Nuclear shadowing in deep inelastic scattering on nuclei leading twist versus eikonal appro




中子与x射线融合成像下固体推进剂力学行为原位表征新技术1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可能如下:引言部分的目的是介绍本篇长文的主题和背景,并提出本研究的目的和意义。

















" R = DAs i和Ni分别为体积元p S内缺陷z的 数量Ap为体积元p、q的交界面面积丄s为体 积元p、q中心点之间的距离$
2 MISA-SCD1. 0 实现
2. 1 MISA-SCD1. 0 概述 MISA-SCD1 0的计算流程如图1所示,
CHEN Dandan1 , HE Xinfu2 , YANG Wen2 , CHU Genshen1 , BAI He】,HU Changjun1 ''
((.Universit3 of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing 100083 , China ; 2. China Institute of Atomic Energy , Beijing 102413 , China)
第55卷第7期 2021年7月
原子能科学技术 Ato—icEnergyScienceandTechnology
Vol. 55 ,No. 7 Jul.202*
核材料辐照损伤的 并行空间分辨随机团簇动力学模拟
(1 •北京科技大学,北京1000832.中国原子能科学研究院,北京102413)
为扩大SRSCD的模拟体积,并解决扩大 体积后带来的计算量,最有效的方式就是并行 处理$在确定性方法中,并行区域按相同的时













菲奥娜·哈里森(Fiona Harrison)来自美国加州理工学院,是该项目的首席科学家。




在7月份的两天内,这台空间望远镜设备和其它望远镜相互配合,对银河系核区的半人马座A*天体(Sgr A*)进行了观测。












该 工 作 对 理 解 润 湿 理 论 非 常 重 要 ,对 于 设
计 智 能 表 面 ,如 微 流 体 设 备 等 , 具 有 重 要 意 义 。此 外 , 以上 研 究 工 作 在 微 流 体 无 损 耗 运 输 、 智 能 涂 层 、 白清 洁 表 面 和 密 封 防 护 等 工 程 领域 具 有重 要意 义 。
该 研 究小 组首 先利 用 聚合 物材 料成 功 制备 了拥 有 复 杂 微/ 米 二 元 结 构 和 深 度 分 布 的超 纳
疏 水/ 油涂 层 材 料 ,通 过 改 变 疏 水 涂 层 中亲 疏 水 性 组 分 的 含 量 实 现 了 水 滴 在 该 表 面 上 粘 附 性 的调 控 。 接 着 ,该 研 究 小 组 又 利 用 阳 极 氧 化 法 在 工 程 材 料 钛 表 面 构筑 了有 序 二 氧 化 钛 纳 米 管 阵 列 ,通 过 紫 外 光 照 射 和 热 处 理 的方
配其 禁 带 宽度 可 以覆盖 1 ~ .l . 44a 7 m波 段 。锑化 物 光 电器 件 的独 特 优 势 日益 受 到 广 泛 重 视 成 为 目前 国 际前 沿 和 热 点 研 究 方 向 。 半导 体所 纳米 光 电子 实验 室 和超 晶格 国家 重 点实验 室 分 子束 外 延( E 课 题 组首 先 深入 MB )
并准 备发 表 。 ( 中国陶瓷网 )
压 水 滴 在 响应 性 聚 合 物 刷 修 饰 阳 极 铝 上 的 动 态 润 湿 性 能 。 结 果 表 明 ,稀 释 分 布 在 表 面 的 接 枝 响 应 聚 合 物 没 有 明显 改变 表 面 的润 湿 性 能 , 但 导 致 了表 面 响 应 性 润 湿 性 能 的转 换 和 滞 后 性 。 当水 滴 与 聚 合 物 相 互 作 用 、成 为水 合 物 时 ,润 湿 性 能可 轻 易 从C si 式 转 换 为 as 模 e We zl 式 , 呈 现 高 滞 后 且 接 触 角 降 低 。如 n e模 水 滴 不 与 聚 合 物 发 生 作 用 ,水 滴 则 处 在 稳 定 的C si润湿 模式 。 as e



Th r o m a c a u to o h d r t r LLL m a i g S s e e Pe f r n e Ev l a i n f r t e Un e wa e I g n y tm
Ba e n En r y Tr n f r Ch i sd o e g a se an
Th ee a tu d r trLL i gn y tm p l n ec ud g i l hg p e ie i gn y te meh d p o o e . Th erlv n n e wae L ma ig s se a pi c o l an wel ih s e d l ma ig b h to rp sd a v e
法 的核心是从 辐射 源 特 性及 其 在 介 质 中 的反 射 吸 收
上; 要求 目标 在探 测器靶 面上 成像 的照 度值大 于最低 灵 敏度 的值 ; 目标 在 探测器 靶 面上 成 像 的对 比度大 于 02 . 。水 下成像 的传递 环节 如图 1 示 。 所
和透 射规律 出发 , 究 和估算 景物 的辐 射 ( 研 反射 ) 能量
视 觉特性为依 据 , 以最 大限度地 收集并 高 保真度 的传
递景 物图像信 息 为 目的 。 图像 在 空 间传 递 过 程不 仅
是视角 的传 递 , 而且 是 亮 度 、 比度 的传 递 L 。对 水 对 1 ]
下微 光成像 系统 的性 能评价是 围绕 图像 信息 的能 量 、 对 比度等特征 , 形成 了系统能 量传 递链 法 。这种 评价
原则要 求 : 目标 像 在 探 测 器 靶 面 上 占有 两 个像 元 以
高散射 介质环境 约束条 件下 , 水 环境 中快 速过 程和 对 发生 的事 件进行 清 晰 成像 和 快 速 记 录 。它 弥补 了人



能捕 捉 放 射 物 的粉 末
日本研究人员宣布 , 他们开发出一种能 种粉末是将天然沸石 等数种矿物 和一些 化 有效捕捉溶解 在水 中的放射性 碘、 、 铯 锶等 学物质混合在一 起制成 的。研究人 员用 没 并使之 沉淀 的粉末 。这 一成果有 望用于处 有放射性 的铯进行 了实 验。他 们 向 10毫 0 理福岛第一核 电站的高放射性污水。 升浓度为 l lp m( p 至 O p pm指百 万分 之几 ) 日本金泽 大学教授太 田富久与一家专 溶有铯 的水 中加入 15克粉末 , 拌 1 . 搅 0分 业污染 处理公 司合 作取得 了上述成果 。这 钟后 , 铯几乎被完全除去。用溶有碘和锶 的

2 ・ 8
光 学精 密 机 械
21 0 第 2期 ( 第 1 1期 ) 1年 总 2
沸 石 中有 大 量 与 铯 离 子 大 小 几 乎 相 同 水进 行 实验 , 也取 得 了 同样 的结 果 。 这种 孔 能捕 捉溶 解 在水 中 的铯 离 子并 太 田富 久 指 出 , 论 是 否 有 放 射 性 。 无 元 的孔 , 让其沉淀。不过 , 单靠 沸石还不够 , 以还 所 素 的基本 化 学性 质 是 相 同 的 , 因此 这种 粉 末 也 能用 于处 理 放射 性 碘 、 和锶 。福 岛第 一 混合 了其 他 物 质 。这 些 物质 能 与 铯 离 子 发 铯 核 电站 的 高 放 射 性 污 水 所 含 放 射 性 物 质 的 生化 学反 应 , 生 化 合 物 并 沉 淀 , 而 提 高 产 从 浓度据估计在 lpm左右。另外 , Op 放射性碘 捕捉放射性铯的效 率。如果要清除碘 和锶 , 的浓度 即使 达 到 lO p 用 这 种 粉 末 也 能 只要 在粉 末 中 添加 能分 别 让 它 们 沉 淀 的 物 O pm,






我们发布了质子的部分子分布函数数据库IMParton16,以及原子核的部分子分布函数数据库nIMParton16(nuclear IMParton)。














materials science英文缩写

materials science英文缩写

materials science英文缩写在材料科学领域,有许多常见的英文缩写。

以下是一些常见的材料科学英文缩写:1. SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy(扫描电子显微镜)2. TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy(透射电子显微镜)3. XRD: X-ray Diffraction(X射线衍射)4. FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy(傅立叶变换红外光谱)5. NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(核磁共振)6. AFM: Atomic Force Microscopy(原子力显微镜)7. STM: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy(扫描隧道显微镜)8. XPS: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy(X射线光电子能谱)9. HRTEM: High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy(高分辨透射电子显微镜)10. UV-Vis: Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy(紫外-可见光谱)11. DSC: Differential Scanning Calorimetry(差示扫描量热法)12. TGA: Thermogravimetric Analysis(热重分析)13. DMA: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis(动态机械分析)14. CVD: Chemical Vapor Deposition(化学气相沉积)15. PECVD: Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition(等离子体增强化学气相沉积)这些缩写通常用于科学文献、实验室报告和学术讨论中,以简洁地表示各种实验方法、仪器和技术。




博士毕业于中科院半导体研究所, 先后在新加坡南洋理工大学,新加坡科技大学和英国谢菲尔德大学从事博士后研究工作,科研方向为第三代半导体电子/光电子器件和系统集成。

近日,中南大学汪炼成教授(通讯作者)课题组采用MOCVD 在蓝宝石(002)上外延生长了1.5 μm厚的AlN材料,AlN材料相关参数测试为电子浓度1×1014 cm-3,电子迁移率135 cm2V-1s-1,载流子寿命1×10-8 s,对应200 nm光吸收系数1×105 cm-1,XRD测试结果AlN为002面半高宽0.22度,透过率测试结果显示材料吸收波长在200 nm处急速下降。

