color effect


effect ae表达式

effect ae表达式

effect ae表达式摘要:1.了解Effect AE表达式概述2.掌握基本表达式类型及其应用3.学会使用表达式实现视觉效果4.提高表达式创作技巧正文:Effect AE表达式是After Effects(简称AE)软件中一种强大的功能,通过编写表达式,用户可以实现各种复杂的视觉效果。

以下内容将帮助你更好地了解和掌握Effect AE表达式。

一、了解Effect AE表达式概述Effect AE表达式位于After Effects中的表达式编辑器中,它是一种基于JavaScript的脚本语言。




例如,表达式“Position.x += 10”表示让层在x轴上向右移动10个像素。


例如,表达式“if(Time > 0.5) { Transition := 100%; }”表示当时间大于0.5时,透明度过渡到100%。


例如,表达式“CreateRectangle(50, 50, 100, 100)”表示创建一个尺寸为100x100像素的矩形。


例如,表达式“instance = CreateRectangle(50, 50, 100, 100)”创建一个矩形实例。


例如,表达式“instance.Position = Vector(100, 200)”表示将实例的位置调整为(100, 200)。


AE 常见插件中英文对照表

AE 常见插件中英文对照表

After Effects最全插件集合(中英文对照)--希望对大家有帮助AE插件, 中英文对照, 滤镜详解, AE效果1.55MM1.1 55mm Color Grad(颜色渐变)1.2 55mm Defocus (散焦)1.3 55mm Faux Flim(模仿胶片效果)1.4 55mm Fluorescent (荧光)1.5 55mm Fog(雾)1.6 55mm Infra-red (在红色下面)1.7 55mm Mist(薄雾)1.8 55mm ND Grad(渐变)1.9 55mm Night Vision(夜视)1.10 55mm Selective Soft Focus(选择性的软焦点)1.11 55mm Skin Smoother(外表面平整)1.12 55mm Tint(偏色)1.13 55mm Warm/Cool(暖色/冷色)2.AEFlame(火焰)3.Boris3.1 Boris Fire(火焰效果)3.2 Boris FX 33.2.1 Boris Artist’s Poster(艺术海报)3.2.2 Boris Blur (模糊)3.2.3 Boris Directional Blur (方向模糊)3.2.4 Boris Gaussian Blur (高斯模糊)3.2.5 Boris Unsharp Mask (锐利的遮罩)3.2.6 Boris Brightness-Contrast (亮度-对比度)3.2.7 Boris Color Balance (颜色平衡)3.2.8 Boris Color Correction (颜色修正)3.2.9 Boris Composite (合成)3.2.10 Boris Correct Selected Color (修改选择的颜色)3.2.11 Boris Hue-Sat-Lightness (色调-饱和度-亮度)3.2.12 Boris Invert Solarize (反转曝光)3.2.13 Boris Levels Gamma (标准的伽马值)3.2.14 Boris MultiTone Mix (多通道混合)3.2.15 Boris Posterize (多色调分色)3.2.16 Boris RGB Blend (RGB混和)3.2.17 Boris Tint-Tritone (以三种颜色替换)3.2.18 Boris Bulge (凸出)3.2.19 Boris Displacement Map (置换贴图)3.2.20 Boris Fast Flipper (自动翻转)3.2.21 Boris Polar Displacement (两极置换)3.2.22 Boris Ripple (波纹)3.2.23 Boris Vector Displacement (矢量置换)3.2.24 Boris Wave (波浪)3.2.25 Boris Alpha Process (Alpha通道处理)3.2.26 Boris Chroma Key (色度抠像)3.2.27 Boris Composite Choker (令人窒息的合成)3.2.28 Boris Linear Color Key (线性颜色抠像)3.2.29 Boris Linear Luma Key (线性亮度抠像)3.2.30 Boris Make Alpha Key (制作新的Alpha通道)3.2.31 Boris Matte Choker (令人窒息的剪影)3.2.32 Boris Matte Cleanup(清除剪影)3.2.33 Boris Two Way Key(两种路线的抠像)3.2.34 Boris Alpha Spotlight(以Apha通道的方式设定聚光灯)3.2.35 Boris Edge Lighting(边缘亮光)3.2.36 Boris Light Sweep(扫光)3.2.37 Boris Reverse Spotlight(相反的聚光灯)3.2.38 Boris Spotlight(聚光灯)3.2.39 Boris 2D Particles(二维粒子)3.2.40 Boris 3D Image Shatter(模拟三维图像破碎效果)3.2.41 Boris Cube(模拟三维立方体)3.2.42 Boris Cylinder(模拟三维圆柱体)3.2.43 Boris DVE(模拟三维效果)3.2.44 Boris Page Turn(翻页)3.2.45 Boris Sphere(模拟三维球形)3.2.46 Boris Clouds(流动的云)3.2.47 Boris Noise Map(噪点地图)3.2.48 Boris Alpha Pixel Noise(通道像素噪点)3.2.49 Boris RGB Edges(RGB边缘)3.2.50 Boris RGB Pixel Noise(RGB像素噪声)3.2.51 Boris Scatterize(模拟毛玻璃的效果)3.2.52 Boris Spray Paint Noise(喷漆噪点)3.2.53 Boris Flat 3D Text(扁平的三维字体[不支持中文])3.2.54 Boris 3D Text(三维字体[不支持中文])3.3 Boris Continuum3.3.1 BC 3D Text(三维文字)3.3.2 BC Boost Blend(推进混合)3.3.3 BC Burnt Film(燃烧的电影)3.3.4 BC Clouds(流动的云)3.3.5 BC Comet(彗星)3.3.6 BC Composite(合成)3.3.7 BC DVE(模拟三维效果)3.3.8 BC Fire(火)3.3.9 BC Jitter(频谱曲线抖动)3.3.10 BC Looper(循环)3.3.11 BC Particle System(粒子系统)3.3.12 BC Posterize Time(相片时间)3.3.13 BC Rain(下雨)3.3.14 BC Sequencer(音序器)3.3.15 BC Snow(下雪)3.3.16 BC Sparks(火花)3.3.17 BC Stars(星星)3.3.18 BC Super Blend(超级混合)3.3.19 BC Temporal Blur(时间模糊)3.3.20 BC Trails(轨迹)3.3.21 BC Velocity Remap(速度测试图)3.3.22 BC Z Space I(Z空间1)3.3.23 BC Z Space I I(Z空间2)4.Colormap(颜色地图)posite Wizard5.1 CW Composite Color Matcher(复合颜色匹配器)5.2 CW Deluxe Edge Finder(华丽的边缘查找器)5.3 CW Deluxe Edge Finder EZ(华丽的边缘查找器EZ)5.4 CW Denoiser(放射状处理)5.5 CW Edge Blur(边缘模糊)5.6 CW Edge Blur EZ(边缘模糊EZ)5.7 CW Matte Feather(剪影羽化)5.8 CW Matte Feather EZ(剪影羽化EZ)5.9 CW Matte Feather Sharp(剪影羽化锐利)5.10 CW Miracle Alpha Cleaner(通道清洁)5.11 CW Re-Matter(重置剪影)5.12 CW Smooth Screen(光滑屏幕)5.13 CW Spill Killer(溢出杀手)5.14 CW Spill Killer EZ(溢出杀手EZ)5.15 CW Super Blur(超级模糊)5.16 CW Super Compound Blur(超级混合模糊)5.17 CW Super Rack Focus(超级变焦)5.18 CW Wire/Rig Zapper(线框/钻探器)5.19 CW Zone HLS(环绕HLS)6.Conoa(多种三维标准体)是一个简易三维插件,能制作一些简单的立方体、球体和锥体,并能附上简单的纹理.7.Coycore7.1 Cult Effects CE 3D Glasses (三维眼睛)7.1.2 CE Basic Fill(基本填充)7.1.3 CE Cell Pattern(蜂房图案)7.1.4 CE Change Color HLS(改变选择的颜色)7.1.5 CE Channeling(渠道)7.1.6 CE Checker(棋盘格)7.1.7 CE Circle(圆形)7.1.8 CE Color Composite(颜色合成)7.1.9 CE Color Link(颜色链接)7.1.10 CE Color Picker(颜色拾取)7.1.11 CE Color Solid(颜色固化)7.1.12 CE ColorsQuad(颜色四方格)7.1.13 CE Difference(差异)7.1.14 CE FireUp(火上)7.1.15 CE Grid(网格)7.1.16 CE Lightning(闪电)7.1.17 CE Magnify(夸大效果)7.1.18 CE Noise Alpha(噪点通道)7.1.19 CE Noise HLS(噪点HLS)7.1.20 CE Noise HLS Auto(噪点HLS自动)7.1.21 CE Noise Turbulent(骚乱的噪波)7.1.22 CE Noise Turbulent II(骚乱的噪波2)7.1.23 CE Optics Compensation(光学补偿)7.1.24 CE Paint(绘画)7.1.25 CE Radial Shadow(放射状的投影)7.1.26 CE Roughen Edges(让边缘变粗糙)7.1.27 CE Turbulent Displace(汹涌的置换)7.2 Cult Effects Xtras7.2.1 CE Set Channel(设置通道)7.2.2 CE View Channel(显示通道)8.Digieffects8.1 DigiEffect Aurorix V2.08.1.1 3D Lighting 2(光线彩色浮雕)8.1.2 AgedFilm 2(老电影的效果)8.1.3 Bulgix 2(类似于凸出的效果)8.1.4 Chaotic Noise 2(混乱的噪波)8.1.5 Chaotic Rainbow 2(混乱的五彩缤纷)8.1.6 Color SpotLights 2(彩色聚光灯)8.1.7 Earthquake 2(震动)8.1.8 Electrofield 2(电磁感应)8.1.9 Flitter 2(碎屑)8.1.10 