

Chapter22 ds区金属

Chapter22 ds区金属

3.Cu(Ⅰ)和Cu(Ⅱ)的相互转化(重点) Ⅰ和 的相互转化( Ⅱ 的相互转化 重点) (1)Cu(I) → Cu(II) 歧化: ①酸性溶液中,Cu+歧化 酸性溶液中, 2Cu+ = Cu2+ + Cu(s) (ϕθ Cu+/Cu = 0.521V ; ϕθ Cu2+/Cu+ = 0.152V) ϕ Eθ= ϕ θ Cu+/Cu - ϕ θ Cu2+/Cu+= 0.521 - 0.152= 0.369 V Cu2SO4(s) ═══ CuSO4(aq) + Cu↓ 白色 蓝色 很小的Cu(I) 化合物可以在水溶液中稳定存在,例如: 化合物可以在水溶液中稳定存在,例如: 但Ksp很小的 很小的 CuI(s) 的Ksp = 5.06×10-12 ; Cu2S(s)的Ksp = 2.5×10-50 × × 被适当氧化剂氧化: ②Cu(I) 被适当氧化剂氧化: 例: Cu2O+4NH3+H2O = 2[Cu(NH3)2]++2OH红色 无色 4[Cu(NH3)2]++O2+ 8NH3 +2H2O = 4[Cu(NH3)4]2++2OH可用[ 除去混合气体中的O ∴ 可用 Cu(NH3)2 ] +(aq) 除去混合气体中的 2
1000℃ ℃
四.银的化合物 1.氧化银 氧化银 Ag2O微溶于水,293K时1L水能溶 微溶于水, 时 水能溶13mg,溶液呈微碱性。 ,溶液呈微碱性。 微溶于水 水能溶
Ag2O+CO = 2Ag+CO2 Ag2O+H2O2 = 2Ag+H2O+O2↑ 2.硝酸银 硝酸银 熔点为481.5K,见光分解,所以应将其保存在 棕色瓶中。 ,见光分解, 棕色瓶中。 熔点为 Ag+2HNO3(浓)= AgNO3+NO2↑+H2O 3Ag+4HNO3(稀)= 3AgNO3+NO↑+2H2O 能被一些中强或强还原剂还原成单质银: 能被一些中强或强还原剂还原成单质银: 2AgNO3+H3PO3+H2O = H3PO4+2Ag+2HNO3

Chapter 22 Gluconeogenesis

Chapter 22 Gluconeogenesis

Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase is an allosterically regulated enzyme. Citrate stimulates bisphosphatase activity, but fructose-2,6bisphosphate is a potent allosteric inhibitor. AMP also inhibits the bisphosphatase; the inhibition by AMP is enhanced by fructose-2,6bisphosphate.
22.1 Gluconeogenesis
The ability to synthesize glucose from common metabolites is very important to most organisms. Human metabolism, for example, consumes about 160±20 grams of glucose per day, about 75% of this in the brain. Body fluids carry only about 20 grams of free glucose, and glycogen stores normally can provide only about 180 to 200 grams of free glucose. Thus, the body carries only a little more than a one-day supply of glucose. If glucose is not obtained in the diet, the body must produce new glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors. The term for this activity is gluconeogenesis, which means the generation (genesis) of new (neo) glucose.



骆驼祥子第22章读书笔记Chapter 22 of "Rickshaw Boy" is a turning point in the protagonist Xiangzi's life. This chapter is a crucial moment in the novel, as it represents the culmination of Xiangzi's struggles and the beginning of a new phase in his life.《骆驼祥子》的第22章是主人公祥子生活的转折点。


Throughout the novel, Xiangzi has been portrayed as a hardworking, determined individual who is constantly facing hardships. His dream of purchasing his own rickshaw and gaining financial independence seemed unattainable until he meets Hsiao Chen.在整个小说中,祥子被描述为一个努力工作、坚定不移的个体,不断面对困难。


Hsiao Chen's belief in Xiangzi's abilities and her support play a pivotal role in shaping his outlook on life. This is evident when hedecides to pursue education, a decision that would have seemed impossible without her encouragement.小陈对祥子能力的信任和她的支持在塑造他的人生观方面起着至关重要的作用。

bio Chapter22

bio Chapter22
to cone cells: colour blindness It is caused by the absence of one or more type of cone cells and cannot be corrected. Common colour blindness: red-green colour blindness: in the absence of red cone cells, red light will be detected by the green cone cells brain cannot distinguish between red and green colour Total colour blindness: cannot perceive any colour (rare in human) The function of the ear includes hearing and detecting the balance of the body
Eye diseases Short sight: the eye ball is too long or the lens is too curved. It can be corrected by wearing diverging or concave lens(凹透鏡), which diverges rays from a distant object Long sight: the eyeball is too short or the lens it too thin. It can be corrected by wearing converging or convex lens, which converge light rays form a near object The light sensitive cells Rod cells: very sensitive to light (even light of low intensity) For vision in dim light Cannot detect colour Responsible for black-and-white vision Found at the periphery of the retina Cone cells: for colour vision Form sharp images Concentrated at the central region of the retina (yellow spot or fovea has the highest concentration of con cells) Three types of them: red, green and blue

电子课件 [数学物理方法与仿真(第3版)][杨华军][电子教案(PPT版本)]chapter22

电子课件 [数学物理方法与仿真(第3版)][杨华军][电子教案(PPT版本)]chapter22

凡是 “%”后的语句为解释语句,MATLAB不执行)
% 定义单位方形区域
% 左右零边界条件,顶底零导数边界条件
22.1 用偏微分方程工具箱求解微分方程
直接使用图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface,简记作GUI)求解.
例 22.1.1 解热传导方程 ut u f
【解】 第一步:启动MATLAB,键入命令pdetool并回
车,就进入GUI.在Options菜单下选择Grid命 令,打开栅格.栅格使用户容易确定所绘图形的 大小. 第二步:选定定解区域 本题为自定区域 :自拟定解区域如图22.1所 示:E1-E2+R1-E3.具体用快捷工具分别画椭 圆E1、圆E2、矩形R1、圆E3.然后在Set formula栏中进行编辑并用算术运算符将图形对 象名称连接起来. (或删去默认的表达式,直接键入E1-E2+R1-E3)
2.动画图形显示 为了将所得的解形象地表示出来,还要通过一些动画图形命 令.为了加速绘图,首先把三角形网格转化成矩形网格.调用形 式如下: (1)uxy=tri2grid(p,t,u1,x,y) p、t是描述三角形网格的矩阵,x、y是求解区域中矩形网格的坐 标点(矩阵x、y必须都是递增顺序),u1是各时刻三角形网格中 的解.输出矩阵uxy是用线性插值法在矩形网格点上得出的相应u 值. (2) [uxy,tn,a2,a3]=tri2grid(p,t,u,x,y) uxy、p、t、u、x、y意义同上,tn是格点的指针矩阵,a2、a3是内 插法的系数. (3) uxy=tri2grid(p,t,u,tn,a2,a3) 用此命令之前,应先用一个tri2grid命令得出矩阵tn、a2、a3.用此 方法可以加快速度.



