Sage++ An object-oriented toolkit and class library for building Fortran and C++ restructur





错选、多选或未选均无分.1. ( )If a system is being developed where the customers are not sure of what theywant, the requirements are often poorly defined。

Which of the following would be an appropriate process model for this type of development?(A)prototyping(B)waterfall(C)V-model(D)spiral2. ()The project team developing a new system is experienced in the domain.Although the new project is fairly large, it is not expected to vary much from applications that have been developed by this team in the past. Which process model would be appropriate for this type of development?(A)prototyping(B)waterfall(C)V-model(D)spiral3. ()Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?(A)Process(B)Manufacturing(C)Methods(D)T ools4. ()Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities?(A)communication,planning,modeling,construction,deployment(B) communication, risk management, measurement,production, reviewing(C)analysis,designing,programming, debugging, maintenance(D)analysis, planning,designing,programming,testing5. ()The incremental model of software development is(A)A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.(B)A good approach when a working core product is required quickly。



ims试题一、选择题(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1. 在IMS系统中,以下哪项是用于描述学习资源的元数据标准?A. IEEE 1484.12.1.1B. IEEE 1484.22.1C. IEEE 1484.11.4D. IEEE 1484.5.22. SCORM标准的主要目的是什么?A. 确保学习内容的兼容性和重用性B. 提高学习管理系统的安全性C. 优化学习资源的存储和检索D. 增强学习者的互动体验3. 以下哪个不是学习管理系统(LMS)的主要功能?A. 课程管理B. 学习者跟踪C. 内容分发D. 财务报告4. 在IMS中,以下哪项技术用于支持学习者之间的协作?A. LTI(Learning Tools Interoperability)B. SCORM(Shareable Content Object Reference Model)C. QTI(Question and Test Interoperability)D. Caliper Analytics5. 以下哪个是用于评估学习者学习成果的标准?A. LOM(Learning Object Metadata)B. SCORM(Shareable Content Object Reference Model)C. QTI(Question and Test Interoperability)D. xAPI(Experience API)6. 在电子学习领域,API代表什么?A. Application Programming InterfaceB. Automated Product InterfaceC. Advanced Programming InterfaceD. Automated Product Integration7. 以下哪项不是电子学习中常见的内容交付格式?A. SCORMB. AICCC. xAPID. PDF8. 以下哪种类型的学习资源最适合移动学习环境?A. 长篇文本文档B. 互动多媒体课程C. 静态图片D. 长视频讲座9. 在IMS中,KPI代表的是什么?A. Key Performance IndicatorB. Knowledge Processing IndicatorC. Knowledge Productivity IndexD. Knowledge Process Improvement10. 以下哪个不是电子学习的优势?A. 灵活性和可访问性B. 个性化学习路径C. 降低学习成本D. 强制学习者参与二、简答题(共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)11. 简述IMS的基本目标和作用。

IBM TRIRIGA 用户体验框架说明书

IBM TRIRIGA 用户体验框架说明书

IBMTCM CommunityProfiles -Communities -WikisIBMTRIRIGA► TRIRIGA Wiki Home► Facilities Management & Space P ...Facilities Maintenance► Environmental & Energy Manage ...► Real Estate Management► Capital Project Management► CAD Integrator-Publisher and BIM► IBM TRI R IGA Connector for Wats ...► IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere► IBM TRI R IGA Application Platform► Release Notes► Media Library► Best Practices► Upgrading► Troubleshooting-UX F rameworkUXArticles► UX A pp Building• UX Perceptive Apps• UX in Foundation Tools• UX A pp Designer ToolsUX B est Practices-UX i n Foundation DocsWhat is the UX f rameworkUX i n Application BuildingUX i n Application Building -C ...UX i n Globalization User Guide• UX i n Object Migration User .. .UX i n User Experience User G .. .UX C omponent Docs► UX T ips & TricksUXVideos• UX A rchivesIndexMembersTrash... Tags Find a Tag.,analysis application availability_sectionbest_practices cad change_managementchanges compare compare_revisionscustomizations customize database db2exchange find_available_times gantt_chartgantt_scheduler group memory_footprintmodifications modify object_labelobject_revision operating_system oracleperformance platform problem_determination reports reservereserve_performance revision revisioningsingle_sign-on snapshot space sql_serversso support systemsystem_performance tags:track_ c ustomizations tri r i Q 8troubleshoot tuning upgrade ux versionversioningCloud List► Members ., -I .. This Wiki -Search Sign in Register Q. 0 Q Log in to participate You are in: IBM TRIRIGA > UX Framework > UX in Foundation Docs > UX in Object Migration User Guide UX in Object Migration User Guide §I Updated 10/8/19 by Jay.Manaloto I Tags: None Page Actions -UX F r amewo r k ux Component Doc See the UX A rticle 5 "Classic Docs & UX" PDF for previous versions of this content. What UX content affected the Object Migration User Guide? The IBM T RIRIGAAP-P-lication Platform 3 Object Migration User G uide [3.6.0 PDF] provides information about moving customized applications from one platform environment to another. Migrating objects > Object migration overview> Object types Exporting objects > Object export overview > Object migration export tips Exporting objects > Object finder search parameters Exporting objects > Specifying objects to add to the export package > Adding UX objects to an export package Importing objects > ComparingNew object types that are supported ■Application ■Object Label ■Web Component New paragraph You can select the Application or Web Component object type to search for and add applications or web components to your export package. By default, all metadata that is related to the application or web component, including dependent metadata, is automatically selected for inclusion in the package. You can use the search parameters to limit the dependent data. New tip: Dictionary Record Data Use the Globalization Manager instead of Object Migration to export and import Dictionary (triDictionaryEntry) record data. If you choose to use Object Migration, make sure to remove existing Dictionary records from the target environment before you import the package that contains your Dictionary records. The Dictionary record name is mapped from a control number. The control number sequence in the source environment might not match the sequence in the target environment; therefore, duplicate records might occur on import. New content for the Module parameter (underlined) This parameter does not display for the object types AP-P-lication, Budget Token, Document, Form Style, Group, Module, Navigation Collection, Navigation Item, Portal, Portal Section, and Web ComP-onent. New content for the Modified By (User) parameter (underlined) The supported object types for this parameter are AP-P-lication, Business Object, Document, Form, Group, Module, Navigation Collection, Navigation Item, Query, Record Data, Web ComP-onent, and Workflow. New content for the Object Label parameter Filter the search to objects that contain a specific object label. This parameter displays for the object types All, Application, Business Object, Form, Module, Report, Web Component, and Workflow. When All is selected, only Application, Business Object, Form, Module, Report, Web Component, and Workflow objects are searched, as they contain object labels. The objects that are not labeled are not searched. This parameter searches only for the objects that currently contain the object label. In Object Label Manager, the Labeled Objects tab for the object label definition contains not only objects that currently have the label but also objects that previously had the label. New topic: Adding UX objects to an export package You can select the A pplication or Web Component object type to search for and add UX applications or web components to your export package. About this task By default, when you select Search, all metadata that is related to the application or web component, including dependent metadata, is automatically selected for inclusion in the package. An Include Dependents check box is displayed when the search completes and the search results contain applications or web components. The check box is selected by default. If you want to limit the dependent data such as Queries, Business Objects, and Workflows in the package, deselect the Include Dependents check box. Then, use the search parameters to search for and add the dependent data that you want. UX dependents of applications andweb components, such as Models and Data Sources, are always included at the time you export the package.The Include Dependents check box is displayed only if your search results containapplication or web component object types. It is only with these object types that dependent data can be automatically selected for inclusion in a package. If your search contains other objects that are not associated with an application or web component, the Include Dependents check box has no bearing on those objects. For those objects, you must use the standard method of using Find Dependencies to locate and add the dependent data that you want. If you select the Application or Web Component object type and add a search term to the Object Name field and select Search, the term is cleared after the results are displayed. The term is cleared so that all dependent objects that are associated with the application or web component are selected, not only those objects whose name contains the term. If you want to go back to your search criteria, select Back.。




