



Flahs as 入门教程郴州师范 雷勇第一章 AS 的基本常识FLASH 中actionscript (简称AS )是非常重要的组成部分。

首先了解如何在FLASH 输入程序通常我们按F9可以调出动作面板。

或者在FLASH 菜单Window 里面Actions 可打开ACTION 面板,ACTION 面板分右面的脚本窗,和左面的工具窗 脚本窗就是放脚本的地方,而工具窗用于快速地输入各种ACTION ,运算符,函数,属性,对象建议大家使用专家模式,在FLASH 菜单的Edit 的Preferences 的Actions panel 里面选Expert Mode ,以后每次打开ACTION 面板都会自动设置为专家模式(专家模式可直接输入代码,初学者学下去就会知道,很多代码无法在普通模式里输入)AS 的一些概念所有代码都需存于某个地方,可以是frame (帧), button (按钮), or movie clip (电影夹子)。

只要你选择了某按钮或MC ,你之后输入的代码就存放在它的上面了,注意此时ACTION 面板上方提示为Object Actions 。

同理你也可以将代码存放于帧,不过此时提示为Frame Actions 。

当你在专家模式的时候仍无法输入代码,你首先要检查你是否选择了frame, button, 或MC 来存放代码。

首先我们要了解AS 要写在什么地方,什么时候AS 会被触发执行。

1、帧:写在关键帧上面的AS ,当时间轴上的指针走到这个关键帧的时候,就写在这个帧上面的AS 就被触发执行了。

常见的例子有在影片结尾的帧写上 stop() 等。

操作方法就是点选关键帧,然后打开AS 面板,写下”stop()”。

2、按钮:不同于帧上面的AS ,按钮上面的AS 是要有触发条件的。

做一个按钮,放到主场景,点选按钮,然后打开AS 面板。

现在如果也在按钮上写 stop(); 那么,输出的时候就会提示错误。



各种软路由手册各种软路由不完全手册目录1. Alpine Linux (3)2. Astaro Security Gateway (3)3. Bifrost Network Project (3)4. BBIagent (3)5. CoyoteLinux(北美土狼) (3)6. BrazilFW(北美银狼基于Coyote Linux) (4)7. LRP(Linux Router Project,Defunct as of 2003) (4)8. Floppyfw (4)9. Endian Firewall(Linux) (5)10. hi-spider海蜘蛛 (5)11. FreeSCO (6)12. SmoothWall(Linux,欧洲,开源) (6)13. IPCOP(Linux) (7)14. RouterOS(Linux) (7)15. Fli4l(Linux) (8)16. Clarkconnect(Linux) (8)17. MSS多功能路由服务器 (8)18. 锐捷NBR 网吧专用多功能服务器系统 (9)19. 飞鱼星3200系统 (9)20. NetBoz Firewall(FreeBSD) (9)21. Iproute (9)22. m0n0Wall(FreeBsd) (10)23. Pfsense(FreeBsd) (10)24. PicoBSD (10)25. BSDBox(FreeBsd) (10)26. Windows下的代理、软路由软件 (11)Isa 2000/2004 (11)WinRouteFirewall (11)SinforNAT (11)ActualTest (11)Sygate (11)NAT32 Enhanced (11)WinGate (12)Ccproxy (12)HomeShare (12)代理超人 (12)SocksCap32 (13)SuperProxy (13)27. 基于Linux软路由 (13)squid (13)LEAF (14)ME2000 (14)WRAPCOP (14)GNAP (14)Amsel (14)Pebble Linux (14)Metrix Pebble (14)Voyage Linux (14)How-to for VPN / Linux from the kernel up (15) AstLinux (15)Locustworld MeshAP (15)28. 基于BSD软路由 (15)29. NetBSD (15)30. OpenBSD (16)OpenBSD (16)WRAP for war driving (16)31. Commercial: (16)StarOS (16)Ikarus OS (16)MITC MeshAP for Willox (16)Wisper MeshAP adaptation (16)Qorvus Qcode? (16)32. Panabit 流控引擎(FreeBsd) (17)33. 路由论坛 (18)34. FreeNAS (18)35. AskoziaPBX (18)36. WayOS (18)37. Checkpoint (18)38. Zeroshell (24)39. Minifw (18)40. Openwrt (19)41.DD-WRT(Linux) (20)42. HyperWRT (20)43. Tomato_Firmware (21)44. Vyatta(Debian) (21)45. Untangle(KNOPPIX) (22)46. snapgear (22)47. e-router (22)48. Proxomitron (22)49. zebos (23)List of router or firewall distributions (24)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (24)1.Alpine Linuxa run-from RAM linux distribution. Its original target was small appliances like routers, VPN gateways, or embedded x86 devices. However, it supports hosting other Linux guest OSesunder VServer control, making it an attractive hosting solution as well./doc/7f9732155.html,/2.Astaro Security GatewayAstaro Security Gateway (ASG) is a Router/Stateful Inspection Firewall based on SuSE-Linux. It's available as an hardware- / software- or a virtual appliance./doc/7f9732155.html,/our_products/a staro_security_gateway/3.Bifrost Network ProjectThe goal of this project is to find out stability, performance, filter capabilities, administration, computer security, scalability and development possibilities of a Linux based streamlined router/firewall system. Recent distributions are being used as pure Internet routers, equipped with 1GB or more of internal memory.http://bifrost.slu.se/index.en.html4.BBIagent老牌的中文软路由bbiagent,全中文,但需要注册购买,已经渐渐的淡出和停止开发。

ATI系列主板芯片组介绍 (1)

ATI系列主板芯片组介绍 (1)

ATI系列主板芯片组介绍(转贴)2007-09-15 10:32:03 业界 | 评论(0) | 浏览(391)现在主板的型号多种多样,不仅是新手,甚至一些老鸟都可能犯糊涂,为了能让大家都对主板有所了解,我写这篇文章当是抛砖引玉,希望能对广大DIYer有所帮助。