在材料参数测试完以后,作者对AlN材料进行光刻,形成叉指电极图案,然后采用ICP(ICP Power (W): 450; (RF) / 75, Cl2: 40 sccm, BCl3: 5sccmAr2: 5sccm)刻蚀深度分别为0.5 μm、1.0 μm和1.3 μm。

再采用磁控溅射沉积1.4 μm厚的Ni金属,最后采用丙酮去除光刻胶和多余Ni金属得到3D-MSM器件,并且把刻蚀1.3 μm器件倒装键合在有基板电路的硅衬底上,形成背入射式FC-3DMSM 器件。


器件制作完成后,采用紫外测试系统对器件进行光电特性测试,测试系统包括光学平台、卓立汉光氘灯(ZOLIX LSDS-30-DZ01, Spectrum: 180-400 nm, Power: 30 W)、单色仪(Bandpass: 5 nm),光功率计、屏蔽箱和吉时利4200 SCS参数分析仪。

测试结果显示在8V偏压下FC-3DMSM、3D-MSM (0.5 μm)、3D-MSM (1 μm)光电流比未刻蚀MSM器件分别增大78%、52%、48%;在2V偏压下200 nm光波长处MSM、3D-MSM (0.5 μm)、FC-3DMSM器件响应度分别为0.0065 A/W、0.008 A/W和0.0096 A/W,3D-MSM(0.5 μm)和FC-3DMSM 器件比MSM器件响应度提高23%和47%。



