专升本 大学语文复习题
![专升本 大学语文复习题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/35bdbd5c227916888486d7af.png)
()A.教学内容B.教育制度C.教育目的D.教育措施9.在影响人发展的四个因素中,_______________是学生身心发展的内在动力. ()A.个体的主观能动性B.环境C.遗传D.教育10.在教学过程中,学生对客观世界的认识,主要是通过______________实现的。
教育专业专升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 教育学中,教育的首要任务是培养学生的:A. 知识技能B. 道德品质C. 创新能力D. 身体素质2. 现代教育技术的核心是:A. 多媒体教学B. 网络教学C. 远程教育D. 信息技术3. 教育心理学研究的核心问题是:A. 学习动机B. 学习策略C. 学习过程D. 学习效果4. 教育评价的主要目的是:A. 选拔人才B. 诊断问题C. 促进学生发展D. 评价教师工作5. 以下哪项不是教育法规的基本原则?A. 公平性B. 合法性C. 灵活性D. 强制性6. 教育过程中,教师与学生的关系是:A. 权威与服从B. 指导与被指导C. 合作与交流D. 监督与被监督7. 教育的终极目标是:A. 传授知识B. 培养人才C. 促进社会进步D. 提高个人素质8. 教育心理学中,学习动机的分类不包括:A. 内在动机B. 外在动机C. 社会动机D. 自我效能动机9. 教育评价的方法不包括:A. 观察法B. 测验法C. 自我评价法D. 随机评价法10. 教育学中的“因材施教”原则是指:A. 根据学生的兴趣进行教学B. 根据学生的能力进行教学C. 根据学生的个性进行教学D. 根据学生的需要进行教学答案:1-5 B D C C C 6-10 C B D D B二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述教育心理学在教育实践中的应用。
2. 论述现代教育技术对教育的影响。
3. 描述教育评价的基本原则和方法。
答案:1. 教育心理学在教育实践中的应用主要包括:帮助教师了解学生的心理特点,设计符合学生心理发展的教学活动;指导教师采用有效的教学策略,激发学生的学习动机;帮助学生认识自我,调整学习态度,提高学习效率。
2. 现代教育技术对教育的影响主要体现在:提高了教学效率,丰富了教学内容,拓展了教学空间,促进了学生自主学习,增强了教学互动性,为个性化教学提供了可能。
3. 教育评价的基本原则包括:客观性、公正性、全面性、发展性。
语文部分(每题5分,共50分)1.下列词语中加横线的字读音完全相同的一组是:(B )A.交口称赞称心如意拍手称快B.调查研究油腔滑调内查外调C.行云流水行家里手行将就木D.装模作样模模糊糊劳动模范2.下列各句中加横线的成语使用恰当的一句是:(D )A.今年5月14日,武汉商场黄金柜台发生了一起震撼人心的持枪抢劫案。
调整好了,即使身处闹市通衢,不也像没有任何干扰的可独享读书之乐的深山古寺一样了吗?(b) (5分)A: 调整好读书的环境B: 调整好读书的心境C: 调整好心情和环境D: 调整好读书的情趣3.下列词语有错别字的一组是:(B )A.风声风声鹤唳B.世故人情事故C.精心漫不经心D.剧增与日俱增4.对下列词语意义的解释完全正确的一组是:(A )A.流刑(流放的刑罚)流星赶月(形容迅速)B.声气(声音中带气)声泪俱下(形容极其悲痛)C.临刑(将要受死刑)临危受命(危难时期被任命)D.虚造(凭空捏造)虚与委蛇(假装出来的声势)5.依次填入下面一段文字括号处的最恰当的一组关联词是:(A )社会主义制度的巩固,社会主义事业的发展,只能是两个文明同时建设、相互促进的结果。
A.才虽然但B.就即使反而C.所以尽管可D.就也而6.对下列加横线的词,解释完全正确的一组是:(B )A.怡(安然)然自得素(颜色单纯)昧平生B.怒不可遏(阻止)闲庭信(随意)步C.咸(一种味道)与维新解甲归(回家)田D.离群索(寻找)居侃(从容)侃而谈7.依次填入下面横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是:(B )(1)山东石臼港的建设顺利,九月中旬,已完成年施工计划的90%。
网络教育专升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 网络教育专升本课程中,以下哪项不是在线学习的优势?A. 灵活的时间安排B. 丰富的学习资源C. 强制的面对面教学D. 个性化的学习路径答案:C2. 在网络教育专升本课程中,学生可以通过以下哪种方式与教师进行互动?A. 线下见面B. 电子邮件C. 电话会议D. 所有上述方式答案:D3. 专升本课程中,学生需要完成多少学分才能毕业?A. 60学分B. 80学分C. 100学分D. 120学分答案:B4. 在网络教育专升本课程中,学生通常需要多久完成课程?A. 1年B. 2年C. 3年D. 4年答案:C5. 专升本课程中,学生可以通过哪些方式获取学习资料?A. 仅通过图书馆B. 仅通过在线数据库C. 图书馆和在线数据库D. 仅通过教师发放答案:C6. 网络专升本课程中,学生需要多久提交一次作业?A. 每周B. 每月C. 每季度D. 每学期答案:A7. 专升本课程中,学生如何评估自己的学习进度?A. 通过教师的定期反馈B. 通过在线测试C. 通过自我评估D. 所有上述方式答案:D8. 在网络教育专升本课程中,学生需要参加哪些类型的考试?A. 仅在线考试B. 仅现场考试C. 在线考试和现场考试D. 不需要参加任何考试答案:C9. 专升本课程中,学生需要完成哪些类型的项目?A. 仅理论研究B. 仅实践操作C. 理论研究和实践操作D. 无需完成任何项目答案:C10. 在网络教育专升本课程中,学生如何获得学分?A. 仅通过考试B. 仅通过完成作业C. 通过考试和完成作业D. 通过参与讨论答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述网络教育专升本课程与传统面授专升本课程的主要区别。
远程教育专升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 远程教育的起源可以追溯到哪个世纪?A. 18世纪B. 19世纪C. 20世纪D. 21世纪答案:B2. 专升本是指什么?A. 从本科升到硕士B. 从专科升到本科C. 从高中升到本科D. 从硕士升到博士答案:B3. 远程教育的主要优势是什么?A. 节省时间B. 节省费用C. 灵活的学习时间和地点D. 强制面对面交流答案:C4. 远程教育专升本课程通常需要多少年完成?A. 1年B. 2年C. 3年D. 4年答案:B5. 下列哪项不是远程教育专升本课程的特点?A. 丰富的在线资源B. 面对面授课C. 灵活的学习进度D. 个性化的学习计划答案:B二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 远程教育专升本课程通常包括_________、_________和_________三个阶段。
答案:入学测试、在线学习、毕业答辩7. 远程教育专升本课程的学习方式主要有_________、_________和_________。
答案:自学、在线辅导、小组讨论8. 远程教育专升本课程的考核方式通常包括_________和_________。
答案:平时成绩、期末考试9. 远程教育专升本课程的毕业要求通常包括_________、_________和_________。
答案:学分要求、毕业论文、毕业答辩10. 远程教育专升本课程的在线学习平台通常具备_________、_________和_________等功能。
答案:课程管理、在线交流、学习资源三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 请简述远程教育专升本课程与传统全日制专升本课程的主要区别。
1.A. June B. trust C. bus D. under2.A.bread B.breath C.speak D.dead3.A. taught B. caught C. laugh D. launch4.A. milk B. bridge C. little D. light5.A. pays B. plays C. stays D. says6.A.effect B.afflict C.indict D.fact7.A. pour B. fourth C. source D. flour8.A.head B.bread C.peace D.dead9.A. hall B. call C. shall D . fall10.A.load B. broad C. float D. road11.A. gap B. glass C. grasp D. fast12.A.gunwale B.where C.waste D.won13.A.rubber B. curious C. gun D. public14.A.easy B,reply C.simply D.highly15.A.who B. why C. white D. while16.A.bustle B.between C.victual D.forest17.A. her B. clerk C. very D. term18.A. work B. short C. torch D. order19.A.exhibition B. exhaust C .ahead D. forehead20.A.nose B.increase C.close D.lose21.A.school B. moon C. cool D. book22.A.hundred B. review C. forget D. select23.A.bear B.learn C.early D.search24.A.sheet B.keep C.deer D.feel25.A.weight B . height C. eight D. freight26.A.friend B.field C.niece D.piece27.A.exercise B. exact C. exhaust D. exam28.A.kick B.resist C.silver D.April29.A.moon B.room C.blood D.cool30.A.suggestion B. liberation C. operation D. indication31.A.dumb b C.bomb D.cupboard32.A.care B.dare C.hare D.are33.A.fan B. water C. have D. happy34.A.mask B. staff C. craft D. grade35.A.listen B.fasten C.often D.carteen36.A.cause B.design C.physics D.prison37.A.matter B. hang C. narrow D. nation38.A.pays B.plays C.stays D.says39.A.funny B.only C.July D.lucky40.A.break B. eat C. tea D. seat41.A.bowl B.yellow C.know D.how42.A.tired B.fire C.hire D.bird43.A.nearly B. bear C. dear D .near44.A.example B.examination C. executive D. exercise45.A.played B. gained C .needed D .borrowed46.A. great B. steak C. break D. breakfast47.A.age B. gate C. tape D. exact48.A. flower B. power C. tower D arrow49.A.sort B. north C. worst D. port50.A. early B. learn C. earthquake D. beard二、词汇与语法知识。
网络教育专升本学校心理学试题 (1)
![网络教育专升本学校心理学试题 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9a81210ac281e53a5802ffed.png)
《学校心理学》模拟试卷D参考答案一、不定项选择(每小题2分,共计20分)1.A BCD2. ABC3. ACD4. ABCD5. ABCD6. ABCD7.AB8.ABCD9.ABD 10. D二、填空题(每空1分,共计10分)1.应用性可开业性2.互动性阶段性3.社会退缩行为倒退4. 后控制认知—行为技巧5. 自由联想洞察、疏导渲泄三、名词解释(每小题4分,共计20分)1. 学校心理学 :用以研究中小学教育教学中诸多心理学规律和积极心理学问题的应用技术,并向学生提供实际的心理学服务的科学。
4. 有结构观察:指观察者事先设计好观察的内容和项目,制定相关的观察表,在实际观察活动中严格按照其进行观察。
A关汉卿B白朴C马致远D郑光祖13、《诗经》的传统分类是()A 南、风、雅B 风、雅、颂C 雅、颂、南D 颂、南、风14、《庄子》散文运用的主要手法是()A 重言B 卮言C 寓言D 杂言15、《离骚》在诗歌形式上所属的体式是()A 四言体B 五言体C 七言体D 杂言体16、《史记》的五种体例中,“世家”这种体例是()A 记述历史帝王的兴衰沿革B 记述特殊人物或集团的事迹C 记述重要人物的家庭兴衰D 记述王侯各国的史实和状况17、《汉书》所属的历史编纂体例是()A 编年史B 纪传体通史C 断代史D 国别史18、李商隐无题诗的特色是()A 善于描写隐秘难言的爱情心理B 政治上的讽谕与抒情相联系C 借托史事,寄寓吊古伤今之意D 以华美辞藻取胜,抒写艳情19、先秦诸子中,提出¡°民贵君轻¡±思想的是()A.孔子B.孟子C.老子D.庄子20、《爱尔克的灯光》中,引发对人生道路进行思索的是()A.故居照壁上¡°长宜子孙¡±四个字B.爱尔克的灯光C.姐姐的死讯D.田野里的一线光、一个亮21、唐代小说的主要形式是()A.志怪小说B.传奇小说C.志人小说D.话本小说22、( )是盛唐山水诗派的代表人物之一,与王维齐名。
1. 现代教育派的代表人物是()。
A.夸美纽斯B.杜威C.赫尔巴特D.洛克.标准答案:A2. 孔子说:“其身正,不令而行,其身不正,虽令不从。
A.主体性B.创造性C.间接性D.示范性.标准答案:D3. 教师是教育工作的组织者,领导者,在教育过程中()。
A.起主导作用B.起决定作用C.不起主导作用D.起基础作用.标准答案:A4. 在近代,最早系统地论述教育问题的专著是()。
A.《爱弥儿》B.《大教学论》C.《普通教育学》D.《教育论》.标准答案:B5. 夸美纽斯论述教育问题的专著是()。
A: 《中华人民共和国教育法》B: 《中华人民共和国义务教育法》C: 《中华人民共和国教师法》D: 《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》标准答案:A7. 教学过程的中心环节是()。
A.感知教材,形成表象B.理解教材,形成概念C.巩固与保持知识D.运用知识,形成技能技巧.标准答案:B8. 班集体形成的主要标志之一是()。
A.成立了班委会B.开展了班级工作C.形成了正确的班级舆论D.确定了班级工作计划.标准答案:C9. 根据评价的性质和作用,旨在对被评价对象做出某种资格上的证明的评价类型是()。
A.形成性评价B.终结性评价C.诊断性评价D.标准性评价.标准答案:B10. 世界上最早颁布义务教育法案的国家是()。
A.英国B.德国C.美国D.法国.标准答案:B11. 上课是整个教学工作的()。
A.中心环节B.起始环节C.终止环节D.一般环节.标准答案:A12. 教师和学生共同组成的传递和掌握社会经验的双边活动称为()。