因为北桥芯片起着主导性的作用,也称为主桥(Host Bridge)。




在电脑界称设计芯片组的厂家为Core Logic,Core的中文意义是核心或中心,光从字面的意义就足以看出其重要性。



这是因为以前CPU的型号与种类繁多,如前几年就有INTEL478和775针 CPU,AMD 462针、754针和939针CPU共同存在的局面。



货代新手学习资料总结澳大利亚国家航运公司澳国航运ANL美国总统轮船私人有限公司美国总统APL邦拿美船务有限公司邦拿美BNML波罗的海航运公司波罗的海BOL中波轮船股份公司中波C-P南美邮船公司南美邮船CLAN S.A.南美智利国家航运公司智利航运CCNI中日国际轮渡有限公司中日轮渡CHINJIF天敬海运天敬海运CK法国达飞轮船公司达飞轮船CMA京汉海运有限公司京汉海运CO-HEUNG中国远洋集装箱运输有限公司中远集运COSCO朝阳商船有限公司朝阳商船CHOYANG达贸国际轮船公司达贸国际DELIMAS德国胜利航运公司德国胜利SENATOR埃及国际轮船公司埃及船务EIL长荣海运股份有限公司长荣海运EVERGREEN远东轮船公司远东轮船FESCO金发船务有限公司金发船务GFNG浩洲船务公司浩洲船务HCSC韩进海运有限公司韩进海运HANJIN香港航运有限公司香港海运HKMSH香港明华船务有限公司香港明华HKMW赫伯罗特船务有限公司赫伯罗特HAPPAG-LLOYD 现代商船有限公司现代商船HYUNDAI上海海隆轮船有限公司海隆轮船HNT金华航运有限公司金华航运JH川崎汽船株式会社川崎汽船K LINE高丽海运株氏会社高丽海运KMTC七星轮船有限公司七星轮船SSCL上海育海航运公司育海航运SYH上海中福轮船公司中福轮船SZFSC墨西哥航运有限公司墨西哥航运TMM上海天海货运有限公司天海货运TMSC东航船务有限公司东航船务TOHO宁波泛洋船务有限公司宁波泛洋TOS阿拉伯联合国家轮船公司阿拉伯轮船UASC立荣海运股份有限公司立荣海运UNIGLORY环球船务有限公司环球船务UNIWD万海航运股份有限公司万海航运WANHAI伟航船务有限公司伟航船务WH阳明海运股份有限公司阳明海运YANGMING以星轮船船务有限公司以星轮船ZIM浙江远洋运输公司浙江远洋ZOSCO联丰船务有限公司联丰船务LIFEN意大利邮船公司意大利邮船LT马来西亚国际航运有限公司马来西亚航运MISC商船三井有限公司商船三井MOL地中海航运公司地中海航运MSC马士基海陆有限公司马士基海陆MAERSK SEALAND 民生神原海运有限公司民生神原MSKM太古船务代理有限公司太古船代NGPL铁行渣华船务有限公司铁行渣华P&O NEDLLOYD新加坡海皇轮船有限公司海皇轮船NOL北欧亚航运有限公司北欧亚航运NORASIA宁波远洋运输公司宁波远洋NOSCO南星海运株式会社南星海运NS沙特阿拉伯国家航运公司沙特航运NSCSA日本邮船有限公司日本邮船NYK东方海外货柜航运有限公司东方海外OOCL萨姆达拉船务有限公司萨姆达拉SAMUDERA太平船务有限公司太平船务PIL泛洋商船株式会社泛洋商船POBU瑞克麦斯轮船公司瑞克麦斯RICKMERS美商海陆联运(中国)有限公司美商海陆S/L南非国家轮船有限公司南非轮船SAF东映海运有限公司东映海运SBL上海国际轮渡有限公司国际轮渡SFCO中海发展股份有限公司中海发展CSD长锦有限公司长锦公司SINKO上海市锦江航运有限公司锦江船代JINJIANG中外运(集团)总公司中外运SINOTRANS志晓船务有限公司志晓船务SSC中国海运集团中海航运CHINA SHIPING宏海(东南亚)海运轮船公司宏海航运RCL承运人代码及英文简称[推荐]代码公司中文名称公司英文名称ABC ABC货柜航运公司A.B.C CONTAINTER LINEACBL 美国商业驳船航运公司American Commercial Barge Line company ACGR 冠航集团Ace GroupACL 大西洋集装箱航运公司Atlantic Contaier LineACT 联合集装箱运输公司(英)Associated Container Transportation AECS 澳大利亚欧洲集装箱服务公司Australia Europe Container Service AEL 美欧轮船公司American-European LinesAEXL 美国出口航运公司American Export LinesAFS 亚运香港船务有限公司Asia Fortune(HK) Shipping ltd.AFSC 非洲轮船公司(英)African Steamship Co.AJCL 澳大利亚-日本集装箱航运公司Australia Japan Container Line AMCL 美国商业轮船公司American commercial Lines, Incorporated AMISCL 美国伊拉克轮船公司American Iraqi Shipping Company, Ltd. AML 美国邮船公司American Mail LineAMPTC 阿拉伯海上石油运输公司Arab Maritime Petroleum transport Co. AND 亚得利亚航运公司(意大利)Adriatica Di Navigazione SpaANL 澳州国家航运Austrilian National LineANST 阿里亚国家航运公司(伊朗)Arya National Shipping LinesAOR 挪亚AORASIAAPL 美国总统轮船公司American Predsident lines Ltd.ASC 阿拉斯加轮船公司(美)Alaska Steamship CompanyASS 阿莱德ASTA 朝日油****司(日)Asahe-TankerATL 亚洲货运中心Asia Terminal LimitedATTL 大西洋轮船运输公司Atlantic Transport lineAWP 澳大利亚西太平洋轮船公司Australia West Pasific LineBEN 边行集装箱运输公司(英国)Ben Line Containers Ltd.BK 刚兴船务有限公司Kong Hing Agemcy LtdBOL 波罗地海远东航运公司Baltic Orient LineBONA 邦拿美Bonami LineBRN 保加利亚河运公司Bulgarian River NavigationBSC 孟加拉国海运公司Bangladesh Shipping Co.BSP 巴尔的摩定期轮船公司(美)Baltimore Steam PacketBTC 伯利恒运输公司(美)Bethlehemm Transportation Co.CAT 美国加拿大大西洋转运公司Canada Atlantic transit Company of United States style='font-size: 12.0pt;font-family:CAU 澳大利亚集装箱航运公司Australia Container LineCCC 罗经集装箱运输公司(美)Compass Container CorporationCCCO 加利福尼亚货物集装箱运输公司California Cargo ContainerCCL 加利福尼亚集装箱航运公司(美)California Container LineCCNI 华林船公司CCX 嘉庆航运公司(台湾)Char Ching Marine Co.CGL 加拿大海湾航运公司Canadian Gulf LineCGM 法国航海总公司Compagnie General Maritime Et FinaciereCHF 侨丰船务有限公司Chiao Feng Shipping ltd.CHP 中波轮船有限公司Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Co.CJF 中日国际轮渡有限公司CHINA-JAPAN INTERNATIONAL FERRY CO.,LTD.CKS 天敬海运株式会社CHUN KYUNG Shipping Co.,Ltd.CLO 克卢租箱公司(德国)Clou Container Leasing GmbHCLS 朝联货柜有限公司Chiu Lun Container Co.,LtdCMA 法国达飞轮船有限公司Compagnie Maritime DaffertemetCMCL 招商货柜航运有限公司China Merchants Co.,ltd.CMSNC 招商局轮船股份有限公司(香港)China Merchants Steam Navigation Company, LtdCNCC 中国租船公司China National Chartering CorporationCNS 加拿大国家轮船公司Canadian National SteamshipsCOCENAVE 多西和流域航运公司(巴西)Vale do Rio Doce NavegacaoCOH 京汉船务有限公司Coheung Shipping Co.,ltd.COMANAV 摩洛哥航运公司Compagnie Marocaine de NavigationCOMAUNAM 毛里塔尼亚航运公司Compagnie Mauritanienne de Navigation Maritime style='font-size: 12.0pt;font-family:CON 康曲兰士集装箱公司(德国)Contrans GmbhCOSCO 中国远洋运输集团COSCO GroupCPN 太平洋西北集装箱航运公司Pacific North West Container LineCPV 秘鲁轮船公司Corporacion Peruana de VaporesCRN 联华航业有限公司Chrina Overseas Company ltd.CSAV 南美洲轮船公司(智利)Compagnia Sudamericana de VaporesCSCL 中海船公司China Shipping co.,ltd.CSL 加拿大轮船公司Canada Steamship Lines,Ltd.CTI 国际集装箱运输公司(美国)Container Transport InternationalCTN 突尼斯航运公司Compagnie Tunisienne de NavigationCUCMS 苏伊士运河货运总公司Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritie de Suez style='font-size: 12.0pt;font-family:CYL 朝阳海运Cho Yang Shipping ltd.DFDS 联合轮船公司(丹麦)Det Forende DampskebsselskabDMS 法国达贸轮船有限公司DELMASDSR 德意志罗斯托克航运公司(德国)Deufracht Seereederei RostockDVR 戴尔马维埃热航运公司(法国)Delmas-Vieljeux Socia Navale ChargeursDY 东映海运株式会社PEGASUS CONTAINER SERVICEDYWW 东映自备箱DZ 德利船公司E&A 东方及澳大利亚航运公司Eastern and Australia LineEAC 宝隆轮船公司(丹麦)East Asiatic Co.Ltd.EANSL 东非国营航运公司East African National Shipping LineECT 欧洲联合码头公司Europe combined TerminalEFFDEA 阿根廷国家内河航运公司Empresa FLota Fluvial del Estado ArgentionEGSEL 和荣船务企业有限公司(香港)Ever Glory Shipping Enterprises LtdELMA 阿根廷轮船公司Empresas Lineas Maritimas ArgentinasEMPREMAR 国家海运公司(智利)Empresa Maritima del EstdoENASA 亚马逊河航运公司(巴西)Empresa Navegacao da Amazonia,Sociedade anonimaESCO 东方轮船公司Estern Steamship CompanyESL 东方轮船公司(菲律宾)Eastern Shipping Lines IncorporatedEVG 长荣海运股份有限公司Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd.EXC 昌宏船务有限公司Excelsior Shipping Co.,ltd.FEC 外总FECFESC 远东国际海运公司FESCOFINL 芬兰轮船公司Finnlines LimitedFPL 远东航运公司(俄罗斯)Far Eastern Shipping Co.FREE FREE USEFRONAPE 国家油船公司(巴西)Frota Nacional de PetroleirosFSPL 中央汽船FTI 富腾船务有限公司Fieet Trans International LtdFUJL 富士汽船Fuji Steamship Co., LtdFWSC 陆海英之杰船务有限公司Land-Ocean Inchacape International Container Transport Co.,Ltd.FWSL 友航轮船有限公司Fairweather Steamship Co., Ltd.GBE 金庆联运有限公司Golden Boxe* **press letGEKA 通用海运公司(日本)General Kaiun Shipping Co.GF 金发船务有限公司GOFORGG 源源船务有限公司Guan Guan Shipping ltd.GLE 大湖和欧洲班****司Great Lakes and European LinesGOL 高洲轮船有限公司Golf Ocean Lines Ltd.GONC 海昌航运有限公司Great Oversea Navigation Co.Ltd.GSC 加纳航运公司Ghana Shipping CorporationGSL 金星航运公司Gold Star LineGSNC 通用轮船运输公司(英)General Steam Navigation CompanyGST 金斯塔租箱公司(美国)Genstar Container Corp.GWS GREAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP CO.HAIX 上海海兴船务公司HAI XING SHIPPING CO., LTDHAKAI 八产海运公司(日本)Hachinohe-KaiunHAL 兴亚HAM 向大Hamda Shipping Co., Ltd.HAS 上海海华轮船有限公司SHANGHAI HAI HUA SHIPPING CO., LTDHASAGY 上海海华国际船务代理有限公司SHANGHAI HAI HUA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCYHFL 海富HAI FUHJS 韩进海运Hanjin Shipping ltd.HKEL 香港邮船有限公司HongKong Export Lines Ltd.HKIS 香岛轮船有限公司Hong Kong Islands Shipping Ltd.HKM 香港海运Hong Kong MaritimeHLC 赫伯罗特航运公司(德国)Hapag LloydHMM 现代商船株式会社HYUNDAI Merchant Marine ltd.HSL 富泽有限公司Hope Sea LtdICCU ICCU集装箱集团(意大利)ICCU Container GroupICSN 印华轮船公司Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.,Ltd.IEA 多式联运设备公司(美国)Intermodal Equipment AssociatesILO 国际海洋租箱公司(美国)Interocean Leasing Ltd.INB 英特浦尔集装箱公司(美国)Interpool Ltd. IntuIRI 伊朗ISA 国际航运公司(波多黎哥)International Shipping AgencyITL 伊特尔国际租箱公司(美国)Ited Containers International Corp.IWT 依洛瓦底江航运公司(缅甸)IrawaddWater Transport Corporationy航线内容以下内容仅供参考,原文作者为咖啡加糖。

