulting in better circulation. The changes of radial arterial pulse spectrum can reflect the harmonic energy redistribution of a specific organ. Several of the previous stu dies demonstrate that variations in the harmonics of pulse spectrum can be used in many fields, including diseases, acupuncture,Chinese herbal medications and clinical observation. The new method offers an extraordinary vision of medical investigation by combining pulse spectrum analysis with Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as modern medicine. Wang proposed that the peak values of numbered harmonics might be the representations of each visceral organ,C1 for Liver, C2 for Kidney, C3 for Spleen, etc. Materials and MethodsSubjectsIn total, 60 children (3–15 years of age), comprising 30 with AD (AD group) and 30 nonatopic healthy (non-AD group),participated in the study. The diagnosis of AD was based on the criteria defined by the United Kingdom working party.Nonatopic healthy was defined as those who had no known health problems and no personal or family history of allergic diseases, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, etc.The experiment protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of China Medical University (approval number: DMR97-IRB-087). The written informed consents were obtained from the parents of all participants before they enrolled in this study.Children with a history of major chronic diseases, such as arrhythmia, ardiomyopathy, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, hyperthyroidism, difficult asthma,malignancy, and so on were excluded from this study.Those who suffered from any acute disease (e.g., acute upper airway infection or acute gastroenteritis in recent 7days), were also excluded from this experiment. Radial arterial pulse testA pulse spectrum analyzer (SKYLARK PDS-2000 Pulse Analysis System, approved by Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. [Taiwan] with a license number 0023302) was used to record radial arterial pulse waves. The pressure transducer of the pulse spectrum analyzer detected artery pressure pulse with 100-Hz sampling rate and 25mm/ sec scanning rate. The output data were stored in digital form in an IBM PC. The subjects were asked to rest for 20 minutes prior to pulse measurements. All procedures were performed in a bright and quiet room with a constant temperature of 258C–268C. Pulses were recorded during 3:00 pm–5:00 pm to avoid the fasting or ingestion effect.Data processingWe transformed original data to spectrum data by Fourier transform as Wang et al described earlier.Briefly, original data were stored as time-amplitude. Mathematics software Matlab 6.5.1 (The MathWorks Inc.) provided Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) technique to transform time-amplitude data to frequency-amplitude data. Then regular isolated harmonic in a multiple of fundamental frequency appeared.Thefinding gave a spectrum reading up to the 10th harmonic (Cn, n¼0–10). Intensity of harmonics above the 11th became very small and was neglected. Thereafter, the relative harmonic values of each harmonic were calculated ac-cording to Wang’s hypothesis.Harmonic percentage of Cn was defined asStatistical analysisThe experimental data were analyzed by Statistical software SPSS 13.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc.). Comparisons of the harmonic values and the harmonic percentage and the agedistribution between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals were performed using the Student's two samples t test. Comparisons of the sex distribution between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals were performed using the X2 test. Comparisons of the harmonic values and the harmonic percentage between left hand and right hand were performed using the Student's pairedsamples t test. All comparisons were two-tailed, and p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.ResultsIn total, 60 children (30 AD and 30 non-AD) participated in the study. The average age of the 60 subjects is 8.02+2.95 years. Baseline characteristics of all participants are shown in Table 1. There is no significant difference in age and gender between the two groups.Relative harmonic values of right radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 2. Relative harmonic values of left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 3. Harmonic percentages of right radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 4. Harmonic percentages of left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 5.In this study, the relative harmonic values of both right and left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are lower in the AD group. The relative harmonic values of C3 are significantly different ( p¼0.004, 0.059, respectively). Moreover, when comparingthem by parameter of harmonic percent age, C3 are significantly decreased in the AD group in both right and left radial arterial pulse spectrum analyses ( p¼0.045, 0.036, respectively). These results illustrated the close relationship between C3 (SpleenMeridian) and AD.DiscussionAccording to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine,the pathophysiologic mechanisms of AD are "inborn deficiency in body constitution, poor tolerance to environmental stimulants, Spleen Meridian not working well, interiorly generating wet and heat; infected with wind-wetness-heat-evil further, then suffering from those accumulating in skin." AD is a disease involving multiple dysfunctions of the visceral organs (Zang-Fu) rather than a constitutive skin defect.‘‘Spleen wetness’’ is u sually considered a major syndrome of AD, which is compatible with our findings.On the other hand, there are also differences in C0 (Heart Meridian), C1 (Liver Meridian), C4 (Lung Meridian) of right hand ( p¼0.014, 0.005, 0.021, respectively) and C1 (Liver Meridian) of left hand ( p¼0.038) between the two groups.These findings appear to have a close relationship between AD and other visceral organs (Zang-Fu). It requires further research to clarify the clinical meanings of these differences.In the present experiment, the close relationship between C3 (Spleen Meridian, referred toWang’s hypothesis) and AD is illustrated. The result verifies Wang’s hypothesis about the relationship between harmonics and Meridians. Moreover,our experiment also has proved that the pulse spectrum analyzer is a suitable auxiliary tool for diagnosing and following up patients with AD.ConclusionsIn conclusion, it was determined that C3 (Spleen Meridian) is a valued index for the determination of atopic dermatitis. Also, the pulse spectrum analyzer is a practical noninvasive diagnostic tool to allow scientific and objective diagnosis.However, the pulse diagnosis technique is just in the beginning stage. Even though the discovery from the present study seems clear, it deserves further study. AcknowledgmentsThis research was performed in a private clinic for pediatrics specialty, the Hwaishen clinic. The Hwaishen Clinic is acknowledged for their full support of this research. Disclosure StatementNo competing financial interests exi st.bopufenxi2011@。

