英语演讲选修课教案2 selecting a topic




大胆展示自己:高中生英语演讲稿中如何突显个性?IntroductionIn the competitive world of today, it is essential for every student to stand out from the crowd and showcase their unique personality. One of the best ways to do it is through public speaking or delivering speeches. In this article, we will discuss how high school students can showcase their personality and stand out through their English speeches.Body1. Choose a topic that interests youThe first step to delivering a speech that reflects your personality is by choosing a topic that you are passionate about. It could be anything from your favorite hobby to a social issue that you care about. Selecting a topic that you are interested in will make it easier for you to connect with the audience and deliver an impactful speech.2. Use anecdotes and personal experiencesIncorporating personal stories or experiences into your speech is an excellent way to show your audience who you are. Sharing your unique experiences not only makes your speech more engaging, but it also allows the audience to connectwith you on a personal level. Personal stories and anecdotes can add a sense of authenticity and relatability to your speech. Moreover, it can evoke emotions from the listeners, making them remember your speech for a long time.3. Use HumorUsing humor in your speech can make your audience feel relaxed and comfortable around you. A well-timed joke or a witty remark can also help break the ice and make your speech more memorable. However, remember not to overdo it, and make sure that the humor is appropriate for the audience. Remember, the goal is not to become a stand-up comedian but to usehumor to showcase your personality.4. Use Body Language and Voice VariationBody language is a powerful tool in public speaking that can help you convey your personality. Gestures, facial expressions, and mannerisms can all add to the overall impactof your speech. Similarly, using voice variation and modulation can make your speech more compelling and interesting. Changing your pitch, tone, and pace can help you emphasize important points and keep your audience engaged.5. Interact with your audienceLastly, it is essential to interact with your audience during your speech. Encourage them to ask questions or share their thoughts. Acknowledge their presence and listenactively when they speak. Engaging with your audience can help create a personal connection, which can ultimately help you stand out.ConclusionIn conclusion, showcasing your personality through your speeches can be an excellent way to distinguish yourself as a high school student. By selecting a topic that interests you, using anecdotes and humor, employing body language and voice variation, and engaging with your audience, you can develop your unique speaking style. By following these tips, you can deliver a memorable and impactful speech that reflects who you are and what you stand for.。