LITEON_IA_ISA-7_手册标准泛用型 标准泛用型 伺服驱动器技术手册 伺服驱动器技术手册 伺服驱动器技术手册

LITEON_IA_ISA-7_手册标准泛用型 标准泛用型 伺服驱动器技术手册 伺服驱动器技术手册 伺服驱动器技术手册

使用手册User ManualISA-7 Servo Drive系列標準泛用型伺服驅動器技術手冊Revision History內容前言 (8)第一章面板與操作 (11)1.1 產品檢查 (11)1.2 產品型號對照 (12)1.2.1 銘牌說明 (12)1.2.2 型號說明 (13)1.3 伺服驅動器各部名稱 (14)1.4 操作模式 (15)第二章試運轉與調機步驟 (16)2.1 注意事項 (16)2.2 儲存環境條件 (16)2.3 安裝環境條件 (16)2.4 安裝方向與空間 (17)2.5 斷路器與保險絲建議規格 (20)2.6 電磁干擾濾波器選型 (20)2.7 回生電阻的選擇方法 (23)第三章配線 (25)3.1週邊裝置與主電源迴路連接 (25)3.1.1週邊裝置接線圖 (25)3.1.2驅動器的連接器與端子 (27)3.1.3 電源接線法 (28)3.1.4馬達U、V、W 連接頭規格 (29)3.1.5編碼器引出線的連接頭規格 (30)3.1.6線材的選擇 (32)3.2伺服系統基本方塊圖 (33)3.2.1200W(含)以下機種(無內建回生電阻,無風扇) (33)3.2.2400W / 750W機種(內含回生電阻,無風扇) (34)3.2.31kW ~ 2kW 機種(內含回生電阻和風扇) (35)3.3CN1 I/O 信號接線 (36)3.3.1 CN1 I/O 連接器端子 Layout (36)3.3.2CN1 I/O 連接器信號 (38)3.3.3介面接線圖(CN1) (42)3.3.4使用者指定DI 與DO 信號 (53)3.4CN2 編碼器信號接線 (54)3.5CN3 通訊接頭信號接線 (57)3.6 CN5 類比電壓輸出端子 (58)3.7 標準接線方式 (60)3.7.1位置模式標準接線 (60)3.7.2 速度模式標準接線 (61)3.7.3扭矩模式標準接線 (62)第四章面板與操作 (63)4.1 面板顯示與按鍵說明 (63)4.2 面板操作流程 (64)4.3 狀態顯示 (66)4.3.1 狀態值顯示說明 (66)4.3.2 儲存設定顯示 (66)4.3.3小數點顯示 (67)4.3.4 警示訊息顯示 (67)4.3.5 監控顯示 (67)4.4 一般功能操作 (68)4.4.1 異常狀態記錄顯示操作 (68)4.4.2 寸動模式操作 (68)4.4.3 強制數位輸出操作 (70)4.4.4 數位輸入診斷操作 (70)4.4.5 數位輸出診斷操作 (72)第五章試運轉與調機步驟 (73)5.1 無負載檢測 (73)5.2驅動器送電 (74)5.3 空載JOG 測試 (77)5.4 空載的速度測試 (78)5.5 調機步驟 (80)5.5.1調機步驟流程 (80)5.5.2 半自動增益模式調機流程圖 (80)5.5.3 自動增益模式調機流程圖 (82)5.5.4 手動增益參數調整 (83)5.5.5 增益調整模式與參數的關係 (86)5.5.6 機械共振處裡 (86)第六章參數與功能 (88)6.1 參數定義 (88)6.2 參數一覽表 (89)6.2.1 參數總表 (89)6.2.2 參數功能分類 (94)6.3 參數說明 (103)第七章控制機能 (161)7.1 操作模式選擇 (161)7.2 位置模式 (161)7.2.1 位置模式命令 (162)7.2.2 位置模式控制架構 (162)7.2.3 電子齒輪比 (164)7.2.4 位置迴路增益調整 (165)7.3 速度模式 (167)7.3.1 速度命令的選擇 (168)7.3.2 速度模式控制架構 (168)7.3.3 速度命令的平滑處理 (170)7.3.4 類比命令端比例器 (172)7.3.5 速度模式時序圖 (174)7.3.6 速度迴路增益調整 (174)7.3.7 共振抑制單元 (181)7.4 扭矩模式 (193)7.4.1 扭矩命令的選擇 (193)7.4.2 扭矩模式控制架構 (194)7.4.3 扭矩命令的平滑處理 (195)7.4.4 類比命令端比例器 (196)7.4.5 扭矩模式時序圖 (196)7.4.6 混合模式 (197)7.4.7 位置/速度混合模式 (197)7.4.8 位置/扭矩混合模式 (198)7.4.9 速度/扭矩混合模式 (198)7.5 其他 (199)7.5.1 速度限制的使用 (199)7.5.2 扭矩限制的使用 (199)7.53 類比監視 (200)7.5.4 電磁煞車的使用 (201)7.5.4 電磁煞車的使用 (202)第八章通訊機能 (204)8.1 RS-485 / RS-232 通訊硬體介面 (204)8.2 RS-485 / RS-232 通訊參數設定 (205)8.3 MODBUS 通訊協定 (208)第九章異警排除 (214)9.1 驅動器異警一覽表 (214)9.2 異警原因與處置 (216)9.3 發生異警後解決異警之方法 (222)第十章規格 (224)10.1 伺服驅動器標準規格 (224)10.1.1外型尺寸圖(驅動器) (225)10.2 伺服馬達標準規格 (226)10.2.1電機固定螺絲尺寸 (231)10.2.2外型尺寸圖(馬達) (232)10.2.3 NT特性圖 (237)第十一章絕對型伺服系統 (242)11.1絕對型電池盒及線材 (242)11.1.1電池規格 (242)11.1.2電池盒規格 (242)11.1.3絕對型編碼器接線 (242)11.1.4電池盒連接線 (242)11.2安裝 (242)11.2.1安裝電池盒於伺服系統 (242)11.2.2如何裝填電池 (242)11.2.3如何更換電池 (242)11.3系統初始化與操作流程 (242)11.3.1系統初始化 (242)11.3.2絕對脈波數值 (243)11.3.3PUU數值 (244)11.3.4使用DI/DO進行絕對座標初始化 (245)11.3.5使用參數設定進行絕對座標初始化 (246)11.3.6使用DI/DO讀取絕對位置 (246)11.3.7使用通訊讀取絕對位置 (247)11.4絕對型功能的參數說明 (248)11.5數位輸入(DI)功能定義表(絕對型馬達功能) (250)11.6數位輸出(DO)功能定義表(絕對型馬達功能) (250)11.7驅動器絕對型功能異警一覽表 (250)11.7.1異警原因與處置 (251)11.8相關監視變數 (253)前言感謝您使用本產品。




