Ig Nobel Prize
Ig Noble Prize
the Ig Nobel PrizesGood afternoon, everyone. It’s reall y my honor to give this presentation. Today I’m going to talk about somethi ng about Ig Nobel Prize. Is there any one knowing about it?Maybe you hear d its Chinese name before——搞笑诺贝尔奖. Its English name is the combine of ignoble and Noble Prize. Now ,you may realize that this award is a fun ny imitation of the Nobel Prize. It is awarded every year just before the true Noble Prize and some of the jud ges are the true Nobel Prize winners. Its purpose is to honor the achievem ents that first make people laugh, an d then make them think, and this pri ze is expected to develop people’s fur ther interest in science, medicine, and technology.This is a brief introduction of Ig N obel Prize. Now, please allow me to in troduce some interesting awards abou t it.The first one, Physics Award in 201 0. The researchers in New Zealand fo und that if you wear socks outside th e shoes in winter, you are less likely to drop down on the icy sidewalk. The second one, Biology Award in 2 008. French researchers found fleas live on dogs can jump higher than th ose live on cats.And the next, Medicine Prize in T hree researchers found that high-pri ced fake medicine is more effective than low-priced fake medicine. After hearing these strange award s, you may ask, why do we hold such a grand ceremony every year to honor these curious and maybe unhelpful researches?Well, in my opinion, the Ig Noble Prize may be a scientific self-mockery,but to some extent, it do promotes the further understanding of the human world, it tells us what atitude we should take towards new strange things, it courages us to explore those tiny things which other person will ignore, it makes us understand we should(大胆地假设,小心地求证), and at last, it present the desire for peace and progress, that’s the most important.。
最后公开发表。按照他的实验结果,被蜜蜂叮咬后最疼痛的部位是:鼻孔、 上嘴唇和阴茎。 与史密斯一同上台领奖的施密特也蛮拼的:几十年来他都在专门从事关于 叮人的昆虫的研究,为了科学,他身体的很多部位也做出了“牺牲”。施 密特的“叮咬疼痛指数”虽然只从0排到4,不过这位昆虫学家在疼痛指数 中详细描述了被78种昆虫叮咬的滋味——值得一提的是,他所用的语言也 极富天分,仿佛他是一位在酒窖里鉴定美酒的品酒师。 例如,白脸胡蜂的叮咬,经施密特“品尝”后被鉴定为:“浓烈,酣畅淋 漓,而且有点酥脆。就像你的手被旋转门挤烂了一样。” 再如,大黄蜂的 叮咬被鉴定为:“热辣而又余烟袅袅,毫不留情面。想象一下喜剧演员 W.C.菲尔德斯把烟头放在你舌头上摁灭了。”不过,这两种叮咬的疼痛指 数只能排到2。 疼痛指数被列为4+的是子弹蚂蚁的叮咬,这种蚂蚁惩罚受害者的手段是: “纯粹、剧烈、无以伦比的疼痛,就像一个三寸长的生锈的钉子扎进你的 脚后跟,然后再让你赤脚走在燃烧的木炭上。”
为了与正式的诺贝尔奖“分庭抗礼”,“搞笑”版 颁奖常在前者之前一周举行。获奖者自费到场领奖, 奖品是由廉价材料制成的手工艺品,4个星期内就 会“土崩瓦解”,但颁奖者却是货真价实的往届诺 贝尔奖获奖者。据英国《卫报》报道,来自世界各 地的教授、研究人员、学生以及真正的诺贝尔奖获 得者上周在哈佛大学桑德斯剧场齐聚一堂,参加了 第25届搞笑诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式。这是科学界最荒 诞的庆祝仪式,专门表彰那些“让你忍俊不禁,然 后若有所思”的科学研究,颁发者是真正的诺贝尔 奖得主。
像恐龙一样走路 来自智利和美国的一组生物学家的好奇心与 小孩有一拼:他们把木棍插在鸡屁股上来观 察它会如何走路。结果是这些鸡走起来“跟 我们认为的恐龙的走法相似。”这组科学家 成功地总结了他们的研究结果,并以论文的 方式发表出来,题目是:“像恐龙一样走路: 带有人工尾巴的鸡为非鸟类恐龙的运动提供 线索”。该研究让他们夺走了此次的生物学 奖。
ignoble prize
6.4.5% of people said that they occasionally pick their noses and have a snack(吃).
