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Eagle Dancer
斯科特· 莫马迪(N.Scott Momaday),美国当代著 名作家、诗人。1934年生于美国俄克拉荷马州劳顿 城一个基奥瓦印第安家庭,在新墨西哥州长大,父 亲作画,母亲写作,并创办儿童学前班。莫马迪在 新墨西哥州立大学毕业后又获斯坦福大学博士学位。 先后在加州大学伯克利分校、斯坦福大学及亚利桑 那州立大学图克森分校任教。其成名作《黎明之屋》 (House Made of Dawn,1969)获普利策奖,标志着 在当今美国多元文化结构的文坛上,印第安文学开 始拥有了一席之地。《雨山之路》写其族人基奥瓦 人的心灵史,这是一次还乡之旅,更是一次寻根之 旅,全书充盈着超拔、粗犷的人类精神。
*N. Scott Momaday
Young N. Scott Momaday来自Introduction
N. Scott Momaday: One of the foremost Native American writer, Momaday was born in 1934 in Lawton, Oklahoma, Kiowa county in southwestern Oklahoma. His father Al Momaday , a painter, was a Kiowa, but his mother Natachee Scott Momaday , a writer, was one-eighth Cherokee and seven-eighths EuroAmerican blends
Mountain(1969) illustrated by his father, Alfred Momaday
1969 Pulitzer prize for Fiction Momaday is the Oklahoma Centennial Poet Laureate 1992 the first lifetime Achievement Award from the Native Writers’ Circle of the Americas
Mountain Foundation and Buffalo Trust, a nonprofit organization working to preserve Native American cultures. Momaday, a known watercolor painter, designed and illustrated the book, In the Bear's House
莫马迪的作品植根于印第安民族久远的文 化传统,探索当代印第安青年在美国社会 中的生存状态和心态,深得读者喜爱
The Journey of Tai-me (1967) House Made of Dawn (1968) The Way to Rainy Mountain (1969) (illustrated by his father, Alfred Momaday) Angle of Geese (1974) The Gourd Dancer (1976) The Names: A Memoir (1976) The Ancient Child (1989) In the Presence of the Sun (1992) The Native Americans: Indian County (1993) The Indolent Boys (Play) Premiered on the Syracuse Stage during the 1993-94 season.[2] The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages (1997) In the Bear's House (1999) Four Arrows & Magpie: A Kiowa Story (2006) Again the Far Morning: New and Selected Poems (2011)
Main works
House Made of Dawn(1968)
Pulitzer prize for Fiction
1969年普利策文学奖获奖作品黎明之屋 是首部获得美国主流社会认可的美国印第 安小说。小说的获奖不仅奠定作者N.司各特. 莫马戴在美国文学史中不可撼动的文学地 位,还掀起一股长达十余年的美国印第安 文艺复兴狂潮。作品融入作者童年时代在 美国亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州的所见所闻、 所感所想,讲诉了寻求自我认同的主人公 亚伯在多种文化的狭缝里挣扎的成长历程。 小说把存在于美国白人与美国印第安人之 间矛盾刻画的淋漓尽致,体现出作者对美 国印第安人民的深刻同情。
莫马迪从印第安传统观念,突出表现了祖 先 土地之于印第安生存的重要意义。在一 次接受采访时,莫马迪曾经强调指出,世 代居住的土地是传统印第安人的一种精神 财富。只有在祖先的土地上,他们才能以 一种特殊的方式认识自我,认识自我与土 地的关系,才能为自己界定出一种地方感 ,一种归属。
The Way to Rainy
2007 National Medal of Arts by former President George W. Bush 2010 honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of Illinois at Chicago
+ Momaday is the founder of the Rainy
Young Scott spend his childhood in several different southwestern communities where he was in close contact with Native American as well as Hispanic and Anglo children. After studying at a Virginia military academy, Momaday attended the University of New Mexico, the University of Virginia, and Stanford. Momaday has won an Academy of American Poets Prize and has taught at Berkeley, Stanford, and, most recently, the University of Arizona.