第42卷第4期2023年4月硅㊀酸㊀盐㊀通㊀报BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol.42㊀No.4April,2023纳米硅粉改良碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥的抗硫酸镁侵蚀性能何㊀俊,管家贤,吕晓龙,张㊀驰(湖北工业大学土木建筑与环境学院,武汉㊀430068)摘要:利用纳米硅粉对碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥抗硫酸镁侵蚀性能进行改良,对MgSO 4溶液浸泡后的固化淤泥试样开展无侧限抗压强度㊁核磁共振和X 射线衍射试验,研究硅粉掺量㊁养护龄期㊁浸泡时间对固化淤泥强度的影响规律及其微观机理㊂研究表明:在标准养护条件下,当硅粉掺量为3%(质量分数)时固化淤泥试样的孔隙体积最小,无侧限抗压强度最大,生成水化铝酸钙等产物㊂在MgSO 4侵蚀环境下,标准养护7d 试样具有很好的抗侵蚀能力,当硅粉掺量为3%(质量分数)时固化淤泥抗MgSO 4侵蚀能力最好,无侧限抗压强度随浸泡时间的增加而增大;标准养护28和60d 时,固化淤泥抗MgSO 4侵蚀能力减弱㊂建立了固化淤泥无侧限抗压强度与硅粉掺量及浸泡时间的关系式,预测了最危险条件和最低强度㊂适量的纳米硅粉可增加固化淤泥中水化速度和程度,减少钙矾石的生成量及其不利影响,达到提高碱渣固化淤泥抗MgSO 4侵蚀性能的目的㊂关键词:纳米硅粉;碱渣;海相淤泥;MgSO 4侵蚀;无侧限抗压强度;微观结构中图分类号:TU411.3㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1001-1625(2023)04-1344-09Anti-MgSO 4Erosion Performance of Soda Residue-Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Solidified Soil Modified by Nano-SilicaHE Jun ,GUAN Jiaxian ,LYU Xiaolong ,ZHANG Chi(School of Civil Engineering,Architectural and Environment,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China)Abstract :Nano-silica was used to improve the anti-MgSO 4erosion performance of solidified soil with soda residue and ground granulated blast furnace slag.The unconfined compressive strength (UCS),nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction tests were carried out on solidified soil soaked in MgSO 4solution.The influences of nano-silica content,curing time and soaking time on strength and microstructure of solidified soil were studied.The results show that the sample with 3%(mass fraction)nano-silica content shows the smallest pore volume and highest UCS,and the products such as calcium aluminate hydrate are generated under standard maintenance conditions.In MgSO 4erosion environment,the samples cured for 7d have good erosion resistance.When the silica powder content is 3%(mass fraction),the solidified soil has the best anti-MgSO 4erosion performance,and the unconfined compressive strength increases with the increase of soaking time.For the samples cured for 28and 60d,the anti-MgSO 4erosion performance is weaker.The functional relationship between UCS of solidified soil and nano-silica content and soaking time is given,and the minimum UCS is predicted.Appropriate nano-silica promotes the hydration rate and degree for solidified soil and reduces the generation of ettringite and its adverse effects,which improves anti-MgSO 4erosion performance for solidified soil with soda residue.Key words :nano-silica;soda residue;marine soft soil;MgSO 4erosion;unconfined compressive strength;microstructure 收稿日期:2022-11-04;修订日期:2023-01-15基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(41772332)作者简介:何㊀俊(1977 ),女,博士,教授㊂主要从事环境岩土工程方面的研究㊂E-mail:hjunas@ 0㊀引㊀言在滨海城市,围海造陆是解决土地资源紧张问题的重要手段[1]㊂近年来,滨海地区常将海相沉积淤泥作为围海造陆的主要原料㊂海相沉积淤泥以细颗粒为主,具有含水率高㊁孔隙比大和固结性能差等特点[2],㊀第4期何㊀俊等:纳米硅粉改良碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥的抗硫酸镁侵蚀性能1345采用无机固化剂固化处理是改善其性质的有效方法㊂其中,水泥是固化处理常使用的固化剂,但在生产过程中存在高能耗和高排放问题,而且水泥固化土的耐腐蚀性较差㊂Mg2+和SO2-4浓度是腐蚀评价的主要指标,韩鹏举等[3]研究不同浓度MgSO4溶液中水泥固化土表观形貌和强度的变化规律,发现其强度随着MgSO4浓度的增加而减小㊂刘泉声等[4]对侵蚀环境下水泥固化土耐久性的研究发现,Mg2+㊁Cl-和Na+降低了水泥固化土的强度,浸泡时间超过90d使强度产生明显衰减㊂闫楠等[5]发现海水环境下水泥固化土的劣化深度随时间的增长而增大,海水中侵蚀性离子对水泥水化产物的生成有抑制和消耗作用㊂为改善侵蚀环境中水泥固化土性质,许多学者尝试研究高效和环保的固化剂,以提高软土的强度和抗侵蚀性㊂吴燕开等[6]钢渣替代部分水泥用于固化海相软土可提高固化土的抗海水侵蚀能力㊂王子帅和王东星[7]将高炉矿渣㊁粉煤灰㊁硅灰和电石渣等工业废渣协同水泥固化滨海地基土,发现固化土在MgSO4侵蚀环境中受SO2-4侵蚀和Mg2+胶结弱化双重作用,导致固化土孔隙增大,强度在7d内有一定增长后持续降低㊂碱渣是氨碱法生产纯碱时产生的废弃物,其治理和再利用成为近年来研究的热点㊂杨爱武等[8]利用滨海软土㊁碱渣㊁水泥㊁生石灰㊁粉煤灰和发泡剂等制成碱渣固化轻质土,为碱渣的有效处理提供了参考㊂He等[9]以碱渣-矿渣作为淤泥固化剂,发现固化淤泥抗氯盐侵蚀能力强,但侵蚀作用形成的微观裂缝及疏松结构导致其抗MgSO4侵蚀能力较弱,如何提高碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥的抗MgSO4侵蚀能力还有待于深入研究㊂纳米SiO2(硅粉)是一种高活性无定形物质[10],可提高早期水化反应的速度和程度[11],从而有效提高水泥基材料的抗侵蚀性,因此一般选择纳米硅粉作为外掺剂来提高砂浆㊁混凝土和水泥土的抗侵蚀能力㊂Wu 等[12]研究发现纳米硅粉可降低砂浆的吸水率和渗透孔隙体积,使Ca(OH)2减少,C-S-H增加,从而增强试样在H2SO4侵蚀环境中的强度稳定性㊂Kunther等[13]发现纳米硅粉可降低水泥砂浆的钙硅比和膨胀率,从而提高砂浆的抗硫酸盐侵蚀能力㊂王文军等[10]将纳米硅粉作为外掺剂用于水泥土改性,发现纳米硅粉可显著提高水泥土强度,固化机理为水泥凝结硬化㊁火山灰反应㊁离子交换反应和填充效应㊂曾庆军等[14]在水泥土中加入0%㊁2%和4%(质量分数)的纳米硅粉,在Na2SO4溶液和纯水中养护后进行无侧限压缩试验,发现硫酸盐环境可加速纳米硅粉与水泥水化产物的二次反应,大幅增加水泥土的强度㊂通过以上研究可以发现,掺加纳米硅粉对于提高砂浆㊁混凝土和水泥土的强度和抗侵蚀性能是可行的㊂目前,纳米硅粉在提高碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥抗侵蚀性能的适用性相关研究尚未开展㊂本文在前期研究的基础上,开展纳米硅粉改良碱渣-矿渣固化海相淤泥的MgSO4溶液侵蚀试验,探讨纳米硅粉掺量㊁侵蚀溶液浓度㊁养护龄期和浸泡时间等对固化淤泥强度的影响规律和作用机理,以期为提高碱渣固化淤泥抗MgSO4侵蚀性能和耐久性提供技术支持㊂1㊀实㊀验试验用土取自天津南港滨海相沉积淤泥,其基本物理指标见表1㊂该淤泥呈流塑-软塑状态,属高压缩性㊁欠固结土及中灵敏淤泥质黏土,其矿物成分见图1,主要有石英㊁白云母㊁伊利石和方解石等㊂淤泥主要含有SO2-4㊁Cl-㊁Mg2+侵蚀性离子,含量分别为3200.4㊁10031.1和1143.0mg/kg,易溶盐含量大于1.0% (质量分数),属氯盐渍土;场区地下水矿物化度较高,受海水影响较大㊂表1㊀试验所用淤泥的基本物理指标Table1㊀Basic physical indexes of soil used in testWater content(mass fraction)/%ρ/(g㊃cm-3)Specific gravity Void ratio Liquid limit/%Plastic limit/%47.4 1.76 2.74 1.2741.523.8试验选用固化剂包括碱渣(soda residue,SR)㊁矿渣(ground granulated blast furnace slag,GGBS)和电石渣(carbide slag,CS),矿物组成见图1㊂碱渣主要化学成分及质量百分比为CaO(66.46%)㊁SO3(11.27%)㊁SiO2(8.6%)和Cl元素(6.72%),由碳酸钙㊁二水硫酸钙和氯化钠等组成;矿渣主要化学成分为CaO(38.60%)和SiO2(33.90%),由钙铝黄长石㊁硅酸二钙和铝酸三钙等组成;电石渣主要化学成分为CaO(89.71%),主要矿物成分为氢氧化钙,起激发矿渣活性的作用㊂硅粉购自中航中迈科技有限公司,平均粒径20nm,比表面积240m2/g,为白色球形颗粒㊂1346㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷图1㊀试验用土和固化剂的XRD 谱Fig.1㊀XRD patterns of soil and solidified agents 试样制备时,首先将淤泥风干后研磨过2mm 筛,参考淤泥天然含水率加水搅拌至淤泥初始含水率为50%;为防止碱渣中二水硫酸钙失水变为半水硫酸钙,碱渣采用60ħ烘干,其他固化剂也都采用60ħ烘干至恒重;将淤泥与烘干的碱渣㊁矿渣㊁电石渣和硅粉混合均匀,密封静置24h 使水分分布均匀㊂开展的试验包括无侧限抗压强度(unconfined compressive strength,UCS)试验㊁X 射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)和核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)测试㊂UCS 试验:采用分层击实法制样,将混合土分3层装入内径3.91cm㊁高8.0cm 的钢模中击实㊂在温度为(20ʃ2)ħ㊁湿度大于95%的标准养护箱养护至设定龄期后,将试样浸泡在溶液中,定期轻轻搅拌溶液使溶液均匀并避免触碰到试样㊂浸泡至设定时间后取出试样测试无侧限抗压强度㊂XRD 测试:为检测侵蚀性离子对固化淤泥矿物成分的影响,在UCS 试验结束后,收取断裂面试块,干燥后研磨过75μm 筛进行XRD 测试㊂采用Cu K α辐射为0.154nm 的BrukerD8Advance 系统(BrukerAXS,Madison,WI,USA),扫描速度为5(ʎ)/min,扫描范围5ʎ~75ʎ,通过Jade 软件分析矿物成分㊂NMR 测试:为检测硅粉对固化淤泥孔隙分布的影响,采用苏州纽迈股份有限公司生产的核磁共振岩心分析仪(MicroM12-025VR)进行NMR 测试㊂将混合土分2层装入内径18mm㊁高30mm 的亚克力模具中击实,在标准养护箱内养护至设定龄期后,真空抽气饱和试样;然后将试样装入核磁共振仪试样管中进行测试,反演得到弛豫时间T 2分布曲线㊂固化淤泥浸泡试验方案见表2㊂其中,固化剂掺量通过预试验确定,其比值为质量比;参考文献[10,12,14]中纳米硅粉掺量,选择硅粉与干土质量分数为0%~4%;养护龄期设为7~60d,浸泡时间设为7~60d㊂浸泡溶液为MgSO 4溶液,根据前期研究[9]和文献[3-4]选取离子浓度,浓度设定为15和30g /L㊂表2㊀固化淤泥浸泡试验方案Table 2㊀Soaking test scheme of solidified soilWater content /%m (dry soil)ʒm (SR)ʒm (GGBS)ʒm (CR)Nano-silica content ω/%Soaking solution Curing time N /d Soaking time M /d50100ʒ20ʒ10ʒ40,1,2,3,4MgSO 4(15and 30g /L)7,28,600,7,14,28,60㊀㊀注:后文用N7+M28表示标准养护7d 后在溶液中浸泡28d 的试样,以此类推;表中的%均指质量分数㊂2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀标准养护条件下硅粉掺量的影响标准养护条件下固化淤泥无侧限抗压强度与硅粉掺量的关系见图2㊂1)硅粉掺量对固化淤泥的无侧限抗压强度有一定的影响:当ω<3%时,ω对UCS 的影响不大,在一定的范围内波动;当ω=3%时,不同养护龄期时UCS 均达到最大,3%为最优硅粉掺量;当ω=4%时UCS 有所降低,其原因在于当硅粉掺量较大时,未参与反应的纳米硅粉不仅没有凝胶作用,还可能起到分散作用[10]㊂2)当养护龄期(7d)较短时,不加硅粉试样的UCS 为485.90kPa,ω=3%对固化淤泥强度的提高效果明显,UCS 为855.55kPa,后者是前者的1.76倍㊂当养护龄期较长时,ω=3%对固化淤泥强度有一定提高效果,例如养护28d 时不加硅粉试样和ω=3%试样的UCS 分别为1160.82kPa 和1346.57kPa,后者是前者的1.16倍㊂这表明纳米硅粉的掺入可能有助于提高固化淤泥中水化速度,对提高固化淤泥早期强度效果好,与水泥土的规律一致[10]㊂3)随着养护龄期的增加,固化淤泥的无侧限抗压强度增大,从7d 