Andrade attended the ignobel prize ceremony and made special public speaking after two days, answering a few questions put forward by the audience.He assured them that, moderately to pick nose is completely normal.
2001 Ignoble Prize (The public hygiene aw源自rd) 公共卫生奖 Andrade
Some Indian scientists studied on the
p h e n o m e n on o f
among teenagers.
A questionnaire was conducted among 200 students, and the result is quite surprising, there are some findings below:
4.80% of the students use their fingers to pick nose. The rest of the students, like to use nipper (镊子) or pencil;
5.Over half of the students said that they pick nose to breathe more smoothly, eliminate discomfort or itchiness(痒). About 11% of the students said that they pick nose for the sake of beauty, and also another 11% of students said that doing so is just for fun.
592021 11 世界科学诺贝尔奖颁奖概况举世瞩目的诺贝尔奖现由物理学奖(PH )、化学奖(CH )、生理学或医学奖(PM )、文学奖(LI )、和平奖(PE )与经济学奖(ES )6个奖项组成,前5个奖项根据阿尔弗雷德•诺贝尔(AlfredBernhard Nobel ,1833.10.21—1896.12.10)1895年的最终版遗嘱创设,始颁于1901年。
科学原来也可以这样搞笑 搞笑诺贝尔奖发人深省
科学原来也可以这样搞笑搞笑诺贝尔奖发人深省和22年前到斯德哥尔摩领取诺贝尔化学奖一样,威廉·利普斯康(William Lipscomb)博士精神抖擞地出现在哈佛大学的桑德斯剧场。
一道出现的数学家曼德布洛特(Benoit Mandelbrot)也是西装革履。
这是10月2日举办的第18届“搞笑诺贝尔奖”(the Ig Nobel Prize)的颁奖典礼现场。
用创办人和组织者马克·亚伯拉罕斯(Marc Abrahams)的话说,就是要“乍看之下令人发笑,细细品味发人深省”。
在观众们发出的阵阵尖叫声中,一位哈佛大学医学院系主任迅速拔剑而出,紧接着高呼道:“欢迎来到‘搞笑诺贝尔’!” 这幕热闹的场面让亚伯拉罕斯感叹不已。
2017物理学奖 法国里昂大学的研究者Marc-Antoine Fardin, 他通过流变学中的“底波拉数”来证明了“猫既可以是固体,又 可以是液体”的理论。
2016年诊断医学奖:英国 Stoke Mandeville医院的 Diallah Karim和同事研 究表明,急性阑尾炎可以 用病人在开车通过减速带 时感受到的疼痛程度来精 确诊断。
2016 Christoph Helmchen et al 获奖原因:如果左侧身体痒,可以看着镜子挠右侧对 面位置止痒
产科学奖:发育中的人类胎儿者Francis M. Fesmire,直肠手指按摩 中止顽固打嗝。 2008年,获奖者Rebecca Waber、 Dan Ariely,昂 贵的安慰剂比便宜的有效。 2010年,获奖者Simon Rietveld,哮喘症状可用过山 车来缓解。 2011年,获奖者Mirjam Tuk、Matthew Lewis、 Peter Snyder、Robert Feldman、Robert Pietrzak、 David Darby和Paul Maruff,憋尿对决策能力的影 响。
——主讲 2018.01.31
The Nobel Prize + Ignoble(地位低下的)
2016年 时间 2015年 生命 2014年 食物 2013年 (力/原力) 2012年 ? 2011年 化学
2017年(不确定性 Uncertainty)
医学奖:通过脑部扫描技术评估人对某种芝 士的厌恶程度。 解剖学奖:为什么老人的耳朵大?
日本公立函馆未来大学中垣俊之及同事、英 国丹-贝伯尔(Dan Bebber)和马克-弗雷克 (Mark Fricker),使用黏液菌证实了火车轨 道铺设的最佳路径。2008年搞笑诺贝尔奖 得主Toshiyuki Nakagaki也是研究者之一, 他在2008年获得了“搞笑诺贝尔认知奖”。
凯瑟琳· 道格拉斯
彼得· 罗林森
猜猜我 是谁?
