纳税证明 Certificate of Tax Payment



第2页 共7页
And Salary Salary And Salary Totally Tax Income Period Storage (Back) Date Tax Returned Payment ¥ 1000.00 ¥ 1000.00 ¥ 1000.00 ¥ 1000.00 ¥ 1000.00
第4页 共7页
元化。基于现实需要,办法增设了税收完税证明作为新的证明类票 种。
来源:合肥人事考试网 / 第 5 篇:完税证明 完税证明
兹有本单位职工冯云 ,性别:男 ,身份证号码 532401197606061832 ,为我所专职律师 ,现本单位和冯云 提出解除合同关系,冯云税务均由单位代缴,不欠税费! 特此证明。 用人单位盖章年 月 日 第 6 篇:完税证明 证明 我辖区陕西燕氏农牧科技发展有限公司,纳税识别号: 610502783657091,该企业属区级龙头企业。该企业财务制度 规范,自开业以来按照税收相关法律要求,照章纳税,无拖欠税 款情况。 特此证明 故市税务所 2013 年 4 月 7 日 税收完税证明(en)英文版 The people\'s Republic of ChinaTaxation Authority
第3页 共7页
第 4 篇:税收完税证明样式全国统一 给人改变未来的力量
税收完税证明样式全国统一 人民日报北京 3 月 18 日讯 记者蔡岩红国家税务总局近日公 布《税收票证管理办法》,办法增设了税收完税证明作为新的证明 类票种,明确“税收完税证明是税务机关为证明纳税人已经缴纳 税款或者已经退还纳税人税款而开具的纸质税收票证”。税收完 税证明各税种通用,样式全国统一。办法 2014 年 1 月 1 日起实施。 办法规范了办法的适用范围并重新界定了税收票证的定义;肯定 了征缴信息化的发展成果;统一了税收票证具体式样和尺寸;明确 了税收票证管理工作的机构和岗位,并对业务风险环节做了岗位 分设要求;简并了票种,完善了税收票证种类体系;增设了各税种 通用的税收完税证明;从制度上支持了各种税收票证的“一票多 税”填开。 办法从税收票证对于征纳双方的双重基本功能出发,将税收 票证的定义界定为“税务机关、扣缴义务人依照法律法规,代征代 售人按照委托协议,征收税款、基金、费、滞纳金和罚没款等各项 收入的过程中,开具的收款、退款和缴库凭证。明确税收票证是纳 税人实际缴纳税款或者收取退还税款的法定证明。 办法另一个新意在于税收完税证明的设置。随着社会经济的 发展和纳税人权利意识的增强,纳税人对税收票证的需求日益多

税务局房地产契税纳税证明 英文模板

税务局房地产契税纳税证明 英文模板










Certification for Deed Tax Payment of Real Estate of Gucheng District Local Taxation BureauFilling Date: Dec. 28, 2009Taxpayer of Deed Tax Location of the Real EstateTaxpayer of Other TaxesHouse Ownership Certificate No. L. J. S. F. Q. Z. G. C. Zi No. Date of Issue Apr. 14, 2004 Land-use Certificate No.L. G. Y. (2003) No. Date of IssueDec. 3, 2003 Tax Amount of Transferred Real EstateRMB 928,000.00 Yuan Type of Real EstateResidenceLand Area (㎡)184462.916㎡Construction Area (㎡)229.16 Taxes Related to Real EstateTransfer1. Deed TaxTax Rate 3% (1) Full Amount of Tax Collection (2) Halving Amount of Tax Collection(3) Political Tax Exemption¥13,920.00 2. Business Tax (including urbanconstruction taxand surcharge) Tax Rate 5.55% (1) Full Amount of Tax Collection (2) Differential Amount of Tax Collection(3) Political Tax Exemption¥51,504.003. Land Value-added TaxAmount of Value-added Tax Total Amount of Deduction ItemsTax Rate 1% Taxable AmountPolitical Tax Exemption ¥9,280.00 4. Individual Income TaxTax Rate 1% Taxable Amount Political Tax Exemption¥9,280.005.方茴说:“那时候我们不说爱,爱是多么遥远、多么沉重的字眼啊。


