






















1. PLC控制系统的工作原理PLC即可编程逻辑控制器,是现代工业控制的重要组成部分。



2. 设计要点饮料灌装机的PLC控制系统设计需要考虑以下几点:(1) 控制方式的选择:灌装机的控制方式分为手动和自动两种,手动控制方式操作简单,适用于小规模生产;自动控制方式可以通过预设程序实现自动加工,适用于大规模生产。

(2) 程序的设计:程序的设计包括监控和管理,需要实现数据采集、运算和调节等功能。


(3) 传感器的选择:传感器可以通过测量传输介质的温度、压力、流量等参数,将实时数据传递给PLC控制器。


(4) 触摸屏人机界面:触摸屏人机界面可以实现现场监控和控制,它需要具备操作简单、易于维护、直观友好等特点,以方便操作管理人员进行实时监控和控制。

(5) 增加安全措施:灌装过程中涉及到高压、高温、高速等复杂环境,需要在PLC控制系统中增加安全措施,如温度传感器报警、超重报警等,以确保职工的安全。

3. 优点PLC控制系统的优点包括:(1) 稳定性高:PLC控制系统运行稳定,能够实时调节灌装流量、速度、质量等参数,使产品质量更加稳定。

(2) 自动化程度高:PLC控制系统可以通过程序预设自动进行灌装过程,实现产品的自动化生产,节省人力成本。

(3) 精度高:PLC控制系统能够实时监测和控制灌装过程中的各项参数,确保产品质量的一致性。









采用 PLC 是用了它的自动控制能力好的特点,这样可以在生产过程中无需有人控制。

设计了以 S7-200系列 PLC 为基础的灌装机控制系统,硬件设计包括控制系统的硬件配置、输入输出点分配、计数显示和PLC外部接线图的绘制;软件设计包括梯形图、语句表设计和控制系统流程图的绘制和七段码显示。

关键词:工业控制:可编程控制器;系统硬件接线图;I/O 端口分配表目录第1章引言 (1)1.1设计内容 (1)1.2控制要求 (1)第2章系统总体方案设计 (2)2.1 PLC的工作原理 (2)2.2可编程序控制器的组成 (2)2.3可编程序控制器的特点 (3)2.4可编程控制器PLC的应用 (4)2.5系统可靠性设计 (5)第3章 PLC控制系统设计 (7)3.1 确定I/O信号数量,选择PLC类型 (7)3.2 I/O地址的分配与编号 (8)3.3 PLC外部接线图 (9)3.4 七段码显示器示意图 (10)3.5七段码显示器显示数字0—9 (10)3.6控制流程图 (11)3.7程序梯形图编制 (12)结论 (21)设计总结 (22)谢辞 (23)附录 1 (24)附录 2 (31)参考文献 (32)第1章引言1.1设计内容:饮料灌装机的PLC控制系统设计1.2控制要求:(1)系统通过开关设定为自动操作模式,一旦启动,则传送带的驱动电机启动并一直保持到停止开关动作或灌装设备下的传感器检测到一个瓶子时停止;瓶子装满饮料后,传送带驱动电机必须自动启动,并保持到又检测到一个瓶子或停止开关动作。







关键词PLC 伺服系统全自动灌装调试目录第1章全自动灌装机控制系统用户需求及其分析 (1)第2章电气线路设计2.1总体功能设计 (1)2.2电气产品选型 (3)2.3具体实施 (5)第3章控制模块的程序设计思路及设计3.1PLC与触摸屏的选型 (6)3.2PLC的输入输出点位表和接线图 (7)3.3PLC与触摸屏通讯模块设置 (8)3.4PLC编程要点3.4.1PLC控制补液电机减少生产环节 (9)3.4.2PLC控制急停按钮保护设备及操作人员 (10)3.4.3PLC控制设备清洗次数保持设备清洁 (12)第4章设计过程中的故障处理及设备调试与维护4.1各类传感器的接线过程出现的问题 (13)4.2伺服驱动器与伺服电机及PLC间的通讯问题 (15)4.3PLC与触摸屏间通讯问题 (17)4.4全自动灌装机调试 (18)第5章结论 (19)致谢 (20)参考文献 (21)附录 (22)第1章全自动灌装机控制系统用户需求及其分析近几年随着机器设备自动化的不断升级,自动灌装机的维护,操作和保养越来越容易,自动化技术的升级对自动灌装机操作人员的专业技能也没以前那么复杂和那么高了,所以产品灌装的质量直接与自动灌装机的质量水平和先进水平有关。










1天指导教师:专业负责人:年月日目录1.前言------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 2.课程设计的任务和要求------------------------------------------------------------- 42.1、课程设计的任务-------------------------------------------------------------- 42.2、课程设计的基本要求-------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.总体设计------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43.1、PLC选型----------------------------------------------------------------------- 43.2、PLC端子接线----------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4.PLC程序设计------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54.1、设计思想---------------------------------------------------------------------- 54.2、顺序功能图-------------------------------------------------------------------- 64.3、PLC梯形图-------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 5.语句表----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 6.结束语----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 7.参考文献-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11前言“机电传动控制”课程设计是学习机电传动控制的必修项目。




国内的包装机械起歩较晚, 而国外发达国家的包装设备已经向高效率、高精度、高自动化程度方向发展,目前虽然采用引进一消化的发展模式能满足生产需求,但技术含量不高,特别是对光、磁和计算机等先进技术的应用较少,从而使得国内与国外相比在包装机械的包装精度和运行稳定性上还是存在着较大差距的。

