收稿日期:2005-11-24;修回日期:2006-01-23 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(60277014) 作者简介:李多(1972—),女,黑龙江伊春人,北京师范大学物理系讲师,在职博士生,主要从事普通物理教学工作.物理学史从诺贝尔物理学奖看光学的发展李 多,杨 婷,刘大禾(北京师范大学物理系,北京 100875) 摘要:从一个新的角度分析、讨论了光学的发展过程.并对光学今后的发展做了展望.关键词:诺贝尔奖;光学;相干性;量子性;非线性中图分类号:O 4209;O 43 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100020712(2006)0520042206 自诺贝尔物理学奖1901年首次颁发以来,一直受到物理学工作者的极大重视.同时,对诺贝尔物理学奖的研究也成为许多人感兴趣的领域.其中,有些研究工作属于编年史研究;有些研究侧重于分析诺贝尔奖获奖者的年龄结构、国籍或研究领域;也有一些研究注重介绍获奖者的贡献等等.这些工作对物理学史的研究和发展起到了重要的作用.然而,纵观已有的研究我们发现:迄今为止,还很少有人从物理学某个分支学科的角度对诺贝尔奖的历史进行分析和讨论.光学是一门既古老又年轻的学科,是物理学中一个重要的分支.通过分析100多年来的诺贝尔物理学奖我们发现:与光学直接或间接相关的获奖成果有40多项.这些获奖的光学研究工作对于物理学的发展起到了非常重要的作用.特别值得一提的是,无论是相对论还是量子力学的建立,都与光学的发展密切相关.例如:相对论的基本假定之一就是光速不变原理;而量子力学的建立则是从对黑体辐射(普朗克)、氢原子的光谱结构(玻尔)以及光电效应(爱因斯坦)的讨论开始的.本文将在分析100多年来的诺贝尔物理学奖的基础上,从一个新的角度探讨物理学中的一个重要领域———光学的发展过程.通过研究,我们将对光学的发展过程有新的认识,并对今后光学的发展提出了一些新的看法.1 百年诺贝尔奖光学部分100多年来,光学的研究大多与光的相干性、量子性和非线性这三个范畴有关.纵观与光学相关的诺贝尔物理学奖可以发现:99%的获奖工作集中在光的相干性和量子性(其中,有关光的量子性的研究近70%).表1列出了诺贝尔物理学奖中与光学直接或间接相关的获奖工作、获奖者姓名、获奖年份及所属范畴(表中的内容除第五列(范畴)外全部摘自诺贝尔奖委员会的文件.读者可访问以下网址:http :///physics/laureates/).表1 百年诺贝尔物理学奖光学部分简表获奖时间获奖者姓名国籍获奖原因范畴1901威廉・康拉德・伦琴(W ilhelm C onrad R ntgen )德国因发现伦琴射线而获奖相干性1902亨德里克・安东・洛伦兹(Hendrik Antoon Lorentz )皮埃特・塞曼(Pieter Z eeman )荷兰荷兰因研究磁场对辐射现象的影响所取得的成就(塞曼效应)而获奖量子性第25卷第5期大 学 物 理V ol.25N o.52006年5月C O LLEGE PHY SICS May.2006续表获奖时间获奖者姓名国籍获奖原因范畴1907艾伯特・亚伯拉罕・迈克耳孙(Albert Abraham M ichels on)美国(生于普鲁士)因发明迈克耳孙干涉仪及在光谱学方面的工作而获奖相干性1908加布里埃尔・李普曼(G abriel Lippmann)法国(生于卢森堡)因发明用干涉效应使照相底片重现彩色的方法而获奖(彩色照相)相干性1911威廉・维恩(W ilhelm W ien)德国因发现热辐射定律而获奖相干性1912尼尔斯・古斯塔夫・达伦(Nils G ustaf Dalén)瑞典因发明灯塔和浮标照明用的气体存储器和自动调节器而获奖1914马克斯・瑟奥多・冯・劳厄(M ax Theodor V on Laue)德国因发现X射线在晶体中的衍射而获奖相干性1915威廉・亨利・布拉格(W illiam Henry Bragg)威廉・劳伦斯・布拉格(W illiam Lawrence Bragg)英国英国因在用X射线分析晶体结构方面做出的贡献而获奖相干性1917查尔斯・格洛弗・巴克拉(Charles G lover Barkla)英国因发现X射线标识谱而获奖相干性1918马克斯・普朗克(M ax Planck)德国发现能量子量子性1919约翰尼斯・斯塔克(Johannes S tark)德国因发现极隧射线的多普勒效应及电场中谱线的分裂(斯塔克效应)而获奖量子性1921阿尔伯特・爱因斯坦(Aibert E instein)德国因对理论物理学所做的贡献,特别是因发现了光电效应定律而获奖量子性1922尼尔斯・玻尔(Niels Bohr)丹麦因在原子结构和原子辐射方面做出的贡献而获奖量子性1923罗伯特・安德鲁斯・密立根(R obert Andrews M illikan)美国因关于基本电荷及光电效应的研究工作而获奖量子性1924卡尔・曼内・乔奇・西格班(K arl M anne G eorg S iegbahn)瑞典因关于X射线谱方面的发现和研究而获奖相干性1927阿瑟・霍利・康普顿(Arthur H olly C om pton)美国因发现以他的名字命名的康普顿效应而获奖量子性1929路易斯・维克多・德布罗意(Louis Victor De Broglie)法国因发现电子的波动性而获奖量子性1930钱德拉西卡拉・文卡塔・拉曼(Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman)印度因研究光散射和发现以他的名字命名的拉曼效应而获奖量子性1936维克托・弗朗兹・赫斯(Victor Franz Hess)奥地利因发现宇宙射线而获奖量子性1937克林顿・约瑟夫・戴维森(Clinton Joseph Daviss on)乔治・帕基特・汤姆孙(G eorge Paget Thoms on)美国英国因在实验中发现电子在晶格上的衍射而获奖相干性量子性第5期 李 多等:从诺贝尔物理学奖看光学的发展43续表获奖时间获奖者姓名国籍获奖原因范畴1944艾西多・艾萨亚克・拉比(Isidor Isaac Rabi)美国因发明核磁共振方法而获奖量子性1950塞西尔・弗朗克・鲍威尔(Cecil Frank P owell)英国因对用于核过程研究的照相法的发展和介子的发现所做的杰出贡献而获奖量子性1953弗里兹・泽尼克(Frits Z ernike)荷兰因发现相衬法,特别是发明相衬显微镜而获奖相干性1955威利斯・尤金・兰姆(W illis Eugene Lamb)美国因发现氢原子光谱的精细结构而获奖量子性1961鲁道夫・路德维格・穆斯堡尔(Rudolf Ludwig M ssbauer)德国因在γ射线的原子核共振吸收方面的研究及发现穆斯堡尔效应而获奖量子性1964查尔斯・哈德・汤斯(Charles Hard T ownes)尼古拉・根纳季耶维奇・巴索夫(Nikolai G ennadievich Bas ov)亚历山大・米哈伊洛维奇・普罗霍罗夫(Alexander M ikhailovich Prochorov)美国前苏联前苏联因在量子电子学领域的基础研究导致了根据微波激射和激光的原理制成振荡器和放大器的杰出工作而获奖量子性相干性1966阿尔弗雷德・卡斯特勒(Alfred K astler)法国因发现和发展了研究原子中电磁共振的光学方法而获奖量子性1971丹尼斯・伽博(Dennis G abor)英国因发现和发展全息方法而获奖相干性1974马丁・赖尔(M artin Ryle)安东尼・赫威斯(Antony Hewish)英国英国由于在射电天文学研究出“孔径综合”技术而获奖由于发现脉冲星而获奖相干性1978阿诺・阿伦・彭齐亚斯(Arno Allan Penzias)罗伯特・伍德罗・威尔逊(R obert W oodrow W ils on)美国美国因共同发现宇宙微波背景辐射而获奖1981凯・西格班(K ai S iegbahn)瑞典因在发展高分辨电子谱方面做出杰出贡献而获奖量子性1981阿瑟・肖洛(Arthur Schowlow)尼克勒斯・布隆姆伯根(Nicolaas Bloembergen)美国美国因在发展激光光谱学方面做出杰出贡献而获奖非线性44 大 学 物 理 第25卷续表获奖时间获奖者姓名国籍获奖原因范畴1986恩斯特・鲁斯卡(Ernst Ruska)德国因在电子光学方面的基础工作及研制第一台电子显微镜而获奖量子性1986格尔德・宾尼希(G erd Binning)海因里希・罗雷尔(Heinrich R ohrer)德国瑞士因共同研制成扫描隧穿效应显微镜而获奖量子性1989诺曼・弗・拉姆齐(N orman F.Ramsey)美国因发明了分离振荡场方法及用之于氢微波激射器及铯原子钟而获奖量子性1994伯特伦・N・布罗克豪斯(Bertram N.R ockhouse)克利福德・G・沙尔(Clifford G.Shull)加拿大美国因对中子散射谱学的贡献而获奖因对中子衍射技术的发展做出的贡献而获奖量子性量子性1997朱棣文(S teven Chu)克劳德・科恩-阿努齐(Claude C ohen-T annoudji)威廉・D・菲利普斯(W illiam D.Phillips)美国法国美国因发展了激光冷却和囚禁原子的方法而获奖量子性2001科纳尔(C ornell)凯特纳(K etterle)威依迈(W ieman)美国美国美国因玻色爱因斯坦凝聚的实验观察而获奖量子性2005戈劳贝尔(G lauber)霍尔(Hall)汉斯(H nsch)美国美国德国因相干性的量子理论而获奖因精细激光光谱技术而获奖相干性量子性 2005年的诺贝尔物理学奖刚刚公布,获奖者的贡献是在光学领域的,其研究的范畴仍属于相干性和量子性.2 诺贝尔奖与光学的发展从上述诺贝尔物理奖光学部分简表中可以看出,19世纪以来,光学的发展有以下几方面的特点:1)有关相干性的研究工作发展较早,获奖较少,基础性强从17世纪起,人们逐步认识到光的波动性(相干性).到19世纪初,研究者们已经发现了光的干涉、衍射、偏振等现象,确证了光是电磁波.到了19世纪中后期,麦克斯韦建立起了完整的电磁理论,人们对光的相干性已经有了相当深刻的认识,初步的波动光学体系己经形成,许多基本的理论和实验方面的问题都已解决.但由于有关相干性的研究很大一部分是在20世纪之前完成的,那时还没有设立诺贝尔奖.因此,诺贝尔奖中因光的相干性研究而获奖的数目较少.20世纪初,诺贝尔奖刚刚设立,第一项得奖的工作就是关于X射线的发现.由此也可以看出,光学研究在诺贝尔奖中占有重要的地位.此后仍有几次获奖是有关X射线的工作,如关于晶体的X射线衍射(1914,1915)以及X射线衍射标识谱(1917)的研究,因就其本质来说,这些工作更接近光的相干性范畴.这正是我们将有关X射线的获奖工作归入光的相干性的基本考虑.此后,有关相干性方面的研究继续发展,有不少工作获得了诺贝尔物理学奖.其中最具代表性的工作就是相衬理论的提出(泽尼克,1953年获奖),以第5期 李 多等:从诺贝尔物理学奖看光学的发展45及全息术的发明(伽博,1971年获奖).这些获奖的工作大多是应用型的.而全息术也是迄今为止诺贝尔物理学奖中最后一次因光的纯相干性工作而获奖的项目.20世纪下半叶,随着激光的出现,人们对相干性的认识又有了进一步的深化.同时,光的相干性与量子性的研究有了密切的结合.例如:在2005年的诺贝尔物理奖中,无论是相干性的量子理论,还是精细激光光谱技术,都是相干性与量子性密切结合的典范.2)有关光的量子性的研究发展迅速,获奖较多,理论和实践并行随着科学的发展,人类对光的本性的认识也在逐步深入.19世纪末到20世纪初,人们对黑体辐射、原子的离散光谱结构以及光电效应的困惑,使经典物理学遇到了严重的挑战.为了解决上述问题,20世纪前期的物理学有了极大的发展:维恩发现了热辐射规律(1911年获奖);普朗克提出了黑体辐射的量子理论,成功地解释了黑体辐射问题(1900年提出,1918年获奖);爱因斯坦提出了光量子理论,圆满地解释了光电效应(1905年提出,1921年获奖);玻尔在原子结构和原子辐射方面所做的研究,解释了原子的离散光谱(1922年获奖);康普顿发现了以其名字命名的康普顿效应(1922年发现,1927年获奖);德布罗意创立了物质波学说(1924年提出,1927年获奖).这些工作成为推动量子力学建立的直接因素.这段历史也表明:量子力学的建立同光与物质的相互作用的研究密不可分,而这也正是光的量子性研究的核心内容.最终,光的粒子性以及实物粒子波动性的提出,使人们认识到光具有波粒二象性.这段时期,随着对波动性(即相干性)认识的不断完善,人们对光的量子性表现出越来越大的兴趣.有关光的量子性的理论促进了相应的实验和应用的发展.如:1936,1937, 1944,1955,1981和1986年的获奖工作均是与实际的仪器或应用有关的.其中,有关微观粒子的光谱或能谱等方面的研究占了很大的比例.而20世纪末期的“激光冷却”是另一项颇具代表性的工作(朱棣文、T anoudji、Williams,1997年获奖).激光冷却在光与物质的相互作用中,充分利用了光的量子性(光子与被冷却粒子所构成系统的动量守恒),而同时又巧妙地利用了光的相干性(例如:在Sysiphus C ooling中,利用两束相反方向传播的圆偏振光的相干叠加来获得光学周期势).而且,激光冷却技术的发明直接导致了玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚这一著名理论论断的实验验证(2001年获奖),这成为20世纪末物理学的重大突破之一.总的来说,对光的量子性的研究使人们对光的本性的认识产生了质的飞跃.同时还可以看出,相干性是量子性的重要基础.量子性是人们对光的本质在更高层次上的认识,是光学发展的必然结果.3)有关光的非线性的研究处于发展时期,尚未成熟,但有获奖潜力非线性科学本身是整个物理学中的一个极为重要的部分,非线性是物质世界中普遍存在的现象.非线性光学是现代光学中的重要部分.然而,在有关光学的诺贝尔奖中属于非线性研究的工作却是凤毛磷角,只有Shaolow和Blombergen于1980年的获奖工作与此有关.这从某种程度上反映了有关光的非线性的研究是光学研究领域中发展较晚的一个分支,目前还处于发展的时期,尚未达到高峰.然而,非线性光学研究并不应因为它获奖少而受到忽视.1960年,第一台激光器的问世开拓了光学研究的新领域.1961年Franken在使用该激光器照射石英晶体时发现了倍频现象;此后不久,研究者们又陆续发现了受激拉曼散射、受激布里渊散射效应,以及光的自聚焦等现象.这些线性光学无法解释的现象逐渐受到了研究者的重视.近年来,光学混频及相位共轭等非线性效应,无论是在基础研究还是在应用研究中都发挥了极为重要的作用.几十年来,有关光的非线性现象的研究逐渐广泛、深入地开展起来.例如:在自聚焦、相位共轭、多波混频、光学参量放大及光学双稳态等方面,都已形成一定的理论,有相当出色的工作产生.特别是20世纪90年代以来,非线性光学的研究开始进入飞秒区域、光通信领域等方面,并发挥着重要作用.值得注意的是,非线性光学研究中的绝大部分工作都是与相位匹配这一相干性中的基本问题紧密相联的.我们相信,作为光学研究的主要领域之一,在不久的将来,一定会有一批关于光的非线性的相关研究工作获得诺贝尔物理学奖,成为光学发展的新的里程碑.非线性光学的研究使人们更加深刻地认识到光学现象的丰富性和复杂性.而对非线性的研究必然要涉及相当多的相干性和量子性基础.综上所述,对光的相干性的研究促使人类开始认识光的本性,是近代光学发展的起点.同时,相干性又是研究光的量子性和非线性的重要基础.46 大 学 物 理 第25卷4)激光在光学研究中起着重要作用,光学与其他学科紧密结合,相互促进,共同发展在分别讨论了诺贝尔奖与三个研究领域的发展之后,我们还可以从另一个角度来进行讨论.从以上分析中可以看出,近半个世纪以来,激光在上述三个领域中都起着至关重要的作用.激光作为一种新型光源,不仅具有亮度高、单色性好、方向性强等特点,而且激光本身就是相干性、量子性和非线性的集大成者.激光器是一个非平衡、非线性的系统,其辐射具有极好的相干性,而有关激光的很多现象都需要用全量子理论给予解释.激光的出现给全息光学、量子光学、非线性光学、激光光谱学等领域的研究带来了深远的影响.在第一台激光器问世后仅4年,T owns 、Bass ov 、Pulokchlov 由于在激光方面的贡献于1964年获得诺贝尔物理学奖.这是全部诺贝尔物理学奖中,获奖时间与所出成果的时间相隔最短的一次.同时,从表1中我们还可以看出,20世纪以来,光学的发展与物理学中其他学科有着密切的联系.如:1914,1915和1961年的获奖工作不仅与光学有关,而且与固体物理有着密切的关系;1974和1978年的获奖工作均与天文学有关;近年来,光学与凝聚态物理的交叉与融合已成为一个发展的趋势,有关光子晶体的研究就是这种趋势的一个极好例证.另外,激光对如统计物理、核物理的发展,都起着重要的作用.甚至对化学、生命科学与医学都有重要的影响.此外,20世纪60年代以来,特别是激光问世之后,光学还与其他科学技术紧密结合,相互渗透.如:全息技术已经在显微技术、信息存储、信息编码、红外全息等方面得到了广泛应用;在集成电路的启示下,材料科学、电子技术和光学融合发展,形成了集成光学这一边缘学科,在光通讯、信息处理等方面起到了很大的作用;光子晶体以及量子信息的研究和发展将给信息技术开辟一个崭新的天地.随着激光技术的发展,飞秒激光器的出现为超快过程、高阶非线性效应的研究提供了有效的研究手段.总之,自激光问世以来,光学与其他学科紧密结合,共同发展,在科学和技术中发挥着日益重大的作用和影响.3 总结综上所述,从分析100多年的诺贝尔物理学奖中可以看出,自19世纪以来,光学在相干性、量子性 和非线性等方面都有很大的进展.关于光的相干性和量子性的研究已取得了丰硕的成果.而关于非线性的研究已有了很好的基础和研究手段,正处于快速发展的阶段.我们有理由相信,一个辉煌的、集中反映非线性研究成果的时期将会到来.本文所提出的看法,从一个新的角度探讨了物理学发展过程的一个侧面.我们希望在这方面展开更加深入的分析和讨论.参考文献:[1] [美]弗・卡约里.物理学史[M ].戴念祖译.桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2002.234~255.[2] 钱士雄,王恭明.非线性光学———原理与进展[M ].上海:复旦大学出版社,2001.1~13.A discussion on progress of optics through N obel Prize in physicsLI Duo ,Y ANG T ing ,LI U Da 2he(Department of Physics ,Beijing N ormal University ,Beijing 100875,China )Abstract :The progress and development of optics are analyzed and discussed from a new point of view ,and the progress of optics in future is looking forward to.K ey w ords :Nobel prize ;optics ;coherence ;quantum characteristics ;non 2linearity第5期 李 多等:从诺贝尔物理学奖看光学的发展47。
