Business Review-China-Feb 22 2016






个企业转向关注跨企业 2.并非所有维度都是同等重








Chinese Business Review, Jan.-Mar. 2023, Vol. 22, No. 1, 15-21 doi: 10.17265/1537-1506/2023.01.002 Measuring I/O-Production in Digital EconomyJean-François EmmeneggerUniversity of Fribourg, SwitzerlandHassan Ahmed Nour EldinBergische Universität Wuppertal, GermanyAccording to OECD standards (United Nations, 2008), “productivity is commonly de fined as a ratio of a volume measure of output to a volume measure of input use”. This ratio indicates how efficiently production inputs, such as labour and capital, are being used in an economy to produce a given level of outputs. Productivity stays aside the main aggregates of national accounts, as the national income (a proxy of GDP), the total output and the circulating capital. Assume the existence of a Leontief-type national Input-Output Table with the vector of total output and the vector of intermediate inputs, situated on its right and lower border. In this paper a measure of capital productivity is proposed. It is called the productiveness, and results from the solution of a boundary value problem, elaborated for Input-Output Tables, involving the vector of total output and the vector of intermediate inputs.Keywords: Input-Output Table (IOT), productiveness, commodity flow matrix, Perron-Frobenius theorem, Frobenius number, eigenvectorsSome National Input-Output TablesConsider a schematic Input-Output Table (Table 1)1 (Nathani, Schmid, & van Nieuwkoop, 2011), where the transactions z ij in monetary terms are recorded at basic prices in the supply-table of the central part, described by the n ×n commodity flow matrix Z = {z ij }. On the right side is the use-table of final consumption, which is in reality a matrix, but here it is aggregated to a single vector f ={f i } of final use. Then, there is on the lower side the value added part, which is here represented by the vector of intermediate inputs y I = {y Ij } and the vector v = {v j } of value added.We work with national Input-Output Tables, the German IOT 2013, the Austrian IOT 2015, and the Swiss IOT 2014, which differ one from the other, not only with respect to the number n of sectors but also to their structure. The sectors are composed of product groups in the rows, and the same number of homogenous economic activities (branches) in the columns, classi fied according to the CPA system.Jean-Francois Emmenegger, PhD, lecturer, Department of Quantitative Economics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.Hassan Ahmed Nour Eldin, PhD, professor, Faculty of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jean-François Emmenegger, Department of Quantitative Economics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.1 The notations follow the usual standards. The products or product groups are classi fied in the columns according to the CPA system, the economic activities are grouped in homogenous branches in the rows according to the NACE classi fication but are then adapted in the symmetric Input-Output Tables also to the CPA system. Germany, Austria and Switzerland operate in this way, see Nathani, Schmid, and van Nieuwkoop (2011).DA VID PUBLISHINGDMEASURING I/O-PRODUCTION IN DIGITAL ECONOMY16Table 1A Symmetric IOT of n Producing Sectors and a Sector of Total Final UseProducts (CPA) Homogenous branches: buying sectors Final use Total output selling sectors S 1 S 2 ... S j ... S n S 1 z 11 z 12 ... z 1j ... z 1n f 1 x 1 S 2 z 21 z 22 ... z 2j ... z 2n f 2 x 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... S i z i 1 z i 2 ... z ij ... z in f i x i ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... S nz n 1 z n 2 ... z nj ... z nn f n x n Outlays (intermediate Inputs) value added y I 1 y I 2 ... y Ij ... y In V = F v 1 v 2 ... v j ... v n Total outlaysx 1x 2...x j...x nXOne may expect that all the production sectors participate with their goods to the means of production . But this is not the case. For example, in the Austrian IOT 2015 there is the branch n =65 and the product n =65, called “Services provided by extraterritorial organisations and bodies”, exhibiting exclusively zero entries, even a null-row and a null-column throughout the whole IOT! For this reason, the corresponding total output is zero, x 65=0. The null-row and null-column of sector n =65 can be skipped, because they contribute to no aggregates. Then the vector of total output, reduced by value x 65=0, becomes positive, x >o , a condition we request to be ful filled in our calculations!The generally reducible 2 (Emmenegger et al., 2020, p. 459; Gantmacher, 1986, p. 417)semi-positive commodity flow matrices Z ={z ij }≥O have therefore a maximal, real, non-negative Frobenius number λZ ≥0 (Frobenius, 1912) to which are associated non-negative eigenvectors s ≥o,Zs =λZ s , see Gantmacher (p. 409), or, Emmenegger et al. (2020, p. 472, Theorem A.10.1). Matrix Z can be transformed with a permutation matrix P in a completely reducible “canonical form”,(1)where Z̃11, Z ̃22, ..., Z ̃SS now are irreducible square matrices, not necessarily of the same order (note that the zero matrix of order 1 is irreducible).Indeed, we need positive Frobenius numbers, and we have to strengthen the mentioned theorems. This is possible. Without giving a complete proof, the factthat there are many positive components in matrices Z , representing the substance of the economy, guarantees the positivity of the Frobenius number λZ >0. Thesubmatrices Z̃ii ,i = 1,… s , of matrix Z (1) are irreducible square matrices. The maximal eigenvalue of Z (Frobenius number) is equal to the maximal eigenvalue of one of the submatrices Z̃ii , see Emmenegger et al. (2020, p. 472, Lemma A.10.1) or Gantmacher (1986, pp. 411-412).2For the notion of reducibility and irreducibility, see Emmenegger et al. (2020, p. 459) or, Gantmacher (1986, p. 417).MEASURING I/O-PRODUCTION IN DIGITAL ECONOMY17A Specific Sraffa Price Model With Subsistence WagesNow, we formulate a speci fic Sraffa price model (Sraffa, 1960), see Emmenegger et al. (2020, pp. 110-118), where all the workers obtain exclusively subsistence wages, consisting of commodities like a bundle of agricultural products as wages. The conditions are adapted to the above discussed national IOTs. All the surplus goes as pro fits to the entrepreneurs. There is the semi-positive matrix S ≥O . There is a positive vector of surplus d >o , and therefore a positive vector of total output q =Se +d >o , as discussed for the Austrian IOT 2015. We set up the corresponding speci fic Sraffa price model, leading to an eigenvalue equation, using the coefficients matrix C =Sq ̂−1≥O , which is reducible or irreducible as matrices Z ,(2)Lemma A.10.3 (Emmenegger et al., 2020, p. 476) is applied. The Frobenius number of C′ is positive, λC =1/(1+R)>0, as it has been stated for matrix Z . The special requests x >o and q >o for IOTs imply a positive price vector p >o . Equation x =q ̂p >o holds. The value of the means of production is termed as circulating capital K =e′(S′p), the value of the total output is X = e′(q ̂p)= e′x .Every CPA product group is characterized by four speci fic attributes : quantity q i , price p i , value x i =p i q i , and object e i ,i =1,...,n . These attributes can be combined to the following vectors: the vector of total outputs of quantities q =[q 1,...,q n ]′>o , the price vector p =[p 1,.., p n ]′>o , the vector of values x =q ̂p =[x 1,.., x n ]′>o and the vector of objects e =[1,..,1]′, the objects giving the units of production for one period.In the symmetric I-O-Tables (Table 1) the total outputs are equal to the total outlays, x =y . This is an accounting identity, an equilibrium between the input of the means of production of the product groups and the output of the homogenous branches , using the vectors of interindustrial products x I =Ze , of final use f >o , of total supply , of intermediate inputs y I =Z′e , together with the vector of value added v . This leads to the identity,(3)The Leontief-type Input-Output Tables represent matrix components z ij ,i,j =1,...,n , periodic commodity flows in monetary terms . Piero Sraffa (1960) aimed commodity flow s in physical terms. Sraffa proposed to represent by matrix components s ij , quantities of commodities or bundles of commodities, analogue to CPA product groups 3 (Produktmix et al., 2011, p. 11), generating a commodity flow matrix S in physical terms , representing the means of production. With prices p i the equations z ij = p i s ij hold 4. An analogue relation exists between the total final use f j and the surplus d j , giving f j =p j d j . The price vector p >o is then diagonalized to the diagonal matrix p̂. The equations are written in matrix form, giving Z = p̂S and f = p̂d >o .3 in German: Produktmix et al. (2011, p. 11).4If the bundles of commodities are subdivided down to the level of single products like wheat or coal, the physical terms become physical measure units like kilogram, liter, etc.MEASURING I/O-PRODUCTION IN DIGITAL ECONOMY18A Capital Productivity Measure: ProductivenessUsing the above presented notions, we propose a measure of capital productivity , putting the value of the annual surplus d of an economy, as outputs, in relation to the value of the means of production , represented by matrix