本论文以全自动液体灌装机作为研究对象,采用欧姆龙CMP1A 型PLC对其控制系统进行软件设计,并利用组态王做出监控系统,实现基于欧姆龙PLC与组态王的控制系统。



AbstractFood Machinery is designed to provide services to the food industry, about 70% of the packaging machinery is to provide services for the food packaging, beverage industry developed rapidly in recent years, market demand for the rapid growth of liquid filling equipment. Domestic packaging machinery since late walk, and packaging equipment in developed countries has been developed to a high efficiency, high precision, high degree of automation direction, although the current model of development with the introduction of a digestion can meet theproduction needs, but not high-tech, in particular the application of less light, magnetism and advanced computer technology, making domestic and foreign in the packaging compared the accuracy and stability of packaging machinery running or there is a big gap.In this paper, automatic liquid filling machine as the research object, using Omron CMP1A its type PLC control system software design and configuration king made use of monitoring systems, Omron PLC-based control system and configuration of the king. Modular design approach, the main control requirements for automatic liquid filling machine for program design, control module consists of four Unscramble, filling machine, capping machine and peripheral auxiliary composition, combined with so fewer configuration king development and design of a suitable factory assembly line jobs automatic filling machine interface control system, filling machine workflow for real-time monitoring, management and control system of the block, centralized control function to achieve a high-speed bottling oriented, accurate, intelligent, multi-functional and user-friendly interface requirements.Keywords: filling machine, PLC, King View.目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题研究的意义 (1)1.2 全自动灌装机的发展概况 (2)1.2.1 国内外全自动灌装机的发展状况 (2)1.2.2 国内外全自动灌装机制造业的发展趋势 (2)1.3 全自动灌装生产线 (4)1.3.1 液体灌装的基本原理 (4)1.3.2 液体灌装的方式 (4)1.3.3 灌装的定量方法 (4)1.3.4 影响灌装的因素 (6)1.3.5 灌装机及外围辅机的概况与种类 (6)1.4 本论文研究的主要内容 (7)2 可编程控制器 (8)2.1 PLC发展的历史 (8)2.2 可编程控制器的发展阶段及其定义 (9) 2.2.1 可编程控制器的发展阶段 (9)2.2.2 可编程控制器的定义 (10)2.3 PLC的特点 (10)2.4 可编程控制器的分类 (13)2.4.1 按照容量和功能分类 (13)2.4.2 按照结构形式分类 (14)2.4.3 按照使用情况分类 (15)2.5 PLC的应用 (15)2.6 PLC的基本组成和工作原理 (16)2.6.1 PLC的基本组成 (16)2.6.2 PLC的工作原理 (20)3 组态王及其组态王与PLC的通信 (23) 3.1 组态王简介 (23)3.2 组态王软件的功能及特点 (24)3.2.1 组态王软件的功能 (24)3.2.2 组态王软件的特点 (25)3.2.3 组态王软件数据处理过程 (25)3.2.4 组态王寄存器说明 (26)3.3 组态王新建一个工程 (28)3.4 组态王与PLC的通信 (29)4 基于PLC的全自动灌装机系统设计 (33) 4.1 确定全自动灌装机的控制要求 (35) 4.2 计算输入输出点数并选型 (35)4.3 全自动灌装机控制系统的梯形图设计 (37)4.3.1 传送系统的设计 (37)4.3.2 理瓶机系统的设计 (38)4.3.3 灌装机系统的设计 (38)4.3.4 封盖机系统的设计 (40)5 组态王监控界面的设计 (41)5.1 关于组态王变量的问题 (41)5.2组态王的动画连接 (43)5.3 组态界面设计以及调试 (45)6 结论 (48)致谢 (49)参考文献 (50)附录1:基于PLC控制的全自动灌装机系统程序代码 (51)1 绪论1.1 课题研究的意义随着全球经济的迅速发展,人们在日常生活中对包装品的需求越来越大,而且与传统包装工业相比,精确、节约、高效成了现代包装技术的发展方向,从而使得包装机械不论在制造水平还是在技术上都需要不断的创新。







鉴于此,设计者利用PLC 的功能和特点设计出了一款饮料灌装生产流水线控制系统。






关键词:可编程控制器;自动化;灌装;生产线AbstractWith the increasing level of industrial automation,many industrial enterprises a re faced with the transformation of traditional production line and re-design problem. PLC(programmable logic controller)is a microprocessor as the core of industrial cont rol devices,it will relay the traditional control system combined with computer techn ology in recent years in industrial automation,mechanical and electrical integration,t he transformation of traditional industries such as generally applied.As a general-purpose industrial control computer,the realization of industrial con trol wiring logical leap in logic to storage,industrial control in the world is playing a n increasingly important role.In beverage industry,automated production line mode of production is to promote the most popular a kind of production mode,it causes the fil ling speed increases,but make the filling a higher precision,to bring enterprise cannot small gaze of productivity.In view of this,the designers of the use of PLC functions and features designed a beverage filling production line control system.This paper involves the drinks filling automation production line adopts PLC c ontrol,flow meter metering,insure the filling speed and precision.This paper describ es in detail the control system of the drinksfilling machine design steps,a brief introd uction of the drinks filling machine control system and baseon the self-industry and th e application of the other trade on auto-control technique,proposed the frame of the c ontrol system based on programmable logical controller.This design completes the dri nks production line hardware configuration and software design,to achieve the automa tion of the carbonated drinks filling machine.Not only improve the labor productivity, but also has far-reaching significance of the improvement of quality and yield.PLC c ontrol of the use of beverage filling production process,which can effectively improv e the production efficiency of filling,and significantly increase the reliability of contr olsystems and flexible.Keywords:Programmable controller;Automation;Filling;Production line第一章可编程控制器概述1.1PLC的定义:可编程控制器,简称PLC(Programmable logic Controller),是指以计算机技术为基础的新型工业控制装置。



毕业设计说明书题目基于plc的饮料灌装机控制系统设计专业机械制造与自动化班级 1001 班学生姓名指导老师2016年1月3日目录摘要 (1)第一章绪论 (3)1.1 设计内容 (3)1.2 控制要求 (3)1。

3 设计要求 (3)第二章控制系统方案设计 (4)2。

1 饮料灌装流水线的基本结构 (4)2.2灌装流水线的工作原理 (5)第三章硬件控制设计 (6)3。

1 PLC的选择 (6)3.2 传感器的选择 (7)3。

3 硬件电路的设计 (7)第四章软件控制设计 (8)4。

1 系统流程图 (8)4。

2 I/O分配表 (10)4.3 I/O接线图 (11)4.4梯形图 (12)4.5指令表 (14)第五章调试说明 (15)第六章总结 (15)致谢 (16)参考文献 (17)摘要随着计算机和网络通讯技术的发展,企业对生产过程的自动控制和信息通讯提出了更高的要求.饮料生产线比较复杂,生产环节也很多。





关键词可编程序控制器(PLC)/自动化/智能化AbstractWith the computer and network communication technology,business-to-production process automation and information and communication put forward higher requirements。

