雅思口语话题:最喜欢的颜色What's your favorite color?White:I love the color white because it's so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peaceful at heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirt and blue jeans are the best combination.Black:I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. Fora girl, it looks very sexy. And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimming.Blue:It's the color of the sea and the sky. It's also the color of jeans.So I guess in a sense, it's a young and free color.Red:Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.And it's the color of China.Green:The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.It's the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?Same:Well, yeah.I'm a kind of person that likes something and doesn't change.And I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.I'm a simple guy, so I like simple colors.Changed:I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellow and shiny red. But now, I'm a 20 years old young man, I'm more mature, and so I like more understated colors, such as dark blue or deep green.What can you learn about a person from the color they like?I think you can tell about a person's personality by hisor her favorite colors.For example, if a person loves the color red, he's very out-going and not afraid to show his feelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reserved and mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,because they're the main colors of the national flag.The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.I know that the color white means wedding in the west.Yet, the it means death in China.Surprising, huh?【备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。
1.silver grey银灰色2.olive橄榄色3.rose粉红色4.vermilion-and-gold红黄色5.blue-green蓝绿色6.the amber of淡黄色7.silvery golden银黄色8.violet紫色9.amethyst紫色10.ochre-coloured黄褐色11.purple-and-gold紫黄12.pure opal乳白13.he eyes became moist她眼圈红了14.steely15.ivory米黄色16. a trifle paler17.be raised to the purple升为红衣教主18.the snow of her arms19.am immense rope of hair乌压压的一头秀发20.from ruby to yellow to violet忽红忽黄忽紫21.hazel eyes淡褐色的眼睛22.violety-blackish有点紫有点蓝有点墨23.yellow-orange橙黄色24.pale-faced脸色苍白25.red红色26.turn red was redening 红27.red and bulshing涨红了脸28.be in(get into)the red负债、赤字29.be out of the red还清亏欠扭亏为盈30.red figure 赤字31.red ink赤字32.red-ink entry赤字分录33.red balance赤字差额34.red cent一分钱35.red gold纯金36.in the red亏损37.red-tape繁琐38.red tip on stock market股票市场的最新情报39.to be shown the red card被解雇被开除40.to catch sb red/take sb red-handed当场抓获41.You said that i am very good.is my face red?真让我不好意思42.I really saw red我就和他急。
描述颜色类的英语词汇大全1.amaranth [ˈæmərænθ] n.紫红;深紫2.amber [ˈæmbə] n.琥珀色3.apricot [ˈæprɪˌkɔt] n.杏黄4.argent [ˈɑ:dʒənt] n.银色5.ash [æʃ] n.烟灰;灰色,苍白;骨灰;废墟6.auburn [ˈɔ:bən] n.金棕;赫色7.azure [ˈæʒə] adj.& n.蔚监(的),天蓝色(的)8.beige [beɪʒ] n.米色9.black [blæk] n.黑色10.b lue [blu:] n.蓝色11.b rown [braun] n.棕色,褐色12.b uff [bʌf] n.浅黄;米色13.c armine [ˈkɑ:main] n.洋红;紫红14.c arnation [kɑ:ˈneɪʃən] n.淡红;肉色15.c eladon [ˈselədən] n.灰绿16.c erise [səˈri:z] n.樱桃红;鲜红17.c herry [ˈtʃeri:] n.樱桃红;鲜红18.c hestnut [ˈtʃesˌnʌt] n.栗色19.c innamon [ˈsinəmən] n.黄褐;肉桂色20.c offee [ˈkɔfi] n.咖啡色21.c ream [kri:m] n.米色;奶油色22.c rimson [ˈkrimzn] n.梅红;绯红;深红23.d rab [dræb] n.黄褐24.f lesh [fleʃ] n.肉色25.f uchsia [ˈfju:ʃə] n.紫红26.g arnet [ˈɡɑ:nit] n.石榴红27.g old [ɡəuld] n.金黄;金色28.g rape [ɡreip] n.葡萄紫29.g ray [ɡrei] n.灰色30.g reen [ɡri:n] n.绿色31.g rey [ɡrei] n.灰色32.i ndigo [ˈɪndɪˌgəʊ] n.靛青;靛蓝33.i vory [ˈaivəri] n.象牙黄;象牙白34.l ake [leik] n.胭脂红35.l ilac [ˈlaɪlək] n.紫藤色;丁香紫;淡紫;雪青36.l ithopone [ˈliθəˌpəun] n.锌钡白37.m agenta [məˈdʒentə] n.洋红;品红;紫红38.m aize [meɪz] n.玉米黄39.m auve [məʊv] n.紫红40.m ustard [ˈmʌstəd] n.芥末黄41.n avy [ˈneivi] n.藏蓝;海军蓝42.o range [ˈɔrindʒ] n.橙色;桔黄43.o rchid [ˈɔ:kɪd] n.淡紫44.p each [pi:tʃ] n.桃红45.p eacock blue [ˈpi:ˌkɔk blu:] n.孔雀蓝46.p ink [piŋk] n.粉红47.p rimrose [ˈprɪmˌrəʊz] n.淡黄48.p rune [pru:n] n.深紫红49.p urple [ˈpə:pl] n.紫色50.r ainbow [ˈreinbəu] n.彩虹色51.r ed [red] n.红色52.r ose [rəuz] n.玫瑰红53.r ust [rʌst] n.赫色;铁锈色54.s allow [ˈsæləʊ] n.土色55.s apphire [ˈsæfˌaɪə] n.宝石蓝56.s carlet [ˈskɑ:lɪt] n.猩红;鲜红;绯红57.s ilver [ˈsilvə] n.银色58.s late [sleit] n.蓝灰59.s now-white [ˈsnəʊˈhwaɪt] n.雪白60.s orrel [ˈsɔrəl] n.赤褐;栗色61.t an [tæn] n.棕黄62.t aupe [təup] n.灰褐63.t awny [ˈtɔ:ni:] n.黄褐64.v iolet [ˈvaiəlit] n.紫色;紫罗兰色65.w hite [hwait] n.白色66.w ine [wain] n.紫红67.y ellow [ˈjeləu] n.黄色68.a methyst [ˈæməθɪst] n.紫水晶色69.a ubergine [ˌəubəˈʒi:n] n.茄皮紫70.b isque [bisk] n.藕荷色71.b luish [ˈblu:ɪʃ] n.黛青72.b ronze [brɔnz] n.青古铜色73.c adet [kəˈdet] n.紫灰74.c amel [ˈkæməl] n.驼色75.c ameo [ˈkæmi:ˌəʊ] n.豆沙色76.c aramel [ˈkærəmel] n.淡褐;酱色77.c eleste n.天青78.c hili [ˈtʃili] n.红棕79.c hinchilla [tʃinˈtʃilə] n.银灰80.c hocolate [ˈtʃɔkəlit] n.赫色81.c laret [ˈklærət] n.紫红82.c lay [klei] n.土褐83.c ochineal [ˈkɔtʃini:l] n.胭脂红84.c oral [ˈkɔrəl] n.珊瑚红85.c rocus [ˈkrəukəs] n.桔黄86.c rystal [ˈkristəl] n.水晶色87.d amson [ˈdæmzn] n.暗紫88.d oe [dəʊ] n.驼灰89.d un [dʌn] n.暗褐;茶色90.e ucalyptus [ˌju:kəˈlɪptəs] n.浅绿灰91.g amboge [ɡæmˈbu:ʒ] n.桔黄92.h eliotrope [ˈhi:ljəˌtrəʊp] n.紫红;青莲93.h enna [ˈhenə] n.棕红94.h eron [ˈherən] n.深紫灰95.h yacinth [ˈhaiəsinθ] n.