Fractal Noise 2(彩色不规则噪波2)8.1.11 Infinity Warp 2(无限扭曲)8.1.12 Infinity Zone 2(无限环绕)8.1.13 Interferix 2(专用干扰图1)8.1.14 Interpheroid 2(专用干扰图2)8.1.15 Interpheron 2(专用干扰图2)8.1.16 LightZoom 2(强光的纵深效果)8.1.17 Noise Blender 2(噪点搅拌机)8.1.18 SoapFilm 2(皂膜)8.1.19 SpotLights 2(聚光灯)8.1.20 Strange Nebulae 2(奇异的星云)8.1.21 Tilos 2(阵列)8.1.22 Turbulent Flow 2(湍流)8.1.23 VideoLook 2(电视干扰信号)8.1.24 Warpoid 2(拉伸效果)8.1.25 Whirlix 2(旋转扭曲效果)8.1.26 WoodMaker 2(木纹)8.2 DigiEffect Berzerk V1.58.2.1 Blizzard(风雪)8.2.2 BumpMaker(制作凹凸贴图)8.2.3 Contourist(轮廓线)8.2.4 Crystallizer(结晶器)8.2.5 CycloWarp(螺旋)8.2.6 Edgex(边缘锐化)8.2.7 FogBank(浓雾)8.2.8 GravityWell(重力旋涡)8.2.9 Laser(激光器)8.2.10 Newsprint(新闻用纸)8.2.11 NightBloom(夜间华)8.2.12 OilPaint(油画)8.2.13 Pearls(珍珠)8.2.14 Perspectron(特殊的扭曲)8.2.15 Ripploid(荡起的波纹)8.2.16 Spintron(怪异的扭曲)8.2.18 StarField(飞舞的星星)8.2.19 StillNoise(静态噪点)8.2.20 V anGoughist(美术笔触)8.3 Cine Look Filmres V1.18.3.1 DE CineLook(胶片调色)8.3.2 DE FilmDamage(胶片处理)8.4 Cinemotion8.4.1 DE Adaptive Noise(适应的噪点)8.4.2 DE Banding Reducer(条带还原)8.4.3 DE Film Motion(运动电影)8.4.4 DE Grain Reducer(颗粒还原)8.4.5 DE Interlace Aliasing Reducer(交错产生器)8.4.6 DE Letterbox(宽银幕产生器)8.4.7 DE Selective HSB Noise(选择HSB噪点)8.4.8 DE Selective HSB Posterize(选择HSB多色调分色)8.4.9 DE Selective RGB Noise(选择RGB噪点)8.4.10 DE Selective RGB Posterize(选择RGB多色调分色)8.5 Delerium8.5.1 DE Bubbles(泡沫)8.5.2 DE Camera Shake(摄像机抖动)8.5.3 DE Channel Delay(通道延迟)8.5.4 DE COP Blur(优化模糊)8.5.5 DE Electrical Arcs(闪电)8.5.6 DE Fairy Dust(仙女的灰尘)8.5.7 DE Film Flash(影片闪烁)8.5.8 DE Fire(火)8.5.9 DE FireWorks(火焰发射器)8.5.10 DE Flicker and Strobe(闪光灯)8.5.11 DE Flow Motion(流动)8.5.12 DE Fog Factory(雾工厂)8.5.13 DE Framing Gradients(画面渐变)8.5.14 DE Glower(炽热体)8.5.15 DE Grayscaler(灰度处理)8.5.16 DE HLS Displace(HLS置换)8.5.17 DE Hyper Harmonizer(绚丽的彩带)8.5.18 DE Lens Flares(镜头光斑)8.5.19 DE Loose Sprockets(任意按链锯齿移动)8.5.20 DE Multigradient(多极渐变)8.5.21 DE Muzzle Flash(枪火)8.5.22 DE Nexus(连接点)8.5.23 DE Puffy Clouds(膨胀的云)8.5.24 DE Rain Fall(下雨)8.5.25 DE Retinal Bloom(网状张开)8.5.26 DE Schematic Grids(示意性网格)8.5.27 DE Show Channels(显示通道)8.5.28 DE Sketchist(变脏)8.5.29 DE Smoke(升起的烟)8.5.30 DE Snow Storm(暴风雪)8.5.31 DE Solarize(过度曝光)8.5.32 DE Sparks(焰火)8.5.33 DE Specular Lighting(镜面高光)8.5.34 DE Thermograph(热录像仪)8.5.35 DE Turbulent Noise(紊乱的噪波)8.5.36 DE Video Malfunction(电视故障)8.5.37 DE Visual Harmonizer(原子曲线)8.5.38 DE Wave Displace(波浪置换)9.Digital Anarchy Elements9.1 Screen Text(屏幕文字)9.2 Text Grid(文字网格)9.3 Text Matrix(超级文字)10.Digital Film Tools10.1 CS Color Correct(颜色修正)10.2 CS Composite(合成)10.3 CS Defocus(散焦)10.4 CS Fast Blur(快速模糊)10.5 CS Frame Averager(画面中和器)10.6 CS Grain(增加颗粒)10.7 CS Holdout Composite(持续合成)10.8 CS Light Composite(灯光合成)10.9 CS Math Composite(数学合成)10.10 CS Matte Generator(无光发生器)10.11 CS Matte Repair(剪影修理)10.12 CS Non-Additive Mix(非附加混合)10.13 CS Paste Color(粘贴颜色)10.14 CS Selective Color Correct(选择颜色修正)10.15 CS Selective Soft Focus(选择软焦点)11.eFX Pro是一个模拟真实火焰和烟雾的粒子系统12.Evolution12.1 Card Dance (卡片跳舞)12.2 Card Wipe (卡片翻转)12.3 Caustics(焦散)12.4 Foam (气泡)12.5 Multiplane(多图层变换)12.6 Radio Shape(模拟无线电波的形状)12.7 Radio Star(模拟星形无线电波)12.8 Wave World(波浪世界)13.Eye Candy13.1 Antimatter(反物质)13.2 Carve(倒角)13.3 Chrome(铬合金)13.4 Cutout(挖剪图像)13.5 Fire(火焰)13.6 Fur(毛发)13.7 Glass(玻璃)13.8 Glow(辉光)13.9 HSB Noise(HSB躁点)13.10 Inner Bevel(向内倒角)13.11 Jiggle(摇动)13.12 Motion Trail(拖尾)13.13 Outer Bevel(向外倒角)13.14 Perspective Shadow(透视投影)13.15 Smoke(烟)13.16 Squint(重影)13.17 Star(星形)13.18 Swirl(旋涡)13.19 Weave(编织)14.FilmFX14.1 Color Timing(颜色调整)14.2 Film Stock(库存胶片)15.Final Effects Complete15.1 Final Effects(简称Fe)15.1.1 FE Ball Action(球状运动)15.1.2 FE Bubbles(泡沫)15.1.3 FE Color Offset(颜色位移)15.1.4 FE Composite(合成)15.1.5 FE Flo Motion(失真运动)15.1.6 FE Griddler(矿筛)15.1.7 FE Image Wipe(图像擦除)15.1.8 FE Kaleida(发音体)15.1.9 FE Lens(透镜)15.1.10 FE Light Burst 2.5(灯光爆裂)15.1.11 FE Light Sweep(扫光)15.1.12 FE Page Turn(翻页)15.1.13 FE Particle Systems(粒子系统)15.1.14 FE Particle Systems II(粒子系统2)15.1.15 FE Particle Systems LE(粒子系统LE)15.1.16 FE Pixel Polly(像素剥离)15.1.17 FE Radial ScaleWipe(反射状的缩放擦拭)15.1.18 FE Rain(下雨)15.1.19 FE Scale Wipe(缩放擦除)15.1.20 FE Scatterize(分散)15.1.21 FE Slant(倾斜)15.1.22 FE Slant Matte(倾斜剪影)15.1.23 FE Snow(下雪)15.1.24 FE Sphere(球体)15.1.25 FE Star Burst(星爆式)15.1.26 FE Threshold(阀值)15.1.27 FE Threshold RGB(RGB阀值)15.1.28 FE Tiler(瓦盖)15.1.29 FE Twister(缠绕)15.2 Next Effect(简称Ne)15.2.1 FE Advanced 3D(高级三维)15.2.2 FE Bend It(弯曲)15.2.3 FE Cylinder(圆柱体)15.2.4 FE Drizzle(毛毛雨)15.2.5 FE Force Motion Blur(强大的运动模糊)15.2.6 FE Hair(毛发)15.2.7 FE Light Rays(体积光)15.2.8 FE Mr. Smoothie(圆滑)15.2.9 FE Power Pin(透视点)15.2.10 FE RepeTile(放射状模糊)15.2.11 FE Simple Wire Removal(擦除金属丝)15.2.12 FE Wide Time(放慢)15.3 Studio Effects(简称Se)15.3.1 FE Alpha Map(Alpha贴图)15.3.2 FE Bender(弯曲)15.3.3 FE Blobbylize(滴状斑点)15.3.4 FE Burn Film(燃烧的胶片)15.3.5 FE Glass(玻璃)15.3.6 FE Glass Wipe(擦拭玻璃)15.3.7 FE Glue Gun(喷胶枪)15.3.8 FE Grid Wipe(删格擦拭)15.3.9 FE Jaws(狭口)15.3.10 FE Light Wipe(扫光)15.3.11 FE Mr. Mercury(水银先生)15.3.12 FE Particle World(粒子世界)15.3.13 FE Ripple Pulse(涟漪发生器)15.3.14 FE Smear(涂污)15.3.15 FE Split(切开)15.3.16 FE Spotlight(聚光灯)15.3.17 FE Time Blend(时间混合)15.3.18 FE Time Blend FX(时间混合FX)15.3.19 FE Toner(调色剂)16.Forge FreeFormForge Free Form(自由变换)是一款用来制作自由变换效果的插件,为制作图形变形效果提供了极大的方便。