第22章习题22.1. 下列数据为汽车行驶的速度(英里/小时) 与停车所需的距离(英尺) 的50个测量结果,数据为1920年代测试的结果。

(1) 做速度和距离的散点图。

(2) 建立距离关于速度的线性回归模型,计算回归系数α与β的最小二乘估计,并将回归直线添加到对应的散点图当中。

(3) 计算回归模型的残差,做残差的直方图,将核密度估计的结果添加到直方图当中,并与对应的正态分布密度曲线进行对比。

(4) 对回归结果进行回归诊断。

speed dist1 4 22 4 103 7 44 7 225 8 166 9 107 10 188 10 269 10 3410 11 1711 11 2812 12 1413 12 2014 12 2415 12 2816 13 2617 13 3418 13 3419 13 4620 14 2621 14 3622 14 6023 14 8024 15 2025 15 2626 15 5427 16 3228 16 4029 17 3230 17 4031 17 5032 18 4233 18 5634 18 7635 18 8436 19 3637 19 4638 19 6839 20 3240 20 4841 20 5242 20 5643 20 6444 22 6645 23 5446 24 7047 24 9248 24 9349 24 12050 25 8522.2. 不同重量的除草机碾压一片草坪的不同部分,测量其碾压后草坪降低的高度,数据如下:(1) 做重量和碾压程度的散点图。