A 雄辩和演说训练B “骑士七技”训练C 人的多方面和谐发展D 军事体操教育8评定学生学业成绩的方法除百分制记分法外,还有一类是()。
山东大学网络教育专升本入学模拟考试英语试题 .doc
![山东大学网络教育专升本入学模拟考试英语试题 .doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2dec3c4eaf45b307e87197f6.png)
山东大学网络教育专升本入学模拟考试英语试题(1)PartⅠPhonetics (10 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B,C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others inpronunciation. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. A. teacher B. meat C. cheap D. head2. A. sow B. know C. slow D. how3. A. family B. satisfy C. safe D. salary4. A. raid B. lain C. said D. sail5. A. kid B. mile C. ride D. find6. A. sweat B. leap C. flea D. cheat7. A. view B. flew C. few D. new8. A. hope B. coat C. hop D. hold9. A. fear B. dear C. clear D. bear10. A. physics B. quickly C. library D. ticketPart II V ocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions: In this part, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet.11.The idea is _________ to all of us and you do not needs to tell us more about it.A. apparentB. appearingC. approachingD. apart12. This mountain has many high __________and deep valleys.A. peaksB. hillsC. pathsD. pink13. He gave us a good __________ of his experience.A demonstration B. frequency C. description D. instruction14. The distinguished lawyer had many __________.A. clientsB. customersC. creditorsD. people15. the dead man was ____________ in a blanket.A. inputB. issued D. ensured D. wrapped16. This is military _________, and no body is allowed to get in without permission.A. bond D. zone C. butter D. zoo17. Rock music usually ___________ the young people in most countries.A. applies toB. appeals toC. amazes toD. actress18. Would he have seen you i f you hadn’t ___________ to him.A. intendedB. wavedC. expressedD. debt19. Everyone __________ the right to his own opinion.A. imitatesB. requestsC. deservesD. outlines20. That is a ________ point of view. And I don't agree with you.A. crystalB. proteinC. unionD. confusing21. English has become a communication _______ for people from different countries.A. meritB. streamC. enjoymentD. medium22. During the eight years of war, many people ________ their blood for the country.A. shedB. temptedC. reservedD. devoted23. You have greatly _______ us. What you have done is not what you told us about severalweeks ago.A. disappointedB. desertedC. clarifiedD. opposed24. Before you begin writing your paper, please write ________ first. Then we can have abetter idea about what you are going to talk about.A. an originB. a detailC. an exampleD. an outline25. If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, my answer is simply that it is a________for me.A. chapterB. ceremonyC. chamberD. challenge26. Mr. Green has recently been ______ to director of the president's office.A. pushedB. purchasedC. promoted.D. promised27. We don't think that his ________ ability has been well developed.A. possibleB. potentialC. underneathD. vital28. Our ________ t alks promised a good future for our cooperation.A. interiorB. insuranceC. initialD. invisible29. The ________ can help people see very small objects.A. metropolitanB. microphoneC. microscopeD. microwave30. Physically we feel comfortable, but ________ , we suffer a lot.A. psychologicallyB. moderatelyC. naturallyD. precisely31. Even though he has lived in China for more than twenty years, Mark still can not __________ himself to the Chinese customs.A. adoptB. adjustC. adaptD. accept32. He tried to ________ w ith the manager for a fat salary.A. evaluateB. objectC. bargainD. pause33. To some _______ , Mary still does not understand that workplace completely. But sheherself does want to admit that.A. extendB. partC. extentD. content34. Great Britain and France will hold a _______ regarding some European economic problems.A. conferenceB. referenceC. conversionD. cooperation35. Since he often travels on business, he has learned how to _______ himself to sleeping in anyplace he can find.A. makeB. accustomC. forceD. let36. One of my _______ sayings is " How much you put into it is how much you will get outof it."A. favoriteB. alikeC. favorableD. likely37. M ost of the news on the front page of today's daily newspapers ______ the progress ofpeace conference.A. is concernedB. are concerningC. concernsD. concern38. ______ Everything is a bit depressing at the moment, but I am sticking to my belief thatgood times are __________ , and the future is bright.A. around a cornerB. near the cornerC. in the cornerD. around the corner39. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ______ the advertiserpays for the messages to be delivered.A. in thatB. whereasC. whichD. now that40. It is no use ______ me not to worry about his health.A. for you to tellB. your tellingC. you tellD. having told41. He opened the door to ______ were eager to learn knowledge.A. whoB. thatC. those whoD. those42. The camera can be ________ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A. treatedB. adjustedC. adoptedD. adapted43. When Mary paid the bill she was given a ________ for her money.A. checkB. receiptC. ticketD. label44. The newly ____ method has brought about great economic benefits to organization menand women.A. adoptedB. acceptedC. receivedD. treated45. A completely new situation will _______ when the new income tax system comes intoexistence.A. riseB. raiseC. arouseD. arise46. The next afternoon I went to ________ Miss Barkley again for the same matter.A. call onB. call forthC. call afterD. call off47. I would rather you _______ next month instead of tomorrow.A. will leaveB. leaveC. would leaveD. left48. Which door does this key _______ to?A. setB. becomeC. fitD. belong49. We suddenly saw the bus about to leave and had to run _________ to catch it.A. stronglyB. nearlyC. hardD. hardly50. When he was in prison, he was not allowed to ________ with his family.A. commitB. communicateC. commissionD. commandPart III Cloze (20 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and the mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.People all know that Muhammad Ali ______51______ a great boxer. “I’m the greatest!” He often said.In addition to _____52_____ a great boxer, Muhammad Ali is a kind and wonderful person. I t’s nice when people help others. Muhammad Ali has often done ____53____.Muhammad Ali helped some older people who lived in a biog city. The people had a place to_____54____ when they needed help. Tyey____55____ it their center. One day the center____56____ money and had to closed down. The people no longer had a place to be together and to____57____ help.Muhammad Ali gave the center 100,000 dollars. The center could stay ____58____for another year. It could keep on helping the old people who needed it. All of the people there are thankful____59____ Muhammad Ali. The center is still open. By helping out, Muhammad Ali ____60____ how great he really is!51. A. are B. am C. is D. was52. A. be B. having