因为都是自己一点点积累的,所以难免有漏,希望大家继续补充进来!1.院校名称HKU:Hong Kong University 香港大学HKUST 或UST:The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大学CUHK 或CU:The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学CityU:City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大学PolyU:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大学HKBU 或BU:Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸会大学HKIED:The Hong Kong Institute of Education 香港教育学院LNU:Ling Nan University 岭南大学NUS:National University of Singapore 新加坡国立大学(因为出现频率比较高,就加进来了)2.学位或课程MPhil:Master of Philosophy 研究型硕士MSc: Master of Science 理科硕士MA: Master of Art 文科硕士MSocsc:Master of Social Science 社会科学硕士MBA:Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士MEd:Master of Education 教育学硕士MChem:Master of Chemistry 化学硕士LLM:Master of Law 法学硕士MEng:Master of Engineering 工程硕士MFA:Master of Fine Arts 美术硕士MNurs:Master of Nursing 护理学硕士MDiv: Master of Divinity 神学硕士MAcc: Master of Accounting 会计学硕士MPH: Master of Public Health 公共卫生硕士MFM: Master of Family Medicine 家庭医学硕士MArch: Master of Architecture 建筑学硕士MSW: Master of Social Work 社会工作硕士MSSc: Master of Social Science 社会学硕士MCL:Master of Common Law 普通法硕士PhD:Doctor of Philosophy 研究型博士JD:Juris Doctor 法学博士Ed.D:Doctor of Education 教育学博士DNurs:Doctor of Nursing 护理学博士PsyD:Doctor of Psychology 心理学博士PgD 或PgDip:Postgraduate of Diploma文凭课程PgC 或PgCert:Postgraduate of Certificate 证书课程PgDE:Postgraduate Diploma in Education 学位教师教育文凭课程3.学制和申请材料以及其他AD:Admission 录取F:Fall 秋季入学,如15F指2015年秋季入学PT:Part-time 全日制FT:Full-time 兼读制GT:GRE and TOEFL GRE和托福PS:Personal Statement 个人陈述RP:Research Proposal 研究报告CV:Curriculum Vitae 简历Con offer:Conditional offer 条件录取FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题TA:Teaching Assistant 教学助理RA:Research Assistant 研究助理CSSA:Chinese Students and Scholars Association 中国学生学者联合会HKPFS:Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 香港博士奖学金计划RGC:The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong 香港研究资助局LPAT:Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers 教师语言能力考评IANG:Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates 非本地籍毕业生留港安排4.部分专业缩写GIS:Geographic Information System 地理信息系统ECE:Electrical and Computer Engineering 电子与计算机工程CS:Computer Science 计算机科学EEE:Electrical and Electronic Engineering 电子和电气工程EE:Electronic Engineering 电子工程IJS:International Journalism Studies 国际新闻学GC:Global Communication 国际传播MSAE:Master of Science in Applied Economics 应用经济学理学硕士PACG:Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance 职业会计和企业管治VCS:Visual Culture Studies 视觉文化学IEL:International Economic Law 国际经济法EIE:Electronic and Information Engineering 电子及资讯工程。
关键词:组织理论;组织趋同;制度理论;组织合法性 一 、引 言 制度理论采用了一个开放系统的组织观: 组织深刻地 受到环境的影响, 组织不仅面对技术环境, 而且还必须面 对制度环境。制度理论认为, 组织的结构和行为不仅是技 术环境下各种竞争力量和效率机制的结果, 而且还在以下 两个方面受到社会信念结构和规则系统的控制: 如何形成 组 织 和 组 织 如 何 运 作 。合 法 性 机 制 就 是 组 织 在 制 度 环 境 的 压 力 下 追 求 组 织 和 发 行 的 作 用 过 程 。制 度 理 论 运 用 合 法 性 机制来解释了组织趋同现象, 下文将主要从研究的主要问 题 、主 要 观 点 以 及 研 究 进 展 来 对 制 度 理 论 进 行 综 述 。 二、组织趋同: 制度理论研究的主要问题 制 度 理 论 研 究 的 核 心 问 题 是 组 织 趋 同 现 象 。所 谓 组 织 趋同现象( 也称组织同构现象) 是指不同类型, 处于不同运 营环境的组织的正式结构与内部的规章制度呈现相似特 征的趋势( Tolbert and Zucker, 1994) 。制度理论回答了组织
●湛正群 李 非
摘要: 文章主要评述了组织社会学制度理论研究的问题及其主要观点,研究的最新进展。制度理论认为,组织的结构 和行为不仅是各种竞争力量和运行效率的产物,而且还在以下两个方面受到社会信仰结构和规则系统的控制:如何形成
国外学者从文化认知的角度来理解和分析组织合法 性, 我国学者赵孟营则是从组织的环境角度来进行分类, 其 基 础 都 是 基 于 社 会 学 的 文 化 认 知 角 度 。学 者 们 对 合 法 性 的不同分类更多的是基于研究的需要, 都体现了制度环境 与 组 织 的 各 个 层 面 包 括 组 织 间 、组 织 内 部 各 个 层 面 以 及 组 织个体之间的相互作用。总的来说, 我们可以这样看待组 织合法性: 组织是一个开放系统, 受到技术环境和制度环 境的影响, 制 度 环 境 要求 组 织 的 行 为 、结 构 等 必 须符 合 法 律规定, 得到相关利益者的认可, 否则就有可能导致组织 失败。
沙行勉教授简历沙行勉 (Edwin Sha),男,博士生导师,正教授 (Full professor)。
1986年本科毕业于国立台湾大学资讯工程学系;后于1991年和1992年分别获美国普林斯顿大学 (Princeton University)计算机科学系硕士学位和博士学位。
1992年起任教于美国Notre Dame大学计算机科学与工程系,并于1995年起担任该系副系主任。
沙教授已在相关国际学术会议及国际核心期刊上发表学术论文270余篇,其中包括70多篇的国际期刊论文,30余篇IEEE 和 ACM Transactions 论文,SCI索引文章有60多篇。
曾担任很多个国际会议的评审委员会委员(program committee),并负责多个期刊的编审工作(including several IEEE Transactions)。
共获各类国家级教学、科研奖项30余项,其中包括美国Oak Ridge 大学联盟颁发的杰出青年教授奖 Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, 美国国家科学基金颁发的杰出学术发展奖NSF CAREER Award, NSF ITR grant, 美国圣母大学颁发的杰出教学奖Notre Dame CSE Teaching Award, 中国自然科学基金颁发的海外杰青,中国教育部颁发的长江学者讲座教授以及微软Microsoft Trustworthy Curriculum Award等。
主持多次国际重要学术会议,包括IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) 1994, Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDCS) 2000 and PDCS 2001, Parallel and Distributed Embedded Systems (PDES) 2005,IFIP Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC) 2006, Embedded Software Optimizations (ESO) 2006,EUC 2007, ESO 2007, International Symposium on Embedded Computing (SEC 2008), ESO 2008 等。
香港理工大学研究生专业列表Accountancy - MSc会计学理学硕士学位Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Actuarial and Investment Science) - MSc科技应用数学理学硕士学位(精算及投资科学)Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Decision Science) - MSc科技应用数学理学硕士学位(决策科学)兼读制Master of Applied Psychology 应用心理学硕士学位Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering 生物医学工程理学硕士学位Building Services Engineering - MSc屋宇设备工程学理学硕士学位Master of Engineering in Building Services Engineering 屋宇设备工程学工学硕士学位Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士学位兼读制Master of Science in China Business Studies 中国商贸管理理学硕士学位Chinese Culture - MA 中国文化文学硕士学位Chinese Language and Literature - MA中国语文文学硕士学位Chinese Linguistics - MA 中国语言学文学硕士学位Civil Engineering - MScMaster of Science in Civil Engineering 土木工程学理学硕士学位Master of Science in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution 建筑法及争议解决学理学硕士学位Construction and Real Estate - MS建筑及房地产学理学硕士学位Master of Corporate Finance 企业金融学硕士学位兼读制Master of Corporate Governance 公司管治硕士学位Master of Design 设计学硕士学位E-Commerce - MSc电子商贸理学硕士学位Master of Educational and Child Psychology 教育及儿童心理学硕士学位Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 电机工程学理学硕士学位Master of Science in Electronic and Information Engineering 电子及信息工程学理学硕士学位Master of Sciencein Engineering Business Management or Manufacturing Systems Engineering 工程商业管理理学硕士学位或制造系统工程理学硕士学位(与Warwick, UK合办)Master of Arts in English Language Arts 英语语言艺术文学硕士学位Master of Arts in English Language Studies 英语语言文学硕士学位Master of Arts in English Language Teaching 英语教学文学硕士学位Master of Arts in English for the Professions 专业英语文学硕士学位Environmental Management and Engineering - MSc环境管理及工程学理学硕士学位Facility Management - MSc设施管理理学硕士学位Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design 服装及纺织品设计文学硕士学位Master of Arts in Fashion and Textiles 服装及纺织文学硕士学位Master of Finance (Investment Management) 财务学硕士学位(投资管理)Master of Sciencein Fire and Safety Engineering 消防及安全工程学理学硕士学位Master of Science in Geomatics 测绘及地理信息学理学硕士学位2个方向(Geographic Information Systems地理信息)和(Surveying测量)Executive Masters in Global Hospitality Leadership 全球酒店高级管理硕士学位兼读制Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management 全球供应链管理理学硕士学位兼读制Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling 谘商与辅导文学硕士学位Master of Science in Health Care (Infection Control) 医疗护理学理学硕士(感染控制)Master of Science in Health Informatics 健康信息科技理学硕士学位Master of Science in Industrial Logistics Systems 工业物流系统理学硕士学位Master of Science in Information Systems 信息系统理学硕士学位Master of Science in Information Technology 信息科技理学硕士学位Master of Science in Integrated Engineering 综合工程学理学硕士学位Master of Science in International Hospitality Management 国际酒店管理理学硕士学位Master of Science in International