AE颜色校准教程 调整画面色调和白平衡

AE颜色校准教程 调整画面色调和白平衡




准备好耐心和细心,现在就让我们开始吧!1. 色彩校正效果器(Color Correction Effect)AE中的色彩校正效果器是最基本也是最常用的一种工具。



2. 色阶效果器(Levels Effect)色阶效果器可以通过调整亮度和对比度来改变画面的整体色调。



3. 色彩平衡效果器(Color Balance Effect)色彩平衡效果器可以单独调整红、绿、蓝三个通道的色彩。



4. 裁剪和遮罩工具在进行颜色校准时,有时候我们只需要对画面的某一部分进行调整,这时候就可以使用裁剪和遮罩工具。


5. 色彩查找表(LUTs)色彩查找表是一种可以记录和应用颜色调整的文件。






关于颜色的实验英文作文英文:Color is a fascinating topic that has always intrigued me. As a science student, I have conducted several experiments to understand the properties of different colors and their effects on our mood and emotions.One of the experiments I conducted was to observe the effect of color on memory retention. I asked a group of participants to read a list of words written in black ink on a white paper, and another group to read the same list of words written in different colors. After a few minutes, I asked both groups to recall as many words as they could. The results showed that the group that read the words in different colors had a better memory retention than the group that read the words in black ink.Another experiment I conducted was to observe the effect of color on appetite. I set up two identical rooms,one with red walls and the other with blue walls. I invited a group of participants to each room and offered them the same food. The participants in the room with red walls ate more than the participants in the room with blue walls. This experiment showed that the color red stimulates the appetite.In conclusion, the color can have a significant impact on our mood, emotions, memory retention, and appetite. It is essential to understand the properties of different colors to create a suitable environment in our homes, workplaces, and public spaces.中文:颜色是一个令人着迷的话题,一直以来都吸引着我。