been C. has been D. been53. A. so B. it C. the same D. ones54. A. go to B. go C. be going to D. go in55. A. said B. told C. showed D. called56. A. ran out B. used outC. ran out ofD. kept out of57. A. go for B. go to C. go with D. go up58. A. opened B. open C. opening D. opens59. A. for B. with C. of D. to60. A. thought B. supposed C. showed D. lookedPart VI Reading Comprehension ( 60 points )Directions: There are 4 reading passages in the part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the bestanswer and mark it on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneJim was intelligent, but he hated hard work. He said, "You work hard, and make a lot of mon-ey, and then the government takes most of it. I want easy work that gives me lots of money and that the government doesn't know about.So he became a thief—but he did not do the stealing. He got others to do it. They were much less intelligent than he was, so he arranged everything and told them what to do.One day they were looking for rich families to rob, and Jim sent one of them to a large beautiful house just outside the town.It was evening, and when the man looked through one of the windows, he saw a young man and a girl playing on a piano.When he went back to Jim, he said, "That family can't have much money. Two people were pla-ying on the same61. The word "intelligent" in the first sentence is closest in meaning to _______ .A. cleverB. honestC. interestingD. modest62. What Jim said can be said to be ______ .A. an excuseB. a lieC. a jokeD. a truth63. Jim did not do the stealing, ______ .A. so he was not a thief in factB. because he was less intelligent than othersC. but he made stealing plans and gave ordersD. for he was afraid of being caught64. Where did one of the thieves go to do the stealing?A. To the village.B. To the country.C. To the city.D. To the town.65. It can be concluded from the story that ________ .• A. J im and his men didn't rob the familyB. the family they were going to rob was not rich in factC. the thief sent to the beautiful house was foolish enoughD. the young man and the girl were husband and wifePassage TwoIn 1638, John Harvard donated some money and about four hundred books to a new university. This was the beginning of the library at Harvard University. The gift was so important that the university was named after John Harvard.Thomas Bray began the first free lending library in the late 1600s. He set up more than 30 of these libraries in the American colonies. However, the idea for this kind of free library ended when Bray died in 1730. In 1731 , Benjamin Franklin and some friends started the first subscription library in the United States. In a subscription library people pay money to become members, but they may borrow the books without paying again. •In the United States, every child had a free education. This idea soon led to free libraries. One of the first libraries that used tax money to buy books was a library in Peterborough, New Hampshire. This library was set up in 1833.66. The main idea of paragraph 2 is _______ .A. Franklin started the first subscription libraryB. in a subscription library people pay money to become membersC. Bray and Franklin were important in the history of public librariesD. Bray died in 1730 and Franklin died in 183367. The word "borrow" in line 7 means _______ .A. read and write with no help from another personB. use for a short time and then returnC. like very muchD. lend68. The reading does not say it, but we can guess that _______ .A. there were free schools in the United States before there were free librariesB. free schools and free libraries in the United States began at about the same timeC. the library in New Hampshire also had a free school in itD. there were free libraries in the United States before there were free schools69. Harvard University began _____ .A.in 1731B.in 1730C.in 1833D.in 163870. At the library that Franklin started, _____ .A. children could use books for no money at allB. people paid a little money in the beginning but none after thatC. people paid a lot of money in the beginning but none after thatD.both A and BPassage ThreeThere was a pilot and four people in a small plane. Suddenly there was something wrong with the machine while it was flying in the air. The smoke was everywhere in the plane. The pilot told the people there were only four parachutes. They all became worried and started to make excuses."I must go and mend the machine," said the pilot, taking one of the parachutes. There was nothing he could do so he jumped out.The first person stood up. "I'm a doctor" , he said. "1 help people live longer and I save lives. " He also took a parachute and jumped out.The next person said, " I must have a parachute. I'm a very clever person. I have to attend an important sports match. I know I'll win the game because I'll be the cleverest person there. " He picked up a pack and jumped out.Two men were left—an old businessman and a young mountain climber. By this time the plane was going down fast. The businessman said, " Young man, I'm old but you're still young. You take the last parachute. " The young mountain climber smiled. "Don't worry," he said, "We can both jump to safety because there are still two parachutes. Just now the clever person jumped out with my back pack.71. All the people became worried because ______ .A. they couldn't find the parachutesB. they were afraid the plane would be broken and knew there were not enoughparachutesfor each personC. there was too much smoke and they couldn't jump out from the planeD. they saw the pilot jump out first72. The clever man jumped out with ______ .A. a parachuteB. nothingC. the pack of the climber'sD. two parachutes73. All the people thought of themselves except _________ .• A. the pilotB. the clever manC. the doctorD. the business man74. From the story we know _____ would be died.A. the clever manB. the businessmanC. the pilotD. the doctor75. _____ was a kind-hearted manA. The pilotB. The mountain climberC. The businessmanD.The doctorPassage FourDanny was just tired about the way things were going. His mom came to the school and kept corn-planing about Rick Jackson on and on. It seemed that she would never stop talking. "Somebody's got to stop that boy!" she was shouting. " Rick's troubling everybody in the neighborhood. And he loves to pick on little boys like Danny. "Mrs. Green, Danny's teacher, was concerned a lot. "I didn't know that Danny was being picked on , " she answered. " He's never said anything about this to me ! " Mrs. Green looked at Danny. " How long has this been going on?" she asked. Danny could only shake his head and look at the floor. He knew if he said a word about this, he would have trouble after school.Danny hadn't said anything about the problem because he wanted to get along with the boys in the neighborhood. After all, most of them were nice to him. He hated