S , as inputs. We need an intermediate result: d =q −Se =q −Cq ̂e =Iq −Cq =(I −C)q . Taking the price vector p , the value of the volume of output is obtained, p′d = p′(I −C)q . The volume of total input of production is the summed-up commodity flow matrix in physical terms , Se =S(q ̂q)=(Sq ̂)q =Cq , its value is the scalar p ′Cq . We obtain as measure of capital productivity ,(4)Now we take the speci fic Sraffa price model (2), where all the surplus goes into the profits of the entrepreneurs, transposing, we get p ′C +Rp ′C =p′I , multiplying that equation from the right side with vector q , solving for R ,(5)The term, R = ρ, is the above de fined capital productivity (4). We call R the productiveness of the economy 5. Lemma 1 shows that the productiveness R of an economy (5) of a background Sraffa price model (2), is directly computed in terms of a boundary value problem de fined on matrix Z , see also Emmenegger et al. (2020, pp. 399-408).Lemma 1: Consider a reducible flow commodity matrix Z =p̂S with positive Frobenius number λZ >0. Set up the vectors y I =Z ′e,y =x =Ze +f and v =y −y I . Compute a right eigenvector s 1, Zs 1=λZ s 1. The productiveness R (5), associated to a background Sraffa price model (2), is the quotient of the scalarproducts s 1′v and s 1′y I . The Frobenius number λC =11+Rof C (2) is the quotient of the scalar products s 1′y Iand s 1′y ,R =s 1′v s 1′y I , s 1′y I s 1′x =s 1′y I s 1′y =11+R=λc (6)Proof: We start from the background Sraffa price model (2): q =Se +d,S ′p (1+R )=q ̂p =y , setting C =Sq ̂−1, λC≔11+R=> S ′p = λC q ̂p . By de finition: Z ′=S′p̂ and y I =Z ′e =S ′p̂e =S′p . Then, one getswith (2), (3)y =q ̂p: (λF s 1′)e =(s 1′Z ′)e =s 1′(Z ′e )=s 1′y I . For this reason, one obtains:.We illustrate Lemma 1 by an elementary computational example.Example 1: Consider an economy consisting of n =2 sectors, from which one knows an annual5To our knowledge the term productivity of the economy (in German: Mass der Produktivität der Wirtschaft) for this number R has been proposed by Helmut Knolle in the year 2010 in a similar context of another speci fic Sraffa price model with irreducible matrix, a so-called standard system with standard commodity.MEASURING I/O-PRODUCTION IN DIGITAL ECONOMY19commodity flow matrix and the vector of supply in physical terms,(7)Compute the vector q =Se +d >o , the coefficients matrix C =Sq ̂−1>O , the Frobenius number λC >0 of the matrix C , the productivity R = (1λC)−1 > 0 and the price eigenvector p =[1,p 2]′ of matrix C . Then, compute the commodity flow matrix Z =p̂S in monetary terms and its Frobenius number λZ . Compute then the vectors x,y,x I ,y I and v , as well as the normalized right eigenvector s 1=[s 11,1]′ of Z , Zs 1=λZ s 1. Then, one veri fies the equalities λC =11+R=s 1′y I s 1′yand R =s 1′v s 1′y I.Solution of Example 1: One gets,(8)Here, the Frobenius number of matrix C has been calculated, λC =2/3, the normalized price eigenvector of C is p = [1,3]′. We also compute the different requested vectors,(9)One computes the Frobenius number λZ =8.275 of matrix Z and the associated normalized righteigenvector s 1=[0.758,1]′. Then,(10) Lemma 1 shows that the Frobenius number λC and the productiveness R are obtained directly as a solution of a boundary value problem , de fined on matrix Z .Applications to IOTs of Germany, Austria, and SwitzerlandThe National Statistical Offices publish commodity flow matrices Z in monetary terms . We have chosen three countries: Germany, Austria and Switzerland with national IOTs of different size and structure 6. The three6Statistisches Bundesamt, Deutschland, Input-Output Tabelle 2013 (Revision 2014, Stand: August 2017, Stand: 12.06.2018); Austrian IOT 2015 (with National Accounts, Version: May 2018), Swiss IOT 2014, Bundesamt für Statistik, Schweiz (Stand: 2018).MEASURING I/O-PRODUCTION IN DIGITAL ECONOMY20IOTs are structured schematically as the IOT of Table 1, a n×n commodity flow matrix Z, an n×m matrix of total final use and a k×n matrix of value added (in Table 1 total final use and value added are presented as vectors)7, as presented in Table 2.Table 2Year 2013 2015 2014Commodity flow matrix 72 × 72 65 × 65 49 × 49No: (Laufende Nr.)Matrix of final use 72 × 12 65 × 15 49 × 24Matrix of value added 10 × 72 16 × 65 4 × 49 One identifies the characteristic quantities of the elements of national accounts, obtainable form the IOTs. There is thefinal consumption of households C, the total investments I, the government expenditures G, the exports E and the imports M, Table 4. To these five characteristics correspond: the vector of final consumption of household c={c i}, the vector of total investments i={i i}, the vector of government expenditures g={g i}, the vector of exports e x={e xi},i =1,...,n, and the row vector of imports m′={m j},j =1,...,n. We constitute the vector of total final use f=c+i+g+(e x−m′), summing it up, one gets,F=e′f=e′(c+i+g+(e x−m′))= C + I + G + (E - M) (11) Table 4 contains the inter-industrial circulating capital K=e′Ze, the total final use of an economy F=e′f, the total output X = K + F and the GDP equal to Y = F - M.Table 3Official Aggregates of the National Accounts (Germany, A, CH)Countries1 EURO =1.15 CHF Total Inter-ind.circulation capitalKTotal final useFGross domesticproductY ∼ GDPTotal outputXGermany (EURO) 2,831,297 3,875,317 2,826,240 6,706,614Austria (EURO) 328,767 506,745 344,272 835,512 Switzerland (CHF) 662,275 932,706 649,718 1,594,980The structure and the size of the three official national IOTs (Germany, A, CH) are different from each other (Table 2) as well as the content of their sectors. The main aggregates G, I, C, E, M, Y, computed form these national IOTs, are exactly the official values, published by the respective countries Germany, Austria, Switzerland for the indicated years. Then we compute the productiveness R of the economies (Table 4), using equation (6), Lemma 1, a capital productivity of a background Sraffa price model, which by definition measures the values in physical terms. This is a new measure of capital productivity and its deeper meaning and understanding will need more applications! It is known that measures of productiveness R are sensitive to the structure of the IOTs and that sector reduction influences the Frobenius number, see Emmenegger et al. (2020, pp. 425-427, Figure 10.12, Figure 10.3, Figure 10.14). The productiveness measure R changes whenever the7If there are zero rows and columns belonging to the same sector, they are extracted from the IOTs. This is the case for the Austrian IOT 2015, but is not the case for the German IOT 2013, and the Swiss IOT 2014. Thus, there are positive output vectors in the three treated national IOTs as it is requested.MEASURING I/O-PRODUCTION IN DIGITAL ECONOMY21table of a specific country is aggregated. Also, we have not any information about the R-behaviour of Germany, Austria or Switzerland, when the tables themselves have different dimensions.Table 4Official Aggregates of National Accounts and the ProductivenessCountriesFinal consumption (use) of commoditiesImportMProductivenessR Consump. ofhouse-holdsCTotal invest-mentsIGovernm.expend.GExportEGermany (EURO) 1,472,436 551,462 593,728 1,257,691 1,049,077 0.86281 Austria (EURO) 188,848 81,955 68,033 167,908 162,473 0.44157 Switzerland (CHF) 345,035 158,682 77,777 351,212 282,987 1.088401 EURO=1.15 CHFConclusionsWe consider a general Input-Output Table (IOT) in monetary terms, reflecting the production of that economy. We assume at the central part of that IOT a non-negative reducible commodity flow matrix Z, exhibiting a positive Frobenius number and positive Frobenius right eigenvectors s1. A measure of capital productivity, called productiveness, is proposed. The productiveness R is defined as the value of the annually produced surplus of commodities and services, as outputs, divided by the value of the annually used means of production, as inputs, interpreted in physical terms, and results from the solution of a boundary value problem, defined on matrix Z. This productiveness R is a quotient, namely the scalar product of a right eigenvector s1 of matrix Z and the vector of value added v, divided by the scalar product of s1and the vector of intermediate inputs y I.ReferencesEmmenegger, J.-F., Chable, D., Nour Eldin, H. A., & Knolle, H. (2020). Mathematical models of a circular economy. Sraffa and Leontief (Eds.). München-Berlin: de Gruyter-Oldenbourg.Frobenius, G. (1912). Über Matrizen aus nicht negativen Elementen. Seiten 456-477: Berliner Bericht.Gantmacher, F. R. (1986). Matrizentheorie. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer-Verlag.Knolle, H. (2010). Vollbeschäftigung bei Nullwachstum: Für eine soziale und ökologische Wirtschaft, Im Jahrbuch Denknetz, Verlag (8th ed.). Postfach 3522, 8021 Zürich.Nathani, C., Schmid, C., & van Nieuwkoop, R. (2011). Schätzung einer Input-Output-Tabelle der Schweiz 2008, Schlussbericht an das Bundesamt für Statistik, Schweizerisches Bundesamt für Statistik, Rüschlikon/Bern.Sraffa, P. (1960). Production of commodities by means of commodities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.United Nations. (2008). International standard industrial classification of all economic activities (ISIC). Statistical Papers, No. 4, Rev. 4.。


