Spectral properties of the planar t-J model




Square Root Raised Cosine FilterDigital Communication, 4th Edition Chapter 9: Signal Design for Band-Limited ChannelsJohn G. ProakisIntroduction We consider the problem of signal design when the channel is band-limited to some specified bandwidth of WHz.The channel may be modeled as a linear filter having an equivalent low-pass frequency response C ( f ) that is zero for | f | >W.Our purpose is to design a signal pulse g (t ) in a linearly modulated signal, represented asthat efficiently utilizes the total available channel bandwidthW .When the channel is ideal for | f | ≤W , a signal pulse can be designed that allows us to transmit at symbol rates comparable to or exceeding the channel bandwidth W .When the channel is not ideal, signal transmission at a symbol rate equal to or exceeding W results in inter-symbol interference (ISI)among a number of adjacent symbols.()()n nv t I g t nT =−∑For our purposes, a band-limited channel such as a telephone channel will be characterized as a linear filter having an equivalent low-pass frequency-response characteristic C ( f ), and its equivalent low-pass impulse response c (t).Then, if a signal of the formis transmitted over a band-pass telephone channel, the equivalent low-pass received signal iswhere z (t ) denotes the additive noise.()()()()()()()t z t c t v t z d t c v t r l +∗=+−=∫∞∞− τττ()()[]t f j c e t v t s π2Re =Alternatively, the signal term can be represented in the frequency domain as V ( f )C ( f ), where V ( f ) = F [v (t )].If the channel is band-limited to W Hz, then C ( f ) = 0 for | f | > W .As a consequence, any frequency components in V ( f ) above | f | = W will not be passed by the channel, so we limit the bandwidth of the transmitted signal to W Hz.Within the bandwidth of the channel, we may express C ( f ) aswhere |C ( f )|: amplitude response.( f ): phase response.The envelope delay characteristic :()()()f j ef C f C θ=()()dff d f θπτ21−=A channel is said to be nondistorting or ideal if the amplituderesponse |C( f )| is constant for all | f | ≤W and ( f ) is a linear function of frequency, i.e., ( f ) is a constant for all | f | ≤W. If |C( f )| is not constant for all | f | ≤W, we say that the channeldistorts the transmitted signal V( f ) in amplitude.If ( f ) is not constant for all | f | ≤W, we say that the channeldistorts the signal V( f ) in delay.As a result of the amplitude and delay distortion caused by thenonideal channel frequency-response C( f ), a succession of pulses transmitted through the channel at rates comparable to the bandwidth W are smeared to the point that they are no longer distinguishable as well-defined pulses at the receiving terminal. Instead, they overlap, and thus, we have inter-symbol interference(ISI).Fig. (a) is a band-limited pulse having zeros periodically spacedin time at T, 2T, etc.If information is conveyed by the pulse amplitude, as in PAM, forexample, then one can transmit a sequence of pulses, each of which has a peak at the periodic zeros of the other pulses.However, transmission of the pulse through a channel modeled ashaving a linear envelope delay ( f ) [quadratic phase ( f )] results in the received pulse shown in Fig. (b), where the zero-crossings that are no longer periodically spaced.A sequence of successive pulses would no longer bedistinguishable. Thus, the channel delay distortion results in ISI. It is possible to compensate for the nonideal frequency-responseof the channel by use of a filter or equalizer at the demodulator. Fig. (c) illustrates the output of a linear equalizer thatcompensates for the linear distortion in the channel.The equivalent low-pass transmitted signal for several different types of digital modulation techniques has the common formwhere {I n }: discrete information-bearing sequence of symbols.g (t ): a pulse with band-limited frequency-response G ( f ), i.e., G ( f ) = 0 for | f | > W.This signal is transmitted over a channel having a frequency response C ( f ), also limited to | f | ≤W.The received signal can be represented as where and z (t ) is the AWGN.()()()t z nT t h I t r n n l +−=∑∞=0()()∑∞=−=0n n nT t g I t v ()()()∫∞∞−−=τττd t c g t hSuppose that the received signal is passed first through a filter and then sampled at a rate 1/T samples/s, the optimum filter from the point of view of signal detection is one matched to the received pulse. That is, the frequency response of the receiving filter is H*( f).We denote the output of the receiving filter aswherex (t ): the pulse representing the response of the receiving filter to the input pulse h (t ).v (t ): response of the receiving filter to the noise z (t ).()()()∑∞=+−=0n n t v nT t x I t yIf y (t ) is sampled at times t = kT + 0, k = 0, 1,…, we haveor, equivalently,where 0: transmission delay through the channel.The sample values can be expressed as()()()0000τττ+++−=≡+∑∞=kT v nT kT x I y kT y n n k 0, 0,1,...k n k n k n y I x v k ∞−==+=∑0001, 0,1,...k k n k n k n n k y x I I x v k x ∞−=≠⎛⎞⎜⎟=++=⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠∑We regard x 0as an arbitrary scale factor, which we arbitrarily set equal to unity for convenience, thenwhere I k : the desired information symbol at the k-thsampling instant.: ISI v k :additive Gaussian noise variable at the k-th sampling instant.kk n n n k n k k v x I I y ++=∑∞≠=−0∑∞≠=−kn n n k n x I 0The amount of ISI and noise in a digital communication systemcan be viewed on an oscilloscope.For PAM signals, we can display the received signal y(t) on thevertical input with the horizontal sweep rate set at 1/T.The resulting oscilloscope display is called an eye pattern.Eye patterns for binary and quaternary amplitude-shift keying(or PAM):The effect of ISI is to cause the eye to close.Thereby, reducing the margin for additive noise to cause errors.Effect of ISI on eye opening:ISI distorts the position of the zero-crossings and causes areduction in the eye opening.Thus, it causes the system to be more sensitive to asynchronization error.For PSK and QAM, it is customary to display the “eye pattern”asa two-dimensional scatter diagram illustrating the sampled values {y} that represent the decision variables at the sampling instants.kTwo-dimensional digital “eye patterns.”Assuming that the band-limited channel has ideal frequency-response, i.e., C ( f ) = 1 for | f | ≤W , then the pulse x (t ) has a spectral characteristic X ( f ) = |G ( f )|2, whereWe are interested in determining the spectral properties of the pulse x (t), that results in no inter-symbol interference.Since the condition for no ISI iskkn n n k n k k v x I I y ++=∑∞≠=−0()()()1 00 0k k x t kT x k =⎧⎪=≡=⎨≠⎪⎩()()∫−=WW ft j dfe f X t x π2( )Nyquist pulse-shaping criterion (Nyquist condition for zero ISI)The necessary and sufficient condition for x (t ) to satisfyis that its Fourier transform X (f ) satisfy()()()1 00 0n x nT n =⎧⎪=⎨≠⎪⎩()TT m f X m =+∑∞−∞=Proof:In general, x (t ) is the inverse Fourier transform of X ( f). Hence,At the sampling instant t = nT ,()()∫∞∞−=dfe f X t x ft j π2()()∫∞∞−=dfe f X nT x fnT j π2Breaking up the integral into integrals covering the finite range of 1/T , thus, we obtainwhere we define B ( f ) as ()()()()()()()2122212122'121221212212 ''m T j fnT m T m T j f nT T m T j fnT T m Tj fnT T x nT X f e dfX f m T e df X f m T e df B f e df ππππ∞+−=−∞∞−=−∞∞−=−∞−==+⎡⎤=+⎢⎥⎣⎦=∑∫∑∫∑∫∫()()∑∞−∞=+=m T m f X f B '2121:,2211':,22'm f f T m m f T T f T T df df =+−+⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦−⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦=(1)Obviously B ( f ) is a periodic function with period 1/T , and, therefore, it can be expanded in terms of its Fourier series coefficients {b n } aswhereComparing (1) and (2), we obtain ()2j nfT n n B f b e π∞=−∞=∑()12212T nfT n T b T B f e df π−−=∫()nT Tx b n −=(2)()()()Recall that the conditions forno ISI are (from ):1 00 0k k x t kT x k ∗=⎧⎪=≡=⎨≠⎪⎩Therefore, the necessary and sufficient condition forto be satisfied is that which, when substituted into , yields or, equivalentlyThis concludes the proof of the theorem.()()00 0n T n b n =⎧⎪=⎨≠⎪⎩()∑∞−∞==n nfT j n e b f B π2()Tf B =()TT m f X m =+∑∞−∞=kk n n n k n k k v x I I y ++=∑∞≠=−0Suppose that the channel has a bandwidth of W . Then C ( f ) ≣0 for | f | > W and X ( f ) = 0 for | f | > W .When T < 1/2W (or 1/T > 2W )Since consists of nonoverlapping replicas of X ( f ), separated by 1/T , there is no choice for X ( f ) to ensure B ( f ) ≣T in this case and there is no way that we can design a system with no ISI.()()∑+∞∞−+=T n f X f BWhen T = 1/2W , or 1/T = 2W (the Nyquist rate), the replications of X ( f ), separated by 1/T , are shown below:In this case, there exists only one X ( f ) that results in B ( f ) = T , namely,which corresponds to the pulse()()()0 T f W X f otherwise ⎧<⎪=⎨⎪⎩()()sin sinc t T t x t t T T πππ⎛⎞=≡⎜⎟⎝⎠The smallest value of T for which transmission with zero ISI ispossible is T= 1/2W, and for this value, x(t) has to be a sinc function.The difficulty with this choice of x(t) is that it is noncausal andnonrealizable.A second difficulty with this pulse shape is that its rate ofconvergence to zero is slow.The tails of x(t) decay as 1/t; consequently, a small mistimingerror in sampling the output of the matched filter at the demodulator results in an infinite series of ISI components. Such a series is not absolutely summable because of the 1/trate of decay of the pulse, and, hence, the sum of the resulting ISI does not converge.When T> 1/2W, B( f ) consists of overlapping replications ofX(f) separated by 1/T:In this case, there exist numerous choices for X( f ) such thatX( f ) such that B( f ) ≣T.A particular pulse spectrum, for the T > 1/2W case, that has desirable spectral properties and has been widely used in practice is the raised cosine spectrum .Raised cosine spectrum:: roll-off factor. (0 ≤ ≤1)()1 0211-11cos 222T 21 0 2rc T f T T T X f f f T T f T βπβββββ⎧−⎛⎞≤≤⎜⎟⎪⎝⎠⎪⎪⎧⎫⎡⎤−+⎪⎛⎞⎛⎞=+−≤≤⎨⎨⎬⎜⎟⎜⎟⎢⎥⎝⎠⎝⎠⎣⎦⎩⎭⎪⎪+⎛⎞⎪>⎜⎟⎪⎝⎠⎩The bandwidth occupied by the signal beyond the Nyquist frequency 1/2T is called the excess bandwidth and is usually expressed as a percentage of the Nyquist frequency. = 1/2 => excess bandwidth = 50 %.= 1 => excess bandwidth = 100%.The pulse x (t ), having the raised cosine spectrum, isx (t ) is normalized so that x (0) = 1.()()()()()22222241cos sin 41cos sin Tt T t T t c Tt T t T t T t t x βπβπβπβππ−=−=Pulses having a raised cosine spectrum:For =0, the pulse reduces to x(t) = sinc( t/T), and thesymbol rate 1/T= 2W.When = 1, the symbol rate is 1/T= W.In general, the tails of x (t ) decay as 1/t 3for> 0.Consequently, a mistiming error in sampling leads to a seriesof ISI components that converges to a finite value.Because of the smooth characteristics of the raised cosine spectrum, it is possible to design practical filters for thetransmitter and the receiver that approximate the overall desiredfrequency response.In the special case where the channel is ideal, i.e., C ( f ) = 1,| f | ≤W , we havewhere G T ( f ) and G R ( f ) are the frequency responses of the two filters.()()()f G f G f X R T rc =If the receiver filter is matched of the transmitter filter, we have X rc ( f )= G T ( f ) G R ( f ) = | G T ( f )|2. Ideally,and G R ( f ) = , where t 0is some nominal delay that is required to ensure physical realizability of the filter.Thus, the overall raised cosine spectral characteristic is split evenly between the transmitting filter and the receiving filter.An additional delay is necessary to ensure the physical realization of the receiving filter.()f G T ∗()()02ft j rc T e f X f G π−=Implementation of Square Root Raise Cosine FilterSimplified System Architecture TransmitterSRRC-TX DAC LPFDAC SRRC-RXReceiverDesign of SRRCOperation of the SRRC-TX module includes:Over-samplingOver-sampling rate is a system design issue (performancevs. cost).For a over-sampling rate = 4, we pad three zeros betweeneach sample.Finite-impulse-response (FIR) filterThe FIR filter acts as a low pass filter.The FIR filter is a square root raised cosine filter with roll-off factor = 0.22.Detail of FIR Filter Moduleh(0)h(1)h(2)Input0∑∑∑∑∑∑h(n/2)∑∑Raised Cosine FilterRaised cosine spectrum:The pulse x (t ), having the raised cosine spectrum, is()1 0211-11cos 222T 21 0 2rc T f T T T X f f f T T f T βπβββββ⎧−⎛⎞≤≤⎜⎟⎪⎝⎠⎪⎪⎧⎫⎡⎤−+⎪⎛⎞⎛⎞=+−≤≤⎨⎨⎬⎜⎟⎜⎟⎢⎥⎝⎠⎝⎠⎣⎦⎩⎭⎪⎪+⎛⎞⎪>⎜⎟⎪⎝⎠⎩()()()()()222222sin cos cos sin 1414t T t T t T x t c t T t T t T t Tππβπβππββ==−−The cosine roll-off transfer function can be achieved by using identical square root raised cosine filter at the transmitter and receiver.The pulse SRRC (t ), having the square root raised cosine spectrum, is()()()2sin 14cos 114where is the inverse of chip rate (0.2604167s)and = 0.22.C C C C C C t t t T T T SRRC t t t T T T πββπβπβµβ⎛⎞⎛⎞−++⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠=⎛⎞⎛⎞⎜⎟−⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠≈()rc X fBecause SRRC(t) is non-causal, it must be truncated, and pulseshaping filter are typically implemented for 6TC about the t= 0point for each symbol.For an over-sampling rate of 4, n is equal to 48.。

Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)荧光共振能量转移(FRET)

Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)荧光共振能量转移(FRET)

• chemical attachment of synthetic dyes
Absorption / Emission (a.u.)
a typical synthetic chromophore: tetramethylrhodamine
Absorption Emission
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 wavelength (nm)
• extinction coefficient: ~100,000 Molar-1 cm-1 • fluorescence quantum yield: ~50% • triplet quantum yield <1% • available in reactive forms (to attach to amines,
fluorophore *Donor-Acceptor의 Energy transfer는 거리에 의해 효율이 결정 (~10nm)
Spectral properties of involved chromophore
Efficiency of Energy Transfer = E = kT/(kT + kf + k’) kT = rate of transfer of excitation energy kf = rate of fluorescence k’ = sum of the rates of all other deexcitation
fluorescence experiments 4. Some applications & examples

85 mm Planar T f 1.4 全景镜头说明书

85 mm Planar T f 1.4 全景镜头说明书

Planar® T*f/1.4 - 85 mmThe 85 mm Planar® T* f/1.4 lens ranks amongstthe best high-speed lenses presently available for 35mm reflex cameras. An outstanding feature is theexcellent image quality even at full aperture.This feature results in special applications of the 85mm Planar® T* f/1.4 lens for discerning amateurand professional photographers. Owing to the fullyutilizable speed, this lens is especially suitable forstage photography. Sporting events, outdoors andindoors, in twilight and floodlights are tasks forwhich the press reporter requires or desires a focallength which is slightly longer than that of standardlenses due to the object distance or for reasons ofperspective. As regards portraits, anotheradvantage is that the depth of field is low withphotographs taken with the diaphragm fully open.Thus an unsteady and disturbing background isavoided and the portrait stands out clearly againstthe surroundings.Cat. No. of lens:10 21 45Weight:approx. 595 gNumber of elements:6Focusing range:∞ to 1 mNumber of groups:5Entrance pupil:Max. aperture:f/1.4Position:68.7 mm behind the first lens vertex Focal length:84.8 mm Diameter:58.4 mmNegative size:24 x 36 mm Exit pupil:Angular field 2w:28º 30' diagonal Position:23.1 mm in front of the last lens vertex Mount:focusing mount with bayonet;Diameter:46.1 mmTTL metering either at full aperture Position of principal planes:or in stopped-down position.H:39.1 mm behind the first lens vertexAperture priority/Shutter priority/H':45.0 mm in front of the last lens vertexAutomatic programs Back focal distance:39.3 mm(Multi-Mode Operation)Distance between first andAperture scale: 1.4 - 2 - 2.8 - 4 - 5.6 - 8 - 11 - 16last lens vertex:65.8 mmFilter connection:clip-on-filter, diameter 70 mmscrew-in type, thread M 67 x 0.75Performance data:Planar® T* f/1.4 - 85 mmCat. No. 10 21 451. MTF DiagramsThe image height u - calculated from theimage center - is entered in mm on thehorizontal axis of the graph. Themodulation transfer T (MTF = Modulation Transfer Factor) is entered on the verticalaxis. Parameters of the graph are thespatial frequencies R in cycles (line pairs)per mm given at the top of this page.The lowest spatial frequency correspondsto the upper pair of curves, the highestspatial frequency to the lower pair. Aboveeach graph, the f-number k is given forwhich the measurement was made."White" light means that themeasurement was made with a subject illumination having the approximatespectral distribution of daylight.Unless otherwise indicated, theperformance data refer to large object distances, for which normal photographiclenses are primarily used.2. Relative illuminanceIn this diagram the horizontal axis givesthe image height u in mm and the verticalaxis the relative illuminance E, both for full aperture and a moderately stopped-downlens. The values for E are determinedtaking into account vignetting and naturallight decrease.3. DistortionHere again the image height u is enteredon the horizontal axis in mm. The verticalaxis gives the distortion V in % of therelevant image height. A positive value forV means that the actual image point isfurther from the image center than withperfectly distortion-free imaging(pincushion distortion); a negative Vindicates barrel distortion.Carl ZeissPhotoobjektiveD-73446 OberkochenTelephone (07364) 20-6175Fax (07364) 20-4045eMail:**************http://www.zeiss.de Subject to change.。

Annual and interannual (ENSO) variability of spatial scaling properties of (NDVI) in Amazonia

Annual and interannual (ENSO) variability of spatial scaling properties of (NDVI) in Amazonia

