NO4.Adevertising (广告介绍)







1. Just Do It.(耐克)“Just Do It”是耐克公司自1988年以来一直使用的广告标语。


耐克的创意总监Dan Wieden 于1988年的奥林匹克运动会期间想出了这个标语,并引用美国就任总统的Roosevelt关于“信仰、勇气和毅力”的名言。


2. Because You're Worth It.(欧莱雅)“Because You're Worth It”是欧莱雅公司于1970年代创造的广告标语。

该标语的灵感来自欧莱雅的创始人伊万娜·亚度尔(Eugène Schueller)的女儿贝蒂纳(Bettina),她曾经在一次会议上向多数女性说:“你们每个人都值得这些美好的东西。

” 该标语体现了女性的价值和尊重,并深深吸引了女性市场。

3. Think Different.(苹果)“Think Different”的中文意思是“与众不同的思考”,是苹果公司在1997年推出的广告词。

这个标语是由苹果公司的手机部门领导者丹·桑德斯(Dan Sanders)创造的,表达了苹果公司通过创新、激情和非传统的方法不断挑战自己的奋斗精神。


4. The Ultimate Driving Machine.(宝马)“宝马,终极驾驶机器”是宝马公司历史上最著名的商标之一。

NO4.Adevertising (广告介绍)

NO4.Adevertising (广告介绍)

dancing close to me.(Toyota)
Come to where the the flavor is,Marlboro world.
Page 5
And, in some advertisements, there would always be some famous stars to attract you. Who is your favorite star?
But, do you know who is the best popular advertising star in China? Do you know how many trademarks had she endorsed? Fan Bingbing? Chu Bingbing? Ren Bingbing? Or some other Bingbing?
Yes, you are right. She is …… …..
Further more, she is the first and only Chinese star who endorses Adidas. And she is also the international environmental protection ambassador.
Page 3
发动· 心动· 飘柔
天天盖 天力, 添钙添 活力。
我只代表我自己。我和别 人不一样,我和你一样。 我和你一样,我是凡客。
臭名远扬, 香飘万里。
别吻我, 我怕修。 (润滑油)
晚报, 不晚报
Page 4
Time is what you make of it.(Swatch) Start Ahead.(Rejioce) Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Sevenup) Behind the healty smile,there's a Crest kid.(Crest Toothpast) Good to last drop. poetry in motion,






1. Creative(创意): 这个术语指的是广告公司所提供的创造性、独特且有吸引力的广告理念和设计。


2. Campaign(广告活动): 广告活动是指公司为了达到特定目标而策划、设计和执行的一系列广告相关措施。


3. Target audience(目标受众): 目标受众是指广告活动中所针对的特定群体或客户。


4. Brand positioning(品牌定位): 品牌定位是指广告活动中所采用的一种策略,以便建立和维护品牌在目标受众中的独特地位。


5. Marketing strategy(营销策略): 营销策略是广告公司为了推动产品或服务销售而采取的一系列措施。


6. Media planning(媒体策划): 媒体策划是广告公司中一个重要的职能,负责确定广告活动的最佳媒体和广告渠道。


7. ROI(Return on Investment): 资本回报率是衡量广告活动成功的指标之一。



8. KPI(Key Performance Indicators): 关键绩效指标是广告公司用来衡量广告活动效果的重要指标。



阿迪达斯凭借细致的市场细分和金字塔模式的广 告策略,为这个古老品牌注入了新鲜的血液,历 久弥新。并且品牌核心价值得以凸显:诚实可信 ,鼓舞人心,发展创新,富有经验。我们有理由 相信,adias这个品牌会走的更远。
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
1920年,阿迪·达斯勒先生创制了第一双训 品牌起源 练用运动鞋
1997年,宣布合并以销售滑雪、高尔夫装 备而闻名于世的赛拉蒙公司。
扩大产品生产范围 成功创造流行新话题
2005年,以31亿美元收购锐步星参与广告制作与拍摄,赞 助并和影响广泛的国际重大体育赛事合作,比如 奥运会,世界杯,欧洲杯。与运动队签订合同长 期向他们提供运动用品。利用重大体育赛事提高 品牌知名度和传播效果。迅速占领高端市场后, 然后利用影视明星广告和赞助各种球类俱乐部和 中小型赛事占领中低端市场。这就形成了金字塔 模式的推广模式,让品牌传播几乎无漏网之鱼。
没有不可能(nothing is impossible)是阿迪达 斯的广告语,也是品牌在过去近100年里不段积 累和完善的结晶,逐步积累出品牌的独有内涵: 它提供的不仅仅是体育用品,更是一种人生信念 体育精神和思想境界。
利用影视,平面广告,广播,互联网三维立体作 战,让受众反复触及品牌。特别是体育赛事节目, 它已经成为了节目的一部分,观众不能随意的避 开广告,因此可以产生强大的效果。


