Very low pressure VLPCVD growth of high quality r Al2O3 films on silicon by multi step process




化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2023 年第 42 卷第 12 期含氮有机液体储放氢催化体系研究进展李佳豪1,杨锦2,潘伦1,钟勇斌2,王志敏2,王锦生2,张香文1,邹吉军1(1 天津大学化工学院,绿色合成与转化教育部重点实验室,天津 300072;2 东方电气集团东方锅炉股份有限公司,四川 成都 610000)摘要:氢能源作为重要的二次能源,能量密度大、环境友好且用途广泛,是人类战略能源发展的重要方向。

然而,氢气储运仍面临较大的成本和安全难题,有机液体储氢化合物(LOHCs )储放氢技术以其储氢密度较高、储存条件温和、运输方便等优势成为氢气储运可供选择的技术之一。





关键词:氢;含氮有机液体储氢化合物;反应机理;催化剂;反应动力学中图分类号:TK91 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2023)12-6325-20Research progress in catalytic system for hydrogen storage and releasefrom nitrogen-containing liquid organic carriersLI Jiahao 1,YANG Jin 2,PAN Lun 1,ZHONG Yongbin 2,WANG Zhimin 2,WANG Jinsheng 2,ZHANG Xiangwen 1,ZOU Jijun 1(1 Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Technology of the Ministry of Education, School of Chemical Engineering andTechnology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2 DongFang Boiler Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, Sichuan, China)Abstract: As an important secondary energy, hydrogen is of high energy density, environmental friendliness and wide use, which is an important direction of human strategic energy development. However,hydrogen storage and transportation are still facing problems of high cost and safety. The hydrogen storage and release technology based on liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) has become one of the available technologies with its advantages of relatively high hydrogen storage density, mild storage conditions and convenient transportation. Compared with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen-containing LOHCs is milder in catalytic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, which can effectively improve the robustness of hydrogen storage and release and the reaction efficiency. Based on this, this paper systematically reviewed综述与专论DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2023-0089收稿日期:2023-01-19;修改稿日期:2023-04-11。

Diet and Health Guidelines to Lower Risk of High Blood Pressure英文版饮食与健康_(2[1]

Diet and Health Guidelines to Lower Risk of High Blood Pressure英文版饮食与健康_(2[1]

When either cardiac output or peripheral resistance increases, blood pressure rises
Causes of High Blood Pressure
Cardiac output is raised when:
Heart rate increases Blood volume increases
Risk Factors
There are factors that may affect high blood pressure
Family history of high blood pressure Being overweight Increasing age Physical inactivity Smoking Diabetes High sodium intake (sodium sensitive people) High alcohol intake High fat diet Low potassium, calcium and magnesium intake
To diagnose high blood pressure you need two high blood pressure readings, taken several weeks apart, with either the systolic or diastolic or both consistently above 140/90
Estimated 1/3 of people with high blood pressure and are unaware
However, with detection and proper treatment high blood pressure can be controlled



T 1/2
fi DH Arrhenius-like
1000K 400K
Mon., Sept. 15, 2003
Review CVD
We saw… CVD is film growth from vapor/gas phase via chemical reactions in gas and at substrate: e.g. SiH4 (g) Æ Si (s) + 2H2 (g)
Transport of precursors across dead layer to substrate
Susceptor Pyrolysis:
Removal of by-products
Chemical reaction: Decomposed species bond to substrate
Mon., Sept. 15, 2003 7
Two main CVD process: AB
J1 =
Boundary layer
J1 = hg (Cg - Cs)
J 2 = k sCs
In steady state:
J 1 = J2 ,
hg ( Cg - C s ) = k sC s
Mon., Sept. 15, 2003 4
Gas transport
2 Transport
across boundary layer
J1 µ Dg DC
l <1 L
Knudsen NK ≡