紫蓝96.i ncarnadine [inˈkɑ:nədain] n.血红;肉色97.i ridescent [ˌɪrɪˈdesənt] n.荧光色98.i ris [ˈaɪərɪs] n.彩虹色99.j asper [ˈdʒæspə] n.墨绿100.jewelry [ˈdʒu:əlri:] n.宝石蓝101.khaki [ˈkæki:] n.卡其色terite [ˈlætərait] n.土红103.madder n.鲜红104.maroon [məˈru:n] n.赤褐105.marron n.紫酱色;栗色106.mignonette [ˌminjəˈnet] n.灰绿107.mouse [maus] n.鼠灰;灰褐108.mulberry [ˈmʌlˌberi:] n.深紫红109.ocher [ˈəʊkə] n.黄褐;赫色110.off-white [ˈɔ:fˈhwaɪt] n.米白;灰白;本白111.plum [plʌm] n.梅红112.ponceau n.朱红113.poppy [ˈpɔpi:] n.芙蓉红114.puce [pju:s] n.紫褐115.putty [ˈpʌti:] n.浅灰褐116.raisin [ˈreɪzɪn] n.乌紫117.rattan [rəˈtæn] n.浅桔黄,浅橙118.ruby [ˈru:bi] n.鲜红119.salmon [ˈsæmən] n.桔红;鲑鱼红120.sepia [ˈsi:pjə] n.棕黑121.shell [ʃel] n.米白122.sienna [siˈenə] n.赫色123.spearmint [ˈspiəmint] n.松石绿124.tangerine [ˌtændʒəˈri:n] n.桔红125.terra cotta [ˈterəˈkɔtə] n.赤褐126.ultramarine [ˌʌltrəməˈri:n] n.群青,伟青;青蓝127.umber [ˈʌmbə] n.红棕;茶色;赫色128.vermilion [vəˈmiljən] n.朱红129.viridian [viˈridiən] n.深翠绿130.viridis n.松石绿131.wood [wud] n.木色132.zephyr [ˈzefə] n.藕灰133.zinc [ziŋk] n.锌色。
1. Red(红色)Red是一个非常基础的颜色,代表着热情、爱情、愤怒等。
在英语中,我们还常用red来形容一些与红色相关的事物,比如red flower (红花)、red carpet(红地毯)等。
2. Blue(蓝色)Blue是另一个常用的颜色单词,它通常代表着冷静、平静、温和等。
我们可以用blue来描述蓝天、蓝海等景色,还可以用它来形容一些物体,比如blue eyes(蓝眼睛)、blue jeans(蓝色牛仔裤)等。
3. Yellow(黄色)Yellow是一个明亮、活跃的颜色,代表着快乐、活力、希望等。
在英语中,我们可以用yellow来形容太阳、金色等,也可以用它来描述一些物品,比如yellow banana(黄香蕉)、yellow hat(黄色帽子)等。
4. Green(绿色)Green是大自然的颜色,它象征着生命、健康、和平等。
我们常用green来形容树木、草地、果实等,也可以用它来描述一些物品,比如green leaves(绿叶)、green tea(绿茶)等。
5. Orange(橙色)Orange是一个非常鲜艳的颜色,给人一种温暖、愉悦的感觉。
我们通常用orange来形容橙子、夕阳等,也可以用它来描述一些物品,比如orange juice(橙汁)、orange dress(橙色连衣裙)等。
6. Purple(紫色)Purple是一种神秘、优雅的颜色,代表着皇室、尊贵等。
我们可以用purple来形容紫罗兰、紫色的花朵等,也可以用它来描述一些物品,比如purple dress(紫色礼服)、purple book(紫色的书)等。
7. Pink(粉色)Pink是一种柔和、温馨的颜色,通常与女性和爱情相关。
在英语中,我们可以用pink来形容玫瑰花、小猪等,也可以用它来描述一些物品,比如pink lipstick(粉色口红)、pink bedroom(粉色卧室)等。
【英文翻译】 关于颜色的词汇总结.
红色red朱红vermeil; vermilion; ponceau粉红pink; soft red; rose bloom梅红plum;crimson;fuchsia red玫瑰红rose madder; rose桃红peach blossom; peach; carmine rose樱桃红cherry; cerise桔红reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth; salmon pink; salmon 石榴红garnet 枣红purplish red; jujube red; date red莲红lotus red浅莲红fuchsia pink豉豆红bean red辣椒红capsicum red高粱红Kaoliang red芙蓉红hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy胭脂红rogue red carmine; cochineal; lake鲑鱼红salmon玳瑁红hawksbill turtle red海螺红cadmium orange宝石红ruby red玛瑙红agate red珊瑚红coral金红bronze red铁红iron oxide red铁锈红rust red镉红cadmium red铬红chrome red土红laterite; reddle郎窑红lang-kiln red均红Jun-kiln red釉底红underglaze red威尼斯红Venetian red法国红French vermilion茜红alizarin red; madder red洋红carmine; magenta品红pinkish red; magenta猩红scarlet red; scarlet; blood red 油红oil red紫红purplish red; madder red; wine red; wine; carmine; amaranth; claret; fuchsia; magenta; heliotrope; mauve 玫瑰紫红rose carmine; rose mauve深紫红prune; mulberry深藕红conch shell棕红henna暗红dark red; dull red鲜红scarlet red; scarlet; bright red; fresh red; blood red; madder; ruby; cerise; cherry血红blood red; incarnadine血牙红shell pink; peach beige绯红scarlet; crimson; geranium pink米红silver pink深红deep red; crimson补充两个puppy罂粟,有深橘红色的意思cardinal红衣主教,有深红色的意思淡红light red; carnation二.橙色类橙色orange三.黄色类黄色yellow桔黄orange; crocus; gamboge; cadmium orange深桔黄,深橙deep orange浅桔黄,浅橙clear orange; light orange; rattan柠檬黄lemon yellow lemon citrine citron玉米黄maize橄榄黄olive yellow樱草黄primrose yellow稻草黄straw yellow芥末黄mustard杏黄apricot; apricot buff; bronze yellow蛋黄vitelline; yolk yellow;egg yellow藤黄rattan yellow鳝鱼黄eel yellow象牙黄ivory日光黄sunny yellow石黄mineral yellow土黄earth yellow; yellowish brown; yellow ocher; golden apricot砂黄sand yellow金黄golden yellow, gold铁黄iron oxide yellow; iron buff 镉黄cadmium yellow铬黄chrome yellow钴黄cobalt yellow深黄,暗黄deep yellow棕黄tan青黄bluish yellow灰黄isabel sallow grey yellow米黄apricot cream cream嫩黄yellow cream鲜黄cadmium yellow canary鹅黄light yellow中黄midium yellow浅黄light yellow;pale yellow;buff 淡黄jasmin(e; primrose四.绿色类绿色green豆绿pea green bean green浅豆绿light bean green; asparagus green橄榄绿olive green olive茶绿tea green celandine green plantation葱绿onion green pale green苹果绿apple green原野绿field green森林绿forest green洋蓟绿artichoke green苔藓绿moss green bracken green草地绿,草绿grass green meadow green oliver green olive drab 水草绿water grass green深草绿jungle green灰湖绿agate green水绿aqua green海水绿marine green酸性绿acid green水晶绿crystal green玉绿jade green石绿mineral green松石绿spearmint; viridis铜绿verdigris铜锈绿patina green镉绿cadmium green铬绿chrome green钴绿cobalt green孔雀绿peacock green威尼斯绿Venetian green巴黎绿Paris green king's green墨绿blackish green green black; jasper; dark green deep green 墨玉绿emerald black深绿dark green petrol; Chinese green; bottle green暗绿sap green dark green deep green青绿dark green碧绿azure green; turquoise green viridity翠绿emerald green; jade green bright green verdancy viridity 深翠绿viridian蓝绿blue green aquamarine黄绿yellow green灰绿grey green sage green hedge green; mignonette; sea spray; celadon 褐绿breen品绿light green malachite green鲜绿clear green; emerald green vivid green 嫩绿pomona green verdancy 中绿medium green; golf green浅绿light green淡绿pale green五.