Transcriptome Analysis Tools Visualization and Management of Ultra-High Volume of DNA Seque
一步一步教你做转录组分析(HISAT, StringTie andBallgown)该分析流程主要根据2016年发表在Nature Prot ocols上的一篇名为Transcript-level expressionanalysis of RNA-seq experiments with HISAT,StringTie and Ballgown的文章撰写的,主要用到以下三个软件:HISAT (利用大量FM索引,以覆盖整个基因组,能够将RNA-Seq的读取与基因组进行快速比对,相较于STAR、Tophat,该软件比对速度快,占用内存少。
StringTie(能够应用流神经网络算法和可选的de novo组装进行转录本组装并预计表达水平。
与Cufflin ks等程序相比,StringTie实现了更完整、更准确的基因重建,并更好地预测了表达水平。
Ballgown(是R语言中基因差异表达分析的工具,能利用RNA-Seq实验的数据(StringTie, RSEM,Cufflinks)的结果预测基因、转录本的差异表达。
一、数据下载Linux系统下常用的下载工具是wget,但该工具是单线程下载,当使用它下载较大数据时比较慢,所以选择axel,终端中输入安装命令:$sudo yum install axel然后提示输入密码获得root权限后即可自动安装,安装完成后,输入命令axel,终端会显示如下内容,表示安装成功。
转录和转录组学transcriptome PPT课件
• 全酶: 2´ (核心酶 + ) • 核心酶 : 2´
• α亚基: 决定那些基因被转录。 • β亚基: 催化与模板配对的相邻NTP
以3´, 5´-磷酸二酯键相连。
• β´亚基:促进酶与模板链结合,并使
DNA双链打开。 ( 核心酶: 催化RNA链的延长,参与整个 过程。)
• 1.单链小分子; • 2.含有稀有碱基或修饰碱基; • 3. 5′端总是磷酸化, 5′末端往往是pG; • 4. 3′端是CpCpAoH序列; • 5.三叶草结构; • 6.三级结构是倒L型。
2.3 rRNA:
• 原核生物:70S--由50S和30S 组成 • 真核生物:80S--由60S和40S 组成
个茎。1~3个环,含13b保守序 列CAAA,AC,AGUC,GUG
• 动摇了酶是蛋白质的传统概念。 • 为地球上生命起源早期可能是先出
• 为人工合成核酶以破坏某些病原微
生物,消除体内有害基因提供理论 基础。
2.5 核内不均一RNA(hnRNA)
2.7 反义RNA:
• 可与mRNA形成双链,抑制翻译。
2.8 microRNA 调节mRNA的水平
指在RNA聚合酶催化下,以DNA为模板, NTP为原料,合成RNA的过程。
• DNA为模板合成RNA的过程 • RNA聚合酶 • 原料:ATP,UTP,CTP,GTP (NTP) • Mg2+,Mn2+ • 合成方向:5´→3´ • 连接方式:3´,5´-磷酸二酯键
Content of transcriptome
1. Genes: expression , alterante splices 2. Noncoding RNA: snoRNA, mRNA-like ncRNA, snRNA, some antisense transcripts, pesudogenes, retrotransposon ,and others functional RNAs 3. Some repeat elements
1. 至少有两个生物学重复,除非“短时间梯度取样” (overlapping time points with high temporal resolution)不需要 技术重复 2. 对基因注释较好的物种,只定量比较研究,可用reads大于 20M;用于注释基因组的转录组,大于>100M 3. 最好有浓度不同长度不同的绝对定量control (Spike-in),以评 估mapping质量、测序均匀性和RNA-seq定量效果 4. “3端/5端比值”是衡量RNA完整性的关键指标(理想值是1),,样品评估关键指标,rpkm值关键结果完备。
转录组数据分析解读及 实例操作
罗奇斌 中科院基因组研究所 德国慕尼黑工业大学
Second genera+on sequencers
• Bow+e so1ware • SAM tools
Clariom D solutions 产品说明书
DATA SHEET Clariom D solutionsClariom D solutions for human, mouse, and ratDeep and broad transcriptome-level expression profiling solutions for a faster path to biomarker discoveryRobust results even from precious samples• Generate robust expression profiles from as little as 100 pg of total RNA—as few as 10 cells• Use RNA from various sample types, including whole blood, cultured cells, and fresh/fresh-frozen or formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues• Preserve sample integrity and reduce data variability with an assay that does not require a globin or rRNA removal stepClariom D solutions are available in a single-sample(cartridge array) format for use on the Applied Biosystems ™ GeneChip ™ 3000 instrument system and comewith reagents and fast, simple Applied Biosystems ™Transcriptome Analysis Console (TAC) Software to analyze and visualize global expression patterns of genes, exons, pathways, and alternative splicing events.Accelerate your biomarker research withApplied Biosystems ™ Clariom ™ D solutions—the nextgeneration of transcriptome-level profiling tools—providing a highly detailed view of the transcriptome for a faster path to biomarker discovery. Available for human,mouse, and rat, Clariom D solutions allow translational scientists to generate high-fidelity biomarker signatures quickly and easily with a design that provides intricate transcriptome-wide, gene- and exon-level expression profiles, including the ability to detect alternative splicing events of coding and long noncoding RNA, in a single three-day experiment.Get all the data you need• Rapidly identify complex disease signatures from as many as 540,000 transcripts, the most comprehensive coverage available, helping to ensure that biomarkers are not missed• Confidently detect genes, exons, and alternative splicing events that give rise to coding and long noncoding RNA isoforms• Detect rare and low-expressing transcripts otherwise missed by common sequencing practices• Go from data to insight in minutes with intuitive, highly visual, free analysis softwareTranscripts*>542,500>214,900>495,200 Exons*>948,300>498,500>320,400 Exon-exonsplice junctions*>484,900>282,500>293,700 Total probes*>6,765,500>6,022,300>5,946,400 Probes targeting exons*>4,781,200>4,895,600>4,780,700 Probes targeting exon-exon splice junctions*>1,984,300>1,126,700>1,165,700 Probe length (bases)252525 Probe feature size 5 μm 5 μm 5 μmBackground probes AntigenomicsetAntigenomicsetAntigenomicsetPerformance specifications Human, mouse, ratTotal RNA input required**100 pg–500 ngSensitivity ≥1.5 pMDetectable 2-fold change1:100,000 vs. 1:50,000Dynamic range~3 logarithmic unitsTechnical replicate signal correlation≥0.90Correlation coefficient (intra-lot)≥0.99cRNA yield≥20 μgcDNA yield≥6 μgControls†• 92 ERCC transcripts• poly(A) (dap, lys, phe, thr)Target orientation‡Sense targetFluidics script FS450_0001* Numbers are representative of annotations as of April 2016. All numbers have been rounded down to the nearest hundred.** Total RNA input requirements depend on assay selection. The assay types offered require different total RNA input amounts based on sample sources.† P robe sets interrogating external RNA controls present in the Applied Biosystems™ ERCC RNA Spike-In Control Mixes (Cat. No. 4456740 and 4456739).‡ The probes tiled on the array are designed in the antisense orientation, requiring sense-strand, labeled targets to be hybridized to the array.* Numbers are representative of annotations as of April 2016. All numbers have been rounded down to the nearest hundred.** 1. Luo H, et al. (2013) Comprehensive characterization of 10,571 mouse large intergenic noncoding RNAs from whole transcriptome sequencing. PLoS One 8(8):e70835.2. Chalmel F, et al. (2014) High-resolution profiling of novel transcribed regions during rat spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 91(1):5.3. Williams WP, et al. (2004) Increased levels of B1 and B2 SINE transcripts in mouse fibroblast cells due to minute virus of mice infection. Virology 327(2):233–241.4. Guo JU, et al. (2014) Expanded identification and characterization of mammalian circular RNAs. Genome Biol 15(7):409.Find out more at /microarraysFor Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2017 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. COL13238 0417Clariom D Assay, human10 reactions 90292230 reactions 902923Clariom D Assay, mouse(previously named GeneChip Mouse Transcriptome Assay 1.0)10 reactions 90251330 reactions 902514Clariom D Assay, rat(previously named GeneChip Rat Transcriptome Assay 1.0)10 reactions 90263330 reactions 902634GeneChip Hybridization, Wash, and Stain Kit30 reactions900720。
Geurts JJ, Wolswijk G, Bo L, et al、 Altered expression patterns of group Ⅰ and Ⅱ metabotropic glutamate receptors in multiple sclerosis、 Brain, 2003, 126(Pt 8):1755⁃1766、
Howell OW, Rundle JL, Garg A, et al、 Activated microglia mediate axoglial disruption that contributes to axonal injury in MS、 J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 2010, 69:1017 ⁃1033、
2、3 轴索损伤得机制: 2、3、1 缺乏髓磷脂营养支持。
缺乏某些髓磷脂蛋白得小鼠出现了迟发性得、 缓慢进展得轴索变性。由此进一步证实,除了对轴 索得绝缘作用,髓磷脂/少突胶质细胞对轴索有营养 支持作用,这对轴索长期存活有重大意义。
Nave KA、 Myelination and the trophic support of long axons、Nat Rev Neurosci, 2010, 11:275⁃283
4、2 神经变性继发炎症
➢ 当神经功能缺损达到一定程度时,疾病进展速 率即不受复发次数得影响,神经功能缺损以刻 板得方式持续加重。
分析测试新成果 (280 ~ 285)直链淀粉三(3, 5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)-聚醚砜手性膜色谱研究普 娜,赖亚琳,高顺秋,蒋雪菲,袁黎明(云南师范大学 化学化工学院,云南 昆明 650500)摘要:以直链淀粉三(3, 5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)为材料,利用相转化法制备直链淀粉三(3, 5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)-聚醚砜手性高分子膜. 使用自制的手性膜色谱装置与高效液相色谱仪结合,对手性物质盐酸普萘洛尔和美托洛尔进行了手性膜色谱分离研究. 研究了进样量、流速、膜尺寸对分离效果的影响. 在优选分离效果的条件下,手性膜色谱以纯水为流动相,测得盐酸普萘洛尔的分离因子(α)和分离度(Rs )分别为3.00和0.95,美托洛尔的α和Rs 分别为1.65和0.46. 为手性化合物的分离分析开拓了新的途径.关键词:手性膜色谱;手性分离;盐酸普萘洛尔;美托洛尔中图分类号:O657. 7 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1006-3757(2023)03-0280-06DOI :10.16495/j.1006-3757.2023.03.005Chiral Membrane Chromatography Study Based on Amylose-tris-(3, 5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)-PolyethersulfonePU Na , LAI Yalin , GAO Shunqiu , JIANG Xuefei , YUAN Liming(Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Yunnan Normal University , Kunming 650500, China )Abstract :The chiral membrane of amylose-tris-(3, 5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)-polyethersulfone was prepared by phase conversion method using the amylose-tris-(3, 5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) as the material. The chiral membrane chromatographic separation of propranolol hydrochloride and metoprolol were studied by using the self-made chiral membrane chromatographic device combined with a high performance liquid chromatograph. The effects of injection volume, flow rate and membrane size on the separation of membrane were studied. Under the optimal conditions, the separation factors (α) and resolution (Rs ) with water as mobile phase were 3.00 and 0.95 for propranolol hydrochloride,1.65 and 0.46 for metoprolol, respectively. The study opens up a new way for the isolation and analysis of chiral compounds.Key words :chiral membrane chromatography ;chiral separation ;propranolol hydrochloride ;metoprolol手性化合物在手性环境中体现出了理化性质的差异,影响到生活中的方方面面,渐使人们对手性化合物的拆分展开了必要的研究[1]. 到目前为止,手性液相色谱是使用最广泛的分离分析技术[2-5],但其易耗品手性柱价格高、寿命短、分析时间较长,使用的流动相大多对环境和人体有害.膜色谱[6-8]涵盖了高效液相色谱分离速度快、操作压力低和样品容量大的优点,尤其是可以使用收稿日期:2023−06−07; 修订日期:2023−07−13.基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(22174125) [Thin-slice Gas Chromatography Column Study Based on Two-dimensionalMaterials (22174125)]作者简介:普娜(1998−),女,硕士,主要从事手性分离研究,E-mail :通信作者:袁黎明,男,博士,教授,主要从事手性分离方面的研究,E-mail :.第 29 卷第 3 期分析测试技术与仪器Volume 29 Number 32023年9月ANALYSIS AND TESTING TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTS Sep. 2023水为溶剂,消除有机溶剂污染. 另外其所用膜很薄,有利于仪器的小型化. 手性膜色谱是一种能用于手性药物分离分析的膜色谱技术.手性固膜在生命体中已经客观存在,并在生命体系中起着非常重要的作用[9-10]. 手性固膜的研究一直受到膜研究人员的重视[11-12]. 目前,许多基于聚合物、碳纳米材料、金属有机骨架材料和其他一些无机材料的膜已被用于手性分离. 盐酸普萘洛尔和美托洛尔属于非选择性β-肾上腺素受体阻滞药[13-14].聚醚砜(PES)是综合性能优异的膜材料之一[15]. 