敌人断背的化学武器 美国空军莱特实验室(Wright Laboratory) 尝试研发一种“同性恋炸弹”。这种炸弹 能让敌方士兵互相产生爱慕之情,从而丧 失战斗意志。但美国空军却无人愿意前来 领奖。被“搞笑诺贝尔奖”创始人马克· 亚 伯拉罕批评为“保守落后”。
行,大银行也能迅速堕落为小银行。而同样的道理也适用 于一个国家的经济,比如冰岛的经济。(注:2008年,受 全球金融危机的影响,冰岛整个国家的经济和银行系统遭 受严重打击,其中就包括文中所提到的这四家银行。)
获得兽医奖的是来自纽卡斯尔大学的研 究人员凯瑟琳· 道格拉斯和彼得· 罗林森,他 们指出如果给奶牛起名字,并对其倾注感 情,牛奶的产量就会提高。这些发现来自 一项研究,该研究的目的就是要改善奶牛 的福利。
09动物检疫二班 耿朋帅 :924643718
黏菌寻找 最优路线过程
玉 米 车 前 羽扇豆 猪毛菜 蛇婆子 紫云英 金矿 忍冬 锌矿 锦 葵 锰矿 野苦麻 硼矿 三色堇 铜 、铅 、锌矿 铀矿,硒矿 白银 镍矿 铁矿 锰矿
年搞笑诺贝尔奖 The Ig Nobel Prizes (英语学习).doc
2010年搞笑诺贝尔奖The Ig Nobel Prizes 2010(英语学习)The venue for this year’s Ig Nobel Prize ceremony honouring science that “makes you laugh, then makes you think” was Harvard’s Sanders Theater. And the first cash prizes in the awards’20-year history raised the ugly suspicion that the Ig Nobels will become yet another awards ceremony that’s all about money.搞笑诺贝尔奖旨在表彰那些“乍看令人发笑,之后发人深省”的科学研究,今年的颁奖典礼在哈佛大学的桑德斯剧场举行。
Or maybe not. Because the cash prize, courtesy of a generous benefactor1), was a 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note. Last year’s economics prize went to the geniuses who rendered that note virtually worthless2); this year’s went to the bosses of Goldman Sachs, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and Magnetar, for their bold work with new and innovative financial products3).或者也未必。
Ig Noble Prize
the Ig Nobel PrizesGood afternoon, everyone. It’s reall y my honor to give this presentation. Today I’m going to talk about somethi ng about Ig Nobel Prize. Is there any one knowing about it?Maybe you hear d its Chinese name before——搞笑诺贝尔奖. Its English name is the combine of ignoble and Noble Prize. Now ,you may realize that this award is a fun ny imitation of the Nobel Prize. It is awarded every year just before the true Noble Prize and some of the jud ges are the true Nobel Prize winners. Its purpose is to honor the achievem ents that first make people laugh, an d then make them think, and this pri ze is expected to develop people’s fur ther interest in science, medicine, and technology.This is a brief introduction of Ig N obel Prize. Now, please allow me to in troduce some interesting awards abou t it.The first one, Physics Award in 201 0. The researchers in New Zealand fo und that if you wear socks outside th e shoes in winter, you are less likely to drop down on the icy sidewalk. The second one, Biology Award in 2 008. French researchers found fleas live on dogs can jump higher than th ose live on cats.And the next, Medicine Prize in T hree researchers found that high-pri ced fake medicine is more effective than low-priced fake medicine. After hearing these strange award s, you may ask, why do we hold such a grand ceremony every year to honor these curious and maybe unhelpful researches?Well, in my opinion, the Ig Noble Prize may be a scientific self-mockery,but to some extent, it do promotes the further understanding of the human world, it tells us what atitude we should take towards new strange things, it courages us to explore those tiny things which other person will ignore, it makes us understand we should(大胆地假设,小心地求证), and at last, it present the desire for peace and progress, that’s the most important.。
“Funny” version of the Nobel Prize was founded by the American Mark Abraham, who founded a report en records,” the science humor magazine. Appeared in the “funny” version of the scientific achievements of the Nobel Prize to be unusual, to inspire people to science, medicine and technology interest. The Nobel Prize winner does not get any bonuses(奖金), not all praise, not to make a revolutionary(革命) (scientific advances, but all have award-winning research in leading academic journals.
