

















基础会计大一期末考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 会计的基本职能是()。

A. 记录和报告B. 监督和评价C. 预测和决策D. 规划和控制2. 会计要素中,属于资产的是()。

A. 现金B. 负债C. 所有者权益D. 收入3. 下列哪项不是会计信息质量要求?()A. 可靠性B. 及时性C. 相关性D. 可比性4. 会计的基本假设包括()。

A. 会计分期B. 货币计量C. 持续经营D. 所有上述选项5. 会计科目的设置应遵循()原则。

A. 合法性B. 相关性C. 统一性D. 经济性二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 会计的基本假设包括会计主体、持续经营、会计分期和货币计量。

()2. 会计要素中的负债是指企业因过去的交易或事项形成的现时义务。

()3. 会计信息的可靠性要求是指信息必须真实、准确、完整。

()4. 会计的监督职能是指对企业经济活动的合法性、合规性进行监督。

()5. 会计科目的设置应遵循合法性、相关性、统一性和经济性原则。

()三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述会计信息的使用者及其对会计信息的需求。

2. 会计的基本程序包括哪些内容?四、计算题(每题15分,共30分)1. 某企业2023年1月的资产负债表如下:- 资产:流动资产 100,000元,固定资产 200,000元。

- 负债:流动负债 50,000元,长期负债 100,000元。

- 所有者权益:实收资本 150,000元。


2. 某企业2023年第一季度的营业收入为500,000元,营业成本为300,000元,营业税金及附加为20,000元,销售费用为30,000元,管理费用为10,000元。


五、案例分析题(每题20分,共20分)某公司2023年2月发生以下经济业务:- 购买原材料,支付现金10,000元。

- 销售商品,收到现金20,000元。



大一下学期高数期末试题及答案一、选择题1. 已知函数f(x) = 2x^2 - 3x + 1,求f(2)的值。

A) 2 B) 7 C) 9 D) 11答案:B) 72. 函数f(x) = 3x + 4 和 g(x) = 2x - 1,求f(x)与g(x)的交点横坐标。

A) -3/5 B) 0 C) 5/7 D) 1/2答案:A) -3/53. 设a为非零实数,若函数f(x) = x^2 + ax + a 的图像经过点(-1, 4),求a的值。

A) -1 B) 1 C) 2 D) -2答案:C) 24. 设方程x^2 - kx + 1 = 0只有一个实根,求k的取值范围。

A) (-∞, 1) B) (0, 1] C) [0, ∞) D) [1/4, ∞)答案:D) [1/4, ∞)5. 函数f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c 的图像经过点(1, 3),且在x = 2处取得最小值0.求a、b、c的值。

A) a = 1, b = 2, c = 0 B) a = 2, b = -3, c = 2 C) a = 1, b = -2, c = 3 D) a = -1, b = 2, c = 3答案:C) a = 1, b = -2, c = 3二、计算题1. 求不定积分∫(sinx + cosx)dx。

答案: -cosx + sinx + C(C为常数)2. 设函数f(x) = x^3 - 6x^2 + 9x + 1,求f(x)的极值点。

答案:极小值点为x = 1,极大值点为x = 33. 设函数y = ln(3x + 1),求其反函数。

答案:y = e^x / 3 - 1/34. 已知曲线y = e^x的斜率为1/2,求曲线上点的坐标。

答案:(ln2, 2)5. 设函数f(x) = √(2x + 1),求f'(1)的值。

答案:1/2三、证明题1. 证明函数y = x^3 - 3x + 2在x = 1处有一个零点。



,考试作弊将带来严重后果!华南理工大学期末考试《20XX 级大学物理(I )期末试卷A 卷》试卷(4学分)1. 考前请将密封线内各项信息填写清楚; 所有答案请直接答在答题纸上; .考试形式:闭卷;4. 本试卷共24题,满分100分, 考试时间120分钟。

20XX 年7月8日9:00-----11:0030分).(本题3分)质点作曲线运动,r表示位置矢量,v 表示速度,a 表示加速度,S 表示路程,a τ表示切向加速a t = d /d v , (2) v =t r d /d , v =t S d /d , (4) d /d t a τ=v .只有(1)、(4)是对的. 只有(2)、(4)是对的. 只有(2)是对的.(D) 只有(3)是对的. [ ] .(本题3分)一光滑的内表面半径为10cm 的半球形碗,以匀角速度ω绕其对称旋转.已知放在碗内表面上的一个小球P 相对于碗静止,其位置高于4cm ,则由此可推知碗旋转的角速度约为10rad/s . (B) 13rad/s .(C) 17rad/s (D) 19rad/s . [ ].(本题3分)三个容器A 、B 、C 中装有同种理想气体,其分子数密度n 相同,而方均根速率之比为)()()1/21/21/2222::1:2:4A B Cv v v =,则其压强之比::A B C p p p 为:1:2:4. (B) 1:4:8.1:4:16. (D) 4:2:1. [ ] .(本题3分)水蒸气分解成同温度的氢气和氧气,内能增加了百分之几(不计振动自由度和化学能)? (A) 25%. (B) 35% (C) 50%. (D) 0 [ ] .(本题3分)使4mol 的理想气体,在400K 的等温状态下,体积从V 膨胀到4V ,则此过程气体的熵增加普适气体常量8.31J/(mol K)R =,ln 4 1.386=)(A ) 16J/K (B) 26J/K(C) 36J/K (D) 46J/K [ ] .(本题3分)设图示的两条曲线分别表示在相同温度下氧气和氢气分子的速率分布曲线;令()2O pv 和()2H pv 分别表示氧气和氢气的最概然速率,则(A) 图中a表示氧气分子的速率分布曲线; ()2O pv /()2Hp v =1/4.(B) 图中a表示氧气分子的速率分布曲线; ()2O pv /()2Hp v =4.(C) 图中b表示氧气分子的速率分布曲线;()2Op v /()2Hp v =1/4.(D )图中b表示氧气分子的速率分布曲线;()2O pv /()2Hp v =4.[ ] 7.(本题3分)一质点作简谐振动,周期为T .质点由平衡位置向x 轴正方向运动时,由该平衡位置运动到二分之一最大位移且向x 轴负方向运动所需要的最短时间为 (A)312T . (B) 412T (C) 512T (D) 712T [ ]8.(本题3分)一机车汽笛频率为750Hz ,机车以时速90公里远离静止的观察者.观察者听到的声音的频率是(设空气中声速为340m/s ).(A) 810Hz . (B) 699Hz .(C) 805Hz . (D) 685Hz . [ ] 9.(本题3分)一束波长为λ的单色光由空气垂直入射到折射率为n 的透明薄膜上,透明薄膜放在空气中,要使反射光得到干涉加强,则薄膜最小的厚度为(A) 4n λ. (B) 4λ. (C) 2nλ. (D)2λ. [ ] 10.(本题3分)如图a 所示,一光学平板玻璃A 与待测工件B 之间形成空气劈尖,用波长500nm λ=的单色光垂直照射.看到的反射光的干涉条纹如图b 所示.有些条纹弯曲部分的顶点恰好与其右边条纹的直线部分的连线相切.则工件的上表面缺陷是(A) 不平处为凸起,最大高度为500nm . (B) 不平处为凸起,最大高度为250nm . (C) 不平处为凹槽,最大深度为500nm .(D) 不平处为凹槽,最大深度为250nm .[ ]二、填空题(共30分)图b11.(本题3分)某质点在力(55)F x i =+(SI)的作用下沿x 轴作直线运动,在从0x =移动到10x =米的过程中,力F 所做的功为__________焦耳. 12.(本题3分)如图所示,劲度系数为k 的弹簧,一端固定在墙壁上,另一端连一质量为m 的物体,物体在坐标原点O 时弹簧长度为原长.物体与桌面间的摩擦系数为μ.若物体在不变的外力F 作用下向右移动,则物体到达最远位置时系统的弹性势能P E =_________________________.13.(本题3分)如图所示,滑块A 、重物B 和滑轮C 的质量均为m ,滑轮的半径为R ,滑轮对轴的转动惯量212J mR =.滑块A 与桌面间、滑轮与轴承之间均无摩擦,绳的质量可不计,绳与滑轮之间无相对滑动.g 取210/米秒。