应用Spectra Optia血液分离机采集单核细胞的护理

应用Spectra Optia血液分离机采集单核细胞的护理

第9卷第6期2016年11月清远职业技术学院学报Journal of Qingyuan PolytechnicVol. 9 ,No.6Nov. 2016应用Spectra O p tia血液分离机采集单核细胞的护理杜爱红(广东三九脑科医院神经外科,广东广州510030)摘要:S p e c tra Optia血液分离系统是一种血液成分分离设备,可用于单核细胞(MNC)采集和血浆置换。

通过1例单核细胞的采取过程的分析,认为做好分离单采病人的护理,尤其是术前取得病人的充分理解配合,加强术中、术后护理观 察,提高报警与处理问题的能力,对确保分离单采成功,为神经外科恶性肿瘤的治疗起了至关重要的作用。

关键词:S p e ctra Optia血细胞分离机;单核细胞;护理体会中图分类号:R473 文献标识码:A恶性脑肿瘤综合治疗的四大方式有手术、放 疗、化疗及免疫治疗。

近年来,免疫治疗在恶性肿 瘤方面取得了很好的疗效,根据肿瘤免疫治疗的 不同分为主动免疫治疗及被动免疫治疗。

主动免 疫治疗目前主要采用树突治疗,需要采集单核细 胞,被动免疫治疗需要采集单核细胞,以上两种治 疗均需采集较多细胞量[11。

DC-C IK治疗为免疫治 疗常用的一种方法。

SpectraOptia血液分离系统是 一种血液成分分离设备,可用于单核细胞(MNC)采集和血楽置换。

我院新引进的SpectraOptia血 液分离机是华南地区第一台用于脑肿瘤的免疫治 疗的机器,该机器具有可靠性高、操作方便、维护 简单、故障率低的优点[2]。

现将1例单核细胞的采 取过程汇报如下。

1临床资料1.1 一般资料许某某,男性,46岁,于10月3日入院,于10 月6日在全麻下行左侧额叶巨大占位性病变病变 切除术,术后病理诊断:小细胞肺癌脑转移。

2015 年10月19日行单核细胞提取术,行培养。

1.2仪器与材料文章编号:1674-4896( 2016 )06-0027-03SpectraOptia血细胞分离机,一次性单采干 细胞管路、A抗凝剂500m L及生理盐水500ml。



药物与临床China &Foreign Medical Treatment 中外医疗拉贝洛尔与硝苯地平应用于妊娠期高血压疾病降压治疗的效果比较张美琳,于楠楠,张敏君三明市第二医院产科,福建三明 366000[摘要] 目的 比较拉贝洛尔与硝苯地平在妊娠期高血压疾病治疗中的效果。

方法 随机选取2020年1月—2022年2月三明市第二医院收治的60例妊娠期高血压疾病患者,将其随机分成硝苯地平组(硝苯地平,30例)、拉贝洛尔组(拉贝洛尔,30例),对比两组低血压发生情况、血压水平、血液流变学。

结果 硝苯地平组低血压发生率为26.67%,高于拉贝洛尔组的3.33%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.706,P <0.05)。