Programme, WFP),由联合 国和联合国粮 农组织合办, 是联合国内负 责多边粮食援 助的机构。 WFP在呼吁大 家,只要伸出 你的手,就可 以把他们从营 养不良和贫穷 中解脱出来。
这Don Toallin吸水纸也够主动的,看来吸水能力不是一般的强。
• 10、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。6/25/2
020 3:42:49 AM03:42:492020/6/25
• 11、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。6/25/2
谢 谢 大 家 020 3:42 AM6/25/2020 3:42 AM20.6.2520.6.25
• 12、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。25-Jun-2025 J une 202020.6.25
看来Wonderbra的泳衣足够吸引眼球,连小动物的眼睛都成这样 了。
A Nous杂志会 告诉你身边有 什么样的餐馆、 什么样的音乐、 什么样的电影 院以及什么样 的户外活动, 你的五官都被 A Nous杂志所 牵引。
世界粮食计划 署(World Food
反吸烟组织ADESF公益广告,看到类似的广告总是会觉得很别扭, 爱惜自己的身体,不要再吸烟了。
Dentyne Ice 冰烈薄荷口香 糖,夏天的时 候嚼一嚼,再 喝口凉水,肯 定透心凉。
你从未睡过如此之深。前一天晚上带上了Hansaplast耳塞睡得太深了, 醒来发现自己居然被抬到了太平间,看来被人误会成睡死过去了。
看到大众甲壳虫敞篷车的影子了吗?坐在里面可以随时与阳光打招 呼。
KFC的员工为了抵挡住美味的诱惑,只好把自己的嘴给封上,真是难 为他们了。


























advertising 翻译

advertising 翻译

advertising 翻译advertising翻译:广告。



10句双语例句:1. Our company is planning to launch a new advertising campaign to promote our latest product. (我们公司计划推出一项新的广告活动,以推广我们的最新产品。

)2. The advertising industry plays a crucial role in shaping consumer behavior. (广告业在塑造消费者行为方面发挥着重要作用。

)3. The magazine is filled with various types of advertising, including full-page ads and classified ads. (这本杂志充满着各种类型的广告,包括整版广告和分类广告。

)4. As an advertising agency, we specialize in creating impactful and memorable advertisements for our clients. (作为一家广告代理机构,我们专门为客户设计有影响力和令人难忘的广告。

)5. The success of an advertising campaign often depends on the target audience and the effectiveness of the marketing message. (广告活动的成功往往取决于目标受众和营销信息的有效性。

)6. The use of social media platforms has become increasingly popular in digital advertising. (社交媒体平台在数字广告中的使用越来越普及。

商务英语 Unit 4 advertising词汇讲解

商务英语 Unit 4 advertising词汇讲解

low end adj.低端的,质量一般的 high-end adj. 高端的,高档的
high-end product 高端产品
mass n. 批量,大量
mass market 大众市场 mass production 批量生产 mass media 大众媒体,大众传ombard v. 轰炸;连珠似炮地问
The warships bombarded the port. 战舰炮轰港口。 The speaker was bombarded with questions. 演讲者受到了连珠炮般的质问。
shelter n. 遮蔽,庇护
In the storm I took shelter under a tree. 下暴雨时我在树下躲避。
Unit 4 Advetising
arty - artier - artiest adj. degrade v. 贬低,降低,降解 degradable adj. 可能降解的 biodegradable 生物可降解的 biodiversity n. 生物多样性 biochemistry n. 生物化学 biomaterial n. 生物材料
This is a matter of prime importance. 这件事至关重要。 prime time (电视的)黄金时间
shelter n. 隐蔽处,庇护所
a bus shelter 公共汽车候车亭
endorse v. 支持,赞同
I fully endorse your opinions on this subject. 我完全拥护你对此课题的主张。 (approve, support, be in favor of, behind)