南太平洋公司[美国]||Southern Pacific Co.
南太平洋航路||South Pacific route
耐用年限表||life table
耐用品||durable goods; hard goods; durables
耐用品价格||durable goods price
耐用品新订货量||new orders for durable goods
耐用期||durability period
耐用设备||durable facility
纳税留置,纳税扣押||lien for taxes
纳税能力||taxable capacity; tax ability
纳税年度||tax year
纳税抛售||tax selling
纳税平等||equality of taxation; equalization of tax payment
奶场||dairy farm
奶场场主,奶品商||dairy man
奶农||dairy farmer
耐高温钢||high-temperature steel
耐航包装||seaworthy packing
耐火材料||refractory material; flame-proof material; heat-resistant material; fire-brick
耐用消费品||consumer durables; hard goods; consumer durable goods; durable consumer goods
耐用消费品社会持有量||amount of durable consumer goods available in society


Tax Payment Certificate of the People’s Republic of China
税务机关 国家税务
总Ta局x *a*u市th税or务it局y **
Municipal Taxation
纳税人名称 赵四
Name of Taxpayer
Si Zhao
填票人 ***
Prepared by ***
本凭证不作纳税人记账、抵扣凭证 This certificate shall not be used as a voucher for taxpayer's accounting and deducting.
Total (In Words)
伍万陆仟玖 佰Fi陆ft拾y-捌Si元x Thousand
Tax Authority
身份证件类型: 居 身民 份身 证份 号证 码:
*C*e*r*t*i*f*i*c*a*t*e**** tIyDpec:ardReNsoi:dent
明******* 19(1111)32
填发日期 2019
年 Da1t1e月o1f1日Issue
纳税人识别号 ********************
ID Number of Taxpayer



税收英语词汇税务专用英语词汇State Administration for Taxation 国家税务总局Local Taxation bureau 地方税务局Business Tax 营业税Individual Income Tax 个人所得税Income Tax for Enterprises企业所得税Income Tax for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Forei gn Enterprises外商投资企业和外国企业所得税tax returns filing 纳税申报taxes payable 应交税金the assessable period for tax payment 纳税期限the timing of tax liability arising 纳税义务发生时间consolidate reporting 合并申报the local competent tax authority 当地主管税务机关the outbound business activity 外出经营活动Tax Inspection Report 纳税检查报告tax avoidance 逃税tax evasion 避税tax base 税基refund after collection 先征后退withhold and remit tax 代扣代缴collect and remit tax 代收代缴income from authors remuneration 稿酬所得income from remuneration for personal service 劳务报酬所得income from lease of property 财产租赁所得income from transfer of property 财产转让所得contingent income 偶然所得resident 居民non-resident 非居民tax year 纳税年度temporary trips out of 临时离境flat rate 比例税率withholding income tax 预提税withholding at source 源泉扣缴State Treasury 国库tax preference 税收优惠the first profit-making year 第一个获利年度refund of the income tax paid on the reinvested amount 再投资退税export-oriented enterprise 出口型企业technologically advanced enterprise 先进技术企业Special Economic Zone 经济特区tax exemption 免税Tax Exemption Certificate 免税证明书tax heldover 延缓缴纳的税款tax holiday 免税期tax in default 拖欠税款tax investigation税务调查tax liability 纳税责任;税务负担tax payable应缴税款body corporate 法团;法人团体保护关税(Protective Tariff)保税制度(Bonded System)布鲁塞尔估价定义(Brussels Definition of Value BDV)差别关税(Differential Duties)差价关税(Variable Import Levies)产品对产品减税方式(Product by Product Reduction of Tariff)超保护贸易政策(Policy of Super-protection)成本(Cost)出厂价格(Cost Price)初级产品(Primary Commodity)初级产品的价格(The Price of Primang Products)出口补贴(Export Subsidies)出口退税(Export Rebates)从量税(Specific Duty)从价(Ad Valorem)从价关税(Ad Valorem Duties)反补贴税(Counter Vailing Duties)反倾销(Anti-Dumping)反倾销税(Anti-dumping Duties)关税(Customs Duty)关税和贸易总协定(The General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade)关税配额(Tariff Quota)自主关税(Autonomous Tariff)最惠国税率(The Most-favoured-nation Rate of Duty)优惠税率(Preferential Rate)标题:能介绍一下营业税的知识吗TOPIC: Would you please give the general introduction of the business tax?对话内容:纳税人:我公司马上就要营业了,能介绍一下营业税的知识吗?Taxpayer: my company will begin business soon, but I have little knowledge about the business tax. Can you introduce it?税务局:尽我所能吧!一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。