Annual and interannual (ENSO)variability of spatial scaling propertiesof a vegetation index (NDVI)in AmazoniaGerma ´n Poveda *,Luis F.SalazarPosgrado en Recursos Hidra ´ulicos,Escuela de Geociencias y Medio Ambiente,Universidad Nacional de Colombia,Medellı´n,ColombiaReceived 15January 2004;received in revised form 3August 2004;accepted 5August 2004AbstractThe space–time variability of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)over the Amazon River basin is quantified through thebi-dimensional Fourier spectrum,and moment-scaling analysis of monthly imagery at 8km resolution,for the period July 1981–November 2002.Monthly NDVI fields exhibit power law Fourier spectra,E (k )=ck Àb ,with k denoting the wavenumber,c the prefactor,and b the scaling exponent.Fourier spectra exhibit two scaling regimes separated at approximately 29km,above which NDVI exhibit long-range spatial correlations (0b b b 2),and below which NDVI behaves like white noise in space (b g 0).Series of monthly values of c (t )and b (t )exhibit high negative correlation (À0.88,P N 0.99),which suggest their linkages in power laws,but also that E t (k )=c (t )k Àb (t ),with t the time index.Results show a significant negative simultaneous correlation (À0.82,P N 0.95)between monthly series of average precipitation over the Amazon,h P (t )i ,and scaling exponents,b (t );and high positive lagged correlation (0.63,P N 0.95),between h P (t )i and h NDVI(t +3)i .Parameters also reflect the hydrological seasonal cycle over Amazonia:during the wet season (November–March),b (t )ranges between 0.9and 1.15,while during the dry season (May–September),b (t )g 1.30.These results reflect the more (less)coherent spatial effect of the dry (wet)season over Amazonia,which translates into longer (shorter)-range spatial correlations of the NDVI field,as witnessed by higher (lower)values of b (t ).At interannual timescales,both phases of ENSO reflect on both parameters,as b (t )is higher during El Nin ˜o than during La Nin ˜a,due to the more coherent effects of El Nin ˜o-related dryness,whereas NDVI spatial variability is enhanced during La Nin ˜a,due to positive rainfall anomalies.Results from the moment-scale analysis indicate the existence of multi-scaling in the spatial variability of NDVI fields.Departures from single scaling exhibit also annual and interannual variability,which consistently reflect the effects from both phases of ENSO.Furthermore,departures from single scaling are independent of the order moment,q ,as the PDF of departures scaled by the mean collapse to a unique distribution.These results point out that ideas of spatial scaling constitute a promising framework to synthesize important hydro-ecological processes of Amazonia.D 2004Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:Annual and interannual variability;Spatial scaling;Amazonia1.Introduction1.1.NDVI and the hydrologic cycleSatellite information has contributed to improve our understanding of the spatial variability of hydro-climatic and ecological processes.Vegetation activity is tightlycoupled with climate,hydro-ecological fluxes,and terrain dynamics,and it controls water,energy and carbon budgets in river basins at a wide range of space–time scales.Indices of vegetation activity are constructed using satellite infor-mation of reflectance of the relevant spectral bands which enhance the contribution of vegetation.One such an index is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI),defined as the ratio of (NIR ÀRed)and (NIR+Red),where NIR is the surface-reflected radiation in the near-infrared band (0.73–1.1A m),and Red is the reflected radiation in the red band (0.55–0.68A m).Theoretically,NDVI takes values in the range from À1to 1,but the observed range is usually0034-4257/$-see front matter D 2004Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.rse.2004.08.001*Corresponding author.School of Geosciences and Environment,Universidad Nacional de Colombia,Carrera 80x Calle 65,Bloque M2-315,Medellin AA1027,Colombia.Tel.:+5744255122;fax:+5744255003.E-mail address:gpoveda@.co (G.Poveda).Remote Sensing of Environment 93(2004)391–401smaller,with values around0for bare soil(low or no vegetation),and values of0.9or larger for dense vegetation. The work of Tucker(1979)pioneered the study of vegetation dynamics using red and near infrared spectral measurements.Sellers(1985)showed that NDVI is directly related to the photosynthetic capacity of plant canopies, which explains why NDVI is highly and directly correlated to the intercepted fraction of photosynthetically active radiation.As such,NDVI is independent of solar radiation, although variations in solar radiation can affect retrievals of NDVI.The meaning of diverse spectral vegetation indices is explained and summarized in Myneni et al.(1995).As NDVI represents the photosynthetic capacity or photosynthetic active radiation(PAR)absorption by green leaves,it is associated with fundamental hydro-ecological processes such as precipitation,which in turn is also directly linked to photosynthesis and hence plant growth.A recent work by Lotsch et al.(2003b)provides a comprehensive global analysis of NDVI and precipitation.Other variables pertaining to the hydrologic cycle have also been linked to NDVI,such as evaporation(Szilagyi et al.,1998;Lotsch et al.,2003b),and soil moisture(Nicholson&Farrar,1994; Farrar et al.,1994;Poveda et al.,2001).A strong relation-ship between evapotranspiration and NDVI have been identified in wet environments by Seevers and Ottmann (1994),and Nicholson et al.(1996),but also in water-limited environments,as reported by Tucker and Choudhury (1987),Malo and Nicholson(1990),Nicholson et al.(1994), Grist et al.(1997),Szilagyi et al.(1998),and Lotsch et al. (2003a).Changes in vegetation patterns have been studied at a global scale through NDVI estimates(Lucht et al., 2002).In turn,Nemani et al.(2003)identify those regions of the world where primary production is limited by water,by temperature or by both.1.2.Physical settingThe Amazon River basin provides an excellent example of the coupling and feedbacks in the land surface–atmos-phere system,due to its area larger than6.4million km2, constitute largest in the world,its tropical setting,and complex eco-hydro-climatological dynamics that exert a global influence.Scientific research towards understanding the hydro-climatic and ecological functioning of the Amazon is currently undergoing within the b Large-Scale Atmos-phere–Biosphere Experiment in Amazonia Q(LBA)(see Avissar and Nobre,2002;Roberts et al.,2003).Both observations and modelling results suggest strong changes in global,regional and local atmospheric circulation patterns associated with deforestation or perturbations in the land surface–atmosphere interactions over the Amazon(Salati& V ose,1984;Silva Dias et al.,1987;Zeng et al.,1996;Zhang et al.,1996;Poveda&Mesa,1997;Marengo&Nobre,2001; Werth&Avissar,2002;Nobre et al.,2004).The seasonal cycle of precipitation exhibits a wet season during Novem-ber–March and a dry season during May–September,as a result of the latitudinal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone(Obregon&Nobre,1990;Zeng,1999), which interacts with the seasonal cycle of moisture-laden low level winds from the Atlantic Ocean,but also with complex feedbacks of the land surface–atmosphere system,including the significant role of evapotranspiration in precipitation recycling(Salati,1985;Eltahir&Bras,1994).This work aims to quantify how the spatial statistics of NDVI reflect the seasonal hydro-climatic variability of the Amazon.1.3.Interannual variability at ENSO timescaleAt interannual timescales,tropical South America exhib-its coherent hydro-climatic anomalies during both phases of the El Nin˜o/Southern Oscillation(ENSO)(Aceituno,1988; Kiladis&Diaz,1989;Chu,1991;Marengo&Hastenrath, 1993;Ropelewski&Halpert,1996;Poveda et al.,2001; Waylen&Poveda,2002).With minor regional exceptions in timing and amplitude,the region experiences negative anomalies in rainfall,river discharges,and soil moisture during the warm phase of ENSO(El Nin˜o),and positive anomalies during the cold phase(La Nin˜a).Both large-scale forcing and land surface hydrology play a key role on the dynamics of hydro-climatic effects of ENSO over the region (Marengo&Hastenrath,1993;Poveda&Mesa,1997), which lag anomalies in the tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures by several months.The ENSO signal prop-agates to the east in northern South America,leading hydrological anomalies by1month over western Colombia (Poveda&Mesa,1997)and by6–10months in the Amazon River basin(Richey et al.,1989;Chu,1991;Eagleson, 1994).Consistently,NDVI diminishes over tropical South America during the occurrence of the warm phase of ENSO (Myneni et al.,1996;Asner et al.,2000;Poveda et al.,2001). This work aims to quantify how the spatial statistics of NDVI reflect the interannual hydro-climatic variability of the Amazon,associated with both phases of ENSO.1.4.Scaling theories of hydro-ecological processesScaling theories have provided important clues towards understanding and modelling the space–time dynamics of diverse bio-geophysical processes,such as vegetation sur-face fluxes(Katul et al.,2001),tropical convective storms (Yano et al.,2001),modeling of rainfall fields through fractal,multi-scaling,and random cascade models(Lovejoy, 1981,1982;Lovejoy&Schertzer,1991,1992;Gupta& Waymire,1990;Over&Gupta,1994;Perica&Foufoula-Georgiou,1996;Foufoula-Georgiou,1998;Deidda et al., 1999;Harris et al.,2000;Jotithyangkoon et al.,2000; Nordstrom&Gupta,2003),maximum annual river flows (Gupta&Waymire,1990;Gupta&Dawdy,1995;Goodrich et al.,1997;Ogden&Dawdy,2003),infiltration in porous media(Barenblatt,1996),low river flows(Furey&Gupta, 2000),ecological processes(Tilman&Kareiva,1997; Bascompte&Sole,1998),and vegetation dynamics(HarteG.Poveda,L.F.Salazar/Remote Sensing of Environment93(2004)391–401 392et al.,1999;Milne&Cohen,1999;Milne et al.,2002).For instance,in the study of river floods,Gupta(2004)has explained how scaling statistics in maximum annual river flows can be used to test different physical hypotheses covering complex runoff dynamics on channel networks.Diverse multi-scale statistical techniques are used to characterize and quantify the scale dependence of geo-biophysical fields,including Fourier spectra,structure and moment-scale functions.These functions are easily comput-able and allow an understanding of the spatial structure of the fields over a wide range of scales.Also,the use of multi-scale functions allows one to identify the range of scales where the scale dependence of modelled and observed variability may deviate,and the range of scales where the two agree(Harris et al.,2000).Towards those ends,we estimate the bi-dimensional Fourier spectra of monthly NDVI fields over Amazonia,and quantify the time variability of its parameters,and how they reflect the time–space variability of NDVI and precipitation fields at annual and interannual timescales.By the same token,we like to investigate whether monthly NDVI fields exhibit simple of multi-scaling properties in space,and how they reflect the annual and interannual variability of NDVI. Thirdly,we investigate the time correlation between series of monthly values of c and b with average values of NDVI and precipitation over the entire Amazon,so as to encapsulate the hydro-ecological dynamics of Amazonia. The data sets and methodologies are described in Section2, while results are presented in Section3,and the conclusions are provided in Section4.2.Data sets and methodologiesWe used digital maps of monthly NDVI from the NASA Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS NDVI),covering the period July1981through November2002.The imagery,which consists of8km spatial resolution NDVI images,was provided by C.J. Tucker and his colleagues at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.The GIMMS NDVI database exhibits a great deal of improvements with respect to previous NDVI data sets, including corrections for:(i)residual sensor degradation and sensor intercalibration differences;(ii)distortions caused by persistent cloud cover in tropical evergreen broadleaf forests;(iii)solar zenith angle and viewing angle effects;(iv)volcanic aerosols;(v)missing data in the Northern Hemisphere during winter using interpolation; and(vi)short-term atmospheric aerosol effects,atmos-pheric water vapor effects,and cloud cover.For details of the GIMMS NDVI data set,see Pinzo´n et al.(submitted for publication).The GIMMS NDVI data set has been rescaled in such a way that the original values in theÀ1 to1range are obtained as ndvi=(NDVIÀ1)/249À0.05, with values larger than1representing water bodies or bad data.Precipitation data for the Amazon basin were obtained from the data set produced by the Earth Observing System-Amazon Project(EOSAP)developed by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais(INPE),Brazil,and the University of Washington,and contains gridded monthly rainfall(0.28 latitudeÂ0.28longitude),for the period1972–1992.This data set was provided by the Global Hydrology and Climate Center of NASA.For details of this data set,see http:// /.With the purpose of implementing the spatial scaling analysis,a2048km scale region was defined inside the Amazon basin.The observed NDVI field for July1981is shown in Fig.1,aggregated at a32km scale.Character-ization of the spatial scaling properties of NDVI monthly fields was performed through estimation of the bi-dimen-sional Fourier spectrum,and moment-scale analysis.A detailed description of the methods is provided in the following section.2.1.Bi-dimensional Fourier spectrumMany geophysical phenomena exhibit power law decay-ing Fourier spectra,(Korvin,1992;Mandelbrot,1998),i.e., E kðÞf kÀb¼ckÀbð1Þwith k being the wavenumber,c is the prefactor,and b is the scaling exponent.The spectral slope,b,becomes a measure of roughness(Davis et al.,1996;Harris et al., 1996),with low spectral slopes corresponding to rougher, less correlated fields.Scaling exponents in Fourier spectra contain key insights on the dynamics underlying the physics of highly complex phenomena.For instance,the well-known behavior of dissipation of kinetic energy in turbulent flows,for which E(k)~k5/3(Kolmogorov,1941, 1962;Frisch,1995),whose scaling exponent,5/3,summa-rizes the rate at which kinetic energy is gradually trans-ferred from larger to smaller spatial scales,such that the mean kinetic energy per unit mass per unit time is conserved.Many other geophysical phenomena exhibit power law Fourier spectra,whose scaling exponents reflect different types of statistical memory and the scale of fluctuation which is inherent to their space–time correla-tions(Korvin,1992;Mesa&Poveda,1993;Turcotte, 1997;Mandelbrot,1998;Yano et al.,2001).The bi-dimensional power spectrum is computed using standard2-D Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)algorithms (Press et al.,1992).The Fourier power or energy spectrum, E(k x,k y)of a two-dimensional field,is found by multiplying the2-D FFT by its complex conjugate,where k x and k y are the wavenumber components(Harris et al.,2000).To facilitate visualization and comparison,the2-D power spectra from the NDVI fields are averaged angularly about k x=k y=0to produce the isotropic energy spectrum,E(k), with k¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffik2xþk2yq.Such isotropic energy spectrum does not mean that the field is isotropic,but rather that the angularG.Poveda,L.F.Salazar/Remote Sensing of Environment93(2004)391–401393averaging about k x =k y =0integrates the anisotropy (Harris et al.,2000).2.2.Moment-scaling analysisMoment-scaling analysis allows the quantification of the spatial intermittency (roughness)of a field,and provides a test for the type of spatial (single or multi-)scaling behavior of random fields (Over &Gupta,1994;Harris et al.,2000).Statistical self-similarity can be thought of as statistical similarity of a random field across multiple scales,then simple scaling is a type of statistical self-similarity.Consider a random field,{X (t );t a I },where I represents an index set,and an arbitrary scalar k N 0.The random field is defined to be simple scaling if the following holds,X k t ðÞ¼dk h X t ðÞð2Þwhere the equality is understood in the sense of all finite dimensional distribution functions.From the definition of statistical moments given by E [X q]=R x q f (x )d x ,q =1,2,3,...,it is concluded that for a simple scaling random field,X (t ),E X q k t ðÞ½ ¼k h q E X q t ðÞ½ ;q ¼1;2;3;Nor ;log E X q k t ðÞ½ ¼q h log k þc q t ðÞ;ð3Þwhere c q (t )=log E [X q (t )].Eq.(3)shows that simple scaling must satisfy two conditions:(i)log–log linearity;(ii)linear slope growth,i.e.,s (q )=q h ,whereas multi-scaling holds for a nonlinear slope growth.In our case,the expected value in Eq.(3)arises from the equation that defines the scaling moments of a field X j ,which are computed for a range of averaging scales,r ,with higher values of r implying examining the phenomena at finer spatial resolution.Therefore,M q r ðÞ¼hj X r x ;y ðÞj q ið4Þwhere X r represents field values at scale r ,q is the order of the moment,and h ...i denotes the expected value of NDVI over all pixels at scale r .Typically,the scale of the image is dyadically reduced from its original highest resolution (r =1/(1pixel))by successive spatial averaging of the field by a factor of 2at each step,i.e.,r =1/(2pixels)=0.5,r =1/(4pixels)=0.25,...,r =1/(256pixels)=3.9Â10À3.Scaling of the moments means that (Gupta &Waymire,1993),M q r ðÞf r Às q ðÞð5Þwhere s (q )is the moment scaling exponent function that is estimated by log–log linear regressions of the q th moment of the NDVI field,on a scan by scan basis,as |X r |vs.log r ,for each q .It is easy to check that s (1)=0since the mean of the entire field does not depend upon the scale.Thelog–logFig.1.Location of the study region depicting the NDVI field for July 1981,aggregated at a 32km scale.G.Poveda,L.F .Salazar /Remote Sensing of Environment 93(2004)391–401394linearity of log M q (r )vs.log r provides a test of the scaling hypothesis for the moment of order q .3.Results3.1.Bi-dimensional Fourier spectrumOur generalized results indicate that the Fourier spectra exhibit two regions characterized by different scaling exponents,b ,separated at the wavenumber k =0.034km À1,which corresponds to 28.6km.Fig.2shows the 2-D Fourier spectra for the September 1989NDVI field.At larger spatial scales,the NDVI fields exhibit long-range correlations characterized by 0b b b 2,whereas for larger wavenumbers (smaller spatial scales),the spectrum becomes scale independent,with b g 0,thus meaning that the spatial variability of NDVI behaves irregularly,as white noise in space.Long-range correlations in the spatial distribution of water and energy-limited vegetation have been identified for the Columbia River basin in the USA (Milne et al.,2002).Analysis of the time evolution of monthly estimated values of scaling exponents,b (t ),and prefactors,c (t ),t =1,...,257,indicates a high negative correlation coefficient (À0.88,P N 0.95),as shown in Fig.3,which means that c (t )=f [b (t )],with f [d ]representing a linear function.This result points out to the existence of a strong association between these two parameters in power laws and scaling relationships;an idea that was introduced in the context of the Hurst effect in geophysical records (Mesa &Poveda,1993),which deserves further investigation.Furthermore,our results indicate that both parameters of the Fourier spectra vary with time,and thus E t (k )=c (t )k Àb (t ),where k denotes the wavenumber,and t represents the time index.Time series of monthly values of average precipitation and NDVI over the Amazon were estimated by averaging values of each field for a fixed month,as,h P t ðÞi ¼1=nXn i ¼1p i !t;and h NDVI t ðÞi ¼1=nX n i ¼1ndvi i!tð6Þwhere n denotes the number of pixels with information foreach field:12,991for precipitation,and 65,536for NDVI.Results show a significant negative correlation (À0.82,P N 0.95)between monthly values of average precipitation,h P (t )i over the Amazon and scaling exponents,b (t ),as illustrated in Fig.4.Such negative correlation indicates that wet months exhibit rougher (less spatially correlated)NDVI fields,which are encapsulated in lower values of b (t ).On the contrary,dry periods are associated with more coherent and longer-range correlated NDVI fields,which are reflected in higher values of b (t ).Accordingly,the afore-mentioned seasonal cycle of average precipitation,and the concomitant spatial variability of NDVI are also reflectedinFig.2.Bi-dimensional Fourier spectra of the NDVI field for September 1989,with scaling exponent,b =1.11,and prefactor,c =0.034.E (k )has arbitrary units,as NDVI is dimensionless.Values of NDVI are rescaled is such a manner that original data are recovered as ndvi=(NDVI À1)/249–0.05.The range of spatial scales covers from 512to 16km.The dotted line separates the two scaling regions of the spectrum at k =0.035km À1,which corresponds to a spatial scale of 28.6km.Fig.3.Time evolution of prefactors,c (t ),and scaling exponents,b (t ),for estimated bi-dimensional Fourier spectra of NDVI monthly fields,during the study period.Simultaneous correlation coefficient is À0.88(P N0.99).Fig. 4.Time evolution of monthly mean precipitation,h P (t )i ,over Amazonia and scaling exponents,b (t ).Simultaneous correlation is À0.82(P N 0.95).G.Poveda,L.F .Salazar /Remote Sensing of Environment 93(2004)391–401395a high positive correlation coefficient (0.72,P N 0.95)between the monthly series of average precipitation,h P (t )i and that of 6-month lagged scaling exponents,hb (t +6)i (not shown here).Despite that no significant correlation (À0.062)appears between the series of h P (t )i and h NDVI(t )i ,there is a significant positive correlation at 3-month lag (0.63,P N 0.95),see Fig.5,when precipitation leads NDVI.Such time lag suggests an integrated timescale at which rainfall affects NDVI dynamics at basin scale.The physical origin of this observation lies in the complex interactions of the land surface–atmosphere system,which include the afore-mentioned important effect of precipitation recycling in Amazonia (Salati,1985;Eltahir &Bras,1994).This observation deserves further investigation.3.1.1.Annual and interannual timescalesThe average long-term annual cycle of b (t )and c (t )were estimated from the 257estimated values (July 1981–November 2002).There is a strong negatively correlated seasonal cycle of prefactors,c (t ),and scaling exponents,b (t ),as evidenced in Fig.6.During the wet season (November–March),the estimated values of b (t )lie between 0.9and 1.15,while during the dry season (May–September),higher values are on the order of b (t )=1.30.These results are explained by the more coherent spatial effects of the dry season over the Amazon basin,which produce long-range spatial correlations in the NDVI field,reflected in higher estimates of b (t ).The annual cycle of prefactors,c (t ),exhibit higher values (~0.09–0.10)during the wet season,and lower values (~0.02–0.30)during the dry season.An understanding of the physical processes that govern such a strong association between scaling exponents and prefactors at seasonal scales is a topic of further research.At interannual timescales,ENSO strongly affects vege-tation activity and NDVI variability in Amazonia (Gutman,1991;Kogan &Sullivan,1993;Myneni et al.,1996;Asner et al.,2000;Poveda et al.,2001;Pinzo ´n,2002).Fig.7shows the annual cycle of scaling exponents,b (t ),during two contrasting ENSO years,i.e.,the 1991–1992El Nin ˜o,and the 1988–1989La Nin ˜a,as well as the average during normal years.The annual cycle is defined from June (year 0)through May (year +1),to better capture the aforementioned delayed effects of both ENSO phases.Overall,results indicate that the phase of the annual cycle of b (t )remains unchanged during both phases of ENSO,but there is a clear-cut effect on its amplitude.This is evidenced by higher values of b (t )during El Nin ˜o as compared with those during La Nin ˜a and normal years,throughout the annual cycle.Interestingly enough,the highest values of the scaling exponent are attained during August for both ENSO phases,and the lower values appears in February–March during El Nin ˜o,and in November–February during La Nin ˜a.This observation can be explained by the spatially coherent dryness caused over the Amazon by the warm phase of ENSO.It is well known that,in general,the Amazon basin experiences strong droughts during El Nin ˜o,and positive rainfall anomalies during La Nin ˜a (Richey et al.,1989;Fig.5.Time evolution of average values of monthly precipitation,h P (t )i ,and NDVI h NDVI(t )i ,over Amazonia.The caption of Fig.2explains the range of NDVI values.The low simultaneous correlation coefficient (À0.06)increases to À0.63(P N 0.95),when precipitation lead values of NDVI by 3months.Fig.6.Long-term annual cycle of estimated prefactors,c (t ),and scaling exponents,b (t ),from the estimated 2-D Fourierspectra.Fig.7.Annual cycle of scaling exponents,b (t ),during the 1991–1992El Nin ˜o event,the 1988–1989La Nin ˜a event,and during normal years.G.Poveda,L.F .Salazar /Remote Sensing of Environment 93(2004)391–401396Marengo,1992;Marengo &Hastenrath,1993;Obregon &Nobre,1990;Poveda &Mesa,1997;Poveda et al.,2001),whose effects are stronger in northern and central Amazonia(Marengo et al.,1998).The most remarkable differences occur in the November–March wet season during both phases of ENSO.During this epoch,both ENSO phases attain their maximum amplitude,and the associated tele-connections are more strongly developed,which in con-junction with land surface–atmosphere feedbacks cause stronger hydro-ecological anomalies,which affect the NDVI response over the Amazon.Our results confirm the coherent large spatial scale effects of El Nin ˜o-related drought over the Amazon basin,as a result of the 1991–1992event.It is concluded that scaling exponents,b (t ),exhibit significant variability at ENSO timescales,which are consistent with and reflect the identified hydrological anomalies.Similar to the temporal behavior of h NDVI(t )i ,results for the scaling exponents confirm that NDVI fields are more spatially correlated during El Nin ˜o than during La Nin ˜a.The interannual variability associated with both phases of ENSO is consistently exemplified by the evolution of b (t )and c (t )during the 1997–1998El Nin ˜o event,and during the 1998–2000La Nin ˜a event,shown in Fig.3.3.2.Moment-scaling analysisMoment-scale analysis were performed after checking for the condition that b (t )b 2(Harris et al.,2000).Fig.8shows the results for July 1991,with the scaling of marginal moments with q =0.5,1.0,...,4(top),and the estimated s ðq ˆÞcurve (bottom).Results indicate that monthly NDVI fields exhibit multi-scaling behavior in space,as indicated by the nonlinear behavior of the s ðq ˆÞfunction.Deviations from simple scaling were quantified as D q ¼s ðq ˆÞobserved Às q ðÞtheoretical ,e.g.,the difference between the sample values of the function s ðq ˆÞ,with respect to the linear growth for simple scaling (see Fig.9).Two features are worth mentioning:(i)there is a clear-cut annualandFig.8.Scaling of marginal moments with q =0.5,1.0,...,4(top),and estimated s ðq ˆÞcurve (bottom),for NDVI in July 1991.The straight continuous line and 95%confidence intervals (dashed)in the bottom pannel denote the theoretical behavior for simplescaling.Fig.9.Time evolution of departures from simple scaling,of the estimated s ðq ˆÞcurve,for q =1.5,...,4.0,during the study period.G.Poveda,L.F .Salazar /Remote Sensing of Environment 93(2004)391–401397。