希望以下内容能够为大家的新概念英语学习提供帮助!新概念英语4 Lesson 4Seeing hands能看见东西的手How did Vera discover she had this gift of second sight?Several cases have been reported in Russia recently of people who can detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid and walls. One case concerns and elevenyearold schoolgirl, Vera Petrova, who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. This ability was first noticed by her father. One day she came into his office and happened to put her hands on the door of a locked safe. Suddenly she asked her father why he kept so many old newspapers locked away there, and even described the way they were done up in bundles.Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of Ulyanovsk, near where she lives, and in April she was given a series of tests by a special commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federal Republic. During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still, by moving her elbow over a child's game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and colours printed on it; and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot the outlines and colours of apicture hidden under a carpet. Other experiments showed that her knees and shoulders had a similar sensitivity. During all these tests Vera was blindfold; and, indeed, except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin. It was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.ERIC DE MAUNY Seeing hands from The ListenerNew words and expressionssolidadj. 坚实的safen. 保险柜Ulyanovskn. 乌里扬诺夫斯克commissionn. 委员会opaqueadj. 不透明的lotton. 一种有编号的纸牌slippern. 拖鞋blindfoldadj.& adv. 被蒙上眼睛的参考译文俄罗斯最近报导了几个事例,有人能用手指看书识字和辨认颜色,甚至能透过厚实的门和墙看到东西。



英语听力入门第四册听力原文The English Listening for Beginners Book 4 is a valuable resource for those looking to improve their listening skills in English. This book is designed to help learners understand and comprehend spoken English in various contexts, such as everyday conversations, interviews, and presentations. The content of this book includes a wide range of topics, allowing learners to familiarize themselves with different vocabulary and expressions. By listening to the accompanying audio, learners can practice their listening skills and improve their ability to understand English speakers.One of the key benefits of using this book is that it provides learners with authentic listening materials. The audio recordings feature native English speakers, which allows learners to expose themselves to natural speech patterns and accents. This exposure is crucial for developing listening comprehension skills, as it helps learners become more accustomed to the rhythm andintonation of spoken English. Additionally, the diverse range of topics covered in the book ensures that learners are exposed to different contexts and situations, enabling them to understand English in various real-life scenarios.Furthermore, the book offers a structured approach to improving listening skills. The audio materials are accompanied by comprehension exercises and activities that test learners' understanding of the content. Theseexercises not only reinforce listening comprehension but also help learners develop their vocabulary and grammar skills. By engaging with the content in this way, learners can track their progress and identify areas for improvement. This structured approach provides a clear framework for learners to follow as they work towards improving their listening abilities.In addition to improving listening comprehension, the book also helps learners develop their speaking and pronunciation skills. By listening to the audio recordings, learners can imitate the pronunciation and intonation of native speakers. This practice is essential for improvingspoken English, as it helps learners develop a more natural and authentic accent. Furthermore, the book includes speaking activities that encourage learners to practice expressing themselves in English. By combining listening and speaking practice, learners can enhance their overall communication skills in English.From a practical perspective, the book is user-friendly and accessible. The audio materials can be easily downloaded and played on various devices, allowing learners to practice listening wherever and whenever they choose. The accompanying exercises and activities are also well-structured and easy to follow, making it convenient for learners to engage with the content independently. Additionally, the content of the book is relevant and up-to-date, ensuring that learners are exposed to modern English language usage.Overall, the English Listening for Beginners Book 4 is a comprehensive and effective resource for improving listening skills in English. Its authentic listening materials, structured approach, and practical usabilitymake it a valuable tool for learners looking to enhance their listening comprehension, speaking, and pronunciation skills. By engaging with the content of this book, learners can build a strong foundation for understanding and communicating in English, ultimately leading to greater confidence and proficiency in the language.。

think starter a1 unit4讲解

think starter a1 unit4讲解

think starter a1 unit4讲解
1.思考启动 A1 单元 4 的讲解概述
2.详细讲解 A1 单元 4 的内容
3.总结 A1 单元 4 的主要要点
【思考启动 A1 单元 4 的讲解概述】
本文将介绍思考启动 A1 单元 4 的讲解,这是一个帮助初学者学习如何进行思考和有效表达的教学单元。



【详细讲解 A1 单元 4 的内容】
A1 单元 4 主要包括以下几个方面的内容:





SCAMPER 思考法和 SWOT 分析等。


【总结 A1 单元 4 的主要要点】
总的来说,A1 单元 4 旨在帮助我们提高思考和表达能力,学会构建有力的论点,并掌握一些实用的思维技巧。



Lesson 32
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
Lesson 42
Lesson 41
Lesson 43
Lesson 44
Lesson 45
Lesson 46
Lesson 47
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
Lesson 9 Lesson 10
Lesson 11 Lesson 12
Lesson 13 Lesson 14
Lesson 15 Lesson 16
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 6
Lesson 5
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案
词汇短语 课文精解 全文翻译 练习答案



ISA 规则详解在论坛里面经常看到有人问怎样封QQ ,怎样封BT,怎样配置VPN 服务器,在这里,我利用我们公司的ISA 规则给大家讲解一下。

注意:我所有的访问规则都没有限定内容类型的,因为它可能给HTTP 访问带来一些的困难,我是在HT TP 过滤里面设置的不允许访问的文件扩展名。

我的ISA 设置是根据需要允许特定的用户利用特定的协议在特定的时间内访问特定的网络。

规则一:这个规则是内网所有用户在所有时间都可以用HTTP 、HTTP 、POP3 、SMTP 协议访问公司的指定内部服务器:以上是规则的协议元素以上是访问源,我是设定允许所有内部网用户以上是服务器地址以上是访问的内容类型。

规则二:特殊用户在特殊时间访问外网:公司的一个领导特殊时间要访问外网,这是为他建的规则,以上的允许的协议以上是访问源,我新建的计算机,然后输入他的IP 地址。

因为讨厌3721 ,所以把它封了,这个领导访问外部网的时候,有一个叫 3721 的URL 集例外,也可以把不允许访问的地址放在里面规则三:制定特殊的用户下载压缩文件:因为在HTTP 过虑里面禁止了下载,我专门为有下载需要的用户建了一个下载规则,你可能有疑问,为什么不在另外的规则里面允许下载,因为有的人下载可能是临时的,只要加入这个规则就可以了。

只允许特定的计算机用HTTP 访问外网,还限定了特定的时间。


我只允许了下载 .rar 和 .ZIP 文件,这些都禁止了。

可能你会问到封QQ 的问题,因为QQ 使用的是443 端口和UDP 协议的端口,我只允许了HTTP 访问,不会登录QQ 的;还有B T 的问题,我还没有给公司的局域网封BT ,过两天再说吧,封BT 我认为只要禁止下载BT 的种子就行了,扩展名是 .torrent ,禁止下载这个文件就基本封掉BT 了,但可能别人利用QQ 等、下载压缩的种子文件也能使用BT ;还有一种办法,就是封掉BT 的请求URL:http://*.*.*/announce ,我发现相当大一部份的BT 客户端在下载文件的过程中都要请求这个地址,不知道封这个地址有没有效,有兴趣的朋友可以试试。