to leave the gang just because of Rick. Maybe the time had come to find new friends. He felt it hard to make up his mind.16. We learn from the reading that ___________ .A. Danny was not a good studentB. Danny's mother talked too much about the schoolC. Danny's teacher knew something about Danny's problem beforeD. Danny wanted to get away from Rick17. When Danny's mother came for Mrs. Green, the matter was now _______________ to Mrs. Green.A.seriousmonC.untrueD. similar18. Danny now ________ .A. was tired of the school and his friendsB. had no friends at allC. was not sure what he should do with the problemD. made some new friends in the neighborhood19. Danny didn't say anything about the matter to Mrs. Green becauseA. she had known itB. the other boys told herC. he didn't want to be in troubleD. his mother didn't want him to say it20. The word "gang" in the reading means _____________ .A. a place for boys to play gamesB. a group of young peopleC. a school bus for children to and from schoolPart V Writing ( points )Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a letter in 100—120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.<情景>你是张海.你的朋友王敏写信给你,询问你课余时间都做些什么.你回信给她,信件内容包括:1.山东大学网络教育专升本入学模拟考试英语试题(2)PartⅠPhonetics (10 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. A. math B. catch C. attend D. stamp2. A. speech B. rich C. chemistry D. teach3. A. kick B. pick C. bike D. live4. A. coffee B. sorry C. doctor D. motor5. A. house B. south C. touch D. mouth6. A. care B. fare C. hare D. are7. A. idea B. cheap C. reach D. team8. A. flood B. loose C. choose D. mood9. A. farmer B. towards C. pardon D. large10. A. cup B. mud C. just D. tunePart II V ocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions: In this part, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.11. A ______ political and economic situation is very important for the development of anycountry.A. stainB. stableC. peacefulD. pink12. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according toyour _______ in college.A. performanceB. policyC. smartD. statement13. The World Trade Center is often called a _________ Building because it is made up of twoidentical buildings.A. AlikeB. FolkC. TwinD. Former14. It is impossible for us to _______ such a difficult task within a limited time.A. fuelB. frownC. fulfillD. frost15. Please do not _____ ' when somebody else is talking.A. intendB. interpretC. interruptD. invest16. Although Mary has a _______ view of our future, nobody believes in what she said.A. portableB. primaryC. possessionD. positive17. Nobody knows his _______ for helping us.A. motivationB. motionC. moodD. moral18. Both sides agreed to establish a ________ zone between the south and north.A. midstB. mildC. mentionD. neutral19. That is a ________ moment for our research. We should be very much careful.A. criticalB. beltC. conscienceD. copper20. The textbook is for the ________ students, not for the beginners.A. observationB. transportationC. advancedD. transfer21. This university has ________ a great deal since our last visit.A. appearedB. alteredC. approachedD. admired22. She is narrow-minded and always _______ what other people have.A. jealousB. owesC. missesD. envies23. When he woke up from his dream, the frightened boy tried hard to _______ his mother'sarm.A. grapeB. grayC. gripD. grave24. Mary has never been _______ a ship.A. abroadB. aboardC. aboveD. absorb25. The lens of modern cameras may be coated with more than ten ________ of protection.A. levelsB. storiesC. layersD. formations26. The thief was _______ by the police on the spot at the railway station.A. carpetB. minedC. capturedD. mounted27. In fact, there is no_________ liberty in any country.A. adequateB. absoluteC. privateD. practical28. There is too much noise outside, I can not _________ on my work.A. connectB. flatC. fillD. concentrate29. While studying at West Lake University, Mr. Wang _______ h is old friend, whom he has notseen for nearly twenty years.A. encounteredB. whisperedC. swungD. maid30. The ________production of engines in the factory has doubled this year.A. manualB. annualC. amountD. alike31. There is a lot of noise in New York City, ______________ t here isn't much where Daniel lives.A. asB. andC. expectD. but32. That farm land ________ a good crop of potatoes last year.A. plantedB. grewC. raisedD. yielded33. The history of the Olympic Games can ________ b ack to the sixth century B. C.A. dashB. chaseC. traceD. follow34. Two hundred and fifty dollars _, ______ t oo much for that low - quality TV set.A. isB. areC. hasD. have35. _____ a reply, he decided to write again.A. Not receivingB. Not having receivedC. Having not receivedD. Not received36. Penicillin was discovered in 1929, but ________ .A. it was used until twelve years laterB. it was used not until twelve years laterC. not until twelve years later it was usedD. not used until twelve years later37. We have to produce more food to ________ the demand of the ever-growing population.A. suitB. fixC. meetD. respond38. _______ What has been said, it is unlikely that population growth rate will slow down,either in developed or in developing countries.A. For the sake ofB. On behalf ofC. With the exception ofD. In view of39. It is believed that today's pop music can serve as a creative force ___ stimulating thethinking of its listeners.A. byB. withC. onD. at40. New students will come to our school ________ next week.A. sometimesB. some timeC. sometimeD. some times41. It's difficult to cross the desert by car, but not _________ impossible.A. roughlyB. exclusivelyC. necessarilyD. absolutely42. If 1 were in that situation, then it would be about time that I ________ my head in my handsfor a cry.A. buryB. am buryingC. buriedD. would bury43. These handicrafts are very popular _______ tourists visiting this mysterious land.A. toB. forC. withD. among44. He didn't come to the party last night. He _______ to see us.A. might not have wantedB. could not have wanted »C. should not have wantedD. ought not to have wanted45. The professor did ________ r esearch before writing his thesis.A. exhaustingB. exhaustiveC. exhibitedD. executed46.As a commander, you should not _______ t he soldiers to unnecessary danger.A. expressB. explodeC. exploitD. expose47. This newspaper often _____ the government's opinion, not the public opinion.A. affectsB. reactsC. reflectsD. recognizes48. Although in great danger, the wounded soldiers still did not want to ______ from the front.A. feedbackB. backwardC. withdrawD. departure49. This movie has a _______ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.A. dramaticB. originalC. considerableD. temple50. During the graduation _______ , the president gave a wonderful opening speech.A. evolutionB. signC. individualD. ceremonyPart III Cloze (20 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and the mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Not