治疗前,两组血液流变学、舒张压以及收缩压比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);治疗后,拉贝洛尔组的舒张压(81.52±1.21)mmHg 、收缩压(116.51±1.21)mmHg 明显低于硝苯地平组,差异有统计学意义(t =52.092,42.049,P <0.05)。

治疗后,拉贝洛尔组血细胞比容(32.13±1.01)%、血浆黏度(1.42±0.33)mPa/s 、高切全血黏度(4.31±1.21)mPa/s 明显低于硝苯地平组,差异有统计学意义(t =25.646,2.320,5.121,P <0.05)。

结论 对于妊娠期的高血压病患者,采用拉贝洛尔治疗比硝苯地平治疗的安全性更高,疗效更好,同时也能帮助患者有效改善血液流变学指标。

[关键词] 拉贝洛尔;硝苯地平;妊娠期高血压[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2023)01(a)-0153-05Comparison of the Efficacy of Labeolol and Nifedipine in the Treatment of Hypertensive Diseases during PregnancyZHANG Meilin, YU Nannan, ZHANG MinjunDepartment of Obstetrics, Sanming Second Hospital, Sanming, Fujian Province, 366000 China[Abstract] Objective To compare the effect of labetalol and nifedipine in the treatment of hypertensive diseases dur⁃ing pregnancy. Methods Sixty patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension admitted to the Sanming Second Hospi⁃tal from January 2020 to February 2022 were randomly selected. They were randomly divided into nifedipine group (nifedipine, 30 cases) and labetalol group (labetalol, 30 cases). The incidence of hypotension, blood pressure level andhemorheology of the two groups were compared. Results The incidence of hypotension in the nifedipine group was 26.67%, higher than the 3.33% in the labetalol group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.706, P <0.05). Before treatment, there were no significant differences in hemorheology, diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure ratio between two groups (P >0.05). After treatment, the diastolic blood pressure (81.52±1.21) mmHgand systolic blood pressure (116.51±1.21) mmHg in labeolol group were significantly lower than those in nifedipine group, and the difference was statistically significant (t =52.092, 42.049, P <0.05). After treatment, the hemocyte vol⁃ume (32.13±1.01) %, plasma viscosity (1.42±0.33) mPa/s and high cut whole blood viscosity (4.31±1.21) mPa/s in labeolol group were significantly lower than those in nifedipine group, and the difference was statistically significant (t =25.646, 2.320, 5.121, P <0.05). Conclusion For patients with hypertension during pregnancy, the use of labetalol com⁃pared with nifedipine has higher safety and better efficacy, and can also help patients effectively improve hemorheol⁃ogy indexes.DOI :10.16662/ki.1674-0742.2023.01.153[作者简介] 张美琳(1988-),女,本科,主治医师,研究方向为产科临床诊疗。

脐动脉血气和出生后1 h血气在新生儿窒息诊断中的关系

脐动脉血气和出生后1 h血气在新生儿窒息诊断中的关系


方法随机选取2018年3月~ 2019年3月足月生产的窒息新生儿共30例为观察组,同时另随机选取非室息新生儿30例为对照组,所有患儿于分娩后即刻剪断脐带,在母体端取脐动脉血做样本并立即床边分析血气指标(PH、血氧分压(Pa02)、二氧化碳分压(PaC02)以及剩余碱(BE)),丨h后行桡动脉血气分析,对比两组患儿最终血气分析结果,并与临床窒息表现相关指标做相关性分析:结果观察组患儿PaC02明显高于对照组,Pa02、P H值、B E明显低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

多因素线性回归分析结果显示:PaC02与Apgar评分表现出明显相关性、B E与Ap-§31'评分表现出明显相关性。

1?0(:分类曲线分析结果:卩日对应的卩0(:曲线下部面积为(0.736 ± 0.065);?3〇2对应的ROC曲线下部面积为(0.934±0.033)。

结论脐动脉血气和出生后I小时血气分析与前者单纯分析具有类似诊断效果,而两者共用时,PH、Pa02两项指标可作为特异性诊断指标使用,PH <7. 19,Pa02 <59.40 mmHg时,考虑存在室息。