1.[单选题]由心理学途径产生,认为人工智能起源于数理逻辑的研究学派是( )A)连接主义学派B)行为主义学派C)符号主义学派答案:C解析:2.[单选题]一条规则形如:,其中“←"右边的部分称为(___)A)规则长度B)规则头C)布尔表达式D)规则体答案:D解析:3.[单选题]下列对人工智能芯片的表述,不正确的是()。

A)一种专门用于处理人工智能应用中大量计算任务的芯片B)能够更好地适应人工智能中大量矩阵运算C)目前处于成熟高速发展阶段D)相对于传统的CPU处理器,智能芯片具有很好的并行计算性能答案:C解析:4.[单选题]以下图像分割方法中,不属于基于图像灰度分布的阈值方法的是( )。

A)类间最大距离法B)最大类间、内方差比法C)p-参数法D)区域生长法答案:B解析:5.[单选题]下列关于不精确推理过程的叙述错误的是( )。

A)不精确推理过程是从不确定的事实出发B)不精确推理过程最终能够推出确定的结论C)不精确推理过程是运用不确定的知识D)不精确推理过程最终推出不确定性的结论答案:B解析:6.[单选题]假定你现在训练了一个线性SVM并推断出这个模型出现了欠拟合现象,在下一次训练时,应该采取的措施是()0A)增加数据点D)减少特征答案:C解析:欠拟合是指模型拟合程度不高,数据距离拟合曲线较远,或指模型没有很好地捕 捉到数据特征,不能够很好地拟合数据。




A)连接B)配合C)衔接和匹配D)连接和配合答案:C解析:9.[单选题]固体半导体摄像机所使用的固体摄像元件为( )。




If in doubt, make it a separate concept. Attributes should be fairly rare in a domain model.

A thing that records sales and payments,


Use cases:
important requirements analysis artifact, but are not object-oriented.
emphasize a process view of the domain.
If we do not think of some conceptual class X as a number or text in the real world, X is probably a conceptual class, not an attribute.


When creating a domain model, it is usually the symbol and intensional view of a conceptual class that are of most practical interest.

java面试题 英文

java面试题 英文

java面试题英文Java Interview QuestionsIntroduction:In recent years, Java has become one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. Its versatility and wide range of applications have made it a sought-after skill in the IT industry. As a result, job interviews often include a section dedicated to Java. In this article, we will explore some commonly asked Java interview questions and provide detailed explanations and solutions. Whether you are a seasoned developer or preparing for your first Java interview, this article will help you enhance your knowledge and boost your confidence.1. What is Java?Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It was designed to be platform-independent, which means Java programs can run on any operating system that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java consists of a compiler, runtime environment, and a vast library, making it a powerful tool for building a wide range of applications.2. Explain the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM.JDK (Java Development Kit) is a software package that includes the necessary tools for developing, compiling, and running Java applications. It consists of the Java compiler, debugger, and other development tools.JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is a software package that contains the necessary components to run Java applications. It includes the JVM and a set of libraries required to execute Java programs.JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is a virtual machine that provides an execution environment for Java programs. It interprets the Java bytecode and translates it into machine code that can be executed by the underlying operating system.3. What is the difference between a class and an object?In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint or template for creating objects. It defines the properties and behaviors that an object will possess. An object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class. It represents a specific entity or concept and can interact with other objects.4. What are the features of Java?Java is known for its robustness, portability, and security. Some key features of Java include:- Object-oriented: Java follows the object-oriented programming paradigm, allowing developers to build modular and reusable code.- Platform-independent: Java programs can run on any platform that has a JVM, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.- Memory management: Java has automatic memory management through garbage collection, which helps in deallocating memory occupied by unused objects.- Exception handling: Java provides built-in mechanisms for handling exceptions, ensuring the smooth execution of programs.- Multi-threading: Java supports concurrent programming through multi-threading, allowing programs to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.5. Explain the concept of inheritance in Java.Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, where a class inherits properties and behaviors from another class, known as the superclass or base class. The class that inherits these properties is called the subclass or derived class. In Java, inheritance allows code reuse, promotes modularity, and enables hierarchical classification of objects.There are several types of inheritance in Java, including single inheritance (where a class inherits from only one superclass) and multiple inheritance (where a class inherits from multiple superclasses using interfaces).6. What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?Method overloading refers to the ability to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters within a class. The methods can have different return types or different numbers and types of arguments. The compiler determines which method to call based on the arguments provided during the method call.Method overriding, on the other hand, occurs when a subclass provides a specific implementation for a method that is already defined in its superclass. The signature of the overridden method (name, return type, and parameters)must match exactly with that of the superclass. The overridden method in the subclass is called instead of the superclass's method when invoked.Conclusion:In this article, we have explored some common Java interview questions and provided detailed explanations and solutions. Understanding these concepts will not only help you ace your Java interview but also enhance your overall programming skills. Remember to practice coding and explore real-world scenarios to strengthen your understanding of Java. Good luck with your Java interviews!。



1. 面向对象思想的理解与应用
了解如何使用封装来隐藏实现细节,提高代码 可维护性和安全性。
了解多态概念及其在Java中的应用,以提供更 灵活的设计和编程方式。
学习如何重用代码和扩展现有类的功能,以提 高开发效率。
掌握如何使用抽象类和接口实现代码的灵活性 和可扩展性。
2. 多线程编程的实现方法与技巧
This advanced Java programming tutorial covers a wide range of topics, including object-oriented programming, multithreading, reflection, and more.
学习如何创建和管理多线程,以 实现并发和提高程序性能。
了解如何使用同步机制避免线程 安全问题,保护共享资源。
掌握线程池的优势和使用方法, 提高线程创建和调度的效率。
3. 反射机制的原理与应用
了解Class对象的概念和作用, 掌握获取Cla s s 对象的方式和 应用。
6. AWT/Swing的图形界面编程 实践
1 AWT组件
了解AWT组件库的基本概念 和使用习Swing 组件库的特性和 优势,创建复杂和美观的用 户界面。
3 布局管理器
7. 网络编程中的协议与通信实现
学习使用反射动态加载类和 创建对象,以实现灵活的程 序设计。
掌握使用反射调用方法和访 问字段的技巧,实现动态和 通用的代码操作。

C# 英文教材01

C# 英文教材01

Slides11 / 24
Object Oriented Programming Using C#
Object-Oriented Methodology - Example
要有工程图纸 造出真正的汽车
对象(object) 对象(object)
Ver. 1.0
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Object-Oriented Approach
Slides16 / 24
Object Oriented Programming Using C#
Just a minute
Identify the possible states of the following objects: 1. A cell phone 2. A stereo Answer: 1. States of a cell phone:Off,Ring, Vibrate,and Call 2. States of a stereo:Play,Pause, Rewind and Forward
Ver. 1.0
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Object-Oriented Approach
Slides9 / 24
Object Oriented Programming Using C#
Object-Oriented Methodology
Object-orientation(面向对象) is a software development methodology that is based on modeling a real-world system. An object is the core concept involved in object orientation. You can think of an object oriented model as a collection of objects and their interrelationship.