"advertise"一词源自拉丁语的 "advertere",由 "ad"(表示"向"或"朝向")和 "vertere"(表示"转动"或"转向")两部分组成。


中世纪英语中演变为 "advertise",最初的含义是指通过口头或书



需要注意的是,"advertise"的衍生词 "advertisement"(广告)和 "advertising"(广告业)也是常见的词汇,它们与"advertise" 有着密切的关联。










”6. Sunsweet Prunes:“今天的一个小点,明天会成一条皱纹。





”12.花季少女牌床单:“A buck Well spent。






”19.贵格燕麦片:“shot from guns。

”20. ESPN体育频道:“这里是体育中心。








”11. 6字汽车旅馆连锁店:“我们为你留着一盏灯。



























1. 德芙巧克力:德芙巧克力的广告无论男女主角如何改变,对于联觉的应用却是一直贯穿始末。





2. 迪奥香水广告:基本上是通过视觉、听觉来产生嗅觉、味觉的联觉效应。



3. 《现代广告》公益广告:“严禁捕杀动物”。


4. 《国际广告》法国反艾滋病传播平面广告:二位男女热烈拥抱,而一条粗红线占据了半个画面。







2.今天为大家带来的就是adidas Originals 17年秋冬以“原创不息”为主题系列广告的第三章这个系列广告一共有三章,每一章都像是一部烧脑的视觉大片一样,有不少跟经典文化有关的典故。

然后,今年也凭借微信社交平台超10亿的月活跃用户,在2月5日至12日发起的朋友圈最受用户喜爱的广告投票活动中,以超过60W 次的支持,进选TOP10的名单行列!在这之前,它也抱走17年戛纳金狮奖的音乐娱乐类大奖可以说是17年比较牛逼的广告之一,但是呢,今天我就跟大家聊聊这最新的一章里都藏了哪些有意思的梗?其他系列,有兴趣的可以自己再去深入了解?我们先看视频吧3.看完之后,先卖个关子啊,大家觉得这个广告怎么样?有没有发现什么?所以我不是针对谁,是说在座的各位,你们对阿迪达斯一无所知4.首先我们来看看贯穿整个广告的音乐吧,这首音乐是Frank Sinatra(法兰克·辛纳屈)的名曲 My Way 的重新演绎。

我个人是不太了解Frank Sinatra(法兰克·辛纳屈)这个人,所以大概找度娘了解了下,大家如果有人知道的话可以科普下? 据介绍的话,法兰克·辛纳屈是得奖无数、能歌能演的全能艺人,曾演唱过多首经典歌曲。