知识=月薪=年薪=金钱=香车宝马=…….. ,呵呵。








将电子产品抽象成一个硬件的模型,大约有以下组成:1) 输入2) 处理核心3) 输出输入根本上有以下的可能:1) 键盘2) 串行接口〔RS232/485/can bus/以太网/USB〕3) 开关量〔TTL,电流环路,干接点〕4) 模拟量〔4~20ma、0~10ma、0~5V〔平衡和非平衡信号〕〕输出根本上有以下组成:1) 串行接口〔RS232/485/can bus/以太网/USB〕2) 开关量〔TTL、电流环路、干接点、功率驱动〕3) 模拟量〔4~20ma,0~10ma,0~5V〔平衡和非平衡信号〕〕4) LED显示:发光管、八字5) 液晶显示器处理核心主要有:1) 8位单片机,主要就是51系列2) 32位arm单片机,主要有atmel和三星系列51系列单片机现在看来,只能做一些简单的应用,说白了,这个芯片也就是做单一的一件事情,做多了,不如使用arm来做;还可以在arm上加一个操作系统,程序既可靠又容易编写。






1. 国际财务报告准则(IFRS)国际财务报告准则是世界上广泛采用的会计准则之一,它规定了企业应如何编制和披露财务报表。




2. 国际审计准则(ISA)国际审计准则规定了审计师在进行审计工作时应遵守的标准。





3. 国际道德准则(IESBA)国际道德准则规范了会计师在从业过程中应遵守的道德要求。



4. 国际统计准则(IPSAS)国际统计准则适用于公共部门的财务报告。




5. 国际税收准则国际税收准则涉及跨境经营和投资的税务规定。


新手学堂 主板各种插槽

新手学堂 主板各种插槽

新手学堂[必知必会——主板插槽]ISA插槽ISA插槽是基于ISA总线(Industrial Standard Architecture,工业标准结构总线)的扩展插槽,其颜色一般为黑色,比PCI接口插槽要长些,位于主板的最下端。

其工作频率为8MHz 左右,为16位插槽,最大传输率8MB/sec,可插接显卡,声卡,网卡已及所谓的多功能接口卡等扩展插卡。



上图中左侧最长的插槽为ISA插槽(黑色),中间白色的为PCI插槽,右边棕色的插槽为AGP插槽PCI插槽CI插槽是基于PCI局部总线(Pedpherd Component Interconnect,周边元件扩展接口)的扩展插槽,其颜色一般为乳白色,位于主板上AGP插槽的下方,ISA插槽的上方。


可插接显卡、声卡、网卡、内置Modem、内置ADSL Modem、USB2.0卡、IEEE1394卡、IDE接口卡、RAID卡、电视卡、视频采集卡以及其它种类繁多的扩展卡。


上图中左侧最长的插槽为ISA插槽(黑色),中间白色的为PCI插槽,右边棕色的插槽为AGP插槽AGP插槽AGP(Accelerated Graphics Port)是在PCI总线基础上发展起来的,主要针对图形显示方面进行优化,专门用于图形显示卡。

AGP标准也经过了几年的发展,从最初的AGP 1.0、AGP2.0 ,发展到现在的AGP 3.0,如果按倍速来区分的话,主要经历了AGP 1X、AGP 2X、AGP 4X、AGP PRO,目前最新片版本就是AGP 3.0,即AGP 8X。



专业术语(缩写)列表---新手入门参考AALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) 算术逻辑单元注:主要功能是进行二进制的算术运算,如加减乘(不包括整数除法)。

CCg (C Graphics)注:NVIDIA 推出的一种高级着色语言,代表的是绘图显示用的C语言。

CMP (Chip Multi-Processor) 片上多处理器注:单个芯片上实现SMP,每一个处理器内核就是一个相对简单的单线程处理器。


CMT (Chip Multi-threading) 片上多线程注:在一块芯片上集成多个MT处理器内核,构造出支持TLP的SMP系统。


CPI (Cycles Per Instruction) 每指令时钟数注:处理器中每条指令执行所需的系统时钟数。

CTA(Cooperative Thread Array) 互相合作的线程组注:也称为Thread block;线程间允许彼此同步,通过共享内存交换数据。

CUBLAS (CUDA Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) CUDA基本线性代数子程序注:CUDA提供的函数库,在硬件驱动上实现,编程时可直接使用。

CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) 统一计算架构注:由NVIDIA推出的,建立在GPU基础之上的通用计算开发平台。

EECC (Error Checking and Correcting) 错误检查和纠正注:一种内存数据的错误检查与纠正技术,占用的额外位宽小,实际数据位宽增加一倍,校验比特只增加1位。

FFPU (Float Point Unit) 浮点运算单元注:专用于浮点运算的处理器,典型的运算包括加、减、乘、除、平方根运算等。

Ggrid 网格注:一组thread block,以1维、2维或3维组织,共享全局内存。

剑桥英语基础A 第4课适合初学者

剑桥英语基础A 第4课适合初学者

▪主语+be+现在分词 ▪1.表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示 当前一段时间内或现阶段正在进行的动作。 ▪2.肯定句:be+动词ing.
I am wearing boots。 ▪3.否定句:be+ not + ing
I am not wearing boots 。 ▪4.一般疑问句:把be动词放句首。
▪Sandals 凉鞋 Slippers 拖鞋
r▪aincoat suit jacket skirt
▪ blouse shoes high heels belt
▪ dress shirt tie
sweater T-shirt swimsuit trunks
pants sneakers gloves boots
A pleasant weather宜人的气候
▪ Where do you come from? ▪ I come from Greece. ▪ What’s the climate like in your country? ▪ It’s very pleasant. ▪ What’s the weather like in spring? ▪ It’s often windy in March. It’s always warm in April and May.
August September October
November January
In spring , What are you wearing?
Warm sunny
In summer , what are you
Rainy humid



Unit 4 Thank you ,Mum!字母:q,r,s,t,u 的基本发音以及写法。

要点词汇:queen red(第二单元已学) sun table umbrella boy king新课标词汇:red(第二单元已学) sun table umbrella boy课文要点:1)、会运用“ and表”示 A 和 B(要求背,以及模拟着说):an umbrella and a table; the king and queen2)、会用英语表达感谢(运用于平时生活的表达):A:Thank you !B:You are welcome !3)、 q,r,s,t,u 的基本发音以及大小写书写i.要点语法:1)、形容词 +and+ 形容词 +名词的搭配表达:a red and green umbrella;a blue and yellow umbrella;老师取出一把伞(只有红绿两种颜色):What color is it ?It's green and red.It's a green and red umbrella.2)、名词 +and+ 名词:an umbrella and a table教学设计:一周一次Period1Step1Greeting and divide group( 5min)Step2warm up( 3min )if you happy and you know( say hurray) XX,此处引入Hurray.Step3Presentation( 8min )天气很好,小男孩 boy 准备出门参加Pop 他们的派对,引出 sun,table,umbrella,queen,king. (What can you see)Step4 Practice(35min)sunDrill :①自然拼读②do and saytableDrill :①自然拼读②run to the table (touch and say)umbrella( 实物 )Drill :①自然拼读②call numberqueenDrill :①自然拼读②catch and sayking.Drill :①自然拼读②jump and sayPage21. 4 整体整合单词(Point and say/ Jump and say)Period2Step1. warm up(2min)(happy happy together)Step2. Review key words(5min)(跳房屋和闪卡)Step3. Listen and chant (P23)(10min)Drill: ① Listen and clap②Listen and touch the words③萝卜蹲游戏(一人一个要点单词,教师朗诵chant)④ chantStep4.经过前一步的chant 引入今天语法and( 10min )T:What ’s this?Ss: An umbrella.What color is it?Red and blue.Drill: Ask and answer(替代)Step5.情形对话(课文)( 10min )T : Give me the“umbrella( 本课要点单词)”Ss:an umbellaT: Thank you, good boy(girl).Ss:Hurray.Drill:① T示范,练习②学生疏组练习(对话课文)Step6. Review all the words and lead in the letters QRSTU(10min )① 带读字母,并做字母操。