安徽大学20xx - 20xx 学年第 X 学期 《概率论与数理统计》期末考试试卷(A 卷)(时间120分钟)年级 院系专业 姓名 学号 座位号1. 设A.B 是两个随机事件,且0<P(A)<1,P(B)>0,P(B|A)=p(B|非A),则必有〔 〕。

〔A 〕P(A|B)=P(非A|B) (B) P(A|B)≠P(非A|B) (C) P(AB)=P(A)P(B) (C) P(AB)≠P(A)(B)2. 假设男孩和女孩出生的概率相同,在一个有3个孩子的家庭中,恰有两个女孩一个男孩的概率为〔 〕。

〔A 〕2/3 (B) 1/8 (C) 1/4 (D) 3/83. 以下函数中,不能作为连续型随机变量分布函数的是〔 〕。

〔A 〕F1(x)={ (B) F2(x)={(C) F3(x)={F4(x)={4. 当随机变量X 的可能值充满哪个区间〔 〕。

〔A 〕[0,π/2] 〔B 〕[π/2,π] (C) [0,π] (D) [3π/2,7π/4] 则f(x)=cos x 可以成为随机变量x 的密度函数。

5. 设随机变量X 与Y 互相独立,其分布率分别为则以下各式正确的选项是〔 〕。

〔A 〕X=Y (B) P(X=Y)=0 (C) P(X=Y)=1/2 (D) P(X=Y)=1 二.填空题。

〔5×3’〕∪B 的概率分别是0.4,0.3和0.6,假设非B 表示B 的对立事件,那么积事件A ×非B 的概率P 〔A ×非B 〕=________。

@2. 设工厂A 和工厂B 的产品的次品率分别为1%和2%,现从由A 和B 的产品分别占60%和40%的一批产品中随机抽取一件,发现是次品,则该次品属A 生产的概率是_____。

3. 假设将c,c,e,e,i,n,s 这7个字母任意排成一行,问恰排成science 的概率为________。

4. 假设随机变量ξ在〔1,6〕上服从均匀分布,则方程x 2+ξx+1=0有实根的概率是____。



大一思想政治期末试题及答案一、选择题1.下列选项中,不属于社会主义核心价值观的是:– A. 自由– B. 公正– C. 共享– D. 和谐–答案:A2.世界上第一个社会主义国家是:– A. 苏联– B. 中国– C. 古巴– D. 法国–答案:A3.马克思主义的哲学基础是:– A. 辩证唯物主义– B. 唯心主义– C. 实证主义– D. 相对主义–答案:A4.毛泽东同志提出的“红旗渠”是指:– A. 一种新型农耕工具– B. 一条运输渠道– C. 一种灌溉工程– D. 一项农业技术–答案:C5.中国特色社会主义的总任务是:– A. 建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家– B. 维护国家主权和领土完整– C. 实现中华民族伟大复兴– D. 发展社会主义市场经济–答案:A二、简答题1.辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本原理是什么?答:辩证唯物主义的基本原理包括:物质世界的根本属性是运动和变化的、一切事物都具有相互联系和相互作用的辩证关系、事物的发展是由内因和外因的统一决定的、事物的发展是由量变到质变的、事物的发展是不平衡、不断变动的等等。









高等数学A(下册)期末考试试题【A 卷】院(系)别班级 学号姓名成绩大题一二三四五六七小题12345得分一、填空题:(本题共5小题,每小题4分,满分20分,把答案直接填在题中横线上)1、已知向量、满足,,,则.a b0a b += 2a = 2b = a b ⋅= 2、设,则.ln()z x xy =32zx y ∂=∂∂3、曲面在点处的切平面方程为.229x y z ++=(1,2,4)4、设是周期为的周期函数,它在上的表达式为,则的傅里叶级数()f x 2π[,)ππ-()f x x =()f x 在处收敛于,在处收敛于.3x =x π=5、设为连接与两点的直线段,则.L (1,0)(0,1)()Lx y ds +=⎰※以下各题在答题纸上作答,答题时必须写出详细的解答过程,并在每张答题纸写上:姓名、学号、班级.二、解下列各题:(本题共5小题,每小题7分,满分35分)1、求曲线在点处的切线及法平面方程.2222222393x y z z x y⎧++=⎪⎨=+⎪⎩0M (1,1,2)-2、求由曲面及所围成的立体体积.2222z x y =+226z x y =--3、判定级数是否收敛?如果是收敛的,是绝对收敛还是条件收敛?11(1)lnn n n n∞=+-∑4、设,其中具有二阶连续偏导数,求.(,sin x z f xy y y =+f 2,z zx x y∂∂∂∂∂5、计算曲面积分其中是球面被平面截出的顶部.,dSz ∑⎰⎰∑2222x y z a ++=(0)z h h a =<<三、(本题满分9分)抛物面被平面截成一椭圆,求这椭圆上的点到原点的距离的最大值与最小22z x y =+1x y z ++=值.四、(本题满分10分)计算曲线积分,(sin )(cos )x x Le y m dx e y mx dy -+-⎰其中为常数,为由点至原点的上半圆周.m L (,0)A a (0,0)O 22(0)x y ax a +=>五、(本题满分10分)求幂级数的收敛域及和函数.13nn n x n∞=⋅∑六、(本题满分10分)计算曲面积分,332223(1)I x dydz y dzdx z dxdy ∑=++-⎰⎰其中为曲面的上侧.∑221(0)z x y z =--≥七、(本题满分6分)设为连续函数,,,其中是由曲面()f x (0)f a =222()[()]tF t z f xy z dv Ω=+++⎰⎰⎰t Ω与所围成的闭区域,求 .z =z =30()lim t F t t+→-------------------------------------备注:①考试时间为2小时;②考试结束时,请每位考生按卷面答题纸草稿纸由表及里依序对折上交;→→不得带走试卷。