毛毛虫树的最大能量张硕;郭继明【摘要】The energy of a graph is defined as the sum of the absolute values of all eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the graph. A caterpillar tree is a tree in which removing the pendant vertices and incident edges. The energy of the graph is applied in chemistry to approximate the total π-electron energy of molecules. Ordering graphs by the energy is an important problem in chemical graph theory. In this paper, we discuss the energy of caterpillar trees and present the maximal energies of caterpillar trees and present the maximal energies of caterpillar trees with diameter no more than five by the quasi-ordering method.%图的能量定义为它的邻接矩阵的所有特征值绝对值之和,毛毛虫树是指去掉悬挂点和与其关联的悬挂边后只剩下一条路的树。




【期刊名称】《工程数学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(000)005【总页数】13页(P702-714)【关键词】能量;逆序;匹配;毛毛虫树【作者】张硕;郭继明【作者单位】中国石油大学理学院,青岛 266580;华东理工大学理学院,上海200237【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O157.51 引言设G是一个有n个顶点的图,A(G)是G的邻接矩阵[1],定义A(G)的特征多项式为G的特征多项式,即简记为Φ(G),其中I是n阶单位矩阵,a0,a1,···,an是G的特征多项式的系数.记λ1,λ2,···,λn为Φ(G)=0的根,则λ1,λ2,···,λn称为G的特征值.因为A(G)为实对称矩阵,所以G的特征值都为实数,不妨设λ1≥ λ2≥ λ3≥ ···≥ λn.定义图G的能量,用E(G)表示,为特别地,当G为二分图,由Coulson-Rushbrooke配对定理[2],得到找出一类图的能量的极值或对其按能量排序是化学图论的重要研究问题之一.本文首先介绍了Gutman,李乔和冯克勤用匹配定义的无圈图的逆序关系,并利用树的逆序分别给出了当直径大于1小于6时,毛毛虫树的最大能量树.对于n个顶点的无圈图(包含树)T,记m(T,k)为T的k-匹配数,其中k≥1为整数,定义m(T,0)=1,显然当k>n/2时,有m(T,k)=0,可以得到T的匹配多项式[1]T的能量Coulson积分公式[3]也可以转化为由上式,E(T)是关于m(T,k)的严格单调增函数.Gutmam[4],李乔和冯克勤[5]定义了一种比较无圈图能量的拟序关系:如果T1,T2是两个无圈图,那么T1≽T2,当且仅当对于所有的k≥1,有m(T1,k)≥m(T2,k)成立;如果T1≽ T2,并且存在某个j≥ 1,使得m(T1,j)>m(T2,j)成立,我们就记为T1≻T2.当T1≽ T2时,有E(T1)≥ E(T2)成立;当T1≻ T2时,有E(T1)>E(T2)成立;如果T1≽T2和T1≼T2都不成立,则称T1和T2是不可比的.拟序关系在比较图的能量时起到非常重要的作用,见文献[6–8].2 毛毛虫数的最大能量毛毛虫树[9](caterpillar tree,Gutman tree)就是除主路上的点以外的点都是悬挂点的树.主路即为长度等于直径的路.记有n个顶点的毛毛虫树的集合为Γn,有n个顶点、直径为d的毛毛虫树的集合为Γdn(2≤d≤n−1),显然,Γdn为Γn的子集.记Pn为有n个顶点的路,Pn 的顶点连续标记为ν0,ν1,ν2,···,νn−1.Tdn(n1,n2,···,nd−1)是一个由Pd+1通过分别添加ni(ni≥ 0)个悬挂点到νi(i=1,2,···,d−1)上而得到的毛毛虫树.显然毛毛虫树在物理和化学上有重要的应用(见文献[9]).直径d=3时的毛毛虫树记为(s,t),(s≥1,t≥1,s+t=n−2),如图1所示.定理1 在直径为3的毛毛虫树中,能量最大.证明考虑(s,t)的k-匹配数,容易得到此树的1-匹配数为n−1,2-匹配数为st,k-匹配数为0(k≥3).由拟序关系,当n为偶数,时,能量最大;当n为奇数,能量最大.当d=4时,图2记为(s−1,p,t−1).不妨设s≥t,s,t≥1,p≥0,s+t+p=n−3.图1: (s,t)图2: (s−1,p,t−1)引理1 设s−1,p,t−1)(1≤t≤s)为如图2所定义的树,则证明如图2,容易得到(s−1,p,t−1)的1-匹配数为n−1,2-匹配数为m2=s·t+s(p+1)+t(p+1),3-匹配数为m3=spt.由s+t+p=n − 3,有则若则引理2 若(s−1,p,t−1)∈(t−p≥2),则证明类似于引理1的证明,我们有则若则引理3 若(s−1,p,t−1)∈(p−t≥1),则证明类似于引理1的证明,我们有则若则定理2 在直径为4、顶点数为n的毛毛虫树中,当n能被3整除,s=t=p=[(n−3)/3]时,(s−1,p,t−1)为最大能量树;当n被3整除余1,p=[(n−3)/3],s=[(n−3)/3]+1,t=[(n−3)/3]时,(s−1,p,t−1)为最大能量树;当n被3整除余2,p=[(n−3)/3],s=t=[(n−3)/3]+1时,(s−1,p,t−1)为最大能量树.证明由引理1、引理2、引理3得,当s=p=t或s,t,p之间的差小于等于1,m2,m3才能取得最大值.根据n的不同取值来讨论:当n=3l+3时,则显然,当s=t=p=l,m2,m3最大.同样,当n=3l+4时,则所以t=p=l,s=l+1时,m2,m3最大.同样,当n=3l+5时,则所以s=t=l+1,p=l时,m2,m3最大.当d=5时,图3记为T5n(s−1,q,p,t−1)(s+q+p+t=n−4).图3: (s−1,q,p,t−1)引理4 若(s−1,q,p,t−1)∈(1≤t≤s),则证明如图3,容易得到(s−1,q,p,t−1)的1-匹配数为n−1,2-匹配数为m2=qs+qp+qt+q+ps+pt+p+st+2s+2t+1,3-匹配数为m3=qst+qsp+qtp+stp+st+sq+pt,4-匹配数为m4=qstp.由s+t+p+q=n−4,我们有则若则若则引理5 若(s−1,q,p,t−1)∈(1≤p≤q),则证明类似于引理4的证明,我们有则若则若则引理6 若(s−1,q,p,t−1)∈(t−p≥2),则证明类似于引理4的证明,我们有则若则若则引理7 若(s−1,q,p,t−1)∈(p−t≥1),则证明类似于引理4的证明,我们有则若则若则引理8 若(s−1,q,p,t−1)∈(s−p≥2),则证明类似于引理4的证明,我们有则若则若则引理9 若(s−1,q,p,t−1)∈(p−s≥1),则证明类似于引理4的证明,我们有则若则若则定理3 在直径为5、顶点数为n的毛毛虫树中,当n能被4整除,s=t=q=p=[(n−4)/4]时,(s−1,q,p,t−1)为最大能量树;当n被4整除余1,t=q=p=[(n−4)/4],s=[(n−4)/4]+1时,(s−1,q,p,t−1)为最大能量树;当n被4整除余2,q=p=[(n−4)/4],s=t=[(n−4)/4]+1时,(s−1,q,p,t−1)为最大能量树.当n被4整除余3,p=[(n−4)/4],s=t=q=[(n−4)/4]+1时,(s−1,q,p,t−1)为最大能量树.证明由引理4至引理9得,当s=t=q=p或s,t,q,p之间的差小于等于1,m2,m3,m4才能同时取得最大值.根据n的不同取值来讨论:当n=4l+4时,则显然,只有s=t=p=l,m2,m3,m4最大.同样,当n=4l+5时,则所以t=q=p=l,s=l+1时,m2,m3,m4最大.同样,当n=4l+6时,则所以s=t=l+1,q=p=l时,m2,m3最大.同样,当n=4l+7时,则所以s=t=q=l+1,p=l时,m2,m3最大.当n≥6时,我们有如下猜想:猜想:(n1,n2,···,nd−2,nd−1)为最大能量树,其中n1≥ nd−1≥ n2≥ nd−2≥···≥,且n1 −≤ 1.致谢:对审稿人仔细、认真的审阅和建议表示感谢!参考文献:[1]Cvetkovic D M,Doob M,Sachs H.Spectra of Graphs Theory and Application[M].New York:Academic Press,1980[2]Coulson C A,Rushbrooke G S.Note on the method of molecular orbitals[J].Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,1940,36(2):193-200[3]Gutman I,Polansky O E.Mathematical Concepts in OrganicChemistry[M].Berlin:Springer-Verlag,1986[4]Gutman I.Acyclic systems with extremal huckel-electron energy[J].Theoretical Chimica Acta,1977,45:79-87 [5]Li Q,Feng K.Some results about the spectral properties ofgraphs[J].Journal of University of Science and Technology ofChina,1979,2(2):53-56[6]Yan W G,Ye L Z.On the minimal energy of trees[J].Applied Mathematics Letters,2005,18(9):1046-1052[7]Gutman I,Zhang F J.On the ordering of graphs with respect to their matching numbers[J].Discrete Applied Mathematics,1986,15(1):25-33[8]张福基.图依能量的排序[J].厦门大学学报,2001,40(2):157-162 Zhang F J.On the ordering of graphs with respec to their energy[J].Journal of Xiamen University,2001,40(2):157-162[9]El-Basil S.Applications of caterpillar trees in chemistry andphysics[J].Journal of Mathematical Chemistry,1987,1(2):153-174。



辐射环境翻译钚同位素测定的顺序,钍,镅和铀在空气过滤器和饮用水WIPP站点周围的样品P. Thakur •S. Ballard •J. L. Conca摘要:在锕系元素的同时测定空气过滤器和水的WIPP站点周围的样品已证明的。

分析法的基础上的通过阴离子交换的选择性分离和纯化和eichrome Teva,TRU 和DGA的树脂由α光谱测定锕系元素α-光谱测量源计通过microcoprecipitation钕的制备氟(NDF3)。




的238PU /239?240PU活动比在气溶胶样品通常是接近的全球影响从历史的地面进行核武器试验。


关键词:钚銤钍铀阴离子交换 TRU TEVA介绍:废物隔离试验厂(WIPP )是世界上唯一的经营地下深层的地质的核储备库防御的处置产生的超铀的放射性废物(超铀废物)。

该WIPP位于东南新墨西哥州卡尔斯巴德以东26英里,成为运行1999年3月26日,处置超铀废物([ 100 NCI / g的,但\ 23次/ L的239普等效)。




Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)荧光共振能量转移(FRET)

Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)荧光共振能量转移(FRET)

• chemical attachment of synthetic dyes
Absorption / Emission (a.u.)
a typical synthetic chromophore: tetramethylrhodamine
#emitted photons·molecule-1·s-1
488nm light
FITC 520nm light
630nm light
Distance dependent interaction between the electronic excited states of two molecules *not sensitive to the surrounding solvent shell of a
Absorption Emission
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 wavelength (nm)
• extinction coefficient: ~100,000 Molar-1 cm-1 • fluorescence quantum yield: ~50% • triplet quantum yield <1% • available in reactive forms (to attach to amines,
are not good enough