1987年,Okamoto课题组研制出了直链淀粉三(3, 5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)(ADMPC,以下简称AD)作手性固定相[16]. 时至今日,AD仍以其分离分析效果显著且手性识别范围广泛而著称. 基于以上,本文利用浸没沉淀相转化的方法制备直链淀粉三(3, 5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)-聚醚砜(AD-PES)手性膜,将AD-PES手性膜根据膜色谱装置的大小裁剪为对应尺寸,裁剪好的AD-PES手性膜放置在膜色谱装置中,然后用其代替高效液相色谱柱连接到高效液相色谱仪上,以纯水为流动相进行手性分离,探究且优化了多种手性分离条件. 试验结果证明:AD-PES手性膜在液相色谱仪上对盐酸普萘洛尔和美托洛尔有较好的分离效果.1 试验部分1.1 仪器与试剂LC-15C高效液相色谱仪(日本岛津);As 3120超声波清洗仪(天津奥特赛恩斯仪器有限公司);DJ-1磁力搅拌器(常州申光仪器有限公司);AL 204电子天平(梅特勒-力拓多仪器有限公司);CLXXXUVM2超纯水机(英国 ELGA Lab Water);Spectrum 100傅立叶变换红外光谱仪(FI-IR,美国PerkinElmer公司);Nova NanoSEM 450扫描电子显微镜(SEM,美国FEI公司).聚醚砜(PES,化学纯,德国巴斯夫)购于成都科隆化学有限公司;N, N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF,99.5%)、甲醇(99.5%)购于成都科隆化学有限公司;丙酮(99.5%)购于云南省汕滇药业有限公司;苯(98%)、氧化钡(BaO,97%)、高锰酸钾(KMnO4,99%)、碳酸钾(K2CO3,99%)、1, 3, 5-三叔丁基苯(98%)均购于北京伊诺凯科技有限公司;无纺布(100%棉)购于浙江真邦实业有限公司;正己烷(98%)、异丙醇(99.7%)购于天津市风船化学试剂科技有限公司;盐酸普萘洛尔(99%)、美托洛尔(99%)购于美国Sigma-Aldrich公司.1.2 DMF的纯化圆底烧瓶中加入500 mL DMF和50 mL苯,置于70~75 ℃的油浴搅拌器中收集水-苯共沸物. 剩余液体中加入BaO振荡,进行干燥处理后过滤. 在氮气保护下进行减压蒸馏,收集76 ℃下的馏分. 1.3 丙酮的纯化250 mL丙酮中加入2.5 g KMnO4,于蒸馏装置中回流,收集馏分. 再用无水K2CO3进行干燥,静置后过滤,收集滤液. 于蒸馏装置中保持55~58 ℃进行蒸馏,收集馏分备用.1.4 AD-PES手性膜的制备称取1.0 g的PES于50 mL圆形烧瓶中,加入3.5 mL无水DMF搅拌24 h. AD是根据文献[16]合成的,其结构式如图1所示. 称取15 mg的AD 于50 mL圆形烧瓶中,加入1.5 mL无水丙酮搅拌1 h. 将以上两者溶液混合后连续搅拌24 h得到AD-PES铸膜液.OCONH-R R=CH3CH3OOOCONH-RR-HNOCO图1 AD的分子结构式Fig. 1 Molecular structure of AD制备好的铸膜液脱气泡后静置3~4 h,将无纺布铺平后在其表面缓慢、均匀地浇筑铸膜液,使用特制刮膜刀(制膜厚度0.2 mm)刮出适当大小的AD-PES手性膜,干燥片刻后放入纯水中进行浸没沉淀相转化,12 h后取出,根据需要裁成适当大小备用.PES膜使用未添加AD丙酮溶液的PES-DMF 溶液按照相同方法制备.1.5 膜色谱装置1.5.1 膜色谱装置展示膜色谱涵盖了高效液相色谱分离速度快、操作压力低和样品容量大的优点,尤其是可以使用水为溶剂,消除有机溶剂污染,另外因其所用膜较薄,十分有利于仪器的小型化. 本试验使用3种不同直径的膜色谱装置,示意图如图2所示. 观察图2,在使用膜色谱装置的过程中,首先将制备好的膜放入凹第 3 期普娜,等:直链淀粉三(3, 5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)-聚醚砜手性膜色谱研究281槽内,然后在膜上放置过滤芯,过滤芯的主要作用是降低并分散流动相对膜单一流径处的冲力,使流动相尽可能均匀地透过膜,提高膜的有效使用面积.将高效液相色谱仪的输液管分别与膜色谱装置上方的输入孔与下方的输出孔相连接. 膜色谱装置具体参数如表1所列.过滤芯输出孔图2 膜色谱装置(左)正面及(右)截面示意图Fig. 2 Schematic views of (left) front and (right) cross-section of membrane chromatography device表 1 三种膜色谱装置具体参数Table 1 Specific parameters of three membranechromatography devices /mm 型号凹槽直径凹槽深度过滤芯厚度过滤芯直径孔道直径整体高度大号331 2.0330.525中号221 1.5220.525小号1311.5130.5271.5.2 膜色谱装置死时间、死体积的测量死体积(V 0)是造成分析物拖尾的原因之一,因此V 0是衡量膜色谱装置的重要参数,根据公式(1)计算:其中,t 0代表死时间,min ;v 代表流速,mL/min. 通过测量死时间来计算死体积. 本试验选用1, 3, 5-三叔丁基苯测试死时间,检测波长设置为254 nm ,流速为0.03 L/min ,流动相为甲醇. 将制备好的PES 膜作为基膜,分别剪成直径为13、22、33 mm 的圆形后,置于膜色谱装置中,连接高效液相色谱. 大、中、小号的膜色谱所测得死时间分别为2.4、1.5、0.9 min ,对应死体积分别为0.24、0.15、0.09 mL.1.6 膜色谱计算公式采用k 1,k 2表示保留因子,α表示分离因子,Rs表示分离度. k 1,k 2,α,Rs 的计算公式如式(2)~(5)所列:其中,t 1、t 2代表两个峰的的保留时间,min ;t 0代表死时间,min ;W 1/2(1)、W 1/2(2)代表第一个峰和第二个峰的半峰宽,min.2 结果与讨论2.1 AD-PES 手性膜的表征对比PES 膜与AD-PES 手性膜的红外光谱图(图3),能看出AD-PES 手性膜(曲线b )不同于PES 膜(曲线a )的红外吸收. 在吸收曲线b 中,3 310cm −1处有明显的N-H 伸缩振动峰,1 650 cm −1处有酰胺的伸缩振动峰. 说明AD 成功固载到PES 中.Wavenumber/cm −14 0003 500ab3 0002 500 2 000 1 500 1 000500图3 (a )PES 膜,(b )AD-PES 手性膜的傅里叶红外光谱图Fig. 3 FT-IR spectra of (a) PES membrane, (b) AD-PESchiral membrane图4为AD-PES 手性膜的扫描电子显微镜(SEM )图. 如图4(a )所示,AD-PES 手性膜的表面呈现出光滑平整的特征. 图4(b )为AD-PES 手性膜揭去无纺布后的截面图,截面呈现出海绵状孔道,孔道内径分布在2~12 µm. 加上支撑层无纺布AD-PES 手性膜的平均厚度约为185 µm.2.2 AD-PES 手性膜对盐酸普萘洛尔分离性能的研究在检测波长为230 nm ,流速为0.03 mL/min ,流动相为纯水,进样量为3 µL 的色谱条件下,使用中282分析测试技术与仪器第 29 卷号膜色谱装置对盐酸普萘洛尔进行分离,其谱图及结构式如图5所示.t /minV o l t a g e /m V010203040HClOOH HNCH 3CH 3100200300400500图5 盐酸普萘洛尔分离色谱图及其结构式Fig. 5 Chromatogram and structural formula ofpropranolol hydrochloride2.2.1 进样量对分离效果的影响使用1.3节中所示的膜色谱装置将制备好的复合膜放入其中,全程保持膜是湿润的,按序连接好装置(注意需在各个螺纹接口处裹紧生胶带以防漏液). 色谱条件:检测波长为230 nm ,流速为0.03mL/min ,流动相为纯水,膜装置为中号. 变量因素为进样量,分别为1、2、3、4、5 µL. 色谱计算公式如式(2)~(5)所列. 分离数据如表2所列.表 2 不同进样量条件下盐酸普萘洛尔的分离结果Table 2 Separation results of propranolol hydrochlorideunder different injection volumes进样量/µLk 1k 2αRs 1 4.2011.53 2.750.682 3.9911.06 2.770.823 3.5010.50 3.000.954 3.2710.06 3.080.8853.5410.162.870.74由表2可看出,在进样量为3 µL 时,AD-PES 手性膜对盐酸普萘洛尔的分离效果最好. 当进样量过多时,膜上的手性位点与样品作用已达到饱和状态,导致部分盐酸普萘洛尔无法被分离.2.2.2 流速对分离效果的影响色谱条件:检测波长为230 nm ,进样量为3 µL ,流动相为纯水,膜装置为中号. 变量因素为流速,分别为0.01、0.02、0.03、0.04、0.05 mL/min. 分离数据如表3所列.表 3 不同流速下盐酸普萘洛尔的分离结果Table 3 Separation results of propranolol hydrochlorideunder different flow rates流速/ (mL/min)k 1k 2αRs 0.0114.4634.25 2.370.780.02 6.7518.00 2.670.800.03 3.5010.50 3.000.950.04 3.408.83 2.600.840.052.466.202.520.77由表3可看出,固定其他色谱条件,只改变流速时,在流速为0.03 mL/min 时分离效果最好. 若流速设置过慢,会导致峰形较差,拖尾严重. 而流速过快会使盐酸普萘洛尔来不及与膜中的手性识别位点作用就被流动相冲走,导致试验结果不准确,分离效果不理想.2.2.3 膜尺寸对分离效果的影响本试验通过使用3种不同直径的膜色谱装置,探究膜的尺寸对分离效果的影响. 将色谱条件设置为:检测波长230 nm ,进样量3 µL ,流速0.03 mL/min ,流动相为纯水. 变量因素为膜的尺寸,分别为33、22、13 mm. 分离数据如表4所列.表 4 不同膜尺寸下盐酸普萘洛尔的分离结果Table 4 Separation results of propranolol hydrochlorideunder different membrane sizes膜尺寸/mmk 1k 2αRs 33 5.1712.83 2.480.8822 3.5010.50 3.000.95133.649.662.650.87由表4可知,在固定其他色谱条件不变的情况下,通过使用不同直径的膜色谱装置来改变膜的尺2 μm 20 μm图4 AD-PES 手性膜的SEM 图(a )AD-PES 手性膜表面,(b )AD-PES 手性膜截面Fig. 4 SEM images of AD-PES chiral membrane (a) surface of AD-PES chiral membrane, (b) cross-section ofAD-PES chiral membrane第 3 期普娜,等:直链淀粉三(3, 5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)-聚醚砜手性膜色谱研究283寸,在膜尺寸为22 mm 时盐酸普萘洛尔的分离效果最佳. 膜尺寸增大时,虽然手性识别位点在增多,但是死体积也在增加. 所以,选用合适尺寸的手性膜也是衡量分离效果的重要因素之一.2.3 AD-PES 手性膜对美托洛尔分离性能的研究在检测波长为230 nm ,流速为0.03 mL /min ,流动相为纯水,进样量为3 µL 的色谱条件下,使用中号膜色谱装置对美托洛尔进行分离,其谱图及结构式如图6所示.t /minV o l t a g e /m V051015OOOH HN 50100150200250图6 美托洛尔分离色谱图及其结构式Fig. 6 Chromatogram and structural formula ofmetoprolol2.3.1 进样量对分离效果的影响色谱条件:检测波长230 nm ,流速0.03 mL/min ,流动相为纯水,膜装置使用中号,膜直径为22 mm.变量因素为进样量,分别为1、2、3、4、5 µL. 分离数据如表5所列.表 5 不同进样量条件下美托洛尔的分离结果Table 5 Separation results of metoprolol under differentinjection volumes进样量/µLk 1k 2αRs 1 2.43 3.44 1.420.382 2.39 3.41 1.430.433 1.70 2.80 1.650.464 2.34 3.43 1.460.3752.453.431.400.25由表5可看出,在进样量为3 µL 时,AD-PES 手性膜对美托洛尔的分离效果最好. 当进样量过多时,膜上的手性位点与美托洛尔作用已达到饱和状态,导致部分样品无法被分离.2.3.2 流速对分离效果的影响色谱条件:检测波长230 nm ,进样量为3 µL ,流动相为纯水,膜装置使用中号,膜直径为22 mm. 变量因素为流速,分别为0.01、0.02、0.03、0.04、0.05mL/min. 分离数据如表6所列.表 6 不同流速下美托洛尔的分离结果Table 6 Separation results of metoprolol under differentflow rates流速/ (mL/min)k 1k 2αRs 0.01 6.558.69 1.330.380.02 4.84 6.59 1.360.400.031.702.80 1.650.460.04 1.61 2.41 1.490.430.050.500.941.880.33由表6可看出,固定其他色谱条件,只改变流速时,在流速为0.03 mL/min 时对美托洛尔的分离效果最好. 若流速设置过慢,会导致峰形较差,而流速过快手性药品被流动相冲走,导致试验结果不准确,分离效果不理想.2.3.3 膜尺寸对分离效果的影响本试验通过使用3种不同直径的膜色谱装置,从而探究膜的尺寸对分离效果的影响. 将色谱条件设置为:检测波长230 nm ,进样量为3 µL ,流速0.03mL/min ,流动相为纯水. 变量因素为膜的尺寸,分别为33、22和13 mm. 分离数据如表7所列.表 7 不同膜尺寸下美托洛尔的分离结果Table 7 Separation results of metoprolol under differentmembrane sizes膜尺寸/mmk 1k 2αRs 33————22 1.70 2.80 1.650.46131.482.131.440.41由表7可知,在固定其他色谱条件不变,通过使用不同直径的膜色谱装置来改变膜的尺寸时,在膜尺寸为33 mm 下无法分离美托洛尔,在膜尺寸为22 mm 时美托洛尔的分离效果最佳. 理论上膜尺寸越大,手性识别位点越多,与手性物质作用的有效位点也越多,分离效果越好,而事实并不是膜尺寸越大越好. 膜尺寸增大,死体积及压力也在增大,使得理论塔板数降低,分离效果变差. 所以,选用合适尺寸的手性膜也是衡量分离效果的重要因素之一.284分析测试技术与仪器第 29 卷3 结论本文使用AD 与PES 制备铸膜液,经过浸没沉淀相转化后,得到AD-PES 手性膜. 通过特制的膜色谱装置结合高效液相色谱对盐酸普萘洛尔和美托洛尔进行了分离. 对AD-PES 手性膜进行了一系列评价,同时探讨了进样量、流速、膜尺寸对分离效果的影响. 当流速为0.03 mL/min 、进样量为3 µL 、膜直径为22 mm 时,对盐酸普萘洛尔和美托洛尔的分离效果最佳. 目前,膜分离技术应用在手性分离领域的研究才刚刚起步,具有巨大的发展空间,相信在不久的未来能取得长足进步.参考文献:Wu S K, Snajdrova R, Moore J C, et al. 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数(pulsatility index, PI)、阻力指数(resistance in
dex, RI)、收缩期峰流速(peak systolic velocity,
PSV)、舒张末期流速(end diastolic velocity, EDV)、
—4288 0000
S/D 305士092 423士099
—9157 0000
ESRV(cm + s-i) 3812士988 2940士750 7373 0000
2.4 CDFI血流参数诊断FGR的价值 脐动脉PI、RI和S/D,大脑中动脉PI、RI和S/
D,以及主动脉弓峡ESRV诊断FGR的ROC曲线 显示,曲线下面积分别为0. 786、0. 703、0. 775、 0. 8730. 8140. 790和0. 755,其中,大脑中动脉PI 的ROC曲线下面积最大。
(middlecerebralartery, MCA) 数:
RI、PSV和S/D数据。主动脉弓峡部(isthmus of
aortic arch, AOI)参数:将采样门置于主动脉弓上,
宽度设置2 mm,并根据情况调整血管与多普勒超 声, 的 度! 取 对完整的主 脉 部
11 选取2017年4月至2020年4月在我院就诊的
FGR孕晚期孕妇110例为观察组,年龄22〜34岁, 选取同期正常妊娠的孕晚期孕妇110例作为对照 组,年龄21〜36岁)两组孕妇年龄、孕周、产次情况 见表1。纳入标准:FGR诊断符合《妇产科学》中的 标准单胎妊娠;孕周34〜36周。排除标准:多胎 妊娠;有恶性肿瘤、妊娠期并发症、精神疾病等疾病。 本研究得到本院伦理委员会批准,产妇及家属均知 情并签署同意书。
转录组分析常用软件汇总--精华版一、比对工具(Kim et al., 2015)HISAT: a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements. Nature methods.Aligns RNA-seq reads to a reference genome using uncompressed suffix arrays. STAR has a potential for accurately aligning long (several kilobases) reads that are emerging from the third-generation sequencing technologies.(Dobin et al., 2013) STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. Bioinformatics.Self-training Algorithm for Splice Junction Detection using RNA-seq.(Li et al., 2013) TrueSight: a new algorithm for splice junction detection using RNA-seq. Nucleic acids research.A toolkit for processing next-gen sequencing data. These programs were also implemented in Bioconductor R package Rsubread.(Liao et al., 2013)The Subread aligner: fast, accurate and scalable read mapping by seed-and-vote. Nucleic acids research.(Rogers et al., 2012)SpliceGrapher: detecting patterns of alternative splicing from RNA-Seq data in the context of gene models and EST data. Genome biology.(Philippe et al., 2013) CRAC: an integrated approach to the analysis of RNA-seq reads. Genome biology.A fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads. TopHat aligns RNA-Seq reads to mammalian-sized genomes using the high-throughput short read aligner Bowtie, and then analyzes the mapping results to identify splice junctions between exons.(Kim et al., 2013) TopHat2: accurate alignment of transcriptomes in the presence of insertions, deletions and gene fusions. Genome Biol.(Chu et al., 2015)SpliceJumper: a classification-based approach for calling splicing junctions from RNA-seq data. BMC bioinformatics.(Srivastava et al., 2016)RapMap: a rapid, sensitive and accurate tool for mapping RNA-seq reads to transcriptomes. Bioinformatics.A framework for genome-based transcript reconstruction and quantification. CIDANE is engineered to not only assembly RNA-seq reads ab initio, but to also make use of the growing annotation of known splice sites, transcription start and end sites, or even full-length transcripts, available for most model organisms. T o some extent, CIDANE is able to recover splice junctions that are invisible to existing bioinformatics tools.