Shipping and Transport Logistics 国际航运及物流管理理学硕士学位1到2年不等(2年可以申请奖学金项目,由协会颁发)Master of Science in International Tourism and Convention Management国际旅游及会展管理理学硕士学位 1.5年Master of Arts in Japanese Studies for the Professions 专业日语文学硕士学位Master of Science in Knowledge Management 知识管理理学硕士学位Master of Science in Management (Human Resource Management) 管理学理学硕士学位(人力资源管理,2013年9月入学为第一届全日制课程招生)Master of Science in Management (Operations Management) 管理学理学硕士学位(营运管理)兼读制Master of Science in Management (Public Sector Management) 管理学理学硕士学位(公营机构管理)Master of Science in Neurological Physiotherapy/Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities/Rehabilitation Sciences 神经复康物理治疗理学硕士学位/发展障碍人士复康理学硕士学位/康复科学理学硕士学位Master of Science in Marketing Management 市场营销管理理学硕士学位Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 机械工程学理学硕士学位◦MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Product Development and Analysis)机械工程学理学硕士学位(产品开发及分析)◦MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Air/Noise Pollution Management)机械工程学理学硕士学位(空气/噪音环保管理)◦MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)机械工程学理学硕士学位(航空工程)◦MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Aviation)机械工程学理学硕士学位(民用航空)Master of Science in Medical Imaging and Radiation Science 医学影像及放射科学理学硕士学位Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science 医疗化验科学理学硕士学位Master of Science in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology 多媒体科艺理学硕士学位Master of Science in Nursing 护理学理学硕士学位Master of in Professional Accounting 专业会计硕士学位Master of Science in Project Management 项目管理理学硕士学位Master of Science in Quality Management 质量管理理学硕士学位兼读Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development 社会政策及社会发展文学硕士学位Master of Social Work 社会工作硕士学位兼读Master of Arts in Social Work (Family-centred Practice and Family The rapy) 社会工作文学硕士学位(家庭本位实务及家庭治疗)1Master of Arts in Social Work (Mental Health) 社会工作文学硕士学位(精神健康)Master of Science in Software Technology 软件科技理学硕士学位Master of Science in Sustainable Urban Development 可持续城市发展学理学硕士学位Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language 对外汉语教学文学硕士学位Master of Science in Technology Management 科技管理理学硕士学位Master of Arts in Translating and Interpreting 翻译与传译文学硕士学位。
2015PI 项目汇总表
理論物理/光學/凝聚態物理2015-092 理論物理 2015-159
0702 物理學
WANG Jianfang
11 12 13 14
0702 物理學 0702 物理學 0702 物理學 0710 生物學 0703 化學
2015-118 2015-119
林志恒 戴吉岩 周昌松 李紅榮
2015-086 2015-087
陳建成 陳文博
CHAN Kin Shing CHAN Michael K
0703 化學
Chair Professor
22 23 24
0703 化學 0703 化學 0702 物理學 0703 化學 0710 生物學 0703 化學/0710 生物學 1001 基礎醫學/1002 臨床 醫學 1005 中醫學/1007 藥學 1008中藥學 0705 地理學 0705 地理學 0705 地理學 0816 測繪科學與技術 0706 大氣科學 0707 海洋科學 0709 地質學 0710 生物學 海洋生物學 礦床學 神經生物學 理論及計算化學 理論物理 分析化學
6 7 8 9
0701數學 0702 物理學 0702 Байду номын сангаас理學 0702 物理學
基礎數學 半導體物理與 半導體器件物理
2015-006 2015-068
楊彤 王雨 劉仁保 湯雷翰
YANG Tong WANG Yu LIU Renbao TANG Lei-Han
Biological Systems
Industrial &
Civil and
Systems Environmental
School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences
Myers-Lawson School of
Automobile and Jet Engine Applications
High-Temperature Characteristics of SiC MOSFET
Forward I-V characteristics
ID (A)
1200 V 20 A SiC MOSFET (4 x 4 mm2)
Phrase: “Typical results are shown …”
Meaning: The best results are shown …
or: The only results are shown …
• 31 000 students
• 77% undergraduate • 23% graduate
ECE Research (2009) • $30M • #14 in U.S. ECE departments
Future Energy Electronics
Center (FEEC)
Center for Photonics Technology
Center for Power
香港理工大学设计学(国际设计与商业管理)授课型研究生申请要求香港理工大学简介学校名称香港理工大学学校英文名称The Hong Kong Polytechnic University学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名91香港理工大学概述香港理工大学(The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity),简称“理大(PolyU)”,是一所坐落于中国香港的国际化公立研究型大学,QS世界大学排名世界百强大学,京港大学联盟、沪港大学联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、中欧商校联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、新工科教育国际联盟、克林顿全球倡议大学、全球能源互联网大学联盟成员高校,香港理工大学工商管理学院是同时具有AACSB、EQUIS和AMBA三重认证的商学院。
设计学(国际设计与商业管理)专业相关信息专业名称设计学(国际设计与商业管理)专业英文名称Master of Design (International Design and Business Management)隶属学院设计学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.0 托福80GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间9月27日-4月30日2020 Fall 申请时间第1轮:9月26日-12月13日; 第2轮ddl:2020年1月24日; 第3轮ddl:2020年3月6日;第4轮ddl:2020年4月30日(延期至6月30日)学费(当地货币)190800设计学(国际设计与商业管理)课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1愿景与变革Vision and Change2基本设计理论和概念Essential Design Theories and Concepts 3基本业务理论和概念Essential Business Theories and Concepts4设计与业务创新中技术的基本整合Essential Integration of Technologies in Design & Business Innovation 5管理价值创造Managing Value Creation6生活方式,文化与创新Lifestyles, Cultures and Innovation 7跨文化管理Cross-cultural Management8多学科项目1-研究与分析Multidisciplinary Project 1 - Research and Analysis9多学科项目2-解决方案开发Multidisciplinary Project 2 - Solution Development10论文Capstone Reflective Thesis* 香港理工大学设计学(国际设计与商业管理)研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。
香港理工大学——课程式研究生课程(所有院系)太傻留学整理2008年07月10日我要说两句责任编辑:Adola 我要说两句:香港中文大学——研究式课程(博士,硕士)课程表太傻留学整理2008年07月09日我要说两句1. 只限全日制2. 只限兼读制3. 包括肿瘤学系、内科及药物治疗学系、儿科学系及精神科学系4. 自负盈亏课程香港科技大学——研究式研究生学位及课程太傻留学整理2008年07月10日我要说两句香港大学——经济与工商管理学院研究式研究生太傻留学整理2008年07月13日我要说两句Department Research Areas Departmental Requirements Postgraduate Admissions AdvisorSchool of BusinessManagementAsian/Chinese businessorganization andmanagement practice;organizationallearning; human resourcestrategies;organizational behaviorof employees;entrepreneurship;leading change andgrowth in Chinese firms;network organizations;cross-culturalmanagement; leadership.ContactPersonDr S. LamTel:28591008Fax: 2858 5614Email:simonlam@business.hku.hk1. GMAT or GRE scoreobtained within five years.(The GMAT and GRE codes forthe MPhil/PhD programmesare FS2-WL-48 and 2482respectively.)2. Only PhDStudents will beadmitted.Dr D. ChanTel No: 2857 8357Fax No: 2858 5614Email address:derekchan@business.hku.hkAccounting Production and use of accounting information; relationship between financial information and stock prices; voluntary disclosure and earnings management behaviour of corporate managers; enterprise governance, performance measurement, inventory and supply chain management,internationalaccounting and auditing related issues.ContactProf. A. Lau PersonTel:2857Fax: 2858 5614 8369Email:ahlau@business.hku.hkFinanceCorporate finance; asset pricing theories; portfolio analysis; financial institutions; fixed-incomesecurities; derivative securities; exotic options; international finance; risk management; capital market microstructure; Asian financial markets; econometricapplications in finance.China Marketing and Services MarketingChina MarketingHigh performance firms in China: marketing orientation, product innovation and channel capabilities.;Diversification and strategies of global brands in China; globalization of Chinese firms; branding strategies and icons; consumer aspirations; consumption fantasy and consumers in transition.Contact Person Professor D.K.C. TseTel:28591010Fax: 2858 5614Email:davidtse@business.hku.hkServices Marketing High Performance Service System: Design, quality and key processes. Firm orientations, innovations in services, and channel capabilities.Branding and Growth: service as brands, operational competence, growth and globalization of Hong Kong firms. Consumer Satisfaction and Service Delivery Systems: customer学院及部门建筑学院 文学院 经济及工商管理学院 牙医学院 教育学院 工程学院 法律学院 李嘉诚医学院 理学院 社会科学院 研究生院 专业进修学院 数码港学院 不属于任何院系的研究中心内地本科生入学计划 (2008)招生名额:250-300人;截止日期:2008年4月30日(书面申请);2008年6月15日(网上申请);申请费:书面申请人HK$400;逾期报名HK$500; 学费:HK$10万/年;奖学金:最高HK$14万/年,连续3年。
香港理工大学Professor Albert P.C. Chan 简历