2020最新个人所得税纳税记录 英文模板

2020最新个人所得税纳税记录 英文模板

2020最新个人所得税纳税记录英文模板The ___ Record for the d of January 2019 to April 2020 is presented here。

This document。

originally known as the Certificate of Individual e Tax Payment。

is issued by the Haidian District Office of the Beijing Municipal Office of the ___ (SAT)。

The record includes the taxpayer's name。

tax ID。

ID number。

and query ___.During this d。

the taxpayer had zero ns for e tax payments in all months。

As such。

there are no e items or tax ___.It is important to note that this record ___ and should be kept for future reference。

The filing date。

payment date。

and storage date are also indicated on the record.In order to protect personal n。

the ID document type is specified as a Resident Identity Card and only the last four digits of the ID number are shown。

Any discrepancies or errors in the n presented ___.In the given record。



中华人民共和国契税完税证Deed Tax Payment Voucher of the People’s Republic of ChinaNo. XXXDeed Tax Payment Voucher of the People’s Republic of China(Agricultural tax voucher supervision seal of the State Administration of Taxation)Date: DD/MM/YY (XXXX) (M) NSZ No. XXX契税完税证Deed Tax Payment Voucher(Deed tax receipt supervision seal of Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau)H.Q.W. XXX XXXXXXX中华人民共和国税收通用缴款书Location of the Taxable House:The People’s Republic of China XXXXXGeneral Tax Payment Voucher(20124) HSJD No. XXXXX(Tax voucher supervision seal of the State Administration of Taxation)Relationship of Administrative Subordination: othersRegistration Type: others Date: DD/MM/YY Collectors:中华人民共和国税收通用完税证The People’s Republic of ChinaGeneral Tax Payment Voucher(Tax voucher supervision seal of the State Administration of Taxation)(XXXXX) MDGQWD No. XXXXXXXX Date: DD/MM/YY Tax Authority:上海市财政局契税缴款书Shanghai Municipal Finance BureauDeed Tax Payment Voucher (substitution for tax payment certificate)(V oucher supervision seal of Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau)(06) HQSZ No.XXXXX上海市契税收据Shanghai Deed Tax ReceiptReceipt No. XXXXXXNote: please keep the receipt safe and return the void ones.。