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国开电大本科 《商务英语4》 机考题库写作题说明:资料整理于2023年2月,适用于2023年2月底3月初期末机考考试;目前尚不确定是否有此题型。

根据要求写作文--[写一封加薪申请书][试题一]According to the following information,please write an application letter for salary raise within 100 words.(1)You are Albert,and your boss is Mr.Green.(2)Your reasons for the letter.(3)Your expectation for the salary raise.备注翻译:根据以下资料,请在100字以内写一封加薪申请书。




参考答案:Dear Mr.Green,As I approach my third year in the job,I find myself more dedicated,devoted and motivated than I ever was.I am thrilled to the fact that my efforts have been sensed and this will only result in enhanced performance.The performance review demonstrate show hard I have worked and how much commitment I am willing to put.I hope you agree with me that better performance and hard work should be rewarded.I hereby kindly ask you to consider a salary adjustment commensurate with my performance.I am willing to give more and would be grateful if my efforts can be acknowledged and consequently reflected with an appropriate change in my pay.Thank you.Sincerely,Albert[试题二]According to the following information,please write an application letter for salary raise.(1)You are George,and your boss is Mr.Smith.(2)Your reasons for the letter(3)Your expectation for the salary raise备注翻译:请根据以下信息,写一封加薪申请信。

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第1 条,共78 条标题: The Effect of VMoS3 Point Defect on the Elastic Properties of Monolayer MoS2 with REBO Potentials.作者: Li, Minglin; Wan, Yaling; Tu, Liping; Yang, Yingchao; Lou, Jun来源出版物: Nanoscale research letters卷: 11期: 1页: 155DOI: 10.1186/s11671-016-1377-x出版年: 2016-DecPubMed ID: 27000023ISSN: 1931-7573NLM 唯一ID: 101279750状态: PubMed-not-MEDLINE电子出版: 22 Mar 2016第2 条,共78 条标题: Fenton reaction-based colorimetric immunoassay for sensitive detection of brevetoxin B.作者: Lai, Wenqiang; Wei, Qiaohua; Zhuang, Junyang; Lu, Minghua; Tang, Dianping来源出版物: Biosensors & bioelectronics卷: 80页: 249-56DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.01.088出版年: 2016-Jun-15PubMed ID: 26851583ISSN: 1873-4235NLM 唯一ID: 9001289状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 01 Feb 2016第3 条,共78 条标题: Manipulation of partially oriented hydroxyapatite building blocks to form flowerlike bundles without acid-base regulation.作者: Wen, Zhenliang; Wang, Zihao; Chen, Jingdi; Zhong, Shengnan; Hu, Yimin; Wang, Jianhua; Zhang, Qiqing来源出版物: Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces卷: 142页: 74-80DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2016.02.016出版年: 2016-Jun-1PubMed ID: 26930036ISSN: 1873-4367NLM 唯一ID: 9315133状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 10 Feb 2016第4 条,共78 条标题: Optimal parameters for laccase-mediated destaining of Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250-stained polyacrylamide gels.作者: Yang, Jie; Yang, Xiaodan; Ye, Xiuyun; Lin, Juan来源出版物: Data in brief卷: 7页: 1-7DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.01.029出版年: 2016-JunPubMed ID: 26955647ISSN: 2352-3409NLM 唯一ID: 101654995状态: PubMed-not-MEDLINE电子出版: 29 Jan 2016第5 条,共78 条标题: Mono- and tetra-substituted zinc(II) phthalocyanines containing morpholinyl moieties: Synthesis, antifungal photodynamic activities, and structure-activity relationships.作者: Zheng, Bi-Yuan; Ke, Mei-Rong; Lan, Wen-Liang; Hou, Lu; Guo, Jun; Wan, Dong-Hua; Cheong, Ling-Zhi; Huang, Jian-Dong来源出版物: European journal of medicinal chemistry卷: 114页: 380-9DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.02.066出版年: 2016-May-23PubMed ID: 27046231ISSN: 1768-3254NLM 唯一ID: 0420510状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 03 Mar 2016第6 条,共78 条标题: Single plasmonic nanoparticles for ultrasensitive DNA sensing: From invisible to visible.作者: Guo, Longhua; Chen, Lichan; Hong, Seungpyo; Kim, Dong-Hwan来源出版物: Biosensors & bioelectronics卷: 79页: 266-72DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.12.027出版年: 2016-May-15PubMed ID: 26720918作者识别号:作者ResearcherID 号ORCID 号Guo, Longhua B-7783-2011 0000-0003-0706-0973ISSN: 1873-4235NLM 唯一ID: 9001289状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 15 Dec 2015第7 条,共78 条标题: Label-free hairpin DNA-scaffolded silver nanoclusters for fluorescent detection of Hg(2+) using exonuclease III-assisted target recycling amplification.作者: Xu, Mingdi; Gao, Zhuangqiang; Wei, Qiaohua; Chen, Guonan; Tang, Dianping来源出版物: Biosensors & bioelectronics卷: 79页: 411-5DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.12.081出版年: 2016-May-15PubMed ID: 26741529ISSN: 1873-4235NLM 唯一ID: 9001289状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 23 Dec 2015第8 条,共78 条标题: Highly sensitive visual detection of Avian Influenza A (H7N9) virus based on the enzyme-induced metallization.作者: Zhang, Huifang; Ma, Xiaoming; Hu, Shuisheng; Lin, Yue; Guo, Longhua; Qiu, Bin; Lin, Zhenyu; Chen, Guonan来源出版物: Biosensors & bioelectronics卷: 79页: 874-80DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.01.004出版年: 2016-May-15PubMed ID: 26797249作者识别号:作者ResearcherID 号ORCID 号lin, zhenyu C-8577-2012 0000-0001-7890-6812Guo, Longhua B-7783-2011 0000-0003-0706-0973ISSN: 1873-4235NLM 唯一ID: 9001289状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 05 Jan 2016第9 条,共78 条标题: Ferrite nanospheres-based magnetic solid-phase extraction for determination of domoic acid in seawater samples using high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry.作者: Zhang, Wenmin; Lin, Mingxia; Tong, Ping; Lu, Qiaomei; Zhang, Lan来源出版物: Journal of chromatography. A卷: 1443页: 54-61DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2016.03.055出版年: 2016-Apr-22PubMed ID: 27033983ISSN: 1873-3778NLM 唯一ID: 9318488状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 24 Mar 2016第10 条,共78 条标题: Magnetic beads-based DNAzyme recognition and AuNPs-based enzymatic catalysis amplification for visual detection of trace uranyl ion in aqueous environment.作者: Zhang, Hongyan; Lin, Ling; Zeng, Xiaoxue; Ruan, Yajuan; Wu, Yongning; Lin, Minggui; He, Ye; Fu, FengFu来源出版物: Biosensors & bioelectronics卷: 78页: 73-9DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.11.024出版年: 2016-Apr-15PubMed ID: 26594889ISSN: 1873-4235NLM 唯一ID: 9001289状态: In-Process电子出版: 12 Nov 2015第11 条,共78 条标题: Highly sensitive electrochemical sensing platform for lead ion based on synergetic catalysis of DNAzyme and Au-Pd porous bimetallic nanostructures.作者: Zhou, Qian; Lin, Youxiu; Lin, Yuping; Wei, Qiaohua; Chen, Guonan; Tang, Dianping来源出版物: Biosensors & bioelectronics卷: 78页: 236-43DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.11.055出版年: 2016-Apr-15PubMed ID: 26615514ISSN: 1873-4235NLM 唯一ID: 9001289状态: In-Process电子出版: 28 Nov 2015第12 条,共78 条标题: Synergy of metal and nonmetal dopants for visible-light photocatalysis: a case-study of Sn and N co-doped TiO2.作者: Zhuang, Huaqiang; Zhang, Yingguang; Chu, Zhenwei; Long, Jinlin; An, Xiaohan; Zhang, Hongwen; Lin, Huaxiang; Zhang, Zizhong; Wang, Xuxu来源出版物: Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP卷: 18期: 14页: 9636-44DOI: 10.1039/c6cp00580b出版年: 2016-Apr-14PubMed ID: 26996319ISSN: 1463-9084NLM 唯一ID: 100888160状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 21 Mar 2016第13 条,共78 条标题: Two-semiconductive-component hybrid coordination polymers with controllable photo-induced electron-transfer properties.作者: Liu, Jian-Jun; Chen, Yong; Lin, Mei-Jin; Huang, Chang-Cang; Dai, Wen-Xin来源出版物: Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)卷: 45期: 15页: 6339-42DOI: 10.1039/c6dt00455e出版年: 2016-Apr-12PubMed ID: 26985714ISSN: 1477-9234NLM 唯一ID: 101176026状态: In-Data-Review第14 条,共78 条标题: Encapsulating Naphthalene in an Electron-Deficient MOF to Enhance Fluorescence for Organic Amines Sensing.作者: Liu, Jian-Jun; Shan, Yue-Bin; Fan, Chang-Rong; Lin, Mei-Jin; Huang, Chang-Cang; Dai, Wen-Xin来源出版物: Inorganic chemistry卷: 55期: 7页: 3680-4DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b00252出版年: 2016-Apr-4PubMed ID: 27040717ISSN: 1520-510XNLM 唯一ID: 0366543状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 22 Mar 2016第15 条,共78 条标题: Ultra-sensitive speciation analysis of mercury by CE-ICP-MS together with field-amplified sample stacking injection and dispersive solid-phase extraction.作者: Chen, YiQuan; Cheng, Xian; Mo, Fan; Huang, LiMei; Wu, Zujian; Wu, Yongning; Xu, LiangJun; Fu, FengFu来源出版物: Electrophoresis卷: 37页: 1055-62DOI: 10.1002/elps.201500460出版年: 2016-AprPubMed ID: 26643127ISSN: 1522-2683NLM 唯一ID: 8204476状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 29 Dec 2015第16 条,共78 条标题: Separation and determination of flavonoids in three traditional chinese medicines by capillary electrophoresis with amperometric detection.