


何旋职称:金程教育高级培训师、通过CFA三级、通过FRM 工作经验:2009年至今,担任金程教育CFA(注册金融分析师)高级培训师,主要负责《经济 学》、《固定收益》、《衍生产品》和《组合管理》的课程讲解;2007年2011年4月,在金程教 育金融研究院内担任研究员,主要负责包括CFA项目研发以及的相关内训课程的课程体系开 发,主要项目经验包括:摩根史丹利项目(组长):组织小组内成员定期讨论;搜集金融基础 知识方面的英文资料,撰写英文课件,确保项目质量;中国银行项目:负责企业财务报表粉饰 及合并报表、关联交易模块的研究与课件撰写;中国工商银行CFA培训项目:CFA一级二级辅 导员;金程教育CFA三级课程体系的整体开发及相关课件、资料制作;金融热点专题研究,包 括:次级债、IPO、一行三会等,形成研究报告,并开发相关课程(形成大纲,研究编写课件 及各类辅助材料);基于内训客户的培训课程体系开发:南京银行、兴业基金、瑞穗实业银行 等。

授课:讲授CFA® Level I 20次,CFA® Level II 15次等。

授课范围广泛:经济学、固定收益投资、 衍生品投资、投资组合、资产配置、个人理财、数量分析等。


多年对CFA考试体系的研究 使她全面掌握考试重点,尤其擅长经济学课程的讲授,能将复杂的理论具体化。

,在授课过程 中能够从考生角度出发,提供自己在备考过程中的经验和方法,帮助考生更好的准备考试。


联系方法:hexuanf@金程教育2012年CFA一级强化班讲义 Equity Investments讲师:何旋 地点: ■上海 □ 北京 □深圳上海金程国际金融专修学院12-161100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismCFA一级课程框架Study Session 1 Study Session 2-3 Study Session 4-6 Study Session 7-10 Study Session 11 Study Session 12 Study Session 13-14 Study Session 15-16 Study Session 17 Study Session 18 Ethics & Professional Standards Quantitative Methods Economic Analysis Financial Statement Analysis Corporate Finance Portfolio Management Equity Investments Fixed Income Analysis Derivative Investments Alternative InvestmentsTotal:Framework of Equity15 12 10 20 8 5 10 12 5 3100Study Session 13 — Market Organization, Indices and Efficiency• • • R47 Market Organization and Structure R48 Security Market Indices R49 Market EfficiencyStudy Session 14 — Equity Analysis and Valuation• • • R50 Overview of Equity Securities R51 Introduction to Industry and company Analysis R52 Equity Valuation: Concept and Basic Tool3-161100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism4-161100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismOutlook of R.47 Market Organization and StructureR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial Market R.47.2 Classification of assets and markets R.47.3 Organization of the securities market R.47.4 Instructions of transaction processes5-161100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism6-161100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketLos 47.a: Explain the main functions of the financial systemR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketFirst function: fulfill different entities’ requirements• Risk management: Entities face risks from changing interest rates, currency management values, commodities values, and defaults on debt, among other things. So they would like to find a way to manage these risks. Hedgers enter a financial market with the purpose of reducing the risk of the transaction. Hedging instruments are available from exchanges, investment banks, insurance firms, and other institutions. • Exchanging assets: The financial market also allows entities to exchange assets assets with other entities. For example: currency exchange • Utilizing information: Investors with correctly analyzed information expect to information earn an additional return by identifying assets that are currently undervalued or overvalued.First function: fulfill different entities’ requirements function• Savings: stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, real assets, and other assets are tools for Savings saving. Individuals save to gain interest. Firms save a portion of their profits for future expenditures. Borrowing: Borrow money from lenders who require collateral, take an equity position, Borrowing or investigate the credit risk of the borrower to protect themselves in case of borrower defaults. Individuals may borrow in order to buy a house or for other purposes. Firms may borrow to meet their finance capital expenditures and for other activities. Governments may issue debt to meet their expenditures. Issuing equity: Another method of raising capital beside borrowing is to issue equity, equity where the capital providers will share in any future profits. Investment bank help with issuance. Analysts value the equity. Regulators and accountants encourage the dissemination of information.7-161 100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism••8-161100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketSecond function: Determine interest rates• Interest rates are justified according to the total supply of savings and the total demand of borrowings. • Equilibrium interest rate: rate when the interest rate at which the entities are willing to borrow is equal to the amount that entities are willing to lend, we say that the supply and demand are balanced, and such balanced interest rate is called the equilibrium interest rate. Equilibrium rates for different types of borrowing and lending will differ due to differences in risk, liquidity, and maturity.R.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketThird function: Allocate capital to its most efficient uses• Investors have to weigh the expected risks and returns of different investments to determine their most preferred investments due to limited availability of capital. • This would result in an allocation to capital to its most valuable uses.9-161100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism10-161 10-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketLos d: Describe the types of financial intermediaries and the services that they provideR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketBrokers, Dealers and Exchange (Cont.)• Dealers: trade by buying for or selling from their own inventory and thus Dealers provide liquidity in the market and profit primarily from the differences of buy and sell prices. Dealers that trade with central banks to affect the money supply are referred to as primary dealers. dealers Broker-dealers: Some dealers also act as brokers. Broker-dealers have an inherent conflict of interest. Brokers: should seek the best prices for their clients; Dealers: are to profit through prices or spreads.Brokers, Dealers and Exchange• • • • • Brokers: Brokers help their clients buy and sell securities by finding Brokers counterparties to trades in a cost efficient manner. Block brokers: help with the placement of Large trades. Typically, large trades brokers are difficult to place without moving the market. Investment banks: help corporations sell common stock, preferred stock, and banks debt securities to investors. Exchanges: provide a venue whew traders can meet. Exchanges sometimes act Exchanges as brokers by providing electronic order matching. Alternative trading systems (ATS): serve the same trading function as exchanges but have no regulatory function, are also known as electronic communication networks (ECNs) or multilateral trading facilities (MTFs). ATS that do not reveal current client orders are known as dark pools. pools (used to reduce market impact)11-161 11100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism12-161 12-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketSecuritizers• Securitizers pool large amounts of securities or other assets together and sell interests in the pool to other investors. By securitizing the assets, the securitizer creates a diversified pool of assets with more predictable cash flows than the individual assets in the pool. This creates liquidity in the assets, because the ownership interests are more easily valued and traded. There are also economies of scale in the management costs of large pools of assets and potential benefits from the manager’s selection of assets.R.