[关键词]脐动脉血气;出生后I h血气;室息;诊断[中图分类号]R722. 12 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]2095 -1434.2021.02.001Relationship Between Umbilical Artery Blood Gas and Blood Gas One Hour after Birth in the Diagnosisof Neonatal Asphyxia/SONG Huanqing, SONG Hong, LI Jingjing, et al. //(The Second Affiliated Hos­pital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou450000, China)Abstract Objective To explore the relationship between umbilical artery blood gas and blood gas one hour afterbirth in the diagnosis of neonatal asphyxia. Methods Randomly selected from March 2018 to March 2019 in ourhospital the asphyxia newborn of term pregnancy were 30 cases as the observation group, while the other not 30 cases ofneonatal asphyxia were randomly selected as control group, all the children to cut the umbilical cord immediately afterbirth,in the mother’s side take umbilical arterial blood analysis of the samples and the bed immediately blood gas index(PH, blood oxygen partial pressure ( Pa02) , C02partial pressure ( PaC02) and residual alkali ( BE) ) , 1h after radialartery blood gas analysis, compared two groups of children with the final results of blood g as analysis, and make correlation analysis index is associated with clinical asphyxia. Results PaC02in the observation group was significantlyhigher than that in the control group, and Pa02, PH and BE were significantly lower than that i n the control group, with statistically significant differences ( P < 0.05 ) . Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that PaC02wassignificantly correlated with Apgar score, and BE was significantly correlated with Apgar score. Results of ROCclassification curve analysis:the area under the ROC curve corresponding to PH was(0■ 736 ±0. 065). The area underthe ROC curve corresponding to Pa02was (0• 934 ± 0• 033 ). Conclusions Umbilical artery blood gas analysis andblood gas analysis 1hour after birth have similar diagnostic effect with the former analysis alone. When the two areShared, PH and Pa02can be used as specific diagnostic indicators. When PH < 7. 19 and Pa02< 59. 40mmhg,asphyxia is considered.[Key words umbilical artery blood gas ;One hour after birth ;Asphyxia ;diagnosis围产医学领域内,新生儿窒息一直是研究热点[l]。



血液凝固分析仪实验流程英文回答:Blood coagulation analysis is an important experimental procedure used to assess the clotting ability of blood. It involves several steps that are crucial for obtaining accurate results.Firstly, the blood sample is collected from the patient. This can be done by venipuncture, where a needle isinserted into a vein, usually in the arm, and blood isdrawn into a collection tube. The sample should be handled carefully to avoid any contamination or clotting before the analysis.Next, the collected blood sample is transferred to atest tube or a container specifically designed for coagulation analysis. This container may contain anticoagulants to prevent blood clotting during the analysis. It is important to mix the blood with theanticoagulant thoroughly to ensure proper preservation of the sample.Once the sample is prepared, it is then placed into the blood coagulation analyzer. This machine is equipped with sensors and reagents that can measure various clotting parameters. The analyzer may require calibration before use to ensure accurate results. The sample is loaded into the analyzer, and the analysis is initiated.During the analysis, the analyzer measures the time it takes for the blood to clot. It detects the formation of fibrin, a protein that is responsible for clot formation. The analyzer records the clotting time and provides aresult based on predefined parameters. These parameters can vary depending on the specific test being performed.After the analysis is complete, the results are generated and displayed on the analyzer. These results can be in the form of clotting time, clotting factors, or other relevant parameters. The results are then interpreted by a healthcare professional who can determine if anyabnormalities or disorders are present.In conclusion, the blood coagulation analysis involves the collection of a blood sample, preparation of the sample, analysis using a blood coagulation analyzer, and interpretation of the results. This procedure is essential for assessing the clotting ability of blood and diagnosing various clotting disorders.中文回答:血液凝固分析是一种评估血液凝血能力的重要实验过程。
















辛伐他汀联合低相对分子质量肝素治疗急性肺血栓栓塞症临床效果观察发表时间:2018-06-26T14:18:22.713Z 来源:《医药前沿》2018年6月第16期作者:阿提开木?买买提依明古兰白尔?阿不都热西提[导读] 对急性肺血栓栓塞症患者采取伐他汀联合低相对分子质量肝素治疗,明显减轻患者的病情,临床疗效显著。

(新疆喀什地区第一人民医院呼吸一科新疆喀什 844000)【摘要】目的:探讨对急性肺血栓栓塞症患者采取辛伐他汀联合低相对分子质量肝素治疗的效果。








【关键词】辛伐他汀;低相对分子质量肝素;急性肺血栓栓塞症【中图分类号】R453 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2018)16-0111-01急性肺血栓栓塞症其发病较急,还伴有炎症和缺氧情况发生,在有些因素影响下,可使病情加重,肺功能会明显下降。