(Canzar et al., 2016)CIDANE: comprehensive isoform discovery and abundance estimation. Genome biology.An open source tool for accurate genome-guided transcriptome assembly from RNA-seq reads based on the model of splice graph. An extension of our program CLASS, CLASS2 jointly optimizes read patterns and the number of supporting reads to score and prioritize transcripts, implemented in a novel, scalable and efficient dynamic programming algorithm.(Song et al., 2016) CLASS2: accurate and efficient splice variant annotation from RNA-seq reads. Nucleic acids research.二、Read数统计An RNA-seq read counting tool which builds upon the speed of featureCounts and implements the counting modes of HTSeq. VERSE is more than 30x faster than HTSeq when computing thesame gene counts. VERSE also supports a hierarchical assignment scheme, which allows reads to be assigned uniquely and sequentially to different types of features according to user-defined priorities. It is built on top of featureCounts.(Zhu et al., 2016) VERSE: a versatile and efficient RNA-Seq read counting tool. bioRxiv.A tool for RNA-Seq data analysis that counts for each gene how many aligned reads overlap its exons.(Anders et al., 2013) Count-based differential expression analysis of RNA sequencing data using R and Bioconductor. Nature protocols.A package that provides efficient low-level and highly reusable S4 classes for storing ranges of integers, RLE vectors (Run-Length Encoding) and, more generally, data that can be organized sequentially (formally defined as Vector objects), as well as views on these Vector objects. IRanges provides also efficient list-like classes for storing big collections of instances of the basic classes. All classes in the package use consistent naming and share the same rich and consistent 'Vector API' as much as possible.(Lawrence et al., 2013) Software for computing and annotating genomic ranges. PLoS computational biology.A read summarization program, which counts mapped reads for the genomic features such as genes and exons.(Liao et., 2013) featureCounts: an efficient general-purpose program for assigning sequence reads to genomic features. Bioinformatics三、定量A fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts. It is primarily a genome-guidedtranscriptome assembler, although it can borrow algorithmic techniques from de novo genome assembly to help with transcript assembly. Its input can include not only the spliced read alignments used by reference-based assemblers, but also longer contigs that were assembled de novo from unambiguous, non-branching parts of a transcript.(Pertea et al., 2015) StringTie enables improved reconstruction of a transcriptome from RNA-seq reads. Nature biotechnology.A computational approach that measures changes in mature RNA and pre-mRNA reads across different experimental conditions to quantify transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. EISA reveals both transcriptional and post-transcriptional contributions to expression changes, increasing the amount of information that can be gained from RNA-seq data sets.(Gaidatzis et al., 2015) Analysis of intronic and exonic reads in RNA-seq data characterizes transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation. Nature biotechnology.Assembles transcripts, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression and regulation in RNA-Seq samples.(Trapnell et al., 2010)Transcript assembly and quantification by RNA-Seq reveals unannotated transcripts and isoform switching during cell differentiation. Nature biotechnology.A method for transcriptome reconstruction that relies solely on RNA-Seq reads and an assembled genome to build a transcriptome ab initio. The statistical methods to estimate read coverage significance are also applicable to other sequencing data. Scripture also has modules for ChIP-Seq peak calling.(Guttman et al., 2010) Ab initio reconstruction of cell type-specific transcriptomes in mouse reveals the conserved multi-exonic structure of lincRNAs. Nature biotechnologyAccurate quantification of transcriptome from RNA-Seq data by effective length normalization.(Lee et al., 2011) Accurate quantification of transcriptome from RNA-Seq data by effective length normalization. Nucleic acids research.An integrated alignment workflow and a simple counting-based approach to derive estimates for gene, exon and exon-exon junction expression. In contrast to previous counting-based approaches, EQP takes into account only reads whose alignment pattern agrees with the splicing pattern of the features of interest. This leads to improved gene expression estimates as well as to the generation of exon counts that allow disambiguating reads between overlapping exons.(Schuierer and Roma, 2016) The exon quantification pipeline (EQP): a comprehensive approach to the quantification of gene, exon and junction expression from RNA-seq data. Nucleic acids research.It was designed as a user friendly solution to extract and annotate biologically important transcripts from next generation RNA sequencing data.(Forster et al., 2013) RNA-eXpress annotates novel transcript features in RNA-seq data. Bioinformatics.A versatile model to account for sequence specific bias that commonly occurs at the ends of fragments. Isolotar analyzes RNA-Seq experiments using a simple Bayesian hierarchical model. Combined with aggressive bias correction, it produces estimates that are simultaneously accurate and show highagreement between samples. Isolator is uniquely able to compute posterior probabilities corresponding to arbitrarily complex questions, within the confines of the model.(Jones et al., 2016) Isolator: accurate and stable analysis of isoform-level expression in RNA-Seq experiments. bioRxiv.四、标准化与差异表达A method for differential analysis of count data, using shrinkage estimation for dispersions and fold changes to improve stability and interpretability of estimates. This enables a more quantitative analysis focused on the strength rather than the mere presence of differential expression.(Love et al., 2014) Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome biologyA software package designed to facilitate flexible differential expression analysis of RNA-Seq data. Ballgown can also be used to visualize the transcript assembly on a gene-by-gene basis, extract abundance estimates for exons, introns, transcripts or genes, and perform linear model–based differential expression analyses.(Frazee et al., 2015) Ballgown bridges the gap between transcriptome assembly and expression analysis. Nature biotechnology.A package to dampen the effect of outliers on count-based differential expression analyses.edgeR uses empirical Bayes estimation and exact tests based on the negative binomial distribution and is useful for differential signal analysis with other types of genome-scale count data. It requires a delicate tradeoff to maintain high power while at the same time achieving a decent resistance to the presence of outliers. In particular, it is difficult to know exactly what an outlier is and where the lineshould be drawn to identify it as such.(Zhou et al., 2014) Robustly detecting differential expression in RNA sequencing data using observation weights. Nucleic acids researchA differential transcript expression (DTE) analysis algorithm. SDEAP estimates the number of conditions directly from the input samples using a Dirichlet mixture model and discovers alternative splicing events using a new graph modular decomposition algorithm. By taking advantage of the above technical improvement, SDEAP was able to outperform the other DTE analysis methods in extensive experiments on simulated data and real data with qPCR validation. The prediction of SDEAP also allows users to classify the samples of cancer subtypes and cell-cycle phases more accurately.(Yang and Jiang, 2016) SDEAP: a splice graph based differential transcript expression analysis tool for population data. BioinformaticsEnables rapid interpretation of complex gene expression studies as well as other high-throughput genomics assays. variancePartition is a statistical and visualization framework, used to prioritize drivers of variation based on a genome-wide summary, and identify genes that deviate from the genome-wide trend. This tool quantifies variation in each expression trait attributable to differences in disease status, sex, cell or tissue type, ancestry, genetic background, experimental stimulus, or technical variables.(Hoffman and Schadt, 2016) variancePartition: interpreting drivers of variation in complex gene expression studies. BMC BIoinformatics.A realistic framework to assess the impact of the keycomponents of the statistical framework for differential analyses of RNA-seq data. This tool is based on real data sets and allows the exploration of various scenarios differing in the proportion of non-differentially expressed genes. Hence, it provides an evaluation of the key ingredients of the differential analysis, free of the biases associated with the simulation of data using parametric models.(Rigaill et al., 2016) Synthetic data sets for the identification of key ingredients for RNA-seq differential analysis. Briefings in Bioinformatics.Detects differentially expressed (DE) genes for RNA-seq data with high level of hetergeniety such as cancer RNA-seq data. ELTSeq is an empirical likelihood ratio test (ELT) with a mean-variance relationship constraint for the differential expression analysis of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). As a distribution-free nonparametric model, ELTSeq handles individual heterogeneity by estimating an empirical probability for each observation without making any assumption about read-count distribution. It also incorporates a constraint for the read-count overdispersion, which is widely observed in RNA-seq data. ELTSeq demonstrates a significant improvement over existing methods such as edgeR, DESeq, t-tests, Wilcoxon tests and the classic empirical likelihood-ratio test when handling heterogeneous groups. It will significantly advance the transcriptomics studies of cancers and other complex disease(Xu and Chen, 2016) An empirical likelihood ratio test robust to individual heterogeneity for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq. Briefings in Bioinformatics.A package for detecting the differentially expressed (DE) genes in time course RNA-Seq data. The negative binomialmixed-effect model (NBMM) method is applied to gene expression data on a gene-by-gene basis. A parallel computing option is implemented in timeSeq package to speed up the computing process. We showed that our approach outperforms other currently available methods in both synthetic and real data.