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketSecuritizers (Cont.)• • Assets that are often securitized include mortgages, car loans, credit card receivables, bank loans, and equipment leases. A firm may set up a special purpose vehicle (SPV) or special purpose entity (SPE) to buy firm assets, which removes them from the firm’s balance sheet and may increase their value by removing the risk that financial trouble at the firm will give other investors a claim to the assets’ cash flows. Absorb deposits by paying interest on customer deposits Provide transaction services on one hand, and then make loans with the deposits on the other hand.Depository Institutions• •13-161 13-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism14-161 14-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketInsurance Companies• • • Insurance companies collect insurance premiums in return for providing risk reduction to the insured. Such intermediaries are able to do this by pooling policyholders with uncorrelated risk of losses. Insurance firms also provide a benefit to investors by managing the risks: Moral hazard occurs because the insured may take more risks once they are protected against losses. Adverse selection occurs when those most likely to experience losses are the predominant buyers of insurance. In fraud, the insured purposely cause damage or claim fictitious losses so they can collect on their insurance policies.R.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketArbitrageurs• • Arbitrageurs are intermediaries who seek to gain certain return without bearing any risk. In markets with good information, pure arbitrage is rare because traders will favor the markets with the best prices. Clearinghouses: act as buyers when customers want to sell assets and as sellers when customers want to buy assets, and thus limit counterparty risk. Custodians: also improve market integrity by holding client securities and Custodians preventing their loss due to fraud or other events that affect the broker or investment manager.Clearinghouses and Custodians• •15-161 15-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism16-161 16-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketLos k. describe the characteristics of a well-functioning financial system A well functioned financial market:• allows entities to achieve their purposes.R.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial MarketLos l. describe the objectives of market regulation.Problems when there are no regulations Fraud and theft: the potential for theft and theft fraud increases because investment managers take advantage of unsophisticated investors. Objectives of market regulations Protect unsophisticated investors. Require minimum standards of competency to make it easier to perform valuation.Characteristics of a well functioned financial Market• Complete markets: Savers receive a return, borrowers can obtain capital. markets hedgers can manage risks, and traders can acquire needed assets. • Operational efficiency: Trading costs are low. efficiency • Informational efficiency: Prices reflect fundamental information quickly. efficiency • Allocational efficiency: Capital is allocated to its most productive use. efficiencyInsider trading: Investors would exit the Prevent insiders from exploiting other trading market and thus reduced liquidity if they believe investors. traders with inside information will exploit them. Costly information: If obtaining information is information relatively expensive, markets will not be as informationally efficient and investors will not invest as much. Defaults: Parties might not honor their Defaults obligations in markets. Require common financial reporting requirements.Require minimum levels of capital so that participants will honor long-term commitments.17-161 17-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism18-161 18-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismOutlook of R.47 Market Organization and StructureR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial Market R.47.2 Classification of assets and markets R.47.3 Organization of the securities market R.47.4 Instructions of transaction processes19-161 19-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism20-161 20-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsLos 47.b.c: Describe classification of assets and markets Classification of assets-Financial Assets• Security (Fixed income vs. Equity Securities ) Fixed income securities: make sure the borrowed funds can be repaid securities Bonds Generally long-term (with maturity longer than 10 years) Notes Bills Commercial paper Certificates of deposit Intermediate term (with maturity between 2 to 10 years) Short term (with maturity less than 1 year) Short term issued by firms (with maturity less than 1-2 years) Issued by banksR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsClassification of assets-Financial Assets-Security• Security (Fixed income vs. Equity Securities ) Equity securities: represent ownership in a firm securities Common stock Residual claim on a firm’s assets. Dividends are paid only after interest is paid to debt holders and dividends are paid to preferred stockholders. Debt holders and preferred stockholders have priority over common stockholders in the event of firm liquidation Is an equity security with scheduled dividends that typically do not change over the security’s life and must be paid before any dividends on common stock may be paid. Are similar to options in that they give the holder the right to buy a firm’s equity shares (usually common stock) at a fixed exercise price prior to the warrant’s expiration.Preferred stockRepurchase agreements Borrower sells a high quality asset and has both the right and obligation to repurchase it (at a higher price) in the future. Repurchase agreements can be for terms as short as one day. Convertible debt21-161 21-WarrantsIs debt that an investor can exchange for a specified number of equity shares of the issuing firm100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism 22-161 22100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsClassification of assets-Financial Assets-Security• Security (Fixed income vs. Equity Securities ) Pooled investment vehicles: vehicles individual securities can be combined in pooled investment vehicles. Include mutual funds, depositories, and hedge funds. The investor’s ownership interests are referred to as shares, units, depository receipts, or limited partnership interests.R.