Beverage production line more complex production processes are also numerous。


饮料灌装生产线的控制过程主要是继电器接触控制,但这种电路接线复杂,可靠性低,使得工业生产的效率得不到提高。不过,随着时代的开展,饮料灌装生产线的控制过程正朝着智能化和自动化的方向开展。PLC是微机技术与传统的继电接触控制技术相结合的产物,它克服了继电接触控制系统中的机械触点的接线复杂、可靠性低、功耗高、通用性和灵活性差的缺点,充分利用了微处理器的优点,又照顾到现场电气操作维修人员的技能与习惯,特别是PLC的程序编制,不需要专门的计算机编程语言知识,而是采用了一套以继电器梯形图为根底的简单指令形式,使用户程序编制形象、直观、方便易学;调试与查错也都很方便。用户在购到所需的PLC后,只需按说明书的提示,做少量的接线和简易的用户程序编制工作,就可灵活方便地将PLC应用于生产实践。本设计鉴于PLC可靠性高、耐恶劣环境能力强、使用极为方便三大特点,利用PLC技术平台自主开发创新,将机械、电气和自动化等技术有机结合,将传统的继电器-接触器控制功能用PLC代替,构成实用、可靠的饮料灌装生产线PLC控制系统。该控制系统可节省大量电气元件、导线与原材料,缩短设计周期,减少维修工作量, 提高加工零件合格率,进而提高生产率,而且程序调整修改方便灵活,提高了设备的柔性和灵活性。具有整体技术经济效益。
①逻辑控制;②定时控制;③计数控制;④步进(顺序)控制;⑤PID控制、数据控制;⑥PLC具有数据处理能力、通信和联网;⑦其它PLC还有许多特殊功能模块,适用于各种特殊控制的要求,如定位控制模块、CRT 模块。








本文针对灌装生产线的全自动控制系统进行研究,整个灌装过程使用可编程控制器(Programmable Logic Controller, PLC)进行控制,提高了灌装精度和运行稳定性。

每个封盖头的工作速度可达2000瓶/小时,灌装容量误差小于0.4% 。

本文首先对灌装机做了基础性研究,并在此基础上分析其灌装的工艺流程,在熟悉工艺的条件下对灌装机进行控制系统方案设计;然后,根据设计方案对灌装机设备制造过程中所需要的元器件进行了选型,在该设备中,PLC是核心模块,主要是对PLC 进行选型和模块定义;最后,对灌装机设备的控制中心的嵌入式软件进行了分析和设计,通过程序的控制,并设计了人机交互界面,方便用户的操作使用,在对人机交互界面设计的时候,采用的是PLC与控制屏联合作用的方式,实现灌装机设备的自动化操作和科学化管理。

关键词:灌装机;PLC控制;连续灌装Automatic control filling machine based on PLCAbsrtact: With the improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for leisure drinks is also increasing rapidly. At the same time, it stimulates the rapid development of the beverage industry and drives the demand for liquid filling equipment to increase substantially. According to the statistics of China's Statistical Bureau, from 2000 to 2011, the total output of China's beverage industry has increased rapidly from 115 million tons to 120 million tons, with an average annual growth rate of nearly 21 percentage points [1].Domestic packaging machinery started early, and the technology content is low, which can only meet the general production needs; moreover, the use of some advanced technologies such as optical, magnetic and computer is very little. In this way, the performance of packaging machinery in our country has a certain gap with that in foreign countries.The relay and contactor control mode adopted by the electrical equipment control system of the early filling production line is slow in filling process, unstable and often has problems. When there are faults, people always rely on experience to check, and at the same time, secondary pollution often occurs in the production process of drinks, which leads to low qualified rate of products and reduces the production efficiency of enterprises. In this paper, the full automatic control system of filling production line is studied. The whole filling process is controlled by programmable logic controller (PLC), which improves filling accuracy and operation stability, and integrates cleaning, filling and capping of the production line. The working speed of each cap can reach 2000 bottles per hour, and the filling capacity error is less than 0.4%.Firstly, the basic research on filling machine is done, and on this basis, the filling process is analyzed, and the control system scheme design of filling machine is carried out under the condition of familiarity with the process. Then, according to the design scheme, the components needed in the manufacturing process of filling machine equipment are selected. In this equipment, PLC is the core module, mainly the selection and module definition of PLC. At last, the embedded software of the control center of filling machine is analyzed and designed. Through the control of program, the man-machine interaction interface is designed to facilitate the user's operation and use. When designing the man-machine interaction interface, the way of combining PLC with control screen is adopted to realize the automatic operation and scientific management of filling machine equipment.Key words: filling machine; PLC control; continuous filling目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1论文研究的背景和意义 (1)1.2灌装技术的国内外发展现状 (3)1.3灌装机械概述 (5)1.4 PLC概述 (5)第2章灌装机控制系统方案 (7)2.1灌装机主要组成及工艺 (7)2.2控制系统方案设计 (9)2.2.1灌装机的工艺流程 (9)2.2.2灌装机的控制方案设计 (9)第3章灌装机核心技术研究 (10)3.1灌装流程 (11)3.2复位 (12)3.3填充 (13)第4章灌装机控制系统硬件设计 (17)4.1控制中心选型 (17)4.2执行机构的选择 (18)4.3传感器及硬件配置 (19)第5章结论 (19)5.1工作总结 (19)5.2展望 (20)致谢 (20)参考文献 (21)第1章绪论1.1论文研究的背景和意义食品工业的发展离不开各种食品机械,特别是包装机械产品。






关键词:纯净水生产线;PLC;WinCC人机界面;控制中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5168(2020)02-0031-04Abstract: Using Siemens Smart200 series PLC and Siemens touch screen, a set of pure water production line control system with high degree of automation and real-time monitoring was designed in this study. In the meantime, the process requirements of the production line were determined,the system hardware was configured, and the PLC selection of the programmable controller, the definition of I/O points, and the selection and arrangement of the main components were performed. At the same time, the system control process was analyzed, and the HMI was designed to realize automatic control and apply it to actual production.Keywords: purified water production line;PLC;WinCC human-computer interface;control水是人類的生命之源。









采用 PLC 是用了它的自动控制能力好的特点,这样可以在生产过程中无需有人控制。

设计了以 S7-200系列 PLC 为基础的灌装机控制系统,硬件设计包括控制系统的硬件配置、输入输出点分配、计数显示和PLC外部接线图的绘制;软件设计包括梯形图、语句表设计和控制系统流程图的绘制和七段码显示。