对苯⼆甲酸锌Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel 2-Fold Interpenetrated Framework Based on Tetranuclear Homometallic ClusterRong-Yi Huang ?Xue-Jun Kong ?Guang-Xiang LiuReceived:15December 2007/Accepted:11January 2008/Published online:5March 2008óSpringer Science+Business Media,LLC 2008Abstract A novel 2-fold parallel interpenetrated polymer,Zn 2(OH)(pheno)(p -BDC)1.5áH 2O (1)(pheno =phenan-threne-9,10-dione;p -BDC =1,4-benzenedicarboxylate)was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and characterized by IRspectra,elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray /doc/c97a12ccf61fb7360b4c65f3.html plex1crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca and affords a three-dimensional (3D)six-connected a -Ponetwork.Keywords Carboxylate ligand áHomometallic complex áa -Po1IntroductionIn the last decade,the construction by design of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)using various secondary building units (SBUs)connected through coordination bonds,supramolecular contacts (e.g.,hydrogen bonding,p áááp stacking,etc.),or their combination has been an increasingly active research area [1].The design and controlled assembly of coordination polymers based on nano-sized MO(OH)clusters and multi-functional car-boxylates have been extensively developed for their crystallographic and potential applications in catalysis,nonlinear optics,ion exchange,gas storage,magnetism and molecular recognition [2].In most cases,multinu-clear metal cluster SBUs can direct the formation of novel geometry and topology of molecular architectureand help to retain the rigidity of the networks [3].A number of carboxylate-bridged metal clusters have been utilized to build extended coordination frameworks.Among these compounds,frameworks from multinuclear zinc cluster SBUs,including dinuclear (Zn 2)[4],trinu-clear (Zn 3)[5],tetranuclear (Zn 4)[6],pentanuclear (Zn 5)[7],hexanuclear (Zn 6)[8],heptanuclear (Zn 7) [9],and octanuclear (Zn 8)[10]clusters have attracted great interest and have been investigated extensively.Addi-tionally,a series of systematic studies on this subject has demonstrated that an interpenetrated array cannot prevent porosity,but enhances the porous functionalities of the supramolecular frameworks [11].More importantly,the research upsurge in interpenetration structures was pro-moted by the fact that interpenetrated nets have been considered as potential super-hard materials [12]and possess peculiar optical and electrical properties [13].Herein we present the synthesis,structure,and spectral properties of a new coordination polymer based on tetranuclear homometallic cluster,Zn 2(OH)(pheno)(p -BDC)1.5áH 2O (1).2Experimental2.1Materials and MeasurementsAll commercially available chemicals are reagent grade and used as received without further puri?cation.Sol-vents were puri?ed by standard methods prior to use.Elemental analysis for C,H and N were carried with a Perkin-Elmer 240C Elemental Analyzer at the Analysis Center of Nanjing University.Infrared spectra were obtained with a Bruker FS66V FT IR Spectrophotometer as a KBr pellet.R.-Y.Huang áX.-J.Kong áG.-X.Liu (&)Anhui Key Laboratory of Functional Coordination Compounds,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Anqing Normal University,Anqing 246003,P.R.China e-mail:liugx@/doc/c97a12ccf61fb7360b4c65f3.htmlJ Inorg Organomet Polym (2008)18:304–308DOI 10.1007/s10904-008-9199-72.2Preparation of Zn2(OH)(pheno)(p-BDC)1.5áH2O(1)A mixture containing Zn(NO3)2á6H2O(0.20mmol), p-1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid(H2BDC)(0.20mmol), phenanthrene-9,10-dione(pheno)(0.10mmol)and NaOH (0.20mmol)in water(10mL)was sealed in a18mL Te?on lined stainless steel container and heated at150°C for72h.The reaction product was dark yellow block crystals of1,which were washed by deionized water sev-eral times and collected by?ltration;Yield,78%. Elemental Analysis:Calcd.for C24H15N2O10Zn2:C,46.33;H,2.43;N,4.50%.Found:C,46.38;H,2.47;N,4.48%.IR (KBr pellet),cm-1(intensity):3437(br),3062(m),1587(s),1523(m),1491(w),1424(m),1391(s),1226(w),1147 (w),1103(w),1051(w),875(w),843(m),740(w),728 (m),657(w).2.3X-ray Structure DeterminationThe crystallographic data collections for complex1were carried out on a Bruker Smart Apex II CCD with graphite-monochromated Mo-K a radiation(k=0.71073A?)at 293(2)K using the x-scan technique.The data were inte-grated by using the SAINT program[14],which also did the intensities corrected for Lorentz and polarization effects.An empirical absorption correction was applied using the SADABS program[15].The structures were solved by direct methods using the SHELXS-97program; and,all non-hydrogen atoms were re?ned anisotropically on F2by the full-matrix least-squares technique using the SHELXL-97crystallographic software package[16,17]. The hydrogen atoms were generated geometrically.All calculations were performed on a personal computer with the SHELXL-97crystallographic software package[17].The details of the crystal parameters,data collection and re?nement for four compounds are summarized in Table1. Selected bond lengths and bong angles for complex1are listed in Table2.3Results and DiscussionThe X-ray diffraction study for1reveals that the material crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca and features a2-fold parallel interpenetrated3D?3D net-work motif.The asymmetric unit contains two Zn(II) atoms,one hydroxyl,one pheno ligand,one and half of p-BDC molecules and one solvent water molecule.Selected bond lengths for1are listed in Table2.As shown in Fig.1, the Zn1ion,which is in the center of a tetrahedral geom-etry,is surrounded by three carboxylic oxygen atoms (Zn–O=1.918(5)–1.964(5)A?)from three p-BDC ligands and one l3-OH oxygen atom(O9).The Zn–O distance is1.965(5)A?.Two nitrogen atoms(N1and N2)that belong to pheno,one p-BDC oxygen atom(O3A)and one hydroxyl oxygen atom(O9A)are ligated to the Zn2center in the equatorial plane with another oxygen atom(O9)that arises from the second hydroxyl group and one oxygen atom(O5)that arises from the second p-BDC molecule situated in the axial position.EachZn2lies approximately in the equatorial position with a maximum deviation (0.048A?)from the basal plane.In the structure,Zn–O and Zn–N bond distances are in the range of 2.0530(5)–2.112(5)and2.157(5)–2.184(2)A?,respectively. There exist two types of p-BDC found in1(Scheme1); namely,monobidentate bridging(l3)and bi-bidentatebridging(l4)coordination modes.The bidentate bridging p-BDC connects mixed metals,where the smallest ZnáááZn distance is3.163A?,to complete a homodinuclear cluster, which is further linked by l3-OH into a six-connected Table1Crystal data and summary of X-ray data collection for1Zn2(pheno)(OH)(BDC)1.5áH2O Empirical formula C24H15N2O10Zn2Molecular mass/g mol-1622.12Color of crystal Dark yellowCrystal fdimensions/mm0.1890.1690.12 Temperature/K293Lattice dimensionsa/A?18.777(9)b/A?13.657(6)c/A?19.983(9)a/°90b/°90c/°90Unit cell volume(A?3)5125(4)Crystal system OrthorhombicSpace group PbcaZ8l(Mo-K a)/mm-1 1.931D(cacl.)/g cm-3 1.613Radiation type Mo-K aF(000)2504Limits of data collection/° 2.04B h B25.05Total re?ections24155Unique re?ections,parameters4545,347No.with I[2r(I)2821R1indices[I[2r(I)]0.0657w R2indices0.1858Goodness of?t 1.060Min/max peak(Final diff.map)/e A?-3-0.658/2.322tetranuclear cluster that is jointly coordinated by six p-BDC molecules(Fig.2).The clusters are further extended by p-BDC into a single3D framework(Fig.3).For clarity, we used the topological method to analyze this3D framework.Thus,the six-connected SBU is viewed to be a six-connected node.Furthermore,based on consideration of the geometry of thisnode,the3D frame is classi?ed as an a-Po net with41263topology(Fig.4).Of particular interest,the most intriguing feature of complex1is that a pair of identical3D single nets is interlocked with each other,thus directly leading to the formation of a2-fold interpenetrated3D?3D architecture(Fig.4)and the two pcu(a-Po)frameworks are related by a screw axis21[18]. Recently,a complete analysis of3D coordination networks shows that more than50interpenetrated pcu(a-Po)frames have been documented in the CSD database[18],including 2-fold,3-fold[19],and4-fold[20]interpenetration.In addition,several non-interpenetration motifs with a-Po topology have been reported to date[21].ZnZnO ZnZnZnZnO Znbidentate bidentate bidentate monodentateI IIScheme1Coordination modesof the bdc ligands in the structure of1;I is bis(bidentate),II is bi/monodentateFig.1ORTEP representation of complex1(the H atoms have been omitted for the sake of clarity).The thermal ellipsoids are drawn at 30%probabilityTable2Selected bond lengths(A?)and angles(°)for1Symmetry transformations usedto generate equivalent atoms:#1x-1/2,y,-z+1/2;#2-x,-y+1,-z;#3-x+1/2,-y+1,z-1/2Zn(1)–O(1) 1.918(5)Zn(2)–O(9)#2 2.091(4)Zn(1)–O(4)#1 1.953(5)Zn(2)–O(9) 2.103(5)Zn(1)–O(6) 1.964(5)Zn(2)–O(3)#3 2.112(5)Zn(1)–O(9) 1.965(5)Zn(2)–N(1) 2.157(6)Zn(2)–O(5)#2 2.053(5)Zn(2)–N(2) 2.184(6)O(1)–Zn(1)–O(4)#197.9(2)O(9)–Zn(2)–O(3)#388.81(18)O(1)–Zn(1)–O(6)112.9(2)O(5)#2–Zn(2)–N(1)94.7(2)O(4)#1–Zn(1)–O(6)104.7(2)O(9)#2–Zn(2)–N(1)170.7(2)O(1)–Zn(1)–O(9)122.9(2)O(9)–Zn(2)–N(1)91.6(2)O(4)#1–Zn(1)–O(9)109.7(2)O(3)#3–Zn(2)–N(1)88.9(2)O(6)–Zn(1)–O(9)107.0(2)O(5)#2–Zn(2)–N(2)87.1(2)O(5)#2–Zn(2)–O(9)#291.9(2)O(9)#2–Zn(2)–N(2)98.3(2)O(5)#2–Zn(2)–O(9)173.72(19)O(9)–Zn(2)–N(2)94.5(2)O(9)#2–Zn(2)–O(9)81.82(19)O(3)#3–Zn(2)–N(2)164.3(2)O(5)#2–Zn(2)–O(3)#391.3(2)N(1)–Zn(2)–N(2)75.7(2)O(9)#2–Zn(2)–O(3)#397.42(19)Fig.2Polyhedral representation of the homotetranuclear unit as asix-connected node linked by p-BDC ligandsMoreover,rich inter and intra hydrogen-bonds between the water molecules and the carboxylate groups (Table 3)further strengthen the stacking of the supra-architecture (Fig.5).4Supplementary MaterialsCrystallographic data (excluding structure factors)for thestructures reported in this paper have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center as supple-mentary publication /doc/c97a12ccf61fb7360b4c65f3.html DC-666555.Copies of the data can be obtained free of charge on application to CCDC,12Union Road,Cambridge CB21EZ,UK (Fax:+44-1223-336033;e-mail:deposit@/doc/c97a12ccf61fb7360b4c65f3.html ).Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Nat-ural Science Foundation of China (20731004)and the Natural Science Foundation of the Education Committee of Anhui Province,China(KJ2008B004).Fig.3Polyhedral presentation of one set of the 3D network along a -axis (a )and b -axis (b )Table 3Distance (A ?)and angles (°)of hydrogen bonding for com-plex 1D–H áááADistance of D áááA (A ?)Angle of D–H–A (°)O1W–H1WB áááO2#1 2.677(9)164O9–H19áááO1W#2 2.841(9)151C13–H13áááO3#3 3.045(10)121C22–H22áááO1W#43.353(10)167Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms:#1x,y,1+z;#2-x,1-y,-1+z;#3-x+1/2,-y+1,z -1/2;#4-x,1-y,1-zFig.4Simpli?ed schematic representation of the 3D ?3D two-fold interpenetrated a -Po network in1Fig.5Projection of the structure of 1along b -axis (dotted lines represent hydrogen-bonding)References1.(a)P.J.Hagrman,D.Hagrman,J.Zubieta,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.38,2638(1998);(b)S.Leininger,B.Olenyuk,P.J.Stang,Chem.Rev.100,853(2000);(c)A.Erxleben,Coord.Chem.Rev.246, 203(2003);(d)K.Biradha,Y.Hongo,M.Fujita,Angew.Chem. 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第34卷第6期化㊀学㊀研㊀究Vol.34㊀No.62023年11月CHEMICAL㊀RESEARCHNov.2023美沙拉嗪与β⁃环糊精的主客体相互作用及其分析应用张晨轩,李晓鹏,戚鹏飞,魏㊀莉∗(河北省药品职业化检查员总队(南片区),河北石家庄050000)收稿日期:2022⁃07⁃09基金项目:山西省重点研发计划项目(201903D321009)作者简介:张晨轩(1988-),男,工程师,研究方向:药物分析㊂∗通信作者,E⁃mail:earth⁃shaker@qq.com摘㊀要:采用紫外分光光度法㊁荧光分光光度法以及核磁共振光谱法研究了美沙拉嗪(MSZ)与β⁃环糊精(β⁃CD)的主客体相互作用,同时测试了主客体包合物的热力学参数(ΔG㊁ΔH㊁ΔS)㊂光谱数据表明MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物的形成,包合比为1ʒ1,包合常数K=1.362ˑ102L㊃mol-1㊂基于MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物荧光强度的显著增大,建立了一个简单㊁准确㊁快速㊁高灵敏度测定水溶液中MSZ的荧光分析新方法㊂MSZ的浓度与MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物的荧光强度变化值ΔF具有良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.998,线性范围为0.1 0.7mg㊃L-1,检测限为8μg㊃L-1,该方法可应用于药品中美沙拉嗪的含量测定㊂关键词:美沙拉嗪;β⁃环糊精;超分子化学;荧光分光光度法;药物分析中图分类号:R917文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-1011(2023)06-0505-06Host⁃guestinteractionofmesalazinewithβ⁃cyclodextrinanditsanalyticalapplicationZHANGChenxuan LIXiaopeng QIPengfei WEILi∗HebeiProvincePharmaceuticalProfessionalInspectorCorps SouthDivision Shijiazhuang050000 Hebei ChinaAbstract Thehost⁃guestinteractionofmesalazine(MSZ)withβ⁃cyclodextrin(β⁃CD)hasbeeninvestigatedusingabsorption,spectrofluorimetryand1HNMR.Thethermodynamicparameters(ΔG,ΔHandΔS)ofMSZ⁃β⁃CDwerealsostudied.Theinclusioncomplexformationhasbeenconfirmedbasedonthechangesofthespectralproperties,thelineardoublereciprocalplotindicatinga1ʒ1binding,andthebindingconstant(K)wasdeterminedas1.362ˑ102L㊃mol-1;Basedonthesignificantenhancementofthesupramolecularcomplexfluorescenceintensity,Asimple,accurate,rapidandhighlysensitivespectrofluorimetricmethodwasdevelopedtodeterminethecontentofMSZinaqueoussolution.Agoodlinearcorrelationwasobtainedbetweenthefluorescenceenhancement(ΔF)andtheMSZconcentrationsfrom0.1mg㊃L-1to0.7mg㊃L-1,acorrelationcoefficientof0.998andadetectionlimitof8μg㊃L-1werealsodetermined.TheproposedmethodwassuccessfullyappliedtodetermineMSZinitspharmaceuticaldosageforms.Keywords:mesalazine;β⁃cyclodextrin;supramolecularchemistry;spectrofluorimetry;pharmaceuticalanalysis㊀㊀环糊精(CD)是淀粉酶解作用下生成的一系列环状低聚糖㊂β⁃环糊精(β⁃CD,图1)由7个葡萄糖单元组成,具有疏水的内部空腔结构,外部具有良好的亲水性㊂在超分子化学领域,环糊精作为分子主体被广泛关注[1]㊂主客体包合物的形成会显著影响客体分子的物理化学性质,比如溶解性㊁光谱学和电化学性质㊂这一特性被广泛应用于分析化学和制药工业等诸多领域,旨在改善难溶性㊁易降解小分子药物的溶解性㊁稳定性和生物有效性[2]㊂此外,包合物的形成可以增强客体分子的荧光强度,促进毛细管电泳中的手性分离[3]㊂许多基于环糊精包合物的荧光特性建立的分析方法已应用于测定多种药物制剂㊁农药和金属离子[4]㊂506㊀化㊀学㊀研㊀究2023年美沙拉嗪(MSZ,图1)是一种治疗轻中度溃疡性结肠炎的药物㊂MSZ能够有效清除引起肠道炎症的活性氧自由基,抑制血小板环氧合酶和脂氧合酶途径,对中性粒细胞的某些功能也有抑制作用[5]㊂许多测定药物制剂或生物体液中MSZ含量的分析方法已见报道,如毛细管胶束电动色谱法[6]㊁微分脉冲伏安法[7]㊁高效液相色谱法[8]㊁液质联用技术[9]㊁分光光度法[10]㊂然而,荧光分光光度法测定药物制剂中美沙拉嗪含量的文献未见报道㊂鉴于荧光分光光度法具有操作简捷㊁灵敏度高以及较低费用等优势,目前该方法已经成为了最便捷的分析方法之一㊂图1㊀β⁃环糊精和美沙拉嗪的结构Fig.1㊀Structuresofβ⁃CDandMSZ本文采用紫外分光光度法㊁荧光分光光度法以及核磁共振光谱法验证了美沙拉嗪和β⁃环糊精之间的主客体包合作用,研究了一系列影响主客体包合物形成的因素㊂β⁃环糊精本身无荧光,美沙拉嗪在水溶液中也不产生荧光发射信号,因此不能采用常规的荧光方法进行美沙拉嗪的定量分析,当美沙拉嗪和β⁃环糊精在水溶液中形成包合物时,溶液的荧光强度会显著增大㊂基于主客体包合物荧光强度与美沙拉嗪之间的线性关系,建立了一种新型测定药物制剂中美沙拉嗪含量的荧光分析方法㊂1㊀实验部分1.1㊀仪器与试剂㊀㊀Cary300型紫外分光光度计(美国瓦里安公司),CaryEclipse型荧光分光光度计(澳大利亚安捷伦公司),DRX⁃600MHz型核磁共振仪(瑞士布鲁克公司),pHS⁃3TC型pH计(上海雷磁公司),HH⁃6数显恒温水浴锅(常州国华公司)㊂所用化学试剂均为分析纯或色谱纯,实验用水为纯化水㊂美沙拉嗪和β⁃环糊精对照品购买自中国食品药品检定研究院㊂美沙拉嗪肠溶片购买自葵花药业集团股份有限公司,规格0.25g㊂1.2㊀对照品溶液和供试品储备液1.2.1㊀美沙拉嗪对照品溶液㊀㊀准确称量美沙拉嗪对照品0.01g至100mL容量瓶,加水30mL使溶解,摇匀,用水定容至刻度,振荡均匀,得到100mg㊃L-1的储备液㊂10mg㊃L-1的工作液由储备液加水稀释得到㊂1.2.2㊀β⁃环糊精对照品溶液准确称取β⁃环糊精对照品1.135g置于100mL容量瓶内,加水适量,振摇使溶解,再用水定容至刻度得到0.01mol㊃L-1的溶液㊂溶液临用现配㊂1.2.3㊀美沙拉嗪供试品储备液取10粒MSZ肠溶片,除去肠溶衣后,精密称定,研细,精密称取约相当于250mg的MSZ药品粉末,溶解在100mL容量瓶中,充分振荡㊂将此溶液过滤,弃去部分前滤液,移取10mL后续滤液并稀释为100mL的储备液㊂1.3㊀紫外分光光度法取2mL的MSZ工作溶液(10mg㊃L-1)两份,分别加入到10mL的容量瓶中,再分别加入1.5mL磷酸盐缓冲溶液(pH=7.0)来保持溶液pH呈中性,向其中一个容量瓶中加入β⁃CD对照品溶液(0.01mol㊃L-1)2mL,另一个不加β⁃CD对照品溶液㊂定容后在室温下放置10min测定吸收光谱㊂1.4㊀荧光分光光度法将2mL的β⁃CD溶液(0.01mol㊃L-1)分别加入到100mL容量瓶中,再分别加入不同体积的MSZ溶液和1.5mL的磷酸盐缓冲溶液(pH=7.0),制成MSZ最终浓度分别为0.1 0.7mg㊃L-1的混合溶液,在室温下放置10min后测定溶液的荧光强度㊂1.5㊀反应的化学计量学向100mL容量瓶中加入浓度为10mg㊃L-1的MSZ溶液和1.5mL磷酸盐缓冲溶液(pH=7.0),再将不同体积(0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0mL)0.01mol㊃L-1的β⁃CD溶液分别加入到容量瓶中,定容后在室温下放置10min㊂2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀紫外吸收光谱㊀㊀MSZ溶液的紫外吸收光谱和MSZ与β⁃CD混合溶液的紫外吸收光谱如图2所示,结果表明在pH=7.0条件下,MSZ溶液的最大吸收波长为330nm,当加入β⁃CD后,混合溶液最大吸收波长没有变化,但第6期张晨轩等:美沙拉嗪与β⁃环糊精的主客体相互作用及其分析应用507㊀是吸光度增强㊂图2㊀MSZ紫外吸收光谱(黑色)和MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物紫外吸收光谱(红色)Fig.2㊀AbsorptionspectraofMSZintheabsence(black)andpresence(red)ofMSZ⁃β⁃CD2.2㊀荧光光谱在pH=7.0条件下,MSZ溶液的最大发射波长为493nm,当MSZ溶液与β⁃CD溶液混合后,混合溶液的最大发射波长没有变化,但是荧光强度增强,如图3所示㊂这是由于MSZ分子进入了β⁃CD的疏水性空腔,通过范德华力和氢键等非共价键相互作用包合在一起,包合作用使MSZ分子的运动自由度降低,激发态分子以非辐射方式释放能量减少,因此MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物的形成增强了溶液的荧光强度㊂图3㊀β⁃CD溶液中加入不同体积MSZ溶液后的荧光光谱Fig.3㊀VariationofthefluorescencespectraofMSZ⁃β⁃CDcomplexonadditionofdifferentconcentrationsofMSZ2.3㊀反应条件的优化2.3.1㊀pH的影响㊀㊀采用荧光分光光度法研究了不同pH对包合反应的影响,并测定包合物的荧光强度㊂结果表明,随着pH的增大,包合物荧光强度会增强㊂当pH为7时包合物的荧光强度最大㊂当pH大于7时,包合物的荧光强度会逐渐减弱㊂此外,通过非线性曲线拟合法计算出MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物的包合常数(K)㊂2.3.2㊀温度和时间的影响分别在室温和30 90ħ水浴条件下,研究了MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物受温度的影响㊂结果表明,在室温条件下包合物的荧光强度最强,故该反应在室温下进行㊂同时研究了室温下反应时间对包合物的影响,结果表明,在室温下的放置时间对包合物的荧光强度基本无影响㊂因此,本实验选择在室温放置10min的条件下进行㊂2.4㊀反应的化学计量学在最优实验条件下研究了主客体包合反应的化学计量学㊂假设主客体发生1ʒ1的包合反应,则化学计量学可以用Benesi⁃Hildebrand非线性曲线表示[11]:1/(F-F0)=1/(F¥-F0)K[β⁃CD]0+1/(F¥-F0)(1)㊀㊀[β⁃CD]0代表β⁃CD的浓度,F代表特定浓度下的主体分子同客体分子形成包合物时的荧光强度,F0表示客体分子单独存在时的荧光强度,Fɕ指主体分子与客体分子充分包合时的荧光强度,K就是主客体发生1ʒ1包合作用时的包合常数㊂通过做1/(F-F0)对1/[β⁃CD]0的双倒数曲线,如图4所示,可以验证包合比为1ʒ1的相互作用的存在㊂只有相互作用的包合比为1ʒ1时,双倒数曲线才具有线性,并且计算得到包合常数K=1.362ˑ102L㊃mol-1㊂图4㊀MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物的双倒数曲线Fig.4㊀Plotof1/(F⁃F0)vs.1/[β⁃CD]oftheMSZ⁃β⁃CDcomplex2.5㊀包合物的热力学参数从热力学角度(ΔH㊁ΔS㊁ΔG)证明了包合物的形成,包合常数(K)与温度(T)的关系可以通过508㊀化㊀学㊀研㊀究2023年Van tHoff方程(lnK=-ΔH/RT+ΔS/R)描述,包合反应的焓变(ΔH)和熵变(ΔS)与MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物的形成有关㊂将lnK与1/T进行线性回归,ΔH和ΔS可以分别通过回归方程的斜率和截距得到[12]㊂而吉布斯自由能变(ΔG)可以由公式ΔG=ΔH-TΔS求出,结果如表1所示㊂表1中,负的焓变和自由能变值表明这是一个放热且自发的过程,同时伴随着少量的熵损失,热力学参数表明了MSZ和β⁃CD的包合作用主要是受焓变驱使,这要归因于β⁃CD分子的羟基与MSZ分子间的氢键作用,主客体分子之间的范德华力以及β⁃CD分子空腔的疏水作用[13]㊂此外,构象变化和去溶剂化效应也促进了熵变㊂包合作用使得分子运动自由度降低,也导致了熵的损失[14]㊂表1㊀包合反应的热力学参数Table1㊀Thermodynamicparameterofthereaction热力学参数数值/(J㊃mol-1)ΔH-546.1ΔS-1.7ΔG-125.22.6㊀1HNMR谱图采用核磁共振验证了MSZ和β⁃CD的包合作用㊂图5分别为MSZ和MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物的1HNMR谱图,与MSZ单独存在时的1HNMR谱图相比,包合物1HNMR谱图中MSZ的H3,H4,H6质子信号向高场移动,这一特征表明MSZ分子包合进入了β⁃CD的空腔[15]㊂图5㊀MSZ(黑色)和MSZ⁃β⁃CD(红色)包合物的1HNMR谱图Fig.5㊀1HNMRspectra(600MHz)ofMSZ(black)andMSZ⁃β⁃CDcomplex(red)inD2O2.7㊀方法学验证2.7.1㊀线性和灵敏度㊀㊀在最适实验条件下,对MSZ的浓度与MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物荧光强度变化量ΔF的关系曲线进行线性回归,线性方程为:ΔF=719.5C+12.82,相关系数为0.998,线性范围为0.1 0.7mg㊃L-1㊂取空白溶液连续测定11次并计算荧光强度的标准偏差(SD),以3倍SD除以线性方程的斜率计算检出限为8μg㊃L-1㊂2.7.2㊀重复性精密称取同一批样品粉末适量,按 1.2.3 项下供试品储备液制备方法,平行制备6份,再分别按1.4 项下方法制备供试品溶液㊂在最适实验条件下进行测定,记录各供试品溶液的荧光强度,以荧光强度的RSD评价重复性㊂结果显示荧光强度的RSD为1.02%(n=6),表明该方法重复性良好㊂2.7.3㊀中间精密度由另一名分析人员,于不同日期使用不同的仪器,同 重复性 试验操作㊂结果显示各供试品溶液荧光强度的RSD为1.15%(n=6),表明该方法中间精密度良好㊂2.7.4㊀溶液稳定性试验取 1.2.3 项下供试品储备液适量,按 1.4 项下方法制备供试品溶液,分别于室温下放置0㊁6㊁12㊁24㊁48h,在最适实验条件下进行测定,并记录供试品溶液的荧光强度㊂结果,供试品溶液的荧光强第6期张晨轩等:美沙拉嗪与β⁃环糊精的主客体相互作用及其分析应用509㊀度的RSD为0.73%,表明供试品溶液在48h内稳定,能够满足测定需要㊂2.7.5㊀分析应用该方法可应用于药品中MSZ的含量测定㊂按1.2.3 项下供试品储备液制备方法,再按 1.4 项下方法制备供试品溶液,在最适实验条件下,测定MSZ的含量,结果满意,如表2所示,并且相对标准偏差小于2.00%,具有良好的准确性㊂表2㊀药品中MSZ的含量测定(n=5)Table2㊀DeterminationofMSZinpharmaceuticalformulation(n=5)药品规格/(mg/tablet)本法测定值/(mg/tablet)回收率/%MSZ250242.6097.0ʃ0.863㊀结论采用紫外分光光度法㊁荧光分光光度法以及核磁共振光谱法研究了MSZ和β⁃CD之间的超分子相互作用,结果表明MSZ和β⁃CD可以形成1ʒ1的主客体包合物,包合常数K=1.362ˑ102L㊃mol-1㊂基于MSZ⁃β⁃CD包合物的荧光增敏作用,建立了一种简便㊁灵敏㊁准确的测定MSZ含量的荧光分析方法,该方法具有良好的精密度㊁重复性和适用性,可应用于药品中MSZ的定量分析㊂参考文献:[1]王恩举,陈光英,彭明生.NMR研究β⁃环糊精对布洛芬的手性识别[J].波谱学杂志,2009,26(2):216⁃222.WANGEJ,CHENGY,PENGMS.NMRstudiesofchiraldiscriminationofibuprofenenantiomersinβ⁃cyclodextrininclusioncomplexes[J].ChineseJournalofMagneticResonance,2009,26(2):216⁃222.[2]LINARESM,DEBERTORELLOMM,LONGHIM.Preparationandcharacterizationofsolidcomplexesofnaphtoquinoneandhydroxypropyl⁃b⁃cyclodextrin[J].Molecules,2000,5(3):342⁃344.[3]ELBASHIRAA,SULIMANFEO,SAADB,etal.Capillaryelectrophoreticseparationandcomputationalmodelingofinclusioncomplexesofβ⁃cyclodextrinand18⁃crown⁃6etherwithprimaquineandquinocide[J].BiomedicalChromatography,2010,24(4):393⁃398.[4]ELBASHIRAA,DSUGINFA,MOHMEDTOM,etal.Spectrofluorometricanalyticalapplicationsofcyclodextrins[J].Luminescence,2014,29(1):1⁃7.[5]马郑,董煜,彭涛.离子对RP⁃HPLC法测定美沙拉嗪栓的含量及有关物质[J].中国药房,2014,25(44):4209⁃4214.MAZ,DONGY,PENGT.Contentdeterminationof5⁃aminosalicylicsuppositoryanditsrelatedsubstancesbyion⁃pairRP⁃HPLC[J].ChinaPharmacy,2014,25(44):4209⁃4214.[6]GOTTIR,POMPONIOR,BERTUCCIC,etal.Determinationof5⁃aminosalicylicacidrelatedimpuritiesbymicellarelectrokineticchromatographywithanion⁃pairreagent[J].JournalofChromatographyA,2001,916(1/2):175⁃183.[7]NIGOVIC'B,ŠIMUNIC'B.Determinationof5⁃aminosalicylicacidinpharmaceuticalformulationbydifferentialpulsevoltammetry[J].JournalofPharmaceuticalandBiomedicalAnalysis,2003,31(1):169⁃174.[8]RAFAELJA,JABORJR,CASAGRANDER,etal.ValidationofHPLC,DPPHandnitrosationmethodsformesalaminedeterminationinpharmaceuticaldosageforms[J].BrazilianJournalofPharmaceuticalSciences,2007,43(1):97⁃103.[9]PASTORINIE,LOCATELLIM,SIMONIP,etal.DevelopmentandvalidationofaHPLC⁃ESI⁃MS/MSmethodforthedeterminationof5⁃aminosalicylicacidanditsmajormetaboliteN⁃acetyl⁃5⁃aminosalicylicacidinhumanplasma[J].JournalofChromatographyB,2008,872(1/2):99⁃106.[10]MADHAVIV,PANCHAKSHARIV,PRATHYUSHATN,etal.Spectrophotometricdeterminationofmesalazineinbulkandtabletdosageformsbasedondiazocouplingreactionwithresorcinol[J].InternationalJournalofPharmaceuticalSciencesReviewandResearch,2011,11(1):105⁃109.[11]NIGAMS,DUROCHERG.Spectralandphotophysicalstudiesofinclusioncomplexesofsomeneutral3H⁃indolesandtheircationsandanionswithβ⁃cyclodextrin[J].TheJournalofPhysicalChemistry,1996,100(17):7135⁃7142.[12]LIWY,LIH,ZHANGGM,etal.Interactionofwater⁃solublecalix[4]arenewithL⁃tryptophanstudiedbyfluorescencespectroscopy[J].JournalofPhotochemistryandPhotobiologyA:Chemistry,2008,197(2/3):389⁃393.[13]ZHANGQF,JIANGZT,GUOYX,etal.Complexationstudyofbrilliantcresylbluewithβ⁃cyclodextrinandits510㊀化㊀学㊀研㊀究2023年derivativesbyUV⁃visandfluorospectrometry[J].SpectrochimicaActaPartA:MolecularandBiomolecularSpectroscopy,2008,69(1):65⁃70.[14]LIUY,HANBH,CHENYT.Molecularrecognitionandcomplexationthermodynamicsofdyeguestmoleculesbymodifiedcyclodextrinsandcalixarenesulfonates[J].TheJournalofPhysicalChemistryB,2002,106(18):4678⁃4687.[15]MOCKWL,SHIHNY.Structureandselectivityinhost⁃guestcomplexesofcucurbituril[J].TheJournalofOrganicChemistry,1986,51(23):4440⁃4446.[责任编辑:吴文鹏]。