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsClassification of assets-Financial Assets-Security• Security (Fixed income vs. Equity Securities ) Pooled investment vehicles: vehicles Mutual funds are pooled investment vehicles in which investors can purchase shares, either from the fund itself (open-end funds) or in the secondary market (closed-end funds) trade like closed-end funds, but have special provisions allowing conversion into individual portfolio securities, or exchange of portfolio shares for ETF shares, that keep their market prices close to the value of their proportional interest in the overall portfolio. represent a claim to a portion of a pool of financial assets such as mortgages, car loans, or credit card debt. organized as limited partnerships( investors limited partners; fund manager general partner). Hedge funds often use leverage. Hedge fund managers are compensated based on the amount of assets under management as well as on their investment results.100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismExchange-traded funds (ETFs) & exchange-traded notes (ETNs) Asset-backed securities Hedge funds23-161 23-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism24-161 24-ExampleThe Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts (SPDRs) is an investment that tracks the S&P 500 stock market index. Purchases and sales of SPDRs during an average trading day are best described as: A. primary market transactions in a pooled investment. B. secondary market transactions in a pooled investment. C. secondary market transactions in an actively managed investment.R.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsClassification of assets-Financial Assets• Derivative Contract: Contract are agreements between two parties that require some action in the future, such as exchanging an asset for cash. Forward contract Futures contracts Swap contracts Option contracts Insurance contracts Credit default swaps Is an agreement to buy or sell an asset in the future at a price specified in the contract at its inception Are similar to forward contracts except that they are standardized, and are traded on an exchange so that they are liquid investments. A series of forward contracts Gives its owner the right to buy or sell an asset at a specific exercise price at some specified time in the future. Pays a cash amount if a future event occurs. They are used to hedge against unfavorable, unexpected events. Are a form of insurance that makes a payment if an issuer defaults on its bonds.100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism25-161 25-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism26-161 26-R.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsClassification of assets-Real Assets• Commodity: Commodity Commodities are goods like precious metals, industrial metals, agricultural products, energy products, and credits for carbon reduction that are traded in spot, forward, and futures markets. Note: Spot markets are for immediate delivery while forwards, futures, and options markets are for the future delivery of physical and financial assets.R.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsClassification of assets-Real Assets (Cont.)• Real Assets: Assets Examples of real assets are real estate, equipment, and machinery. Characteristics: Provide income, tax advantage, diversification benefits Entail substantial management costs Require substantial due diligence before investing Investor may choose to buy real assets indirectly: REIT (real estate investment trust) MLP (master limited partnership)27-161 27-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism28-161 28-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsLos e. compare the positions an investor can take in an asset Long Position• • An investor who owns an asset, or has the right or obligation under a contract to purchase an asset, is said to have a long position. Benefit form an increase in the priceR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsShort Position• For a short-sale, the procedure is as below: Borrow the stock through your broker and simultaneously sell it in the market. Return the stocks upon your brokers request Maintain the proceeds of short-sales as collateral. • • • Benefit from a decrease in the price Unlike a long position, the potential loss of a short sale is unlimited Payment-in-lieu: the received dividends and interests must be paid back to the Payment- in- lieu investor who lent the stockStock Lender Div.29-161 29100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism 30-161 30-Deposit Short Seller Interest Broker100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsLeveraged Positions• Margin Requirement: the required equity position is called the margin requirement. Initial Margin: a minimum amount of equity at the time of a new margin purchase Maintenance Margin: is the investor’s required equity position in the Margin account. Margin Call: if an investor’s margin account balance falls below the Call maintenance margin, the investor will receive a margin call and will be required to either liquidate the position or bring the account back to its maintenance (minimum) margin requirementR.47 Leverage ratioLos f. Calculate and interpret the leverage ratio, the rate of return on a margin transaction, and the security price at which the investor would receive a margin callLeverage ratioLeverage ratio=•value of the asset value of the equity positionPrice Triggering a Margin Call Margin Call Price for a Long Position⎛ 1 − IM ⎞ PL' = P0 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 1 − MM ⎠ Margin Call Price for a Short Position⎛ 1 + IM ⎞ PS' = P0 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 1 + MM ⎠31-161 31100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism 32-161 32100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismExampleA trader has purchased 200 shares of a non-dividend-paying firm on margin at a price of $50 per share. The leverage ratio is 2.5. Six months later, the trader sells these shares at $60 per share. Ignoring the interest paid on the borrowed amount and the transaction costs, what was the return to the trader during the six-month period? A. 20 percent.. B. 33.33 percent. C. 50 percent. The current price of a stock is $25 per share. You have $10,000 to invest. You borrow an additional $10,000 from your broker and invest $20,000 in the stock. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, at what price will a margin call first occur? A. $9.62. B. $17.86. C. $19.71.33-161 33100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsLos i. describe the primary and secondary markets and explain how secondary markets support primary markets Classification of markets• Primary vs. Secondary markets Primary market: is the market where newly issued securities are sold. market Newly issued securities involve: IPO (initial public offerings): first-time issues by firms whose shares are not currently publicly traded. Seasoned offerings (secondary issues): new shares issued by firms whose shares are already trading in the marketplace. • Money vs. Capital markets • Traditional vs. Alternative markets34-161 34-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsClassification of markets• Primary vs. Secondary markets • Money vs. Capital markets Money markets: refer to markets for debt securities with maturities of one markets year or less. Capital markets: refer to markets for longer-term debt securities and markets equity securities that have no specific maturity date. • Traditional vs. Alternative marketsR.47.2 Classification of assets and marketsClassification of markets• Primary vs. Secondary markets • Money vs. Capital markets • Traditional vs. Alternative markets Traditional investment markets: refer to markets for debt and equity. Alternative markets: refer to markets for hedge funds, commodities, real markets estate, collectibles, gemstones, leases, and equipment.35-161 35-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism36-161 36-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismOutlook of R.47 Market Organization and StructureR.47.3 Organization of the securities marketR.47.1 Characteristics of a Financial Market R.47.2 Classification of assets and markets R.47.3 Organization of the securities market R.47.4 Instructions of transaction processes37-161 37-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism38-161 38-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.3 Organization of the securities marketHow securities are sold through primary market• Sold Publicly : Underwritten Offering (the most common way) Best Efforts Indications of Interest • Sold Privately Private placement • Other transaction methods Shelf registration Dividend Reinvestment Plan Rights Offering Competitive bids Negotiated salesR.47.3 Organization of the securities marketHow securities are sold through primary market- Sold Publicly :• Difference between underwritten offering and best efforts Underwritten offering Obligated to buy the unsold portion Investment bank would prefer that the price be set low enough to gain more profit Best Efforts Not obligated to buy the unsold portion Investment bank sets the issue price as high as possible to raise the most funds for the issuer39-161 39-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism40-161 40-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.3 Organization of the securities marketHow securities are sold through primary market- Sold Publicly :• Indications of Interest Indications of interest: the investment bank finds investors who agree to interest buy part of the issue. This process of gathering indications of interest is called book building, building and the investment bank during this process is called book builder or book runner. runner If securities must be issued quickly, the process is called accelerated book building. buildingR.47.3 Organization of the securities marketHow securities are sold through primary market- Sold Privately :• Private placement Securities are sold directly to qualified investors, typically with the assistance of an investment bank. • Shelf registration In a shelf registration a firm makes its public disclosures as in a regular offering, but then issues the registered securities over time when it needs capital and when the markets are favorable. • Dividend Reinvestment Plan A dividend reinvestment plan (DRP or DRIP) allows existing shareholders to use their dividends to buy new shares from the firm at a slight discount. • Rights Offering In rights offering, existing shareholders are given the right to buy new shares at a discount to the current market price.41-161 41-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism42-161 42-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismExampleA German publicly traded company, to raise new capital, gave its existing shareholders the opportunity to subscribe for new shares. The existing shareholders could purchase two new shares at a subscription price of €4.58 per share for every 15 shares held. This is an example of a(n): A. rights offering. B. private placement. C. initial public offering.R.47.3 Organization of the securities marketSecondary Capital Markets• • The secondary market is the place where securities are traded after their initial offerings. The secondary market supports the primary market by providing: Liquidity Investors who buy stocks in the primary markets want to sell then again to acquire other securities such as risk free bonds and cash. Price discovery New issues of stocks and bonds are based on prices in the secondary markets.43-161 43-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism44-161 44-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.3 Organization of the securities marketSecondary Capital Markets• When securities are traded in a secondary market Call Markets Trading for individual stocks occurs at specific times. All bids and asks are gathered and then a negotiated price is produced to make the demand quantity as close as possible to the supply quantity. Continuous Markets Trades occur at any time when market is open. The price is determined either by an auction process or through a dealer bid-ask process. There are differences between dealer markets and an auction market in continuous markets.R.47.3 Organization of the securities marketLos j. describe how securities, contracts, and currencies are traded in quotedriven markets, order-driven markets and brokered markets; Secondary Capital Markets• How securities are traded in Secondary Markets Order-Driven Market Quote-Driven Market Brokered Markets45-161 45-100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism46-161 46-100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.3 Organization of the securities marketSecondary Capital Markets• • How securities are traded in Secondary Markets- Order-Driven Market Two sets of rules are used in these markets: Order matching rules: establish an order precedence hierarchy. Price priority: trades with the highest bid (buy) and lowest ask (sell) prices are traded first, this is so-called price priority. Secondary precedence rule: if orders are at the same prices, the earliest arriving orders are traded first. Trade pricing rules: are used to determine the price after orders are created using order matching rules. Under the uniform pricing rule, all orders trade at the same price, which is the price that results in the highest volume of trading. The discriminatory pricing rule uses the limit price of the order that arrived first as the trade price.47-161 47100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR.47.3 Organization of the securities marketSecondary Capital Markets• How securities are traded in Secondary Markets Quote-Driven Market QuoteQuote-driven market is also referred to as a dealer market, a pricedriven market or an over-the-counter market. Individual dealers provide liquidity for investors by buying and selling the shares of stock for themselves. Numerous dealers compete against each other to provide the highest bid prices when investors are selling and the lowest asking price when investors are buying stock. Brokered Markets In brokered markets, brokers trade with the counterparty they find. This service is especially valuable when the trader has a security that is unique or illiquid.48-161 48100% Contribution Breeds Professionalism。