增至28d 时UCS 有明显提高;28d 时水化反应已较为充分,当养护龄期从28d 增至60d 时UCS 增大不明显,甚至有的试样UCS 还有所减少㊂这第4期何㊀俊等:纳米硅粉改良碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥的抗硫酸镁侵蚀性能1347㊀图2㊀标准养护条件下不同硅粉掺量固化淤泥的无侧限抗压强度Fig.2㊀Unconfined compressive strength of solidified soil with different nano-silica content under standard curing conditions 可能与淤泥中易溶盐含量较高㊁且碱渣中也含有Cl -和SO 2-4有关,即在没有侵蚀性溶液浸泡的情况下,混合土中存在一些侵蚀性离子,内部侵蚀可能造成固化淤泥强度劣化[4]㊂标准养护7d 时不同硅粉掺量试样的NMR 测试结果见图3㊂其中:弛豫时间T 2可反映孔隙大小,其值与孔径成正比,信号强度可反映不同孔径对应的孔隙数量[15];试样孔隙率n 是通过核磁共振测试过程中校准样n 和T 2面积之间的关系反算得到[15]㊂可以看出,固化淤泥T 2分布呈双峰形态,从左到右分别为主峰和次峰,对应小孔隙和大孔隙的分布㊂当硅粉掺量从0%增至4%时,主峰对应信号强度最大值分别为745.61㊁783.01㊁855.04㊁760.67和811.76,表明在硅粉掺量较小(ω=1%和2%)和较大(ω=4%)时,小孔隙数量较多㊁体积较大,不加硅粉和ω=3%时小孔隙体积相对较小㊂从次峰来看,随着硅粉掺量的增加,大孔隙峰值对应信号强度先减小后增大,在ω=3%时大孔隙峰值对应信号强度(59.58)最小,不到ω=0%时信号强度(124.32)的1/2,表明适当掺量的硅粉对于减少固化淤泥中大孔隙体积有明显效果㊂当ω=3%时试样小孔隙和大孔隙体积小,试样的孔隙率(8.60%)也最小,孔隙结构密实,其无侧限抗压强度最大㊂当ω=4%时,未反应硅粉的分散作用导致结构疏松㊁孔隙增大,因此次峰峰值对应信号强度变大,孔隙率也较大㊂图3㊀标准养护7d 时硅粉掺量对固化淤泥T 2分布和孔隙率的影响Fig.3㊀Effect of nano-silica content on T 2distribution and porosity of solidified soil after being cured for 7d 图4㊀标准养护条件下固化淤泥的XRD 谱Fig.4㊀XRD patterns of solidified soil under standard curing conditions标准养护条件下固化淤泥的XRD 试验结果见图4㊂1)除来自原材料的石英㊁白云母㊁碳酸钙(CaCO 3)和氯化钠(NaCl)等矿物外,固化淤泥中还检测出水化铝酸钙(C-A-H )㊁水化硅酸钙(C-S-H )㊁钙矾石(Ca 6Al 2(SO 4)3(OH )12㊃26H 2O )㊁水化氯铝酸钙(Ca 4Al 2O 6Cl 2㊃10H 2O)和水化亚氯酸钙(Ca 3Cl 2O 4㊃2H 2O)等水化产物,这些物质的生成是提高固化淤泥强度的主要原因[16]㊂在碱渣和电石渣提供的碱性环境下,淤泥和碱渣中活性Al 2O 3和SiO 2与电石渣中Ca(OH)2发生水化反应生成C-A-H 和C-S-H [17];碱渣中CaSO 4㊃2H 2O 与矿渣中铝酸钙㊁电石渣中Ca (OH)21348㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷等反应生成具有膨胀填孔作用的钙矾石[18];碱渣和淤泥中的氯盐与Ca(OH)2等反应产生水化氯铝酸钙和水化亚氯酸钙[19]㊂2)养护龄期为7d 时,与不加硅粉试样相比,当ω=3%时试样中钙矾石㊁水化氯铝酸钙和C-A-H 衍射峰增强,NaCl 衍射峰减弱㊂加入适量硅粉可促进水泥水化反应的进行[10,19],在碱渣固化淤泥中同样如此,液相中浓度较大的Ca 2+会抑制硅酸钙㊁铝酸钙水化反应,而掺入纳米硅粉可吸附并消耗Ca 2+,加速铝酸钙水化生成C-A-H,从而使固化淤泥的结构更为密实,与NMR 测试结果一致㊂另外,由于C-S-H 一般呈胶体状,结晶度较低,其衍射峰普遍偏低,但可以看出当ω=3%时C-S-H 衍射峰有所增强㊂3)随着养护龄期的增加,ω=3%固化淤泥中C-A-H 衍射峰明显增多㊁增强,钙矾石衍射峰有所增强,使固化淤泥的强度明显增大㊂另外,当ω=3%时养护7d 试样中NaCl 衍射峰很弱,但养护28d 时试样中NaCl 衍射峰较强,而水化氯铝酸钙衍射峰较弱,表明长期养护过程中淤泥与碱渣中Cl -对固化淤泥起到一定的劣化作用[5],水化氯铝酸钙发生分解,又以NaCl 晶体存在于试样中㊂2.2㊀侵蚀环境和时间的影响不同标准养护龄期时,15g /L 的MgSO 4溶液侵蚀作用下试样UCS 与硅粉掺量及浸泡时间的关系见图5㊂可以看出:1)当养护龄期为7d 时,不同硅粉掺量条件下浸泡时间对试样强度影响规律性不强,ω=0%和4%时UCS 随浸泡时间的增加略有减小,而ω=3%时UCS 随浸泡时间的增加而明显增大㊂当ω=3%时MgSO 4溶液中浸泡28d 试样UCS 达到1261.31kPa,比浸泡前UCS(855.35kPa)增大近1/3㊂这表明短期养护后,3%硅粉对固化淤泥的抗MgSO 4侵蚀能力有明显提高㊂2)当养护龄期为28d 时,不同硅粉掺量条件下强度随浸泡时间的增加而减小㊂其中,ω=1%时试样浸泡时间超过28d 后出现明显破坏,无法测试强度,故试样N28+M60的UCS 为0kPa㊂当浸泡7d 时试样UCS 在ω=3%仍最大,浸泡28d 或60d 时硅粉掺量对强度影响较小;浸泡时间从28d 增至60d 时,试样UCS 变化很小㊂3)当养护龄期为60d 时,强度随浸泡时间的增加而下降的趋势同养护28d 试样相同;但当ω=3%时,固化淤泥浸泡60d 强度大于浸泡28d 强度,试样N60+M60的UCS 为879.30kPa,高于其他硅粉掺量试样;ω=4%时试样强度也较高㊂因此长期养护后3%的硅粉可以使固化淤泥抗MgSO 4侵蚀能力提高㊂4)当浸泡时间一定㊁纳米硅粉掺量增加时,试样UCS 不是单调变化的,其主要原因是土样㊁固化剂㊁纳米硅粉㊁侵蚀环境的共同作用比较复杂㊂如前所述,土样和固化剂中含有侵蚀性离子,在养护和浸泡过程中存在内部侵蚀和外部侵蚀问题;纳米硅粉对早期水化反应起到加速作用,而掺量过大时又有分散作用㊂这些因素的共同作用导致UCS 随ω有一定波动,但当ω=3%时试样强度较高㊂图5㊀MgSO 4溶液浸泡时间对固化淤泥无侧限抗压强度的影响Fig.5㊀Effect of soaking time of MgSO 4solution on unconfined compressive strength of solidified soil 综合来看,加入适量纳米硅粉可以提高碱渣固化淤泥的抗MgSO 4侵蚀性能,最优掺量为3%㊂MgSO 4溶液浸泡试样XRD 谱见图6㊂第4期何㊀俊等:纳米硅粉改良碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥的抗硫酸镁侵蚀性能1349㊀1)海相淤泥在形成过程中受海水的影响,土中含有Cl -㊁Na +㊁SO 2-4和Mg 2+等侵蚀性离子,且碱渣中也含有CaSO 4㊃2H 2O 和NaCl,因此经过浸泡后固化淤泥的主要成分没有发生变化,与图4中检测出主要物质相同㊂2)对于不加硅粉㊁标准养护7d 的试样(图6(a)),在MgSO 4溶液浸泡28d 后钙矾石衍射峰明显增强,表明MgSO 4侵蚀环境使固化淤泥生成大量钙矾石㊂钙矾石具有膨胀性,大量钙矾石将使固化淤泥出现微观裂缝㊁形成疏松结构[9],从而使固化淤泥的强度降低㊂对于ω=3%㊁标准养护7d 试样,浸泡28d 后钙矾石衍射峰相比于浸泡前没有明显变化,且钙矾石衍射峰低于不加硅粉试样,其原因在于铝酸钙水化生成钙矾石的速度较快,当CaSO 4㊃2H 2O 耗尽且硅粉掺量适量时,部分钙矾石可能转化为单硫型水化铝酸钙[10],其膨胀性低于钙矾石,使固化淤泥的结构较为密实,强度相应增大㊂3)对于ω=3%㊁标准养护28d 试样(图6(b)),随着浸泡时间的增加,C-A-H 衍射峰有所减弱而钙矾石衍射峰有所增强,其原因是在MgSO 4溶液中,C-A-H 与SO 2-4反应生成钙矾石[20]㊂与养护7d 试样不同,养护28d 后水化反应已较充分,孔隙结构已较致密,侵蚀性环境下再生成的钙矾石则会对结构产生不利影响㊂同时,C-A-H 作为填充土体孔隙的重要水化产物,其含量减低使得试样强度降低,由此导致固化淤泥长期养护后抗MgSO 4溶液侵蚀的能力下降㊂图6㊀MgSO 4溶液浸泡后固化淤泥的XRD 谱Fig.6㊀XRD patterns of solidified soil after being soaked in MgSO 4solution 2.3㊀高浓度MgSO 4溶液对固化淤泥强度的影响试验初步计划还对30g /L 的MgSO 4溶液侵蚀作用开展研究,但长期浸泡时高浓度MgSO 4溶液侵蚀性很强,一些试样在溶液中发生崩解破坏,仅有少量数据,30g /L 的MgSO 4溶液对固化淤泥无侧限抗压强度的影响见图7㊂可以看出,将固化淤泥短期养护后浸泡在高浓度MgSO 4侵蚀环境中,纳米硅粉对提高碱渣固化淤泥的抗侵蚀性能效果并不明显,ω=1%时强度很低,当ω=4%时强度略高于不加硅粉试样㊂标准养护7d 试样在高浓度MgSO 4溶液中继续浸泡至10d 左右时即发生崩解破坏㊂当试样养护60d 后,适当掺量的纳米硅粉对于提高固化淤泥抗高浓度MgSO 4侵蚀性能起到一定的作用,在ω=3%时浸泡14d 后试样UCS 为898.71kPa,在ω=4%时强度也较高,为732.32kPa,高于ω=0%~2%试样㊂初步研究表明,对于高浓度MgSO 4侵蚀环境,增加养护龄期和适量的硅粉掺量可增强固化淤泥的抗侵蚀能力,但还有待于后续继续研究㊂2.4㊀多元非线性回归分析选取数据较全面的养护28和60d 试样,对15g /L 的MgSO 4侵蚀作用下试样的UCS 进行多元非线性回归分析㊂以硅粉掺量ω和浸泡时间t 为自变量,无侧限抗压强度为因变量,二次回归模型为UC ^S =a +bω2+cωt +dt 2+et (1)式中:UC^S 为无侧限抗压强度计算值,a ㊁b ㊁c ㊁d ㊁e 为回归系数㊂初步分析发现,ω一次项的影响不明显,因此在回归模型中未设置㊂可以得到养护28和60d 试样无侧限抗压强度与ω及t 的关系式分别为1350㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷UC ^S 28=1089.12+10.30ω2-0.40ωt +0.41t 2-38.30t (2)UC ^S 60=1072.70+3.70ω2+0.60ωt +0.30t 2-27.80t (3)回归模型的方差分析结果见表3㊂可以看出,模型F 值均远大于F 0.05(2,17)=3.59,表明回归方程与试验数据拟合较好,根据上述关系式可以预测MgSO 4侵蚀环境下固化淤泥的无侧限抗压强度㊂图7㊀30g /L 的MgSO 4溶液对固化淤泥无侧限抗压强度的影响Fig.7㊀Effect of 30g /L MgSO 4solution on unconfined compressive strength of solidified soil表3㊀方差分析Table 3㊀Analysis of varianceCuring time /dSource of variance SS T d f SD F Statistical significance R 2Regression 2479051.5721239525.8028Difference 116223.09176836.35181.31High 0.96Summation2595274.6819 Regression 896374.482448187.2460Difference 92608.75175447.5782.27High 0.91Summation 988983.2219 ㊀㊀注:SS T 为偏差平方和,d f 为自由度,SD 为标准差,F 为检验统计值,R 2为相关系数㊂根据式(2)和(3)得到UC^S 与ω和t 的关系见图8㊂可以看出,养护龄期为28和60d 时在15g /L 的MgSO 4侵蚀作用下,适当增加硅粉掺量对于提高固化淤泥的抗侵蚀性能具有积极作用;固化淤泥的强度随硅粉掺量的增加而增大,随浸泡时间的增加呈现明显减小后小幅增大的趋势㊂当养护龄期为28d 时,UC ^S 在ω=0.98%㊁t =47.22d 处达到最小值186.04kPa;当养护龄期为60d 时,UC ^S 在ω=0%㊁t =50.68d 处达到最小值434.33kPa㊂总体来看,浸泡时间为40~60d 时固化淤泥的UC ^S 处于较低水平㊂图8㊀无侧限抗压强度与硅粉掺量和浸泡时间的关系Fig.8㊀Relationship between unconfined compressive strength of solidified soil and nano-silica content and soaking time㊀第4期何㊀俊等:纳米硅粉改良碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥的抗硫酸镁侵蚀性能1351 3㊀结㊀论1)标准养护7d时,掺量为3%试样强度为855.55kPa,为ω=0%试样强度的1.76倍㊂适量掺量纳米硅粉对碱渣-矿渣固化淤泥的无侧限抗压强度有较好的提升效果,其原因在于生成钙矾石㊁水化氯铝酸钙和C-A-H等物质使试样结构更为密实㊂2)在15g/L的MgSO4的侵蚀环境中,ω=3%时,养护7d试样强度随浸泡时间的增加而增大,短期养护后固化淤泥具有很好的抗MgSO4侵蚀能力;养护28和60d试样强度随浸泡时间的增加而减小,但增大硅粉掺量可提升固化淤泥的抗MgSO4侵蚀能力㊂3)标准养护7d试样在MgSO4侵蚀环境下,ω=0%时生成大量膨胀性钙矾石,而ω=3%时钙矾石没有明显变化,这是硅粉改良固化淤泥具有良好抗MgSO4侵蚀能力的原因㊂对于标准养护28d试样,随着浸泡时间的增加,ω=3%时C-A-H有所减少而钙矾石有所增多,养护28d后水化反应已较充分㊁孔隙结构已较致密,新生成的钙矾石会对结构产生不利影响,导致长期养护后抗MgSO4侵蚀能力有所下降㊂4)对标准养护28和60d试样强度进行多元非线性回归分析,得到15g/L的MgSO4溶液侵蚀作用下固化淤泥无侧限抗压强度与硅粉掺量和浸泡时间的关系式㊂固化淤泥强度随硅粉掺量的增加而增大,随浸泡时间的增加先明显减小后小幅增大㊂参考文献[1]㊀尚金瑞,杨俊杰,孟庆洲,等.围海造陆填土技术及其应用研究[J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2015,45(6):100-107.SHANG J R,YANG J J,MENG Q Z,et al.Filling technology and application of reclamation project[J].Periodical of Ocean University of China,2015,45(6):100-107(in Chinese).[2]㊀杨爱武,闫澍旺,杜东菊,等.碱性环境对固化天津海积软土强度影响的试验研究[J].岩土力学,2010,31(9):2930-2934.YANG A W,YAN S W,DU D J,et al.Experimental study of alkaline environment effects on the strength of cement soil of Tianjin marine soft 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二、研究方法1. 实验材料本实验采用不同配比的C/C复合材料样本。