Accrued tax 应计未付税款Across-the-board tax cut 全面减税Addition tax 追加税Adjudication of tax 税收裁定Administrative charges 行政性收费After-tax income 税后所得Agricultural tax 农业税Allowance for income tax 所保税减免Amount withheld 扣缴税额Animal slaughter tax 屠宰税Annual tax payable report 年度纳税申报表Anti-evasion measures 反逃税措施Appeal 税务申诉Assess 估价Assessment percentage 估价率Assessment ratio 征税比率Assessment 查定税款Authorized tax collection 税收代征Authorized tax withholding and collection 税收代后代缴Average rat of tax 平均税率Back payment 补交拖欠税款Blanket exemption 全部免税Bonus tax 奖金税Business tax 营业税Cascading taxation 重复征税Category of taxes 税种Certificate of compliance 税款缴款证明书Certificate of tax payment 完税证Collected amount 征税额Collection of tax before purchasing 先征后购Composite assessable price 组成计税价格Composite value 组成计税价格Consolidated income tax 汇总所得税Copyright royalties 版税Corporate income tax 企业所得税Credit for gift tax 赠与税抵免Creditable 准予抵扣Cultivated land use tax 耕地占用税Current taxable year 本纳税年度Date of tax levied 纳税日期Days of paying tax 缴税日Declaration 纳税申报Deductibles 扣除额Deduction at purchase 购进扣除法Deferred taxes 递延税款Deficiency letter 补税通知Deficiency 欠税Defraud revenue 偷税Delinquent tax 滞纳税款Delinquent taxpayer 拖欠税款者Deterrent tax 惩罚性税收Drawback/export tax rebate 出口退税Duel taxation 双重税Effective tax rate 实际税率Enhance public awareness of tax liability 增强纳税意识Entertainment tax 娱乐税Evasion and avoidance 逃税与避税Excise tax 消费税Excise-man/excise officer/ tax collector 税务员Factory tax 出厂税Fairness in tax burden-sharing 公平税负False declaration 虚报税额Feast tax 筵席税Franchise tax 特许经营税Gift tax/endowment tax 赠与税Harsh duties 苛捐杂税Hidden tax 价内税Indirect tax 间接税Inheritance tax 遗产税Input VAT进项税额Interest and penalties receivable on tax 应收欠税利息与罚款Interest equalization tax 利息平衡税Interest on tax underpaid or postponed 欠缴或滞纳税款利息Internal Revenue Service (美国)国家税务局Internal revenue 国内税收Investment allowance 投资减免Invoice copy 发票联Invoice 发票Irregular tax 杂税Items deductible and corresponding limit 扣除项目和列支标准Jurisdiction of boundary 地域管辖权Jurisdiction of inhabitant 居民管辖权Land appreciation tax 土地增值税Late payment penalties 滞纳金Law on Tax Collection and Administration 《税收征收管理法》Legal tax rate 法定税率Livestock trading tax 牲畜交易税Local tax 地方税;地税Loss carry back 亏损移前扣税Loss carry forward 亏损移后扣税Loss relief 亏损减免Lottery tax 彩票税Lump-sum exempt amounts 综合免税额Marginal tax rate 边际税率Market trading tax 集市交易税Mark-up 加成征税Multiple tax system 复合税制National tax 国税Negligence penalty 滞纳金Net profit after tax 税后净利润Nominal tax rate 名义税率Output VAT 销项税额Pay tax on a transaction basis 按次纳税Period of taxation 纳税期限Personal income tax 个人所得税Poll tax 人头税Pollution tax 环保税Prepaid income tax 预交所得税Progressive tax rate 累进税率Progressive tax 累进税Property transfer tax 契税Proportional tax 同比例税Real estate tax 不动产税Real estate transaction tax 房地产交易税Refusal to pay tax 抗税Regressive tax 累减税Repay loans after tax 税后还贷Replacement of profit by tax 利税改革Resources tax 资源税Revenue-sharing scheme 分税制Road toll 公路通行税Securities exchange tax 证券交易税Separately account for the sales value 分别核算销售额Separation of profit from tax 利税分流Simplify tax system 简化税制Social security tax 社会保险税Special invoices of value-added tax 增值税专用发票Stamp duty 印花税State Administration of Taxation (中国)国家税务局Steep rate brackets 税率高低差距大Subject of taxation 纳税主体Surtax 附加税;超额累进所得税Tax assessor 估税员Tax avoidance 避税Tax base 税基Tax bill 征税单Tax bracket 税级Tax concerning foreign parties 涉外税收Tax credit document 扣税凭证Tax dodger 偷税人Tax dues 税款Tax exemption 免税Tax holiday 免税期Tax investigator 税务调查员(稽查)Tax item 税目Tax liability 纳税义务Tax lien 征税留置权Tax note 税款票据Tax on special farm produce 农业特产税Tax payable 应纳税额Tax payment certificate 完税凭证Tax penalty 税收罚金Tax policy 税收政策Tax rate 税率Tax reduction 减税Tax return 报税单Tax sale 欠税财产的出售Tax search 税收检查Tax security 税收担保Tax withheld by bank 银行扣缴税款Taxable threshold 起征点Taxable value 应税价值Taxation 税收Taxpayer 纳税人Tobacco tax 烟草税Turnover tax 流转税Urban land use tax 城镇土地使用税Value-added tax (VAT) 增值税Vehicle and vessel license tax 车船使用牌照税Vehicle and vessel use tax 车船使用税Visible tax 价外税Widen tax base 全面征税(扩大税基)Wine and liquor tax 酒税Withholding agent 扣缴义务人Withholding tax扣税;预扣税Zero-rated 税率为零。