CFA 计算器讲义

CFA 计算器讲义

0.0000 PV= 120,000.0000 I/Y=0.7604 N=360.0000 PMT=-976.3596
简单思路:不管题目如何变化,把支付的期看作”年”, N为支付的期数, I/Y 为期利率. 专业来自百分百的投入
Copyright 2009 By GFEDU
PV’: (annuity due) N=30, PMT=25000, I/Y=10, FV=0, CPT: PV PV’=PV× (1+10%) PMT: (ordinary annuity) N=25, PV=0, I/Y=12.5, FV=PV’, CPT: PMT 专业来自百分百的投入
Copyright 2009 By GFEDU
TI BA II PlusTM高级商务分析 计算器使用指南
Copyright 2009 By GFEDU
第一部分: 第一部分:入门操作
自动关闭电源功能(APDTM):大约在10 10分钟内没有按任何健 自动关闭电源功能(APDTM):大约在10分钟内没有按任何健 时将自动关闭计算器。 时将自动关闭计算器。
I/Y= N= PV=
10.0000 6.0000 239.539.3385
Copyright 2009 By GFEDU
操作步骤 按键 显示
将还款方式设为期末 还款 返回到标准计算模式 输入每个周期的还款 额 输入年利率 输入还款周期数





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CFA考试报名CFA培训教材CFA是什么CFA是Chartered Financial Analyst的简称,中文全称是注册金融分析师,是证券投资与管理界最具权威的一种职业资格称号,由美国注册金融分析师学院(ICFA) 发起成立,是金融证券领域全球公认的最为严格与含金量最高的资格认证,因此也被称为“全球金融第一考”。










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2023金程cfa二级百题 (2)

2023金程cfa二级百题 (2)