(2) 建立碾压程度关于除草机重量的线性回归模型,求回归的系数α与β的最小二乘估计,并将回归直线添加到对应的散点图当中。

(3) 计算回归模型的残差,做残差的直方图,将核密度估计的结果添加到直方图当中,并与对应的正态分布密度曲线进行对比。

(4) 对回归结果进行回归诊断。

(5) 用稳健回归(R中的rlm()函数) 处理上述模型,并将回归直线添加到对应的散点图当中。

Chapter 22-23英语词汇记忆法

Chapter 22-23英语词汇记忆法

Chapter 22 assimilate v 同化,贯通(as不断+simil+ate=不断相同=同化)ab-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-, at-等加在同辅音字母的词根前,表示”一再”等加强意accelerate加速(ac+celer速度=一再增加速度)accentuate 强调(ac+cent唱歌=一再唱出=强调)accomplishaccumulate积累(ac+cumul堆积+ate=堆积起来=积累)accustom使习惯(ac+custom习俗=习惯习俗)addict上瘾,入迷(ad+dict说=一再说起=对……入迷)additive上瘾的(addict的形容词) adduce引证,举例(ad+duce引导=一再引导=举例说明)affable亲切的(af+fable说话=不断可以说话=亲切)afford买得起(af+ford拿出=一再拿出{钱}=买得起)affirm肯定(af+firm坚定=肯定) aggression侵略,进攻(ag+gress走+ion=一再往前走=进攻)aggrandize扩大(ag+grand大=一再大=扩大[权力]等)aggravate恶化(ag+grav重+ate病加重) announce通告(an+nounce通知=通告) appal使震惊(ap+pal白色=[脸]变白=受惊)applause鼓掌(ap+pease赞扬=一再赞扬=鼓掌)appreciate欣赏(ap+reci价值+ate=一再给价=欣赏)appoint指定,任命(ap+point指=指定) arrange安排(ar+range排列=安排) arrest逮捕,阻止(ar+rest休息=不让动=逮捕)arrive到达(ar+rive河=到达河边=达到目标)assault进攻(as+saul跳=跳起来=进攻)assiduous勤奋的(as+sid坐+uous=一再坐着[学习] =勤奋)assist帮助(as+sist站=站过来=帮助) associate联合,结合(as+soci社团+ate=结成团队=联合)assimilate吸收,同化(as+simil相同+ate=成为相同=同化)assure肯定,确信(as+sure确定=一不再确定=肯定)attach附上,依恋(at+tach接角=接触上=附上)attain达到,获得(at+tain拿住=获得) attend(at+tend关心=关心到了=出度) attract吸引(拉=拉过来=吸引)attest证实(at+test试验=一再试验=证实)simil, simul, sembl =alike,same,表示”相类似,一样”(参照Chapter 14 facsimile) similar a 同样的,相似的similarity n 类似(similar相似的+ity) simile n 直喻,明喻similitude a 类似,相像(simil+itude) assimilate v 同化,贯通(as不断+simil+ate=不断相同=同化) dissimilar a 不同的(dis不+similar相同的)dissimilation n 异化,分化作用(dis+simil+ation)facsimile n 誊写,摹写(fac事实+simile=实际一样=誊写)verisimilar a 貌似真实的,逼真的(veri[very]+similar=非常相像的) simulate v 假装,模仿(simul+ate=做得相像=模仿)simulation n 假装(wimulate+ion) simultaneous a 同时发生的(simult+相同+aneous=[时间]相同的) simultaneity n 同时性(simult+aneity) semblance n 类似,外观相像(sembl+ance=相同之处)assemble v 集合,装配(as不断+semble=不断使东西相同=组装[东西]) dissemble v 假装,掩饰(dis不+semble=不相同装做相同=掩饰)resemble v 类似, 像…一样(re 再+semble=再一样=类似)resemblan n 类似(resemble+ance) belligerent交战的,准备打架的(belli+ger带来=ent=带来战争=交战的)bell,bel=war, fight,表示”战争,打斗”rebellion反叛,反抗(re反+bell打+ion=反打=反叛)rebel反叛rebellious反抗的,难控制的belligerent交战的,准备打架的(belli+ger带来=ent=带来战争=交战的) bellicism好战性,好战倾向demeanorNOUN:Behavior through which one reveals one's personality:address, air, bearing, manner, mien, presence, style. Archaic :port.See BE, STYLE.demeanv 贬抑(通常用被动:在尊严或地位上受到贬低)=degrade;谦逊(通常用主动+oneself=降低自己的身份)=humble【记】mean(adj 低劣的;卑鄙的)" denunciationn 公开指责;指控【记】denunciate=denounce公开指责【类】castigation:reproof=denunciation:denial『glorification:merit』苛责是十分谴责=驳斥是十分否定『赞颂:优点』execrate:denunciate 痛骂:指责【反】eulogy(n 赞词;颂词);tribute (n 贡品;颂词);accolade(n 赞美);panegyric(n 颂词;推崇备至)" dissipatev (使)驱散(到消失的程度)=scatter;挥霍浪费=squander【记】dis向四面八方,sip(v 呷小口的喝)-到处吃喝-浪费【参】dissipated(adj 沉迷于酒色的;消散的)=indulging【类】husbandry:dissipate=alacrity:procrastinate节敛不浪费=敏捷不拖延【反】accumulate(v 积累);gather (v 聚集);amass(v 收集)"indolent[18] Historically, indolent means …feeling no pain‟ – indeed, that is how it was used as a technical medical term in English in the 17th and 18th centuries. It comes from late Latin indolens, which was based on the Latin verb dolere …suffer pain‟ (source also of English dolour [13] and doleful [13]). English took the term directly fromLatin, but meanwhile in French indolent had broadened out in meaning via …insensitive‟ to …inactive, lethargic, lazy‟, and that is the basis of the current English use of the adjective, acquired in the early 18th century.indolentadj 习惯性懒惰的=idle=lazy【记】in不,dol悲痛,ent-不因为浪费时间而悲痛的-懒隋的in不,do作,lent借钱-整天不做事,光借钱-懒惰的【参】condolence(n 哀悼;吊唁)inherent a 天赋的,生来的(in里面+her+ent=天生[与身体内]连着=天赋的)her,hes=stick,表示”粘附”adhere v 粘着,依附(ad增加+here=粘上)adherence n 粘附,坚持(adhere+ence)adherent n 归依者,门徒(adhere+ent=粘着,坚持的人)adhesion nn 粘着,坚持(ad+hes+ion) adhesive a 发粘的n.胶带(ad+hes+ive) cohere v 粘着,连贯(co共同+here=共同粘=连贯)coherent a 连贯的, 有条理的(cohere+ent)cohesion n “结合,凝聚力(co+hes+ion,cohere的名词)”inherent a 天赋的,生来的(in里面+her+ent=天生[与身体内]连着=天赋的)hesitate v 踌躇,犹豫(hest+itate粘粘糊糊=犹豫)hereditary a 承袭的,世袭的,遗传的heritability n 可遗传性,遗传性hesitation n 踌躇,犹豫(hesitate+ion) nonchalant冷漠的(non+chalant关心的→不关心的)[non-表示"不,非"]nonchalant[18] To be nonchalant is etymologically …not to get hot under the collar‟. The word comes from French nonchalant, an adjective formed with the prefix non- …not‟ from the present participle of the verb chaloir …be concerned‟. This goes back ultimately to Latin calēre …be hot‟ (a relative of English calorie and cauldron).unassuming不摆架子的(un+assuming自以为是的) unassumingadj 谦逊的(不装腔作势的)【记】un不,assuming(adj 傲慢不逊的):谦逊的【参】assume(v 假定;采取)"unilateral a 单边的(uni单个+later+al)later=side,表示”边”unilateral a 单边的(uni单个+later+al) dilateral a 双边的(bi双+later+al) equilateral a 等边的(equi相等+later+al)lateral a 旁边的,侧面的unilateral a 单方面的(uni+later边+al=单边的=单方面的)un,uni=one,表示”单一,一个”unity n 单一,一致(uni+ty) unitarianism n 一元论(unit+arian…的+ism论)unite v 团结,合并bisunite v 分离,分裂(dis分开+unite=团结的分开=分裂)unify v 统一(uni+fy)unification n 联合(uni+fic+ation) uniped