英语演讲与辩论》课程教学大纲(2006年制订,2006年修订)课程编号:100191英文名:The Art of English Public Speaking and debating课程类别:专业选修学分:2学分课时:32课时主讲教师:韩静等选定教材:Stephen E. Lucas(美),《演讲的艺术》(第八版),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004年课程概述:《英语演讲与辩论》课程是一门语言技能和专业知识相结合的课程,在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化.该课程有助于提高学生综合应用英语的能力,有助于学生综合素质的培养,是英语教学改革的新课型通过该课程的学习不仅能帮助学生进一步提高英语表达能力、英语口语交际能力,更有利于学生开拓思路、掌握沟通技巧;引导学生体会演讲魅力、提高演讲技巧、展示演讲才能,有利于他们早日掌握这门适用于各种领域的沟通艺术.这门课程的学习需要一定程度的语言技能以外的知识积累.通过这门课程的学习,学生能够系统地了解英语演讲的技巧,英语演讲稿的写作方法以和英语演讲技巧在现代交际中的作用.本课程采用理论传授与实际操练相结合;教师讲解和学生参与相结合;教师点评和学生试评相结合的教学方法.本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲课程的理论教学,采用范例录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论和对学生操练和作业进行评析(自评、互评和教师点评相结合)等方法.考查方法采用课堂参与和考试相结合.教学目的:通过本课程的学习,使学生全面、系统地掌握英语演讲和辩论的理论知识与艺术特点以和在现实交际生活的作用和在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化,并且提高学生综合应用英语的能力和综合素质的培养.教学方法:本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲辩论课程的理论教学,采用示范录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论和对学生操练和作业进行评析(自评、互评和教师点评相结合)等方法.考查采用课堂参与记录与考试相结合的方法,课堂参与记录占50%,考试占50%.1)教学原则a.教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线;b.运用激励策略,营造宽松型(free)、学生友好型(student-friendly)氛围;c.语境教学法(context teaching);d.过程教学法(process teaching).2)课堂组织形式a. 精讲多练,突出学生参与;b. 运用视听演示材料供学生观摩;c. 鼓励学生制作视觉辅助材料(visual aids);d. 运用摄像设备拍录学生演讲实景;e. 先讲后评,组织讨论;f. 运用评估表(evaluation sheet)分析学生演讲;g.大班与小班授课应有区别.各章教学要求和教学要点第一章Speaking And Listening教学要求:本章教学要求学生比较全面了解演讲的基本理论和概念,演讲中的道德准则以和倾听在言语交流中的重要性.教学内容:一、Speaking in Public1. The Power of Public Speaking2. The Tradition of Public Speaking3. Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation4. Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation5. Developing Confidence: Your Speech Class6. Public Speaking and Critical Thinking7. The Speech Communication Process8. Public speaking in a Multicultural World二、Ethics and Public Speaking1. The Importance of Ethics2. Guidelines for Ethical Speaking3. Plagiarism4. Guidelines for Ethical Listening三、Listening1. Listening Is Important2. Listening and Critical Thinking3. Four Causes of Poor Listening4. How to Become a Better Listener思考题:1. In what way is public speaking likely to make a difference inyour life?2. How is public speaking different from everyday conversation?3. How can you control your nervousness and make it work for you in your speeches?4. What are the seven elements of the speech communication process? How do they interact to determine the success or failure of a speech?第二章Speech Preparation: Getting Started教学要求:本章教学要求学生了解在演讲的准备阶段如何选题和立意,如何分析听众的特点,如何收集资料和如何规范地使用所搜集到的论据来说明自己的想法.教学内容:Selecting a Topic and Purpose1. Choosing a Topic2. Determining the General Purpose3. Determining the Specific Purpose4. Phrasing the Central Idea二、Analyzing the Audience1. Audience-Centeredness2. Your Classmates as an Audience3. The Psychology of Audiences4. Demographic Audience Analysis5. Situational Audience Analysis6. Getting Information About the Audience7. Adapting to the Audience三、Gathering Materials1. Using Your Own Knowledge and Experience2. Doing Library Research3. Searching the Internet4. Interviewing5. Tips for Doing Research四、Supporting Your Ideas1. Supporting Materials and Critical Thinking2. Examples3. Statistics4. Testimony5. Sample Speech with Commentary思考题:1. What is the difference between the specific purpose and the central idea of a speech? What are four guidelines for an effective central idea?2. What methods can you use to adapt your speech to your audience before the speech? During the speech?3. What five things should you do to take research notes efficiently?4. What are five tips for using examples in your speeches?第三章Speech Preparation: Organizing and Outlining教学要求:本章教学要求学生系统掌握英语演讲稿的写作方法和写作规范.教学内容:Organizing the Body of the Speech1. Organization Is Important2. Main Points3. Supporting Materials4. Connectives二、Beginning and Ending the Speech1. The Introduction2. The Conclusion三、Outlining the Speech1. The Preparation Outline2. The Speaking Outline思考题:1. What are the five basic patterns of organizing main points in a speech? Which are appropriate for informative speeches? Which is used only in persuasive speeches? Which is used most often?2. What are seven methods you can use in the introduction to getthe attention and interest of your audience?3. What are four ways to reinforce the central idea when concluding your speech?4. What is a preparation outline? What are the eight guidelines discussed in the chapter for writing a preparation outline?5. What is a speaking outline? What are four guidelines for your speaking outline?第四章Presenting The Speech教学要求:本章教学要求学生基本掌握演讲写作中的语言技巧,演讲的不同形式,以和直观教具的制作和用法.教学内容:一、Using Language1. Language Is Important2. Meanings of Words3. Using Language Accurately4. Using Language Clearly5. Using Language Vividly6. A Note on Inclusive Language二、Delivery1. What is a Good Delivery?2. Methods of Delivery3. The Speaker's Voice4. The Speaker's Body5. Practicing Delivery6. Answering Audience Questions三、Using Visual Aids1. Advantages of Visual Aids2. Kinds of Visual Aids3. Guidelines for Preparing Visual Aids4. Guidelines for Presenting Visual Aids思考题:1. What are three things you should do to use language clearly in your speeches?2. Why is it important for a public speaker to use inclusive language? What are five usages of inclusive language which have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them?3. What are the eight aspects of voice usage you should concentrate on in your speeches?4. What are the five steps you should follow when practicing your speech delivery?5. What steps should you take when preparing for a question-and-answer session? What should you concentrate onwhen responding to questions during the session?6. What are the major advantages of using visual aids in your speeches?第五章Varieties of Public Speaking教学要求:本章教学要求学生掌握演讲的几种主要的体裁,能够在不同的场合选择不同的方式进行有效演讲.教学内容:教学内容:Speaking to Inform1. Types of Informative Speeches: Analysis and Organization2. Guidelines for Informative Speaking3. Sample Speech with Commentary4. The Importance of Persuasion5. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact6. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value7. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy二、Methods of Persuasion1. Building Credibility2. Using Evidence3. Reasoning4. Appealing to emotions三、Speaking on Special Occasions1. Speeches of Introduction2. Speeches of Presentation3. Speeches of Acceptance4. Commemorative Speeches5. After-Dinner Speeches四、Speaking in Small Groups1. What Is a Small Group?2. Leadership in Small Groups3. responsibilities in a Small Group4. The Reflective-Thinking Method5. Presenting the Recommendations of the Groups思考题:1. Why must informative speakers be careful not to overestimate what the audience knows about the topic? What can you do to make sure your ideas don't pass over the heads of your listeners?2. What are three methods you can use to avoid abstractions in your informative speech?3. Explain the difference between passive agreement and immediate action as goals for persuasive speeches on questions of policy.4. What four methods of organization are used most often inpersuasive speeches on questions of policy?5. What are four tips for using evidence effectively in a persuasive speech?6. What are the three major traits of a good acceptance speech?7. What are the five major responsibilities of every participant in a small group?参考书目:1)Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 8th Ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. 配有Instructor's Manual.2)Verderber, Rudolph F. The Challenge of Effective Speaking. 10th Ed. Boston: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1997.3) Collins, Patrick. Say It with Power & Confidence. Paramus: Prentice Hall, 1998.4)Kay, Sue(英):《实用演讲技巧》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004.5)亚历山大(Alexander, L. G.)(英),《英语辩论手册》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.6)纪玉华、陈向军、Andrew N. Brown,《英语演讲与辩论教程》,厦门:厦门大学出版社,2004.7)王守仁,何宁,《新编英语口语教程》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998.8)杨俊峰(编译),《实用演讲技能教程》,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,2001.9)谢伯端,《实用演讲与口才教程》,武汉:华中理工大学出版社,1996.10)黄士基,《演说的技巧与艺术》,武汉:华中理工大学出版社,1991.执笔人: 韩静2006年5月审定人: 黄能2006年5月系负责人: 王克明2006年7月11 / 11。

英语演讲选修课chapter 2 topic教材

英语演讲选修课chapter 2 topic教材

Topic: Emergencies General purpose: To inform Specific purpose: To inform my audience of the major steps in responding to an emergency. Central idea: The major steps in responding to an emergency are surveying the scene, contacting an emergency medical service, and starting CPR if needed.
• Ineffective: To inform my audience about the developments of AIDS and the recent testing procedures for HIV infection. • More effective: To persuade my audience about the developments of AIDS.

