Direct determination of the amplitude and the phase




Philanthropy is a noble virtue that has been extolled throughout history.It embodies the selfless act of giving without expecting anything in return.Philanthropists are individuals who dedicate a significant portion of their resources,time,and energy to helping those in need,often making a profound impact on society.The essence of being a philanthropist lies in the genuine desire to improve the lives of others.It is not about seeking recognition or accolades but stems from a deep sense of empathy and compassion.Philanthropists often identify causes that resonate with their values and work tirelessly to make a difference.One of the key characteristics of a philanthropist is their ability to inspire others.Through their actions,they demonstrate that change is possible and encourage others to join in their efforts.This ripple effect can lead to a significant shift in societal attitudes and behaviors,ultimately benefiting a larger number of people.Philanthropy takes many forms,ranging from financial donations to volunteering time and expertise.Some philanthropists focus on a specific cause,such as education, healthcare,or environmental conservation,while others support a broader range of initiatives.Regardless of the approach,the common thread is the commitment to making a positive impact.In addition to the direct benefits of their contributions,philanthropists also play a crucial role in raising awareness about important issues.By lending their voices and influence to a cause,they can draw attention to pressing concerns and mobilize resources to address them.However,being a philanthropist is not without its challenges.It requires a significant investment of time and resources,and there is always more work to be done. Philanthropists must also navigate complex social and political landscapes to ensure that their efforts are effective and sustainable.Despite these challenges,the rewards of philanthropy are immeasurable.The knowledge that ones actions have made a tangible difference in the lives of others is a powerful motivator.Moreover,the act of giving can be deeply fulfilling and enriching,fostering a sense of purpose and connection to the broader human experience.In conclusion,philanthropy is a testament to the human capacity for kindness and generosity.Philanthropists,through their selfless contributions,not only improve the lives of those they help but also enrich their own lives in the process.By embracing thespirit of philanthropy,we can work together to create a more compassionate and just world for all.。


姚鸿萍*,封卫毅#,魏友霞,董海燕(西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院药学部,西安市 710061)
中图分类号 R965.2
文献标识码 A
文章编号 1001-040(8 2011)01-0018-03
摘 要 目的:比较 3 种测定大鼠外周运动神经传导速度(MNCV)方法的结果。方法:采用在体直接测定、在体间接测定、离体直 接测定考察正常大鼠坐骨神经 MNCV 值,并将研究结果在链脲佐菌素引起的糖尿病模型大鼠以及用降糖药格列奇特进行治疗的 模型大鼠上进行验证。结果:在体间接测定和离体直接测定正常大鼠坐骨神经 MNCV 值均与在体直接测定值有显著性相关关系 (r=0.832 8、0.978 1,P<0.01);在体直接测定和在体间接测定模型大鼠坐骨神经 MNCV 值有相关关系(r=0.879 7,P<0.05)。结 论:3 种方法测得的大鼠 MNCV 值间均具有一致性,均能反映 MNCV 的变化情况。 关键词 神经传导速度;在体直接测定;在体间接测定;离体直接测定;大鼠;糖尿病模型
S(2 R1):踝关节处刺激或记录电极
S(2 R1) E
图 1 大鼠 MNCV 测定部位图 Fig 1 The determination site of MNCV in rats
用波宽 0.1 ms 的单脉冲方波刺激,逐渐增大刺激强度,可 以从记录电极上开始记录到双相的复合动作电位,逐渐减小 刺激强度,所记录的复合动作电位逐渐消失,反复调整刺激强 度,以复合动作电位出现或消失时的刺激强度为刺激阈值,记 录刺激阈值。以 1.5 倍阈值作为刺激强度进行测定,并记录测 定的肌电图或神经电位图,每 2 个刺激之间间隔 5 s 以上。将 双相复合动作电位的峰值至峰谷之间的电位值作为波幅值。 严格控制室温(20±0.5)℃,保持大鼠体温 37 ℃。计算机记录 刺激开始到动作电位出现的时间作为兴奋信号的传导时间, 重复测定 7~10 次,计算平均值。将大鼠后足以自然肢体状态 与脊柱成 45°夹角向斜后方拉直,沿坐骨神经经过部位和方 向,在大鼠体表准确测定刺激电极至记录电极之间的距离。 代入公式:MNCV(m·s-1)=刺激电极与记录电极间的距离/传 导时间,计算测定部位的 MNCV。 2.2.2 在体间接测定:将直接测定方法中的刺激电极和记录 电极均作为刺激电极,于大鼠足趾第一骨间肌肉处用双针电 极记录,参考电极放置方法、刺激参数、记录方法及其他条件 同在体直接测定(见图 1)。计算机分别记录兴奋传导潜伏 期。重复测定 7~10 次,计算平均值。分别准确测定大鼠体表 2 刺激电极到记录电极之间的距离。代入公式:MNCV(m· s-1)=2 刺激电极与记录电极之间距离差/2 刺激电极与记录电 极之间潜伏期之差,计算 MNCV。 2.2.3 离体直接测定:进行 MNCV 在体直接测定之后,标记电 极放置部位。剪开坐骨结节处和踝关节坐骨神经经过部位的 皮肤,小心分离坐骨神经,将电极对分别置于在体测定时所标 记部位的坐骨神经干上,闭合手术部位皮肤。以坐骨结节部 位电极对为刺激电极,远端电极为负极;踝关节部位电极作为 记录电极;参考电极置于刺激电极与记录电极之间、与记录电 极相距 1 cm 处的皮下(见图 1)。刺激参数、记录方法及其他实 验条件控制与在体直接测定相同,计算机记录神经冲动传导 时间。重复测定 7~10 次,计算平均值。然后分离坐骨神经, 测定刺激电极到记录电极之间的坐骨神经长度。代入公式: MNCV(m·s-1)=刺激电极与记录电极间的坐骨神经长度/神 经传导时间,计算刺激电极与记录电极间的 MNCV。

直线激振力机械振动振幅及振动方向的确定_王新文 (1)

直线激振力机械振动振幅及振动方向的确定_王新文 (1)

图1 Fig. 1
直线激振力质心偏移力学模型 Mechanics model of centroid offset
这类机械常工作在远共振区, 由于阻尼力、 弹簧 力与惯性力、 激振力相比很小, 因此, 忽略阻尼力和弹 簧力。建立质心平动和绕质心转动的平衡方程 。 ㊆ = ω2 mrsin ωt MY e ㊆ X e = 0 ㊆ 2 Jφ e = l e ω mrsin ωt Ye , X e 为质心位移; φ e 为机体绕质心的摆角, 式中, 逆 时针方向为正。 其稳态解为 Y = - mr sin ωt = A sin ωt e e M X e = 0 l mr φ e = - e sin ωt = Φ e sin ωt J Ae = - l e mr mr , Φe = - M J
同一圆周上各点的振幅相等, 并与半径成正比, A = 0, 0 ) 点为近 当 R = 0 时, 所以, 机体的圆心 o ( - R e , 似不动点, 该点的位置只与机械绕质心惯性半径 ρ e 和质心至激振力线的距离 l e 有关, 是振动机械结构 本身所决定的固有特性。 ( 4) 得 另外, 由式( 2 ) , A e + xΦ e R +x =- e tan γ = - 或 yΦ e y y -0 1 =- x - ( - Re ) tan γ y) 半径与 x 轴的夹角 β 为 圆周上点( x, y -0 tan β = x - ( - Re ) ( 7) 得 比较式( 6 ) , tan γtan β = - 1 y ) 振动方向与半径垂直或与圆周相 说明点 ( x, 切
第 38 卷第 1 期 2013 年 1月



diffusion velocity 扩散速度 diffusion viscosity 扩散粘性 diffusion wave 扩散波 diffusion width 扩散宽度 diffusion zone 扩散带 diffusivity of heat 热扩散率 digging 挖掘 digital computer 数字计算机 digitizing 数字化 dihedral angle ⼆⾯⾓ dilatancy 扩容现象 dilatant fluid 胀猎铃 dilatation 膨胀 dilatational fissure 膨胀裂缝 dilatational shock 稀疏激波 dilatational strain 体积应变 dilatational wave 膨胀波 dilatational work 膨胀功 dilatometric curve 膨胀曲线 dilatometry 膨胀测定法 dilute phase flow 稀相怜 dilute phase of fluidization 怜稀相 diluted gas 稀⽓体 dilution factor 稀释因数 dimension theory 量纲理论 dimensional analysis 量纲分析 dimensional equation 量纲⽅程 dimensional formula 量纲公式 dimensional invariance 量纲不变性 dimensional perturbation 尺⼨的扰动 dimensional quantity 量纲量 dimensional transformation 量纲变换 dimensionless ⽆量纲的 dimensionless number ⽆因次数 dimensionless quantity ⽆量纲量 dimensionless specific speed ⽆因次⽐转速 dip 倾斜 diphase 两相的 dipole 偶极⼦ dipole elastic relaxation 偶极⼦弹性弛豫 dipole energy 偶极⼦能量 dipole force 偶极⼦⼒ dipole wave 偶极⼦波 direct control 直接控制 direct dynamic problem 动⼒学直接问题 direct extrusion 正挤压 direct impact 正碰 direct kinematic problem 运动学直接问题 direct load 直接荷载 direct method 直接法 direct motion 顺⾏ direct observation 直接观察 direct sense of motion 运动的直接指向 direct shear test 直剪试验 direct stiffness method 直接刚度法 direct stress 法向应⼒ directed movement 单向运动 directing force 指向⼒ direction ⽅向 direction angle ⽅向⾓ direction cosine ⽅向余弦 direction of action 酌⽅向 direction of rotation 转动⽅向 direction of tension 牵引⽅向 direction of traction 牵引⽅向 directional correlation ⽅向关联 directional dependence ⽅向依赖性 directional stability ⽅向稳定性 directivity ⽅向性 dirichlet neuman's problem 狄利克雷诺埃曼问题 dirichlet problem 狄利克雷问题 dirichlet stability theorem 狄利克雷稳定性定理 disassembly 拆卸 disc 圆盘 discharge 排出 discharge coefficient 量系数 discharge duration curve 量持续曲线 discharge of water 排⽔量 discharge pressure 排放压⼒ discharge rate 瘤速率 discharge regulator 量第器 disconnection 切断 discontinuity 不连续性 discontinuity condition 不连续条件 discontinuity interaction 不连续⾯相互酌 discontinuity layer 不连续层 discontinuity potential 不连续势 discontinuity surface 间断⾯ discontinuity wave 间断波 discontinuous 不连续的 discontinuous flow ⾮连续怜 discontinuous motion 间断运动 discontinuous spectrum 不连续频谱 discontinuous system 不连续系统 discrete 离散的 discrete element method 离散单元法 discrete stochastic process 离散随机过程 discriminant 判别式 discriminator 甄别器鉴相器 disequilibrium ⾮平衡 disk 圆盘 disk damping 圆盘阻尼 dislocation 位错 disorder energy ⽆序化能量 disorder pressure ⽆序压 disorder scattering ⽆规散射 disordered flow ⽆序流 disordered motion ⽆序运动 disorientation 乱取向 dispersed phase 分散相 dispersed shock 分散冲击 dispersion 分散 dispersion coefficient 分散系数 dispersion equation 分散⽅程 dispersion force 弥散⼒ dispersion frequency 分散频率 dispersion hardening 弥散硬化 dispersion interaction 弥散相互酌 dispersion medium 分散介质 dispersion model 分散模型 dispersion relation 分散关系 dispersion surface 弥散⾯ dispersion tensor 频散张量 dispersity 分散性 dispersive wave 弥散波 dispersiveness 分散性 displacement 变位 displacement collision 位移碰撞 displacement coordinate 位移坐标 displacement correction 排⽔量校正 displacement crack 位移裂隙 displacement diagram 变位图 displacement distance 移动距离 displacement field 位移场 displacement flow 排代怜 displacement gradient 位移梯度 displacement law 位移定律 displacement matrix 位移矩阵 displacement method 位移法 displacement of center of gravity 重⼼位移 displacement of equilibrium 平衡的移动 displacement pickup 位移传感器 displacement potential 位移势 displacement resistance 位移阻⼒ displacement sensitivity 位移灵敏度 displacement stream 排代运动 displacement surface 位移⾯ displacement tensor 位移张量 displacement thickness 位移厚度 displacement time graph 位移时间线图 displacement vector 位移⽮量 displacement vector of joint 关节位移⽮量 displacement wave 位移波 disruption 破裂 disruptive 破坏的 dissipated power 耗散功率 dissipation 耗散 dissipation constant 耗散常数 dissipation factor 耗散因数 dissipation of energy 能量的耗散 dissipation of jet 射聊散 dissipation of vorticity 涡旋耗散 dissipation rate 耗散速率 dissipative force 耗散⼒ dissipative function 耗散函数 dissipative process 耗散过程 dissipative stress 耗散应⼒ dissipative system 耗散系统 dissipativity 耗散度 dissociation 离解 dissociation energy 离解能 dissociation equilibrium 离解平衡 dissociation heat 离解热 dissociation potential 离解势 dissociation pressure 离解压 dissociation tension 离解压 dissolution 溶解 dissolution heat 溶解热 dissonance 不谐和 distance control 远距控制 distance from epicenter 震源距 distance of fall 下落距离 distance of visible horizon ⽔平视距 distorted wave 畸变波 distorted wave method 畸变波⽅法 distortion 畸变 distortion energy theory 畸变能理论 distortion factor 畸变因数 distortion matrix 变形矩阵 distortion standard 畸变基准 distortion tensor 畸变张量 distortional component 畸变分量 distortional strain energy 畸变能 distributed load 分布负载 distributed mass 分布质量 distributed moment 分配⼒矩 distributed parameter 分布参数 distributed parameter system 分布参数系统 distributed roughness 分布糙度 distributed source 分布源 distribution 分布 distribution coefficient 分布系数 distribution curve 分布曲线 distribution density 分布密度 distribution factor 分布系数 distribution function 分布函数 distribution law 分布律 distribution of angles of attack 攻⾓分布 distribution of lines of force ⼒线分布 distribution of turbidity 浊度分布 distribution of velocities of flow 临分布 disturbance 扰动 disturbance energy 微扰能 disturbance vortex 扰动涡 disturbation theory 微扰理论 disturbed motion 扰动运动 disturbing force 扰动⼒ disturbing function 扰动函数 disturbing mass 扰动质量 disturbing quantity 扰动量 diurnal motion 周⽇运动 dive 俯冲 divergence 发散 divergence of deformation 形变发散 divergence of fluid 铃散度 divergent flow 发散流 divergent nozzle 扩散形喷管 divergent series 发散级数 divergent wave 发散波 diversion 分流 diversion channel 分⽔渠 diversion dam 分⽔坝 dividing line 分界线 doi edwards theory 陶盖爱德华兹理论 domain 区域 dominant frequency 优势频率 dominant mode 郑 dominant wave 吱 dominant wavelength 吱长 donnell equation 唐奈⽅程 doppler effect 多普勒效应 dot and dash curve 点划线 dot and dash line 点划线 dotted curve 虚线 dotted line 虚线 double amplitude 双幅 double amplitude peak 双幅度峰值 double beam 双重梁 double diffusion 双扩散 double dipole 双偶极⼦ double exposure 双重曝光 double exposure holography 双重曝光全息照相术 double float 双浮标 double force 双⼒ double glide 双重滑移 double helix 双螺旋 double layer 双层 double layer potential 双层势 double lever 双杠杆 double modulation 双重灯 double modulus theory 双模数理论 double pendulum 双摆 double precision arithmetic 双精度运算 double refraction 双折射 double shock diffuser 双激波扩散器 doublet flow 偶极⼦怜 doublet source 双重源 down current 下降⽓流 down surge ⽔⾯下降 downstream 下游 downstream floor 下游护拦 downwash 下洗 downwash velocity 下洗速度 draft 吃⽔ drag 阻⼒ drag acceleration 减速 drag coefficient 阻⼒系数 drag effect 牵制效应 drag flow 阻曳流 drag force 迎⾯阻⼒ drag force of the flow 怜曳⼒ drag head 阻⼒⽔头 drag lift ratio 阻升⽐ drag polar 阻⼒极线 drag reduction 减阻 drain 排⽔管 drain water 排泄⽔ drainage 排⽔ drainage basin 硫 draught 吃⽔ drawing 牵引 drift 漂流 drift compensation 漂移补偿 drift current 漂流 drift energy 漂移能量 drift flow model 漂移怜模型 drift speed 漂移速度 drift velocity 漂移速度 drilling 钻孔 driving force 驱动⼒ driving torque 驱动转矩 drop 下降 drop fall 落滴 drop test 锤辉验 drop weight test 落锤试验 dropping velocity 沉降速度 dropping water 滴⽔ drowned spring ⽔底泉 dry adiabat ⼲绝热线 dry friction ⼲摩擦 dual quaterion 对偶四元数 dual tensor 对偶张量 dual vector 对偶⽮量 duck ⽔上飞机 ductile fracture 韧性断裂 ductile material 延性材料 ductilimeter 延性计 ductilimetry 延度测量法 ductility 延性 duffing equation 杜芬⽅程 duffing method 杜芬法 duffing problem 杜芬问题 dufour effect 迪富尔效应 duhamel integral 杜哈梅积分 dummy load 假负载 duncan chang model 邓肯张模型 durability 耐久性 durability factor 耐久性系数 duration 持续时间 duration of ascent 上升时间 duration of experiment 实验持续时间 duration of test 实验持续时间 dust flow method 尘两法 dye experiment 染⾊柳实验 dye method 染⾊液法 dying oscillation 衰减振荡 dying out 衰灭消失 dynamic accuracy 动态准确度 dynamic action of force ⼒的动态酌 dynamic analogy 动态模拟 dynamic analysis 动态分析 dynamic balancing machine 动平衡机 dynamic boundary condition 动⼒边界条件 dynamic characteristic 动态特性 dynamic coercitivity 动态矫顽磁⼒ dynamic coercive force 动态矫顽磁⼒ dynamic compensation 动态补偿 dynamic compensator 动态补偿器 dynamic condition 动态条件 dynamic consolidation 动⼒固结 dynamic design 动态设计 dynamic elastic modulus 动⼒弹性模量 dynamic elasticity 弹性动⼒学 dynamic equation 动⼒⽅程 dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡 dynamic error 动态误差 dynamic fracture 动⼒断裂 dynamic head 动压头 dynamic height 动⼒⾼度 dynamic hysteresis 动态滞后 dynamic instability 动⼒不稳定 dynamic lift 动升⼒ dynamic load 动⼒负载 dynamic meteorology 动⼒⽓象学 dynamic method 动⼒学⽅法 dynamic model 动⼒模型 dynamic modulus of elasticity 动⼒弹性模量 dynamic parallax 动⼒学视差 dynamic photoelasticity 动态光弹性法 dynamic precision 动态精度 dynamic pressure 动压⼒ dynamic programming 动态规划 dynamic property 动⼒特性 dynamic resistance 动态阻⼒ dynamic response 动态响应 dynamic rigidity 动态刚性 dynamic sensitivity 动态灵敏度 dynamic similarity 动⼒相似 dynamic simulation 动态模拟 dynamic specific speed 动⼒⽐速 dynamic spring constant 动态弹簧常数 dynamic stability 动⼒稳定度 dynamic strain 动应变 dynamic strength 动⼒强度 dynamic stress 动应⼒ dynamic superplasticity 动态超塑性 dynamic system of units 动⼒学单位制 dynamic temperature coefficient 动态温度系数 dynamic temperature difference 动态温差 dynamic test 动⼒试验 dynamic unbalance 动态不平衡 dynamic viscosity 动⼒粘性 dynamical balancing 动⼒平衡 dynamical depth 动⼒深度 dynamical equation of state 动态⽅程 dynamical force 动⼒ dynamical friction 动摩擦 dynamical similarity 动⼒学相似 dynamical system 动⼒系统 dynamical theory of tide 潮汐动⼒学理论 dynamical time ⼒学时 dynamical variables 动⼒学变量 dynamics 动⼒学 dynamometamorphism 动⼒变质酌 dynamometer 测⼒计 dynamometer car 测⼒试验车 dyne 达因。