㊀第43卷㊀第4期2024年4月中国材料进展MATERIALS CHINAVol.43㊀No.4Apr.2024收稿日期:2022-04-23㊀㊀修回日期:2022-07-15基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学青年基金项目(2021D01C100);天山青年计划项目(2020Q012);天池百人计划项目(TCBR202106)第一作者:陈小东,男,1997年生,硕士研究生通讯作者:胡丽娜,女,1986年生,副教授,硕士生导师,Email:hulina@DOI :10.7502/j.issn.1674-3962.202204022超疏水涂层防覆冰技术研究进展陈小东,胡丽娜,杜一枝(新疆大学电气工程学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830017)摘㊀要:覆冰现象时刻威胁着电力系统的安全运行,过去几十年里,研究人员采用各种措施来预防电力设备表面覆冰,但这些措施都无法从根本上解决该问题㊂超疏水涂层由于具有独特的微纳米结构及低表面能物质,在低温环境下,能够延缓结冰且降低表面的冰附着力㊂从超疏水涂层的防覆冰机理入手,重点综述国内外超疏水涂层防覆冰的实验研究现状,并将影响防覆冰性能的因素分为环境因素和基底因素,分析当前方案的局限性,同时阐述提高超疏水涂层机械鲁棒性的设计与制备方面的最新进展,最后提出超疏水涂层在电力系统应用中存在的问题以及未来的发展方向㊂该综述有助于研究人员建立评估超疏水涂层的防覆冰性能的试验规范,并推进超疏水涂层防覆冰技术在电力系统中的应用㊂关键词:电力系统;超疏水涂层;防覆冰机理;环境因素;基底因素中图分类号:TG174.4㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1674-3962(2024)04-0301-10引用格式:陈小东,胡丽娜,杜一枝.超疏水涂层防覆冰技术研究进展[J].中国材料进展,2024,43(4):301-310.CHEN X D,HU L N,DU Y Z.Research Progress of Anti-Icing Technology of Superhydrophobic Coating[J].Materials China,2024,43(4):301-310.Research Progress of Anti-Icing Technology ofSuperhydrophobic CoatingCHEN Xiaodong,HU Lina,DU Yizhi(School of Electrical Engineering,Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830017,China)Abstract :Icing always threatens the safe operation of power system.In the past few decades,researchers have taken vari-ous measures to prevent the icing on the surface of power equipments,but these measures can not fundamentally solve this problem.Due to its unique micro-nano structure and low surface energy materials,superhydrophobic coating can delay icing and reduce the adhesion ability of surface ice at low temperature.Therefore,started with the anti-icing mechanism of super-hydrophobic coating,this paper focuses on the experimental research status of anti-icing of superhydrophobic coating at home and abroad,divides the factors affecting the anti-icing performance into environmental factors and substrate factors,analyzes the limitations of the current schemes,and expounds the latest design and preparation progress on improving the mechanical robustness of superhydrophobic coating.Finally,the problems existing in the application of superhydrophobic coating in pow-er system and the future development direction are put forward.This review is helpful for researchers to establish test specifi-cations for evaluating the anti-icing performance of superhydrophobic coatings and promote their application in power system.Key words :power system;superhydrophobic coating;anti-icing mechanism;environmental factors;substrate factors1㊀前㊀言随着特高压直流输电技术的突破和新能源并网需求的增多,电力设备数量激增,设备表面凝露[1,2]㊁覆冰现象降低了电网供电能力,给电网的检修维护提出巨大挑战㊂在国内外学者的不断探索下,目前主要有2种思路来应对电力设备的防覆冰问题:除冰和防冰[3,4]㊂除冰方法包括:机械除冰法[5,6]㊁热力除冰法[7-9]㊁电磁除冰法和超声波除冰法[10]㊁化学除冰法[11,12]㊂防冰方法包括被动除冰法以及其它方法[13]㊂被动除冰方法是指涂覆电热防冰材料[14,15]和光热防冰材料[16,17],这种方法会导致电线中有泄露电流,且增加线路损耗㊂近10年来,随着仿生涂层材料的发展[18],研究人员从单一的除冰或防中国材料进展第43卷冰开始走向 防-除并举 ,着重于防㊂受 荷叶效应 启发,1996年Onda等[19]在玻璃板上用烷基烯二聚体制备粗糙表面,并在其上涂覆低表面能材料,首次获得了人工超疏水表面,为超疏水涂层的制备提供重要思路㊂该涂层使液滴难以附着于表面,在很大程度上减少了表面结冰概率和结冰量㊂图1列举了自然界中超疏水涂层的例子[20-23]㊂全力挖掘超疏水涂层在防覆冰领域的潜力,对我国 双碳 目标的实现具有重大意义㊂图1㊀自然界中超疏水涂层的例子:(a)莲叶[20],(b)鼠尾草表面[21],(c)蝴蝶翅膀[22],(d)壁虎足底[23] Fig.1㊀Examples of superhydrophobic coatings in nature:(a)lotus leaf[20],(b)sage surface[21],(c)butterfly wings[22],(d) gecko foot[23]㊀㊀目前研究现状表明,还没有一种材料可以完全解决如低温高湿等的复杂环境中的积冰问题,现有关于超疏水涂层的研究多数处于实验室阶段㊂因此,本文从超疏水涂层的防覆冰机理着手,重点综述超疏水涂层防覆冰性能的主要影响因素,探讨与工程实际应用环境的差距,总结当前设计方案的局限,同时针对超疏水涂层机械稳定性差这一问题,阐述提高涂层鲁棒性的设计与制备方法的最新进展㊂本综述希望为适应复杂环境的超疏水涂层的设计提供支撑,加快工业化进程㊂2㊀超疏水涂层防覆冰机理表面结冰从宏观上可分为3个阶段:首先是水蒸气或小液滴在冷表面凝结;其次是过冷液滴结冰;最后是液滴完全冻结,固态冰继续增长[24,25]㊂超疏水涂层的防覆冰机理可从3个方面阐释:一是超疏水涂层表面的过冷液滴滑落[26];二是超疏水涂层表面可延缓液滴结冰过程[27,28];三是超疏水涂层的低表面能可降低冰与基底的粘附力[29,30]㊂2.1㊀过冷液滴滑落超疏水涂层具有微纳米粗糙结构及低表面能物质,液滴在表面呈Cassie-Baxter状态[31],此状态下,液滴与表面粗糙结构之间存在 空气垫 ,这些空气垫起到 托举 作用,减小了液滴与表面的接触面积㊂相较于亲水和疏水表面,当液滴撞击到超疏水表面或液滴受到外力时,在-25ħ左右液滴出现明显的收缩和反弹行为[32],且最大限度地缩短过冷水与表面的接触时间㊂但是在高湿度㊁接近露点温度时,超疏水表面的接触角降低,滚动角增加,这种液滴的弹跳效应可能无效[33],因此在表面试验时,要仔细考虑环境因素㊂除了 空气垫 作用,冷凝形成的小水珠在超疏水涂层纳米结构的毛细管力作用下逃逸出纳米间隙,随后与其他水珠结合成小水滴,该过程释放的能量使得水滴发生自迁移[34]㊂由于 空气垫 作用和自迁移现象,液滴在结冰之前会从超疏水表面滑落,从而大大降低表面的结冰概率和结冰量㊂图2为液滴在超疏水表面的各种状态㊂图2㊀液滴在超疏水表面的各种可能状态:(a)Cassie-Baxter状态,(b)液滴在表面滑落,(c)液滴弹跳Fig.2㊀Possible states of droplets on superhydrophobic coatings:(a)Cassie-Baxter state,(b)droplets sliding on the surface,(c)droplet bouncing2.2㊀延缓结冰时间经典成核理论中,均相成核能垒由式(1)计算: 203㊀第4期陈小东等:超疏水涂层防覆冰技术研究进展ΔGhomo c=16πγ33(ΔG V )2(1)式中,γ为冰和水的界面张力,ΔG V 为单位体积冰和水的自由能之差㊂考虑到外界因素对成核的促进作用,此时结冰为异相成核过程,成核能垒为[35]:ΔG c =ΔGhomo cf (m ,x )(2)式(2)中,系数f (m ,x )取值在0到1之间㊂对于表面的结冰现象,在一定的驱动力下,主要考虑表面形貌对成核能垒的影响[35],即:f (m ,x )=12+121-mx w ()+x 322-3x -m w ()+(x -m )3w éëêùûú+3mx 32x -m w -1()(3)式(3)中,w =(1+x 2-2xm )1/2,m =cos θ,x =r /r c ,θ为冰核与表面的接触角,r 为成核促进粒子半径,r c 为结冰的临界成核半径㊂研究表明,在一定的驱动力下,液滴在凸面成核时,基底曲率半径越小,成核能垒越高;而在凹面成核时,刚好相反[36,37]㊂最近,作者课题组最新研究成果也证实了这一点[38]㊂除此之外,作者团队从理论上确定了圆柱体表面液滴成核所需能垒,成核能垒处在平面㊁球面液滴成核能垒之间[38]㊂由于超疏水表面微纳米粗糙结构的存在,使液滴的成核能垒高于普通表面,从而导致液滴结冰过程得到延缓㊂成核基底的形貌也影响成核速率,研究发现20nm 的颗粒尺寸设计比100nm 的颗粒尺寸设计具有更低的冰核形成速率[39]㊂从传热角度分析,超疏水涂层粗糙结构中的空气起到了 隔离 和 热障 作用,导致传热速率大大降低(图3[40]),减缓液滴在冷表面的成核以及成核后冻结峰的传播[41]㊂图3㊀冻结液滴在不同表面的散热过程示意图[40]:(a)亲水表面,(b)疏水表面Fig.3㊀Heat dissipation process schematics of frozen droplets on differ-ent surfaces [40]:(a)hydrophilic surface,(b)hydrophobic surface超疏水涂层边缘结冰现象也是表面结冰速率减缓的原因之一,由于超疏水涂层边缘处热力学相变驱动力大于中间,因此超疏水表面结冰是由边缘逐渐向中间蔓延,减缓了整个表面结冰过程㊂图4为超疏水铜表面的边缘结冰现象[42]㊂图4㊀超疏水铜表面边缘结冰现象[42]Fig.4㊀Icing on the edge of superhydrophobic copper surface [42]2.3㊀降低冰与基底的粘附力冰的粘附力是衡量超疏水涂层防覆冰性能的重要指标㊂从根本上说,冰与固体表面之间的相互作用包括长程的范德华力㊁短程静电作用和界面微观凸起的机械联锁[29],水在表面上的吸附由粘合力和内聚力之间的平衡造成,水分子之间氢键以及水分子和衬底之间氢键的相对强度决定了吸附力的大小㊂超疏水表面具有键合强度较低的氢键位点,导致水分子之间的内聚力大于水对基体的粘合力,使得液滴与超疏水表面的接触角较大,接触面积较小[43],从而降低表面冰的粘附力,许多研究也证实了这一点[44-46]㊂但也有学者发现,超疏水涂层在经过多次结冰 融冰实验后,表面防覆冰能力减303中国材料进展第43卷弱,原因是液滴体积膨胀破坏了表面微观结构[47]㊂图5为结冰导致超疏水表面微观结构被破坏的示意图㊂因此,对于超疏水涂层是否真正有利于减小冰的粘附有待进一步研究㊂图5㊀结冰导致超疏水表面微观结构被破坏[47]Fig.5㊀Microstructure of superhydrophobic surface being destroyedby freezing [47]除了上述3个方面,还要综合考虑液滴中的杂质㊁表面化学性质㊁环境因素(温度㊁湿度㊁风速)的协同作用,这样问题也更加复杂,需要国内外学者展开更深入的研究㊂3㊀超疏水涂层防覆冰性能的实验研究超疏水涂层在低温高湿条件下是否具有良好的防覆冰性能,如较长的液滴冻结延迟时间和较低的冰粘附力,以及是否存在浸润性的转变,如由表面超疏水变为疏水,在学术界仍存在争议,原因在于各个研究之间实验条件不同㊂成冰方式可分为:静态结冰,即水蒸气在基底表面冷凝结冰;动态结冰,即液滴撞击冷基底表面凝结结冰㊂多数实验研究以一定条件下超疏水涂层表面液滴结冰速度㊁结霜量以及冰附着力的大小,作为防覆冰性能的评判依据㊂总结近几年国内外文献发现,将防覆冰性能影响因素可分为2类:一类是环境因素,即温度㊁湿度㊁液滴撞击速度㊁风速;另一类是基底因素,即粗糙度㊁浸润性㊁机械鲁棒性㊂3.1㊀环境因素环境因素对超疏水涂层防覆冰性能的影响可分为三方面:一是对液滴结冰时间延迟的影响,多数研究表明超疏水涂层可以延迟液滴结冰;二是对基底上液滴润湿状态改变的影响,这直接关系超疏水涂层防冰㊁除冰性能;三是对动态结冰中液滴撞击表面后动力学行为的影响㊂3.1.1㊀温度液滴结冰过程伴随着液滴与环境之间的热传递,温度不仅影响热传递速率,也是构成成核能垒的关键因素㊂2010年,周艳艳[48]开展了-7.5,-11.8,-21.1,-28及-35ħ环境温度下普通铝表面㊁疏水铝表面㊁超疏水铝表面结霜试验,结果显示随着温度的降低,3种表面的结霜量都不断增加,但在同一温度下,超疏水铝表面的结霜量相较于普通铝表面有很大程度的减少,说明超疏水铝表面具有很好的防覆冰性能㊂2011年,徐文骥等[49]测量了基体温度为-5.2,-10.1及-14.2ħ时普通铝片和超疏水铝片表面结霜质量和边缘处结霜高度,发现随着温度降低,二者边缘处霜高都相应增加且差异不大,但是处于同一基体温度时超疏水铝片表面的结霜质量较少,当完成50次结霜除霜实验后,超疏水性能仍能保持㊂2014年,Hao 等[50]探究了温度对超疏水铜表面结冰㊁结霜行为的影响,发现基底温度越低,样品表面结冰㊁结霜速度越快㊂2015年,Ou 等[51]在不同温度下测量了亲水㊁疏水和超疏水表面冰的粘附力,结果显示随着温度的降低,冰在3种表面的粘附力均有所增加㊂但是对于超疏水样品,其表面冰粘附力增加幅度比亲水和疏水样品更为明显,这是因为温度较低时,液滴渗透到微结构内部,与表面形成机械联锁㊂2015年,Shen 等[52]研究了不同样品表面液滴结冰时冰层生长速度与温度的关系,结果表明冰层生长速度随着温度降低而增大,但是超疏水表面的冰层生长速度随温度降低的变化幅度相对较小,这归因于超疏水表面缓慢增加的冰成核速率㊂2017年,Emelyanenko 等[53]记录了不同温度下超疏水表面液滴弹跳效率,发现-17ħ㊁湿度为75%时,超疏水橡胶表面的反弹效率达到100%;当温度在-20ħ下,弹跳效率达到70%,主要原因是随着温度的降低接触面积和液滴扩散反冲时间显著增加㊂3.1.2㊀湿度环境湿度对超疏水涂层表面结冰有促进作用且会增大表面冰的附着力,原因是当环境湿度较大,微小液滴在表面凝结成较大液滴,此时液滴压力大于毛细管力,导致表面由原来Cassie-Baxter 状态过渡为Wenzel 状态,这一点被许多文献提及[54,55]㊂图6为湿度对表面液滴浸润状态的影响示意图㊂图6㊀湿度增加促使液滴浸润状态改变Fig.6㊀Increase of humidity causing the change of droplet infiltra-tion state卢津强[56]报道了在相对湿度分别为50%,70%和90%条件下超疏水铜表面的结冰情况,发现环境湿度对超疏水涂层表面边缘的结冰行为几乎没有影响,但随着403㊀第4期陈小东等:超疏水涂层防覆冰技术研究进展环境湿度增大,超疏水铜表面的结冰量逐渐增多,在与普通表面㊁亲水表面的对照实验中,超疏水表面在延迟结冰时间和减少结冰量方面都具有显著优势㊂Yin等[57]关注了在温度为-10~30ħ,湿度为10%,30%,60%及90%时自然荷叶与超疏水涂层表面接触角和滚动角的变化,发现当表面温度接近露点温度且湿度较高(>60%)时,接触角减小㊁滚动角增加,此时表面液滴状态从Cassie-Baxter状态变为Wenzel状态,超疏水表面的浸润性增加,当表面凝结水消失,超疏水性得到恢复㊂Wang 等[33]发现当温度为-10ħ时,相对湿度从10%变化到90%,接触角和滚动角从163ʎ和6ʎ变为138ʎ和20ʎ,这种变化必然与超疏水表面微纳米结构中水的冷凝有关;除此之外,还探究了不同湿度条件下,10μL过冷水滴从5mm高度撞击10ʎ倾斜超疏水表面的动态行为,结果表明随着湿度增加,回弹高度急剧下降,当相对湿度超过95%时,液滴无法在超疏水表面反弹㊂3.1.3㊀液滴撞击速度和风速液滴撞击速度直接影响超疏水表面Cassie状态的稳定性㊁液滴与表面接触后的动力学过程以及传热过程,如果液滴的速度较快,接触超疏水表面时获得的动能大,克服了表面微结构产生的毛细管力,从而穿透微结构中滞留的空气,此时表面浸润性将大大增加[58]㊂同时,撞击速度越快,液滴在表面的扩散系数越大,结冰越迅速[59],而且与底层固体的接触面积增加,传热增强,导致更多非均质冰核形成㊂Han等[60]探究了不同直径的超疏水圆柱体弯曲表面上液滴撞击速度对液滴铺展直径以及液滴与表面接触时间的影响,如图7所示,液滴铺展直径随着液滴撞击速度增大而增大,但液滴与曲面接触时间随之减少㊂Zhu等[61]关注了风场条件下超疏水表面的除冰性能,发现当风速为7m/s时,吹落光滑基体表面冰珠大约需要12s,但吹落经过氟化修饰处理后的超疏水表面的冰珠仅需7s,说明超疏水涂层拥有较强风场除冰能力,该研究有望推动超疏水涂层在实际工程中的应用㊂以上研究成果多数是在实验室特定环境下开展试验获得的,然而在实际工作环境中,温度㊁湿度㊁风速等因素多变,而且积冰形成的方式不同,如雪㊁霜冻㊁冻雨等㊂因此在户外复杂环境中开展超疏水涂层的抗结冰试验应引起重视㊂3.2㊀基底因素超疏水涂层对水的粘附力较低,但是对冰是否具有低粘附力,学者们的观点并不一致,原因在于冰与水粘附机制不同[62]㊂对冰的粘附力是评价超疏水涂层防覆冰性能的重要指标,探究与水浸润性相关的参数(接触角㊁图7㊀水滴以不同速度撞击超疏水圆柱体表面的图像[60] Fig.7㊀Dynamic images of droplet impingement on superhydrophobic cylindrical surface at different velocities[60]滚动角等)如何影响表面对冰的粘附力,将直接影响超疏水/冰涂层的设计㊂3.2.1㊀接触角和滚动角接触角和滚动角是表征超疏水涂层的重要指标㊂关于接触角如何影响表面冰的粘附力,目前的研究结果仍存在争议㊂1997年,Saito等[63]制备了聚四氟乙烯含量为30%~ 90%的超疏水材料,并通过实验发现聚四氟乙烯含量增加使得表面接触角增加㊁表面能降低,而表面能的降低进而导致表面冰的粘附力减小,因此超疏水表面接触角的增加会导致表面冰粘附力的减小㊂同年,该团队发现聚四氟乙烯超疏水材料表面冰的粘附力和由接触角计算得出的表面自由能之间为线性关系[64]㊂2009年,Dotan 等[65]通过离心测力装置测试了亲水㊁疏水㊁超疏水等5种材料表面冰的粘附力,结果显示冰附着力随着接触角的增大而减小㊂在前人基础上,Ozbay等[66]在金属㊁橡胶和聚合物表面进行结冰实验,结果表明表面润湿性和由表面接触角计算得出的表面能之间具有显著的相关性,且二者共同影响表面冰的粘附力㊂随着研究的深入,人们发现冰的粘附力和接触角的相关性并非简单的线性关系㊂研究人员将更多的注意力放到接触角的滞后性对表面冰的粘附力的影响㊂Kulinich 等[67]利用离心装置测量了6种材料表面冰的粘附力,发现粗糙疏水表面冰的粘附力与表面接触角无关,而与接触角滞后密切相关㊂Meuler等[68]制备了21种不同润湿性的涂层,发现冰的粘附力和后退接触角具有很强的相关性,因此可以通过测量表面后退接触角对表面的 憎冰503中国材料进展第43卷性 进行预测㊂与前人得出的结论不同,Wu 等[29]制备了37种不同表面形貌的超疏水涂层,发现冰的粘附强度与表面接触角㊁接触角滞后不存在简单的相关性,不能直接作为防冰超疏水涂层的结构设计参数,而应结合表面浸润性以及结冰过程中传热传质特性㊂3.2.2㊀浸润性关于超疏水表面浸润性的研究表明,超疏水表面并不一定具有降低冰粘附力的作用,这一点与超疏水表面的理论研究所推断的结果大相径庭㊂2010年,Varanasi 等[69]通过光刻工艺获得一系列疏水硅柱,然后喷涂低表面能物质获得超疏水表面㊂利用扫描电镜记录了霜在超疏水表面的形成过程,如图8所示㊂图片显示霜在超疏水表面形成时,基底的部分微观结构已经被水浸润且逐渐形成霜晶,这将对超疏水表面后续防覆冰性能产生影响㊂图8㊀霜在超疏水表面微观结构中逐渐形成[69]Fig.8㊀Gradually formed frost in the microstructure of superhydrophobic surface [69]㊀㊀2011年,Kulinich 等[47]分别利用浸涂㊁旋涂㊁喷涂方法制备了3种不同浸润性的涂层,并测量了3种涂层表面冰的粘附力,结果显示浸涂法制备的涂层表面冰的粘附力最小,且在结冰 除冰实验中,该涂层也展现出了更加优异的机械稳定性㊂2012年,Chen 等[70]探究了表面形貌和表面化学性质对冰粘附强度的影响,结果显示粗糙表面冰的粘附强度高于光滑表面,原因是冰与超疏水表面的粗糙结构形成机械联锁㊂与其结论相反,2014年Bharathidasan 等[71]的研究成果表明,亲水涂层表面冰的粘附力高于疏水涂层,并将疏水表面冰的低粘附力归因于低表面能物质㊂除了影响表面冰的粘附力,一些学者关注了浸润性对表面液滴冻结过程的影响㊂Liu [72]等研究了表面润湿性对液滴撞击曲面后动态特性的影响,结果表明,当曲率比一定时,较差的表面润湿性会阻碍液滴的扩散,但会促进液滴的收缩和回弹㊂张青等[73]在导线表面制备了超憎水涂层,探究表面浸润性对导线表面覆冰的影响㊂实验结果表明,超憎水性涂层不利于过冷水滴在导线上粘附和冻结,可以显著抑制和缓解铝导线表面覆冰的形成和增长㊂Liao 等[74]发现与普通表面相比,超疏水涂层可以有效延迟表面液滴结冰,原因在于超疏水涂层粗糙结构中的空气起到 隔离 和 热障 作用,另外由于液滴自迁移现象,部分液滴会在结冰之前滚落下来,减少了结冰概率㊂图9所示为裸铝表面和超疏水铝表面结冰情况㊂3.2.3㊀粗糙度表面粗糙度是冰粘附力的一个重要影响因素,增加粗糙度,可以提高界面拉普拉斯力,阻碍液滴从Cassie 状态向Wenzel 状态转变㊂Satio 等[64]探究了表面粗糙度对疏水表面和亲水表面冰粘附力的影响,发现这2种材料呈现出截然相反的结果㊂对于疏水表面,表面粗糙度的增加导致表面冰粘附力的减小,而对于亲水表面,表面粗糙度的增加导致表面冰粘附力的增加㊂与其结论不同,Tarquini 等[75]开展了直升机桨叶表面超疏水涂层的脱冰性能研究,发现冰粘附力随表面粗糙度增加而增加,认为冰和固体表面之间的有效接触面积增加导致脱冰所需的力增加㊂603㊀第4期陈小东等:超疏水涂层防覆冰技术研究进展图9㊀裸铝和超疏水铝表面上形成釉冰的情况[74]Fig.9㊀Glaze ice on the surfaces of bare aluminum and superhydrophobic aluminum [74]㊀㊀粗糙度除了影响表面冰附着力,还会影响表面的结霜行为㊂张友法等[76]对比研究了单级纳米结构和二级复合结构对表面除冰㊁融冰的影响,如图10所示㊂结果表明微纳米复合结构在防覆冰性能方面并不逊色于单级纳米结构,关键在于经过多次结冰 融冰试验后,微纳米复合结构表面的防霜抗冰性能仍得到保持㊂3.2.4㊀机械鲁棒性微纳米结构的机械强度弱是目前超疏水涂层面临的最大问题,因此设计出坚固耐用的超疏水涂层成为近几年学者们的研究重点㊂Groten 等[77]通过实验论证了微纳米复合结构在构建机械性能稳定的超疏水表面中的重要性,尤其当涂层抵抗外界较大剪切应力时,微米结构更是起到决定性作用㊂在Balordi 等[78]的研究中,这一点同样被证明㊂Kondrash-ov 等[79]通过刻蚀工艺制备了 微骨和纳米草 复合结构表面,经过氟化处理获得超疏水表面,该表面显示出极大的机械耐久性,尤其是抗剪切性㊂Zhang 等[80]通过刻蚀法和喷涂法制备了机械稳定性强的铝合金超疏水涂层,图11所示为涂层抗磨损示意图㊂该涂层能够抵抗循环水喷射㊁砂粒冲击和砂粒剪切磨损以及手指摩擦,图12所图10㊀可控阵列微纳复合结构表面结冰及结霜情况对比[76]:(a)条纹阵列结构,(b)方柱阵列结构,(c)四棱锥阵列结构,M代表微结构表面,S 代表光滑表面,N 代表 纳米草 ,MN 代表具有微结构和 纳米草 的表面Fig.10㊀Comparison of icing and frosting on the surfaces of controllable array micro-nano composite structure [76]:(a)striped array struc-ture,(b)square column array structure,(c)quadrangular prism array structure;M represents microstructured surface,S is smooth surface,N is nanograss,MN represents the surface with microstructure and nanograss703。