[ src] K re to s o lt nh v e mpiirpeett no auesae ihcnt iig i sfletr o ueesAs Abta t en l h d reai a eh l tersnao f etr pcs c a ’ds nus ueu a ef m sls. me f r o t i c i f wh t h f u r a
的实体 关系抽取方法 。 利用子树挖掘和特征选择得到有效子树 , 并将其作为特征模板构造特征 向量。 中文语料 库上进行 的实验结果表 明, 在 该方法具有较好 的分类效果 。
关健词 :实体 关系抽取 ;短语结构语法 ;依存语法 ;特征选择 ;卡方统计量
Ch n s t yRea in Ex r ci nBa e n S b r eFe t r i e eEn i l t0 ta t0 s d0 u te a u e t
te fr aeoia o . xei e t sli ieeln ug a b s o a e rp sdme o r ni lt ne t ciniefc v . h m t r t n E l rnnar utnChns g aedt ae h wsh t o oe t df tyr ao xr t f t e o c g zi  ̄ r le a a s t t p h h o e t e i a o s ei
们普遍 使用的 2种方法 。基于 平面特征 的方法显式地将各种 语言特征表达成一个特征 向量 的形式 ,但其特征 的选择 是启
发式 的,需要大量人力 ,且性能 的提升 困难 。此外 ,该 方 】
2 依存语法树 . 2
依存语法是由 T sir 于 15 enee 99年提出的一种语 法理论 。 在依存语法树中 ,词 与词之 间通过依存和支配发生联 系,如

openedge abl 语法

openedge abl 语法

openedge abl语法是用于开发OpenEdge数据库管理系统的一种编程语言,它是一种强大而灵活的语言,具有丰富的功能和广泛的应用范围。

本文将介绍openedge abl语法的基本概念和常用语法规则。

一、数据类型在openedge abl语法中,数据类型分为基本类型和复合类型两种,基本类型包括整数、浮点数、逻辑值、字符型等,而复合类型包括数组、表格、记录等。

1. 整数类型整数类型用于表示整数值,可以通过整型关键字定义,如INTEGER、INT、LONG等。

2. 浮点数类型浮点数类型用于表示小数值,可以通过浮点型关键字定义,如FLOAT、DOUBLE等。

3. 逻辑值类型逻辑值类型用于表示真假值,可以通过逻辑型关键字定义,如LOGICAL、BOOL等。

4. 字符型字符型用于表示字符值,可以通过字符型关键字定义,如CHAR、STRING等。

5. 数组类型数组类型用于存储相同类型的数据,可以通过[]符号定义,如INTEGER[]、CHAR[]等。

6. 表格类型表格类型用于表示二维数据,可以通过TABLE关键字定义,如TABLE-TYPE。

7. 记录类型记录类型用于表示数据结构,可以通过RECORD关键字定义,如RECORD-TYPE。

二、变量和常量在openedge abl语法中,变量和常量是程序中存储和使用数据的基本单元,它们具有不同的作用和使用方式。

1. 变量变量是一种存储数据值并可以被修改的标识符,可以通过变量名和数据类型定义,并在程序中被赋值和修改。

2. 常量常量是一种存储数据值但不能被修改的标识符,可以通过常量名和数据类型定义,并在程序中使用。

三、控制结构在openedge abl语法中,控制结构用于控制程序执行流程,包括条件控制结构和循环控制结构两种。

1. 条件控制结构条件控制结构用于根据条件执行不同的代码块,包括IF-THEN、IF-THEN-ELSE、CASE等。

2. 循环控制结构循环控制结构用于重复执行相同的代码块,包括DO WHILE、DO UNTIL、FOR EACH等。



第 19 章是一篇更新的短文。读者应该注意的是,新观点并不像原来 的书一样来自我的亲身经历。我在大学里工作,而不是在工业界,做的 是小规模的项目,而不是大项目。自 1986 年以来,我就只是教授软件工 程,不再做这方面的研究。我现在的研究领域是虚拟环境及其应用。
Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition
神品—— 代序
前些年,一位朋友从印度归来,说此书在印度极为普及,我也动起 笔来,但 惭 愧 终 未 成 正 果。汪颖兄素来勤恳 ,明知此翻译为“success without applause, diligence without reward”(没有掌声的成功,没有回报 的勤勉),却兢兢业业,反复琢磨,历经单调、繁琐、艰辛的劳动,终于 付梓。钦佩之余随即作序共勉。
* 编注:该序的作者是王计斌(Dave Wang),清华大学博士,研究方向包括软件工程和集成产 品开发(IPD),长期从事 IPD/CMM 推行,创办软件工程研究与实践论坛(), 现在华为技术有限公司工作。
Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition
这就是我们面临的严峻而复杂的现实,也许您会感到震惊!然而在 大师 Frederick P. Brooks 眼里,是那么的平静。因为早在 28 年前,他就 在《人月神话》(The Mythical Man-Month)这本不朽著作中对这些内容做 了深入论述。
这本小册子行文优美,思想博大精深,字字真言,精读之有不尽的 趣味,藏之又是极珍贵的文献,名眼高人,自能鉴之。
印 张:24.5 字 数:316 千字


目录 ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1 简介.............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 FLAIR 是什么 ? .................................................................................................................. 5 FLAIR 可以做些什么? ...................................................................................................... 8 FLAIR 组成部分以及 PHOENICS 的关系 ........................................................................ 9 FLAIR 模块 .................................................................................................................. 9 FLAIR 与 PHOENICS 的关系..................................................................................... 9 用户接口功能 (In-Form) ............................................................................................. 9 自动收敛控制 ............................................................................................................. 10 PARSOL 技术............................................................................................................ 10 嵌套网格 .................................................................................................................... 11 LVEL 湍流模型 ......................................................................................................... 12 IMMERSOL 辐射模型 .............................................................................................. 12