地震英语词汇及地震专业术语表示地震的词:earthquake quake shake shock tremor temblor [ 美语] (pl. -s, -blores )(地震)发生于... :hit... 袭击,打击,使遭受strike... 突然发生shake... 摇;摇动;摇撼jolt... 使颠簸,摇晃rock... 摇,摇动,使振动roll across... 波动,起伏,横摇rip through... 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯破坏程度(小→大)damage 损害,损伤;〔口语〕伤害,毁坏。

destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残。

shatter 破坏;捣毁;破灭。

devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭。

level 推倒,夷平。

flatten 夷为平地。

地震学相关词汇:seismological 地震学上的seismology 地震学seismograph 地震仪seismographer 地震学家aftershock 余震smaller tremors 小地震epicenter 震中magnitude 震级Richter Scale(1 —10) 里氏震级earthquake monitoring 地震监控tsunami 海啸tsunamiwarning system 海啸预警系统tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮natural disaster 自然灾害tragedy 灾难wreckage 残骸death toll 死亡人数survivors 幸存者victims 受灾者international contributions evacuation 撤离 rescue team 救援小组 其他地震术语 seisesthesia 振动感觉 seismaesthesia 震觉 seismesthesia 振动感觉 seismic 地震的 seismic (seismal; seismical; earthquake) load seismic acceleration 地震加速度 ; 震动加速度 seismic acceleration indicator 地震加速指示计 seismic activity 地震活动 ; 地震活动性 seismic amplifier 地震放大器 seismic analysis 地震分析 seismic area 地震带 ; 地震区 ; 震区 seismic belt 地震带 ; 地震区 seismic bending moment 地震弯矩 seismic center 震中 seismic coefficient 地震系数 seismic core phase 核震相 seismic cross-section 地震剖面 seismic data 地震数据 ; 地震资料 seismic degree 震度 seismic design 地震设计seismic detector 地震检波器 ; 地震仪 seismic detector of the displacement 位移式地震检波器 seismic detector of the velocity type 速度式地震检波器seismic digital amplifier地震数字放大器seismic discontinuity 地震间断面 seismic drill 地震孔用钻机seismic dynamic load 地震动力载荷 seismic element method 地震元法 seismic exploration 地层勘探; 地震探测 ; 地震探查; 震波勘测 seismic exploration vessel 震波勘测船seismic filter 地震滤波器国际援助 地震载荷seismic floor joint cover 地面抗震缝盖板seismic focus 地震震源seismic force 地震力seismic gap 地震活动空白地带seismic geophone 地震检波器; 震波检测仪seismic geophysical method 地球物理地震法seismic hazard 地震危害性seismic head wave 地震首波seismic impulse method 脉冲地震法seismic instrument car 地震仪器车seismic intensity 地震烈度; 地震强度seismic intensity scale 地震强度计seismic investigation 地震探测seismic load 地震荷载seismic map 地震图seismic measurement 地震测验seismic method 地震勘探法seismic method of exploration 地震法勘探; 震波勘测法seismic method of prospecting 地震法勘探seismic model 地震模型seismic moment 地震力矩seismic motion 地震活动; 地震运动seismic origin 地震成因seismic phase 震相seismic processing 震波图分析seismic profile 地震剖面seismic profiler 地震剖面仪; 震波水下地形仪seismic property 地震性质seismic prospect(ing) 震波勘探seismic prospecting 地震勘探; 地震探查seismic prospecting system 地震探查装置seismic prospector 地震预报仪seismic reciprocity 震时互易原理seismic record 地震记录seismic record viewer 地震记录观测仪seismic recorder 地震记录仪seismic reflection amplifier 地震反射放大器seismic reflection method 地震波反射法seismic refraction 震波折射seismic refraction method 地震折射法seismic refraction profile 地震折射剖面seismic regime 震情seismic region 震区; 地震区seismic regionalization 地震区划分seismic restraint 耐震seismic risk 地震危险性seismic sea wave 地震海浪; 地震海啸; 地震海啸; 地震津波; 海啸seismic sea wave apparatus 海啸仪seismic section plotter 地震剖面绘图仪seismic seiche 地震假潮seismic shock 地震; 地震冲击; 地震震动; 震波冲击seismic signal 地震信号seismic sounding 地震测深; 地震测深法seismic source function 震源函数seismic spread 地震传播; 地震扩散seismic stability 抗震稳定性seismic station 地震台站seismic stratigraphy 地震地层学seismic stress 地震应力seismic surface wave 地震表面波seismic survey 地震测量; 地震调查; 地震探查; 反射法勘探seismic travel time 地震波传播时间seismic velocity 震波速度seismic vertical 震中; 地震垂线seismic vessel 震波勘测船seismic wave 震波; 地震波seismic wave path 地震波路径seismic world map 世界地震图seismic zone 地震带; 地震区seismic zoning 地震区划分seismic-electric effect 震电效应seismicinstrument 地震仪seismicity 地震活动; 地震活动度; 地震活动性; 震级seismicity gap 地震活动空白地带seismicity map 地震区域图seismic-like event 似地震事件seismicrophone 地震传声器; 地震接收器seismism 地震现象; 震动现象seismitron 岩层稳定测试仪seismo-acoustic reflection survey震声反射测量seismoastronomy 地震天文学seismocardiogram 心震图seismochronograph 地震计时仪; 地震记时器seismo-electric effect 震电效应seismogenesis 地震成因seismogenic zone 孕震区seismogeological map 地震地质图seismo-geology 地震地质学seismogram 地震波曲线; 地震图; 震波图seismogram interpretation 震波图解释seismograph 地震记录仪; 地震仪seismograph amplifier 地震仪放大器seismograph drill 地震孔物探钻机seismograph station 地震台站seismographic 地震学的seismographic observation 地震观测seismographic observatory 地震观测站seismographic record 地震记录seismographic station 地震台seismography 地震记录法; 地震学seismolog (附有摄影设备的)测震仪seismologic consideration 震情会商seismologic station 地震台站seismological evidence 地震实迹seismological observation 地震观测seismologist 地震学家seismology 地震学seismomagnetic effect 地震地磁效果; 震磁效应seismometer 地震计; 地震检波器; 地震仪seismometer galvanometer 地震检波器检流计seismometer pier 拾震器墩子seismometer station 地震测站seismonastic movement 感振运动seismonastic turgor movement 倾震膨压运动seismophysics 地震物理学seismos 地震seismoscope 地震波显示仪; 地震示波仪; 地震仪; 验震器; 验震器seismoscope data 验震器数据; 验震器数据seismoscope record 验震器记录; 验震器记录seismoscope response 验震器响应; 验震器响应seismostation 地震台; 地震台站seismotectonic 地震构造的seismotectonic line 地震构造线seismotherapy 振动疗法seismotropism 向震性seissors fault differential fault 剪断层英文汉译Reflection strength 反射波强度。



1、电气与控制技术load test and short-circuit test 负载试验〔短路试验〕plugging 反接制动与反向intermittent periodic duty 反复短时工作制feedback control 反响控制feedback loop 反响回路luminous intensity 发光强度distributed capacitance 分布电容split phase motor 分相电动机fractional horsepower motor 分马力电动机nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear (circuit) element 非线性〔电路〕元件nonlinearity 非线性second class load 二级负荷rated condition 额定工况rated value 额定值short-time duty 短时工作制short circuit current 短路电流short circuit 短路series resonance 串联谐振transducer 传感器〔变换器〕magnetic core 磁心magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetic field 磁场magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁通密度superconductor 超导体uninterrupted duty 持久工作制programmed control 程序控制stepping motor 步进电动机parallel resonance 并联谐振differentiation protection 差动庇护tachogenerator 测速发电机protective circuit 庇护电路open loop control 闭环控制apparent power 表示功率comparator 比较器nominal value 标称值speed governing by frequency convertion 变频调速speed governing by pole changing 变极调速ampere-turns 安匝safety voltage 安然电压semiconductor devices 半导体器件thyristor 半导体开关元件semiconductor 半导体(absolute)magnetic permeability 〔绝对〕磁导率current rating (of cable) [电缆的]载流量breaking capacity (of a switching device or a fuse〕[开关电器的或熔断器的]分断能力auxiliary circuit(of a switching device) [开关电器的]辅助电路alternating component (of a pulsating voltage or current〕[脉动电压或电流的]交流分量direct component〔of a pulsating voltage or current〕脉动电压或电流的]直流分量TTL circuitPI TTL电路PI regulatorPID 调节器PID regulatorPD 调节器PD regulator 调节器main circuit 主电路neutral point 中性点medium frequency 中频active power 有功功率active element 有源元件first class load 一级负荷hard magnetic material 硬磁材料direct control 直接控制direct coupling 直接耦合remote control 遥控sine wave 正弦波rectiffication 整流illuminance 照度operational amplifier 运算放大器load rate 用电负荷率piezoelectric effect 压电效应selector 选择器oxidation stability 氧化不变性couplingMOS 耦合MOS circuit 电路linear control system 线性控制系统linear(circuit)element 线性〔电路〕元件linearity 线性gas protection 瓦斯庇护reactive power 无功功率passive element 无源元件eddy current 涡流synchronous speed 同步转速on-load factor 通电持续率micromotor 微电机differentiator 微分电路regulated power supply 稳压电源voltage stabilizing circuit 稳压电路sequential order of the phases,phase sequence 相序phase 相位〔位相,相角〕phase displacement 相位移temperature rise 温升connection diagram of windings 绕组联结圈winding 绕组servo system 随动系统detuning 掉调distortion 掉真digital integrated circuit 数字集成电路digital display 数字显示digital quantity 数字量capacitive reactance 容抗third class load 三级负荷three-phase and three-wire sysyem 三相三线制three-phase and four-wire system 三相四线制soft magnetic material 软磁材料thermo-electric effect 热电效应thermal stability 热不变性thermistor 热敏电阻servomotor 伺服电动机servo mechanism 伺服机构output 输出input 输入flashover,arc-over 闪络D filp flop D触发器DTL circuit DTL电路logic circuit 逻辑电路excitation 励磁〔激磁〕contravariant 逆变bus,busbar 母线〔汇流排〕continuous control 持续控制continuous system 持续系统interlock 连锁connection symbol 联结组标号torque motor 力矩电动机analog quantity 模拟量potential drop of internal resistance 内阻压降whirling speeds 临界转速full load 满载pulsating current 脉动电流pulsating voltage 脉动电压pulser,pulse generator 脉冲发生器puncture test 耐压试验ideal inductor 抱负电感器ideal resistor 抱负电阻器ideal voltage source 抱负电压源ideal capacitor 抱负电容器ideal current source 抱负电流源ideal amplifier 抱负放大器ideal transformer 抱负变压器temperature classification,thermal stability classification 耐热等级filtering,filtration 滤波discrete system 离散系统zero-sequence protection 零序庇护load,charge 负载〔负荷〕inductosyn 感应同步器induced voltage 感应电压inductive reactance 感抗high frepuency 高频photoelectric effect 光电效应overcurrent protection 过电流庇护overvoltage protection 过电压庇护mains frequency 工频power factor 功率因数constant control system 恒值控制系统phasing 核相〔定相〕glow discharge 辉光放电fundamental wave 基波integrator 积分电路mutual induction 互感应commutation 换向change-over switching 换接parasitic capacitance 寄生电容detector 检测装置relay protection 继电庇护skin effect 集肤效应coercive force 矫顽力demodulation 解调dielectric loss 介质损耗contact voltage 接触电压contact resistance 接触电阻earth fault 接地故障ground device 接地装置resistance of an earthed conductor,earthing resistance 接地电阻cut-off 截止partial discharge 局部放电insulation resistance 绝缘电阻absorptance(absorption ratio) of insulation resistance 绝缘电阻的吸收比step vlotage 跨步电压programmable logic controllers 可编程序控制器no-load test 空载试验noload operation 空载运行open-circuit voltage 开路电压open loop control 开环控制diamagnetism 抗磁性control circuit 控制电器shielded cable 屏蔽电缆gas chromatograph test 气相色谱试验gas conduction 气体导电air gap 气隙signal circuit 信号电路small-power motor 小功率电动机resonance 谐振harmonic 谐波impedance 阻抗optimum control 最优控制autonomous control 自治调节synchro,selsyn 自整角机automatic reclosing equipment 自动重合闸automatic protection device 自动庇护装置automatic control 自动控制automatic control system 自动控制系统automatic regulating system 自动调节系统slip 转差率electric circuit 电路electric current 电流bridge 电桥armature reaction 电枢反响voltage,electric potential difference 电压〔电位差〕electric corona,corona,corona discharge 电晕〔放电〕power supply 电源electric field 电场electromagnetic wave 电磁波electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromotive force 电动势inductor 电感线圈electric arc 电弧electric spark 电火花electrolytic corrosion 电解腐蚀dielectric 电介质reactance 电抗clearance 电气间隙electronic approach switch 电子接近开关conductance 电导equivalent electric circuit 等效电路earth,ground 地speed regulation,speed governing 调速speed governing system 调速系统range of speed regulation 调速范围speed governing by voltage regulation 调压调速modulation 调制amplitude modulation 调幅frequency modulation 调频2、IEC试验室产物Abrasion test 磨损测试设备Apparatus for burning test (vertical and horizontal) 程度垂直燃烧测试设备Apparatus for production testing of hand tools for live working 手动测试东西Apparatus for winding a flexible pipe 软管弯折试验设备Appliance couplers test equipment (various) 各类测试连接器Automatic & manual production test equipment - for final control 自动/手动产物测试设备- 出厂控制Ball-pressure test apparatus 球压测试装置Bending equipment for conduits 管路弯折设备Bump test 冲击测试Burning test, horiz. 燃烧测试〔程度〕Cable test apparatus (various) 各类线缆测试Draining current measuring equipment 损耗电流测试设备Drip proof test(special) 淋浴测试Drop test 跌落测试Dust chamber 防尘箱Dynamometers 功率计Earth bond resistance tester Earthing resistance test appliance 接地电阻测试设备Electric resistance of non-metallic materials 非金属材料的电阻测试Gauges and similar mechanical checking devices 量规或类似测试装置Electrode arrangements 测试电极装置Flexing test equipment 弯折试验Fume cupboard (protective cabinet) 防护罩Flexing test apparatus for cables 线缆弯折试验装置Flame hoods 燃烧罩Endurance test appliance for plugs 插头寿命测试Equipment for testing refrigerators 冰箱测试设备Endurance test appliance 寿命测试Gauges for appliance inlets Gauges for finished lamps 灯具量规Gauges for lampholders 灯座量规Hot wire ignition test 热丝引燃测试Hipot testers Hot mandrel test apparatus 高压机High voltage test appliance 耐压测试High frequency spark generator 高频火花发生器High current transformers 高电流变送器High current arc ignition test 大电流起弧测试Heating tests 高温测试Heating cabinets 高温试验箱Hand held shower 手持花洒Ground continuity testers 接地电阻测试Gauges for plugs and sockets 插头插座量规Humidity chambers 横湿箱Gauges for starters 策动机量规Impact balls 冲击球Glass vessel for microwave oven testing 微波炉测试的玻璃容器Impact hammers 冲击锤Glow-wire test apparatus 灼热丝测试设备Impact weight apparatus Inductive loads 电感负载Jet nozzles 喷嘴Lampholder testing apparatus (various) 各类灯座测试设备Kit bunsen burner/ needle flame test 燃烧测试套件〔本申/ 针焰〕Leakage current test appliance 泄露电流测试设备Laboratory power supply with isolation and regulation 可控别离尝试室电源Loading weights (various) 各类负重Laboratory stablized power supply unit 稳压源Luminaries testing equipment (various) 照明测试设备Measuring equipment for testing switches and socket-outlets (with DPM) 测试开关和插头插座测试设备Megohmeter 兆欧表Mechanical resistance testing apparatus for el. Irons Mechanismus for burning tests (vert. And horiz.) 程度或垂直燃烧机架Needle flame burners 针焰燃烧东西Needle flame miniature burner 微型针焰燃烧东西Surge test circuit 浪涌测试Needle flame tester 针焰测试Resistance loads 电阻负载Scratch test equipment 刮擦测试设备Power sources 电源Probe for measuring surface temperature 外表温度探头Pendulum hammer 摆锤Plugs for endurance tests of socket-outlets 插头插座寿命测试Needle flame thermometer 针焰温度表Plugs and socket test equipment (various) 各类插头插座设备Splash testing apparatus 溅水测试Pendulum impact test apparatus 摆锤冲击测试Spray apparatus, tubes 喷水测试Solderability test apparatus 可焊性的测试设备Standard test enclosure 尺度测试附件Temperature during operation, measuring equipment 温度测试Thermocouples 热电偶Temperature measurement 温度测试Test apparatus for IP tests IP 测试Torque test equipment 扭力测试Test finger nail 测试指甲Test panes for hob elements 燃气炉测试盘Test fingers 测试指Torsion apparatus 扭转测试Test hook 测试钩Tracking index apparatus 漏电起痕测试仪Test knifes 测试刀模Water evaporator 水蒸发器Test pin 测试真Tumbling barrel 滚筒试验装置Test probe 测试探头Variacs Vessel for testing induction hotplates 测试热传导的容器3、设备补缀corrective maintenance 改善补缀back repair rate 返修率stepped(sizing) repair 分级补缀decentralized maintenance system 分散补缀制waste and ungraded product and back repair loss 废次品及返修损掉unscheduled maintenance time 非预定维修时间periodic repair task 按期补缀作业periodic repair 按期维修法location accuracy 定位精度transmission accuracy 传动精度revision of overhaul plan 大修方案点窜assesment of overhaul plan 大修方案查核overhaul planning 大修方案编制basis of overhaul plan 大修方案依据fulfilment rate of overhaul plan 大修方案完成率implementation of overhaul plan 大修方案实施overhaul cost 大修费用overhaul cost 大修成本构成overhaul cost analysis 大修成本阐发fulfilment rate of overhaul cost 大修成本完成率overhaul guarantee 大修保修interval between overhauls, overhaul cycle 大修周期guarantee system of overhaul quality 大修质量包管体系overhaul quality evaluation 大补缀质量评定overhaul quality control 大补缀质量控制overhaul,capital repair 大修assembly repair 部件补缀法partial repair 局部补缀法compensation method 抵偿法production program of spqre parts 备件出产方案stand-by or redundancy system 备份或冗余系统standard-size repair method 尺度尺寸补缀法“eight steps〞method 八步法repeat location accuracy 重复定位精度middle repair 中修system with maintainable standby parts 有可维修备份的系统remote maintenance 远距离维修preventive maintenance 预防维修scheduled maintenance time 预定维修时间predictive maintenance 预知维修〔状态监测维修〕quality system 质量体系quality 质量deferred maintenance 逾期维修network planning 网络方案maintenance skill training 维修技术培训maintenance interval, uptime 维修间隔〔正常运行时间〕economic analysis of maintenance activities 维修活动的经济阐发maintenance worker 维修工人maintenance protection 维修防护maintenance shop 维修车间maintenance prevention 维修预防maintenance cycle 维修周期maintenance time 维修时间synchronous repair 同步补缀法repair downtime 停修时间item repair 项修〔工程补缀〕repair on commission 外委补缀〔TPM〕total production maintenance system 全员参加的出产维修制controlled maintenance 受控维修life cycle maintenance 寿命周期维修hot repair 热修repair schedule of equipment 设备补缀方案acceptance check for equipment repair 设备补缀验收quarterly repair schedule of equipment 设备季度补缀方案technical check of equipment 设备技术查核equipment overhaul plan 设备大修方案monthly repair schedule of equipment 设备月度补缀方案equipment maintenance plan 设备维修方案three essential factors of equipment maintenance 设备维修三要素item repair plan of equipment 设备项修方案annual repair schedule of equipment 设备年度补缀方案breakdown maintenance 事后补缀first-aid repair 抢修accuracy of machine tool after overhaul 大修机床精度rolling (circulation) plan 滚动方案MIS maintenance 办理信息系统维修process capacity index 工程能力指数working accuracy 工作精度recovery repair 恢复性补缀rotational accuracy of machine tool 机床旋转精度machine repair shop 机修车间〔分厂〕maintenance mechanic 机修技工mechanical repair method 机械修复法instantaneous efficiency of machinery 机械的瞬时效率interchange method 互换法inspection 查验centralized maintenance system 集中补缀制geometric accuracy 几何精度seasonal repair 季节性补缀repair out of plan 方案外补缀scheduled maintenance 方案维修planned preventive maintenance system 方案预修制planned repair 方案补缀contact accuracy 接触精度emergency repair task 紧急补缀作业machining and fitting method on the spot 当场加工修配法precision index 精度指数accuracy standard 精度尺度precision retaining ability 精度保持性precision reserve 精度储藏fine repair 精修fine repair mechanic 精修技工economic accuracy 经济精度balancing precision grade 平衡精度等级mean time to repair(MTTR), mean repair time 平均补缀时间minor repair 小修fitting method 修配法repair link 修配环repair specification 补缀任务书repair rasks dispatch 补缀施工调剂repair time, shutdown time 补缀时间downtime quota for equipment repair 补缀停歇时间定额repair facilities 补缀用设备repair quality 补缀质量repair quality index 补缀质量指标repair quality plan 补缀质量方案repair quality assessment 补缀质量查核repair symbols 补缀标识repair cost assessment 补缀成本查核repair size 补缀尺寸repair quota 补缀定额repair cost quota 补缀费用定额repair scheme 补缀方案repair manhour quota 补缀工时定额repair manhours assessment 补缀工时查核repair technology 补缀工艺maintenance engineering truck 补缀工程车maintenance tool 补缀东西repair time limit assessment 补缀工期查核repair assessment 补缀查核inspection before repair 修前预检measuring and drawing before repair 修前测绘inquiry before repair 修前拜候service after repair 修后效劳optimum repair cycle 最优补缀周期assembly accuracy 装配精度electric repair shop 电修车间〔分厂〕maintenance electrician 电修技工repair cost accounting for single equipment 单台设备补缀费用核算adjustment method 调整法adjusting link 调整环4、设备办理probability 概率〔几率〕variance 方差decentralized maintenance 分散维修dynamic test 动态试验power facilities management 动力设备设施办理duct-proof and protective equipment management 除尘、防护设备办理sampling investigation 抽样查询拜访domestic production management of imported spare parts 备件国产化办理standard deviation 尺度偏差budget of installation 安装预算machine contracting system 包机制regulation of check and lubrication before on shift 班前查抄与润滑制度shift relief system [设备]交接班制度Equipment Management Regulation 设备办理条例〔条例〕repair [设备]补缀maintenance (and repair) [设备]维修key-point investigation 重点查询拜访management of key-point equipment 重点设备办理key-point equipment 重点设备liability accident 责任变乱exponential distribution 指数分布histogram 直方图prepayment and collection 预付与托收承付prophylactic test 预防性试验prevention first 预防为主orthogonal design 正交设计法〔正交试验法〕normal distribution 正态分布transportation vehicle management system 运输车辆办理制度three guarantees of quality 质量“三包〞accident due to quality 质量变乱management regulation of pressure vessel 压力容器办理制度mean time to failure 无故障运行时间Weibull distribution 威布尔分布idle equipment management 闲置设备办理制度idle plant 闲置设备statistical analysis 统计阐发maintainability 维修性maintenance information management 维修信息办理combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与方案检修相结合random event 随机事件numerical control (NC) equipment management 数控设备办理three-level service system 三级调养制mathematical expectation 数学期望mathematical model 数学模型mathematical statistics 数理统计technical facilities in production 出产技术装备production equipment 出产设备life cycle cost (LCC) 寿命周期费用mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse 润滑油库办理制度commodity inspection 商检〔商品查验〕combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合investigation on plant 设备调研reliability reliability theory 设备的可靠性与可靠度energy saving property of plant 设备的节能性facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的查抄评比plant check system 设备点检制度environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性complete set of plant 设备的成套性safety of plant 设备的安然性productivity of plant 设备的出产率durability of plant 设备的耐用性flexibility of plant 设备的灵活性equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage 设备状态监测与诊断技术办理equipment condition management systen 设备状态办理制度total plant management 设备综合办理dynamic management system of plant assets 设备资产动态办理制度plant leasing 设备租赁preparation system before equipment repair 设备修前筹办制度man-hours quota for equipment repair 设备补缀工时定额expense quota for equipment repair 设备补缀费用定额material quota for equipment repair 设备补缀材料定额acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备补缀质量验收制度equipment model 设备型号type of equipment 设备型式economical life of equipment 设备经济寿命operation and business management system 设备经营办理制度technical document of plant 设备技术档案technical conditions of equipment 设备技术状况technical condition management of plant 设备技术状态办理management system for technical document and file of plant 设备技术资料办理制度technical properties of plant 设备技术性能technical life of equipment 设备技术寿命specialized cooperation of plant maintenance 设备检修专业化协作planning and management regulation of plant maintenance 设备检修方案办理制度plant maintenance plan 设备检修方案plant maintenance specification 设备检修规程plant maintenance quality 设备检修质量design and construction of equipment foundation 设备根底设计与施工management of equipment order contract 设备合同办理feasibility studies of plant project 设备规划可行性阐发investment plan of plant 设备规划performance of plant 设备功能〔效能〕operational capability of plant 设备工作能力examination and check systems of plant management 设备办理查核制度economic responsibility regulation of plant management 设备办理经济责任制度post standard of plant management 设备办理岗位尺度plant management systems 设备办理制度downtime quota for equipment repair 设备办理停歇时间定额〔停歇天数〕plant engineering modernization 设备办理现代化plant management, plant enginerring 设备办理fixed plant assets management systems 设备固定资产办理制度equipment failure 设备故障plant renewal management 设备更新办理制度plant renewal 设备更新plant replacement 设备更换post responsibility of plant management 设备岗位责任equipment modification management system 设备改造办理制度plant reconstruction, plant modernization 设备改造classified management of plant 设备分级办理operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq 设备定人定机、凭证操作规定“five disciplines〞of plant operation 设备操作的“五项纪律〞operation specification of equipment 设备操作规程management regulation of equipment spare parts 设备备品配件办理制度management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory 设备备件库房办理制度to quote plant price 设备报价discard of plant 设备报废equipment installation management 设备安装办理equipment installation 设备安装tours system to inspect plant 设备巡回查抄制度to enquire plant price 设备询价plant model selection 设备选型acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度statistic-reporting system of plant 设备统计报表制度technical document and date for plant maintenance 设备维修技术资料management regulation of plant maintenance technology 设备维修技术办理制度equipment maintenance quota 设备维修定额equipment service specification 设备维护规程unit account of plant 设备台帐equipment perfectness norm 设备完好尺度plant in good condition 设备完好claims for equipment 设备索赔specifications of usage 设备使用规程information feedback management in initial operation period of pl 设备使用初期信息反响办理management regulation for operation and service of equipment 设备使用与维护办理制度life-cycle management of plant 设备全过程办理life of equipment 设备寿命lubrication management regulation of plant 设备润滑办理制度“five fixation〞of lubrication 设备润滑“五定〞accident management regulation of plant 设备变乱办理制度three do not let pass of plant accident 设备变乱“三不放过〞plant accident 设备变乱region responsibility system of plant maintenance 设备区域维修负责制fore period and later period management of plant 设备前期办理和后期办理regulation of fore period management of plant 设备前期办理规定wear compensation for plant 设备磨损抵偿plant ageing 设备老化arithmetic mean 算术平均值〔均值〕coercionary service system 强制调养制effect coefficient of investment 投资效果系数economic management system of plant 设备经济办理制度excellence selection activity in plant management 设备办理评优活动Pareto chart 摆列图〔帕累托图〕load test 负荷试验breakdown time 故障停机时间technological adaptability 工艺适应性supervision of engineering facilities 工程设备监理management of proccess-control-point equipment 工序控制点设备办理contract change and cancellation 合同变动与解除combined maintenance 混合维修regression analysis 回归阐发interval between inspections 查抄间隔期socialization of maintenance 检修社会化centralized maintenance 集中维修technical advancement 技术先进性combination of technical management and economic management 技术办理与经济办理相结合computer-aided plant management 计算机辅助设备办理P〕planned preventive maintenance system 方案预修制度〔ЛЛFOB of imported equipment 进口设备离岸价imported equipment management 进口设备办理CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价precise,large scale,rare plant 精、大、稀设备management of precise,large scale,rare equipment 精、大、稀设备办理“five fixed〞of precise,large scale,rare,critical equipme 精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定〞economy 经济性static test 静态试验open-case inspection 开箱查抄average deviation 平均偏差mean waiting time,MWT 平均等待时间repair cycle 补缀周期structure of repair cycle 补缀周期布局combination of repair, modernization and renewal 补缀、改造与更新相结合complexity coefficient of repair 补缀复杂系数time between repairs 补缀间隔期leased equipment management system 租赁设备办理制度time value of fund 资金的时间价值natural accident 自然变乱self-made equipment 便宜设备management system for selfmade equipment 便宜设备办理制度self-made spare parts management system 便宜备件办理制度combination of professional management and mass management 专业办理与群众办理相结合transfer of facility 转让设备〔设备调剂〕typical investigation 典型查询拜访areal (departmental) repair center 地域〔部分〕补缀中心recovery ratio of used oil 废油回收率perfectness ratio of power plant 动力设备完好率fulfillment ratio of periodic service 按期调养完成率mean downtime(days) due to overhaul 大补缀平均停歇天数perfectness ratio of key-point equipments 重点设备完好率qualification ratio under first acceptance check 一次交验合格率availability of plant in use 在用设备可操纵率utilization ratio of installed equipments 已安装设备操纵率annual profit ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 万元固定资产年创利润率maintenance expense for 1000 yuan production value 万元产值占用维修费用installation ratio of owned equipments 实有设备安装率comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合操纵率added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备资产投资回收期newness degree of plant 设备新度profit ratio vs net book value of plant 设备净资产创利润率utilization ratio of planned time of plant 设备方案台时操纵率constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比load rate of plant 设备负荷率back repair rate 设备返修率utilization ratio of institutional time of plant 设备制度台时操纵率idelness ratio of plant 设备闲置率plant capital investment recovery ratio 设备投资回收报率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比perfectness ratio of plant 设备完好率plant daily service fulfillment ratio 设备日常调养完成率incident frequency 设备变乱频率utilization ratio 设备操纵率down time ratio to accident (failure) 变乱[故障]停机率fulfillment ratio of cleaning and oil change plan 清洗换油方案完成率mean repair cost per complexity coefficient of repair 每个补缀复杂系数平均大补缀成本maintenance expense per repair complexity coefficient 每个复杂系数占用维修费用industrial increase value ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 每万元固定资产创工业增加值率failure intensity 故障强度failure frequency 故障频率perfectness ratio of critical equipments 关键设备完好率perfectness raito of precise,large scale and rare equipments 精大稀设备完好率availability 可操纵率〔有效操纵率〕mean down time,MDT 平均停机时间mean time between failture 平均故障间隔期,平均无故障工作时间fulfillment ratio of repair plan 补缀方案完成率。