2. 同步辐射微米级计算机断层扫描(SR-μ-CT)SR-μ-CT是一种无损检测技术,具有高分辨率、高对比度等优点,可以用于观测C/C复合材料的微观结构。


3. 原位电子辐照原位电子辐照技术可以模拟材料在极端环境下的性能变化,通过观察材料在电子束辐照下的微观结构变化,可以研究其辐射稳定性。

三、实验结果与分析1. 微观结构分析通过SR-μ-CT扫描得到的C/C复合材料三维结构图像显示,碳纤维分布均匀,与碳基体结合紧密。


2. 原位电子辐照实验结果原位电子辐照实验表明,C/C复合材料在电子束辐照下表现出较好的辐射稳定性。
















6、若无20Cm口径专用量杯,仅知某次降水量重为376.8克,则该次降水量为 12.0 mm。




10、观测场仪器之间,南北间距不小于3 m,东西间距不小于4 m。




12、荚状层积云(Sc lent)中间厚、边缘薄,形似豆荚、梭子状的云条。




第49卷第12期Vol.49No.12红外与激光工程I n f r a r e d a n d L a s e r E n g i n e e r i n g2020年12月Dec.2020表面增强硫系玻璃G e28S b12Se6()薄膜非线性吸收(特邀)刘艺超\周姚\赵建行、周见红u,宋瑛林3(1.长春理工大学光电工程学院,吉林长春130000;2.长春理工大学光电测量和光信息传输技术教育部重点实验室,吉林长春130000;3.哈尔滨工业大学物理系,黑龙江哈尔滨150001)摘要:文中利用热蒸发以及退火等工艺制备了支持局域表面等离子体激元(L S P)的微纳结构,来增 强硫系玻璃G e28S b i2S e6()(G S S)薄膜的非线性吸收效应;搭建了 Z-s c a n光路,实现了对样品非线性折 射与吸收的测量;通过对样品透射光谱的分析,揭示了 G S S非线性吸收增强效应的原理并研究了该微纳结构对不同厚度G S S非线性吸收的增强规律文中用到的L S P微纳结构制作简单,无需复杂光 刻工艺,可为增强材料光学非线性研究提供重要参考3关键词:非线性光学;硫系玻璃;非线性吸收增强;局域表面等离子体激元中图分类号:0436 文献标志码:A DOI:10.3788/I R L A20201071Surface enhanced nonlinear absorption ofchalcogenide G e28Sb12Se60film {Invited)Liu Yichao1,Zhou Yao1,Zhao Jianxing1,Zhou Jianhong1'2,Song Yinglin3(1. S c h o o l o f Ph o toe lectr ic E n g i n e e r i n g, C h a n g c h u n U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y, C h a n g c h u n 130000, C h i n a;2. K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f O p t o e l e c t r i c M e a s u r e m e n t a n d O p t i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n T r a n s m i s s i o n T e c h n o l o g y o f M i n i s t r y o fE d u c a t i o n, C h a n g c h u n U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y, C h a n g c h u n130000, C h i n a;3. D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s ics, H a r b i n Institute o f T e c h n o l o g y, H a r b i n150001, C h i n a)A b s t r a c t:A nano-structure that supported the localized surface plasmon(LSP)was fabricated by using thennal evaporation and annealing processes to enhance the nonlinear absorption of chalcogenide Ge28Sbi2Se60 (GSS). The Z-scan experiment was carried out to measure the nonlinear refractive and nonlinear absorption of the fabricated samples.By analyzing the characteristics of the transmission spectra of the samples,the mechanism of the nonlinear absorption enhancement was revealed.Finally,the influence of the GSS thickness on the enhancement nonlinear absorption was studied.The proposed LSP nano-structure is easy in fabrication due to the lithography-free process,which provides significant reference for designing nonlinearty enhancement devices.Key w o r d s:nonlinear optics;chalcogenide;nonlinear absorption enhancement;localized surface plasmon收稿日期:2020-09-0丨;修订日期:2020-10-21基金项目’计划(D17017);吉林省教育厅科技发展计划(20180101281X:);吉林省教育厅“十〒五”科学技术研究规划(JJKH20190579KJ)作者简介:刘艺超(1995-),男,硕士生,主要从事非线性光学方商的研究E m a i l:145%36482@q q.c o m导师简介:周见红(1978—),男,教授,博士生导师,博士,主要从事微纳光子学器件方面的研究:E-m a i l: z j h@c u s t.e d u.c n20201071-1第12期红外与激光工程www 第49卷0引1实验硫系玻璃,指一些含有硫(S )、砸(S e )、碲(T e )元素的非晶材料,具有良好的红外透过率、高折射率、 相变特性以及较大的光学非线性。































研究内容包括:1. 构建HERMES核靶及其探测装置,保证实验数据的准确性与实用性。

2. 进行深度虚康普顿散射实验,获取数据并进行初步分析。

3. 结合理论计算,深入探究DCS过程的物理本质,以了解核物理方面的前沿研究进展。

4. 分析实验结果与理论预测的差异,并探讨可能的物理解释,为核物理学的发展提供研究案例和理论基础。

三、研究方法与步骤1. 实验装置:构建HERMES核靶及其探测装置,通过调整实验参数来获取有效数据。

2. 实验流程:在HERMES靶的相关区域进行电子束轰击,利用探测器获取反冲质子的散射信号。


3. 数据处理:通过实验数据处理和计算,分析反冲质子的运动轨迹和散射能量分布等相关数据。

4. 理论模型:根据实验结果和之前的研究进展,结合量子电动力学、相对论等理论方法,建立DCS过程的理论模型,预测数据的变化规律。

5. 数据分析:进一步分析实验数据与理论预测的差异,探究物理现象的本质,为核物理学研究提供理论依据和新思路。




! 第!"卷 第#期 !)*"+年#月
原子能科学技术 ,-%./012345670/3203829:30;2%&%56
$%&'!"(%'# 73<')*"+
用于反应堆内相对中子通量密度在线测量的 闪烁体光纤探测系统研制
"'清华大学 核能与新能源技术研究院北京!"***=> )'西藏自治区环境保护厅西藏 拉萨!=!****
?'中国原子能科学研究院 反应堆工程技术研究部北京!"*)>"? >'中国辐射防护研究院 保健物理研究所山西 太原!*?***B
摘要为实现反应堆不同空间和能量的相对中子通量密度在线监测本文研究开发了一 套 新 型 的 用 于 狭 小空间且位置灵敏的闪烁体中子探测系统该套系 统 由 ! 种 探 头! 路 光 子 计 数 器" 台 计 算 机 及 相 应 的软 件 组 成 !种 探 头 的 主 要 构 成 物 质 分 别 为BC/AZN27,5)?):;])ZN27,5)?=_])ZN27,5 #F3ZN27,5以及 FO] 晶体故可测量不同能量的相对中子通量密度其中掺 有BC/A 的 探 头 用 于 热 中子的测量FO] 探头用于 '测量其余?种探头用于快中子的测量利用该系统进行了 启 明 星 "1 装 置内热中子及快中子的相对通量密度分布测量并将 测 量 结 果 与 利 用 蒙 特 卡 罗 方 法 得 到 的 理 论 分 布 结 果 进 行 了 比 较 考 虑 到 理 论 设 置 参 数 与 实 际 实 验 参 数 的 差 别 可 认 为 测 量 结 果 是 可 信 的 关 键 词 闪 烁 体 光 纤 探 测 器 相 对 中 子 通 量 密 度 在 线 测 量 蒙 特 卡 罗 方 法 中图分类号:C="B'?!!! 文献标志码,!!!文章编号"***DB#?")*"+*#D"B!=D*+ !"#"*'+!?=6GH')*"B'6%IJ/82'*+!?