2024年英文标准教案《This is a》一、教学内容本节课选自2024年英文教材《This is a》第一章节,主要详细内容为介绍日常生活中常见物品,如苹果、书、椅子等,并通过这些物品学习冠词使用,掌握“A”和“An”用法。

二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握日常物品英文表达;2. 使学生能够正确使用冠词“A”和“An”;3. 培养学生听说读写能力,提高他们英语交际水平。



四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、卡片、录音机;2. 学具:课本、练习本、彩色笔。

五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(5分钟)利用PPT展示一幅教室画面,让学生观察并描述图片中物品,引导学生用英文表达,如:“This is a book.”、“That is an apple.”。

2. 新课内容呈现(15分钟)通过讲解教材内容,让学生学习并掌握日常物品英文表达,同时讲解冠词“A”和“An”用法。

3. 例题讲解(10分钟)给出几个例句,让学生判断句子中冠词是否正确,并进行讲解。

4. 随堂练习(10分钟)发给学生练习纸,要求他们根据图片写出正确句子,如:“This is a chair.”、“That is an orange.”。

5. 小组活动(10分钟)将学生分成小组,让他们互相描述自己身边物品,并正确使用冠词。


六、板书设计1. 《This is a》2. 主要内容:日常物品英文表达冠词“A”和“An”用法3. 示例句子:This is a book.That is an apple.七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1) 根据图片写出正确句子(10个);(2) 用“A”和“An”填空(10个)。

答案:1. (1) This is a chair. That is a table.(2) an apple, a banana,八、课后反思及拓展延伸本节课通过实践情景引入、例题讲解、随堂练习等多种教学活动,让学生掌握日常物品英文表达和冠词使用。

think starter a1 unit4讲解

think starter a1 unit4讲解

think starter a1 unit4讲解单元4主要介绍了与身体部位和感觉相关的词汇以及相关的动词和短语。






















• 1、确认WIN2000系统补丁SP4已安装; • 2、安装OFFICE 2003 ;
安装SQL ——中文开发版
安装SQL ——安装2000组件
安装SQL ——安装数据库服务器
安装SQL ——本地计算机
安装SQL ——创建实例
安装SQL ——选择安装服务器和客户端工具
安装SQL ——选默认
1、通讯屏蔽层单点接地; 2、总线模式不允许存在分支;
(CAN、485或422) 3、232串口通讯电气距离小于15m; 4、CAN网络头尾并联匹配电阻120Ω; 5、网络线的正反线制作及应用。
• CAN、RS232、RS422、RS485等通讯网 络要求使用屏蔽双绞线,且各屏蔽双绞线 的屏蔽层应当可靠地单端接地。
TX发送端 RX接收端 GND信号地
TX发送端 RX接收端 GND信号地
• RS422连接
TX+发送正 TX-发送负 RX+接收正 RX-接收负
TX+发送正 TX-发送负 RX+接收正 RX-接收负
• CAN及RS485匹配电阻的连接
• 1、ISA300+程序安装; 系列号: snari
2、系统备份GHOST C盘; GHOST 使用方法
• 系统设置程序 • 数据库维护工具 • 数据库配置工具 • 图形组态 • 前置机配置工具 • 报表 • 服务器 • HMI客户端 • 事故追忆