An Object-Oriented Multi-Mediator

An Object-Oriented Multi-Mediator

Presented at 2nd International Workshop on User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems, Zurich, Switzerland, May 31. - June 1. 2001An Object-Oriented Multi-MediatorBrowserKristofer Cassel and Tore RischUppsala Database LaboratoryDept. of Information ScienceUppsala UniversitySwedenNovember 29, 2000A BSTRACTThe area of data integration has gained increased popularity in recent years. This paper describes a data browser for a data integration system where an intermediate layer of a distributed multi-database system, a mediator database system, is used to query and integrate data from heterogeneous data sources. The data sources can be regular relational databases but also other data producing programs. They often have complex data representations and are often object-oriented (OO). The mediator database layer is therefore also object-oriented for a high abstraction level. An OO query interface is used to access the mediator layer from application programs and users. For a scalable and component based architecture the mediators can be used as servers for other mediators. This leads to a distributed mediator architecture where mediator servers interact with other mediators and data sources. An OO multi-mediator browser, GOOVI, is presented which enables maintenance of such distributed mediator databases. With GOOVI the autonomous mediators in a federation can be viewed, queried, and updated. This multi-mediator browser also provides user interfaces for integrating data through OO views. The paper describes the functionality and architecture of GOOVI..1.IntroductionWith the mediator/wrapper approach to data integration [Wie92] wrappers define interfaces to heterogeneous data sources while mediators are virtual database layers where queries and views to the mediated data can be defined. The mediator approach to data integration has gained a lot of interest in recent year [BE96,G97,HKWY97,LP97,TRV98]. Early mediator systems are central in that a single mediator database server integrates data from several wrapped data sources. In the work presented here, the integration of many sources is facilitated through a scalable mediator architecture where views are defined in terms of object-oriented (OO) views from other mediators and where different wrapped data sources can be plugged in. This allows for a component-based development of mediator modules, as early envisioned in [Wie92].This paper describes GOOVI (Graphical Object-Oriented View Integrator), which is an OO graphical browser for Amos II [RJ00,RJK00,JR99a]. Amos II is a distributed OO mediator system that allows OO views in mediator servers to be defined in terms of views in other mediator servers on the net. Data sources are wrapped by embedding them in Amos II mediator servers through foreign data source interfaces [RJ00,JR99a]. GOOVI provides a graphical user interface to such a federation of Amos II mediator servers. The primary GOOVI user is a mediator administrator who defines and modifies distributed mediators and who investigate properties of them. Such a mediator administrator needs to find mediators in a federation, to inspect and modify the schema of each individual mediator, to inspect and update the contents of each mediator, and to define integrating views of data from other mediators. The actual wrapping of data sources requires some programming and is outside the scope of this paper.For finding relevant mediators in a federation GOOVI provides interfaces to browse some general meta-mediator properties of the federation members, such as their names and locations.To inspect the schema of each mediator, GOOVI provides a very easy way to graphically browse several AMOS II mediator databases in a federation. The type hierarchies of different mediators can be visualized in separate windows. GOOVI also has primitives for schema modification.For manipulating the contents of the mediator databases, individual database object instances in each mediator database can be both inspected and modified. The interface illustrates on a high level the relationships between database objects. Furthermore. OO queries can be submitted to any mediator server in the federation. The results of such queries are presented as browser objects too, for convenient further browsing. Separate browser and query window groups can be opened for browsing different Amos II mediators in a federation.For integration of data from different mediators GOOVI provides a graphical interface to define OO multi-mediator views using multi-database integration primitives of Amos II [JR99a,JR99b].To make the user interface easy to use and more consistent with other similar tools we decided to make it appear in similar style as the user interface of the classical Windows Explorer. This is a compact and attractive design that follows standards set by many other GUIs that perform similar tasks, which will help the user to work fast and without problems and confusion.This paper first discusses related work. Then the style of interactions with GOOVI is presented in Section 4. Section 5 describes how to define multi-mediator views, followedby an overview of the implementation in Section 6.2.Related workMost commercial relational databases provide graphical database browsers. A few systems address browsing of OO databases [MDT88,F89,AGS90,CHMW96,CA96]. As in Pesto [CHMW96] the results of queries in GOOVI are returned as database structures that can be examined by GOOVI as any other database objects. This is called query-in-place in Pesto. As in Jasmine [CA96] we use an interface style with a Windows oriented look-and-feel. However, unlike Jasmine (and like Pesto) our query interface is stream oriented to allow for retrievals of large sets of data.An XMLQL-based browser for accessing a single mediator is proposed in [B99]. A major difference between GOOVI and all other known database browsers is that GOOVI is designed for browsing federations of OO databases, as needed in our distributed mediator environment. This puts new requirements on the browser to be able to separately visualize several OO databases in a federation of mediator servers and also to be able to graphically define views of data from several of these databases. GOOVI therefore allows the user to open separate OO database browser windows for each members in the federation. Separate windows, e.g. for querying and data integration, can be associated with each such database browser window. A connection manager allows the user to select among the members of the federation to open up new database browser windows. Furthermore, data integration windows can be defined where OO multi-mediator views can be defined that combine data from several mediator servers.The interaction between GOOVI and the mediator in the federation respects the autonomy of the members. This means that, unlike other database browsers, GOOVI does not presuppose any central database, mediator, or global conceptual schema. The only requirements are that the databases in the federation are wrapped in Amos II mediators and that they are registeredwith a meta-mediator called the mediator name server. The mediator name server is an ordinary mediator server having names, locations and some other meta-mediator properties of the members in a federation. However, the mediator name server contains only very limited information about the members of the federation; it respects the autonomy of the members and it is not a full central data dictionary.3.Browsing Multi-mediatorsA federation of Amos II servers may contain many mediator servers distributed on a computer network. Each mediator server is an autonomous database server supporting the OO query language AmosQL of Amos II having a syntax and semantics similar to the OO parts of SQL-99 [RJ00,RJK00]. The mediator servers have primitives for communicating with other mediator servers and for wrapping external data sources. Foreign data can be made accessible to the federation by developing an interface, called a wrapper, for each kind of data source where simple query algebra operations are executed on external data elements. We have successfully developed wrappers for ODBC, STEP/EXPRESS, XML, and web-based search engines.If a data source has no own query processing capabilities, as e.g. STEP/EXPRESS and basic XML, the processing of the imported data is done inside Amos II in a streamed fashion or through materialization in the mediator database, depending on the data source.However, if the data source accepts queries, as e.g. ODBC and search engines, there is also a need to develop query translators that translate AmosQL queries into execution plans containing query fragments submitted to the foreign query engine for evaluation.From a mediator administrator’s perspective the mediator layer appears as a federation of distributed and autonomous mediator servers each using the same OO data model and query language, where some mediators wrap one or several data sources while other combine data through OO views over data from other mediators.Figure 1 illustrates one such scenario where we have five mediator servers named WC, NAMESERVER, TORE, HOLIDAYFLIGHGTS_INC, and FLYGRESOR_AB1 running somewhere on the network. The mediator named NAMESERVER is a mediator server knowing the locations, names, and other properties of the mediator servers in the federation, i.e. the mediator name server.1 Air Travel Inc. in Swedish.The other mediator servers will query the mediator name server using AmosQL when they need to know meta-properties of members in the federation. Notice here that this architecture does not include any global conceptual schema; every autonomous mediator server has its own local OO schema and the mediator name server knows only very general meta-properties