a 独脚的(uni+ped叫) unique a 独特的(uni+que表形容词=单一的=独特的)unison n 和谐(uni+son声音) unanimity n 一致,同意(un[=uni]+anim 生命+ity=一个生命=一致) unanimous a 全体一致的(un+anim+ous)unifoliate a 单叶的(uni+foli树叶+ate=单个树叶的)uniform a 同样的,一致的(uni+form形状)uniformity n 一致性(uniform+ity) unilateral a 单方面的(uni+later边+al=单边的=单方面的)Chapter 23analogy n 类比,类似(ana一样+logy=说的一样=类比)log,logu=speak,表示”说话”logic n 逻辑(学)(说话的学问=逻辑学)logical a 符合逻辑的(logic+al) analogy n 类比,类似(ana一样+logy=说的一样=类比)apologue n 寓言(apo离开+logue=说得离开现实=寓言)apology n 道歉,认错(apo离开+logy=退后一步说=道歉)apologize v 道歉(apology+ize) catalogue n目录,一览表(cata下面+logue在下面要说的话=目录) dialogue n 对话(dia对着+logue=对着说)prologue n 开场白(pro在前+logue=在前面说)epilogue n 尾声,后记(epi后面+logue=在后面说)eulogy n 颂辞,称赞(eu好+logy=说好话)eulogize v 称赞(eulogy+ize) monologue n 独白(mono一个人+logue说=独白)philology n 语言学(phil爱+logy说=爱说的学科=语言学)annihilate v 消灭(an使+nihil+ate=使[东西]不存在=消灭) nihil=nothing,表示”无,不存在” nihil n 虚无,毫无价值之物annihilate v 消灭(an使+nihil+ate=使[东西]不存在=消灭)annihiation n 消灭,歼灭nihilism n 虚无主义(nihil+ism主义) criterion n 标准,准绳(作出判断的依据)crit,cris = judge,discern,表示”判断,分辨”critical a 批评的,危险的(crit+ical) criticism n 批评crisis n 危机(cris+is=需要作出判断的时刻=危机时刻)criterion n 标准,准绳(作出判断的依据) hypocrite n 伪君子(hypo在下面+crit+e评判=在背后评判别人=伪君子) hypocrisy n 伪善(hypo+crisy)emanate['emәneit]vi.散发, 发出, 发源;vt.[罕]发散, 放射【根】ex-=out of,Latin m a n a re [to flow]holisticho.lis.ticAHD: [h½-l¹s“t¹k]D.J. [h*&6l!st!k]K.K. [ho6l!st!k]adj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to holism.属于或有关整体论的2. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.强调整体的重要性及其不可分割性的3. Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts:强调整体分析而忽略部分分析的:holistic medicine; holistic ecology.整体治疗医学;注重整体的生态学placebo n 安慰药(plac+ebo药品=平静的药=安慰药)plac=to please,表示”取悦,使满意,使平静”placate v 安慰,抚慰(plac+ate=使…平静)placid a 平静的(plac+id) implacable a 不平静的,难以安慰的(im 不+placable能平静的)complacent a 自满的,自得的(com加强语气+plac+ent=被取悦=自满的) placebo n 安慰药(plac+ebo药品=平静的药=安慰药)complaisant a 讨好的(com加强语气+plais[=plac]+ant=让[别人]满意=讨好的)proficient a 精通的,熟练的(pro前+fic做+ient=以前做过=熟练的) pro-①表示”向前,在前”progressprojectprologuepromotepropelprospectprovoke②表示”很多…”proliferate 繁殖,增殖profit①表示”赞同,亲…”pro-americanproslaveryproabortionistfac,fact,fect,fic,fig=make,do,表示”做,制作”(参考Chapter14 facsimile, Chapter 21 facilitate)staunch1adj firm, loyal and dependable in opinion and attitude 坚定而忠实可靠的:subvert (sub(在下)+ vert(转)→转到下面→推翻)vt. 颠覆,推翻(to overturn or overthrow from the foundation:ruin)ver,ert=turn,表示”转”verse n 诗歌,韵文(转着反复说的话=诗歌)versed a 熟练的(会写诗歌,表示对语言运用的熟练)version n 翻译,译文(vers+ion=从原文转出来=译文)versatile a 多功能的,多才的(玩的转=有才能的)versatility n 多才多艺vertical a 垂直(vert+ical[下垂的东西]) avert v 避开(a离开+vert=转开=避开) adertise v 做广告(at一再+vert+ise=转来转去做广告)advertisement n 广告convert v 转化,改造(con共同+vert=共同转=转化)conversion n 转化,(宗教的)改变incconvertible a 不能转化的(in不+convert转化+ible)unconverted a 不变的,不悔改的(un不+convert转化+ed)controvert v 反驳,攻击(contro相反+vert=相反转=反驳)controversy n 争论,议论incontrovertible a 不容争论的(in不+controvervtt反驳+ible=不容反驳的) sivert v 转向,消遣(di偏离+vert转偏离=转向)diversion n 转向,娱乐invert v 翻过来,倒转(in进+vert=转进去=倒转=倒置)pervert v 颠倒,曲解(per全部+vert=全部转=颠倒)revert v 恢复原状(re回+ert=转回来=恢复)reversion n 恢复原状averse a 反感的(a坏+vers+e=往坏转=反感的)aversion n 反感adverse a 逆反,不辛adversary n 敌手,对手(ad+ers逆反+ary人=逆反之人=对手) anniversary n 周年纪念日(fanni年+vers+ary=一年转一次=纪念日) converse v 谈话,交际(con共同+vers+e=[两个齿轮对着]一起转=相反) conversation n 谈话conversant a亲近的(con共同+vers+ant=在一起转的=亲近的) diverse a 不同的(di分开+vers+e=转开了=不同的)diiversify v 多样化(di分开+vers+ify) diversity n 多样性inverse a 翻转的(in进+vers+e=转进去=翻转的)malversation n 贪污,渎职(mal坏vers+ation=转坏了=做官做坏=贪污) peverse a 性情乖张的(per全部+vers+e=和大家[反着]转=乖张的) perversity n 性情乖张的reverse v 颠倒,逆转a.相反的(re反+verse=反着转=颠倒)irreversible a 不能改变的(ir不+re+vers+ible=不能颠倒的) transversal a 横断的(taans横+vers+al=横着转=横断的) universe n 宇宙(uni一个+vers+e=统一旋转=宇宙)university n 大学(uni+vers+ity=由宇宙引申为知识,知识之地=大学) vertigo n 眩晕(vert+igo=go around转着走=眩晕)vindicate v 辩护,拥护(vin力量+dic 说+ate=用力量说=拥护)(chp 13, jurisdiction)dict,dic=say,assert, 表示”说话,断言”dictate v 口授,命令,听写(dict+ate说话=口授,命令)dictator n 发命令者,独裁者(dictate+or=发命令者)diction n 措词,词语的选择(dict+ion=说话状态=措词)dictionary n 字典(diction+ary=措词的书=字典)dictum n 格言,断言(dict+um=说[出]的话=格言)benediction n 祝福(bene好+dict说+ion =说好话)malediction n 恶言,诅咒(male坏+dict+ion=说坏话)contradict n 反驳,否认(contra反+dict=反说=反驳)contradictory a 矛盾的,对立的(contradict反驳+ory)edict n 法令,布告(e 出+dict说=说出=布告法令)jurisdiction n 司法权(juris 司法+dict+ion=说法律的=司法权) predict v 预言,预告(pre预先+dict) prdeiction n 预言,预告(predict+ion) indict v 起诉,控诉(in进去+dict=进去说=起诉)indictment n 起诉,控诉(indict+ment) abdicate v 放弃,退位(ab离开+dic 说,命令+ ate=不再命令=退位) dedicate v 献身于,致力于(de加强+dic 说+ate=再说=努力献身)indicate v 指示,表示(in进入+dicate=说进去=指示,指明)vindicate v 辩护,拥护(vin力量+dic说+ate=用力量说=拥护)vindictive a 有报复心的(vin力量+dict 说+ive)addict v 耽溺,上瘾(ad一再+dict说=说了还说=耽溺)addicttion n 耽溺,嗜好(addict+ion) interdict v 禁止n. 禁令(inter在中间+ dict=在中间说,不让做=禁止) valediction n 告别赠言(vale再见+dict +ion =说再见)verdict n 裁判,判决(ver真实+dict=说真实话=裁决)predicate v 断定,认定(pre+dic+ate=预先说=断定)prdedication n 认定,断定(predicate+ion)predicament n 困境,险境(pre预先+dica命令+ment=预先命令做=进入危境)indite v 撰写,写作(in进入dite[=dict]=说进去=写进,写作)。