附录2:外文原文,译文Modulating Direct Digital Synthesizer In the pursuit of more complex phase continuous modulation techniques, the control of the output waveform becomes increasingly more difficult with analog circuitry. In these designs, using a non-linear digital design eliminates the need for circuit board adjustments over yield and temperature. A digital design that meets these goals is a Direct Digital Synthesizer DDS. A DDS system simply takes a constant reference clock input and divides it down a to a specified output frequency digitally quantized or sampled at the reference clock frequency. This form of frequency control makes DDS systems ideal for systems that require precise frequency sweeps such as radar chirps or fast frequency hoppers. With control of the frequency output derived from the digital input word, DDS systems can be used as a PLL allowing precise frequency changes phase continuously. As will be shown, DDS systems can also be designed to control the phase of the output carrier using a digital phase word input. With digital control over the carrier phase, a high spectral density phase modulated carrier can easily be generated.This article is intended to give the reader a basic understanding of a DDS design, and an understanding of the spurious output response. This article will also present a sample design running at 45MHz in a high speed field programmable gate array from QuickLogic.A basic DDS system consists of a numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) used to generate the output carrier wave, and a digital to analog converter (DAC) used to take the digital sinusoidal word from the NCO and generate a sampled analog carrier. Since the DAC output is sampled at the reference clock frequency, a wave form smoothing low pass filter is typically used to eliminate alias components. Figure 1 is a basic block diagram of a typical DDS system generation of the output carrier from the reference sample clock input is performed by the NCO. The basic components of the NCO are a phase accumulator and a sinusoidal ROM lookup table. An optional phase modulator can also be include in the NCO design. This phase modulator will add phase offset to the output of the phase accumulator just before the ROM lookup table. This will enhance the DDS system design by adding the capabilities to phase modulate the carrier output of the NCO. Figure 2 is a detailed block diagram of a typical NCO design showing the optional phase modulator.FIGURE 1: Typical DDS System.FIGURE 2: Typical NCO Design.To better understand the functions of the NCO design, first consider the basic NCO design which includes only a phase accumulator and a sinusoidal ROM lookup table. The function of these two blocks of the NCO design are best understood when compared to the graphical representation of Euler’s formula ej wt = cos( wt) + jsin( wt). T hegraphical representation of Euler’s formula, as shown in Figure 3, is a unit vector rotating around the center axis of the real and imaginary plane at a velocity of wrad/s. Plotting the imaginary component versus time projects a sine wave while plotting the real component versus time projects a cosine wave. The phase accumulator of the NCO is analogous, or could be considered, the generator of the angular velocity component wrad/s. The phase accumulator is loaded, synchronous to the reference sample clock, with an N bit frequency word.This frequency word is continuously accumulated with the last sampled phase value by an N bit adder. The output of the adder is sampled at the reference sample clock by an N bit register. When the accumulator reaches the N bit maximum value, the accumulator rolls over and continues. Plotting the sampled accumulator values versus time produces a saw tooth wave form as shown below in Figure 3. FIGURE 3 Euler’s Equation Represented GraphicallyThe sampled output of the phase accumulator is then used to address a ROM lookup table of sinusoidal magnitude values. This conversion of the sampled phase to a sinusoidal magnitude is analogous to the projection of the real or imaginary component in time. Since the number of bits used by the phase accumulator determines the granularity of the frequency adjustment steps, a typical phase accumulator size is 24 to 32 bits. Since the size of the sinusoidal ROMtable is directly proportional to the addressing range, not all 24 or 32 bits of the phase accumulator are used to address the ROM sinusoidal table. Only the upper Y bits of the phase accumulator are used to address the sinusoidal ROM table, where Y < N bits and Y is typically but not necessarily equal to D, and D is the number of output magnitude bits from the sinusoidal ROM table.Since an NCO outputs a carrier based on a digital representation of the phase and magnitude of the sinusoidal wave form, designers have complete control over frequency, phase, and even amplitude of the output carrier. By adding a phase port and a phase adder to the basic NCO design, the output carrier of the NCO can be M array phase modulated where M equals the number of phase port bits and where M is less than or equal to the Y number of bits used to address the sinusoidal ROM table. For system designs that require amplitude modulation such as QAM, a magnitude port can be added to adjust the sinusoidal ROM table output. Note that this port is not shown in Figure 2 and that this feature is not demonstrated in the sample QuickLogic FPGA design. Finally, frequency modulation is a given with the basic NCO design. The frequency port can directly adjust the carrier output frequency. Since frequency words are loaded into the DDS synchronous to the sample clock, frequency changes are phase continuous.Although DDS systems give the designer complete control ofcomplex modulation synthesis, the representation of sinusoidal phase and magnitude in a non-linear digital format introduces new design complexities. In sampling any continuous-time signal, one must consider the sampling theory and quantization error.To understand the effects of the sampling theory on a DDS system, it is best to look at the DDS synthesis processes in both the time and frequency domain. As stated above, the NCO generates a sinusoidal wave form by accumulating the phase at a specified rate and then uses the phase value to address a ROM table of sinusoidal amplitude values. Thus, the NCO is essentially taking a sinusoidal wave form and sampling it with the rising or falling edge of the NCO input reference sampling clock. Figure 4 shows the time and frequency domain of the NCO processing. Note that this representation does not assume quantization.Based on the loaded frequency word, the NCO produces a set of amplitude output values at a set period. The frequency domain representation of this sinusoid is an impulse function at the specified frequency. The NCO, however, outputs discrete digital samples of this sinusoid at the NCO reference clock rate. In the time domain, the NCO output is a function of the sampling clock edge strobes multiplied by the sinusoid wave form producing a train of impulses at the sinusoid amplitude. In the frequency domain, the sampling strobes of the reference clock produce a train of impulses at frequencies of K times theNCO clock frequency where K = ... - 1, 0, 1, 2 .... Since the sampling clock was multiplied by the sinusoid in the time domain, the frequency domain components of the sinusoid and the sampling clock need to be convolved to produce the frequency domain representation of the NCO output.The frequency domain results are the impulse function at the fundamental frequency of the sinusoid and the alias impulse functions occurring at K times the NCO clock frequency plus or minus the fundamental frequency. The fundamental and alias component occur at: K*Fclk - FoutK*Fclk + FoutWhere K = ... -1, 0 , 1, 2 ..... and K = 0 is the NCO sinusoid fundamental frequencyFout is the specified NCO sinusoid output frequencyFclk is the NCO reference clock frequencyFIGURE 4 NCO Output Representation Time and Frequency Domain The DAC of the DDS system takes the NCO output values and translates these values into analog voltages. Figure 4 shows the time and frequency domain representations of the DAC processing starting with the NCO output. The DAC output is a sample and hold circuit that takes the NCO digital amplitude words and converts the value into an analog voltage and holds the value for one sample clock period. The timedomain plot of the DAC processing is the convolution of the NCO sampled output values with a pulse of one sample clock period. The frequency domain plot of the sampling pulse is a sin(x)/x function with the first null at the sample clock frequency. Since the time domain was convolved, the frequency domain is multiplied. This multiplication dampens the NCO output with the sin(x)/x envelope. This attenuation at the DAC output can be calculated as follows and a sample output spectrum is shown in Figure 5:Atten(F) = 20log[(sin(pF/Fclk)/pF/Fclk)] Where F is the output frequency Fclk is the sample clock frequencyFIGURE 5: DAC Output Representation in Time and Frequency Domain Aside from the sampling theory, the quantization of the real values into digital form must also be considered in the performance analysis of a DDS system. The spurious response of a DDS system is primarily dictated by two quantization parameters. These parameters are the phase quantization by the phase accumulator and the magnitude quantization by the ROM sinusoidal table and the DAC.As mentioned above, only the upper Y bits of the phase accumulator are used to address the ROM lookup table. It should be noted, however, that using only the upper Y bits of the phase accumulator introduces a phase truncation. When a frequency word containing a non-zero value in the lower (N-Y-1:0) bits is loaded into the DDS system, the lowernon-zero bits will accumulate to the upper Y bits and cause a phase truncation. The frequency at which the phase truncation occurs can be calculated by the following:Ftrunc = FW(N-Y- 1:0)/2N-Y* Fclk.A phase truncation will periodically (at the Ftrunc rate) phase modulate the output carrier forward 2p/28 to compensate for frequency word granularity greater than 2Y. The phase jump caused by the accumulation of phase truncated bits produces spurs around the fundamental.These spurs are located plus and minus the truncation frequency from the fundamental frequency and the magnitude of the spurs will be - 20log(2Y)dBc. A sample output of a phase truncation spur is shown in Figure 5.In a typical NCO design, the ROM sinusoidal table will hold a ¼ sine wave (0 , p/2) of magnitude values. The ROM table is generated by taking all possible phase value addresses and map to a real magnitude sine value rounded to the nearest D bits. Thus, the maximum error output is ±- ½ LSB giving a worst case spur of -20log(2D)dBc.Like the NCO ROM table, a DAC quantizes the digital magnitude values. A DAC, however, outputs an analog voltage corresponding to the digital input value. When designing the NCO sinusoidal ROM table, one should take some empirical data on the DAC linearity to betterunderstand the interaction between the ROM table and the DAC. The quantization for a DAC is specified against an ideal linear plot of digital input versus analog output. Two linearity parameters, differential and integral linearity, are used to specify a DAC’s p erformance.Differential linearity is the output step size from bit to bit. A DAC must guarantee a differential linearity of a maximum 1 LSB. When an input code is increased, the DAC output must increase. If the DAC voltage does not increase versus an increase digital input value, the DAC is said to be missing codes. Thus, a 10 bit DAC that has a differential linearity of greater that 1 LSB is only accurate to 9 or less bits. The number of accurate output bits will specify the DDS spurious performance as -20log(2dl) where dl is the number differential linear bits..Integral linearity is a measure of the DAC’s overall linear performance versus an ideal linear straight line. The straight line plot can be either a “best straight line” where DC offsets are pos sible at both the min and max outputs of the DAC, or the straight line can cross the end points of the min and max output values. A DAC will tend to have a characteristic curve that is traversed over the output range. Depending on the shape and symmetry (symmetry about the half way point of the DAC output) of this curve, output harmonics of the DDS fundamental output frequency will be produced. As these harmonics approach andcross the Nyquist frequency of Fclk/2, the harmonics become under sampled and reflect back into the band of interest, 0 to Fclk/2. This problem is best illustrated by setting the NCO output to Fclk/4 plus a slight offset. The third harmonic will fall minus 3 folds the small offset from the fundamental and the second harmonic will cross the Nyquist frequency by 2 folds the small offset leaving a reflected image back in the band of interest A sample plot of this frequency setup is shown in Figure 5.Other DAC characteristic that will produce harmonic distortion is any disruption of the symmetry of the output wave form such as a different rise and fall time. These characteristics can typically be corrected by board components external to the DAC such as an RF transformer, board layout issues, attenuation pads etc.Given the complexities of the DDS system, engineers should consider implementing the design using separate devices for the numerically controlled oscillator, the digital to analog converter, and the low pass filter. This approach allows for signal observation at many points in the system, yet is compact enough to be practical as an end-solution. Alternatively, the discrete implementation can serve as a prototyping vehicle for a single-chip mixed signal ASIC.The author developed a version of the design using a Harris HI5721 evaluation board for the DAC. The NCO at the heart of the DDS design,and a random generator to test signal modulation, was implemented into about 65% of a QuickLogic field programmable gate array (FPGA). This FPGA, a QL16x24B 4000-gate device, was chosen for its high performance, ease-of-use, and powerful development tools.The NCO design included following:Developed in Verilog with the 8 bit CLA adder schematiccaptured and net listed to Verilog32 bit frequency word input32 phase accumulator pipelined over 8 bits8 bit phase moudulation word input8 bit sine ROM look-up tableThe design was described mostly in Verilog, with an 8 bit carry look ahead adder modified from QuickLogic’s macro library netlisted to Verilog. The whole design cycle was less than four days (two days to describe the design and a day and a half to prototype the hardware). Everything worked perfectly the first time, with the design running at an impressive 45MHz as predicted by the software simulation tools.Plots used in the article to illustrate DDS performance parameters were provided from the test configuration.Figure 6 below shows the external IO interface to the NCO design .The function of each signal is described in the following table.Signal Function TableFigure 6: The External IO InterfaceTop LevelThe top level of the NCO design instantiates the functional blocks of the NCO design and the PN generator block.PN GeneratorThis module is not part of the NCO design but is used to produce a sample random data pattern to modulate the carrier output. This module uses the PNCLK input to clock two Gold code 5 bit PN generators. The outputs of the PN generators are IDATA and QDATA outputs.The lower level block of this NCO design consist of a synchronous frequency word input register, a synchronous phase word input register, a 32 bit pipe lined phase accumulator, an 8 bit phase adder, and a sin lockup table. A detailed description of each of the NCO blocks and thePN generator are provided in the following sections.Load Frequency WordThe load frequency word block is a synchronizing loading circuit. The FREQWORD[31:0] input drives a the data input to the 32 bit fwreg register that is sampled on the rising edge of the FWWRN write strobe. The FWWRN strobe also drives the data input to a metastable flip flop fwwrnm that is used in conjunction with a synchronous register fwwrns to produce a FWWRN rising edge strobe. This rising edge strobe loadp1 is then piped for an additional 3 clock cycles producing the load strobes loadp2, loadp3, and loadp4. The load strobes are used to signal when to update the synchronous pipe line 8 bit registers pipefw1, pipefw2, pipefw3, and pipefw4 to the sampled frequency word content. The pipe line registers are concatenated to produce the 32 bit synchronous frequency word output SYNCFREQ[31:0] that is staggered to compensate for the 32 bit pipe lined phase adder.Phase Word AccumulatorThe phase accumulator block is a 32 bit accumulator that is pipe lined in 8 bit sections. This module instanciates a schematic captured carry lock ahead CLA adder that has a carry in and carry out port. The synchronous frequency word, staggered to match the pipe lined accumulator, is loaded into the B input of the CLA adders. The sum output of the CLA adders are registered in the pipe registered with theoutput tied back to the A input of the CLA adders. The carry output of the CLA adders is registered in the pipec registers with the output tied to the next most significant CLA adder carry input. The most significant sum output register pipe4 is assigned to the PHASE output port giving a phase value quantized to 8 bits. A digital sine and cosine value is also calculated from the pipe4 register and brought out of the chip as SIN and COS.Load Phase WordThe load phase word block is a synchronizing loading circuit. The PHASEWORD[7:0] input drives the data input to the 32 bit pwreg register that is sampled on the rising edge of the PWWRN write strobe. The PWWRN strobe also drives the data input to a metastable flip flop pwwrnm that is used in conjunction with a synchronous register pwwrns to produce a FWWRN rising edge strobe. This rising edge strobe load is used to signal when to update the synchronous phase word register phswd. The phswd register is assigned to the synchronous phase word output SYNCPHSWD[7:0].Phase ModulatorThe phase modulator block is used to phase offset the phase accumulator 8 bit quantized output with the synchronous phase word from the load phase word block. This module instantiates a CLA adder with the A input tied to the synchronous phase output and the B inputtied to the phase accumulator output. The sum output of the adder is registered in the mphsreg register and assigned to the MODPHASE output port. A modulated version of the sine and cosine values are calculated and brought out of the chip as MSIN and MCOS.Sine LockupThis module takes the modulated phase value form the phase modulator block and translated the quantized 8 bit value into a sine wave form amplitude value quantized to 8 bits. The translation from phase to amplitude is performed by a sine ROM table that in instantiated in this module. The ROM table is reduced to a ¼ of the symmetrical sine wave form and the MSB of the sine wave form is equivalent to the modulated phase module performs the calculations to reconstruct a complete period of the sine wave form f rom the ¼ representation of the ROM table and the MSB of the modulated phase input. To better understand the processing of this module, consider the following. The modulated phase value is a 0 to 2p value quantized to 8 bits 2p/28. The quantized value for p/2, p, 3p/2, and 2p are 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xBF, and 0xFF. The amplitude values for 0 to p/2 is stored in the ROM table. The amplitude values for p/2 to p are the ROM table output in the reverse order. The amplitude values for p to 3p/2 are the same output as the amplitude value from 0 to p/2 with the output from the ROM table inverted. Finally the amplitude value for 3p/2 to 2p are the same as for pto 3p/2 with the ROM table accessed in reverse.This module manages the address values to the ROM table and the amplitude outputs to form the complete period of the sine wave form. The first process of generating the sine wave function is the addressing of the ROM table such that phase angles p/2 to p and 3p/2 to 2p are addressed in the reverse order. Reverse addressing is accomplished by simply inverting the ROM table address input vector. The phase modulated address input is inverted when the MODPHASE[6] is one and is then registered in the phaseadd register. The phase address is used to address the ROM sine table with the output registered in the qwavesin_ff register. To construct the negative amplitude values of the sine wave form, the MSB of the modulate phase word input is registered twice in modphase_msb1_ff and modphase_msb2_ff, compensating for the two cycle latency of the phaseadd and qwavesin_ff registers. The delayed MSB bit is used to invert the ROM table output when one. The altered ROM table output and the invert of the delayed modulated phase word MSB are finally registered in by the dac_ff register and then assigned to the DACOUT output port.Sine ROM TableThis module is the sine wave form ROM table. This table converts the phase word input to a sine amplitude output. To conserve area, only ¼ of the symmetrical sine wave form is stored in the ROM. The sine valuesstored in this table are the 0 to p/2 unsigned values quantized to 8 bits. Thus, the ROM table requires a 6 bit phase address input and outputs a 7 bit amplitude output. The sinlup module processes the phase and amplitude values to produce a complete sine period.Dan Morelli has over 9 years of design and management experience. His areas of expertise include spread spectrum communications (involving GPS, TDRSS, and , PC chip set and system architecture, cell library development (for ECL devices) and ASIC development. He has been published and has multiple patents awarded and pending. Dan currently works for Accelent Systems Inc., an electronic design consulting company, where he is a founder and the VP of Engineering.数字频率合成器在探讨许多复杂的相位持续的调制技术中,对模拟电路中输出波形的操纵已经愈来愈困难。