比较有趣的是,辛纳屈当年这首歌发布之时反应平平,但后来,它在Top 40排行榜上停留了75周,这个纪录至今无人能破。




下面是小编带来的关于德尔惠英文的内容,欢迎阅读!德尔惠英文广告词Since its inception in 1983, always adhere to the "beyond is progress" business philosophy, after nearly 20 years of unremitting struggle and strong development, the company now has a standardized garden-production base 3, with a total area of 50,000 square meters. So far the company has nearly 100 million yuan in fixed assets, of which the domestic advanced level of modern shoe-making line 9, 4 XSZ-16F disc shoemaking machine, 5 sets of imported Japanese BEHRINGER machine and two advanced anti- Shoe - making line. Companies serving more than 3,000 employees, the annual output of up to more than 600 million pairs, to 20xx, the provinces and municipalities including Hong Kong SAR, including the establishment of Del Hui sales subsidiaries 30, more than 3,500 terminal sales network, the total annual sales have exceeded obtain380 million mark. Has also developed into China's sports shoes industry's most development potential of the group of professional shoe-making enterprises. brand introduction Brand identity: DEER: Chinese means "deer", deer with handsome, noble, cute, innate elegance, running fast, strong endurance.WAY: implied "road, process, means" means, reflecting the young people break the rules of restraint, enjoy the spirit of the movement process. Brand slogan: ON MY WAYBrand personality: young and cool trend of fashionBrand vision: China "sports life" representative brandBrand positioning: sports lifeBrand spirit: freedom to break the limits of self-challenge the spirit of the sportInterpretation of signs"Deerway" from the English root DEER and WAY. DEER Chinese means "deer" deer with handsome, noble, cute, innate elegance, deer's running fast, durable and strong. "WAY" implied "road, process, means" means, reflecting the young people break the rules of restraint, enjoy the spirit of the movement process. Mark the overall performance of the straight line and arc, edge and rational, dynamic and harmonious combination of the perfect, both with the characteristics of movement, but also with international brands solemn calm. Logo graphic resembles the wings of the eagle, with sharp eyes and transmission out of the edge of the opponent is not cold, the performance of Del Hui to the eagle's perspective, deer speed to conquer the world momentum.德尔惠英文广告词1.百事(Pepsi):新的一代Generation next 新一代的选择The choice of a new generation2.雪碧:服从你的渴望 Obey your thirst3.麦氏咖啡(Maxwell):滴滴香浓,意犹未尽good to the last drop4.雀巢冰激凌:尽情享受吧 Take time to indulge5.雀巢咖啡:味道好极了 The taste is great6.七喜(seven-up):提神醒脑,喝七喜 fresh-up with seven-up7.可口可乐(Coca-cola):饮可口可乐,万事如意things go better with Coca-cola 请喝可口可乐 Enjoy Coca-cola8.喜力(Heineken):as natural as rain9.轩尼诗酒:对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷T o me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color10.REMY MARTIN XO(香港人头马):人头马一开,好事自然来Exclusively Fine Champagne Cognac.11.佳洁士牙膏(Crest toothpaste):健康笑容来自佳洁士 behind that healthy smile,there"s a Crest kid12.列维斯(Levi's牛仔服装):质量与风格共存 quality never goes out of style13.雷达牌(Radar)驱虫剂:蚊子杀杀杀 mosquito bye bye bye14.欧米茄(OMEGA):凝聚典雅 the sign of excellence15.斯沃奇手表:天才地久 time is what you make of it16.柯达相纸/胶卷(Kodak):就在柯达一刻 a Kodak moment17.奥林巴斯(Olympus):瞄准生活 focus on life18.索尼影碟机:数码新时代 The new digital era19.理光复印机:我们领先,他人仿效 We lead,Other copy20.佳能打印机:使不可能变为可能 Impossible made possible21.摩托罗拉手机(Motorola):智慧演绎,无处不在Intelligence everywhere 沟通无极限 Communication unlimited22.爱立信(Ericsson):理解就是沟通 make yourself科技以人为本 connection让我们做的更好 Let's make things better25.三星电子:感受新境界 Feel the new space26.东芝电子:拥有东芝,拥有世界Take TOSHIBA,take the world27.因特尔奔腾(Intel Pentium):给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”Intel Inside28.苹果公司(Apple/Macintosh):不尝不知道,苹果真奇妙kids can't wait29.太阳微系统公司(Sun Micro-syst):我们就是网络We're the dot30.IBM公司:没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题No business too small,no problem too big31.英飞凌科技公司:探索未来,永无止境 Never Stop Thinking32.梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz):人类精神的动力Engineered to move the human spirit33.本田(Honda):康庄大道 for the road ahead34.丰田(Toyota):动态的诗,向我舞近Poetry in motion,dancing close to me 车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车 Where there is a way for car there is a Toyota35.凌志汽车(Lexus):追求完美,永无止境the relentless pursuit of perfection德尔惠英文广告词First, the company profileAfter many years of development, has established a comprehensive quality management, scientific brand marketing, a mature sales network and efficient after-sales service. System, is committed to providing Chinese consumers with a dynamic, a type of sports life equipment. The face of a high degree of homogeneity of the industry competitive situation, Dell's sports industry in line with the trend of life, extreme sports as the carrier, the interpretation of freedom and vitality, challenge beyond the spirit of the brand; to show the trend of the streets, highlighting the young, cool brand personality , Qingli build the trend of China's sports life industry brand.Second, comprehensive analysisThird, the development of internal:(1), the spirit of enterpriseDel Hui-Footwear Co., Ltd. uphold the "quality of survival, the credibility of development" business ideas, the implementation of brand strategy. Del Hui people soberly aware that only buildfirst-class brand, first-class corporate culture, is the magic weapon of the modern enterprise. The company has always been adhering to the people-oriented, and create a family atmosphere, to build a warm home management philosophy, in the company to create a relaxed, friendly and honest human environment, creating a humanistic concern, mutual trust between employees, between upper and lower barrier-free