Ch22 capacitance

Ch22 capacitance

l E d A E 2 rl
E 2 0 r
The potential difference:

b dr b E ds ln a 2 2 0 a 0 r
Q l
2 0l Q C V ln b / a
0 A
A 2 al
The Spherical Capacitor (P529 Ex. 22-3)
A spherical capacitor in which the inner conductor is a solid sphere of radius a, and outer conductor is a hollow spherical shell of inner radius b. Find the capacitance.
U dU
q Q Q2 1 1 2 dq U QV C ( V ) 2C 2 2 C 2C
Where does the potential energy reside?
Question: Which one is the storehouse of the energy, the charge or the electric field itself? From the equation U=Q2/2C, we conclude that the energy relates to the charging. Another point of view:
q(t )
If this process is continued until to charge the capacitor from q =0 to the final charge q =Q, the total potential energy is:


• 锌指包含约由23个氨基酸残基组成的环, 它 伸出锌结合位点, 而锌结合位点由半胱氨酸 和组氨酸组成.
• 锌指蛋白常有多个锌指.
• 锌指的C端形成螺旋, 它结合一圈DNA大沟.
• 某些锌指蛋白结合RNA和(或)DNA.
转录因子SP1有一系列的三锌指结构, 每个锌指 的锌结合位点都有半胱氨酸和组氨酸的特征性 模式.
类固醇和甲状腺 激素受体的结构 组成类似,都有 一个单独的N端 区域,一个保守 的DNA结合域 和一个C端激素 结合域.
22.11 Steroid receptors have zinc fingers. 类固醇受体具有锌指结构.
• 类固醇受体的DNA结合域是一类锌指, 它含有Cys而没有His残基.
• • • • 什么是DNA结合域和转录激活域? 什么是应答元件? 什么是锌指? 什么是亮安酸拉链?
含有RXR的异源二聚体可识别由同向重复序列 TGACCT组成的应答元件.
在缺乏配体时, T3R和RAR结合 SMRT,启动子不 表达;由于配体的 结合,SMRT被取 代,受体就可结合 辅激活剂复合体, 这将激活基本转 录复合体的转录 功能.
22.14 Homeodomains bind related targets in DNA . 同源域结合DNA中的相关靶序列.
Chapter 22
22.1 Introduction 引言
基因表达主要调控点 是转录起始, 而对基因 表达的后几个阶段的 调控是很少的, 它们并 不决定基因是否表达, 尽管对加工的调节能 决everal types of transcription factors. 转录因子的分型. • 基本转录复合体决定了转录起始点. • 激活剂决定了转录频率. • 激活剂与基本转录因子通过蛋白质-蛋白质 相互作用而发挥其功能. • 激活剂可能通过辅激活剂而起作用. • 转录复合体的一些成分通过改变染色质结 构而起作用.



最新人教版九年级上册数学二十二章二次函数单元教学计划Chapter 22: Teaching Plan for Quadratic nsI。

Analysis of Quadratic ns in r High Mathematics Textbooks After learning about nal。


and inverse nal ns。

students further study n knowledge。

which is an important part of the spiral development of n knowledge。

Quadratic ns are important mathematical models that describe the nship een variables in the real world。

Quadratic ns are also mathematical models for some single-variable n problems。

such as finding the maximum profit or area。

The parabolic curve of the quadratic n is also one of the most familiar curves to people。

The flow of water from a fountain or the trajectory of a javelin throw form a parabolic path。

At the same time。

the parabolic shape also has a wide range of ns in architecture。

such as parabolic arch bridges and parabolic tunnels。



海底两万里第22章读书笔记英文回答:Chapter 22 of "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" is titled "The Lightning Bolts of Captain Nemo." In this chapter, the narrator, Professor Aronnax, describes the incredible power and speed of the Nautilus as it navigates through a violent storm. Captain Nemo skillfully maneuvers the submarine, using its electric power to avoid being struck by lightning. The chapter is filled with vivid descriptions of the storm and the awe-inspiring abilities of the Nautilus.One of the key themes in this chapter is the advanced technology and engineering of the Nautilus. Captain Nemo's creation is a marvel of its time, with its ability to generate electricity and withstand the forces of nature. As the narrator observes, "The Nautilus was a masterpiece of modern engineering, a true marvel of the seas." This showcases the ingenuity and brilliance of Captain Nemo andhis team.Another important aspect of this chapter is theportrayal of Captain Nemo as a skilled and fearless leader. Despite the dangerous storm, Nemo remains calm and composed, guiding the Nautilus with precision. His confidence and expertise are evident as he navigates through the lightning bolts and turbulent waves. The narrator remarks, "Captain Nemo's calm demeanor was a testament to his experience and leadership."Furthermore, this chapter highlights the bond and trust between the crew members of the Nautilus. Despite the perilous situation, the crew works together seamlessly, following Captain Nemo's orders without hesitation. This camaraderie and teamwork are exemplified when the narrator states, "The crew members moved with synchronized precision, each carrying out their assigned tasks without a word."This demonstrates the strong unity and discipline withinthe crew.In conclusion, Chapter 22 of "Twenty Thousand LeaguesUnder the Sea" showcases the advanced technology of the Nautilus, Captain Nemo's leadership skills, and the unity of the crew. The thrilling descriptions of the storm and the Nautilus' ability to navigate through it create a sense of excitement and awe. This chapter further deepens the reader's understanding of the incredible world created by Jules Verne.中文回答:《海底两万里》第22章的标题是《尼莫船长的闪电箭头》。