颜色的意义(Color meaning)Red:Represents good luck, happy, warm, bold, passionate, morale, revolution.Red and blue mixed into purple, red and yellow mixed into orange, red and green are contrasting colors (color),The red color is green. Red is one of the three primary colors. It can mix any color with yellow, blue or three colors.The red color in clothing color scienceRed is the symbol of life, vitality, health, enthusiasm, vitality and joy. Because red is the longest light in the visible spectrum,Therefore, the most eye-catching, giving the visual sense of a sense of proximity and expansion, easily lead to excitement, excitement, tension.The red character is strong, revealing, full of a power and impulse, and the connotation is positive, forward and upward,Help people who are active and active. Because of hue, lightness and purity, different red used in clothing will produce different psychological effects,Such as the enthusiasm of the red, upward, crimson, rustic, sedate, purplish red Wen Ya, soft, pink, gorgeous and bright,rose red, bright and gorgeous,Wine deep red, elegant, especially for people with health, carmine powder, dream of happiness, feel shy, romantic.Color codeHSVCMYK network coding = #FF0000RGB red green Blu ray system = red 255 green 0 blue 0CMYK four-color printing system = (cyan 0, magenta 100, yellow 100, black 0)HSV system = (primary color 0, saturation 100, brightness 100) RGBOrange:A mixture of red and yellow.Having a bright, gorgeous, healthy, exciting, warm, joyous, brilliant, and easily moving color.Symbolism and usesOrange is a lively and bright color, and it is the most warm color in warm colors. It is associated with golden autumn and rich fruit,Is a rich, happy and happy color. Orange slightly mixed withblack or white, will become a sedate, implicit and lively warm color,But mix more black, become a kind of scorch color; add more white in orange, can bring a kind of sweet and greasy feeling.The penetration of orange in the air is second only to red, while the color is warmer than the red, and the most striking orange is the most warm color in the color,It can give people dignity, dignity, mystery and so on, so it is basically psychological color. Historically, many dignitaries and religious circles used to decorate themselves,Modern society is often used as a sign color and publicity color. But it's also a color that can cause visual fatigue.Orange high visibility in the industry, the safe use of color, color is orange alert, such as locomotive, mountaineering clothing, backpacks, jackets etc.,Orange is generally used as a festive color, but also as a rich color, such as many decorations in the palace. Red, orange, and yellow are all called warm colors,Of or relating to or characteristic of or causing or causing an appetite. Orange can be used as the layout color of the restaurant. It is said that the use of orange in the restaurant can increase appetite.Orange is also the color of Halloween. The famous Halloween Jackpumpkin lantern is made from orange pumpkins.Orange, pale green and pale blue, makes up the loudest and most joyous colors. Orange and pale yellow match a comfortable sense of transition.Orange is generally not compatible with purple or dark blue, which gives a feeling of being unclean and obscure. Because orange is very bright and dazzling,It can sometimes cause negative, vulgar imagery that is especially prone to the use of clothing, so when it comes to using orange,Attention should be paid to the choice of color and expression in order to make the orange bright, lively, with the characteristics of the mouth to play out.Yellow:A combination of green and orange.Yellow, moderate wavelength, is the most luminous color of all hue, light, transparent, brilliant, full of hope and vitality of the color impression.Because the color is too bright, is considered frivolous and aloof; character is very unstable, prone to deviation,Slightly add other colors, it is easy to lose the original appearance.Visual communicationYellow is like orange and red. It's also a warm color. It has the meaning of nature, sunshine and spring,And usually considered a happy and hopeful color. That said, it can be a difficult color to cope with,And it doesn't look like the colors that were discussed before.Yellow is a highly visible color, so it is used in health and safety equipment as well as in danger signals.This high visibility is noticeable, but it may be too attractive on the screen. The yellow color in the white background looks very hard.As mentioned, yellow has a lot of positive meanings, but it can also be associated with cowardice and deception,"yellow-bellied""And "yellow journalism (yellow News)" and so on.There are several variations in the use of yellow and yellow, from pale yellow (cream) to lemon to golden yellow. Yellow is a very good color for dark tones.It can greatly lighten a black design, and can have the effect similar to red and orange, not bold enough to attract eyes.Yellow and blue are a popular combination. Yellow can wake up a low profile blue, thus creating high contrast.Purple is the color yellow, but also a combination of high contrast. A color scheme that is closer to the color of the soil,Can mix yellow and brown, and moss green and olive green. Combined with light green and orange, yellow creates a citrus or fruit colored palette.Black and yellow can be combined to create an industrial visual effect.Green:Green is the combining color of yellow and blueCodeNetwork coding = #00FF00,RGB red green Blu ray system = red 0 green 255 blue 0CMYK four-color printing system = (cyan, C100, magenta, M0, yellow, Y100, black K0)HSV system = (primary color 120, saturation 100, brightness 100)Green visual communicationLike blue, green is closely related to nature and plants. The forty green shades are fairly clear,When you think of a lot of green color name, you can easily think of why: sea green, emerald green, apple green,Forest green, green leaves, green, olive green, light green, pine green and moss green, etc..Recall some common phrases that might help a designer determine the kinds of sensations they want to show in green.There are many good moral approval is: green (green), Juchongruoqing, earn some money. Same,It has a dark or inconspicuous green: green eyed monster (Ji Du), pale (feeling green around the gills)And simply too green (be), for example, without experience. I don't think many designers want to give people a sense of green,Or make the site's visitors look pale. The use of green, in fact, has so much green hue, which forms a very flexible color.It can appear green and yellow in the blue, green and green directions of the color disk".A lemon green can make a design very "tide", olive green is more peaceful, and light green can give a refreshing feeling of spring.The combination of blue with green gives a sense of water. Add beige or brown to show a earthy smell.White + green is fresh and outdoor, while purple and green are a pair of high contrast (need to be treated with care).Cyan:Green is a background, crisp and unassuming, clever and not smooth, refreshing and not monotonous.Cyan is a unique color of China. It has a very important significance in ancient Chinese society. Cyan symbolizes strength and hope,Primitive and solemn, traditional utensils and costumes are often blue.Cyan is a color that ranges from blue to green.RGB color matching #00FFFFBlue:The complementary color of the blue is orange.The blue contrasting color is orange.The blue adjacent colors are green, purple, and cyan.applicationIt's the coldest color. Blue is very pure, often reminiscent of the ocean, the sky, water, the universe. Pure blue shows a beauty,Calm, sensible, serene and vast. Because of its calming nature, it has a rational and accurate image, emphasizing technology in business design,The efficiency of the goods or corporate image, mostly blue, when the standard color, enterprise colors, such as computers, cars, photocopiers, photography equipment, and so on,In addition, blue also represents depression, which is influenced by western culture. This image is also used in the commercial design of literary works or emotional appeals.In many countries, police uniforms are blue. The lights for the police and ambulance are usually blue. Because blue has courage, calm and intellect,Never give up the meaning of.Many air force and Navy uniforms are blue. The general air force is sky blue, navy is dark blue.Violet:Purple is a combination of warm red and cool blue. It is an excellent stimulating color.Page color #A757A8Purple visual communicationPurple is easy to see at the top, but with good words it can be very striking and fashionable. Looking at the palette, we can see that the purple is the intersection of red and blue,But there are many color transition, because purple is considered in magenta and maroon direction is warm and cool in violet direction.Purple is a mysterious and rich color, associated with luck and wealth, nobility and Hua Guixiang. It's also about religion,Such as Easter and purple. Interestingly enough, if you look at Christian and church websites, there is not a lot of purple.The color is also associated with nature through flowers and plants, such as lilacs, lavender, violets, and purple changing orchids.Bring some red deep purple to create a warm dish. Pale purple is more expensive, often associated with romance. When combined with pink, you can create a very feminine color palette. A comparison of men's color plates, you can use black purple. The color of soil and nature can be combined with dark purple and light brown or bright purple + green. Yellow and purple are complementary, can create a strong contrast color wheel.。





1. 亮度(Brightness)亮度是指灯光照射出的光线的强度,通常以流明(Lumen)为单位进行测量。


2. 色温(Color Temperature)色温是指灯光的颜色偏暖或偏冷的程度,常以开尔文(Kelvin,K)为单位进行描述。


3. 色彩(Color)色彩是指灯光照射出的颜色。



4. 散射角度(Beam Angle)散射角度是指灯光照射出的光线的扩散程度,常以度数(degree)为单位进行描述。


5. 灯光效果(Lighting Effect)灯光效果是指通过不同的控制方式和技术产生的特殊光线效果。



6. 灯具类型(Fixture Type)灯具类型是指不同种类的灯光设备。

常见的灯具类型包括聚光灯(Spotlight)、洗墙灯(Wall Washer)、移动头灯(Moving Head Light)、影视灯(Floodlight)等。


7. 控制方式(Control Mode)控制方式是指对灯光的控制方式和手段。



AE特效常用中英文对照1、effect >obsolete旧版本>basic 3d(基本3d)2、effect>generate生成>fill填充3、effect>distort扭曲>displacement map置换映射4、effect>stylize风格化>glow辉光5、effect>blur&sharpen模糊与锐化>fast blur 快速模糊6、effect>color correction色彩校正>color Balance 色彩平衡(hue色相、lightness亮度、Saturation饱和度)7、effect>color correction>Equalize 色彩均化(自动以白色取代图像中最亮的像素;以黑色取代图像中最暗的像素;平均分配白色与黑色间的阶调,取代最亮与最暗之间的像素)。

8、effect>distort>polar coordinates(极坐标)。

极坐标到直线坐标(polar to rect),直线坐标到极坐标(rect to polar),如果用于固态层,需要将固态层建的比合成要大,因为使用此特效后会变小。