Professor Albert P.C. ChanMSc (Aston), PhD (S. Aust.),FCIOB, FAIB, FHKICM, FHKIE, MAIPM, MIEAust, MAIQS, MRICS, Hon. FHKIPM, RPE(Bldg)Tel.: (852) 2766 5814 Fax.: (852) 2764 5131E-mail address : bsachan@.hkProf. Albert Chan is a Chartered Construction Manager, Engineer, Project Manager, and Surveyor by profession. Prof. Chan has worked in a number of was a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of the School of Building and Planning at the University of South Australia. Prof. Chan joined the Department University in 1996 and was Associate Head (Teaching) between 2005 and 2011; Associate Dean and Interim Dean of Faculty of Construction and En respectively. Prof. Chan's research and teaching interests include project management and project success, construction procurement and relationaconstruction health and safety, and construction industry development. Apart from teaching and research, Prof. Chan has been commissioned by a n project management and construction health and safety. He has produced over 600 publications in refereed journal papers, international refereed c outputs. He has won a number of prestigious research paper and innovation awards since 1995. Prof. Chan holds an MSc in Construction Ma Birmingham, and a PhD in Project Management at the University of South Australia. Prof. Chan maintains good links with overseas institution universities. Prof. Chan was also a Founding Director of Construction Industry Institute, Hong Kong, which was a joint research institution developed by TeachingMain areas Project ManagementInternational Construction ProjectsConstruction Procurement Research and Scholarly ActivitiesResearch InterestsProject Management & Project SuccessProject Finance & Public Private partnerships (PPP) Construction Procurement & Relational ContractingConstruction Industry DevelopmentConstruction Health and SafetyCurrent ResearchIn the Capacity as Principal InvestigatorPilot medical examination scheme for construction workers (Construction Industry Council Research Grant) 2014-16Projects Developing a personal cooling system (PCS) for combating heat stress in the construction industry (RGC General Res Evaluating the economic, social, and cultural impacts of revitalizing industrial buildings in Hong Kong (RGC Public PoManaging Construction Safety for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong (PolyU Research Grant) 2012-2014, $258,300.00Anti-heat stress clothing for construction workers in hot and humid weather (RGC General Research Fund) 2012-201Experimental Research on Health and Safety Measures for Working in Hot Weather. RGC General Research Fund, 20 In the Capacity as Co-InvestigatorAssessing the time performance of building construction in Hong Kong (Construction Industry Council Researc$996,475.00Electrical and Mechanical Safety in Construction (Construction Industry Council Research Grant) 2014-16, Prof FrancDevelopment of a Fire Risk Assessment Model for New Construction Sites in Hong Kong Dr Daniel Chan as PI, PolyUAn exploratory study of the implementation of the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) in Hong Kong. Dr- Departmental General Research Fund. 2011-2013, $225,000.An Investigation of Pitfalls in Output Specifications for Public-Private Partnership Projects and their Solutions. DrFund, 2010-2013, $556,871.Research Students Supervision (On-going) Zhou, X (2014-) The impacts of building information modeling (BIM) on productivity: experienced on construction Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Zahoor, HZAK (2013-) Development of a computerized “Safety Performance Measurement Model” for the construc Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Utama, WP (2013-) A fuzzy neural network decision support system for selecting overseas construction projects Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Shan, M (2012-) Collusion prevention strategies for public funded constructions projects in People’s Republic of C and Real Estate, TheHong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Yang, Y (2012-) A model to determine the suitability of PPE for construction in a hot and humid environment. PhD Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Ameyaw, EE (2011-) Risk Allocation Model for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Water Supply Projects in Ghana. Ph Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Guan, Y (2010-) Impact of heat stress on construction workers. PhD Thesis, Department of Building and Real Estate Progress).Hong, YM (2009-) Implementation of Construction Partnering in the People’s Republic of China (PRC): Cha Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Chan, TK (2009-) Developing a Practical Management Framework for Enhancing Partnering Performance for U Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Law, OK (2009-) Integrating Social Responsibility Criteria into Ethical Decision-Making Model for Hong Kong Profess and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).Yuen, MTL (2007-) The Improvement of Safety Climate in the Small-Scale Construction Works ¡V from Attitude to Cand Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (In Progress).(Completed)Yi, W (2011-2014) Modeling rebar labor productivity in hot weather. PhD Thesis, Department of Building and University (Successfully completed in 2014). Hu, Y (2010-2014) Construction Program Organisation Model and Its Application in Megaprojects of the People's ReBuilding and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Successfully completed in 2014). Peng, T (2008-2012) Developing Appropriate financing Modalities for Complex Infrastructure Projects . MPhil ThesThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Successfully completed in 2012).Choi, NY (2008-2012) Investigating the Current Application and Future Development of Pay for Safety Scheme (PFSMPhil Thesis, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Successfully completeHon, CKH (2008-2012) Relationships between Safety Climate and Safety Performance of Repair, Maintenance, MinPhD Thesis, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Successfully completedXu, Yelin (2008-2010) Contract Design and Management for PPP Method in China. PhD Thesis, Institute of ConstructUniversity, PRC.Xia, Bo (2007-2010) Study on Design-Build Delivery Method in the Chinese Construction Industry. PhD Thesis, DeHong Kong Polytechnic University.Ke, Yongjian (2007-2010) A Risk-based Financial Evaluation Method for Public-Private-Partnership Projects. PManagement, Tsinghua University, PRC.Cheung, E (2006-2009) A Best Practice Framework for Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). PhD Thesis, the QueenslanYeung, JFY (2004-2007) Developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Construction Partnering – a Fuzzy Set TheBuilding and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Wong, JWM (2002-2006) Forecasting Manpower Demand in the Construction Industry of Hong Kong. PhD Thesis, DHong Kong Polytechnic University.Lam, EWM (2000-2005) A Conceptual Model of Project Success for Design and Build Projects in the Public SectorBuilding and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Chan, APL (2000-2004) Critical Success Factors for Delivering Health-care Projects in Hong Kong. PhD Thesis, DepHong Kong Polytechnic University.Member, Task Force on the Proposed “Green Deck”, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Member, Senate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Member, Central Administration Committee, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Member, Academic Council, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Chair, Executive Committee, Faculty of Construction and Environment. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Chair, Faculty Staff Committee, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Ex-officio Member, Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong PolytechEx-officio Member, Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong KInterim Dean, Faculty of Construction and EnvironmentMember , Search Committee for Recruitment of Dean (Construction and Environment), The Hong Kong Polytechnic UMember , Health and Safety Committee (HSC), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Member , Campus Development and Space Allocation Committee, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Chair , Faculty Partnership Committee, Faculty of Construction and EnvironmentChief Editor , Construction and Environment, Faculty of Construction and EnvironmentMember , Academic Planning CommitteeConsultancy Conduct a consultancy study on the Effectiveness of personal cooling equipment for protecting workers from heat scommissioned by the Occupational Safety and Health Council, 2012 – 2013.Conduct a consultancy study on the Procurement Strategy, Delivery Systems and Contractual Arrangement forcommissioned by Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, 2010.Comprehensively review the Safety Management System, commissioned by Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, 2009-Develop a Pay for Safety Scheme for Subcontractors, commissioned by Gammon Construction Limited, 2007-08.Identify Development Strategy for Professional Resources of Hong Kong's Construction and Related Engineering SeBranch of Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government, 2007-08.Provide Technical Assistance (TA4724 - PRC) in: Application of Public-Private Partnerships in Urban Rail-Based TraMTR Corporation Limited and funded by the Asian Development Bank, 2007-08.Facilitate an Initial Partnering Workshop for The Hong Kong Community College Development at K.I.L. 11163 (HChevalier (Construction) Co. Ltd., 2006.Facilitate an Initial Partnering Workshop for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Phase 7 Development, commissLtd., 2004.Develop a Model to Estimate Construction Personnel Manpower Demand and Supply on a Regular Basis, commissiothe HKSAR, 2002.Analyse Partnering in Hong Kong, commissioned by the Hong Kong Housing Society, 2001.Investigate the Ready-Mixed Concrete Supply in Hong Kong, commissioned by the Hong Kong Housing Authority, 19External AppointmentMember of the Editorial Advisory Board . Facilities . Emerald Group Publishing (2014 - ). Regional Editor . Indoor and Built Environment . SAGE Journals (2014 - ).Member of the Editorial Board. Engineering Science Letters , Science & Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited, Member of the Editorial Board . Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building – Conference Series (2Member of the Scientific Committee . CIB W099 International Conference on Achieving Sustainable ConstructionKamprad Design Centre (IKDC) 2-3 June 2014.Adjunct Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, PRCMember of the Editorial Board . Journal of Construction Engineering , Hindawi Publishing corporation, USA (2012-).Member of Expert Review Panel - Built Environment (2013) for Formas’ ge neral call forgrant applicationsEnvironment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.Member of the Editorial Board. Journal of Frontiers in Construction Engineering, World Academic Publishing Co. Ltd. Member of Appeal Tribunal PanelAdjunct Professor, Huaqiao University, PRC.Adjunct Professor, The Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia.Adjunct Professor, The University of South Australia (UniSA), Australia.Adjunct Professor, The Bond University, Australia.External Examiner, Quantity Surveying programme in the School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains M Local Partner to the Doing Business Annual Report Series, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Developme Member of the Technical Committee. The First Australasia and South-East Asia Structural Engineering and Con Australia, November 28-December 2, 2012.Member of the Scientific Committee. The 37th Australian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) 2012 Wales, Sydney, 4-6 July 2012.Member of International Scientific Committee, Third International Conference on Construction in Developing Cou 4-6, 2012, Millennium Hilton Bangkok.Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation (JCPMI), South Africa (2 Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management (JCEPM), Korea Management (KICEM), South Korea (2010-).Member of Editorial Review Panel, International Journal of Construction Project Management, Nova Science Publish Member of the Construction Annual Review Editorial Board, Constructive Publications Company, UK(2008-).Professional Service Member, Asia Pacific Education Standards Board, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyor. Assessor of the Professional Assessment Interview, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Member of the Advisory Board, The Hong Kong Institute of Project Management.Book/ Monograph 1 Chan, APC and Cheung, E (2014) Public Private Partnerships in International Construction: Learning from Case St London and New York, 190 pages.Keynote Presentation 1 Chan, APC (2013) Revitalizing industrial buildings in Hong Kong – lessons learnt. Euro Asia Economic Forum 201 26-28 September 2013, Xi’an International Conference Centre, China,176Externally Refereed Journal Paper 1 Chan, APC, Yang, Y, Wong, DP, Lam, EWM, and Li, Y (2013) Factors affecting horticultural and cleaning workers’ pEnvironment. 66 (2013) 181-189Externally Refereed 1 Chan, APC, Yang, Y, Wong, FKW, Yam, MCH, Lam, EWM, Wong, DP, Guo, YP, Li, Y, and Hu, JY (2013). On-site weapreference for two types of cooling vest in combating heat stress. In Ahmed, SM, Smith,N,Azhar, S,Shah,ConferencePaper Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Challenges in InnoConstruction & Engineering, CITC-VII , December 19-21, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, Paper 17, ID92, p.11.Doctoral Thesis 1 Chan, APC (1996) Determinants of Project Success in the Construction Industry of Hong Kong, Unpublished PhD T247 pages.MSc Thesis 1 Chan, APC (1983) Materials Control on Confined Sites, Unpublished MSc Thesis, The University of Aston in BirminghaBRE Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding 2012/13HKIS Sponsorship for writing textbooks (2013)CIOB International Innovation and Research Awards 2012: Health and Safety AwardThe Chartered Institute of Building International Innovation and Research Awards 2012: Health and Safety Awartolerance time to optimal recovery time: a heat stress model for construction rebar workers in Hong Kong”.BRE Research Publication Award (2011/12) in the Category of Chair Professor/ProfessorDepartment of Building and Real Estate in recognition of publishing the highest number of scholarly and research ouBRE Research Publication Award (2011/12) in the Category of Chair Professor/Professo rDepartment of Building and Real Estate in recognition of publishing the highest number of scholarly and research ouDean's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding (2011/12)Faculty of Construction and Environment in recognition of the outstanding achievement in research funding.Fifteen (15) Years Long Service AwardThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University in appreciation of the service rendered.BRE Research Publication Award (2010/11) in the Category of Chair Professor/ProfessorDepartment of Building and Real Estate in recognition of publishing the highest number of scholarly and research ouDepartmental Award for Outstanding Achievement in Academic Programme Development (2010/11)Department of Building and Real Estate in recognition of the outstanding achievement in academic programmeReal Estate (Team Award).Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Academic Programme Development 2010Faculty of Construction and Environment in recognition of the outstanding achievement in academic progrManagement (Team Award).National Excellent Papers on Construction Economy (2008-09), the People’s Republic of China (PRC)In recognition of the paper “Risk allocation in infrastructure public-private partnership (PPP) projects”. ConstructionOutstanding Professional Services and Innovation Awards 2008Institute for Enterprise, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – International Award for Rapid Demountable PlatforThe Innovation Achievers Award for 2008/09The Chartered Institute of Building International Innovation and Research Awards 2008/09 in recognition of the pap Platform for undertaking building repair and maintenance works at height in Hong Kong”.Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding 2008Faculty of Construction and Land Use in recognition of the outstanding achievement in research funding.Gold Medal with the Congratulations of the Jury, 200836th International Exhibition Inventions, New Techniques and Product, Geneva, Switzerland, in recognition of Platform (RDP©).Award of High Scientific and Technological Level of the Invention, 2008Romania Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Presented by Romania Ambassador Ionel Sava to Switzerla Rapid Demountable Platform (RDP©).Doing Business Award, 2008The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation in recognition of 4 years of Partnership.Outstanding Performance, Team Award (Teaching), 2003Conferred by the Faculty of Construction and Environment, in recognition of the Outstanding Delivery of the MSc P Chongqing, PRC through Distance Learning Mode.Runner-up Award, CIOB Research Paper Competition 2001Conferred by the Chartered Institute of Building, U.K., for a success factors for partnering projects: a Hong Kong perspecti Gold Prize, Year 2000 Safety Paper CompetitionConferred by the Safety Specialist Group, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers for a paper titled "Impact of safety pro 1995 Fred Wilson Memorial PrizeConferred by the Australian Institute of Building, in reco “Managerial responsibilities of project managers”。
文章编号:1004-8308(2021)03-0163-13 DOI:10.13581/ki.rdm.20200287
Vol. 33 No. 3 Jun. 2021
基于质性分析软件 Nvivo 11 对资料编码,为避免文本分析结果受编码者主观影响,编码过程由课题 组 3 位成员合作完成。编码开始前统一编码要求,每人选取 2 家企业进行首轮编码,结束后,每人再次选 择 2 家企业进行二轮编码,同一人两次所选企业不得重复。二轮编码结束后,通过 Nvivo 11 软件计算两次 编码一致性。对于一致性系数较低的编码再次商榷并修正,最终二轮编码的一致性系数 Cohen’s Kappa 如表 3 所示。经计算,6 家企业编码的一致性检验结果均值为 0.815,表明本次编码具有良好信度。
数据驱动依赖于激活数据属性推动企业发展,相关研究主要集中于数据如何在消费者需求识别、商 业模式创新以及生态网络协同创新等领域发挥价值。①消费者需求识别方面,企业可以通过与客户互动 创新,了解消费者行为,随用户需求的偏好差异和动态变化实时调整产品创新策略[15-16],也可通过数据进 行用户行为预测[17]。②商业模式创新方面,BALDASSARRE 等[18]研究发现可持续价值主张的设计是用户 驱动创新与可持续商业模式创新的桥梁。在经济活动离散化解构和全息化重构的思想下,企业可从产 品、场景和消费者 3 个要素入手,分析数据如何驱动商业模式创新[19-20]。③生态网络协同创新方面,供应 商、合作伙伴、经销商等多方数据均可推动生态网络的协同创新。在供应链创新过程中数据驱动可以通 过激活数据属性实现大规模定制和敏捷制造[21-23]。数据的可挖掘性和真实性对制造企业和物流企业协 同程度具有显著正向影响,多样性和价值性对其正向影响不显著,价值性通过影响制造企业发展水平产 生间接作用[24]。数据也能够驱动供应链能力的提升,其中协调和响应能力与财务绩效显著正相关[25]。以 上关于数据驱动企业创新发展的研究多为具有资源能力优势的大型制造企业如何实现数据驱动创新发 展,而中小制造企业囿于其资源和能力等天然劣势,无法照搬大型制造企业的成功经验,目前缺乏关于数 据驱动中小制造企业创新的研究。
热门的翻译和冷门的研究作者: 方海博时间: 2008-05-12 20:42:39 | [回复] [发表] [<<] [>>]如果你真想做学术时间: 2008年05月12日 10:20 作者:方海博来源:新东方今天上了10个小时课,极其疲惫。
数日前与香港理工大学翻译系朱教授电话,因为岭南大学催得比较紧,所以我思来想去还是说了实话,希望打探到理工大学何时可以给我确定的博士offer,朱教授一开始以为我是要在国内考研,所以说到现在还不能给我准确信息,建议我继续修改research proposal,不要耽误我在国内的计划。
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2023-2024学年甘肃省天水市张家川县高一下学期6月联考英语试题You can study a wide range of topics in an art and design school, from history to sculpting, theater to fashion. Due to the variety, learners remain interested, and a challenging curriculum encourages them to think outside the box. The top art schools in Hong Kong are listed below.The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK PolyU)The school benefits from its location as a link between the East and the West, enabling its students to improve their creative skills while also gaining a distinctively global cultural awareness. Practical skills are thought to be a crucial component of the problem-solving process, which students must practise through practical workshop activities. The workshop facilities give students the chance to become familiar with the techniques needed for perfect making.The University of Hong Kong (UHK)Study subjects that interest you and select from a large range of beginner arts courses to learn about new themes. You have the freedom to create a course of study that is ideal for you thanks to the program’s adaptable curriculum and inviting dual (双的) degree choices. You will choose your own combination of courses during your first year from a wide range of basic arts and humanities courses.The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)The Faculty (系) of Arts at CUHK has always been essential to the university’s commitment to combining Chinese with Western traditions, with bilingual teaching, and with cutting-edge interdisciplinary (跨学科的) research.Vocational Training Council (VTC)The multidisciplinary program here exposes students to a wide range of modern visual arts mediums and actively involves them in the larger cultural sectors. And the program promotes a dynamic climate where interdisciplinary arts projects grow via cooperation and creativity within the arts sector. Graduates are also encouraged to pursue careers as professional artists.1. Which school can you choose to learn to make things?A.The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. B.The University of Hong Kong.C.The Chinese University of Hong Kong. D.Vocational Training Council.2. What can students do at the University of Hong Kong?A.Obtain a global cultural awareness. B.Choose courses suitable for them.D.Pursue careers as professional artists.C.Perform cutting-edge interdisciplinaryresearch.3. What do the four schools have in common?A.They all carry out bilingual teaching.B.They all offer interdisciplinary courses.C.They all aim to develop innovative talents.D.They all provide a dynamic learning atmosphere for students.This is the last Christmas that Faye and Matthew have spent in their house, which has already been sold. Faye and Matthew Gooding and their five young sons appear to have perfect lives. For the couple themselves, however, this “materially perfect world” was lacking in something—so now they are giving up all their possessions to travel around the world with their children. Most of their belongings h ave been given to their neighbors. Faye said, “It is a relief to get rid of so many possessions. Thankfully, our parents understand and support us.”“I hesitated for a while because some friends think Faye and I are mad to give up so much. When we told the older boys, they were so excited that they were going to have so much time as a family. It made me realize the amount of toys or material possessions can’t replace time spent with our children. They’ve had to give away so many toys, bikes and books. My wi fe Faye was so determined to keep to our plan,” said Matthew.They will leave this month and plan to start their travels in Sweden where they have friends. Faye said, “My older boys plot where we go next but we hope to see Europe and over two years travel as far as Japan, America, Bali and Thailand. We don’t plan to hire any tour guides. We just depend on a compass and local people to move in the right direction.”Faye, who posts on Instagram as a mother of five boys, added, “It is a risk because we are giv ing up so much. I, however, even plan to quit my job after the travel. We can’t wait to spend more time with our sons without the stresses of everyday routines. We don’t know what will happen, but we do know if we didn’t do this we would always regret it.”4. How will Faye and Matthew cover the travel costs?A.By selling their house. B.By doing part-time jobs.C.By asking parents for help. D.By borrowing from neighbors.5. What is Faye’s attitude towards traveling around the world?A.Worried B.Excited C.Uncertain D.Firm6. Who will decide where the family will travel?A.Faye B.Matthew C.The children D.The tour guide 7. From which is the text probably taken?B.A life journal C.A paper D.A diary A.A travelguidebookA Japanese company has announced the successful test drive of a flying car. SkyDrive Inc. conducted the public demonstration on August 25. The company said in a news release at the ToyotaTest Field, one of the largest in Japan, “This is the first time the flying car was exhibited to the public.”