Intermediate+Microeconomics英文讲义Chapter22Chapter 22Firm SupplyA. Firms face two sorts of constraints1. technological constraints — summarized in cost function2. market constraints — how will consumers and other firms react toa given firm’s choice?B. Pure competition3. formally —takes market price as given, outside of any particularfirm’s controlIf each firm assumes that the market price is independent of its own level of output, this market is purely competitive. Thus in a competitive market, each firm only has to worry about how much output it wants to produce.4. example: All the firms in a industry produce identical product.They are very small relative to the market. Many small price takers, such as wheat market.5. demand curve facing a competitive firmWe have a demand curve facing a competitive firm. See Figure 22.1.C. Supply decision of competitive firm1. the condition for profit maximizationThe F.O.C:That is, marginal revenue equals marginal cost. Since , . Therefore the profit maximization condition is:marginal revenue = marginal cost = p (market price)2. Proof:a) If price is greater than marginal cost:b) If price is less than marginal cost:c) Firms’ supp ly curvethe supply curve is part of the marginal cost curve.3. only upward-sloping part of marginal cost curve matterswe can rule out levels of output where the marginal cost curve slopes down.So price equals marginal cost is a necessary condition for profit maximization, not a sufficient condition.4. is it profitable to operate at all?Is the upward-sloping part of the marginal cost curve the firms’ supply curve?d) compare with –FThe bottom line for a firm is producing nothing. So we have to compare this firm’s output with zero output.For zero output, this firm has to pay its fixed costs, F, hence its profit is –F.For a level of output y, firm’s profit is .e) Shutdown conditionIf , the firm is better off going out of business.Fromwe haveThat is to say, if the price cannot even cover the average variable cost, let alone cover some fixed cost, it is better for the firm to leave this industry. If not, the firm produces more, it will lose more.f) operate when price covers average variable costs5. So supply curve is the upward-sloping part of MC curve that liesabove the AVC curve. See Figure 22.3.D. Inverse supply curve1. measures the marginal cost curve directlyInverse supply curve, gives price as a function of output. Therefore market price must be a measure of marginal cost for every firm operating in the industry. The total cost of production of each firm can be very different, but the marginal cost of production must be the same.2. draw 2 or 3 firms with their average cost curves and marginal costcurves, then a going market price to show the meaning of as a measure of marginal cost.E. Example: a non-profit organization: “blood donation”, draw itssupply curve.F. Producer’s profit and surplus1. producer’s profit in diagram. See Figure 22.42. producer’s surplus is defined to be : revenue minus variable cost,or equivalently, profits plus the fixed cost:profits=producer’s surplus=so producer’s surplus eq uals profits plus fixed cost.3. From definition: revenue minus variable costs, as shown in Figure22.5A.4. since = area under marginal cost curve, producer’s surplus is alsothe area above the marginal cost curve, as shown in Figure22.5B.Recall why = area under marginal cost curve, because5. we can also use the “rectangle” for part of PS and the “areaabove MC” for the restAs shown in Figure 22.5, the surplus is composed of two parts: R and T. For R, surplus equals revenue minus variable costs; for T, surplus is the area above the marginal cost curve.This firm’s surplus is just the area to the left of supply curve, the producer’s surplus definition given in Chapter 14.6. Change in producer’s surplus equals change in producer’s profit Proof:Profit for ,Profit for ,Change in profit:Thus we can measure the impact of output change on profits from the information contained in the marginal cost curve, without having to refer to the average cost curve. See Figure 22.6.G. Example:1. p = 2y gives the (inverse) supply curve2. is p ≥ AVC?g) yes, since 2y ≥ y for all y ≥ 03. see Figure 22.7.H. Long-run supply—use long-run MC. In long run, price must begreater than AC1. The long-run supply function measures how much the firmwould optimally produce when it is allowed to adjust plant size.The long-run supply curve:.The short-run supply curve is given by price equals marginal cost at some fixed level of k:The short-run and long-run marginal costs coincide at the level of output where the fixed factor choice associated with the short-run marginal cost is the optimal choice, . Thus the short-run and long-run supply curves coincide at , as shown in Figure 22.8.2. When the price of output changes, the firm has more choices toadjust in the long run than in the short run. This suggests that the long-run supply curve will be more responsive to price —more elastic —than the short-run supply curve, as illustrated in Figure22.8.3. Long run is defined to be that time period in which the firm is freeto adjust all of its business. No variable costs.Since in the long run, the firm can always get zero profits by going out of business, the profit that the firm makes in long-run equilibrium has to be at least zero:which means thatso the long-run supply curve is the upward-sloping part of the marginal cost curve that lies above the long-run average cost curve. See Figure22.9.I. Special case —constant average cost (CRS): .at supply curve1. Constant average cost implies that the marginal cost curve is a flatline.2. the supply curve is composed of intersection points of price andthe marginal costs. So the supply curve is a flat line.If , the firm is willing to supply any amount of output;If , the firm is willing to supply an arbitrarily large amount of output; If , the supply is zero.See Figure 22.10.。



箴言书22章的读后感Reading the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 22Reading the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 22 has left me with profound insights and reflections on the essence of wisdom and morality.阅读《箴言书》第22章,让我对智慧和道德的本质有了深刻的见解和反思。

The chapter emphasizes the importance of fearing God and seeking true wealth, which goes beyond material possessions.这一章强调了敬畏神和寻求真正财富的重要性,这种财富超越了物质财富。

"A good name is better than great riches, and loving favor is better than silver and gold." This verse resonates deeply, reminding us that reputation and the love of others are far more valuable than mere money.“美好的名声胜过巨大的财富,恩宠胜过金银。


Moreover, the chapter cautions against laziness and folly, urging us to be diligent and wise in our actions.此外,这一章还警告我们不要懒惰和愚蠢,敦促我们在行动中要勤奋和智慧。

"The sluggard says, 'There's a lion in the road! A fierce lion roams the streets!'" This verse serves as a warning against excuses and procrastination, encouraging us to face our fears and take action.“懒人说:‘道上有猛狮,街上有雄狮游荡!’”这句话是对借口和拖延的警告,鼓励我们面对恐惧并采取行动。

Chap022 Futures Markets 博迪投资学课件

Chap022 Futures Markets  博迪投资学课件
CHAPTER 22 Futures Markets
Investments, 8th edition
Bodie, Kane and Marcus
Slides by Susan Hine
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Spread Pricing: Parity for Spreads
F(T1 ) S0 (1 rf d)T1 F(T2 ) S0 (1 rf d)T2 F(T2 ) F(T1 )(1 rf dld Futures Prices
• Assume dividends of $25 will be paid on the index at the end of the year
• Assume futures contract that calls for delivery in one year is available for $1,550
Convergence of Price - as maturity approaches the spot and futures price converge
Delivery - Actual commodity of a certain grade with a delivery location or for some contracts cash settlement
actual delivery
• Open Interest
Figure 22.3 Panel A, Trading without a Clearinghouse. Panel B, Trading with a



a 2
T(f )
如果被积函数分别用 f(a), f(b)和 f((a+b)/2)来代替,可分 别得到左矩形、右矩形和中心矩形积分公式:
a f (x)dx a f (a)dx (b a) f (a),
x xi xi1 xi
x xi1 xi xi1
x xi1 xi xi1
x xi xi1 xi
x xi1 xi xi1
x xi xi1 xi
f (x) S(x), When x xi , i 0,1, 2, , n, then
lim I( f )
b a
(x)dxxi 0n1 i0f (xi )
I n ( f ) i f (xi ), i0
其中,xi 称为积分节点,αi 称为积分系数。
我们的任务就是确定积分系数αi ,使 I( f )≈In( f )。具 体地,就是用插值多项式近似代替被积函数 f(x) 来确定αi。
dRn (x) dx
d dx
f (n1) ( )
(n 1)!
n i0