Selecting a topic
Speeches outside the classroom the occasion, the audience, the speaker’s qualifications Speeches in the public speaking class no designated topic

Selecting a topic Determining your general purpose Determining your specific purpose Phrasing your central idea








以下是适用于高中学生的英语演讲主题的一些例子:1. 科技与未来2. 健康与生活方式3. 教育与学习4. 环境与保护5. 社交媒体对人际关系的影响第二部分:教学目标在本部分,我们将阐明本节课的教学目标,并概述学生所需提升的核心技能。

通过本节课的学习,学生将能够:1. 理解英语演讲的重要性并增加兴趣2. 掌握演讲的基本结构和技巧3. 能够连贯地表达自己的思想并运用丰富的词汇和语法4. 提升演讲的语音语调和肢体语言的运用第三部分:教学准备在本部分,我们将列出本节课所需的教学材料和设备,并提供相关的教学环境准备建议。

所需教学材料和设备:1. PowerPoint演示文稿2. 笔记本电脑或投影仪3. 学生课堂练习题教学环境准备建议:1. 确保教室内的灯光和音响设备正常工作2. 设立学生互动的小组讨论区域第四部分:教学步骤在本部分,我们将详细描述本节课的各个教学步骤,并提供教学活动的具体指导。

教学步骤如下:1. 介绍演讲的概念和重要性,并引起学生的兴趣,可以运用图片、视频等多媒体形式。

2. 介绍英语演讲的基本结构,包括开场白、主要内容和总结。


3. 分组讨论:学生们根据给定的演讲主题,组成小组进行讨论,帮助彼此梳理思路。

4. 演讲技巧讲解:介绍包括自信展示、合适的姿势、语音语调的运用等在内的演讲技巧,并提供示范和练习机会。

5. 学生展示:邀请学生根据自己的准备进行演讲,老师和同学们进行评价和反馈。

Public Speaking 2:Selecting a Topic

Public Speaking 2:Selecting a Topic

List 5 examples of possible topics for a persuasive speech. Then discuss these possible topics with your desk partner and why you think they would be a good topic for an informative speech. Be ready to share your topic with the class.
How to improve your oral English
Topic: How to choose a college or university in the U.S.A Distance from home: How close is the University to

Am I really interested in this topic?

Do I have knowledge about this topic?
Have I read a lot about the topic? What aspect of this topic is controversial?
Topic: Bilingual education in the University will
help development of the country and will help all students regardless of their major
Reason why this is a good topic:
Discuss the following question with your Desk partner: “Currently, there are quite a few universities where English is used as an instructive language. What are the benefits and disadvantages of bilingual education?” Pg. 17



Speech Analysis: I Have a Dream – Martin Luther King Jr.Speech Video: Martin Luther King Jr. delivers “I Have a Dream”I encourage you to:1.Watch the video;2.Read the analysis in this speech critique;3.Study the speech text in the completetranscript; and4.Share your thoughts on this presentation.Speech Critique –I Have a Dream –Martin Luther King Jr.Much of the greatness of this speech is tied to its historical context, a topic which goes beyond the scope of this article. Analyze thespeech20mins主要内容教学思路时间分配Our privacy on the internet should be more protectedA good thesis for a speech could be: privacy on the Internet should be more protected by a ban on identity theft and safeguard genetic information, because everybody has the fundamental rights to have absolute control over his or her personal information.Does it introduce the contestable point and the claim you want to make?Is it not too board? Can you discuss the issue and claim in the given time limit?Does it announce what the audience should do, think or feel? Does it reveal the main speech topic?Is it simple, clear, and most and for all, direct?Is the speech thesis easy to remember and understand for them?Does it gain interest?Does it say way it is important?Does it contain a benefit?Exercise How to presentyourspeechthesis40mins20课题(章节名称)Unit5 constructing basic structure of a speech。

Selecting a Topic

Selecting a Topic

News web sites
press wire service /NEWS/Apwire.html CNN interactive Google news Times of London / Washington post
The author should determine the specific purpose, which he or she should be able to encompass in a single sentence.
1.Since your speaking is delivered to your audience, it is essential to know about your audience ,including age, gender, profession, social
Sபைடு நூலகம்arching the internet
Search engines
vista Excite Google Infoseek Since each country might have its own particular browsers, search engines and internet providers, find out what is available to you and what he costs might be.
2.Selecting a topic is the first step in a successful public speaking. A good topic will not only appeal to your audience, but also help you a lot while writing the first draft. Otherwise, a bad topic will make your audience feel bored and they won’t get anything from your speaking.

Selecting a topic and purpose for a public speaking(演讲稿)

Selecting a topic and purpose for a public speaking(演讲稿)