“We are extremely excited to have achieved Japan’s first-ever manned flight of a flying car in the two dozen months since we founded SkyDrive...” CEO Tomohiro Fukuzawa said in a statement. “We want to realize a soc iety where flying cars are an accessible and convenient means of transportation in the skies and people are able to experience a secure, and comfortable new way of life.”The car, named SD-03, manned with a pilot, took off and circled the field for about four minutes. It is the world’s smallest electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle and takes up the space of about two parked cars, according to the company. It has eight motors to ensure “safety in emergency situations”.“We wanted this vehicle to be f uturistic, charismatic and desirable for all future customers, while fully incorporating the high technology of SkyDrive,” Design Director Takumi Yamamot said. The company hopes to make the flying car a part of normal life and not just a commodity. More test flights will occur in the future under different conditions to make sure the safety and technology of the vehicle meet industry standards.The success of this flight means that it is likely the car will be tested outside of the Toyota Test Field by the end of the year. “The company will continue to develop technologies to safely and securely launch the flying car in 2024,” the news release said, “No price has been announced.”8. What does the underlined word “demonstration” mean in the first paragraph?A.Announcement. B.Exhibition. C.Experiment. D.Statement.9. What does Tomohiro Fukuzawa expect the flying cars to be?A.Convenient and safe. B.High-speed and splendid.C.Comfortable and large-sized. D.Space saving and economical.10. What is SD-03 like according to the passage?A.It is similar to plane. B.It is self-driving.C.It is bigger than a common car. D.It is energy saving.11. What will researchers do for the flying car next?A.To make it safer. B.To reduce its price.C.To test it in the laboratory. D.To put it to the market at once.Maya Lin, designer and sculptor, has created some of the most iconic works and spaces with the belief that art can address important issues. Her latest projects are no different, from museums to sculptures for Presidential centers.Lin, 62, grew up in Ohio, the daughter of college professors who were Chinese immigrants. As a 21-year-old student at Yale University, she gained national prominence when her entry won a design competition for the new Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Her winning design —two black granite (花岗岩) walls engraved with the names of US service members who died in the Vietnam War (1954-1975) or remain missing — is considered one of the most influential in modern architecture.Lin went on to design the 1989 Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama, and dozens of other projects globally, all with social and environmental justice in mind. She told The Wall Street Journal she uses facts in her art. She said, “I am going to present you with what the story is, but I am not going to draw the conclusion for you.” Currently underway is Lin’s plan for the new Museum of Chinese in America in New York City. Lin said she wants it to be a celebration of Chinese American stories and contributions to the country.Lin is also designing a sculpture to honor former President Barack Obama’s mother, who died in 1995, at the Obama Presidential Center in Illinois. When Obama awarded Lin the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016, he called her work “p hysical acts of poetry, each reminding us that the most important element in art or architecture is human emotion.”12. What is Maya Lin’s principle to make her creation?A.Art is to lead to reputation B.Art is a physical act of poetry.C.Art is to create something distinguished. D.Art can be a medium to approach affairs.13. What is conveyed in her work for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?A.US soldiers’ sacrifice in the Vietnam War.B.The influence of the Vietnam War on America.C.The bloody and cruel scenes of the Vietnam War.D.Vietnamese soldiers’ fearless fight in the Vietnam War.14. Where will the sculpture of Barack Obama’s mother be housed?A.Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.B.Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama.C.Museum of Chinese in America in New York City.D.Obama Presidential Center in Illinois.15. Which of the following best suits the topic of the passage?A.Designing with talentsB.Stirring up emotions in artC.Becoming a great Chinese immigrantD.Creating the most influential architectureConscious (有意识的) living is not just a trend. 16 It is about being intentional with everything you do—your words, actions, beliefs, habits, and choices. Accepting conscious living takes some efforts, but it is worthwhile. Here are some ways you can achieve this goal.● Be conscious about your time.Time is the most precious thing because there is no way to live a moment again. The way you spend your time determines the course of your life. If you waste your precious hours doing negative things, you will regret it later. The first step for living consciously is to be wise about your time. 17● Know yourself better.You cannot achieve them unless you understand your needs and intentions. 18 Spend time thinking over and knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Once you know yourself better,you can create a plan to work towards becoming more patient,honest,and forgiving.● Learn to be grateful.Gratitude takes you a long way towards conscious living. It opens you up to a happier and a fulfilled mindset. Most people are unhappy because they see only the negatives in life. However, everyone has something to be grateful for. Writing a gratitude journal is a good start for counting your blessings. 19●Believe in yourselfIt is the key to making the right choices, yet not regretting the wrong ones. The best way to build self-belief is by reflecting on your own thoughts. 20 Care for it and follow it to make it stronger down the line.My family always had some sort of animal around, but none of them were truly mine. My parents didn’t permit me to _________ my own until I was seven years old. Finally, I was _________ to have my own _________, a fish called George. I said it was my responsibility to _________ it. Every Friday I would clean out his bowl. I found myself _________ invitations to go somewhere immediately after school, because I would have to feed my fish first. Every day he would remind me that I was _________ and that I had someone depending on me.One day, I came home from school and headed to my room to _________George. I found a_________ thing had happened. I _________ my bag and ran over to the bowl. I saw my best friend George floating around lifeless.My mom walked into my room. I turned around as tears started to well in my eyes. “Mommy, George d…d…died.” With that __________ word I started crying uncontrollably. My mom came to my side as I hid my face in my pillows.Suddenly, I realized that George hadn’t just __________ me. He had taught me what __________ meant. I learned it through feeding him and cleaning his bowl. This made me feel __________ . To my seven-year-old self, this was a great __________ . Slowly, a smile crossed my face. George was gone.__________ , the lessons he taught me would forever be carved into my memory.21.A.draw B.imagine C.have D.share22.A.doubtful B.excited C.surprised D.afraid23.A.toy B.mind C.time D.pet24.A.take care of B.make use of C.get hold of D.look forward to 25.A.reading out B.putting away C.turning down D.showing off 26.A.replaced B.recognized C.affected D.needed27.A.feed B.save C.impress D.find28.A.basic B.terrible C.funny D.familiar29.A.dropped B.emptied C.hid D.checked30.A.common B.last C.extra D.new31.A.left B.reminded C.defeated D.chosen32.A.preference B.independence C.difficulty D.responsibility 33.A.safe B.good C.sorry D.tired34.A.agreement B.treatment C.disappointment D.achievement 35.A.Otherwise B.Besides C.However D.Therefore阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