青色类青色cerulean blue blue green豆青pea green; bean green花青flower blue茶青tea green葱青onion green天青celeste; azure霁青sky-clearing blue石青mineral blue铁青electric blue river blue蟹青turquoise ink blue鳝鱼青eel green蛋青egg blue影青misty blue; white blue黛青bluish群青,伟青ultramarine暗青dark blue; deep cerulean藏青navy blue; dark blue; Ming blue靛青indigo大青smalt粉青light greenish blue鲜青clear cerulean浅青light blue; light cerulean淡青pale cerulean light greenish blue六.蓝色类蓝色blue天蓝sky blue; azure celeste; azure cerulean blue; Parisian blue 蔚蓝azure; sky blue月光蓝moon blue海洋蓝ocean blue海蓝sea blue湖蓝acid blue深湖蓝vivid blue中湖蓝bright blue浅湖蓝canal blue清水蓝water blue冰雪蓝ice-snow blue孔雀蓝peacock blue宝石蓝sapphire; jewelry粉末蓝powder blue铁蓝iron blue钴蓝cobalt blue king's blue普鲁士蓝Prussian blue北京蓝Beijing blue士林蓝indanthrene blue品蓝reddish blue royal blue;king's blue 靛蓝indigo; indigo blue; benzo blue菘蓝woaded blue石磨蓝stone-washed indigo藏蓝purplish blue; navy blue; navy海军蓝navy blue; navy宝蓝royal blue墨蓝blue black绿蓝turquoise blue紫蓝hyacinth;purplish blue浅紫蓝Dutch blue青蓝ultramarine深灰蓝blue ashes深蓝deep blue; dark blue navy blue mandarin blue Antwerp blue mazarine smalt ultramarine暗蓝deep blue; dark blue鲜蓝clear blue中蓝medium blue azure blue浅蓝light blue淡蓝pale blue baby blue calamine blue七.紫色类紫色purple; violet紫罗兰色violet紫藤色lilac紫水晶色amethyst葡萄紫grape茄皮紫aubergine; wineberry玫瑰紫rose violet丁香紫lilac钴紫cobalt violet墨紫violet black绛紫dark reddish purple暗紫violet deep; dull purple; damson乌紫raisin蓝紫royal light鲜紫violet light深紫amaranth; modena浅紫grey violet淡紫pale purple lavender; lilac; orchid 淡白紫violet ash 青莲pale purple; heliotrope深青莲amaranth purple雪青lilac墨绛红purple black暗绛红purple deep浅绛红purple light八.黑色类黑色black土黑earth black煤黑coal black碳黑carbon black charcoal black 古铜黑bronze black铁黑iron oxide black iron black 橄榄黑olive black棕黑sepia; brown black青黑liv idity深黑,漆黑pitch-black pitch-dark 暗黑dull black九.白色类白色white象牙白ivory white; ivory牡蛎白oyster white珍珠白pear white gray lily玉石白jade white银白silver white铅白flake white; lead white; ceruse white 锌白zinc white 锌钡白lithopone; pearl white羊毛白wool white米白off-white; shell乳白milky-white雪白snow-white; snowy white灰白greyish white; off-white青白bluish white纯白crisp-white;pure white本白raw white; off-white粉红白pinky white淡紫白lilac white十.灰色类灰色grey; gray银灰silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom铁灰iron grey铅灰liv idity; leaden grey碳灰charcoal grey驼灰doe豆灰rose dust藕灰zephyr莲灰elderberry浅莲灰pale lilac鸽子灰dove grey鼠灰stale grey; mouse蟹灰 storm blue 天灰 sky grey 土灰 dust grey 水泥灰 concrete grey 烟灰 smoky grey; ash 雾灰 misty grey 黑灰 grey black; charcoal grey 紫灰 purple grey;cadet;dove grey 深紫灰 heron 淡紫灰 lilac grey 浅绿灰 eucalyptus 浅米灰 moon light 卡其灰khaki light 蓝灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey 青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green 白灰 pale grey 深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford grey 暗灰 deep grey 中灰medium grey 浅灰 light grey;ash grey 十一.棕色类棕色,褐色 brown 红棕 umber;chili 金棕 auburn 铁锈棕 rustic brown 桔棕 orange brown 橄榄棕 olive brown 十二.褐色类赤褐 sorrel; maroon;terra cotta 11棕褐 summer tan 茶褐 auburn umber 黑褐 black brown 紫褐 puce 黄褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown 栗褐 chestnut brown 灰褐taupe;mouse;greige beige;rose beige 浅灰褐 putty 橙褐 orange brown 土褐 clay 深褐dark brown;bistre;burnt sienna 暗褐 deep brown; fuscous;dun 淡褐 light brown;caramel 十三.其它类咖啡色 coffee 酱色 caramel;reddish brown 紫酱色 marron 茶色umber;dun;dark brown 赫色 ocher;auburn;chocolate;sienna;umber;rust 琥珀色amber;succinite 栗色 chestnut;sorrel;marron 金色 gold 古金色 old gold 银色silver;argent 铅色 lividity 锌色 zinc 铁锈色 rust 青古铜色 bronze;bronzy 黑古铜色dark bronze 12紫铜色 purple bronze 黄铜色 brassiness 木色 wood 土色 lividity;sallow 驼色camel;light tan 米色 beige; buff;cream;gray sand 卡其色 khaki 奶油色 cream 豆沙色cameo 浅豆沙色 pale mauve 藕荷色 bisque 肉桂色 cinnamon 肉色 flesh , carnation;incarnadine;pastel peach; yellowish pink 水晶色 crystal 荧光色 iridescent 彩虹色 iris; rainbow 13。
超完整颜色英语词汇大全一.红色类红色 red朱红 vermeil; vermilion; ponceau粉红 pink; soft red; rose bloom梅红 plum;crimson;fuchsia red玫瑰红 rose madder; rose桃红 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose樱桃红 cherry; cerise桔红 reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth;石榴红 garnet枣红 purplish red; jujube red; date red莲红 lotus red浅莲红 fuchsia pink豉豆红 bean red辣椒红 capsicum red高粱红 Kaoliang red芙蓉红 hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy胭脂红 rogue red ; carmine; cochineal; lake 鲑鱼红 salmon玳瑁红 hawksbill turtle red海螺红 cadmium orange宝石红 ruby red玛瑙红 agate red珊瑚红 coral金红 bronze red铁红 iron oxide red铁锈红 rust red镉红 cadmium red铬红 chrome red砖红 brick red土红 laterite; reddle郎窑红 lang-kiln red均红 Jun-kiln red釉底红 underglaze red威尼斯红 Venetian red法国红 French vermilion茜红 alizarin red; madder red洋红 carmine; magenta品红 pinkish red; magenta猩红 scarlet red; scarlet; blood red 油红 oil red紫红 purplish red; madder red; wine red;玫瑰紫红 rose carmine; rose mauve深紫红 prune; mulberry深藕红 conch shell棕红 henna暗红 dark red; dull red鲜红 scarlet red; scarlet; bright red;血红 blood red; incarnadine血牙红 shell pink; peach beige绯红 scarlet; crimson; geranium pink米红 silver pink深红 deep red; crimson淡红 light red; carnation二.橙色类橙色 orange三.