第20卷 第8期 装 备 环 境 工 程2023年8月EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ·53·收稿日期:2023-03-29;修订日期:2023-05-08 Received :2023-03-29;Revised :2023-05-08 作者简介:滕乙正(1998—),男,硕士研究生。

Biography :TENG Yi-zheng (1998-), Male, Postgraduate. 通讯作者:张海兵(1983—),男。

Corresponding author :ZHANG Hai-bing (1983-), Male.引文格式:滕乙正, 张海兵, 马力, 等. 海工高强钢在海水中应力腐蚀研究进展[J]. 装备环境工程, 2023, 20(8): 053-060.TENG Yi-zheng, ZHANG Hai-bing, MA Li, et al. Research Progress of Stress Corrosion of Marine High-strength Steel in Seawater[J]. Equip-ment Environmental Engineering, 2023, 20(8): 053-060.海工高强钢在海水中应力腐蚀研究进展滕乙正,张海兵,马力,张一晗,李祯,侯健,孙明先(中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所 海洋腐蚀与防护重点实验室,山东 青岛 266200) 摘要:从高强钢材料的合金成分、金相组织、加工工艺、残余应力以及海水温度、Cl -浓度、pH 值等环境条件和腐蚀程度等方面总结了高强钢应力腐蚀的影响因素。





lpcvd原位掺杂多晶硅探究英文回答:LPCVD (Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition) is a widely used technique for depositing thin films of materials, including polysilicon. In LPCVD, a precursor gas is introduced into a chamber at low pressure and high temperature, where it decomposes and deposits the desired material onto a substrate.One interesting aspect of LPCVD is the ability to perform in-situ doping of the deposited material. This means that during the deposition process, impurities can be intentionally introduced into the growing film to alter its electrical properties. In the case of polysilicon, this can be achieved by adding dopant gases such as phosphine or diborane to the precursor gas.The doping process in LPCVD is controlled by adjusting the flow rate and concentration of the dopant gases. Theimpurities are incorporated into the growing film by diffusion, resulting in a modified material with altered conductivity. This is particularly useful in thefabrication of microelectronic devices, where different regions of the device may require different electrical characteristics.For example, let's say we want to create a polysilicon resistor with a specific resistance value. By adjusting the flow rate of the dopant gas, we can control the concentration of dopants in the film and thus theresistivity of the material. This allows us to tailor the electrical properties of the resistor to meet our design requirements.中文回答:LPCVD(低压化学气相沉积)是一种广泛应用于薄膜沉积的技术,包括多晶硅。



坚持实现四个现代化是社会主义建设的大方向 The general orientation of socialist 20. 使用电子显微镜,可以获得大得多的放大率 With the electron microscope much construction is to adhere to the realization of four modernizations 她最大的业余爱好是养花种草 To grow flowers/Growing flowers/Gardening is her favorite pastime 预计今年的工业产量可比去年增长百分之八 The industrial production this year is expected to increase by 8% over that of last year 目前,对各种消费品的需求已大大增加 Now there is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods 重要的是,不要把中国搞成一个封闭性的国家 What is important is that we should never turn China back into a closed country 是否应继续使用这一方法,部分取决于是否还有其他形式的解决办法可供采用 The answer to the question of whether one should continue using the method depends in part on whether other forms of solutions are available 1. 这辆汽车的无线电收音机已经装好了 This automobile has been installed with a radio-set. 2. 这座大型水力发电站的供电量很大 This large hydroelectric power plant gives a large supply of power. 3. 一台典型的无线电发射机的功率是 100 千瓦 A typical radio transmitter has a power of 100 kilowatts. 4. 懒惰的人不会成功 Laziness makes success impossible. greater magnification can be obtained 乡镇企业的繁荣是我国农村改革的必然产物 The prosperity of township enterprises is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural areas 当前,我国的职业教育和成人教育正在加快发展 Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on now energetically in our country 你我和其他任何人都没有看见 Neither you not I nor anybody else has seen it 不是你错就是我错 Either you are or I am wrong 当我去看她时,她总是在学习英语 She is always studying English when I visit her 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学物质的爆炸 His absent-mindedness during the experiments nearly caused an explosion of the chemicals 到目前, 热加工和冷加工还在进行, 使材料的性能改善 Up to now ,hot-working and cold-working have been continued to improve the properties of materials 在实验开始以前, 一切器件都已准备好了 All the apparatus had been prepared before the experiment began 又有一座立交桥将于年底通车 Another flyover will be opened to traffic by the end of this year 那 个 城 市 因 地 震 而 遭 到 严 重 破 坏 The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake 介绍新书 recommend a new book



CMI - lift functions
Lift - important machine component ! ! ! ! ! ! move boat to/from paddle boat buffer (storage2 & storage3) pick up boat from trolley return boat to trolley manual boat handling boat safety
! ! !
! ! ! !
Gas N2 Volume = 0 T_Paddle All Setpoint = 450 EndProc
! ! !
recipe executed from top (begin) to bottom (end)
collection of commands making programming easier
(wait for tube)
pick up boat from paddle
CMI - centrotherm machine interface
CMI - functions ! ! ! ! ! access to all tube controllers lift control recipe control automatic mode machine safety control status and error display
PECVD process - handling errors
! no boat in grip detected check boat position in grip, correct if necessary ! unexpected change of grip state boat has moved during pick-up, check boat position in grip ! boat collision tilt/swivel switch activated due to incorrect boat position ! arm movement locked move arm to mid position before starting automatic operation ! boat not correct on paddle move lift to storage 3 and select service/recovery/handling. Check boat position and homing if error occurs again ! boat speed out of 2nd tolerance error follow-up if ‘boat not correct on paddle’ occurs