communication, leading cadres Mutual exchange of views of the harmonious atmosphere, in order to promote the harmonious development of modern enterprise family culture to build a platform. The company has nearly 10,000 square meters of cultural venues, including medical rooms, libraries, table tennis room, basketball courts and other places, to facilitate staff to carry out amateur sports activities, and the purchase of table tennis, color TV sound, VCD and other equipment,Activities of the normal development to provide a guarantee; investment of several hundred thousand yuan on the staff canteen conducted a comprehensive renovation and transformation. Each year with "51", "11"And other holidays, organized by the staff basketball, table tennis, poker games, chess games And other activities, greatly enriched the amateur cultural life of workers.The company also pay attention to labor protection, caring for the health of employees and so on. Company employees also reflected in the care of the conscious attention to meet the psychological and spiritual needs of employees. The company regularly selected a number of outstanding awards in recognition of employees, loyal employees, advanced technical staff and other activities, greatly stimulated the staff love the enterprise, love the work of enthusiasm and promote the harmonious development of enterprises, and have been higher authorities as advanced grass-roots level Trade unions, workers advanced enterprises, advanced grass-roots party organizations such as a number of honorary titles.After more than 20 years of Del Hui people's efforts, the company in 1999 was "well-known trademarks in Quanzhou City," the title in 20xx was named Fujian famous brand and brand-name products in Fujian in early 20xx, and in 20xx and 20xx for two consecutive years Was awarded as "Double Excellence Enterprise Award" by China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment. In 20xx, it was appraised as the "National Exemption Product Quality" by China Quality Inspection and Quarantine Administration. In 20xx, it was awarded "China Famous Trademark" and "China Famous Brand Product "of the honorary title.(2), e-commerce In 20xx, the company identified the development of e-commerce channel development strategy. After a period of careful preparation, the company decided to officially landed e-commerce in 20xx.1.8 to Del Hui Taobao official flagship store as a breakthrough, started Dell e-commerce first battle. The market speaks on the work is a brand to the rapid development of the guarantee. Del Hui's market correction is from 20xx, gradually from the wholesale market to the retail market, is the brand building needs, but also the brand to mature an important step in the overall layout of the head office, the number of retail outlets is our 20xx Year in the network construction of the rigid targets in various provinces and cities nationwide, in line with the principle of point to point in a very short period of time, 3500 retail outlets to build up, in this process, we almost did not take any detours.(3), sales channelsIntegrated sporting goods enterprises, is committed to sports shoes and accessories and research and development, production and marketing, is committed to providing Chinese consumers with fashion sports life equipment, and establish a comprehensive quality management, scientific brand marketing, mature sales network and efficient After - sales service system. Sales network, is an important factor in the development of the brand. Del Hui in the next year or two, while ensuring the basic security of the network, it will strive to establish an orderly operation, point and surface layout of the appropriate network system.(4) the attitude of stability and progressInto 20xx, Del-Hui companies stressed the importance of ensuring the number of retail networks at the same time, vigorously strengthen the quality of the retail network, store image as an important symbol of high-quality retail network. Del Hui in a very short period of time, introduced the image of Del-mei store standards, with this specification, so that dealers have a basis around, Sichuan, Nanchang, Quanzhou, Changchun flagship stores have been established, Del Hui's image has been obvious . With the growing maturity of the brand, Del benefits on the brand image of a more in-depth understanding of the surface of the vigorous, it is better to do some practical things down. In fact, to win the maximum profit, is the most convincing image, unrealistic to establish the image of the store over the standard, and finally make ends meet, difficult to support, hastily withdraw troops, this is a blow to the confidence of dealers, The impact of the brand will be very profound. Therefore, Del Hui company stressed that where to build shops, build a large number of stores, input-output ratio is much ... These problemsshould have a scientific and objective demonstration process, not hastily launched.