关键词:工业控制:可编程控制器;系统硬件接线图;I/O 端口分配表目录第1章引言 (1)1.1设计内容 (1)1.2控制要求 (1)第2章系统总体方案设计 (2)2.1 PLC的工作原理 (2)2.2可编程序控制器的组成 (2)2.3可编程序控制器的特点 (3)2.4可编程控制器PLC的应用 (4)2.5系统可靠性设计 (5)第3章 PLC控制系统设计 (7)3.1 确定I/O信号数量,选择PLC类型 (7)3.2 I/O地址的分配与编号 (8)3.3 PLC外部接线图 (9)3.4 七段码显示器示意图 (10)3.5七段码显示器显示数字0—9 (10)3.6控制流程图 (11)3.7程序梯形图编制 (12)结论 (21)设计总结 (22)谢辞 (23)附录 1 (24)附录 2 (31)参考文献 (32)第1章引言1.1设计内容:饮料灌装机的PLC控制系统设计1.2控制要求:(1)系统通过开关设定为自动操作模式,一旦启动,则传送带的驱动电机启动并一直保持到停止开关动作或灌装设备下的传感器检测到一个瓶子时停止;瓶子装满饮料后,传送带驱动电机必须自动启动,并保持到又检测到一个瓶子或停止开关动作。
