all people got their names____51____ their fathers. Some got their names from the places they ____52____ . For example, a family that lived in a village ____53____ many green trees and plants was called Green or Greenberg. If they lived in a town called Moor, they were ____54____ the Moores.Sometimes people got their names from____55____they looked. A tall person was, perhaps, called Long. If people in a family had ____56____ hair, the family was sometimes called the Blacks or the Browns. If their hair was____57____, they may have been called the Whites.People often took their names from the kind of ____58____they did. A person who sewed clothing was named Taylor. ____59____person who baked bread was called Baker. A person who had a very good ____60____ was named Singer.After a while these names stayed with people and became family names that are still used today.51. A. after B. out of C. with D. from52. A. stayed in B. worked for C. lived in D. played at53. A. of B. with C. for D. at54. A. known B. said C. called D. written55. A. the way B. a way C. what D. why56. A. light B. heavy C. dark D. soft57. A. heavy B. dark C. soft D. light58. A. subject B. work C. major D. course59. A. Another B. Other C. Others D. A60. A. brain B. voice C. body D. namePart VI Reading Comprehension ( 60 points )Directions: There are 4 reading passages in the part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the bestanswer and mark it on the Answer Sheet.Passage One" We are more than halfway now: It's only two miles farther to the hotel," said the driver."I'm glad of that!" answered the stranger, in a more sympathetic mood. He meant to say more but east wind blew clear down a man's throat if he tried to speak. The girl's voice was something quite pleasant, however, and presently he spoke again." You don' t feel the cold so much at twenty below zero out in the western country. There is none of this damp chill," he said and then it seemed he had been unhappy. She had not ever said that it was an unpleasant day." You will have a cold drive going back, " he said anxiously, and put up his hand for the twentieth time to see if his coat-collar was as close to the back of his neck as possible."I shall not have to go back!" said the girl with eager pleasantness. "I'm on my way home now. I drove over early just to meet you at the train. We had word that someone was coming to the hotel. "61. How far was the drive from the train to the hotel?A. One mile.B. Two miles.C. A little over four miles.D. Less than four mile.62. Do you know who the driver was?A. An old man.B. A girl.C. A stranger.D. The passage doesn't tell us.63. From the passage we conclude that the two speakers were in ______ .A. the WestB. the EastC. the NorthwestD. the South64. According to the stranger, in the west the winters are _______ .A. dry and coldB. damp and coldC. warmer than in the eastD. neither hot nor cold65. The driver____________.A. had to return to the train station after leaving the stranger at the hotelB. was going home after leaving the stranger at the hotelC. lived at the hotelD. was going away on the hotelPassage TwoThere are many kinds of ants in the world that always live in companies. They are the most hardworking creatures and most of them make their nests under ground. The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that bother us by coming to our picnics uninvited. They are not trying to be harmful, but are only doing the house-keeping job they were made for. They are nature's clean-up crew. One of these ants, scouting in the grass, finds the trail of an injured beetle. In some mysterious way the news spreads. Soon there are two ants, then a few more. Then a dozen or more are running around the beetle. Enough ants will come to put an end to it.Then the beetle is dead, the ants carry it away to their underground nests. They leave nothing in the grass but empty shell.66.The ants that come to our picnics are ______ .A. looking for companyB. having funC. doing their jobD. trying to bother us67. According to this passage the black ants' job is to _____ .A. kill all beetlesB. clean up the grassC. help injured insectsD. enjoy our picnics68. As soon as an ant finds an injured insect, it ______ .A. makes friends with itB. kills itC. carries it away and eats itD. lets other ants know69. More ants learn about the beetle _____ .A. by smelling itB. by hearing the sounds it makesC. from other antsD. from the injured beetle70. T he ants clean the grass by ______ .。
远程教育学习指南(专升本)阶段性作业 1 总分:100 分得分:0 分、单选题1.中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院对学生采用弹性学分制管理,高起专和专升本学制均为。
(6 分)(A)2.5 -6 年(B)2.5 -3 年(C)2.5-5 年(D)2-4 年参考答案:C2.___ 的学习者,最起码的信息化素养要求就是能够掌握计算机操作的基本技能,掌握基本的网络操作技能。
(6 分)(A)现代远程教育(B)传统教育(C)成人教育(D)自考参考答案:A3.课程学习完成,必须参加课程考核。
考试形式为_ 。
(6 分)(A)开卷或撰写论文(B)闭卷.开卷(C)闭卷和撰写论文(D)在线考试.开卷和考查参考答案:D4.学生的必修课程总成绩平均在__ ,已经办理免修的课程不计入在内方具有学士学位申请资格。
(6 分)(A)60 分以上(含60 分)(B)65 分以上(含65 分)(C)75 分以上(含75 分)(D)70 分以上(含70 分)参考答案:C5.以下属于媒体播放软件的是__ 。
(6 分)(A)Winzip(B)Mediaplay(C)Winrar(D)Netants参考答案:B6.网络教育的特点之一是:学生的学习过程主要是在网络环境中进行的,比如在网上讨论.网上辅导等等。
(7 分)(A)网上做作业(B)网上答疑(C)网上自测(D)以上全部参考答案:D7.第一代远程教育是以__ 为主要学习资源.以邮政传递收写作业和批改评价(函授辅导)为主要通信手段(主要技术特征)的函授教育。
(7 分)(A)电视媒体(B)光盘(C)网络媒体(D)印刷教材参考答案:D8.现代远程教育的特点决定了远程学习以学生__ 为主。
(7 分)(A)上课(B)学习(C)自学(D)上网参考答案:C9.现代远程教育其主要技术特征是__ ,即通过数字.多媒体等信息技术实现人机.人际的相互交流和交互作用,可以加强教师和学习都之间的双向交流,极大地促进学习者之间的个性化学习和协作学习。
西南大学网络教育0405专升本《教育学》作业及答案 2
![西南大学网络教育0405专升本《教育学》作业及答案 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5a2df37ea417866fb84a8e09.png)
网络教育专升本统考英语测试题一、交际英语1.-Could you do me a favour and take these books to my office?-Sure,_______.A.for pleasureB.I couldC.my pleasureD.more pleasure答案:C2.-Who's speaking?-This is Tom________.A.speaksB.spokenC.speakingD.saying答案:C3.-Thanks for your help.-__________A.My pleasure.B.Never mind.C.Quite right.D.Don't thank me.答案:A4.-What's the matter,John?-_________A.I failed my French test.B.It doesn't matter.C.Nothing's wrong with him.D.I don't think I can.答案:A5.-Hi,Tom,how's everything with you?