作者: Wang, Wei; Lin, Ping; Ma, Lihong; Xu, Kaixuan; Lin, Xiuli来源出版物: Journal of separation science卷: 39期: 7页: 1357-62DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201501287出版年: 2016-AprPubMed ID: 26829244ISSN: 1615-9314NLM 唯一ID: 101088554状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 29 Feb 2016第17 条,共78 条标题: Glycine induced culture-harvesting strategy for Botryococcus braunii.作者: Shen, Ying; Zhu, Wenzhe; Chen, Chaozhou; Nie, Yilei来源出版物: Journal of bioscience and bioengineering卷: 121期: 4页: 424-30DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2015.08.004出版年: 2016-AprPubMed ID: 26553477ISSN: 1347-4421NLM 唯一ID: 100888800状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 06 Nov 2015第18 条,共78 条标题: Facile preparation of biphasic-induced magnetic icariin-loaded composite microcapsules by automated in situ click technology.作者: Pan, Panpan; Chen, Jingdi; Fan, Tiantang; Hu, Yimin; Wu, Tao; Zhang, Qiqing来源出版物: Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces卷: 140DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.12.027出版年: 2016-Apr-1PubMed ID: 26735894ISSN: 1873-4367NLM 唯一ID: 9315133状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 21 Dec 2015第19 条,共78 条标题: Collagen/silk fibroin composite scaffold incorporated with PLGA microsphere for cartilage repair.作者: Wang, Jianhua; Yang, Qiu; Cheng, Niangmei; Tao, Xiaojun; Zhang, Zhihua; Sun, Xiaomin; Zhang, Qiqing来源出版物: Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications卷: 61页: 705-11DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.12.097出版年: 2016-Apr-1PubMed ID: 26838900ISSN: 1873-0191NLM 唯一ID: 101484109状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 04 Jan 2016第20 条,共78 条标题: Monascus Pigment Rubropunctatin: A Potential Dual Agent for Cancer Chemotherapy and Phototherapy.作者: Zheng, Yunquan; Zhang, Yun; Chen, Deshan; Chen, Haijun; Lin, Ling; Zheng, Chengzhuo; Guo, Yanghao来源出版物: Journal of agricultural and food chemistry卷: 64期: 12页: 2541-8DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05343出版年: 2016-Mar-30PubMed ID: 26953890ISSN: 1520-5118NLM 唯一ID: 0374755状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 16 Mar 2016第21 条,共78 条标题: Highly efficient CuxO/TiO2 catalysts: controllable dispersion and isolation of metal active species.作者: Shen, Lijuan; Xu, Congbo; Qi, Xinxin; Cao, Yanning; Tang, Jing; Zheng, Yuanhui; Jiang, Lilong来源出版物: Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)卷: 45期: 11页: 4491-5DOI: 10.1039/c6dt00055j出版年: 2016-Mar-21PubMed ID: 26885633ISSN: 1477-9234NLM 唯一ID: 101176026状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 17 Feb 2016第22 条,共78 条标题: A new cadmium-doped titanium-oxo cluster with stable photocatalytic H2 evolution properties.作者: Liu, Jin-Xiu; Zeng, Xian-Chong; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian来源出版物: Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)卷: 45期: 11页: 4501-3DOI: 10.1039/c6dt00333h出版年: 2016-Mar-21PubMed ID: 26899204作者识别号:作者ResearcherID 号ORCID 号Zhang, Lei F-8554-2010 0000-0001-7720-4667ISSN: 1477-9234NLM 唯一ID: 101176026状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 22 Feb 2016第23 条,共78 条标题: Gold Nanorods as Colorful Chromogenic Substrates for Semiquantitative Detection of Nucleic Acids, Proteins, and Small Molecules with the Naked Eye.作者: Ma, Xiaoming; Chen, Zhitao; Kannan, Palanisamy; Lin, Zhenyu; Qiu, Bin; Guo, Longhua 来源出版物: Analytical chemistry卷: 88期: 6页: 3227-34DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04621出版年: 2016-Mar-15PubMed ID: 26866574ISSN: 1520-6882NLM 唯一ID: 0370536状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 23 Feb 2016第24 条,共78 条标题: Invertase-labeling gold-dendrimer for in situ amplified detection mercury(II) with glucometer readout and thymine-Hg(2+)-thymine coordination chemistry.作者: Qiu, Zhenli; Shu, Jian; Jin, Guixiao; Xu, Mingdi; Wei, Qiaohua; Chen, Guonan; Tang, Dianping来源出版物: Biosensors & bioelectronics卷: 77页: 681-6DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.044出版年: 2016-Mar-15PubMed ID: 26496222ISSN: 1873-4235NLM 唯一ID: 9001289状态: In-Process电子出版: 11 Nov 2015第25 条,共78 条标题: First-principles studies on the structural and spectral properties of C72 isomers and the chlorinated derivative C72Cl4.作者: Qi, Jiayuan; Hu, Xiaoying; Zhu, Huanhuan; Zheng, Mei来源出版物: Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP卷: 18期: 11页: 8049-58DOI: 10.1039/c6cp00149a出版年: 2016-Mar-9PubMed ID: 26922973ISSN: 1463-9084NLM 唯一ID: 100888160状态: In-Data-Review第26 条,共78 条标题: In situ solvothermal synthesis of metal-organic framework coated fiber for highly sensitive solid-phase microextraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.作者: Gao, Jia; Huang, Chuanhui; Lin, Yifen; Tong, Ping; Zhang, Lan来源出版物: Journal of chromatography. A卷: 1436页: 1-8DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2016.01.051出版年: 2016-Mar-4PubMed ID: 26868446ISSN: 1873-3778NLM 唯一ID: 9318488状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 28 Jan 2016第27 条,共78 条标题: All-solution processed semi-transparent perovskite solar cells with silver nanowires electrode.作者: Yang, Kaiyu; Li, Fushan; Zhang, Jianhua; Veeramalai, Chandrasekar Perumal; Guo, Tailiang 来源出版物: Nanotechnology卷: 27期: 9页: 095202DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/27/9/095202出版年: 2016-Mar-4PubMed ID: 26821871ISSN: 1361-6528NLM 唯一ID: 101241272状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 29 Jan 2016第28 条,共78 条标题: Nanodrug formulations to enhance HIV drug exposure in lymphoid tissues and cells: clinical significance and potential impact on treatment and eradication of HIV/AIDS.作者: Shao, Jingwei; Kraft, John C; Li, Bowen; Yu, Jesse; Freeling, Jennifer; Koehn, Josefin; Ho, Rodney Jy来源出版物: Nanomedicine (London, England)卷: 11期: 5页: 545-64DOI: 10.2217/nnm.16.1出版年: 2016-MarPubMed ID: 26892323ISSN: 1748-6963NLM 唯一ID: 101278111状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 19 Feb 2016第29 条,共78 条标题: Plant Polyphenol-Assisted Green Synthesis of Hollow CoPt Alloy Nanoparticles for Dual-Modality Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy.作者: Song, Xiao-Rong; Y u, Shu-Xian; Jin, Gui-Xiao; Wang, Xiaoyong; Chen, Jianzhong; Li, Juan; Liu, Gang; Yang, Huang-Hao来源出版物: Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)卷: 12期: 11页: 1506-13DOI: 10.1002/smll.201503250出版年: 2016-MarPubMed ID: 26763187ISSN: 1613-6829NLM 唯一ID: 101235338电子出版: 13 Jan 2016第30 条,共78 条标题: In vitro photodynamic activities of zinc(II) phthalocyanines substituted with pyridine moieties.作者: Liu, Jian-Yong; Li, Jun; Yuan, Xiao; Wang, Wan-Ming; Xue, Jin-Ping来源出版物: Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy卷: 13页: 341-3DOI: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2015.07.003出版年: 2016-MarPubMed ID: 26192694ISSN: 1873-1597NLM 唯一ID: 101226123状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 17 Jul 2015第31 条,共78 条标题: Enzymatic Oxydate-Triggered Self-Illuminated Photoelectrochemical Sensing Platform for Portable Immunoassay Using Digital Multimeter.作者: Shu, Jian; Qiu, Zhenli; Zhou, Qian; Lin, Youxiu; Lu, Minghua; Tang, Dianping来源出版物: Analytical chemistry卷: 88期: 5页: 2958-66DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00262出版年: 2016-Mar-1PubMed ID: 26823201ISSN: 1520-6882NLM 唯一ID: 0370536状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 11 Feb 2016第32 条,共78 条标题: Effective As(III) Removal by A Multi-Charged Hydroacid Complex Draw Solute Facilitated Forward Osmosis-Membrane Distillation (FO-MD) Processes.作者: Ge, Qingchun; Han, Gang; Chung, Tai-Shung来源出版物: Environmental science & technology卷: 50期: 5页: 2363-70DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b05402出版年: 2016-Mar-1PubMed ID: 26822310ISSN: 1520-5851NLM 唯一ID: 0213155电子出版: 10 Feb 2016第33 条,共78 条标题: In vitro and in vivo efficacy and safety evaluation of metapristone and mifepristone as cancer metastatic chemopreventive agents.作者: Wang, Jichuang; Chen, Jianzhong; Zhu, Yewei; Zheng, Ning; Liu, Jian; Xiao, Yingying; Lu, Yusheng; Dong, Haiyan; Xie, Jingjing; Yu, Suhong; Shao, Jingwei; Jia, Lee来源出版物: Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie卷: 78页: 291-300DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.01.017出版年: 2016-MarPubMed ID: 26898454ISSN: 1950-6007NLM 唯一ID: 8213295状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 04 Feb 2016第34 条,共78 条标题: p53 Is a Direct Transcriptional Repressor ofKeratin 17: Lessons from a Rat Model ofRadiation Dermatitis.作者: Liao, Chunyan; Xie, Guojiang; Zhu, Liyan; Chen, Xi; Li, Xiaobo; Lu, Haijie; Xu, Benhua; Ramot, Yuval; Paus, Ralf; Yue, Zhicao来源出版物: The Journal of investigative dermatology卷: 136期: 3页: 680-9DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2015.12.021出版年: 2016-MarPubMed ID: 26747697ISSN: 1523-1747NLM 唯一ID: 0426720状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 30 Dec 2015第35 条,共78 条标题: Unique sequence characteristics account for good DGGE separation of almost full-length 18S rDNAs.