黄色类黄色 yellow桔黄 orange; crocus; gamboge;深桔黄,深橙 deep orange浅桔黄,浅橙 clear orange; light orange;柠檬黄 lemon yellow ; lemon ; citrine citron玉米黄 maize橄榄黄 olive yellow樱草黄 primrose yellow稻草黄 straw yellow芥末黄 mustard杏黄 apricot; apricot buff; bronze yellow 蛋黄 vitelline; yolk yellow;egg yellow藤黄 rattan yellow鳝鱼黄 eel yellow象牙黄 ivory日光黄 sunny yellow石黄 mineral yellow土黄 earth yellow; yellowish brown;砂黄 sand yellow金黄 golden yellow, gold铁黄 iron oxide yellow; iron buff镉黄 cadmium yellow铬黄 chrome yellow钴黄 cobalt yellow深黄,暗黄 deep yellow棕黄 tan青黄 bluish yellow灰黄 isabel ; sallow ; grey yellow米黄 apricot cream ; cream嫩黄 yellow cream鲜黄 cadmium yellow ; canary鹅黄 light yellow中黄 midium yellow浅黄 light yellow;pale yellow;buff淡黄 jasmin(e); primrose四.绿色类绿色 green豆绿 pea green ; bean green浅豆绿 light bean green; asparagus green 橄榄绿 olive green ; olive茶绿 tea green ; celandine green葱绿 onion green ; pale green苹果绿 apple green原野绿 field green森林绿 forest green洋蓟绿 artichoke green苔藓绿 moss green ; bracken green草地绿,草绿 grass green ; meadow green水草绿 water grass green深草绿 jungle green灰湖绿 agate green水绿 aqua green海水绿 marine green酸性绿 acid green水晶绿 crystal green玉绿 jade green石绿 mineral green松石绿 spearmint; viridis铜绿 verdigris铜锈绿 patina green镉绿 cadmium green铬绿 chrome green钴绿 cobalt green孔雀绿 peacock green威尼斯绿 Venetian green巴黎绿 Paris green ;king''s green墨绿 blackish green ; green black; jasper;墨玉绿 emerald black深绿 dark green ;petrol; Chinese green; bottle green 暗绿 sap green ; dark green ; deep green青绿 dark green碧绿 azure green; turquoise green ; viridity翠绿 emerald green; jade green ;bright green深翠绿 viridian蓝绿 blue green ; aquamarine黄绿 yellow green灰绿 grey green ; sage green ; hedge green;褐绿 breen品绿 light green ; malachite green鲜绿 clear green; emerald green ; vivid green嫩绿 pomona green ; verdancy中绿 medium green; golf green浅绿 light green淡绿 pale green五.青色类青色 cerulean blue ; blue ; green豆青 pea green; bean green花青 flower blue茶青 tea green葱青 onion green天青 celeste; azure霁青 sky-clearing blue石青 mineral blue铁青 electric blue ; river blue蟹青 turquoise ; ink blue鳝鱼青 eel green蛋青 egg blue影青 misty blue; white blue黛青 bluish群青,伟青 ultramarine暗青 dark blue; deep cerulean藏青 navy blue; dark blue; Ming blue靛青 indigo大青 smalt粉青 light greenish blue鲜青 clear cerulean浅青 light blue; light cerulean淡青 pale cerulean ; light greenish blue 六.蓝色类蓝色 blue天蓝 sky blue; azure ; celeste;蔚蓝 azure; sky blue月光蓝 moon blue海洋蓝 ocean blue海蓝 sea blue湖蓝 acid blue深湖蓝 vivid blue中湖蓝 bright blue浅湖蓝 canal blue清水蓝 water blue冰雪蓝 ice-snow blue孔雀蓝 peacock blue宝石蓝 sapphire; jewelry粉末蓝 powder blue铁蓝 iron blue钴蓝 cobalt blue king''s blue普鲁士蓝 Prussian blue北京蓝 Beijing blue士林蓝 indanthrene blue品蓝 reddish blue ; royal blue;king''s blue 靛蓝 indigo; indigo blue; benzo blue菘蓝 woaded blue石磨蓝 stone-washed indigo藏蓝 purplish blue; navy blue; navy海军蓝 navy blue; navy宝蓝 royal blue墨蓝 blue black绿蓝 turquoise blue紫蓝 hyacinth;purplish blue浅紫蓝 Dutch blue青蓝 ultramarine深灰蓝 blue ashes深蓝 deep blue; dark blue ; navy blue ;暗蓝 deep blue; dark blue鲜蓝 clear blue中蓝 medium blue ; azure blue浅蓝 light blue淡蓝 pale blue ; baby blue ; calamine blue 七.紫色类紫色 purple; violet紫罗兰色 violet紫藤色 lilac紫水晶色 amethyst葡萄紫 grape茄皮紫 aubergine; wineberry玫瑰紫 rose violet丁香紫 lilac钴紫 cobalt violet墨紫 violet black绛紫 dark reddish purple暗紫 violet deep; dull purple; damson乌紫 raisin蓝紫 royal light鲜紫 violet light深紫 amaranth; modena浅紫 grey violet淡紫 pale purple ; lavender; lilac; orchid 淡白紫 violet ash青莲 pale purple; heliotrope深青莲 amaranth purple雪青 lilac墨绛红 purple black暗绛红 purple deep浅绛红 purple light八.黑色类黑色 black土黑 earth black煤黑 coal black碳黑 carbon black ; charcoal black古铜黑 bronze black铁黑 iron oxide black ; iron black橄榄黑 olive black棕黑 sepia; brown black青黑 lividity深黑,漆黑 pitch-black ; pitch-dark暗黑 dull black九.白色类白色 white象牙白 ivory white; ivory牡蛎白 oyster white珍珠白 pear white ; gray lily玉石白 jade white银白 silver white铅白 flake white; lead white; ceruse white锌白 zinc white锌钡白 lithopone; pearl white羊毛白 wool white米白 off-white; shell乳白 milky-white雪白 snow-white; snowy white灰白 greyish white; off-white青白 bluish white纯白 crisp-white;pure white本白 raw white; off-white粉红白 pinky white淡紫白 lilac white十.灰色类灰色 grey; gray银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom 铁灰 iron grey铅灰 lividity; leaden grey碳灰 charcoal grey驼灰 doe豆灰 rose dust藕灰 zephyr浅莲灰 pale lilac鸽子灰 dove grey鼠灰 stale grey; mouse蟹灰 storm blue天灰 sky grey土灰 dust grey水泥灰 concrete grey烟灰 smoky grey; ash雾灰 misty grey黑灰 grey black; charcoal grey紫灰 purple grey;cadet;dove grey深紫灰 heron淡紫灰 lilac grey浅绿灰 eucalyptus浅米灰 moon light卡其灰 khaki light蓝灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey 青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green白灰 pale grey深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford grey中灰 medium grey浅灰 light grey;ash grey十一.棕色类棕色,褐色 brown红棕 umber;chili金棕 auburn铁锈棕 rustic brown桔棕 orange brown橄榄棕 olive brown十二.褐色类赤褐 sorrel; maroon;terra cotta棕褐 summer tan茶褐 auburn ; umber黑褐 black brown紫褐 puce黄褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown 栗褐 chestnut brown灰褐 taupe;mouse;greige beige;rose beige浅灰褐 putty橙褐 orange brown土褐 clay深褐 dark brown;bistre;burnt sienna暗褐 deep brown; fuscous;dun淡褐 light brown;caramel十三.其它类咖啡色 coffee酱色 caramel;reddish brown紫酱色 marron茶色 umber;dun;dark brown赫色 ocher;auburn;chocolate;sienna;umber;rust 琥珀色 amber;succinite栗色 chestnut;sorrel;marron金色 gold古金色 old gold银色 silver;argent铅色 lividity锌色 zinc铁锈色 rust青古铜色 bronze;bronzy黑古铜色 dark bronze紫铜色 purple bronze黄铜色 brassiness木色 wood土色 lividity;sallow驼色 camel;light tan米色 beige; buff;cream;gray sand卡其色 khaki奶油色 cream豆沙色 cameo浅豆沙色 pale mauve藕荷色 bisque肉桂色 cinnamon肉色 flesh , carnation;incarnadine;pastel peach;水晶色 crystal荧光色 iridescent彩虹色 iris; rainbow部分建筑材料用的颜色Spanish Red 晚霞红/西班牙红Terra Cotta 中国红Pottery Red 陶嫣红Autumn Brown 秋叶棕Teak 淡茶褐Driftwood 浅灰褐Sierra Gray 云石灰 Chateau Green 青黛绿 Sunny Orange 阳光橙 Amber 琥珀黄Charcoal 玛瑙黑Sienna Blend 石斑褐 Harbor Blue 海洋蓝 Lake Blue 湖水蓝。