9、effect>color coreection>exposure(曝光),提高光感和层次感10、effect>Keying>Color Difference Key颜色差异键。

11、effect>Keying>Keylight扣像插件12、effect>Keying>color Range颜色范围13、effect>matte>Simple Choker简单抑制14、effect>keying>Spill suppressor溢出抑制15、effect>simulation(模拟仿真)>wave world水波世界16、effect>simulation>caustics焦散17、effect>noise&Grian(噪波与颗粒)>fractal noise分形噪波页脚内容118、effect>distort>bezier warp 贝塞尔曲线19、layer>blending mode(混合模式)>color dodge颜色减淡20、e ffect>stylize>motion tile(动态平铺)21、effect>simulation>cc particale world(粒子仿真世界)22、e ffect>Trapcode>particular(粒子) ,emitter发射器23、e ffect>stylize(风格化)>Roughen Edges粗糙边缘.它主要用来创建腐蚀、斑驳的效果,在表现一些老旧效果时,它尤其有用。





1. 莫勒-李耶错觉(Muller-Lyer illusion)莫勒-李耶错觉是一种常见的错觉现象,其中两条平行线段分别带有内向或外向的箭头。


2. 流动错觉(Motion illusion)流动错觉是一种视觉错觉,当我们观察到连续的静态图像时,会产生动态流动的感觉。


3. 珍珠错觉(Pearl illusion)珍珠错觉是一种空间错觉,当我们观察到许多小圆点排列在一起时,会产生一个大圆环绕在它们周围的错觉。


4. 色彩错觉(Color illusion)色彩错觉是一种视觉错觉,当我们在不同背景颜色下观察到相同颜色的物体时,会感知到它们的颜色有所不同。


5. 相对大小错觉(Relative size illusion)相对大小错觉是一种距离错觉,当我们观察到两个物体,其中一个比另一个更远时,我们会错误地感知到较远的物体比较近的物体更大。

6. 旋转错觉(Rotational illusion)旋转错觉是一种视觉错觉,当我们观察到旋转的图像时,会感觉到它们在旋转的方向上有一种变形或拉伸的效果。


7. 运动逆错觉(Motion aftereffect)运动逆错觉是一种视觉错觉,当我们观察到持续运动的物体后,停止观察时会感觉到周围静止物体产生相反方向的运动。


8. 长宽比错觉(Horizontal-vertical illusion)长宽比错觉是一种常见的错觉现象,当我们观察到垂直线段和水平线段时,会感觉到垂直线段比水平线段更长。



AE特效常用中英文对照1、effect >obsolete旧版本>basic 3d(基本3d)2、effect>generate生成>fill填充3、effect>distort扭曲>displacement map置换映射4、effect>stylize风格化>glow辉光5、effect>blur&sharpen模糊与锐化>fast blur 快速模糊6、effect>color correction色彩校正>color Balance 色彩平衡(hue色相、lightness亮度、Saturation饱和度)7、effect>color correction>Equalize 色彩均化(自动以白色取代图像中最亮的像素;以黑色取代图像中最暗的像素;平均分配白色与黑色间的阶调,取代最亮与最暗之间的像素)。

8、effect>distort>polar coordinates(极坐标)。

极坐标到直线坐标(polar to rect),直线坐标到极坐标(rect to polar),如果用于固态层,需要将固态层建的比合成要大,因为使用此特效后会变小。

9、effect>color coreection>exposure(曝光),提高光感和层次感10、effect>Keying>Color Difference Key颜色差异键。

11、effect>Keying>Keylight扣像插件12、effect>Keying>color Range颜色范围13、effect>matte>Simple Choker简单抑制14、effect>keying>Spill suppressor溢出抑制15、effect>simulation(模拟仿真)>wave world水波世界16、effect>simulation>caustics焦散17、effect>noise&Grian(噪波与颗粒)>fractal noise分形噪波18、effect>distort>bezier warp 贝塞尔曲线19、layer>blending mode(混合模式)>color dodge颜色减淡20、effect>stylize>motion tile(动态平铺)21、effect>simulation>cc particale world(粒子仿真世界)22、effect>Trapcode>particular(粒子) ,emitter发射器23、effect>stylize(风格化)>Roughen Edges粗糙边缘.它主要用来创建腐蚀、斑驳的效果,在表现一些老旧效果时,它尤其有用。



颜色改变心情的英语作文英文回答:Colors have a profound effect on our emotions. They can evoke feelings of joy, sadness, anger, and everything in between. The relationship between colors and emotions is complex and multifaceted, and researchers have been studying it for centuries.One of the most well-known studies on the psychology of color was conducted by the Swiss psychiatrist Max Luscherin the 1940s. Luscher developed a series of color teststhat he used to assess people's personalities and emotional states. He found that certain colors were consistently associated with certain emotions. For example, blue was associated with calmness and serenity, while red was associated with excitement and passion.Since Luscher's time, numerous other studies have investigated the relationship between colors and emotions.While the results of these studies have not always been consistent, there is some evidence to suggest that certain colors do have a general effect on our mood.For example, a study published in the journal "Emotion" found that exposure to the color blue can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. Another study, published in the journal "PLoS One," found that exposure to the color green can improve mood and reduce feelings of fatigue.However, it is important to note that the relationship between colors and emotions is not always straightforward. The same color can evoke different emotions in different people, depending on their personal experiences and associations. For example, the color red may be seen as a symbol of love by some people, while others may associateit with anger or danger.Ultimately, the best way to understand how colorsaffect your emotions is to pay attention to your own experiences. When you are feeling a certain way, take note of the colors that are around you. Over time, you may beginto notice patterns emerge.中文回答:色彩与情绪。