作者: Huang, Zhiqing; Ke, Xinxin; Lv, Xiaodan; Liu, Zhibin; Ni, Li来源出版物: World journal of microbiology & biotechnology卷: 32期: 3页: 48DOI: 10.1007/s11274-015-1990-3出版年: 2016-MarPubMed ID: 26873559ISSN: 1573-0972NLM 唯一ID: 9012472状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 12 Feb 2016第36 条,共78 条标题: Fabrication of gelatin-TiO2 nanocomposite film and its structural, antibacterial and physical properties.作者: He, Qingyan; Zhang, Yuchen; Cai, Xixi; Wang, Shaoyun来源出版物: International journal of biological macromolecules卷: 84页: 153-60DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2015.12.012出版年: 2016-MarPubMed ID: 26691381ISSN: 1879-0003NLM 唯一ID: 7909578状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 12 Dec 2015第37 条,共78 条标题: Functional nucleic acid-based hydrogels for bioanalytical and biomedical applications.作者: Li, Juan; Mo, Liuting; Lu, Chun-Hua; Fu, Ting; Yang, Huang-Hao; Tan, Weihong来源出版物: Chemical Society reviews卷: 45期: 5页: 1410-31DOI: 10.1039/c5cs00586h出版年: 2016-Feb-29PubMed ID: 26758955作者识别号:作者ResearcherID 号ORCID 号Tan, Weihong A-5412-2008 0000-0002-8066-1524ISSN: 1460-4744NLM 唯一ID: 0335405状态: In-Data-Review第38 条,共78 条标题: Flexible and Adhesive Surface Enhance Raman Scattering Active Tape for Rapid Detection of Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables.作者: Chen, Jiaming; Huang, Youju; Kannan, Palanisamy; Zhang, Lei; Lin, Zhenyu; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao; Guo, Longhua来源出版物: Analytical chemistry卷: 88期: 4页: 2149-55DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03735出版年: 2016-Feb-16PubMed ID: 26810698作者识别号:作者ResearcherID 号ORCID 号Chen, Tao G-5925-2010 0000-0001-9704-9545Guo, Longhua B-7783-2011 0000-0003-0706-0973Huang, Youju A-9477-2011ISSN: 1520-6882NLM 唯一ID: 0370536状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 04 Feb 2016第39 条,共78 条标题: EpCAM aptamer-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for efficient colon cancer cell-targeted drug delivery.作者: Xie, Xiaodong; Li, Fengqiao; Zhang, Huijuan; Lu, Yusheng; Lian, Shu; Lin, Hang; Gao, Yu; Jia, Lee来源出版物: European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences卷: 83页: 28-35DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2015.12.014出版年: 2016-Feb-15PubMed ID: 26690044ISSN: 1879-0720NLM 唯一ID: 9317982状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 09 Dec 2015第40 条,共78 条标题: An immobilization free DNAzyme based electrochemical biosensor for lead determination. 作者: Tan, Yue; Qiu, Jiazhi; Cui, Meiying; Wei, Xiaofeng; Zhao, Mengmeng; Qiu, Bin; Chen, Guonan来源出版物: The Analyst卷: 141期: 3页: 1121-6DOI: 10.1039/c5an02114f出版年: 2016-Feb-7PubMed ID: 26689961ISSN: 1364-5528NLM 唯一ID: 0372652状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 22 Dec 2015第41 条,共78 条标题: Dual-Emission of Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks Encapsulating Carbon-BasedDots for Ratiometric Detection of Water in Organic Solvents.作者: Dong, Yongqiang; Cai, Jianhua; Fang, Qingqing; You, Xu; Chi, Yuwu来源出版物: Analytical chemistry卷: 88期: 3页: 1748-52DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03974出版年: 2016-Feb-2PubMed ID: 26744080ISSN: 1520-6882NLM 唯一ID: 0370536状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 21 Jan 2016第42 条,共78 条标题: Visual and colorimetric detection of p-aminophenol in environmental water and human urine samples based on anisotropic growth of Ag nanoshells on Au nanorods.作者: Lin, Tianran; Li, Zhihong; Song, Zhiping; Chen, Huan; Guo, Liangqia; Fu, Fengfu; Wu, Zujian来源出版物: Talanta卷: 148页: 62-8DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.10.056出版年: 2016-Feb-1PubMed ID: 26653424ISSN: 1873-3573NLM 唯一ID: 2984816R状态: In-Process电子出版: 23 Oct 2015第43 条,共78 条标题: Invisible Security Ink Based on Water-Soluble Graphitic Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots.作者: Song, Zhiping; Lin, Tianran; Lin, Lihua; Lin, Sen; Fu, Fengfu; Wang, Xinchen; Guo, Liangqia来源出版物: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)卷: 55期: 8页: 2773-7DOI: 10.1002/anie.201510945出版年: 2016-FebPubMed ID: 26797811作者识别号:作者ResearcherID 号ORCID 号Wang, Xinchen D-6020-2016 0000-0002-2490-3568ISSN: 1521-3773NLM 唯一ID: 0370543状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 21 Jan 2016第44 条,共78 条标题: Syntheses and structures of discrete copper(II) and cadmium(II) supramolecular complexes based on 1,4-diacylthiosemicarbazone ligands.作者: Jiao, Chen; Zhang, Si Si; Li, Zuo Yin; Liu, Jian Jun; Lin, Mei Jin; Huang, Chang Cang来源出版物: Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistry卷: 72期: Pt 2页: 119-23DOI: 10.1107/S2053229616000310出版年: 2016-Feb-1PubMed ID: 26846495ISSN: 2053-2296NLM 唯一ID: 101620313状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 15 Jan 2016第45 条,共78 条标题: Imidazolium Ionic Liquids, Imidazolylidene Heterocyclic Carbenes, and Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks for CO2 Capture and Photochemical Reduction.作者: Wang, Sibo; Wang, Xinchen来源出版物: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)卷: 55期: 7页: 2308-20DOI: 10.1002/anie.201507145出版年: 2016-FebPubMed ID: 26683833作者识别号:作者ResearcherID 号ORCID 号Wang, Sibo J-5231-2015Wang, Xinchen D-6020-2016 0000-0002-2490-3568ISSN: 1521-3773NLM 唯一ID: 0370543状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 18 Dec 2015第46 条,共78 条标题: HepG2 cells acquire stem cell-like characteristics after immune cell stimulation.作者: Wang, Hang; Yang, Miqing; Lin, Ling; Ren, Hongzhen; Lin, Chaotong; Lin, Suling; Shen, Guoying; Ji, Binfeng; Meng, Chun来源出版物: Cellular oncology (Dordrecht)卷: 39期: 1页: 35-45DOI: 10.1007/s13402-015-0249-1出版年: 2016-FebPubMed ID: 26650484ISSN: 2211-3436NLM 唯一ID: 101552938状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 09 Dec 2015第47 条,共78 条标题: Ultrafine Cobalt Catalysts on Covalent Carbon Nitride Frameworks for Oxygenic Photosynthesis.作者: Zhang, Guigang; Zang, Shaohong; Lin, Lihua; Lan, Zhi-An; Li, Guosheng; Wang, Xinchen 来源出版物: ACS applied materials & interfaces卷: 8期: 3页: 2287-96DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b11167出版年: 2016-Jan-27PubMed ID: 26728317作者识别号:作者ResearcherID 号ORCID 号lin, lihua C-7862-2016 0000-0002-4268-1815Wang, Xinchen D-6020-2016 0000-0002-2490-3568Zhang, Guigang D-6071-2016ISSN: 1944-8252NLM 唯一ID: 101504991状态: In-Data-Review电子出版: 13 Jan 2016第48 条,共78 条标题: Dual-enhanced photothermal conversion properties of reduced graphene oxide-coated gold superparticles for light-triggered acoustic and thermal theranostics.作者: Lin, Li-Sen; Yang, Xiangyu; Niu, Gang; Song, Jibin; Yang, Huang-Hao; Chen, Xiaoyuan来源出版物: Nanoscale卷: 8期: 4页: 2116-22DOI: 10.1039/c5nr07552a出版年: 2016-Jan-21PubMed ID: 26726809ISSN: 2040-3372NLM 唯一ID: 101525249状态: In-Data-Review第49 条,共78 条标题: Destaining of Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250-stained polyacrylamide gels with fungal laccase.作者: Yang, Jie; Yang, Xiaodan; Ye, Xiuyun; Lin, Juan来源出版物: Analytical biochemistry卷: 493页: 27-9DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2015.10.004出版年: 2016-Jan-15PubMed ID: 26475566ISSN: 1096-0309NLM 唯一ID: 0370535状态: In-Process电子出版: 22 Oct 2015第50 条,共78 条标题: Temperature-induced phase changes in bismuth oxides and efficient photodegradation of phenol and p-chlorophenol.作者: Hu, Yin; 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In partnership with与贝恩公司合作编制AmCham China’s 2015 ChinaBusiness Climate Survey Report中国美国商会 2015 年度商务环境调查报告T his is the 17th year that the American Chamber of Commerce in the People’s Republic of China (AmChamChina) has conducted its annual Business Climate Survey. To enhance the report and service to our mem-bers, we are proud to have partnered with Bain & Company, which provided valuable insight into improv-ing the survey experience for our members as well as the depth of the analysis, and into determining theimplications of our findings for member companies.The Business Climate Survey enhances the Chinese and US governments’understanding of our mem-ber companies’concerns regarding China’s regulatory and policy environment, as well as the daily businesschallenges companies face when operating in China. Further, the survey is a useful tool for our members tomeasure their operations and compare their business outlooks and strategies with the broader community.We would like to thank all of our members who took time to participate in the survey. Your input isg reatly valued and is the key to our joint success.今年是中国美国商会(AmCham China)开展年度商务环境调查的第十七年。