唯一性定理在理论物理、应用物理、工程物理等领域具有 广泛的应用价值。随着科学技术的发展,新的问题和现象 不断涌现,唯一性定理的应用范围也将不断扩大。
在未来研究中,唯一性定理的价值不仅在于其解决具体问 题的实用性,更在于其对物理学理论发展的推动作用。通 过对唯一性定理的研究和应用,可以加深对物理学基本规 律和原理的理解,促进物理学理论的创新和发展。
通过应用唯一性定理,可以确定电磁波的传播方向、幅度和相位,以及在不同介质 中的反射和折射特性。
唯一性定理在雷达、通信和光学等领域有着广泛的应用,对于电磁波的传播特性和 应用具有重要意义。
在量子力学中,唯一性定理用于 描述微观粒子的行为和相互作用,
通过应用唯一性定理,可以确定 微观粒子的波函数和能量状态, 以及它们之间的相互作用和演化。
唯一性定理在量子计算、量子通 信和量子信息等领域有着广泛的 应用,对于理解微观世界的本质
04 唯一性定理的推广和展望
在多维空间中,唯一性定理的应用更为广泛,可以解决更为 复杂的物理问题。例如,在电磁场理论中,可以将唯一性定 理应用于高维空间中的电荷分布和电流密度,以确定电磁场 的性质和行为。
在多维空间中,唯一性定理的证明过程需要更复杂的数学工 具和技巧,但其实质仍然是基于电荷守恒和麦克斯韦方程组 的性质。
唯一性定理与能量守恒定理、动量守恒定理等基本物理定理密切相关。这些定理 在描述物理现象时具有普适性和基础性,而唯一性定理则是解决具体问题的有力 工具。
在某些情况下,唯一性定理的证明和应用需要借助其他物理定理,如能量动量张 量定理、哈密顿原理等。这些定理在理论物理中具有重要地位,相互联系、相互 支持,共同构建了物理学理论的完整体系。

Chapter 22_4

Chapter 22_4

Chapter 22Chapter 22睁开眼,是一片朦胧的白。































Boehm [Boe81] states this another way: Verification: "Are we building the product right?" Validation: "Are we building the right product?"
local data structures
independent paths boundary conditions error handling paths
stub test cases Results
可以进行回归测试(即全部或部分地重复已做过的测试) ,以避免引入新错误。

Bottom-Up Integration

Bottom-up integration testing begins construction and testing with atomic modules (i.e., components at the lowest levels in the program structure).
DO 5 I = 1, 3
DO 5 I = 1. 3
Software Testing

Testing is the process of exercising a program with the specific intent of finding errors prior to delivery to the end user.

期权期货与其他衍生产品第九版课后习题与答案Chapter (22)

期权期货与其他衍生产品第九版课后习题与答案Chapter (22)

The percentage daily change in the exchange rate, x , equals S 15 . It follows that P 56 15x or P 84x The standard deviation of x equals the daily volatility of the exchange rate, or 0.7 percent. The standard deviation of P is therefore 84 0007 0588 . It follows that the 10-day 99 percent VaR for the portfolio is 0588 233 10 433 Problem 22.4. Suppose you know that the gamma of the portfolio in the previous question is 16.2. How does this change your estimate of the relationship between the change in the portfolio value and the percentage change in the exchange rate? The relationship is
1 P 56 15x 152 162 x 2 2