1、Black 黑色在英语中经常有“不好的”、“坏的”、“邪恶的”这种意味。
例如:black money:黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)black market:黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场); 由此派生出black market price:黑市价格例如:Black figure / in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差Black figure nation:国际收支顺差国Interest in the black:应收利息Call white black /call black white:混淆是非In the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差Black and blue:遍体鳞伤的Black sheep:害群之马Black lie:用心险恶的谎言Blackmail:勒索The pot calls the kettle black:五十步笑百步Black dog:忘恩负义的人Black hat:坏人Black letter day:倒霉的一天Black-out:暂时性记忆丧失;昏迷;停电Black and blue:遍体鳞伤▌黑色让人联想到Power 权力Fear 恐惧Strength 力量Authority 权威Formality 正式Death 死亡Evil 邪恶Aggression 攻击Sophistication 成熟2、Brown 棕色Palm : 棕树Palm fiber: 棕毛Coir rope: 棕绳A variety of black bamboo: 棕竹Brown bread:黑面包Brown polish:黑白混血儿Brown rice:糙米Brown sugar:红糖Brown paper:牛皮纸Brown-bag:带午餐上班或上学Brown nose:献殷勤,拍马屁To do sb. brown:使某人上当The brown:黑压压的一群飞鸟To do it up brown:把什么彻底搞好A brownstone district:富人居住区英语动词短语to be browned off不满意,生气的意思。
我们熟悉的颜色在西方的文化背景下却变得“面目全非”了,所以在某些情况下对于英文颜色词汇,切忌不能望文生义!不信请看:1. black本意为“黑色”。
black sheep 害群之马black list黑名单black dog沮丧black tea红茶black coffee不加糖或奶的浓咖啡2. blue本意为“蓝色”。
blue Monday不开心的星期一blue films黄色电影blue blood 贵族血统3. white本意为“白色”。
white room无菌室或绝尘室white lie没有恶意的谎言white elephant 昂贵而无用之物4. yellow本意为“黄色”。
yellow boy 金币yellow dog卑鄙的人yellow book 指法国等政府或议会发表的报告书此外, green hand表示“没有经验的新手”, red-neck表示“乡下佬”等。
*我们知道,green 意为“绿色的”,green tea则为“绿茶”,但black tea 却不能译为“黑茶”,而是“红茶”。
* blue-collar worker指“体力劳动者”,而white-collar worker 则指教师和政府工作人员一类的“脑力劳动者”,但grey-collarworker 却表示“从事服务行业的人员”。
* red meat 的本意为“红色的肉”,而英语中则表示“牛羊肉”,这可能是因为牛羊肉都是瘦肉的缘故吧。
而white meat 则指烤鸡或烤火鸡颜色较浅、味道好的部分,不过鸡腿部位的肉叫做dark meat 。
* red cap 在英国指“宪兵”,但在美国则指“车站搬运工”,也许是因为英国宪兵和美国搬运工戴红色的帽子相关吧。
* red letter 直译为“红色的字母”,但意译为“红喜字”,那么 a red letter day 当然是“喜庆日子”。
跟我一起学起来吧!一、红色类红色:red 朱红:vermeil;vermilion;ponceau 粉红:pink;soft red;rose bloom 梅红:plum;crimson;fuchsia red 玫瑰红:rose madder;rose 桃红:peach blossom;peach;carmine rose 樱桃红:cherry;cerise 桔红:reddish orange;tangerine;jacinth;石榴红:garnet 枣红:purplish red;jujube red;date red 莲红:lotus red 浅莲红:fuchsia pink 豉豆红:bean red 辣椒红:capsicum red 高粱红:Kaoliang red 芙蓉红:hibiscus red;poppy red;poppy 胭脂红:rogue red ;carmine;cochineal;lake 鲑鱼红:salmon 玳瑁红:hawksbill turtle red 海螺红:cadmium orange 宝石红:ruby red 玛瑙红:agate red 珊瑚红:coral 金红:bronze red 铁红:iron oxide red 铁锈红:rust red 镉红:cadmium red 铬红:chrome red 砖红:brick red 土红:laterite;reddle 郎窑红:lang-kiln red 均红:Jun-kiln red 釉底红:underglaze red 威尼斯红:Venetian red 法国红:French vermilion 茜红:alizarin red;madder red 洋红:carmine;magenta 品红:pinkish red;magenta 猩红:scarlet red;scarlet;blood red 油红:oil red 紫红:purplish red;madder red;wine red;玫瑰紫红:rose carmine;rose mauve 深紫红:prune;mulberry 深藕红:conch shell 棕红:henna 暗红:dark red;dull red 鲜红:scarlet red;scarlet;bright red;血红:blood red;incarnadine 血牙红:shell pink;peach beige 绯红:scarlet;crimson;geranium pink 米红:silver pink 深红:deep red;crimson 淡红:light red;carnation二、橙色类橙色:orange三、黄色类黄色:yellow 桔黄:orange;crocus;gamboge;深桔黄/深橙:deep orange 浅桔黄/浅橙:clear orange;light orange;柠檬黄:lemon yellow ;lemon ;citrine citron 玉米黄:maize 橄榄黄:olive yellow 樱草黄:primrose yellow 稻草黄:straw yellow 芥末黄:mustard 杏黄:apricot;apricot buff;bronze yellow 蛋黄:vitelline;yolk yellow;egg yellow 藤黄:rattan yellow 鳝鱼黄:eel yellow 象牙黄:ivory 日光黄:sunny yellow 石黄:mineral yellow 土黄:earth yellow;yellowish brown;砂黄:sand yellow 金黄:golden yellow,gold 铁黄:iron oxide yellow;iron buff 镉黄:cadmium yellow 铬黄:chrome yellow 钴黄:cobalt yellow 深黄/暗黄:deep yellow 棕黄:tan 青黄:bluish yellow 灰黄:isabel ;sallow;grey yellow 米黄:apricot cream;cream 嫩黄:yellow cream 鲜黄:cadmium yellow;canary 鹅黄:light yellow 中黄:midium yellow 浅黄:light yellow;pale yellow;buff 淡黄:jasmin(e);primrose四、绿色类绿色:green 豆绿:pea green ;bean green 浅豆绿:light bean green;asparagus green 橄榄绿:olive green ;olive 茶绿:tea green ;celandine green 葱绿:onion green ;pale green 苹果绿:apple green 原野绿:field green 森林绿:forest green 洋蓟绿:artichoke green 苔藓绿:moss green ;bracken green 草地绿/草绿:grass green ;meadow green 水草绿:water grass green 深草绿:jungle green 灰湖绿:agate green 水绿:aqua green 海水绿:marine green 酸性绿:acid green 水晶绿:crystal green 玉绿:jade green 石绿:mineral green 松石绿:spearmint;viridis 铜绿:verdigris 铜锈绿:patina green 镉绿:cadmium green 铬绿:chrome green 钴绿:cobalt green 孔雀绿:peacock green 威尼斯绿:Venetian green 巴黎绿:Paris green;king''s green 墨绿:blackish green;green black;jasper 墨玉绿:emerald black 深绿:dark green;petrol;Chinese green;bottle green 暗绿:sap green;dark green ;deep green 青绿:dark green 碧绿:azure green;turquoise green;viridity 翠绿:emerald green;jade green;bright green 深翠绿:viridian 蓝绿:blue green;aquamarine 黄绿:yellow green 灰绿:grey green;sage