of the other mediator servers.In the example, the two mediator servers WC (World Cup) and TORE wrap and translate data from some data sources, e.g. relational databases. The top double box is the GOOVI system itself. When GOOVI is started it may first act as a stand-alone system connected to its own private local Amos II database called LOCAL. The user can browse and store private data in the local database. It is also used internally by GOOVI for caching data extracted from other databases. The user can ask GOOVI what mediator servers are available in the federation. GOOVI will send queries to the name server to find this out.Figure 1: Multi-mediator ScenarioFigure 2 shows an example of a GOOVI interaction in our multi-mediator scenario. In the example two multi-mediator type browser windows are open, the top one connected to the TORE mediator and the bottom one to the mediator server named WC for which also a query is stated. The result of the query is presented as a scan of objects of type PLAYER. Furthermore,Figure 2 also shows how the user can ask GOOVI what mediator servers are available in the federation by opening a mediator browser to the right. GOOVI has here internally queried the name server mediator for the names, locations, ports, etc. of the mediator servers in the federation. Through the mediator browser dialog the user can open separate type browser windows on any mediator server in the federation.Figure 2: GOOVI InteractionWhen the mediator browser is opened it has to contact the mediator name server to obtain the set of mediators in the federation. The mediator name server can be located anywhere on the net and the user is therefore first asked to specify its network location to GOOVI. The members of the federation can be located anywhere on the net too. Through queries to the mediator name server the mediator browser can present the user with a menu of the members of the federation.3.1 The Type BrowserThe type browser window graphically displays the type hierarchy for a particular mediator server. Initially the type browser window for the local database of GOOVI is displayed. Theapproach of having the type hierarchy as the main view of the database is a natural choice since the types and their relationships are central for an OO database. This approach was also chosen for the object browsers of the OO DBMSs Jasmine [CA96] and Iris [F89].Figure 3 The GOOVI Type BrowserFigure 3 shows the type browser window for a mediator database FLYGRESOR_AB, wrapping a data source containing flight data for a Swedish travel agent. The window is divided vertically in two parts with a left panel showing the type hierarchy and a right panel having a number of tabs for inspecting different properties of the mediator. There is also a menu bar on top with functions for creating new types, viewing, searching, editing, etc. Some of the menu-items have keyboard shortcuts.When opening browsers of several AMOS II mediator servers, separate and independent type browser windows appear on the screen for each mediator, as shown in Figure 2. Every type browser window thus has a one-to-one relation to a connection to an AMOS II database in the federation. This helps the user to keep track of what mediator databases are being inspected. By closing the corresponding type browser window the connection is also closed along with all other dialogs associated with the closed type browser. The type browser window thus serves as a grouping of all GOOVI dialogues associated with a particular mediator server. The name of the AMOS II database (e.g. FLYGRESOR_AB) is stated in the title of the type browser. The initial type browser window is LOCAL (the local database) from which the user can use the mediator browser to open connections to other mediators in the federation. When the last type browserwindow is closed GOOVI is exited after a confirmation.3.2 The Query EditorThe query editor allows execution of queries and browsing the resulting scans displayed in a graphical format. The entities of query results are inspectable and have a consistent appearance as other database objects for generality and user orientation. We have chosen to specify queries as text input to browser forms rather than using elaborate mouse selection as in some other database query tools [CA96, CHMW96], the reason being that we believe that a somewhat trained person, such as a mediator/database administrator, is more efficient with typing OO queries than elaborate mouse selections. Future studies should investigate how to combine our text based interface with a graphical query language, e.g. along the lines of Pesto [CHMW96]. In the query editor AmosQL queries can be entered textually. A history of queries makes it possible to browse previously stated queries to edit or redo them. We do not save the query results in the history for memory and performance reasons. It is however possible to open new independent query editor windows for any query where a piece of the latest result is then visualized. Figure 4 shows an example of such a separate query window. This gives the user the choice to have several active queries and their results on the desk top to be used for inspection, copying, and pasting between query results and browsed objects.The query editor is divided into three parts. First there is a label that states a numeric query history identifier. Then there are buttons to move backward and forward in the history and for help and (re-)execution of the current query.Below the button panel there is a text area where queries can be entered textually or edited. All Windows standard formatting key shortcuts for text fields apply here and with a right click a standard menu pops up with cut, copy, paste, delete and select all. Typing F1 displays a help dialog with all available shortcuts. This is interfaced with the standard Windows clipboard, which means that it is possible to copy text to and from other programs in the same Windows environment. As usual in Windows, pressing CTRL-C in any window copies a string representation of the selected object to the standard system clipboard. This string can be pasted back into GOOVI as part of a query or even into a text input dialog in a completely different program.To execute the query one can either press the execute button or type CTRL-ENTER. Further below there is an outliner that displays the result when the ‘execute’button is pressed.The result of an AMOS II database query consists of a scan of objects where the objects are visualized by red icons, as in Figure 2 and 3. For objects having names the browser maintains the correspondence between the OID and its name and the object’s name is displayed as in Query#1 of Figure 2. An object is given a name by having an AmosQL function name defined. The user can define own name functions for any database type (class) to allow for customized display of OIDs. The results of queries are also connected to the clipboard for general cut-and-paste between different GOOVI windows.The result of a query can also be a scan of tuples, which are then visualized graphically to indicate their structure, as shown in Figure 4. Each tuple can have sub-tuple nestings to any level. Such a scan is visualized as a tree. If there are sub-tuples inside the elements of a scan special collection icons are created. This gives a nice presentation of most data structures retrieved from AMOS II database.Figure 4 Scan visualization.Fig. 4 shows the result trees from a query that returns rows of tuples containing string and integer elements. The collection icons (indicated <..>) indicate tuples. If one of the elements in the tuple in the example had been a vector (ordered collection), e.g. if the two countries were put in a vector this would result in clickable nodes in this position.This outliner is streamed and only a predefined (default 20) set of result elements are displayed initially. To get the next set of elements in the scan the ‘Next row’button is used located at the very bottom of the query editor.3.3 The Object InspectorThe object inspector window is opened if the user double clicks on an icon for an Amos II object. The object inspector allows displaying and editing the values of the attributes of the selected object.Figure 5 Object InspectorFig. 5 is an example of the object inspector in GOOVI. The attribute column displays the result of the function named in the attribute-name column.The object inspector also allows updates of database attributes. By double clicking on attributes it is possible to enter new values. Cut-and-paste of objects between windows is, of course, supported.Collection attributes are displayed as icons. As collections can be large, they are not immediately displayed, but retrieved by double-clicking on a collection icon. The collection is then displayed as a stream in groups of a predefined number of elements (usually 20).3.4 The Function InspectorThe function inspector allows to view/edit arguments, results and source code of the definitions of Amos II functions (Fig. 6). These definitions are stored in the database as (meta-)objects of type FUNCTION and are retrieved by the function inspector through queries returning such meta-objects and their properties. Amos II functions can be of several kinds and the inspected function’s type is indicated at the bottom of the function inspector window.Figure 6 Function InspectorThe example illustrates a derived function defined in terms of other AmosQL functions through an AmosQL query. Functions can also be stored in the database or defined in some external programming language [RJ00]. Functions can also be overloaded on different types in which case a dialog lets the user choose which one of the resolvents to inspect. Roughly speaking attributes in OO languages correspond to stored functions, while methods correspond to derived and