颜色术语(Color terms)Absolute whiteAchromatic color has no colorAchromatic stimulus has no color stimulus Adaptive color stiff adaptive color shift The additive mixture of color adds color Adaptive colors add color primary colorsI'm going to use the same colorAfter the image after imageAnomalous color vision abnormal color vision Anomalous trichromatism color blindness Aperture color colorThe assimilation effect assimilation effect Basic stimulus is basically excitingBlack, blackBlack body locusBrightness luminosityColor change of chromatic adaptation to adapt to the changeChroma chromaChromatic adaptation color adaptationChromatic color with colorChromaticity colorChromaticity coordinate color (degree) coordinatesChromaticity diagramCIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observerCIE 1960 UCS diagram CIE 1960 UCS diagramCIE 1964 supplementary standard colorimetric observer CIE1964 supplementary standard colorimetric observerCIE 1976 UCS diagram CIE 1976 UCS diagram(CIE 1976) CIE LAB color space (CIE)1976) L * a * b * color space (CIE LAB color space)(CIE 1976) CIE1976) L * u * v * color space (CIE LUV color space)(CIE 1976) L * a * b * color difference formula (CIE 1976) L * a * b * chromatic aberration formula(CIE LAB color difference formula) (CIE LAB color difference formula)(CIE 1976) L * u * v * color difference formula (CIE 1976) L * u * v * color difference formula(CIE LUV color difference formula) (CIE LUV color difference formula)Color colorColor appearance color appearanceColor atlas color chartColor blindness color blindnessColor chart color chartColor chip color swatchesColor constancy color constantColor contrast color contrastColor difference color differenceColor difference formulaColor equation of colorColor gamut color gamutColor matching colorsColor order system color sequence system Color perceptionColor rendering index color indexColor rendering properties displays color Color reproduction color reproduction Color sensationColor separation decompositionColor solid color stereoColor spaceColor specification colorColor stimulus color stimulusColor stimulus function color stimulus function Color temperature color temperatureColor tolerance color toleranceColorbalance color balanceColormeter colorimeterColormetric purity of purityColormetric shift color shiftColormetric system color systemComplementary color complementary color Complementary wavelength complementary wavelength Cones of conesContractive color looks like a shrunken color Contrast contrastCool color cool colorThe color temperature of the color temperatureCritical flicker frequency critical flicker frequency Dark adaptationDavis-gibson filter Davis - Gibson filterDifference limen difference thresholdDistribution temperature distribution temperature Dominant wavelengthElementary school color accentsEqui - energy spectrumExcitation purity excitation purityExpansive color bilge colourGeneral color rendering index generally has a color index Gloss shineGlossiness glossGray, grayGray scale gray scaleHeterochromatic stimuli different color stimuliHue hueHue circle tone ringHunter's color difference formula Hunter's color difference formulaThe induced color is induced to colorColor induces colorIntermediate color intermediate colorIsochromatic stimuli such as color stimulusIsotemperature line and other color temperature lineLight lightLight adaptation adaptationLight source colorLightness lightnessLightness scale scaleLuminance brightnessLuminance adaptation brightness adaptationLuminance factor luminance factorLuminous reflectance light reflection ratioLuminous transmittance light transmission ratioMatching stimuli match stimuliMaxwell disc MaxwellMesopic spectral luminous efficiency among color spectral luminous efficiencyMesopic visionMetameric color stimuli with different spectral stimuliMonochromatic specification monochromatic saidMonochromatic stimuli monochromatic light stimulationMunsell chroma MunsellMunsell color system Munsell color systemMunsell hue Munsell hueMunsell value MunsellMunsell value function, Munsell value functionNeutral color neutral colorNight - blindness night blindnessNon - self - luminous colorNormal color vision normal color visionNorth sky lightObject color object colorOrgan of vision color visionPerfect reflecting diffuser completely diffuse surfacePerfect transmitting diffuser fully faceted diffuse transmissionPhotopic visionPrimary color beigeThe pseudo - isochromatic plates such as false color images Psychophysical color specification color stimulus value Psychrometric chroma coordinate mental chroma coordinatesPsychrometric lightnessThe phenomenon of Purkinje phenomenonPurple boundary purple boundaryRadiance factor radiance factorReceding color is colorThe reciprocal color temperature inverted color temperatureThe reciprocal color temperature is associated with color temperatureReference color stimuli refer to color stimuliReflectance factor reflection factorRelative spectral power distribution relative spectral power distributionResultant color shift overall color shiftRetinal luminance retinal illuminanceRods of the body cellsSaturation degree of saturationScotopic spectral luminous efficiency scotopic vision spectralluminous efficiencyScotopic visionSelf - luminous colorSimultaneous contrastSpecial color rendering index special color indexSpectral chromaticity coordinate spectrum chromaticity coordinatesSpectral concentration spectral intensitySpectral luminous efficiency spectral luminous efficiencySpectral luminous efficiency curve spectral luminous efficiency curveSpectral power distribution spectral power distributionSpectral radiance factor spectrum radial brightness factorSpectral reflectance spectral reflectanceThe spectral reflectance factor spectral reflection factorSpectral sensitivity spectrum sensitivitySpectral transmittance spectral transmittanceSpectral tristimulus value spectral tristimulus values Spectrophotometer spectral photometer Spectrophotometric colorimetry spectrophotometric method Spectrum locusThe state of chromatic adaptation to adapt to the state Stimulus limen stimulation thresholdI'm going to subtract and mixThe subtractive color primary colorsThe contrast is in contrastSurface colorSurround of a comparison field backgroundTrichromatic specification trichromatic said Trichromatic system three color systemTristimulus values three stimulus valuesUniform color space uniform color spaceUniform - chromatic scale diagram UCS figureVision colorThe visual field viewWarm color warm colorWhite whiteWhiteness whitenessXYZ colorimetric system XYZ color systemX10Y10Z10 colorimetric system X10Y10Z10 chromaticity system。



关于颜色能改变我们的心情的英文作文Color has the power to evoke emotions, influence our mood, and even affect our behavior. Psychologists have long studied the psychological effects of color on the human mind, and research has shown that different colors can have a significant impact on our mental state and well-being.One of the most powerful ways in which color can change our mood is through its ability to trigger associations and memories. Certain colors are often associated with specific emotions or experiences. For example, the color blue is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and serenity. This is why many people find that looking at the color blue can help them relax and unwind after a long day. On the other hand, the color red is often associated with passion, excitement, and energy. This is why many fast-food restaurants use the color red in their branding - to stimulate appetite and encourage customers to eat quickly.In addition to triggering associations and memories, colors can also have a physiological effect on our bodies. Studies have shown that exposure to certain colors can impact our heart rate, blood pressure, and even our appetite. For example, the color green is often associated with nature, growth, and harmony.Looking at the color green has been shown to have a calming effect on the body, reducing stress and anxiety levels. This is why hospitals and healthcare facilities often use green decor to create a soothing and healing environment for patients.Furthermore, color can also affect our behavior and decision-making. Research has shown that the color red can increase our heart rate and blood pressure, making us feel more agitated and impulsive. This is why many sports teams are known to have an advantage when they wear red uniforms - the color can make their opponents feel more intimidated and aggressive. On the other hand, the color yellow has been shown to stimulate creativity and innovation. This is why many creative industries, such as advertising and design, use yellow in their branding to inspire fresh ideas and out-of-the-box thinking.In conclusion, color has a powerful influence on our emotions, moods, and behaviors. By understanding the psychological effects of color, we can harness its power to create environments that promote well-being, productivity, and creativity. Whether it's through calming blues, energizing reds, or inspiring yellows, color has the ability to transform our mood and uplift our spirits. So next time you're feeling down orstressed, consider surrounding yourself with your favorite colors and see how they can change your outlook on life.。

颜色影响心情 英语作文

颜色影响心情 英语作文

颜色影响心情英语作文English: Colors play a significant role in influencing our emotions and mood. Each color has its own unique impact on us, triggering different feelings and reactions. For example, warm colors like red and orange can evoke feelings of energy, passion, and excitement, while cool colors like blue and green tend to have a calming and soothing effect on us. Bright colors can uplift our spirits and enhance our mood, while darker colors may bring about feelings of sadness or heaviness. The psychology of color goes even deeper, with cultural associations and personal experiences also shaping our perception of certain colors. Overall, being mindful of the colors we surround ourselves with can help create a more positive and harmonious environment for our mental well-being.中文翻译: 颜色在影响我们的情绪和心情方面起着重要作用。




First, prepare the plant pigments, which can be extracted from plants such as blueberries, cochineal or mint.2.将植物色素提取物和适量的水混合在一起,制成染料液。

Mix the plant pigment extract with an appropriate amount of water to make a dye solution.3.准备布料,将其清洗干净并浸泡在清水中。

Prepare the fabric, wash it clean and soak it in clean water.4.将布料捞出,挤掉多余的水分,以便更好地吸收染料。

Take out the fabric, squeeze out the excess water to better absorb the dye.5.将染料液倒入染缸中,确保染料液足够覆盖布料。

Pour the dye solution into the dyeing vat, making sure the fabric is fully covered.6.将布料放入染料液中浸泡一段时间,让其充分吸收色素。

Soak the fabric in the dye solution for a period of time, allowing it to fully absorb the pigment.7.定期搅动布料,以确保染料均匀渗透。

Regularly agitate the fabric to ensure even dye penetration.8.根据需要调节染料浓度或浸泡时间,使得颜色更加均匀饱满。

Adjust the dye concentration or soaking time as needed to make the color more even and full.9.浸泡完成后,将布料取出晾干或在阴凉处晾干。