Selecting a topic and purpose for a public speakingW e present everyday! Not just at a conference talk, but at all aspects of daily life. The presentation skills can be acquired across enough preparation and practice. It’s a special art of public speaking.When you’re committed to make a speech, there are three questions for you to find out: What’s the topic? Who’s the audience? How long is the talk?The first step in speechmaking is choosing a topic and determining the general purpose of your speech. That is, What do you want to speak? What do you want the audience to know, to do or to feel?For a class speech, you have great leeway in selecting topics. The subject you know well is good. When you are thinking about a topic, draw on your own knowledge and special expertise, or some unusual experiences in sports, hobbies, travel, and other personal experiences, organize them, making each clue a proper meaning. Besides, the topic you are interested in but not enough familiar, is still OK, you can do some additional researches. A library, the Internet or even a communication may help.If you are still confused in picking a topic, then do some brainstorming work. Four procedures will help: First, make an inventory of your hobbies, interests, skills, beliefs and so forth; Second, use clustering to list the first topics that come to mind in several categories; Third, check a reference work for ideas; Fourth, use an Internet subject directory to help you scan possible topics.Make sure whether you want to communicate information clearly, accurately, and interestingly, or to win listeners over to your point of view. Once determined, you must focus on a special purpose statement that indicates precisely what your speech seeks to accomplish. This purpose should meet the assignment, be relevant to the audience and not be too trivial or too technical. Thus, you need to pay attention to one aspect of your topic, making the idea clear and distinct.In all, some tips may help get your speech started, that is, as soon as you get your topic, take fifteen minutes of quiet time, and start listing everything you might talk about. Create a straight-line list of any information, activities, facts, or examples you might include. Then, empty your mind of possibilities, put the list away, and move on with your normal activities. In this way, your mind will keep these generating ideas.To make a fantastic speech, please get adequate preparation, suit your topics to your strength, and ponder well your subject and its length; nor lift your load before you’re quite aware what weight your shoulders will, or will not, bear.。

英语演讲课件2 (1)

英语演讲课件2 (1)

Choosing a Topic
The paper may look like this:
George W. Bush, My family, David Beckham,Zhang Yimou
Places: My hometown, Xi’an, Iraq, Taiwan, Los Angeles, Paris Things: Robots, Cell phones, Basketball, Movies, Computers Events: Beijing Olympics, 2008, September 11, 2001,
For example: How to Do Weight Lifting Correctly
Determine the Purpose
1. Determine the General Purpose
When your general purpose is to persuade, you act like an advocate or a statesman. You go beyond giving information to change or structure the attitudes or actions of your audience. For example: Weight Lifting: The Best Way to Build Your Body
central idea?
Qipao was created in the 1920s, comes in a number of styles, and has exerted significant cultural impact on Chinese women.

英语演讲 Unit 2 Selecting a Topic

英语演讲 Unit 2 Selecting a Topic

Unit 2 Selecting a Topic
1. Know your audience
Analyze your audience: age education level income bracket profession potential interests

Unit 2 Selecting a Topic

Unit 2 Selecting a Topic
4. Choose a topic you know
This is the most important point. Don’t ever take the risk to speak on the unfamiliar topic because the audience can tell. Research beforehand to ensure the success of the speech.
Public Speaking
Unit 2 Selecting a Topic
How to select a topic 1. Know your audience 2. Know your time limit 3. Choose an interactive topic 4. Choose a topic you know 5. Choose a comfortable topic 6. Try out a few topics

Unit 2 Selecting a Topic
6. Try out a few topics
Put pen to paper: Take a few ideas and write opening paragraphs, getting the feel for how the speech would progress. Don’t include evt 2 Selecting a Topic

英语演讲Chapter4 Selecting a topic and a purpose

英语演讲Chapter4 Selecting a topic and a purpose

2 Determining the general purpose
• People will fall into one of two overlapping categories– to inform or to persuade.
• When your general purpose is to inform, you act as teacher or lecture , your aim is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of your listener . • When your general purpose is t persuade, you act like an advocate or a partisan , you want to change or structure the attitudes or actions of your audience.
Topic: Qipao. General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the history, styles, and cultural impact of qipao. Central Idea: Qipao was created in the 1920s,comes a number of styles, and has exerted significant cultural impact on Chinese women.
• Another way to think of your central idea is as your residual message. • Most of the time the central idea will encapsulate the main points to be developed in the body of the speech. For example:

英语演讲ChapterSelecting a topic and a purpose PPT

英语演讲ChapterSelecting a topic and a purpose PPT
• If the personal inventory doesn’t work, try a technique called clustering. List in each column the first four or five items like this.
Chapter4 Selecting a topic
and a purpose
As you read through the book,
you will find examples of hundreds of speeches that were delivered in classrooms, in the political arena, in community and business situations.
your own knowledge and experience. Then you can speak
fluently for a long time without a pause.
• On the other hand, you may decide to make your speech a
• In public speaking class, the situation is different. Most of your speech assignments will not come with a designated topic. You need to select the topic yourself. There are two broad categories of potential topics: 1) subjects you knows a lot about. 2) subjects you want to know more about. Let’s start with the first.