A number of forms of CVD are in wide use and are frequently referenced in the literature. These processes differ in the means by which chemical reactions are initiated (e.g., activation process) and process conditions.∙Classified by operating pressure:o Atmospheric pressure CVD (APCVD) – CVD processes at atmospheric pressure.o Low-pressure CVD(LPCVD) –CVD processes at subatmospheric pressures.[1] Reduced pressures tend to reduce unwantedgas-phase reactions and improve film uniformity across thewafer. Most modern CVD processes are either LPCVD or UHVCVD.o Ultrahigh vacuum CVD(UHVCVD) –CVD processes at a very low pressure, typically below 10−6Pa (~10−8torr). Note that inother fields, a lower division between high and ultra-highvacuum is common, often 10−7 Pa.∙Classified by physical characteristics of vapor:o Aerosol assisted CVD (AACVD) – A CVD process in which the precursors are transported to the substrate by means of aliquid/gas aerosol, which can be generated ultrasonically.This technique is suitable for use with non-volatileprecursors.o Direct liquid injection CVD(DLICVD) –A CVD process in which the precursors are in liquid form (liquid or solid dissolvedin a convenient solvent). Liquid solutions are injected ina vaporization chamber towards injectors (typically carinjectors). Then the precursor vapors are transported to thesubstrate as in classical CVD process. This technique issuitable for use on liquid or solid precursors. High growthrates can be reached using this technique.∙Plasma methods (see also Plasma processing):o Microwave plasma-assisted CVD (MPCVD)o Plasma-Enhanced CVD (PECVD) – CVD processes that utilize plasma to enhance chemical reaction rates of the precursors.[2]PECVD processing allows deposition at lower temperatures,which is often critical in the manufacture of semiconductors.o Remote plasma-enhanced CVD (RPECVD) – Similar to PECVD except that the wafer substrate is not directly in the plasmadischarge region. Removing the wafer from the plasma regionallows processing temperatures down to room temperature.∙Atomic layer CVD(ALCVD) –Deposits successive layers of different substances to produce layered, crystalline films. See Atomic layer epitaxy.∙Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition (CCVD) – nGimat's proprietary Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition process is anopen-atmosphere, flame-based technique for depositinghigh-quality thin films and nanomaterials.∙Hot wire CVD (HWCVD) – also known as catalytic CVD (Cat-CVD) or hot filament CVD (HFCVD). Uses a hot filament to chemicallydecompose the source gases.[3]∙Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) – CVD processes based on metalorganic precursors.∙Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition (HPCVD) – Vapor deposition processes that involve both chemical decomposition of precursor gas and vaporization of a solid source.∙Rapid thermal CVD (RTCVD) – CVD processes that use heating lamps or other methods to rapidly heat the wafer substrate. Heating only the substrate rather than the gas or chamber walls helps reduce unwanted gas phase reactions that can lead to particle formation.∙Vapor phase epitaxy (VPE)UsesIntegrated circuitsVarious CVD processes are used for integrated circuits(ICs). Particular materials are deposited best under particular conditions.PolysiliconPolycrystalline silicon is deposited from silane (SiH4), using the following reaction:SiH4→ Si + 2 H2This reaction is usually performed in LPCVD systems, with either pure silane feedstock, or a solution of silane with 70–80% nitrogen. Temperatures between 600 and 650 °C and p ressures between 25 and 150 Pa yield a growth rate between 10 and 20 nm per minute. An alternative process uses a hydrogen-based solution. The hydrogen reduces the growth rate, but the temperature is raised to 850 or even 1050 °C to compensate.Polysilicon may be grown directly with doping, if gases such as phosphine, arsine or diborane are added to the CVD chamber. Diborane increases the growth rate, but arsine and phosphine decrease it.Silicon dioxideSilicon dioxide (usually called simply "oxide" in the semiconductor industry) may be deposited by several different processes. Common sourcegases include silane and oxygen, dichlorosilane (SiCl2H2) and nitrousoxide(N2O), or tetraethylorthosilicate(TEOS; Si(OC2H5)4). The reactionsare as follows[citation needed]:SiH4 + O2→ SiO2+ 2 H2SiCl2H2+ 2 N2O → SiO2+ 2 N2+ 2 HClSi(OC2H5)4→ SiO2+ byproductsThe choice of source gas depends on the thermal stability of the substrate; for instance, aluminium is sensitive to high temperature. Silane deposits between 300 and 500 °C, dichlorosilane at around 900 °C, and TEOS between 650 and 750 °C, resulting in a layer of low- temperature oxide (LTO). However, silane produces a lower-quality oxide than the other methods (lower dielectric strength, for instance), and it deposits non conformally. Any of these reactions may be used in LPCVD, but the silane reaction is also done in APCVD. CVD oxide invariably has lower quality than thermal oxide, but thermal oxidation can only be used in the earliest stages of IC manufacturing.Oxide may also be grown with impurities (alloying or "doping"). This may have two purposes. During further process steps that occur at high temperature, the impurities may diffuse from the oxide into adjacent layers (most notably silicon) and dope them. Oxides containing 5–15% impurities by mass are often used for this purpose. In addition, silicon dioxide alloyed with phosphorus pentoxide ("P-glass") can be used to smooth out uneven surfaces. P-glass softens and reflows at temperatures above 1000 °C. This process requires a phosphorus concentra tion of at least 6%, but concentrations above 8% can corrode aluminium. Phosphorus is deposited from phosphine gas and oxygen:4 PH3 + 5 O2→ 2 P2O5+ 6 H2Glasses containing both boron and phosphorus (borophosphosilicate glass, BPSG) undergo viscous flow at lower temperatures; around 850 °C is achievable with glasses containing around 5 weight % of both constituents, but stability in air can be difficult to achieve. Phosphorus oxide in high concentrations interacts with ambient moisture to produce phosphoric acid. Crystals of BPO4can also precipitate from the flowing glass on cooling; these crystals are not readily etched in the standard reactive plasmas used to pattern oxides, and will result in circuit defects in integrated circuit manufacturing.Besides these intentional impurities, CVD oxide may contain byproducts of the deposition process. TEOS produces a relatively pure oxide, whereas silane introduces hydrogen impurities, and dichlorosilane introduces chlorine.Lower temperature deposition of silicon dioxide and doped glasses from TEOS using ozone rather than oxygen has also been explored (350 to 500 °C). Ozone glasses have excellent conformality but tend to be hygroscopic –that is, they absorb water from the air due to the incorporation of silanol (Si-OH) in the glass. Infrared spectroscopy and mechanical strain as a function of temperature are valuable diagnostic tools for diagnosing such problems.Silicon nitrideSilicon nitride is often used as an insulator and chemical barrier in manufacturing ICs. The following two reactions deposit nitride from the gas phase:3 SiH4 + 4 NH3→ Si3N4+ 12 H23 SiCl2H2+ 4 NH3→ Si3N4+ 6 HCl + 6 H2Silicon nitride deposited by LPCVD contains up to 8% hydrogen. It also experiences strong tensile stress, which may crack films thicker than 200 nm. However, it has higher resistivity and dielectric strength than most insulators commonly available in microfabrication (1016Ω·cm and 10 M V/cm, respectively).Another two reactions may be used in plasma to deposit SiNH:2 SiH4 + N2→ 2 SiNH + 3 H2SiH4 + NH3→ SiNH + 3 H2These films have much less tensile stress, but worse electrical properties (resistivity 106 to 1015Ω·cm, and dielectric strength 1 to 5 MV/cm).[4]MetalsSome metals (notably aluminium and copper) are seldom or never deposited by CVD. As of 2010, a commercially cost effective, viable CVD process for copper did not exist, though copper formate, copper(hfac)2, Cu(II) ethyl acetoacetate, and other precursors have been used. Copper deposition of the metal has been done mostly by electroplating, in order to reduce the cost. Aluminum can be deposited from tri-isobutyl aluminium (TIBAL), triethyl/methyl aluminum (TEA,TMA), or dimethylaluminum hydride (DMAH), but physical vapor deposition methods are usually preferred.[citation needed]However, CVD processes for molybdenum, tantalum, titanium, nickel, and tungsten are widely used[citation needed]. These metals can form useful silicides when deposited onto silicon. Mo, Ta and Ti are deposited by LPCVD, from their pentachlorides. Nickel, molybdenum, and tungsten can be deposited at low temperatures from their carbonyl precursors. In general, for an arbitrary metal M, the reaction is as follows:2 MCl5 + 5 H2→ 2 M + 10 HClThe usual source for tungsten is tungsten hexafluoride, which may be deposited in two ways:WF6→ W + 3 F2WF6 + 3 H2→ W + 6 HFDiamondColorless gem cut from diamond grown by chemical vapor depositionCVD can be used to produce synthetic diamond by creating the circumstances necessary for carbon atoms in a gas to settle on a substrate in crystalline form.CVD of diamond has received a great deal of attention in the materials sciences because it allows many new applications of diamond that had previously been considered too difficult to make economical. CVD diamond growth typically occurs under low pressure(1–27 kPa; 0.145–3.926 psi;7.5-203 Torr) and involves feeding varying amounts of gases into a chamber, energizing them and providing conditions for diamond growth on the substrate. The gases always include a carbon source, and typically includehydrogen as well, though the amounts used vary greatly depending on the type of diamond being grown. Energy sources include hot filament, microwave power, and arc discharges, among others. The energy source is intended to generate a plasma in which the gases are broken down and more complex chemistries occur. The actual chemical process for diamond growth is still under study and is complicated by the very wide variety of diamond growth processes used.The advantages to CVD diamond growth include the ability to grow diamond over large areas, the ability to grow diamond on a substrate, and the control over the properties of the diamond produced. In the past, when high pressure high temperature (HPHT) techniques were used to produce diamond, the diamonds were typically very small free standing diamonds of varying sizes. With CVD diamond growth areas of greater than fifteen centimeters (six inches) diameter have been achieved and much larger areas are likely to be successfully coated with diamond in the future. Improving this ability is key to enabling several important applications.The ability to grow diamond directly on a substrate is important because it allows the addition of many of diamond's important qualities to other materials. Since diamond has the highest thermal conductivity of any bulk material, layering diamond onto high heat producing electronics (such as optics and transistors) allows the diamond to be used as a heat sink[5][6]. Diamond films are being grown on valve rings, cutting tools, and other objects that benefit from diamond's hardness and exceedingly low wear rate. In each case the diamond growth must be carefully done to achieve the necessary adhesion onto the substrate. Diamond's very high scratch resistance and thermal conductivity, combined with a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than Pyrex glass, a coefficient of friction close to that of Teflon (Polytetrafluoroethylene) and strong lipophilicity would make it a nearly ideal non-stick coating for cookware if large substrate areas could be coated economically.The most important attribute of CVD diamond growth is the ability to control the properties of the diamond produced. In the area of diamond growth the word "diamond" is used as a description of any material primarily made up of sp3 bonded carbon, and there are many different types of diamond included in this. By regulating the processing parameters—especially the gases introduced, but also including the pressure the system is operated under, the temperature of the diamond, and the method of generating plasma—many different materials that can be considered diamond can be made. Single crystal diamond can be made containing various dopants[7]. Polycrystalline diamond consisting of grain sizes from several nanometers to several micrometers can be grown[8][9]. Some polycrystalline diamond grains are surrounded by thin, non-diamond carbon,while others are not. These different factors affect the diamond's hardness, smoothness, conductivity, optical properties and more.See also。



Cyclones, Anticyclones, Troughs and Ridges
Upper air: isobars usually not closed off Troughs (low pressure areas) Ridges (high pressure areas)
Near surface: isobars usually closed off due to surface friction Cyclones (Low pressure areas) Anticyclones (High pressure areas)
Horizontal Pressure Gradients and wind

The pressure gradient force initiates movement of atmospheric mass, wind, from areas of higher to areas of lower pressure Horizontal wind speeds are a function of the strength of the pressure gradient

Horizontal pressure gradients responsible for wind generation
Three factors affect wind speed and/or direction (velocity): 1. Pressure Gradient Force (PGF) 2. Coriolis Effect (CE) 3. Friction Force (FF)
Effect of frictional force
Upper air w/out Friction (geostrophic balance)



第一部分通用英语Part OneEnglish for General PurposesUNIT 1 How to be Happy如何获得幸福TextRead the text. Answer the given questions and translate the underlined sentences or paragraphs into Chinese.In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient.Step 1: Peace and quietJonathon Haidt in his excellent book, The Happiness Hypothesis, notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. If you areunfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council. Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to have some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good.Step 2: RelationshipsThis is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on.Step 3: ShareIf you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing, remember to share them with friends. Passing on what works is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others.1. What's the happiness formula according to the passage?2. Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronicnoise pollution?3. How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good?4. Where does the unhappiness come from?5. What is the positive way to face with the cruelly conflictual relationship?ExercisesA. Translate the following sentences into English.1.吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和(domestic upset)有很大影响。




最后经工业化批量生产4组数据对比,碱抛叠加A1O允的转换效率要优于酸抛叠加A1O j3o且碱抛叠加AIO js 的综合转换效率已经达到22.46%水平。


参考文献:[1]Chia-Hsun Hsu,Huang Chun-Wei,Cho Yun-Shao,etal.Efficiency improvement of PERC solar cell using analuminum oxide passivation layer prepared via spatialatomic layer deposition and post-annealing[J].Surfaceand Coatings Technology,2019(358):968-975.[2]Veith B, Dullweber T,Siebert M,et parison ofICP-AIO jc and ALD-Al2O3layers for the rear surfacepassivation of C-Si solar cells[J].Energy Procedia,2012(27):379-384.[3]Dullweber T,Kranz C,Beier B,et al.Inductivelycoupled plasma chemical vapour deposited AlOjc/SiNylayer stacks for applications in high-efficiencyindustrial-type silicon solar cells[J].Solar EnergyMaterials and Solar Cells,2013(112):196-201.[4]Dingemans G,Seguin R,Engelhart P,et al.Siliconsurface passivation by ultrathin Al2O3filmssynthesized by thermal and plasma atomic layerdeposition]J].Physica Status Solidi Rapid ResearchLetters,2010(4):10-12.[5]Alexander To,Li Wei Min,Li Xiang,et al.The effectsof bifacial deposition of ALD AIO jc on the contactproperties of screen-printed contacts for p-type PERCsolar cells[J].Energy Procedia,2017(124):914-921.[6]Kalaivani Srinivasan,Anil Kottantharayil.Aluminiumoxide thin film deposited by spray coating for p-typesilicon surface passivation]J].Solar Energy Materialsand Solar Cells,2019(197):93-98.[7]Pierre Saint-Cast,Armin Richter,Etienne Billot,et al.Glunz,very low surface recombination velocity ofboron doped emitter passivated with plasma-enhancedchemical-vapor-deposited AIO jc layers[J].Thin SolidFilms,2012(522):336-339.Preparation of alumina by plate PECVDYANG Feifei,LU Guilin,ZHAO Kewei,ZHANG Bo,ZHANG Yunpeng,GUO Li(Shanxi Ltfan Photovoltaics Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changzhi Shanxi046000,China)Abstract:The deposition rate of the plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition(PECVD)is fast compared to atomic layer deposition(ALD).In this paper we report results achieved with a plate-type PECVD deposition process for rear AIO jc passivation layer.We obtain effective lifetime of up to3ms and surface recombination velocities of down to3cm/s with the layer thickness in the range of7nm〜10nm and refractivity greater than1.63.Implemented into screen-printed PERC solar cells,an independently confirmed efficiency of22.3%is achieved with larger area of rear laser contact opening(LCO).Key words:PECVD;Al2O3passivation layer;crystalline silicon cell新型硫试剂研发成功近日,安徽农业大学农产品质量安全省级实验室李亚辉团队研究发现了一类新型硫试剂,不仅有助于解决传统硫试剂污染严重等问题,也为含硫化合物的合成提供了一种新途径。