大一化学期末考试要点试卷及答案一、选择题1.下列物质中,属于无机化合物的是() A. 确定 B. 蔗糖 C. 乙醇 D. 甲烷正确答案:A2.下面关于原子核的说法中,错误的是() A. 原子核的半径一般比整个原子的半径小得多 B. 原子核内的质子数和中子数决定了该元素的原子量 C. 原子核由质子和中子组成 D. 原子核带正电正确答案:A3.氯气(Cl2)和氢气(H2)按1:3的体积比反应得到氯化氢(HCl)的气体.若氯气占的体积为24mL,则氯化氢的气体体积为() A. 6mL B.24mL C. 72mL D. 96mL正确答案:C二、填空题1.锂原子的电子结构为1s² 2s¹,其原子序数为__3__。




( 正确 / 错误 ) 正确答案:正确2.棕色瓶中装有Na2CO3溶液,滴加硫酸会产生剧烈的气泡。

( 正确 / 错误 ) 正确答案:正确3.醋酸是一种腐蚀性较强的物质。

( 正确 / 错误 ) 正确答案:错误四、简答题1.请简要介绍氧化还原反应,并举例说明。



例子:2Na + Cl2 -> 2NaCl2.请简要说明酸和碱的定义,并列举一个酸碱中和反应的例子。


酸碱中和反应的例子:HCl + NaOH -> NaCl +H2O五、解答题1.请根据反应式写出反应方程式,写出反应物、生成物及其状态符号。



大一物理期末考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 光年是用于测量天体距离的单位,1光年等于:A. 1秒钟内光所行进的距离B. 1分钟光所行进的距离C. 1小时光所行进的距离D. 1年光所行进的距离2. 根据牛顿第二定律,力是改变物体运动状态的原因,以下说法正确的是:A. 力是维持物体运动的原因B. 力是改变物体运动状态的原因C. 物体运动不需要力D. 物体运动状态的改变不需要力3. 以下哪个选项是描述能量守恒定律的:A. 能量可以被创造或消灭B. 能量在封闭系统中总量保持不变C. 能量总是从高能级向低能级转移D. 能量在转化过程中会减少4. 电磁波谱中,波长最长的是:A. 无线电波B. 微波C. 红外线D. 可见光5. 根据热力学第一定律,以下说法正确的是:A. 能量可以被创造或消灭B. 能量在转化和转移过程中总量保持不变C. 能量总是从低温物体向高温物体转移D. 能量在转化过程中会减少6. 以下哪个是描述电磁感应现象的:A. 电流通过导线产生磁场B. 磁场通过导线产生电流C. 电流通过导线产生电场D. 电场通过导线产生磁场7. 根据相对论,以下说法正确的是:A. 光速在所有惯性参考系中都是相同的B. 光速在不同的惯性参考系中是不同的C. 光速会随着观察者的运动状态而改变D. 光速是可达到的8. 以下哪个选项是描述量子力学的基本原理:A. 粒子的位置和动量可以同时准确测量B. 粒子的位置和动量不能同时准确测量C. 粒子总是确定其位置和动量D. 粒子的位置和动量是连续变化的9. 以下哪个选项是描述布朗运动的:A. 固体颗粒在液体中的无规则运动B. 液体分子的无规则运动C. 气体分子的无规则运动D. 固体颗粒在气体中的无规则运动10. 以下哪个选项是描述原子核的组成:A. 由电子和质子组成B. 由中子和质子组成C. 由电子、中子和质子组成D. 由电子和中子组成二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述牛顿运动定律的三个定律,并举例说明它们在日常生活中的应用。



大一期末会计考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 会计的基本职能是()A. 核算与监督B. 预测与决策C. 计划与控制D. 组织与管理答案:A2. 会计要素中,属于资产的是()A. 现金B. 存货C. 应付账款D. 所有者权益答案:A3. 会计等式中,资产与负债的关系是()A. 资产=负债+所有者权益B. 资产=负债-所有者权益C. 资产+负债=所有者权益D. 资产-负债=所有者权益答案:A4. 会计的基本假设包括()A. 会计分期B. 持续经营C. 货币计量D. 以上都是答案:D5. 会计政策变更属于()A. 会计估计变更B. 会计差错更正C. 会计政策变更D. 会计方法变更答案:C6. 会计信息质量要求中的可靠性指的是()A. 信息的及时性B. 信息的可比性C. 信息的准确性D. 信息的完整性答案:C7. 会计核算的基础是()A. 权责发生制B. 收付实现制C. 现金制D. 应计制答案:A8. 会计报表中,反映企业财务状况的报表是()A. 利润表B. 资产负债表C. 现金流量表D. 所有者权益变动表答案:B9. 会计估计的变更属于()A. 会计政策变更B. 会计估计变更C. 会计差错更正D. 会计方法变更答案:B10. 会计年度通常是指()A. 1月1日至12月31日B. 7月1日至次年6月30日C. 任意12个月D. 任意365天答案:A二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 会计核算的目的是提供财务报告。

()答案:√2. 会计核算的主体是企业。

()答案:√3. 会计核算的货币单位是人民币。

()答案:×4. 会计核算必须遵循权责发生制原则。

()答案:√5. 会计信息的可靠性要求信息必须及时。

()答案:×6. 会计政策变更必须在会计报表附注中披露。

()答案:√7. 会计估计变更属于会计政策变更。

()答案:×8. 资产负债表是反映企业经营成果的报表。

()答案:×9. 会计年度可以是任意12个月。



共 7 页 第 1 页东 南 大 学 考 试 卷(A 卷)课程名称 高等数学A 期末考试学期x 得分适用专业选修高数A 的各专业 考试形式闭卷考试时间长度 150分钟一.填空题(本题共9小题,每小题4分,满分36分)1. 曲面2cos()e 4xz x x y yz π-++=在点(0,1,2)处的法线方程是 ;2. 设u =(1,2,0)u=grad ;3. 设幂级数nn n a x ∞=∑的收敛半径是2,则幂级数0(1)1n nn a x n ∞=++∑的收敛区间是 ;4. 设闭曲线:1C x y +=,取逆时针方向,则曲线积分2d d Cy x x y -⎰的值是 ;5. 设函数(,)F x y 具有一阶连续偏导数,则曲线积分(,)(d d )ABF x y y x x y +⎰与路径无关的充分必要条件是 ;6. 将函数1,01()2,1x f x x x π-≤<⎧=⎨≤<⎩在[0,]π上展开为余弦级数,其和函数()S x 在点21x π=-处的函数值(21)S π-= ;7. 设C 为圆周2z =,取逆时针方向,则积分1d (1i)(3)C z z z ---⎰的值是 ;8. 留数21Res sin,0z z ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦; 9.取n a = ,可使得级数2nn a∞=∑收敛,且级数2ln nn an ∞=∑发散.二. 计算下列各题(本题共4小题,满分30分)共 7 页 第 2 页10.(本小题满分7分)设((),)z f x y x y ϕ=-,其中f 具有连续的二阶偏导数,ϕ具有连续导数,计算2,z z x x y∂∂∂∂∂.11.(本小题满分7分)判别级数1e 1nn n∞=-∑的敛散性,并说明理由.12.(本小题满分8分)判别级数11(1)2ln nn n n∞=--∑是否收敛,若收敛,判别是绝对收敛,还是条件收敛?并说明理由.共 7 页 第 3 页13. (本小题满分8分) 将函数()1(1)f x x x =-≤展开为以2为周期的Fourier 级数.三(14).(本题满分7分)求幂级数21nn nx∞=∑的收敛域与和函数.四(15)。