针对上述问题,北京理工大学李营团队以微纳陀螺(gyroid)曲面点阵结构为研究对象,利用投影微立体光刻曝光技术(PμLSE)和同步辐射X射线断层扫描技术(SR-μCT) ,研究了在压缩载荷下陀螺曲面点阵结构的弹性响应、失效过程和诱因机制。





最后,利用基于图像的有限元分析(FEA) 对重建样本和设计模型的变形和失效机制进行了比较,并将仿真结果与实验进行了比较。

图1 具有陀螺拓扑特征的点阵材料的缺陷表征和数值模拟流程图基于上述的缺陷表征方法,研究结果表明具有陀螺拓扑特征点阵结构的主要缺陷为凸起、曲面厚度偏差和表面规则划痕。





1.中子照相转换屏性能的对比测量 [J], 唐彬;宋衍位;夏明;蒋砚伟
2.14 MeV快中子照相用光纤转换屏研究 [J], 吴洋; 霍合勇; 李航; 王胜; 曹超; 孙勇; 尹伟; 刘斌; 唐彬
3.基于ZnO:In纳米棒阵列的X射线闪烁转换屏制备与性能研究 [J], 李乾利; 胡亚华; 马逸凡; 孙志祥; 王敏; 刘小林; 赵景泰; 张志军
4.日本理化学研究所高灵敏度中子照相机研制成功 [J], 那刹
5.一种高灵敏度全天候初始段安全监视系统——电子天空屏 [J], 张纪生;吴平