substances of very high concern

substances of very high concern

substances of very high concernSubstances of Very High ConcernSubstances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) are substances that have been identified by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) as posing potential risks to human health and the environment. They are primarily regulated under the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation.Some of the most common SVHCs include chemicals used in personal care products, textiles, packaging and construction materials, and products used in industrial processes. Examples include bisphenol A (BPA), formaldehyde, phthalates, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).The ECHA has identified over 200 SVHCs, and they are regularly adding to the list as new risks are identified. It is important for companies to stay up to date on new SVHCs and ensure that any products they sell or use do not contain SVHCs. When evaluating a product for SVHCs, companies should review the material safety data sheets (MSDS) and product labels, as well as any information provided by the supplier. Companies should also consider any other relevant data, such as the product’s composition, to ensure it does not containany SVHCs.Companies should also consider the potential for indirect exposure to SVHCs, such as through the air or soil, or during the use, storage, transport, or disposal of a product. Companies should be aware of any potential environmental or occupational health and safety risks associated with SVHCs, and take steps to ensure they are properly managed.Finally, companies should ensure they have effective communication and data management systems in place to share information about SVHCs with their customers and other stakeholders. This should include providing clear information about the risks posed by SVHCs, and any actions the company is taking to protect human health and the environment.。



第43卷第 9 期2023年9月Vol.43 No.9Sep.,2023 工业水处理Industrial Water TreatmentDOI:10.19965/ki.iwt.2022-1003耐高压席夫碱制备及对碘的吸附性能分析郭燕鑫,王迎辉,陈元涛,张炜,杨娇娇(青海师范大学化学化工学院,青海西宁 810008)[ 摘要]采用超高压处理技术(UHP)制得一种亚胺类席夫碱共价有机化合物。

利用简单的原料4-氨基安替比林和1,4-对苯二甲醛,通过醛胺缩合制得亚胺类席夫碱共价有机化合物,后通过UHP技术对其进行改性得到耐压稳定的产物Schiff base-UHP。



在水溶液中对碘的理论吸附能力可达到1 535.45 mg/g;因此,经超高压处理后的材料适用于深海核废料放射性碘的处理和固定。

[关键词]超高压处理技术;碘吸附;席夫碱;吸附模型[中图分类号]X703.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005-829X(2023)09-0091-09Preparation of high-pressure resistant Schiff base andanalysis of its iodine adsorption performanceGUO Yanxin,WANG Yinghui,CHEN Yuantao,ZHANG Wei,YANG Jiaojiao (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008,China)Abstract:A covalent organic compound of imine Schiff base was prepared by high pressure treatment technology. Using simple raw materials of 4-aminoantipyrine and 1,4-terephthalaldehyde,imine schiffbase covalent organic compounds were prepared by aldimine condensation,and then modified by high-pressure treatment technology to ob⁃tain the pressure-resistant and stable product Schiff base-UHP. XRD,FT-IR,SEM,TGA/DSC and XPS were used to explain the structure,morphology and reaction mechanism of the samples. The results showed that the crystalliza⁃tion degree,diffraction peak intensity and crystal structure of the material after high pressure treatment were en⁃hanced. The adsorption process fitted the pseudo-first-order kinetic model better,and Freundlich isothermal model illustrated the adsorption process of multi-molecular layer. The theoretical adsorption capacity of iodine in aqueous solution could reach 1 535.45 mg/g. Therefore,the material after high pressure treatment is suitable for the treat⁃ment and fixation of radioactive iodine in deep-sea nuclear waste.Key words:ultra-high pressure treatment technology;iodine adsorption;Schiff base;adsorption model核能是一种绿色、可靠的新能源〔1〕,但其增加了环境的放射性污染〔2〕。



关于增压与减压发言稿英语Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening! I am honored to stand here today to talk about the topic of pressure and its effects on our lives. Pressure is a concept that we all have experienced in one way or another. It can either be positive, pushing us to achieve greatness, or negative, causing us stress and anxiety. Today, I will discuss the effects of both types of pressure and how we can manage them for a healthier and more balanced life.Let us begin by examining the positive aspects of pressure. Pressure, when used correctly, can be a powerful motivator. It can drive us to work harder, set higher goals, and find innovative solutions to problems. For example, in the business world, pressure can push companies to improve their products and services, leading to increased customer satisfaction and profitability. In sports, pressure can help athletes perform at their best, setting new records and achieving greatness. Even in our personal lives, pressure can inspire us to strive for personal growth and success.However, it is important to note that excessive pressure can have detrimental effects on our mental and physical well-being. When we are constantly under high levels of stress, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that can lead to a weakened immune system, increased heart rate, and other health problems. In addition, excessive pressure can adversely affect our mental health, causing anxiety, depression, and burnout.Therefore, it is crucial that we learn how to manage and cope withpressure effectively. One of the key strategies for managing pressure is to set realistic goals and expectations. Often, we put too much pressure on ourselves by setting lofty goals that are out of reach or expecting perfection in everything we do. By setting realistic and achievable goals, we can reduce the pressure and avoid setting ourselves up for disappointment. It is also important to prioritize our tasks and manage our time effectively, so that we can allocate enough time for each task, reducing the pressure to multitask and rush through our work.Another effective strategy for managing pressure is to practiceself-care. Taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally can help build resilience and better handle pressure. This can include getting regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep. It is also important to engage in activities that bring us joy and relaxation, such as hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or practicing mindfulness and meditation. Taking breaks and allowing ourselves to recharge can help us maintain a healthy perspective and prevent burnout.Additionally, seeking support from others can be extremely helpful in dealing with pressure. Sharing our concerns and challenges with friends, family, or even a professional counselor can provide emotional support and offer fresh perspectives. It is important to remember that we are not alone in our struggles and that there are people who can offer guidance and support. Building a strong support network can help us navigate through difficult times and alleviate some of the pressure we may be feeling.Lastly, it is important to practice resilience and adopt a growthmindset. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. Instead of viewing failures and setbacks as the end of the road, we can use them as opportunities to learn and grow. Adopting a growth mindset means embracing challenges and seeing them as an opportunity for personal development and improvement. By reframing how we perceive pressure, we can use it as a stepping stone for personal growth and increased resilience.In conclusion, pressure is a part of life that can have both positive and negative effects on our well-being. While it can be a powerful motivator, excessive pressure can lead to stress, anxiety, and other health problems. By managing pressure effectively through goal-setting, self-care, seeking support, and practicing resilience, we can maintain a healthier and more balanced life. Let us remember that we have the power to control how we respond to pressure and use it as a driving force to achieve greatness in our personal and professional lives.Thank you.。



Crazy English 2023.10一项研究表明,在潮湿的环境下,空气温度达34℃会导致心率稳步上升。


1 Air temperatures as low as 34 ℃ can lead to a steady increase in heart rate underdamp conditions, a study says. This rise, also known as cardiovascular strain (心血管压力), occurs even before a person s inner temperature starts to increase.2 The findings are among a series of recent results about the heart s struggles when ex‑posed to heat. Scientists say this work is becoming more relevant as extreme heat events be‑come more frequent. Just this week, the average temperature worldwide hit a record high two days in a row.3 “More people are going to be exposed to heatwaves and potentially be at risk,” says Rachel Cottle, a researcher in exercise physiology at the Pennsylvania State University in State College. But work to identify the combination of temperature and humidity that endan‑gers the heart could inform strategies to protect human health, she says.4To find the threshold (阈值) for heart risk exactly, Cottle and her colleagues got 51 young, healthy participants to engage in light physical activity inside a room, where the tem‑perature or humidity rose every 5 minutes. The researchers monitored each individual s core temperature —the temperature of their inner organs —using sensors inside capsules Even moderate heatstrains the human heart中等温度也会让人类心脏有压力山东 齐现云主题语境:人物与环境 篇幅:346词 建议用时:7分钟46疯狂英语 (新悦读)that the participants had swallowed. The team also measured participants heart rates.5As the room got hotter, participants heart rates increased and then steadied. But, as the room continued to heat up, the volunteers heart rates started to rise again, and were still rising when the experiment ended —indicating cardiovascular strain. In humid condi‑tions, participants who were walking slowly experienced cardiovascular strain when the tem‑perature was around 34 ℃. When the air was dry, that threshold was around 41 ℃. Cardio‑vascular strain always began about 20 minutes before the participants core temperatures started to rise.6 Because heart rate is so easy to measure, it could be a useful warning sign. “If all of a sudden you notice your heart rate going up quickly and progressively, then that might mean that your core temperature will start to rise,” Cottle says. “That s when you need to take pre‑ventive measures.”Reading CheckDetail Detail Gist 1. What can we learn from the study? A. Air temperature is higher than before. B. Air temperature influences heart health. C. Human heart rates rise in wet conditions. D. Heat events are endangering more seniors.2. Why is the outcome of the study crucial? A. Heatwaves are more common. B. Man is at the risk of extinction. C. Global warming broke a record. D. Humans care for their hearts more.3. What does paragraph 4 focus on? A. Humans core temperature. B. Humans heart risks. C. How the experiment was conducted. D. Why young people have better hearts.47Crazy English 2023.10Detail 4. When should you realize possible dangers of your heart accordingto Cottle? A. When your heart rates stay unchanged. B. When you re given warnings by doctors. C. When your heart beats become slower than before. D. When your heart beats increase nguage StudyⅠ. 日积月累damp adj . 潮湿的relevant adj . 相关的potentially adv . 潜在地;可能地identify v . 识别;认出strategy n . 策略indicate v . 表明progressively adv . 持续稳定地a series of 一系列be exposed to 暴露于at risk 处于危险中Ⅱ. 单句填空1. (know) as “heart killer ”, the nature disaster desires for urgent solution.2. When (expose) to extreme heatwaves for long, humans will fail to survive.3. More and more people are (potential) influenced by heatwaves.4. Rising air temperatures are leading more human heart problems.5. Residents should be well informed the changing air temperatures.6. air temperatures get higher, our heart rates will increase and then steady.48。