foreign functions.4.Database integration with GOOVIIn order to combine data from different mediators, GOOVI allows importation of meta-objects, such as types (classes) and functions (method, attributes), from one AMOS II server to another. This is achieved by first selecting type and function definitions for exportation from one mediator and then importing them to another one.To demonstrate the database integration support of GOOVI, assume we are in a tourist office and want to book flights. We have access to two databases, a British one called HOLIDAYFLIGHTS_INC and a Swedish one called FLYGRESOR_AB. The first database has a type called FLIGHT with the attributes: flight_no, price, origin and destination. The price is given in British pounds. The latter database has a type called FLYG with the attributes: flyg_no, pris, start and destination. Pris holds the price in Swedish crowns.The first step is to import these types into the mediator TORE. We first have to select them for exportation from the mediators HOLIDAYFLIGHTS_INC and FLYGRESOR_AB. We therefore open a type browser for the HOLIDAYFLIGHTS_INC database and mark the type FLIGHT. Then we choose FILE->EXPORT in the menu bar. A dialog will confirm that the type is now ready for exportation. Next we go to the type browser for the mediator TORE and choose FILE->IMPORT. A dialog will confirm that the type was imported and it is called FLIGHT@HOLIDAYFLIGHTS_INC and automatically placed under type USEROBJECT. The same procedure is then repeated to import the type FLYG from the mediator FLYGRESOR_AB and then we have the situation shown in Fig. 7.Figure 7 Local database after importsAn imported type can be used in database queries as other types, as also illustrated in Figure 7. The instances of an imported type are represented as proxies describing its origin. If more than one type is imported it is even possible to state multi-database queries and views that join data from different mediator databases. However, OIDs are unique within each mediator and such joins can therefore not compare OIDs but have to join on literal properties only.To combine overlapping and conflicting data from several mediators, an integration union type, IUT, [JR99a] can be defined. IUTs define types whose extents are proxies of objects from other mediators and where the same entities may be found in more than one source but with different, and sometimes conflicting, properties.To illustrate how IUTs are defined with GOOVI, we mark the two imported types in the mediator TORE and choose FILE->NEW->INTEGRATION TYPE. In Fig. 8 we see the so created create integration type dialog.Figure 8 Integration Union Type creationThe first two fields in the IUT creation dialogue to left are the name and the key type of the IUT identifying equivalent objects from different mediators. In our example two objects are considered equivalent if their flight numbers (represented as integers) are the same. The flight number for FLYG@FLYGRESOR_AB is defined by the function flyg_no while the corresponding function for FLIGHT@HOLIDAYFLIGHTS_INC is flight_no. The next fields state the key expression for the two types to integrate which map instances of the integrated types to the common key. GOOVI generates unique variable names to be used in the integrating expressions. We specify there that the flyg_no of the mediator FLYGRESOR_AB corresponds to flight_no in HOLIDAYFLIGHTS_INC.To specify how to define object attributes of the IUT in terms of attributes from differentmediators, one needs to define the attributes of the IUT by pressing ‘add attribute’and filling in the popup form seen to the right in Fig. 8. Here the attribute intl_pris of the IUT is derived from the prices in FLYGRESOR_AB and HOLIDAY_FLIGHTS_INC. Different expressions are used if a flight exists in one of the two databases or in both. In this example the lowest price is chosen if the flight exists in both databases. The function pounds_to_crowns is a function defined in the mediator to convert British pounds to Swedish crowns. The attributes name, origin, and destination are defined in the same way. Finally ‘create’is pressed to create the IUT PRIS in mediator TORE. It can then be browsed and queried as any other type. Updates of IUTs are currently not allowed.5.ImplementationGOOVI is implemented in Java using a modern interface building tool, JBuilder 3 [Bor99]. Sun’s Java Native Interface JNI [SUN99] is used to tightly connect the Java Virtual machine (VM) to the AMOS II mediator database engine, which is written in C. The interface is completely based on sending Amos II queries and function calls to the database engine for execution. This is possible since all system objects (including types and methods) are represented as database objects that can be queried using AmosQL. While end users usually query the contents of the mediator databases, GOOVI mainly submits to the Amos II kernel meta-queries about the structures of mediators in a federation. AmosQL update statements are sent to Amos II when the user creates or updates objects, while AmosQL meta-data definitions are send when new types and functions are created.Program errors in Java applications, such as GOOVI, cannot crash the Amos II kernel system. The reason is that Java applications run in a separate thread from the kernel and the Java VM traps all Java program errors. Furthermore, the high level AmosQL based interface from Java prohibits calls to the Amos II kernel that can adversely affect it.The Amos II kernel in its turn has TCP/IP based primitives for efficient communication with the name server and other mediator servers in the federation. Several novel techniques [JR99a,JR99b,JR00,RJ00] are used for efficiently executing multi-mediator queries over several distributed mediator servers. The techniques are based on installing optimized query plans on different mediators and then shipping bulks of data between them. For good performance we have therefore chosen to let GOOVI (and other Java applications) to communicate with the mediators in a federation through the local database rather than to directly communicate with each mediator.Figure 9 illustrates how GOOVI is interfaced with a local Amos II database system and how thesystem communicates with Amos II servers in the federation through the local mediator database system.A possible disadvantage with the current approach is that some Amos II kernel code must be installed on the machine where GOOVI runs in order to provide the C-based interface to the Amos II kernel. However, we are working on a pure Java client-server interface to the local Amos II database, which would make it possible to run GOOVI as a Java applet, at the expense of much higher communication costs between GOOVI and the local database.6.ConclusionsThe architecture and appearance of the OO multi-mediator browser GOOVI was described. The purpose of GOOVI is to be able to browse,query, and integrate federations ofautonomous mediator servers in a computer network. The data integration facilities allow the definition of OO views that integrate data from several mediator servers. Each mediator server is autonomous and there is no global conceptual schema of all mediators in a federation. Instead a meta-mediator, the mediator name server, knows locations, names and some other meta-data about the members in a federation. The interface between GOOVI and a federation of mediators is implemented by internally querying the mediator name server for meta-properties using an OO query language and then use these meta-properties to connect to individual members in the federation. All communication between the browser and the mediator engine is thus made through the query language. This is possible since meta-objects are first class objects too.The user can open a group of windows connected to a type browser window for each selected member of a mediator federation. In these windows type structures are investigated, queries are specified, and integrating OO views are defined. Database objects returned from queries are displayed graphically and can be browsed and used in other queries, etc.GOOVI is the first OO multi-database browser that addresses graphical integration of multiple mediators. Such a tool is very useful for the mediator developer when integrating data from a federation of databases wrapped in mediators.In summary, GOOVI has the following unique properties:-It is an OO multi-database browser where several OO databases can be browsed separately.-It can graphically integrate data from multiple distributed mediators in a federation.-It respects the autonomy of the mediators in the browsed federation; it is thus not based on the availability of any global conceptual schema.-Every object on any level in the federation is transparently inspectable, including mediators, type definitions, function definitions, and the database contents.A limitation with the current GOOVI version is that many mediator definitions, e.g. queries and view properties, are not entered graphically, but as editable text string. Some system, e.g. Pesto and Jasmine, makes e.g. query specification fully graphical. Sometimes text is more convenient to enter than graphical interactions. This issue should be investigated further even though it does not alter the main principles of the system, which is the focus of this paper.The use of Java as an implementation language provides a portable implementation and a rich library of user interface primitives. A uniform query based Java application program interface provides a flexible and high-level interaction between GOOVI and the Amos II kernel. The system is fully implemented under Windows 98/NT/2000 and downloadable from A Unix version of the Amos II kernel is also available with which Windows-based GOOVI clients can communicate with Unix based mediator servers.。