颜色疗法英文作文Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is aholistic healing method that uses different colors to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It is believed that each color has its own energy and can affect our mood, emotions, and even our physical health.When we feel stressed or anxious, we can surround ourselves with calming blue colors to help us relax andfind inner peace. Blue is associated with serenity and tranquility, and it can have a soothing effect on our minds.On the other hand, when we need a boost of energy and positivity, we can turn to vibrant and stimulating colors like red and orange. These warm colors can help us feelmore confident, motivated, and enthusiastic about life.Yellow is often associated with happiness and optimism. It can help to uplift our spirits and bring a sense of joy and positivity into our lives. Surrounding ourselves withyellow can help to combat feelings of depression and sadness.Green is the color of nature and represents growth, harmony, and balance. It can have a calming and refreshing effect on our minds, and it is often used to promotefeelings of stability and well-being.Purple is often associated with spirituality and creativity. It can help to stimulate our imagination and intuition, and it is often used in color therapy to promote a sense of inner peace and spiritual growth.In conclusion, color therapy is a simple and effective way to improve our overall well-being by using the energyof different colors to positively impact our mood, emotions, and mental state. Whether we need to relax, energize,uplift, or find balance, there is a color that can help us achieve our desired state of being.。



颜色会影响人的情绪英语作文英文回答:Color can definitely have an impact on people's emotions. Different colors can evoke different feelings and moods in individuals. For example, warm colors like red, orange, and yellow are often associated with energy, warmth, and happiness. These colors can make people feel moreexcited and cheerful. On the other hand, cool colors like blue, green, and purple are often linked to calmness, relaxation, and tranquility. These colors can help people feel more peaceful and serene.In my own experience, I have noticed how certain colors can affect my mood. For instance, when I wear bright and vibrant colors like red or yellow, I tend to feel more energetic and confident. On the other hand, when I surround myself with soft and soothing colors like blue or green, I feel more relaxed and at ease.Moreover, the impact of color on emotions can also be seen in different cultures and societies. For example, in Western cultures, white is often associated with purity and innocence, while in some Eastern cultures, white symbolizes mourning and death. This shows how the perception of color can vary depending on one's cultural background.In conclusion, it is clear that color can play a significant role in influencing people's emotions. Whetherit is through the clothes we wear, the decorations in our homes, or the environments we are in, the colors around us can have a powerful effect on how we feel.中文回答:颜色确实会影响人的情绪。



颜色疗法(Color therapy)Color therapyOpen categories: health, disease, medicine, psychology, therapyCatalog[color therapy overview][clinical study of color therapy][color and psychological cues][color therapy][notes on several colours]Use color to cure disease[color therapy system][color therapy overview][edit this paragraph]We live in the space, everywhere is colorful, maybe people have long been accustomed and color together, but did not care, it is these different colors, each link is closely linked withpeople's life, including health.Color is an important factor in the visual transmission of information, can express emotion, can bring people different emotions, spirits and action reflected. In the spirit of art, Kandinsky also pointed out that the color directly influences the spirit, and the key to the harmony and unity of colors lies in the inspiring and inspiring of the purpose of human beings.In recent years, people pay more and more attention to health, face a different life and work pressure, mental and physical exhaustion, but people do not know how to regulate all kinds of pressure, and the color to a certain extent play this role.Color therapy, referred to as color therapy, is based on the fact that not everyone is suitable for all colors. But the visual psychological function brought by color can be influenced by many factors, such as age, character, experience, nationality, region, environment, culture and accomplishment of the thinker. A person's color environment is different, he (she) show the psychological and physical feelings will be different.The study of color and its influence on human body has a long history, and it is the spiritual foundation of ancient civilization. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and scientist, made extensive studies of color. The famous doctor Alberto in the Middle Ages? Magenuo published on the color of the works are still very valuable significance.[clinical study of color therapy][edit this paragraph]Through clinical observation and animal experiments in recent years, it has been proved that color light has a lot of meaningful effects on human beings and animals. According to Liu Chengyi's report, [2], red, orange, yellow and other warm light excites the sympathetic nervous system. Green, blue, purple and other cold colored lights stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. It shows the intermediary role of autonomic nervous system on the shade effect may be one of the mechanisms of light therapy, contact the autonomic nervous system function, will undoubtedly broaden the range of potential clinical application of color therapy, but how to further the color light used in clinic, also need to further theoretically, irradiation time, irradiation intensity, course design auxiliary drugs, to explore, to better clinical services.Color therapy is an ancient therapy that has a brilliant reproduction in recent years. Understanding the physiological functions of various colors, the correct use of color, can eliminate fatigue, inhibit irritability, control emotions, and adjust and improve the human body function. Some diseases, according to the study, are largely due to imbalances in the human body or lack of a certain color. In our body, there are 7 gland centers located in different parts of the spine.Each color can produce an electromagnetic wavelength, which is transmitted to the brain by visual nerve, which causes glands to secrete hormones, thereby affecting the human mind and thebody, and achieving medical effects. Each color has its unique function and produces different emotions. Reasonable use of color in decoration, make-up, clothing, and advertising can lead to pleasant results. Besides the medical function, the color has certain symbolic significance and social attribute, and has the pivotal influence to the human life.American psychologist, Qira, in an American hospital with different colors for wards, doors and windows, walls, furniture, sheets, lights, etc., for different therapeutic purposes. According to his medical practice for many years, color has three functions: stimulating, calming and treating the patient. Red and yellow, for example, may cause a patient's hopes, desires, excitement, and activities. But the red should not be too much, otherwise it will make people mentally disordered.Further studies have shown that light green and light yellow on the walls of the hospital can calm the patient and help An Shi recover. Hypertensive patients wearing tainted glasses, helps lower blood pressure; blue have good effects of treatment and prevention of colds; purple environment can make pregnant women get comfort and so on[color and psychological cues][edit this paragraph]Colors and essential colors affect us because they have their own "frequencies" and different colors have different effects on the glands that secrete hormones. This means that color affects many functions of the body, such as appetite, sleep,and body temperature. Colors also evoke different psychological responses because our emotions are often influenced by "color memory". If you have a bad memory for a color, it will be uncomfortable to see the color next time. The same, if a color brings you good memories, and then see this color will make people feel comfortable. Some experts point out: "color affects us very much. We can feel comfortable and peaceful when we see the color we like.". On the other hand, unpleasant colors are uncomfortable. That is to say, the color of the dress and the color of the surroundings affect our mood."[color therapy][edit this paragraph]Color therapy has a pronounced psychological effect that can be acquired by imagining colors. Can let the patient to see a colorful picture, then let the eyes closed, until the patient enters the body relax state, press the red orange and yellow, green, blue and purple in the order, imagine a slow, gentle tone to guide the patient. I saw red, and my eyes were red......"A minute later, "now red is beginning to fade and fade."......" Gradually, after the purple imagination was completed, the guiding language became "now that the purple is fading, I see an ideal and relaxing Kingdom, and I feel perfect and comfortable in my whole body.". Now I'm going to finish training, and this wonderful feeling will be with me......" The more thorough the color imagination and the richer the content, the better the effect of removing anxiety.[notes on several colours][edit this paragraph]Air pollution, environmental deterioration, life, work pressure, etc.,Many people are in a state of sub health, and can help to regulate the health of body and mind through color matching.Red: Red brings a lively, vivid and uncomfortable reaction. It is full of strength and enthusiasm that stimulates and excites the nervous system, increases adrenalin secretion and strengthens the circulation of the blood. But too much exposure can cause anxiety and stress, which can make tired people feel tired. When a person is depressed, the sight of red changes the mood immediately, but not too long.The orange has rich and show off, a vigor of the emotions that, like the sun light, produce energy, induce appetite, help the body absorb calcium, to restore and maintain health, can be used in the entertainment room, kitchen, bedroom, study is not suitable.Yellow: it is the most bright color in the color. It has the characteristics of happiness, liveliness, hope and brightness. Can bring sharp sense and expansion, can stimulate the nervous and digestive system, strengthen logical thinking. But the golden decoration is easy to cause instability and arbitrary behavior, so in bedroom and activities, it is best to avoid use. It is also used as a warning color.The green color of nature, give people peace, young and fresh feeling, it's still a good digestive characteristics of peace, promote physical balance, and can play a sedative effect, can relieve the fatigue of the people of cranial nerve and optic nerve, or on the active and oppressed person useful. It also has some effect on the syncope and the negative emotions.Purple: with blue and red dual personality, active, dignified and honorable. Ancient China gives it a special meaning, "the Forbidden City", "luck", also known as "Purple virtual day". It works on the motor, lymphatic, and heart systems that maintain potassium balance and promote feelings of quiet and love and caring for others.The blue ocean color, sky blue, calm, rational, transparent, broad, and has very strong stability, is a kind of introverted, shrinkage, learning color. It can tone muscles, affect vision, hearing and smell, and reduce the body's sensitivity to pain. This color is not suitable for decoration, but used in fabrics, gives a sense of security, and suitable for yoga and other static movements.The black color: negative, lonely, mysterious but has serious, solemn, subtle means. It is said that there is a bridge in England, which is black at first. Many people jump bridges and commit suicide. Later, they painted it green. Because of the psychological hint of color, fewer people committed suicide. When one is in low spirits, it is better to avoid a dark or dimly lit occasion.8 Pink: experiments have shown that prisoners are concentratedin a particular area for an hour, and if the surrounding environment is pink, it reduces common disturbances and confusion in such areas. Therefore, painting their cells pink can soothe their emotions. Best effect: self stress reduction.[color therapy][edit this paragraph]Open the wardrobe, the clothes you wear today, in fact, show your mood - when the mood is good, choose bright colors, low tide or want to choose dark colors. In fact, it's up to you to decide the color of your mood, not the mood that rules your mind.Because color can not only affect the mood, but also can do rehabilitation treatment!The idea of color enhancing health is not far from us. For example, in interior decoration, the choice of colors is more than just aesthetic factors. Soft colors make you feel comfortable, and that's the mystery and wonders of color.Probably very few people know that color can be used for health care and rehabilitation. It is said that color can be used to treat diseases, from headaches, menopausal symptoms, mood disorders, to chronic diseasesRecurrent eczema, prolonged fatigue and insomnia can even be used to control weight!Ancient oriental medicine believes that color has the uniquefunction of treating human body and spirit. Ancient oriental medicine has the aid of rainbow color as a cure for the human body.In fact, ancient medicine is not conservative, it believes that each person's personality is unique, everyone has their favorite color, the color of the depth of each emphasis. Ancient physicians created a rational system for revealing the different effects of different colors on the human body. It was built on the basis of careful study of the characteristics of each color.Selective therapy, the composition of light therapy, is generally referred to as color therapy. This is not a fad. Colour therapy originated in several cultures and has a deep history and belief.It is said that the ancient Egyptians colored coloured panes of glass to let the sun shine upon the sick. Through the practice of Ayurvedic, the energy center area or chakra (Chakras) of the body is related to color, and in the traditional Chinese medicine, the organ of the body is also in accordance with the color.[color therapy system][edit this paragraph]Color therapists believe that color therapy works on body patterns that have reached equilibrium and coordination (physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual).Color therapy can be achieved in many ways. Some therapists recommend eating and drinking certain color foods and drinks in a balanced way to balance energy. The two main colors in the color black and white, two colors have extreme effects, but also have different effects.White: white gives a white, bright, spotless feeling, can play a consolidation and purification of the role of the human body. If mixed with other colors, it can enhance the healing effect of this color, so it is also a synergist for other colors. White reflects the hospital is not contaminated place, but also reflects the sense of zero distance between patients and medical staff, therefore, this is also an important factor in choosing white hospital wards.Black: negative color, lonely, mysterious, but with serious, implicit, solemn meaning. It can calm the emotional person and make the conflict depressed. But too much black can lead to mental depression. Black and white collocation is particularly good, it can make people's peace of mind, and help control the behavior of people, correctly grasp the situation. This may be the reason why most people choose black clothes on formal occasions such as politics and commercial stage.。