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a r X i v :h e p -p h /0201230v 1 24 J a n 2002Preprint typeset in JHEP style -HYPER VERSIONL.Frankfurt Nuclear Physics Dept.,School of Physics and Astronomy,Tel Aviv University,69978Tel Aviv,Israel V.Guzey Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM),Adelaide University,5005,Australia, M.McDermott Division of Theoretical Physics,Dept.Mathematical Sciences,Liverpool University Liverpool L693BX,England E-mail:martinmc@ M.Strikman Department of Physics,Penn State University,University Park,PA,16802-6300,USA.E-mail:strikman@ Abstract:We use several diverse parameterizations of diffractive parton distributions,extracted in leading twist QCD analyses of the HERA diffractive deep inelastic scattering(DIS)data,to make predictions for leading twist nuclear shadowing of nuclear quark and gluon distributions in DIS on nuclei.We find that the HERA diffractive data are sufficiently precise to allow us to predict large nuclear shadowing for gluons and quarks,unambiguously.We performed detailed studies of nuclear shadowing for up and charm sea quarks and gluons within several scenarios of shadowing and diffractive slopes,as well as at central impact parameters.We compare these leading twist results with those obtained from the eikonal approach to nuclear shadowing (which is based on a very different space-time picture)and observe sharply contrasting predictions for the size and Q 2-dependence of nuclear shadowing.The most striking differences arise for the interaction of small dipoles withnuclei,in particular for the longitudinal structure function F A L.Keywords:Deep Inelastic Scattering,QCD,Hadronic Colliders,Phenomenological Models.1.IntroductionThe high-energy scattering of leptons and hadrons from nuclear targets offers a unique pos-sibility to study the distribution of quarks and gluons in nuclei,i.e.,large parton densitiesin a large volume.It is nowfirmly established by several experiments(EMC and NMCat CERN,a number of experiments at SLAC,E665at Fermilab)that at small values ofBjorken x,5×10−3≤x≤0.03−0.07(for Q2≥1GeV2),the inclusive nuclear structure function,F A2,for DIS on a nucleus with A nucleons,is smaller than the incoherent sumof the nucleon structure functions,AF N2.This phenomenon is called nuclear shadowing(for recent reviews see[1]).It is important to emphasize that the available data,whichadmittedly has a rather limited kinematic range,Q2<∼4GeV2,demonstrate no significant Q2-dependence of nuclear shadowing.In addition,nuclear shadowing of the antiquark dis-tributions has been observed in the Drell-Yan process[2],in the range0.02<∼x<∼0.05 and16<∼Q2<∼35GeV2.In other words,the data are consistent with the dominance of leading twist shadowing.Why is it still interesting to work on the subject of nuclear shadowing in DIS on nucleiafter the topic has been investigated so thoroughly?There are several reasons.Firstly,an accurate evaluation of nuclear shadowing is vitally important for both lightand heavy nuclei to pin down the nuclear parton distributions.These form the boundaryconditions for hard processes in electron-nucleus DIS experiments proposed in the USA(the electron-ion collider(EIC))[3]and at DESY[4],in nucleus-nucleus and nucleon-nucleus collisions presently under way at BNL,and in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions planned for the LHC at CERN.Secondly,it is important to understand the intricate interplay of perturbative and non-perturbative effects in nuclear shadowing and its role in the parton distributions of nuclei at small x.Understanding this interplay is a key element in determining when the leading twist approximation(implicit in the DGLAP evolution equations)breaks down for sufficiently small x.Thirdly,because of the deep connection between nuclear shadowing and diffraction in DIS on a nucleon established by V.Gribov[5],accurate measurements of nuclear shadowing should help to discriminate between competing models of diffraction.The dynamics of nuclear shadowing in DIS at high energies is most transparent in the target rest frame where the virtual photon-nucleus(nucleon)scattering,γ∗(q)+A(P A)→X,is a time-ordered three-stage process.Firstly,the photon may be considered tofluctuate into a linear superposition of hadronic components labelled by the basis set|h k .The components consist of quarks, antiquarks and gluons at small relative transverse distances(and their associated color fields)and of hadronic bound states at large transverse distances.For large center-of-mass energy,W(W2=(q+P A)2),i.e.,small Bjorken x≈AQ2/W2,thefluctuation occurs a long distance upstream of the nuclear target.The incoming virtual photon(more precisely, the hadronic part of the virtual photon)state|γ∗ may be expressed generically as follows|γ∗ = k c k|h k ,(1.1)in which the index“k”should be understood to be a label which fully specifies the hadronic state(i.e.,it includes information about momentum fractions and transverse momentum of the constituent partons,their helicities,etc.)and c k= h k|γ∗ .Secondly,the hadronic configurations|h k interact strongly with the nucleusσγ∗A= k,k′c∗k′ˆσA k,k′c k,(1.2)where the subprocess cross section,ˆσA k,k′,is related via the optical theorem to the imaginary part of the forward scattering amplitude for the process h k+A→h k′+A normalized suchthatˆσA k,k=σhk A ,the total h k-nucleus cross section.Finally,the hadronicfinal state X is formed.In general,each state h k suffers attenuation:at sufficiently high energies the states |h k interact coherently with several nucleons of the target.These multiple interactions decreaseˆσA k,k′relative to the sum ofˆσN k,k′of the individual nucleons,which can be translated to the corresponding inclusive structure functions as F A2/(AF N2)<1.Thus,the coherent interaction of the photon with several nucleons of the target nucleus invariably results in nuclear shadowing.Equations (1.1,1.2)are very general.Any particular realization requires some mod-elling of the hadronic content of the (virtual)photon and of the interaction with the target.There are several models in the literature including Generalized Vector Meson Dominance (GVMD)models [6],two-phase models including vector mesons and the Pomeron [7]or other scaling contributions [8],and the QCD-improved aligned jet model [9].In this paper,we review and compare the two most recent approaches to nuclear shadowing:the leading twist and eikonal approaches.The leading twist approach was developed in a recent work by Frankfurt and Strikman[10],who attempted to place the treatment of nuclear shadowing on firmer ground.The authors generalized the Gribov theory of nuclear shadowing in hadron-nucleus scattering[5]to individual quark and gluon nuclear parton densities in light nuclei,probed in DIS on nuclei.As in the Glauber model,nuclei were treated as a dilute nucleon gas.The connection between nuclear shadowing in inclusive DIS on the nucleus and diffraction in DIS on the proton,the factorization theorem for hard diffraction [11]and high accuracy DIS diffractive data allowed the leading twist (LT)component of the nuclear shadowing correction to nuclear parton distributions to be evaluated reasonably well.One immediate and very distinct consequence of the theory is that,at some initial scale Q 0(Q 0=2GeV in [10]),nuclear shadowing for gluons is much larger than that for quarks (by a factor of about two or three for the lightest nuclei)because the diffractive structure functions are dominated by gluons.Another popular approach to nuclear shadowing is the eikonal approximation.This method is based on the assumption that the interaction between the fluctuation |h k and nucleons of the target leaves the fluctuation unchanged (i.e.,the interaction is diagonal in the appropriate variables).This allows the subprocess to be iterated and summedso that the |h k -nucleus total cross sections,σh k A ,entering Eq.(1.2)via ˆσA k,k ′,can be expressed in an exponential form via the total σh k N cross sections.This procedure is termed eikonalization,hence the name of the approximation.The profound conceptual difference between the leading twist and eikonal approaches is readily revealed by including QCD evolution.Indeed,in QCD quark-antiquark pairs and gluons are radiated by the partons constituting the fluctuations |h k before and during the interaction with the target,so that the fluctuations |h k necessarily mix.This is included in the leading twist approach and ignored in the eikonal approximation.As a result,the two considered approximations predict a different size and Q 2-dependence of the shadowingcorrection.For example,the longitudinal structure function F A Lis very sensitive to the mixing of the q ¯q and q ¯q g fluctuations of the incoming photon and thus can serve as a sensitive observable to distinguish between the leading twist and eikonal approximation predictions.At the outset,it may be useful to clarify the relation of this work to a number of works on the small-x scattering offnuclei (for nice pedagogical reviews and references to original papers,see e.g.,[12]).We are working in a kinematic region in which the leading twist contribution dominates diffraction and one has to take into account logs of Q 2and one or two logs of x 0/x in the evolution of the parton distributions.This can be accounted for by the NLO DGLAP evolution equations.The approaches of [12]focus on a resummation ofthe logs of x0/x(cf.the BFKL approximation)which is not necessary for this kinematic region and neglect certain logs of Q2.This paper is organised as follows.In section2we review the leading twist approxima-tion for nuclear shadowing and give predictions for the quark and gluon nuclear densities and for the nuclear structure functions F A2,using as input a broad range of leading twist diffractive parton distribution functions(DPDFs),which successfully describe the HERA hard diffraction data.We also review the eikonal approximation approach to nuclear shad-owing and discuss various serious problems associated with it.We dedicate section3to the longitudinal nuclear structure function,F A L,which is predicted to be very different within the two approaches,and indicates general qualitative patterns of contrasting behaviour for hard processes.Discussions and conclusions are presented in section4.In appendix A we specify and compare the different parameterizations of the DPDFs and observe that,in spite of significant differences in the details of these,they all lead to fairly similar prob-abilities for quark-induced and gluon-induced diffraction and nuclear shadowing at small x.We also observe that all of these parameterizations lead to a very large probability of leading twist diffraction in gluon-induced processes,which is comparable to the black-body limit of50%for x≤10−4at Q2∼4GeV2.Finally,the parameterization of the nuclear one-body density for a range of nuclei considered is given in appendix B.2.The leading twist and eikonal approaches to nuclear shadowingIn this section we review both the leading twist and eikonal approaches to nuclear shad-owing(subsections2.1and2.2).A critical comparison of the approaches is presented in subsection2.3.2.1The leading twist approachThe basis of our present day understanding of nuclear shadowing in high-energy scattering on nuclei was formulated in the seminal work by V.Gribov[5].The key observation was that,within the approximation that the radius of the strong interactions is much smaller than the average inter-nucleon distances in nuclei,there is a direct relationship between nuclear shadowing in the total hadron-nucleus cross section and the cross section for diffractive hadron-nucleon scattering.While the original derivation was presented for hadron-deuterium scattering,it can be straightforwardly generalized to lepton-nucleus DIS.2.1.1The master formulae for leading twist nuclear shadowingIn this subsection we aim to motivate a master formula which relates nuclear shadowing to diffraction offa single nucleon and includes the scattering offan arbitrary number of nucleons.The main result of the work by Frankfurt and Strikman[10]is the observation that the Gribov theory can be generalized to calculate the leading twist component of nuclear shadowing for each nuclear parton distribution separately.We shall review the principal steps of the derivation below.The starting point is the generalization of Gribov’s result to DIS of leptons on deuterium.The nuclear shadowing correction to the deuteronstructure function,δF D2=F p2+F n2−F D2,where F D2,F p2,F n2are the deuteron,proton, neutron structure functions,respectively,can be presented in the form1−η2δF D2(x,Q2)=21The factor associated with a non-zeroηis absent in the original derivation of[5]since the intercept of the Pomeron trajectoryαI P(0)was assumed to be equal to unity,see Eq.(2.3).2For simplicity we give the expression for the spin-less deuteron.For the spin-one deuteron the relevant form factors were calculated in[13].3The transverse plane is defined relative to the virtual-photon nucleon center of mass frame.Given that the momentum is mostly transverse,to a very good approximation,we use t and k2t interchangeably.)Figure1:Feynman diagram demonstrating the connection between the nuclear shadowing correc-tion to the deuteron structure function,δF D2,and the proton diffractive structure function F D(4)2.Equation(2.1)can be generalized to DIS on any nucleus.The shadowing correction to the nuclear inclusive structure function,which arises due to scattering on any pair ofnucleons,δF A(2)2,can be written in the formδF A(2)2=A(A−1)1+η2 d2b∞−∞dz1 ∞z1dz2 x I P,0x dx I P×F D(4)2(β,Q2,x I P,k2t) k2t=0ρA(b,z1)ρA(b,z2)e ix I P m N(z1−z2) .(2.2)HereρA is the nuclear one-body density per nucleon normalized such that d3 rρA( r)=1; z1and z2are the longitudinal coordinates of the two nucleons involved in the scattering; b is the impact parameter of the projectile with respect to the center of the nucleus.The upper limit of integration,x I P,0will be discussed later in the text.A non-vanishing longitudinal momentum transfer to the target is taken into account by the factor4exp(ix I P m N(z1−z2)). The implied suppression for large x I P m N is implicitly included in Eq.