(5), enterprise competitivenessAs the special development of Jinjiang, most of the lack of corporate management personnel, the original management tools, management concepts backward, management has become the "bottleneck" of enterprise development. Into the brand competition is an important stage, many companies recognize that the management level will be involved in the competition and win the competition is a crucial factor. Mature enterprises need to have a reasonable core of the spirit. Management is an important condition for the formation of the spirit of enterprise. As a sporting goods company, with the spirit of sporting spirit of the corporate philosophy, corporate culture even more indispensable. For Del Hui, we can learn from the example of their ten years, or even decades of exploratory business practice for us to explore a successful management experience. Quality management, talent management, production management, customer management, financial management, logistics management, information management, etc. must be coordinated development, not neglected. Comprehensive strength is our guarantee for sustainable development.Fourth, external factors(1) celebrity endorsementDelve Chinese famous brand ------ by the superstar "Jay Chou" image endorsement; full three-dimensional advertising investment, advertising including CCTV, local television, entertainment, sports and so on. Del Hui and Jay Chou and other stars through a number of entertainment programs and closelylinked to social hot events in the movement elements on the basis of adding fashion, entertainment, leisure and other trend elements, the formation of the most differentiated product positioning, segment competitors, from the same Quality competition come to the fore.(2) China National Mountaineering Team official strategic partner (3) reshape the brand and the Olympic business opportunitiesAfter the Spring Festival in 20xx, the Chinese veteran class sports brand Del Hui LOGO, advertising language, brand English name and so quietly changed. These are just a prelude to Dell's brand promotion strategy. This year, Del Hui will set off a continuous three-year brand to enhance the storm, and all this goal, will point to the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games to bring sports opportunities.In the process of brand strategy promotion for Del Hui, we found that shaping a strong brand to promote the development of enterprises to avoid price war and improve the premium, is the inevitable choice of sports shoes enterprises.Heavy advertising packaging, light brand overall strategy has been a major weakness of Chinese enterprises. As a veteran of the Chinese sports brand, Del Hui did not indulge in recent years to achieve results, recognizing the current crisis situation. From 20xx onwards, according to the new brand strategy planning, Del Hui from the brand, marketing, human resources, terminal market, graphic design, space design, production management and other seven aspects of integration, and around the brand awareness, image and other eight aspects Promotion.One of the most intuitive performance is, Del Hui's advertising content has changed: the original English name forthe branding of the alphabet "DEERHUI" into "DEER-WAY", advertising language "my personality" also replaced the "ON THE WAY. LOGO English culture, will be the development trend of local brands and trends, the new English name is also more international, fashion sense, trust and sense of quality, is conducive to improving the brand's premium capabilities. Further reflect the brand positioning and core values, is conducive to the continuous improvement of brand image.This year, Del Hui plans to add more than 700 stores, will use all the new decoration style. According to industry practice, a brand every two to three years, will store the store to upgrade the style, or even a face-lift. From the beginning of this year, Del Hui plans to use 3 years, the 2,000 stores across the country to gradually replace the new look.(4), according to the flavor of the times, in the development of changeSpeaking of why such a huge investment in human and material resources, the implementation of such a huge brand promotion strategy, Del Hui brand spokesman explained that the international sports brand, always according to different times breath, and constantly on the original meaning of the brand new upgrade and interpretation . In fact, with the arrival of the 20xx Beijing Olympics, the entire industry in the past two years in the rapid development of adjustment, the international brand from the raging, the domestic brands are constantly progress and enhance. If you do not grasp this opportunity, with the Olympic sports craze fade, this golden opportunity will be difficult to have. From the wholesale market fade out, is a painful choice, which means that part of the vested interest to give up, wholesale is a double-edged sword, simple process, you can put profits into thebag, and brand value in the process Serious damage, because the laissez-faire of the terminal, wholesale sales of a serious shackles of brand consolidation and expansion. Del Hui company to take the principle of walking on two legs, the use of geographical advantage in wholesale, while efforts to develop stores, shopping malls into the counter, to June 20xx statistics, Dell retail network has covered 85% of the local area. The formation of the retail network for Dell's brand promotion to create the basic conditions.V. SummaryA hard work, a harvest. Del Hui to a placid calm and steady, quietly tapping the potential in the sneakers market, and has made gratifying achievements. Del Hui has access to the best image of Chinese enterprises AAA level, China International Leisure Products and Technology Exhibition Gold Award. 95 years was named hundreds of millions of people's favorite products - footwear Gold Award. 99 years, "China Quality Miles," the quality of fixed-line activities of the unit, in 20xx was named the famous brand in Fujian Province, access to Changsha Sports Expo business, showing two gold medals. In the future development of the new milestone, Del Hui Group will work together to continuously improve the internal management and brand management mechanism. As always, adhere to the brand development of the Road, in order to continuously accelerate and expand the implementation of Dell brand strategy, and strive to open up and innovation.。