常压化学气相沉积 APCVD

常压化学气相沉积 APCVD
SiH4 + O2→SiO2 + 2H2 (T = 430 °C, p = 105Pa)
As process gases silane SiH4 (highly deluted with nitrogen N2) and oxygen O2 are used. The gases are decomposed thermal at about 400 °C and react with each other to form the desired film.
Deposition Sequence
The sequence of events taking place during a CVD reaction can be summarized as follows: 1. Reactant gases enter the reactor by forced flow.
ΔG Calculations and Reaction Feasibility
• The first step of a theoretical analysis is to ensure that the desired CVD reaction will take place. This will happen if the thermodynamics is favorable, that is if the transfer of energy—the free-energy change of the reaction known as ΔGr—is negative. To calculate ΔGr, it is necessary to know the thermodynamic properties of each component, specifically their free energies of formation (also known as Gibbs free energy), ΔGf. The relationship is expressed by the following equation:



气相负荷英文Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a class of organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at room temperature, which means they can easily evaporate into the atmosphere. They are commonly found in a wide range of products, such as paints, cleaning supplies, and personal care products. The presence of VOCs in the air can have various environmentaland health implications.Firstly, VOCs contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, which is a major component of smog. When VOCs reactwith nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight, they form ozone. This ground-level ozone can cause respiratory problems and other health issues, particularly for people with asthmaor other respiratory conditions.Secondly, some VOCs are classified as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) due to their potential to cause cancer or other serious health effects. Prolonged exposure to certain VOCs can lead to chronic health problems, including damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system.In addition to their health effects, VOCs can also havean impact on the environment. They can contribute to the formation of secondary organic aerosols, which are tiny particles suspended in the air that can affect visibility and air quality. These aerosols can also be transported long distances by wind currents, affecting air quality in areasfar from the original source of the pollutants.To mitigate the impact of VOCs, many countries have implemented regulations to limit their emissions from industrial processes and consumer products. For example, the use of low-VOC or VOC-free alternatives in paints and coatings is encouraged to reduce the amount of these chemicals released into the atmosphere.Furthermore, individuals can take steps to reduce their exposure to VOCs by choosing products with lower VOC content, ensuring proper ventilation when using products that may release VOCs, and being aware of the potential health risks associated with certain chemicals.In conclusion, while VOCs are ubiquitous in modern society, understanding their potential effects on health and the environment is crucial for developing strategies to reduce their impact. By implementing regulations and making informed choices, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier atmosphere.。



mocvd反应器指标英文回答:MOCVD (Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) is a widely used technique in the semiconductor industry for the growth of thin films and epitaxial layers. As a researcher in this field, I have come across several important indicators that are crucial for the performance and efficiency of the MOCVD reactor.1. Temperature Control: One of the key indicators for MOCVD is the precise control of the reactor temperature. This is important because different materials require different growth temperatures for optimal film quality. For example, if I am growing a gallium nitride (GaN) film, the reactor temperature needs to be maintained around 1000°C. Any deviation from this temperature can result in poor film quality or even complete failure of the deposition process.2. Precursor Flow Rates: Another important indicator isthe control of precursor flow rates. MOCVD relies on the controlled delivery of metal-organic precursors into the reactor, which react to form the desired thin film. The flow rates of these precursors need to be carefully adjusted to achieve the desired film composition and thickness. If the flow rates are too high, it can lead to excessive deposition and poor film quality. On the other hand, if the flow rates are too low, it can result in incomplete film growth.3. Reactor Pressure: Maintaining the proper reactor pressure is also crucial for successful MOCVD. The pressure inside the reactor affects the transport of precursors and the growth kinetics of the thin film. For example, if I am growing a high-quality indium phosphide (InP) film, the reactor pressure needs to be maintained around 100 Torr. Any deviation from this pressure can result in non-uniform film growth or even contamination.4. Substrate Preparation: The quality of the substrate plays a significant role in the MOCVD process. Before deposition, the substrate needs to be properly cleaned andprepared to ensure good adhesion and uniform film growth. This can involve steps such as chemical cleaning, annealing, and surface treatment. If the substrate preparation is not done properly, it can lead to poor film quality and reduced device performance.中文回答:MOCVD(金属有机化学气相沉积)是半导体行业中广泛使用的一种薄膜和外延层生长技术。