The spectral energy distribution of self-gravitating protostellar disks

The spectral energy distribution of self-gravitating protostellar disks

Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, I-56126 Pisa, Italy Universit` a degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Celoria 16, I-20133 Milano, Italy
Received / Accepted Abstract The long wavelength emission of protostellar objects is commonly attributed to a disk of gas and dust around the central protostar. In the first stages of disk accretion or in the case of high mass protostars, the disk mass is likely to be sufficiently large, so that the disk self-gravity may have an impact on the dynamics and the emission properties of the disk. In this paper we describe the spectral energy distribution (SED) produced by a simple, non-flaring, self-gravitating accretion disk model. Self-gravity is included in the calculation of the rotation curve of the disk and in the energy balance equation, as a term of effective heating related to Jeans instability. In order to quantify in detail the requirements on the mass of the disk and on the accretion rate posed on the models by realistic situations, we compare the SEDs produced by these models with the observed SEDs of a small sample of well-studied protostellar objects. We find that relatively modest disks - even lighter than the central star - can lead to an interesting fit to the infrared SED of the FU Orionis objects considered, while in the case of T Tauri stars the required parameters fall outside the range suggested as acceptable by the general theoretical and observational scenario. On the basis of the present results, we may conclude that the contribution of a selfgravitating disk is plausible in several cases (in particular, for FU Orionis objects) and that, in the standard irradiation dominated disk scenario, it would help softening the requirements encountered by Keplerian accretion models. Key words. Accretion, accretion disks – Gravitation – Stars: pre-main sequence