green;hedge green 褐绿:breen 品绿:light green;malachite green 鲜绿:clear green;emerald green;vivid green 嫩绿:pomona green;verdancy 中绿:medium green;golf green 浅绿:light green 淡绿:pale green五、青色类青色:cerulean blue;blue;green 豆青:pea green;bean green 花青:flower blue 茶青:tea green 葱青:onion green 天青:celeste;azure 霁青:sky-clearing blue 石青:mineral blue 铁青:electric blue ;river blue 蟹青:turquoise ;ink blue 鳝鱼青:eel green 蛋青:egg blue 影青:misty blue;white blue 黛青:bluish 群青/伟青:ultramarine 暗青:dark blue;deep cerulean 藏青:navy blue;dark blue;Ming blue 靛青:indigo 大青:smalt 粉青:light greenish blue 鲜青:clear cerulean 浅青:light blue;light cerulean 淡青:pale cerulean;light greenish blue六、蓝色类蓝色:blue 天蓝:sky blue;azure;celeste;蔚蓝:azure;sky blue 月光蓝:moon blue 海洋蓝:ocean blue 海蓝:sea blue 湖蓝:acid blue 深湖蓝:vivid blue 中湖蓝:bright blue 浅湖蓝:canal blue 清水蓝:water blue 冰雪蓝:ice-snow blue 孔雀蓝:peacock blue 宝石蓝:sapphire;jewelry 粉末蓝:powder blue 铁蓝:iron blue 钴蓝:cobalt blue king's blue 普鲁士蓝:Prussian blue 北京蓝:Beijing blue 士林蓝:indanthrene blue 品蓝:reddish blue;royal blue;king's blue 靛蓝:indigo;indigo blue;benzo blue 菘蓝:woaded blue 石磨蓝:stone-washed indigo 藏蓝:purplish blue;navy blue;navy 海军蓝:navy blue;navy 宝蓝:royal blue 墨蓝:blue black 绿蓝:turquoise blue 紫蓝:hyacinth;purplish blue 浅紫蓝:Dutch blue 青蓝:ultramarine 深灰蓝:blue ashes 深蓝:deepblue;dark blue;navy blue 暗蓝:deep blue;dark blue 鲜蓝:clear blue 中蓝:medium blue;azure blue 浅蓝:light blue 淡蓝:pale blue;baby blue;calamine blue七、紫色类紫色:purple;violet 紫罗兰色:violet 紫藤色:lilac 紫水晶色:amethyst 葡萄紫:grape 茄皮紫:aubergine;wineberry 玫瑰紫:rose violet 丁香紫:lilac 钴紫:cobalt violet 墨紫:violet black 绛紫dark reddish purple 暗紫:violet deep;dull purple;damson 乌紫:raisin 蓝紫:royal light 鲜紫:violet light 深紫:amaranth;modena 浅紫:grey violet 淡紫:pale purple;lavender;lilac;orchid 淡白紫:violet ash 青莲:pale purple;heliotrope 深青莲:amaranth purple 雪青:lilac 墨绛红:purple black 暗绛红:purple deep 浅绛红:purple light八、黑色类黑色:black 土黑:earth black 煤黑:coal black 碳黑:carbon black ;charcoal black 古铜黑:bronze black 铁黑:iron oxide black;iron black 橄榄黑:olive black 棕黑:sepia;brown black 青黑:lividity 深黑/漆黑:pitch-black;pitch-dark 暗黑:dull black九、白色类白色:white 象牙白:ivory white;ivory 牡蛎白:oyster white 珍珠白:pear white ;gray lily 玉石白:jade white 银白:silver white 铅白:flake white;lead white;ceruse white 锌白:zinc white 锌钡白:lithopone;pearl white 羊毛白:wool white 米白:off-white;shell 乳白:milky-white 雪白:snow-white;snowy white 灰白:greyish white;off-white 青白:bluish white 纯白:crisp-white;pure white 本白:raw white;off-white 粉红白:pinky white 淡紫白:lilac white十、灰色类灰色:grey;gray 银灰:silver grey;chinchilla;gray mom 铁灰:iron grey 铅灰:lividity;leaden grey 碳灰:charcoal grey 驼灰:doe 豆灰:rose dust 藕灰:zephyr 莲灰:elderberry 浅莲灰:pale lilac 鸽子灰:dove grey 鼠灰:stale grey;mouse 蟹灰:storm blue 天灰:sky grey 土灰:dust grey 水泥灰:concrete grey 烟灰:smoky grey;ash 雾灰:misty grey 黑灰:grey black;charcoal grey 紫灰:purple grey;cadet;dove grey 深紫灰:heron 淡紫灰:lilac grey 浅绿灰:eucalyptus 浅米灰:moon light 卡其灰:khaki light 蓝灰:blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey 青灰:lividity;steel grey;balsam green 白灰:pale grey 深灰:dark grey;dull grey;Oxford grey 暗灰:deep grey 中灰:medium grey 浅灰:light grey;ash grey十一、棕色类棕色/褐色:brown 红棕:umber;chili 金棕:auburn 铁锈棕:rustic brown 桔棕:orange brown 橄榄棕:olive brown 十二、褐色类赤褐:sorrel;maroon;terra cotta 棕褐:summer tan 茶褐:auburn;umber 黑褐:black brown 紫褐:puce 黄褐:drab;fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown 栗褐:chestnut brown 灰褐:taupe;mouse;greige beige;rose beige 浅灰褐:putty 橙褐:orange brown 土褐:clay 深褐:dark brown;bistre;burnt sienna 暗褐:deep brown;fuscous;dun 淡褐:light brown;caramel十三、其它类咖啡色:coffee 酱色:caramel;reddish brown 紫酱色:marron 茶色:umber;dun;dark brown 赫色:ocher;auburn;chocolate;sienna;umber;rust 琥珀色:mber;succinite 栗色:chestnut;sorrel;marron 金色:gold 古金色old gold 银色:silver;argent 铅色:lividity 锌色:zinc 铁锈色:rust 青古铜色:bronze;bronzy 黑古铜色:dark bronze 紫铜色:purple bronze 黄铜色:brassiness 木色:wood 土色:lividity;sallow 驼色:camel;light tan 米色:beige;buff;cream;gray sand 卡其色:khaki 奶油色:cream 豆沙色:cameo 浅豆沙色:pale mauve 藕荷色:bisque 肉桂色:cinnamon 肉色:flesh,carnation;incarnadine;pastel peach;水晶色:crystal 荧光色:iridescent 彩虹色:iris;rainbow 十四、部分建筑材料用的颜色晚霞红/西班牙红:Spanish Red 中国红:Terra Cotta 陶嫣红:Pottery Red 秋叶棕:Autumn Brown 淡茶褐:Teak 浅灰褐:Driftwood 云石灰:Sierra Gray 青黛绿:Chateau Green 阳光橙:Sunny Orange 琥珀黄:Amber 玛瑙黑:Charcoal 石斑褐:Sienna Blend 海洋蓝:Harbor Blue 湖水蓝:Lake Blue。
1. 红色(Red)红色是一种明亮和引人注目的颜色。
例如,我们可以使用词汇 "fiery"来形容烈火般的红色,或使用词汇 "vibrant" 来形容富有活力的红色。
2. 橙色(Orange)橙色是一种明亮和温暖的颜色。
例如,我们可以使用词汇 "cheerful" 来形容温暖宜人的橙色,或使用词汇 "vibrant" 来形容充满活力的橙色。
3. 黄色(Yellow)黄色是一种明亮和快乐的颜色。
例如,我们可以使用词汇 "sunny" 来形容明朗的黄色,或使用词汇"bright" 来形容耀眼的黄色。
4. 绿色(Green)绿色是一种宁静和和谐的颜色。
例如,我们可以使用词汇 "lush" 来形容郁郁葱葱的绿色,或使用词汇 "refreshing" 来形容清新的绿色。
5. 蓝色(Blue)蓝色是一种冷静和冷淡的颜色。
例如,我们可以使用词汇 "serene" 来形容宁静的蓝色,或使用词汇 "deep" 来形容深沉的蓝色。
6. 紫色(Purple)紫色是一种神秘和优雅的颜色。