color and write翻译中文

color and write翻译中文

color and write翻译中文color (v.): 上色,给…着色;渲染;使变得丰富多彩例句:1. She likes to color her drawings with vibrant hues.她喜欢用鲜艳的色彩给她的画作上色。

2. The artist carefully colored each petal of the flower to create a lifelike effect.艺术家仔细地给花的每一片花瓣上色,以营造出逼真的效果。

3. The sunset colored the sky with shades of orange and purple.日落使天空呈现出橙色和紫色的色调。

write (v.): 写,书写例句:1. She loves to write stories and poems in her free time.她喜欢在空闲时间写故事和诗歌。

2. He wrote a heartfelt letter to express his gratitude.他写了一封发自内心的信表达他的感激之情。

3. I need to write down the important points from the meeting.我需要把会议要点写下来。

中英文对照例句:1. 我喜欢用不同的颜色给画上色,让它们更加生动。

I like to color my drawings with different hues to make them more vivid.2. 把这些 black and white 的照片上色会给它们带来新的生命。

Adding color to these black and white photos will bring them to life.3. 他喜欢把房间的墙壁涂成亮丽的颜色,使整个空间更加明亮。

He likes to paint the walls of the room in bright colors to make the space more vibrant.4. 我会用蓝色的笔把重要的信息写下来,这样更容易记住。




该实验由美国心理学家John Ridley Stroop于1935年设计,被称为Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT)或Stroop Effect。















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Stroop effect show the color interference on the reaction time influence. In addition, the human brain will first according to color to judge things rather than shape. The color is important to our mental and physical activities, as if the influence of choose food for healthy can not ignore. The color to the spirit and the vigor of life play a very important role, and also can stimulate the person's psychology. The human eye can distinguish about ten million kinds of color, but this is only an estimate, because the structure of the human eye is different, each see color has a little different, so the colors’ differences is a subjective thing.
Second, Color is divided into expansion and contraction. For instance, there are two car have the same body and painted different color, can produce different size feeling. Such as yellow looks a few bigger, it is expansion color. And the same volume of black, blue feel small some, they are contraction color. Driving safety and the color of the car body has countless relation. Survey shows that the silvery white car is the most security one.
Through understanding the performance of the color, can help us make full use of their role to improve the quality of life. Choose better color collocation to coordinate each other then adorns our life.
Color make the person produces some psychological association and evoke a certain emotional effect. In particular color situation frequently occur some emotional things, this is relevant to the colors’ psychological effects. Generally speaking, each color has associated with some corresponding emotion. White general will make the person thinks of clean, pure, and honest. Black is the symbol of the night, can make the person produces evil, sad, depressed, death, grave feeling.
The color also divided into back and forward. For example, there are red, yellow, blue, black four car and you keep the same distance, you will feel the red and the yellow more near than the others, so red and yellow are forward color. And blue and black car looks is further, they are back color. On the visual effect, the forward color is better than the back.
Color Effect
Please read the following each color of word.
Can you read the following each color of word as fast as the before one?
Do you found that read out immediately become difficult, you have to thought some seconds then your speed has come down. This phenomenon is called Stroop effect(斯特鲁普效应). This is because we often see literal content. So see these colors are different to words , the brain is first to react to the literal word . The brain needs a period of time to think desire of physiological function, and has been shown to raise blood pressure. At the same time red connect with warm, dangerous, fight and anger. However red has good fortune and good luck mean. Yellow said happy, comfortable, and it is likely to make the person produces the rich, noble associations. Green is the symbol of life, easy to make the person produces peace, full of life and peace, tranquility and feeling. Blue is connect to vast sky and sea, it associated with distant, cold, lonely, simple.
When I saw these things with bright colors, I will feel very happy.
Do you have the same feeling?
Change a color, Change a mood, Experience colorful life.