(Sun et al., 2016) Statistical inference for time course RNA-Seq data using a negative binomial mixed-effect model. BMC Bioinformatics.A method for facilitating DE analysis using RNA-seq read count data with multiple treatment conditions. The read count is assumed to follow a log-linear model incorporating two factors (i.e., condition and gene), where an interaction term is used to quantify the association between gene and condition. The number of the degrees of freedom is reduced to one through the first order decomposition of the interaction, leading to a dramatically power improvement in testing DE genes when the number of conditions is greater than two.(Kang et al., 2016) multiDE: a dimension reduced model based statistical method for differential expression analysis using RNA-sequencing data with multiple treatment conditions. BMC bioinformatics.(Jia et al., 2015) MetaDiff: differential isoform expression analysis using random-effects meta-regression. BMC bioinformatics.Provides a data-driven solution to test the assumptions of global normalization methods. Group level information about each sample (such as tumor/normal status) must be provided because the test assesses if there are global differences in the distributions between the user-defined groups.(Hicks and Irizarry, 2015) quantro: a data-driven approach toguide the choice of an appropriate normalization method. Genome biology.A Bayesian hierarchical approach to investigate within-sample and between-sample variations in RNA-Seq data.(Gu et al., 2014) BADGE: A novel Bayesian model for accurate abundance quantification and differential analysis of RNA-Seq data. BMC bioinformatics.An algorithm that estimates expression at transcript-level resolution and controls for variability evident across replicate libraries.(Trapnell et al., 2013) Differential analysis of gene regulation at transcript resolution with RNA-seq. Nature biotechnology.(Li et al., 2012) Normalization, testing, and false discovery rate estimation for RNA-sequencing data. Biostatistics.A package to identify differentially expressed genes or isoforms for RNA-seq data from different samples. DEGseq also encourage users to export gene expression values in a table format which could be directly processed by edgeR (Robinson, 2009), an R package implementing the method based on negative binominal distribution to model overdispersion relative to Poisson for digital gene expression data with small replicates (Robinson and Smyth, 2007)(Wang et al., 2010)DEGseq: an R package for identifying differentially expressed genes from RNA-seq data. Bioinformatics.五、基因融合An enhanced version with the ability to align reads across fusion points, which results from the breakage and re-joining oftwo different chromosomes, or from rearrangements within a chromosome.(Kim and Salzberg, 2011) TopHat-Fusion: an algorithm for discovery of novel fusion transcripts. Genome biology.A python package to annotate and visualize gene fusions. For a given gene fusion, AGFusion will predict the cDNA, CDS, and protein sequences resulting from fusion of all combinations of transcripts and save them to fasta files. AGFusion can also plot the protein domain architecture of the fusion transcripts.(Murphy and Elemento, 2016)AGFusion: annotate and visualize gene fusions. bioRxiv.A toolkit for fusion gene and chimeric transcript detection from RNA-seq data. InFusion is a computational method for the discovery of chimeric transcripts from RNA-seq data capable of detecting alternatively spliced chimeric transcripts and fusion genes involving non-coding regions. InFusion allows detection of fusions that involve intergenic regions, analyses and filters putative fusion events based on coverage depth, genomic context and strand specificity.(Okonechnikov et al., 2016) InFusion: Advancing Discovery of Fusion Genes and Chimeric Transcripts from Deep RNA-Sequencing Data. PLoS One.六、可变剪接(Reuter et al., 2016) PreTIS: A T ool to Predict Non-canonical 5’ UTR Translational Initiation Sites in Human and Mouse. Plos Computational Biology.(Afsari et al., 2016)Splice Expression Variation Analysis (SEVA) for Differential Gene Isoform Usage in Cancer. bioRxiv.The DEXseq method is implemented as an open Bioconductor package, which facilitates data visualization andexploration. It can detect with high sensitivity genes, and in many cases exons, that are subject to differential exon usage.(Anders et al., 2012) Detecting differential usage of exons from RNA-seq data. Genome research.(Liu et al., 2012) Detection, annotation and visualization of alternative splicing from RNA-Seq data with SplicingViewer. Genomics.(Ryan et al., 2012) SpliceSeq: a resource for analysis and visualization of RNA-Seq data on alternative splicing and its functional impacts. Bioinformatics.Alternative Splicing transcriptional landscape visualization tool.(Foissac and Sammeth, 2007)ASTALAVISTA: dynamic and flexible analysis of alternative splicing events in custom gene datasets. Nucleic acids research.六、等位基因(Deonovic et al., 2016)IDP-ASE: haplotyping and quantifying allele-specific expression at the gene and gene isoform level by hybrid sequencing. Nucleic Acids Research.(Soderlund et al., 2014) Allele workbench: transcriptome pipeline and interactive graphics for allele-specific expression. PloS one(Romanel et al., 2015) ASEQ: fast allele-specific studies from next-generation sequencing data. BMC medical genomics.(Nariai et al., 2015) A Bayesian approach for estimating allele-specific expression from RNA-Seq data with diploid genomes. BMC genomics.。
Seurat 新版教程:分析空间转录组数据(上)Seurat 新版教程:分析空间转录组数据(下)scanpy教程:空间转录组数据分析10X Visium:空间转录组样本制备到数据分析空间信息在空间转录组中的运用Giotto, a toolbox for integrativeanalysis and visualization of spatialexpression data像Seurat一样,Giotto也是一位画家。
乔托·迪·邦多纳(Giotto di Bondone 1266年-1337年),意大利画家、雕刻家与建筑师,被认为是意大利文艺复兴时期的开创者,被誉为“欧洲绘画之父”。
这也许是Dries 实验室选择这个名字作为其开发的空间表达数据分析工具箱的名字吧。
首先,Giotto为常见的单细胞表达数据处理提供了一个灵活的框架,如:•质量控制•归一化•降维•聚类和细胞类型注释当然,针对非单细胞分辨率的空间技术,如10X Visium ,Giotto实现了3种算法,通过整合已知基signatures 或单细胞RNAseq注释数据来估计不同细胞类型在空间中的富集(也可以理解为一种映射)。
最重要的是,Giotto进一步利用空间信息形成空间网格和或空间接近网络,用于:•识别空间特异基因•提取连续的空间表达模式•使用HMRF识别离散的空间域•探索细胞类型/细胞类型空间相互作用富集或耗尽•利用空间和配受体表达计算细胞空间相互作用•发现相互作用改变基因(interaction changed genes,ICG):由于与相邻细胞相互作用而改变一种细胞类型表达的基因最后,Giotto提供了界面版工具来探索空间表达数据:Giotto Viewer(/giotto-viewer/)具体每一步算法,还是建议把原论文打印出来慢慢研究。
2016年1月1日至2021年4月16日使用关键词“Spatial Transcriptomics”,software 'Publish or Perish’搜索PubMed并手动搜索bioRvix的论文数此前已经在多篇文章中为大家介绍了空间转录组技术及计算工具( Nature:利用空间转录组技术探索组织结构;从全标本到单细胞空间组,基因表达实现“3D”分析),今天为大家分享一篇发表在上纯分析工具总结的预印文章“Comparative Analysis of Packages and Algorithms for the Analysis of Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Data”,来自澳大利亚的研究团队回顾了用于分析不同空间分辨率转录组学(SRT)数据集的可用软件包和流程,重点是识别空间变异基因(SVG)以及其他目标,同时讨论了在生物数据中建立标准化“ground truth”以进行基准测试的重要性和挑战。
目前各种软件包主要是用R或Python 开发的,可用于识别空间转录组数据集中的SVG。
Vertebrate Transcriptomics Analysis
Vertebrate Transcriptomics AnalysisTranscriptomics analysis is a powerful tool used in the study of vertebrates to understand gene expression patterns and gain insights into various biological processes. This technique involves the analysis of RNA molecules, which are transcribed from DNA and play a crucial role in gene regulation and protein synthesis. In this response, I will discuss the importance of transcriptomics analysis in vertebrate research, its applications in different fields, and the challenges associated with this technique. Transcriptomics analysis has revolutionized the field of biology by providing a comprehensive view of gene expression in different tissues and under various conditions. By studying the transcriptome, researchers can identify genes that are upregulated or downregulated in response to specific stimuli or diseases. This information is crucial for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying different biological processes, such as development, immune response, and disease progression. One of the key applications of transcriptomics analysis in vertebrate research is the identification of biomarkers for various diseases. By comparing the gene expression profiles of healthy and diseased tissues, researchers can identify genes that are differentially expressed and may serve as potential diagnostic or prognostic markers. For example, transcriptomics analysis has been used toidentify biomarkers for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders, among others. Transcriptomics analysis also plays a crucial role in understanding the evolutionary history of vertebrates. By comparing the transcriptomes of different species, researchers can identify genes that are conserved across species and those that have undergone evolutionary changes. This information helps in understanding the genetic basis of species diversification and adaptation to different environments. Furthermore, transcriptomics analysis has been instrumental in studying the effects of environmental factors on gene expression in vertebrates. By exposing organisms to different environmental conditions and analyzing their transcriptomes, researchers can identify genes that are responsive to specific stimuli, such as temperature, pollutants, or pathogens. This information is valuable for understanding the adaptive responses of vertebrates to their environments and for assessing the impact of environmentalchanges on their survival and fitness. Despite its numerous advantages, transcriptomics analysis also presents several challenges. One of the main challenges is the complexity and dynamic nature of the transcriptome. Vertebrates have a large number of genes, and their expression can vary significantly across tissues, developmental stages, and environmental conditions. Analyzing and interpreting this vast amount of data requires sophisticated bioinformatics tools and expertise. Another challenge is the quality and quantity of RNA samples. RNA molecules are fragile and prone to degradation, making it crucial to handle and store samples carefully. Additionally, obtaining sufficient amounts of high-quality RNA from certain tissues or organisms can be challenging. Researchers need to optimize RNA extraction protocols and ensure the integrity of the samples to obtain reliable results. In conclusion, transcriptomics analysis is a powerful tool in vertebrate research that provides valuable insights into gene expression patterns and molecular mechanisms underlying various biological processes. Its applications range from identifying biomarkers for diseases to studying evolutionary history and environmental responses. However, the complexity of the transcriptome and the challenges associated with sample quality and data analysis require careful consideration and expertise. Despite these challenges, transcriptomics analysis continues to advance our understanding of vertebrate biology and has the potential to contribute to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.。