Automatic Code Generation for PLC ControllersKrzysztof SachaWarsaw University of Technology, Nowowiejska 15/19, 00-665 Warszawa, Polandk.sacha@.plAbstract. The paper describes a formal method for automatic generation ofprograms for PLC controllers. The method starts from modeling the desired be-havior of the system under design by means of a state machine with the abilityto measure time and ends-up with a complete program written in a ladder dia-gram language. The model is formal, yet readable, and can be verified againstthe behavioral and safety requirements. The conversion of the model into a pro-gram is done automatically, which reduces the need for further programverification.1 IntroductionComputerized control systems are used in many industrial applications in which a mal-function of the system can endanger the environment or human life. The systems that are used in such application areas are expected to exhibit always an acceptable behavior. Such a property, often referred to as dependability, is a system-level attribute, which must be considered at hardware as well as software level. The typical hardware devices used in industrial control are Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) that are designed in such a way that promotes reliability and predictability of the controller operation, and makes the design of time- and safety-critical systems easier.PLC is a specialized computer, which has a set of input interfaces to sensors, a set of output interfaces to actuators and an operating system that manages the repeated execution of the following cycle:•Reading all input sensors and storing the read data as values of input variables. •Processing the inputs and computing the new values of the output variables. •Updating all outputs with the current values of output variables.The maximum duration of each execution cycle is bounded and guaranteed by the operating system. This introduces an explicit granularity of time: An input signal that does not hold for at least the maximum duration of the cycle can remain unnoticed by the PLC. Moreover, a response to an input signal cannot be expected earlier than in the next consecutive cycle of execution.Programming of a PLC deals with the computing phase of the execution cycle only. The core part of the computation relates to calculations of Boolean conditions that define the current state of the controller and the current values of two-state output variables. The programming languages, standardized in [1], include: Instruction List (IL), Structured Text (ST), Ladder Diagram (LD) and Function Block Diagram (FBD).304 K.SachaA PLC can be used alone, but in many real applications it is a part of a bigger sys-tem that consists of several PLCs and computers coupled and working together. The development of such a system can be driven by a set of UML-based models [2] that describe the required behavior of the system as a whole, and of all of its components. The conceptual tool that is offered by UML to model this type of processing that is done by a PLC is state diagram – a model that describes the states an object can have and how events (input signals) affect those states over time.The goal of this paper is to describe a formal method for automatic programming of PLCs, which uses a subset of UML-based state diagram model to define a correct control algorithm, and to implement the algorithm automatically using the ladder dia-gram language. The choice of the target language (LD) has been motivated by the widespread use of certified programming environments offered by the majority of PLC manufacturers. Nevertheless, generation of a program in C language executed under a POSIX-type operating system is also possible. The advantages of the method are simplicity that has been verified in student labs, easy interfacing to UML-based software development process and tools, and the possibility of automatic code genera-tion. The verification of the program correctness can be performed at the model level.The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the reader with a short over-view of the subset of UML-based state diagram model that is used in the paper. Sec-tion 3 introduces a formal definition of the finite state time machine that defines the semantics of the state diagram model. The process of converting a finite state time machine into a program, written in the ladder diagram language, is described in Sec-tion 4. The description is illustrated using a case study of a bottling line controller. Fi-nal remarks and plans for future work are given in Conclusions.2 State DiagramBasically, state diagram is a graph that shows how an object reacts to events that originate in the outside world. It consists of states that capture distinct modes of the object behavior and transitions between states that are caused by events and accom-panied with actions. Relating the model to the structure of PLCs one can note that events correspond to the occurrences of input signals, and actions correspond to changes of the output signals. The modeling concept is simple and consistent with the mathematical theory of finite state machines. UML adds further elements to this model:•Entry and exit actions of a state that are executed on entering and exiting the state. •Guards, i.e. Boolean conditions that enable or disable transitions.•Internal transitions that are handled without causing a change in state. •Deferred events that are memorized for handling in another state.•Time events that correspond to the expirations of predefined periods of time.Entry and exit actions of a state do not add any new semantics to the model as they can easily be reassigned to transitions that input or output the state. Guards deal with the attributes of an object and do not apply to modeling of PLCs. Internal transitions and deferred events violate the rule that the only memory of an object is state, andAutomatic Code Generation for PLC Controllers 305 therefore are excluded of the model that is used in this paper. If an event could make a permanent change to an output or had to be memorized, an explicit change to the ob-ject state must be shown.A substantial extension to the model of a finite state machine is the introduction of time events. Such an event originates inside the modeled object, and breaks the rule that the reaction of the object to an external event depends on the current state only. An additional memory of timers that measure the flow of time is needed. An attempt to describe the extension is given by the theory of timed automata [3]. Still another formal model of a finite state time machine is introduced in Sect. 3.A disadvantage of a state diagram, as described above, is the lack of tools for man-aging complexity of real systems that can have hundreds or even thousands of states reflecting very general or very detailed properties of the modeled objects. One way to capture the behavior of such a complex system is to describe its behavior using many levels of abstraction. UML offers hierarchical state diagrams, in which a state can have sub-states, each of which can be shown in another state diagram. A transition that leads to a super-state activates the internal state diagram in its initial state. A tran-sition that roots in a super-state can occur in each of its internal sub-states.The presence of nested states leads to quite a new concept of a history indicator that is used to memorize the last sub-state on exit of a super-state, so that it’s possible to go back to this sub-state at a later time. History indicator adds memory to the model – a discussion of this feature is given in Sect. 4.2.3 Finite State Time MachineFinite state machine is a recognized tool for defining the algorithms of processing the enumerative sets of events. The automaton-like graphical models are formal, as well as understandable to engineers and computer programmers. What is missing to a clas-sical finite state machine is the ability to model time. In this section we define a new model of a finite state time machine that adds time to the classical Moore automaton. Definition. A finite state time machine is a tuple A = ( S, Σ, Γ, τ , δ, s0 , ε, Ω, ω), whereS is a finite set of states,Σis a finite set of input symbols,Ωis a finite set of output symbols,Γis a finite set of timer symbols,τ: Γ→ S × R+ is an injective function, called timer function,δ: (S ×Σ∪ S ×Σ×Γ) → S is a function, called transition function, which is total on S ×Σ and partial on S ×Σ×Γ:(s,a,t)∈Dom(δ ) ⇔(∃ r∈R+)[τ ( t )= (s,r)]s0 ∈S is the initial state,ε∈R+ is the granularity of time,ω: S →Ω is an output function.Notation:R+ is the set of positive real numbers, Dom(δ ) is the domain of function δ. Cardinality of a set X will be denoted card(X).306 K.SachaIt can be noted from the above definition that a finite state time machine is finite, and looks much like a Moore automaton with three additional elements: Γ, τ , ε. The rationale that stands behind the timer symbols can be explained as follows. The only memory of a Moore automaton is state. Adding time to such an automaton adds an additional kind of memory that stores durations of time intervals. This additional kind of memory is explicitly shown as a set of timer symbols. Each timer symbol will be converted in the implementation process into a timer device that measures time.For an example, consider a train-detecting sensor [4] that signals ‘a’ if a train is approaching, ‘b’ if not, and ‘Error’ if a failure of the device has been detected. The sensor can stutter for a time ∆t after a train has passed the sensor. The control system is expected to filter the stuttering and to react on the ‘Error’ signal immediately.The behavior of the required system can be described precisely using an automaton that could measure time (Fig. 1). The automaton starts in state N and reads the input. If the train approaches, the input reads ‘a’ and the automaton moves to state T. Now the input can stutter, but the automaton does not react to signal ‘b’, until it has contin-ued to be in state T at least through the period ∆t. Afterwards, if ‘b’ still holds, the automaton returns back to state N and continues as before. If the input reads ‘Error’, the automaton moves to state X.Fig. 1. Filtering device with detection of errorsThe notation in Fig. 1 suggests that period ∆t is attributed to a transition between states, rather than to a state. This is because a transition is enabled by a combination of an input symbol and a timer symbol.Formal definition of the filtering device can be written as follows:S = { N, T, X }Σ= {a, b, Error}Ω= {no approach, approach, don’t know}Γ= {t1 }τ : τ ( t1 ) = ( T, ∆t )δ: δ (N, a)= T δ (N, b)= N δ (N, Error)= X δ (T, a)= T δ (T, b)= T δ (T, Error)= Xδ (T, a, t1 )= T δ (T, b, t1 )= N δ (T, Error, t1 )= Xδ (X, a)= X δ (X, b)= X δ (X, Error)= Xs0 = Nω: ω(N) = no approach ω(T) = approach ω(X) = don’t knowThe granularity of time ε has not been defined in [4].Automatic Code Generation for PLC Controllers 307 3.1 Execution of a Finite State Time MachineMoore automaton models a device that cooperates with its environment. The execu-tion of an automaton starts in state s0. The environment generates a sequence of inputsymbols a0 , a1 ,…, a k ,… and the automaton moves through a sequence of states s0 , s1 ,…, s k ,… such that s k+1=δ(s k, a k) for k= 0,1,…. Each state s k of the automaton corre-sponds to an output symbol q k=ω(s k ). This way the automaton responds to a se-quence of input symbols a0 ,a1 ,…, a k ,… with a sequence of output symbols q0 , q1 ,…,q k ,….A finite state time machine adds to the model the dimension of time. The function τ defines for each state s∈S a set of timers T(s), such that:T(s)= { t∈Γ: (∃ r∈R+)[τ ( t )= (s,r)] }A timer t, such that τ(t)= (s,r), will be denoted t s,r. The same symbol will be used for the value of r, rounded up to the nearest multiplicity of ε. This will not lead to a misunderstanding, as the actual meaning of t s,r will always be clear from the context.A nonempty set T(s) can be ordered with respect to the value of t s,r:T(s)= { t s,r1 , …t s,rp }The sequence { t s,r1, … t s,rp } defines a partition of time into p+1 intervals:[0, t s,r1) … , [t s,rp ,∞)There is only one interval [0,∞) if the set T(s) was empty. The execution of a finite state time machine starts in state s0. When it enters a state s∈S, it enters the first time interval [0, t s,r1) as well. The machine executes in this interval by taking an input sym-bol a and moving from the current state s to the next state s’∈S, such that s’=δ(s,a).If the machine has continued to be in state s at least through t s,r1 time units, then itmoves to the time interval [t s,r1 , t s,r2), then to [t s,r2 , t s,r3) and so on. The machine exe-cutes in a time interval [t s,rj , t s,r(j+1)) by taking an input symbol a and moving from the current state s to the next state s’∈ S, such that s’=δ(s,a,t s,rj). The flow of time does not depend on the sequence of input symbols. Therefore, unlike in a Moore automa-ton, there is no deterministic mapping from an input sequence a0 ,a1 ,…, a k ,… to an output sequence q0 , q1 ,…, q k ,…. The response of a finite state time machine depends on the time intervals within the sequence of input symbols.3.2 Relation to Other ModelsMoore automaton is equivalent to a finite state time machine with no timers, i.e.: •(∀s∈S)[card(T(s))= 0]If the above condition holds, then no partitioning of time exists and there is a single time interval [0,∞) for each state of the automaton.PLC-automaton [4] can be converted into a finite state time machine such that: •(∀s∈S)[card(T(s))≤ 1]308 K. SachaLet P = ( S, Σ, δ, s 0, ε, St, Se, Ω, ω ) be a PLC-automaton. The equivalent finite state time machine A = ( S, Σ, Γ, τ, δ, s 0, ε, Ω, ω ) can be constructed as follows:• The elements S, Σ, s 0, ε, Ω, ω of A are equal to S, Σ, s 0, ε, Ω, ω of P , respectively. • The other three elements of A are the following: Γ = U s ∈S: St(s)>0 { t s,St(s) } − note that this defines the timer function τ, as well.