附录一英文参考文献Application of slice spectral correlation density to gear defect detectionG Bi, J Chen, F C Zhou, and J HeThe State Key Laboratory of Vibration, Sound, and Noise,Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai,People’s Republic of ChinaThe manuscript was received on 16 October 2005 and was accepted after revision for publication on 3 May 2006.DOI: 10.1243/0954406JMES206 Abstract: The most direct reflection of gear defect is the change in the amplitude and phase modulations of vibration. The slice spectral correlation density (SSCD)method presented in this paper can be used to extract modulation information from the gear vibration signal; amplitude and phase modulation information can be extracted either individually or in combination.This method can detect slight defects with comparatively evident phase modulation as well as serious defects with strong amplitude modulation. Experimental vibration signals presenting gear defects of different levels of severity verify to its character identification capability and indicate that the SSCD is an effective method, especially to detect defects at an early stage of development.Keywords: slice spectral correlation density, gear, defect detection, modulation1 INTRODUCTIONA gear vibration signal is a typical periodic modulation signal. Modulation phenomena are more serious with the deterioration of gear defects. Accordingly, the modulation sidebands in the spectrum get incremented in number and amplitude.Therefore, extracting modulation information from these sidebands is the direct way to detect gear defects. A conventional envelope technique is one of the methods for this purpose. It is sensitive to modulation phenomena in amplitude, but not in phase. A slight gear defect often produces little change in vibration amplitude, but it is always accompanied by evident phasemodulation. Employing the envelopetechnique for an incipient slight defect does not produce satisfactory results.In recent years, the theory of cyclic statistics has been used for rotating machine vibration signal and shows good potential for use in condition monitoring and diagnosis [1–3]. In this article, spectral correlation density (SCD) function in the second-order cyclostationarity is verified to be a redundant information provider for gear defect detection. It simultaneously exhibits amplitude and phase modulation during gear vibration, which is especially valuable for detecting slight defects and monitoring their evolution.The SCD function maps signals into a two-dimensional function in a cyclic frequency (CF) versus general frequency plane (a–f). Considering its information redundancy [4] and huge computation,the slice of the SCD where CF equals the shaft rotation frequency is individually computed for defect detection,which is named slice spectral correlation density (SSCD). The SSCD is demonstrated to possess the same identification capability as the SCD function. It can be computed directly from a time-varying autocorrelation with less computation and, at the same time, has clear representation when compared with a three-dimensional form of the SCD.2 SECOND-ORDER CYCLIC STATISTICSA random process generally has a time-varying autocorrelation[5]Where is the mathematic expectation operator and t is the time lag. If the autocorrelation is periodic with a period T0, the ensemble average can be estimated with time averageThe autocorrelation can also be written in the Fourier series because of its periodicityWhere Combining with equation(2), its Fourier coefficients can be given as [5]Where is the time averaging operation, is referred to as the cyclic autocorrelation (CA),and a is the CF. SCD can be obtained by applying Fourier transform of the CA with respect to the time lag tThe SCD exhibits the characteristics of the signal in a–f bi-frequency plane. All non-zero CFs characterize the cyclostationary (CS) characters of the signal.3 THE GEAR MODELThe most important component in gearbox vibration is the tooth meshing vibration, which is due to the deviations from the ideal tooth profile. Sources of such deviations are the tooth deformation under load or original profile errors made in the machining process. Generally, modulation phenomena occur when a local defect goes through the mesh and generates periodic alteration to the tooth meshing vibration in amplitude and phase. To a normal gear, the fluctuation in the shaft rotation frequency and the load or the tiny difference in the teeth space also permits slight amplitude modulation(AM) or phase modulation (PM). Therefore, the general gear model can be written as [6, 7]where fx is the tooth meshing frequency and fs is the shaft rotation frequency. am(t) and bm(t) denote AM and PM functions, respectively. The predominant component of the modulation stems from the shaft rotation frequency and its harmonics; other minute modulation components can be neglected.AM and PM, either individually or in combination,cause the presence of sidebands within the spectrum of the signal. Band-pass filtering around one of the harmonics of the tooth meshing frequency is the classical signal processing for the detailed observation of the sidebands. The filtered gear vibration signal can be expressed as followswhere fh denotes one of the harmonics of the tooth meshing frequency. The subscript m is ignored for simplification in this equation and in the following discussion. The study emphasis of this paper is the filtered gear vibration signal model in equation (7),and its carrier is a single cosine waveform and modulated parts are period functions.4 CS ANALYSIS OF THE GEAR MODELAccording to the analysis mentioned earlier, the gear vibration signal can be simplified as a periodic signal modulated in amplitude and phase. The modulation condition reflects the severity extent of potential defect in gear. In this section, AM and PM cases are studied individually, and the CS analysis of the gear model is developed on the basis of their results.4.1 AM caseThe model of AM signal is derived from equation (7)The analytic form of x(t) in equation (8) can be written asSubstitution of ^x(t) into equation (4) can deduce the CA of xˆ(t)Where is the envelope ofis equal to as a provider of modulation information.It is theFourier transform of according to equation (11). Inaddition, the Fourier transform of with respect to the time lag is thecorresponding SCD .thus can be computed using twice Fouriertransform of with respect to time t and time lag t,respectivelyAccording to integral transform, becomeswhere H(v) is the Fourier transform of a(t)After substituting H(v) into equation (13) and uncoupling f and a using theproperties of d function, the final expression of an be obtainedhas a totally symmetrical structure in four quadrants. Equation (15) is just a part of it in the first quadrant, and others are ignored for simplification. Accordingto equation (15), is composed of some discrete peaks. In addition, these peaks regularly distribute on the a–f plane. Despite the comparatively complexexpression, the geometrical description of is simple. These peaks nicelysuperpose the intersections of the cluster of lines.Then, these lines can also be considered as the character lines of .4.2 PM casePM signal derived from equation (7) isThe CA of its analytic form can be represented asThe CA in the PM case also has the envelope–carrier form, as in the AM case. Therefore, the envelope of the CA is used to extract modulation information from thesignal. Its corresponding SCD is also denoted as .The PM part, b(t), comprises finite Fourier series.The CS analysis of the PM case starts with the sinusoidalwaveform .Besselformula is employed in the computation. The finalresult of this simple case can be expressed asThe geometrical expression of equation (18) is also related tolines,and is nonzero only at their intersections. The number of the lines does not depend on the number of harmonics in the modulation part, but is infinite in theory even for a single sinusoidal PM signal. In fact, Bessel coefficients limit discrete peaks in a range centring around the zero point of a–f. The amplitude of other theoretical character peaks out of the range is close to zero with the distance far away from the zero point.When the PM function comprises several sinusoidal waveforms as shown in equation (16), components of it can be expressed as bi(t), where i is Application of SSCD to gear defect detection 1387 from 0 to I. The envelope of CA can be written asWhere equals unity. According to the two-dimensionalconvolution principle, the corresponding SCD of can be represented bywhere the sign means the two-dimensional convolution on the bi-frequencyplane. The expression of is shown in equation (18) with fs replaced byifs and B by Bi and b by bi. Despite more complex expression of the SCD in the multiple sinusoidal modulation case, the result of the two-dimensional convolutionbetween has the same geometrical distribution, as it does in the single sinusoidal modulation case. The distance between the character lines ofalong the general frequency axis is the fundamental frequency fs. Therefore, convolution does not create new character peaks, but changes their amplitude. Equation (18) also represents the SCD of the signal in equation (16), although the coefficients Cln are changed by the two-dimensional convolution.4.3 CS analysis of the gear vibration signalThe second-order CS analysis of the general gear model in equation (7) is developed on the basis of the AM and PM cases. The CA of the analytic signal also has the envelope–carrier form, and the envelope of the CA is expressed as followsTwo parts in the sign { .} in equation (21) are relatedto AM and PM functions,respectively. Therefore, the corresponding SCD of has the form of two dimensional convolution of two components issued from AM and PM functionsThe expressions of and are given in equations (15) and (18).The two-dimensional convolution between and just causes thesuperposition of the character peaks in and , as it does in the PM case. Owing to the same geometrical characters, the convolution can not change the distribution, but involves change inthe number and amplitude of the effective character peaks (whose amplitude is larger than zero). Therefore,the CS characters of the gear model are also representedby lines , as it does in the AM and PM cases.4.4 SSCD analysis of the gear vibration signal and its realizationThree modulation cases have a uniform CS character, according to the aboveanalysis. Lines f = on the bi-frequency plane are their common character lines.Figure 1 shows its distribution.Only the part in the first quadrant isdisplayed because of the identical symmetry of in four quadrants. The number of these discrete points and the amplitude of the spectrum peaks reflect the modulation extent of the signal.The SCD provides redundant information for gear modulation information identification. In fact, some slices of it are sufficient for thepurpose. For the AM case, the slice of , where CF is (in the first quadrant), can be derived from equation (15)The slice contains equidistant character frequencies,and the distance between them is fs. The PM case and the combination modulation case have the similar result, which can also be expressed by equation (23), whereas the coefficientsCl have different expressions. Therefore, , where is composed ofdiscrete peaks All these character spectrum peaks correspond toodd multiples of the half shaft rotation frequency.The number and amplitude of the peaks reflect the modulation extent, thereby reflecting the severity extent of the potential defect in the gear.Similar situations will be encountered when analysing other Fig. 1 Diagram of CS character distribution slices of the SCD where CF equals the integer multiples of the shaft rotation frequency.The information redundancy of the SCD function always becomes an obstacle to its practical application in the gear defect detection. The sampling frequency must be high enough to satisfy the sampling theorem. Simultaneously, identifying modulation character relies on the fine frequency resolution.Long data series are needed because of these two factors.Therefore, huge matrix operations bring heavy burden to the computation.Moreover, sometimes it is hard to find a clear representation for the redundant information in the three-dimensional space.Therefore, the SSCD, as shown in the above analysis,is presented as a competent substitute for the SCD in detecting gear defects. In this article, the SSCD is specialized to the slice of the SCD where CF equals a certain character frequency. The SSCD can be acquired directly from the time-varying autocorrelation without computing the CA matrix and other subsequent matrix operations. Its realization is detailed as follows:(a) use the Hilbert transform to get the analytic signal ^x(t);(b) compute the time-varying autocorrelation of the analytic signal as described in equation (2);(c) select the CF a0, which equals a certain prescient character frequency, and then computethe slice of the CA (a0 equals fs for gear defect detection);(d) compute the envelope of the slice CA . It cannot be attained directlyfrom the slice CA,therefore, a technique is involved for another form ofUtilizing the equation, arrive at the squared modulus of;(e) apply the Fourier transform of with respect to the time lag t and obtain the final result of the SSCD.The SSCD can be computed according to the steps listed above. Nevertheless, the manipulation of replacing the envelope slice CA by the squared modulus of it will change the spectrumstructure. Original halfcharacter frequencies are converted into integer form (lfs) together with the appearance of some inessential high frequency components.These changes do not impact the character identification capability of the SSCD, on the contrary,it gives more obvious representation.5 SIMULATIONTwo modulated signals are used to identify the capability of the SCD and the SSCD in modulation character identification. All modulation functions of these signals are finite Fourier series. Figure 2 shows the AM case simulated according to equation(8). The AM function a(t) comprises three cosine waveforms, representing 10 Hz and its double and triple harmonics and amplitude of 1, 0.7, and 0.3 units, respectively. All initial phases in the model are randomly decided by the computer. The carrier frequency is 100 Hz, sampling frequency 2048 Hz,and the data length 16 384. Figure 3 shows the case of the combination of AM and PM simulated according to equation (7). The PM function b(t) comprises two sinusoidal waveforms with the frequency of 10 and 20 Hz and amplitude of 3 and 1 units,respectively. Other parameters are identical to the AM case.Figures 2(a) to (c) show the time waveform, the contour of its SCD analysis, and the SSCD where CF is equal to 10 Hz, respectively. Only the results of the SCD in the first quadrant are given because of its symmetry. All character points in the contour of the SCD are at the intersections of thelines f =. Their distribution is regular in the AM case. TheFig. 2 One simulated AM signal: (a) the time waveform, (b) the contour of its SCD, and (c)the SSCD at 10 HzSSCD in Fig. 2(c) comprises Fig. 2 One simulated AM signal:(a) the time waveform, (b) the contour of its SCD, and (c)the SSCD at 10 Hzand its integer multiples and reflects themodulation condition in this signal as the SCD.Fig. 3 Another simulated modulated signal with modulation phenomena in amplitude and phase: (a) the time waveform, (b) the contour of its SCD, and (c) the SSCD at 10 HzFigure 3 shows the case of the combination of AM and PM.All character points in the contour of the SCD are also at the intersections of the character lines10 Hz. In addition, the SSCD also comprises 10 Hz and its several integer multiples.When PM is involved, the results from the PM part interact with those from the AM part by the two dimensional convolution. The number of the character peaks manifestly increases when compared with the original AM case in thecontour of the SCD. The number of character peaks in the SSCD also augments.Therefore, according to the SCD or the SSCD, the same conclusion can be drawn: the second simulated signal is strongly modulated when compared with the first.Simulation results indicate that either the SCD or the SSCD has the capability of identifying the present and the extent of the modulation, disregarding its existence in amplitude or phase. The SSCD possesses the virtues of less computation and clear representation.These two factors seem to be indifferent for simulated signals, but are valuable when encountering very long data series in practice.6 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSThree experimental vibration signals employed in this section came from 37/41 helical gears. They represented healthy, slight wear (wear on addendum of one tooth of 41 teeth gear), and moderate wear status (wear on addendum of one tooth profile of 41 teeth gear and two successive tooth profiles of 37 teeth gear), respectively. The shaft rotation frequency of the 37 teeth gear minutely fluctuates 16.6 Hz. Signals were sampled at 15 400 Hz under the same load. The data length was 37 888. Before the SSCD analysis, all experimental signals were band-pass filtered around four-fold harmonics of the tooth meshin frequency in order to identify the change in themodulation sidebands in different defect status.These filtered signals are analysed by a conventional envelope technique and the SSCD. The comparison between their results dedicates the effect of theSSCD.Figure 4 shows the case of the healthy status.Figures 4(a) to (c) are the time waveform of the experimental signal, its envelope spectrum, and its SSCD analysis at the shaft rotation frequency of the 37 teeth gear, respectively. The envelope spectrum and the SSCD have the similar spectrum structure Fig. 3 Another simulated modulated signal with modulation phenomena in amplitude and phase: (a) the time waveform, (b) the contourof its SCD, and (c) the SSCD at 10 HFig. 4 First experimental gear signal: (a) the time waveform, (b) the envelope spectrum, and(c)the SSCDcomprising the rotation frequency and several negligible harmonics. Demodulated sidebands in these two spectra are few and low because there are some modulation phenomena during the gear’s normal operation. The fluctuation in the load, the minute rotational variation, and the circular pitch error in the machining process are the possible sources of the slight modulation. There is no comparability between numeric values of the envelope spectrum and the SSCD because of different computing procedures.The slight wear case is shown in Fig. 5. Wear on one tooth profile of one of the helical meshing gears does not result in significant deviation from its normal running. Therefore, there is a little increment in amplitude in the time waveform plot. In the envelope spectrum, compared with the normal case, the amplitude of these demodulated sidebands augments a little, and the extent seems to enlarge. The increment in number and amplitude of the sidebands is attributed to the modulation condition of the signal. However, the alteration is too slight to provide enough proof for the existence of some defect in the gear. In fact, a slight defect evidently always modulates the phase of the gear vibration signal and produces little change in the amplitude.Therefore, the envelope spectrum is not sensitiveto a slight gear defect due to its fail to the PMphenomena.Figure 5(c) shows the SSCD analysis of the slightlywearing gear. More sidebands are demodulated by the SSCD when compared with the normal case in Fig. 4(c). Moreover, the amplitude isapproximately tenFig. 5 Second experimental gear signal: (a) the time waveform, (b) the envelope spectrum,and (c)the SSCDtimes that of the normal case. Changes between the status of these two operations in the SSCD are so remarkable that a conclusion of the existence of a certain gear defect can be affirmed. Different from the neglect of envelope spectrum to PM, the SSCD treats AM and PM equally. It picks up AM and PM characters simultaneously, that is to say,the SSCD is a whole embodiment of all modulation phenomena in the system. Therefore, this is an effective and reliable method for slight gear defects.The moderate wear case is shown in Fig. 6. Wear on one tooth profile of one of the meshing gears and two neighbouring tooth profiles of the other impact the running of the meshing gears. According to the time waveform, the vibration is more violent than the two cases mentioned eaerlier. In the Fig. 5 Second experimental gear signal: (a) the time waveform, (b) the envelope spectrum, and (c)the SSCDFig. 6 Third experimental gear signal: (a) the time waveform, (b) the envelope spectrum, and(c)the SSCDApplication of SSCD to gear defect detection 1391 envelope spectrum, the amplitude and the number of the sidebands continue to increase. The obvious changes, compared with the normal case, indicate the abnormality of the system. The sidebands demodulated by the SSCD also increase in amplitude and number. The SSCD is indicative of more serious defects, whereas AM phenomena are the major reflection of the moderate wear. Therefore, the envelope spectrum and the SSCD both reflect the severity extent of the modulation in the signal. Both fit to the detection of moderate gear defects.7 CONCLUSIONGear vibration signal is a typical modulated signal.The changes of themodulation condition indicate the existence and the development of defects. The SSCD is introduced in this article as a valuable method to detect gear defects. It is verified to be a whole reflection of the modulation phenomena in gear vibration and is able to pick up AM and PM information simultaneously. Experimental results show the defect detection capability of the method not only for moderate gear defects, but also for slight defects. Therefore, the SSCD method has a bright future in identifying the presence of gear defects and monitoring their evolution.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 50175068) and the Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 50335030). Experimental data came from the Department of Applied Mechanics of University Libre de Bruxelles.REFERENCES1 Dalpiaz,G. and Rivola, A. Effectiveness and sensitivity of vibration processing techniques for local fault detection in gears. Mech. Syst. 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Des., 1982, 104, 259–267.附录二英文文献翻译部分频谱与齿轮缺陷发现相互关系的实际应用G Bi, J Chen、F C Zhou 和J He中华人民共和国,上海,上海交通大学,国家震动、声音和噪音重点实验室原稿于2005年10月16日完成,经修改后于2006年5月3日发表DOI:10.1243|0954406 JMES206摘要:振幅和振动调制相位的变化能最直接的反映出齿轮的缺陷。



1.This electron beam sweeps across each line at a uniform rate,then flies back to scan another line directly below the previous one and so on,until the horizontal lines into which it is desired to break or split the picture have been scannedin the desired sequence.电子束以均匀的速率扫描每一行,然后飞速返回去扫描下一行,直到把被扫描的图像按所希望的顺序分割成行。

2.The technical possibilities could well exist,therefore,of nation-wide integrated transmission network of high capacity,controlled by computers,interconnected globally by satellite and submarine cable,providing speedy and reliable communications throughout the word因此,在技术上完全可能实现全国性的集成发送网络。


3.Transit time is the primary factor which limits the ability of a transistor to operate at high frequency.渡越时间是限制晶体管高频工作能力的主要因素4.The intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound.声强与到声源的距离的平方成反比。