外文翻译 水性涂料

外文翻译 水性涂料

Progress in Organic Coatings 77 (2014) 315–321Contents lists available at ScienceDirectProgress in Organic Coatingsjou rn a l ho m e p ag e: www.el se vie r.co m/lo cat e/po rgco a tPreparation and properties of waterborne polyurethane/epoxy resincomposite coating from anionic terpene-based polyol dispersionGuo-min Wu a,b,∗, Zhen-wu Kong a,b,∗, Jian Chen a , Shu-ping Huo a , Gui-feng Liu a,ba Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Key Laboratory of Biomass Energy and Material of Jiangsu Province, Keyand Open Laboratory on Forest Chemical Engineering, State Forestry Administration, National Engineering Laboratory for Biomass Chemical Utilization,Nanjing 210042, Chinab Research Institute of New Technology, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 10091, Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o ab s t r ac tArticle history:Received 22 July 2013Received in revised form 9 September 2013Accepted 20 October 2013Available online 14 November 2013Keywords:PolyolWaterborne polyurethaneEpoxy resinCompositeTerpeneAn anionic polyol (T-PABA) dispersion was prepared by modifying terpene-based epoxy resin with para-aminobenzoic acid. Then T-PABA dispersion was crosslinked with a hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI)tripolymer to prepare waterborne polyurethane/epoxy resin composite coating. The rheological proper-ties and particle size distribution of the composite system were characterized by rotary rheometer andlaser particle size analyzer. The crosslinked composite product has good thermal resistant properties,with glass-transition temperatures (T g ) about 40% and 50% weight loss temperatures (T) in the rangeof 400–420. The smooth and transparent film obtained from the composite product has good flexibility,adhesion, impact strength, antifouling and blocking resistance properties. The impact strength, pencilhardness, water-resistant and thermal-resistant properties of the composite products increased with themolar ratio of isocyanate group to active hydrogen of T-PABA.© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionConventional solvent-based polyurethanes, with their excel-lent outdoor durability, outstanding chemical resistance and verygood mechanical properties, are successfully used in variousapplications, such as original equipment manufacturer (OEM)coats, automotive repair coatings, industrial paints, furniture lac-quers, plastic coatings and adhesives [1,2]. Recently, controllingthe emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is becomingthe important driving force for resin developments. The substi-tution of solvent-based coatings with water-dispersed coatingsis a major approach to reduce VOC emission. Two-componentwaterborne polyurethanes (2K-WPUs) coatings which integratethe environment-friendly property of water-dispersed coatingswith the high performance of two-component polyurethanes, aregaining extensive research attention [3–6]. 2K-WPUs comprisea polyisocyanate component and a waterborne polyol compo-nent which results in various performances of the 2K-WPUsdue to the various structures of the polyols. The most com-monly used waterborne polyol is polyacrylate polyol whichhas been applied widely in the field of coatings and adhesive∗Corresponding author at: No. 16, Suojin Wucun, Nanjing 210042, PR China.E-mail addresses: woogm@ (G.-m. Wu), kongzw@(Z.-w. Kong).[7–9]. However, the polyacrylate polymer has some shortcomingssuch as bad temperature adapt property and organic solventresistibility. Polyurethane polyol is another promising hydroxylgroup component for 2K-WPUs with its high comprehensiveproperties, while the use-cost of polyurethane polyol is quiteexpensive [10,11].Most of these polyol components for 2K-WPUs originate fromthe unrenewable fossil resource. With the fossil resource beingexhausted, the utilization of biomass resource for preparing poly-mer materials has been paid more attention to by many scholarsall over the world [12,13]. Terpene-based epoxy resin (TME), analicyclic epoxy resin with endocyclic structure, was synthesizedfrom the raw material turpentine [14,15]. Recent investigationsshowed that it could also serve as precursors for the synthesis ofTME-based polyols which could be crosslinked with polyisocyanateto prepare polyurethane/epoxy resin composite polymers [16]. Inthis article, an anionic polyol (T-PABA) dispersion was synthesizedby reacting TME with para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). Then a newtwo-component waterborne polyurethane–epoxy resin compos-ite coating was prepared by crosslinking T-PABA dispersion withpolyisocyanate. The purpose of this study was in order to obtaina wonderful composite polymer product from the bioresource tur-pentine, which could combine the rigidity and heat resistance of theepoxy resin (TME), the flexibility and tenacity of the polyurethaneand the environmental friendliness and safety of the waterbornesystems together.0300-9440/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.porgcoat.2013.10.005316G.-m. Wu et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 77 (2014) 315–321Table 1Physicochemical parameters of T-PABA and T-PABA dispersionT-PABA (solid resin)Appearance Yellow transparent solidHydroxyl value (mg g-1 ) 168.9Amine value (mg g-1 ) 125.9Active hydrogen content (mmol g-1 ) 5.254T-PABA dispersionAppearance Yellow transparent liquidSolid content (%) 30Viscosity (mPa s, 25 ◦C) 400Average particle size (nm) 40Stability No delaminating after 6 months 2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsThe base material was the terpene-maleic ester-type epoxy resin (TME) with epoxy value of 0.34–0.38 mol 100 g−1, which was synthesized form turpentine [14]. Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), technical grade, was purchased from Changzhou Sunlight Pharmacy Industry Co., Ltd., China. N,N-dimethyl ethanolamine and 2-butanone, chemically pure, were purchased from Shanghai Lingfeng Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., China. The hydrophilically modified hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) tripolymer (Fig. 1) with isocyanate (NCO) group content of 14 wt% and solid content of 85 wt%, technical grade, was supplied by Shanghai Sisheng Polymer Materials Co., Ltd., China.2.2.Synthesis of T-PABA and T-PAB dispersionA 500 ml four-necked flask equipped with stirrer, thermometer, condenser and heating mantle was charged with 30.6 g TME, 10.6 g PABA, and 16.5 g 2-butanone. After the PABA was all resolved in the 2-butanone under heating and stired, the reaction was contin-ued for 4 h at 80–90 ◦C. The 2-butanone was removed with vacuum distillation after reaction. The product (T-PABA) was neutralized with 4.8 g N,N-dimethyl ethanolamine, then dispersed with 96.0 g distilled water by churning at 500–1000 rpm, at 50–70 ◦C. A yel-low transparent anionic dispersion (T-PABA dispersion) with solid content of 30% was obtained (Scheme 1). The physicochemical parameters of T-PABA and T-PABA dispersion were described in Table 1.2.3.Preparation of the composite coatingA composite dispersion was prepared by mixing T-PABA disper- sion with the hydrophilically modified HDI tripolymer at the molar ratio of active hydrogen to isocyanate group ranging from 0.8 to 1.4. The solid content of the blending was about 32% (by mass) as applied in this work. After mixed, the blending was cast on tin-plates or glass slides to form 40 μm (±3 μm) thick dry films. The crosslinked product of the composite dispersion was obtained by keeping the films in the room temperature for 24 h and then curing them in an oven at 70 ◦C for 6 h.2.4. MeasurementsNicolet IS10 infrared spectrometric analyzer (Nicolet Instru-ment Co., U.S.A) was used to record the FT-IR spectra of polyol and composite product samples in the range of 400–4000 cm−1.13C NMR spectra were recorded on Bruker AV-300 NMR spec- trometer at 300 MHz. Deuteroacetone was used as a solvent and tetramethylsilane (TMS) was served as internal standard.Rheological properties of the T-PABA dispersion (30% solid content) and the composite dispersion (32% solid content) were performed with a Haake Mars-III rotational rheometer using coaxial cylinder technique.Particle size analysis was carried out on a Nano-ZS ZEN3600 Zeta-sizer (Malvern Instrument Co., UK). The T-PABA dispersion and the composite dispersion were diluted with distilled water to 0.5% solid content.The morphology of the composite product was characterized by atomic force microscope (AFM) performed on a SPM9600 AFM (Shimadzu, Japan). To prepare AFM sample, the composite sample was cast a film on silicon substrate.Mechanical properties of the composite product were evaluated according to standard test methods (impact strength GB/T 1732-93 [17], adhesion GB/T 1720-89 [18], flexibility GB/T 1731-93 [19], pencil hardness GB/T 6739-96 [20]). Water resistance, antifoul-ing and blocking resistance properties are measured according to standard test method GB/T 23999-2009 [21].PerkinElmer Diamond differential scanning calorimeter (U.S.A) was used to record the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) ther-mograms of the composite products at a heating rate of 20 ◦C min−1 under a nitrogen gas flow of 20 ml min−1.NETZSCH STA 409 PC/PG thermogravimetric analyzer (Germany) was used to perform thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the composite products at a heating rate of 10 ◦C min−1 under a nitrogen atmosphere.3.Results and discussion3.1.Characterization of T-PABAThe synthesis of T-PABA was carried out with the addition reac-tion between oxirane group and primary amine group (Scheme 1). The chemical structure of T-PABA was characterized with FT-IR (Fig. 2) and 13C NMR (Fig. 3) spectra. Compared with the spectra of TME, the significant enhancement of O H stretch-ing peak at 3480 cm−1 and the disappearance of the absorption peak at 908 cm−1 in the spectra of T-PABA denoted the occur-rence of addition reaction of oxirane ring and amine group [22]. FT-IR spectra of T-PABA show signification absorption peaks at 3200–3700 cm−1 (N H and O H stretching), 2400–2800 cm−1 and 1680 cm−1 (COOH stretching), 1605 and 1530 cm−1 (benzeneFig. 1. Chemical structure of the hydrophilically modified HDI tripolymer.G.-m. Wu et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 77 (2014) 315–321 317Scheme 1. Preparation of T-PABA and T-PABA dispersion.ring stretching), 1730 cm −1 (C O stretching), 1273 cm −1 (C N stretching of aromatic amine), and 1117 cm −1 (C O stretching of secondary hydroxyl group), which match the chemical structure characteristic of T-PABA correctly.13C NMR spectra were used to further demonstrate the chemical structure of T-PABA. The characteristic single peaks of the oxi- rane ring (C1 and C2 in TME) at about ı = 43.5 ppm and 48.5 ppm were disappeared in the 13C NMR spectra of T-PABA [23]. After the reaction between oxirane group and primary amine group, the ı of C1 and C2 shifted the low frequency region, and appeared at about ı = 46.9 ppm and 63.9 ppm (C1I and C2I in T-PABA). Thepeaks at about 112 ppm, 113.5 ppm, 118.4 ppm, 132 ppm, and154 ppm show the typical benzene ring absorptions, and the peak at 168.4 ppm exhibits the absorption of the carboxyl group.3.2. Rheological properties of the T-PABA dispersion and the composite dispersionRheological properties are important for the use and storage of dispersions when applied as coatings and adhesives. Rheological behavior can be characterized by power-law equation [24]:τ = Ky n or η˛Kyn −1(1)Fig. 2. FT-IR spectra of T-PABA and TME.318G.-m. Wu et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 77 (2014) 315–321Fig. 3. 13 C NMR spectra of T-PABA and TME.where τ is shear stress, K is viscosity coefficient, y is shear rate, n is flow behavior index, and ηα is apparent viscosity.The logarithmic form of power-law equation can be written, log τ = log K + n log y(2)The factor n can be obtained graphically from the slope of the log τ − log y line from linear regression. Fig. 4 shows the rheologi- cal curves of the T-PABA dispersion and the composite dispersion at 25 ◦C, and correspondingly Fig. 5 shows the log τ − log y lines. It can be seen from Fig. 4, the apparent viscosity of the T-PABA dispersion and the composite dispersion remained constant with the increas- ing of shear rate. Because the particles of the T-PABA dispersion and the composite dispersion are both charged particles, interac- tion force among particles is strong enough to stand against the shear stress in our measurement. As shown in Fig. 5, the obtained log τ has good linear correlation with log y , and the values of theFig. 4. Rheological curves of T-PABA and the composite dispersions.flow behavior index n equals approximately 1, which indicates the dispersions are Newton fluids.3.3. Particle size analysis of the dispersionsThe film formation process of waterborne resin contains floccu -lationa nd merging phenomena of the dispersion particles. Well dispersion of the resin is important to the performance of the crosslinked product. According to Stokes’ law, separating rate of the dispersion particles, which directly affects the stability of dis- persion, is directly proportional to the density difference of oil phase and water phase, the size of the particles, and inversely proportional to the viscosity of continuous phase [25]. When the density difference of oil phase and water phase and the viscosity of continuous phase are invariableness, the size of the particles can characterize the stability of waterborne dispersion. Fig. 6 shows theFig. 5. Log τ − log y line of T-PABA and the composite dispersions.G.-m. Wu et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 77 (2014) 315–321 319Fig. 6. Particle size distributions of T-PABA and the composite dispersions.laser particle size analysis of the T-PABA and the composite disper- sions. The HDI tripolymer used to crosslink with T-PABA cannot disperse well in water, although it has been hydrophilically modi- fied. The average particle size of the HDI tripolymer is large, about 6120 nm. T-PABA can be dispersed stably in water and does not delaminate after storing for 6 months. Its average particle size is about 40 nm. After mixing these two components completely, the composite dispersion obtained has a unimodal distribution of the particle size with the average value of about 89 nm, bigger than that of T-PABA dispersion. This result indicates that when the two components are mixed, T-PABA dispersion can emulsify the HDI tripolymer and rebuild new particles.3.4. CharacterizationofthecompositeproductThe film formation process of the composite dispersion is as fol- lows: (1) solvent, water volatilizing, (2) particles merging together, (3) isocyanate (NCO) group of HDI reacting with hydroxyl (OH) group and amine (NH) group. The results of the particles merging and the chemical reaction were characterized by AFM and FT-IR, respectively. The 3-D surface micro topography of the compos- ite product obtained from AFM is shown in Fig. 7. The surface of the product is quite rough, containing many cone-shaped hillocks. When particles of the dispersion overlap with each other, only the edge parts of the particles can merge together, and then the unmerged parts of the particles exposed on the surface of the film are observed as cone-shaped hillocks. The “hillock topography” found on the surface of the film is the trace of merged particles of the dispersion, which indicates indirectly that there are lots of particle traces in the body of the film. This result validates theFig. 7. AFM image of the composite product.particle merging mechanism of the film formation of waterborne resin [26].Urethane ( NH CO O ) and urea ( NH CO NH ) are formed after NCO group of HDI reacting with OH group and NH group of T-PABA, respectively. The chemical structure of the composite product was characterized by FT-IR spectra (Fig. 8). The signi- fication absorption peaks at about 3360 cm −1 (N H stretching), 1680 cm −1 (C O stretching), 1536 cm −1 ( NH CO stretching), and 1240 cm −1 ( CO O C stretching) show the typical absorp- tions of urethane ( NH CO O ) and urea ( NH CO NH ) group [27]. The disappearance of the absorption peak at 2270 cm −1 (NCO stretching) denotes the occurrence of addition reaction of the NCO group with active hydrogen. The other absorption peaks in the spectra assign to stretching vibration of methyl and methylene (2850–2990 cm −1), benzene ring stretching (1605 and 1530 cm −1), bending vibration of methyl and methylene (1458 cm −1), isopropyl group stretching (1370 cm −1), C N stretching (1173 cm −1), and C O stretching of secondary hydroxyl group (1117 cm −1), respec- tively.3.5. PropertiesofthecompositeproductThe properties of the composite product of T-PABA are showed in Table 2. Due to the high activity of the NH group reacting with NCO group, the film of the composite product dried faster than the commercial product. The film obtained from the composite prod - uct has excellent impact strength, adhesion, flexibility, antifouling and blocking resistance properties. Impact strength, pencil hard- ness and water resistance of the composite product were enhanced by increasing NCO/NH (OH) ratio. Because the superfluous NCO groups can react with H 2O to form urea and biurea, it will increaseFig. 8. FT-IR spectra of the composite product.320G.-m. Wu et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 77 (2014) 315–321Table 2Properties of the composite product.Item n NCO :n NH(OH)Crosslinked products of T-PABA Commercial product a0.8:11:1 1.2:1 1.4:1 1.4:1Drying time (min 25 ◦C)4045455090Gloss (60◦)94.895.495.895.590.5Impact strength (kg cm)60657070>50Adhesion (grade)21111Flexibility (mm)110.50.51Pencil h ardness H H2H2H HWater resistance Water (24 h)Whitening Unchanged Unchanged UnchangedBoiling water (15 m in)Whitening Unchanged Unchanged UnchangedPollution resistance (1 h)Vinegar Polluted Unchanged Unchanged UnchangedTea Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged UnchangedBlocking resistance (4 h, 500 g, 50 ◦C)b MM:A-0MB:A-0MM:A-0MB:A-0MM:A-0MB:A-0MM:A-0MB:A-0MM:A-0MB:A-0a Blocking resistance: MM means front to front. MB means spoon-fashion. A means free-fall separation. 0 means no damage.b The commercial product and its data are supplied by Shanghai Sisheng Polymer Materials Co., Ltd., China.the crosslinking density and rigidity of the products. The gloss and pencil hardness of the composite product are superior to the commercial product we applied, as a result of the presence of the alicyclic structure and the benzene ring in the T-PABA.The glass transition of the composite product was examined with DSC (Fig. 9). In the range of scanning temperature from −40 ◦C to 120 ◦C, there is only one glass transition temperature (T g) in each DSC curve, which indicates the composite product is homo- geneous phase system, no major bulk phase separation occurs, and the T-PABA is well compatible with the HDI tripolymer. T g of the product does not change significantly with the increase of NCO/NH (OH) molar ratio. When NCO/NH (OH) molar ratio is more than 1, the superfluous NCO will reacted with H2O to form urea ( NH CO NH ), and then enhance crosslinking density of the products and lead to higher T g. On the other hand, compared with the chemical structure of HDI tripolymer, T-PABA containing benzene ring and alicyclic structure is the hard segment in the com- posite product. Increasing NCO/NH (OH) molar ratio means using more H DI t ripolymer, a nd w ill d ecrease t he c ontent o f T-PABA (hard segment) in the composite product, which leads to lower T g of the composite product. The above two opposite factors result little change of T g values with the increase of NCO/NH (OH) molar ratio.Thermal stability of the composite products was investigated by TGA (Fig. 10). The temperatures at 50% weight loss (T d) of the products are all above 400 ◦C. As shown in DTG curves, there are two weight loss stages of the composite product. The first stagedegradation (peak temperature at about 320 ◦C) is correlated with the decomposition of HDI tripolymer and the formed urethane (urea) due to the low breaking energy of C N bond [28]. The second stage (peak temperature at about 460 ◦C) is attributed to the thermal decomposition of epoxy resin (TME) structure [16]. Increasing NCO/NH (OH) molar ratio of the composite system can enhance the crosslinking density of the product, and leads to higher T d of the composite product. When the NCO/NH (OH) molar ratio increased from 0.8/1 to 1.4/1, T d of the composite products rose from 400 ◦C to 420 ◦C. Additionally, the temperature and the residue weight at the maximum degradation rate in the first stage rose from 316 to 321and from 58% to 64%, respectively, while in the second stage the temperature and the residue weight at the maximum degradation rate both kept constant, with an increase of NCO/NH (OH) molar ratio from 0.8/1 to 1.4/1. These results indicate the first stage degradation is related to the decomposition of the formed urethane (urea) but the second stage degradation is not. More urethane (urea) will be formed when increasing the molar ratio of NCO/NH (OH), which can enhance the thermal resistance of the first stage degradation but cannot affect the decomposition of the second stage degradation assigning to epoxy resin (TME) structure.Fig. 9. DSC curves of the composite product.Fig. 10. TG curves of the composite product.G.-m. Wu et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 77 (2014) 315–3213214.ConclusionA waterborne polyurethane/epoxy resin composite coating was prepared by crosslinking a HDI tripolymer with an anionic polyol (T-PABA) dispersion, which was prepared from bio-resin TME and para-aminobenzoic acid. The T-PABA dispersion and the compos- ite dispersion are both Newton liquid whose viscosity remains constant with the increasing of shear rate. T-PABA dispersion can emulsify the HDI tripolymer in the mixing process and rebuild the composite dispersion particles, which merged with each other in the film formation process. The composite product has high gloss, excellent impact strength, adhesion, flexibility, thermal stability, and antifouling, blocking resistance properties. Impact strength, pencil hardness and water resistance can be enhanced by increasing NCO/NH (OH) molar ratio.AcknowledgmentThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (contract grant number: 31100428).References[1] L.M. Zhu, Polyurethane Synthetic Material, Phoenix Science Press, Nanjing,China, 2002.[2] J.R. Zhang, W.P. Tu, Z.L. Dai, Prog. Org. Coat. 75 (2012) 579–583.[3] C.W. Chang, K.T. Lu, Prog. Org. Coat. 75 (2012) 435–443.[4] D. Otts, K. Pereira, M. Urban, Polymer 46 (2005) 4776–4788.[5] M. Melchiors, M. Sonntag, C. Kobusch, Prog. Org. Coat. 40 (2000) 99–109.[6] Z. Wicks, D. Wicks, J. Rosthauser, Prog. Org. Coat. 44 (2002) 161–183.[7] X. Kong, S.M. Li, J.Q. Qu, J. Macromol. Sci. Pure 47 (2010) 368–374.[8] C. Suzana, L. Caslav, S. 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Differences in Pulse Spectrum Analysis Between Atopic Dermatitis andNonatopic Healthy ChildrenAbstractObjectives: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common allergy that causes the skin to be dry and itchy. It appears at an early age, and is closely associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Thus, AD is an indicator that other allergies may occur later. Literatures indicate that the molecular basis of patients with AD is different from that of healthy individuals. According to the classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body constitution of patients with AD is also different. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in pulse spectrum analysis between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals.Methods: A total of 60 children (30 AD and 30 non-AD) were recruited for this study.A pulse spectrum analyzer (SKYLARK PDS-2000 Pulse Analysis System) was used to measure radial arterial pulse waves of subjects.Original data were then transformed to frequency spectrum by Fourier transformation. The relative strength of each harmonic wave was calculated. Moreover, the differences of harmonic values between patients with AD and non-atopic healthy individuals were compared and contrasted.Results: This study showed that harmonic values and harmonic percentage of C3 (Spleen Meridian, according to Wang’s hypothesis) were significantly different. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that C3 (Spleen Meridian) is a good index for the determination of atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the pulse spectrum analyzer is a valuable auxiliary tool to distinguish a patient who has probable tendency to have AD and/or other allergic diseases.IntroductionAtopic dermatitis (AD) is a common pruritic chronic inflammatory allergic disease. Approximately 10% of all children in the world are affected by atopicdermatitis,typically in the setting of a personal or family history of asthma or allergic rhinitis. It occurs in infancy and early childhood. Sixty percent (60%) of the symptoms manifest in the first year of life, and 85% by 5 years of ag e. Early onset and close association with other atopic conditions, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, make atopic dermatitis an excellent indicator that other allergies may occur later.A number of observations suggest that there is a molecular basis for atopic dermatitis; these include the findings of genetic susceptibility, immune system deviation, and epidermal barrier dysfunction. Moreover, according to the classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body constitution of atopic dermatitis patients was also different. Establishment of scientific methods using pulse diagnosis will assist the diagnosis and follow-up of AD."Organs Resonance"brought up by Wei-Kung Wang provided a scientific explanation for "pulse condition" and "Qi." Organs, heart, and vessels can produce coupled oscil- lation, which minimize the resistance of blood flow, resulting in better circulation. The changes of radial arterial pulse spectrum can reflect the harmonic energy redistribution of a specific organ. Several of the previous stu dies demonstrate that variations in the harmonics of pulse spectrum can be used in many fields, including diseases, acupuncture,Chinese herbal medications and clinical observation. The new method offers an extraordinary vision of medical investigation by combining pulse spectrum analysis with Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as modern medicine. Wang proposed that the peak values of numbered harmonics might be the representations of each visceral organ,C1 for Liver, C2 for Kidney, C3 for Spleen, etc. Materials and MethodsSubjectsIn total, 60 children (3–15 years of age), comprising 30 with AD (AD group) and 30 nonatopic healthy (non-AD group),participated in the study. The diagnosis of AD was based on the criteria defined by the United Kingdom working party.Nonatopic healthy was defined as those who had no known health problems and no personal or family history of allergic diseases, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, etc.The experiment protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of China Medical University (approval number: DMR97-IRB-087). The written informed consents were obtained from the parents of all participants before they enrolled in this study.Children with a history of major chronic diseases, such as arrhythmia, ardiomyopathy, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, hyperthyroidism, difficult asthma,malignancy, and so on were excluded from this study.Those who suffered from any acute disease (e.g., acute upper airway infection or acute gastroenteritis in recent 7days), were also excluded from this experiment. Radial arterial pulse testA pulse spectrum analyzer (SKYLARK PDS-2000 Pulse Analysis System, approved by Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. [Taiwan] with a license number 0023302) was used to record radial arterial pulse waves. The pressure transducer of the pulse spectrum analyzer detected artery pressure pulse with 100-Hz sampling rate and 25mm/ sec scanning rate. The output data were stored in digital form in an IBM PC. The subjects were asked to rest for 20 minutes prior to pulse measurements. All procedures were performed in a bright and quiet room with a constant temperature of 258C–268C. Pulses were recorded during 3:00 pm–5:00 pm to avoid the fasting or ingestion effect.Data processingWe transformed original data to spectrum data by Fourier transform as Wang et al described earlier.Briefly, original data were stored as time-amplitude. Mathematics software Matlab 6.5.1 (The MathWorks Inc.) provided Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) technique to transform time-amplitude data to frequency-amplitude data. Then regular isolated harmonic in a multiple of fundamental frequency appeared.Thefinding gave a spectrum reading up to the 10th harmonic (Cn, n¼0–10). Intensity of harmonics above the 11th became very small and was neglected. Thereafter, the relative harmonic values of each harmonic were calculated ac-cording to Wang’s hypothesis.Harmonic percentage of Cn was defined asStatistical analysisThe experimental data were analyzed by Statistical software SPSS 13.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc.). Comparisons of the harmonic values and the harmonic percentage and the agedistribution between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals were performed using the Student's two samples t test. Comparisons of the sex distribution between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals were performed using the X2 test. Comparisons of the harmonic values and the harmonic percentage between left hand and right hand were performed using the Student's pairedsamples t test. All comparisons were two-tailed, and p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.ResultsIn total, 60 children (30 AD and 30 non-AD) participated in the study. The average age of the 60 subjects is 8.02+2.95 years. Baseline characteristics of all participants are shown in Table 1. There is no significant difference in age and gender between the two groups.Relative harmonic values of right radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 2. Relative harmonic values of left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 3. Harmonic percentages of right radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 4. Harmonic percentages of left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 5.In this study, the relative harmonic values of both right and left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are lower in the AD group. The relative harmonic values of C3 are significantly different ( p¼0.004, 0.059, respectively). Moreover, when comparingthem by parameter of harmonic percent age, C3 are significantly decreased in the AD group in both right and left radial arterial pulse spectrum analyses ( p¼0.045, 0.036, respectively). These results illustrated the close relationship between C3 (SpleenMeridian) and AD.DiscussionAccording to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine,the pathophysiologic mechanisms of AD are "inborn deficiency in body constitution, poor tolerance to environmental stimulants, Spleen Meridian not working well, interiorly generating wet and heat; infected with wind-wetness-heat-evil further, then suffering from those accumulating in skin." AD is a disease involving multiple dysfunctions of the visceral organs (Zang-Fu) rather than a constitutive skin defect.‘‘Spleen wetness’’ is u sually considered a major syndrome of AD, which is compatible with our findings.On the other hand, there are also differences in C0 (Heart Meridian), C1 (Liver Meridian), C4 (Lung Meridian) of right hand ( p¼0.014, 0.005, 0.021, respectively) and C1 (Liver Meridian) of left hand ( p¼0.038) between the two groups.These findings appear to have a close relationship between AD and other visceral organs (Zang-Fu). It requires further research to clarify the clinical meanings of these differences.In the present experiment, the close relationship between C3 (Spleen Meridian, referred toWang’s hypothesis) and AD is illustrated. The result verifies Wang’s hypothesis about the relationship between harmonics and Meridians. Moreover,our experiment also has proved that the pulse spectrum analyzer is a suitable auxiliary tool for diagnosing and following up patients with AD.ConclusionsIn conclusion, it was determined that C3 (Spleen Meridian) is a valued index for the determination of atopic dermatitis. Also, the pulse spectrum analyzer is a practical noninvasive diagnostic tool to allow scientific and objective diagnosis.However, the pulse diagnosis technique is just in the beginning stage. Even though the discovery from the present study seems clear, it deserves further study. AcknowledgmentsThis research was performed in a private clinic for pediatrics specialty, the Hwaishen clinic. The Hwaishen Clinic is acknowledged for their full support of this research. Disclosure StatementNo competing financial interests exi st.bopufenxi2011@。