正文内容:1. 宏观经济学1.1 国内生产总值(GDP)的计算方法及影响因素1.2 通货膨胀和通货紧缩的原因和影响1.3 货币政策的工具和目标1.4 经济周期的特征和影响因素1.5 货币供应量和货币乘数的关系及其对经济的影响2. 金融市场和投资工具2.1 股票市场和债券市场的特点和功能2.2 股票和债券的基本概念和区别2.3 衍生品市场的种类和特点2.4 投资组合的构建和管理方法2.5 金融市场的有效性假说及其对投资者行为的影响3. 公司金融3.1 资本预算决策的基本原理和方法3.2 股权融资和债权融资的优缺点3.3 公司估值方法和指标3.4 资本结构的影响因素和优化方法3.5 公司治理的原则和机制4. 金融报表分析4.1 财务报表的基本结构和内容4.2 财务指标的计算和分析方法4.3 资产负债表和利润表的关系和分析4.4 现金流量表的作用和分析方法4.5 财务报表的调整和重分类5. 估值和投资分析5.1 股票估值方法和指标5.2 债券估值方法和指标5.3 企业估值方法和指标5.4 投资决策的基本原理和方法5.5 风险管理和投资组合的优化总结:通过对2023金程CFA二级百题的详细阐述,我们可以看到,这些题目涵盖了宏观经济学、金融市场和投资工具、公司金融、金融报表分析以及估值和投资分析等多个重要知识点。









CFA考生只要完成三个阶段6个小时的CFA考试,持有学士学位或累积至少四年投资决策相关经验,以及遵守CFA的道德标准守则(Code of Ethics and Standards),这样便可以得到特许财务分析师(CFA)资格。

只要拥有一个大学学士学位,无论是哪个学系毕业,均可报考CFA 考试。





本文出处:cfa.gfedu./list5_1.html更多CFA资料下载 >>cfa.gfedu./edm/getinfo/index.html 学金融,找金程!力做您可信赖的财经培训专家!1 - 1xx年6月注册金融分析师CFA考试报考指南CFA是“注册金融分析师”或“特许金融分析师”(Chartered Financial Analyst)的简称。




【CFA一级考纲对比总结】一、新增部分:1、SS3 R11新增内容b. distinguish between one-tailed and two-tailed tests of hypotheses;2、SS4 R13新增内容e. describe the concept of equilibrium (partial and general), and mechanisms by which markets achieve equilibrium;3、SS8 R28新增内容f. explain the requirements for segment reporting, and calculate and interpret segment ratios;4、SS10 R34新增内容a. describe reasons for investors to assess the quality of cash flow statements;5、SS12 R42新增内容c. describe defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans;6、SS15中的新增R52、R53、R54。



二、删除内容:1、SS5 R18删除内容j. identify the past, current, or expected future business cycle phase of an economy based on economic indicators.2、SS9 R32删除内容j. describe defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans;3、SS11 R36删除内容f. describe and account for the relative popularity of the various capital budgeting methods and explain the relation between NPV and company value and stock price;4、SS15中删除R52、R53、R54、R55。

CFA三级SS5 个人IPS 人力资本和税收_金程教育

CFA三级SS5 个人IPS 人力资本和税收_金程教育

索引1.慈善转移:做好事不但心情好,还能得双重税收优惠 (2)2.全球财产规划中的税收因素:双重税负问题的解决方案 (2)3.投资风险与投资阶段:低成本股票投资者分散风险的路径 (4)4.人力资本与资产分配—财务资本和人力资本的结合 (4)5.集中持有(Concentrated Position)的处理方法:成本和好处的权衡 (6)6.买不买,如何买:寿险 (7)SS5个人IPS 人力资本和税收1. 慈善转移:做好事不但心情好,还能得双重税收优惠在绝大多数国家,对于向非盈利机构或慈善机构的捐赠(Charitable gratuitous transfers )都可以两个层面,一共双层税负减免:首先,捐赠本身通常可免除捐赠税,也就是下式的分子左部份;其次,进行慈善捐赠通常允许减免所得税。


可以用下面的公式表示慈善捐赠相对遗赠的相对价值:()()()()()1111111n n g oi e ie e CharitableGift CharitableGift n Bequest e ie e r T r t T FV RV FV r t T ⎡⎤+++--⎣⎦==⎡⎤+--⎣⎦ 其中:●(1)n g r +慈善机构接受捐赠后的投资收益部分(免税),此为第一层税收优惠; ● oi T 是由于进行慈善捐赠所减免的所得税部分;● 这部分节省的资金由个人进行投资,每年的投资收益是e r ,缴纳ie t 的所得税,累积n 年后的总值为[]1(1)+-ne ie r t ,作为遗产转移时缴纳税率为e T 的遗产税。

而假设捐赠人立即将该笔资产赠予慈善机构后,捐出1元即可少交oi T 的税。



level candidate 分别是指哪一类人?

level candidate 分别是指哪一类人?