1.基本数据与方法1.1 基本数据选取急性肺血栓栓塞症患者60例,选取时间为2016年9月—2017年10月,使用随机数字表法将其分为两组,每组30例。







结论 OND对HSA的荧光猝灭机制主要为静态猝灭,二者有一个结合位点,其作用力类型以疏水作用力为主。

% Objective Study on the interaetion for human serum albumin with ondansetron by Fluorescence Spectrometry. Methods Fluorescence spectrometry was used. Results The binding constants were 3.24×104 L/mol, 4.68×104 L/mol. The thermodynamic parametersΔH was 20.08kJ/mol. Conclusion The fluorescence quenchin g of HSA by OND indicated that the quenching mechanism was a static quenching, and the thermodynamic parameters showed that the interaction of OND and HSA was mainly driven by hydrophobic force.【期刊名称】《中国医药指南》【年(卷),期】2013(000)015【总页数】3页(P10-11,12)【关键词】昂丹司琼;人血清白蛋白;荧光光谱【作者】王琛【作者单位】山西医科大学,山西太原 030001; 山西省眼科医院,山西太原030002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R914昂丹司琼(Ondansetron,OND)为一种新型强效、高度选择性的5-HT3受体拮抗剂,已广泛地应用于治疗各种原因所致的恶心、呕吐[1-2]。



医学英语词汇(35)speak 说,讲,陈述speaker 扬声器,话筒,喇叭speaking tube 传音筒spear drill 矛状锥,剑尖锥spear point drill 剑尖锥spear poing flat drill 剑尖平锥Spec. (1.specification 2.specimen) ①说明书②标本special ①特殊的,专门的②专刊special accessories 专用附件special digital computer 专用计算机special effect generator 特技效果发生器specialist 专家speciality 特点,专业specialize 专门化,特殊化,限定special licence 特别许可证special procedure equipment 特殊程序设备special purpose computer 专用计算机species 种类specific 特有的,专门的,比(的)specific activity 比活性specification (abbr. Spec.) ①说明书②规格,规范specific density 比重specific gravity (abbr. sp. gr.) 比重specific gravity balance 比重天平specific gravity bottle 比重瓶specific heat 比热specific ion electrode 离子选择电极specificity 特异性,专一性specific ratio 比率specific resistance 电阻率,比电阻specific value 比值specific volume 比容specific weight 比重specify ①规定,指定②详细说明specillum 探子,探杆specimen 标本,样品specimen bottle 样本瓶specimen copy 样本specimen disc 样品盘specimen holder 标本夹specimen jar 标本缸specimen trap 标本收集器specimen trimmer 标本粗割机specimen vial 标本管形瓶spectacles 眼镜,平光眼镜spectral 光谱,频谱的spectral lamp 光谱灯spectral line 光谱线spectral phonoangiography 光谱血管音描记术spectral phonocardiogram 光谱心音图spectral phonocardiograph 光谱心音描记器spectro- 光谱,分光spectrochrome 色光谱的spectrocolorimeter ①分光比色计②单色盲分光镜spectrocolorimetry 光谱色度学spectrocomparator 光谱比较仪spectrofluorimeter 荧光分光计spectrofluorometer 荧光分光计spectrofluorometry 荧光光谱测定法spectrofluorophotometer 荧光分光光度计spectrogram 光谱图spectrogrph 摄谱仪,光谱仪spectrographic camera 光谱照像机spectrography 摄谱术spectrometer 分光计,光谱计spectrometry 分光术,光谱测定法spectromicroscope 分光显微镜spectromonitor 分光监视器spectrophotometer 分光光度计,分光比色计spectrophotometer cell 分光光度计比色皿spectrophotometry 分光光度测定法spectropolarimeter 分光偏振计,旋光分光计spectropyrheliometer 日射光谱仪spectroradiometer 分光辐射谱仪spectroscope 分光镜,分光仪spectroscopy 分光镜检查spectrum 光谱,光系,谱specular image 镜像speculum ①窥器,张开器②窥镜speculum forceps 窥器钳speech 语言,演说speech amplifier 音频放大器speech coder 语言编码器speech recognizing machine 语言识别机speed 速率,速度,转数speed autoclave 快速灭菌器speedometer 示速器,里程计spermatangium 精子器SPF (spectrophotofluorometer) 荧光分光光度计sp. gr. (specific gravity) 比重spheno- 楔形,蝶骨sphenoidal rasp 蝶骨锉sphenoid sinus canula 蝶窦套管sphenoid sinus curette 蝶窦刮匙sphenoid sinus rongeur 鼻蝶窦咬骨钳sphenometer (楔形)骨片测量器sphenotribe 碎颅器sphere 球体,区域,范围,界sphere introducer 眼球置入器spherical aberration 球面像差spherical lens 球面镜片spherical projection perimeter 球形投影视野计spherocylinder 球柱透镜spheroid ①球形的②球形体spherometer 球径计sphincter 括约肌sphincteroscope 肛门括约肌镜sphincteroscopy 肛门括约肌匀检查sphincterotome 括约肌切开器sphygmo- 脉,脉搏sphygmobologram 脉能图,胸压曲线sphygmobolograph 脉能描记器sphygmobolometer 脉能描记器,脉压计sphygmobolometry 脉能描记法,脉压测量术sphygmocardiogram 脉搏心动图sphygmocardiograph 脉搏心动描记器sphygmocardioscope 脉搏心音描记器sphygmochronograph 脉搏自动描记器sphygmochronography 脉搏自动描记法sphygmodynamometer 脉搏力计sphygmodynamometry 脉搏测量法sphygmogram 脉搏图,脉搏曲线sphygmograph 脉搏描记器,脉搏计sphygmograph transducer 脉搏计换能器sphygmography 脉搏描记法sphygmoid 脉样的,脉搏状的sphygmology 脉学,脉搏学sphygmomanometer 血压计sphygmomanometroscope 复式血压计sphygmomanometry 血压测量法。