4---Transcriptome Analysis
Transcriptome Analysis of Neisseria meningitidis in Human Whole Blood and Mutagenesis Studies Identify Virulence Factors Involved in Blood SurvivalHebert Echenique-Rivera1.,Alessandro Muzzi1.,Elena Del Tordello1,Kate L.Seib1,Patrice Francois2, Rino Rappuoli1,Mariagrazia Pizza1,Davide Serruto1*1Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics,Siena,Italy,2Genomic Research Laboratory,University of Geneva Hospitals(HUG),Geneva,Switzerland AbstractDuring infection Neisseria meningitidis(Nm)encounters multiple environments within the host,which makes rapid adaptation a crucial factor for meningococcal survival.Despite the importance of invasion into the bloodstream in the meningococcal disease process,little is known about how Nm adapts to permit survival and growth in blood.To address this,we performed a time-course transcriptome analysis using an ex vivo model of human whole blood infection.We observed that Nm alters the expression of<30%of ORFs of the genome and major dynamic changes were observed in the expression of transcriptional regulators,transport and binding proteins,energy metabolism,and surface-exposed virulence factors.In particular,we found that the gene encoding the regulator Fur,as well as all genes encoding iron uptake systems, were significantly up-regulated.Analysis of regulated genes encoding for surface-exposed proteins involved in Nm pathogenesis allowed us to better understand mechanisms used to circumvent host defenses.During blood infection,Nm activates genes encoding for the factor H binding proteins,fHbp and NspA,genes encoding for detoxifying enzymes such as SodC,Kat and AniA,as well as several less characterized surface-exposed proteins that might have a role in blood survival.Through mutagenesis studies of a subset of up-regulated genes we were able to identify new proteins important for survival in human blood and also to identify additional roles of previously known virulence factors in aiding survival in blood.Nm mutant strains lacking the genes encoding the hypothetical protein NMB1483and the surface-exposed proteins NalP,Mip and NspA,the Fur regulator,the transferrin binding protein TbpB,and the L-lactate permease LctP were sensitive to killing by human blood.This increased knowledge of how Nm responds to adaptation in blood could also be helpful to develop diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to control the devastating disease cause by this microorganism.Citation:Echenique-Rivera H,Muzzi A,Del Tordello E,Seib KL,Francois P,et al.(2011)Transcriptome Analysis of Neisseria meningitidis in Human Whole Blood and Mutagenesis Studies Identify Virulence Factors Involved in Blood Survival.PLoS Pathog7(5):e1002027.doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002027Editor:H.Steven Seifert,Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,United States of AmericaReceived October15,2010;Accepted February26,2011;Published May5,2011Copyright:ß2011Echenique-Rivera et al.This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author and source are credited.Funding:HE-R was the recipient of a Novartis fellowship from the PhD program in Evolutionary Biology of the University of Siena.EDT is a recipient of a Novartis fellowship from the Ph.D.Program in Cellular,Molecular and Industrial Biology of the University of Bologna.KLS is the recipient of an Australian NHMRC CJ Martin fellowship.The funders had no role in study design,data collection and analysis,decision to publish,or preparation of the manuscript.Competing Interests:AM,RR,MP and DS are employed by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics.*E-mail:davide.serruto@.These authors contributed equally to this work.IntroductionNeisseria meningitidis(Nm)is a Gram-negative commensal of the human upper respiratory tract and asymptomatic carriage of Nm in the nasopharynx is common in healthy adults.In susceptible individuals,Nm can cause septicemia by crossing the mucosal barrier and entering the bloodstream,or can cause meningitis by crossing the blood–brain barrier and multiplying in the cerebro-spinal fluid[1].Invasive meningococcal infections represent a major childhood disease with a mortality rate of10%and high morbidity in survivors[2].During the transition from colonization to an invasive bloodstream infection,Nm must adapt to changing environments and host factors.Sequencing of different Neisseria genomes has facilitated the discovery of many previously unknown virulence factors[3-7]and the comparison of disease and carrier strains has recently provided new insights into the evolution of virulence traits in this species[6]. In order to better understand how Nm adapts to different interactions with the host,it is necessary to study the gene expression of the bacterium under conditions that approximate the human niches it encounters in vivo.The interactions of Nm with human epithelial and endothelial cells,as well as exposure to human serum,have been analyzed using microarray expression studies, which have provided useful information about the pathogenesis of the bacterium and the function of previously unknown genes,and have also enabled the identification of novel vaccine antigens[8]. However,little is known about how Nm adapts to permit survival and growth in human whole blood,despite the importance of this step in the disease process.An infant rat model of invasive infection has been combined with a signature tagged mutagenesis(STM) approach to identify genes essential for bacteremia[9].However, Nm is an exclusively human pathogen,and existing animal models may not accurately simulate meningococcal disease.This justifies the use of an experimental system that mimics,as closely as possible, the in vivo situation seen during disease.Human whole blood has been used as an ex vivo model of sepsis for studying the pathogenesisof Nm in terms of complement activation,cytokine production and immunity[10–14].Similar ex vivo models have also been used to understand how pathogens,including Candida albicans,Listeria monocytogenes,group A and group B Streptococcus species,regulate gene expression during exposure to human blood[15–18].In this study we have analyzed the global changes in the transcriptional profile of a virulent Nm serogroup B(NmB)strain in an ex vivo model of bacteremia,using incubation in human whole blood and a time-course oligo-microarray experiment.This approach revealed mechanisms used by Nm to adapt to human blood,and was instrumental in analyzing the role of previously known and newly identified virulence factors whose expression was up-regulated during ex vivo infection.Results and DiscussionTranscriptome analysis of Nm gene expression in an ex vivo human whole blood modelIn order to evaluate the transcriptional response of Nm during growth in blood we used an ex vivo human whole blood model, which enabled meningococcal responses to both host cellular and humoral bactericidal mechanisms to be analyzed.This ex vivo model has shown potential to examine a number of parameters that are likely to be important in the cascade of events associated with acute systemic meningococcal infection[19]and to chara-cterize Nm factors involved in the survival of the bacterium during infection Freshly isolated whole venous blood collected from four healthy human volunteers(two male and two female) was used.loads in patients with fulminant disease can reach up to109bacteria/ml[22–24].Therefore,Nm MC58 bacteria(approximately8,grown in GC medium to early exponential phase)were mixed with blood from each donor in order to mimic disease.Analysis of growth in the blood by colony forming unit(CFU)counting showed that bacterial numbers increased approximately2-fold over a90-minute incubation period and that there was no significant difference in the number of CFU between the four donors(Figure1A).In order to evaluate the adaptation of Nm to human blood, samples were collected at six different time points(each time point consisted of triplicate cultures):immediately after mixing bacteria with blood(time0,reference point),and after15,30,45,60and 90minutes incubation at37u Total RNA extracted at each time point consisted of a mix of eukaryotic and prokaryotic RNA (Figure1B).eukaryotic RNA can compete with bacterial RNA during cDNA synthesis and fluorochrome labeling,we used a procedure that simultaneously removes mammalian rRNA and mRNA[25–27].this procedure,we were able to significantly enrich the samples for Nm prokaryotic RNA(Figure1B).We then applied an in vitro