does not change the average power or the modulation frequencies,but it does lower the signal variation.The transmitted information is contained in this variation,so its attenua-We may think of this result as broadening the signal peak (lowering its amplitude) and filling in the valley (raising its level).Excessive broadening will cause Distortion caused by material (or waveguide) dispersion can be reduced by usingby using more coherent emitters.A laser diode has the advantage over an LED in this respect.In principle,dispersive distortion could be reduced by filtering the optic beam at the transmitter or receiver,allowing only a very narrow band of wavelengths to reach the photodetector.This technique hasA wave incident on a plane boundary between two dielectrics (refrac-) is partially transmitted and partially reflected.(3.30)Although somewhat formidable in appearance,these equations are easily evalu-ated when the two indices of refraction,the incident angle,and the polarization are (3.29) and (3.30) cannot be understated,because they predict the phenomenon by which dielectric fibers guide light.The reflectance is found by squaring the magnitudes of the reflection coeffi-Results are shown in Fig.3.22for an air-to-glass interface and for a glass-to-air interface.The general characteristics shown on the figures appear when there are reflections between any two dielectrics.Some interesting,and features can be noted:The reflectance does not vary a great deal for incident angles near zero.For thethe reflectance value calculated for normal incidence,4%,is a good approximation for angles as large as 20°.meaning full transmission,for certain incident angles andindicating total reflection,for a range of incident angles.-21n 22-n 12sin 2 u i2+21n 22-n 12 sin 2 u i 2The evanescent electric field decays exponentially according to the expression where the attenuation factor and is the free-space propagation factor.the attenuation coefficient discussed in the first section of this chapter.The attenuation coefficient is attributed to actual power losses,critical angle,decay.The decay rate merely indicates how far the field extends into the second medi-um before returning to the incident region.er and the fields decay faster.Rays incident at angles greater than,waves that decay slowly and penetrate deeply into the second medium,dent far above the critical angle produce waves that disappear after only a short pene-tration into the second medium.The reflection coefficient,tity,having a magnitude and an angle when is unity under the condition of total reflection.the reflected wave relative to the incident wave.SUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONThis chapter concentrated on developing fundamental ideas about light waves that apply directly to fiber optics.and polarization —should now be clear.was studied extensively because of its impact on the information-handling capacity of fibers.Other causes of pulse distortion will be considered in Chapter 5.The dependence of information rate on the spectral width of the optic source indicated the importance of this light-emitter property.longitudinal mode structure appearing in the output spectrum of a laser diode.shall see in Chapter 4,resonance also explains the mode structure in a dielectric wave-guide.Reflections at dielectric boundaries play a major role in fiber optics.nal reflection makes it possible for dielectrics to form waveguides for light rays.sin u i =n 2/k 0。



spatial coordinates vector, m dimensionless spatial coordinates vector, r=L collocation points temperature, K the first kind Chebyshev polynomial reference temperature, K time, s Chebyshev collocation points in x direction benchmark solution numerical solution matrix defined in Eq. (24d) Chebyshev collocation points in y direction Chebyshev collocation points in z direction weight of discrete-ordinates approximation, sr dimensionless coordinate in x direction, x=L coordinate in x direction, m dimensionless coordinate in y direction, y=L coordinate in y direction, m dimensionless coordinate in z direction, z=L coordinate in z direction, m wall emissivity at east boundary maximum relative error wall emissivity at west boundary wall emissivity dimensionless time, ka ks 2 t=cp dimensionless time step direction cosine in y direction dimensionless temperature, T=Tref coefficients for spectral approximation in Eq. (21) thermal conductivity, W m 1 K 1 direction cosine in x direction direction cosine in z direction density, kg m 3 Stefan–Boltzmann constant, W m 2 K 4 optical thickness, ka ks L scattering phase function 4 dimensionless radiative intensity, I = Tref coefficients for spectral approximation in Eq. (21) unit vector of radiation direction scattering albedo, ks = ka ks



Generate mash 生成网格general一般Graphs 图cable dynamics缆索动力学struct mass 结构质量structure 结构acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度water density 水密度coord 坐标new default mass inertia 新默认的质量惯性version 版本beam 梁MESH FROM LINES PLANS/SCALING 网状线图则/缩放Monitor 显示器Frequency 频率approximate time left 大约剩余时间matrix calculation 矩阵计算matrix assembly 矩阵组装post processing 后处理quadrant 象限Modal visualization 模态可视化Pressure contours 压力等值线Sequence 序列Scaling 缩放lines plan 线图ship bending/shear 船的弯曲和剪切splitting forces 分裂力hardcopy 硬拷贝postscript 后记copy to clipboard 复制到剪贴板wave parameters 波参数wave amplitude 波振幅diffracted wave surface 衍射波面binary file(二进制文件)hydrodynamic database(流体力学数据库)Slopes斜坡RAO Motion 表示考虑了船体的运动Ref. Height(Z) above SWL(平均湿水面)free floating raos自由浮动响应steady drift force近场法的平均漂移力radiation damping辐射阻尼radians弧度ratio比率Characteristcs 空间分布特征Mooring 系泊停泊static equilibrium position 静态平衡位置dynamic 动态dynamic stability characteristics 稳定特性static equilibrium configuration 静平衡配置manual 手册component 组件hydrostatic stiffness properties 静刚度特性specify 指定mooring configuration 系泊配置modeling 建模format 格式capabilities 能力loop 循环sea(wave) spectra 波浪普spectrum谱frequency domain 频域visualisation可视化submerge淹没the cut waterplane淘汰水线locations of the centre of buoyancy浮心的位置fixed reference axes固定参考坐标系integrals 积分the displaced volume of fluid排水体积symmetric对称 asymmetric不对称vertical line垂直线horizontal水平的equilibrium平衡the detailed geometry of 详细的几何形状tubular(tube)管状drag coefficient 阻尼系数characteristic drag diameter阻尼特征直径(即柱体直径) intertia coefficient 惯性系数fluid velocity水流速度area of cross section截面面积fluid density 流体密度acceleration加速度可简写为accelacceleration due to gravity重力加速度account描述variation变化components机器设备组成部分分量discs底面圆arbitrarily任意diffraction/radiation wave force 衍射/辐射波浪力mean wave drift force 平均波浪(漂移)力variable wave drift force变化波浪力interactive fluid loadingsingular degrees of freedom自由奇异度global stiffness matrix全局刚度矩阵structural articulation and constraints结构的连接和约束thruster force推进力magnitude巨大的weightless elastic hawser失重弹性锚链hull drag force船体阻力drag force阻力damping force阻尼力intertia force惯性力buoyancy force浮力incident wave 入射波diffraction force衍射力Froude Krylov force弗劳德克雷洛夫力Second order drift force二阶漂移力global environmental parameters环境参数additional linear stiffness附加线性刚度classification分类geometric and material date几何和材料数据assemble装配structural mass结构质量mass inertia质量惯性coordinates坐标node point节点corresponding drift force相应的漂移力added mass and damping matrices附加质量和阻尼矩阵property属性财产preliminary初步的input format输入格式instruction指令misinterpreted误解interpretation解释hydrostatic model静水模型hydrodynamic model水动力学模型consistent set of units符合规定的单位monochromatic waves单色波radiation damping matrix辐射阻尼矩阵the range of….的范围alteration改造变动omitted省略mandatory强制性的constant magnitude常数量级deactivated停用使不活动displacement取代,位移initial estimate初步估计iteration迭代drag scale factor阻力比例因子Local Reynolds Number局部雷诺数convergence收敛合流graphics图形trajectory轨迹tabulation制表表格topology拓扑category类别amplitude squared振幅的平方surge纵荡sway横荡heave垂荡升沉yaw偏航首摇roll横摇pitch纵摇horizontal planar motion水平面内运动approach方法asymptotic value渐进值hydrodynamic parameters水动力参数cable/line mooring configuration电缆/线系泊配置uniform 制服均值superimposed叠加draught吃水translation 水平移动翻译rotation 旋转eigenvalue特征值mass inertia质量惯性with respect to关于stretch拉伸extension扩展范围vessel船只容器导管symmetry对称性utilise利用rectangular矩形planar平面PMAS质点Beneath下方底下be proportional to与..成正比asymptotes渐近线finite value asymptotes有限值渐进approximation近似empirical经验centroid质心radians弧度prefix词头前缀diagnostics诊断sequence序列options选项amp 放大器range范围contours轮廓tick cycle to animate (cycle 周期、循环 animate 动画) wave elevation 波高cursor光标sequence序列排序socket插座插口universal joint万向节(通用连接)brackets括弧cog重心(center of gravity的简写)stiffness matrix刚度矩阵hydrostatic force水静压力linear damping force 线性阻尼力.thruster force推进器的力total reaction forcel/wave force低频力和波频力。



光合有效辐射英文Photosynthetically Active RadiationPhotosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is a crucial component of the electromagnetic spectrum that plays a vital role in the process of photosynthesis, the fundamental biological process that sustains life on Earth. Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy by various photosynthetic organisms, primarily plants, algae, and some bacteria. This process is the foundation of the food chain and the basis for the majority of the Earth's ecosystems.PAR is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is responsible for driving the photosynthetic process. It is defined as the range of wavelengths of light that are most efficiently utilized by photosynthetic organisms for the conversion of light energy into chemical energy. This range typically falls between 400 and 700 nanometers (nm) on the visible light spectrum, which corresponds to the wavelengths of light that are visible to the human eye.The importance of PAR lies in its direct impact on the productivity and growth of photosynthetic organisms. The amount and quality ofPAR reaching a plant or algae can significantly influence its rate of photosynthesis, which in turn affects its overall biomass production, nutrient uptake, and ultimately, its ability to thrive and reproduce.One of the key factors that determines the availability of PAR is the intensity of sunlight. The intensity of PAR can vary depending on various environmental factors, such as the time of day, the season, the geographical location, and the presence of clouds or other obstructions. For example, during the midday hours, when the sun is directly overhead, the intensity of PAR is generally higher than in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun's rays are more oblique.In addition to the intensity of PAR, the quality or spectrum of the light is also an important factor. Different photosynthetic organisms have varying sensitivities to different wavelengths of light within the PAR range. Some organisms may be more efficient at utilizing specific wavelengths, such as the blue and red regions of the spectrum, while others may be more responsive to a broader range of wavelengths.The understanding and measurement of PAR have become increasingly important in various fields, particularly in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture. In these industries, the optimization of PAR is crucial for maximizing the productivity and yield of crops,aquatic plants, and other photosynthetic organisms.In agriculture, farmers and researchers use PAR measurements to determine the optimal lighting conditions for their crops, ensuring that the plants receive the appropriate amount and quality of light for healthy growth and development. This information is used to make decisions about the placement of greenhouses, the use of supplemental lighting, and the selection of crop varieties that are well-suited to the available light conditions.Similarly, in aquaculture, the management of PAR is essential for the cultivation of aquatic plants and the maintenance of healthy ecosystems in aquatic environments. Aquaculture facilities often monitor the PAR levels in their ponds, tanks, or raceways to ensure that the photosynthetic organisms, such as microalgae and submerged aquatic plants, receive the optimal amount of light for their growth and productivity.The study of PAR has also found applications in the field of ecology, where it is used to understand the dynamics of natural ecosystems and the relationships between various photosynthetic organisms and their environment. By measuring the PAR levels in different habitats, researchers can gain insights into the distribution and abundance of various plant and algae species, as well as their adaptations to the prevailing light conditions.Furthermore, the advances in technology have led to the development of sophisticated instruments and techniques for the measurement and monitoring of PAR. These tools, such as quantum sensors and spectroradiometers, allow for the precise quantification of PAR levels, enabling researchers and practitioners to make more informed decisions and optimize the conditions for photosynthetic processes.In conclusion, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is a crucial component of the electromagnetic spectrum that plays a vital role in the process of photosynthesis, which is the foundation of life on Earth. The understanding and measurement of PAR have become increasingly important in various fields, including agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, and ecology, as it provides valuable insights into the optimization of photosynthetic processes and the management of natural and cultivated ecosystems. As research and technology continue to advance, the understanding and application of PAR will remain a critical area of study for the sustainable use and management of our natural resources.。


f(x) = ~ fke ik~ k=-~
be its Fourier series, wherei,j = Nhomakorabea...n,
where the numbers fk are cosine-Fourier coefficients of a real even function (see below); then, if v0...v~ are the cosine-Fourier coefficients of the trigonometric polynomial v(x), the entries of the vector
of Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices
Some results in this paper are in a preliminary form; indeed, the author is aware that a wider class (in particular, some unbounded sequence) of T + H matrices can be considered, by means of the approach described in [22, 23]. This generalization, as well as the treatment of block structured matrices, will be the subject of further work. 2. G e n e r a t i n g functio.ns o f s t r u c t u r e d m a t r i c e s Let f(x) E LCC[-~r, rr] be a real function and let