-___________,and how are you?A.Don't mention itB.Hm,not too badC.ThanksD.Pretty fast答案:B二、阅读理解Benjamin Franklin was born in1706in Boston,Massachusetts.His mother and father were of Puritan(清教徒的)religion.They left England and moved to the English colony of Massachusetts in order to escape persecution(迫害)for their religion.In Boston,Franklin left school when he was ten years old and worked for his father for two years.Then he went to work on his brother's newspaper. He became the editor of this paper when he was sixteen.Because he wanted to be independent,he went to Philadelphia.There he bought his own newspaper.He worked hard and saved his money.And by the age of24he was one of the most successful men in Philadelphia.In1732Franklin published a book POOR RICHARD'S ALMANAC(历本).Most almanacs contained information for farmers,such as information about the days and weeks of the year and about the weather.To his almanac,Franklin added wise sayings,his observations about life,some of these sayings are still famous today.For example,"Early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise,"and"Waste not,want not,"and"A penny saved is a penny earned."6.Benjamin Franklin was of English origin.A.TB.F答案:A7.His parents moved to Massachusetts because they wanted to make a fortune.A.TB.F答案:B8.At the age of11,he worked for his brother.A.TB.F答案:B9.He moved to Philadelphia because he wanted to be dependent.A.TB.F答案:B10.Franklin's almanacs contained information for farmer and wise sayings.A.TB.F答案:AOnce James Thornhill,a famous English painter,was asked to paint some pictures on the walls of the king's palace in England.Then workers were sent for and a big platform(台子)was made.With the help of a worker,Thornhill started painting on the platform.They worked for a whole year and at last the pictures were ready.Thornhill was happy when he looked at the pictures,for they were really beautiful.He looked at them for a long time,and then took one step back and looked again.Now the pictures were even more beautiful.He took another step,then another.Finally he was at the very edge of the platform,but he didn't know it because he was thinking of his pictures.The worker saw everything."What should I do?"he thought."Thornhill was at the very edge of the platform.If I cry out,he will take another step,fall off it and surely be killed."So the worker quickly took some paint(漆)and threw it at the pictures."What are you doing?"cried the painter,running quickly forward to his pictures.11.James Thornhill was an English______.A.workerB.artistC.kingD.writer答案:B12.He was ordered to______.A.paint the wall of the king's palace in EnglandB.paint some pictures on the wall of the palaceC.build a big platform in front of the palaceD.put up some new pictures on the old wall答案:B13.It took them______to finish the pictures.A.a monthB.a weekC.twelve monthsD.half a month答案:C14.James Thornhill felt that the______he was from the pictures,the______they were.A.nearer…more beautifulB.farther…more uglyC.farther…more beautifulD.higher above…more good-looking答案:C15.The worker threw some paint at the pictures in order to______.A.save James'lifeB.destroy the pictureC.make the picture more beautifulD.make the king angry答案:A三、词汇与语法16.His example_______that everyone can become a useful person in society so long as he is willing to work hard.A.expressesB.thinksC.indicatesD.supplies答案:C17.A computer can only do_______you have instructed it to do.A.howB.afterC.whatD.when答案:C18.A pair of spectacles________what I need at the moment.A.isB.areC.hasD.have答案:A19.The young lady coming over to us_____our English teacher;the way she walks tells us that!A.must beB.can beC.would beD.could be答案:A20.Tom________more than twenty pounds on the novel.A.spentB.paidC.costD.took答案:A四、完型填空There have been many great inventions that changed the way we live.The first great invention was one that is still very__21__today-wheel.This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long__22__.For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that had affected our life as much as the wheel had done.Then in the early1800's the world started to change.There was little unknown land left in the world.People__23__explore much any more.They began to work to make life__24__.In the second half of the19th century many great inventions were made.Among them were the camera,the electric light and the radio.These all__25__a big part of our life today.21.A.betterB.didn't have toC.distancesD.becameE.important答案:E22.A.betterB.didn't have toC.distancesD.becameE.important答案:C23.A.betterB.didn't have toC.distancesD.becameE.important答案:B24.A.betterB.didn't have toC.distancesD.becameE.important答案:A25.A.betterB.didn't have toC.distancesD.becameE.important答案:D五、英译汉26.When I just gone out of the building,it began to rain.答案:我刚走出大楼天就下雨了。
1.现代教育的基本特征是( )A.无阶级性B.等级性C.体力劳动和脑力劳动分离D.生产性2.学校教育既要考虑给学生一个健康的体魄,也要重视给学生一个美好的心灵,这就要求教师必须承担( )A.“领导者”角色B.“心理医生”角色C.“父母”角色D.“榜样”角色3.把大班上课、小班研究和个别教学结合在一起的教学组织形式是( )A.道尔顿制B. 分组教学C.特朗普制D.设计教学法4.校风和班风属于隐性课程的( )A.物质—空间类B.组织—制度类C.文化—心理类D.心理—空间类5.构成课程的三种基本成分是( )A.课程目标、课程内容和学习活动的方式B.工具类学科、知识类学科和技艺类学科C.语文、数学和外语D.必修课、选修课和活动课6.学科课程的优点是( )A.重视知识的系统性B.重视联系学生的生活实际C.重视学生的兴趣和需要D.关心学习进程7.“不愤不启,不排不发”的提出者是( )A.孔子B.孟子C.荀子D.墨子8.《学记》中的“不陵节而施”这句话所体现的教学原则是( )A.因材施教原则B.循序渐进原则C.巩固性原则D.启发性原则9.学生在教师指导下反复多次完成某些动作或活动方式的教学方法是( )A.实验法B.讨论法C.读书指导法D.练习法10.根据一节课所完成任务的数量,课可以分为( )A.讲授课和演示课B.练习课和复习课C.单一课和综合课D.技能课和检查课11.古代中国、埃及和希腊的学校大都采用( )A.个别教学B.分组教学C.班级上课D.道尔顿制12.动作技能的形成要经历四个阶段,其中属于这四个阶段的是( )A.选择阶段B.领会阶段C.定位阶段D.应用阶段13.初中学生思维发展的特点是( )A.具体形象思维逐步占主要地位B.具体形象思维不起重要作用C.由具体思维向抽象思维过渡D.处在一个发展的稳定期14.个体的主观能动性在人的发展中起( )A.物质基础作用B.动力的作用C.主导的作用D.客观条件的作用15.在教师引导下学生经过自觉学习、自我反思和自我行为调节,使自身品德不断完善的德育方法是( )A.说服法B.锻炼法C.修养法D.陶冶法二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题每小题2分共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码壤写在题后的括号内。
网络教育入学机考专升本英语试题1、He knows little of English to say ____ of English culture.A、somethingB、anythingC、everythingD、nothing答案:D2、Though he is very intelligent, he is ____ rather modest.A、otherwiseB、neverthelessC、thereforeD、hence答案:B3、If you can provide the wine, I’ll ____ the food.A、look atB、see toC、think aboutD、ask for答案:B4、Fortunately, the demonstration ____ to be quite peaceful.A、turn inB、turn outC、showed offD、showed up答案:B5、Selfish people often take ____ of other people’s kindness.A、useB、careC、profitD、advantage答案:D6、His name was on the ____ of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember it.A、endB、tipC、edgeD、top答案:B7、We found our ____ round your factory most interesting.A、journeyB、travelC、tourD、show答案:C8、This album is ____ as it was the only one ever signed by the President.A、unusualB、rareC、singularD、unique答案:D9、The premier and the visiting foreign minister had a talk in ____ friendlyatmosphere.A、a mostB、mostC、the veryD、very答案:A10、There is a good ____ of the countryside from the front of the bus.A、sightB、viewC、sceneD、scenery答案:B11、____ she finds out that you’ve lost her books?A、Even ifB、What ifC、As ifD、Suppose that答案:B12、In a low voice, she ____ that someone was moving about upstairs.A、spokeB、shoutedC、whisperedD、told答案:C13、I’m afraid this Painting is not by Picasso. It’s only a copy and so it’s ____.A、pricelessB、worthlessC、unworthyD、invaluable 答案:B14、We are very busy . Every one is _____A、carefullyB、carefulC、careD、careless答案:B15、The twins are ______ each other in character.A、difference fromB、different fromC、different toD、different for !