Special Seal (3) for Tax Collection of××Local Taxation Bureau (Seal)
In case of ____ days overdue, overdue fee of ____% of theoverdue taxshall be charged daily.
Total amount (in capital): RMB××××thousand and××hundred only
(20××) (C) NSZC No.0×××××0
Code of taxpayer
Name of taxpayer
Location of House
×××Garden, Groups×&×,××Village
中华人民共和国ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ税完税证
Deed Tax Payment Certificate of the People’s Republic of China
Date ofFillingand Issuing: Apr.××, 20××
(20××)(川)农税字成 No.0××××0号
征收机关TaxCollecting Authority
TaxWithholding Unit



税务专用英语词汇State Administration for Taxation State Administration for Taxation 国国家税务总局Local Taxation bureau Local Taxation bureau 地方税务局地方税务局Business Tax Business Tax 营业税营业税Individual Income Tax Individual Income Tax 个人所得税个人所得税Income Tax for Enterprises 企业所得税Income Tax for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enter prises 外商投资企业和外国企业所得税tax returns filing tax returns filing 纳税申报纳税申报taxes payable taxes payable 应交税金应交税金the assessable period for tax payment the assessable period for tax payment 纳纳税期限the timing of tax liability arising the timing of tax liability arising 纳税义务发生时间纳税义务发生时间consolidate reporting consolidate reporting 合合并申报the local competent tax authority the local competent tax authority 当当地主管税务机关the outbound business activity the outbound business activity 外外出经营活动Tax Inspection Report Tax Inspection Report 纳纳税检查报告tax avoidance tax avoidance 逃税逃税tax evasion tax evasion 避避税tax base tax base 税基税基refund after collection refund after collection 先征后退先征后退withhold and remit tax withhold and remit tax 代代扣代缴collect and remit tax collect and remit tax 代代收代缴income from authors remuneration income from authors remuneration 稿酬所得稿酬所得income from remuneration for personal service income from remuneration for personal service 劳劳务报酬所得income from lease of property income from lease of property 财财产租赁所得income from transfer of property income from transfer of property 财产转让所得财产转让所得contingent income contingent income 偶然所得偶然所得resident resident 居民居民non-resident non-resident 非居民非居民tax year tax year 纳税年度纳税年度纳税年度 t emporary trips out of temporary trips out oftemporary trips out of 临临时离境 flat rate flat rate 比例税率比例税率比例税率withholding income tax withholding income tax 预提税预提税预提税 withholding at source withholding at source 源源泉扣缴State Treasury State Treasury 国国库 tax preference tax preference 税税收优惠the first profit-making year the first profit-making year 第一个获利年度第一个获利年度refund of the income tax paid on the reinvested amount refund of the income tax paid on the reinvested amount 再投资退税再投资退税再投资退税 export-oriented enterprise export-oriented enterprise 出口型企业出口型企业出口型企业technologically advanced enterprise technologically advanced enterprise 先进技术企业先进技术企业先进技术企业Special Economic Zone Special Economic Zone 经经济特区tax exemption 免税免税Tax Exemption Certificate 免税证明书免税证明书tax heldover 延缓缴纳的税款延缓缴纳的税款tax holiday 免税期免税期tax in default 拖欠税款拖欠税款拖欠税款 tax investigation 税务调查税务调查tax liability 纳税责任;税务负担纳税责任;税务负担tax payable 应缴税款应缴税款body corporate 法团;法人团体法团;法人团体保护关税(Protective Tariff )保税制度(Bonded System )布鲁塞尔估价定义(Brussels Definition of Value BDV )差别关税(Differential Duties )差价关税(Variable Import Levies )产品对产品减税方式(Product by Product Reduction of Tariff )超保护贸易政策(Policy of Super-protection )成本(Cost )出厂价格(Cost Price )初级产品(Primary Commodity )初级产品的价格(The Price of Primang Products )出口补贴(Export Subsidies )出口退税(Export Rebates )从量税(Specific Duty )从价(Ad Valorem )从价关税(Ad Valorem Duties )反补贴税(Counter Vailing Duties )反倾销(Anti-Dumping )反倾销税(Anti-dumping Duties )关税(Customs Duty )关税和贸易总协定(The General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade )关税配额(Tariff Quota )自主关税(Autonomous Tariff) 最惠国税率(The Most-favoured-nation Rate of Duty) 优惠税率(Preferential Rate) 标题:能介绍一下营业税的知识吗标题:能介绍一下营业税的知识吗TOPIC: Would you please give the general introduction of the business tax? 对话内容:对话内容:纳税人:我公司马上就要营业了,能介绍一下营业税的知识吗?纳税人:我公司马上就要营业了,能介绍一下营业税的知识吗?Taxpayer: Taxpayer: my my my company company company will will will begin begin begin business business business soon, soon, soon, but but but I I I have have have little little little knowledge knowledge knowledge about about about the the business tax. Can you introduce it? 税务局:尽我所能吧!一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。