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A Comparison of Three Surrogacy Agreement Cases Us

A Comparison of Three Surrogacy Agreement Cases Us

Chinese Business Review, ISSN 1537-1506February 2011, Vol. 10, No. 2, 152-156A Comparison of Three Surrogacy Agreement CasesUsing AHPCynthia L. Knott, Susanne Bruno Ninassi, Alyson EisenhardtMarymount University, Arlington, USAThis paper builds on the previous work of Knott, Ninassi and Eisenhardt’s 2009 paper, “Using the Analytic HierarchyProcess (AHP) to Look at the Tradeoffs Among Stakeholders in the Case of Surrogacy, when the Initial Intention ofthe Parties Involved Change After the Pregnancy Has Ensued”. This paper proposes a new methodology foranalyzing cases involving stakeholders in disputed surrogacy arrangement.The methodology utilized is the AnalyticHierarchy Process, which allows users to weigh different criteria based on their own opinions and background. Threecase studies involved a surrogacy arrangement among three stakeholders: the biological mother, the biological fatherand the surrogate mother. The base for the model was that all parties had entered into an agreement, and that after theagreement had been made, a situation changed, such that a decision as to who had parental rights over the fetusbecame an issue. The criteria used in the decision making process in the three case studies were legal, health andethical. The criteria differed based upon each stakeholder’s point of view. In this paper, the three models weredeveloped using the AHP methodology and judgments were gathered for each of the three cases to derive thepriorities for the criteria in each model. Each author took the role of one of the three stakeholders.l Rights Reserved.Keywords:the analytic hierarchy process, surrogacy, legal issues, ethical issues, health issues, decision makingmodelLegal and Case Studies BackgroundAs previously discussed in the prior paper (Knott, Ninassi, & Eisenhardt, 2009), the legal background for surrogacy cases follows.Historically, when the custody of a child is contested, the courts will look to the standard of what is in the “best interest of the child” in reaching its decision (Hames & Ekern, 2006). However, with the reproductivetechnology, such as in vitro fertilization, the courts must grapple with the issue of who is the legal parent. ThreeCalifornia state cases are discussed to illustrate how courts are dealing with this issue.The first case is Johnson v. Calvert, 851 P.2d 776 (Cal. 1993), cert. dismissed, 510 U.S. 938 (1993). This is the case, the Calverts, a married couple, entered into a gestational surrogacy arrangement with Ms. Anna Johnson.Under this type of surrogacy arrangement, the wife’s egg inseminated with the husband’s sperm was transferredinto the uterus of another woman, the surrogate, for gestation and birth. As part of the contract, Ms. Johnsonagreed to relinquish all parental rights. During the pregnancy, the relationship between the Ms. Johnson and theCynthia L. Knott, Ph.D., assistant professor, School of Business Administration, Marymount University.Susanne Bruno Ninassi, J.D., assistant professor, School of Business Administration, Marymount University.Alyson Eisenhardt, DHSc, assistant professor, School of Business Administration, Marymount University.A COMPARISON OF THREE SURROGACY AGREEMENT CASES USING AHP 153Culverts deteriorated. The Calverts sued for a declaration that they were the legal parents of the unborn child. Ms.Johnson sued to be declared the legal mother.The California Supreme Court held that although the state statute “recognizes both genetic consanguinity and giving birth as means of establishing a mother-child relation, when the two means do not coincide in onewoman, she who intended to procreate the child-that is, she who intended to bring about the birth of a child thatshe intended to raise as her own—is the natural mother” (Id. at 782). The court held that the gestational motherhad no parental rights, and the agreement was not inconsistent with public policy nor was the termination of thesurrogate’s claims to the child unconstitutional.The next case is In re Marriage of Moschetta, 30 Cal. Rptr. 2d (Ct. App. 1994). In this case, the husband and wife, Robert and Cynthia Moschetta, entered into a traditional surrogacy arrangement in which Ms. ElviraJohnson, the surrogate, was impregnated with Mr. Moschetta sperm with the prior understanding that theresulting child would legally be the child of Mr. Moschetta. Ms. Johnson also agreed to terminate her parentalrights, and Mrs. Moschetta would then adopt the child. After the baby was born, the marriage deteriorated, andMr. Moschetta filed for divorce. The court was asked to determine the parental rights of the wife and thesurrogate. The trial court held that Mr. Moschetta and Ms. Johnson were the legal parents of the child and shouldhave joint custody. Mr. Moschetta appealed stating that contends that his wife is the legal mother.The California Court of Appeals held that according to the state statute, the surrogate is the legal and natural mother genetically and by giving birth. The court noted that this case differed from the Johnson case since thewife, Ms. Moschetta, was not the child’s genetic or biological mother. The court reasoned that since the statestatute was clear there was no further need to look to the ruling in Johnson, and therefore held that the surrogate,Ms. Johnson, was the legal mother.l Rights Reserved.The third case is In re Marriage of Buzzanca, 72 Cal. Rptr. 2d 280 (Ct. App. 1998), reviewed denied (June 10, 1998). In this case, the Buzzancas, a married couple, agreed to have an embryo genetically unrelated to themimplanted in a woman, the surrogate, who would carry and give birth to the child for the couple. Before the birth,the Buzzancas split up, and the question before the trial court was who were the lawful parents. The trial courtdetermined that the child had no lawful parents. The parties appealed.The California Court of Appeals held that Mr. Buzzanca was the lawful father because “… there are times when fatherhood can be established by conduct apart from giving birth or being genetically related to a child” (Id. at 282).The court relied on the finding in Johnson and found that Ms. Buzzanca was the lawful mother. The court held that:…just as a husband is deemed to be the lawful father unrelated to him when his wife gives birth after artificial insemination, so should a husband and wife be deemed the lawful parent of a child after a surrogate bears a biologicallyunrelated child on their behalf. In each instant, a child is procreated because of a medical procedure was initiated andconsented to by intended parents (Id).Summary of the Three California CasesIn the three California cases, the courts first looked to the California state statute to help determine the legal status of parties. The courts also looked at the intention of the parties at the time they entered into a surrogacyarrangement to help determine the legal parent(s) of the child.In Johnson, although the surrogate was the birth mother, she had no genetic connection to the child. Relying on the statute and the intentions of the parties, the California Supreme court held that the husband and wife werethe legal parents.In Moschetta, the surrogate was the birth mother and was genetically connected to the child. The court,154A COMPARISON OF THREE SURROGACY AGREEMENT CASES USING AHPrelying on the statute, held that the husband and the surrogate were the legal parents. The court did not followJohnson, since the surrogate in this case had the genetic connection.In In re Marriage of Buzzanca, a genetic connection did not exist for any of the parties to the surrogate arrangement. The court, relying on Johnson, looked at the intent of the parties and held that the husband and wifewere the lawful parents.Application of Existing Law to Hypothetical CasesHypothetical Case 1The Facts:Husband and wife cannot conceive. They enter into a traditional surrogacy arrangement with a woman who has agreed to be artificially inseminated with the husband’s sperm and to terminate her parental rights upondelivery. However, after delivery, the surrogate decides that she wants to keep the child.Analysis based upon the three legal cases:Based upon the existing case law, it would appear that the Moschetta case would be followed since the facts in the hypothetical and the actual case are the same. The surrogate in the birth mother and is genetically connectedto the child.Hypothetical Case 2The Facts:Husband and wife cannot conceive. They enter into a gestational surrogacy arrangement where the wife’s egg, inseminated with the husband’s sperm, was transferred into the uterus of another woman, the surrogate, whoagreed to terminate her parental rights. When the surrogate is seven months pregnant, the marital relationsl Rights Reserved.between the husband and wife deteriorates. The wife decides she does not want the child and will terminate herparental rights. She files for divorce. The husband still wants the child; however, upon hearing about the divorce,the surrogate decides not to terminate her parental rights.Analysis based upon the three legal cases:Based upon the existing case law, it would appear that the Johnson case might be followed since facts in hypothetical and in Johnson are similar since the surrogate had no genetic connection to the child. Therefore,applying the case law to this hypothetical, the legal parent would be the father.Hypothetical Case 3The Facts:Husband and wife cannot conceive. They enter into a traditional surrogacy arrangement with a woman who has agreed to be artificially inseminated with the husband’s sperm.The surrogate carries the baby for two months. During a routine examination, it is determined that the fetus has a medical issue. The surrogate wants to abort the fetus.Analysis based upon the three legal cases:The California courts have not addressed this issue. However, the California Court of Appeals discussed that enforcing a surrogate contract could lead to many legal problems and questioned:What if a surrogate mother took drugs or alcohol during her pregnancy in violation of her contract? Or wanted and abortion? Could the contract be enforced by court order and subsequent contempt? Would there be a “surrogatemother’s tank” in the local jail. In re Marriage of Moschetta, 30 Cal. Rptr. 2d 893, 903 & n.23 (Ct. App.1994).A COMPARISON OF THREE SURROGACY AGREEMENT CASES USING AHP 155The Three Hypothetical Case Study Models With Weights and Outcomes The three cases were developed into the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Models, which is a methodology developed by Thomas Saaty (Saaty, 1994). The process allows users to enter judgments via apair-wise comparison mode to derive the relative priorities of the criteria and the alternatives. The criteria thatwere considered in the hypothetical cases included: ethical, health and legal. The alternatives considered were:parental rights, custody rights, carrying to term and abortion. After the judgments were entered, the model wassynthesized to determine the overall best alternative for each individual case. Depending on the background ofthe case, the priorities changed due to different scenarios. The findings are listed in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.Table 1Hypothetical Case 1 ModelCriteria Overall criteria priority Surrogate legal parent Father legal parent Both legal parentsHealth issues 0.069 0.111 0.111 0.778Legal issues 0.348 0.111 0.111 0.778Ethical issues 0.582 0.107 0.107 0.776Overall alternative priority 0.109 0.115 0.777Since there were no real health issues, except for those associated with a normal pregnancy, this criterion weighted low in the overall model. However, the fact that the health and the overall well-being of the child is bestserved by having both parents, this criterion was factored in the overall decision. In terms of the alternatives, both thehusband (the father) and the surrogate are the biological parents. Therefore, both have parental rights over the childbased upon the current case law. When weighing in the ethical factor, sharing parental rights was the overall best l Rights Reserved.decision. Note, in this hypothetical, abortion was not an option since the biological parents wanted to keep the child.Table 2Hypothetical Case 2 ModelCriteria Overall criteria priority Surrogate legal parent Father legal parent Both legal parentsHealth issues 0.062 0.319 0.221 0.460Legal issues 0.653 0.076 0.766 0.158Ethical issues 0.285 0.349 0.168 0.484Overall alternative priority 0.199 0.496 0.306As in case 2, there are no health issues, and therefore that criterion weighted low. However, the legal criterion is more important than the ethical. In this case, the husband and the wife are the biological parents. Yet,the wife terminated her rights and now the surrogate, who has no genetic connection to the child, seeks parentalrights.Although allowing parental rights for the surrogate was weighted high in terms of ethics, because of thehigh weight of the legal issues, the overall decision would be for only the father to have parental rights. Note, inthis case, abortion was not an option because both the father and the surrogate wanted to keep the child.In case 3, the ethical issues weighted the highest, with legal the next highest, because the husband and wife still want the child even though the child will have a medical issue. Although the health criterion should, at firstglance, be a priority, it weighted low. This resulted because of the ethical decision by the couple to keep the childeven though the child will have a medical condition. However, in the overall decision, abortion came out to be thebest alternative. Even with respect to the ethical and legal issues, it still weighted high. In fact, abortion was the156A COMPARISON OF THREE SURROGACY AGREEMENT CASES USING AHPbest alternative with respect to each criterion.Table 3Hypothetical Case 3 ModelCriteria Overall criteria priority Abort Carry to termHealth issues 0.088 0.875 0.125Legal issues 0.243 0.857 0.143Ethical issues 0.669 0.667 0.333Overall alternative priority 0.721 0.279Conclusions and Future ResearchThe Analytic Hierarchy Process, as developed by Saaty (1994), is a methodology used to assist in high-level decision-making. AHP allows decision-makers to weigh criteria based on their own opinions and thoughts. Thispaper employed the usage of AHP methodology to analyze three related hypothetical cases involving parentalrights and surrogacy. Judgments for each stakeholder were made based on the following components: legal,ethical, and health. The judgments were then assessed and evaluated to determine which criterion weighedhighest for each stakeholder.The researchers would like to explore the assistance of AHP models using these and other case studies in the classroom to discuss the tradeoffs with students when making decisions. We would also like to find a current casein litigation to see if our model comes to the same conclusions as the court. However, this presents challenges. Asindicated in the current case law, the court looks at the biological connection of the parties to the child and thenwill examine the intent of the parties in determining parental rights.l Rights Reserved.ReferencesExpert Choice Software ©. (2000).Hames, J., & Ekern, Y. (2006). Introduction to law (3rd ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.In re Marriage of Buzzanca, 72 Cal. Rptr. 2d 280 (Ct. App. 1998).In re Marriage of Moschetta, 30 Cal. Rptr. 2d (Ct. App. 1994).Johnson v. Calvert, 851 P.2d 776 (Cal. 1993).Knott, C. L., Ninassi, S., & Eisenhardt, A. (2009). Using the analytic hierarchy process to look at the tradeoffs in the case of surrogacy when the initial intention of the parties involved change after the pregnancy has ensued. In the proceedings of the39th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Decision Science Institute, Charleston, South Carolina, February 18-20, 2009.Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California Inc. (2004). Health Center. Abortion at the First Trimester. Retrieved from Saaty, T. L. (1994). Fundamentals of decision making and priority theory with the analytic hierarchy process. Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, I-VI. Pittsburgh, PA: RWS Publications.。