transcription amplification/labeling step[28]to produce amplified-labeled cRNA that was then used in compet-itive hybridization experiments with a60-mer Nm oligo-micro-array.Transcriptional changes throughout the course of Nm incubation in human blood were defined by comparison of expression levels at various time points against time0(Figure2A). Variability between the four blood donors was quantified by measuring the Pearson correlation coefficient‘r’between the expression matrices of each pair of donors(r coefficients between pairs of donor samples(i,j=1-4):r1-2=0.77,r1-3=0.78,r1-4=0.79, r2-3=0.74,r2-4=0.87,r3-4=0.70).We also evaluated the Pearson correlation‘r ijg’at the level of each single gene‘g’and we represented the distribution of the coefficients both globally and between pairs of donors(Figure S1).This analysis showed an excellent agreement between the gene expression profiles obtained from the four donors.The four data sets were averaged in order to obtain a single data set that was subsequently used to evaluate global gene expression changes(Figure2B).Global changes in the Nm transcriptome during growth in human bloodAnalysis of the transcriptional profile of Nm grown in human blood from four different donors over a90minute time course revealed that a total of637genes were differentially regulated during infection,which represents about30%of the ORFs in Nm genome.Genes were considered to be differentially regulated if they showed,within donor replicas,an average transcript value of log2 ratio greater than1or less than21with a Student’s t-testp-value Figure 1.Growth of Nm in human whole blood and RNA analysis.(A)Number of bacteria during incubation with human blood. The CFU/ml per single donor is shown during a time course experiment.(B)Analysis of isolated total RNA and enriched Nm RNA using a BioAnalyzer2100(Agilent).Upper panel:Total RNA collected from Nm incubated in human whole blood,bacterial RNA(shaded arrowheads) and eukaryotic RNA(open arrowheads)are indicated.Lower panel: Enriched bacterial RNA.doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002027.g001Author SummaryNeisseria meningitidis(Nm)is an exclusively human pathogen and a leading cause of bacterial meningitis and septicemia worldwide.Characterization of the bacte-rial transcriptome during host-pathogen interactions is a fundamental step for understanding the infectious pro-cesses of bacterial pathogens.Despite the severity of meningococcal sepsis,little is known about how Nm adapts to permit survival and growth in human blood.In this work we report the transcriptional response of Nm after incubation in human whole blood.The gene expression results indicate that a significant part of the ORFs of the genome(<30%)is differentially expressed after incubation in human blood,with genes involved in adaptation of Nm metabolism to blood and in virulence and subversion of the host immune system being bining transcriptional analysis with the generation and characterization of deletion mutants and complementing strains,we identify new factors important for survival in human blood.This first gene expression analysis of Nm in blood significantly increases our knowledge of how this bacterium responds to human blood and causes septicemia.Our results also provide new information on gene function and may ultimately help in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to control this devastating disease.Figure2.Global changes of Nm gene expression in human whole blood.(A)Experimental design.Human blood isolated from four different donors was incubated with Nm and RNA extracted at the indicated time points(samples from each time point was done in triplicate and then pooled).Time0was used as the reference time point.(B)Hierarchical clustering of the differentially expressed genes showing the data of the four different donors(Donors1–4)and the average dataset(Merge).Clustering showed two well defined partitions of the expression profiles,360up-regulated(red)and277down-regulated genes(green).Genes were selected based on a fold change of at least two(log2ratio,21or.1)and a t-test p-value,0.05.(C)Clusters of differentially expressed genes defined by the K-means algorithm and grouped based on the dynamics of expression changes during the time course(black lines)and mean expression values of genes located in defined clusters(red lines).The number of geneslower than0.05in at least one time point of the time-course infection,with respect to time0.False discovery rate estimation was performed by calculating the q-values corresponding to a threshold of t-test p-value of0.05,and a range between0.148at time15min to 0.053at time90min.The consequent number of false positive calls, using the|log2(ratio)|.1cut-off,is relatively stable in each time point and varies between24and28genes.The selection criterion was also compared with the results obtained with BETR statistics, which is specifically suitable to discover regulated genes during a time course.The BETR algorithm confirmed509/637genes as significantly(p-value,0.05)regulated genes during the time course. Interestingly,the subset of128genes,that are called as possible false positives using the first statistical method,consist of genes strongly regulated with rapidly changing behaviour over time or with blood donor specificity.For this reason we still considered this subset as interesting differentially expressed genes.The expression profiles of the637selected genes were divided into two well-separated groups by hierarchical clustering applied to the expression matrix,with360genes up-regulated and277 genes down-regulated compared to the reference time0 (Figure2B).Clusters of co-regulated genes were identified and investigated by performing a Figure Of Merit(FOM)[29]analysis using different clustering algorithms(see Methods).FOM analysis showed that the value was stabilized after a partitioning into7–10 clusters using all of the algorithms,but with particular quality using the K-means method(FOM K-means is4.4%to22.2%less than the FOM of the other clustering algorithms,data not shown). Therefore,the expression profiles were split into10clusters according to the K-means partitioning,each of which showed particular expression profile dynamics(Figure2C).For example, clusters1,9and10showed a rapid increase in expression within 15minutes,after which time gene profiles reached a stable up-regulation.Analogously,clusters2and6reached a stable down-regulation within15minutes.Three additional clusters(5,7and8) reached a stable regulation after a delay of30minutes.However, clusters3and4showed a different dynamic,genes showed up-regulation(cluster3)or down-regulation(cluster4)at15minutes, but expression levels were restored to the initial relative levels by 30–45minutes.Interestingly,gene expression profiles clustered by K-means partitioning were modularly organized with respect to TIGRFAM functional classes[30]or KEGG metabolic pathways and showed a complete non-overlapping distribution(Table S2).These results suggest that K-means clustering groups genes that are functionally related,which could help in defining the function of un-annotated genes.The genes present in each cluster and the TIGRFAM and KEGG correlation results are reported in Table S1and Table2S, respectively.The dynamics of gene expression within each functional class was investigated by plotting the number of regulated genes at each time point for each TIGRFAM class (Figure3).A wide range of hypothetical,unclassified ORFs and ORFs with unknown function were differentially regulated. Previous transcriptome analysis of Nm grown under various conditions has aided in the functional characterization of unclassified ORFs,including roles in cell adhesion[31]and resistance to antimicrobial peptides[32].Analysis of the unclassified ORFs regulated in blood may aid in their functional characterization.The major groups of differentially regulated genes are involved in energy metabolism,transport and binding, amino acid biosynthesis,regulatory functions,cellular processes and cell envelope synthesis.These groups are predominantly up-regulated,suggesting a high degree of metabolic adaptation occurs in blood,enabling uptake of different substrates and induction of alternative metabolic pathways.The differential distribution of the number of up-and down-regulated genes within each TIGRFAM class in the initial stages of the time course may indicate the main roles involved in the adaptation process.Intriguingly,the equal distribution of up-and down-regulated genes at60and90 minutes in the majority of functional classes may suggest the initial establishment of equilibrium in the gene expression of Nm physiology.In order to evaluate if the regulated genes identified are as a result of growth phase changes and not growth in blood per se,we performed microarray analysis of strain MC58grown in laboratory medium(GC liquid broth)at different time points matching the ones used for analysis in blood(0,30,60and90minutes).The growth rate of MC58(measured as CFU/ml)was comparable between blood and GC(data not shown).The comparison of the dataset generated in GC with the one generated in blood showed that a subset of the differentially regulated genes(<30%)are in common between the two experimental conditions(Table S1).A detailed analysis of these genes showed that they do not correlate with any particular functional class(data not shown).However, despite the fact that some regulated genes are in common and might result from growth phase changes,we decided to include all genes in the subsequent analysis because their altered expression in blood indicates that they are involved in growth and fitness of the meningococcus in this environment.To validate the results obtained in the microarray experiments in blood,quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR)was used to analyze the relative expression levels of nine genes from different functional categories(NMB1030,NMB1870, NMB2091,NMB2132,NMB1567,NMB1541,NMB0995,NMB1946 