玉林师范大一下英语期末考试试卷1. They provided us a lot of food when we were in trouble.A. forB. ofC. withD. at2. What can we do ______ themselves from heart disease?A. to causeB. to admitC. to controlD. to protect3. It is important we should learn it well.A. too…lateB. such …thatC. very …thatD. so…that4. You will have to arrive there on time, you will miss a good chance.A. but soB. but alsoC. or soD. or else5. She is very nice and never talks .A. after others’ facesB. to others’ nosesC. bfore others’ eyesD. behind others’ backs6. Either his children or his wife his work when he lives far away.A. supportB. supportedC. supportsD. have supported7. I’m beginning to like Japanese food. I certainly rice to potatoes.A. likeB. wantC. preferD. love8. The next day the patient ______ a bedside telephone.A. made sureB. brought aboutC. asked forD. looked as9. In 1963 we moved to Boston, my grandparents lived.A. whereB. whichC. whatD. there10. It was a difficult time, but finally everything to be all right.A. worked outB. turned outC. hung outD. thought out11.They managed to a date for the wedding.A. agreeB. agree onC. agree withD. agree to 12. The report ______ the difficult types of home computer available.A. contactsB. commentsC. comparesD. cherishes13. I really must my studies, I have been lazy too long.A. make sureB. get down toC. end upD. turn in14. Tickets are selling well for the Olympic Games.A. upcomingB. generalC. optionalD. intelligent15. Have you been to the new shop is just opened in town?A. whatB. whereC. thatD. why16. ______ go straight on to university why not get some work experience first?A. Rather thanB. More thanC. Less thanD. Other than17. When he heard the good news, he with a smile.A. spokeB. behaveC. reactedD. asked18. Losing weight now is difficult, but you will feel betterif you lose it.A. in the long runB. above allC. not at allD. that way19. It was a difficult situation, but she with it very well.A. copedB. changedC. madeD. looked20. The factory workers have to work so as to finish their task today.Section ADirections:There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. Fill in each of theblanks with an appropriate word in the box given below. Change the form if necessary.1.Could you be ________ for a minute and stop making jokes?2.The story has a strong regional ______.3.Can you ________ some time to go and visit your friend?4.________ the chance, I will do better.5.The ________ fan began following pop singer.6.________, I do not think much of the idea.7.The trip to a swimming pool is a ______ for most families.8.We asked high school students to ________ in sports.9.Whom will you vote for in the _________ election?10.Children were _________ by singer and dancers.Section BDirections:There are 10 incomplete statements in this section. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.1.Friends do not argue, defend or attack during times of __________ (agree).2.Students and teachers should have a __________ (respect) attitude toward each other3.He sees smoking as _________ (health).4.He picked up the phone and __________ (dial) her number.5.There is a _________ (child) innocence between friends.6.He hoped to __________ (overcome) some hardship.7.I’ll lose my job if the factory __________ (close)8.It is unnecessary for friends to be ______ (exact) the same.9.After the guests left, he spent half an hour __________ (clean) the sitting room.Things started to go wrong as soon as we got to the hotel. We were all completely 1 after our long trip and looking forward to a shower and a rest. 2 we found that our room was not ready, which made us angry, although the manager was extremely apologetic. While we 3 , we asked about the excursions to places of interest which we had read about in the brochure. Imagine 4 we felt when we were told they had all been canceled! Apparently, the person responsible 5 organizing them had left suddenly and had not been replaced. Then Sally saw a notice pinned to the door of the restaurant, saying it was 6 for redecoration, and Peter discovered that the swimming pool was 7 . When we finally got to our room we were 8 to find that it was at the back of the hotel, and we had a view of a car park, 9 seemed to be used as a rubbish dump. We seriously began to wonder whether 10 not to stay.1. A. tired B. happy C. excited D. sad2. A. If B. And C. However D. When3. A. are waiting B. had waited C. wait D. were waiting4. A. how B. which C. when D. what5. A. of B. to C. for D. in6. A. open B. closed C. accessible D. said7. A. full B. available C. good D. empty8. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. to surprise9. A. what B. which C. it D. thatPassage 1Christmas is the traditional time for having parties, meeting old friends, reuniting families, giving and receiving presents, and eating and drinking too much. All these activities go on at the time of the year when the Christian churches are celebrating the birth of Christ some 2000 years ago. Christmas is a time for carol-singers (mainly groups of children who go from house to house singing traditional religious songs and receive money from the householders). It’s also a time of Christmas stockings hung b y the chimney or at the foot of the bed by children who believe that Father Christmas comes down the chimney and brings them their presents. It’s a time of rich, heavy food and plenty of drink. Christmas is the only time of the year that many families can afford to have alcoholic drink in the house. Traditionally, children who have grown up and left the family home return at Christmas to celebrate the festival with their parents.Commercial exploitation is increasing every year, and all the big department stores make a lot of money from the sale of presents, many of which will soon be forgotten both by the giver and the receiver. In almost every large store there is a “Father Christmas”, complete with a long white beard, red coat and trousers and snow-covered boots. December 25th and26th (Boxing Day, named after the “boxes” or presents that used to be given to servants on that day) are both national holidays, but New Year’s Day (January 1st) is not, except in Scotland, where it is more important than Christmas.Every home tries to obtain a Christmas tree, which is a type of fir tree. This is hung with presents and decorations and electric lights and forms the focus of the room in which the celebrations are taking place.1. At Christmas, Christian churches will ______.A) meet old friends B) receive giftsC) have parties D) celebrate the birth of Christ2. Carol-singers ______.A) are young children B) sing traditional religious songsC) rob money from house to house D) both A and B3. Children hang Christmas stockings ______.A) by the chimney B) at the foot of the bedC) on the wall D) both A and B4. Father Christmas ______ with a long beard, red coat and trousers and snow-covered boots.A) is a man B) is imagined to be a manC) lived D) likes a man5. Boxing Day is on ______.A) December 25th B) December 26thC) January 1st D) December 1stPassage 2Time spent in bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book lover or merely there to buy a book as a present. Whatever the person, you can soon become totally in aware of your surroundings. You soon become engrossed(全神贯注) in some books, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment --- without buying a book, of course. This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. A music shop is very like a bookshop. You can wander round such places to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the inevitable greeting:" Can I help you, sir?" You needn’t buy anything you don't want. In a bookshop, an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing(游览).Then, and only then, are his services necessary.You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass-rubbing -- something which had only vaguely interested you up until then. This volume on the subject, however, happened to be so well illustrated and the part of the text you read proved so interesting that you just had to buy it. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time wandering from section to section. Booksellers must be both long-suffering and indulgent(宽容).6. You may be unaware of the time passing by in a bookshop because ______.A) you want to escape the reality of everyday lifeB) you have to finish browsing one of the booksC) you don't want to waste your moneyD) you have to make sure you don't buy a dull book as a present7. In a good bookshop _______.A) the shop assistant greets you in a friendly wayB) you feel obliged to buy one of the booksC) your heart is contentedD) no shop assistant will approach you unless his service is called8. It is very unwise to enter a bookshop and buy ______.A) a best-selling novel on brass-rubbingB) a book on ancient coinsC) a book on the subject that vaguely interests youD) a book well illustrated and expensive9. According to the writer, the best way to escape the realities of routine life is _____.A) to have a long chat with assistant in a bookshopB) to stay in a bookshop, being absorbed in reading books of various kindsC) to buy a best-selling novel to readD) to wander about in the streets10. The best title of this selection would be 632A) On buying booksB) Bookshops and AssistantsC) Booklovers and BookshopsD) How to Escape the Realities of Everyday Life in a BookshopPassage 3Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society, There are more ideas, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision. In a society where people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same. And although conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed.Within a society, social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material, for example, in technology rather than in values; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early; in the less basic and less emotional aspects of society than in their opposites; in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange elements.Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes readily on human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies. This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to black Americans as compared to other American minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white counterparts.11. According to the passage, one of the factors that tend to promote social change is _____.A) mutual interest B) different points of viewC) more worldly people D) advanced technology12. Social change is less likely to occur in a society where people are quite similar in manyways because______.A) people there are always satisfied with their living conditionsB) people there have identical needs that can be met without much disputesC) people there have got accustomed to their conditions that they seldom think itnecessary to changeD) people there are less emotional and easy to please13. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A) Social values play an important role in social change.B) Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspects of society.C) Social change is more likely to occur if it comes graduallyD) Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects ofsociety.14. The expression "greater tolerance" in Paragraph 1 refers to ______.A) greater willingness to accept social changeB) quicker adoption to changing circumstancesC) more respect for different beliefs and behaviorD) greater readiness to agree to different opinions and ideas15. The passage mainly discusses______.A) two different societiesB) the necessary of social changeC) different social changesD) certain factors that determine the ease with which social changes occurPassage 4An ebook (also referred to as an electronic book, Ebook, or e-book) is a digital version (版本) of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an ebook, you must have an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. Italso helps you trun pages and change your viewing options (计算机屏幕上的阅读选择). Ebook are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer, you can take them with you when you travel. Some ebooks are even interactive! Best of all, when you order an ebook, there is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook.16. Form this passage, we learn that an ebook ______.A. can be found in any library.B. can be read directly from the Internet.C. can be read by any one who has a computer.D. can be read when special software is installed.17. The Ebook Reader is used for ______.A. reading an ebook you’ve downloadedB. turning a print book into a digital version.C. downloading an ebook from the Internet.D. copying an ebook onto a portable computer.18. From this passage, we can learn that ______.A. you can read an ebook on a laptop when you travelB. you can order an ebook using the Ebook ReaderC. the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to youD. it takes a lot of trouble reading an ebook19. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. An ebook is ordered in the same way as a print book is.B. The size of the words in an ebook cannot be changed.C. The downloading time is decided by the ebook’s size.D. There is less fun reading an ebook than a print book.20. The passage is mainly about ______.A. a better way to download an EbookB. a new kind of book—the EbooksC. the new version of EbooksPart A: Put the following into Chinese1.他的错误将会导致失败。