1 - 1
level I/II/III candidate 分别是指哪一类人?
由于CFA 考试分为三个级别,并且考生必须根据规律一个一个级别依次进行,因此考生最短通过考试需要两年半。

在这两年半中不免出现考生跳槽、离职甚至转行等情况,那么届时考生如何在简历上体现自己的考生级别呢?level I/II/III candidate 分别是指哪一类人?金程CFA 小编告诉你:
Candidate 的意思是候选人,所以CFA candidate 指的是报考了CFA 考试但还未通过考试的人。

CFA level I candidate 是指已经报名CFA 一级考试但尚未参加的考生;CFA level II candidate 是指已经通过CFA 一级,并且已经报名二级考试但尚未参加的考生;CFA level III candidate 是指已经通过CFA 二级,并且已经报名三级考试但尚未参加的考生;
需要注意的是如果考生没有报名参加下一级别的考试不能称自己为Candidate ,只能在事实上陈述自己已经通过二级考试
本文出处:/list5_1.html 转载请注明
更多CFA 资料免费下载 >>/edm/getinfo/index.html










Ending value of investment = $27*100 shares=$2,700
Dividends = $0.50*100 shares = $50.00
Transaction costs (Commission) = (0.03*$2,000) + (0.03*$2,700) = $60 + $81=
more than 100%, whereas the potential losses are unbounded.
4. Computation of the Price Triggering a Margin Call when margin purchase ¾ Margin Call Price for a Long Position
minimum amount of equity in their positions. This minimum is called
the maintenance margin requirement. ¾ The maximum leverage ratio = 1/minimum margin requirement. If the
1-7 专业来自百分百的投入
隔夜拆解利率低 0.1%
¾ Traders who sell securities short are also subject to margin
requirements, because they have borrowed securities. Initially, the
$5.3 million and an expected total cost of $4.4 million. The following table provides cash






AIA VS CFA一成本考试成本就不用说了,AIA每年的年费就是70镑,然后考一科又是70镑,16科算下来,实在不是一个小数目,而且这还是在你一次通过的情况下,如果不争气的,差不多会浪费几百英镑。













如果你一心想着走投资这条路,想着做基金,想着一夜暴富,想着享受上千万的现金流从你手上滚来滚去的感觉,那千万别犹豫,去投身到cfa的大军中去吧,不光是cfa,什么FRM,CIIA,CISI 和投资有关的,和风控有关的,能考的,还是挨个考一考吧,这个时候,AIA,大抵只是你投资分析过程的一个工具,有了AIA的基础,大抵在会计的问题上,不会碰到任何问题了。



索引1.有限理性(bounded rationality)-凑合一下也就这么过 (2)2.后悔厌恶偏差(Regret-aversion bias)--红玫瑰和白玫瑰 (2)3.过度自信偏差—每个人都自以为是,经常伴随Cognitive error出现 (3)4.分析师的过度自信行为—你不要假装是股神,利弗莫尔还饮弹自尽了 (3)5.怎么记住各种bias-富人任性,农民上当 (4)三级重要知识点梳理SS31.有限理性(bounded rationality)-凑合一下也就这么过传统决策理论认为,决策者拥有完全信息,能够进行准确的数量计算,是完全理性的。

行为金融学提出了有限理性(bounded rationality)假设。

有限理性假说放松了传统理论的完全信息(perfect information)假设。




总之,有限理性的人们努力寻找的是可接受的足够好的(acceptable and adequate)决策,而不是像完全理性人那样寻找理想的效用最大化的方案。

在考试中请注意与bounded rationality对应的是传统理论决策中的完全信息假设。


2.后悔厌恶偏差(Regret-aversion bias)--红玫瑰和白玫瑰后悔厌恶偏差(Regret-aversion bias)指的是人们因为害怕决策失误而避免做出决策的情绪偏差,换句话说,人们试图避免糟糕决策导致的后悔的痛苦。







满足CFA协会会员资格规定(其中很大部分是职业行为和道德准则规定)并申请成为一名CFA 协会的成员。


在经历上述艰苦的学习过程和达成CFA 协会近乎苛刻的规定后,候选人可以获准使用CFA称号。




金程 cfa 一级 冲刺笔记

金程 cfa 一级 冲刺笔记

一、金程CFA一级冲刺笔记1.1 为什么选择金程CFA一级作为金融领域的从业者,我深知CFA(Chartered Financial Analyst)资格证书在行业里的重要性。




1.2 金程CFA一级培训特点金程CFA一级培训班的特点主要可以总结为以下几点:- 专业教师:金程拥有一支经验丰富、业内知名的教学团队,他们不仅掌握了CFA考试的最新动态和命题规律,还能够结合学员的实际情况进行针对性指导。

- 精心设计的教学大纲:金程根据CFA一级考试大纲,结合自身的教学理念和方法,设计出了系统完整的培训课程,覆盖了考试的各个知识点,能够有效帮助学员系统理解各项知识点并进行快速复习。

- 优质服务:金程注重学员体验,为学员提供了良好的学习环境、优质的学习资料和完善的售后服务,让学员可以在学习的过程中感受到良好的学习氛围。

1.3 学习笔记的重要性在备考CFA一级考试的过程中,良好的学习笔记是非常重要的。


二、金程CFA一级冲刺笔记2.1 笔记的整理方法在学习CFA一级课程的过程中,我采用了以下几种方法来整理我的学习笔记:- 按章节整理:根据课程大纲,将每个章节的重点知识点、公式和解题技巧进行整理,形成章节笔记。