Title: Enhancing Public Speaking Skills through Engaging TopicsObjective: To develop students' public speaking skills by selecting engaging and relevant topics, and to enhance their confidence andability to express ideas effectively in English.Duration: 1 hour per session (Total of 10 sessions)Grade Level: Intermediate to AdvancedMaterials Needed:- Projector or whiteboard for presentations- Handouts or copies of topic outlines- Access to online resources or textbooks for research- Recording devices (optional) for feedback purposesSession Outline:Session 1: Introduction to Public Speaking- Objective: Introduce the concept of public speaking and its importance. - Activities:- Brief presentation on the basics of public speaking.- Discussion on the importance of choosing an engaging topic.- Group activity: Brainstorming topics that students are passionate about.Session 2: Choosing a Topic- Objective: Teach students how to select a topic that interests them and is suitable for public speaking.- Activities:- Guided activity: Students choose a topic based on their interests, relevance, and personal experiences.- Sharing of chosen topics with the class and feedback from peers.Session 3: Research and Outline Development- Objective: Help students conduct research and develop a clear outline for their speech.- Activities:- Demonstration on how to conduct research using credible sources.- Guided practice in creating an outline with main points and transitions.- Peer review of outlines.Session 4: Structuring the Speech- Objective: Introduce the structure of a typical speech (introduction, body, conclusion).- Activities:- Presentation on the components of a speech.- Practice structuring a speech based on the chosen topic.- Sharing of speech structures with the class.Session 5: Delivering the Speech- Objective: Work on delivering the speech with confidence and clarity.- Activities:- Practice reading aloud the speech.- Role-playing with peers to improve delivery.- Recording and analyzing speeches to identify areas for improvement.Session 6: Visual Aids and Non-Verbal Communication- Objective: Discuss the use of visual aids and non-verbal communication in public speaking.- Activities:- Introduction to the use of visual aids such as PowerPoint slides or handouts.- Practice using gestures, facial expressions, and body language to enhance the speech.- Peer feedback on visual aids and non-verbal communication.Session 7: Revising and Refining the Speech- Objective: Help students revise and refine their speeches based on feedback.- Activities:- Collect feedback from peers and teachers.- Discuss ways to improve the speech.- Revise the speech and prepare for the next session.Session 8: Delivery Practice- Objective: Provide additional practice opportunities for students to deliver their speeches.- Activities:- Small group presentations.- Recording and reviewing speeches for feedback.Session 9: Peer Assessment and Feedback- Objective: Teach students how to provide constructive feedback to their peers.- Activities:- Introduction to the principles of giving and receiving feedback.- Peer assessment of speeches.- Sharing of feedback and its application.Session 10: Final Presentations- Objective: Conduct final presentations and assess students' progress.- Activities:- Students deliver their final speeches to the class.- Teachers and peers provide feedback.- Evaluation of speeches based on content, delivery, and engagement.Assessment:- Formative Assessment: Observations, peer feedback, and teacher comments during practice sessions.- Summative Assessment: Final speech presentations and reflection essays on the public speaking experience.Conclusion:This lesson plan aims to equip students with the skills and confidence to deliver engaging and effective speeches in English. By focusing on relevant and engaging topics, students will develop not only theirpublic speaking abilities but also their research, critical thinking, and communication skills.。



如何发挥个人特长写出精彩英语演讲稿As a successful public speaker, one understands that it takes more than just good content to make a successful speech.A great speech is one where the audience is fully engaged,and the message of the speaker resonates with them on many levels. To achieve this level of success, it is essential to bring your unique talents and characteristics to theforefront. In this article, we’ll explore how to harnessyour personal strengths to create a compelling English-speaking presentation.1. Identify your strengthsBefore you can begin to craft a successful speech, you must first identify your strengths and tap into them. Some potential areas of strength include charisma, humor, empathy, storytelling, and good research skills. Take a reflectivelook at your personality and habits to determine which traits you possess that could enhance your presentations.2. Choose a topic that resonates with your audienceThe most effective presentations are those that resonate with the audience. Take the time to research and analyze what your intended audience is looking for. When selecting a topic, consider the pain points of your audience and what solutions you could offer. The topic must be pertinent to your audience, or they will switch off.3. Use stories to connect with your audiencePeople love stories, and there is a reason for that. Stories help to connect with the audience on an emotionallevel and can keep them interested in your presentation. Use relatable stories that your audience can identify with, whether they are personal anecdotes or real-life examples.4. Practice your deliveryPractice makes perfect; the more you practice, the more confident and comfortable you will be when delivering your presentation. Don't be afraid to practice in front of amirror or a friend to help you refine your message ordelivery method. Practicing will help you to locate andcorrect any weak spots in your presentation and ensure that your message delivery is on point.5. Avoid relying on PowerPointWe've all sat through many PowerPoint presentations that are full of dry and boring content. While PowerPoint can be an excellent tool, it is essential to use it strategically and not rely on it entirely. Keep your slides simple and visually appealing, not overloading on text blocks, andvisual aids that increase engagement.6. Be passionateYour passion and enthusiasm are contagious. If you're passionate about your topic, the audience will take notice and be more likely to engage with you. As a result, ensure the topic you choose is one that you are passionate about and one that you have a deep understanding of. It will help you to be more relaxed and natural on stage.In summary, delivering a compelling English-speaking presentation is a challenge that requires effort, skill, and strategy. Combining your unique skills and interests with a deep understanding of your audience and purpose can be a powerful tool for creating successful speeches. Once you'vemastered the art of a compelling presentation, you will leave your audience inspired and engaged.。





一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:- 学生能够理解并掌握与环境保护相关的基本词汇和表达方式。

- 学生能够通过阅读、听力和口语活动,提高对英语语言的理解能力和表达能力。

- 学生能够撰写一篇关于环境保护的短文,阐述自己的观点和建议。

2. 过程与方法目标:- 通过小组合作和讨论,培养学生的合作意识和交流技巧。

- 通过项目研究和报告,培养学生的独立思考和问题解决能力。

3. 情感态度与价值观目标:- 激发学生对环境保护的兴趣和关注。

- 培养学生的环保意识,鼓励他们在日常生活中采取环保行动。


1. 词汇学习:- 首先,我会通过图片和视频资料引入环境保护的话题,让学生直观感受到环境问题的严重性。

- 接着,我会引导学生学习与环境保护相关的词汇,如“sustainable development”(可持续发展)、“biodiversity”(生物多样性)等。