新编英语教程4U n i t1(总28页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Unit One1.Movie ClipWatch the movie clip and answer the following questions.1.What is Ingrid’s first New Year’s resolution Did she accomplishit?2.Her first New Year’s resolution is to quit her job. Yes, she did.2.Why did Ingrid buy the man for the whole dayBecause she wanted him to help make her other New Year’sresolutions come true by midnight.Discussion:Why do New Year’s resolutions rarely work In your opinion, how can we succeed in achieving them?(This is an open question.)Script(From New Year’s Eve)- All right. Working on those resolutions, huh?- No.- Okay. I have a delivery here for Mr. Jonathan Cox.- Do you work here?- No. I work for a courier(快递员) service. I’ve been delivering packages to you for about, I don’t know, a year now. But I think this is maybe the first time you’ve ever looked me in the eye. How are you doing?- Sorry. That’s actually an old resolution. Make more eye contact. - So those were New Year’s resolutions, huh Looks like a long list. You gotta get on it.- I don’t know, maybe next year.- Whoa. Jeez! Are you serious That is a hot ticket.- Really- It’s amazing. They have the best food, the best music. They have so many single girls. And it’s a masquerade(化妆舞会), so youdon’t even have to worry about their faces. You kind of just, you know, use your imagination. If anybody tries to kick you out, or even asks who you are, you just straight-up lie. What are they gonna doIt’s brilliant. It’s like Facebook, but real.- I remember who you are now.- Right, exactly. Anyways, I would give my left... Well, maybe next year.- Ms. Withers Did you call in a delivery of something- Ingrid.- Ingrid.- And actually, I’m your next job. I bought you for the day.- Bought me for the day, huh Oh, Ms. Withers. I think I should be offended(得罪,冒犯), but I’m just too intrigued(好奇的,被迷住的).- My New Year’s resolutions. I just took care of the first one.- You quit your job All right.- If you can make the rest of these come true by midnight, you get these.- For me Holy shi... Whoa. Whoa, okay. Put these down. Put these down. Don’t flash those around. Everybody can see them. Seriously, You called the right guy. I’m in. Let me see No. Two. What is it Whew. Go to Bali. Breakfast at Tiffany’s. You wanna save a life. Are you kidding meIt’s physically impossible. I don’t understand what you’re talking about. All rightI don’t understand what you want me to do here.- Use your imagination.- We’re gonna need a bigger boat.- You know, you don’t have to sit like that. You can put your legs around me, or you can hold onto me.- No, I’m okay.- All right.- This is it. This is as close to the ball dropping as I can get you. Hey, good luck with that last one, all right?- No. I figured that was a long shot going in.- A long shot What are you talking about Going to Bali That was kindof a long shot.- Let’s get this out of here, okay?- Man, I don’t even know whose this is, bro. I’m just saying.- Thanks. Make a list of your own. Don’t wait as long as I did.- Pow, pow, shwing.- Thank you. Mm.- Goodbye.- Goodbye.- Have a great time.- You too. Happy new year, Ingrid.3.QuotesRead the following quotes and tell your classmates which one is your favorite. State your reasons.Sometimes we know the best thing to do, but fail to do it. Newyear’s resolutions are often like that. We make resolutions because we know it would be better for us to lose weight, or get fit, or spend more time with our children. The problem is that a resolutionis generally easier to break than it is to keep.— Peter SingerNo one’s ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that’s abandoned by February.— Suze OrmanI have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vastmajority of those I meet couldn’t be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Year’s resolution is not to bark back.— Tucker CarlsonMy New Year’s Resolution List usually starts with the desire to lose between ten and three thousand pounds.— Nia VardalosIf you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am.— Cyril CusackMay all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.— Joey AdamsI think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the years’.— Henry MooreMaking resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle.—Eric ZornI made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.—Anaïs NinText I1.Pre-Reading QuestionsThe hero of the story, who is married and has four children, istalking about his New Year’s Resolution in the text. In the first paragraph, he says “This year it’s going to be different”. Whydoes he say soWhat sort of resolutions did he make in the previous yearsHow do his New Year’s resolutions for this year differ from previous onesMake a few guesses.For your reference:When a person makes New Year’s resolutions, he makes up his mind to do or not to do certain things in the coming year. Of course,different people make different New Year’s resolutions. For example, a student may decide to work harder at his studies and not go to the cinema so often; a teacher may decide to improve his/her teaching; a heavy smoker may decide to stop smoking altogether. Some people maybe able to carry out their New Year’s resolutions, but some may not. For most people, it’s often easier to make New Year’s resolutions than to carry them out.2.General ReadingYou are given five minutes to read the text rapidly once to get the main idea.Now decide which of the following statements best sums up the main idea. Put a tick by it.__ 1. Some of his family members were pleased while others were not when the writer tried to please everybody in the family on NewYear’s Day.__ 2. The writer tried to be a better husband and a better father in the new year, and his family members appreciated this.√ 3. The writer carried out his New Year’s resolutions faithfully to improve himself, but the results all went contrary to hisexpectations.Key(点击答案按钮,上述第三句前面横线上出现√)3.Background Notes(1) escapement(卡子,擒纵机)An escapement is a device in mechanical watches and clocks that transfers energy to the timekeeping element and allows the number of its oscillations(振荡,振动) to be counted. The escapement isdriven by force from a coiled卷 spring弹簧 or a suspended悬挂暂停weight, transmitted through the timepiece’s时钟座钟 gear 齿轮排挡train. The amount of stored energy, energy loss and efficiency of transfer to the timekeeping element determines the time a clock will run after it has been wound.(2) small talkSmall talk is meaningless conversation in terms of content, butis often seen as socially important in certain situations, or context. In many English-speaking countries, it can be viewed as rude or unfriendly not to participate in it. Non-personal comments about non-controversial subjects are usually considered as appropriate for this type of conversation.4.TextThis Year It’s Going to Be Different(1)New Year’s resolutions are like anything else — you get outof them what you put in. Judging from results of other years, I had never put enough in, but this year was going to be different. I read books on self-improvement before I wrote my list. Find some beauty in everything. ... Make the other fellow feel important. ... Aboutthirty like that. Pretty clearly, (2)anyone who followed mycollection of rules would be blessed with a richer life, (1)boundless 无穷的无限的love from his family, and the admiration of the community. I could hardly wait until New Year’s Day.When I came downstairs Maggie, my wife, was at the kitchen sink水池. I (2)tiptoed over踮着脚尖走 and kissed her on the back of the neck. (Resolution : Be (3)spontaneous自发的无意识的自然的inshowing affection.) She (4)shrieked尖叫and dropped a cup. “Don’t ever (5)sneak up悄悄来临鬼鬼祟祟 on me like that again!” she cried.“You’re looking lovely this morning,” I said. (A sincere(6)compliment称赞恭维 is worth its weight in gold.)(3)“Look,” she said, “it wasn’t my idea to stay out untilfour .”I took some aspirin and coffee into the living room. I’d just started reading the paper when Sammy, our five-year-old, came in. He was wearing the watch he’d received for Christmas. (4)“Say, Dad,”he said, “what makes a watch run?”In the old days I would have told him to ask his mother. Instead,I got a pencil and drew a (7)sketch草图素描 of the escapement(8)mechanism结构机械装置机能. (Always encourage your child’s curiosity.) It took about fifteen minutes, and Sammy wandered off several times, but I kept calling him back. “There,” I said,“that’s what makes your watch run.”(5)“Then how come it doesn’t?” he asked.His brother Roy walked by. “You have to wind上发条 it,” said Roy. Sammy wound it and held it to his ear. He smiled. “Roy sure is smart,” he said.Our daughter Gretchen came in with her doll, Mrs. Robinson. “Good morning, Gretchen,” I said. “Happy New Year, Mrs. Robinson.” (Meet your child at his own level.)(6)“It isn’t either happy,” said Gretchen. “Mrs. Robinson is sick. Probably a coronary冠状动脉血栓形成.”“Why don’t you take her to see Dr. Sammy?” I suggested. “He can use his new doctor’s kit.”The phone rang, and I answered it. It was a friend of ourdaughter Kit. “Happy New Year, Marilyn,” I said. “What have you been doing over the holidays?” (Show an interest in your children’s friends.) She said she hadn’t been doing anything much. “(7)Come now, a pretty girl like you,” I said (9)jovially—(8)“I’ll bet the fellows are(10)swarming蜂群挤满涌往around.… What’s that Yes, of course you can speak to Kit. Certainly.”Kit was in her room with the record player going very loud, I (11)rapped敲击on the door. She called out something, and I went in. She was in her pajamas睡衣裤. “I didn’t say you could come in!”she (12)yelled, grabbing抓住 a robe睡袍 and holding it in front of her. At fourteen, she has become extremely aware of being female.“I’m sorry. I couldn’t understand you,” I said apologetically. To ease the situation, I picked up her (13)brand-new全新的 sweater毛衣运动衫 from the floor and put it over a chair.“I was going to pick it up,” she said defensively, “You don’t always put your things away.”There was a series of shrieks down the hall. I found Gretchen in tears. Roy and Sammy were about to perform open-heart surgery外科手术 on Mrs. Robinson with a scou搜索侦察跟踪t knife. “She told us Mrs. Robinson was sick,” Roy said.(9)I suggested that they carve切雕 something for their mother — like a salad spoon. (Encourage creativity in the young.) In the kitchen, Maggie wanted to know what was wrong with Gretchen. “Mrs. Robinson had a coronary,” I told her.“I know you’re not feeling your best after last night,” she said, “but I’m getting a little tired of these smart remarks. Would you mind taking the garbage out?”“I’d be happy to,” I said. (The most (14)trivial琐碎的平常的(15)chore零星工作令人讨厌的工作can prove rewarding if approached with (16)zest热情兴趣.)“Do you have to be so (17)sarcastic讽刺的挖苦的” she said.It seemed that my resolutions weren’t working the way the books had said. I didn’t quit, though. I helped the boys build a snowman — only Sammy got his feet wet and Roy lost his mittens露指手套 and they went inside. I played jacks玩游戏 with Gretchen, but she said I didn’t do it right. I (18)struck up 开始a conversation with Kit, trying to establish some kind of (19)rapport友好关系融洽和谐. I touched on hippies, pop music, dating, (20)morality and so on. She contributed very little. Anybody else (10)would have thrown in the sponge, but I kept trying. For example, Maggie always (21)dreads 害怕担心taking down拿取 the Christmas tree, so I thought I’d do it forher. (Take over接管帮忙 one of your wife’s chores, she’ll love you for it.)I was about two thirds done when Maggie came in. “Oh, no!” she cried. “I wanted it left up for the party tonight. Can’t you just sit and watch a football game, pleaseIt’s what you usually do on New Year’s.”“This year is different,” I said.“Yes, isn’t it?” She shook her head. “I swear I don’t know. The kids have been impossible all day. I found the boys (22)whittling 切削 on my best salad spoon, and then (12)they had the nerve to say you suggested it. And Kit has been (12)in a poisonous mood. She said that Marilyn phoned and you didn’t tell her. And that you (23)cross-examined盘问 Marilyn about her boyfriends.”