δ (s,a) = δ (s,a,t s,St(s) ) = δ (s,a)Timed automaton [3] represents a broader class of models than finite state time ma-chine. This is because a clock of a timed automaton can measure time between two arbitrary transitions in a state transition graph, while the life of a timer of a finite state time machine is limited to the period of time, in which the machine continues being in a single state. A minor drawback of timed automaton is the lack of output symbols. The advantages of the model of a finite state time machine are simplicity, expres-siveness and ease of implementation. The limitation on the life of timers helps in keeping the size of the state space small. To demonstrate the expressive power of the model, consider a requirement to measure the time period between two events: ‘a ’ and ‘b ’, and to classify the delay as: Short , middle , long or infinite . The problem can-not be represented directly as a PLC-automaton [4]. Finite state time machine model (Fig. 2) is simple and understandable.Fig. 2. Measurement and classification of time periods (0 < ∆t 1 < ∆t 2 < ∆t 3)The semantics of a finite state machine can be defined formally using the Duration Calculus [5], which is a real-time extension to the discrete interval temporal logic. Such a definition allows formal reasoning and proving correctness of the model. This topic is not covered by this paper.4 Code GenerationA developer defines the algorithm of processing input signals into output signals of a PLC by means of a state diagram. The semantics of this model is defined formally by ⎧ ⎨ s if St(s)> 0 and a ∈Se(s) δ (s,a) otherwise ⎩—duration <∆t 1—∆t 1≤duration <∆t 2 —∆t 2≤duration <∆t 3 —duration ≥∆t 3Automatic Code Generation for PLC Controllers 309 a finite state time machine. Input and output symbols of the machine correspond to particular combinations of input or output signals of the PLC, respectively. Timer symbols correspond to timers, i.e. program elements that can measure time and signal the expiration of time periods that are defined by the timer function.The states of the finite state time machine are stored within the controller as states of flip-flops, used by a program. Using n flip-flops one can store at most 2n states. The mapping of states into the states of flip-flops (coding of states) is not unique, and can be a result of a design decision or an optimization procedure. A program of the controller implements the transition function in such a way that each pass through the program fires a single transition between the states of the finite state time machine.PLC program takes the form of a ladder diagram [1] and is structured into a se-quence of lines, each of which describes a Boolean condition to set or reset a flip-flop, a timer or an output signal, according to the values of input signals, states of flip-flops and timers. The Boolean conditions reflect the selected coding of states and imple-ment the transition function, the output function and the timer function.The development process of a PLC program consists of two phases. The first phase, which corresponds to the requirements modeling and analysis, followed by a safety analysis, requires creativity of the developer and must be performed manually. The second phase, which corresponds to program design and implementation, can be per-formed automatically. The first phase is not covered by this paper, but a detailed dis-cussion can be found in [6,7].Design and implementation phase starts with the verified model of a state diagram developed previously. The phase consists of the six basic steps:1.Coding states.2.Implementing the timer function.3.Implementing the transition function.4.Filling up the state space (error recovery).5.Implementing the output function.6.Building a program.A description of the conversion process from a state diagram to a ladder diagram, given in the reminder of Sect. 4, will be illustrated using a case study of a simple bot-tling line. Although simply stated, the problem contains many of the elements of ac-tual control systems.4.1 Case StudyA bottling line (Fig. 3) consists of a bottle supply with a gate, a conveyor system, a scale platform and a bottle-filling pipe with a valve. Bottles to be filled are drawn one by one from the supply of bottles and moved to the scale platform by the conveyor. As soon as the bottle is at required position, a contact sensor attached to the platform is depressed and the bottle-filling valve is opened. The scale platform measures the weight of the bottle with its contents. When the bottle is full, the bottle-filling valve is shut off, and an operator manually removes the bottle from the line. Removing the bottle releases the contact sensor, and the entire cycle repeats automatically.310 K. SachaThe current line status is described by a set of two-state signals issued by the plant sensors and switches:S start the line: A manual signal that enables the repetitive line operation;P suspend the line: A manual signal that suspends temporarily the bottling process; R bottle ready: A signal from the electrical contact of the platform sensor;F bottle full: A signal issued by the scale.The controller reads the current line status and yields the three control signals: G open the gate of the bottle supply (a pulse signal of the length ∆t 1),T start the conveyor,Z open the bottle-filling valve.Fig. 3. Bottling lineThere are three different modes of control of the bottling line: Working (regular line operation), Blocked (when something went wrong) and Suspended (a mainte-nance mode). Different modes of control are modeled as different states in a state dia-gram (Fig. 4). Working mode is modeled as a super-state, which has four sub-states nested that correspond to the particular phases of the bottling process.Fig. 4. Optimized state diagram of a bottling-lineline gate ready full valve line conveyorAutomatic Code Generation for PLC Controllers 311 The model defines the desired behavior of the bottling line. It implements a safety feature that the line is blocked until a manual intervention (confirmed by depressing of S), if the bottle on the scale platform was broken or the bottle-filling phase has not been finished within the period of ∆t2. The process of building the requirements speci-fication, safety analysis and the optimization of the model, has been described and discussed in detail in [7].4.2 Coding StatesThe algorithm for coding states in a hierarchical state diagram traverses the hierarchy in a top-down manner and assigns a separate group of flip-flops to code the sub-states of each super-state. This way, at least two flip-flops are needed to code the three states at the top level in Fig. 4, and the next two flip-flops are used to code the sub-states within the state Working. A selected coding of states is shown in Table 1.Table 1. The coding of states (flip-flops: M1, M2, M3, M4)M1 M2 M3 M4 Bottling line state0 0 Blocked1 0 0 0 Stopped1 0 0 1 Gate Open1 0 1 1 Moving1 0 1 0 Bottle Filling1 1 ∗∗SuspendedThere are six states at the lowest level of nesting shown explicitly in Fig. 4 and listed in Table 1. However, the history indicator adds an additional implicit memory of the former sub-states of the state Working that are to be re-entered from Suspended. Hence, there are in fact four sub-states nested in the state Suspended that correspond to sub-states of the state Working. These sub-states preserve the same coding of M3 and M4. The two transitions between Working and Suspended in Fig. 4 are then trans-formed into a set of four pairs of transitions between the corresponding sub-states. The semantics of history indicator and the transformation described above is defined formally in Sect. 4.3. One can note that the coding of states presented in Table 1 is more economical than the one-hot coding used routinely for hardwired controllers. 4.3 Formal ModelThere are nine states, sixteen input symbols and two timers in the finite state time ma-chine, which defines the semantics of the state diagram in Fig. 4. These sets together with the timer function and the transition function are defined below:S = { Blocked, Stopped, GateOpen, Moving, BottleFilling,Suspended-Stopped, Suspended-Open, Suspended-Moving, Suspended-Filling } Σ= { S⋅P⋅R⋅F , S⋅P⋅R⋅F , S⋅P⋅R⋅F , S⋅P⋅R⋅F , ..., S⋅P⋅R⋅F }Γ= { t1, t2 }τ : τ ( t1 )= (GateOpen,∆t1 ) τ ( t2 )= (BottleFilling,∆t2 )312 K. Sachaδ: δ (Blocked, S )= Stoppedδ (Stopped, P )= Suspended-Stoppedδ (Stopped, S ⋅ P ⋅ R )= GateOpen δ (GateOpen, P )= Suspended-Openδ (GateOpen, P, t 1 )= Suspended-Open δ (GateOpen, P, t 1 )= Movingδ (Moving, P )= Suspended-Movingδ (Moving, P ⋅ R )= BottleFilling δ (BottleFilling, P)= Suspended-Fillingδ (BottleFilling, P, t 2 )= Suspended-Filling δ (BottleFilling, P ⋅ R ⋅ F )= Stoppedδ (BottleFilling, P ⋅ R )= Blockedδ (BottleFilling, P, t 2 )= Blocked δ (Suspended-Stopped, P )= Stoppedδ (Suspended-Open, P )= GateOpenδ (Suspended- Moving, P )= Moving δ (Suspended-Filling, P )= BottleFillingIn all other cases δ (s, a)= s and δ (s, a, t)= s . These transitions are not shown in Fig4. The usual Boolean notation for the subsets of input symbols is used in the above definition of the function δ, e.g.: S ⋅ P ⋅ R represents the set { S ⋅ P ⋅ R ⋅ F , S ⋅ P ⋅ R ⋅ F }.4.4 Implementing TimersEach timer symbol of a finite state time machine is implemented within a PLC con-troller by a separate timer block of a ladder diagram. A timer block is a conceptual device that has one input signal, which can set (enable) the timer, and one output sig-nal. As long as the input signal equals 0, the timer is reset with the output equal to 0. When the input signal changes to 1, the timer is set and starts counting time. The out-put signal changes to 1 as soon as the input signal has continued to be 1 for a prede-fined period of time. Such type of a timer block is called a delay on make flip-flop .A Boolean condition that sets a timer depends on the coding of this state, which is assigned to the timer by the timer function. For example, timers t 1 and t 2 (See Sect.4.2), are assigned to states Gate Open and Bottle Filling , respectively. Hence, the conditions to set the timers can be read from Table 1:Each time the above two expressions are executed by a PLC, time is counted and the outputs of the timers are set appropriately.4.5 Implementing the Transition FunctionThe transition function of a finite state time machine defines conditions to set or reset flip-flops. It is implemented by a sequence of Boolean expressions that depend on the coding of states, input signals and timers.Consider the transition from Blocked to Stopped in Fig. 4, described formally as: δ (Blocked, = Stopped . The transition occurs in a state such that M1= 0 and M2= 0 (Table 1), when S = 0. After the transition has occurred, the state changes to the one, in which M1= 1 and M2= 0 and M3= 0 and M4= 0. So, the transition is implemented by setting M1 flip-flop and resetting M3, M4:M2M1S M4M2M1 S M3M2M1 S M1⋅⋅=⋅⋅=⋅⋅= Res Res Set M4M3M2M1t2 M4M3M2 M1 t1 ⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅=Set SetSimilarly, to implement the transition from Bottle Filling to Blocked one must reset M1 (M2 is reset in Bottle Filling , the values of M3 and M4 are insignificant). Hence:Boolean expressions that implement the other transitions by setting and resetting particular flip-flops can be defined similarly.In order to ensure the atomicity of transitions, a set of secondary flip-flops can be used, assigned on a one-to-one basis to the primary flip-flops that are used to encode the system states. The secondary flip-flops store the next state of the system, calcu-lated by the execution of Boolean expressions, until the computation of all the expres-sions has been finished. The next state is then converted into the current state by copying the state of secondary flip-flops to the primary flip-flops [6].There are four flip-flops in Table 1. Denote the secondary flip-flops: M11 … M14, respectively. A complete sequence of Boolean expressions that implement the transi-tion function can be defined as follows:It can be noted that the expressions to set timers have been placed in the sequence before the expressions that implement the transition function. A PLC controller sam-ples all the input signals at the beginning of each program cycle, before executing any Boolean expressions. This way the input signals are up-to-date, but stable during the entire program execution. The output of a timer can also be used as an input to ex-pressions. Therefore the timers are processed before the computation of expressions that implement the transition function can start.The functions can be minimized using the standard rules of Boolean algebra, e.g.: 4.6 Filling Up the State SpaceThe requirement for high dependability of a control program cannot be fulfilled with-out a planned reaction to faults that can develop during the program execution. M4M3M2M1t2P R P M1⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅+⋅=)( Res M4M M2M1P t2)R (M11⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅+=3 Res (b5)M14M4M13M3M12M2M11M1M2M1S M4M3M2M1R P M14M2M1S M4M M2M1F R P M13M2M1P M12M4M M2M1t2)P R P (M11M4M3M2M1R P S M14M M M2M1t1P M13M2M1P M12M2M1S M11M4M3M2M1t2 M4M3M2 M1 t1 ====⋅⋅+⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅+⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅+⋅=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅=⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅= (d4) (d3) (d2) (d1)................................................... Res (b8)3 Res (b7) Res (b6)3 Res (b5)Set b4)(43Set (b3)Set )2b (Set (b1)Set (a2)Set (a1)。