【最新文档】经典adidas广告词-优秀word范文 (4页)

【最新文档】经典adidas广告词-优秀word范文 (4页)

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小编编带来了经典adidas 广告词,欢迎阅读!adidas 经典广告词【热门篇】全球著名体育用品品牌阿迪达斯一直以高端的品质,惊奇的设计以及贴近人心的服务理念而为世界各国人民所称赞。


阿迪达斯的广告语是Impossible Is Nothing.即,没有什么是不可能的。



NBA著名篮球运动员阿里纳斯,一个曾在赛场上叱咤风云的巨星,他曾在广告中这样说过:Hi, I’m Gilbert Arenas and this is my story,Hi,我是吉尔伯特·阿里纳斯,这是我的故事。

When I entered the NBA,当我刚进入NBAthe first 40 games of my career I sat on the bench.职业生涯的前40场,我是在板凳上度过的。

They said I was gonna play zero minutes.他们认为我打不上比赛,You k now I just think they didn’t see the talent that I had.我想,他们根本没看到我的天赋。

They thought I was a zero.他们觉得我就是个0,一无是处。

Instead of sitting there being bitter,I just practiced, practiced.但是我并没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不断的训练,训练。











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晚报, 不晚报
Page 4
Time is what you make of it.(Swatch) Start Ahead.(Rejioce) Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Sevenup) Behind the healty smile,there's a Crest kid.(Crest Toothpast) Good to last drop. poetry in motion,
is at is everywhere everywhere
Page 3
发动· 心动· 飘柔
天天盖 天力, 添钙添 活力。
我只代表我自己。我和别 人不一样,我和你一样。 我和你一样,我是凡客。
臭名远扬, 香飘万里。
别吻我, 我怕修。 (润滑油)
Yes, you are right. She is …… …..
Further more, she is the first and only Chinese star who endorses Adidas. And she is also the international environmental protection ambassador.
But, do you know who is the best popular advertising star in China? Do you know how many trademarks had she endorsed? Fan Bingbing? Chu Bingbing? Ren Bingbing? Or some other Bingbing?
dancing close to me.(Toyota)
Come to where the the flavor is,Marlboro worldvertisements, there would always be some famous stars to attract you. Who is your favorite star?
Now, Huang Xiaoming is one of the most popular advertising star in China. He has more than 33 trademarks…….
广告作品 雅虎广告 《前世今生》 温纯服装 三得利乌龙茶 龙牡壮骨颗粒 史都华西服 康师傅汤王 欧莎利 洗发水 吉尔达鞋业 浙江金华新都会楼盘 中国 移动“心机” 世友地板 步森男装 日本丸井百 货 米兰春天袜子 艾比利薯片 东芝液晶电视 国乾手机 民生银行钻石卡 金美达剃须刀 维沙 华灯饰 苏宁电器 德芙巧克力 国际品牌: 周大福珠宝 奔驰C系列 Gucci(第三大世界奢侈品 牌,黄晓明为其首个亚洲区代言人) 百事可乐(大陆首 个加入百事巨星艺人) 东芝笔记本电脑(日本著名笔记 本品牌,与李冰冰合作) OLAY男士(全球首个男性代 言人) DIADORA意大利顶级运动品牌(其首个内陆及 港澳台地区代言人) TISSOT瑞士天梭表(大中华区形象 大使) 飘柔洗发水
Now, let me introduce you some film advertisements