#答案:B16、Will you ____ tomorrow morning?A、shout me upB、call me upC、call me onD、telephone me up答案:B17、You’d better come ______ to my house and see me.A、upB、overC、forD、around答案:B18、I am afraid I have to _____ .A、do my washingB、do me washingC、do some washingD、do washing答案:C19、Every day I _____ home at half past five.A、get toB、get fromC、get backD、back答案:C20、The flood has done _____ to this area.A、many damagesB、much damageC、injuryD、damages答案:B21、My uncle is _______ than that worker.A、oldB、elderC、olderD、the oldest 答案:C22、This picture is ______ than that one.A、beautifulB、more beautifulC、most beautifulD、the most beautiful答案:B23、She said she was much ______ than before.A、goodB、wellC、betterD、the best答案:C24、I will tell him as soon as he ______ back.A、comeB、comesC、will comeD、came答案:B25、He ______ by the teachers.A、is always praisedB、praisesC、have been praisedD、always is praised答案:A26、It is _____ to travel on the moon.A、wonderfulB、carefulC、braveD、important 答案:A27、The patient refused ______ any medicine.A、haveB、to haveC、how to haveD、to how have答案:B28、He always depends _____ help from others.A、on gettingB、in gettingC、gettingD、to get !#答案:A29、Not only I but also Tom and Mary _____ fond of watching TV.A、amB、isC、hasD、are答案:D30、Tom with a dog _____ standing on the street.A、wasB、wereC、areD、will be答案:A31、Dick is ______ Maths.A、well atB、interested atC、good atD、good to答案:C32、Mary is very _____ her mother.A、likesB、likingC、to likeD、like答案:D33、I am sorry I must go, for I want to _____A、catch a busB、take a busC、sit a busD、get a bus !#答案:A34、In your family, who _____ the meal for every day?A、cookB、cooks C 、take D、takes答案:B35、On my birthday party, I enjoyed _____ very much.A、meB、mineC、myselfD、us答案:C36、Tom is ____ student in our class.A、the tallestB、tallC、tallerD、tallest答案:A37、March 8 is ______ day.A、Women’sB、WomenC、Woman’sD、a woman答案:A38、The text is _____ than that one.A、easyB、easierC、easiestD、the easiest 答案:B39、Which language do you like _____ , English or Russian?A、bestB、betterC、wellD、very well答案:B40、He usually _____ TV on Sunday evening.A、watchB、watchesC、watchingD、is watching 答案:B41、A lot of differences _______ between the two languages.A、can be foundB、can findC、would findD、is found答案:A42、Nobody knew _______ a living in that country.A、to goB、to makeC、how to doD、how to make答案:D43、The book is worth ______ twice.A、readB、to be readC、being readD、reading答案:D44、Your new room needs ______ .A、to cleanB、being cleanC、cleanedD、cleaning答案:D45、Fighting means ______ .A、killingB、to be killedC、to killD、be killed答案:A46、Whether he comes or not ______ nothing to me.A、areB、isC、hasD、have答案:B47、What he said ____ untrue.A、beB、isC、areD、were答案:B48、In our country everybody and every girl _____ a happy life.A、liveB、livesC、livingD、are living 答案:B49、The teacher as well as the students _____ this picture.A、likeB、are likingC、likesD、is liking答案:C50、Today our country is getting _______ .A、stronger and strongerB、strong and strongC、strongest and strongestD、more strong and more strong 答案:A51、Where______ born ?A、were youB、was youC、had you beenD、have you been答案:A52、Please be ______ !A、carefullyB、carefulC、careD、careless 答案:B53、Reading in bed isn’t _____ your eyes.A、good toB、good atC、good forD、good as答案:C54、We are going to the hospital to see my uncle He is ill ____ .A、in the hospitalB、at the hospitalC、living in the hospitalD、in hospital答案:D55、Liu Ying is not at home now, perhaps she ____ .A、is going outB、went outC、is outD、had been out答案:B56、If you jump the queue, other people will not ____.A、pleasedB、be pleasedC、pleasureD、be pleasure 答案:B57、Look! They are ____ .A、shopsB、do shoppingC、doing shopD、shopping答案:D58、Where____?A、are they comeB、are they come fromC、do they come fromD、do they come !#答案:C59、The radio says the sun will _____ later.A、come toB、come onC、come outD、come up答案:C60、When you _____ the road, you should look around.A、acrossB、throughC、crossD、are cross答案:C61、What does your father do ? He _____ .A、does an office workB、does the office workC、do the office workD、does office work答案:D62、Last week he didn’t go to school because of his illness, so he _____ .A、teach himselfB、taught himselfC、taught himD、taught his English答案:B63、What a pity! Mary fell ____ her bike.A、ofB、offC、fromD、out off答案:B64、My brother is _____ worker in his factory.A、the most excellentB、more excellentC、excellentD、most excellent答案:A65、After a long walk, I ______ .A、feel tiredB、feel tireC、tiredD、felt tired答案:D66、My mother was ill in hospital . I ______.A、feeling worriedB、felt worriedC、felt worryingD、felt being worried答案:B67、Please read these dialogues and ______ another kind of football.A、take outB、takeC、find outD、find答案:D68、Young_____ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do.A、thatB、asC、althoughD、however答案:B69、I am sorry to _____ the book for such a long time.A、keepB、had keptC、have keptD、having kept答案:C70、His parents ______last week, and the child has no one to look after him.A、have diedB、diedC、deadD、death答案:B71、Mother warned the boy ____ the guard dog any more.A、not touchingB、not touchC、to not touchD、not to touch答案:D72、Your hair wants _____ . You’d better have it done tomorrow.A、cutB、 to cutC、cuttingD、being cut !#答案:C73、Most of the people ______ to the party were famous scientists.A、invitedB、to invitedC、being invitedD、inviting答案:A74、Do you mind ______ here?A、my smokeB、to smokingC、to smokeD、my smoking答案:D75、I don’t feel like ____ anything now . I am tired.A、eatingB、to eatC、ateD、eat答案:A76、He is an honest official and never ______ any gifts from people who soughthis help.A、receivedB、expectedC、took upD、got答案:C77、The customer accused the cook _____ using canned potatoes.A、forB、withC、againstD、of答案:D78、Helen apologized _____ her not being able to attend the party.A、forB、toC、underD、of答案:A79、I’d like to go to Hanzhou with you, only I can’t _____ two weeks off work.A、offerB、affordC、leaveD、manage答案:B80、All the reference books should be made ___ to the teachers and studentsin our university.A、availableB、flexibleC、relatedD、concerned答案:A81、When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above_____ .A、normalB、averageC、regularD、ordinary答案:A82、The doctor soon made the worried patient feel _____ ease.A、withB、onC、atD、off答案:C83、The football match was televised _____ from the Workers’ Stadium .A、aliveB、lifeC、liveD、lively答案:C84、That new lorry is ____ than the old one.A、very goodB、rather betterC、more goodD、much better答案:D85、I want to go the dentist, but you____ with me.A、need not to goB、need not goC、do not need goD、need go not答案:B86、Some are reading newspapers, ____ others are playing chess.A、orB、forC、soD、while答案:D87、John asked me ____ I managed to do it.A、whatB、howC、whichD、that答案:B88、I’m not sure ______ he’ll be here in time.A、ifB、whatC、whenD、where答案:A89、Mr. Smith spent the weekend in the country _____ he didn’t have to go officeon Sunday.A、untilB、becauseC、unlessD、so that答案:B90、Look at these clouds. _____ .A、It’ll rainB、It’s going to rainC、It’ll be rainingD、It is to rain答案:B91、Had I known her name, I ____ her to dinner.A、would inviteB、was invitedC、have invitedD、would have invited答案:D92、It’s time you ______ a holiday.A、will haveB、are going to haveC、haveD、had答案:D93、You should have been more patient _____ that customer; I’m sure that sellinghim the watch was possibility.A、ofB、withC、forD、at答案:B94、He fell and hurt himself while he _____ tennisA、was playingB、is playingC、playsD、played答案:A95、She was complaining that the doctor