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书
Dimensional Modeling Workflow................................................................................................................. 1 Analyzing Your Requirements and Source Data.................................................................................... 1 Preprocessing Your ...................................................................................................................... 2 Building a Prototype............................................................................................................................... 4 Refining Your Model............................................................................................................................... 5 Diagnose and Resolve Any Design Problems........................................................................................ 6

第五讲 面向对象分析与设计(Object-oriented Analysis and Design)

第五讲 面向对象分析与设计(Object-oriented Analysis and Design)

4 面向对象软件工程

OOA强调直接针对问题域中客观存在的各项事物设立OOA模 型中的对象。另外,OOA模型也保留了问题域中事物之间关 系的原貌。 OOD包括两方面的工作,一是把OOA模型直接搬到OOD,作为 OOD的一个部分;另外是针对具体实现中的人机界面、数据 存储、任务管理等因素补充一些与实现有关的部分。这些 部分与OOA采用相同的表示法和模型结构。 在OOA->OOD->OOP这一软件工程的过程系列中,在OOA和OOD 阶段对系统需要设立的每个对象类及其内部构成与外部关 系都达到透彻的认识和清晰的描述, OOP工作就是用同一 种面向对象的编程语言把OOD模型中的每个成分书写出来: 用具体的数据结构来定义对象的属性,用具体的语句来实 现操作流程图所表示的算法。
第五讲 面向对象分析与设计 (Object-oriented Analysis and Design)
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结构化设计中模块和模块之间的关系,被紧紧局限于 信息流,试图通过信息流及其转换来认识系统,这限 制了对模块之间众多关系的表达和体现,如继承、依 赖。

流水线式的过程处理与人们日常处理问题的方式不一 致。随着时间流逝,软件工程师越来越注重系统整体 关系的表示和数据模型技术(把数据结构与过程看作 一个独立功能模块)。程序定律被重新认识: 程序 = (过程+数据结构) 这样的思想符合现实世界中的事物特征,我们区分事 务主要依靠就是事物各式各样的特征,包括事物不同 的属性和特定的行为。 集成化的软件开发方法--面向对象方法产生。



编程中常见的英文单词缩写========== LINUX ==========pwd -- Print Working Directory -- 打印工作目录ls -- list directory contents -- 列出目录的内容mv -- move (rename) files -- 移动(重命名)文件rm -- remove files or directories -- 删除文件或目录who - show who is logged on -- 显示登录是谁clear - clear the terminal screen -- 清屏mkdir - make directories -- 创建目录========== Core Java ==========API -- Application Programming Interface -- 应用程序接口JRE -- Java Runtime Environment -- java运行环境JDK -- Java Development Kit -- java开发工具箱JVM -- Java Virtual Machine -- Java虚拟机JCP -- Java Community Process-- JCP 是一个开放的国际组织,用来维护和发展Java 技术规范Java SE -- Java Platform Standard Edition -- JAVA标准版Java EE -- Java Platform Enterprise Edition -- JA VA企业级版本Java ME -- Java Platform Micro Edition -- JAVA微型版OO -- Object Oriented -- 面向对象OOP -- Object Oriented Programming -- 面向对象的程序设计OOAD -- Object Oriented Analysis Design -- 面向对象分析设计========== Oracle ==========DB -- Database -- 数据库DBMS -- Database Management System -- 数据库管理系统RDBMS -- Relational Database Management System--关系型数据库管理系统DBA -- 数据库管理员SQL -- Structured Query Language --结构化查询语言DDL(create / drop / alter / truncate) -- Data Define Language-- 数据定义语言DML -- Data Manipulation Language -- 数据操作语言DQL(select) -- Data Query Language -- 数据查询语言TCL(commit / rollback / savepoint) -- Transaction Control Language-- 事务控制语言DCL(grant / revoke) -- Data Control Language -- 数据控制语言CRUD -- Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete -- 增删改查PK -- Primary Key 主键FK -- Foreign Key 外键NN -- not null 非空UK -- Unique 唯一约束CK -- Check 检查约束OLTP:online transaction processing DB 连接事务系统OLAP:online analyze processing DW 连接分析系统FTS(full table scan):全表扫描========== JDBC&XML ==========JDBC -- Java DataBase Connectivity -- Java数据库连接SP -- Stored Procedure -- 存储过程HTML -- HyperText Markup Language -- 超文本标记语言XML -- eXtensible Markup Language -- 可扩展标记语言W3C -- World Wide Web Consortium -- 万维网联盟DTD -- Document Type Definition -- 文档类型定义XSD -- XML Schema Definition -- XML模式定义DOM -- Document Object Model -- 文档对象模型SAX -- Simple API for XML========== HTML/CSS/JS ==========HTML -- Hyper Text Markup Language -- 超文本标记语言CSS -- Cascading Style Sheets -- 层叠样式表js-- javascript -- 一种在客户端(浏览器)执行的脚本语言BOM -- Browser Object Model -- 浏览器对象模型URL -- Uniform Resource Locator -- 统一资源定位符URI -- Uniform Resource Identifier -- 统一资源标识符========== Servlet ==========CGI -- Common Gateway Interface -- 公共网关接口http -- hypertext transport protocol -- 超文本传输控制协议DAO -- Data Access Object -- 数据访问对象========== JSP ==========JSP -- Java Server Pages -- JAVA服务器端页面========== Ajax ==========Ajax -- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML -- 异步的JavaScript和XMLGUI -- Graphical User Interface -- 图形用户界面JSON -- JavaScript Object Notation -- 是一种数据交换的标准========== Struts2 ==========MVC -- Model View Controller -- 模型视图控制器========== Hibernate ==========ORM -- Object-Relationship Mapping -- 对象关系映射HQL -- Hibernate Query Language -- 查询语言POJO -- Plan Old Java Objects -- 普通的Java对象========== Spring ==========DI -- Dependency Injection -- 依赖注入IoC -- Inverse of Control -- 反向控制AOP -- Aspect Oriented Programming -- 面向方面编程或面向切面编程========== UML ==========。

fundamentals of data engineering pdf

fundamentals of data engineering pdf

fundamentals of data engineering"Fundamentals of Data Engineering"refers to the foundational principles and concepts related to the field of data engineering.Data engineering involves the design,development,and management of data architecture,infrastructure,and systems to ensure efficient and reliable data processing.Key topics within the fundamentals of data engineering may include:Data Modeling:Understanding how to structure and represent data in a way that meets the needs of an organization.This involves designing databases,defining tables,and establishing relationships between different data entities.Database Management Systems(DBMS):Knowledge of various types of database systems and how to manage them.This includes relational databases(like MySQL,PostgreSQL),NoSQL databases(like MongoDB,Cassandra),and other data storage technologies.Data Processing:Techniques for processing and transforming data. This includes Extract,Transform,Load(ETL)processes,data cleaning,and data integration methods.Data Warehousing:Designing and managing data warehouses, which are large,centralized repositories of integrated data from various sources.Data warehouses support reporting and business intelligence activities.Big Data Technologies:Understanding and working with technologies that handle large volumes of data,such as Apache Hadoop,Apache Spark,and distributed computing frameworks.Data Quality and Governance:Ensuring the accuracy,completeness, and reliability of data.Implementing governance practices to maintain data integrity and security.Data Pipelines:Building and managing data pipelines for the efficient flow of data from source to destination.This involves orchestrating various data processing tasks.Cloud Data Services:Leveraging cloud platforms for data storage, processing,and analytics.Familiarity with cloud services like AWS,Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.Data Security and Privacy:Implementing measures to protect data from unauthorized access and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.Data Analytics and Visualization:Using data for analysis and creating visualizations to communicate insights effectively.Familiarity with tools like Tableau,Power BI,or programming languages like Python and R.Understanding the fundamentals of data engineering is crucial for professionals working in data-related roles,including data engineers, database administrators,and data scientists.It provides the groundwork for effective data management and utilization within an organization.。