(13)“Hold it!” I said. “I was only making small talk.” By now the kids were in the room, drawn by the commotion混乱喧闹.“You never bothered with small talk before. Why start now?”“Because it’s New Year’s,” I said. I explained to the assembled gathering about the books and the resolutions and what I’d been trying to accomplish. Silence. The kids stood there looking uneasily at each other. “A man wants to improve himself,” I said. “He wants to be a better husband, a better father —”“We all want to be better,” Maggie said. “Except that when you’re so considerate it doesn’t seem natural. (14)If the kids do something and you get mad, they know where they stand. But whenyou’re so (24)even-tempered性情平和的沉重的稳重的—”“Yeah,” Kit said. “You didn’t say a word about my clothes on the floor. You just smiled. (15)It made me sick.”Roy said, “(16)I been in more trouble today.…”Gretchen said, “I think it was better when you didn’t play jacks.”“(17)And yelled,” Sammy said, “and said ‘damitall(damn itall 口语表达愤怒的方式)’.”“All right,” I (25)snarled咆哮吠, “I make every effort to be a good father, and this is the thanks I get. The fact is, you don’t deserve the father you’ve got.”I was illustrating 说明表明my points with gestures. “You’re the ones who’d better start making resolutions. Like doing your homework, cleaning your rooms, (18)letting the spoons alone. And when I tell you to do something,(19) jump!”I reached out to steady a lamp I had brushed with my sleeve. “Furthermore —” At this moment, I realized suddenly that the atmosphere had changed. The kids were sprawled四肢伸展坐着 on the floor, relaxed. I turned to Maggie.“Why is everybody smilingWhat’s the big joke?”“No joke,” she said. “We’re just happy to have you back again.”Words and phrases: (点击文中红色单词或词组,出现该红色部分及.字样,再单击. ,出现例句)(1) boundless: a. having no limit or end. Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you have boundless energy?The Internet occupies little space and has a boundlessstoring capacity.(2) tiptoe:v. walk quietly and carefully on your toes, so thatnobody hears you. He tiptoed quietly around the house to avoid waking the children.The constitutional right to bear arms is seen by manyAmericans as set in stone, and even after mass shootings,politicians have tiptoed around specific steps.(3) spontaneous:a. not planned or organized, but happening by itself,self-generated. Both sides burst into spontaneous cheers at the magician’s skillful tricks.The activities may be spontaneous or at the suggestion of the teacher.(4) shriek:v. make a very high loud sound, especially because one isafraid, angry, excited, or in pain. Everyone is shrieking with excitement and jumping up and down.People sometimes shriek because of terror, anger, or pain. (5) sneak:v. go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoidbeing seen or heard. How did you sneak off in the middle of the meeting without being noticed?His son grabbed his running shoes and sneaked out this morning.(6) compliment:n. a remark that shows one admires someone orsomething. Receiving a compliment can lead to a great friendship or help a day be better.They have discovered that the same area of the brain is activated when a person is rewarded a compliment or cash.(7) sketch:n. a simple, quickly-made drawing that does not show muchdetail. The sketch should be centered horizontally on the canvas.With this program you can get not just black and white sketch, but a color picture.(8) mechanism:n. part of a machine or a set of parts that does aparticular job. Removing the hands from a battery-operated clock mechanism is an easy job that requires no special tools.A regenerative brake is an energy recovery mechanism whichslows a vehicle or object down by converting its kinetic energyinto another form.(9) jovially:adj. happily. He also resumed smoking, jovially asking an interviewer what he would do if he only had a month to live.The girl was feeling very insignificant when she heard someonelaughing jovially behind her.(10) swarm:v. go to a place as a large, uncontrolled group. By midday skiers will swarm over the slopes of this popular winter resort.The passionate students swarm into the auditorium to attenda lecture by the celebrated professor of CambridgeUniversity.(11) rap:v. hit or knock something quickly several times. He rapped sharply on his son’s head with his knuckles.He shouted and rapped with his walking stick on the door.(12) yell:v. shout or say something very loudly, especially becauseone is frightened, angry, or excited. If you ask children how they feel about being yelled at, they will all tell you they don’t like it.He yelled out the wrong answer in class and now he looks like a moron.(13) brand-new: a. new and not yet used. Waving in the day of snow, we greeted a brand-new year again. More importantly, users will enjoy a brand-new experience while interacting together on the multi-touch table.(14) trivial:a. not serious, important, or valuable. Please don’t omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem.Cool down! There’s no need to lose your temper over such a trivial matter.(15) chore:n. a task such as cleaning, washing, and ironing that hasto be done regularly at home; something one has to do thatis very boring and unpleasant. The calories burned while you’re doing household chores can really add up.It’s a real chore for me to write a book review because it’s like a contest.(16) zest:n. eager interest and enjoyment. Romance in its broader meaning refers to a zest for life.A leader must have zest if people are to follow him andachieve the corporate mission.(17) sarcastic:a. saying or doing things that are the opposite ofwhat one means, in order to make an unkind joke or toshow that he or she is annoyed. The state trooper was obviously being sarcastic when he asked if my speedometer was working.I don’t always send a sarcastic text—but when I do, itgets completely misinterpreted.(18) strike up a conversation with: start talking with. I struck up a conversation with the girl sitting next to me.All of them find it difficult to strike up a conversation with a stranger.(19) rapport:n. a friendly relationship of mutual understanding ortrust and agreement between people. Building rapport is important in interpersonal relationships.He always tried to maintain a rapport with his customers.(20) morality:n. beliefs or ideas about what is right and wrong andabout how people should behave. The traditional culture and morality goes down generation by generation.Wisdom without morality is like a ring without a gem.(21) dread:v. feel anxious or worried about something that is goingto happen or may happen. He was late for his English lesson that morning as he dreaded having to speak in public.Have you ever dreaded a conversation with a co-worker, a boss or even a client?(22) whittle:v. cut a piece of wood into a particular shape bycutting off small pieces with a knife; gradually makesomething smaller by taking parts away. Make this plug smaller for me, but do not whittle away too much wood.Your article is too long, try to whittle it away to half its length.(23) cross-examine:v. ask someone questions about something thatthey have just said, to see if they are telling thetruth, especially in a court of law. Before you cross-examine a witness you need to consider whether the evidence they have provided in chief is harmfulto your case.Under the common law, a party cannot cross-examine its own witness unless the witness is declared hostile.(24) even-tempered:a. calm and not easily irritated. Dr. Pat discusses why a normally even-tempered pre-teen may become moody or perhaps depressed.An even-tempered dog is a welcome addition to a family. (25) snarl:v. speak or say something in a nasty, angry way. “Shut up,” he snarled.The drunk snarled at the security guard who told him to leave the area.Notes (点击文中蓝色字体,出现该内容,再点击,出现下面的注释内容)(1)New Year’s resolutionsomething one makes up one’s mind to do at the beginning of a new year in order to be and do better in the year ahead(2)anyone … would be blessed with a richer life …anyone … would be lucky enough to have an interesting and eventful life …The literal meaning of bless is “ask God’s favour or protection for”.Example:The priest blessed the people in the parish.Be blessed with, however, only means “have something such as an ability, a good quality, which is admired or which is anadvantage to a person.”More examples:My eighty-year-old grandmother is blessed with good health.His brother is blessed with an inquisitive mind.(3)“Look,” she said, “it wasn’t my idea …”Look in this context is an interjection which is used foremphasizing a point before making a statement, often when one is angry. Sometimes look here is used to express the same meaning and feeling.More examples:Look, I don’t mind your opening the window, but you shouldn’t let the child sit in the draught.Look here, where are your manners How can you talk to your grandmother like that(4)“Say, Dad,” he said, “what makes a watch run?”Say used in this way is an Americanism. It is used to attract attention or to express surprise.More examples:Say, how come you’re here!Say, what makes the lid of the kettle go up when the water’s boiling(5)Then how come it doesn’t?(6)(7)Then why doesn’t it runHow come is informally used to ask “how does / did it happen(that) …” or “why …”More examples:How come many vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes and green peppers, are still in good supply these days despite the recent downpour“How come so many foreign visitors went to Harbin last winter?”“Because of the annual ice festival held there. Many overseastourists wanted to see the famous ice sculptures there.”(8)It isn’t either happy.The normal order of the sentence is: It isn’t happy, either.This is child talk, meaning “It’s really unhappy.”(9)come nowThis is an expression used to encourage the person spoken to, or persuade / convince him or her. It may also express irritation or impatience.More examples:Come now, you can do it yourself.Come now, of course you can come to the lecture.(10)I’ll bet the fellows are swarming around.I’m sure many young men are after you. The literal meaning ofbet is “risk (money) on the result of a future event” (打赌).Example:He betted his friend $100 that Team A would defeat Team B in the semi-final.But when informally used, bet means “be certain that something will happen”.Examples:I bet it’ll clear up tomorrow just for the football game.I’ll bet our alumni get-together will be a great success.You bet is used informally as an emphatic way of saying “yes”.Example:“Are you coming to the farewell party for Mrs. Thomson?”“You bet.” (=Certainly.)(11)I suggested that they carve something for their mother — like a saladspoon.I suggested that they should carve something for their mother,for example, a salad spoon, using the scout knife.Carve is in the subjunctive. A subjunctive verb is often used in the that-clause after such verbs as suggest, request, insist,recommend, etc.This use of the subjunctive is mainly American English. InBritish English, should+verb is used in the that-clause.Example:He insisted that Tom should go alone.salad spoon — a big wooden or plastic spoon used to serve or mixa dish of cold, sliced vegetables such as lettuce, cucumber andtomato seasoned with oil(12)would have thrown in the spongewould have admitted defeat and given up doing …(13)they had the nerve to say you suggested itThey were rude enough to say that … The literal meaning of nerve is 神经, but have the nerve to do something means “shock or anger someone by doing something rude or disrespectful”.Example:How could she have the nerve to say such a thing in public!Nerve may also mean “courage, determination, and self-control”.Examples:I hadn’t the nerve to speak before so many people.What a nerve! means “What impudence! How rude of you!”(14)in a poisonous moodin a very bad temper(15)“Hold it!” I said, “I was only making small talk.”“Stop talking!” I said, “I was only talking about unimportant matters.”“住嘴!”我说,“我不过在跟她闲聊。

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