燃机英语词汇(英汉)检索手册3WN three winding 三绕组A alarm 报警AB auxiliary boiler 辅助锅炉ABN abnormal 异常的ABS absolute 绝对的ABSBR absorber 吸收体(器),减震器ABT about 大约ABV above 超过,在……之上AC alternating current 交流电ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器ACC air cooled condenser 空气冷却式冷凝器ACCES accessory 附加ACCL acceleration 加速(度)ACCP air cooled condensing plant 空气冷却式冷凝装置ACCUM accumulator 蓄能器ACD acid 酸ACKN acknowledge 确认ACS access 检修孔(门)ACT actual 实际的ACTD actuated 致动的ACTG acting 作用的ACTIV activated 激发的,触发的ACTN action 动作ACTR actuator 致动器,执行机构ACW auxiliary cooling water 辅助冷却水AC/O automatic change over 自动切换AD anode 阳极ADD additional 附加的,补充的ADJ adjusting 调整ADMN admission 进气ADPTR adapter 结合器,异径接头,适配器ADR address 地址ADS absorber 吸附器ADV advance 前进,超前AFT after (在)后面AGG aggregate 聚合AGIT agitator 搅拌器AGT agent (试,媒,作用)剂,介质AHD ahead 在前面AIR air 空气AIR-V air valve 空气阀ALKALTY alkalinity 碱度ALLOW allowance 容差ALTRN alternation 交流发电机AMB ambient 环境的AMM ammeter 安培计AMNA ammonia 氨AMPL amplifier 放大器AMPTD amplitude 振幅AN anion 阴离子ANAL analyzer 分析器ANLG analog 模拟ANN annunciator 信号报警器ANN-LAMPA annunciator lamp alarm 信号(报警)器,灯光报警器ANT-FM anti-foam 消泡剂ANX annex 附件(录)APPAR apparatus 装置,设备ARBLT air blast 鼓风ARCT air collecting tank 空气收集罐ARHTR air heater 空气加热器ARR arrestor 避雷器,制动器ASH ash 灰分ASMOISP ash moistening pump 灰分增湿泵ASSY assembly 装配,组件ATM atmospheric 大气的ATMZR atomizer 雾化器ATP attemperator 温度控制器ATT automatic turbine tester 自动涡轮测试装置AUD audible 音响的,可听的AUTO automatic 自动的AUX auxiliary 辅助的AUXVOLT auxiliary voltage 辅助电压A V AIL available 可得到的A VE average 平均A VR automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器AX axial 轴向的AXS axis 轴线A/S air side 空气侧B-LOAD base load 基本负荷BACKW backwash 反冲洗BAL balance 平衡BAR/GR barring gear 盘车装置BAS basin 水槽(池)BA TT battery 电池BB bus bar 母线BBOX black box 黑盒BC binary control 二元控制BEF before 在……前面BEH behind 在……后面BF boiler feed 锅炉给水BHOU boiler house 锅炉房BIN binary 二元的,二进制的BIOSY biocide generation system 杀虫剂产生系统BLD blade 叶片BLI blinking 闪光BLK blocking 阻塞BLO block 程序块,单元,阻塞BLR boiler 锅炉BLRCLD boiler cladding 锅炉护板BLWR blower 鼓风机BNDL bundle 管束BNK bank (数据)库,管箱BOT bottle 瓶(钢瓶)BOX box 盒BP booster pump 增压泵BPT booster pump turbine 增压泵涡轮BR barrel 筒体BRCH branch 分支BRD board 板BRDG bridge 电桥BRG bearing 轴承BRK breaking 断路BRKR breaker 断路器BRN brine 盐水BS-V boiler stop valve 锅炉关断阀BSDG black start diesel generator 黑启动柴油(机)发电机BSHG bushing 衬套BSTM bled steam 抽汽BSTM-V bled steam valve 抽汽阀BSTR booster 增压器BTM bottom 底部BTTN button 按钮BTWN between 在……之间BUCHZ buchholz 布兹霍尔茨BUF buffer 缓冲器BUI building 建造,建筑物BURN burner 燃烧器BUSDCT busduct 母线管BUT-V butterfly valve 蝶阀BW balance water 补给水B/D blow down 排污B/P bypass 旁通B/PI-V bypass isolating valve 旁通隔离阀B/UP back up 备用C-C combustion chamber 燃烧室C-CL combustion chamber left 左燃烧室C-CR combustion chamber right 右燃烧室CA cold air 冷空气CAB cabinet 柜,小间CAG cage 机架,笼,罩,盒CAL calibration 校准CALC calculation 计算CAN canal 槽(波,信)道CAND candle 火花塞,烛光(光强度单位)CAP capacitor 电容器CAPY Capacity 容量CARB carbon 碳CARR carrying 承载的CARW A car washing area 车辆清洗区CA T cation 阳离子CA TH cathode 阴极CA TY catalyzer 催化剂CB circuit breaker 断路器CBD continuous blow down 连续排污CBL cable 电缆CBO compressor blow-off 压气机放气CC combined cycle 联合循环CCEP condensate collecting tank extraction pumps 冷凝水收集罐排出泵CCP combined cycle process 联合循环工艺CCPP combined cycle power plant 联合循环电站CCR central control room 中央控制室CCT circuit 电路CCW closed-circuit cooling water 闭式冷却水CCWHX closed cooling water heat exchanger 闭式冷却水热交换电器CCWP closed cooling water pump 闭式冷却水泵CD clean drains 清洗排放CDV condenser drains vessel 冷凝器冷凝水室CENT central 中央的CENTRIF centrifuge 离心机CEP main condensate extraction pump 主冷凝水排出泵CF control fluid 控制流体CG cold gas 冷气体CH change 变化CHAR character 特性CHEM chemical 化学的CHG changer 变换器CHGE charge 装料,充电CHGR charging 装料,充电CHIM chimney 烟囱CHK check 检查CHLD chilled 被冷却的CHLOPL chlorination plant 氯化处理装置CHLOR chlorine 氯气CHLR chiller 深冷器CHMB chamber 小室CHRST characteristic 特性CI control interface 控制接口CIRC circulated 循环的CJC cold junction compensator 冷端接合补偿器CK choke 阻塞CL clutch 离合器CLARFR clarifier 澄清器CLC closed loop control 闭环控制CLD cooled 被冷却的CLG cooling 冷却CLK clock 时钟CLKW clockwise 顺时针方向的CLN clean 清洁,清洁的CLNG cleaning 清洗CLNT coolant 冷却剂CLR cooler 冷却器CLS close 关闭CLSD closed 闭合的,关闭的CLT collector 收集器CLTG collecting 收集的CMD command 指令CMP RM computer room 计算机室CMPD compound 复合的,化合物CMPNT component 部件CMPTR computer 计算机CNCL cancel 取消CND conduit 导管,线管CNDCTR conductor 导体CNTNR container 容器CNTOR contactor 接触器CNTR counter 计数器CNTRWT counterweight 用配重平衡,抵消CO2 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳COAG coagulant 凝结剂,絮凝剂COAL coal 煤COEF coefficient 系数COIL coil 线圈COL column 柱,列COLD cold 冷的COM common 普通的,公共的COMB combustion 燃烧COMBI combination 组合,化合COMM commissioning 调试COMMUN communication 通讯COMP compressed 压缩的COMPEN compensation 补偿COMPGR Compensation graph 补偿曲线COMPL completed 完成的COMPOR compensator 补偿器,膨胀接头COMPR compressor 压气机CON contact 接触,触点CONCT concentrate 集中,浓缩物COND condensate 冷凝液,冷凝水CONDG conditioning 调节CONDR condenser 冷凝器CONDY conductivity 传导率,导电率CONN connector 连接器,接头CONST constant 常数,恒定的CONSU consumption 消耗,损耗CONTIN continuous 连续的CONTR contract 收缩,合同CONTT content 内容CONV converter 转换器CONVY conveyor 输送机COORD coordination 调整,组织,协调COR core 核心,铁芯,芯线CORR correction 校正COS cosine 余弦COV cover 盖,罩CP circulation pump 循环泵CPH condensate pre heater 凝水预热器CPL couple 联接器CPP condensate polishing plant 冷凝水洁净装置CPU central process unit 中央处理机CR control room 控制室CRG carriage 支架,滑架CRIT critical 临界的CRK crank 曲轴,手摇柄CRN crane 起重机CRNMTR chronometer 记时计CRO oscillorgaph 示波器CROIL crude oil 原油CRP condensate recirculation pump 冷凝水再循环泵CRS coarse 粗的,未加工的CRSH crusher 破碎机CRSN corrosion 腐蚀CRSV corrosive 腐蚀的CRSVR cross over 相交,间距CRTA criteria 标准,准则,判据CRV curve 曲线CSG casing 机匣CST condensate storage tank 冷凝水储存罐CSTG casting 铸件,铸造CT current transformer 电流互感器,变流器CTCHR catcher 收集器,除尘器CTG cotangent 余切CTP current transformer pump 凝水输送泵CTR center 中心CTRL control 控制CTRL-V control valve 控制阀CTWR cooling tower 冷却塔CUB cubicle 开关柜,小室CULV culvert 电缆管道,下水道CUR current 电流,现在的CUT cutter 刃具,割嘴CVRSN conversion 转换,换算CW cooling water 冷却水CWP main cooling water pump 主冷却水泵CWPB circulating water pump building 循环水泵室CWPIP circulating water pipe 循环水管道CY cycle 循环,周期CYL cylinder 气缸C/O change over 转换,切换D day 天D-V drain valve 排放阀DA deka 十(词头)DAMP damper 挡板,阻尼器DAS data acquisition system 数据采集系统DA T datum 数据,资料DATA data 数据,资料DB decibel 分贝DBL double 两倍的,双联的DC direct current 直流电DCPLG decoupling 去藕DCT duct 导管DE drive end 驱动端DE-EX de-excitation 去激励,灭磁DECARB decarbonated 除去二氧化碳,除去碳酸DECR decrease 减少DEF defect 故障,缺陷DEFL deflect 偏转,转折,挠曲DEG degree 度DEAERATE deaerate 脱气,去氧DEGC centigrade 摄氏温度DEGF degree fahrenheit 华氏温度DEHUMI dehumidify 去湿,干燥DEION deioniser 脱离子剂DEL delivery 交付,输送DELE delete 删去DEMI demineralisinag 去矿化,除盐DEMIN demineralised 去矿化的,除盐的DEMIPL demineralisation plant 除盐装置DENS density 密度DEP depression 降低,抑制DEPHLEG dephlegmator 分馏器,蒸馏塔DESAL desalinate 脱盐DET detector 探测器DETN determination 确定,定义DEV deviation 偏差,偏离DEVI device 装置,元件DFG dry flue gas 干烟气DFM defoamer 消泡剂DFT drain flash tank 疏水膨胀箱DFTR deflector 偏转板,折流板DGASF degasifier 脱气器DIA diameter 直径DIAG diagonal 对角线,对角的,斜撑DIAGR diagram 图DIAPH diaphragm 隔膜,隔板,膜片DIAPH-V diaphragm valve 隔膜阀DIEL dielectric 不导电的,介电的DIFF difference 差别DIFN diffusion 扩散,扩压DIG digital 数字的,指状的DIL diluted 稀释的DILN dilution 稀释DIM dimension 尺地,量钢,维DIO diode 二极管DIR direct 直接的DIREN direction 方向DIRN direction 方向DIS discharge 放电,排放DISCON disconnecting 拆开,断路DISCR discrepancy 离散,偏差DISOLV dissolved 溶解的DISP displacement 位移,排量DISPA dispatching 发送,装运DISPL display 显示DIST distance 距离DISTB disturbed 扰动的DISTILL distillate 蒸馏,馏份DISTOR distortion 变形,畸变,失真DISTR distribution 分布,分配DIV division 区分,除(法),部门DIVR diverter 分流器,分流电阻,换向器DK desk 试验台,面板DL dial 标度盘,千分表DLCONVY drag link conveyor 牵引杆输送机DLD/COAL 蒸馏的煤焦油燃料TAR-FDL Y daily 每日的,日用的DMP dump 库房,卸料DMY dummy (实体)模型,平衡活塞DO diffusion operation 扩散燃烧运行DOC document 文件,资料DOM domestic 国内的DOOR door 门DOS dosing 加药DOTTED/LR dotted line record 虚线记录DP differential pressure 压差DPOI dew point 露点(温度)DPTH depth 深度DR drier 干燥器DRM drum 锅筒,转鼓DRN drain 排放,冷凝水DRO drop 液滴,降低DRV drive 驱动,传动装置DRVR driver 司机,主动轮DRY dry 干的DSC disc 轮盘DSC-V disc valve 片状阀DSIDE discharge side 放电侧,排放侧DSL diesel 柴油DST dust 烟尘DS/HTG de-superheating (给过热蒸汽)降温DS/HTR de-superheater 过热(蒸汽)减温器DT differential temperature 温差DTY duty 职责,负载DUP duplicate 复制,加倍,双联的DURN duration 持续时间,工作时间DWG drawing 图纸DWL dowel 榫销,定位销DWP drain water pump 疏水泵DY delay 滞后,迟延DYN dynamic 动力学的,动态的DYNM dynamometer 测力计,测功器D/A deaerator 除氧器D/AST deaerator storage tank 除氧水箱D/STR downstream 下游的E electrical(ly) 电气的E-T/HTG e-trace heating 电伴热ECCY eccentricity 偏心率ECON economizer 经济器,省煤器ECP electro clorination plant 电氯化处理装置EE electrical end 发电端,电气端EFF efficiency 效率EFP electric feed pump 电动给水泵EFT effective 有效的,现行的EHC electro hydraulic controller 电动-液压控制器EHCV electro hydraulic converter 电动-液压控制器EHG electro hydraulic governor 电动-液压调速器EJEC ejection 喷射EJR ejector 喷射器,射流抽气泵ELAS elastic 弹性的ELCTD electrode 电极,电焊条ELCTLT electrolyte 电解溶液,电解质ELCTRN electron 电子ELEM element 元素,部件ELEV elevation 提升,海拔标高ELON elongation 拉长,延伸率ELOP emergency lube oil pump 应急润滑油泵ELT electronic 电子的ELVTR elevator 升降机,电梯EM BRG O-PMP emergency bearing oil pump 应急轴承润滑油泵EMAG electro-magentic 电磁的EMC energy management center 能源管理中心EMCFG electrical measuring configuration 电测配置EMDG emergency diesel generator 应急柴油(机)发电机EMERGY emergency 紧急情况EMEXIT emergency exit 紧急出口EMTY empty 空的,皮重ENAB enabling 使……能ENC enclosure 箱装体,外壳ENG engine 发动机ENGY energy 能量ENRGS energized 激发的,通以电流ENT entry 入口ENTH enthalpy 焓ENVRMT environment(tal) 环境(的)EOIL emergency oil 应急油EP extraction pump 抽气(液)泵EQL equal 相等的EQUIL equilibrium 平衡EQUIP equipment 设备EQUIV equivalent 等效的,当量的ERR error 误差,错误ESC escape 逸出,漏出EST estimate(d) 估算(的),预测(的) ESV emergency stop valve 紧急关断阀ET emergency trip 紧急跳闸ETC et cetera 其他种种EV AC evacuate 抽空,排空EV AL evacuation 测定,估计EV AP evaporator 蒸发器EX example 例子EXAM examination 检验,验算,考试EXC excitation 励磁EXCDD exceeded 超过的EXCE exciter end 励磁机端EXCH exchanger 交换器,交换剂EXCL exclusion 排除在外,拒绝EXCSS excess 过量,超过量,剩余的EXGU extinguisher 灭火器EXH exhaust 排气,排出EXHD exhaust dust 排气灰尘EXL external 外部的EXP expansion 膨胀,延伸率EXPLO explosion 爆炸,炸裂EXR exciter 励磁机EXT extension 伸长,延长,延伸EXTI extinction 熄灭,消失,衰减EXTN extraction 抽取,提取EXTR extractor 分离器,分离机,抽气器EXTRN extreme 末端的,极端的,过度的E/F earth fault 接地故障E/H electro hydraulic 电压-液动的E/SW earthing switch 接地开关F-B feedback 反馈F-C flow control 流动控制,流量控制FAC forced air cooling 强制空气冷却FACIL facility 设备,工具,器材FAIL failure 故障,失灵FC fluid coupling 液力耦合器FCD forced 强制的FCG facing 端面车削,饰面FD forced draft 强制通风FDLNE feed line 给水(油)管路,馈线FDN foundation 基础,底座FDPIP feed pipe 给水管道,供给管道FDR feeder 进料器,馈电线FEED feed 供给,给水FELD field 场,现场FELR feeler 塞尺,厚薄规,探针FFW fire fighting water 消防用水FG fuel gas 气体燃料FGC functional group control 功能组控制FIG figure 插图GIGH fighting 灭火的FIL fill 充注,装料FIR fire 火焰,燃烧FIX fixing 固件,附件,修理FLD fluid 流体FLEX flexible 挠性的FLG flange 法兰FLL full 充满的,完全的FLM flame 火焰FLOC flocculator 絮凝器(池)FLOW flow 流动,流量FLP flap 挡板,阀瓣,闸门FLR filler 注油口,漏斗,填充物FLSH flash 闪光,闪蒸FLT fault 故障FLTR filter 过滤器FLTY faulty 出故障的FLUGAS flue gas 烟气FLUSH flush 冲洗,齐平的FM foam 泡沫FN fan 风扇FNL final 最终的FO fuel oil 燃油FORMA formation 形成,成形FP feed pump 给水泵,供给泵FR front 前面,锋面,额线FRAC fraction 份额,分数FREQ frequency 频率FRICT friction 摩擦FRM frame 机架,框架FS fuse 保险丝FST fast 快的FSTNR fastener 紧固件FTOR factor 系数,因素,要素FU fuel 燃料FULFLD fulfilled 满足的,实现的FUNCT functional 功能的FUND fundamental 基本的,基础FURN furnace 炉膛FV flash vessel 闪蒸箱,膨胀箱FW feed water 给水FWD forward 向前的,运送FWP feedwater pump 给水泵FWT feed water tank 给水罐(箱)FXTR fixture 夹具F/T fault/trip 故障/跳闸G gauge 量规,量测仪器GALV galvanic (流)电的,镀锌的GAS gas 气体GASF gasifier 气化器GA T gate 闸门,选通器GA T-V gate valve 闸阀GBRG gearbox bearing 齿轮箱轴承GD grid 电网GDE guide 导向件,指南GDEV AN guide vane 导叶GEN generator 发电机GENBUS generator bus 发电机母线GENE generator end 发电机端GENL general 概要GFCHX generator forced cooling heat exchanger 发电机强制冷却热交换器GFCPP generator forced cooling pump 发电机强制冷却泵GL globe 球形物,球体GLND gland (密封)压盖GLS glass 观察窗,玻璃GMTRY geometry 几何形状GND ground 接地,地线,地GOV governor 调速器,调节器GPH graphic 图的,图示的,图线的GR gear 齿轮GRA graphite 石墨GRAD gradient 梯度GRA V gravel 砂砾(层)GRA VI gravity 重力GRBXS gear box side 齿轮箱侧GRD grinder 砂轮,磨床GRDTN graduation 分度,分等级GRP group 组,族,类GRPG grouping 分类,分组,配置GRS grease 润滑油脂GRT grout 灰浆GRV groove 槽,凹口GRVD grooved 开槽的GRWT gross weight 毛(总)重GS generator side 发电机侧GSA general service air 总供气GSKT gasket 垫片GT gas turbine 燃气轮机GTB gas turbine building 燃气轮机间GTC gas turbine controller 燃气轮机控制器(调节器) GTE grate 格栅,炉篦GTG gas turbine generator 燃气轮机发电机GTY gantry 吊机架,高架起重机GWH gigawatt-hour 千兆瓦一小时GWTH growth 增大,长大G/BOX gearbox 齿轮箱G/BOXES gearbox side 齿轮箱侧H high 高的H-OIL heavy oil 重油H2 hydrogen 氢气H2/S h2 side 氢气侧HA hot air 热空气HAS hardwired alarm system 硬连接报警系统HD head 头部,扬程HD-O-DE delivery head 输送扬程HDL handle 手柄,手轮,把手HDLG handling 处理HDLS headless 无头的HDNS hardness 硬度HDR header 联管箱,标题HDWHL handwheel 手轮HEX hexagon 六角(边)形HF-OIL heavy fuel oil 重(燃)油HG mercury 水银HGT height 高度HH high high 高高HK hook 吊钩HLDG holding 夹持HLDR holder 夹具,焊把HLF half 一半HLL hall 机房,办公大楼HMNC harmonic 谐波,谐波的HNG hinged 铰接的HOG hot gas 热燃气HOL hollow 空心的HOR horizontal 水平的HOU house 房子HP high pressure 高压HPCP high pressure circulation pump 高压循环泵HPFP high pressure feed pump 高压给水泵HPPR hopper 漏斗HPS high pressure steam 高压蒸汽HPT high pressure turbine 高压涡轮HRB heat recovery boiler 余热锅炉HRSG heat recovery steam generator 余热锅炉HS heating steam 加热蒸汽HS-V heat steam valve 热蒸汽阀HSG housing 外壳,轴承座HSG-V heat steam gate valve 热蒸汽闸阀HSPD high speed 高速HST hoist 升降机,卷扬机,绞车HTEMP high temperature 高温HTG heating 加热HTN high tension 高张力,高应力状态HTR heater 加热器HUMID humidity 湿度HUNT hunting 寻找(故障),震荡HVDY heavy duty 重型的,重载的HVOLT high voltage 高电压HW hotwell 热井HX heat exchanger 热交换器HYBR hybrid 混合的,混合电路HYD hydraulic 液压的,液力的HYDR hydrazine 联氨HYDRST hydrostatic 流体静力的HYPO hypochloric 次氯(酸)的H/A hand/auto 手动/自动H/STEP hydraulic step 液压步进I-V isolating valve 隔离阀ID induced draft 引风(机)IDC individual drive control 单一传动控制IDFN induced draught fan 引风机IDR inside diameter 内径IDX index 索引,下标IFO in front of 在……前面IGN ignition 点火IGNTR ignitor 点火器IGV inlet guide vanes 进口导叶IMM immersed 浸没的IMMED immediate 直接的,立即的IMP impulse 脉冲IMPD impedance 阻抗IMPLR impeller 叶轮IMPT impact 冲击INBD inboard 舱内的,机内的,内侧的INC incoming 入射的,进入的INCL inclusive 包括的,内含的INCLN inclination 倾斜INCR increment 增量IND indication 指示INDC induced 感应的INDEP independent 独立的,无关的INDIV individual 个别的,单独的INDR indoor 室内的INF infinite 无限的INFD infeed 横切(进给)INFL inflow 流入,入流INFLL inflammable 可燃的INFO information 信息INHER inherent 固有的INHIB inhibitor 抑制剂INIT initiation 开始,起动,激发INJ injection 注入,喷入INL inlet 入口INP input 输入INR inner 内部的INRIA inertia 惯性INRT inert 惰(惯)性的,不活泼的INR.B inner bottom 内(部的)底INR.T inner top 内(部的)顶INS inside 内部INSP inspect 检查INSRT insert 插入,插入件INST instantaneous 瞬时(作用)的INSTR instrument 测量仪表INT integration 集成,综合INTCHG interchange 交换INTCLR intercooler 中间冷却器INTCOM intercommunication 互相通讯INTCON interconnecting 相互连接INTCOV intercover 中间覆盖层INTCPT interceptor 遮断器INTEN intensity 强度,密集度INTFER interference 干扰INTGTR integrator 积分仪,积算器INTK intake 进口,吸入INTL internal 内部的INTM intermediate 中间的,媒介物INTPOS interposing 置于……之间INTR interior 内部的INTRPT interrupt 中断,间断INTSCT intersection 相交INTST interstage 级间的INTTRN interturn 变化中的,转换INV inverter 变换器INVS inverse 相反的,倒的ION ion 离子IPD isolated phase bus duct 分相封闭式母线导管IR infra-red 红外线IRREG irregular 不规则的ISEN isentropic 等熵的ISOL isolating 隔离的,绝缘的ISOLR isolator 隔离开关,绝缘体I&C instrumentation and control 仪表和控制I/F interface 接口,界面I/L interlock 联锁I/MIT intermittent 间歇的,脉动的JAMG jamming 堵塞,干扰JB junction box 接线盒JKT jacket 护套,套管JN join 联合,接合JNL journal 轴径JOG joggle 摇动,榫接JT joint 接头,连接JTY jetty 码头JUNCT junction 接合,接头KBD keyboard 键盘KEYSW key switch 电键开关KPL kick plate 脚瞪板L level 液位L-C level control 液位控制L-O lock out 切断,闭锁LAB laboratory 实验室LAD ladder 梯子LAG lagging 隔热层,滞后LAGN lagoon (污泥)储留池LATL lateral 横向的,侧向的LBL label 标签LBR lumber 木材LBYR labyrinth 曲径式密封LCH latch 掣爪LCL local 局部的,机旁的,本机的LCR local control room 就地(机旁)控制室LDG loading 装料,升负荷LDS lead(s) 引线,导管LEAKG leakage 漏泄LFT left 左面的LG length 长度LGC logic 逻辑LGE large 大的LGR logging 记录,值班记录LH left hand 左手侧LHB left hand bottom 左手侧底部LHT left hand top 左手侧顶部LIFT lifting 提升LIN linear 真线的,线性的LIOP lifting oil pump 顶轴油泵LIQ liquid 液体LIT light 光,轻的,点亮(火) LITG lighting 照明,点灯(火)LITNG lightning 放电,闪电LJUSTRM ljungstroem 尔琴斯特洛耶姆(人名) LK leak 漏泄LKGE linkage 连接,连杆LL low level 低液位(低电平)LLD low load 低负荷LM lumen 流明(光通量单位) LME lime 石灰LMT limitation 限制LMTM limit monitor 极限监测器LMTR limiter 限制器LNE line 线路,管线LNG long 长的LNGT long time 长时间LO lubricating oil 润滑油LOAD load 负载LOC lubricating oil cooler 润滑油冷却器LOCK locker 柜,锁扣装置LONG longitudinal 纵向的LOP lube oil pump 润滑油泵LOT lube oil tank 润滑油箱LOUV louver 百叶窗LOW low 低的LP low pressure 低压LPCP low pressure circulating pump 低压循环泵LPFP low pressure feed pump 低压给水泵,低压供给泵LPIP loop pipe 环形管道LPS low pressure steam 低压蒸汽LSPD low speed 低速LSS loss 损失LT lamp test 灯试法LUB lubrication 润滑LUBCH lubricant change 润滑剂更换LUM luminous 发光的LV low voltage 低电压LV AC low vacuum 低真空度LVE live 有效的,新鲜的LVOLT low voltage 低电压LWR lower 较低的,下部的LWRG lowering 降低L/O leak-off 漏泄M-V modulating valve 调节阀MACH machine 机器MAG magnet 磁铁MAGTD magnitude 大小,幅度MAIN main 主要的,总线MALF malfunction 不正常工作,故障MAN manual 手动的MANO manometer 压力计MARG margin 裕度,余量MARSG marshalling 配置整齐MAX maximum 最大的MC mechanical configuration 机械结构MCB miniature circuit breaker 微型断路器MCC motor control center 马达控制中心MCD module control desk 单元控制台MCP module control panel 单元控制盘MCR maximum continuous rating 最大的连续额定功率MDE mode 方式MDE-O-DR mode of driving 驱动方式MDE-O-OPR mode of operation 运行方式MDN median 中央的,中线的,中值MEAS measurement 测量MECH mechanical 机械的MED medium 介质,中等的MET metering 测量,计量MF minimum flow 最小流量MFC minimum flow control 最小流量控制MFL minimum flow line 最小流量管线MFLD manifold 总管MIC micro 微观的,微量的MID middle 中间的,中间MIN minimum 最小的MINI miniature 微型的,小型的MISC miscellaneous 杂项的,其它ML mill 工厂,研磨机MLOP main lubricating oil pump 主润滑油泵MLOT main lubricating oil tank 主润滑油箱MOB mobile 可移动的MOD module 模件,组件MODG modulating 调节MODG-D modulating damper 调节挡板MODI modify 修改MOIS moisture 湿度,潮气MOISG moistening 加湿MON monitor 监视器MPSW measuring point selector switch 测量点选择开关MS main steam 主蒸汽MSTR master 主要的,工长MTL metal 金属MTN motion 运动MTR motor 马达,原动机MULT multiple 多重的MVBL movable 可活动的MVG moving 活动的MVT movement 运动,动作MXD mixed 混合的MXG mixing 混合MXT mixture 混合物M/U make-up 补给N-COIN non-coincidence 不一致,非吻合NAOH caustic soda 苛性钠NAR narrow 狭窄的NA T natural 自然的NB nominal bore 标称孔径NBR number 数目,号码ND nominal diameter 标称(名义)直径NDE non-driving end 非驱动端NDL needle 针,指针NEC necessary 必要的NEG negative 负的NEUT neutral 中性的,不带电的NEUTRALN neutralization 中和作用NG natural gas 天然气NIP nipple 螺纹接头NLTC no-load tap changer 空载抽头切换开关NO2 nitrogen-dioxide 二氧化氮NOM nominal 标称的,名义的NORM normal 正常的NOT not 不NOX nitrogen oxide 氮氧化物NOZ nozzle 喷嘴NP nominal pressure 标称压力NPSH net positive suction head 净正抽吸压头NR non-return 止回的NRF non-return flap 止回挡板NRV non-return valve 止回阀NTH north 北方PL not complete 未完成的,不完全的N.ON not on 未接通N.OPEN not open 未打开N.REGEN not regenerating 不再生的,不回收的N/C normally closed 常闭的N/O normally open 常开的O-CLR oil cooler 油冷却器,冷油器O-CP oil collecting pit 集油坑O-PMP oil pump 油泵O-TNK oil tank 油箱O-TRN oil turner 油搅动器O-WST oily waste 含油废料O2 oxygen 氧气OA overall 总的OBL obligatory 必须做的OCC occupation 占有,职业OD outside diameter 外(直)径OFLTC off-load tap changer 卸载抽头切换开关OIL oil 油,滑油OLC open loop control 开环控制OLTC on-load tap changer 加载抽头切换开关OP operation 运行,操作OPERD operated 运行的OPN open loop control 打开,敞开的OPNG opening 打开OPP opposite 相对的,对面的OPRL operational 运行的,操作的OPT optical 光学的OPTR operator 操作人员,操作符ORD order 次序,命令,数量级ORF orifice 孔板ORIG original 原始的,原型OSC oscillate 振荡OSCGRM oscillogram 示波(波形)图OT outlet temperature 出口温度OTC outlet temperature calculated 计算的出口温度OUT outside 外部的OUTDR outdoor 室外的,露天的OUTGG outgoing 输出的,离开的OUTR outer 外部的,表面的OUTR.B outer bottom 外底部OUTR.T outer top 外顶部OV over 在……上方,经过,结束OV AP oil vapor extractor 油蒸汽抽气器(分离器) OVEREXC over excitation 过励磁OVTR overtravel 多余行程,过调O/C over current 过(电)流O/C-S/C over current short circuit 过(电)流短路O/FL overflow 溢流,溢出O/L overload 过载O/P output 输出量,输出功率O/S overspend 超速P-BLOW pressure blow 压力鼓风P-C pressure control 压力控制P-GRAD pressure gradient 压力梯度P-RA TIO pressure ratio 压比P-V pilot valve 导阀,伺服阀PA primary air 一次空气PABL primary air blower 一次空气送风机PACK package 包装,成套设备PAF primary air fan 一次空气风扇PANT pantograph 比例绘图器PART particle 微粒PASS passage 通道PB pushbutton 按钮PC printed circuit 印刷电路PCB printed circuit board 印刷电路板PCC power control center 电力控制中心PCE piece 件,个PD pond 蓄水池PDSC power dispatch system center 电力输配系统中心PED pedestal 支座,支架,轴架,垫座PEN penetration 贯穿,透过PERD periodic 周期性的PERM permanent 永久的,常设的PERMB permiability 渗透率,透气性PERP perpendicular (与……)垂直PF power factor 功率因数PFE profile 型面,叶型,断面图PFL pulferised fuel 雾化燃料PFM power factor meter 功率因数测定仪PG purge gas 清吹气体PGMT pigment 颜色,加颜色PH phase 相位,阶段PH-R phase r R相PH-S phase s S相PH-T phase t T相PHOS phosphate 磷酸盐PIP pipeline 管线PIST piston 活塞PIT pit 坑PK peak 峰值PKT pocket 囊,套PL plunger 柱塞PLA plate 板PLATF platform 平台PLC place 地方,场所,位置PLE pole (磁,电)极PLG plug 螺塞,插头PLG-IN plug-in 插座,插入PLR pillar 支柱PLRTY polarity 极性PLS pulse 脉冲PLSG pulsating 脉动PLT pilot 导向器,控制器PLTG plating 电镀,镀敷PM permanent magnet 永久磁铁PMP pump 泵PNEU pneumatic 气动的PNL panel 壁板,仪表板PNT point 点,指针PO premix operation 预混合运行POL polishing 抛光POLPHOSPH polyphosphate 聚磷酸盐PORT portable 手提式的,移动式的,便携式的POS positive 正的,肯定的POSN position 位置POSNR positioner 定位器POSS possible 可能的POT potable 饮用的POTI potentionmeter 电位针PR pair 一对,线对,对绞PRB probe 探针,测头PRCN precision 精度,精确的PRECIP precipitator 沉淀,淀析PRECT precoat 预涂(层),底漆PREM premix 预混合PREP preparation 预制,预先加工,准备PRES pressure 压力PRF proof 证明,证据PRFM performance 性能PRGG purging 清吹PRGM program 大纲,计划,程序PRI primary 一次的,主要的,最初的PRMG priming (涂)底漆PRMTR parameter 参数PROBY probability 概率,可能性PROC process 过程PROJ project 计划,方案,工程PROPN proportional (成正)比例的PROT protective 保护的,保护剂PRSD pressed 加压的,模压的PRT partial 部分的PRTR printer 印刷机,打印机PS pump side 泵侧PSIG pressure above atmosphere 超过大气压的压力值PSS power system stabiliser 电力系统稳定器PT plant 装置,电站,工厂PTN partition 隔板PUB public 公用的,公开的PUL pull 拉伸,牵引PULV pulferising 雾化PUL Y pulley quarter 滑轮PUR purity 纯度,纯化PURIF purifier 净化器PW primary water 一次水PWDR powder 粉末PWR power 电力,动力,功率P/HTR preheater 预热器QCK quick 快的QTC quartz(crystal) 石英QTR quarter 四分之一,象限QTY quantity 数量R right 右面的,正确的R-V regulating valve 调节阀RA rate 比率,速率RAD radial 径向的RADN radiation 辐射,散热器RAP rapping 敲击,振打RAW raw 未处理的,粗制的RC reinforced concreteRCPT receipt 回执,收据RCTN reaction 反应RCV receiving 接收RCVR receiver 接收机,储气室RCVY recovery 恢复,回收RDCN reduction 减少,还原RDDCY redundancy 冗余度RDY ready 准备好的,就绪RE refreactory 耐熔的,高熔点的,耐火材料REAC reactor 反应器,反应物,电抗器REACT reactive 反应的,无功的REC recorder 记录器RECIP reciprocate 往复RECLMR reclaimer 回收设备,再生装置RECLR recooler 重(二次)冷却器RECT rectifier 整流器RECTA rectangle 矩形,直角RED reducer 减压器,变径管,异径接头,还原剂REDU reducing 减少,还原REF reference 参考,基准REFGT refrigerant 致冷剂,冷却介质REFL reflector 反射器REFRD refrigerated 致冷的REG regulate 调整REGEN regeneration 再生,恢复,回热REGR regenerator 回热器REGST registration 登记,注册,记录REHT reheat 再热REHTR reheater 再热器REJ rejection 拒绝,排斥,干扰,抑制REL relative 相对的,关联的RELBL reliable 可靠的RELS release 释放,开通REM remote 遥控的,遥示的REMA remote actuation 遥控致动REMV removal 移动,除去RES resistant 抗(耐)……的RESDL residual 残留的,残余物RESOLN resolution 溶解,分辨RESTRIC restricted (受)限制的RETN return 返回,复原,回动RETRAC retractable 能缩进的REV revise 修改,修订REVO revolution 转动,转数REW review 审查,综述RF raised face(flange) 隆起面(法兰)RFO ready for operation 运行准备就绪RGD rigid 刚性的,坚固的RGH rough 粗糙的RH right hand 右手侧RHB right hand bottom 右手侧底部RHEO rheostat 变阻器RHT right hand top 右手侧顶部RIB ribbed 带肋的RIG rigging 装配,安装,悬吊,索具RKE rake 倾斜,坡度,倾角RL relief 减轻,卸载,降压RLR roller 滚子,滚柱RLV relieving 减轻,卸载RL Y relay 继电器RM room 房间,室RND rounding 修圆RNG ring 环RNGE range 范围RNGG ringing 环绕,鸣铃RNS rinsing 冲洗ROD road 路ROL roll 滚动,滚子ROOF roof 顶盖ROT rotation 旋转RPLSN repulsion 排斥,斥力RPM revolution per minute 转/分RPPR rapper 振动器,松模工具,轻敲锤RPT repeat 重复RR rear 后部RSN resin 松香,树脂RSPSE response 响应RSR riser 提升器RST reset 复位,重新调整RSV reserve 保留,备品RSVR reservoir 储罐,储存器RT resin trap 树脂捕集器RTD rated 额定的RTG rating 额定值RTNG roating 旋转RTR rotor 转子RTRY rotary 旋转的RTSBL roots blower 罗茨鼓风机RTSCOMPR roots compressor 罗茨压缩机RUB rubberized 给……贴上橡胶的RUN running 运行着的RUPT rupture 破裂RVLG revolving 旋转的,转动的RVSE reverse 反的,逆流的RW raw water 未经处理的水,生水R/C recirculating 再循环S shaft 轴S-V stop valve 截止阀SA seal air 密封空气SA-V safety valve 安全阀SAFETY safety 安全性SAL salt 盐SAMP sample 试样,取样SAN sanitary 卫生的SATN saturate 使饱和SB switchboard 配电盘,开关板SC scale 刻度,比例,称SCAN scanner 扫描仪SCN screen 屏幕,屏蔽物SCOPE oscilloscope 示波器SCR screw 螺钉SCTR sector 扇形,区SCVGG scavenging 吹除,清除SCW service cooling water 冷却水供水SCWP service cooling water pump 冷却水供水泵SD side 边,侧SEC section 截面,部分,节SECY secondary 二次的,副线圈,辅助的SEE static excitation equipment 静态励磁设备SEG segmental 部分的,扇形的SEL selection 选择SEN sensing 感觉SENSR sensor 传感器SEP separator 分离器SEQ sequence 顺序SERV service 服务,供(水、油) SERVWDIP service water distribution pump 供水分配泵SERWTR service water 供给水SET setting 设置,调整。



黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2024-2025学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题一、听力选择题1.How many of the dresses does the woman have?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.2.How does the man feel about the shoes?A.Satisfied.B.Embarrassed.C.Dissatisfied.3.Where are the speakers probably?A.In a store.B.In an office.C.In a classroom.4.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Strangers.B.Friends.C.Husband and wife. 5.What is the weather like now?A.Cloudy.B.Sunny.C.Rainy.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

6.What do we know about the woman?A.She likes the outdoors.B.She tripped up on a rock.C.She never camped in the woods.7.What is hard in the dark according to the man?A.Setting up a tent.B.Avoiding rocks.C.Building a fire.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

8.What did the man do yesterday?A.He called his friends.B.He visited the gallery.C.He made a reservation. 9.What is the man’s problem?A.He found the gallery was full of people.B.He didn’t know where to pick up the tickets.C.His name is not on the list.10.What will the woman most likely do next?A.Give some tickets to the man.B.Close the gallery.C.Contact a lady.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。


C cable cable transmission line
call for capacitance capacitor capacitors bank cascade case catenary CB ceiling (crest)voltage change-over changeover relay characteristic equation characteristic impedance charge charge density circuit circuit breaker circuit breaker circuit breaker monitoring clearance clock phase and anti-clock phase clock synchronisation close command close-up fault closing relay closing and opening time closing time codes cold load cold load pickup commissionning common test voltage communication links compatible complex conductance configurable configure connectors
I ideal transformer identification IED immunity to eraledciatrtoesdtaetliecctdriosmchaagrngetic energy impedance impedance relay impedance earthed impedance grounded impulse voltage inductance induction motor inductive inductor industrial substations and co-generation infinite bus inhibition time initialize instantaneous instantaneous instantaneous power instantaneous phase overcurrent instantaneous trip instantaneous trip instrument transformer insulated insulating property insulating string insulating transformer insulation insulation level insulator integrate

测井技术CBL,RBT,PET 的对比

测井技术CBL,RBT,PET 的对比

Summary. The introduction of new ultrasonic and ratio logging techniques has dramatically transformed cement evaluation. Previous methods [cement bond logs (CBL's)] that used a low-frequency (::::20X 103-cycle/sec [::::20-kHz]) acoustic signal and a single-transmitter/dual-receiver combination suffered from inherent measurement problems. To eliminate several of the CBL problems a new dual-transmitter/multireceiver acoustic measurement tool, the ratio bond tool (RBT), has been introduced. The RBT measures attenuation directly through ratiometric techniques, is self-calibrating, and is much less sensitive to tool centralization. For cement evaluation across "fast formation" intervals, a 1-ft [0.33-m] -spaced transmitter/receiver signal amplitUde is measured. While techniques such as those implemented with the RBT tool improve on the CBL response, there are still inherent problems that could not be eliminated, such as sensitivity to microannuli and low sensitivity to local channels. An improved tool, the pulse echo tool (PET), uses ultrasonic frequency (:::: 500 X 10 3 cycles/sec [:::: 500 kHz]) to measure cement/casing bond and casing ID and wall thickness. The use of a double helix array of eight transducers, each independently measuring casing bond, ID, and wall thickness, allows detection of local channels in the cement and a detailed analysis of casing conditions. The radial measurement principle reduces the effect of formation signal and allows the attenuation of the resonant wave even in the presence of a small microannulus. A "logging well" has been constructed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to evaluate downhole tool response to cement channels. This test well was constructed with numerous sizes and weights of casings and has specially constructed flaws on the casing circumference to produce channels of variable lengths and widths. A detailed analysis of the ability of the CBL, RBT, and PET logs to detect these channels is presented. Introduction Cement evaluation logging tools are designed specifically to evaluate casing annular conditions and are constructed to make measurements that can be related to cement quantity, compressive strength, and bonding to pipe and formation, with the determination of cement isolation being the major objective of the log response. For oil and gas production purposes, fluid or gas migration in the annulus is economically undesirable, but in underground injection wells, it is imperative that there is no significant fluid movement into an undergrOl.\lld source of drinking water through v.ertical channels adjacent to the wellbore. EPA underground injection control regulations require all Class II injection wells to demonstrate mechanical integrity before operations begin and at least once every 5 years thereafter. In July 1981, a research project was founded by the EPA to establish guidelines for mechanical integrity verification. As part of this project, a special logging well was constructed to determine present industry capability to evaluate cement bond between the cement/casing and cement/formation in injection wells. Service companies were invited to run their cement evaluation logging tools and to provide a complete interpretation of the condition of the cement before leaving the job site. The logging tools used in the initial test were of two basic generations: the first was the CBL with a low-frequency acoustic signal and a single-transmitter/dual-receiver combination, and the second was an ultrasonic tool with eight transducers in a helical array. On the basis of the test results, logging procedures for determining mechanical integrity in injection wells were established. Since the EPA test, new ratiometric logging techniques have been introduced that eliminate many of the inherent CBL problems. 1,2 Calibrated CBL, RBT, and PET logs have been run on the logging well, and a detailed analysis of the three log responses to channels is presented. The results of this analysis should contribute to a better



某年特种设备无损检测UTⅢ级专业应用知识模拟题2. What are the different levels of UT certification, and what are the requirements for UT Level III certification?3. Describe the process of calibrating an ultrasonic testing instrument.4. What are the different types of probes used in ultrasonic testing, and how are they selected for a specific inspection?5. Explain the concept of sound velocity and its importance in UT inspections.6. How is the size and location of defects determined using UT techniques?7. What are the advantages and limitations of ultrasonic testing compared to other NDT methods, such as radiographic testing or eddy current testing?8. Describe the steps for conducting a UT inspection on a specific type of special equipment(e.g. pressure vessels, pipelines, etc.).9. What are the safety precautions and best practices to be followed during an ultrasonic testing procedure?10. How is the data collected during a UT inspection analyzed and interpreted to determine the integrity of the special equipment?Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method used to detect internal and surface defects in special equipment such as pressure vessels, pipelines, and structural components. UT employs high-frequency sound waves to penetrate the material being inspected and provide valuable information about its integrity. This method is widely used in the industrial sector to ensure the safety and reliability of critical equipment.One of the primary purposes of ultrasonic testing in NDT is to identify and evaluate discontinuities such as cracks, voids, inclusions, and other flaws that may compromise the structural integrity of the equipment. By analyzing the ultrasonic wave reflections, technicians can accurately measure the size and location of defects, assess the material thickness, and identify any potential issues that might lead to structural failure.In the field of ultrasonic testing, there are different certification levels that technicians can achieve: Level I, Level II, and Level III. Each level comes with specific requirements related to training, experience, and knowledge of ultrasonic testing principles and procedures.UT Level III certification is the highest level attainable and requires a deep understanding of ultrasonic testing techniques, equipment, and procedures. To become certified at this level, candidates typically need to have several years of experience in the field, completion of advanced training courses, and a comprehensive understanding of relevant codes, standards, and regulations.The process of calibrating an ultrasonic testing instrument is crucial to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of test results. Calibration involves adjusting the instrument settings to match the properties of the test material and the specific inspection requirements. This can include setting the sound velocity, establishing appropriate gain levels, and verifying the functionality of the transducer and other components.There are various probes used in ultrasonic testing, each designed for specific applications and materials. Probes can differ in frequency, size, shape, and focal length, and they are selected based on the specific requirements of the inspection. For example, high-frequency probes are suitable for inspecting thin materials, while low-frequency probes are ideal for thicker sections or for detecting coarse-grained materials.Sound velocity is a critical concept in UT inspections, as it directly affects the accuracy of depth measurements and flaw detection. The speed at which sound waves travel through a material is influenced by its density, elasticity, and other physical properties. Technicians must carefully consider the sound velocity of the test material and make appropriate adjustments to ensure accurate measurements and flaw sizing.The determination of defect size and location in ultrasonic testing involves analyzing the characteristics of the reflected sound waves and interpreting the resulting signals. By measuring the time it takes for the ultrasonic waves to travel through the material and return to the transducer, technicians can accurately assess the depth and size of defects. Additionally, the amplitude and shape of the reflected signals provide valuable information about the nature and severity of the flaws.Ultrasonic testing offers several advantages compared to other NDT methods. It is capable of inspecting a wide range of materials, provides real-time results, and does not require the use of ionizing radiation, making it a safer option for personnel and the environment. However, UT also has limitations, such as the need for direct surface contact, the influence of material texture and grain structure on results, and the requirement for skilled technicians to perform accurate inspections.Conducting an ultrasonic testing inspection on specific types of special equipment, such as pressure vessels or pipelines, involves several key steps. This includes selecting the appropriate testing method (e.g., through-transmission, pulse-echo, or phased array), preparing the surfaces for inspection, setting up the equipment and probes, conducting the inspection according to established procedures, and documenting the results for analysis. Safety precautions are paramount in ultrasonic testing procedures to protect personnel, equipment, and the surrounding environment. This includes ensuring proper handling and storage of test equipment, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), following established safety procedures, and conducting regular equipment maintenance to prevent accidents and injuries.Once the data is collected during a UT inspection, it needs to be carefully analyzed and interpreted to determine the integrity of the special equipment. This involves examining theultrasonic waveforms, assessing the amplitude and timing of reflected signals, and applying appropriate sizing techniques to identify and characterize any detected defects. The results of the inspection are then compared against relevant codes, standards, and acceptance criteria to make informed decisions about the equipment's fitness for service.In conclusion, ultrasonic testing is a valuable non-destructive testing method that plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and reliability of special equipment. By understanding the principles of UT, adhering to certification requirements, maintaining proper calibration and safety measures, and applying the appropriate techniques for specific inspections, technicians can effectively identify and assess defects, contributing to the overall integrity and longevity of industrial equipment.。