A.为了提高会计信息质量,要求企业所提供的会计信息能够在同一会计期间不同企业之间进行相互比较B.存货的计价方法一经确定,不得随意改变,如需变更,应在财务报告中说明C.对于已经发生的交易或事项,应当及时进行会计确认、计量和报告D.对于已经发生的交易或事项进行会计确认、计量和报告时不应高估资产或者收益.低估负债或者费用3、甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,于2009年2月3日购进一台不需要安装的生产设备,收到的增值税专用发票上注明的设备价款为3 000万元,增值税额为510万元,款项已支付;另支付保险费15万元,装卸费5万元。



A.3 000B.3 020C.3 510D.3 5304、下列各项中,不应计入相关金融资产或金融负债初始入帐价值的是(B )。





假定不考虑其他因素,甲公司收回该批应税消费品的入帐价值为(C )万元。

A.252B.254.04C.280D.282.046、下列关于无形资产会计处理的表述中,正确的是(D )。




Unit 1 The Genius of Jobs1. It would be a mistake to ______ we've heard the last of this issue.A. assumingB. assumeC. adoptD. conclude2. It’s bound to ______ trouble sooner or later.A. createB. giveC. creatingD. issue3. Don’t ______ yourself with those people.A. affectB. includeC. involveD. engage4. ______ that it rains, can we play the match indoorsA. SupposingB. ImaginingC. IfD. Supposed5. This name just did not ______ to my memory.A. happenB. appearC. occurD. hit6. She used her good looks to compensate for her lack of______.A. intellectB. intelligentC. intellectualD. intelligence7. His comment ______ off a quarrel between them.A. sparkedB. letC. issueD. ran8. Her speech made a tremendous ______ on everyone.A. influenceB. affectC. impactD. effort9. In this way they can better ______ theory to practice.A. imposeB. applyC. putD. use10. He ______ himself as a doctor.A. describesB. calledC. regardingD. define11. It’s difficult to ______ the impact of the president’s speech.A. haveB. assessC. involveD. assume12. He ______ to himself what it might be like to live in Java.A. describesB. picturedC. imaginedD. wondered13. ______ of works of art is bound to be dominated by a particular kind of interest.A. AppreciationB. ApprovalC. AdmirationD. Comments14. He ______ the audience with his performance.A. appliedB. sparkedC. delightedD. involved15. Eventually, these books will ______ up into a fine library.A. bringB. raiseC. buildD. be put16. She ______ up five children.A. broughtB. putC. stirsD. raises17. This film is based ______ a novel byA. intoB. inC. withD. on18. The rules of safe driving apply ______ everyone.A. forB. toC. inD. with19. They will impose a fine on anyone who should pick flowers at ______.A. allB. lastC. willD. random20. I was told that the job would ______ travel.A. haveB. includeC. requireD. involveUnit 2 Are You a Volunteer1. Poor health and lack of money may both be to educational progress..B. stainsC. scarcitiesD. barriers2. In Disneyland, every year, some 800,000plants are replaced because Disney refused to signs asking his “guest” not to step on them.A. put downB. put outC. put offD. put up3. Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) _______ way to deal with some stressful situation.B. efficientC. favorableD. favorite4. It is important to ________between the rules of grammar and the conventions ofwritten language.A. determineB. identify D. distinguish5. Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ____of the motor industry is uncertain.A. estimateB. terminalC. fateD. benefit6. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.A. grantsB. promisesC. bloomedD. entitles7. Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A. contribute toB. attribute toC. attend toD. devote to8. Fifty years ago, wealthy people liked hunting wild animals for fun sightseeing.A. rather than to goB. other than goingC. more than goingD. than to go9. A five-year-old boy can speak two foreign languages, surprises all thepeople present..A. in whichB. thatC. whichD. who10. The film, was famous for it special techniques.A. was called“Hero”B. called “Hero”C. which called“Hero”D. that called“Hero”11. Mary went through the report carefully to all spelling mistakes from it.A. diminishB. withdrawC. eliminateD. abandon12. I’d like to a special seat for the concert of May 5.A. deserveB. reserveC. preserveD. conserve13. A special feature of education at MIT is the opportunity for students and faculty to ________ together in research activities.A. specializeB. participateC. consistD. involve14. Apart from philosophical and legal reasons for respecting patients' wishes, there are several practical reasons why doctors should_______ to involve patients in their own medical care decisions.A. enforceB. endow D. enhance15. There are many techniques that you can ________ to help you in managing your time better.A. adoptB. adjustC. adaptD. addict16. In those days, our concern was to provide people in the earthquake-hit area with food and health careA. normalB. constantC. permanentD. primary17. Extensive reporting on television has helped to interest in a wide variety of sports and activities.A. assembleB. yieldC. generateD. gather18. It is terrible to have no one to on in times of personal crisis.A. referB. replyC. respondD. rely19. That couple has endured and it is amazing that their marriage has lasted.B. so much crisesC. so many crisesD. so many crisisesA. so muchcrisis20. —The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets.e something will be done to air pollution.—Yes. But I’m surA. reduceB. removeC. collectD. warnUnit 3 The Internet and Our Life1. On the _______ occasions when he spoke, his voice sounded nervousA. rareB. seldomC. simpleD. hardly______ that the death occurred between 6-7 last night.2. There’s reason to _A. wonderB. considerC. thinkD. suspect3. When we left, they were still ________ about where to go for their holiday.A. askingB. debatingC. tellingD. disagreeing4. From the way they talked I _______ them to be married.A. presumeB. presumingC. presumedD. shall presume5. He ______ the old lady into lending him all her money for his business.A. deceivedB. pretendedC. preventedD. detached6. He found it hard to _________ the temptation to get very drunk.A. resignB. resistC. reserveD. reset7. He _______ his property to the country by will.A. gaveB. sentC. conveyedD. transferred8. He soon _________ that his job would be difficult.A. permittedB. perceivedC. persuadedD. performed9. He was ________ of his sight by the accident.A. destroyedB. lostC. hurtD. deprived10. He kept working too hard, ________ his doctor’s warning.A. neglectB. neglectedC. neglectingD. to neglect11. His explanation only served to _________ the question further.A. entangleB. confuseC. involveD. assume12. The once elegant temple lay in ________ ruins.A. virtualB. realC. totalD. whole13. She drew the curtains aside to ________ a beautiful garden.A. disposeB. rearrangeC. revealD. open14. His silence made me __________.A. suspectingB. suspicionC. suspiciousD. suspected15. He took the chair, _________ it, and drew it to the fire.A. reversingB. reversedC. reverseD. to reverse16. Their living expenses are constantly __________.A. raisingB. improvingC. enlargingD. enhancing17. Her office lies a _______ hundred yards away from her apartment.A. mereB. onlyC. rareD. bare18. Leaving the burn open to the air is the quickest way to _______ it up.A. recoverB. healC. cureD. take19. Where can I ________ the dollars for poundsA. exchangeB. turnC. makeD. change20. I must _______ up my French before I go to Paris.A. enlargeB. improveC. requireD. polishU4 Part I Vocabulary and Structure1. He wondered if the girl ____________ recognized him.A. over the counterB. behind the counterC. on the counterD. under the counter2. The government would not even consider his ____________ for compensation.A. argument C. appeal D. claim3. They sought to recover ____________, costs, expenses, etc. from the firm.B. damageC. injuryD. injuries4. The America ___________ War was broken out during the presidency of Lincoln.A. NationalB. State D. Civil5. You are more ____________ injury if you don’t exercise regularly.A. liable toB. liable forC. likely toD. likely for6. After lengthy court debate, the judge finally determined to __________ the case.B. disableC. dismissD. disclose7. Why did they file a suit __________ their best friends I would never do such athing!A. forB. toC. withD. against8. I agree your office equipment is of better quality but the gap is too wide ifcomparing with other ___________.A. industriesB. suppliersC. businessesD. firms9. At no time and under no circumstance ________________________________.A. China will be the first to use nuclear weaponsB. China is the first to use nuclear weaponsC. will China be the first to use nuclear weaponsD. is China the first to use nuclear weapons10. Share prices showed a(n) __________ rise today.A. significantB. tremendousC. enormousD. essential11. My first book was published last year. ___________, the publishing house askedme to write another one.A. AfterwardsB. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Nevertheless12. Don’t __________ too much work. The extra cash isn’t worth it.A. take offB. take inC. take onD. take over13. The terrorists are threatening to _________ the hijacked airliner.A. blow offB. blow upC. blow outD. blow down14. I didn’t notice Tom ___________ behind me since I was talking with friend overthe phone.A. sneak upB. sneaking upC. snack upD. snacking up15. Sorry. I’m late. I ___________ turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleepagain.A. should haveB. could haveC. would haveD. might have16. The thief stood before the policeman,__________ admitting what he had done.A. with his dropping head C. raising his headB. dropping his head D. with his head down17. _________, I'll go there with you tomorrow afternoon.A. Time permitsB. If time permittingC. Time permittingD. Time's permittingPart I Vocabulary and Structure1. As the life step becomes faster, fast-food restaurants are __________ all over the cities.A. springing upB. sprung upC. spinging overD. spang over2. Considering the different demands of students, the school has adopted a more___________ approach to education.A. independentB. responsibleC. considerateD. flexible3. Many people, when ill, see their doctors and ask them to ___________ something that will make them feel better.A. describeB. prescribeC. reviseD. devise4. The headmaster will ___________ a speech to the visiting foreign guests thisafternoon.A. deliverB. addressC. announceD. declare5. Is it, in your opinion, possibe ___________ new measures will be taken to improvethe terrible trafficA. whetherB. whatC. whenD. that6. A new generation of large and credible firms __________ in China in theelectronics, appliance and even high-tech sectors.A. emergeB. have emerged emerged D. is emerged7. The Nobel Prizes are to be given to the people or institutions who have achievedthe most, ___________ which country they are from.A. in spite ofB. in terms of the form of D. regardless of8. More attention is to be paid to energy exploration to find _____________ energy.A. traditionalB. alternativeC. available9. ---What about going out for a walk after supper---_________________________, walking after meals is good for health.A. I couldn’t agree moreB. I am afraid notC. I can’t promiseD. It is impossiblecan always judge a person by the _____________ he keeps.A. accompanyB. companyC. companionD. comfort11. I usually enjoy his films, but the latest one didn’t come up to my___________.A. mindsB. exceptionsC. expectationsD. expedition12. She has all the good qualities that ___________ a good nurse.A. milestoneB. markC. marksD. marked13. I am very shy. _____________ I don’t know anyone at the partyA. IfB. what ifC. HowD. What14. The way ____________ you are doing it is complete crazy.which B by which C on which D at which15. ____________ English, he can easily talk with foreigners.A. By studyingB. On studyingC. At studyingD. In studying16. ______________ the teacher coming into the classroom, all students stood up.A. On seeing C. At seeingB. By seeingD. Through seeing17. ___________ I were a king, I would buy a islandA. What ifB. IfC. As ifD. Even if18. He got injured and it was difficult for him to_____________.A. roll upB. roll over C roll down D roll on19. Creating a Friends List on you to ____________ your friends on the Internet.A. give way toB. keep track ofC. break away fromD. Catch up with20. ____________criticize your roommate, why not find out if there’ssomething wrong with yourselfA.More than B.Other than C.Rather than D.Except forU1 Part II Banked ClozeA intelligent D talent G values J rigorous M sparkingB smart E genius H allows K intelligence N imaginativeC sparked F rigor I value L pathfinder O senseSo was Mr. Jobs ___1___ Not in the usual way. Instead, he was a ___2___. Thatmay seem like a silly word game, but in fact his success ___3___ people to see the difference between ___4___ and genius. His___5___ leaps were instinctive, unexpected, and at times magical. They were ___6___ by intuition, not analytic___7___. Trained in Zen Buddhism, Mr. Jobs came to ___8___ experiential wisdomover mathematical analysis. He didn’t study data or numbers, but like a ___9___, he could sniff the winds and ___10___ what lay ahead.U2 Part II Banked ClozeA participateB performedC localD contributeE disabledF worthyG enablesH scopeI diversityJ potentiallyK do L worth M allow N global O particularly There is a huge__ 1___ in the type of micro-actions that can be 2 and is so expansive in its 3 , that it covers areas that traditional volunteering opportunities simply just do not cover. Therefore, there is more scope to do moregood, whereas before there might have been none.It 4 people who otherwise couldn’t volunteer, to now5 their time to____6 causes, . 7 and housebound people. Therefore there is 8 amuch larger group of people to pool from.Because micro-actions lend themselves to being performed whenever and wherever, the potential number of people able to 9 can now be pooled fromthe whole of the world rather than just a 10 or national area.U3A must D find G neglected J worse M correspondingB resist E mouse H helps K verse N electricC cases F through I critical L ease O digitalizedIn more fortunate __1___ the couple exchanged ___2____ photos of themselves ___3____ the course of correspondence. This helps to__4_____ the joltof the initial meeting - which is a___5___ moment in every cyber love story. But Mr.Romeo___6____ h ave felt far__7____ when after ___8___ with his e-mail love forthe past six months he stepped off the plane to___9______out that she is not reallya she, but a transvestite. That was the one minor detail his 'sweetheart' ___10____to mention.U4A issueB ruledC juryD significantE dismissedF grossG averageH applyI hesitateJ settledIn December 2008, the Califronia Supreme Court ____1____ that the appeals court was right—the good Samaritan statute didn’t____2____ to Lisa Torti, and the case should not have been ____3____. It was sent back to the trial court so that a____4____could decide whether Torti acted with “due care”. But Torti ____5____out of the court for a “____6____amount”, Steinberg sys. In August 2009, California revised the statute, which now protects anyone who gives medical or nonmedical help as long as the act does not include ____7____negligence. Steinberg believes the revised statute might have helped Torti’s case. “Surely we want to encourage ____8____citizens to help one another by providing them protection,”Steinberg explains, “instead of making them ____9____in an emergency because they’re afraid they’ll get sued. It’s still a social ____10____: are we going to help, or are we notU5A.mementos B.working C.parenting D.point E.elementaryughterG.emergedH.brutalI.creatingJ.annualBy ______1_____school, doctor’s visits for most kids are an 2 occurrenceand our measurement as a mom comes home as report cards only a few times a year.And at some 3 , usually by 5th grade, if not finally at the start of middle school,the teachers and the room moms stop 4 the Mother’s Day gifts. Around this point, too, you’ve become the mother you will be. I say that, because it’strue.Your___5 skills are formed. You have made it through the most 6 of the mommy wars, you’ve watched andlearned during drop-off and pick-up, and if you’rea 7 mom, you’ve now heard it all. You’ve8 on the other side. That’s why it’sOK that Mother’s Day9 and memories become the job of your husband (or your mom if she lives nearby). I remember those late elementary andmiddle school Mother’s Days as a forced parade of store-bought cards, but of____10 , still, and smiles.。