网上办理清税证明的流程英文回答:Tax Clearance Certificate Online Application Process.Step 1: Gather Required Documents.Passport or national ID card.Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)。

Evidence of tax payments (e.g., receipts, bank statements)。

Business registration certificate (if applicable)。

Step 2: Access the Online Application Platform.Visit the official website of the relevant tax authority in your country. Typically, it is the nationalrevenue authority or tax bureau. Search for the online application portal or service for tax clearance certificates.Step 3: Create an Account.If you do not have an existing account, you will need to create one by providing your personal and contact information. Verify your email address or phone number to complete the registration process.Step 4: Start Application.Log in to your account and navigate to the tax clearance certificate application section. Fill out the application form accurately and provide all the required details, including your tax history.Step 5: Upload Supporting Documents.Upload scanned copies of the supporting documents you have gathered in Step 1. Ensure that the documents areclear and legible.Step 6: Pay Application Fee (if applicable)。



公司清税证明办理流程英文回答:What is a Tax Clearance Certificate?A Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) is an official document issued by the tax authority of a country, certifying that a company has met its tax obligations andis in good standing with the tax authority.Procedure for Obtaining a Tax Clearance Certificate.The procedure for obtaining a TCC may vary from country to country. However, the general steps involved are as follows:1. File tax returns: The company must file all required tax returns, including income tax, sales tax, and withholding tax returns.2. Pay all outstanding taxes: The company must pay all outstanding taxes, including any penalties and interest.3. Submit an application: The company must submit an application for a TCC to the tax authority. The application must include the following information:Company name and registration number.Taxpayer identification number.Period for which the certificate is required.Purpose of the certificate.4. Provide supporting documents: The company may be required to provide supporting documents, such as:Copies of tax returns.Proof of payment of taxes.Audited financial statements.5. Review by the tax authority: The tax authority will review the application and supporting documents to verify that the company has met its tax obligations.6. Issuance of the certificate: If the tax authority is satisfied that the company has met its tax obligations, it will issue a TCC.Chinese 回答:什么是税务清算证明?税务清算证明(TCC)是国家税务机关颁发的正式文件,证明公司已履行其纳税义务并与税务机关保持良好的关系。

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