- 学生将通过填空、配对等活动形式,巩固和运用新学的词汇。

2. 阅读理解:- 我会提供一篇关于环境保护的英语文章,内容涉及全球变暖、资源消耗等议题。

- 学生将通过快速阅读和细读两种方式,提高他们的阅读技巧,并理解文章的主旨和细节信息。

- 通过小组讨论,学生可以分享自己的理解和观点,同时锻炼他们的批判性思维。

3. 口语表达:- 接下来,我会组织一个模拟联合国环境议题的辩论活动,让学生分组准备并展示他们的立场和论据。

- 学生将通过这个活动,提高他们的英语口语表达能力和逻辑思维能力。

- 辩论结束后,我会引导学生进行反思和总结,强调语言表达的准确性和逻辑性。



高中英语课堂演讲技巧教案课程目标:通过本堂课的学习,学生将能够:1. 理解演讲的定义及其重要性;2. 掌握演讲的基本技巧与要领;3. 提升演讲能力,增加自信心。

课前准备:1. 演讲主题的准备:学生需要提前准备一个感兴趣且有话题的主题;2. 设备准备:投影仪、幻灯片、麦克风等。

教学过程:Step 1:引入演讲的概念(10分钟)教师通过提问的方式引入演讲的概念,如"你们对演讲有何了解?演讲在我们生活中的重要性是什么?"帮助学生理解演讲的定义及其在日常生活中的应用。

Step 2:介绍演讲的基本要素(15分钟)教师通过演示自己的一个简短演讲,向学生介绍演讲的基本要素,包括:1. 演讲开头:引起听众的兴趣,提出主题;2. 演讲内容:结构清晰,重点突出;3. 演讲技巧:运用肢体语言、声音语调;4. 演讲结尾:总结观点,给出结论。

Step 3:演讲技巧实操(30分钟)教师将学生分成小组,每个小组选择一个代表进行演讲实操。





Step 4:学生自评与改进(10分钟)学生在完成演讲后,进行自我评价,思考自己的优点和待提升的方面。


Step 5:分享与总结(10分钟)学生可以主动选择分享自己的演讲心得和感受,与同学们进行互动和交流。


Step 6:课堂延伸(5分钟)教师推荐一些与演讲技巧相关的书籍、电影或网站资源,供学生进一步学习与提升。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