湖北经济学院2021―2021学年第二学期 XX 级本科?高等数学(下)?期终试卷(A )答案一.单项选择题〔每题2分,共10分〕1.非零向量,a b 的夹角正弦sin(,)=a b ( D )。

A.||||⋅a b a b B. ||||||⋅a b a b C. ||||⨯a b a b D. ||||||⨯a b a b2.函数),(y x f 在点),(00y x 处可偏导是),(y x f 在点),(00y x 处连续的( D )。

A. 充分条件 B. 必要条件 C. 充要条件 D. 无关条件 3.函数22),(y x y x f -=在其定义域上( D )。

A. 有极大值无极小值B. 无极大值有极小值C. 有极大值有极小值D. 无极大值无极小值 4.设级数∑∞=1n nu的局部和数列为{}n s ,则∑∞=1n nu收敛的充分必要条件为( B )。

A.lim 0n n s →∞= B.lim n n s s →∞= C.lim 0n n u →∞= D.lim n n u u →∞=5.设0≤≤n n v u ,如果级数∑∞=1n nu收敛,则级数∑∞=1n nv的敛散性为( A )。

A. 绝对收敛B. 条件收敛C. 未必收敛D. 发散二.填空题〔每题3分,共15分〕1.设向量,a b 满足⋅0a b =,则a 与b 的关系为⊥a b 。

1.过点(1,1,1)垂直于平面230x y z ++=的直线点向式方程为111123x y z ---==2.交换积分次序:=⎰⎰dy y x f dx x x),(1dx y x f dy yy⎰⎰2),(14.设}2{22x y x D ≤+=,则极坐标⎰⎰=Ddxdy y x f ),(rdr θr θr f θd θππ⎰⎰-cos 2022)sin ,cos (5.-p 级数∑∞=11n pn 收敛的充分必要条件是1p >三.计算题〔每题5分,共50分〕1.设yx z 1=,求偏导数x z ∂∂,y z ∂∂。