目录摘要 (2)目录 (1)第一章概述 (3)1.1自动化生产线的发展 (3)1.2本课题设计的内容 (3)1.3本课题设计的目的和意义 (3)第二章方案总体设计 (5)2.1控制方案设计 (5)2.2计量控制设计 (6)2.3传送带电气控制设计 (7)第三章硬件设计 (9)3.1PLC的选择 (9)3.2流量计 (9)3.3电磁阀选型 (10)3.4微型电动机 (11)3.5传感器选择 (11)3.5.1行程开关 (11)3.5.2光电传感器 (12)3.6硬件清单 (13)3.7PLC I/O分配表设计 (13)3.8PLC外部接线图 (14)第四章软件设计 (15)4.1控制系统流程图设计 (15)4.2控制功能图设计 (16)4.3程序设计 (17)图4.3PLC程序 (17)第五章系统维护与常见故障分析 (18)第六章结论与展望 (20)谢辞 (20)参考文献 (21)摘要随着时代的发展,科技的进步,越来越多的行业正在向着自动化的方向发展。









毕业设计(论文)报告题目纯净水灌装机PLC控制系统的设计院系中德机电学院专业电气自动化班级0902学生姓名曹蓓学号100091611指导教师龚运新2012年4 月纯净水灌装机PLC系统控制的设计摘要:近年来,社会的发展和进步对各行各业提出了越来越高的要求。