理大於2015年11月14日舉行的第二十一屆畢業典禮上,向五位傑出人士頒授榮譽博士學位 。
, Prof. Pei Gang,President of TongjiUniversity(Doctor of Sciencehonoris causa)同濟大學校長裴鋼教授(榮譽理學博士)Prof. Dame AlisonRichard, formerVice-Chancellor ofthe University ofCambridge and SeniorResearch Scientist atYale University(Doctor of Humanitieshonoris causa)劍橋大學前校長及耶魯大學高級研究科學家Alison Richard 教授(榮譽人文學博士)Mr John Slosar,Chairman of SwirePacific Limited(Doctor of BusinessAdministrationhonoris causa)太古股份有限公司主席史樂山先生(榮譽工商管理博士)UNIVERSITY FELLOWS 大學院士On 20 October 2015, PolyU conferred the honorary title of University Fellowship on six outstanding individuals in tribute to their significant contributions to the University and the community.2015年Ms Yao Jue, JP, acclaimed violinist著名小提琴家姚珏女士, JPDr Gail Forey received the 2015 UGC Teaching Awardin recognition of her commitment to make a differencethrough teaching. Believing that discourse analysis hastremendous value in helping teachers enhance theirexpertise, Dr Forey is regarded as an inspirational teacherby fellow colleagues as well as a role model by students.Gail Forey博士獲頒2015年教資會傑出教學獎,以表揚她致力透過教學帶來改變。
香港理工大学言语治疗学授课型研究生申请要求香港理工大学简介学校名称香港理工大学学校英文名称The Hong Kong Polytechnic University学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名91香港理工大学概述香港理工大学(The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity),简称“理大(PolyU)”,是一所坐落于中国香港的国际化公立研究型大学,QS世界大学排名世界百强大学,京港大学联盟、沪港大学联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、中欧商校联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、新工科教育国际联盟、克林顿全球倡议大学、全球能源互联网大学联盟成员高校,香港理工大学工商管理学院是同时具有AACSB、EQUIS和AMBA三重认证的商学院。
言语治疗学专业相关信息专业名称言语治疗学专业英文名称Master of Speech Therapy隶属学院人文学院学制 2.5年语言要求雅思7分 托福100分GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间9月27日-2月28日2020 Fall 申请时间9月26日-3月14日学费(当地货币)463500言语治疗学课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1生物医学基础I Foundations in Biomedical Sciences I2生物医学基础II Foundations in Biomedical Sciences II3行为与社会科学基础I Foundations in Behavioural and Social Sciences I4行为与社会科学基础II Foundations in Behavioural and Social Sciences II5语言学和语言科学基础I Foundations in Linguistics and Language Sciences I6语言学和语言科学基础II Foundations in Linguistics and Language Sciences II7语言学和语言科学基础III Foundations in Linguistics and Language Sciences III8语言学和语言科学基础IV Foundations in Linguistics and Language Sciences IV9沟通障碍和听力学导论Introduction to Communication Disorders and Audiology10言语治疗与听觉学导论Introduction to Speech Therapy and Audiology序号课程中文名称课程英文名称11小儿沟通障碍:评估与治疗IPaediatric Communication Disorders: Assessment and Treatment I12小儿沟通障碍:评估和治疗II Paediatric CommunicationDisorders: Assessment and Treatment II13成人交流障碍:评估和治疗I Adult Communication Disorders: Assessment and Treatment I 14成人交流障碍:评估和治疗II Adult Communication Disorders: Assessment and Treatment II 15其他沟通障碍:评估和治疗IOther Communication Disorders: Assessment and Treatment I 16其他沟通障碍和吞咽障碍:评估和治疗II Other Communication Disorders and Swallowing Disorders: Assessment and Treatment II 17研究项目I Research Project I 18研究计划二Research Project II 19临床实习I Clinical Practicum I 20临床实习II Clinical Practicum II 21临床实习III Clinical Practicum III 22临床实习IV Clinical Practicum IV 23临床实习V Clinical Practicum V 24临床实习VI Clinical Practicum VI 25临床实践VII Clinical Practicum VII 26案例会议Case Conference27职业道德与问题Professional Ethics and Issues* 香港理工大学言语治疗学研究生申请要求由Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。
2006年3月第38卷 第2期外语教学与研究(外国语文双月刊)Foreign Language Teaching and Research(bimonthly)Mar.2006Vol.38No.2本刊稿件格式要求 11稿件构成○论文中文标题、英文标题○中文提要、英文提要、中英文关键词○论文正文○参考文献○附录等(如果有)○作者姓名、单位、通讯地址、电话号码、E-mail地址(另页) 21正文格式1)小标题 一般单独占一行,居中;段首小标题,前空两格,后空一格。
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3)夹注夹注可采用以下几种形式(其中“作者姓 名”表示引文或所依据的文献为中文作者的用其姓名,英文作者的用其姓):(作者姓 名年代:原文页码)例如:随着语篇研究的深入,人们认识到“只有把交际过程的所有因素都包容进来时,语篇才能得到恰当的解释和描写”(Dogil et al.1996:481)。
作者姓 名(年代:原文页码)例如:Leather(1983:204)认为“音段音位层面的迁移是受本身制约的,而超音段音位层面的迁移具有聚集性,因此更为严重”。
(作者姓 名年代)例如:研究表明,可控因素通常包括动机、观念和策略(Wen1993;文秋芳、王海啸1996)。
作者姓 名(年代)例如:Halliday(1985)认为,从语言的使用角度看,情景语境中有三个因素最为重要。
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Part B To be completed by the Referee Name of the Referee: * Prof./Dr/Mr/Ms
(*Please delete as appropriate.)
(Surname first and in BLOCK letters) Position: Institution & Address:
If you are able to, please comment on the applicant’s research proposal.
Please give any other comments that you think will be of assistance in assessing the suitability of the applicant for a research degree.
Notes to the Applicant: The applicant should complete Part A below and send this form to a referee for completion of Part B. The Research Office will only accept completed Referee’s Report Forms directly from the relevant referees. Please see "Notes to the Referee" below. Please note that an applicant’s proposed supervisor and individuals from non-academic circles are normally not acceptable as referees.
Please give an assessment of the applicant’s suitability for pursuing a research degree (Please tick as appropriate.) Item Academic achievements Knowledge in the proposed research area Capacity to undertake independent research English proficiency Chinese proficiency, if applicable Analytical abilities Capacity of original thinking Motivation to pursue research studies Excellent (top 5%) Very Good (top 15%) Good (top 25%) Average Below Average Unable to Assess
Telephone No.:
Fax No.:
Dept. Applied To: _______________________ Application No.: (If available) Part B To be completed by the Referee (Cont’d) Applicant’s Name: 1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
Dept. Applied To: Application No.: (If available)
THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Referee’s Report Form (To be mailed or faxed by the referee directly to the address noted in the box below.)
What is your overall recommendation? (Please tick as appropriate.) Highly recommended Recommended Not recommended
I understand that in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the above comments are subject to the applicant’s request for access both during and after the admissions process, before the data are destroyed.
Part A To be completed by the Applicant Name of the Applicant: * Mr/ Ms
(*Please delete as appropriate.)
(Surname first and in BLOCK letters) Programme Applied For: Department/School: Proposed Research Area: MPhil PhD (Please tick one only.)
Notes to the Referee: Please complete Part B of this form and return it directly to the Research Office by mail or by fax: Research Office The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Room M501, Li Ka Shing Tower Hung Hum Kowloon, Hong Kong [Tel: (852) 3400 3635 / Fax: (852) 2355 th the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, applicants can request access to their referee’s report during and after the admissions process, before the data are destroyed.
Signature of the Referee:
Thank you for your help.
May 2009