一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音、词义完全正确的一项是:A. 漫步(màn bù)轰鸣(hōng míng)沉默(chén mò)B. 潜伏(qián fú)悲怆(bēi chuàng)沮丧(jǔ sàng)C. 倾斜(qīng xié)妩媚(wǔ mèi)娇羞(jiāo xiū)D. 瞬间(shùn jiān)蹉跎(cuō tuó)疏忽(shū hū)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 为了提高我们的环保意识,学校决定从下学期开始,在全校范围内开展“绿色校园”活动。

B. 在这次比赛中,他表现得非常出色,赢得了观众的热烈掌声和好评。

C. 他的成绩虽然一直在班级里名列前茅,但他从不骄傲,总是谦虚谨慎。

D. 她的微笑如同春天的阳光,温暖了我心中的每一个角落。

3. 下列诗句中,出自唐代诗人杜牧的是:A. 春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。

B. 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。

C. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。

D. 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。

4. 下列成语中,意思与“画蛇添足”相近的一项是:A. 多此一举B. 贻笑大方C. 画龙点睛D. 悬梁刺股5. 下列词语中,属于形容词的是:A. 风驰电掣B. 一帆风顺C. 胸有成竹D. 雕虫小技6. 下列句子中,使用了比喻修辞手法的一项是:A. 他的笑容如同春天的阳光,温暖了我心中的每一个角落。

B. 他勤奋学习,就像蚂蚁搬家一样。

C. 他的成绩一直很稳定,就像一座山一样屹立不倒。

D. 他的计划非常周密,就像一张网一样。

7. 下列词语中,属于动词的是:A. 静谧B. 璀璨C. 炫丽D. 沉默8. 下列句子中,使用了拟人修辞手法的一项是:A. 星星在夜空中闪烁,好像在向我眨眼。

B. 风儿吹过,树叶沙沙作响,好像在唱歌。



大一期末考试试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是计算机科学中常用的数据结构?A. 链表B. 函数C. 变量D. 常量2. 在数学中,如果一个数的平方等于该数本身,这个数被称为什么?A. 素数B. 完全数C. 平方数C. 立方数3. 根据牛顿第二定律,力的大小等于什么?A. 质量乘以加速度B. 质量除以速度C. 速度乘以时间D. 加速度除以时间4. 以下哪个选项是经济学中需求定律的基本表述?A. 价格越高,需求量越少B. 价格越低,需求量越多C. 价格与需求量成正比D. 价格与需求量成反比5. 根据生物学,细胞分裂的基本类型是什么?A. 有丝分裂B. 无丝分裂C. 减数分裂D. 以上都是6. 以下哪个选项是化学中元素周期表的排列依据?A. 元素的原子量B. 元素的原子序数C. 元素的化学性质D. 元素的物理性质7. 物理学中,物体的惯性大小取决于什么?A. 物体的质量B. 物体的速度C. 物体的加速度D. 物体的体积8. 以下哪个选项是心理学中认知失调理论的提出者?A. 弗洛伊德B. 斯金纳C. 皮亚杰D. 费斯廷格9. 根据历史学,工业革命的发源地是哪里?A. 中国B. 印度C. 英国D. 美国10. 以下哪个选项是文学中现代主义文学的特点?A. 现实主义B. 浪漫主义C. 后现代主义D. 现代主义二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. 计算机编程语言中的“if”语句用于实现________。

12. 数学中的勾股定理适用于________三角形。

13. 经济学中的边际效用递减法则指的是随着消费者消费量的增加,每增加一个单位商品所带来的________逐渐减少。

14. 物理学中,物体的动能公式为Ek = 1/2 * m * v^2,其中m表示________,v表示________。

15. 化学中,元素的化合价是指元素在化合物中能够结合的________离子数。

16. 生物学中,DNA的双螺旋结构是由________和________两种碱基配对而成。

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贵州师范大学xx —xx 学年度第 二学期
姓名 学号 学院 年级专业

1、设-a =i k ,23=++b i j k ,则⨯a b = 【 】 (A )25--+i j k (B )3--+i j k (C )5--+i j k (D )333-+i j k
2、方程)0(2>=a a xy 的图形是 【 】 (A )双曲线 (B )抛物线 (C )双曲柱面 (D )抛物柱面
3、下列式子中值为0的是 【 】 (A )⎰-11
dx xe x (B )⎰-11
cos xdx x (C )⎰-11
sin xdx x (D )⎰-+1
)cos (sin dx x x
4、用二重积分表示由曲面220,1,1z x y z x y =++=+=所围成立体的体积 【 】 (A )
(1)x y x y dxdy +≤--⎰⎰
(B )
1x y x y dxdy +<--⎰⎰
(C )
1x y x y dxdy +≤--⎰⎰
(D )
(1)x y x y dxdy +<--⎰⎰
5、设平面区域D 由直线0,0,2x y x y ==+=所围成的闭区域,则二重积分D
d σ=⎰⎰【 】 (A )1
(B )2 (C )3 (D) 4
6、微分方程: y y '''''=的通解为 【 】
(A )2123x e c x c x c ++++ (B )123x c e c x c ++ (C )2123c x c x c ++ (D )32123c x c x c ++ 7、设2123,,z z x y z ==-=则 【 】
(A ) 1z 与 2z 是相同函数 (B )1z 与3z 是相同函数
(C )2z 与3z 是相同函数 (D )其中任何两个都不是相同函数 8、
,,lim x y x y
x xy y →∞∞+=-+ 【 】 (A ) 1 (B )0 (C )1- (D )不存在
1、已知向量(1,2,2)=-a ,(3,6,2)=-b ,则 cos(,)=a b
2、=⎰)sin (2
x tdt dx d
3、曲线1=xy 及直线2,==y x y 所围成图形的面积值是
dx y x f dy
tan ln dy
x y y dx
=的通解是 6、若)(),(21x y y x y y ==是一阶线性齐次方程的两个线性无关解,则用这两个解可把其通解表示为
7、曲线232,,,1x t y
t z t t ====在处的切线方程为
1x x dx -⎰;
2、求dx x x ⎰-1
⎰; 4、设2,2,2,u z u x y v x y v ==-=+求dz ;
e xyz -=所确定的隐函数(,)z
f x y =的偏导数2,,z z z
x y x y
6、设D 为221,x y +≤,求12
x y d σ+⎰⎰;
7、设平面区域D 由曲线1,xy =直线1,2,2x x y ===围成,求xy D
ye dxdy ⎰⎰;
2dy y
dx x y
=-,满足初始条件(0)1y =的特解;
9、求方程90y y ''+=的通解;
1、求由平面0,0,0,4,4x y z x y =====,以及抛物面221z x y =++围成的立体的体积。