发表international business review-概述说明以及解释

发表international business review-概述说明以及解释

发表international business review-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述国际商业是指在全球范围内进行的经济交流和商业活动。










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On the Difficulties and Countermeasures of Busines

On the Difficulties and Countermeasures of Busines

On the Difficulties and Countermeasures of Business Analysis in Enterprise Management Zeyuan WANG, Yang CAOChina Pharmaceutical UniversityAbstract: At present, enterprises are facing with various business risks in the pro-cess of development. How to make investment decisions and management deci-sions will affect the normal development of enterprises. In order to promote the healthy development of the enterprise, it is necessary for the enterprise to deal with various management problems and optimize the management system. On this basis, this paper makes some exploration on the relevant problems of business analysis in enterprise management, so as to better promote the healthy development of Chinese enterprises.Key words: Business analysis; Enterprise management; Healthy development DOI: 10.12184/wspciWSP2516-252704.20190304 1. Significance of Business Analysis for Enterprise Manage-menthina is in the critical period of deepening economic reform, economic growth has entered into the normal development, its growth has slowed down signifi-cantly, and the domestic economic structure is also in the critical period of upgrad-ing and adjustment, which requires enterprises to constantly tap their own ad-vantages and reform their own unreasonable system structure according to their own internal conditions, so as to better promote the development of enterprises. With the rapid development of the times, all circles of enterprises have realized the importance of business analysis. But at present, the role of financial personnel in the financial management of enterprises is becoming more and more marginal,About the author: Zeyuan WANG (1995-08), Male, Han, Henan Xinxiang, School of In-ternational Pharmaceutical Business, Postgraduate student, Research Fields: Enterprise management and diagnosis consultationCorresponding author: Yang CAO ,Professor, Management of pharmaceutical enter-prises.C All Rights Reserved.On the Difficulties and Countermeasures of Business Analysis in Enterprise Management which requires enterprises to actively change the thinking of financial managementaccording to their own actual situation. From the perspective of enterprises, it is thegeneral trend that management accounting talents who “understand finance, man-agement and business” are more needed. Therefore, only when enterprises attachimportance to business analysis can they better grasp the development of the mar-ket, thus formulating more reasonable management plans and promoting thehealthy development of enterprises.2. Difficulties in the Application of Business Analysis in Enter-prise Management(1) Steps of business analysisAccording to the effective analysis of the production and operation of most enterprises in our country, there are some problems in the operation analysis stepsin our country. At present, most of the implementation steps in China mainly in-clude: Determining the basic strategy and framework of enterprise operation analy-sis, collecting and sorting out the relevant data and information of the enterprise,and calculating the KPI index of the collected data, comparing the difference be-tween the calculation results and the historical data of the same period, analyzing All Rights Reserved.and comparing the budget data information, analyzing the reasons behind the datathrough analysis algorithms and analysis software, reasonably formulating relevantimprovement measures and improvement schemes according to the principles, andimplementing the implementation of relevant improvement schemes. However,many enterprises do not fully follow the corresponding steps to carry out their work,and they tend to pay more attention to the final production efficiency, withoutin-depth analysis of the relevant steps and tracking the implementation of the rele-vant improvement programs, which is very unfavorable to the development of en-terprises. In addition, ignoring the relevant steps of business analysis is also veryunfavorable to the development of business and production work, and can notguarantee the normal development of other work.(2) Methods and contents of business analysisThrough the analysis of business methods of various enterprises, we find that many enterprises mainly use the traditional template as the main method in theprocess of business analysis, but this analysis method is very single and rigid, andthe data analysis report is not very complete, leading to the final analysis resultswithout certain reference value. The result of the final business analysis can notreflect the law of the original data, and has no substantive impact on the develop-ment of various tasks of the enterprise. In the process of applying business analysisCreativity and Innovation Vol.3 No.4 2019to management, the main contents of the company include the company’s financialability, development direction, management strategy, profitability, production ca-pacity and management ability, as well as the company’s stability. However, themain energy and key work of many enterprises are focused on improving the prof-itability and operation ability of enterprises, and lack of sufficient mining andanalysis of financial data, which leads to too formal operation of enterprises andeven affects the management of enterprises.3. Some Suggestions on Strengthening Business Analysis inEnterprise Management(1) Steps for optimizing business analysisWhen companies apply business analysis to financial management, they need to optimize the steps they need to perform. First of all, we should fully understandand grasp the company’s development strategic objectives and current actual busi-ness situation, grasp the latest development trend of business analysis, and providefavorable support for the optimization of the company’s business analysis steps.Second, we should improve the relevant mechanisms and systems. In the develop-ment process of business analysis, we must constantly improve every step of the All Rights Reserved.system according to the actual situation, and strictly implement business analysis inaccordance with the corresponding norms and standards to ensure the orderly de-velopment of the work. Finally, in the actual implementation process of businessanalysis, we should fully understand the real situation of business operation, clarifythe key points and difficulties of work, and improve the scientificity, rationality andcomprehensiveness of business analysis. The third is to need the financial man-agement work of the enterprise. The business analysis is mainly to analyze the rel-evant situation of the financial operation of the enterprise, reflect the various risksand challenges that the enterprise needs to face in the development process throughthe financial data, so as to excavate the potential laws behind according to the data,to formulate the corresponding management plan and better help the enterprise outof the dilemma. Fourth, we need to give full play to the role of business analysis inmanagement accounting, because management accounting is an organic combina-tion of accounting and management. It is a process of helping enterprises to obtainhigher profits according to enterprise objectives. And it can optimize the allocationof various resources of enterprises, thus improving the enthusiasm of enterprisepersonnel and better helping enterprises to obtain economic benefits.(2) Strengthening the construction of human resources talent teamIn order to better play the role of business analysis in the process of enterpriseOn the Difficulties and Countermeasures of Business Analysis in Enterprise Management management, enterprises need to strengthen the construction of talent team. First,they should strengthen the training and evidence collection of all kinds of personnel.The construction industry has a high requirement for professional qualifications.The introduction of external training institutions, the enhancement of training andevidence collection for all kinds of personnel, and the increase of the proportion oflicensed practitioners are conducive to alleviate the shortage of human resources inenterprises and the mismatch of personnel and posts. The second is to unblock thechannels for talent promotion. Smooth channels for talent promotion are the bestway to encourage talent officers to start their own businesses. Construction enter-prises should improve the promotion channel system based on technology, man-agement and skills, so that all kinds of personnel can make the best of their talentsand play the largest role. Third, clear assessment and evaluation standards for allkinds of personnel. Different assessment standards are formulated for differentpersonnel, and classified assessment is the basis of human resource management.Construction enterprises also need to combine incentives with constraints to classi-fy the examiners. Fourth, strengthen the recruitment of talents in short supply. Forthe situation that construction industry is short of business and technical personnel,they can be supplemented through external recruitment and other forms In the pro-cess of organizing and constructing the organizational structure, enterprises should All Rights Reserved.reasonably allocate the responsibilities of each department. In the process of divi-sion of responsibilities, it is better not to cross responsibilities and tasks, so as toimprove the work efficiency of each department.(3) Strengthening risk managementEnterprise risk prevention and control management plays a vital role in busi-ness analysis and enterprise management. The market economy system is not per-fect, but also faces the impact of various foreign trade protection, which bringsvarious challenges to development. Enterprises need to face huge risks and chal-lenges in the process of formulating various strategic measures. Good businessanalysis can conduct reliable data collection and data analysis for potential risks,timely discover the laws behind the data according to the relevant technologies ofbig data, formulate more targeted plans, help enterprises adjust their developmentdirection, better help enterprises avoid risks, and finally gain the initiative of themarket. In addition, they should give full play to the role of risk management inbusiness management, effectively assess the internal and external risks that affectthe development strategy and business objectives of the enterprise through the useof relevant analysis technology and analysis software, so as to improve and estab-lish more reasonable risk management and control strategies accordingly. Effec-tively ensure that the total risk of the enterprise development strategy and the bene-Creativity and Innovation Vol.3 No.4 2019fit of the overall goal of the enterprise are in a certain proportion. Generally speak-ing, in the process of major investment, it is necessary to ensure that the risk factorsare within the enterprise’s tolerable range, and that the enterprise will not suffermajor economic losses due to a single risk investment. At the same time, theyshould ensure the effectiveness of operation and management, improve the effi-ciency and effect of operation activities, reduce the uncertainty of realizing opera-tion objectives, and provide reasonable guarantee for the realization of enterprisestrategy and operation objectives. Finally, they should do a good job in enterpriserisk management, they are not only necessary to strengthen the construction andmanagement of various information systems and introduce more advanced dataanalysis technologies, but also should strengthen the utilization and allocation ofhuman resources, actively collect and summarize the data resources of relevantcases and the financial information of the enterprise’s own development, so as tostrengthen the control of the enterprise in various production links and ensurehealthy and stable operation of the enterprise.4. ConclusionTo sum up, a good business analysis plays the most important role in the de-All Rights Reserved.velopment of an enterprise, but in the application process, the influence of variousproblems needs to be considered, and enterprises also need to formulate appropriatedevelopment strategies according to their own actual situation, so as to promote thesound and rapid development of enterprises.Works Cited[1] Leng Sainan. “Difficulties and countermeasures of business analysis in enterprisemanagement”. Low Carbon World,2018 (2).[2] Luo Xiaoyu. “On the role, difficulties and countermeasures of business analysis inenterprise management”. Chinese and Foreign Entrepreneurs, 2016 (20): 95-96.[3]Ma Qian, Liu Shaohua. “On the role, difficulties and countermeasures of businessanalysis in enterprise management”. Modernization of Shopping Mall, 2015 (1):96-97.[4] Yuan Ling. “Research and analysis on the transformation of enterprise financialaccounting to management accounting under the background of big data”. Scienceand Technology Economic Market, 2019 (09): 37-38.[5] Lu Xu. “Exploring the transformation strategy of financial accounting to manage-ment accounting under the background of big data”. China Management In-formatization, 2019, 22 (19): 10-11.。