The Ig Nobel Prize
The Ig Nobel Prize
• The Ig Nobel Prize is an interesting imitation(模拟、仿制 品) of the Nobel Prize. Its name is from the Ignoble(不光彩的) and Nobel Prize in combination. Organizers for science humor magazine (Annals of Improbable Research, AIR), some of the judges is the real Nobel Prize winners. Its purpose is to select those “people laugh at first glance, thought-provoking(发 人深醒)after" study. Annual awards ceremony in October, one to two weeks before the Nobel awards take place at Harvard University's Sanders Theater.
Something about Ig nobel prize wiinners
Dr. Elena Bodnar Brassiere(胸罩)
protective face masks
In 2009 Ig Nobel
Andre Geim of the University of Nijmegen (the Netherlands) and Sir Michael Berry of Bristol University (UK) for using magnets(磁 力) to levitate(轻 轻浮起) a frog.
Marina de Tommaso, Michele Sardaro, and Paolo Livrea, [ITALY]
“Aesthetic(美学) value of paintings affects pain thresholds(开端, 入口),"
In 1995, the British government's chief scientific adviser to Lord Oxford Robert Mae require the host authorities not to award the prize to the British scientist. He believes that this award will make some serious research an object of ridicule.
Ten years later, in 2010, Andre Geim won a Nobel Prize in physics (for research on another subject).
搞笑诺贝尔奖不一样作者:来源:《发明与创新·小学生》2021年第12期搞笑诺贝尔奖是对诺贝尔奖的有趣模仿,由马克·亚伯拉罕(Marc Abrahams)在1991年创立。
它的英文名为the Ignobel Prizes,是由Ignoble(不光彩的)和Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖)组合而成。
始于1991年的搞笑诺贝尔奖(IgNobel Prizes)是对诺贝尔奖的有趣模仿。
其名称来自Ignoble(不名誉的)和Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖)的结合,主办方为科学幽默杂志(Annals of Improbable Research,AIR),每年9月或10越,颁奖仪式都会在哈佛大学的桑德斯大礼堂举行。
1."搞笑诺贝尔奖"并不可笑 [J], 求索
2.从搞笑诺贝尔奖到菠萝科学奖:先搞笑,后思考 [J], 周玉
3.搞笑的“搞笑诺贝尔奖” [J], 袁海
4.搞笑诺贝尔奖不是真的在搞笑 [J], 妙妙
5.搞笑诺贝尔奖不是真的在搞笑 [J], 妙妙
除了教会儿子最萌转圈圈之外,这位总统还获得2013 年IG Noble Prize(搞笑诺贝尔)和平奖呢!应致力于禁止在公共场所鼓掌而获得和平奖。
IG Noble Prize?搞笑诺贝尔奖(Ig Nobel Prizes)是对诺贝尔奖的有趣模仿。
主办方为科学幽默杂志(Annals of ImprobableResearch,AIR),评委中有些是真正的诺贝尔奖得主。
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It is stupid to make a long speech
—— Literature Ig Nobel Prize 2006
(普林斯顿大学) 普林斯顿大学)
• “It’s important to point out that this research is not about problems with using long words but about using long words needlessly,” said study author Daniel Oppenheimer. • “Anything that makes a text hard to read and understand, such as unnecessarily long words or complicated fonts(字体), will lower readers’ evaluations of the text and its autBecome Wrinkled
—— physics Ig Nobel Prize 2007 L Mahadevan of Harvard University, USA, and Enrique Cerda Villablanca of Universidad de Santiago de Chile (智利圣地亚哥大学 ) won the 2007 physics Ig Nobel Prize , for studying how sheets become wrinkled. They give us a formula to calculate the wrinkle.
There are still many wars on this world:
Why don't we develop a weapon which cause no deaths or destruction?
“Gay Bomb”(同性恋炸弹 同性恋炸弹) 同性恋炸弹
The project, which officials say has now been scrapped(抛弃), was to come up with a device to release unspecified hormones(激素) that could be absorbed through the skin or lungs, thereby incapacitating (使无 能力)soldiers who—according to the plan—would be too busy swooning(昏倒) over each other in swooning homosexual ecstasy ecstasy(入迷) to waste any time dashing about planting roadside bombs. The Pentagon did not respond to inquiries from the BMJ(《英国医学杂 志》) about possible future plans for its “make love not war” initiative.