A Characterization of Sapient Agents

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A Characterization of Sapient Agents

Martijn van Otterlo

TKI,Dept.of Computer Science, University of Twente,The Netherlands e-mail:otterlo@cs.utwente.nl Marco Wiering,Mehdi Dastani and John-Jules Meyer

Intelligent Systems Group,

Utrecht University,The Netherlands


Abstract—This paper presents a proposal to characterize Sapient Agents in terms of cognitive concepts and abilities.In particular,a sapient agent is considered as a cognitive agent the learns its cognitive state and capabilities through experience. This characterization is based on formal concepts such as beliefs, goals,plans and reasoning rules,and formal techniques such as relational RL.We identify several aspects of cognitive agents that can be evolved through learning and indicate how these aspects can be learned.Other important features such as the social environment,interaction with other agents or humans and the ability to deal with emotions,will also be discussed.The paper ends with directions for further research on sapient agents.


Intelligent agents have already found their way to the public, and during the last decades many intelligent agents have been shown to be effective in solving particular tasks.However, an intelligent agent is often used for a single task only,e.g., think about a chess playing program which is only used to play chess.If an agent has to fulfil multiple tasks,more complicated issues arise,such as a decision method for choosing the current goals based on current information about the environment and refining the decision method based on learning capability. Making the transition from intelligent agent to agents that decide autonomously and learn to refine their decision making capability,requires some new type of agent.This type of agent will be referred to as a sapient agent.

We will look upon sapient agents,from the starting perspec-tive of cognitive agents extended with(relational reinforce-ment)learning capabilities.A cognitive agent is assumed to have some internal state consisting of mental attitudes such beliefs,goals,and plans,receives inputs through its sensors, and performs actions.The actions are decided on based on its mental state in such a way that its effort to attain a goal will be minimal.For this many reasoning mechanisms could be useful such as logical deduction,neural networks,fuzzy logic, Bayesian networks etc.We consider an agent in which all of these mechanisms may run in parallel.E.g.pattern recognition may be done using neural networks,whereas communication is best done using logical languages.

In this paper we willfirst characterize sapient agents,and then describe how we can use learning methods for sapient agents.

In section II we define sapient agents starting from the notion of a cognitive agent.We discuss a general cognitive architecture,the deliberation cycle and possible influences stemming from emotions.In section IV we will describe the reinforcement learning paradigm,as well as recent extensions important for sapient agents.Section V will discuss the learning opportunities in the cognitive architecture defined in section III-A and proposes some solutions in the framework of reinforcement learning.Section VI will discuss the broader context of sapient agents;the interaction with other agents and communication and social issues,with both humans and agents.In section VII we will reflect on the characterization given in this paper and give directions for further research.


Sapient agents are assumed to have accumulated learning and knowledge,the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships,often called the agent’s insight,and good sense or judgments.These concepts and properties are,however,not intuitive and informal without explicit formal semantics.In this paper,we consider sapient agents as a specific type of cognitive agents for which many formalizations are proposed. In particular,we believe that properties such as knowledge, insight,and judgments of sapient agents are related to,and should be defined in terms of,mentalistic concepts such as beliefs,goals,and plans as used for cognitive agents. Therefore,we propose an interpretation of properties of sapient agents based on mentalistic concepts of cognitive agents and identify certain problems such as the integration of learning and decision making processes that together influence the behavior of sapient agents.

We assume that insight and judgment properties of sapient agents determine their course of actions.For cognitive agents the course of actions can be specified in terms of their mental attitudes which contain at least beliefs,goals,and norms, capabilities such as actions and plans,reasoning rules that can be used to reason about the mental attitudes,communication, and sensing.Given the above mentioned entities,the decision making ability of agents can be considered as consisting of reasoning about mentalistic attitudes,selecting goals,planning goals,selecting and executing plans,etc[1].

In our view,the judgment of an agent can be considered at the lowest level as making choices about how to reason about its mental attitudes at each moment in time.For example, an agent’s judgment can be established by reasoning about