表达颜⾊的英语词汇⼤全,超完整,收藏起来!除了会说red、black、yellow、blue,你还知道哪些颜⾊的英语词汇吗?是不是感受到了⾃⼰词汇量的严重贫瘠呢?不⽤担⼼,⼩编已经将所有颜⾊的词汇单词都给⼤家整理出来了,多看看!⼀定有帮助的!⼀.红⾊类红⾊ red朱红 vermeil; vermilion; ponceau粉红 pink; soft red; rose bloom梅红 plum;crimson;fuchsia red玫瑰红 rose madder; rose桃红 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose樱桃红 cherry; cerise桔红 reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth;⽯榴红 garnet枣红 purplish red; jujube red; date red莲红 lotus red浅莲红 fuchsia pink豉⾖红 bean red辣椒红 capsicum red⾼粱红 Kaoliang red芙蓉红 hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy胭脂红 rogue red ; carmine; cochineal; lake鲑鱼红 salmon玳瑁红 hawksbill turtle red海螺红 cadmium orange宝⽯红 ruby red玛瑙红 agate red珊瑚红 coral⾦红 bronze red铁红 iron oxide red铁锈红 rust red镉红 cadmium red铬红 chrome red砖红 brick red⼟红 laterite; reddle郎窑红 lang-kiln red均红 Jun-kiln red釉底红 underglaze red威尼斯红 Venetian red法国红 French vermilion茜红 alizarin red; madder red洋红 carmine; magenta品红 pinkish red; magenta猩红 scarlet red; scarlet; blood red 油红 oil red紫红 purplish red; madder red; wine red;玫瑰紫红 rose carmine; rose mauve深紫红 prune; mulberry深藕红 conch shell棕红 henna暗红 dark red; dull red鲜红 scarlet red; scarlet; bright red;⾎红 blood red; incarnadine⾎⽛红 shell pink; peach beige绯红 scarlet; crimson; geranium pink⽶红 silver pink深红 deep red; crimson淡红 light red; carnation⼆.橙⾊类橙⾊ orange三.黄⾊类黄⾊ yellow桔黄 orange; crocus; gamboge;深桔黄,深橙 deep orange浅桔黄,浅橙 clear orange; light orange;柠檬黄 lemon yellow ; lemon ; citrine citron ⽟⽶黄 maize橄榄黄 olive yellow樱草黄 primrose yellow稻草黄 straw yellow芥末黄 mustard杏黄 apricot; apricot buff; bronze yellow蛋黄 vitelline; yolk yellow;egg yellow藤黄 rattan yellow鳝鱼黄 eel yellow象⽛黄 ivory⽇光黄 sunny yellow⽯黄 mineral yellow⼟黄 earth yellow; yellowish brown;砂黄 sand yellow⾦黄 golden yellow, gold铁黄 iron oxide yellow; iron buff镉黄 cadmium yellow铬黄 chrome yellow钴黄 cobalt yellow深黄,暗黄 deep yellow棕黄 tan青黄 bluish yellow灰黄 isabel ; sallow ; grey yellow⽶黄 apricot cream ; cream嫩黄 yellow cream鲜黄 cadmium yellow ; canary鹅黄 light yellow中黄 midium yellow浅黄 light yellow;pale yellow;buff淡黄 jasmin(e); primrose四.绿⾊类绿⾊ green⾖绿 pea green ; bean green浅⾖绿 light bean green; asparagus green 橄榄绿 olive green ; olive茶绿 tea green ; celandine green葱绿 onion green ; pale green苹果绿 apple green原野绿 field green森林绿 forest green洋蓟绿 artichoke green苔藓绿 moss green ; bracken green草地绿,草绿 grass green ; meadow green⽔草绿 water grass green深草绿 jungle green灰湖绿 agate green⽔绿 aqua green海⽔绿 marine green酸性绿 acid green⽔晶绿 crystal green⽟绿 jade green⽯绿 mineral green松⽯绿 spearmint; viridis铜绿 verdigris铜锈绿 patina green镉绿 cadmium green铬绿 chrome green钴绿 cobalt green孔雀绿 peacock green威尼斯绿 Venetian green巴黎绿 Paris green ;king''s green墨绿 blackish green ; green black; jasper;墨⽟绿 emerald black深绿 dark green ;petrol; Chinese green; bottle green 暗绿 sap green ; dark green ; deep green青绿 dark green碧绿 azure green; turquoise green ; viridity翠绿 emerald green; jade green ;bright green深翠绿 viridian蓝绿 blue green ; aquamarine黄绿 yellow green灰绿 grey green ; sage green ; hedge green;褐绿 breen品绿 light green ; malachite green鲜绿 clear green; emerald green ; vivid green 嫩绿 pomona green ; verdancy中绿 medium green; golf green浅绿 light green淡绿 pale green五.青⾊类青⾊ cerulean blue ; blue ; green⾖青 pea green; bean green花青 flower blue茶青 tea green葱青 onion green天青 celeste; azure霁青 sky-clearing blue⽯青 mineral blue铁青 electric blue ; river blue蟹青 turquoise ; ink blue鳝鱼青 eel green蛋青 egg blue影青 misty blue; white blue黛青 bluish群青,伟青 ultramarine暗青 dark blue; deep cerulean藏青 navy blue; dark blue; Ming blue靛青 indigo⼤青 smalt粉青 light greenish blue鲜青 clear cerulean浅青 light blue; light cerulean淡青 pale cerulean ; light greenish blue六.蓝⾊类蓝⾊ blue天蓝 sky blue; azure ; celeste;蔚蓝 azure; sky blue⽉光蓝 moon blue海洋蓝 ocean blue海蓝 sea blue湖蓝 acid blue深湖蓝 vivid blue中湖蓝 bright blue浅湖蓝 canal blue清⽔蓝 water blue冰雪蓝 ice-snow blue孔雀蓝 peacock blue宝⽯蓝 sapphire; jewelry粉末蓝 powder blue铁蓝 iron blue钴蓝 cobalt blue king''s blue普鲁⼠蓝 Prussian blue北京蓝 Beijing blue⼠林蓝 indanthrene blue品蓝 reddish blue ; royal blue;king''s blue 靛蓝 indigo; indigo blue; benzo blue菘蓝 woaded blue⽯磨蓝 stone-washed indigo藏蓝 purplish blue; navy blue; navy海军蓝 navy blue; navy宝蓝 royal blue墨蓝 blue black绿蓝 turquoise blue紫蓝 hyacinth;purplish blue浅紫蓝 Dutch blue青蓝 ultramarine深灰蓝 blue ashes深蓝 deep blue; dark blue ; navy blue ;暗蓝 deep blue; dark blue鲜蓝 clear blue中蓝 medium blue ; azure blue浅蓝 light blue淡蓝 pale blue ; baby blue ; calamine blue 七.紫⾊类紫⾊ purple; violet紫罗兰⾊ violet紫藤⾊ lilac紫⽔晶⾊ amethyst葡萄紫 grape茄⽪紫 aubergine; wineberry玫瑰紫 rose violet丁⾹紫 lilac钴紫 cobalt violet墨紫 violet black绛紫 dark reddish purple暗紫 violet deep; dull purple; damson乌紫 raisin蓝紫 royal light鲜紫 violet light深紫 amaranth; modena浅紫 grey violet淡紫 pale purple ; lavender; lilac; orchid 淡⽩紫 violet ash青莲 pale purple; heliotrope深青莲 amaranth purple雪青 lilac墨绛红 purple black暗绛红 purple deep浅绛红 purple light⼋.⿊⾊类⿊⾊ black⼟⿊ earth black煤⿊ coal black碳⿊ carbon black ; charcoal black古铜⿊ bronze black铁⿊ iron oxide black ; iron black橄榄⿊ olive black棕⿊ sepia; brown black青⿊ lividity深⿊,漆⿊ pitch-black ; pitch-dark暗⿊ dull black九.⽩⾊类⽩⾊ white象⽛⽩ ivory white; ivory牡蛎⽩ oyster white珍珠⽩ pear white ; gray lily⽟⽯⽩ jade white银⽩ silver white铅⽩ flake white; lead white; ceruse white 锌⽩ zinc white锌钡⽩ lithopone; pearl white⽺⽑⽩ wool white⽶⽩ off-white; shell乳⽩ milky-white雪⽩ snow-white; snowy white灰⽩ greyish white; off-white青⽩ bluish white纯⽩ crisp-white;pure white本⽩ raw white; off-white粉红⽩ pinky white淡紫⽩ lilac white⼗.