Areas of Due Diligence - Direct
Financial & Commercial due diligence
Historical financial data Quality of historical data Review of forecasts & business plans Appropriateness of accounting policies Balance sheet exposures Quality of assets Working capital requirements Impact of different scenarios
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As a proverb says"Everyone deserves a second chance." could you please give me the second chance?Look forward to your reply. Thanks for your support and understanding! Wish ahappy life!Kindness regards,kubaier已经退款,求好评Dear,First of all, please accept my deepest apologies for the long delivery time.As aseller, we really hope every clients could be satisfied with our product and services, and the product could be arrived on time. But the item shipped from China. It's along way, the logistics can't be controlled. I can totally understand your feeling ifI were you. And beg your understanding, too.Really sorry for this. We have given you a refund.I am a new seller and just out of college in June,2015. It is my first job,maybe I could not do better than the other sellers, but I will do my best to do mywork to improve product and service. And will be very grateful if you can leave me a5 star feedback if you are satisfied with my service.Happy New Year! 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Pls check your account later.And could you please remove the feedback as an important support and encouragement?Look forward to your reply. Thanks for your support and understanding! Wish a happy life!Kindness regards,amstyleDear> In light where there is a sheet, you need to remove the thin, light can be purchased to work!you can try. If still not work, pls contact me,Thanks for your support and understanding!DearReally sorry for this.Pls try the button on the button of the helmet, if does not work, pls change a new battery. Hope this helps. If still not work, pls contact me, will soon resend or refund it to you. Really sorry for this. Beg your understanding!Thanks in advance. Have a nice day! :)Best regardsamstyleHi here,You misunderstood me,I have already given you a refund。

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Balance as per Apache Ledger @ 01/31/2016 Old Balance - Salam Gas Pricing , BTU Differences & Others Non- Disputed Past Due Receivables @ 01/31/2016 Pricing Difference Timing Issues ECR Amortization – [East Bah and Qarun] (Starting Q3-2014 that should be Q1-2009) ECR - True-up Q1-2014 to Q4-2014 ECR – True up Q1-15 and Q3-15 ECR – Estimate Diff. Q4-15 ECR – Estimate Diff. Jan-16 ECR – Ras Kanayes Unitization Settel. Diff. – Oct-11 to Dec-14 NEAG Apollonia Gas Invoices - 10% Deduction Outstanding Gas invoices Sub-Total Others Qarun Left Over Material Khalda Administration Fees Others Balance as per EGPC @ Jan 31,2016 $305,541,981 ($12,540,509) $293,001,472 ($52,153,220)
$11,077,410 $2,480,000 $32,957,535
FEB 22, 2016
US $ Past Due Receivables Old Balance – Salam Gas Pricing – BTU $296,629,696 $12,540,509
$0.16 $16.27 $19.86 $46.12 $3.08
Description Allowance up to Jan 31, 2016
Salam Pricing and BTU Khalda Offset Administration Fees Pricing Difference
04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Aug. 2015Dec. 2015Feb. 2016
$450 $400 $350 $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 $0 MM$
Qarun Oil Under-lift as of Jan 31, 2016 (Estimate) Oil Invoices (not yet received by EGPC) Gas Invoices (not yet received by EGPC) LPG Invoices (accepted by EGPC but not due yet) Outstanding Past Due Receivables
Balance as of Feb. 22, 2016 Oil Invoices: December-15 Gas Invoices: September-15 October-15 November-15 LPG Invoices: November-15 Sub-Total Sales Proceeds ECR Q1-2016 Cash Collection $50 MM monthly in US $ (Feb.16 - March 16) $30 MM monthly in EGP equivalent (Feb.16 - Mar.16) (MOU) $ 5 MM monthly in EGP equivalent (Feb.16 - Mar.16) (Currency Deal) $1,322,628 $163,500,996 ($15,674,940) $33,868,087 $38,789,779 $36,876,805 $296,629,696 $52,643,697
$267 $170 $62 $19 $14 $25 $43 $239
$700 $600 $500 $400
$200 $100 $104 $6 $44 $50 $50 $0
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 LE Payments
($100,000,000) ($52,500,000) ($10,000,000)
Signature Bonus – Khalda Offset III
Sub-Total Collections Estimated EGPC AR Balance as of March 31st, 2016 8
Balance as of Jun. 30th, 2016 Oil Invoices: April-16 May-16 June-16 July-16 August-16 September-16 $119,514,296 $11,432,942 $14,193,708 $11,377,420 $13,732,838 $10,445,072 $7,053,232 $30,959,418 $36,030,686 $36,586,489 $36,481,663 $36,504,643 $38,197,329 $3,372,366 $1,223,508 $1,117,376 $1,158,731 $1,066,390 $1,058,808 $1,009,755 $293,002,374 ($27,586,622) ($32,533,351) ($180,000,000) ($30,000,000) ($270,119,973) $142,396,697
($226,174,940) $233,955,753
Balance as of Mar. 31th, 2016 Oil Invoices: January-16 February-16 March-16 Gas Invoices: December-15 January-16 Feb-16 (Dahsour Only) LPG Invoices: December-15 January-16 February-16 Sub-Total Sales Proceeds ECR Q2-2016 Cash Collection $50 MM monthly in US $ (April16 to June 16) $30 MM monthly in EGP equivalent (April to June16) (MOU) $ 5 MM monthly in EGP equivelant (April to June16) (Currency Deal) $1,268,962 $1,243,350 $1,230,166 $171,229,139 ($30,670,596) $38,259,835 $37,319,864 $3,148,704 $233,955,753 $31,024,218 $27,066,856 $30,667,184
0 - 30
Pricing Difference
Feb 22, 2016
Timing Issues:
East Bahariya & Qarun Solar Turbine
NEAG Apollonia Gas Invoices – 10% Deduction ECR true up Q3 - 2015 Sep-15 WD Crude Oil Invoice Sub-Total Khalda Offset Administrative Fees
<$925,819> $53,051,783 $43,722,518 $2,574,554 $407,593,241
($150,000,000) ($90,000,000) ($15,000,000)
Sub-Total Collections