- 制作思维导图:将各个知识点之间的逻辑关系、通联以及区别进行整理,以思维导图的形式呈现,有助于整体把握各个知识点。

- 录制语音笔记:对于一些长篇知识点或者难点,我会用录音或者语音笔记的形式记录下来,以便在需要的时候进行回放复习。

2.2 笔记的内容我的学习笔记主要包括以下内容:- 重点知识点的整理和总结- 公式的归纳和运用- 解题技巧的归纳和举例- 题型的分类和总结- 考点的梳理和理解2.3 笔记的使用在备考阶段,我的学习笔记发挥了重要作用:- 复习时,通过翻阅自己的学习笔记,能够快速回忆起之前学习过的知识点,节省了复习时间。



金程教育 专业·领先·增值注册金融分析师、RCA、证券分析师、股票分析师各有什么不同?对于金融不是很了解的人一定对于金融行业的“分析师”这个岗位感到疑惑,到底分析师是干什么的?分析什么?其实分析师不过是一个统称,分析师也分为很多种类:如注册金融分析师、RCA、证券分析师、股票分析师等等。


CFA 协会主办的CFA课程和考试被认为全球投资专业里最为严格的考试,在投资知识、专业标准及道德操守方面制定了全球准则。


RCA又称注册特许分析师,注册特许分析师公会(The Association of Registered Chartered Analysts,简称Association of RCA)在1999年成立,是全球首个集合管理、财务、金融、商业多领域的分析师团体,总部设在美国,RCA公会为制定高标准的专业道德准则(Code of Ethics)、教育(Education)被众多国家和地区的企业所认可和采用。













组合管理 Study Session 12 组合管理
The four-step portfolio management (investment) process Investment policy statement
The Asset Allocation Decision
The characteristic line
Regress the return of security against that of market, and then we get the characteristic line. Rstock,t = alpha + Beta (Rmarket,t) +e
2 2
The term (ERM-Rf) is called the market risk premium
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
The equation of the SML is called the capital asset pricing model. The CAPM is an equilibrium model that predicts the expected return on a stock given the expected return on the market, the stock’s beta coefficient and the risk-free.
Efficient frontier
Portfolios on the efficient frontier are efficient in that there is no other combination of stocks that offer that high a return for the risk taken, or offer that low risk for a given level of return.



10is an agreement that obligates one is the predetermined price in the contract a forward contract is the process ofof a forward contract means determining Forward contracts on a dividend-paying stock or on anCoupon bonds are similar to dividend-paying stocks,209is a forwardThe forward price in an FRA is the no-arbitrage224FP Theoretically, the no-arbitrage price of a futuresThe value of a futures contract is zero at contract Underlying: $1 million face value 90-day T-bill at the Eurodollar time deposit: add-on instrument Underlying: $100,000 par value T-bonds with anygives one party the right, but notThe underlying assumptions of the Black-Scholes-underlying stock price专业来自百分百的投入CopyRight2009By GFEDU7. The Option Gamma P274The gamma defines the sensitivity of the option deltaPut-call parity for options on forwards or futures:is an agreement between two parties An plain vanilla swap is identical to exchange a fixed-rate bondThe market value of a swap (to the pay-fixed side) is The notional principals are exchanged at initiation and Some days later, the term structures in both countriesThe fixed-rate side can be valued just like a plain is an option to enter into a swap plain vanilla interest rate swaption at The credit risk in a swap varies during its lifeCalculate the swap rate of a 1-year quarterly-pay plain A 1-year quarterly-pay payer swaption with the swapprovides compensation。

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月份日期星期上午9-12 下午1-4 上课老师
月13 六伦理/公开课职业伦理学
汤震宇14 日职业伦理学职业伦理学
20 六数量分析数量分析
林晨雷21 日数量分析组合管理
27 六固定收益证券分析固定收益证券分析
王老师28 日固定收益证券分析固定收益证券分析
月3 六财务分析财务分析
陈磊4 日财务分析财务分析

3 六财务分析财务分析
4 日企业理财企业理财
10 六经济学经济学
谢书英11 日经济学经济学
17 六权益类投资分析权益类投资分析王老师24 六衍生证券分析衍生证券分析
林晨雷25 日衍生证券分析其他类投资分析
以上为基础课程 A
月21 六财务分析财务分析
薛隽 / 陈磊22 日财务分析企业理财
月3 四职业伦理学经济学
汤震宇4 五


5 六权益类投资分析
以上为强化课程 B
月12 六总复习总复习
光盘讲解13 日模拟考试一模拟考试一
19 六考题串讲考题串讲
20 日模拟考试二模拟考试二



万丈高楼平地起,扎实的知识积累是顺利地通过CFA 考试的最佳策略。