was _____ too much for the treatmenthe was giving her.A、expendingB、offeringC、costingD、charging 答案:D96、You don’t have to be in such a hurry, I would rather you ____ on businessfirst.A、would goB、will goC、wentD、have gone答案:C97、I’m very sorry to have _____ you with so many questions on such occasion.A、interferedB、offendedC、impressedD、bothered答案:D98、The house is dark; the Browns ____ to bedA、may goB、should goC、should have goneD、must have gone答案:D99、He went to town yesterday and had his bike ____ there.A、to repairB、repairedC、repairingD、repair答案:B100、The Yellow River is the ____ river in China.A、very longB、longerC、longestD、long答案:C专升本英语完形填空:(一)Many TV programs seem to be quite realistic. One who watches TV often feel s that whatever happened in the film may as 31 happen to him. With only a littl e 32 , every man in the street may__33__ to be a thief, or a spy or a murderer. Jame had been watching a spy 34 at a friend’s home. In it a young girl had be en 35 and murdered. She felt a little 36 . She took a train back to the center of the city. There were a lot of people 37 with her. She felt much safer.A man sat 38 her, reading a newspaper. She thought nothing of it until she saw him staring at her. 39 the film and feeling uncomfortable, she 40 the train and went to the bus stop. When he got on the 41 bus as she did. She found he w as 42 her.When she got off the bus, she was getting more and more frightened as the s treet almost became empty. She 43 as quickly as she could. She could hear foots teps behind her, but she didn’t dare to look over her 44 , it seemed to have b een hours before she 45 the front door. She felt for her keys , but was unable to find them. The footsteps stopped behind her. She felt a hand on her shoulder. Instead of feeling hands round her, however, she heard a pleasant voice.“I apologize if I frightened you. I thought I had seen you in the train, but I was not sure.”31 A.well B.soon C.if D.though答案:A32 A.thinking B.imagination C.consideration D.experience答案:B33 A.seem B.appear C.turn e答案:B34 A.film B.play D.show答案:A35 A.watched B.followed C.lied D.hurt答案:B36 A.frightened B.interested C.excited D.surprised答案:A37 A.talking B.sitting C.standing D.traveling答案:D38 A.by B.opposite C.before D.behind答案:B39 A.Seeing B.Thinking C.Remembering D.Wondering答案:C40 A.got off B.got down C.got on D.got into答案:A41 A.very B.same C.different D.crowded答案:B42 A.aiming at B.staring at C.looking into D.following答案:D43 A.ran B.rode C.drove D.walked答案:D44 A.head B.arms C.shoulder D.back答案:c45 A.closed B.opened C.entered D.reached答案:B(二)Making friends is a skill. You must first go where there are people. You w on’t make friends staying home___31____ .Joining a club or group, talking to those who like the same things ___32___ you do is much easier. Or join someone ____33___ some activity.Many people are ____34___when talking to new people. ___35____ all, meeting str angers means seeing the unknown. And it’s human nature to feel a bit ____36___ about the unknown. Most of fears about dealing _____37___ new people come from doubts about ___38_____. We imagine other people are judging us --- finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must b e feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself __39_____ you are, and try to pu t the other at ease. You’ll both feel more comfortable.Try to act self-confident (自信)even ___40___ you don not feel that way when yo u ____41____ a room full of strangers. Walk straight. Look ____42____ at other people and smile.If you see someone you’d like to ____43___,say something. Do not wait for ____ 44____ person to start a conversation (交谈)。
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5、我国第一部马克思主义的教育学著作是( 〉。
A 、〈论共产主义教育〉B 、〈教育与发展〉C 〈、教育史A B C >D 、〈新教育大纲〉6、第一个试图把教育学理论建立在科学理论基础上的教育家是(〉。
A 夸美纽斯B 卢梭C 杜威D 赫尔巴特7、“信度、效度、难度、区分度”是( 〉的术语。
A 观察法 B 测试法 C 调查法四、 判断题1、 教育学和教育是同时产生并和人类共始终的。
( 〉2、 教育是一种复杂的社会现象,是人类特有的社会活动。
(〉3、 教育学是以党的教育方针、政策为其主要研究对象。
(〉4、 教育学的源头是教育实践,因此其内容主要是教育经验汇编。
( )5、 教育学的研究对象是年轻一代。
( )2007年专升本教育学复习资料(-) 第一章绪论 一、 名词解释1、教育本质二、 填空题1・教育学是研究(2、观察法3调查法2•教育学的研究和发展大致经过了( 段( )阶段。
3•传统教育的主要人物是(4 •研究教育学的方法主要有(( 》、( )、5•世界上最早的教育专著是我国的〈6.1632年捷克教育家(7•杨贤江又名李壕吾,曾著(育问题的著作。
8. 实验法的分组方式主要有(9. 当今国际教育两大思潮指的是(三、 选择题1・世界上最早的教育专著是(A 《大学》C 〈学记〉)的科学。
)阶段、( 〉阶段( 现代教育的主要人物是( )> ( >: 发表的( ) )、 )o 〉、 〉、( )等。
西方最早的教育专著是古罗马昆体良的〈 ),标志着教育学的诞生。
是我国第一部用马克思主义观点来阐述教 B 〈论演说家的教育〉D 〈理想国〉〉。
2、 被称为近代资产科学教育学的奠基人是( A 夸美纽斯C 、杜威D 、赫尔巴特3、 被资产教育家门认为是第一部有理论体系的教育著作是( A 、〈大教育论〉 B 、〈爱弥尔〉 C 、〈普通教育学〉 D 、〈教育漫话〉4、 主编第一部社会主义教育学的前苏联作者是( )oA 、赞可夫B 、凯洛夫C 加里宁D 、苏霍姆林斯基 )o )。
二、填空题1>教育现象、教育规律2、萌芽、初步形成、科学化、现代化3、赫尔巴特、杜威4、谈话法、调查法、观察法、实验法、比较法5、《学记》、《论演说家的教育》6、夸美纽斯、《大教学论》7、《新教育大纲》8、单组实验、等组实验、轮组实验9、教育的终身化、教育的全民化三、选择题1、C2、D3、C4、B5、D6、D7、B四、判断题1、X2、J 3、X 4. X 5> X五、简答题1、(1 )学科萌芽阶段:特点:对教育问题的研究已经开始,但只是停留在对教育经验的总结和教育现象的描述上,且带有一定的主观臆断性。
(2) 学制初步形成阶段:特点:教育学已从哲学、论理学中分化出来,逐步形成一门相对独立的学科。
(3) 学科科学化阶段:特点:由于马克思主义的诞生和实验心理学、解剖学生理学的发展,使教育学在整体上和局部上都向着科学化方向发展。
(4) 现代化发展阶段:特点:A教育理论不断深化;B教育理论流派不断增多;C教育学的内容、结构、体系和方法都向着现代化方向发展。
2、(1)有助于树立正确的教育思想,提高贯彻教育方针的自觉性;(2) 有助于巩固热爱教育事业的专业思想,全面提高教师的素养;(3) 有助于认识和掌握教育规律,提高从事学校教育的水平和能力;(4) 有助于推动学校教育改革和教育科学研究。
第二章教育基本原理一、名词解释1年龄特征2广义教育3 狭义教育4教会教育5骑士教育6环境7遗传素质8教育经费二、填空题1、教育是(〉的活动,产生于(2、教育的功能主要有(〉功能、),是人类特有的()现象。
4、教育的社会属性主要表现()> ()5、构成教育的基本要素主要有()、(6、教育的本质是()。
> ()O8、 教育的相对独立性主要表现在三个方面:(〉、(〉、(〉。
9、 中国封建社会的学校有三大类型:() > (〉、():在欧洲中世纪出现了两种类 型的教育:即(》和(〉。
10、 教育对生产力和政治经济制度既有依赖性,又具有自身的()O11、 人的发展包括(〉和(〉两个方面。
12、 现在许多发达国家经济发展的事例表明, 的数量,而是通过提高劳动者(〉水平。
影响人的身心发展的因素主要有( ) 心理学上,一般把儿童的发展划分为( 〉、( 〉、( 经济的高速发展主要并不是依赖增长劳动力13、 14、 ( 15、 ().( )、( 五个阶段。
我国奴隶社会的教育内容“六艺”教学主要是()、()、)、()、()、 16、17、( C )o古代学校教育的组织形式主要是( )。
我国封建社会的教育内容,主要是“四书”:( )、( 〉和“五经”:〉 )>()O教育从产生之日起,就具有两种社会职能,即( )。
18、 (1 9、西方封建社会主要教育内容不管是三科还是七艺,都贯穿着20、2 1、 22、((( 教育是劳动力再生产和( )在生产的手段。
乐队指挥的辨别音色能力高于常人,说明遗传素质具有( 1983年9月,邓小平给景山学校题词:“教育要面向(〉、面向( )素质,又要重视学生的( 能力素质。
2 3、教育对政治经济制度的作用主要是通过(三、选择题 1、 2、 教育起源于( A 抚养小孩 C 生产劳动学校产生所需要的三个基本条件( AC校舍;教师;学生 教师;学生;教材 现代教育的基本特征(形式多样性全民性 的观点。
”三个面向要求教育既要重视学生的 素质,还要重视学生的竞争、开拓、免疫)来实现。
心理摹仿生物本能设施;师资;书籍 剩余劳动;社会需要;文字 ) B 教育和生产劳动结合 D 普及性 包括奴隶社会、封建社会再内的古代教育的显著特点是)原始性阶级性、等级性 直接决定教育性质的是( 生产里的发展水平 社会的意识形态 B 教育与生产劳动脱离 普及性 ) 社会的政治经济制度 社会文化影响教育发展规模和速度的主要因素是社会的)生产力B 政治制度C 经济制度D 意思形态7 学校教育是一种( )环境A自发的 B 特殊的C人与人关系的D以上皆不是8、教育的生物起源说和心理模仿说本质上都是否定教育的( )A阶级性B历史性C社会性D独立性9、最早使用“教育” 一词的人是()A孔子B孟子C荀子D老子10、在人的发展中起主导作用的因素是( 〉A遗传素质B环境C教育D个人努力11、人的身心发展处于半幼稚、半成熟状态的时期是( )oA幼儿期B儿童期C少年期D青年初期12、人的发展要经过乳儿、幼儿、童年、少年、情感年等时期,这表明人身心发展具有( )oA稳定性B可变性C差异性D阶段性13、斯巴达的教育重视( )oA智力训练B军事体育训练C艺术训练D文法修辞训练14、中国奴隶社会教育的主要内容是( 〉A四书五经B六艺C七艺D文法修辞15、教育对政治经济制度的变化起( )作用A决定B促进C加速和延缓四、判断题1、教育是人类所特有的社会活动。
( )2、教育是儿童对成年人的一种本能的无意识模仿。
( )3、在高等动物中存在着低级形式的教育。
( 〉4、在阶级社会里,“超阶级,超政治”的教育是不存在的。
( )6、教育对社会政治经济有巨大的反作用,所以它可以决定政治经济的方向。
( )7、人的主观能动性是人的身心发展的内在动力。
( )8、教育部们不能直接生产物质财富,所以,教育是消费部门,是福利事业。
( )9、从影响人的身心发展印素看,“近朱者赤、近墨者黑”的说法是完全正确的。
( )11>教育的本质即教育的归属问题。
( )12、“惟上智下愚不移”的说法是正确的。
( 〉13、狭义的教育通常指思想品德教育。
( 〉14、教育与生产劳动相分离是当代教育发展的一种趋势。
( )15、教育发展水平归根到底是由统治阶级意志决定的。
( 〉五、分析题用所学过的教育理论分析以下论点:1、“一两的遗传胜于一吨的教育”。