实证软件工程方法 英文

实证软件工程方法 英文

实证软件工程方法英文Empirical Software Engineering (ESE) Methods.Empirical Software Engineering (ESE) is a research discipline within Software Engineering that focuses on the use of empirical methods to validate and improve software engineering processes, methods, tools, and theories. It provides a systematic and objective approach to software engineering that is based on the collection and analysis of data. ESE methods are used to evaluate the effectiveness of different software engineering practices and to identify areas for improvement.There are a variety of ESE methods that can be used to evaluate software engineering practices. These methods can be classified into two main categories:Observational methods: These methods involve observing the behavior of software engineers and software systems without interfering with their operations. Observationalmethods can be used to collect data on a variety of topics, such as the time it takes to develop software, the number of defects that are introduced into software, and the satisfaction of software users.Experimental methods: These methods involve manipulating the variables that affect software engineering practices in order to measure the impact of those changes. Experimental methods can be used to compare the effectiveness of different software engineering practices, to identify the factors that lead to software defects, and to develop new software engineering tools and methods.ESE methods have been used to evaluate a wide range of software engineering practices, including:Agile development methods: ESE methods have been used to compare the effectiveness of agile development methods to traditional software development methods.Code review: ESE methods have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of code review practices.Defect tracking: ESE methods have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of defect tracking systems.Software testing: ESE methods have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of software testing techniques.Software quality: ESE methods have been used to evaluate the quality of software products.ESE methods have made a significant contribution to the field of software engineering. These methods have provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of different software engineering practices and have helped to identify areas for improvement. As the field of software engineering continues to evolve, ESE methods will continue to play an important role in the development of new and improved software engineering practices.Here are some specific examples of how ESE methods have been used to improve software engineering practices:A study by Kitchenham et al. (2001) found that agile development methods were more effective than traditional software development methods in terms of productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction.A study by Fenton and Pfleeger (2008) found that code review practices were effective in reducing the number of defects in software products.A study by Graves et al. (2009) found that defect tracking systems were effective in helping software engineers to identify and fix defects.A study by Begel and Zimmermann (2010) found that software testing techniques were effective in identifying defects in software products.A study by Basili et al. (2012) found that software quality models were effective in predicting the quality of software products.These are just a few examples of the many ways that ESEmethods have been used to improve software engineering practices. As the field of software engineering continues to evolve, ESE methods will continue to play an important role in the development of new and improved software engineering practices.## Benefits of Using ESE Methods.There are many benefits to using ESE methods to evaluate software engineering practices. These benefits include:Increased objectivity: ESE methods provide a more objective way to evaluate software engineering practices than traditional methods, such as expert opinion or intuition.Greater accuracy: ESE methods can provide more accurate results than traditional methods, because they are based on data that has been collected and analyzed in a systematic way.Improved decision-making: ESE methods can help software engineers to make better decisions about which software engineering practices to use, because they provide objective evidence about the effectiveness of different practices.Increased efficiency: ESE methods can help software engineers to be more efficient in their work, because they can identify areas for improvement and focus their efforts on the most effective practices.Enhanced customer satisfaction: ESE methods can help software engineers to develop software products that are of higher quality and that meet the needs of customers, because they provide objective evidence about the effectiveness of different software engineering practices.## Conclusion.ESE methods are a valuable tool for improving software engineering practices. These methods provide a systematic and objective approach to evaluating software engineeringpractices and identifying areas for improvement. ESE methods have been used to evaluate a wide range of software engineering practices, and they have made a significant contribution to the field of software engineering. As the field of software engineering continues to evolve, ESE methods will continue to play an important role in the development of new and improved software engineering practices.。

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Sage++ is an object oriented toolkit for building program transformation and preprocessing tools. It contains parsers for Fortran 77 with many Fortran 90 extensions, C, and C++, integrated with a C++ class library. The library provides a means to access and restructure the program tree, symbol and type tables, and source-level programmer annotations. Sage++ provides an underlying infrastructure on which all types of program preprocessors can be built, including parallelizing compilers, performance analysis tools, and source code optimizers.
code. In each case, these systems have been based on a layer of compiler technology that has required years for each research group to develop. Sage++ makes this layer available in a generalized form. By starting from Sage++ rather than starting from scratch, researchers in these elds can potentially cut years o their development time. A second motivation for releasing Sage++ is in response to a frequent request by programmers for access to tools that allow them to go beyond simple macros, and create extensions to C++ or Fortran.
class GenMat; class Vector{ public: Vector(int n){}; Vector & operator =(Vector &); Vector & operator +(Vector &); friend Vector &operator *(float x, Vector &v); void vecVecAdd(Vector &left, Vector &right); // this = left*right void matVecMul(GenMat &M, Vector &x); // this = M*x void scalarVecMul(float x, Vector &v); // this = x*v }; class GenMat{ // general matrix public: GenMat(int i, int j); GenMat & operator()( int , int ); GenMat & operator()( index &, index &); GenMat & operator =(GenMat &); Vector & operator *(Vector &); };
Sage++: An Object-Oriented Toolkit and Class Library for Building Fortran and C++ Restructuring Tools
Francois Bodin, Irisa, University of Rennes Peter Beckman, Dennis Gannon, Jacob Gotwals, Srinivas Narayana, Suresh Srinivas, Beata Winnicka, Department of Computer Science, Indiana University
2 Sage++ as a Meta-Tool
Sage++ is designed to be a tool with which other tools can be constructed. For example, scienti c library designers can use Sage++ to build tools capable of optimizing the source code that links with the library. As an illustration, consider the problem of optimizing the use of a C++ Matrix library package similar to Lapack++ 4]. The library consists of a C++ classes for Vectors and Matrices, with a special mechanism for describing subarrays and subvectors, and where the standard arithmetic operators have been overloaded:
nd building a source-to-source translation system is a very time consuming task. However, such systems are often a prerequisite for many compiler and language extension research projects. Sage++ was designed to be a toolkit for such projects. It provides an integrated set of parsers that transform the source program into an internal representation, which we call a program tree; a library of object-oriented methods that manipulate the program tree and give tool builders complete freedom in restructuring it; and an unparser that generates new source code from the restructured internal form. Such translation systems are used, for example, in studies of language extensions that permit the explicit representation of parallelism, where they are necessary for the construction of compilers that generate target-speci c source code containing calls to run-time systems that support concurrency. Examples include the Fortran-D and Fortran 90D compilers 1], and the pC++ compiler 5]. Source-tosource translation systems are also used to construct compilers that tackle the problem of discovering parallelism in sequential source code. These compilers apply restructuring transformations to generate a version of the program that uses directives or explicit parallel constructs understood by the \native" compiler on the parallel machine. Examples of these include the compilers for Parafrase and Parafrase-II 6], and Superb 2]. Sage++ also makes it possible to build library speci c optimizations that can be added as a portable preprocessing stage to the C++ compiler. Often called preprocessors because they do not generate native machine code, all of these systems use extensive syntactic and semantic analysis and sophisticated global optimization to transform source This research is supported by ARPA under contract AF 30602-92-C-0135 and Esprit APPARC