FRAX 150 Sweep频率响应分析仪用户说明书

FRAX 150 Sweep频率响应分析仪用户说明书

FRAX 150Sweep Frequency Response AnalyzernHighest dynamic range and accuracy in the industrynBuilt-in PC with powerful backlit screen for use in direct sunlightnHighest possible repeatability by using reliable cable practice and high-performance instrumentation nFulfills all international standards for SFRA measurementsnAdvanced analysis and decision support built into the softwarenImports data from other FRA test setsFRAX 150Sweep Frequency Response AnalyzerDESCRIPTIONPower transformers are some of the most vital components in today’s transmission and distribution infrastructure. Transformer failures cost enormous amounts of money in unexpected outages and unscheduled maintenance. It is important to avoid these failures and make testing and diagnostics reliable and efficient.The FRAX 150 Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer (SFRA) detects potential mechanical and electricalproblems that other methods are unable to detect. Major utilities and service companies have used the FRA method for more than a decade. The measurement is easy to perform and will capture a unique “fingerprint” of the transformer. The measurement is compared to a reference “fingerprint” and gives a direct answer if the mechanical parts of the transformer are unchanged or not. Deviations indicate geometrical and/or electrical changes within the transformer.FRAX 150 detects problems such as:n Winding deformations and displacements n Shorted turns and open windings n Loosened clamping structures n Broken clamping structures n Core connection problems n Partial winding collapse n Faulty core grounds n Core movementsAPPLICATIONPower transformers are specified to withstand mechanical forces from both transportation and in-service events, such as faults and lightning. However, mechanical forces may exceed specified limits during severe incidents or when the insulation’s mechanical strength has weakened due to aging. A relatively quick test where the fingerprint response is compared to a post event response allows for a reliable decision on whether the transformer safely can be put backinto service or if further diagnostics is required.Collecting fingerprint data using Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) is an easy way to detect electro-mechanical problems in power transformers and an investment that will save time and money.1981Method BasicsA transformer consists of multiple capacitances, inductances and resistors, a very complex circuit that generates a unique fingerprint or signature when test signals are injected at discrete frequencies and responses are plotted as a curve.Capacitance is affected by the distance between conductors. Movements in the winding will consequently affect capacitances and change the shape of the curve.The SFRA method is based on comparisons between measured curves where variations are detected. One SFRA test consists of multiple sweeps and reveals if the transformer’s mechanical or electrical integrity has been jeopardized.Practical Application In its standard application, a “finger print” reference curve for each winding is captured when the transformer is newor when it is in a known good condition. These curves can later be used as reference during maintenance tests or when there is reason to suspect a problem.The most reliable method is the time based comparison where curves are compared over time on measurements from the same transformer. Another method utilizes type based comparisons between “sister transformers” with the same design. Lastly, a construction based comparison can, under certain conditions, be used when comparing measurements between windings in the same transformer.These comparative tests can be performed 1) before and after transportation, 2) after severe through faults 3) before and after overhaul and 4) as diagnostic test if you suspect potential problems. One SFRA test can detect windingproblems that requires multiple tests with different kinds of test equipment or problems that cannot be detected with other techniques at all. The SFRA test presents a quick and cost effective way to assess if damages have occurred or if the transformer can safely be energized again. If there is a problem, the test result provides valuable information that can be used as decision support when determining further action.Having a reference measurement on a mission critical transformer when an incident has occurred is, therefore, a valuable investment as it will allow for an easier and more reliable analysis.Analysis and SoftwareAs a general guideline, shorted turns, magnetization and other problems related to the core alter the shape of the curve in the lowest frequencies. Medium frequencies represent axial or radial movements in the windings and high frequencies indicate problems involving the cables from the windings, to bushings and tap changers.FRAX 150Sweep Frequency Response AnalyzerAn example of low, medium and high frequenciesThe figure above shows a single phase transformer after a serviceoverhaul where, by mistake, the core ground never got connected (red), and after the core ground was properly connected (green). This potential problem clearly showed up at frequencies between 1 kHz and 10 kHz and a noticeable change is also visible in the 10 kHz - 200 kHz range.The FRAX Software provides numerous features to allow for efficient data analysis. Unlimited tests can be open at the same time and the user has full control on which sweeps to compare. The response can be viewed in traditional Magnitude vs. Frequency and/or Phase vs. Frequency view. The user can also choose to present the data in an Impedance or Admittance vs. Frequency view for powerful analysis on certain transformer types.Test Object Browser — Unlimited number of tests and sweeps. Full user control.Quick Select Tabs — Quickly change presentation view for differentperspectives and analysis tools.Quick Graph Buttons — Programmablegraph setting lets you change views quickly and easily.Sweep/Curve Settings — Every sweep can be individually turned on or off, change color, thickness and position.Dynamic Zoom — Zoom in and move your focus to any part of the curve.Operation Buttons — All essential functions at your fingertips; select appropriate function keys on screen with mouse.Automated analysis compares two curves using an algorithm that compare amplitude as well as frequency shift and lets you know if the difference is severe, obvious, or light.Built-in-decision support is provided by using a built-inanalysis tool based on the international standard DL/T 911-2004.Considerations When Performing SFRA MeasurementsSFRA measurements are compared over time or between different test objects. This accentuates the need to perform the test with the highest repeatability and eliminates the influence from external parameters such as cables, connections and instrument performance. FRAX offers all the necessary tools to ensure that the measured curve represents the internal condition of the transformer.Good ConnectionsBad connections can compromise the test results which is why FRAX offers a rugged test clamp that ensures good connection to the bushings and solid connections to the instrument.Import and ExportThe FRAX software can import data files from other FRA instruments making it possible to compare data obtained using another FRA unit. FRAX can import and export data according to the international XFRA standard format as well as standard CSV and TXT formats.Optimized Sweep SettingThe software offers the user an unmatched feature that allows for fast and efficient testing. Traditional SFRAsystems use a logarithmic spacing of measurement points. This results in as many test points between 20Hz and200Hz as between 200KHz and 2MHz and a relatively long measurement time.The frequency response from the transformer contains a few resonances in the low frequency range but a lot of resonances at higher frequencies. FRAX allows the user to specify less measurement points at lower frequencies and high measurement point density at higher frequencies. The result is a much faster sweep with greater detail where it is needed.Variable VoltageThe applied test voltage may affect the response at lower frequencies. Some FRA instruments do not use the 10 V peak-to-peak used by major manufacturers and this may complicate comparisons between tests. FRAX standardvoltage is 10 V peak-to-peak but FRAX also allows the user to adjust the applied voltage to match the voltage used in a different test.FTB 101Several international FRA guides recommends to verify the integrity of cables and instrument before and after a test using a test circuit with a known FRA response supplied by the equipment manufacturer. FRAX comes with a field testbox FTB101 as a standard accessory and allows the user toperform this important validation in the field at any time and secure measurement quality. FRAX 150 has a built-in computer with high contrast and powerful backlit screen suitable for use in direct sunlight.Solid connections using the C-clamps and the shortest braid method to connect the shield to ground makes it possible to eliminate connection problems and cable loops that otherwise affect the measurement.Contacts made with the C-clamp guarantee good connectionsShortest Braid ConceptThe connection from the cable shield to ground has to be the same for every measurement on a given transformer. Traditional ground connections techniques have issues when it comes to providing repeatable conditions. Thiscauses unwanted variations in the measured response for the highest frequencies that makes analysis difficult.The FRAX braid drops down from the connection clamp next to the insulating discs to the ground connection atthe base of the bushing. This creates near identicalconditions every time you connect to a bushing whether it is tall or short.FRAX 150 with Built-in PCFRAX 150 has a built-in PC with a high contrast, powerful backlit screen suitable for work in direct sunlight. The cursor is controlled via the built-in joystick or using an external USB mouse and the built-in keyboard makes data entry easy.All data is stored on the built-in hard drive. The data can bemoved to any other computer using a USB memory stick.FTB 101 Field Test BoxOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESThe FRAX Demo box FDB 101 is a transformer kit that can be used for in-house training and demonstrations. The small transformer is a single-phase unit with capability to simulate normal as well as fault conditions. Open as well as shorted measurements can be performed. The unit also contains two test impedances, one of them the same as used in the FTB101 field test box.FRAX 150Sweep Frequency Response AnalyzerDYNAMIC RANGEMaking accurate measurements in a wide frequency range with high dynamics puts great demands on test equipment, test leads, and test set up. FRAX 150 is designed with these requirements in mind. It is rugged, able to filter induced interference and has the highest dynamic range and accuracy in the industry. FRAX 150 internal noise level is shown in red below with a normal transformer measurement in black. A wide dynamic range, i.e. low internal noise level, allows for accurate measurements in every transformer. A margin of about 20 dB from the lowest response to the internal noise level of the instrument must be maintained to obtain ±1 dB accuracy.SPECIFICATIONSGeneral FRA Method: Sweep frequency (SFRA) Frequency Range: 0.1 Hz - 25 MHz, user selectable Number of Points: Default 1046, User selectable up to 32,000Measurement time: Default 64 s, fast setting, 37 s (20 Hz - 2 MHz) Points Spacing: Log., linear or both Dynamic Range/Noise Floor: >130dB Accuracy: ±0.5 dB down to -100 dB (10 Hz - 10 MHz)IF Bandwidth/Integration Time: User selectable (10% default) Software: FRAX for Windows Calibration Interval: Max 3 years Standards/guides: Fulfill requirements in CigréBrochure 342, 2008Mechanical condition assessment oftransformer windings using FRA and Chinese standard DL/T 911-2004, FRA on windingdeformation of power transformers, as well as other international standards and recommendations Input Power90 - 264 V ac, 47 - 63 Hz Analog Output Channels:1Compliance Voltage: Output voltage 0.2 - 24 V p-p(open circuit)Measurement Voltage at 50 Ω: 10 V (adjustable 0.1-12 V) Output Impedance: 50 ΩProtection: Short-circuit protected Analog Input Channels: 2Sampling:Simultaneously Input Impedance: 50 Ω Sampling Rate: 100 MS/sOperating System Windows ® basedMemory1000 records in internal memory. External storage on USB stick Physical Dimensions: 305 mm x 194 mm x 360 mm(12 in. x 7.6 in. x 14.2 in.)Weight:6 kg (13 lb)EnvironmentalOperating Ambient Temp: 0° C to +50° C / +32° F to +122° F Operating Relative Humidity: < 90% non-condensingStorage Ambient Temp: -20° C to 70° C / -4° F to +158° F Storage Relative Humidity: < 90% non-condensingCE Standards:IEC61010 (LVD) EN61326 (EMC) An example of FRAX 150’s dynamic limit (red) and transformer measurement (black)FRAX 150Sweep Frequency Response AnalyzerUKArchcliffe Road, Dover CT17 9EN EnglandT +44 (0) 1 304 502101 F +44 (0) 1 304 207342******************UNITED STATES 4271 Bronze WayDallas, TX 75237-1019 USA T 1 800 723 2861 (USA only) T +1 214 333 3201 F +1 214 331 7399******************Registered to ISO 9001:2000 Cert. no. 10006.01FRAX150_DS_en_V04Megger is a registered trademark.Specifications are subject to change without notice.OTHER TECHNICAL SALES OFFICES Valley Forge USA, College Station USA, Sydney AUSTRALIA, TäbySWEDEN, Ontario CANADA, Trappes FRANCE, Oberursel GERMANY, Aargau SWITZERLAND, Kingdom of BAHRAIN, Mumbai INDIA, Johannesburg SOUTHAFRICA, and Chonburi THAILANDIncluded accessories shown above: Mains cable, ground cable, (2) ground braid sets, (2) earth/ground braid leads (insulated), (2) C-clamps, generator cable, measure cable, field test box, nylon accessory pouch, (2) earth/ground braids with clamp, and canvas carrying bag for test leadsbuttons CLOSE-UP OF FRAX 150 CONTROL PANELEnter keyINCLUDED ACCESSORIES。



Direct measurement of the melting temperature of supported DNA by electrochemical methodRita Meunier-Prest*,Suzanne Raveau,Eric Finot 1,Guillaume Legay 1,Mustapha Cherkaoui-Malki 2and Norbert Latruffe 2Laboratoire de SyntheÁse et d'Electrosynthe Áse Organome Âtalliques,UMR CNRS 5188,Universite Âde Bourgogne,6Bd.Gabriel,21000Dijon,France,1Laboratoire de Physique,UMR CNRS 5027,F-21011Dijon,France and 2Laboratoire de Biologie MoleÂculaire et Cellulaire,GDR CNRS 2583,Universite Âde Bourgogne,F-21000Dijon,FranceReceived July 18,2003;Revised September 29,2003;Accepted October 7,2003ABSTRACTThe development of biosensors based on DNA hybridization requires a more precise knowledge of the thermodynamics of the hybridization at a solid interface.In particular,the selectivity of hybridiza-tion can be affected by a lot of parameters such as the single-strand (ss)DNA density,the pH,the ionic strength or the temperature.The melting tempera-ture,T m ,is in part a function of the ionic strength and of the temperature and therefore provides a useful variable in the control of the selectivity and sensitivity of a DNA chip.The electrochemical tech-nique has been used to determine the T m values when the probe is tethered by a DNA self-assembled monolayer (SAM).We have built a special thin layer cell,which allows the recording of the cyclic voltam-mogram under controlled temperature conditions.T m has been determined by recording the thermo-gram (current versus temperature)of a redox indica-tor on a double-stranded hybrid (dsDNA)modi®ed electrode and comparison with the corresponding ssDNA response.T m of supported DNA varies linearly with the ionic strength.The stability of the SAMs has been considered and comparison between T m in solution and on a solid support has been discussed.INTRODUCTIONThe knowledge of the melting temperature,T m ,is of technological interest to understand the hybridization mech-anism involved in a DNA chip.T m is generally used as a parameter to adjust the properties of the cell in a DNA chip.The number of bases of DNA is modi®ed so that T m is maintained constant for each cell.The T m value used is that measured in liquid medium.T m in solution is well determined by spectroscopy and many empirical formulas were developed to account for both the ionic strength and the mole fraction ofG-C base pairs (1,2).More precise T m values can be obtained through on-line T m calculators (/)(3).However,the environment of oligomers can differ between a solid interface and the bulk solution due to difference between ionic strengths.The change in surface charge density induced by the hybridization is expected to in¯uence the T m value.There is rather scarce information on T m when DNA strands are immobilized on to a surface.The dif®culty is to measure the true surface temperature of the substrate and therefore ®nd the more appropriate method to heat the DNA support.The nature of the substrate onto which the DNA is immobilized is generally governed by the choice of the signal transduction.For example,in classical tests involving ¯uorescent or radiolabeled arrays,DNA probes are attached mostly to silica or glass surfaces (4±7)whereas piezoelectric,surface plasmon resonance or electrochemical detection involve nucleic acids immobilized on gold elec-trodes (4,8,9).For DNA on silica,the `supported'T m values have been determined by using ¯uorescence (10)and impedance meas-urements (11).The thermodynamic stability of immobilized double-stranded (ds)DNA is different from that of dsDNA in bulk solution and depends on the DNA density,namely the nearest-neighbor interactions (10).Concerning the DNA attached to gold via an alkanethiol anchor,T m has been measured by two-color surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (12).As the substrate is deposited on a prism,the immobilized DNA is heated indirectly by means of the solution.These three techniques give T m values close to those in solution,varying by <10°C.Nevertheless,some key issues are still unclear:the thermal stability of SAMs is of crucial importance in the determination of T m ;aliphatic alkanethiols have been reported to thermally desorb (13±16).The desorption temperature ranges from 37°C to >100°C depend-ing on the aliphatic chain length and on the surface state.We propose a new approach that can provide an alternative and easy way to both measure the T m of supported DNA ®lm and verify the stability of the immobilization.The electro-chemistry has the advantage of combining the analytical power of electrochemical methods with the speci®city of the biological recognition process.The present work aims to*To whom correspondence should be addressed.Tel/Fax:+33380396086;Email:rita.meunier-prest@u-bourgogne.frNucleic Acids Research,2003,Vol.31,No.23e150DOI:10.1093/nar/gng150at Istanbul University Central Library on December 14, 2010 Downloaded frominvestigate the capability of the electrochemical methods to determine the T m of supported DNA.We have adapted the electrochemical cell for heating the substrate within0.1°C accuracy and measuring the electrical signal of a redox indicator.Different redox indicators have been tested to select the best candidates for thermal studies.The high packing density of the DNA monolayer is controlled using permeabil-ity experiments.In such experiments,the stability of self-assembled monolayer(SAM)versus the applied potential is very important.SAMs have been shown to be stable to potentials between approximately+0.8and±1.4V versus saturated calomel electrode(SCE)depending on the type of thiol derivative and on the properties of the metallic surface(17±22).Within these limits,thiol SAMs do retain structural order and high packing density especially in aqueous medium. Therefore,the indicators used in this study are electroactive within this potential window.Discussion focuses on the comparison between T m in solution and on the electrochemical probe to correlate the T m with the ionic strength.MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterialsMethylene blue(MB)(Aldrich),potassium ferricyanide (Aldrich)and hexaammineruthenium(III)chloride(Aldrich) were used as received at a concentration of5Q10±5,10±4and 10±4M,respectively.HPSFâpuri®ed5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH2)6-SH-3¢and underivatized complement were purchased from MWG Biotech(Evry,France).Mercaptohexyloligonucleotides were stored frozen to prevent oxidation of the thiol. HybridizationMercapto-and underivatized oligonucleotides(0.1mM)were hybridized in5mM phosphate/50mM NaCl by heating to 90°C for10min followed by slow cooling to room tempera-ture.In all experiments,hybridization is performed before the immobilization on to the gold electrode. Derivatization of gold electrodesAu(III)surfaces were prepared by thermal evaporation at a pressure of10±6Pa(0.1nm/s)of a thick gold layer(175nm)on to glass plated with4nm of chromium.Freshly evaporated gold electrodes were then modi®ed by incubation in0.1mM solutions of derivatized DNA duplexes in5mM phosphate/ 50mM NaCl(pH7.4)for18±48h at ambient temperature. Modi®ed electrodes were rinsed in phosphate buffer prior to use.The DNA density was previously quanti®ed by 32P-radiolabeling(23).We obtained a surface coverage of 8Q1011strands/cm2.ElectrochemistryAll the electrochemical experiments were carried out in a deoxygenated buffer made of5mM phosphate/x mM NaCl (x=35,50,100,200)Millipore water(pH7.4).The electrochemical instrumentation used for these experiments includes an EG&G283potentiostat connected to a PC.Data collection and analysis were performed using a Princeton Applied Research Software Model270.The DNA modi®ed electrodes were used as working electrodes.Potentials were measured relative to the Ag|AgCl|NaCl xmM reference elec-trode and then recalculated with respect to the SCE.The electrochemical techniques used are cyclic voltammetry and square-wave voltammetry.We have shown previously(23) that the electrochemical response and in particular the signal-to-noise ratio is greatly improved by using square-wave voltammetry.Square-wave voltammetry(24)is a dynamic method in which a train of pulses is applied at a stationary electrode.A rather large amplitude symmetrical square-wave perturbation is applied,each cycle of the square-wave coinciding with one cycle of an underlying staircase (Fig.1A).The waveform is characterized by D E S,the step height of the staircase,E SW,the half-peak-to-peak amplitude of the square-wave and t,the period of the square-wave excitation.The time parameters may be described alterna-tively by the frequency,f=t±1,or the pulse width,t p=t/2.The pulse width is the characteristic time of the experiment. Current is sampled over sampling interval t s.The current sampled on the forward-going or®rst half-cycle is referred to as the forward current(i f).The reverse current(i r)corresponds to the second half-cycle.Generally the net peak current (D i=i f±i r)is used because it is greater than i f since i r for a reversible system is opposite in sign to i f near the peak.W1/2is de®ned as the net peak half-height width.After optimization of the different parameters,the best results have been obtained with f=100Hz,D E S=1mV and E SW=50mV.All the square-wave voltammograms have been carried out under these conditions.Measurement cellA special cell was developed to control the temperature of the DNA modi®ed electrode(Fig.1B),as described previously (23).The main characteristic of the cell is its small internal volume(3Q1.5Q9mm)thereby permitting us to handle only a few microliters of solution using a microsyringe.Inlets and outlets of liquid of110m m in diameter are located in the cell base.The tightness of the cell is ensured by pressing all elements using four screws.All solutions passing through the cell are deoxygenated prior to experiments.Due to the small size of the cell,deoxygenation is not necessary during experiments.The electrode support constitutes the upper part of the cell.Located in the lower part,the auxiliary electrode is a platinum disk of2mm in diameter and the reference is a thermodynamic Ag|AgCl|NaCl xmM electrode, which relies on chloride concentration in the¯ow stream.The temperature is controlled within0.1°C accuracy from20up to 80°C using a Peltier heating plate in contact with the electrode support.To ensure a good equilibrium in temperature, electrochemical measurements are performed10min after the increase in temperature.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSurface controlThe negative anion Fe(CN)64±was chosen since it does not bind to the DNA,a poly-anionic molecule,due to repulsive effects(25)and is electro-inactive even at over-potentials as high as+1V.Fe(CN)64±becomes particularly interesting toe150Nucleic Acids Research,2003,Vol.31,No.23P AGE2OF8at Istanbul University Central Library on December 14, Downloaded fromestimate the DNA coverage on the electrode.Therefore,when the electrode is covered with a densely built-up monolayer,the cyclic voltammogram presents a lack of signal.Alternatively,when the gold electrode is partially uncovered,Fe(CN)64±is oxidized on the gold surface leading to a characteristic electrochemical response of ferrocyanide at 0.18V whose intensity is proportional to the amount of desorbed DNA.Cyclic voltammetry of Fe(CN)64±is used then as a routine method to guarantee a good derivatization of the probe.Choice of the redox indicatorFigure 2shows the square-wave voltammograms of three redox species at a DNA modi®ed electrode:ferrocyanide Fe(CN)64±,hexaammineruthenium(III)Ru(NH 3)63+and MB.The second redox indicator,Ru(NH 3)63+,is a groove binding agent (26).Its reduction proceeds through the facilitated diffusion of the ruthenium complex along the grooves of the DNA helix (25).Recording the electrochemical response of Ru(NH 3)63+as a function of temperature does not yield measurable differences.This may be due to the binding modeof Ru(NH 3)63+,which remains rather far from the stacked bases responsible for the electron transfer.The best results have been obtained with MB.The intensity of the square-wave voltammogram is 12t-fold higher than that of Ru(NH 3)63+.MB behaves as an adsorbed molecule:in cyclic voltammetry,the peak current varies like v and the shape of the peak corresponds to a strong adsorbed system (27).MB intercalates into the DNA base stack and therefore participates in electron transfer mediated by the stacked bases.This is the reason why MB has been chosen as the electrochemical intercalator in the following.At ambient temperature,the peak intensity is nearly the same whether the DNA is hybridized or not.The DNA duplex helices are tightly packed on the gold surface necessitating that MB binds at sites close to the DNA/solvent interface.In contrast,diffusion of MB into the single strand (ssDNA)monolayer becomes facilitated (28,29).This phenomenon counterbalances the rapid electron transfer observed with hybridized DNA (30,31)and therefore provides approximately the same signal inten-sity for both modi®ed electrodes.It is worth noting that the electrochemical study of Ozsoz et al .(28,29),which presents a diminution of the peak height after hybridization,involves DNA strands lying on the surface of the electrode,therefore ET through the p -stacks of the double helical DNA does not occur;in dsDNA,the bases are less accessible than in the ssDNA so the signal of dsDNA is reduced.In our case,the DNA strands form a densely packed monolayer upright oriented with respect to the gold electrode,favorable to ET.The monolayer thickness has been estimated by AFM between 4and 6nm for a 15mer oligonucleotide.This corresponds to upright or slightly bent strands.The same observations,obtained by ellipsometry measurements,have also been reported by Kelley and Barton (32).Desorption phenomenaFigure 3shows the variation of the maximum net peak current of MB in square-wave voltammetry as a function of the electrode temperature varying between 20up to 80°C bystepsFigure 2.Square-wave voltammetry of:(black line)10±4M Fe(CN)64±;(red line)10±4M Ru(NH 3)63+and (blue line)5Q 10±5M MB at a gold electrode modi®ed with 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢hybridized to its complement in 5mM phosphate/50mM NaCl.Voltammograms were obtained with f =100Hz,D E S =1mV and E SW =50mV.Figure 1.(A )Potential time waveform for square-wave voltammetry and de®nition of the different parameters:E sw is the square-wave amplitude,D E s the staircase step height,t p =t /2the pulse width.(B )The cell design.P AGE 3OF 8Nucleic Acids Research,2003,Vol.31,No.23e150at Istanbul University Central Library on December 14, 2010 Downloaded fromof 0.5°C.When the temperature increases,the signal of MB with both ssDNA and dsDNA grows until a temperature of 28.5°C for ssDNA and 32°C for dsDNA,then falls down until a value of D i/W 1/2=1.8m A.mV ±1.Such a bell-shaped curve has been observed with alkanethiol SAMs and imputed to dynamic movements of the SAMs (13,33).Molecular dynamic simulations predict that at a low temperature the chains are orientationally ordered.When increasing the temperature,chain-disordering processes occur passing from a crystalline-like to a melted state.Partial desorption and surface migration of thiolates have also been observed.The experiment has been repeated with other 15mer DNA duplexes containing guanine bases.The thermograms present the same aspect,namely a maximum of the curve coupled with a limiting value D i/W 1/2=1.8m A.mV ±1at temperatures >70°C.The maximum intensity 20%higher with a 15mer DNA containing seven guanines indicates a greater af®nity of MB to guanine and cytosine bases (34,35).The current decrease does not depend on the DNA sequence reaching the same limiting value at high temperatures (T >70°C).Lets ®nd the possible origin explaining such a current decrease.It is well known that in square-wave voltammetry,moderately slow quasi-reversible redox reactions give responses larger than much fasterreversible reactions (36±38).It has been shown theoretically (36)that in the quasi-reversible region,the contributions of the forward and reverse currents to the net current are approxi-mately equal near the maximum net peak height,then the net peak splits into two.Experimentally,when the net intensity decreases,a split has never been observed and both contribu-tions of the forward and reverse currents remain of the same order.Moreover,the forward and reverse peaks were found to be symmetrical even at high temperatures.These results suggest that the increase in the reaction rate induced by the temperature increase cannot explain the current fall.Alternatively,some authors have suggested that a thermal desorption of alkanethiols SAMs can occur (14±16).This can be considered as the ultimate stage of the SAMs dynamic movements'process.The electrochemical response of MB on a bare gold electrode has been recorded as a function of the temperature (Fig.3).MB presents the characteristics of an adsorbed system;in particular,the cyclic voltammogram has a shape corresponding to an electrochemical reaction occurring on the electrode surface and the current is proportional to the scan rate (27,39,40).The low current value at the initial temperature reveals a smaller amount of MB adsorbed on the bare electrode compared with the DNA modi®ed electrode.From 20to 35°C the net peak decreases due to the apparition of a pre-peak (39,41)close to the other peak on the forward current.This induces a broadening of the net peak and a decrease of its height.When increasing the temperature,the two peaks merge.The current of MB at the gold electrode increases as expected for an activated process (42)until D i/W 1/2=1.8m A.mV ±1is reached at T =70°C,which matches with the minimum of the DNA modi®ed electrode signal at high temperature.Moreover,cyclic voltammograms have been carried out with Fe(CN)64±on a gold electrode tethered with 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢hybridized with its complementary strand.A study in function of the temperature shows a lack of electrochemical signal until 60°C (Fig.4A and B).Then,the electrochemical response of Fe(CN)64±merges progressively with increasing the tempera-ture and reaches nearly the same intensity as that observed on a bare gold electrode at T =80°C (Fig.4A).Note that Fe(CN)64±is not oxidized on a well covered electrode due to repulsion of the DNA.The electrochemical signal at high temperatures reveals a partial destruction of the DNA monolayer and a strip of the gold surface where oxidation of Fe(CN)64±can occur.The thermal desorption of thiol SAMs has already been reported for aliphatic alkanethiol SAMs (13±16).Let us de®ne by T 1/2the temperature corresponding to desorption of half of the monolayer.Figure 4C represents the variation of T 1/2with the logarithm of the salt concentration.The thermal desorption of the SAMs is dramatically emphasized by an increase of the ionic strength.The sensibility of DNA SAMs to temperatures is of great importance in the practical use of such DNA probes.In particular,it has been shown that hybridization of an ssDNA immobilized by a thiol anchor has to be realized under mild temperature conditions and at rather low ionic strength.T m determination and effect of ionic strengthWe have reported in Figure 5B the literature `supported'T m values (solid lines)and compared them to the corresponding T m in solution (dotted lines).For the 25mer DNA (12)aFigure 3.Variation of the ratio of the square-wave peak current on the half-height width (D i/W 1/2)as a function of the temperature for 5Q 10±5M MB in 5mM phosphate/35mM NaCl (black solid circle)at a bare gold electrode and at a gold electrode modi®ed with:(red open circle)the single strand 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢and (blue open circle)the duplex 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢hybridized to its complement.(Blue solid line)Fitted curve obtained by calculation of a 6order polynomial regression on the whole experimental curve after elimination of the points that form the bulge.e150Nucleic Acids Research,2003,Vol.31,No.23P AGE 4OF 8at Istanbul University Central Library on December 14, 2010 Downloaded fromdecrease of ~10°C between the DNA in solution and the supported DNA has been observed.Different results have been obtained for the dA20:dT20duplex:the solution T m values calculated with an empirical formula (/)(3)are of the same order as those for DNA on silica (10).In that case,the slope d T m /dlog(c NaCl )is little different.An easy way to determine the T m is to compare the electrochemical responses given by both an electrode tethered with an ssDNA,i.e.5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢and a second electrode tethered with the corresponding hybridized strands (dsDNA).The signal obtained for both ssDNA and dsDNA increases with increasing temperature up to 28.5°C for ssDNA and 32°C for dsDNA (Fig.3).Contrary to the rise of the current that is regular for the ssDNA,the one obtained with the dsDNA presents a bulge at 24°C (for a salt concentration of c NaCl =35mM).A ®ne procedure has been developed to determine precisely the temperature related to the peak maxima.The ®tted curve has been obtained by calculating a high order polynomial ®t on the whole experimental curve after elimin-ation of the experimental points that form the bulge.For example,the curve corresponding to dsDNA with a salt concentration of c NaCl =35mM (blue circles in Fig.3)can be ®tted by a polynomial equation of order 6or more (blue solid line in Fig.3).Figure 5A shows the difference between the experimental measurements and the `regular'®t (blue solid line in Fig.3).As the temperature approaches T m ,the progressive separation of the two strands of the helicalDNAFigure 4.(A )Cyclic voltammetry of 10±4M Fe(CN)64±in 5mM phosphate/50mM NaCl (black dotted line)at a bare gold electrode at T =80°C and at a gold electrode modi®ed with 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢hybridized to its complement at different temperatures:(red solid line)T =21°C;(green solid line)T =60°C and (blue solid line)T =80°C.(B )Peak current height of 10±4M Fe(CN)64±in 5mM phosphate/50mM NaCl as a function of the temperature (same DNA as A).(C )Variation of the half desorption temperature (T 1/2)with the logarithm of the ionic strength (log c NaCl )for the 15mer duplex 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢hybridized to its complement and tethered on a gold electrode.P AGE 5OF 8Nucleic Acids Research,2003,Vol.31,No.23e150at Istanbul University Central Library on December 14, 2010 Downloaded fromfacilitates the diffusion of MB into the DNA monolayer,leading to an increase in the electrochemical response.Then,the complement strand is completely dehybridized and the signal falls down.To make sure that this temperature can be attributed to T m ,which is known to vary as a function of ionic strength,the experiment has been repeated at different salt concentrations (35mM `c NaCl `200mM)and theelectrochemical thermograms (current versus temperature)have been drawn.For ssDNA a regular curve is obtained while for dsDNA a bulge is observed.The same procedure as described previously has been performed and the results presented in Figure 5.When increasing the ionic strength,T m is shifted towards higher temperatures,indicating stabilization by greater Na +concentrations.To compare our results with those in solution,we have determined the T m of the DNA±MB complex in solution by UV spectroscopy.The equivalent oligonucleotide concentration has been calculated as follows:the electrode area is 0.15Q 0.9=0.135cm 2on which the DNA density is 8Q 1011strands/cm 2.This corresponds to 1.79Q 10±13mol in a cell volume of 4.05Q 10±5l,i.e.a concentration of 4Q 10±9M.The absorbance for l =260nm has been reported as a function of the temperature carefully measured with a thermocouple plunged into the solution.This melting curve has been repeated with different ionic strengths.The straight line obtained is presented in Figure 5B (blue dotted line).The T m of the DNA±MB complex in solution is lowed by 10°C with respect to the DNA without MB in solution.MB intercalates between the bases and therefore provides a deformation of the DNA,which induces a lower stability of the DNA and facilitates pletely different results have been observed with major groove binding agents (43,44),which contribute to increase the DNA cohesion:it has been shown that DNA is stabilized by iridium or ruthenium complexes and T m increases with nearly 5±10°C (43,44).When the DNA±MB complex is tethered on a support,the stability increases.The `supported'T m varies linearly as a function of log(c NaCl )with approxi-mately the same slope as that obtained in solution but shifted by >12°C compared with the solution.The T m increase observed for supported DNA can be interpreted as an increase of the salt concentration in the monolayer.Moreover,it appears that high packing density facilitates some destabiliza-tion of hybridized immobilized oligonucleotides and therefore diminished the T m (45).Figure 5B regroups our results together with the literature results obtained with a 20base (10)and a 25base tethered DNA (12).The melting temperature rises as the DNA length increases and the slope [d T m /d(log c NaCl )]is of the same order of magnitude whatever the DNA sequence,indicating an identical sensitivity of T m to the ionic strength.In the study of Peterlinz et al.(12),comparison between T m in solution and tethered on the gold electrode shows a decrease of 5°C for immobilized oligonucleotides.These results seem to be under estimated values due to thermal gradients in the SPR apparatus between the modi®ed prism surface and the thermal regulator as noticed by the authors.In our case,the temperature measurement corresponds well to the temperature of the DNA probe because the Peltier element is directly in contact with the electrode.CONCLUSIONSA more precise knowledge of the hybridization occurring at a solid interface is important in the development of DNA chip.Our work provides a comparison between tethered and untethered DNA.We have shown that the melting tempera-ture,T m ,of immobilized DNA can be obtained via the square-wave voltammetric response of MB as a function of the temperature probe.The supported melting temperaturesvaryFigure 5.(A )Current difference obtained by subtraction of the experimental points with the `regular'®t (blue solid line in the inset of Fig.3)as a function of the temperature for 5Q 10±5M MB in 5mM phosphate/x mM NaCl at a gold electrode modi®ed with the duplex 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢hybridized to its complement.Magenta open diamond,x =35mM;green open up triangle,x =50mM;blue open circle,x =100mM and red open square,x =200mM.(B )Variation of the T m with the logarithm of the ionic strength (log c NaCl ).Solid lines correspond to DNA tethered on solid support,dotted lines to the corresponding DNA in solution.Experimental results for (blue solid square)the 15mer duplex 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢hybridized to its complement and tethered onto a gold electrode in presence of MB,(blue solid circle)the 15mer duplex 5¢-TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT-(CH 2)6-SH-3¢hybridized to its complement in presence of MB in solution and literature results obtained with:(red open up triangle)silica coated with dA20:dT20(10);(green cross)5¢-HS-(CH 2)6-CAC GAC GTT GTA AAA GCA CGG CCA G-3¢hybridized to its complement (12).e150Nucleic Acids Research,2003,Vol.31,No.23P AGE 6OF 8at Istanbul University Central Library on December 14, 2010 Downloaded from。