and NMB1898).Experiments were conducted using four biological replicates(each comprising three technical repeats)comparing time 0versus45minutes,using16S rRNA for normalization.The comparison of gene expression at45minutes measured by qRT-PCR and microarrays analyses showed a significant Pearson correlation between the two approaches(p-value,0.01,r=0.98; Figure S2B).Several regulators are involved in Nm adaptation to human bloodThe expression of numerous regulators was altered during incubation of Nm in human blood(Figure4A).The ferric-uptake regulation protein(fur,NMB0205),which is involved in the regulation of Nm gene expression in response to iron concentra-tion,was significantly up-regulated.Human blood,as well as other body fluids,contains virtually no free iron because extracellular iron is linked to high-affinity iron-binding proteins.The up-regulation of Fur is indicative of iron-limitation,and led to altered expression of several genes in the Fur regulon.In fact,half of the 83genes regulated by Fur[33,34],were also differentially regulated in blood with the same pattern of expression seen under iron limitation and/or inactivation of Fur(data not shown).Hfq(NMB0748),a RNA chaperone and key modulator of riboregulation in bacteria,was also up-regulated during incuba-tion in blood.The up-regulation of Hfq in blood suggests that non-coding RNAs might also play a role in Nm infection as recently reported for other bacterial pathogens[18,35].Interestingly,the Nm Hfq is involved in stress responses and virulence,with a hfqincluded within each cluster is reported in blue between brackets.TIGRFAM main roles and KEGG pathways that significantly correlated with clusters are reported in Table S2.doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002027.g002mutant being less able to survive in human whole blood [20]and attenuated in an infant rat model of bacteremia [9].Further analysis,using a similar ex vivo model and a tiling microarray,will be instrumental to identify new Nm non-coding RNAs differently expressed in human blood.Several other transcriptional regulators were also differentially regulated (Figure 4A),highlighting the high degree of regulation that is required for adaptation of Nm to exposure and survival in blood.In our study we did not observe regulation of the fnr gene (NMB0380)coding for the Fumarate and Nitrate reductase regulator protein,which is the major player in the metabolic switch from aerobic to anaerobic growth and whose role in Nm infection has been established [36].However we observed that six FNR-regulated genes were up-regulated (NMB0388,NMB1805,NMB0577,NMB1677,NMB1623,NMB1870).This suggests that while the level of expression of fnr does not change,the proportion of active FNR is altered during growth in blood.In fact,human blood is an oxygen-restricted environment,due to sequestration of oxygen by hemoglobin,and FNR is expected to be in its active dimerised form leading to increased expression of the FNR regulon including AniA (NMB1623),a nitrite reductase that plays a key role in anaerobic respiration [37].Two-component regulatory systems (TCS)are one of the most common bacterial signal transduction mechanisms controlling responses and adaptation to environmental changes,and Nm has four predicted TCS [4,7]:NMB0114/NMB0115,NMB0595/NMB0594,NMB1249/NMB1250and NMB1606/NMB1607.TheNMB0595gene,which is part of the PhoQ,MisS/PhoP,MisR TCS that has been extensively studied in Nm,was up-regulated throughout the 90minute time course,but particularly after 30minutes The partner gene,NMB0594coding for the sensor histidine kinase,was slightly up-regulated at 15minutes but not at later time points.A meningococcal deletion mutant in the NMB0595gene displayed an attenuated virulence phenotype in a mouse model of infection [38].Moreover this TCS has been shown to constitute a functional signal transduction system [39]that modulates the meningococcal virulence factor,lipopolysac-charide [40],and is required for optimal colonization of endothelial cells [41].On the other hand,NMB0114/NMB0115(homologues of the NtrY/NtrX TCS)and NMB1250(part of the TCS that exhibits amino acid sequence similarity with NarQ/NarP)were down-regulated.The TCS NMB1606/NMB1607was not differently regulated during the incubation in blood.The fact that components of some TCSs were regulated differently may be due to functional interaction and cross-regulation between the TCSs [42]or may be related to the stability of the phosphorylated states of the sensor or regulator and the consequent expression of the genes [43].Adaptation of Nm metabolism to human bloodThe expression of a large proportion of genes involved in nutrient transport and metabolic pathways was influenced by incubation of Nm in human blood.This indicates a rapid adaptation of the bacterial metabolism to specific nutrients,orFigure 3.Time course distribution of up-and down-regulated genes within TIGRFAM main roles.The plot reflects the dynamics of Nm metabolic adaptation to blood,and the number of regulated genes within each TIGR family is shown for each time point.The total number of genes in each class and the number of up-and down-regulated genes are listed in the table.doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002027.g003nutrient limitations,present in a complex environment such as human blood.The ability of Nm to acquire iron plays an important role in survival within the host,in terms of its ability to replicate within cells[44]and survive in the bloodstream.Nm has evolved numerous iron acquisition systems that enable it to use transferrin,lactoferrin,hemoglobin and haptoglobin-hemoglobin as iron sources[45]and several Nm mutants lacking these iron uptake systems are attenuated in animal models[9,46].In this study,iron uptake systems along with the Fur regulator were found to be significantly up-regulated(Figure4B).Genes encoding the transferrin binding proteins(tbpA and tbpB),lactoferrin binding proteins(lbpA and lbpB)and the hemoglobin receptor(hmbR)wereFigure4.Transcriptional profile of differentially regulated genes grouped by functional TIGRFAM family main roles.Detailed expression profiles of functionally related genes during the time course of Nm in human whole blood.Clusters were created using TMEV.(A) Regulatory functions(B)Transport and binding proteins(C)Energy metabolism(D)Amino acid biosynthesis.Each gene is represented by a single row and each time point by a single column;gene identification numbers(based on the MC58annotation)and gene definitions are reported on the right.Gene expression is displayed in fold change represented by the color bar under the figure.The numerical gene expression values are shown for all the genes at the different time points.For a more detailed analysis,see Table S1.doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002027.g004up-regulated during the time course,together with the genes encoding for the systems involved in the transport of iron through the periplasm:fbpA(NMB0634)and tonB/exbB/exbD(NMB1728-NMB1730)(Figure4B).Interestingly,strains with mutations in genes encoding for TonB,ExbB and ExbD have an attenuated phenotype in the infant rat model of Nm infection[9].Genes encoding for the iron storage protein bacterioferritin(NMB1206/ NMB1207)were down-regulated suggesting the necessity for Nm to utilize iron rather than to store it.Nm can use lactate and glucose as carbon and energy sources, and both compounds are present in human blood[47].In our study,genes involved in the uptake of glucose(gluP,NMB0535) and lactate(lctP,NMB0543)were significantly up-regulated (Figure4B).Nm catabolizes lactate at a faster rate than glucose and LctP has been shown to be involved in virulence:a lctP mutant has a reduced growth rate in cerebrospinal fluid and was attenuated in a mouse model of infection due to increased sensi-ftivity to complement-mediated killing[48].Also in the functional class of‘transport and binding proteins’we found the up-regulation of genes NMB0318–NMB0319that are annotated as fatty acid efflux system proteins and are homologues of the farAB system of N.gonorrhoeae,which are involved in resistance to antibacterial fatty acids[49].Interestingly,the other system known to be involved in antimicrobial resistance,mtrCDE(NMB1714/ NMB1715),was down-regulated.This different regulation in expression of the antimicrobial systems may be indicative of their specific roles in particular niches within the host.Genes encoding for sulfate,spermidine/putrescine,amino acid,sodium and magnesium transporters were also down-regulated(Figure4B). Nm adapted its energy metabolism during incubation in blood, with genes in both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways being regulated.The classification of the up-and down-regulated genes in TIGRFAM sub-roles gave a clear picture of the pathways involved in this adaptation(Figure4C and Figure S3).We observed up-regulation of genes encoding enzymes involved in glycolysis(pgi-1,fbp,pgm,tpiA)and the citric acid cycle(pprC,acnA, icd,sdhC,sdhD,sdhB,gltA,sucC,sucD,fumC,acnB,fumB,yojH).Genes encoding for fermentation enzymes were also up-regulated, including genes in a putative2-methylcitrate pathway(NMB0430 -NMB0433),which has been shown to be present only in pathogenic Neisseria species[50].Several genes involved in the biosynthesis and assembly of components of the respiratory chain were also differentially regulated(Figure4C and Figure S3). Genes included in the TIGRFAM main role‘amino acid biosynthesis’were induced in blood,in particular genes involved in glutamate metabolism,indicating that this amino acid may be important nutrient source for Nm in blood(Figure4D and Figure S3).Indeed,there is evidence that L-glutamate uptake from the host is critical for Nm infection:gltT(ABC-type L-glutamate transporter)is essential for meningococcal survival in infected cells and for the establishment of infection in mice[51];gdhA(glutamate dehydrogenase)was found to be important for Nm survival