(2.1)by the4x2I P m2N term in the argument of the deuteron form factor.We determine the ratio of the real to imaginary parts of the diffractive scattering amplitude,η,by assuming a universal exchange and using the analytical properties of the scattering amplitude as a function of energy,as suggested by Gribov and Migdal[16]. Applying the Gribov-Migdal expression to our case,we determineηas a function of the intercept of the Pomeron trajectory,αI P(0),η=π∂ln1/x=π4This factor is analogous to the one which was derived within the vector meson dominance model of photoproduction and electroproduction(for a review see[15]).In the context of DIS it wasfirst introduced in the second reference of[9].Different values forαI P(0)obtained by various groups correspond to different values forη.In our analysis,we usedη=0.22in conjunction with the ACWT parameterization of DPDFs[17](αI P(0)=1.14)andη=0.32in conjunction with the H1[18]parameterization (αI P(0)=1.20).The integration over k t is absent in Eq.(2.2)since it is assumed that the slope of the elementary diffractive amplitude for the reactionγ∗+N→X+N is much smaller than the slope of the nuclear electromagnetic form factor5.This allows one to replace the diffractive nucleon structure function by its value at k2t=0.Equations(2.1)and(2.2)include only the spin non-flip part of the diffractive cross section,which is proportional to F D(4)2.Spin-flip effects in diffraction are highly suppressed at small t by the structure of the Pomeron vertex and thus can be safely neglected.The crucial observation made in[10]was that Eq.(2.2)can be generalized to nuclear parton densities.Indeed,the QCD factorization theorems for inclusive DIS[19]and hard diffraction[11]allow one to express the inclusive and diffractive structure functions,en-tering the left and right hand sides of Eq.(2.2),respectively,as a convolution of the same hard scattering coefficients with the corresponding,i.e.,inclusive and diffractive,parton distributions.Equating the terms in front of each hard scattering coefficient,one imme-diately arrives at the key expression for the shadowing correction to the nuclear partondistributions,δf(2)j/A(x,Q2),δf(2)j/A (x,Q2)=A(A−1)1+η2 d2b∞−∞dz1 ∞z1dz2 x I P,0x dx I P×f D j/N(β,Q2,x I P,0)ρA(b,z1)ρA(b,z2)e ix I P m N(z1−z2) .(2.4)Here j indicates a generic parton label(i.e.,a gluon,or a quark of a particularflavour);f Dj/N is the diffractive parton distribution function(DPDF)of the nucleon6,for parton of type j. Equation(2.4)is the main result of[10]and demonstrates the intimate connection between the nuclear shadowing correction to nuclear inclusive parton distribution functions(PDFs)and the DPDFs of the nucleon.Since f Dj/Nobeys the leading twist DGLAP evolutionequation,the Q2-evolution ofδf(2)j/A is also governed by DGLAP,i.e.,it is by definitiona leading twist contribution.This explains why the approach of[10]can legitimately be called the leading twist approach.However,the validity of Eqs.(2.1,2.2,2.4)does not require the absence of the higher twist effects in diffraction.Hence,as soon as a particular parameterization of the diffractive cross sectionsfits the data,one can use this parameterization to calculate the shadowing correction to the structure functions,using Eqs.(2.1,2.2,2.4),without addressing the question of decomposition of the diffractive cross section over twists.Ignoring for a moment the contribution to nuclear shadowing arising from the interac-tions with three and more nucleons of the target,the connection of δf (2)j/A to nuclear (f j/A )and nucleon (f j/N )PDFs is given byf j/A =Af j/N −δf (2)j/A ,(2.5)and is depicted graphically in Figs.2and 3for the up quark and gluon distributions,respectively.∗∗∗∗a) u A b) u N c) shadowing u A =A u N -A(A-1)/2 shadowingFigure 2:Feynman diagrams corresponding to Eq.(2.5)representing the nuclear quark distribution (a)as an incoherent sum of the quark distributions in the nucleons (b)minus the nuclear shadowing correction (c).Note that one needs to take the imaginary part of the forward amplitudes in order to find the structure functions.However,Eq.(2.4)describes only one piece of the shadowing correction,namely the part which arises from the interaction with any two nucleons.Since the strength of the interaction with several nucleons is large,for a sufficiently heavy nucleus the interaction with three and more nucleons plays an important role.Such an interaction cannot be expressed directly in terms of diffraction on the nucleon and has to be modelled.We shall use a scheme inspired to a certain extent by the quasi-eikonal approximation,which successfully describes soft total hadronic cross sections of high energy hadron-nucleus in-teractions.In this approximation,the amplitude for the forward virtual photon-nucleus scattering is given by graphs containing virtual photon-nucleon cross sections of two kinds.These are the cross sections of diffractive scattering and the production of inelastic inter-mediate states,and cross sections of “elastic”rescattering of the produced inelastic states.In the formalism of cross section eigenstates [20],where one introduces the notion of a distribution of cross sections for the scattering state,the amplitude for the scattering offk nucleons is proportional to σk where ... denotes averaging over the scattering state wavefunction.The quasi-eikonal approximation corresponds to the approximation σk∗∗∗∗∗∗a) g A b) g N c) shadowing g A =A g N -A(A-1)/2 shadowingFigure 3:Feynman diagrams corresponding to Eq.(2.5)representing the nuclear gluon distribution (a)as an incoherent sum of the gluon distributions in the nucleons (b)minus the nuclear shadowing correction (c).Note that one needs to take the imaginary part of the forward amplitudes in order to find the structure functions.One can interpret σeff as the average strength of the interaction of the produced config-urations.In this approximation the total cross sections can be “eikonalized”or summed to infinity in an exponential form in order to present the answer in a compact analytical expression (cf.[15]).Introducing the full nuclear shadowing correction to f j/A ,δf j/A ,where δf j/A =Af j/N −f j/A ,the quasi-eikonal approximation for δf j/A readsδf j/A (x,Q 2)=A (A −1)1+η2 d 2b ∞−∞dz 1 ∞z 1dz 2 x I P,0xdx I P ×f D j/N (β,Q 2,x I P ,0)ρA (b,z 1)ρA (b,z 2)e ix I P m N (z 1−z 2)e −(A/2)(1−iη)σj ef f z 2z 1dzρA (z ).(2.7)The rescattering cross section σj eff is discussed further in appendix A.Equation (2.7)implies that the rescattering cross section for the interaction with threeand more nucleons,σj eff ,is the same as the rescattering cross section for the interactionwith two nucleons.In general,this is not true since hadronic fluctuations with very differ-ent cross sections contribute to the total cross section of the interaction of a hard probe (virtual photon,W -boson,etc.)with a parton of the nucleus,and this broad dispersion over cross sections should be kept in mind.However,for nuclei with realistic finite A ,numerical studies with models which include effects associated with the distribution over cross sections demonstrate that deviations from the quasi-eikonal approximation are small[21,22].Similar conclusions were reached in [23]for the case of nuclear shadowing,where an even broader range of possible cross section fluctuations was considered.We used Eq.(2.7)in order to estimate δf j/A at some initial Q 2=Q 20(Q 20=4GeV2in our case).The result was used as an initial condition for the QCD evolution of f j/Ato higher scales Q2.We would like to stress that it would be incorrect to apply Eq.(2.7)at any arbitrarily large Q2:as Q2increases,the QCD radiation of gluons and q¯q pairsincreases the dispersion of cross sectionfluctuations and hence makes the quasi-eikonalapproximation less justified.2.1.2The transition between shadowing and antishadowing:setting x I P,0.The upper limit of integration over x I P in Eqs.(2.2,2.4,2.7),x I P,0,deserves a special discus-sion.In this subsection we motivate our choices for the numerical values of this parameterfor the various parton species and explain that in our model this parameter effectively actsas the transition point from the shadowing region at low x to the antishadowing regionat larger x.In[10],it was assumed that x I P,0=0.02.This choice of x I P,0was motivatedby two observations.Firstly,only for x I P≤0.02is it valid to assume that the Pomeron contribution dominates diffraction,i.e.,that sub-leading Reggeon exchanges can be safelyneglected.Secondly,larger x I P,0means that Eq.(2.4)can be applied to larger Bjorken x.However,for x>0.02,nuclear parton distributions are expected to receive an additionalcontribution from nuclear antishadowing(the mechanism leading to the experimentallyobserved enhancement of nuclear inclusive structure functions),which is not included inEq.(2.4).This makes the application of Eq.(2.4)for x>0.02not well motivated.The HERA diffractive data indicate that Pomeron exchange dominates diffraction forx I P≤0.01.At higher x I P it becomes necessary to take into account sub-leading Reggeon exchanges,although the“Pomeron term”appears to be giving the dominant contribution for x I P≤0.03.At the same time the separation of the diffractive cross section into these two contributions in this kinematic region is definitely not unique and leads to some uncertain-ties.However,the sensitivity of the predictions resulting from Eq.(2.4)to the particular choice of x I P,0is greatly reduced by the factor associated with the nuclear wavefunction, i.e.,by the suppression factorρA(b,z1)ρA(b,z2)exp(ix I P m N(z1−z2)).Moreover,to perform a self consistent description of the parton densities for the wholerange of x one needs to incorporate effects of enhancement of the parton densities athigher x.For the gluon such an enhancement follows from an energy-momentum sum ruleanalysis of the DIS nuclear data[24,25]which revealed that the light-cone fraction carriedby gluons in a nucleus and in a free nucleon is practically the same.For the valence quarkssuch an enhancement follows from the baryon charge sum rule[24].For the antiquark/seachannel there are no general arguments to determine the effect of the enhancement andin fact no enhancement is observed in the Drell-Yan process7[2].Hence we followed asomewhat simplified scenario of[24,25]which assumes that the enhancement is presentonly in the gluon and valence quark channels.The absence of the enhancement for the seain principle allows one to take x I P,0arbitrarily large.However,in our numerical analysiswe set x I P,0=0.1for the sea.We explicitly checked that the answer is insensitive to theparticular choice of x I P,0due to the nuclear wavefunction suppression and the dominanceof small-x values for the sea quark distributions.We take x I P,0=0.03for the gluons.For the gluon case we need to introduce atransition from the shadowing to the antishadowing regions for some particular value ofx=x tr,which in general should depend on A.Arguments were given in[24]to theeffect that the enhancement should be restricted to the region of x<0.2,and could startsomewhere in the range x tr∈[0.02,0.05].In principle we could keep the same x I P,0=0.1 as for the sea quarks and introduce an enhancement term for x>x tr to compensate forthe shadowing term and to ensure an enhancement.As one can see from the structureof Eqs.(2.2,2.4,2.7),the shadowing correction vanishes when x=x I P,0,and is stronglysuppressed close to it.Hence wefind that for our numerical analysis it is simpler to takex I P,0=x tr and to neglect the enhancement term for x≤x tr.The transition point between the shadowing and antishadowing regions for gluon dis-tributions in nuclei has never been measured experimentally.The best one can do is toinfer some information about x tr for the gluons indirectly,using QCD evolution.Ourchoice of x I P,0for the gluon distributions was motivated by the analysis in[26]of the NMChigh statistics data on the ratio of structure functions F2of Tin(118Sn)and Carbon(12C)[27].This analysis indicated that the transition between shadowing and antishadowingoccurs for0.023≤x≤0.035and Q2≈4GeV2.Thus,we use x I P,0=0.03for the gluon distributions in our analysis.However,a choice of x I P,0does notfix entirely the shape of the gluon distribution g A(x).We assumed a quadratic polynomial form for the antishad-owing correction to g A(x)on the interval0.03≤x≤0.2.The three free coefficients of the quadraticfit were chosen such that the antishadowing correction vanishes at x=0.03and x=0.2and that the momentum fraction carried by gluons bound in nuclei is the same as that in the free nucleon[25].A similar shape of the resulting gluon enhancement was assumed in[25,28].It is important to mention that,in this work,we make predictions for the shadowingcorrections to the gluon and sea quark distributions in nuclei and do not concern ourselveswith the valence quarks.In our numerical analysis,we keep only the Pomeron exchangecontribution to F D(4),which has vacuum quantum numbers.Thus,nuclear shadowing for 2the valence quarks in nuclei,which is associated with the Reggeon exchanges with non-vacuum quantum numbers,is not considered and effects of the valence quark enhancementfor x∼0.1are neglected.In general,a complete model for the leading twist partondistributions in nuclei would require conservation of the baryon number and momentumsum rules[9]in order to reconstruct the nuclear enhancement of gluon and sea quark partondistributions at moderate x.For the gluon and sea quark channels the corrections due to the A-dependence of thevalence quark distributions(which are anyway rather small for the x-range we discuss)enter only through Q2-evolution and are very small,see e.g.,[25,28].2.1.3Numerical predictions for nuclear PDFs and F A2In this subsection,we briefly discuss the DPDFs that we used in our analysis(we defera more detailed specification to appendix A).We then present predictions for nuclearshadowing,both on the parton level(for both sea quarks and gluons)and for the nuclearstructure functions,F A2,for a range of Q2and A.。