外科常⽤英语词汇外科常⽤英语词汇 外科是研究外科疾病的'发⽣,发展规律及其临床表现,诊断,预防和治疗的科学,是以⼿术切除、修补为主要治病⼿段的专业科室。

yjbys为⼤家推荐外科常⽤英语词汇如下: bscess 脓肿 [ˈæbˌsɛs] acid-base balance 酸碱平衡[ˈæsɪd bes ˈbæləns] acidosis 酸中毒 [ˌæsɪ'doʊsɪs] acute phlegmon 急性蜂窝织炎 [əˈkjut 'flegmɒn] advanced life support 进⼀步⽣命⽀持 [ædˈvænst laɪf səˈpɔrt] amide 酰胺类 ['æmɪd] analgesia ⽆痛法、⽌痛法 [ˌænəlˈdʒi:ʒə] analgesic ⽌痛的、痛觉缺失的 [ˌænəlˈdʒizɪk, -sɪk] analgetic ⽌痛药、镇痛剂 [ɑ:næld'ʒetɪk] anaphylactic reaction 过敏反应 [ˌænəfɪ'læktɪk riˈækʃən] anaphylactic allergic shock 过敏性休克 [ˌænəfɪ'læktɪk əˈlɜ:rdʒɪk ʃɑ:k] anesthesiology ⿇醉学 [θi:'ɒlədʒɪ] anesthetic complications ⿇醉并发症 [ˌænɪsˈθɛtɪk ˌkɑmplɪ'keʃəns] anesthetic recovery room ⿇醉恢复室 [ˌænɪsˈθɛtɪk rɪˈkʌvəri rum] arachnoid mater 蛛⽹膜 [ə'ræknɔɪd 'meɪtə] artificial breathing ⼈⼯呼吸 [ˌɑrtəˈfɪʃəl ˈbriðɪŋ] asepsis antisepsis ⽆菌、⽆菌法、⽆菌术抗菌术 [æ'sepsɪsˌæntɪ'sepsɪs] bacteremia 菌⾎症 [bæktə'rɪmɪr] balanced salt solution 平衡盐溶液 [ˈbælənst sɔlt səˈluʃən] basal anesthesia 基础⿇醉 [ˈbesəl ˌænɪsˈθiʒə] basal energy expenditure 基础能量消耗量 [ˈbesəl ˈɛnədʒi ɪkˈspɛndətʃɚ] basic life support 基本⽣命⽀持 [ˈbesɪk laɪf səˈpɔrt] bellydration treatment 腹⽔治疗 blood gas analysis ⾎⽓分析 [blʌd ɡæs əˈnælɪsɪs] blood pressure (BP) ⾎压 [blʌd ˈprɛʃɚ] blood transfusion 输⾎ [blʌd trænsˈfjuʒən] blood volume ⾎容量 [blʌd ˈvɑljum] body fluid balance (isohydria) 体液平衡 [ˈbɑ:di ˈfluɪd ˈbæləns] bowel clamp 肠钳 [baʊl klæmp] towel clamp ⼱钳 [ˈtaʊəl klæmp]。