in STM analysis[9]and is hyper-expressed in Nm invasive isolates [52].The fact that gdhA(NMB1710)is strongly up-regulated in human blood confirms the important role played by this enzyme in Nm infection.Additionally,genes involved in pyruvate metabolism,which is part of the protein synthesis pathway,were also up-regulated(Figure4D and Figure S3).Regulation of Nm genes involved in host-pathogen interactionNm has evolved to produce an array of molecules to colonize, infect and survive in the hostile microenvironments of the host [1,53].A list of genes involved in the mechanisms by which Nm interacts with the host and subverts host defenses is shown in Figure5.Several genes encoding for molecules with documented or predicted adhesive properties were up-regulated in human blood including,opa(NMB1636)and o pc(NMB1053),the gene encoding for AusI/MspA(a phase-variable autotransporter involved in the interaction of Nm with human epithelial and endothelial cells[54,55]),and the genes encoding for MafA proteins(NMB0375and NMB0652;homologues of glycolipid-binding adhesins characterized in N.gonorrhoeae[56]).Transcrip-tion of genes coding for NhhA(NMB0992),NadA(NMB1994)and App(NMB1985),three Nm adhesins involved in interactions with epithelial cells[57–59],were not significantly altered during the time course of infection.Also genes coding for pili proteins were not differentially regulated.This might suggest that these factors, which are important for adhesion and colonization,might not be essential during survival in blood.It is interesting to note that a subset of the genes encoding for surface-exposed adhesins were up-regulated in human blood, suggesting that in addition to their main role in interaction with host tissues,these factors might also be involved in the interaction with blood cells or in the survival in whole blood.For example, Opa and Opc proteins have been reported to have a role in the interaction of Nm to human monocytes[60].In order to neutralize the effect of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species produced by neutrophils and macrophages,Nm uses enzymes such as catalase,superoxide dismutase and enzymes capable of denitrification[61,62].In this study Nm up-regulated the genes coding for catalase(kat,NMB0216),superoxide dismutase C(sodC,NMB1398)and nitrite reductase(aniA, NMB1623).Interestingly,SodC has been shown to protect Nm from phagocytosis[63]whereas AniA has also been shown to provide protection to N.gonorrhoeae in human sera[64],two important phenotypes in the context of growth in human blood. The NMB1567gene was also highly up-regulated in blood,which encodes for a homologue of the N.gonorrhoeae Mip(Macrophage Infectivity Potentiator)protein that is involved in intracellular survival and persistence[65].Nm expresses several surface molecules responsible for effective bacterial defense against human complement.The capsule prevents insertion of the MAC complex into the bacterial outer membrane,while other surface-exposed proteins recruit negative regulators of the complement system such as C4BP and factor H (fH)[66].Genes involved in capsule biosynthesis were not differentially regulated during the transition from liquid medium to growth in human blood.Similarly,expression of the porA gene (NMB1429)encoding for the most abundant outer membrane protein of Nm,which is involved in interaction with C4BP[67], was not significantly altered in blood.However,we observed up-regulation of the fHbp gene(NMB1870),which encodes a surface-exposed lipoprotein able to bind fH and enhance the ability of Nm to multiply and survive within blood[21,68].The up-regulation of fHbp in human blood supports previous reports of the crucial role of this protein during Nm pathogenesis.It has been recently shown that the fHbp protein is expressed from two independent transcripts:one bicistronic transcript that includes the upstream gene(NMB1869),and a second shorter monocistronic transcript from a FNR-dependent promoter[69].The upstream NMB1869 gene was not up-regulated suggesting that the up-regulation of fHbp occurs through its own promoter.NspA(Neisseria surface protein A,NMB0663)was highly up-regulated throughout the time course of infection.It has been recently reported that NspA is also able to bind fH and enhance resistance to human complement [70].In this context,up-regulation of the nspA gene highlights the important role that this protein is expected to play in survival.。
transcriptome meta-analysis介绍
transcriptome meta-analysis介绍
转录组元分析(transcriptome meta-analysis)是一种生物信息学方法,用于对多个转录组数据进行综合分析,以揭示基因表达模式和生物过程。
1. 数据收集:收集来自不同实验条件、物种或组织类型的转录组数据。
2. 数据预处理:对收集到的数据进行预处理,包括质量控制、标准化、去除批次效应等。
3. 差异表达分析:比较不同条件或组织中的基因表达水平,找出差异表达的基因。
4. 富集分析:通过比较差异表达基因与已知的生物过程或通路,找出富集的基因集。
5. 集成分析:将来自不同实验的数据进行整合分析,以揭示全局的基因表达模式和调控网络。
6. 结果解释和讨论:对元分析结果进行解释和讨论,提出可能
1、Single experiment analysis这里可以调用GEO数据库的资源,了解基因的表达量情况,以及进行差异基因分析。
1.1 Samples tool首先选择一个数据集,然后录入感兴趣的基因:在选择数据集时,既可以根据关键词搜索,也可以根据研究方向搜索。
转录组测序的研究对象为特定细胞在某一功能状态下所能转录出来的所有RNA的总和,主要包括mRNA和非编码RNA 。
转录组是特定组织或细胞在某一发育阶段或功能状态下转录出来的所有RNA的总和,主要包括mRNA和非编码RNA(non-coding RNA,ncRNA)。
随着新一代测序平台的市场化,RNA测序(RNA sequenclng,RNA-Seq)技术已成为了转录组学研究的重要手段之一。
王镜岩生物化学考研第三版笔记 (1)
最简单的糖类就是丙糖(甘油醛和二羟丙酮)由于绝大多数的糖类化合物都可以用通式Cn (H2O)n表示,所以过去人们一直认为糖类是碳与水的化合物,称为碳水化合物。
(3)多糖:均一性多糖:淀粉、糖原、纤维素、半纤维素、几丁质(壳多糖)不均一性多糖:糖胺多糖类(透明质酸、硫酸软骨素、硫酸皮肤素等)(4)结合糖(复合糖,糖缀合物,glycoconjugate):糖脂、糖蛋白(蛋白聚糖)、糖-核苷酸等(5)糖的衍生物:糖醇、糖酸、糖胺、糖苷三、糖类的生物学功能(1) 提供能量。
(2) 物质代谢的碳骨架,为蛋白质、核酸、脂类的合成提供碳骨架。
(3) 细胞的骨架。
(4) 细胞间识别和生物分子间的识别。
第一节单糖一、单糖的结构1、单糖的链状结构确定链状结构的方法(葡萄糖):a. 与Fehling试剂或其它醛试剂反应,含有醛基。
b. 与乙酸酐反应,产生具有五个乙酰基的衍生物。
c. 用钠、汞剂作用,生成山梨醇。
图2最简单的单糖之一是甘油醛(glyceraldehydes),它有两种立体异构形式(Stereoismeric form),图7.3。
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Transcriptome Analysis Tools: Visualization and Management of Ultra-High Volume of DNA SequenceDataIrina Khrebtukova1 , Christian D. Haudenschild, Daixing Zhou,William Nelson, Selene M. Virk, Maria Johnson, Keith Moon, Thomas Vasicek Keywords: short read sequences, annotation, genome browser, reference transcriptome1 Introduction.It is generally believed that the first step toward systems biology is to construct a comprehensive expression database that catalogs all the mRNA and regulatory RNA in a sample and documents their expression levels. When a database consisting of expression data from many samples is constructed, it can serve as a reference transcriptome database. Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS™) is an extremely efficient method for generating short DNA sequences. It has been routinely used for the identification of transcribed regions including those that are processed into mRNAs and small regulatory RNAs (miRNA and siRNA). Because MPSS measures absolute copy number of transcripts, the reference transcriptome databases established by MPSS are truly expandable and exchangeable.MPSS, in its current implementation, routinely analyses up to 1 million DNA molecules simultaneously from a single sample preparation, each yielding a 20 bp signature. When analyzing transcriptome data, we find that 97% of the MPSS cDNA signatures map to a unique mRNA transcript. We have generated more than 600 million ESTs from a wide variety of tissues, isolated cells, and cell lines of many organisms. The enormous depth of these data has revealed transcripts from many previously uncharacterized loci.This level of throughput and ultra high volume of short sequence reads requires special tools for the data management, annotation and visualization. This presentation will describe Lynx pipeline for data processing and annotation, and the genome browser for viewing short sequence data in the genome and transcriptome context.2 Signature Genome Browser and MPSS data integration.We developed a data integration and visualization tool called “Signature Genome Browser” (SGB) for rapid and reliable display of MPSS data in the genome context [1]. This browser displays MPSS signatures and transcripts mapped to any chosen region of the genome. To build the SGB, we first extract all possible GATC-17mers and GATC-20mers (“virtual signatures”) from the genome and the mRNA sequences while recording their coordinates in the genome and their positions among the transcripts. We then built a relational database to include the signatures, their positions in the genome and the transcripts, the annotation tables downloaded from UCSC Golden Path [2], and the expression levels detected by MPSS. Finally, we constructed a searchable graphic interface to allow the end-users to query the database and display the signatures, along with their expression levels and their associated genomic information in the genome context (see Figure 1).1 Lynx Therapeutics, Inc., Hayward, CA. E-mail: irina@1122Figure 1: An example of SGB display showing expression profile of two alternative transcripts of the calcitonin in 61 mouse tissues. Data from mouse reference transcriptome project [3]..3 Reference Transcrptomes.MPSS™ is the ideal technology for establishing a reference transcriptome database. It provides superior sensitivity and dynamic range. It is the only technology that can routinely provide the sampling depth needed for accurate and quantitative determination of the expression level of every gene in a particular sample. Unlike most other gene expression technologies that provide analog expression data, MPSS provides digital expression information, which is crucial for data exchange, comparison and expansion.Powered by MPSS and jointly funded by many NIH Institutes, we have recently established the mouse reference transcriptome (MRT) for normal mouse tissues. The MRT database is hosted in NCBI and publicly available [3]. Establishing reference transcriptomes of other species using the same technology is underway. In addition, Lynx has adapted MPSS technology to catalog nearly all the small regulatory RNAs (siRNA and microRNA) in a sample, ready for establishing reference databases for small regulatory RNAs.References[2] /[1] /sgb/sgb[3] /genome/guide/mouse/MouseTranscriptome.html。