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Journal of Crystal Growth 236(2002)261–266Very low-pressure VLP-CVD growth of high quality g -Al 2O 3films on silicon by multi-step processLiwen Tan a,*,Yude Zan a ,Jun Wang a ,Qiyuan Wang a ,Yuanhuan Yu a ,ShuruiWang b ,ZhongliLi u b ,Lanying Lin aaNovel Semiconductor Materials Laboratory,Institute of Semiconductors,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100083,People’s Republic of ChinabMicroelectronics R&D Center,Institute of Semiconductors,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100083,People’s Republic of ChinaReceived 7November 2001;accepted 15November 2001Communicated by M.SchieberAbstractg -Al 2O 3films were grown on Si(100)substrates using the sources of TMA (Al(CH 3)3)and O 2by very low-pressure chemical vapor deposition.The effects of temperature control on the crystalline quality,surface morphology,uniformity and dielectricity were investigated.It has been found that the g -Al 2O 3film prepared at a temperature of 10001C has a good crystalline quality,but the surface morphology,uniformity and dielectricity were poor due to the etching reaction between O 2and Si substrate in the initial growth stage.However,under a temperature-varied multi-step process the properties of g -Al 2O 3film were improved.The films have a mirror-like surface and the dielectricity was superior to that grown under a single-step process.The uniformity of g -Al 2O 3films for 2-in epi-wafer was o 5%,it is better than that disclosed elsewhere.In order to improve the crystalline quality,the g -Al 2O 3films were annealed for 1h n O 2atmosphere.r 2002Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.PACS:68.55;81.15Keywords:A3.Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition1.IntroductionSilicon on insulator (SOI)structures have attractive features for use in very fast logic devices,environment-hardened devices such as high-tem-perature-operated and radiation-resistant devicesand three-dimensional integrated circuits [1,2].Recently,SOI structures are mainly fabricated by means of silicon direct bonding (SDB),separa-tion by implanted oxygen (SIMOX)and smart cutting.With these methods,however,it is difficult to obtain multi-stacked SOI structures,to realize a fundamental structure of new devices,as well as three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D-ICS).SOI structure of double-heteroepitaxial*Corresponding author.E-mail address:lwtan@ (L.Tan).0022-0248/02/$-see front matter r 2002Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.PII:S 0022-0248(01)02159-5Si/g-Al2O3/Si is the candidate to realize multi-stacked SOI structure[1].Single crystalline Al2O3 layer has been grown on Sisubstrates by the low-pressure chemical vapor deposition(LP-CVD)[3]. Metal-oxide semiconductorfield-effect transistors (MOSFETS)have been fabricated using Si(100)/ g-Al2O3(100)/Si(100)[4].The multi-stacked SOI structure of epitaxially grown Si(100)/g-Al2O3(100)/Si(100)/g-Al2O3(100)/Si(100)have been prepared and using the structure,the high-temperature sensors were fabricated[5].Moreover, it is hopeful to provide a new substrate of g-Al2O3/ Si instead of sapphire for growth of GaN,SiC and other semiconductor materials.Epitaxial single crystalline GaNfilm have been successfully grown on g-Al2O3/Sisubstrates on our lab[6]. However,the quality of the oxidefilms such as the crystalline perfection,dielectricity and thick-ness uniformity should be improved for the device application of Si/g-Al2O3/SiSOI structures.The key to successfully prepare the device quality SOI structure Si/g-Al2O3/Si is to grow single crystalline g-Al2O3films on Sisubstrates at relati vely low temperature.TakayukiKi nura et al.[7]have reported that the uniformity offilm thickness was improved by UHV-CVD method.It is proven that UHV-CVD method is an effective way to grow uniform g-Al2O3films.But it was still far from the appropriate uniformity for practical use. And problems also remain to be resolved,such as surface morphology and dielectric properties.In the initial process of growth at high temperature by UHV-CVD the Sisurface would be etched by O2,and the quality of thefilms would be degraded. While at lower temperature,the crystalline quality of g-Al2O3films would be poor.In this work,the g-Al2O3film was grown on Si(100)by very low-pressure chemical vapor deposition(VLP-CVD) method with the use of Al(CH3)3and O2.We used a temperature-varied multi-step process not only to improve the uniformity of thefilm but also to improve the surface morphology and dielectric properties of thefilms.Thefilm thickness was measured by ellipsometer,and the thickness for f200epi-wafer was ranged from500to1000(A.The films were also characterized by X-ray diffraction, reflect high-energy electron diffraction(RHEED) and scan electron mirror(SEM).2.Experimental procedureRecently,fabrication of SOI structure consisting of epitaxial Al2O3and Siwas carri ed out usi ng the UHV-CVD[7,8]and MBE method[9,10].How-ever,those systems are very complex and at a high price and are hard to operate and maintain.The VLP-CVD system used in our lab is very similar to LP-CVD system,which is operated at moderate (10À6Pa)vacuum levels.The system is simple, relatively less costly and can be easily operated. Fig.1shows the cross-sectional view of the VLP-CVD growth system.The chamber consists of a RF-heated vertical reaction tube.The upper part of the reaction chamber is water-cooled.Si wafers (in2-in diameter)were put on a rotating SiC-coated graphite susceptor after chemical wet cleaning and etching the native oxide with the diluted HF.The graphite susceptor can move up or down by magnetic coupling transport.The reaction chamber was evacuated to5Â10À6Pa at room temperature through a turbo molecular pump.The pressure for pre-cleaning silicon wafer was 3.0Â10À5Pa at10001C before growth.In Fig.1.The schematic diagram of the VLP-CVD system for growth of g-Al2O3films.L.Tan et al./Journal of Crystal Growth236(2002)261–266 262UHV-CVD the partial pressure of water and oxygen was o 10À7Pa [7].Therefore,without any pre-clean step,the hydrogen passivation of Si surface is enough to guarantee the good epitaxial material.However,in our VLP-CVD system with moderate (10À6–10À5Pa)vacuum levels,the hy-drogen passivation and thermal pre-clean are both performed.The difficulty in applying the lower temperature epitaxial growth technique to CVD at the moderate vacuum levels lies in maintaining the oxide and carbon free surface during the wafer heat up cycle and subsequent anneal.Therefore,the growth temperature and time as well as ramping process that the Si wafer is subjected are critical,so as to keep the Si substrate surface from contamination and etching.In our experiment,when the growth chamber was evacuated to 5Â10À6Pa,the sample temperature can be heated up at high rates by induction heating.And the Si substrate was pre-cleaned at o 10001C under the pressure of 3Â10À5Pa for 5min,then the substrate temperature was decreased to 9301C.The source gas was introduced to the growth chamber at the pressure of 10À2–10À1Pa,avoidingthe possibility of grown discharge during the growth period from RF induction heating.The epitaxial growth proceeds first for 30min to cover the Sisubstrate at a lower temperature and the thickness of g -Al 2O 3film was then about 15–20nm.Afterwards the g -Al 2O 3film was grown at a high temperature of 10001C for 60min.Sequentially,the g -Al 2O 3/Siwas annealed at 10001C for 1h in O 2atmosphere in a furnace.The schematic diagram of growth process is shown in Fig.2and the growth conditions are summar-ized in Table 1.3.Results and discussionIn order to compare the uniformity of samples,we prepared samples using multi-step and single-step processes respectively,and characterize the samples.The single-step samples were grown at a temperature of 10001C through the process.Fig.3shows SEM images of the surface morphology of the g -Al 2O 3films,(a)grown under a single-step and (b)under multi-step process.It shows that the sample under the single-step temperature process has a rough surface,while the sample under multi-step process shows a mirror-like surface.The result arises from the parasitic reactions between the Si surface and O 2in the initial growth stage [11].In the initial growth stage of g -Al 2O 3,the reactions between the Si surface and O 2occur as following:Si þO 2¼SiO 2;ð1ÞSi þSiO 2¼2SiO :ð2ÞReaction (1)is the oxidizing reaction of Si substrate by O 2,and reaction (2)is the etchingT E M P E R A T U R EFig.2.The schematic diagram of growth process.Table 1Epitaxial conditions of g -Al 2O 3filmCleaningLow-temperature epitaxial layer High-temperature epitaxial layer Pressure3Â10À5Pa 3.8Â10À2Pa 3.8Â10À2Pa N 2bubble TMA (sccm)02525O 2(sccm)7070Substrate temperature10001C9301C10001CL.Tan et al./Journal of Crystal Growth 236(2002)261–266263reaction of SiO 2.In order to grow mirror-like g -Al 2O 3film,the reaction (2)must be prevented in the initial growth stage of g -Al 2O 3film [11–13].But the higher the temperature of Si substrate,the easier reaction (2)took place.So the mirror-like g -Al 2O 3film must be grown at a lower tempera-ture.But if the substrate temperature were too low,the crystalline quality would decrease.In order to prevent the reaction (2)from taking place,the g -Al 2O 3film was grown at a lower temperature in the initial growth stage,and then at higher temperature to improve the crystalline quality.Fig.4(1)shows the RHEED patterns of g -Al 2O 3grown at 9301C,10001C and multi-step respec-tively.From Fig.4,we can see ring pattern in image (a),but in (b)and (c)there are only spot patterns.Meanwhile,there are some twin crystal-line spot patterns in (b).In order to improve the crystalline quality the samples were further annealed in O 2atmosphere at 10001C for 1h.Fig.4(2)shows the results.It indicates that twin crystalline patterns disappear in (b),but the ring pattern in (a)still exists.The results show that the g -Al 2O 3films have good crystalline quality under multi-step process with annealing in O 2atmo-sphere.The film thickness was measured by ellips-ometer,and the thickness of a sample grown under multi-step process (2in)was ranged in 72.5%,while under single-step temperature the process was 77–8%.The thickness uniformity is calculated by equation D t =t ¼7ðt max Àt min Þ=ðt max þt min ÞÂ100%:Table 2shows the data of different locations.Location1is at center of the g -Al 2O 3/Siwafer,and 2–5near the edge of the wafer (about 2mm)at differentlocations.Fig.3.SEM images of the g -Al 2O 3films on silicon:(a)single-step,(b)multi-step (both amplified 20,000times).Fig.4.RHEED patterns of (1)as-grown g -Al 2O 3films:(a)single-step at 9301C,(b)multi-step,(c)single-step at 10001C (2)annealed g -Al 2O 3films:(a)single-step at 9301C,(b)multi-step growth.L.Tan et al./Journal of Crystal Growth 236(2002)261–266264Fig.5shows the XRD result of g -Al 2O 3film under multi-step process (after annealing).A strong diffraction peak is observed at 2y ¼45:81:The peak belongs to the (400)diffraction of g -Al 2O 3[11].The result indicated that the g -Al 2O 3epi-layer on Si substrate was single crystalline,and the orientation relationship was g -Al 2O 3(100)/Si(100).In order to characterized the dielectric proper-ties,we measured the leakage current of g -Al 2O 3film.Fig.6shows the leakage current of the 65-nm-thick g -Al 2O 3film grown by multi-step and single-step (10001C)process respectively (both annealed in O 2atmosphere for 1h).It is shown from Fig.6that the sample grown under single-step process has poor dielectric properties,the breakdown voltage was about 15V.While the sample grown under multi-step process has a better dielectric properties,the breakdown voltage increases to 53V.The increase of breakdownvoltage may be due to the improvement of the surface morphology and the uniformity of the g -Al 2O 3film.4.ConclusionWe have grown g -Al 2O 3films on silicon under a temperature-varied multi-step process by VLP-CVD.And the g -Al 2O 3films were also character-ized by X-ray diffraction,RHEED,ellipsometer and SEM.The results indicate that the etching reaction between O 2and Sisubstrate can be prevented in the initial growth of g -Al 2O 3film under multi-step process.The surface morphology,uniformity and dielectricity were all improved compared to the single-step process.The film grown under multi-step process has mirror-like surface,and the breakdown voltage for 65-nm-thick g -Al 2O 3film on silicon increases from 15to1020304050601E-81E-71E-61E-51E-41E-30.010.1110Single-stepMulti-stepJ (A /c m -2)Gate Voltage(V)Fig.6.Leakage current for a 65-nm-thick g -Al 2O 3film on silicon.Table 2The thickness and uniformity of g -Al 2O 3epi-layer (2-in)LocationThickness ((A)Uniformity (%)12345Multi-step temperature processSample no.40370370570769871171Sample no.40995495594194492471.65Single-step temperature process (10001C)74085576573477277–8203040506070802θ (deg)I n t e n s i t y (a . u .)γ-Al 2O 3(400)Si(400) Fig.5.The XRD of g -Al 2O 3film under multi-step process.L.Tan et al./Journal of Crystal Growth 236(2002)261–26626553V.The uniformity for2-in diameter epi-wafer g-Al2O3film was o5%,it is better than that has been disclosed elsewhere.AcknowledgementsThis work is subsidized by the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Projects G2*******. And the authors would like to thank Ms.Y.P. Wang and X.Z.Gaiof the Physi cs Department of Peking University for their help in RHEED measurements.References[1]H.Ishiwara,T.Asano,Appl.Phys.Lett.40(1982)66.[2]M.Ihara,Y.Arimoto,M.Jifulku,et al.,J.Electrochem.Soc.129(1982)2569.[3]M.Ishida,I.Katakabe,T.Nakamura,N.Ohtake,Appl.Phys.Lett.52(1988)1326.[4]M.Ishida,S.Yamaguchi,Y.Masa,T.Nakamura,Y.Hikita,J.Appl.Phys.69(1991)8408.[5]M.Ishida,Y.T.Lee,T.Higashino,H.Sed,T.Nakamura,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.34(1995)831.[6]L.S.Wang,X.L.Liu,Y.D.Zan,J.Wang,D.Wang,D.C.Lu,Z.G.Wang,Appl.Phys.Lett.72(1998)109.[7]T.Kimuea,A.Sengoku,M.Ishida,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.35(1996)1001.[8]T.Kimuea,Hi.Yaginuma,A.Sengoku,Y.Monriyasu,M.Ishida,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.37(1998)1285.[9]H.Iiguka,K.Yokoo,S.Ono,Appl.Phys.Lett.61(1992)2978.[10]Y.C.Jung,H.Miura,K.Ohtami,M.Ishida,J.CrystalGrowth196(1999)88.[11]T.Kimura,A.Sengoku,H.Yaginuma,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.36(1997)716.[12]F.W.Smith,Surf.Sci.80(1979)388.[13]F.W.Smith,G.Ghidini,J.Electrochem.Soc.129(1982)1300.L.Tan et al./Journal of Crystal Growth236(2002)261–266 266。