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Spectral Analysis of Blood PressureVariability in Atrial FibrillationVDA Corino1,LT Mainardi1,S Belletti2,F Lombardi2 1Politecnico di Milano,Milan,Italy2University of Milan,Milan,ItalyAbstractAtrialfibrillation(AF)is a common arrhythmia char-acterized by desynchronization of atrial electrical activ-ity causing a consequent irregular ventricular response. Blood pressure(BP)fluctuates in a complex mode com-posed of both short-term and long-term variability.In AF, the beat-to-beat variation of BP is increased because of variations infilling time and in contractility.However,a few studies have analysed short-term BP variations in AF being the interest mainly addressed to24-hour variations. Aim of this study was to describe BP variability spectrum during AF in short-term recordings.Fifteen patients,re-ferred for electrical cardioversion,with persistent AF were included in the study.An harmonic LF component was ob-servable in all patients’BP spectra,even during AF,i.e., in presence of a very irregular RR series.1.IntroductionAtrialfibrillation(AF)is the most common arrhythmia encountered in clinical practice and it is characterized by an irregular atrial depolarization that causes an irregular but not completely random ventricular rhythm as well[1]. The exploration of autonomic modulation of sinus node impulse activity via heart rate(HR)variability analysis is a widely used method.However,the typical irregularity of ventricular response during AF has been considered a factor preventing HR variability analysis.In fact a high number of spectral peaks are present in AF spectrum which result of difficult interpretation.In AF,the beat-to-beat variation of blood pressure(BP) is increased because of variations infilling time and in con-tractility.Only a few studies[2,3]have evaluated whether rhythmical components could be identified in HR and sys-tolic arterial pressure variability during AF.At variance with sinus rhythm where a low(LF)and a high(HF)fre-quency components can be consistently recognized in both variability signals and reflect autonomic modulation of si-nus node[4],the irregularity of ventricular response hence the lack of stationary data have been considered a fac-tor opposing to a frequency analysis of short-term systolic BP and HR variability.Even if a respiratory related HF component of systolic BP variability has been recently ob-served during AF even in absence of a respiratory sinus arrhythmia[3],there is lack of information on the possible existence of LF component.Aim of the present study was to describe BP variability spectrum during AF in short-term recordings in patients with persistent AF.2.Methods2.1.Study protocolFifteen patients(9male,mean age67±7years)with persistent AF(median duration3months;range1-12 months)were included in the study.Three orthogonal leads,a periodic reference arterial pressure measurement and a continuous beat-to-beat non-invasive recordings of arterial pressure were obtained with a Task Force Monitor(CNSystem;Austria)recording sys-tem.Surface ECG and BP signals were recorded for about 10minutes before electrical cardioversion.The sampling frequency was1kHz for the ECG signal and100Hz for the continuous arterial pressure recording.Electrical car-dioversion was performed in fasting state during deep se-dation with intravenous propofol(1-2mg/Kg).Biphasic DC shock(Life Pack12defibrillator,Medtronic Inc.,Min-neapolis,USA)was delivered with rising energies when needed,starting from100J(single shock in almost all cases).2.2.Series extractionAn automatic QRS detection algorithm was used to lo-cate R waves on the ECG and an interactive graphic inter-face allowed the operator to visually identify and correct missed/misdetected beats.During AF,the search for the systolic values cannot be performed looking for the maximum after the R wave,asduring sinus rhythm.In fact,some R waves of ECG may not be coupled with effective left ventricular output enough to generate discrete pulses in arterial pressure.An example is shown in Figure1,where an anticipated beat(indicated by an arrow)is not able to elicit a pressure pulse.Figure1.(a)ECG signal(solid line)with superimposed the QRS timing(circles).