泽伊斯计量成像系列Planar T 1.4 85 04 18说明书

泽伊斯计量成像系列Planar T 1.4 85 04 18说明书

ZEISS Planar T* 1.4/85Features•Fast f/1.4 aperture•Precise manual focusing•Robust full-metal construction•Fixation for focus and aperture•Identical color reproduction of all models•For industrial cameras with F-Mountup to sensor sizes of 24x36 mm or 43mm linesensors.ZF-I: Industrial EditionFeatures special screws tofix focus and aperturesettings even in roughsituations.ZF-IR: Infrared EditionFeatures special coating foroptimized performance innear-infrared applications.Camera MountsAvailable with ZF.2, EF andM42 mount.ZEISS Planar T* 1.4/85Technical SpecificationsFocal length 85 mmAperture range f/1.4 – f/16 (1/ 2 stop intervals)Number of elements / groups 6 / 5Min. working distance (object to sensor) 1000 mm (3.28 ft.) – ∞Min. free working distance 883 mm (2.90 ft.) – ∞Angular field* (diag. / horiz. / vert.) 29 / 24 / 16°Max. diameter of image field 43 mm (1.7")Flange focal length F-Mount: 46.5 mm (1.8"); M42-Mount: 45,5 mm Coverage at close range 240 x 360 mm (9.4 x 14"), line 430 mm (16.5”) Image ratio at close range 1:10Filter-thread M 72 x 0.75Weight 600 g (1.2 lbs.)Camera mount F bayonet, M42, EF* referring to 35 mm formatZEISS Planar T* 1.4/85Relative Illuminance*The relative illumination shows thedecrease in image brightness from theimage center to the edge in percent.__ f-number 1.4… f-number 2.8Relative Distortion*The relative distortion shows the deviationof the actual image height from the idealone in percent.*Data for infinite focus settingZEISS Planar T* 1.4/85MTF Charts*The Modulation Transfer (MTF) as afunction of image height (u) and slitorientation (sagittal, tangential) has beenmeasured with white light at spatialfrequencies of R = 10, 20 and 40cycles/mm. The MTF charts are valid forthe ZF, ZF-I version and for white light.f-number 1.4__ Sagittal… Tangentialf-number 5.6__ Sagittal… Tangential*Data for infinite focus setting / Not for IR versionZEISS Planar T* 1.4/85 Spectral Transmission ZF vs. ZF-IRZEISS Planar T* 1.4/85The diameter of the camera/lens adapter must not exceed 55 mm at the lens side!。



学术论著收稿日期:2022-12-23prediction model based on multiple parameters[J].Cancer Control,2021,28:10732748211026671.Watanabe S,Ogino I,Shigenaga D,et al.Relationship between radiation pneumonitis following definitive radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer and isodose line[J].In Vivo,2021,35(6):3441-3448.Wang S,Liao Z,Wei X,et al.Analysis of clinicaland dosimetric factors associated with treatment related pneumonitis(TRP) in patients with non small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)treated with concurrent chemotherapy and three dimensional conformal radiotherapy(3D-CRT)[J].Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys,2006,66(5):1399-1407.Zhou P,Chen L,Yan D,et al.Early variations [22][23][24][25][26]in lymphocytes and T lymphocyte subsets are associated with radiation pneumonitis in lung cancer patients and experimental mice received thoracic irradiation[J].Cancer Med,2020,9(10):3437-3444.Bai L,Zhou BS,Zhao YX,et al.Dynamicchanges in T-cell subsets and C-reactive protein after radiation therapy in lung cancer patients and correlation with symptomatic radiation pneumonitis treated with steroid therapy[J].Cancer Manag Res,2019,11:7925-7931.陈玉中,赵琳,顾佳,等.乳铁蛋白通过调节HMGB1/TLR4炎症反应改善放射性肺损伤[J].中华放射医学与防护杂志,2021,41(3):161-165.中国医学装备2023年6月第20卷第6期 China Medical Equipment 2023 June V ol.20 No.6[文章编号] 1672-8270(2023)06-0028-05 [中图分类号] R816.2 [文献标识码] AApplication values of 256-slice spectral CCTA, and tracking and freezing technique in patients with different heart rates/HU Bo, CHEN Ya-ming, JIN Ge-ge, et al//China Medical Equipment,2023,20(6):28-32.[Abstract] Objective: T o explore the feasibility of 256-slice spectral coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) in patients with different heart rates in a single cardiac cycle, and to evaluate the image quality and radiation dose of that. Methods: From April 2021 to December 2021, a total of 127 patients who underwent 256-slice spectral CCTA in the hospital were prospectively and continuously collected, and they were divided into “<65 times/min” group (56 cases) and “65-100 times/min” group (41 cases) and “>100 times/min” group (30 cases) according to the real-time heart rate of scan. The image quality and radiation dose of CCTA were compared among the three groups, and the image qualities of two different reconstruction methods that respectively were snap-shot freeze (SSF) technology and standard (STD) algorithm were compared. The Kappa test was adopted to analyze the consistency of two radiologists in evaluating image quality. Results: The consistency of the analytic results of two radiologists for image quality were better (Kappa =0.895, P <0.001). The quality score (4.78±0.34) of the image of the “<65 times/min” group was significantly higher than that of the “65-100 times/min” group and the “>100 times/min” group (t =8.756, t =12.365,[摘要] 目的:探讨256排能谱CT冠状动脉成像对不同心率患者单个心动周期中应用的可行性,并对图像质量及辐射剂量进行评价。

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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9607140v 1 19 J u l 1996Spectral properties of the planar t −J modelJ.Jakliˇc 1and P.Prelovˇs ek 1,21J.Stefan Institute,University of Ljubljana,1001Ljubljana,Slovenia2Institut Romand de Recherche Num´e rique en Physique des Mat´e riaux (IRRMA),PHB-Ecublens,CH-1015Lausanne,Switzerland (February 6,2008)The single-particle spectral functions A (k ,ω)and self-energies Σ(k ,ω)are calculated within the t −J model using the finite-temperature Lanczos method for small systems.A remarkable asymmetry between the electron and hole part is found.The hole (photoemission)spectra are overdamped,with ImΣ∝ωin a wide energy range,consistent with the marginal Fermi liquid scenario,and in good agreement with experiments on cuprates.In contrast,the quasiparticles in the electron part of the spectrum show weak damping.PACS numbers:71.27.+a,79.60.-i,71.20.-bThe normal state of superconducting cuprates in manyaspects contradicts the phenomenology of the normal Fermi liquid (FL).Anomalous frequency and tempera-ture dependence of several response functions is generally attributed to electronic correlations,yet a proper descrip-tion is missing so far.The angle resolved photoemission (ARPES)experiments [1–3]probe the one-particle spec-tral function A (k ,ω).At intermediate doping they reveal for a wide class of cuprates a well defined large Fermi surface (FS)consistent with the Luttinger theorem and similar quasiparticle (QP)dispersion [2].This seems to imply the validity of the concept of the usual metal with electronic-like FS.Such simple FL picture is in an appar-ent contradiction with magnetic and transport proper-ties,e.g.electrical conductivity scales with hole concen-tration,closer to the picture of holes moving in the anti-ferromagnetic (AFM)background.Moreover,in ARPES the FL interpretation is spoiled by the overdamped char-acter of QP peaks [3,2].Although a large background makes fits of particular lineshapes non-unique [3,4],the QP inverse lifetime is found to be of the order of the QP energy,i.e.τ−1∝ωfor ω>T ,leading to the concept of the marginal Fermi liquid (MFL)[5]with an anoma-lous single-particle and transport relaxation,in contrast to τ−1∝ω2in the normal FL.It is unclear whether above features can be reproduced within generic models of strongly correlated systems,such as the Hubbard and the t −J model,in particu-lar in the most challenging regime of intermediate dop-ing.Spectral properties of these 2D models have been so far studied mainly via numerical techniques [6],e.g.ex-act diagonalization (ED)[7]and Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)[8].These studies,as well as some analytical ap-proaches [9],established a reasonable consistency of the model QP dispersion with the experimental one,as well as the possibility of large FS,but have not been able to investigate closer the character of QP,being in the core of the anomalous low-energy properties.The aim of the present work is to employ the finite-temperature Lanczos method [10]to calculate A (k ,ω)within the t −J model.This method has been already applied to other dynamic [11]and static [12]functions,yielding features consistent with the MFL concept and experiments on cuprates.Although calculations are still done in small systems,by using finite (but small)T >0smooth enough spectra are obtained not only to deter-mine the QP dispersion,but for the first time also the spectral lineshapes and corresponding self-energies.We study the t −J model [13]H =−tij s(˜c †js ˜cis +H.c.)+Jij(S i ·S j −1previous works[10,11]).We have calculated the Green’sfunction Eq.(2)on systems with N=16and18sites using ∼120Lanczos steps and sampling over∼1000randomstates.Thefinite-size effects are small at T>∼T fs(N,N h), where,e.g.,T fs∼0.1t for N h/N=3/16.From the Green’s function we obtain the spectral func-tion A(k,ω)=−(1/π)Im G(k,ω)and the one-particle density of states(DOS)N(ε)=(2/N) k A(k,ε−µ). The latter is used to define the zero of energy and thusthe chemical potential in Eq.(2)via ∞−∞N(ω+µ)(eβω+ 1)−1dω=1−c h.Wefind a very good agreement between µcalculated this way and from the thermodynamic func-tion c h(T,µ)=N h/N[12].Of particular interest is the self-energyΣ(k,ω)=ω−G(k,ω)−1.(3) The relation contains no free term,in contrast to the usual definition,since the t−J model does not allow for a free-fermion propagation even at J=0.It is also im-portant to note that due to projected fermion operators in the model the spectral function A(k,ω)is not normal-ized to unity[7],but rather to {˜c k s,˜c†k s } =(1+c h)/2.This has several consequences,e.g.ReΣ(k,ω→∞)does not vanish,but varies linearly withω.In Fig.1wefirst present A(k,ω)for systems with c h∼0.12(combining results for N h=2on systems with N=16,18)and c h=3/16.The spectra are broadened to Lorentzians of variable widthδ=δ0+ (δ∞−δ0)tanh2(ω/∆),withδ∞=0.2t,δ0=0.04t, and∆=1.0t.In this way sharper(well resolved) low-energy features remain unaffected,while thefluctua-tions at higherω,mainly due to restricted sampling,are smoothened out.In any case,δis always smaller than the energy scale of main spectral features.We observe in Fig.1,presented at all available k,a coexistence of sharper features,associated with coherent QP peaks,and of a pronounced incoherent background, as already established in earlier studies[7].The coherent peaks in Fig.1disperse throughω=0as k crosses the FS.Within the given resolution in the k-space the FS appears to be large already for c h=2/18,consistent with the Luttinger theorem.The total QP dispersion W is broadened as c h is increased,qualitatively consistent with the slave boson picture where W∝c h t+χJ[9]. In Fig.2we showΣ(k,ω)at c h=3/16and at lowest T=0.1t∼T fs.Wefirst notice an asymmetry between the PES(ω<0)and IPES(ω>0)spectra at all k. ImΣare small forω>0,as compared toω<0.For k outside FS this implies a weak QP damping,consistent with sharp IPES peaks seen in A(k,ω),Fig.1,contain-ing the major part of the spectral weight.ReΣshows an analogous asymmetry,in the regionω>0resem-bling moderately renormalized QP.Due to projections in Eq.(1),the slope in ReΣis not zero even at|ω|≫t,J. The behavior on the PES(ω<0)side is very different.For all k,ImΣare very large(several t away fromω∼0),leading to overdamped QP structures.We should here distinguish two cases.For k well outside FS,ImΣ>t does not invalidate a well defined QP(atω>0),but rather induces a weaker reflection(shadow)of the peak atω<0,as well seen in Fig.1for k=(π,π).On the other hand,theωvariation for k inside or near the FS is more regular,and can be directly related to the QP damping.Particularly remarkable feature,found in Fig.2,is a linear frequency dependence of ImΣatω<0 for k=(π/2,0),(π/2,π/2).Meanwhile k=(0,0),being further away from the FS,seems to follow a different (more FL-type)behavior.Such general behavior remains similar also for the lower doping c h=2/18.To address the latter point in more detail,we show in Fig.3the T-variation of ImΣfor both dopings at selected k below the FS.For c h=3/16the linearity of ImΣ(ω) is seen in a broad range−2t<∼ω<∼0at the lowest T shown.Moreover,for this higher(‘optimum’)doping the T-dependence is close to a linear one,assuming a small residual(finite-size)dampingη0atω=0.Data can be well described by ImΣ=η0+γ(|ω|+ξT),withγ∼1.4 andξ∼3.5,baring a similarity to the MFL ansatz[5], as well as to the conductivity relaxationτ−1cfound in the t−J model[11].In contrast,the T-dependence for c h= 2/18seems somewhat different,and ImΣ∝ωonly in the interval−t<∼ω<∼T.This would indicate the consistency with the alternative MFL form[5],however we should be aware that in this‘underdoped’regimefinite-size effects are larger atfixed T.Here we should comment on the manifestation of the FS in small correlated systems.At T,ω∼0we are deal-ing in the evaluation of Eq.(2)with the transition be-tween ground states of systems with N h and N′h=N h±1 holes,respectively.Since these states have definite mo-menta k0,they induce strong QP peaks for particulark=k′−k0(defining in this way for a small system the FS,apparently satisfying the Luttinger theorem),with ImΣ(k,ω∼0)∼0.However,the calculated T-variation is for a given system meaningful only at T>T fs.FromΣ(k,ω)we can calculate QP parameters:the dispersion E k,the weight Z k and the dampingΓk,E k=ReΣ(k,E k),(4)Z k=[1−∂ReΣ(k,ω)/∂ω]−1ω=Ek,(5)Γk=Z k|ImΣ(k,E k)|,(6) which are listed in Table I.We note that parameters are of a limited meaning for k inside FS due to largeΓ.In particular,E k(as well as Z k andΓk)for k=(0,0)do not correspond to a weak QP peak atω∼−t,being over-whelmed by the incoherent background.Otherwise,the enhancement of the dispersion with c h is seen,accompa-nied by a decrease ofΓfor|k|>k F.To establish the re-lation with the FL theory one has to evaluate QP param-eters at the FS,k=k F.Of particular importance is the2renormalization factor˜Z=Z kF .˜Z is still decreasing asT is lowered.Nevertheless wefind a weak variation(cca.20%)within the interval0.1<T/t<0.3,not inconsis-tent with the MFL form,leading to˜Z−1∼ln(ωc/T).Regarding the size of˜Z(at low butfinite T>0)wenote,that the value of the momentum distribution func-tion¯n k s is very close to the maximum for the t−J model,¯n k s∼(1+c h)/2,for all|k|<k F[7].Taking the FS vol-ume according to Luttinger theorem and assuming that¯n k s falls monotonously with|k|,this implies the discon-tinuity˜Z=δ¯n k s<2c h/(1+c h).We indeedfind a con-sistent result˜Z=0.28for c h=3/16,while for c h=2/18the value is still larger,possibly due to too high T.An analogous argument can be used to explain theelectron-hole asymmetry of A(k,ω).Holes added to thesystem at|k|<k F,ω<0move in an extremely corre-lated system,strongly coupled to the spin dynamics[14],also following the anomalous low-ωbehavior[11].Onthe other hand,states for|k|>k F are not fully popu-lated,allowing for a moderately damped motion of addedelectrons forω>0.Another feature is seen predominantly at smaller dop-ing c h∼0.12for|k|>k F:along with the principal peakatω>0a weak bump in theω<0part of the spec-trum appears when the FS is crossed along[1]For reviews,see Z.-X.Shen and D.S.Dessau,Phys.Rep.253,1(1995);Z.-X.Shen et al.,Science267,343(1995).[2]H.Ding et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.76,1533(1996);D.S.Marshall et al.,ibid.,76,4841(1996).[3]C.G.Olson et al.,Phys.Rev.B42,381(1990).[4]L.Z.Liu,R.O.Anderson,and J.W.Allen,J.Phys.Chem.Solids52,1473(1991).[5]C.M.Varma et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.63,1996(1989);P.B.Littlewood and C.M.Varma,J.Appl.Phys.69,4979(1991).[6]For a review,see E.Dagotto,Rev.Mod.Phys.66,763(1994).[7]W.Stephan and P.Horsch,Phys.Rev.Lett.66,2258(1991); 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FIG.1.Spectral functions for N h=2holes on systems with N=16,18sites,and for N h=3holes on N=16sites.FIG.2.Self energy for c h=3/16at various k. FIG.3.ImΣ(k,ω)for various T for the systems with c h=2/18and c h=3/16at selected k below the FS.FIG.4.Single-particle DOS N(ε)for variously doped systems.For c h∼0.06and c h∼0.12we present joined densities for N=16,18systems with N h=1and N h=2, respectively.The thin vertical lines denote the Fermi energy µ.TABLE I.QP parameters for two hole concentrations.c h=2/18,T/t=0.15c h=3/16,T/t=0.15k E k/t Z kΓk/t k E k/t Z kΓk/t-8-404(π/2,0)(2π/3,0)(π,0)(π,π/3)(π,π/2)(π,π)(2π/3,2π/3)(π/2,π/2)(π/3,π/3)k =(0,0)(π/2,0)(π,0)(π,π/2)(π,π)(π/2,π/2)k =(0,0)A (k ,ω)ω/tT/t=0.15c h ~0.12-404c h =3/16T/t=0.1。