P 84x 18225x2
Problem 22.5. Suppose that the daily change in the value of a portfolio is, to a good approximation, linearly dependent on two factors, calculated from a principal components analysis. The delta of a portfolio with respect to the first factor is 6 and the delta with respect to the second factor is –4. The standard deviations of the factors are 20 and 8, respectively. What is the 5-day 90% VaR? The factors calculated from a principal components analysis are uncorrelated. The daily variance of the portfolio is 62 202 42 82 15 424 and the daily standard deviation is 15 424 $12419 . Since N (1282) 09 , the 5-day 90% value at risk is 12419 5 1282 $35601 Problem 22.6. Suppose a company has a portfolio consisting of positions in stocks and bonds Assume there are no derivatives. Explain the assumptions underlying (a) the linear model and (b) the historical simulation model for calculating VaR. The linear model assumes that the percentage daily change in each market variable has a normal probability distribution. The historical simulation model assumes that the probability distribution observed for the percentage daily changes in the market variables in the past is the probability distribution that will apply over the next day. Problem 22.7. Explain how an interest rate swap is mapped into a portfolio of zero-coupon bonds with standard maturities for the purposes of a VaR calculation.
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1第二十二章一国收入的衡量Measuring a Nation’sIncome2微观经济学Microeconomics微观经济学研究个别的家庭和企业如何做出决策,以及它们如何在市场上相互作用Microeconomics is the study of how individual households and firms make decisions and how they interact with one another in markets.3宏观经济学Macroeconomics宏观经济学研究作为一个整体的经济Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.其目标在于解释同时影响许多家庭、企业和市场的经济变化Its goal is to explain the economic changes that affect many households, firms, and markets at once.4宏观经济学Macroeconomics宏观经济学回答诸如以下的问题Macroeconomicsanswers questions like the following:为什么平均收入某些国家高而另一些国家低(经济增长)Why is average income high in some countries and low in others?(growth)为什么物价在某些时期上升迅速而在其他时期更为稳定(通货膨胀)Why do prices rise rapidly in some time periods while they are more stable in others? (inflation)为什么产出和就业在某些年份扩张而在其他年份收缩(经济周期)Why do production and employment expand in some years and contract in others?(business cycle)5经济的收入与支出The Economy’s Income and Expenditure当判断一个经济表现良好还是欠佳,自然而然地要去观察经济当中每个人所获得的收入的总和When judging whether the economy is doing well or poorly, it is natural to look at the total income that everyone in the economy is earning.6经济的收入与支出The Economy’s Income and Expenditure对一个经济整体而言,收入必定等于支出,因为For an economy as a whole, income must equal expenditure because:每一次交易都有一个买者和一个卖者Every transaction has a buyer and a seller.某个买者每一美元的支出都是某个卖者一美元的收入Every dollar of spending by some buyer is a dollar of income for some seller.7循环流向图The Circular-Flow Diagram收入和支出的相等,可以用循环流向图来说明The equality of income andexpenditure can be illustrated with the circular-flow diagram .8循环流向图The Circular-Flow DiagramFirms 企业Households 家庭Market for Factors of Production生产要素市场Market forGoodsand Services产品和服务市场Spending 支出=GDPRevenue 收益=GDPWages, rent, and profit 工资、租金与利润=GDPIncome 收入=GDPGoods & Services sold 产品与服务出售Goods & Servicesbought产品与服务购买Labor, land,and capital 劳动,土地,资本Inputs for production 生产投入9国内生产总值(GDP )是经济的收入与支出的一种衡量方法Gross domestic product (GDP)is a measure of the income and expenditures of an economy. 它是在既定时期、一国范围内生产的所有最终物品和服务的市场总价值It is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time.国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product10GDP 的衡量The Measurement of GDP产出是以市场价格来评价的Output is valued at market prices .它仅记录最终物品而非中间物品的价值(价值仅被计算一次)It records only the value of final goods , notintermediate goods (the value is counted only once).它既包括有形的物品(食品、服装和汽车),也包括无形的服务(理发、清扫房屋和医生出诊)It includes both tangible goods (food, clothing, cars) and intangible services (haircuts, housecleaning, doctor visits).11GDP 的衡量The Measurement of GDP它包括当期生产的物品和服务,而非对过去生产物品的交易It includes goods and services currently produced , not transactions involving goods produced in the past.它衡量了一国地理范围内的产出价值It measures the value of production within the geographic confines of a country.12它衡量在一个特定的时间区间内,通常是一年或一个季度(3个月),所生产的产出的价值It measures the value of production that takes place within a specific interval of time , usually a year or a quarter (three months).GDP 的衡量The Measurement of GDP13哪些被计入GDPWhat Is Counted in GDP?GDP 包括在经济中生产,并在市场上合法销售的各项(物品和服务)GDP includes all itemsproduced in the economy and sold legally in markets.14哪些不被计入GDPWhat Is Not Counted in GDP?GDP 排除了大多数在家里生产和消费、因而从未进入市场的项目GDP excludes most items that areproduced and consumed at home and that never enter the marketplace.它排除了违法生产和销售的项目,例如毒品It excludes items produced and sold illicitly, such as illegal drugs.15收入衡量的其他指标Other Measures of Income国民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP) 国民生产净值Net National Product (NNP) 国民收入National Income 个人收入Personal Income 个人可支配收入Disposable Personal Income16国民生产总值Gross National Product国民生产总值(GNP )是由一国永久居民(称为国民)所获得的收入总和Gross national product (GNP)is the total income earned by a nation’s permanent residents (called nationals).它和GDP 的区别在于,它包括了本国公民在国外获得的收入,排除了外国人在本国获得的收入It differs from GDP by including income that our citizens earn abroad and excluding income that foreigners earn here.17国民生产净值Net National Product (NNP)国民生产净值(NNP )是一国居民的总收入(GNP )减去折旧的损耗Net National Product (NNP)is the total income of the nation’s residents (GNP) minus losses from depreciation.折旧是经济中设备和建筑物存量的磨损Depreciation is the wear and tear on the economy’s stock of equipment and structures.18国民收入National Income国民收入是一国居民在物品和服务的生产中所挣得的收入总和National Income is the total income earned by a nation’s residents in the production of goods and services.它和NNP 的区别在于,它排除了间接的企业税(例如销售税),包括了企业补贴It differs from NNP by excluding indirect business taxes (such as sales taxes) and including business subsidies.19个人收入Personal Income个人收入是家庭和非公司企业所得到的收入Personal income is the income that households and noncorporate businesses receive.和国民收入不同,它排除了未分配利润,即公司赚得但没有支付给所有者的收入Unlike national income, it excludes retainedearnings , which is income that corporations have earned but have not paid out to their owners. 此外,它包括了家庭的利息收入和政府的转移支付In addition, it includes household’s interest income and government transfers . 20个人可支配收入Disposable Personal Income个人可支配收入是家庭和非公司企业在履行对政府的义务之后余下的收入Disposable personal income is the income that household and noncorporate businesses have left after satisfying all their obligations to the government.它等于个人收入减去个人税收和某些非税付款It equals personal income minus personal taxes and certain nontax payments.21GDP 的组成部分The Components of GDPGDP (Y )为下列各项之和GDP (Y ) is the sum of the following:消费Consumption (C ) 投资Investment (I )政府购买Government Purchases (G )净出口Net Exports (NX )Y = C + I + G + NX22GDP 的组成部分The Components of GDP消费Consumption (C):家庭用于物品和服务的支出,不含对新建住房的购买The spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing.投资Investment (I):用于资本设备、存货和建筑物(包括新建住房)的支出The spending on capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including new housing.23GDP 的组成部分The Components of GDP政府购买Government Purchases (G):地方政府、州政府和联邦政府用于物品和服务的支出The spending on goods and services by local, state, and federal governments.不包括转移支付,因为它们不是为了交换当期生产的物品和服务而进行转移的Does not include transfer payments because they are not made in exchange for currently produced goods or services.净出口Net Exports (NX):出口减去进口Exports minus imports.24美国GDP 及其组成部分(1998)GDP and Its ComponentsTotal (in billions of dollars)Per Person(in dollars)% of TotalGross domestic product, Y $8,511$31,522100 percentConsumption, C 5,80821,51168Investment, I1,3675,06316Government purchases, G 1,4875,50718Net exports, NX-151-559-2国内生产总值消费投资政府购买净出口总计人均25GDP 及其组成部分GDP and Its Components (1998)26GDP 及其组成部分GDP and Its Components (1998)消费Consumption68 %27投资Investment16%GDP 及其组成部分GDP and Its Components (1998)消费Consumption68 %28消费Consumption68 %政府购买Government Purchases 18%GDP 及其组成部分GDP and Its Components (1998)投资Investment16%29净出口Net Exports-2 %GDP 及其组成部分GDP and Its Components (1998)消费Consumption68 %投资Investment 16%政府购买Government Purchases 18%30中国GDP 及其组成部分(2001)GDP and Its Components总 量人均量总量中百分比(亿元)(元)(%)国内生产总值986187727100最终消费58953461960资本形成总额37461293538货物和服务净出口22051732资料来源:中国统计年鉴2002。