关键字:继电接触式控制系统、PLC、灌装机、自动控制The design of pure water filling machine PLC control system Abstract:In recent years, the development of social development and progress of all walks of life put forward more and more high demand. Mechanization processing enterprise in order to increase the production efficiency and competitiveness, the mechanization line operation mode of production, to a different products separately formed to be automatic assembly line. Product constantly updating and upgrading, and also requires the appropriate control system then change, improve product production efficiency. In this case, hard links of the way the relay contact control system can not meet the requirement of often update. Because, the first is a high cost, and the second is cycle is long. In the early days also appeared matrix sequence controller and the transistor logic control system, because the device is big, the function is less, there are so many shortcomings, although in can increase control system of general and flexibility, but were not widely should.PLC programmable controller is simple in structure, convenient programming and high reliability etc, are widely used in industrial process and the location of the automatic control. According to the statistics, the programmable controller is used in the industrial automation devices a kind of most equipment. Experts think, programmable controller will be the major means of industrial control and important one of the foundation of the equipment. Due to the use of PLC has the characteristics of strong adaptability to the environment, and the internal timer is very rich in resources, pure water filling machine development soon, have already by manual filling development realize automatic mechanical filling, and automation level is increasing day by day. Along with the science and technology and the development of production, now more and more will PLC in the filling machine system.Key Words: The system of relay contact control、PLC、Filling machine、Automatic control前言 (1)第一章概述 (2)1.1本文主要研究内容 (2)1.2课题研究意义 (2)第二章纯净水灌装机结构功能分析及其主要工艺流程 (3)2.1纯净水灌装机结构功能分析 (3)2.2纯净水灌装机的主要工艺流程 (4)第三章设备主要组成部分 (5)3.1冲洗装置 (5)3.2灌装机构 (7)3.3封盖机构 (9)3.4星轮传动机构 (11)3.5纯净水灌装机的技术特点分析 (11)第四章PLC相关知识 (13)4.1PLC的历史和发展 (13)4.2PLC的特点与应用 (13)4.3PLC的工作原理 (15)第五章控制系统的硬件设计 (16)第六章控制系统的软件设计 (18)6.1S7-200PLC编程软件(STEP7M ICRO WIN SP3)使用方法 (18)6.2梯形图及元件选择 (18)6.3程序调试与分析 (22)第七章结论 (25)致谢 (26)参考文献 (27)民以食为天,食以水为先。

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毕业设计(论文)报告题目纯净水灌装机PLC控制系统的设计院系中德机电学院专业电气自动化班级0902学生姓名曹蓓学号100091611指导教师龚运新2012年4 月纯净水灌装机PLC系统控制的设计摘要:近年来,社会的发展和进步对各行各业提出了越来越高的要求。











关键字:继电接触式控制系统、PLC、灌装机、自动控制The design of pure water filling machine PLC control system Abstract:In recent years, the development of social development and progress of all walks of life put forward more and more high demand. Mechanization processing enterprise in order to increase the production efficiency and competitiveness, the mechanization line operation mode of production, to a different products separately formed to be automatic assembly line. Product constantly updating and upgrading, and also requires the appropriate control system then change, improve product production efficiency. In this case, hard links of the way the relay contact control system can not meet the requirement of often update. Because, the first is a high cost, and the second is cycle is long. In the early days also appeared matrix sequence controller and the transistor logic control system, because the device is big, the function is less, there are so many shortcomings, although in can increase control system of general and flexibility, but were not widely should.PLC programmable controller is simple in structure, convenient programming and high reliability etc, are widely used in industrial process and the location of the automatic control. According to the statistics, the programmable controller is used in the industrial automation devices a kind of most equipment. Experts think, programmable controller will be the major means of industrial control and important one of the foundation of the equipment. Due to the use of PLC has the characteristics of strong adaptability to the environment, and the internal timer is very rich in resources, pure water filling machine development soon, have already by manual filling development realize automatic mechanical filling, and automation level is increasing day by day. Along with the science and technology and the development of production, now more and more will PLC in the filling machine system.Key Words: The system of relay contact control、PLC、Filling machine、Automatic control前言 (1)第一章概述 (2)1.1本文主要研究内容 (2)1.2课题研究意义 (2)第二章纯净水灌装机结构功能分析及其主要工艺流程 (3)2.1纯净水灌装机结构功能分析 (3)2.2纯净水灌装机的主要工艺流程 (4)第三章设备主要组成部分 (5)3.1冲洗装置 (5)3.2灌装机构 (7)3.3封盖机构 (9)3.4星轮传动机构 (11)3.5纯净水灌装机的技术特点分析 (11)第四章PLC相关知识 (13)4.1PLC的历史和发展 (13)4.2PLC的特点与应用 (13)4.3PLC的工作原理 (15)第五章控制系统的硬件设计 (16)第六章控制系统的软件设计 (18)6.1S7-200PLC编程软件(STEP7M ICRO WIN SP3)使用方法 (18)6.2梯形图及元件选择 (18)6.3程序调试与分析 (22)第七章结论 (25)致谢 (26)参考文献 (27)民以食为天,食以水为先。










S7-200系列是一类可编程逻辑控制器(Micro PLC)。

这一系列产品可以满足多种多样的自动化控制需要,S7-200 Micro PLC的CPU22*系列PLC的CPU,具有紧凑的设计、良好的扩展性、低廉的价格以及强大的指令,使得S7-200可以近乎完美地满足小规模的控制要求。


第一章概述1.1 本文主要研究内容本文主要研究的是基于PLC控制的纯净水灌装机系统的主体结构功能。



同时本文还将对S7-200 PLC及其编程软件的使用进行详细的叙述,并就本文的纯净水灌装机进行编程并仿真,实现其自动控制。

1.2 课题研究意义要把灌装机产品国产化,要走相当一段的路程,国内现状是“互仿”--互相仿造,在国内仿造,也叫做“内仿”。



