determination 测定detoxication 解毒detrital cone 岩屑锥detrital deposit 碎屑沉积detrital laterite 残存砖红壤detrital rock 碎屑岩detritus 岩屑deuteron 重氢核development 显影development of clouds 云体development of land 土地开发developmental stage 发育阶段deviation 偏差deviation angle 偏角deviation prism 偏向棱镜device 仪器频devitrification 脱玻酌dew 露dew point 露点dew point hygrometer 露点湿度表dewatering 脱水diabase 辉绿岩diabasic texture 辉绿结构diad 二价元素diagenesis 成岩酌diagnosis 诊断diagnostic subsurface horizons 诊断亚表土层diagnostic surface horizons 诊断表土层diagonal element 对角元素diagonal fault 斜断层diagonal fracture 斜断裂diagonal join 斜节理diagonal rule 对角线规则diagonal scale 斜分比例尺diagonal valley 斜谷diagram 图表diagrammatic map 图解地图diagrammatic sketch 略图dial division 度盘分划dialogite 菱锰矿dialysis 渗析diamagnetism 反磁性diameter 直径diameter of particles 粒径diamond deposit 金刚石矿床diaphaneity 透萌diaphragm 膈膜diaphthoresis 退化变质酌diapositive 透谬片diascope 投影仪diaspore 硬水铝石diasporite 硬水铝石diastem 沉积暂停期diastrophic eustatism 构造性海面升降运动diastrophism 地壳变动diatom ooze 硅藻软泥diatomaceous earth 硅藻土diatomite 硅藻土diatoms 硅藻类diatrema 火山道diazo paper 重氮纸diazo print 重氮晒图diazo printing equipment 重氮复印机diazo printing equipment with a moving light source 动光源重氮复印机dibbling 穴播dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane 滴滴涕dickite 迪凯石dicotyledons 双子叶植物类difference 区别difference channel 差信道difference of time 时差differential distortion 畸变差值differential erosion 分异侵蚀differential pressure 压差differential settlement 不均匀沉降differential species 区别种differential weathering 差异风化differentiation 分化differentiation of horizon 发生层异化differentiation of landscapes 景观分异diffraction 衍射diffraction fringe 衍射条纹diffraction grating 衍射光栅diffraction propagation 衍射传播diffractometer 衍射仪diffuse double layer 扩散双层diffuse front 弱散锋diffuse radiation 漫射辐射diffuse reflectance 护散反射率diffuse solar radiation 漫射太阳辐射diffusion anomaly 扩散异常diffusion aureole 扩散晕diffusion coefficient 扩散系数diffusion equilibrium 扩散平衡diffusion gradient 扩散梯度diffusion layer 扩散层diffusion pressure 扩散压力diffusion zone 扩散带diffusivity 扩散率digestibility 消化率digestive disease 消化系疾病digestive enzyme 消化酶digestive tract 消化道digit keyboard 数字键盘digital computer 数字式计算机digital computer map 计算机地图digital computing machine 数字式计算机digital control plotter 数控绘图机digital correlation 数字相关digital filter 数字滤波器digital filtering 数字滤波digital geometric correction 数字几何校正digital image 数字图像digital image processing 数字图像处理digital infrared cloud picture 数码化红外云图digital map 数字地图digital photogrammetry 数字摄影测量digital terrain model 数字地面模型digital to analog conversion 数字模拟转换digital to analogue converter dac 数字模拟变换器digitization 数字化digitizer 数字化器dike 岩脉dike rock 脉石dilatancy 膨胀性dilatation 扩张dilute solution 稀溶液dilution 稀度diluvial age 洪积世diluvial soil 洪积土壤diluvium 洪积层dimension 测定;尺寸;维数dimensional quantity 因次量dimensional stability 尺寸稳定性dimictic lake 双对领合湖diminution 减少dingy yellow horizon 暗黄色土层dioecism 雌雄异体diopter 照准器dioptry 屈光度diorite 闪长岩diorite porphyrite 闪长玢岩dip 倾向dip circle 测斜仪dip joint 倾向节理dip slip fault 倾向滑断层dipole 偶极子dipole radiation 偶极子辐射direct factor 直接因子direct measurement 直接测量direct pollution 直接污染direct radiation 直接辐射direct runoff 地表径流direct solar radiation 太阳直射direction 方向direction finder 方向指示器direction lines method 运动方向线法direction observation 方向观测direction of dip 倾斜方向direction of rotation 旋转方向direction plane 方向平面directional error 方向误差directional filter 方向滤波器directional line 方向线directive texture 定向结构directory 目录directrix 准线disaccharide 二糖disaggregation 解聚disappearance of river 伏流disc shutter 盘式快门discharge 量discharge amplitude 量幅度discharge area of groundwater 地下水排泄区discharge coefficient 径恋数。



初二物理现象探索英语阅读理解30题1<背景文章>Reflection of LightLight reflection is a phenomenon that occurs when light rays bounce off a surface. When light hits a smooth surface, such as a mirror, the angle at which the light ray approaches the surface is equal to the angle at which it is reflected. This is known as the law of reflection.One of the most common examples of light reflection is seeing our reflection in a mirror. When we stand in front of a mirror, light from our body reflects off the mirror and enters our eyes, allowing us to see our image. Another example is the reflection of light off a still body of water. The smooth surface of the water acts like a mirror, reflecting the surrounding scenery.Reflection of light has many practical applications. In periscopes, for example, light is reflected by two mirrors at 45-degree angles to allow us to see over obstacles. In car headlights, reflectors are used to direct light in a specific direction, improving visibility at night.Now let's look at some questions about light reflection.1. What is light reflection?A. When light passes through a surface.B. When light bends around a surface.C. When light rays bounce off a surface.D. When light is absorbed by a surface.答案:C。



1.Determination is the key ingredient in achieving ones goals it is the driving force that propels us forward in the face of adversity.2.Resolute determination can turn the seemingly impossible into the possible,and the possible into reality.3.With unwavering determination,even the most daunting tasks can be accomplished with time and effort.4.Determination is the fuel that ignites the fire of ambition,pushing us to reach for the stars.5.A determined mind can overcome any obstacle,for it is the will to succeed that ultimately defines our achievements.6.When faced with challenges,it is our determination that keeps us going,even when the odds seem stacked against us.7.True determination is not just about setting goals,but about the relentless pursuit of those goals,no matter the cost.8.Determination is the bedrock of success without it,even the most talented individuals may falter.9.In life,determination is the compass that guides us through the storms and towards our desired destination.10.Determination is not just a fleeting emotion it is a steadfast commitment to seeing things through to the end.11.The power of determination lies in its ability to inspire and motivate us to push beyond our limits.12.Determination is the silent partner in our success,often unseen but always felt in the culmination of our achievements.13.A determined spirit is one that refuses to accept defeat,even in the face of repeated setbacks.14.Determination is the inner strength that keeps us focused on our goals,even when the path is fraught with difficulties.15.In the pursuit of our dreams,it is determination that often makes the difference between those who succeed and those who do not.16.Determination is the bridge that connects our aspirations with our accomplishments, spanning the gap between hope and reality.17.The flame of determination burns brightest in those who are committed to their cause, undeterred by the trials they face.18.Determination is the wind beneath our wings,lifting us higher and propelling us towards our aspirations.19.With determination as our guide,we can navigate the treacherous waters of life and reach the shores of our dreams.20.Determination is the cornerstone of success,laying the foundation for all our endeavors and ensuring their fruition.。



空气动力学检查在喉科中的应用进展费菲;魏春生;蒋家琪【摘要】@@ 空气动力学(aerodynamic)检查作为目前喉科学检查的研究热点之一,通过测量喉作为能量转换器将声门下的空气动力能转换为声能的一系列相关参数,给喉功能做一个客观而全面的评价[1].由于早年该检查内容单一、结果不精确,其临床应用范围较为局限.近年来,空气动力学检查方法的精确性、结果的实用价值都有了迅猛的发展,其辅助诊断的作用也有提高.本文对近年来喉科学中有关空气动力学检查的检测内容、检查方法及应用范围等方面的进展进行综述.【期刊名称】《听力学及言语疾病杂志》【年(卷),期】2009(017)006【总页数】3页(P606-608)【作者】费菲;魏春生;蒋家琪【作者单位】复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,上海200031;复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,上海200031;复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,上海200031;美国威斯康辛州立大学麦迪逊分校外科学系耳鼻喉头颈外科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R767.04空气动力学(aerodynamic)检查作为目前喉科学检查的研究热点之一,通过测量喉作为能量转换器将声门下的空气动力能转换为声能的一系列相关参数,给喉功能做一个客观而全面的评价[1]。






常用参数包括声门下压(subglottic pressure,Ps)、平均发声气流(mean phonation flow rate,MFR)以及最长声时(maximum phonation time,MPT)等。

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synthesis. A 2400-grooves/mm grating (G) and a 250-
Fig. 1. Experimental setup (zero-dispersion compressor with a single slit mask). F, filter; CCR, cross correlator. The output is correlated with a pulse that comes directly from the laser. A monochromator provides the spectral position of the slit.
Division Fisica del Solido, Departamento de Fisica, Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Avda del Libertador 8250,1429Buenos Aires, Argentina
Received February 12, 1990; accepted September 6, 1990; manuscript in hand October 31, 1990
January 1, 1991 / Vol. 16, No. 1 / OPTICS LETTERS
Direct determination of the amplitude and the phase of femtosecond light pulses
Juan L. A. Chilla and Oscar E. Martinez
We present what is to our knowledge the first direct measurement of a femtosecond light pulse spectrum in amplitude and phase. The standard tool employed as a pulse diagnostic is the intensity autocorrelation, measured by second-harmonic generation.' This method does not provide complete information about the pulse shape: it can only give an estimate of the pulse width after a specific pulse shape is assumed. 2 and dispersion-compensated Pulse compression la3 led to astounding ser cavities pulse shortening and highlighted the fact that ultrashort laser pulses are often chirped. The presence of chirp is not evident from intensity correlations, and, although it affects interferometric autocorrelation,4 chirp evaluation is not straightforward from this measurement. Two methods5' 6 have been reported that retrieve phase information from interferometric measurements, but chirp affects them in such an entangled manner that an accurate and detailed measurement of the fringes is needed. Moreover the deconvolution procedure is sensitive to measurement errors. Several methods7' 8 have been reported that measure the optical phase of chirped pulses after propagation through optical fibers. The interest of this measurement lies in the design of an optimum compression stage in fiber-grating pulse compressor systems, but such measurements are in fact cross correlations with a narrow probe pulse-the compressed output pulseand not a measurement of the compressed pulse. The pulse shape can be accurately retrieved, by a simple Fourier transform, if the field spectrum amplitude and phase are known. The amplitude of the complex field spectrum is just the square root of the power spectrum, which is routinely measured in ultrashort-pulse applications, but phase information usually appears only in the case of interferometeric measurements, which require subwavelength accuracy to provide reliable results. Our approach is different: by means of a Fourier filtering9 we synthesize a pulse that carries phase information in a way that it can be retrieved with a simple intensity autocorrelation. Depending on the shape of the mask, the phase informa0146-9592/91/010039-03$5.00/0
tion can be carried in different ways. In particular, we used a single-slit mask that filters out all but a narrow portion of the spectrum. As will be shown below, the time delay of the synthesized pulse gives the derivative of the phase with respect to frequency. The experimental setup as shown in Fig. 1 is similar to that described in Ref. 9 for Fourier pulse-shape mm focal-length lens (L) together with a folding mirror (M) form the zero-dispersion compressor. The mask for spectral shaping is placed immediately before the mirror. The output from the compressor and a reference pulse directly from the colliding-pulse (CPM) mode-locked laser are directed to a correlator that has a stepper motor in one of its arms to scan the correlation delay. The arms of the correlator have identical corner-cube prisms, so that the path through glass has an equal length in both arms. The compressor is adjusted to zero dispersion when comparing the
A direct measurement of the amplitude and the phase of a femtosecond light pulse is performed for the first time to our knowledge. The measurement is made in the frequency domain, and the time dependence of the field can be easily obtained by a Fourier transform. The technique relies on a pulse synthesis scheme to unravel the frequency dependence of the phase. A mask filters the spectrum, which gives rise to a pulse with a measurable temporal profile related to the frequency dependence of the phase. In particular, with a rectangular slit the time delay of the synthesized pulse is the first derivative of the phase with respect to the frequency of the original pulse at the central frequency of the filter. The amplitude of the spectrum is obtained from the power spectrum.