灰⾊类灰⾊ grey; gray银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom铁灰 iron grey铅灰 lividity; leaden grey碳灰 charcoal grey驼灰 doe⾖灰 rose dust藕灰 zephyr莲灰 elderberry浅莲灰 pale lilac鸽⼦灰 dove grey想学习更多英语知识,请关注⼝袋英语aikoudaiyy ⿏灰 stale grey; mouse蟹灰 storm blue天灰 sky grey⼟灰 dust grey⽔泥灰 concrete grey烟灰 smoky grey; ash雾灰 misty grey⿊灰 grey black; charcoal grey紫灰 purple grey;cadet;dove grey深紫灰 heron淡紫灰 lilac grey浅绿灰 eucalyptus浅⽶灰 moon light卡其灰 khaki light蓝灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green⽩灰 pale grey深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford grey暗灰 deep grey中灰 medium grey浅灰 light grey;ash grey⼗⼀.棕⾊类棕⾊,褐⾊ brown红棕 umber;chili⾦棕 auburn铁锈棕 rustic brown桔棕 orange brown橄榄棕 olive brown⼗⼆.褐⾊类⾚褐 sorrel; maroon;terra cotta棕褐 summer tan茶褐 auburn ; umber⿊褐 black brown紫褐 puce黄褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown 栗褐 chestnut brown灰褐 taupe;mouse;greige beige;rose beige浅灰褐 putty橙褐 orange brown⼟褐 clay深褐 dark brown;bistre;burnt sienna暗褐 deep brown; fuscous;dun淡褐 light brown;caramel⼗三.其它类咖啡⾊ coffee酱⾊ caramel;reddish brown紫酱⾊ marron茶⾊ umber;dun;dark brown赫⾊ ocher;auburn;chocolate;sienna;umber;rust琥珀⾊ amber;succinite栗⾊ chestnut;sorrel;marron⾦⾊ gold古⾦⾊ old gold银⾊ silver;argent铅⾊ lividity锌⾊ zinc铁锈⾊ rust青古铜⾊ bronze;bronzy⿊古铜⾊ dark bronze紫铜⾊ purple bronze黄铜⾊ brassiness⽊⾊ wood⼟⾊ lividity;sallow驼⾊ camel;light tan⽶⾊ beige; buff;cream;gray sand卡其⾊ khaki奶油⾊ cream⾖沙⾊ cameo浅⾖沙⾊ pale mauve藕荷⾊ bisque⾁桂⾊ cinnamon⾁⾊ flesh , carnation;incarnadine;pastel peach;⽔晶⾊ crystal荧光⾊ iridescent彩虹⾊ iris; rainbow部分建筑材料⽤的颜⾊Spanish Red 晚霞红/西班⽛红Terra Cotta 中国红Pottery Red 陶嫣红Autumn Brown 秋叶棕Teak 淡茶褐Driftwood 浅灰褐Sierra Gray 云⽯灰Chateau Green 青黛绿Sunny Orange 阳光橙Amber 琥珀黄Charcoal 玛瑙⿊Sienna Blend ⽯斑褐Harbor Blue 海洋蓝Lake Blue 湖⽔蓝。
雅思口语话题颜色1. What is your favorite color?你最喜爱的颜色是什么?I love vibrant colors, especially bright red. You know, clearly, red symbolizes good fortune and wealth in our culture, so Chinese normally dress in red during Lunar New Year. Moreover, the jacket in red really makes me look energetic.我喜爱有活力的颜色,尤其是亮红色。
而且,红色外套让我看上去充满活力!亮点表达:vibrant adj.充满活力的 energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的;2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?你会常常穿自己喜爱颜色的衣服吗?Yes, my favorite colors are black and white and I love wearing clothes in neutral colors because it can reflect my personality. Actually, Ive seen some of the fashion magazines telling that monochronic shirt is the futurefashion trend.当然,我最喜爱的颜色是黑色和白色,我喜爱穿那种中立色(无色彩)的衣服,因为这能体现我的性格。
亮点表达:neutral adj.中立的; (化学中)中性的 reflect v.反映,反射monochronic adj.出现一次的3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?你们国家有什么特别意义的颜色吗?Sure, Chinese people actually are quite superstitious. They put different meaning on colors, for example, red, yellow and green are occasionally used for festivals in order to express their joyfulness and happiness. So, they normally combine these colors together to decorate their home and courtyard.当然。
1) 汉语当中的“红”: 红糖brown sugar;红茶black tea;红榜honour roll;红⾖love pea ;红运good luck 红利dividend(a part of a company’s profit that is divided among the people with shares in the company);a red battle⾎战;red tape官僚作风(official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being done quickly and easily) red sky 彩霞 早霞不出门,晚霞⾏千⾥:red sky at night, shepherd’s delight red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning. 2) ⽪肤⽩皙不宜译成:she has a white skin. ⽽宜译为she has a fair skin/complexion( someone who is fair, or who has fair hair or skin, has hair or skin that is very light in colour) 3) Become red-faced/turn red 脸红,不好意思,难为情 see red ⼤发脾⽓:to become very angry The maxim(a well-known phrase or saying, especially one that gives a rule for sensible behaviour) was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green.(在美国钞票是绿⾊的,所以绿⾊代表钱财或有经济实⼒的) 俗话说,夫妇吵得⾯红⽿⾚之时,便是律师招财进宝之⽇。
What is the difference betwen Color and Colour? Color和Colour的区别是什么? Both words mean the same thing and its spelling depends on the country where the word is written. 这两个词的意思相同,它们的拼写是源于不同国家的书写习惯。
The word Color is used in United States. Coloe⽤于美国。
The word Colour is used in the rest of the English-speaking countries (England, Australia, NZ etc.) Colour适⽤于其他英语国家,包括英国、澳⼤利亚、新西兰等国。
The more common colours in English are: black, brown, geay/grey, white, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, blue, green. 英语种常见的颜⾊有:⿊⾊、棕⾊、灰⾊、⽩⾊、黄⾊、橙⾊、红⾊、粉红⾊、紫⾊、蓝⾊、绿⾊。
What is the difference betwen Gray and Grey? Gray和Grey的区别是什么? The same as with the difference between color and colour, it depends on the country. 这两个词的区别跟color 和 colour⼀样,⽤于不同国家。
The word Gray is used in United States. Gray⽤于美国。
The word Grey is used in the rest of the English-speaking countries (England, Australia, NZ etc.) Grey⽤于其他英语国家,包括英国、澳⼤利亚、新西兰等国。
颜色及代表含义:white白色, black黑色, red红色, blue蓝色, yellow黄色purple紫色,同时课程中老师还为大家介绍了其他不常见颜色表达,如camel驼色,brilliant blue 孔雀蓝等。
颜色习语:Brown sugar红糖, black tea红茶;red sky 彩霞;black money黑钱;black dog忧郁、不开心的人;black sheep 害群之马,败家子;green-eyed嫉妒、眼红;a green hand新手;a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人;white man善良的人,有教养的人其实视频中总结的习语还有很多,考生可以对比自己平常是如何描述的,然后就会觉得这些习语的可贵之处,而用在雅思口语考场上无疑是锦上添花的素材。
可以通过各种不同的颜色代表的含义,来进行描述,如,中国传统颜色,红色一般都是和joy, happiness, auspiciousness等联系在一起;同时还有明白颜色和性格的关系,例如喜爱红色的人一般会很外向,强势,热情,冲动等。