山东理工大学教案注:教师讲稿附后Lesson two Selecting a topic and purposeI am lucky, honored and humbled to stand here, so many students watch how I would perform on this small but terrifying platform. Frankly speaking, I am quite nervous standing here, especially before you, a large group of audience, no one is perfect, it is not shameful at all to admit my nervousness, because everybody will be nervous to some extent when asked to speak before a big audience. Why did I say so, I have proof.One of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage fright. We may as well face the issue squarely. Many people who converse easily in all kinds of everyday situations become frightened ar the idea of standing up before a group to make a speech. If you are worried about stage fright, you may feel better knowing that you are not alone. A survey conducted in 1973 asked more than 2,500 Americans to list their greatest fears. To the surprises of the reserchers, the largest number fo people----41%----listed speaking before a group among their greatest fears. Amazing as it may seem, many Americans appear to consider public speaking a fate worse than death.This is A survey conducted in AmericaResearchers asked their respondents to list their greatest fears, here is how they responded:Greatest Fears Percent NamingA party with strangers 74Giving a speech 70Asked personal questions in public 65 Meeting a date’s parents 59First day on a new job 59Victim of a practical joke 56 Talking with sb. in authority 53Job interview 46 Formal dinner party 44Blind date 42 From the chart, we can see that speechmaking ranks near the top in provoking anxiety.Therefore, we can say that speaking in public means a great challenge to everybody. Nervousness mainly comes from the fact that we do not know what to say, how to say and less training. There are a lot of things that make a successful speech, such as your topic, your delivery, your language. Among them, the organization of the speech is the first concern of the public speaker. Then comes the second problem, How to organize you speech well. It involves several factors, such as your topic, your purpose and your central idea, and so on. They are what we are going to discuss today. Today we mainly focus on the following matters:Choosing a topicDetermining your purposeThe central ideaLet’s begin with selecting a topic:Selecting a topicThe first step in speech making is choosing a topic. It is a key element of a successful speech.. For speeches outside the classroom this is seldom a problem. Usually the speech topic is determined by the occasion, the audience, and the speaker’s qualifications. When George W. Bush lectures on a college campus, he is invited to speak about foreign policy and current events. The same is true of ordinary citizens. The doctor is asked to inform how to deal with sport injuries, the florist discusses how to grow better houseplants, Mr. Fan Yuejin is asked to talk about school management. And Certainly I will never be expected to tell you something about mathematics.In a public speaking class the situation is different. Most of your speech assignment will not come with a designated topic. You generally have great leeway in selecting subjects for your speeches. This would appear to be an advantage, since it allows you to talk about matters of personal interest. Yet how to choose a proper topic remains a difficulty.What is a suitable speech topicFirst your topic should be Worthwhil e: worthwhile topics must address issues that have significant implications for the audience. The topic must be important enough to merit the time and attention of a group of intelligent and educated persons.Second, it should be Appropriate: the best way to ensure that your topic is appropriate is to select a topic about which you know a lot and would like to learn more. It is a lot easier to please an audience when the topic interests them. The topic should also be appropriate for the occasion. Time limitations will exclude certain topics because they are too complex.Finally, your topic should be Limited in scopeThe major problem for beginning speakers is that they attempt to cover a huge topic in too short a time; the inevitable result is that nothing specific is covered – everything is touched on but only superficially. You have to narrow and limit your topic, and divide the topic into several significant parts.Determining your purposeThe purpose of your speech is your goal; it is what you hope to achieve during your speech. Generally speaking we have two types of purpose: general purpose and specific one.General purposes(the broad goal of a speech)The general purpose is he broad goal of a speech, usually it falls into one of two overlapping categories---to inform or to persuade.When your general purpose is to inform, you act as a teacher or lecturer. Your goal is to convey information ---and do it clearly, accurately and interestingly, your aim is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of your listeners---to give them information they did not have before.When your general purpose is to persuade, you act as an advocate or a partisan. Your goal is to change or structure the attitudes or actions of your audience. The difference between informing and persuading is the difference between explaining and exhorting. Your aim is to win over yourlisteners to your point of view---to get them to believe something or do something as a result of your speech.Now I will ask you what I am here for? My general purpose is to inform or to persuade?Yes, you are absolutely right. I am here to inform, to inform the audience about how to organize the speech well, and how to be a better public speaker.If I am here to tell you that public speaking means a lot of fun, it can enhance your confidence, your linguistic competence, it can help you to find a better job. And I am the best teacher who teaches public speaking (also the only one). In a term, I will make you a great public speaker, public speaking will be a piece of cake if you come to my class.What is my purpose?Yes, my purpose is to persuade. To persuade you to take my course.In speech classes, the general purpose is usually specified as part of the speech assignment. For speeches outside the classroom, however, you have to make sure of your general purpose yourself. Usually this is easy to do. Are you going to explain, report, or demonstrate something? Then your general purpose is to inform. Are you going to sell, advocate, or defend something? Then your general purpose is to persuade. But no matter what the situation, you must be certain of exactly what you hope to achieve by speaking. Knowing your general purpose is the first step. The next step is determining your specific purpose.Specific purposes:( single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.)Once you have chosen a topic and a general purpose, you must narrow your choices to determine the specific purpose . The specific purpose should focus on one aspect of a topic. You should be able to state your specific purpose in a single infinitive phrase.(to inform my audienceabout…; to persuade my audience to…) that indicates precisely what you hope to accomplish with your speech. Perhaps an example will help clarify the process of choosing a specific purpose. For example:If your topic is: EmergenciesYour general purpose is : To informSo far. So good. But what aspect of your topic would you discuss? The different kinds of emergencies? The emergency situations she had faced? Specific techniques such as water rescue, applyng first aid, or preventing a person from going into shock? She had to choose something interesting that she could cover in a six-minute speech. Finally, she settled on explaining the major steps involved in responding to an emergency. She stated her specific purpose this way.You should narrow your topic, focus on one aspect, and express it in a single infinitive phrase. For instance, we can define thespecific purpose as: To inform my audience of the major steps in responding to an emergency This turned out to be an excellent choice, and her speech was among the best in the class. Notice how clear the specific purpose statement is. Notice also how it relates the topic directly to the audience. That is, it states not what the speaker wants to say, but what the speaker wants the audience to know as a result of the speech. This is very important, for it helps keep the audience at the center of you attention as you prepare the speech.Specific purpose: to explain the major steps in responding to an emergencyExplain to whom? To a group of medical students? To an introductory Red Cross class? Those would be two different speeches. The medical students already know the basic fact about responding to an emergency. For them, the speaker might provide a more advanced discussion.Tips for formulating the specific purpose statementFormulating a specific purpose is the most important early step in developing a successful speech. When writing your purpose statement, try to follow the general principles outlined below.The first tip is:1. Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase, not as a fragmentIf your specific purpose is: Calendars. Is it effective or ineffective?Why,because it is a fragment, not an infinitive.If your specific is:To inform my audience about the four major kinds of calendars used inthe world today.It is much more effective.Another example:If your specific purpose is: Stem cell research . Is it effective or ineffective?Why,because it is a fragment, not an infinitiveIf your specific is: To persuade my audience that the federal government should increase funding for stem cell research.Of course, it is more effective.The ineffective statements above are adequate as announcements of the speech topic, but they are not thought out fully enough to indicate the specific purposeOk, Let’s move on to tip 22. Express your purpose as a statement, not as a questionineffective: Is China’s space program necessary?Is it effective or ineffective?Yes it is ineffective.Why,because it is a question, not an statementMore effective:To persuade my audience that China’s space program provides many important benefits to people here on earthIt becomes more effective.The questions might make an adequate title, but they are not effective as the specific purposestatement. They give no indication about what direction the speech willtake or what the speaker hopes to accomplish.The third tip is:3. Avoid figurative language in your purpose statementIneffective:To inform my audience that yoga is extremely cool.More Effective: To inform my audience how yoga can improve their health.Here are two specific purpose statements, please tell which one is effective, which one is ineffective?Ineffective:To persuade my audience that the campus policy on off-campus living reallystinks.More Effective:To persuade my audience that the campus policy on off-campus living should be revised.Although the ineffective statements indicate something of the speaker’s viewpoint, they do not state concisely what he or she hopes to achieve. Metaphors, analogies, and the like are effective devices for reinforcing ideas within a speech,but they are too ambiguous for specific purpose statements.Yes ,very good.. Obviously I made myself understood.4. Limit your purpose statement to one distinct idea, or one main pointHere I give you three statements, and you decide which one is not effective. Ineffective: To inform my audience about the developments of AIDS and the recent testing procedures for HIV infectionMore Effective: To persuade my audience about the developments of AIDSMore Effective: To inform my audience about the recent testing procedures for HIV infection. Why the first sentence is ineffective? Because it has two main points: the developments of AIDS and the recent testing procedures for HIV infectionWhat you need to avoid is not simply the word “and”, but a specific purpose statement that contains two unrelated ideas, either of which could easily be developed into aspeech in its own right.5. Make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or generalIneffective: To inform my audience about the Civil WarMore Effective: To inform my audience about the role of African American soldiers in the Civil WarThe ineffective purpose statement above falls into one of the most common traps---it is too broad and ill-defined. It gives no clues about what aspect of the Civil War the speaker will cover. The more effective purpose statement is sharp and concise. It reveals clearly what the speaker plans to discuss.Here is another example, this time from a persuasive speech:Ineffective: To persuade my audience that something must be done about medical care. More effective: To persuade my audience that the government should adopt a system of national health insurance for all people in China.Tell me which one is more effective?The second one, because, it is more concise. The ineffective purpose statement is vague and indistinct. It gives no indication of the speaker’s stance toward the topic. The “something”that “should be done” could include anything. The more effective purpose statement is crisp and clear. It does not leave us guessing what the speaker hopes to accomplish.When you determine your specific purpose, you should ask yourself the following questions to see whether your purpose is appropriate.Questions to ask about your specific purposeSometimes you will arrive at your specific purpose almost immediately after choosing your topic. At other times you may do quite a bit of research before deciding on a specific purpose. Much will depend on how familiar you are with the topic, as well as on any special demands imposed by the assignment, the audience,or the occasion. But whenever you settle on your specific purpose, ask yourself the following questions about it.1. Does my purpose meet the assignment?2. Can I accomplish my purpose in the time allotted?3. Is the purpose relevant to my audience?4. Is the purpose too trivial for my audience?5. Is the purpose too technical for my audience?All right, next we are going to discuss how to phrase your central idea.Phrasing the central idea (thesis statement, subject sentence, major thought)The specific purpose of a speech is what you hope to accomplish. The central idea is a concise statement of what you expect to say.Sometimes it is called thesis statement, subject sentence, major thought. Whatever the term, the central idea is usually expressed as a simple, declarative sentence that refines and sharpens the specific purpose statement.What is the central idea?It is a one-sentence statement that sums up the major ideas of a speech. It is what you want the audience to absorb from your speech..Imagine you run into a friend on your way to speech class. She says, “ I have to dash to my history lecture, but I hear you’re giving a speech today. Can you tell me the gist of it in one sentence?”“ Sure,” you reply. “ America’s prison system suffers from three mafor problems---- overcrowding of inmates, lack of effective rehabilitation programs, and high expense to taxpayers.”Your answer is the central idea of your speech. It is more precise than your topic (America’s prison system) or your specific purpose statement ( To inform my audience of the three major problems facing America’s prison sustem”) By stating exactly what the three major problems are, the central idea sums up your speech in a single sentence.Notice that in persuasive speeches, the central idea puts forth a point of view, an opinion. The central idea is an arguable, debatable proposition. It is a non-neutral statement. You have to take your stance, whether you are for or against the preposition. Standing in the middle is not acceptableIn informative speeches, the central idea appears relatively neutral and objective.Let’s take a few examples we saw earlier in this chapter and develop them from the topic, general purpose, and specific purpose to the central idea.We start with the speech about responding to an emergency situation.Topic: EmergenciesGeneral purpose: To informSpecific purpose: To inform my audience of the major steps in responding to an emergency. Central idea: The major steps in responding to an emergency are surveying the scene, contacting an emergency medical service, and starting CPR if needed.(cardiopulmonary resuscitation)Look carefully at this example, it shows how the speaker starts with a broad subject(emergencies) that becomes narrower and narrower as the speaker moves from the general purpose to the specific purpose to the central idea. Notice also how much more the central idea suggests about the content of the speech. From it we can expect the speaker to develop the main points in the speech---eachcorresponding to one of the major steps in responding to an emergency.Another example:Topic: Alternative-fuel vehiclesGeneral purpose: To persuadeSpecific purpose: To persuade my audience that the government should speed up efforts to develop alternative-fuel vehicles.Central idea: Developing alternative-fuel vehicles will help reduce China’s dependence on foreign oil and will help reduce air pollution.From this central idea we can deduce that the speaker will develop two main points in the speech:(1) alternative-fuel vehicles have the potential to reduce China’s need forimported oil, and (2) alternative-fuel vehicles will reduce the air pollutioncaused by automobile exhaust.The central idea statement serves three useful purposes. First, it helps you generate your main ideas . Second, it suggests suitable organizational patterns and strategies. Third, it focuses the audience’s attention on your central idea.Here I will give you some guidelines for the central idea.Guidelines for the central idea1.be expressed in a full sentence2.should not be in the form of a question.3.should avoid figurative language4.should not be vague or overly generalHere, for example, are two poorly written central ideas. See if you can identify the problem with each and figure out how each might be phrased more effectively.Ineffective: Problems of fad dietsIneffective: Zibo is an awesome place for a vacation.(A fad diet is a weight loss plan or aid that promises dramatic results. These diets don't offer long-term success, and they are usually not very healthy. Some of them can actually be dangerous to your health.)The first one is too general, it does not reveal enough about the content of the speech to serve as the central idea. It should be rewritten as a full sentence that identifies the problems of fad diets to be discussed in the speech:More effective: Although fad diets produce quick weight loss, they can lead to serious problems by creating deficiencies in vitamins and minerals and by breaking down muscle tissue as well as fat.The second one is flawed by its use of figurative language. To say that Zibo is an ‘awesome’ place for a vocation does not convey the speaker’s central idea clearly and concisely. It does not indicate what characteristics of Zibo the speaker intends to discuss. Moreover, “awesome”could mean quite different meanings to different people. A better central idea would be:More effective: Zibo has many attractions for vocations, including a warm climate, excellent food, and many historical sites.SummaryThe first step in speech making i s choosing a topic. For classroom speeches, it is often best to choose a subject you know well or in which you have personal experience.After you choose a topic, you need to settle on the general purpose of your speech. Usually, the general purpose will be to inform or to persuade. When it is to inform, you act as a teacher, your goal is to communicate information clearly, accurately, and interestingly. When your general purpose is to persuade, you act as an advocate, your goal is to win listeners over to your point of view.Once you know your topic and general purpose, you must focus in on a specific purpose that you can express as a single infinitive phrase. The phrase should indicate precisely what your speech plans to achieve.The central idea refines and sharpens your specific purpose. It is a concise statement of what you will say in your speech, and it usually crystallizes in your thinking after you have done your research and have decided on the main points of your speech.. The central idea usually conveys the main points to be developed in the body of your speech.。