(b)Blood pressure signal(solid line)with superimposed the QRS timing(circles).The arrow shows a QRS complex that is not followed by a discrete pulse.Therefore,in order to identify the systolic arterial pres-sure values,the following steps were performed.First,the pressure signal was low-passed(cut-off frequency1Hz) and the timing of its local maxima evaluated(t i).The sys-tolic arterial pressure values were then computed as local maxima in temporal windows centered on t i whose cross-correlation with a template exceeded the threshold0.90. Thefirst pulse cycle in the signal was selected as template. Visual checking of the template was performed to guaran-tee the reliability of the waveform.The RR and systolic BP series thus obtained could be of different length and unevenly sampled.Therefore,in order to obtain two series with the same length and to per-form frequency analysis,thefinal RR and systolic BP se-ries were obtained by interpolation(using cubic splines) and resampling at2Hz.2.3.Spectral analysisPower spectral analysis was performed on the RR inter-vals and systolic BP signals by means of an autoregres-sive model,whose coefficients were estimated using the Levinson Durbin algorithm;Anderson’s test[5]was used to check the validity of the model and the model order was selected by use of the Akaike Information Criterion [6],starting from a minimum order of7up to a maximum order of20.A spectral decomposition algorithm[7]was used to measure the centered frequency and the area below the spectral peak in the LF(0.03-0.15Hz).2.4.Statistical analysisThe data are given as mean values±one SD.A Students t test for paired data was used to evaluate the differences between parameters before and after elec-trical cardioversion.A value of p<0.05was considered significant.3.ResultsFigures2and3show an example of the RR and the sys-tolic BP series,respectively,and the corresponding power spectrum during AF.It can be noted in Figure2(a)the typ-ical irregularity of the RR series,which is reflected in the power spectrum(Figure2(b)),resembling a white noise spectrum,with many peaks,which make difficult their in-terpretation.On the other hand,the series of the systolic BP is less erratic.As a consequence,a clear LF component is present at0.071Hz in the systolic BP spectrum(Figure 3(b)).This harmonic components are present at level of systolic BP variability even in presence of erratic RR se-ries.All the analyzed patients’systolic BP series presented a peak in the LF range(0.069±0.022Hz;mean±SD) during AF.In Table1,BP parameters are shown as mean±one SD for all the patients.Figure2.(a)Example of one patient’s RR series and(b) the corresponding power spectrum,where many peaks are observable.Table1.Pressure variables during AF.sys(mmHg)109±19dia(mmHg)81±17min(mmHg)95±20max(mmHg)117±19LF freq(Hz)0.069±0.022LF power(mmHg2) 1.31±0.60Table2shows the results regarding ventricular response during AF.4.Discussion and conclusionsIn the present study,we reported for thefirst time the presence of LF oscillation in systolic BP variability in pa-tients with AF,i.e.,in a condition characterized by an ir-Figure3.(a)Example of one patient’s systolic BP and(b) the corresponding power spectrum,where a discrete LF peak is indicated by*.Table2.Ventricular response variables during AF.mean(ms)756±113sd(ms)139±38regularity of the RR interval time series.In these patients, when the variability of the RR series is analyzed with spec-tral techniques,a white noise pattern without any identi-fiable discrete components along the frequency axis be-comes evident.The presence of LF component of systolic BP variabil-ity in patients with AF is,in our opinion,of particular in-terest as it provides additional information on the origin and physiological meaning of this oscillation.Thisfinding confirms that the0.1Hz oscillatory component of systolic BP variability may be present in absence of a correspon-dentfluctuation in the RR interval time series.Indeed,one could consider AF a natural experimental model to elim-inate the influence of rhythmical components of RR vari-ability on systolic BP variability.It was however evident that presence or absence of RR interval irregularity had major effect on systolic BP variability,as it was increased during AF.Thisfinding evidences the capability of autonomic ner-vous system in maintaining LF oscillations in BP even in presence of an irregular ventricular electrical and mechan-ical activity.These results are preliminary.Further studies will help in better understanding BP characteristics during AF and in defining the nature of this LF oscillation during AF.In par-ticular,it could be interesting to investigate if this rhythm is present after restoration of sinus rhythm(i.e.,as the one obtained by electrical cardioversion)or if this rhythm is modulated(in AF)by autonomic stimula(i.e.,stress-test or tilt).In conclusion,this result paves the way to a better understanding of cardiovascular control mechanisms dur-ing non-sinusal rhythms,AcknowledgementsThe research was partially supported by grant n◦2006063135002of MIUR.References[1]Stein K,Walden J,Lippman N,Lerman B.Ventricular re-sponse in atrialfibrillation:random or deterministic?Am J Physiol1999;277:H452–H458.[2]Chandler S,Trewby P.Is respiratory sinus arrhythmia presentin atrialfibrillation?a study using two quantitative methods.Med Eng Phys1994;16:334–337.[3]Pitzalis M,Massari F,Forleo C,Fioretti A,Colombo R,Balducci C,Mastropasqua F,Rizzon P.Respiratory sys-tolic pressure variability during atrialfibrillation and sinus 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